timothylawrence · 1 year
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Thanks to @aliensmoothie for the encouragement (🥺🫶😭) here are my Ocs!!! They are a pair of twins and their story takes place post Maliwan takeover
Yara, 26, Promethean, Aspiring Agricultural Engineer Doctorate, current intern at Atlas
Yaseen, 26 (older), Promethean, Aspiring pro-gamer, current falafel shop delivery guy
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montimer · 4 months
Howdy ! Okay I just read your post about the Three Jokers and gosh how I’m so happy to see that you wrote for them ;-; I feel like they’re quite niche- so- if you ever feel inspired ! I would love more interactions with them-! Either the way each one of them (or in group) acts and develops feelings for the reader or something like that- (maybe some angst to comfort for the Criminal as well-? Nah I’m sorry I have so many ideas about these 3 dorks xd) thank you again for making me happy with your works ! You rock !
AGWHBSZMAjz thank you sm :]
I have so many ideas w em im happy that u like my writing‼️
The three jokers x reader
I'll try an all in one! This is gonna be a long one. I will do them separately in another one!
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The clown >:D The comedian >:} The Criminal >:{
Okay so first things first. How they fell for you.
'The Comedian' was the first one to take a notice in you. You might be a hero, or villain. Even just a random citizen. He will talk to you and annoy you all night. His face is covered with his hat and he deepened his voice incase you are indeed a hero just out of suit. Yes he will know its you, he did all his researched and even followed you home, he calls this "Just happened to walk the same way a bit close behind".
In the night he'll joke and show you tricks. Even a smile can make him a happier men that day. Especially if you talk with him.
'The Clown' will join him soon enough. Saying "Sharing is caring". He absolutely adores you.
'The Comedian' knew about you for a long time. He just wanted you all for himself. But now that the two of them grew interested in you he believes its the best to confront you.
With good old kidnapping of course. They will lead you into an alley way, then gather around you, one of them spraying you with sleeping gas. "Im sorry, its the only way we can do this without trouble. But don't worry you're in good hands" The Criminal says before you fall asleep.
You woke up in a bed. One of your hand chained to it. You obviously panic. After hearing you wake up The Comedian comes in.
"Oh yeah, sorry. We had to make sure you don't run away... But worry not darling, the sooner you realize why you're here the sooner you can walk around freely!" You gave him a confused face and he just giggles seeing your surprised face.
He goes out and soon comes back with the others, now all three in the room as you. And you sit there scared.
Do i own them money? Is the first thought that comes to your mind.
One of them kneels down so his face is directly looking into yours. As that happens you notice something strange. He isn't smiling, he looks moody.
Im really in trouble aren't i?
He starts explaining to you that you don't need to fear and they brought you here because you interest them.
Still confused you just stare into his eyes. Tho you only see two white dots since his hat is covering his eyes with a dark shadow, barely making his green eyes seeable.
He notices that you're not responding so he puts his hand in your hair and ruffles it, in a way trying to calm you.
After that he tries explaining again, this time more forward.
"We have fallen for you."
"Grew an interest in you!"
"We love ya, it's that easy!"
The three of them spoke after each. You tried to gather your thoughts to respond.
"But...why me?"
"How could we not fall for someone like you? So caring,kind and loving. You have great humor and a beautiful smile too!"
You felt...flattered?
Moving on. After that they all try to make you feel home. They show you around, chat with you, eat with you, even buy you games and plays them with you (tho only 'the clown' has the patience for that. The other two suck at games and call them stupid)
They buy you things you like. Bring you whatever you'd like
They also call you different nick names like: Darling, My love, Sweets and many other, its just the main one for them.
They also get very, very jealous. When you seem to enjoy yourself with one, the other feels either left out or the need to barge into the two of you.
For this not to happen, The Criminal as the boss of them succeed to talk it out with them saying they can all spend quality time with you in different times.
When you can finally walk around without one of them following you or without a chain, you want to also go outside.
Not to escape, you just need some air and all, after being locked in for like a month.
You ask The Criminal for permission. He is worried that you will escape but you just have to explain to him that you do love them and won't leave forever. You wouldn't be so comfy and talk to them if you still wanted to run away.
After a good explaining and some nice words he finally let's you go. He worries the whole time but after like a good 20 minute you come back saying there's not much out there (nothing different to see).
He gives you a hug calming down saying he missed you. But now trusting that you come back you can go whenever ya want! Just please tell him
Important thing is, they don't do stuff that will make you upset/cry or atleast try really hard not to. Your first weeks trapped there was a nightmare. You snapped at any noise and was always expecting the worse. It hurt them to see you so sad and scared. They told you many times that they won't hurt you. The Clown and The Comedian thought that hugging you randomly or surprising you would help (it didnt), The Comedian was angry with them a lot and cus of this you saw him as an angry moody guy. In the end he was the one who made you feel the most safe. He usually tried to sneak into your room and calmly have little chats.
It was usually "Do you need anything?" "Are you hungry, thirsty?" "Feeling alright? You can tell me anything you know.."
At first you just shaked or nodded your head but it turned into responding in small words and soon it became actually talking to him.
You also didnt liked to make eye contact at first, just looking up for a second to see which one of them is bothering you this time.
They either talked about plans, jokes, or asked stuff about you
They are very clingy and love when your attention is on them
They will flirt, a lot. Even ask to shower with you to 'save water' (some of them dont even try to hide it with puns)
They can be lustfull and very possessive
They will protect you, always. Someone hurt you/made you feel awful? They get rid of em dw. Feeling sad or depressed? They will cuddle and listen to you, might aswell try to find a solution too
They love you endlessly ;]
For the angst/comfort part with The Criminal heres a little nothing!
Oneshot, gn!reader, angst/comfort but mostly soft
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He walked around the building, trying to find which room you were in. He missed you and wanted to spend some time with you. Only the two of you.
He got his hopes up too high. At one open door he heard laughing and he stopped, he went up to it and saw you and the other two playing games together.
One of them on your lap, the other hugging your neck cheering for you as you hold your controller in ur hand all smiley.
He felt happy to see you but also a strange feeling encountered him.
You were enjoying yourself with the other two so much. Have you forgotten about him? No, surely not. Right?
They all can spend time with you, of course they can. He was the one who even came up with that so why? Why do they have to be with you the same time he wants. It's been some time since he got to spend time with you.
Many feelings crushed trough him. Anger to sadness to agony to confusion.
He didn't wanted to come in, not to crash there 'little party'.
He left and went to his work room. He tried planning, writing, anything to get his mind off the matter. After hours he still hasn't left, still covering over his desk, pencil in hand with a paper full of drawings that are all scribbled over.
He then heard a knock on his door. Was it one of the Jokers? He didnt wanted to bother with them, not right now. He looked back and saw the door creak open, with you standing there.
"Is it okay to come in?" Your voice softened his heart.
"Come in Y/n. You're always welcome to give me a visit."
You smiled at him as you locked the door behind and came up to give him a hug.
"I wanted to see you!" You said still holding him.
At his surprise he couldn't react. Your not here to ask for something, you really didn't forget about him?
He put his arms around you and pulled you into his lap. Still quiet.
You petted his head and asked if theres something bothering him. He responded with a low grunt.
Even if he really wanted to he couldn't tell you that he got jealous over seeing you overjoyed with the other two. He feels a bit embarrassed, he is still unsure how you view him. What is he in your eyes? A leader? An angry man? Or just a criminal?
He hoped you saw some comfort in him, other than him being moody.
"Can we just lay down and cuddle? Like, just the two of us...alone."
He tried to make himself clear hoping you'd agree.
You nodded at him and gave a kiss to his cheeks. That one simple act made him blush a bit with a slight smile.
You guys walked to your own room and layed down to cuddle on the bed. He put his head into your chest, feeling the warm of your body and your hand caressing his back. It made him feel so loved. It filled him with joy. It calmed him down. He felt relief.
You told him yall can stay unbothered since the others are busy. You saw how his mood changed from quiet and grumpy to less quiet and a small smile on his face showing.
"Where you jealous?" You asked and he gave out a 'mmm' sound and you just giggled at it.
"You don't need to be. I'll always have time for you. I love ya!" You kissed his head and he couldn't help but smile at that. His head still in ur chest, he put his arms around you trying to pull you even closer.
He muttered "I love you too"
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wolfawaycamp · 4 months
Maybe some abi/nick/jacob(which I am now calling furblygstos) getting together post-game? 👉👈
🌦️ somehow I was captivated by the most unlikely pairing (abijake) in the trio. here it is! Also it kind of got out of control. it's a 1.3k monster of a ficlet and Nick’s barely here
There were messages in Jacob’s phone, from the one and only Abigail Blyg.
The idea was so, so daunting just in itself. What could Abi have to say to him? Kaitlyn and Nick were the only ones who had any words left for him, after he came clean, and it was still weird with Nick. Though, Kait had assured him that Nick was just ‘like that’ now, which he really didn't know what to say to, and he had no clue how to broach the subject with Nick himself, so he never did.
It took him a week to open them because it was just so easy to put it off.
ABIGAIL: i forgive you
i’m sorry that was out of nowhere. i know we weren't the closest at camp but
i don't know. sorry
do you want to meet?
That was… weirdly reassuring, but also weirdly threatening.
JACOB: Hey ‼️💯 Sorry for late reply haha football practice is crazy 🔥🏈😩
That was believable… right?
JACOB: Let's do it‼️‼️‼️ Are u still in NY area⁉️
That was how Jacob ended up trying boba for the first time. Abi had ordered a purple drink, matching the new purple dye in her hair (complimenting it was the first thing Jacob had said to her, even before ‘hello’, because it really did suit her) and advised Jacob to get the same, when she saw him floundering over his order.
He watched her get the straw in in one precise shot, and then proceeded to get his drink all over the table and rip the lid when he tried. She laughed, tried to stop herself when she realised Jacob could hear, and then laughed tentatively louder when she saw him laughing too.
Abi tapped her short, painted nails against her drink and finally came to why she wanted to meet, “I just— I feel so bad for you. I feel so guilty for so many things that happened and we all did things but you're the one who's getting all the heat.”
Crumpling up the wet napkins into a ball, Jacob quickly asked, “Wait— guilty for what? You didn't do anything wrong?”
Abi took a deep drink from her straw. “I looked Nick in the eyes and shot him. He lived, but I didn't know he was going to. All you did was try to get one more night at camp. Half of us wanted that. Your intentions were a lot purer than mine.”
Jacob’s internal response to that was a jumbled mess of emotions. He'd heard the story, in full detail, from Kaitlyn. Even to him that was a clear case of self-defence. He had come to terms with, kind of, his own share of guilt, because even if he didn't mean it like that, it was still a whole ordeal. “Okay, no. A: my intentions were not pure, they were ‘ignore Emma breaking up with me’. 2: literally self-defence, dude. Sorry, I shouldn't call girls ‘dude’. Anyways, it was definitely self-defence. Kaitlyn told me everything, about how the—” his eyes darted around— “thing was making Nick go psycho.”
Jacob realised that he was thinking about Nick a little too hard while saying that, and ended up copying the ‘A’ and ‘2’ thing Nick had said to him that night.
Abi lightly chewed on the plastic of her straw. Jacob watched it catch on her lower lip. “Thank you. I guess if Nick’s friend tells me it's okay, then that's the second best source.”
“Dude— sorry, uh, girl— Nick doesn't even remember. No harm, no foul. He holds literally nothing against you.”
Abi gave him a wide-eyed look. “He told you that?”
Shit, was he supposed to tell her that? “Um, yeah.”
“Huh,” Abi said, and Jacob took a sip of his drink in the ensuing pause. It was really sweet but pretty good. “You're over Emma then?” she asked, and Jacob choked, and what the fuck, he had forgotten there were those balls in the drink.
Abi yelped. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” she said, throwing more napkins at him, “I just— you mentioned the Emma thing so casually and I— sorry.”
Jacob cleaned himself up again, cringing a little at today’s clumsy streak, “Um, you're fine. Yeah. It's been nearly a year now. Plus, she really drilled it into me after.”
She snorted. “I heard.”
“Hey!” he exclaimed with no real anger.
Conversation came strangely easy after that. It was nice. He wondered why he hadn't talked to Abi more at camp.
Long after they finished drinking, Jacob felt a pang of hunger.
“Hey, do you want to get something to eat?”
Abi looked at him with an indiscernible expression for a reason Jacob didn't understand, and then just said, “Okay.”
Jacob got a chicken burger, and Abi got some vegan chicken fingers. Jacob laughed at how much ranch Abi used and she smiled at him picking the onion out of his burger. She told him about her art, when he asked, and then she asked him about his football practice. He had to hold himself back from admitting that it hadn't been that crazy, and he had just been making excuses.
In the end, Jacob was left holding a receipt with a drawing of him on it, dizzied by the realisation that his time spent with Abi had felt like the best date he'd ever had, when it wasn't even supposed to be one.
It was okay to ask his ex-girlfriend’s friend on a date, right? She had said they were only a summer fling, after all. Was it okay to ask his friend's ex-situationship on a date, too? It was coming up on a year since, and Nick avoided the topic like the plague, so it was probably fine. He hoped it was, because he was going to do it.
On their fifth date, a quiet night in watching a movie, Abi brought up Nick. It all came spilling out of Jacob all at once.
“I know exactly what you mean, Abs. Whenever I talk to him, hang out with him, whatever, it's just so weird. I’ve never had a guy friendship like this before— um, wait, other than Tyler in sixth grade— it just feels like we're staring at each other the whole time. I just don't get it.”
Abi looked fascinated. “I really don't think we're on the same lines here but— Go on?”
“About what?”
“Nick— Tyler?”
“You're a girl, but it's like when you and your bro have that close friendship that just feels weird, right? Like you get kinda nervous and sick when you hang out with him. Do girls ever get that too, like with other girls?”
Abi had that wide-eyed look again. “Some girls do. I have— but Jake, that's because I’m bisexual.”
Oh, shit. “Oh, shit. Sorry, uh,” Jacob stammered out, needing time to think about this. “What was your thing about him?”
A bad deflection, but Abi took it in stride, “Oh. Uh, I kinda still like him— not, um, that I'd ever do anything! I know we aren't like, together-together but I'm not— I’m not a cheater. Um, I kinda like him but my feelings are so weird. That night weirdly made me, um, like him more but also made me feel sick over him. I’ve worked through my feelings with therapy, we all did after that court mandate thing, but some things just stay stuck together. Anyways, Nick is weird and I’m weird, um, sorry for rambling.”
“Don't say sorry—”
“Sorry,” Abi cut in, and Jacob couldn't help but smile.
“Don't say sorry,” he repeated, and took Abi’s hand, “I get it. Turns out we both have weird Nick feelings.”
Jacob was proud of himself for his emotional maturity, as his therapist called it. He didn't even get jealous over the Nick thing!
“Don't tell Nick?” Abi murmured.
“Only if it goes both ways,” Jacob joked, serious in sentiment. Abi nodded and shifted closer to him on the couch.
They changed their mind in a few months.
Then, Nick was waiting for them, all perfect curls and doe-eyed, outside the same boba shop. Abi and Jake approached him as a unit, and hoped they wouldn't scare him off.
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ilovechubbieguys · 16 days
Pretty please🎀
Chapter- 3 (chapter- 2)
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-f!reader , spoiled!reader, arrangedhusband!nick,
The dinner with nick and his mom when 'fine' i mean as well as a dinner with ur stranger husband and ur stranged mother-in-law can go
It was so silent i swear you could hear everyone bat there eyelashes. Miss donna would throw the occasional "so...is everyone enjoying there meal" to break the silence only to be met with a "mhm" and a quiet "ya"
Ive never been a very pessimistic person but there was litterally NO WAY to make this any better. I mean i like to look on the bright side but the bright side had died the second daddy opened his mouth this morning.
God someone shoot me.
I was so relived when it was over and omg dont even get me started for being as wealthy as daddy said they where the food tasted like a 3.5 star not even close to 5 star.
Miss donna insisted on nick showing me around there mansion, so we set off going room to room and meeting all there staff
He seemed like a nice guy but again I DONT KNOW THIS GUY and i surely dont wanna marry a stranger.
He got to his room and made our way to the balcony.
"Listen i know you dont wanna marry me and i dont wanna marry you either." I kinda just looked at him with a 'no shit' look
"If we just do the marriage for your parents and go on with our lives then neither of us have to commit to echother or a life we dont want."
I stayed silent and looked over the balcony and sighed "ya i guess your right....i just cant believe daddy actually sold me off." He laughed and i looked over at him
"Daddy?? What are you 9" i smacked him on the arm and gavd him a look "alot of peopld call there dads daddy thank you"
"Ya 9 year olds" omg this guy is such an asshole "whatever"
God why did daddy have to sell me off to an asshole, why couldnf daddy have sold me to idk hugh jackman?? Or idk ryan gosling???!
I just wanna go home, get in bed, and wake up from this godamn nightmare cause no other word could explain this.
"Hey in all seriousness i know this isnt ideal for you maybe we can make the best of it tho" i dont know why but that just pissed me off
girl how do u make the best of being SOLD
I looked over at him looking down over the balcony and it made me relize he was in the same boat as me... he didnt know me either, he didnt wanna marry a stranger either, he didnt have a choice either...
Maybe i could warm up to him.
I mean he was cute after all‼️
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Yall give me recs for chapter 4 i wanna know what YALL wanna see *smooch* 😉
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michu-writes · 2 years
🐉 Mabel from Gravity Falls crushing on Dipper's girl friend headcanons? Like she helps Dipper a lot with the mystery stuff which leads to Mable also hanging out with them a lot and accidently developing a crush. How would she realize it, go about it and react since she was always boy crazy but now she's crushing on a girl. Love you! <3
I can't believe it's been 10 years omg.
Btw I assume by "Dippers girl friend" you meant plotanic because I'm not up for a love triangle 😭 /lh. I HOPE U ENJOY 🐉 ANON <3333
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FIRST OF ALL!!! I feel like she'd have the "proper gay crisis" like Nick Nelson had from Heartstopper 💀
She's so confused! At first she thought she just really liked you as her best friend, like a really good best best friend. She always talked about you to Dipper and her friends non stop to the point it got actually tiring and annoying according to them. It was like Mabel were talking about the same way about you like she always talks about her make crushes. Dipper is the first one to notice obviously.
"Mabel? This is probably a weird question but-"
"Huh? What? It's not weird unless you say it's weird, Dipper! Spit it out!"
"Is it possible you might… uh.. have a crush on Y/n?"
And then she'll rant about how there's no way she has a crush on you.
"I don't! She's great and all! Y/n's so pretty, cool, sweet, nice, kind hearted, weirdly too good to be in this world, but there's no way I have a crush on her! I like boys! I think… right?"
"Mabel, stop lying to yourself. Be honest. I'm pretty sure you have a thing for Y/n. Either way, I'm still here for you, you know?"
"Mason! I told you, I don't have a crush on her!"
"Alright… suits yourself then. I'm just gonna go hang out with Wendy." Dipper gets up from his bed and heads out of the door.
"Wait, no!!!"
The male brunette stops and raises his eyebrow.
"I'll admit, I don't know who I like, okay? Don't tell anyone! Not even grunkle Stan! I'm just.. I don't know. Can you please help me out?"
Dipper walks back towards Mabel, sitting down in front of her.
"Listen Mabel, you know I would help you. At literally anything! But this is your feelings. This is about you. You have to figure this out alone. But you could maybe talk with those gay cops? Aren't they like… together? At least I think so. Would be surprised if they weren't."
"But I can't do it without you! You're smart!"
"I know I am, but not in these kind of stuff! Look at me and Wendy! Yo were the one who helped me get through her. I'm pretty sure you can do this. It's gonna be fine, just take your time okay? Like I said, talk with the cops! I'm sure they'd help you."
"You sure?"
"Fine. I'll talk to them, thanks Dipper."
"Anytime, Mabel."
So yeah, Dipper is the first one Mabel have told. She'd stay awake all night thinking about you. Thinking if she really has a crush on you. This would stay for like a week or something- until she finally de dies to talk to the gay cops. They told her that there's also something called bisexuality. You can like both or two genders at the same time.
After that, she felt more relieved, but still had a gay crisis in the middle of the night. She'd rant about it to her brother.
And then after days and days of thinking, confusion, considering,,
"I think I might, MIGHT, be bisexual."
EVERYONE IS OFC HAPPY 4 HER!!1!1! But now onto the confession part because YEAH
Mabel is pretty straight forward in a good way. She's always honest in the most nicest way! When she'd probably confess the moment she sees you. She'd be like "Hey Y/n! Can we talk for a bit? If you're not busy?" And then she'd take you somewhere more private and say "Listen Y/n, you did something to me. Can you guess what it is?" And you'll just stand there confused and nervous because you're scared if you did something wrong. "What is it?" "You made me bi! How cool is that?!" "Wait wha-"
There will be a lot of explaining to do, and thinking. At the end you accepted her feelings and you like her back!! She was so happy and excited she started hopping and hugging you so tight.
Dipper is such a supportive brother and friend as I said before <33. He's definitely jealous of Mabel because she got a girlfriend first AHSJSHSJ
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