#the three joker
montimer · 4 months
Howdy ! Okay I just read your post about the Three Jokers and gosh how I’m so happy to see that you wrote for them ;-; I feel like they’re quite niche- so- if you ever feel inspired ! I would love more interactions with them-! Either the way each one of them (or in group) acts and develops feelings for the reader or something like that- (maybe some angst to comfort for the Criminal as well-? Nah I’m sorry I have so many ideas about these 3 dorks xd) thank you again for making me happy with your works ! You rock !
AGWHBSZMAjz thank you sm :]
I have so many ideas w em im happy that u like my writing‼️
The three jokers x reader
I'll try an all in one! This is gonna be a long one. I will do them separately in another one!
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The clown >:D The comedian >:} The Criminal >:{
Okay so first things first. How they fell for you.
'The Comedian' was the first one to take a notice in you. You might be a hero, or villain. Even just a random citizen. He will talk to you and annoy you all night. His face is covered with his hat and he deepened his voice incase you are indeed a hero just out of suit. Yes he will know its you, he did all his researched and even followed you home, he calls this "Just happened to walk the same way a bit close behind".
In the night he'll joke and show you tricks. Even a smile can make him a happier men that day. Especially if you talk with him.
'The Clown' will join him soon enough. Saying "Sharing is caring". He absolutely adores you.
'The Comedian' knew about you for a long time. He just wanted you all for himself. But now that the two of them grew interested in you he believes its the best to confront you.
With good old kidnapping of course. They will lead you into an alley way, then gather around you, one of them spraying you with sleeping gas. "Im sorry, its the only way we can do this without trouble. But don't worry you're in good hands" The Criminal says before you fall asleep.
You woke up in a bed. One of your hand chained to it. You obviously panic. After hearing you wake up The Comedian comes in.
"Oh yeah, sorry. We had to make sure you don't run away... But worry not darling, the sooner you realize why you're here the sooner you can walk around freely!" You gave him a confused face and he just giggles seeing your surprised face.
He goes out and soon comes back with the others, now all three in the room as you. And you sit there scared.
Do i own them money? Is the first thought that comes to your mind.
One of them kneels down so his face is directly looking into yours. As that happens you notice something strange. He isn't smiling, he looks moody.
Im really in trouble aren't i?
He starts explaining to you that you don't need to fear and they brought you here because you interest them.
Still confused you just stare into his eyes. Tho you only see two white dots since his hat is covering his eyes with a dark shadow, barely making his green eyes seeable.
He notices that you're not responding so he puts his hand in your hair and ruffles it, in a way trying to calm you.
After that he tries explaining again, this time more forward.
"We have fallen for you."
"Grew an interest in you!"
"We love ya, it's that easy!"
The three of them spoke after each. You tried to gather your thoughts to respond.
"But...why me?"
"How could we not fall for someone like you? So caring,kind and loving. You have great humor and a beautiful smile too!"
You felt...flattered?
Moving on. After that they all try to make you feel home. They show you around, chat with you, eat with you, even buy you games and plays them with you (tho only 'the clown' has the patience for that. The other two suck at games and call them stupid)
They buy you things you like. Bring you whatever you'd like
They also call you different nick names like: Darling, My love, Sweets and many other, its just the main one for them.
They also get very, very jealous. When you seem to enjoy yourself with one, the other feels either left out or the need to barge into the two of you.
For this not to happen, The Criminal as the boss of them succeed to talk it out with them saying they can all spend quality time with you in different times.
When you can finally walk around without one of them following you or without a chain, you want to also go outside.
Not to escape, you just need some air and all, after being locked in for like a month.
You ask The Criminal for permission. He is worried that you will escape but you just have to explain to him that you do love them and won't leave forever. You wouldn't be so comfy and talk to them if you still wanted to run away.
After a good explaining and some nice words he finally let's you go. He worries the whole time but after like a good 20 minute you come back saying there's not much out there (nothing different to see).
He gives you a hug calming down saying he missed you. But now trusting that you come back you can go whenever ya want! Just please tell him
Important thing is, they don't do stuff that will make you upset/cry or atleast try really hard not to. Your first weeks trapped there was a nightmare. You snapped at any noise and was always expecting the worse. It hurt them to see you so sad and scared. They told you many times that they won't hurt you. The Clown and The Comedian thought that hugging you randomly or surprising you would help (it didnt), The Comedian was angry with them a lot and cus of this you saw him as an angry moody guy. In the end he was the one who made you feel the most safe. He usually tried to sneak into your room and calmly have little chats.
It was usually "Do you need anything?" "Are you hungry, thirsty?" "Feeling alright? You can tell me anything you know.."
At first you just shaked or nodded your head but it turned into responding in small words and soon it became actually talking to him.
You also didnt liked to make eye contact at first, just looking up for a second to see which one of them is bothering you this time.
They either talked about plans, jokes, or asked stuff about you
They are very clingy and love when your attention is on them
They will flirt, a lot. Even ask to shower with you to 'save water' (some of them dont even try to hide it with puns)
They can be lustfull and very possessive
They will protect you, always. Someone hurt you/made you feel awful? They get rid of em dw. Feeling sad or depressed? They will cuddle and listen to you, might aswell try to find a solution too
They love you endlessly ;]
For the angst/comfort part with The Criminal heres a little nothing!
Oneshot, gn!reader, angst/comfort but mostly soft
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He walked around the building, trying to find which room you were in. He missed you and wanted to spend some time with you. Only the two of you.
He got his hopes up too high. At one open door he heard laughing and he stopped, he went up to it and saw you and the other two playing games together.
One of them on your lap, the other hugging your neck cheering for you as you hold your controller in ur hand all smiley.
He felt happy to see you but also a strange feeling encountered him.
You were enjoying yourself with the other two so much. Have you forgotten about him? No, surely not. Right?
They all can spend time with you, of course they can. He was the one who even came up with that so why? Why do they have to be with you the same time he wants. It's been some time since he got to spend time with you.
Many feelings crushed trough him. Anger to sadness to agony to confusion.
He didn't wanted to come in, not to crash there 'little party'.
He left and went to his work room. He tried planning, writing, anything to get his mind off the matter. After hours he still hasn't left, still covering over his desk, pencil in hand with a paper full of drawings that are all scribbled over.
He then heard a knock on his door. Was it one of the Jokers? He didnt wanted to bother with them, not right now. He looked back and saw the door creak open, with you standing there.
"Is it okay to come in?" Your voice softened his heart.
"Come in Y/n. You're always welcome to give me a visit."
You smiled at him as you locked the door behind and came up to give him a hug.
"I wanted to see you!" You said still holding him.
At his surprise he couldn't react. Your not here to ask for something, you really didn't forget about him?
He put his arms around you and pulled you into his lap. Still quiet.
You petted his head and asked if theres something bothering him. He responded with a low grunt.
Even if he really wanted to he couldn't tell you that he got jealous over seeing you overjoyed with the other two. He feels a bit embarrassed, he is still unsure how you view him. What is he in your eyes? A leader? An angry man? Or just a criminal?
He hoped you saw some comfort in him, other than him being moody.
"Can we just lay down and cuddle? Like, just the two of us...alone."
He tried to make himself clear hoping you'd agree.
You nodded at him and gave a kiss to his cheeks. That one simple act made him blush a bit with a slight smile.
You guys walked to your own room and layed down to cuddle on the bed. He put his head into your chest, feeling the warm of your body and your hand caressing his back. It made him feel so loved. It filled him with joy. It calmed him down. He felt relief.
You told him yall can stay unbothered since the others are busy. You saw how his mood changed from quiet and grumpy to less quiet and a small smile on his face showing.
"Where you jealous?" You asked and he gave out a 'mmm' sound and you just giggled at it.
"You don't need to be. I'll always have time for you. I love ya!" You kissed his head and he couldn't help but smile at that. His head still in ur chest, he put his arms around you trying to pull you even closer.
He muttered "I love you too"
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chiricat · 2 months
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a different kind of justice
[shuakeweek2024 | day one: roleswap]
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the-witchhunter · 1 year
DP x DC Of Clowns and Professional Pride
So we all like to make it that Danny hates clowns. After the Freakshow thing and the circus related trauma, it just makes sense. But what if he didn’t?
what if, in an effort to overcome his trauma related to the circus, he decided to learn more about them. Obviously not every circus is like Circus Gothica, so maybe learning about them would help him get not associate his trauma with normal circus things.
and it works
It more than works, he actually gets super into it. He loves learning about the history and the various acts. He even gets really into clowns, the different types, the different acts, the famous clowns, and the rules around being a clown. He even applied for clown college but didn’t get in. It’s surprisingly prestigious. He even managed to meet a few of the great clowns of the past in the GZ and really learned a lot from them.
Then he moves to Gotham
He loves clowns, but he hates the Joker. He hates the Joker because he loves clowns, and the Joker is actually a really shitty clown. Danny has a love of the craft and the Joker is just bad at clowning.
So, Danny takes it upon himself to mess with the Joker the best way possible.
By stopping him while being a better clown than the joker could ever hope to be with or without his ghost powers
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qualityrain · 2 months
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mentally i am still here
shuake week day 7: feathermen / goro or joker palace / free day
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shyjusticewarrior · 2 months
Jason and his fear of being the Joker
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Batman: Three Jokers
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Truth & Justice "Haunted By The Past"
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Task Force Z
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upsidedownlurker · 8 months
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omgggg that moment when melvin get married in the local village near the three waterfalls!!! so cute you guys im crying!!!!!! they look so happy!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3
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luluxa · 1 month
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jjaysontodd · 4 months
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Father and son everyone
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distort-opia · 4 months
And in today's second installment of "How about that guy Tom King's brain??"... did you know the man basically developed an entire stabbing-as-sex metaphor between Batman and Joker over the course of multiple comics and that it's just absolutely bonkers? :)
So. Remember this spectacular page from Batman/Catwoman (2021) #9, in which Joker describes a particular fantasy of his regarding Batman?
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"And that's when I put the knife into him. [...] And I put the knife in him again." Joker could not have made this more about sex if he tried. Hell, he tells Selina that he thinks he could fuck Batman better than her. But alright, keeping this in mind-- the metaphor of the knife and penetration, what does it imply about the other two times Tom King has written interactions between Batman and Joker where there's a knife present?
Alright, I'm putting the rest under the cut, since there's a lot of comic panels, my own ranting... and attempted stabbing.
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Batman: The Brave and the Bold #9 ("The Winning Card")
In The Winning Card, a reimagining of Batman and Joker's first ever meeting, we get two fights between them that are so heavy with symbolism; but it's the second confrontation we're interested in, and that's pictured above. We see that it was Joker who drew blood the first time... it's him who sunk the knife penetrated Bruce at the very beginning. And really, was there a need for the unending focus on Bruce pulling out the blade? But then there's what he does next, and the way it's framed... He starts beating Joker, but then realizes that beating him does absolutely nothing.
So he switches to trying to communicate with him, to trying to tell (the worst) possible joke, all while holding up the knife:
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First of all: genuinely terrifying, if I may so myself. Secondly, we're shown Bruce bringing down the knife doing the penetrating, but the next page is not about him having killed Joker. It's Bruce and Alfred having gone fishing, talking about what happened... and why Bruce left Joker alive.
And this is how Tom King chooses to have Bruce say it:
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"He put the knife in me." Tom King I am inside your walls. This is exactly how Joker phrased it in his fantasy. And then, we're shown that Bruce couldn't kill Joker; he stuck the knife in him, but didn't kill him.
But what's the other time Tom King wrote Batman, Joker and a knife? Well, that's during the infamous The War of Jokes and Riddles. We're told TWOJAR happened in the second year of Batman's career, so (at least in King's little Universe) pretty soon after The Winning Card-- which takes place in Year 1. And in TWOJAR, after finding out Riddler's motivation for causing so many lives to be lost, Bruce tries to stab him:
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[squinting my eyes suspiciously] Thrust the knife out, huh. But then, Bruce never manages to commit murder, because Joker steps in:
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Batman (2016) #32
So. If we follow King's own metaphor... Batman tried to have sex with the Riddler and Joker stopped him. Joker couldn't allow it. Bruce ended up stabbing penetrating him instead.
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Pictured above: me
Is King the first to do this sort of thing? No, obviously not. Miller equated the violence between Batman and Joker to sex in The Dark Knight Returns, Snyder and Capullo did that too in both Death of the Family and Endgame. Still, it's... deliciously fucked up, and I thought it needed some showcasing.
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nelkcats · 1 year
The victim is... the same as yesterday?
Since Danny managed to master the power of duplication he noticed a couple of things: duplicates didn't always disappear when he wanted them to, it was possible to make many at once and he could change shapes when he used it. The duplicates also disappeared in ecto when destroyed.
So, when the halfa moved to a new location he decided it made the most sense to release "Human Danny's" over Gotham and stay as Phantom to look at his new home from the sky. He needed to investigate his new surroundings and probably find a better place to live.
This made the bats desperate, they had multiple alerts of "Multiple black-haired, blue-eyed boys wandering into dangerous territories" and "A meta flying around Gotham", Bruce doubted it was a coincidence, maybe the meta was a new villain.
In some cases they couldn't get there in time and the blue-eyed boy died mysteriously, since they didn't communicate with each other, they didn't know it was the same victim over and over again. Danny wasn't surprised when he felt one of his duplicates return to him. Of course, the halfa had no idea he was giving Red Robin traumas about a boy "vanishing on acid".
The batfamily, who remained without communication, thought that some villain was chasing down black-haired, blue-eyed people and killing them. Jason was the first to realize that it was the same boy and he frowned not understanding the situation. He found the meta and he was almost harmless, which didn't have sense.
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montimer · 5 months
Joker (the criminal) x reader
(The three jokers comic, this will make more sense if you have read it ig)
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It's been 3 weeks since the three jokers kidnapped you. They grew interested in you. After you realized you had no way of escaping you stopped fighting back and so they let you roam around free. They all want your attention, but one day 'the criminal' tries to make himself ur favourite.
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You were sitting in your room, thinking to yourself. You were thinking about if there was really no way of escaping, if they were really saying the truth about you being there love interest, but mostly about 'them'.
The three joker. They asked you the question "Which of us is your favourite?" You rewinded the memory of yestarday in your head.
"I don't have a favourite.." you answered looking down. The second of silence was killing you.
"But you must have one! One that you like more than the other two." 'The Clown' said grinning your way.
You started to fear for your life. Of course if you choose one favourite, the other two might become violent.
"Leave them be, they are already bothered enough" a deeper voice said.
You looked up, his eyes turned to you. 'The criminal' who was unlike the others, he barely smiled. His face showing no emotions.
Back to present, now your mind is on him. You should have feared him. But now that you think of it he never tried to hurt you and he even get you out of that uncomfortable situation.
Talking about the devil, you heard your door creak open. And infront of you standed the same joker you were just thinking about. He weared a long purple jacket, with a little bow and he was wearing the same purple gloves and hat.
He sitted down next to you with out saying a word. He took off his hat and looked at you. His green eyes staring into yours. You can't tell if a joker with or with out a smile is creepier.
"What are you thinking of?"
The voice snapped you out of your thoughts. You quickly looked down in embarrassment.
"Somethings wrong? Am i scaring you?" He asked in a calming tone.
You shot a glance at him before answering.
"No i was just thinking.."
"Thinking of?" He cut you off after you didnt finish.
He stared at you unblinking.
"They didn't give you too much trouble did they?" He asked.
"No, no. But- thank you"
He tilted his head a little. It was almost cute. You quickly finished your sentence.
"Thank you for helping out-i mean. I really didnt wanted to answer."
He gave you a small smile, it happened so quickly you thought you were just imagining it.
"Of course, anytime. If you need help im always here." His eyes seemed to soften.
You nodded smiling.
"And if you want me to kill someone who botheres you."
Your smile faded as quick.
"Just ask."
In there mind it probably sounded romantic. 'I would kill for you'. It might have been, if only they were joking.
He put his hands in yours and you felt your face heat up. He was so gentle.
"Though if i have to be honest, i was curious about that too."
You couldn't answer that and he kept going.
"I won't get mad if you say that im not but, it would be really nice."
He caressed your hand in his.
"If your answer would be me."
He got a bit closer to you, he waited for any reaction. When you didn't pull away or show any reaction to being uncomfortable he leaned in.
You felt his lips on yours and you could have sweared that your heart just skipped a beat.
When he pulled away he noticed the blush on your face and he smiled.
He petted your head.
"Im glad you are comfortable with me" he said it somewhat seductively.
You slowly hugged him and looked him in the eyes.
"You are my favourite"
He looked, surprised? Did he not expect you to really say it? The smile quickly regained on his face after realization hit him.
He began kissing you all over your face and you couldn't help but giggle.
He felt something in his chest. He didnt hear a giggle out of you not even a smile was on your face in those 3 weeks. You always looked so scared, like as if someone was after you. He remembered the frown and the nervous look you had, fearing him-fearing all of them so much.
He's glad he was the first one to make you feel better, to make you smile, him, your favourite.
The end!
(Idk how to feel about this oneshot but hope ya'll like it.)
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leopardom · 4 months
on this day a year ago, Bojan broke the internet by posting this video on his ig story
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shyjusticewarrior · 3 months
Jason "You need need to explicitly tell me you care about me" Todd
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Batman: Three Jokers
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Knight Terrors: Robin
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tarhaorvokki · 4 months
Kitties hug? Kitties hug + Nace 💛
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source (youtube)
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luluxa · 1 year
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are you? <3
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ekat-fandom-blog · 1 year
Danny had accidentally killed the Joker his first night in gotham. He knew he had. He remembered the face paint and green hair. He remembered hiding the body.
He also knew that there was no way for him to have become a ghost since that took a few decades under normal circumstances. Plus, he'd be able to sense it.
So, how was Joker on live TV announcing his newest plan?
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