miasmaghoul · 3 months
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How I feel about this character:
Love. Adore. He was the first ghoul I ever wrote, and remains one of my favorites. He's a big teddy bear, but the kind that will rip your throat out under the right circumstances. Summoned by Secondo, but destined to become Copia's right hand. Took on a lot of responsibility soon after his summoning, and remains one of the most reliable ghouls even in his retirement. Works in the infirmary full time now, and while he does miss the stage from time to time, he's happier with a stable life that let's him care for the pack the way he desires. It's the sense of control - after so much chaos and upheaval over the years, it's nice to know what to expect most days.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
I mean, everyone is on the table, but I am forever and always a Dewther Trewther. Those ghouls are IN LOVE and they're absolutely disgusting about it (pos). Other fabes include Aeon, Copia and Cumulus, but they don't come close to Dew for me <3
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Hmm...probably Mountain. They're still good together, don't get me wrong, but I see them more as being they closest of friends. They have dedicated time to have tea in the library once a week, just the two of them. They frequently make dinner together, sometimes with Dew or Cumulus joining in. They know each other inside and out, and Mountain was one of the ones who encouraged Aether to retire. He saw the exhaustion in him, and that's what it took for Aether to finally get the ball rolling. They love each other very much.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
Again, don't know how unpopular it is, but I am convinced that ge is one of the kinkiest motherfuckers of the whole bunch. He favorite thing is to dope someone up on quintessence and then give them all the pleasure they can stand, and then more. He gets deep into role roleplay scenarios and sometimes craves things only Dew knows about - and no one else ever will.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
Simular to my answer about Ifrit - what went down backstage after Terzo got dragged off? Aether was the first one to give chase, and I want to know if he drew blood for his Papa. I hope he did.
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professorllayton · 1 month
when I liked your post I got a notification that there was a problem and I couldn’t actually like it, hope that helps with your testing 😭
was it the test post specifically? bc I did delete it right after since it showed up for me
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enduracarrotchips · 1 year
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<3 <3
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evilnicegirl · 1 month
32, 35, 11?
32. What makes you nervous?
being late for work, people around me driving badly, performing music publicly, etc
35. What kind of first impression do you think you make on people?
im very polite ^_^ i asked my boyfriend & he said "easygoing"
11. What were your highs & lows for this last month?
my low is that i had to pay a speeding ticket this month but my high is that im going on a road trip w my bf & his brother this weekend to go to a concert 🎶
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thetragicallynerdy · 2 years
love your ofmd writing :) how about something with Jim and Olu, maybe Olu gives Jim a gift and they Cannot Handle It?
aww thank you so much!! and ooh yes, love this prompt!!
there be christmas times ahead! this takes place in the cowboy 'verse because I'm feeling cowboy times right now hahaha
They woke to the smell of salt pork frying. Salt pork, and maybe flapjacks, something sweet cutting the smell of oil and rich meat. Three months ago and they woke every time Oluwande stirred in bed beside them. And now here they were, sleeping through breakfast preparations.
They struggled upright, yawning and rubbing the sleep out of their eyes. "Shoulda woken me, I'd have helped."
Oluwande laughed and turned to grin at them from his place by the stove. "I tried." He pitched his voice into a growly approximation of theirs. "'Lemme sleep, Olu. I don't wanna, Olu. It's cold, Olu.'"
"Fuck off, I don't sound like that," they laughed, flipping him off. The worst part was, they could believe it, even if they hadn't been awake enough to remember it. They weren't meant for snow. They'd been thinking very seriously about trying to convince Oluwande to move down to Mexico.
"You do," he said gleefully, practically dancing over to them. He leaned down, pressed a kiss to their mouth. "Morning. Merry Christmas."
Jim kissed him again, smiling against his mouth. His delight was infectious. "Merry Christmas."
They traded kisses for a few minutes before Oluwande pulled away. "Wait here, okay? I've got something for you."
They crossed their legs under the covers, dragging the spare quilt around their shoulders. Even with how warm the cabin was they were still cold. Goddamn winter.
Oluwande dug around in a cupboard before crossing back to the bed with a parcel in his hand, all wrapped in brown paper and a pretty red ribbon. He sat on the bed beside them, and placed it gently in their lap.
Jim looked at it, then at him. "Um. What's this?"
"A Christmas gift," he said, beaming at them. "I've been saving it for like, a month, so I don't want to wait any longer."
They swallowed. Their hands felt too heavy, moving automatically to pick it up. It wasn't heavy, but whatever was inside was soft. "But I didn't -" they swallowed again. "I didn't get you anything."
His face softened. "Yeah, I know. You didn't need to. I just - really wanted to get you this, okay?" When they just stared at him a little helplessly he reached out and took their hand, giving it a squeeze. "Really. It's okay that you don't have something for me."
They wanted to run. Not far. Not like last time. But the urge was still there, to drag on their boots and coat and go hide in the barn until their chest felt less like it had been trapped in a vice. It was just too much. He was too kind, and they loved him too damn much.
They hadn't even fucking thought about gifts. Christmas with Nana had been austere, a time for Church and praying for vengeance and not much else. Cake, sometimes, and a meal with the other nuns. And then they'd left, and Christmas had become just another day spent alone.
But there was far too much hope on Oluwande's face for them to run. He'd gotten them a gift. He had gotten them a gift. If they ran now, they'd crush that hope like a spring flower under their boot. Even if he understood. Even if he said it was fine when they came crawling back.
Jim's hands lighted on the gift, calloused fingers plucking at the ribbon. They looked at him, then back at it. "Should I..."
"Yeah, go ahead. If you want."
They untied the ribbon carefully. They weren't one for pulling their hair back with pretty ribbons and bows, but maybe it could go in Tangerine's mane, or tied around their wrist. Or in their journal, pressed between worn pages to be kept safe. Slowly, all too aware of Oluwande watching them, of their own heart beating too fast, they pulled back crisp brown paper.
Inside lay a soft red shirt, with shiny white buttons down the front and a crisp new collar. Their breath caught.
"The one from the Swede's shop," they breathed, fingers stroking the fabric. It was light, beautifully woven, and so fine they feared their callouses would catch on it. And red, so beautifully red. They'd seen it weeks ago, hanging up in his window, and couldn't help but admire it. It was the sort of thing they always wanted to wear, but never had. They'd been taught far too many times to never draw attention to themself, to never be too flashy. Being memorable was dangerous.
But here, everyone already knew them. Being memorable here was safety, was friends who would have your back and a partner who would always have a place for you in his home. It meant people who knew them, and loved them, and didn't care if they forgot the things that normal people did, like giving gifts at Christmas.
And maybe it meant wearing a bright red shirt, with shiny new buttons, a gift that they hadn't been expecting and certainly didn't deserve.
"Saw you lookin' at it," Oluwande said softly. "The colour suits you."
Jim gathered the shirt to their chest and held it close. Tears prickled at the edges of their eyes. "I love it. So much. Gracias, Olu."
He accepted their hug with open arms, smudging a kiss to their shoulder through the worn longjohns of his that they kept stealing. Jim hugged him as fiercely as they could, arms tight around his neck.
"Feliz Navidad," Oluwande whispered. "Te amo."
Jim nodded, burying their face in his shoulder. "Yo también te amo. Feliz Navidad, Olu."
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twinprime · 2 years
"Gibson Girl" by Ethel Cain
oh my god thank you this is the highest honor. i’ve had this song on repeat so much recently i feel like the lyrics are just bleeding into my personality
anon me a song that matches my tumblr vibe
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rodolfoparras · 11 months
ur writing is so amazing i look forward to every post keep it up 👍👍
Thank you sososos much friend I really really appreciate it!🥹
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postgameroutesix · 2 years
🅱️ugie 🅱️nderson or Frederick Jones for the ask prompt :0
WOO TYYY high fives u high fives u ill do both OFC
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sexuality headcanon: bisexual but hes SOO deep in comphet he doesnt figure it out for ages….like. i think that applies for all of the fpc. bro says no homo sm i just know
gender headcanon: i really like the idea of trans guy augie both bc i enjoy making my faves transgender like me but also because i feel it adds another layer to specifically his + skips relationship in that theyre both almost overcompensating their masculinity but in different ways. where augie specifically clings onto a desire to be perceived as strong and macho and “the brawns” bc its what has been presented to him throughout his life as the ideal form of masculinity. or something <3
a ship i have with said character: WELL u + toon have def warmed me up to skaugie a lot i must say like ive always had it in the back of my mind like “wouldnt this be funny” but the more i think about the more i think yea. frenemies to lovers its sweet actually + i think a really interesting narrative could be built around jt. like already u have that foundation to build off of them being on one hand “rivals” + on the other really caring about each other + working well together in a way neither will admit. also fraugie is funny
a brotp i have with said character: i really love his + aprils friendship removing the love triangle Business bc it feels like they shouldnt click as well as they do yet they bounce off each other in a way thats super fun to watch 😭😭 “are u ok april” “oh sure i always sit around tied to a rock” to “april youre bananas youve freaked out” “dues are one dollar payable in advance :-)” april is at her driest w him fr its so funny. also the scene when theyre surfing is cute. also this makes me giggle
a notp i have with said character: well i wouldnt ship him + april romantically i would never wish that upon her
a random headcanon: grown very attached to the idea of him being an artist….having started as a grounding technique but evolved into a hobby. he mostly draws elmo but skip april mudsy + boo r in his sketchbook too
general opinion over said character: i want to throw him against the wall like a tennis ball
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sexuality headcanon: bi since 1969
gender headcanon: trans guy its just very important to me no deep reason like w augie he just genuinely is trust me. uses he/they believe it 🙏🙏
a ship i have with said character: fraphne + fraggy r soooo good theyre so good man. the way the former has been done in canon before varies in how much i like it like im so tired of all the jealousy subplots BUT in movies like stage fright + the sword and the scoob? they get the dynamic right im saying
a brotp i have with said character: HIM AND VELMA!!!! their friendship is SOO important to me theyre literally besties 😭😭 like the crux of their relationship is how they trust and respect each others judgement so much and i think they really deeply relate to each other on some levels. also theyre so silly
a notp i have with said character: i do Not like him and velma in a romantic context
a random headcanon: he gets newspapers when he can so he can complete all the daily puzzles inside of them
general opinion over said character: he means the WORLD 2 me
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bucket-of-amethyst · 2 years
1, 16, 29 and 45 for the random asks
1-If you have a lighter, what color is it?
I do not ksjdjd is carrying lighters a thing for people who don't smoke even?
16-A Netflix series that's your favorite
ARCANE!!!! I prefer animation over live action stuff, and I'm so glad a friend convinced me to watch Arcane! At first glance wasn't really my style and it took a few eps for me to get really into it buT OUGH now I'm absolutely in love with it, with the animation, with the story, with the characters, WITH THE MUSIC!! I've been listening to the ost for an entire year straight no joke. ((imagined a bunch of life series animatics to it too dkdkfk))
29-The last thing you ate?
Some plain but very soft and tasty cake with a cup of coffee!
45-Favorite tea?
Ok listen... I am sorry tea enjoyers followers, but i uhh i don't think i have ever drank tea in my life? Ksjdjd not bc i don't have access to it, but bc I'm a pick eater and i love coffee so i just never tried
BUT funnily enough, i do have an answer. It's thyme tea. And that's because it's a good natural remedy for treating respiratory infections in animals. My past hamster Cashew got pretty sick at a point of her life, rodents have very sensitive respiratory systems so a infection is... Difficult to deal with. I started making her thyme tea and she recovered so well and went on to live the rest of her life! It was basically a miracle
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thespotted · 1 year
19. what’s your muse’s relationship with the current state of their body?
A melange; a hot meld of intrigue, ecstasy, and repulsion. Prior to his transformation, he held a rather content view of his body, having ridden through the persistent waves of dysphoria of his transition and having emerged ultimately happy. Still did certain things prickle the attention of the more sensitive parts of his mind, but they were momentary, rather than constant. Then he become The Spot. Everything that he’d done to build up to that moment of gender euphoria, to stay basking in the sunlight of his happiness, felt like it was torn away. All that money, all that trouble he’d gone to and experienced—and for what? To turn into this … thing? Yes, he’s intrigued by his body nowadays, he’s elated from a scientific perspective, but from a more personal viewpoint, he’s annoyed, angered, disgusted. Some days he feels more curious some days, more mirthful, and other days he sits around poking and prodding at his skin (if it could be called that, anymore), thinking of what was. Sometimes he experiences a mixture of both and it's, quite frankly, exhilarating and exhausting.
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torrentstucktrolls · 2 years
Mamjek - ★★★ :0!!
She has named all of the furbies in her collection.
She built her grubtop from parts she found.
She operates a homemade ham radio
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totallytrucked · 2 years
mullet complimented by the Starbucks barista = day made
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littlebabyatlas · 3 months
you're so precious. do you want a snack?? i have apple slices :3
hehehehehehehe eep!!!!! yes pease i luv apple slices!! you so sweet !! hehehe fank youuu hehe i blushie
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catnamedcala · 8 months
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shhwndnwnenwkd thanks!!!!!! :3333333
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foolsocracy · 3 months
Hi, I love your art! Would you ever consider drawing the Fab Five as adults?
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hell yeah
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kiichu · 9 months
Fanfic Writer Emoji Asks
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
Smut. As someone with no experience, it's like. What do they Do. How do you write this stuff without being embarrassed or cringing? Like I can do it sometimes when I'm in a particular mood, but...
🏆 What's your most popular fic?
According to ao3 stats, it's Out on a Limb!
🎃 Do you write fics for certain holidays? Which is your favorite holiday inspired fic?
Sometimes for the Christmas season (and one Halloween ficlet too actually). I'd say my fave would be All is Bright, which was a Dangan Ronpa Secret Santa present back in the day. :)
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