#THANK YOU BEE you always send me memes it makes me so happy also this verse is our baby look at how love you forever
hymnoire · 5 months
📔 ( sends you all the memes )
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Entry 1895.
Thursday, nineteeth of the month.
"I must write as I observe. Today is a grand day! My swan sisters are coming back to the nest for our Spring festival. I too, arrived no later than week ago, finding my path back into our beloved House of Miséricorde. Home. Residing in Oxford for the past two years have made me miss the meadows in Buckinghamshire. I believe almost none of them, my sisters, have truly missed my presence, besides my Gayane. As I am watching her from afar by her side is standing the Golden Boy, I question myself. Many years have passed - I never quite forgot about the observations I have written down my many diaries nor reported in my files. The mystery of him remains unsolved : while Mother Libitina has provided me an unlimited access to all the swans and crows medical files, the Golden Boy's have always been the missing one. Mother Libitina does trust me as she foresees in me her successor as Mother Supreeme ; she describes my intellect as noble enough not to let my emotions cloud my judgement nor sabotage the integrity of my science - I remain the only swan aware of my own history. My sisters along with the crows demonstrate a grand intellect that however remains beneath mine - except for the Golden Boy's. His emotional capacities are absent, absent enough for his cognitive plasticity to have taken so much place, his skills are beyond impressive, beyond any other crow's, beyond even Headmaster Nero's himself I believe. While the Golden Boy's mind seem to connect elements as fast as mine does, he appears enable to treat a human being and a dog differently. It is quite fascinating to me. I sometimes fear the prototypes of my experiments would display similar abilities yet a total lack of humanity and empathy such as his. Coming from me, it might sound surprising yet I believe empathy is what separates a living being from an abomination. I don't mind being an abomination myself. I remember the days we spent, Golden boy and I, observing arthropods in the sand. I must keep observing, I must keep searching, I must understand. Who is Golden Boy?"
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tea-understands · 1 year
“Nobody asked about my writing” meme
@modernwizard​ : thank you for the inspiration!
I’m sure you guys would send me asks if i ever reblogged one of those writing memes but most of the time i wouldn’t know how to answer most of the questions. so, this is not about you not being a supportive audience. this is about me being a faint-hearted squirrel.
 1: what are you currently working on? 
the next chapter of my Sherlock fan fic. (no really. for once in my life i’m actually making some progress - that is, whenever i’m not on tumblr lol) as well as editing some of the already posted chapters for when i’m finally going to update the thing.
i’ve also started a Doctor Who fix it. which is coming along really slowly.
2: summarize your current project 
it’s been YEARS and i still can’t come up with a better summary than the one i posted on ao3:
“A kidnapped teenage girl. A political conspiracy. Bees. And somehow in the midst of it all, John learns a few things Sherlock forgot to mention about those two years.“
But really, i also get to explore a few things about John’s past. and Sherlock’s pre-series past. IF you want to read it, please feel free to contact me, because the version on ao3 comes with a couple of mistakes i’m getting rid of the moment i’m posting the next chapter! (i don’t want to edit them now because i don’t want people to get a notification, thinking i’ve posted the next chapter only to find i did some minor edits). AND YES, I KNOW I HAVEN’T UPDATED THAT FIC FOR YEARS. I’ve been busy.
for my DW fix it:
The universe is ending, but that’s the least of the Doctor’s problems.  (I need you to understand that the universe ending is literally the subplot in this one!)
Yeah, i need to work on that summary. Basically, I want to re-write some of the plot of the Flux story arc, and, while being at it, i’m also changing a few bits and pieces about the Timeless Child.
3: summarize your current project poorly 
A crime fighting graduate chemist and an ex-army doctor team up to stop a political conspiracy involving bees. (Am I doing this right?)
The Doctor, Yaz and the Master investigate the Division and happen to save the universe in the process. They also bring back Gallifrey by accident. The Master is not happy about this.
4: describe your favorite character or characters
HOW AM I EVEN SUPPOSED TO CHOOSE? (like, this is exactly why i hardly ever post writing ask memes). Let’s do something else instead: describe why you’re looking forward to writing your project:
BBC Sherlock: series 3 just doesn’t find the time to deal with a lot of interesting topics which could be turned into a nice little story (Moran, the aftermath of The Empty Hearse, why does Sherlock volunteer to help with the wedding preparations, i want to tackle Sherlock and Mary’s friendship in general, also Mary and Janine’s. Sherlock and Mycroft’s. And i’ve always wanted to write a case fic involving bees).
DW: how did the Master go from Missy’s redemption arc to destroying Gallifrey? What did he do during those 77 years on Earth? Just the Doctor and the Master’s complicated past (and future?). Yaz. Ruth!Doctor. Time Lord Telepathy. Australia. Lizards (like, actual lizards).
5: post a line from your current project without any context 
BBC Sherlock: Sherlock had shown him a glimpse of the dark secrets holding the threads of the universe, the ugly, elemental puzzle pieces of human nature which, any later, Sherlock would have been too self-conscious to trust him with. 
DW: For a moment the world dips into golden star dust and she does her best not to think of endings and beginnings.
6: how do you get through writers block?
depends on what’s causing it. but these days i usually switch projects and work on my other fic instead. sometimes, going through my ao3 bookmarks and revisiting some old favourites help.
7: would you want to live in the world of your current work? 
BBC Sherlock: no, there are already enough political conspiracies in this one, thank you very much.
DW: a hard no! i know i said it was a sub-plot, but the universe *is* literally ending.
8: briefly discuss your outlining process, if you outline 
i don’t actually write an outline. but i have a pretty good idea of where i want my story to go and what i need to deal with in the next chapters to get there.
9: what is the aesthetic of your current project 
BBC Sherlock: at times dark, at times light and sparkly but always soft. much softer than the show (while still very much dealing with torture. like. i literally wrote a torture scene, which is probably the hardest thing i’ve ever done and hopefully ever will do. 0/10. wouldn’t recommend). does emotional closure count as an aesthetic? no? it should.
DW: i know hurt/comfort isn’t an aesthetic BUT it should be. maybe cottage core in space?
10: what song sums up your current work the best?
*forgets every single song she’s ever listened to*
i tag: @aelaer @natalunasans @beguilewritesstuff and literally whoever wants to. if you see this post consider yourself tagged.
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binniesthighs · 3 years
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hi hi cuties and thigh enthusiasts!! just about a day ago my lil blog full of hornies and changbin thirst reached 1,500 and i am just jaflkjasd :’) since then haha 
ah ah this post is already so cheesy hehe but i wanted to say thank you so very much from the bottom of my heart for following me along with my journey with this blog! after having the hobby of writing for the greater part of my life, i’m so immensely thankful that i started this blog and hopefully took ya all on some of the crazy adventures i keep locked up in my head hehe 
having this blog has been such a wonderful experience, from learning about myself as a writer, exploring the many, many hornies that i’ve got, and most of all, meeting all of the freakin’ fantastic individuals in this community! ~thank you to each and every one of you for being the sweetest, loveliest, most hilarious and welcoming people i could ever wish to meet and have the honor of getting to know and write for!~ 
to celebrate, i wanted to make a lil list n’ love letter to my lovely pals for ya to check out! there is fkn CRAZY talent on this list and i highly recommend that ya check out everyone and their masterlists! 
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to my moots~ GAH I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH my whole experience here on smutblr has been made absolutely amazing by you all! GOSH hehe i am full of so much love for you all your brains are seggsy as hell and i’m always rooting for you!! thank you so much for being my friends <3 
to my readers~ my loves, thank you, as a writer, to bee seen and heard fulfills every word i write and every lil idea i scribble down. wherever ya are in the world, thank you for taking the time to read my pieces and for sending me love. you are my reason!! 
to my anons~ thank you my darlings for all of your kindness, screams in my inbox, every song rec, hard thought and word of encouragement. my lil anon family i love you and appreciate you all so much! thank you for reaching out to me and makin’ a lil home on my account! it means the world to me! <3 
to my bunch of (ro)ses~ thank you so much for hyping me with each of my updates, for showing up in my notifs and being overall frickin’ angels! thank you so much for reading as always and i hope that ya like what’s to come! 
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~hehe i wanted to write ya all lil messages too! while they just scratch the surface, please know that i love ya all to the moon and back!! 🥰~ 
@aliceu ~ alice, hehe here’s to all the times that we would ramble about fantasy aus and bounce ideas off eachother, thank you so much for being my go-to and my muse at times! your works are literally magical my love! 
@bearseungmin ~ hehe dawn i think that you might be one of my oldest moots on this list! ever since i started out here in this lil corner on the internet, you have been the most supportive, sweet individual there is to me and I can’t say thank you enough! i’m also like, highkey obsessed with everything you write hehehe 
@binniesbrat ~ oh my gosh té , hehe lol i will bring this up over and over again bc i’m just so ah ah it makes me melt but fun fact hehe back when i was babybinniesthighs, té reached out to me, and made me felt like i belonged--i literally lysm! your hornies are fantastic my dear, we are so lucky to have you here! 
@bruh-changbin ~ dear sky, while we’ve only talked a little in asks, i wanted to express how very dear you are to me! hehe when i update and you hype me up it literally makes my whole frickin’ day! you keep me going! not to mention that your writing is *chef’s kiss* teehee 
@bubblelixie ~ ah! kc! we’ve also been moots for a good while, i think back when i was babybinniesthighs too! hehe your overwhelming love and support of me makes my heart frickin’ swell and seeing you in my notifs and my asks with hornies makes me feel so dang fuzzy! you are quite literally one of the most adorable cuties on here! your writing also just *knocks me out* OOF 
@chaangbin ~ ours is quite the story dear hazel bean...meaning....i was like, the biggest, nerdiest fangirl of your work for quite some time and very very shy to tell you that it was me ahhhhh haha well here i am ooP your writing is so beautiful and human and immersive in so many ways! i’m crazy lucky to be moots and friends with ya! omg if i say more i will literally embarrass the heck out of myself hahahhaha
@decembermoonskz ~ beautiful izzy, you are such, and i mean such an inspiration to me. the way that you write is so gorgeous and i feel as if i’m in every scene. the way that you create worlds and place your readers in them is frickin’ insane! hehe i love obsessing with ya over chan any day and night! keep goin’! 
@dom--minnie ~ len, when i think of comfort, i really think of you. the way that i feel so safe with ya is like, insane. even when we first started chattin’ i just knew that we had an amazin’ thing coming hehe. from horny rambles to literally just talkin’ bout life, i am absurdly lucky to have met you here! you literally deserve everything wonderful in life and i love ya so much! 
@etherealeeknow ~ gah gen, my dear, the way that you checked up with me over my lil break just huhuhu thank you so much for being such a lovely and caring person towards me and everyone else whom you meet! you are so precious and i hope ya never forget that! 
@fight-me-m8 ~ darling and sweet rosetta, FRICK literally when i think of you oh my gosh i get the fuzzies, i’m so happy that we met and that i was able to witness the beginnings of your account! you have so so much love to give and i will fight you and give you more love back. bb i’m so happy to have you as a moot! 
@film-in-my-soul ~ alex! hehe while our friendship is still in the bb stages, i wanted to throw some love your way too!! i’m so hyped to write with you in the future and talk even more! i love how fast we clicked when we started talking about BLs AHA darlin’ you are so sweet and i can’t wait to get to know ya more! 
@formidxble ~ kim oh my god, you are a frickin’ force. when you entered this community a lil bit ago, and then made it your own, sharing with us your beautiful brain and lovely kindness, i swear the world must’ve taken a breath or something LOL you always astonish me with your works and i’m literally so excited for what the future holds for you! 
@hanflix ~ i think that i speak for so many of us here that rue, you are truly an inspiration. back when i was starting out and even now, reading your works feels like such a treat and i try to savor them all up! as a writer, i look up to you so much and as a wonderful, humble and hardworking person i look up to you as well!! thank you so much for welcoming me when i was babybinniesthighs ilsym! 
@hongnanglen-arina ~ arina my fuckin’ love oh my god if i could fly to where you are i frickin’ would!! i really think that the universe did a lil somethin’ somethin’ allowing us to meet. i feel so comfortable with you talkin’ about anything and everything especially hornies they are fkn’ unbridled. i can’t count how many times you’ve made me topple with laugher at like 3am. i’m so happy to have you in my life! 
@hyunsluvv ~ kathy istg you are one of the sweetest people i have had the pleasure of meeting on this lil corner of the internet! the care and love that you give to each of your anons, moots and in your work is truly astounding. i remember when you were just starting out i knew that big things were in store for you, and they still are! hehe
@imagineinnie ~ el, you are literally an angel if i have ever met one. it means the whole world to me when i see your dms, and the way that you check up on me and so many others goes to show the utter kindness and selflessness that you exhibit. cutie, thank you so much for always cheering me on and being such a light in this community!!
@instachans ~  kenny, although we’ve just met, i’m already so excited for our friendship to come! you are such an angel and have so much love to give, i’m so thankful that you slide into my asks hehe the future holds such amazing things for you!  
@itsapapisongo ~ javi, my dear, there’s just somethin’ about us that flows like frickin’ water. i feel like there’s the people that you meet in life that you kind of just click with, and i’m immensely grateful that i’ve met you. your love, support, hornies and lethal timing with gifs keeps me smiling. you are an astonishing writer and i feel so lucky to be here with you! 
@jisungsplatforms ~ sweet ina hehe i’m so glad that ya slid into my asks the day that you did! your vibes are so sweet and peaceful and i feel as if you and your account are such a safe place! i love, love sharing hornies with you over our boys! there is so much ahead for you my dear and i can’t wait!!! 
@mochinnie ~ omg i’ve totally said this before so many times, but i am so, so wowed by your work isa and they stick with me for like days after i read your pieces! i am so utterly inspired by you! i love your blog’s aesthetic and how you are always truthfully yourself i admire this so much! when i was starting out your works kept me goin’! thank you so much for this hehe 
@mzmezzler ~ ryan you literally deserve the whole world! not to mention that you are doing god’s work writing sub!skz! sweets, each of your pieces are so wonderful and imaginative and your lil memes and thoughts are so cute! please always keep doing you!! 
@ohmysparkle ~ sparkle: oh my gosh where can i start??? you are one fkn’ badass sparklin’ cat and my freakin’ role model. every day i am so astonished over how well spoken, wise, and reasonable you are while also being off the walls unapologetically yourself. my dear plz always shout with me about sub!hyunjin teehee 
@seungmoomin ~ nia big sexy brain!! holy shit the fkn talent in this bus? astronomical! nia i am absoluately WEAK over your writings and highkey you as a person over all! i swear, your blog is a gold mine and your personality is so wonderful i can’t put it into words LOL there’s no one quite like you and i can’t even count how many times you’ve got me dying laughing here ily!!
@yourdaddychan ~ LUNA my queen of capitalization and screaming in dms, you add a spice to my life that i didn’t know was missing. talking to you in every  format is fkn fantastic and lights up my day no matter how gloomy its been. i really feel like this is your world and i’m just livin’ in it LOL I LOVE YEW
@introjoonie ~ mai, this account would literally not be in existence if not for you, and it’s provided me with such happiness over these few months! thank you so much for encouraging me to let my hornies to the wind, and for listening to all my rambles about it since. thank you so much for being a lovely best friend, cheerleader and person. i’ll be seeing you soon!
@jeonglixie, @lechanters, @inlovewithasa, @pixxie-lixxie ~ my loves there is something so, so beautiful about each and every one of you, i cannot thank you enough for reading my works and for being so overwhelmingly supportive and kind with your feedback time and again. i’m so blessed to have such wonderful readers such as you! my time here on tumblr has been made by you and so many others of my unbelievably sweet readers!
@lovesfaith ~ ahh tumblr is being rude not letting me tag ya but sweets i just wanted to thank you so much for your kindness too! i adore talking with ya about astrology n’ just life and the way that you read me like a book is CRAZY haha thank you for being you Bambi! 
@meow-minho  ~ marine, every time that i see you on tumblr i am so thankful for your grace, and just lovely welcoming vibes. i am so thankful to have such a lovely person as you in my life and i can’t express how much me (and i’m sure so many other writers on here) appreciate your feedback. thank you so much!
@synnocence ~ wonderful cee, since first meeting you i feel like i’ve had the pleasure of getting to know such a wonderful human and equally amazin’ fellow bin stan! i can’t thank you enough for how much you’ve helped me grow my bin collection! dm-ing with you is always such a joy and you deserve the frickin’ world my friend!!
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once again, thank you so much for poppin by and giving me a read, an ask, a dm or simply just sending bin pics my way hehe 
i hope to write much more in the future and to lash out with all the hornies that i’ve got! i can’t wait to share more with you all! thank you so much for being my motivation, as well as seggsy ass cuties who i am so lucky to share this space with!! 
have you thought about changbin’s thighs today yet? well...now you have 😉
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warcats-cat · 3 years
hi! so there's this thing - list 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the inbox of the last 10 people who have reblogged something from you - to get to know your mutuals and followers!! (if you wanna :3)
((it's so nice to get asks like this and actually *remember* to do them when you get out of work))
In no particular, I would say 5 things that make me happy are...
1) Plushies!!! I have tons of them in my collection, and I know each one by name. Someday I will have a room with cubbies and shelves floor-to-ceiling for all of my babies to be on display. Even if I don't play with them like I used to, I still very much love them. 💜💜
2) Bees 😍😍😍🐝🐝🐝 Fat bees! Skinny bees! Working bees! Bees that get stuck! Bees that have learned to be lazy by sitting on my shirt while I walk around my grandma's garden tending her flowers and weeds and occasionally passing the ponds and sprinklers that they like to drink out of 😂 Bees are the best man.
3) Fairies, of course. I've been interested in Faerie lore since I was a little kid, and that hasn't changed a lick as I've gotten older. (Obviously... If you don't believe me you can look at the ones I've posted here under the fairiesforclara tag on my blog, although everything posted here is v old at this point...)
4) My family!!! I recognize that I'm very VERY lucky that I have a good relationship (90% of the time) with my mom and dad. We argue occasionally but at the end of the day we love each other unconditionally. And I love my grandma to pieces!!! She is the one who inspires me every day to find the magic in the world.
5) if I only get one more, I think I'm definitely going to pick my friends around Tumblr. I don't have many people that I chat a lot with, but I've met/reconnected with a few people that I am forever honored to know, who inspire me every day, ((and who I really hope don't mind me tagging them...))
- @deadlikedani now officially my oldest friend ♦️ I miss you so much every day and I'm glad we still talk
- @drfaggotredneckmd who made me feel so much more confident after we met (I'm realizing now they might not even realize 💜) and I'm always excited to be able to chat with you
- @frecklydork I know it's just memes but you have such good energy and it's always a delight to say hi!!
- @thecrowslullaby 💜💜💜💜 ((if you're not in bed rn I'll fly to your house myself watch me)) a DAILY inspiration who makes incredible artwork and makes me feel seen and listened to eventhough I'm a very small time creator who popped into their blog at random. I feel so blessed every day getting to share stories and ideas and memes with you. Thanks for the everything 💜💜💜💜💜
This is a big post but I also wanna say thank you @chibireaper I love seeing you on my dash and people sending me things feels very nice so I hope you have a nice day too ☺️☺️☺️
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puppy-phum · 4 years
Now that this hell year is almost over let’s celebrate the good things! If you’re receiving this it means you have made someone’s year better. Tell who on tumblr has made this year better for you (as many people as you like, it can be something as small as liking your posts or sending something sweet) and share some of the content you’ve enjoyed (your own or others)
thank you so much dear anon! ♥ I am happy to know that I’ve managed to make someone’s year at least a tiny bit better :’) as a year on tumblr, this year has been very special to me personally so am happy to know that someone has felt that too!
this is going to be a huge list so be warned! putting it under the cut bc of that~
@i-am-just-a-kiddo you are and will always be on this list first and foremost. you and our friendship is the best thing I have gotten from this hellsite and I continue being thankful for it ♥ I always have so much fun talking to you, you support me so unconditionally, share things with me and allow me to just yell about things every day! you never get bored of that endless stream of random nonsense I pour on you and it means so much to me ♥ I also feel honored to share your things, to see your paintings and read your writings and just be there for you. let’s hope the next year will be kinder to us and the world in general! and hey, maybe you get into guardian at some point heh (and thank you for getting into so many things with me this year already!)
@leonzhng I think I said this at some point too but you were the reason why I got into this community we have going on with @mdzsnet and gave me the confidence to just approach ppl here and love things together ♥ you are always so sweet and kind and lovable and I appreciate you doing all the things you do. your edits are amazing and inspirational and I love all the tag games we keep throwing around :’D 
@ashenwren you!! you are amazing and I’m so happy to have gotten to know you through our network :’) I am excited every day when I get to talk to you, even if it’s just for a moment as our timezones make everything kind of difficult :’D it’s just so nice to share mdzs and dmbj with you, to help you get into these dramas, to share all these ideas and thoughts we have, to share our different cultures and languages and whatnot. you are always so supportive and excited and kind and I wish I could hug you sometimes! I hope I still can write something more for pingxie and that I get to see a ton of your art! ♥
then to all the wonderful ppl in our network who have made my tumblr experience so wonderful this year, who keep being kind and amazing and full of so much talent! to @manhasetardis @aheartfullofjolllly @bees0are0awesome @highwarlockkareena @yibobibo @linglynz @yiqiie @wangxiians @leoyunxi @tiesanjiao @lan-xichens @oneautumnfox @aowyn @wangxianbunnydoodles @weiwuxcian and many others who I might have forgotten: I enjoy seeing you in my notes so much, I enjoy all of your content, seeing us all interact with each other and just being very friendly and welcoming ♥ I am thankful every day that I got to join this network and learn to know so many! continue being awesome and have a nice upcoming year :’)
then quickly to:
@lzswy thank you for loving my music and wanting to know me! I hope we get to talk some more and feel free to push music my way too, am always ready to drown in songs :’)
@kholran thank you for doing my tag games and allowing me to talk to you, to call you my friend, and share my love for liu sang! I will once again tell you that your fic (link here if anyone reading this is interested) was amazing and I hope we get to talk some more! 
and then thank you to all the ppl who I see in my notes all the time and leave amazing tags and just love me with interacting with my content and sometimes making it more known and just giving it their all: @btssjamss @a-force-dyad-in-space @cuppyhands @mylastbraincql @drwcn @fytheuntamed @distantsnows @brutalbeetle @intimisky @kazaore @inessencedevided @bluebelle88 @actualmichelle @sassyassassy @thebeautifulmacabre @merinnan @inkblue-black and many others who I might not recognize or remember or find right now! or who I have already mentioned in the network part bc you guys are awesome like that :’) especially when I have tried out new things this year and have dipped into new fandoms and reached out of this mdzs pit I am still in and unwilling to leave ♥ but you are still there and like my content haha
and then I want to mention some of my favorite works this year (I’ll try to pick one per month from my archives oh boy): 
@i-am-just-a-kiddo‘s amazing niemo fic that owns my heart, soul, and the never to be born firstborn ♥ 
@bloody-bee-tea‘s amazing mdzs related fics that always just make my heart clench but also bring me so much joy!
this amazing wangxian edit that still shatters me
this amazing wwx edit by hanyi ♥ @leonzhng I love the quote in this and this breaks me in all the best ways!
@fytheuntamed‘s whole the untamed memes series that single-handedly has saved this year for me (tho I suppose this started earlier than this year but who cares, quality content either way)
this jc outfits collection post by @linglynz ♥ everything for my am-a-hoe-for-the-angry-purple-guy -needs
this amazing art by @/hana-tox that still gives me so many feels that I feel like bursting 
this stunning edit set for the best album that dropped this year, map of the soul: 7, by @/kassareo
this wangxian edit that inspired me a lot and still makes me catch my breath bc damn that looks gorgeous (by @/itsazbitch)
another very inspirational edit set by @/sammyholdsacandle (some might recognize which one of my edits got inspired by this a lot lol) 
this very beautiful post by @alienwlw that’s really just goals tbh 
@sarawatsaraleo‘s favorite the untamed scenes series, every one of these edits is a huge joy and so beautifully done! ♥
@tiesanjiao‘s wonderful, wonderful wangxian edit that keeps being my one of my favorites ever and just. inspires me to this day, I hope one day I can gif :’D ♥
another one of my absolute favorites is this edit by hanyi again ♥ you just have the best ideas and you make everything so pretty!
this soft but heartbreaking, delicate but so emotional edit by @gusucloud ♥ I think I’ve never loved an edit this much, it’s so pretty and absolutely perfect!
this edit by @highwarlockkareena bc wth, the coloring? the gifs themselves?? gosh it looks so pretty and I might cry
@tiesanjiao‘s wonderful gifset made for the gif challenge that was going around during this time ;; as I was slowly falling in love with the iron triangle and dmbj in general, this felt like a blessing ♥ 
these absolutely stunning pieces of art by @/tiphs 
this absolutely gorgeous post for wwx’s bday by @alienwlw (all of this is just. perfect?? the colors, the gifs, the scenes... everything!)
this gorgeous edit by @distantsnows that makes me smile and cry at the same time ♥
this edit also by @distantsnows that is just. pure perfection?? bc fuck yes, sect leader jaing yanli!! I love you for this one
this edit by @lanzhansmiles bc the colors are just absolutely stunning and I love how they both sit there like that and just? wow 
this edit just makes me feel so many things and just looks so dreamy by @cescedes 
this adorable but also very painful edit by @manhasetardis ♥ I love all about this one :’)
and as a shameless self-promo (bc apparently I haven’t done enough of that lol) I want to mention my wu xie edit which was just so much fun to do and turned out so great and. I just love him a lot ok, he’s a wonderful character and zhu yilong played him so well ♥
I wish you all – all the ppl mentioned here and all who see this and all who still do not – a very merry christmas, happy holidays, and happy new years too! I hope the year 2021 will treat us all well and that you will remain as amazing, lovely, and wonderful as you all have been! ♥ 
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jidai · 4 years
jidai’s budget mutuals/friends appreciation
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Hi, all! I’m quite late with this but I decided to put a small friends and mutual appreciations post in hopes of brightening up the end of this year a little bit. ❤️ If you were tagged, please make sure to check below for a small little message from me. However, I want to make it very clear that I truly appreciate all of my mutuals. You guys brighten up my dash and always reblog or create so many funny and creative posts. I just wanted to give a few special shout outs to those that have taken out the time to reach out and interacted with me past my ask box or we just see each other often.
The messages are ordered by your URL, so you might have to scroll for awhile before you see your messages. I’m so sorry lmao. 
Happy New Years, everyone!
@25th​​, Nonnie, the Young Genius. bro, remind me how old you are 🧍‍♀️ Like my brain CANNOT fathom the thought that you’re so skilled at SO many things and you’re not even in your twenties??? PLEASE SPARE THE TALENT. i will even accept crumbs. But I’m writing to tell you that you are such a wonderful presence on my dash. I always look forward to your gfx. They’re so SO good and you’re improving from one post to another. Like WOW. Now, you’re even starting an art blog, too? You’re so dedicated to the arts. I respect that a lot. Your hard work and commitment will bring you very far in life, whatever you decide to do. 
I love interacting with you. You’re such a big sweetheart and full of positivity and energy. I look forward to seeing more of your art and gfx ❤️
@biscuitwalk​, Dann, the AK Wiz. Dann, I know you’re not as active on here so idk when or if you will ever read this but I want to say that I miss you and your creations so, so much. I will say it a hundred times over and OVER but you inspire me so goddamn much. You have no fucking idea. Your works are absolutely gorgeous and unique. I can look at it once and I can instantly recognize your style (and your cute lil’ pufferfish <3). The way you utilize colors and implement various techniques, shapes, textures into your work. Goddamn, you’re so good. I always look to your work if I ever need inspiration and they help me brainstorm. God, I wish I could put it into words how much I adore your works.
We didn’t really talk for long but you seemed like such a kind and fun person to be around. I wish you the best in your future endeavors, wherever you are. Stay safe <3
@elriccs, Mirai, the Short King. 🧍‍♀️ ok look I know, I know I’m TERRIBLE at replying to you and I’m so fucking sorry. I absolutely love to talk to you but my dumbass cannot seem to reply in a timely manner LASELKSAL. That’s on me and I gotta do better. Anyways!!! Thank you SO fucking much for always leaving such kind messages on my work. I swear to god you’re one of my biggest hype man and I ALWAYS look forward to reading your tags. They’re so funny and it makes me all tingly and happy inside. Bro, like, you just radiate big fun vibes, bro. I really hope that I can get to know you better so I can just insult you until it’s too late to walk away </3
And of course, let me also remind you that I love your works so much. They way that you utilize your textures and those muted colors... OOMPH *chefs kiss* I will always love--
@lockhvrts​​, Em the Soulsborne GOD. hi em 🥺 it’s been awhile since I’ve had a proper conversation with you and I hope you’re doing okay! I miss you and our conversations where we do nothing but geek out and complain about the game industry lmao. if you manage to read this, I just wanted to let you know I miss your presence here. It’s been kinda dull not seeing your beautiful soulsborne gifs and your game rants. Let’s catch up soon. <3 stay safe and well!
@nathanprescutt, Benn, the Man. BENNNNNNNN.  I love you a lot bro. I know we haven’t had long conversations for some time and I hope I can change that! You were my first friend on this blog and I will always appreciate it. I remember us just geeking out over your works and how I would always send you a gfx request like once a week LMAO. The one thing that I have always appreciated about you was the fact that you’re very opinionated (if not, very vocal on your stance on things) and you hold your ground. There were a few time where you encouraged me to speak on topics that I think I shouldn’t and that stuck with me for quite awhile. I’m still a nervous rambling mess when it comes to debates but just know that the one time you supported me to voice my opinion--I hold it very dear to my heart. 
While I don’t spend much time together, I will always remember our animal crossing session. It was  so much fun just trashing and chilling on your island. Especially the bar :( that bar was fucking AMAZING. Maybe once FFXVI comes out, we can geek out hehe
Also, thank you so much for sending in photos of all your doggos, omg. I miss seeing them so much I hope they’re doing well. Stay hot, my German bro lol. Ich bin sehr dankbar, so eine tolle Freundin zu haben. ❤️❤️❤️
@noxdivina​, Lin the Big Dick Daddy Kind. The church is open for business bitch and I’m here to preach the GOSPEL.
Okay, jokes aside, I’m really happy that we became mutuals. You’ve always give off this like, mysterious cosmic vibe (????? huh). And your selfies just further proves that you are wtf. But you’re always so kind to those that you interact with. You’re an absolutely sweetheart and like I just want to give you a giant hug every time we interact. You’re such a soft human being. It’s so nice being around you. It’s like being tossed in the oven and baked at 250 degrees F for 25 minutes. And to boot you’re really talented, hello? God really said let there be a perfect human being and yeeted you into the universe. Thank you for always leaving such kind messages and words in my DM/askbox/works. I cherish them so much. I hope I can get to know you better in the future bc you’re rad, bro <3
anyways, updated drawing of u and maya:
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i always assume you’re in a black fur parka 24/7 and maya is coatless neck down. also deck me with those jacked arms of yours thanks  🧍‍♀️
(edit: fuck i forgot to draw a PARTY HAT ON MAYA IM SORRY)
@rokuseis​, Sei, the Dumber.
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i have nothing to say to you go away you banana hater ASELKSAEKL
BITCH, you doo bee getting on my nerve 24/7/365 🧍‍♀️ you were an unexpected but a very welcomed addition to my life. I can’t believe we really went 1 fuckin’ year without speaking to each other and then suddenly our friendship blew up because over a stupid BANANA. Now you gotta deal with me and my stupid, random, crude ass messages daily. I cannot. Clown to clown communication. But thank you so much bitch for being there for me and telling all of these funny ass stories and life experiences.
I know I don’t say it a lot because when we talk it’s literally just dogs barking at each other but I want to make it clear now: I love your humor and vibe so much. You never fail to make me laugh anytime I talk to you and I appreciate it so much. I can’t tell you how many times I felt better after talking to you. Even though sometimes your fucking jab hits hard and I end up actually inSULTED BY IT. But thank you for becoming my friend and I look forward to all of our stupid moments together. Looking forward to shitting in your sink when I finally fly to your home <3
@wolfamongthem, Anna, the Grinch. Please don’t hurt me for that title. I'm just saying if someone needs a live casting, it’ll be u. Anyways, did you know that I was so fucking intimidated by you for a long ass time, even before we became mutuals aseljas LMAO. I always see your gifs around on explore and they’re so gorgeous and then I look at your text posts and it’s u roasting people like there’s no tomorrow- 🧍‍♀️ bitch I was SCARED OF U KSKS. Now that I’ve talked to you a few times, you’re really funny like where do you find those reaction memes????? Like bro you and your shitposts is my morning cup of coffee. 
Anyways, in 2021 I expect a full-fledge review of all AAA games from you-- no more shit talking in the tags let it all out BITCH. Thank you for being such a great mutual! I look forward to see what weird shit you will send me the next time we talk lmao
@zenien​​, Selm, the I’m-gay-for-Lady-Maria-or-anything-that-moves-in-BB-Bitch™. ok bitch if I’m being honest I wrote yours last so my brain is FRIED. so everything i say from here is raw from the HEARt cause that’s all I got left. But anyhow, we savin’ the best for last! honestly, i didn’t expect you to barge into my life like that. i really didn’t. i was just gonna keep admiring with my 7 feet (2.1336 meters) pole. I’m glad you made the first move because look where we are wtf 🧍‍♀️ friends??? I wouldn’t believe you if you told me that in 2014 when I first followed you lmao. 
You’re such a kind soul. I know you may disagree but I’m determined to convince you. I can’t tell you how much I want to thank you for taking the time to talk to me during my rough bits. It’s like sitting on a wooden bench in a park during sunset and you sit next to me, just enjoying the vast sky. You radiate such peaceful energy. It’s very calming. Or you know, 2 seconds later i’m suddenly suplexed by your 40 tons of insults like what-- 
Thank you for everything, so far. Truly. It’s been so fun listening to you talk about your Bloodborne journey and see your reactions live. It’s been so fun to see you post your graphics and it continues to blow me away. It’s been so fun hearing about your life and the stories of your adulthood. Every words that we have exchanged, I hold dearly to my heart--more than you ever know. Love u bitch.
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blackcloudbyjuly · 4 years
tagged by @iridescentides thank u lovely <3
rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
(obviously i’m gonna do piano covers)
1. i was hiding under your porch because i love you
i think it comes as no surprise to anyone that i ABSOLUTELY LOVE the arrangement i created for iwhuypbily, imo it perfectly presents how you can highlight a part of a song that the og artist didn’t put much emphasis in it (i.e. the last chorus). it’s simple but it HITS HARD and i have put so much love into her i cry
youtube // tumblr
2.  not warriors
i love the harmonies in this so much!! how it feels so full and exciting!! despite the notes and rhythm being on the lower intermediate side of difficulty, i still have to practise somewhat hard for this, and being able to play it perfectly(?) in the end is so rewarding and an absolute joy. also it’s really fun to play the small riff in the chorus just sends me into a happy place
3. play
this is one of the songs awsten leaked on ig live so the audio quality is really bad, so i’m glad i got the gist of it and can make up the notes lol. but more importantly, the piano runs? hellow? mr. knight why do u have to make my life so hard do u know how many times i need to slow down to x.50 speed so i can hear the individual notes? glad that they sound pretty in the end i guess. btw this cover is my most difficult arrangement i’ve played so far because i was never really taught how to play arpeggios so this acted like a self-taught on how to play very simple runs. but i’m proud of myself still (it took me hours of practice)
youtube // tumblr
4. high definition
rarely would i say that i’m like “finished” with an arrangement, because there’s always something you can improve on, but for this arrangement of high definition i can say i’ve done my best and i won’t be touching it for a while bc i feel like it has captured the emotions conveyed in the og song really well (if i dare say so myself)
youtube // tumblr
5.  the unofficial waterparks piano album - a collection of piano covers i made
how can i not mention the 42 minute (sort of) long parx piano album i made earlier in the year? it’s really like a collection of various parx covers i made and put them together, so some of the are really short but still sweet nonetheless. it’s the arrangements i thought up of in the span of two years recorded within two months, so like i worked really hard on it lol
tags:3  @emilyblame @otto-wood @bee-can-art @mcdepresso @cherryfires
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xenbiology · 4 years
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Hello! My name is Professor Alem; though you may simply call me Alem or Professor! My pronouns are they/them. I’m a biologist and author who studies and breeds Xen fauna and their history and relationship with humans. I mainly deal with headcrabs and their domestication, and have even bred a few new types myself! This picture is of me and Paz, a new pattern I am working on :)
I created this blog because I wish to share the information and make it more widely accessible to a human audience, and to answer any questions you all may have on my work!
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So... what is this blog?
This is a Half-Life based askblog that takes place 200 years after the ending of Half-Life 2, and follows my headcanons of Xen biology! It’s is designed so you can send in questions, which will be answered ‘in character’ by Alem, a vortigaunt scientist. It’s also to keep track of any headcrab characters people might have made/adopted.
If you’re familiar with Professor Peach, it’s something sort of like that. Basically, you’re allowed to send in questions that are responded to by Professor Alem, a vortiguant biologist, as if you were a character in the setting. You’re also welcome to send in ‘ooc’ questions as well though!
I also just reblog a bunch of art and posts revolving around xen biology, as well as some memes and such.
This blog is intended to be 16+ because it might contain some upsetting or potentially NSFW content, but all in a biological format (discussions of animal abuse, art of meat/dissections, discussion of breeding behavior and anatomy, etc). Everything will be tagged generously. There won’t be any condoning of mentioned behavior, and no explicit porn or heavily NSFW images.
If you need anything tagged that I didn’t, please let me know.
So is this a roleplay blog?
Er... not exactly. It’s more of an in-character ask blog. But if you have a similar blog, I wouldn’t be opposed to interacting.
Am I allowed to use these headcanons?
Yes, go ahead! I would be thrilled to see anyone using any of these, or even something based off of these. You’re allowed to mix and match and change anything you want for your own personal use. You’re free to make OCs or characters based on any of this stuff too! Make a headcrab! Make a scientist! Go crazy go stupid!
Am I allowed to do fanart / fanworks of _____?
Yes!!!! You’re 100% welcome to draw (or write about, or.. whatever) Alem, any of Alem’s crabs, your own takes on anything or any biology, or just. Anything from or inspired by this blog! I would love to see it!
If you do, please DM it to me- I don’t check my email often, and don’t see @’s! I don’t mind at all!
Who’s the mod?
Hello! My name is Rhi / Bees / Toad, and I’m the mod here behind Prof. Alem! My pronouns are they/them, please. I’m 21, neurodivergent, nonbinary, and going to college for zoology babey!
I run this blog because I think headcrabs are neat, and I love to worldbuild, especially when it comes to biology! You might recognize some of my art and ideas from my other blogs, listed below.
Main || @toadsong​
Half Life / HLVRAI Sideblog || @black-mesa-slut-voice
Art Sideblog || @bees-draws
If you have any questions for me, feel free to send in an ask! Please specify that it’s either directly to me or OOC however, so I know not to answer as Alem!
What exactly is the setting here?
As I mentioned, this blog takes place 200 years after the events of Half-life 2. It sort of... diverges a bit from canon there, since we never got a full conclusion to the story, but this world is working under the assumption that the resistance managed to drive off the Combine from earth, and humanity started to rebuild... but now has alien neighbors and creatures.
Vortigaunts are seen as normal residents and have just as many rights as humans, and it’s not uncommon for them to mingle together as complete equals. Though vortigaunts didn’t used to have names, they must at least legally choose a name to put on paperwork; and many vorts choose to use it for the ease of humans around them, since they’re not tapped into the vortessence.
A lot of animals are extinct in this universe due to the Combine, which is part of why aliens as pets and livestock is much more common. There’s also several new and synthetic species created in the absence of some, which were made by humanity thanks to leftover Combine knowledge.
Technology is roughly in the modern-day level, though some knowledge is more advanced than today’s thanks to leftover Combine tech, and some knowledge is less advanced or lost completely thanks to the destruction of information databases by the Combine. But roughly 2020′s level tech!
Where’s Gordon/Barney/Alyx/etc?
Unfortunately, despite the tech advances, immortality hasn’t been invented yet, and most people can’t live for 200+ years. They’re long passed by now... though the vortigaunts never truly let them be forgotten. Thanks to the vortessent hivemind, Alem knows them just as well as any other vortigaunt knew them. You’re welcome to ask them questions, though they may not be comfortable answering. I have lots of headcanons on them as well, which I might sprinkle in, lol.
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Do not interact with this blog if you’re a bigot. This means do not interact if you’re LGBT+phobic of any kind, antisemetic, a nazi, anti-blm, pro-cop/’blue lives matter’, racist, ‘pro-ship’/pedo/MAP, etc. This includes transphobia, biphobia, and panphobia. If you’re nasty you know who you are. Get outta here!
On that note- despite the warning above, this blog will not particpiate in any political discussion or drama. I simply do not want nasty people interacting with this blog. If you want to discuss anything, at the very least, go to my main/sideblogs. The exception of this is if I reblog something from a nasty person/source- I try to do a brief check of who I reblog from, but sometimes I’m tired or lazy. If you notice content come from a questionable blog, let me know, and I’ll remove it!
Please try not to send in overly explicit or horny questions. Though this blog may discuss mature themes, such as discussions of breeding behavior and anatomy, it’s not going to be horny in nature.
Be aware that if your question is ‘in character’, Alem may refuse to answer it. Unless you’re a recurring person or someone they feel comfortable with, don’t send anything overly weird or personal. Alem is a professional, and is always more than happy to share things they know (sometimes too much), but even they have a line they won’t cross sometimes. On the other hand, even if Alem might not answer it, I probably will! I love to answer questions, even more than Alem :D
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The main 10 cheering up a crying Scholar (Y/N) part 3
Here goes the last part finally... Here we have the last 2 boys: Tegan and Tyler! Like I said they had to be cut because tumblr was all like "YoUr PoSt Is ToO LoNg!" Thanks tumblr. As always.
- you were feeling like shit lately and you just really needed to confide in someone so before you even noticed where your legs were taking you, you were already standing in front of Tegan's room
- it was really late at night so both of you were in your pyjamas already, though in Tegan's case he was most likely still playing video games
- "Is Tyler here?"
- "Oh uh. No, he's not here... yet."
- Going by Tegan's guilty face Tyler probably snuck out... again.
- Tegan is rambling a lot, he's probably really stressed out because he wasn't expecting you out of all people to come this late
- "A-anyway, when he comes back I'll tell him that you were looking for him so..."
- "Wait, no! I wanted to talk with you, I was just asking to know if we're alone. The both of us. Can I come in?"
- you see a faint smile on his face, is it relief? He's probably happy that you were looking for him instead of someone else
- when you come in you can see that he was in fact, playing a game
- "Oh, sorry. I'm probably a bother."
- "What?? No!"
- He shuts the TV off and makes some space on the couch so you can sit
- "I should be the one apologizing, it's such a mess here. If Karolina saw the state of our room she would kill both me and Tyler."
- his familiar quirkiness is making you feel at ease, but when you remember what you came here for it gets harder to speak
- Tegan attentively looks at you while you're trying to find your words
- turns out that no matter how you try to start, you can't go on. Everytime your throat gets tight and your mind goes blank
- "Y/N...? T-take your time, there's no rush... I'll wait. I can even pull an all-nighter while waiting, no big deal!"
- he's trying really hard to sound reassuring but knowing that he's literally ready to NOT get any sleep tonight just to listen to what you have to say makes the pressure even stronger
- You start crying and cover your face out of embarrassement
- Tegan.exe has stopped working
- "Woah! Uhhh... Y-Y/N?? I'm sorry! Is it me?? Is it because of the other day when I laughed so hard that I spilled cola on your uniform?! Is the stain not coming out? Please don't cry I'll buy you a new one!"
- This boi is a wreck
- It's like he's on an emotional roller-coaster without knowing what the ride is about
- "Noooo... it's not your fault... thank you for being there for meeee..."
- "O-okay! Good to know! But what can I do to help?"
- You keep on sniffling and bawling
- "Ummm... could I get a hug?"
- "Yes! Anything!"
- squeezes you in his arms tightly... maybe too tightly. Where's all of this strength in PE?
- You already knew that he was tall but now you can really tell that he's a tree
- once you stop crying it gets a little awkward
- Well, to be fair it's always a bit awkward with Tegan, but in a good way
- "Um. So. I was playing Mycraft, wanna play?"
- You end up sitting on his lap while he creates a new world in the game just for you
- "Here. Even if you never played Mycraft you probably heard things about it right?"
- "Yeah, they got an update recently right? With the bees and stuff."
- You guys spend a few hours building things turn by turn while taming different animals in game, like dogs, horses, parrots and whatnot
- in the end you explain the situation pretty calmly
- You can see Tegan tighten his grip on the controller whenever you get to the parts of the story that are unpleasant
- he doesn't say it but he's clearly angry about all the things that happened to you
- overall the evening/night is well spent building houses and getting jumpscared by creepers
- next morning you wake up on the couch and see that Tegan is sleeping in his bed while Tyler is trying his hardest to not make any sounds while walking in the room, which is impossible because of the mess
- "Ah Y/N, you're up! Haha so you had a good time with Tegan when I was gone huh? You bad children. Sooo scandalous, I'll go snitch to Lady A."
- You sit up on the couch in a hurry
- "W-what do you mean?"
- Tyler has got the most mischievous grin that you've ever seen
- "Get this: when I came back yesterday at 4am, you were sleeping in Tegan's arms while he was still playing Mycraft. He said that he didn't want to move around because you'll wake up, but honestly? It was probably because he was planning on sleeping with you on the couch if I didn't get ba-"
- A pillow flew towards Tyler's head from behind him
- looks like Tegan woke up
- "S-shut up! I-I wasn't... I mean... Ugghh! It's like when a cat falls asleep on your lap! You wouldn't want to wake it up, right? That's all it was."
- "Can't relate. I think you're spending too much time with your online furry friends."
- "I don't even *have* furry friends."
- "Yeah. Well, maybe because *you're* the furry friend."
- they have a short pillow fight while you're still trying to remember everything that happened yesterday, well, technically it was today but whatever
- You leave their room in a good mood while Tegan is already planning on hacking a few phones...
- Noticed it the moment you didn't greet anyone in the morning
- Usually you start the day by saying hi to everyone but that day you went past them as swiftly as you could and made your way to your seat
- Tyler, of course didn't want to bring any attention to you since that's what you were trying to avoid in the first place
- he did his best to sneak out of his group of friends and came to your desk
- "Hey Y/N! Not feeling good today? Want to talk about it?"
- "...Not now, sorry."
- Great! He'll spend the whole day wondering what's wrong
- can't concentrate in class or in anything really, not even his art
- You always come to mind whenever he tries to do anything
- so he's being really adorable with you the whole day, and the following days
- Helps you carry your belongings, even if they're super light
- also carries your food tray at the cafeteria
- "You need more water? Wait! Wait, I'll get it."
- he even pulls out the best weapon against sadness
- wholesome memes.
- he sends them constantly when classes are over
- You end up calling him over because you can see how worried he is, and also because you trust him and need to talk to someone instead of staying alone all the time
- you can see that he read your message but he's not answering. Weird.
- a few seconds later someone is knocking at your door
- "Y/N!!! I'm here! What do you need??"
- You open the door and see that Tyler is out of breath and wearing a panda beauty mask, it's honestly kinda hilarious to see
- "Please don't laugh... I was just doing my skincare routine."
- "No I understand but... haha, you look like you got beat up from both sides. Doesn't really look like a panda."
- you guys sit down and have a casual talk
- Tyler manages to make you laugh a few times with some stories from before you came to Arlington, though it was mostly about him and Tegan screwing around
- then Tyler looks at the time
- "Oh! It's time to take it off! Observe the magic of my "beat up from both sides" mask!"
- His face is literally glowing, he looks like he has baby skin
- that's when you decide that it's time to tell him about your troubles
- When he had the mask on you didn't feel like the conversation could get serious because of how ridiculous it looked
- You start speaking really softly, so softly that Tyler most likely couldn't hear you properly so he got closer
- When your voice starts to break he puts his arm around your shoulders and rests his head on yours
- and when you start crying he takes one of your hands into his
- he's carefully rubbing your hand with his thumb while you continue speaking
- When you're done and you've calmed down he kisses you on your forehead and hugs you
- he didn't say anything while you were telling him about your problems but his way of comforting you was surprisingly really physical
- Tyler already knows that it's a personal matter and he can't help you directly but he's gonna do his best to be there when you need it and distract you from it
- When you guys call it a night and he goes back to his room you realize just how romantic that moment was
- You have second hand embarrassement while remembering how gentle and caring he was while you were literally bawling
- You keep on silently screeching and making weird sounds into your pillow while recalling everything
- You cringe so hard at some of the things you said and the way you cried was honestly worth of an actress in a drama
- 'Oh wow. Maybe Tyler's dad will hire me just to cry on screen in one of his movies...'
- a few days later when you feel a lot better Tyler admits something to you
- "Please, don't take it in a weird way but... I thought that you're really cute when you're crying."
- Um...?
- "Dude. Tyler. Do you even realize what you're saying?"
- "I know! I'm sorry! But I swear I don't mean it in a like- you know, creepy way or anything! I swear!"
- "How can this not be creepy?"
- "Uhh... Nevermind. Forget I said anything..."
- the both of you keep on having a good time while Tyler is secretly plotting a little revenge
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britishchick09 · 4 years
sherlock s2 ep 1 livewatch
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welcome to a new (cumber)batch of eps! i’m excited to see all the iconic moments in this one :D
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i haven’t even played the dvd yet and it’s glorious :’)
ooh it starts with a ‘previously’!!!
moiarty is amazing (and this recap is so dramatic!)
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also seeing the old channel 8 logo in the corner is so cool! :D
HOLD UP why is bee gees playing
‘staying alive’ lol funny since he’s about to get shot :D
moiarty: “SAY THAT AGAIN!!!!!” say that again QUIETER MOIARTY GEEZ
and he just walks away!!!
shoe sherlock cool
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sherlock 2 NOW
oh no it’s irene alder...
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masterpiece INTRO YAAAASSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!
me watching sherlock be like:
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the masterpiece trust is just rich people cool
omg the viking river cruises spon is the same as today! :D
woah they’re playing a movie trailer! :o
it’s a british movie obviously and i’ve never heard of it OBVIOUSLY
the scottish host guy is talking and i love it :D
host: “his mind has more apps than an iphone” lol
“a series of his three most famous cases begins! are you ready?” HECK YEAH LET’S GOOOO!!!!!!
YAS the blog scene!
sherlock: “what are you typing?” john: “a blog... about us”
lady: “i think my husband is having an affair.” sherlock: “yes”
sherlock thinks cases are boring except
sherlock ‘cases don’t need titles’ holmes
lestrade: “any ideas?” john: “eight so far” wowza :o
sherlock ‘don’t mention the unsolved cases’ holmes
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glasseslock!!!!! :D
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eyyyyyyyy ;D
people want pics of sherlock and john do johnlockers exist in this universe? :o
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lol :D
irene is seductively putting her hand on lockie’s newspaper pic ewww :(
mrs. hudson hates the fridge
mrs. hudson: “BOYS YOU’VE GOT ANOTHER ONE!!!’ *insert meme here*
ooh it spins into a flashback!
sherlock’s in the sheet! :o
*phone rings* sherlock: SHUT. UP!!!!” lol :D
john’s holding his laptop around lol :D
john: ‘there’s a mute button and i will use it” aka the 2020 president debates
woah some random guys are in lockie’s house and john needs a helicopter what’s up with that????
john looks under...
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mycroft is the queen now
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john smol be like :o
guy: “mr holmes the younger”
john be like o///o ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 
o lockie’s’s in clothes again :/
mycroft doesn’t trust the secret service welcome to america
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i don’t like irene not because there’s apparently a thing between her and sherlock but because she’s a bit creepy!
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sherlock: “photographs of whom?” ooh how fancy
sherlock: “laters!!” lol! :D
irene’s friend is named kate like channel 8 being called ‘kaet’! :D
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fashionista! :o
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yes this is ‘the right armor’ lockie
john: “you didn’t even change your clothes!” lol :D
sherlock: “go on punch me in the face” lol :D
watson: “i always hear ‘punch me in the face’ when you’re speaking in subtext” ...wut o_O
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are sherlock and irene being shipped because they were naked in the same up
irene: “i could cut myself slapping your face” louise belcher wants your number
bi john when he sees irene: o///o “...i’ve missed something haven’t i?”
sherlock isn’t affected by naked irene thus i headcanon him as aro/ace (or even demi/ace in john’s case like my own holmes character) thank you and good night
irene just sits her bare butt on the chair why
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also this font is so basic WHY LOCKIE
irene: “somebody loves you” *glances at john* ok i like her a tad she gets it ;)
john: “put something on, please. like.. a napkin?” lol :D
also john giggles at naked sherlock and is like ‘plz no’ with naked irene (although i would be too that lady is OUT THERE)
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ooh antiques roadshow! :D
also she’s dressed like lockie NO
irene: “brainy is the new sexy” plz no :(
she took her clothes off ‘to make an impression’ yep
WAIT  they were just outside now they’re back in wut???
irene was born in the 80s cool :D
WOAH why are there more guy with guns?
and *le gasp* AN AMERICAN????
ooh what was the code? :o
sherlock just flipped a phone LIKE A FLIP PHONE OHHHH
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irene is number 1 sherlock fan besides john confirmed
at first i thought it was a fandom phrase but it’s not! :o
this reminds me of a certain sw ship... :(
yeah i don’t ship them AT ALLLLLL NOW
the key code is irene’s measurements DOES SHE MEAN...
the camera’s spinning FLASHBACK???
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woah are they in the case?? this could be sherlock’s mind palace!
irene: “you got that just from one look? definitely the new sexy” NONONONONOO
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outside bed
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awww sweet bby ;)
did john tuck him in?
CRAP it was ireneeeeee >:(
the way she says ‘hush now it’s ok...’ is like count olaf in the hostile hospital when he drugs violet :o
lestrade filmed loopy sherlock lol :D
john: “ahhh back to bed!” awww :)
sherlock: “iiii’m fine i’m absolutely fine!!!’ drugged sherlock is a treasure ♥
sherlock: ”why would i need you?” john: “no reason at all” :)
ew was that an irene phone moan gross
mrs. hudson: “family is all we have in the end, mycroft holmes!” mycroft: “oh shut up, mrs. hudson!” john: “my-“ sherlock: “MYCROFT!!!!” lol :D
mrs. hudson: “it’s a bit rude that noise isn’t it?” indeed!!
sherlock: “you can follow her on twitter” TWITTER IN THE HOLMESVERSE????
sherlock: “there’s more! much more” but wait... THERE’S MORE!
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cool sweater john!!! :D
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molly: ‘having christmas drinkies then?” wallace wants walkies thank you very much
john: “she’s off the booze!” sherlock: “nnnope” john: “shut up sherlock” lol
john to sherlock: ‘take a day off” lockie doesn’t know the concept mr doc
sherlock still has the irene moan after all this time WHY
finding irene on christmas coolio :D
molly: “how did sherlock recognize her by... without her face?” ;)
sherlock smoking bad >:(
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smiley smiley :)
awww sherlock plucked a bit :)
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john: “you flirted with sherlock holmes? “someone jellyyyy ;)
irene: “you jealous?” john: “we’re not a couple!” irene: “yes you are.” ;)
john: “i’m not actually gay” irene: “well i am” IRENE LESBIAN GOOD!!!!
irene: “look at us both” (or perhaps bi like john could be...?)
biiiiiig door creak
UGH american... >:(
someone comfort mrs. hudson!! :(
sherlock: “take away your boys. it makes up for too much stupid in the room” he’s surrounded by idiots...
awww he’s comforting mrs. hudson :)
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john comfort! ♥
the guy’s tied up like the foody moody in bob’s burgers cool :D
awww mrs. hudson’s in shock :(
sherlock: “mrs. hudson leaving baker street? england would fall!” awww! :D
john says ‘alive’ like an irish guy :D
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happy violin new year! :D
sherlock’s xraying a phone lol
john said ‘in your bedroom’ BUT IT’S HIS AND SHERLOCK’S
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and irene’s! :o
sherlock: “who wants to kill you?” irene: “killers” lol :D
sherlock said ‘the strand’!!!! :D
irene looks better without lipstick :)
the code is ‘i am SHERlocked’ HOW DO THEY NOT KNOW???
random john middle name reveal lol :D
john’s is hamish and eugene’s (from tangled) is hoarace... it’s the weird h middle name club! :D
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sesame street time :D
...what in the world did sherlock just spout
john said ‘flight double o 7′ JAMES BOND REFERENCE????
MYCROFT IS SAYING ‘BOND ERE IS GO’ yep that’s bond!!!
sherlock didn’t notice john was gone for 2 hours lol :D
ooh sherlock says ‘second world war’ instead of ‘world war two’ :o
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sherlock: “that’s not the end of the world, that’s mrs. hudson” lol :D
mycroft: “that’s the deceased, always late” hey yeah :o
oh hey irene
irene: “jim moiarty sends his love” ha ha funny love :D
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bada bing BADA BOOM!!!!!!!!!
wowza it’s been 6 months since they met???
sherlock: “sorry about dinner” *leaves* yesss :)
i’m glad they didn’t kiss and just held hands that was nice to make johnlock dreams fly :)
john told sherlock she was in amurica good :)
lockie wants her camera phone aww :(
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way better than any hand holding irene and sherlock did! ♥
awww irene texted sherlock goodbye :(
ew the irene moan one last time...
sherlock laughed and called her ‘a woman... the woman’ awww :)
that was a bittersweet ending! :)
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aaaand it’s over!
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next time... ;)
that was a great season premiere!!! irene was kind of cool (i like how she and sherlock were just friends) and the mystery was engaging as always. and of course... it was nice finally hearing lockie’s violin!! here’s to next time! :D
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astrogone · 4 years
❝ @ mutuals, send me a 🍓 and I’ll compliment you! ❞     /     pt. 3
🍓 @gardenshe: Kage, wow, I swear, every time I see you on my dash, I legit get that meme of the “FUCK everybody else— I RESPECT you” gif playing in my head. You’re so powerful?! Not should this chaotic community be fucking quaking at your presence, but the whole wide world. Honestly, the way you’re so open about these things that need to be said and heard is amazing, and while I get that people come on here to write and not be reminded how shitty our world is, I don’t know, I love when people are vocal about what is harmful and / or dangerous to so many people on here and in real life. You’re so mindful and understanding and loving though, and even when you make a mistake, you are willing to listen to what others have to say and improve yourself. I fucking love that a lot for you and you bet I’m always gonna be sipping my respect juice for you. I hope you know that you do have a wonderful heart and you deserve so many good things, and if anyone ever got a problem with you, I’ll throw them to the void. I hope to interact with you more as you’re a delight to talk to from our brief interactions on the dash and IMs ( I’m just a butt at carrying conversations, not gonna lie, but just know that you have my heart and soul ). So happy and grateful that we got to meet and be friends. Also! With Poppy, she is so wonderful, oh my gosh, I love how much you would try to give her so much care and love in her character, and just? I’m so fucking thrilled to see her more in the future. You’re the beest. <3
🍓 @godbanes: Ari, you are beyond brilliant, please never ever forget that!... The way you put so much time and effort in everything and everyone you create, with the amount of research, passion— it’s brilliant! I don’t even know how you do it, but just how you write, think, you never fail to amaze me. I’m going to say this straight up that you’re one of my inspirations from this Hellsite and I’m just. So fucking grateful that I decided to peek into your blog when I saw you in a thread with someone on my dash. That we got to interact more because? Honestly? You are the stars to my world. I always get so happy seeing you on my dash, even if you just reblog something you associate your muses with, or when I see a message from you. You! Make me so joyful, friend. You easily made a home in me and I want to thank you greatly for being very kind, patient, understanding, and for sharing your talent and wonders to this chaotic community, or, really, the world, that honestly doesn’t deserve to have you. You’re just too good for us. I always have the delight writing or chatting with you, and we can have over twenty threads together and hold a conversation with over different tens topics happening at once, and I wouldn’t ever mind that at all because, seriously, you’re so much fun to interact with and one of the people at the moment who made my— not just roleplay experiences on this shitty site or in general— but also my life more fun. I want to offer more of my love to you because truly, you deserve all of the good things in this universe and I’d be more than happy to throw some good things through complimenting you, but this is honest to God the longest compliment I had given to anyone yet and I don’t want to ramble for too long, so. Just know that I’m just extremely grateful that we had met and I can already consider you as a close friend who I cherish and protect at all cost. I love you so much to the sun and back. <3
🍓 @seekesotsibteadmist: Kyrian, uh, hi!? We literally recently started interacting with each other and?! Please remember that you’re amazing, like, what the heck... I already said this in our Discord, but I swear, your writings, lores, and everything else in your blogs are amazing?! I really had a blast going through your blogs and learning more about your muses. There is so much love in them and it makes me so delighted to see the passion given from the bottom of the hearts. I love when people are like that to their creations— make them feel real and believable. Also, your writings are breathtaking to read. When you replied to the meme thread with Saima and Poseidónas, I was instantly blown away with the voice you had created in them through their response to Poseidónas; it’s rich, and touching, and I could feel the emotions in their words. You have that wonderful talent, and I can not absolutely wait to see more of it and interact with you more. You’re fucking awesome, friend. <3
🍓 @timidstrcngth: Except... Carp said I should compliment myself as to have some self love, so, uh, me, Atlas, I love how far I had created this universe and the amount of time and effort I would put in my creations from writings, characters, to lores, so forth, despite how often I get dragged in real life and erratic my motivation and energy is in doing anything. I love that I love my creations out of, honestly, spite towards how I function with how my life is because of what I just said: Busy schedule, erratic motivation, and all. ( It’s sad, yeah, but it’s better than not to love any of my work at all. ) I love how I would try to be that someone who’d try to be a reminder to everyone that they’re never alone as that they will always be loved and cared for, I love that I’m resilient despite anything that would happen to me and I’m usually easy to move on from the difficulties I have to face, and I love that at the end of the day, I can still find myself telling to myself that everything will be alright in the end. Overall, I’m pretty cool, I suppose. <3
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appreciation station
buckle up my little galaxy, it’s time for STARSHINE GETS SAPPY ABOUT NEW YEAR’S AND RAMBLES LIKE A LOON
so, i just wanna start by saying how much i love this community? like, as a whole? this was the first online fandom i became so invested in! i did write fic before this, primarily for vld (this was back when we had, like, 2 seasons and there was still hope). but i was never a PART of that community - the discourse was just too much and the fandom was too big for me to truly get invested, y’know? 
this is the first real online community i’ve become a part of and BOY do i love it. you all made me feel SO LOVED and SO WELCOME and honestly sometimes you go through some shit in your life and you just need people to be sunshiney and oh my lord do you people have it in SPADES. every time i’ve needed a pick me up, you have all been so loving and wonderful and supportive and incredibly patient when fic takes forever (i’m working on that, i promise). so basically, thank you all. you’re all incredible.
there are, of course, a few people who deserve to be recognized by name and i’m sticking THAT nonsense below the cut, so if this is where you stop reading, please know that i love and appreciate every single one of you, and we are going to GET this BREAD in 2019 BITCHES. it’s the year of the bisexual, and i’m gonna make it my (bi)tch. <3 
@accio-hufflepuff-power1 NICKY!!! you were one of the very first people to ask to be tagged in my writing! (i think you were the first one, actually). i think you’re amazing, and i know i’m shitty at answering messages but i love you so much you’re such a gr8 friend 
@the-frosty-doctor WE BECAME MUTUALS BACK WHEN YOU WERE STILL GOING BY romaning-daydreams DO YOU REMEMBER? you were my very first sanders sides mutual and you were the very first person to hear about lovely dark and deep! that fic would never exist without you, and i’ll be grateful forever. 
@ironwoman359 HEY TAAAAAAYLOOOOOR so you reblogged every single pattonella piece with commentary and honestly that commentary is one of the things that inspired me to keep writing it. i would sit there and refresh the notes and wait for you to see it and rb it and now we’re BUDS and it’s GREAT you’re such a gr8 writer i rlly look up to you i’m still amazed that you follow lil’ ol’ me you’re great i love you <3 
@ethospathoslogan PETTY! BITCH! WIFE! i was so incredibly fucking nervous to talk to you bc i had read and fangirled over your fic for like, three weeks before i ever messaged you. (also i thought you were like 24, but that’s more down to my inability to read roman numerals than anything). but i was SO HAPPY that we started talking bc i think you’re AMAZING and you’re the loml babe i’m so happy to be your wife. i love your work and i love you and you were my first internet wife i stan you so hard. 
@breloomings DANIEL!!! i was so nervous to talk to you bc your art is SO GOOD and it makes me SO HAPPY and i really hope you’re doing okay! i know we haven’t talked in a few months bc we’re both so busy but i really, truly hope that you’re doing okay and i hope we get to talk a lot more soon! 
@backatthebein RILEY you were one of the very first people i befriended! you were a huge supporter of pattonella just like taylor was and you always encouraged me even when i didn’t have any confidence in myself. i have had plenty of anxiety crises with you in earshot, and you’ve always been there for me. i love you so much, riley, you’ve always been in my corner and i hope you know i’m always in yours. plus, you send me great posts all the time! they’re either analogical or bisexual memes or memes in general or positivity support and honestly you’re amazing i love you sm 
@notveryglittery DAAAAANIIIII do you remember when you sent me an ask like OMG YOU FOLLOWED ME I’M SO HONORED and i realized that i hadn’t and i was like “THAT IS A CRIMINAL MISTAKE!” so i followed you on the SPOT. (tbh i thought i was following you already, i think tumblr unfollowed you for me bc tumblr.) you’re the royality stan to my analogical stand and i absolutely adore that we hardcore ship along an axis bc it makes writing fic SO MUCH FUN! usually if i have analogical i also have royality and vice versa with your writing and it’s just. mmm. yes. iconic. i love you so much, you’re so creative and inventive and supportive and you’re beautiful. 
@shesavampirequeen AAAARIIIIIIEEEEELL! we first met bc you popped into my inbox to say “hey” once and you just kept coming back! i actively looked for you in my inbox bc seeing you always made my day, and i always looked forward to your comments! and then i learned you were ALSO an analogical stan and my heart was SOLD! you’re sweet and funny and so, so kind and i am SO happy that i reached out to get to know you better bc it was one of the best decisions of my life. you’re absolutely amazing in every way, ari, and i love you <3
@bumblebeekitten BEEEEEE BEE BEE BEE BEE BEE! i first met YOU because i asked for questions about ldad lore to take my mind off my computer being broken. you YEETed yourself into my askbox and you asked like twelve thousand questions and they were all about things i hadn’t even thought about before! and that was GREAT because while i was busy answering your questions, i completely forgot the panic attack i’d been having about my computer! and now we’re BFFS and we’re WIVES and we’re RP PARTNERS and i honestly love all of the above! you’re so creative and talented and beautiful and i love you so, so much. i’m so happy we’re friends now <3 
@fangirltothefullest T A S H I! we first met because you reblogged one of my sneak previews of lovely dark and deep and said “i would love to do fanart of this!” and then i YEETED MY PHONE ACROSS THE ROOM and screamed for five minutes. i STILL can’t believe that we’re friends, you’re so amazing and sweet and awesome! i love our rp, i love that i took one look at your fusions and was like ALL OF THESE ARE MINE NOW ALLOW ME TO WRITE ALL YOUR FUCKING LORE and you were like THAT SOUNDS N E A T I’M TOTALLY DOWN TO LET YOU DO THAT! and now i co-mod the blog and just. halk;fas;dlkfj alskdf .asf ad. i am so INCREDIBLY LUCKY to have met you and i’m so grateful that you let me do this and i’m so happy that we’re bffs bc i love you so much, honey. you’re amazing <3 
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socialismformilfs · 6 years
Mutual appreciation post
So a lot of people did one so here I am hoes
@jungkooksbuttons Hafsa there is no word to describe how much you mean to me, for real I could write a novel about how I feel about you but I’m sure you already know that with all the paragraphs I sent you mon cœur lol: did you know you’re the only person in my life that I wrote paragraphs for? That’s how much you mean to me. I don’t know you’re just amazing and you inspire me to try harder because I know that even if times get harder for both of us we got each back’s and i don’t plan on giving up now that i found you my other half: you’re so damn amazing like I can’t put it into words but you’re funny, pretty, thoughtful and I feel so comfortable with you?? It’s like we can do and say everything to each other without judgment and that’s something I never done before with anyone else but you, i also love how we’re both crackheads and we can talk for hours about nothing but still have fun somehow. Seriously you became such an important part of my life, I actually didn’t expect that when I first joined the gc but now I realized that was the best decision I made this year because I got to meet you. I have so much to say but I’m going to stop now because it’s not a Hafsa appreciation post djjdj seriously babe I love everything about you: your qualities and your flaws and nothing will ever change that
@bloomingjiminie I have so much to say about you didi oml i don’t even know where to start, you were the first person that talked to me in the gc and we got along so well?? I was chocked because I usually get hated easily lol but no with you, it was so easy it’s like you have a power to make people feel comfortable talking to you and that’s amazing, you’re amazing. Honestly I was a bit sad when we stopped talking for a while but then we did our gc and BAAM you became one of my closest friends and soulmate. I’m so glad I honestly made this gc because it brought me closer to you and the others. You’re an incredible writer and I have the best ideas with you and joking around with you is so easy because you have a great sense of humor so I’m not scared to say the dumbest things to you because I know you’ll end up saying dumb stuff too. You also know when to stop joking around and being caring to me when I feel upset and that means a lot. I love you chicken to my frog legs even if you clown me but it’s fair because I clown you too lmaoo
@chen-stans-are-the-best KERI you living legend and my partner in crimes, you’re so damn cool like everything about you is wow, you’re so sweet and loving but at the same time we know we can count on you if we’re in trouble to defend us. You laugh and put up with my dumbass like no one else and that means a whole lot because I know that it doesn’t make everyone laugh like it does with you and I tend to be annoying. I know we tease you a lot about you driving for example but you never get mad and that’s nice to know I can joke around without making you upset. Also you’re a genius, the ideas you create and the evil plan we did once was hilarious and wonderful to do with you. You’re a cutie (even if you say you’re not) and I love talking to you my soul sister because I know you’re here to listen if necessary. Even if I’m bad at expressing how I feel, I want you to know that I won’t leave this gc even if I get banned somehow because you guys became my family and you’re dear to me Keri, I love you (I wanted to make it dark purple cause it’s your favorite color but I don’t know if it’s dark enough lol)
@little-bunny-jungkookie Rae the queen of moodboards and my close friend, honestly you’re so friendly and creative and kind to me, I’m honored?? You’re an angel and I’m not joking even if you may disagree and I’m so happy you consider me as your friend. I know I can talk to you about serious situations without hesitation and go to you anytime to ask you for some advices and I’m forever grateful for that. You might have joined recently but it’s like we’ve been friends for a long time and I can talk to you in vc or send you random pics without thinking about it twice because you have such a comforting and peaceful presence for me, I know I can trust you. You may have flaws but know that it doesn’t make you less of a good person because your qualities have more impact on others than your flaws and your feelings are valid no matter what anyone say. You’re a great person and friend to me and I love you very much Rae and sorry I pronounced your name wrong at first djdj
@seokjinownsmyass My bro Mina, you’re so talented with what you write and we have so many moments together like the time we were teasing Simon and Dee about their “platonic” relationship was iconic or the whole thread we did with the « 🌚🌝 ». I love listening to you rant because that’s so cute (Raena is thriving) and it makes me feel closer to you, I’m happy you’re my bro and I know I joke around a lot and tease you but you’re really an important friend to me and I miss you a lot when we don’t talk. I care about you Mina and I’ll fight you if you doubt yourself because I love you so does Rae and others and you and your memes are the best so don’t ever think for a second that we’ll stop loving you bro because that won’t happen, I’m stubborn af after all. I hope you’ll join the vc soon tho I want to hear you voice Mina jkjk you don’t have to if you don’t want to
@killcomet Starlight, you’re so precious I literally can’t, you always tag me in cute things and I just melt because that’s how adorable you are and I appreciate it because it feels like you’re thinking about me even if we’re not talking that much lately so it makes me feel better and your voice is beautiful, I could listen to it for hours. You may say you’re annoying but that’s not the case hon: your flaws, your insecurities, your doubts, everything about you matters to me and don’t ever hesitate to text me because you might believe you’re annoying, personally it makes me happy to know I can be here for you and I’m always here if you want to talk Drew. I may not be physically present but I still will do my best to help you in any way. I love you and talking to you until 5 am was goal (Simon was here but he kept leaving so technically it was just the two of us dhdh)
@lofisapphic Bee omg you’re so fun to talk to you because we do so many icon things together first it started with the Simon protection club then the crush squad and finally the pickup lines war, I can’t I’m actually screaming everytime you send a pickup line to me jdjdjd im still surprised honestly we haven’t been banned but I’m not complaining. Also you’re so pretty like stop sis that’s not fair and you’re great because even if we have different opinions sometimes, we still respect each other and you’re very mature and respectful on a lot of subjects and that’s impressive, i stan. Anyway I love you and your gay panicking ass
@puppieseokie fay sis you’re iconic seriously, l miss you ranting about your girlfriend on the gc and I was kind of sad when you and bee left but it’s understandable. Your mind is a gift from the god seriously: you love hoseok and bts, you ship shrek and Yoongi and you’re a gay legend. I respect you ma’am and if you have cute moments with your gf, don’t hesitate to talk to me about it~
@simonbunnyjunior SIMON my French talking little bro, you’re the kinkiest person I met in a while but that’s goal honestly. You’re kind af and you do your best to help and make everyone feel better. You’re shameless but at the same time you’re still respectful so i live for that. ALSO the nickname you gave me is so fucking cute, I’m screaming. I admire you for not giving up even tho things are hard for you sometimes and I hope you know you can talk to me anytime if you feel like things are getting too difficult for you to handle. Love you
@bangtansoftboys Robin it’s been a while since the last time you were in the gc, I hope you’re okay and I hope you know that we’re joking when we’re teasing you because we’re crackheads anyway love you cute king~
@sundaetae Dee I own you a lot honestly because without you I wouldn’t have joined this gc so thank you so much and you were the first person I directly ever talked to so I think it’s cause of you I was able to not be shy anymore and I’m grateful for that Dee love u sis
@diamondjoonie Andrea hello~ i know we interacted like once but you sound like a great person to hang out with because the only time we talked we did memes and I wasn’t feeling awkward talking to you so if you ever feel like chatting again, don’t hesitate to message me
@busted-aesthetic MEL you’re so cool seriously, I know we just started talking recently but you’re so funny and you have like an aura that says don’t fuck with me cause I’ll hunt you down djjd talking to you until 6 am with mon cœur was hilarious especially when you guys started teaching me how to pronounce things correctly, iconic. Anyway I hope things get better and love you queen
@kingdomzeldaquest LOTTe my murderer and non-existent friend, I love our inside jokes that we had because now we can confuse others for no reason and that’s goal. You’re funny af and talking to you is nice because you’re an intellectual and your taste in music is great. Love you and don’t get arrested lmaoo
@spraklecrackle Thomas heyyyy i remember talking to you once? When we created the « Simon protection club » and you were super nice and you join the club so you’re a legend. We should talk sometimes and I saw you’re French too so hell yes French squad
@alien-the-magician Yasemin you’re so djdjjd literally you join the gc once in a year but everytime you’re here it’s hilarious for example the Dracula is your ancestor thing and when you were drunk lmaooo I love you and your drunk ass
@justramblingaboutthings HEYYY Raquel how are you? It’s been a while since I saw you, I miss screaming about Dia’s talent with you. Take care of yourself and hope you’re okay
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tadmean-aa · 6 years
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what  is  your  OTP  for  your  character? happiness.....cries
what  are  you  willing  to  write  when  it  comes  to  shipping? pretty much anything? other than my own content warnings that have nothing to do with shipping (gore etc), and preferring but not necessarily requiring a fade-to-black for smut, i’m down for it all! the only thing i can think of is answered in the next question. 
how  large  does  the  age  gap  have  to  be  to  make  it  uncomfortable? coco’s 19 in my main verse and rarely aged up or down, excluding adult verses / aus and her pre-rwby verse, so another 18+ muse is an absolute must to avoid any Squickiness (i don’t really write ships in any of my younger verses that don’t transfer over to an older one, which avoids any confusion). as for the maximum age of other character(s), it depends? coco’s been shipped with literal immortal beings before so, as long as they’re over 18, it’s fine by me
are  you  selective  when  shipping? yes and no ! i require chemistry between coco n whoever the muse(s) are at the very least, but im not like GO AWAY PEASANT if someone asks. all i need is chemistry and / or good plotting & we’re good to go !
how  far  do  steamy  moments  have  to  go  before  they’re  considered  NSFW? anything you couldn’t get away with in public imo. then i break out the read more
who  are  the  other  characters  you  ship  your  character  with? uh,,,,sweats,,,, A LOT of my ships are with hal / @remnesque (i love u bb) so they’re who comes to mind but i ship with lots of other amazing people ! like @blckandbruises, @intiqaam, @soughtbirthright, @magicxecustos, @shieldnsword, @lotusisms, and probably some other people im forgetting ! i also have lots of cool rp partners that do non romantic interactions & some im still plotting with, but holy heck we’d be here all day if i listed everyone. heck i need to make a positivity list i think, im gonna get on that
does  one  have  to  ask  to  ship  with  you? ask sounds so formal asfjasdfl id prefer a discussion before romantic elements get introduced BUT at the same time unrequited feelings are fun so it’s totally cool for a muse to have those for coco ! i also just prefer to talk about it beforehand bc i like to make sure all partners are comfy with coco’s Extraness and that no lines are being crossed
how  often  do  you  like  to  ship? a lot ! for me shipping is also platonic, etc, and just really means any dynamic thats interesting and fun to rp so! LOTS OF SHIPPING /throws confetti
are  you  ship  obsessed  or  ship  more-or-less? i try to be ship more-or-less re: romance because i like complicated interactions but coco is...clenches fist,,,, just too cute and there always ends up being love involved. DAMNIT
are  you  multi-ship? yep! all ships are in a different verse unless its a poly ship or a plot or something.
what  are  your  favorite  ships  in  your  current  fandom? sweats....i dont really ship anything in rwby honestly, except cfvy shop pairings / my own plotted ships & a lil bit of whiterose & renora. im not a big fan of Heavy Discourse unless its totally necessary, so none of the ships really appeal to me bc of how much baggage comes with them all, particularly bees. i also have problems with how a lot of them are handled and the fandom surrounding them and its all just. Big No Thank U
finally,  how  does  one  ship  with  you? just roll into my ask or ims !!! send me a spicy ask. tag me in something. lets do it babey
tagged  by: stole it off @rebclangcl tagging: anyone who wants to ! tag me if you do so i can Snoop :)
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matriiiarch · 6 years
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Send me ♥ and I’ll write some positivity for a blog that I follow.
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@patriiiarch - i cannot start off this positivity meme without first gushing about my gomez / my muse’s other half / my favorite scottish gem !! i am forever in awe of starry and her perfect interpretation of gomez addams. literally my blessing, i couldn’t have asked for a better rp partner, seriously. since the moment she first followed me, i was ecstatic and we’ve built up such an amazing rapport, gushing about the addams family, diving into hidden secrets with bts information & detail, really getting into the knitty gritty. we instantly clicked and the rest is history. she has such an amazing understanding of her character (of all of her muses, really) which is so refreshing and fun to experience. she doesn’t sugar-coat anything and her writing is impeccable! not only is she one of the sweetest people i’ve ever come to know on here, but she is equally as talented in everything that she does. her gomez in particular is pure perfection, to the point that my morticia would be nothing without them. we all strive to have that one writing partner where they just make our own muses complete and i found that in starry, of whom i am eternally grateful for. her attention to detail, the mindset she’s created for gomez, literally everything has me caught in an everlasting web of awe. 
@gloomfilled - i have known desii for many years, as she was a fan of mine back when i still portrayed Miriam Blaylock from the hunger featuring catherine deneauve and david bowie. she has continued to be both an amazing friend and writing partner and she puts herself in deep with every character she portrays. the fact that she decided to take on wednesday still amazes me, considering her busy schedule. although she maintains a low activity, she remains present and dedicated which is more than i could ever ask for. on top of that, her love and understanding for this fandom exceeds expectation that adds to her own creativity. she is a fantastic human and i am so incredibly happy for her that she’s recently become engaged with the woman she loves! congratulations, my baby bat ♥ i love you so much! thank you for everything. xx 
@daisiied​ - gin has literally been the one and only person who has stated interest in portraying morticia’s sister, ophelia and has delivered on her promise without holding back or giving up (even using my ideal fc for her!). not only did i gain a sister for my muse, but i gained a friend who’s ideas and interpretation of the character literally match my own and we bond so well in that regard that i cannot help but feel so incredibly grateful. ophelia is not an easy character to take on, granted and it’s understandable as to why all others who have wanted to test her out ended up not wanting to continue. believe me, i get it. but gin embraced the challenge, seemingly with ease and we have had an amazing experience in discussing at length the intricate details of this amazing sisterly relationship with ideas and backstories. she is an incredible individual who is fun and high spirited with such an incredible talent of writing and creativity in so many different ways! it’s been wonderful getting to know her and i am just so honored to have met her on here as a writing partner and friend. everyone should also visit her oc at @highwiitch !! 
@iinspectorjefe - steering away from addams muses for a bit, i have to acknowledge one of my best friends: bo. my treasure ; we have known each other for 3-4 years now and have an amazing partner-ship between her Javier��Falcón and my Stella Gibson. a relationship i think we both secretly expected but didn’t automatically assume going in. honestly, all of her muses have been incredibly underappreciated which saddens me, because she is outstanding individual with so much creativity and i adore all of her muses with an intensity that i cannot fully describe! she really does deserve to have more attention than she’s given and she has literally been the bestest friend to me throughout the years. she drove 2 hours just to see one of my shows up in north hollywood and i cannot even begin to state how much that still means to me to this day. i encourage everyone to follow her muse(s) and interact because she’s incredible and such a lovely person. i love you so much, my treasure. never forget. ♥
@drdumaurier - don’t think i’m only writing this positivity for you because you sent in the ask, since i would’ve done one for you eventually either way. but i genuinely wanted to thank you so much for being so supportive for all of my muses ; reading my threads / offering feedback / giving praise / just, honestly the fact you read my writing in general means so much to me. also i absolutely adore you and am so sorry we couldn’t have started talking or writing together sooner. i love your take on bedelia (who is my absolute favorite character on hannibal not just because she’s portrayed by gillian anderson though that is a plus!) bee, you are seriously an amazing person and i am so glad we were eventually connected and started talking, i’m only sad that i don’t write with you more. there is so much in-depth character analysis and dedication that i admire, fueled with passionate love. you go above and beyond which is always amazing to see in a mun and muse establishment. 
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dustysculptures · 6 years
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BronyCon Report 2018
With the last lingering bits of BronyCon still slithering in my system. I’m finally able to get back to business.
First off, I have less than a dozen Starlight Glimmer charms left from the con. I’m considering putting it up on my Etsy Store as the one & only item for sale this weekend. They will only be on sale for a week so be sure ‘em before they’re out~
Also, due to time constraints, I didn’t post an official 'Featured at Bronycon’ in time for the convention, so here it is posted above!
In case you missed it on my Twitter, here’s the Poniko () & Gari Adventures from Bronycon. (w/ a sketch of Limestone pie waking up): 
Let me start off by saying, thankyou thankyou thankyou to everyone who stopped by the booth & offered kind words to me. Even if I don’t seem like it, I’m forever & always a bundle of nerves & panic when it comes to BronyCon. There’s always so much to do & so many points of failure, it makes me go nuts for a couple weeks!
But all of that is laid to rest once the set goes up, the lights come on, and guests ushered in. We got prints & pins, sculptures & plushies. T-shirt designs that go as high as the ceiling.  Lets not forget the dakis. Oh god nvm lets forget those. Its a show! About adorable ponies! What’s not to like?
@ubros - Hotdiggitydang was it a blast meeting you! It was a year in the making as I’d skipped last year but I finally got to see you in your full European glory! We laughed, celebrated with pizza & oddities! Then you dumped 8 pounds of Swedish candy on me D: Wouldn’t trade it for the world! I WILL see you next year yes? You’d better come!!
@asksweetcream - Fancy seeing you here? (…) Moi? Oh nothing just seeing how many hugs I could get out from you~ (It was close to a dozen) (…)  Don’t tire yourself & Boiler3 out too much sweetie there’s so much more cons left to go ^^  
@earthsong9405 EEEEEEEE! Can you believe? 4 years its been since we shared that fateful booth? I’m sooo happy to see you there, flying solo too! Goodness! Next time we gotta do the aquarium or that Dick’s Last Resort! You’d get a kick outta it!
@dojerodesigns Listen. Forget what I said. I had a wonderful time with you & yours and would do it again in a heart beat. I’m very appreciative you thought to invite me to your shindig ^^
HoneySweetStudios - Honestly one of the sweeties & coolest booth neighbors I’ve had. Keeping each other company through the con lulls was a good way to keep up the spirit when the gates came flooding with patrons. Also, BEES?!?
@fisherpon - I wish you the bestest of luck on your trip to SEAsia~! I hope you enjoyed my sketch! it was done quick but Derpy is always my go to for that sort of thing ^3^
WandererD Gosh dang it man! I missed your panel & from what I hear, it sounds great. So glad I could take you to the new Shake Shack & I need to tell you about Land of the Lustrous & more Steven Universe! HUUUUUUUR! 
This is one of those moments where if you could rewind & do it again, I would do it & hang more with you. So much to talk & so little time. Why isn’t there a DVR for life yet?
@fleebites & RainyPaints - As some patron passed my booth, they had this gorgeous Queen Chrysalis print in their possession. It was love at first site: I had to have it. As it turns out, I had to have about half the posters from your booth as well. I was very happy to talk to you about Asian dialects & wish you the best of luck on your game developing venture! The art already looks beautiful, I know you can do it!
@askstalkerloo & @noodlefreak88 - I was finally able to get you that Stalkerloo that was meant to be yours oh so many years ago! Quest complete! I’m very excited for what you have planned for the future!
Cadmiumcrab -  Having the minister hold the Elements of Harmony book painted by you certainly adds that apropos touch to a brony wedding. I’d never thought to contribute to a wedding in such a manner. Hopefully see you around soon!
@joeyh3 & @deadparrot222 - Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by & chat for a spell. It does my soul well to see your faces every year & touch base with you guys. I’ll be seeing you next year right?
@ithry - I don’t know what psychic powers you possess to know I did sketch commissions but somehow you got two of them! Honestly, it was kinda cool to see you on the vendor side of things. I hope that’s been working out for you!
Graphic-Lee - Super cool meeting you to talk sculpting! I hope to hear more from you soon! Btw who was your booth mate? I believe it was Spirit but idk. Point me to them if you can!
@aleximusprime - One) Great to see you vending. Two) Hilarious to see all our meme merch sell out so fast! So glad you’re doing well~
Notable absentees: Chipperpony - I saw the name but the booth empty! I was so saaaad~! Maybe see you next year? Maybe?
@whitediamondsltd - There was a small bustle about where you were but upon hearing the info, I know you’re doing far more important things. Don’t let BronyCon distract you, you do what you need to.
BronyCon has always been a tentpole for dustysculptures. Being about half way through the year its a good gauge to see how I’m doing as a sculptor & how you guys are doing as well. There are also the milestones only achieved thanks to BronyCon: My first vendor opportunity, my first panel hosting, even my one time daily deviation was me putting together all the BronyCon ponies. So to see it leave next year will be a hard pill to swallow for sure. But like all good things are bound to end eventually. We’d joked about it from the beginning, the tenuous balance this community had in the beginning won through sheer exuberance & fraternity. Its hard to see the event go.
But I know we’ll make its send off a good one. We’re a community. Some would say the best one! Out lasting Homestuck & striving past Undertale, we’ve got a lot left in us. I know that should BronyCon go, there will be others. Should those go to then we will have each other & the memories we shared.
So until Next year Baltimore! Until next year BronyCon! For forever and a day~
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