xyriscomplanata · 2 years
hey uhhh do you want me to not bring the sauce? /srs
i don’t wanna like harass you with sauce spams, so lemme know man so i can add you to the no sauce list :] /pos /gen
* uhhh I think it's funny here or there but too many and it's a no no asbfnfmf
* so uhhhfkfn no sauce for me yeah
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kandismon · 4 months
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totally lore-accurate swanqueen screencap redraws 4/∞
they're on their first date :3c
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nibbelraz · 2 years
Oh! Can I kindly request Bingliushen of some flavor? (your style is so cute!!!)
Love to think that they have to schedule time to be with Shen Qingqiu and they go feral if they go above the time
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It's ok he kisses it better
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Always jealous
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owl-bones · 4 months
Hey, whereabouts does Helios usually hang out? I just wanna know... Not gonna have some...strong words with him or anything like that...
(Your art is gorgeous btw. I think the characters look so lively!)
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ladycibia · 28 days
i dunno if you've done it yet (im also playing through tw3 again) but Skellige's Most Wanted is a fun quest
Oooooo I love that quest! But unfortunately I can't continue playing until I'm done with all the silly adventures in Velen TwT;; damn you, self-imposed rules!
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clownsuu · 1 year
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Um... uh.. *gives you this, blushes and runs away awkwardly*
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marclef · 6 months
daaaaww, well, thank you, that's so sweet!! 🥺 and you guys have all been too nice, Fake's getting so much love lately it seems ❤❤
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(and, everyone else would agree too, that Fake Peppino makes a pretty good cushion... but he doesn't mind too much!)
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mblue-art · 11 months
Hi! saw ur tags and wanted to hand you this as thanks, you've also inspired me a lot to draw so much Cross, your art of him motivates me a lot and Im glad my art is inspiring you too :DD
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THIS IS SUPER CUTE you are actually making my day better (/gen) THANK you, you wonderful human being 💜💜💜🫶🫶🫶
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magnifythesun · 4 months
ianthony prompt: Anthony competing for attention for an oblivious Ian vs a protective cast over their papa ian hehe
heehee this one is cute, thanks for the prompt!!
(post writing note: trying to tread these character dynamics yet keep it feeling realistic is such a fun challenge! I hope I succeeded! this ended up being way more about the aftermath of a situation like this than examples of it happening lol but i hope you enjoy anyway)
When Anthony returned to Smosh, his first goal was to speedrun as many types of new videos on Smosh Pit and Games as possible. Try Not to Laugh, 2 Truths 1 Lie, Reading Reddit Stories, on and on the list went. His schedule was packed. Yet even during the chaos, Anthony started to notice a pattern.
When it was just him and the cast without Ian during a shoot, everything felt surprisingly comfortable. The big ensemble cast ones too, like the slapping video, great vibes all around (bit of a painful cheek though). They were all meshing so well, so quickly, and Anthony was eternally grateful that they were welcoming him with open arms. There was just one thing.
When a video was just him, Ian, and a couple other cast members, he was getting the strangest feeling. Not that they didn't want him there, he was pretty sure. That was the feeling he'd been afraid he'd get when he first came back. Rather, he got the feeling that they were constantly trying to pull attention away from him. Well, not the attention of the viewers. Just Ian's attention.
Anthony knew that he and Ian could get a little wrapped up in themselves sometimes. He couldn't really help it; with their long history together, they had a lot of inside jokes and an acute sense of what joke would break the other immediately. So they would share a glance and suddenly be laughing, giggling over some stupid joke like a couple of teenagers again, and it would be as if there were no other people in the room.
And each time, promptly, one of the other people there would interrupt, saying Ian's name, asking him a sudden question or pointing out something else so that Ian would look over there. Sometimes they'd even physically move Ian away, subtly of course. At first Anthony hardly noticed, but then it kept happening. And then he realized that often, it was accompanied by an almost pointed look at him by whoever was doing it.
Sometimes, they would get tag-teamed. For example, during a video of a light-hearted Mario Party competition, he and Ian were starting to 'yes, and' each other into oblivion, grinning and carrying on over some joke from a ten-year-old video, when suddenly Angela was pulling Ian's arm and getting him to react to something on the screen while Chanse tapped on Anthony's shoulder to show him a trick on the controller. Before Anthony knew it, somehow Angela had swapped spots with Ian on the couch. A little off-kilter, Anthony just bantered with Chanse for the rest of the video instead. To be fair, Chanse had a very similar sense of humor to Ian, so it actually went very well. Still, Anthony just couldn't tell why stuff like this kept happening.
He felt a little confused, and from that was a vague sense of hurt. Had he done something wrong? Ian never seemed to notice, so Anthony tried to push the whole thing to the back of his mind. Surely he was just reading too much into it.
On another video, Anthony, Ian, Arasha, and Courtney were facing off in Everybody 1, 2, Switch. When they went to pick teams, Anthony reached out a hand, ready to pull Ian to his side of the room, when Courtney suddenly popped up beside him, snagging his arm and raising it to the sky in victory.
"Anthony's my partner," They said gleefully, shooting a glance at Arasha, who was herding Ian to her side of the room.
"Heck yeah, dad and son team," Ian said, a little grin on his face as they high-fived. He shot a playful glare at Courtney and Anthony. "You're going down!"
"Dickbiscuit!" Arasha chimed in, looking like the cat who ate the canary.
"Gotta give them their father-son time, Anthony!" Courtney said, rather pointedly, and Anthony got that feeling again. Like there was a plot against him, but he wasn't sure why. It left a sour feeling in his stomach, and he felt bad about it. Anthony definitely didn't mind being on a team with Courtney instead of Ian, but why did it feel like she and Arasha didn't want him to be on a team with Ian?
It was time. He was at a point in his life where he'd rather just talk about something instead of letting the poisonous thoughts rot inside him. Right after they wrapped the video, he walked over to Courtney.
"Hey, could I talk to you over there?" Anthony asked quietly, trying to make sure Ian couldn't hear.
Courtney gave him an inquisitive look. "Yeah sure!" They headed to the little hallway behind the set walls. "What's up?"
Anthony shifted from foot to foot uncomfortably. "Well, uh. Well, first of all, I may be totally misreading this."
Even as he spoke, he could tell he probably wasn't. Courtney's eyes had sharpened with understanding, and a slightly guilty yet defiant look was coming over her face.
"I've just been noticing—" He paused, thinking how best to say it. "Well, nothing specific, I don't think, but I can't help but feel like..." He took a quick breath and just got it over with. "Sometimes in these smaller videos with Ian, it feels like you guys don't really want Ian to talk to me?" He glanced at Courtney, stomach sinking as he continued, the worst fear coming to his tongue. "Or maybe you guys don't want me there?"
Courtney didn't look defiant at all anymore, now more gut-punched in a way that made Anthony feel terrible. Could he really have been misreading it all so badly?
"Or, maybe not!" He put his hands out placatingly. "I'm so sorry, I think I was maybe reading too much into things?"
"Oh god, well, no, um," Courtney stammered. "Look, I'm sorry too. You haven't been misreading."
Anthony's stomach dropped. They didn't want him here?
Courtney must have seen his expression and she reached out to grab his arm reassuringly. "Oh my god, not about not wanting you here. We're all really happy you're back, Anthony. This has been amazing."
The emotional whiplash was really starting to get to him. "Oh. Well, that's good!" He smiled weakly.
"We've just been," She paused thoughtfully, "A little protective over Ian, I think. There's an element of, you know, what if you decide this isn't for you after all, and leave again." She looked down, and continued quietly. "I think it'd wreck him, honestly."
Anthony's heart seized and he took in a shaky breath. "I can promise you," He said firmly. "That won't happen. He put a hand on their arm too, squeezing lightly to try and emphasize how serious he was. "This is what I want to be doing, full-stop. And running this whole thing with Ian means more to me than, than anything in the world."
Courtney smiled at him, a shaky, slightly teary thing. "I think, deep-down, despite our fears, we could see that. It's obvious every time you look at him."
Anthony dropped his arm and dipped his head, a little embarrassed. "Well, I can't help but be excited about it, you know?"
Courtney laughed, "I'm sure. There is one other aspect to the whole thing you've been sensing though."
Anthony looked back up apprehensively.
"With you around, he doesn't do the bits he's built up with everyone else as much!" She laughed again, clearly more at herself this time. "It's silly, but we're all a bit jealous!"
"Oh. Oh!" Anthony didn't really know what to say. He raised his hands up guiltily and said, "Whoops."
Courtney covered her mouth to try to laugh more quietly. They were still only separated by the wall of the set from the crew, and presumably, Ian.
Anthony started laughing too, rather relieved about the whole thing. He'd been so worried that there was some really big grievance the whole cast been hiding, an anvil dangling, ready to drop on his head. "It's just like you said, right?" Anthony said as he caught his breath. "Gotta give them their father-son time!"
"Exactly!" Courtney beamed at him.
Anthony smiled, but he felt compelled to continue. "Look, I just want to reiterate. About the leaving thing."
"Yeah?" Courtney said.
"I just," There was a dragging pain in his chest like the words were being pulled out of him. "I love him, you know?"
He'd said it before to Ian, that he loved him, best friend to best friend. But there was something about saying it now, to Courtney, secretly behind this set wall like this. It was haunting almost, like a specter sneaking up behind him to tilt his world permanently on its axis. He wasn't unfamiliar with the feeling. It was often associated with something he needed to work out in therapy.
He shook it off, took a breath. "I never want to hurt him like that again. He means so much to me. I won't let us fall apart like that again."
Courtney tilted her head slightly, narrowed eyes studying his. His breath felt caught in his chest. A moment, then, "Woah." Her expression brightened, suddenly mischievous.
Anthony blinked at her. "What?"
They grinned, "No, no, nothing, haha!" They had that funny wild look in their eyes that usually only came out for the cameras.
"What?" Anthony asked again, a slightly unnerved smile taking over his face.
Courtney shook her head. "No, um, you know? I think this changes things! Sorry about everyone, haha, we're just— well, you know, he's our guy, our 'Smosh single dad,' 'the dad who stepped up,' our 'single working mother,' whatever! We were all just a bit protective of him, but hey look!" She threw her hands out like she was pitching a deal. "I'll pass the message along, that you're, well, uh. That you, um. That there's nothing to worry about here! Just leave some Ian for the rest of us, yeah?"
Courtney started to back away, looking like they were going to bolt and Anthony was so confused. "Sorry about that by the way? I didn't realize I was stealing him," Anthony said.
"No you, well—" Courtney stopped. "Anthony, you do know that whenever you're there, Ian's like, fixated on you, yeah?"
Anthony had not realized that and he was not quite sure why his chest felt all at once like he had just performed a long, far too strenuous yoga session. He kept looking at her as if an explanation would be forthcoming, but Courtney was just looking back at him with wide eyes.
In this moment that felt like it resided somewhere on the spectrum of Wild West duels, Ian came around the corner.
"Oh hey," He said, and then frowned at them when they both jumped. "What are you two doing behind the set?"
"Hey Ian!" Courtney said brightly, and Anthony could hear that hidden relief underneath. "Great to talk with you, Anthony! See you later!"
Ian watched them leave and then turned back to him, suspiciously.
"Are you two plotting some kind of video?" Ian raised his hand to his chin, thinking. "Like, a prank video on me I'm not supposed to know about or something?"
That would be a great idea, Anthony thought a little deliriously. "I don't know, Ian, I guess you'll have to find out."
Ian narrowed his eyes. "I'll have you know I'm great at getting revenge."
"Oh, should I beware?" Anthony teased, the tight feeling in his chest easing up.
Ian scoffed. "Beware all right. I'll get Arasha on my side and then it'll be all over for you and Courtney."
Anthony grinned and walked over to him, slinging an arm over Ian's shoulders to guide them both out from behind the set. "You know, I keep hearing about Arasha's scheme prowess. Wanna show me whatever video that comes from?"
"Oh god, it's a whole series of videos," Ian said, already pulling out his phone. "Brace yourself, it's a wild ride."
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remxedmoon · 22 days
They reunited
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waywardstation · 9 days
I had a pretty bad Week, it's less of what happened or what didn't happen it's more just really not feeling too great. Really just a bunch of days you wish that they would end...
Now then I picked up two packages from the post office earlier and had the sweetest surprise ever! Your merch arrived and I was SO HAPPY. It really turned around this week for me making me go into the weekend with a lot more positivity! (and I gotta admit shed a few tears in joy about your merch finally arriving!)
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Thank you so much for the packages, for turning my week around for the best and for being an awesome friend!
Also y'all really need to follow wayward for cute merch, amazing fics with awesome art and fun interactions on her blog! You won't regret it!
Ah I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve been having a rough week, friend :( But it’s so nice to know that this has helped you feel better!!!! ;w; <3
I was so so excited to get all of the merch shipped out to you, and I’m so glad to see it reached you safely!! I’m so happy you appreciate it and it means so much that you have helped support my shop (and supported me directly too, so many times!!!!!)
Thank you friend, it’s been a highlight to see that they reached you safely!!!! :)
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an-albino-pinetree · 2 months
I just wanted to let you know that it genuinely makes my day a bit better when I see your posts. Especially during days where I’m experiencing chronic pain. It provides a pleasant distraction that makes it all a tad bit easier to bare with.
Thank you so much for that.💗
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QvQ AA??- Oh my gosh, thank you, so much!!
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emoreooo · 10 months
hey, I've been seeing your yuri au around recently, and I just want to say that in addition to your really nice art style, you're the only person I've seen draw fem!Kel and not:
-anime-girl-fiy Kel
-remove Kel's body hair
and I thank you for it. I have seen too many fem!Kels that are just the default anime girl body type with Kel's hair, clothes and skin tone, so seeing your take on fem!Kel is a nice breath of fresh air
THATT IS SO SWEET thankyou so much for your kind words !! 🥺 have aged up kel <3
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gingermintpepper · 1 month
First of all idk if anyone has told you but I love when you ramble in your tags. Like same. I love when people do that.
Secondly that Leto and Hera post goes hard and idk if you have checked the op's tags too because it goes harder. Like never knew they had this much tension wtf but Leto really is That Girl.
Thank you so much! What are tags for if not rambling excessively about thoughts I had on a post but could not structure into a coherent form LOL
And I hadn't originally checked the OP's tags but after I got this in my inbox I rushed over to check and YESSSS OP GETS IT OP GETS IT!!! In general, Leto is someone who is overlooked a lot in mythology - she's put in the same general category as a lot of Zeus' affairs where she exists to be pretty and tragic and innocent in contrast to Hera's imposingness and strict focus on order and face but considering Leto's lineage, that's simply not true. Like OP pointed out, if there is anyone who matches Hera power for power, both in terms of divine identity and regard, it's Leto. Zeus' regard and respect of her (and by extension, his love of her) I feel are extensions of that importance of Leto from a cosmic perspective. Leto, after all, was still a daughter of Coeus and Phoebe, the Titans of the heavenly and earthly centers of knowledge.
So really, all things considered, it makes sense that Leto is That Girl because only That Girl could birth and raise Him and Her respectively, let's be so for real, right now.
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daily-hanamura · 10 months
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#p4#persona 4#p4g#persona 4 golden#hanamura yosuke#yosuke hanamura#“i should be the one thanking you though” god yosuke GOD he still sees so much of this as him seeking justice for saki huh#nearly one year in and he still feels like this was a responsibility of his. that it was his burden that he had put on to yu.#that initial moment when he asked yu for help in entering the tv world like he still saw it as yu following through with his word primarily#i feel like there's an implication here that he thought yu might/could abandon this task for something else.#rank 10 when yosuke says “somewhere deep down I didn't trust you... no it's more like... i was jealous of you” idk i think on some level#yosuke didn't trust yu. i think yosuke who is used to being let down and used to only being paid lip service and superficial relationships#he didn't believe that someone as competent and as beloved and as enviable as yu would pull through for someone like yosuke#which again i want to shake yosuke like a snowglobe BECAUSE BBYBOY PLS HAVE MORE FAITH IN YOURSELF#DO YOU STILL NOT SEE HOW MUCH YOU'VE CHANGED YU AS MUCH AS HE'S CHANGED YOU#DO YOU KNOW UNDERSTAND THAT WHEN YU WAS THANKING YOU IT WAS FOR THE SAME REASONS??#THAT YOU STAYED UNFLINCHINGLY BY HIS SIDE THROUGH GOOD TIMES AND BAD??#THAT YU ALSO HAD HIS BURDEN OF BEING A WILDCARD DESPITE BEING SOMEONE THAT STAYED CAREFULLY DETACHED SOCIALLY#BUT YOU. YOSUKE. YOU WERE THE ONE THAT CHANGED HIS MIND AND HELPED HIM AND MADE HIM BETTER AND I#YU DIDN'T KNOW WHAT LOYALTY AND DEEP MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIPS LOOKED LIKE EITHER UNTIL YOU AAAA WHY CAN'T YOU SEE THAT#srry idk why that was in all caps i got very passionate for a moment#anyway. them.#he's good with his queue
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