technically-human · 1 month
hiii may we see niko in your amazing style?
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Only if you don't mind silly clothes
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c7arisse · 2 years
screaming at your art, just found your blog and it’s so cute.
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cry-ptidd · 4 months
This might seem a little silly but as a woman starting to get hairier because of PCOS, it feels really good to see you depict Laura's hairiness in a neutral (dare I say positive?) way. Like, even if it's technically completely unrelated it still helps when thinking about my future appearance and how it'll be perceived by others
Im so sorry for taking so long to reply to ur ask anon, but you have no idea how much this makes me happy!!
Bodily quirks and details unique to each person add so much to someone's appearance (in the best way), and I really like to add that! I physically can't resist giving my characters at least a bit of body hair. Even if it's just armpit hair or a happy trail (it's not called a happy trail for nothing!!)
I struggled so much to accept my own body hair as a teenager, now I embrace it as part of my body, like my chub and robust build. I fully believe that such things are to be appreciated instead of being mocked or used as a debate subject. It is a thing as natural as anything, and to be fair someone whining won't make it go away. I try to treat traits like body hair on a character as both neutral and celebrated, as in it's a part of their body and character so it's natural for it to be there but I also like that it's there.
While I imagine not that many women/people are as hairy as Laura (she's a literal werewolf) I'm still really happy at least someone takes comfort in her design.
Same goes for you anon, your body is something to be appreciated and respected. You're not here to entertain or pleasure anyone, embrace yourself.
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labyrinthofsphinx · 3 months
Love your murder partners comics! They are su funny and cute
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OMG thank you anon!! Glad your liking the ride! :D
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lskamil27 · 1 year
Hi I just want to say that your recent Samarie piece is AMAZING. I’m on mobile and I had the brightness on my phone turned nearly all the way down, so when I saw it I was immediately hooked by the the atmosphere of it. I knew that there was 100% something going on in the negative space so turning up the brightness just gave me so much awe with how wonderfully you incorporated Dysmorphia! It’s a piece that has this sort of unsettling energy no matter how you view it and I love it and I needed to gush about it in your inbox so badly.
This made my day so please take this small chibi Samarie as thank you, anon,,
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necroseptic · 2 days
I wanna ask
• how did you get into this like i saw some necrophilia related posts so how did you get into this?
• what was ur first time
• what pushed u into this like intrigued u when u got into it the first time
• how does it feel
• how does one eradicate away fear of internalised judgement towards things like this and j get into it without scrutinizing themselves for it?
every non offending paraphile is welcome on this blog, that includes maps and zoos, like it or not
— necrophilia isn’t my only paraphilia, it isn’t disordered in my case, but i do struggle with paraphilic disorders, most of them are trauma related, some aren’t.
— i figured out most of my paraphilias through fiction and unrestricted internet access as a child
— i did not have a ‘first time’ if you mean intercourse with a corpse (and i won’t until my partner passes away)
— to become more accepting towards yourself it is important to understand that attraction itself is morally neutral, meaning it does not affect what kind of person you are, it is nothing you can control
— recovery from paraphilic disorders means self acceptance, eradicating attraction is scientifically proven to be impossible
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sm0lprism · 5 months
I found your BG3 fic on AO3, having no knowledge of g/t whatsoever, and found it so cute that I had to come find your tumblr to learn more! And omg the genre is adorable! I’m loving your fic: Ria herself is such a little (tiny!) badass, and the dynamics with the group are so much fun to read! Your style is really descriptive, too, and conveys a lot in the small actions of the characters.
The first chapter had me cackling at the accuracy — Ria is only alive and not-eaten because Astarion likes the sound of his own voice so much that he talked at her until Official Cat Dad Gale could notice and stop him (“What’s in your mouth? No! Spit that out! That’s people! Bad vampire!”). He literally cannot get out of his own way.
I’m so excited for the next chapter! Poor Ria, that her ally in finding Minthara is the smoothest brain in the party. And this will not be easy for Astarion to explain to the rest of the crew that *this one time* he actually wasn’t trying to eat her. So worried for our teeny friend! I guess worst case scenario… at least he’s undead? So, maybe Ria isn’t in *as much* danger, maybe? Would be kind of hilarious if Astarion knows so little about vampirism as to not even know that eating solid “food” (ie people) doesn’t agree with his undead organs.
So looking forward to Ria meeting Minthara! Ria may be small, but she’s still a tough little lass and I can see Minty respecting that.
Oh my goodness anon, you have no idea just how much this comment means to me - this has made my whole day, no, my whole week, and if I could frame a comment I would frame this one and hang it on my wall. It means even more since you had no idea what g/t was prior to reading my fic, and that is honestly so special to me that you took the time to read it (and liked it!!) and leave such a thoughtful comment. All I can say is welcome to the g/t community! It makes me so happy that you found the community through my fic and I hope you enjoy it! I have been laughing so hard at your description of Astarion finding Ria in chapter 1 and Gale being a cat-dad, like, I actually don't have the words because it's so goddamn accurate and hilarious all at the same time!! As for the latest chapter, I promise that Ria will not be taking a trip down Astarion's throat, so you needn't have to worry about that. Although if he were to swallow, it would be very bad for Ria as I believe in game Astarion can consume solid food, it just doesn't hold a lot of nutritional value for him. However, in my fic, vampires do in fact consume borrowers quite actively for their blood, so it would be a grim end for Ria if he were to actually eat her. ;w; Fortunately for her though, he has developed a small soft spot for her now so she'll be okay <3
Ria's encounter with Minthara is not going to go well. ^^; I don't want to spoil too much, but seeing as how Minthy was involved with trading borrowers for their blood in my fic, she thinks very lowly of them which you'll see in the next chapter when I get around to writing it. Anyhow, thank you so much for your comment. I actually can't stop smiling since I read it and it's probably the best feedback I've ever received for a fic, so thank you anon. <3
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herefortarlos · 5 months
It's going to be Tarlos's first wedding anniversary next month! How do you think they'll celebrate?
First of all, thank you for my very first anon message and for letting it be a sweet one 🥳💖
I needed to make sure I answered this before Tarlos' anniversary and I have had plenty of time to think about what they could do and how I would love for them to celebrate 🥰 Honestly, I can see them doing something very low key and sweet at home. I want them to take the day off together, sleep in, make love and just enjoy and shower each other in love and praise! Neither of them thought they would be someone's husband and yet here they are, celebrating a year of being married to the love of their lives and soulmate!! I'm imagining lots of words of affirmation between them, lots of "I love you, husband" and "I can't believe you've been my husband for 1 whole year!" I need sweet, slow, crying sex and then sloppy, hard, fast rough sex and then back to slowly taking each other apart. By the time they get out of bed and shower, maybe they go out for brunch, do some shopping together and pick out outfits for dinner later that night! I definitely envision them having a nice dinner at home, spending a couple of hours cooking it together! Cooking and working together in the kitchen, to me, is one of the most intimate things that you can do! They make something delicious that requires a bit of effort, pop some non-alcoholic champagne and enjoy their meal while they get lost in each other's eyes and giddy smiles throughout it 😍 Finally, they quickly clean up and go back to their bed, where they remind each other just how loved and happy they are to be married to each other for the rest of their lives!
I'm sure there will be some bittersweet feelings here and there, because their anniversary is so close to the anniversary of Gabriel's death (Damn you, Lone Star). But I think Carlos would do his best to live in this moment with TK and enjoy his wedding anniversary to the fullest, because it's what he wants and he knows his father wouldn't want him to spend one of the happiest days of his life being sad and guilty over him. And TK would also remind Carlos that it's okay to experience those feelings and this is still the greatest day of his life and he's always there to support Carlos when he needs it, because they are forever husbands ❤️
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sprnklersplashes · 15 days
Zoe 🌼 🌸
Ivy 🌼🌷
Robin 🌼🌱
Sadie 🌼💐
Sophia 🌼🌲
Claire 🌼🌲🌱 also the piercing one (couldn't find the emoji)
Lily 🌼🌲🌴🍀☀️🌈☁️❄️💐
lets gooooo!
🌼- What’s your favorite thing about this oc?
I think the fact that whatever they do comes from a place of wanting to see justice done where there isn't any. She saw how services like the police weren't working so she took matters into her own hands. And if I may say so myself, she is pretty badass.
🌸- What’s this oc’s favorite and least favorite color?
She wears a lot of black in her superhero persona but out of that she likes orange/yellow. Her least favourite is dark green, but at the end of the day she's not a person who has strong opinions on colours.
🌼- What’s your favorite thing about this oc?
Her capacity for self respect. She's incredibly sweet, but that doesn't mean she'll let people cross her or push her around.
🌷- How does this oc take their coffee?
with a lot of milk.
🌼- What’s your favorite thing about this oc?
I think they're really relatable. A big part of their driving force is their need to be indispensable and yeah maybe that's me projecting a little... but also hopefully something people can relate to.
🌱- Does this oc have any pets? Do they have any pets they want?
They don't have one yet but they would love a cat.
🌼- What’s your favorite thing about this oc?
Quite similar to Zoey, she is driven by a desire to do good in the world. She is also incredibly stubborn and demands to be taken seriously, which I think makes her fun. Especially because she's 12.
💐- Where is this oc’s favorite place to relax?
If she needs to blow off steam she'll run laps in the park, but to actually relax she'd either go to her art classroom or her garden.
🌼- What’s your favorite thing about this oc?
She embodies what I like about morally grey characters. She did what she had to do to survive and while she wishes she could have had different options, she doesn't necessarily regret it because she never had other options and she's aware of that fact.
🌲- What is this oc’s greatest strength and weakness?
Her greatest strength is her ability to read people and use their strengths against them.
Her biggest weakness is, depending on how you define weakness, her capacity for selfishness (which makes her a weak link in the group) or that her emotions win out when her personal triggers are involved (which lands her in some difficult situation). She's also cocky which can make her blind in certain moments.
🌼- What’s your favorite thing about this oc?
she's just so lovely. she's such a steady presence and jd's life, and ronnie's, and she takes their problems so seriously.
🌲- What is this oc’s greatest strength and weakness?
Her greatest strength is her endless capacity for love for other people and her ability to adapt to other situations.
Her biggest weakness is... she overestimates her capabilities in certain other areas (rip the TV)
🌱- Does this oc have any pets? Do they have any pets they want?
She had a dog when she was younger but she doesn't have one now. Although she and JD have discussed getting a dog, they haven't got one yet.
☘- Does this oc have any piercings? Do they want any?
No and she doesn't really want any
🌼- What’s your favorite thing about this oc?
She's my baby! Okay I'll give a proper answer, there's something adorably innocent and optimistic about her.
🌲- What is this oc’s greatest strength and weakness?
Her biggest strength is her curiosity. Her biggest weakness is her curiosity and idealisation of her dead dad.
🌴- Who is this oc’s favorite person?(Can be another oc, a fictional character, a celebrity, anyone)
Who else but her mum? Or her dead idealised father? Or her Aunt Martha?
For real though, she's a Mama's girl.
🍀- Around when does this oc get up in the morning?
On school days she gets up around 6:30. On holidays it can be any time between 10 and 12.
☀️- Does this oc make good or bad first impressions?
Well, she's adorable so she would make good first impressions. But sometimes she can come on a little strong or open her mouth and insert her foot.
🌈- What does this oc like and dislike about themselves?
She likes her intelligence and prides herself on being smart.
She dislikes how she can sometimes be too much or say stupid stuff in conversations.
☁️- What is this oc’s clothing style like?
loads of bright colours, striped and graphic t-shirts, blue cuffed jeans and sneakers, and a blue denim jacket she wears almost every time she goes out.
❄- What is this oc’s favorite and least favorite food?
favourite food; she's got a sweet tooth, so donuts.
least favourite; salmon.
💐- Where is this oc’s favorite place to relax?
her living room or her mum's room.
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linabirb · 23 days
I always love seeing you on my dash!!! :D You seem so kind and sweet, and I hope you’ve been doing well lately!
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What do you see Rhaenyra, Daemon and Jace’s reaction being to the hunt?
This ask is about my dead dove Lucemond marriage hunt fic, cut off my wings (and lock me up) )
Well, first of all it’s sheer disbelief (“…Aemond did WHAT?!”), followed by typical pure Targaryen RAGE.
Rhaenyra is angry, and devastated, and blaming herself for sending Luke/letting Luke go in the first place. And for all the bad blood between her and Alicent, she can’t believe that this is something Alicent condoned. She’s also well aware that this might be key in turning public (smallfolk and noble) opinion against the Greens, because there’s both the issue about Maegor being the last Targaryen to do forged marriage hunts, and also that while Valyrian customs allow it, Aemond and Luke both being male IS absolutely against what the Faith preaches etc. So part of her is definitely aware how she can USE this, except she also just wants her sweet boy back 🥺😭
I’d say Jace might only hear the news after he arrives at Winterfell, and then probably Cregan has to have him restrained so he doesn’t get right back on Vermax and tries something really inadvisable… 😬
Daemon… might absolutely do something incredibly unhinged but I’m keeping that for a potential second chapter ;P
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ingo-ingoing-ingone · 10 months
I've found a really, really good Submas song: '39, by Queen. (It's about Space explorers and the effect of Special Relativity. Also, it's a Banger.) Some fo the lyrics, and the themes of spacetime-related separation and coming back to a world that is unfamiliar just feels like a good fit for a Submas playlist.
OH FUCK YEAH thank you, I'll give it a listen!
I already have Who Wants to Live Forever by Queen on my submas playlist. LOVE Queen :)
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slidersimp · 2 years
maybe maverick and goose pre top gun? how they became friends or how they got their callsigns? i LOVE the one you did where ice gets his callsign on the ski trip
Ahhh thank you so much for the ask and I'm glad you like the ski trip fic! Gosh that whole thing is just a whump fest lol.
Okay! So this kind of ran away from me and maybe wasn't what you were thinking of but it is Mav and Goose pre-top gun and kind of how they became friends to that counts for something lol! I hope you like it Anon!! Maybe one day I'll write a Mav + Goose whump fic to go along with the Slider + Ice one, but we'll see. Anyways, enjoy!!
Maverick watched his new RIO from across the room, a slip of paper resting on the table below his hand. His last RIO had lasted him a matter of days—a new personal record for him. Maverick hadn’t been counting, but his CO had snapped the words in his face when Maverick had reported to him after the pilot had left the flight deck in a huff. As soon as they’d landed he’d jumped from the Tomcat like it had burned him, raging at Maverick for risking his life and being the most dangerous pilot he’d ever met. He’d made so much of a scene the flight deck crew had actually come over to check on Maverick as soon as he left. Unfortunately, their concern hadn’t been enough to save him from his CO’s anger, hot on the heels of his RIO’s outburst. 
Maverick had known Champ had a stick up his ass from day one, it really had only been a matter of time. This new RIO, however, seemed to be more laid back.
Nick Bradshaw. Callsign “Goose.”
He was in the center of the mess hall, tucked into the center of a group of pilots and RIOs. Normally, Maverick would’ve placed himself on the group's periphery, finding a seat at the end of the table and maybe offering a few words here and there if the group looked open to speaking to him, but Champ had wedged himself into the group, and he’d been seething at Maverick since the minute they’d landed on their last hop together a day ago. Rather than invite another screaming match, Maverick had decided to take a table to himself at the edge of the mess.
It gave him a good vantage point to people-watch. He’d been with this particular squadron for only a few weeks now. Champ had been his RIO for half of one of those weeks, another sticking with him for two and a half before he’d decided Maverick’s flying was too much for him. At least he hadn’t screamed at him when he’d made the decision, unlike Champ. Goose was another new addition to the unit, though it was clear he’d met most of the men before, likely running into them during other postings or deployments. He’d joined the unit a few days after Maverick had, after his previous pilot had opted for a career change to give his family life some stability. Goose didn’t look torn up about it, and he’d been flitting around the unit’s unassigned pilots for the past few weeks, filling in vacancies when RIOs got sick or helping out from the carrier. He hadn’t flown with Maverick yet, but it was clear everyone liked him.
He stabbed a blueberry with his fork and rolled it in maple syrup, left on his plate from the pancakes he’d devoured minutes earlier. The mess hall was surprisingly lively for breakfast, the aviators at the center talking eagerly over hot food and steaming coffee. Even from across the room, Maverick could see a bright grin lighting Bradshaw’s face. He cracked a joke Maverick didn’t hear, and one of the pilots rolled his eyes. Another punched him lightly in the arm, but the reactions didn’t dampen his smile.
Maybe he was corny, Maverick guessed. He didn’t mind a few bad jokes, and if Goose turned out to be the one RIO willing to put up with his flying, then Maverick certainly wouldn’t be looking for reasons to refuse him. Still, a hint of worry kerneled in Maverick’s stomach. Even when he’d told his joke, the smiles the other aviators threw at Goose were all fond. Amused sometimes, but generally relaxed and open. He couldn’t spot one person at the table ever giving the man a side-eye. There were a few that seemed relatively indifferent, but no one disliked him, which was much more than Maverick could say about himself. He was liked well enough on the ground, and the more daring members of the squadron liked him in the air, too, but there were some that took one look at him, his hot head and his flashiness and hated him on sight. Maverick couldn’t help but make enemies, and if he screwed up with Goose, he had an uncomfortable suspicion that he’d make quite a few more.
He was pulled from his thoughts by a burst of laughter from the aviators clustered at the table, a honking laugh carrying over the others. After a moment, he realized it was coming from Bradshaw himself, and he glanced down at the paper below his fingers, the official assignment that had Maverick paired with the RIO for their hop later that day.
He felt a wry smile creep onto his lips. “Huh.” He murmured to himself, listening as the honking laugh quieted and Bradshaw pressed his face into the shoulder of the man beside him. He looked down at the callsign printed on the paper. “Goose.”
Bradshaw’s laugh, as it turned out, was not the reason for his callsign. Maverick found out the real reason about a week and a half later, hunched over a toilet in the bathroom attached to the locker room, losing his lunch fifteen minutes before he was scheduled to go on a hop.
The door creaked open somewhere behind him, footsteps sounding on the metal floors. 
“Hey, Mav, you in here?” Goose called, his voice echoing through the room. “We’re supposed to be doing preflight right about now.”
“Yeah,” Maverick called back, his voice gravelly from heaving. He hoped Goose didn’t notice. “Just give me a minute.”
“Hey man, you sound–” Goose had followed his voice into the bathrooms and he pushed open the stall door Maverick was hidden behind, his face contorting with worry. “You don’t look too good.”
Maverick shook his head, and the movement was enough to send nausea swimming through him. He dropped his head back down to the toilet and he could feel Goose’s eyes on him in tense anticipation, his body jerking as his stomach heaved, but he’d emptied the contents of his stomach minutes ago. There was nothing left in him now.
“I’ll be okay.” He mumbled, though he couldn’t lift his head, and when he opened his eyes to slits, the sight of the vomit in the toilet below him was nearly enough to send him gagging again. “I’ve got a bottle of Pepto in my locker. Maybe they can send Jinx up before us.” 
He lifted his head when Goose didn’t speak, and he saw a hard look on the man’s face.
“No way, Mav. You can’t fly like this.” He told him, “I’ll be right back. Wait here.”
“Goose, wait.” He croaked, fighting to lift his head but the other man was already gone, pushing his way out of the locker room. Maverick let his head fall back down to the toilet seat, and he focused on breathing deep as he waited for Goose to come back.
His whole body felt clammy, covered in sweat. He could feel his hands trembling, his arms shaking all the way up to his shoulders, his core still locked tight with tension. Vomiting had helped his nausea slightly, but the adrenaline that had raged through his body left him feeling ravaged, his whole body thrown off kilter without food in his system to pull him back towards some kind of equilibrium. Maybe Goose had been right about him not flying.
Maverick could only remember sitting out one flight in his life, when his father had booked an aero club plane to take him up as a little kid. It hadn’t been the first time he’d taken Maverick flying, but as a kid, Pete had jumped at every opportunity to go. He’d woken up in the middle of the night before sick to his stomach from something he ate and he’d spent the rest of the night in the bathroom. His mother had found him in the morning and had gently told him he’d better stay home, despite his sobbing protests. Both she and his father had promised him there would be other times, that he’d get another chance to fly with his father. Little did they know, his father wouldn’t return from his next deployment a few months later.
He forced in a deep breath, pushing the thoughts from his mind. There were already tears in his eyes, forced out when he’d gagged earlier, and he wiped them away with a trembling hand. There was no way in hell he was going to cry in front of the RIO he’d been flying with for hardly more than a week. 
“Hey, Mav?” The door creaked open again just as he was getting a handle on his breathing, Goose’s voice echoing through the empty locker room again. “Still here?”
“Still here.” He confirmed glumly, his cheek still resting on the toilet seat. If he wasn’t so sick already, he’d be disgusted, but it was cool against his clammy skin, and he found he didn’t have the energy to care. Goose had definitely made the right call.
“I told Buck you were throwing up. They’re going to have to shift the schedule around but they’re giving you the rest of the day off.” He’d made it back to Maverick’s side, and Maverick slowly lifted his head as Goose stopped in the doorway of the stall. He watched the other man crouch down, reaching out a hand to set it on his shoulder, nevermind that his shirt was damp with sweat. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
Much to Maverick’s astonishment, Goose didn’t just leave Maverick to fend for himself after he’d delivered his news. Rather, he heaved Maverick upright to stand, wrapping an arm around him when he wobbled, his vision clouding with dark spots for a moment. Goose flushed the toilet and helped him back to the locker room, helping Maverick down onto one of the benches. Thankfully, he didn’t go so far as to undress him, but he told Maverick he needed to take a shower and waited with a stony expression on his face until Maverick started to comply. Goose tucked Maverick's clothes away in his locker, handed him his towel and helped Maverick to the shower, an arm out like he was worried he’d fall.
“I’m fine, man. I promise.” Maverick told him, though in reality he felt woozy and more than a little sick despite the distinct lack of anything in his stomach, but he wasn’t going to admit that to Goose.
“You look like you’re going to pass out.” Goose told him, casting him a wary glance. He backed off when Maverick tugged the towel from his waist and tossed it haphazardly onto a hook, starting the shower in front of him. The water came out blessedly cool, and after he got over the shock of it hitting his bare skin, he nearly groaned in relief. 
“I’ll be fine.” He promised, dropping his head to let the water wash over his hair. He knew Goose was still standing behind him, watching him with that wary, concerned look of his, but he didn’t care. He’d never been one for modesty even when he was younger, and the Navy had properly whipped any tendency towards it out of him.
“You don’t sound too convincing.” Goose told him. Still, Maverick could make out the sound of his boots on the tiles and when he looked back, Goose was laying back on one of the benches across from the showers, his hands folded behind his head, his eyes on the ceiling. Maverick couldn’t help but stare at him, the sound of the water slapping on the tiles the only sound in the room.
“You don’t have to stay.” Maverick told him, turning back to face the wall again in case Goose looked back over at him. “I’m sure there’s somewhere else you’d rather be than looking after my ass. You don’t have to take care of me just because we’re flying together.”
Any of the other guys would’ve left already. The most they’d do was spread the word that he wouldn’t be flying and let him know he was off the hook, then they’d worry about themselves. Champ probably would’ve cheered if he found Maverick sick to his stomach, and he certainly wouldn’t have stuck around to help him. He couldn’t remember the last time anyone had tried to take care of him, or had been more than the slightest bit concerned about his well being. 
“I know.” Goose promised. Maverick felt eyes on his back, and when he dared a glance over his shoulder, the RIO gave him a soft smile. “I’m right where I want to be.”
He stayed on the bench while Maverick showered, following behind him when he headed back for his locker and handing him clean clothes from his locker while he sat on the bench in front of it. Once he was dressed, Goose walked him back through the carrier halls to his bunk and pointed Maverick to it as soon as they were in the room. Protesting would be a losing battle, so he went without complaint. 
Still, Goose didn’t leave. He took Maverick’s boots and flight suit once he’d tossed them off and returned the suit to his locker, setting the boots neatly nearby so Maverick could reach them if he needed them in a hurry. He brought Maverick a plastic bag—in case, y’know, Goose had told him—a water bottle, and a little sleeve of crackers, though he couldn’t even begin to guess where he’d gotten them. 
Maverick took all the items with confusion, setting them atop the blanket as he dragged himself beneath the sheet. He watched with astonishment when Goose ducked from the room and came back with a book in hand. He still wasn't leaving.
“Why do they call you Goose?” He asked, blinking as the RIO flicked off the overhead light, plunging the room into darkness. “Where did it come from?”
Goose settled himself on the bunk across from Maverick’s, flicking on the little reading light in the bunk. When he looked towards Maverick, shrouded in darkness while the light shone on Goose’s face, there was a hint of color in his cheeks.
“It’s short for Mother Goose.” The man confessed, he gave Maverick a smile, “partly because of how I laugh, and because I like to tell stories, but I guess I have a tendency to dote on people. In flight school it was my whole thing.”
Maverick rolled over onto his side, burrowing a little deeper into his bed, but he gave Goose a little hum of acknowledgement. 
“I’ve been told I can be a little much. I didn’t mean to–”
“It’s not too much.” Maverick promised. He felt his eyes already drifting shut, Goose’s attention lulling him into a peaceful calm. “Most people don’t give a shit about me. Everyone who flies with me is gone in a month or less, and they all say I’m dangerous, that I shouldn’t have been given a license, that I shouldn’t even be in the Navy. I’m used to looking after myself.”
“Well, your flying is definitely something, but I don’t think you're dangerous.” The words made him open his eyes, and he found Goose watching him through the darkness. He met Maverick’s gaze and held it. “I’m not gonna quit on you, Mav. You don’t have to be on your own anymore.”
Maverick felt himself draw in a breath. He’d had RIOs tell him they’d stay before, only to leave once they realized they couldn’t take it, they couldn’t take him. He didn’t want Goose to be one of those. He didn’t want to deal with any more promises broken.
“You don’t have to say anything, Mav.” Goose told him gently. “I’m sticking around. I mean it.”
There was a seriousness in his eyes, something that told him Goose was seeing him, actually seeing him for everything he was. Duke Mitchell’s kid, a hothead, dangerous, arrogant, a maverick, but loyal, committed, smart, good. Goose didn’t look away.
“Get some sleep, Mav. I’ll be here.”
Maverick watched him for a long moment, and he felt himself nod, settling back into the bed. Goose turned his attention to his book and Maverick drifted off to the hum of the ship, and the occasional brush of turning pages. When he woke, it was to one of the other pilots throwing a fit at the sight of Goose lounging on his bed, but he was still there, just like he said he’d be.
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daily-kanade-yoisaki · 3 months
hello, hope this message finds you well!
is there anything we can do to help you keep this blog going? it’s completely understandable if you want to do it all on your own, i’m like that with my own daily blog, but i’d be happy to offer advice in that case too!
Oh why hello thank you!!! This is very kinda of you anon :3 I think it would be beet for me to continue mostly on my own, mainly because I'm not the best at communicating with others sometimes so I worry I may upset or confuse anyone because I couldn't communicate things properly, and if I just randomly dissapear again I don't want to burden others with the responsibility of this blog just because of me. I would genuinely LOVE any advice or tips or stuff you can offer though, thank you so soso much!!! ^_^
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efingart · 11 months
How do you feel about fanarts of your oc's? I rly wanted to draw Bell but I wanted to make sure you're ok with it :)
I am always so flattered whenever anyone wants to draw her. You are absolutely welcome to. Thank you so much for asking. 💙 If you want it her faceclaim is Tanya Roberts (with brown eyes)
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srchprty · 5 months
what are your thoughts on file code #1459!!
This is the first time I've heard this song, so I'm so glad you've enlightened me with this song!
The song starts out very interestingly. Not interesting in a bad way, but interesting in a way that makes the song pop. It definitely took me by surprise!
The main melody on the guitar for some reason reminds me of What's Up by 4 Non Blondes, especially at the very end when the melody itself is isolated.
The lyrics to me could mean a plethora of different things, and I'm sure every person has their own idea about what this song might mean, but I think it's possible that the song could be a personification of Lust. It makes you feel uncomfortable, and weird, it would make sense that Lust would be the king of foolish things.
Overall I love the song! I think I need to make an iDKHOW/Brobecks YouTube playlist because Spotify doesn't do the Brobecks justice, with all of their songs.
I will end this review the same way the song ends.
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