16sydd16 · 22 days
Cadina superhero + secret identity au?
Cady's a masked hero and no one knows her identity. Regina's a civilian who unknowingly saves Cady's hero ass one day, not knowing that it's actually Cady.
For this ask game!!
It's stupid, really. How Cady's fought some of the most powerful villains in the world and escaped unscathed, and yet, a particularly dry scone is seconds away from taking her out. Thank God for Regina George. She swoops in from the online order line, gives her Cady the heimlich, and calls her an idiot for eating a scone without proper throat lubrication (aka, a bubbly beverage) for 20 minutes. Cady falls in love pretty much immediately.
Regina knows better than to home walk alone late, but she got caught up at work and now it's half past midnight and she's walking along a nearly-deserted street. A large man has been following her for three blocks. She crosses the street and he does too. She's seconds away from kicking off her heels and making a run for it when the man yelps and hits the ground. Regina turns back just to see a small, feminine figure standing over him. The figure throws their hand up in an awkward wave.
Regina gets the sense that someone is watching her on her walk home the next few nights. "I know you're there," she calls out on the fifth night. The sound of impact followed by a quiet oof rings out. "Show your face, coward. If you're going to creep, at least be bold about it." A tiny figure in a skin-tight spandex suit and a mask steps out of the shadows, offering that same awkward wave.
They don't speak, but the figure watches over Regina from the rooftops as she travels home every night for the next week or so, offering an occasional wave. When the purple figure misses a night, Regina is surprised by how upset it makes her. She sees a news story about "the purple people saver" rescuing seventeen people from an apartment building fire and finally puts it all together.
"I know you're the purple people saver," Regina says when she spots the girl the next day. "Which is a shitty name, by the way." The figure laughs.
"What name would you have picked for me, then?" She asks.
"The hot blonde lesbian saver, maybe?" Regina says, and the figure belly laughs.
"Are you hitting on me?" the figure asks, and Regina winks.
"And what if I'm ugly under the mask?"
"That's a risk I'm willing to take, I suppose," Regina says, the both of them taking steps toward one another until only a couple feet separate them. Regina lifts a hand towards the mask. "Are you willing to risk me exposing you? For a chance to go on a date with the hot blonde lesbian you're obsessed with, of course."
"Of course," the figure says, taking Regina's hand and putting it on the seam of the mask. "Not much of a risk, though, to be honest."
"How come?" Regina asks, slowing tugging at the mask. It falls off of the hero's face, and Regina can't believe her eyes.
"'Fraid you've already seen it. You know, when you saved me from that scone."
Thank you so much for the ask!! My brain is a little fried, but I love the idea of a superhero AU💖 Definitely wanna play around with it more in the future!!
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zeawesomebirdie · 1 month
Can I ask about Operation: Sleep? The title intrigues me!
[for this ask game here]
Omg thanks for the ask, this is a very fun one!!
I have an AU in which Len and Barry are both insomniacs and agree to spend the nights they can't sleep together. It started out as a little one shot, which I only wrote down because I thought it was cute enough to warrant being on Ao3 after using that little bit of a plot bunny to entertain myself when I couldn't sleep, and then I rapidly lost control of the plot and ended up with two more little one shots, and decided it was time to put together a longfic to give these one shots context 😌 [btw, those one shots can be found here on Ao3, or here if you want to read them in chronological order rather than the order they were posted in!]
Operation: Sleep is the longfic!
I'm still zero drafting it, and I actually need to rewatch season one of the Flash because my memory is a sieve and this is an AU that's a continuation of season one rather than a rewrite of season two (though. That might change when I inevitably get around to season two, lol). Mostly though it takes place after the Singularity, and it's an AU where Eddie and Ronnie survived, and Eobard is still gone.
The basic plot is as follows: Len catches Barry wandering around the neighborhood by Saints&Sinners in the early hours of the morning far too frequently to be explained away as a coincidence, and makes it his mission to figure out wtf Barry is doing. One night, Captain Cold has to step in to save the Flash, and when Len takes Barry back to STAR Labs, they get locked in the lounge for the night due to Cisco's latest anti-Cold tech, which can only be disengaged by Cisco or Caitlin from the Cortex, but it is 2am, Barry was out without Team Flash's knowledge, and they're stuck here for the night. They end up bonding over having insomnia, and after that night, Len makes it a point to try to get Barry to actually sleep, or at least come inside and not wander the streets when he can't sleep
One thing leads to another, and they end up in a dynamic that's kinda romantic-adjacent, but neither of them would actually use those words to describe it. They kiss, there is def sex happening, but both of them refuse to acknowledge their feelings for each other, and it actually works out just fine like that, up until other people find out. The moment everyone else finds out, it all blows up and becomes one of those miscommunication plotlines where each thinks the other isn't actually interested, and that this will ruin everything (spoiler: it doesn't, they do manage to work it out!)
The whole fic is born from a place of, I couldn't sleep and am making that everyone else's problem ^.^
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real-reulbbr-band · 5 months
If they have kids with platoria?
I assume you mean this one prompt thing? If so absolutely! (Don't mind me making this pretty it's cause I'll most likely be pinning it) ���₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎ა𓎩♨
/) /)
(。•ㅅ•。)〝₎₎ Basics! ✦₊ ˊ˗
. .╭∪─∪────────── ✦ ⁺.
. .┊ ◟﹫ Name: Chiffon * ੈ ♡🍮 ⸝⸝🪐 ༘ ⋆
. .┊﹒𐐪 Gender: Female
. .┊ꜝꜝ﹒General Appearance : Chiffon is an American Curl kitten, her coat is a soft blend of palish-blondes and whites; ginger and rosy markings speckle her fur, creating a warm colored coat reminiscent of a sunrise. She has longer waves of fur around her arms and legs that appear to dance with every movement. Her ears are rounded giving her a perpetually and curious look. She wears a blue (occasionally pink) pastel Chiffon fabric bow ribbon instead of a collar, and a smaller ribbon of a complementary color around her fluffy tail. 
For in-show reference however, her design is inspired by pre-US Tour 6 and early Hamburg chorus Jennyanydots. I made a little moodboard If that helps :3
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. .┊ ⨳゛Personality: Chiffon is an imaginative kitten who enjoys the simpler things in life. If you don’t find her socializing with any of the other kittens or eagerly helping her parents with their daily tasks, she’s most likely off trying to come up with a new ribbon dance routine. But her creativity isn’t limited to dance; she loves playing make-believe and finding articles around the junkyard that she can make fashionable. She is observant and tends to pick up on cues from her environment quickly; like her mother, she values empathy, leading her to be more mindful of the emotions of those around her. Even though she gives off the impression of being confident, she is highly sensitive to criticism and conflicts, which she frequently responds to poorly, making her feel like she's being backed into a corner. Her sensitivity, however, finds a good balance with her playful and inherently easygoing nature towards life.
. .┊ ◟ヾ Special Talents: Her Talent is ribbon dancing, which Plato and especially Victoria were happy to see her take interest in; her routines were normally quite whimsical and fun. Despite lacking technique while she was still young, she made up for in her boundless energy when performing for her parents. However, she does eventually grow to have exceptional precision and expertise in ribbon dancing.
. .┊﹒𐐪 Who they like better : It really depends on the moment. Chiffon throws around the word "favorite" depending on the day, not fully understanding its significance, normally while she's snuggling up to one of her parents. Plato and Victoria don't take it too seriously, but they do like to play-fight about who's the favorite whenever Chiffon throws around that word since it does make Chiffon happy. Regardless, they both know they're Chiffon's favorite adults in the yard, and that's plenty enough.
. .┊ ◟﹫ Who they take more after : Visually, I'd like to say a good blend of both, but since Victoria is pure white, she generally appears more like Plato, with her ginger mane and heavier markings around her coat, but her white and rose-colored markings and the careful way she carries herself make it clear she's Victoria's.
But in terms of personality, she inherits a good amount from both of them. Plato's easygoing nature and protective instincts did influence Chiffon's more empathetic demeanor, particularly when she interacts with others. From Victoria, she did inherit her innocence (which isn't as noticeable when she's young but becomes more apparent when she's older) along with her innate attraction to dance that differs from the typical jellicle, and of course the way she moves when simply walking or interacting with others is similar to Victoria's own gracefulness. 
. .┊ ◟ৎ Personal Head canon: Well, any head canon I have about her just becomes canon regardless, but she really didn't adjust well to collars, much like her father; whenever she had one on, she kept tugging at it and needed long breaks of not wearing it. This didn't go on for too long, as Plato and Victoria realized she wasn't adjusting to collars comfortably, so Victoria chose an alternative, ribbons. there were plenty of spares around the junkyard, so each morning Victoria would groom her and ask her to select the ribbon she wanted for the day and tied it around her neck securely. Chiffon did enjoy this, and the spare ribbons did end up sparking her interest in ribbon dancing.
. .┊ ⋆𐙚₊˚ Face claim: Lisbeth Brittain!
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I was going to reblog that prompt but then I realized I only had one "finished" kitten fankid so this is perfect! Thank you SM!!
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whumpy-wyrms · 5 hours
I just sent an ask thingy saying that I really liked your writing and art and stuff, and I just wanted to clarity that if it came across at all like pressuring you to write and do more art, that was not the intention at all. While I do love your stuff, I DEFINATLY don't think you should force yourself to do creative stuff if you don't feel up to it. I'm really sorry if it came across that way. Pls take a break if you need it, I promise that your mental health is more important than a chapter.
(I'm so sorry, I'm really bad at talking to/ messaging people)
oh don’t worry it’s completely fine!! that ask didn’t come across that way at all honestly! thanks again for showing appreciation for my stuff that makes me so happy :3
also i’m definitely not feeling pressured to write or overworking myself or anything, so nobody worry about that haha i promise i’m all good!! i do feel really bad for not getting the next tllr chapter out, but i know that it’ll take time and if i try to rush, it won’t turn out as good as i want it to. so i know i can and will take all the time i need to finish the chapters. and honestly i think writing the chapters is actually very helpful for my mental health so if anything, i wouldn’t take a break because of that since my ocs are the perfect escape from reality for me :3 just thought i’d say that, this isn’t directed at you or anything i just thought i’d put this out there
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transgaledekarios · 3 days
General 4, 7
Story 7, 12, 17
Romance 1, 6, 7, 11
Hi friend!! Thank thank you 🧡🧡🧡
From this post
4. What sort of general actions raise or lower their approval?
Generosity. Acts of heroism. These raise her approval. If you’re good, kind, and show people mercy.
She doesn’t like thieves or people who lie without a good reason. If you’re lying to avoid bloodshed, that she can understand, but if you’re lying to rob someone. She will disapprove.
7. Do they have their own personal quest that spans the course of the game?  Can it take different branching paths depending on the choices the Player Character makes?
Cordelia does have her own personal quest and explaining it all might require its own post. In short: Cordelia was essentially a prisoner in the city. Her parents kept her magically stuck so that she could never leave Baldur’s Gate on her own. The nautiloid and the prism allow her to have some freedom, so she has conflicted feelings about the tadpole.
She’s also a huge nerd who wants to understand her own sorcerous magic and its origins. Following the threads for that converge with the threads of her family.
There aren’t any branching paths before act 3 (short of dying), but in act 3 you can make some big choices that determine how she feels about you, herself, and whatever relationship you two have
Story Specific
7. Already answered :))
12. Is it possible for your Tav to be kidnapped and replaced by Orin?  How is Orin's deception revealed?  How do they react to the PC rescuing them in the Temple of Bhaal?
I think so, yes, but Orin won’t have a fun time pretending to be Cordelia. Actually, she might have a really hard time. I haven’t finished a durge run so I’m no Orin expert, but Orin seems to assume that everyone is a little bloodthirsty. Her insisting she understands what you need when you talk to her pretending to be that blacksmith suggests that.
Cordelia is genuinely a kind, sweet person who feels bad anytime they’ve had to hurt people.
She develops nightmares and ptsd from the people they’ve had to kill.
I think Orin would have a difficult time pretending for so long, she might get fed up and reveal herself.
Cordelia is a hugger. She would hug them for saving her and try really really hard not to cry lol
17. If romanced, how do they react to the Dark Urge trying to kill them in Act 2?
Oooo I haven’t gotten far enough in the durge run, so honestly I haven’t thought about it. My first, initial thoughts? Badly. She would react badly, and even if she could be convinced to stay in a relationship, I can’t imagine she sleeps easily for awhile after that.
I don’t see that going well, no.
1. Already answered 🎉
6. How do they react to the player character breaking up with them, or choosing another character over them?
Depends. I think flagging her romance requires more than just flirting. You would have to have pursued her for awhile before getting a kiss and more.
If you get that far and then romance someone else, she would be hurt, because by then it would’ve been clear that she’s monogamous. She wants a big romance, to be and feel special to someone.
If you break that trust, good luck getting it back. You can convince her to stay in the party, she still needs your help, but she’ll have very little to say to you.
11. What are Tav’s plans for the future?  Do they propose to the PC, or is marriage not something they’re interested in?
This might depend a bit on how you influence her in her character arc.
She is for sure interested in spending the rest of her life with you, but how that looks like can change.
If you encourage her to be heroic and to prioritize other people, she will want to continue adventuring, and will want you by her side. She would be delighted by a proposal of marriage (and if you went with her, she may even propose on her own one day)
If you encourage her to think of herself that can go in more than one way.
You get married, take over her family’s social place in Baldur’s Gate. (And if Wyll stays as Duke, she works closely with him as a friend and advisor).
OR. If you prioritized her power and chipped away at her sense of morality, she follows you in wtvr dastardly plans you have. However, I think she remains in her core a good person, and she will grow increasingly unhappy and traumatized. It doesn’t go well.
Alternatively, if encouraged to balance her priorities, she wants to marry you and will want to settle down somewhere quiet and peaceful. She just wants you and her friends, and to not worry about everything anymore.
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I really appreciate your documentation of what halloween decor and candy etc is available at different stores every year. I still like checking it out in person but I get to see what isn't in my area, and for what is it feels like a sneak preview
Do you have any favorites this year?
Thank you so much! It's fun to do, so I'm glad other people get something out of it too. I've only just started for this year, and at the moment I have a batch of photos I still need to post from Home Goods. So I think I may need to explore a bit more before I can pick favorites, but I'm sure I'll have some :)
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chickenwaffles17 · 22 days
How about 💘, but then you also pick your five favorites you *wanted* people to ask lol?
💘 Who fell first and who fell harder? Regarding Shadow and Mint... I'd say Shadow fell first lol. everyone's in love with Mint Shadow met her through Rouge, so he already had a fairly good impression of the possum. I reckon Rouge got Mint to go out with Team Dark a few times, and he developed a little crush on her over time that got stronger and stronger.
Related to who fell harder, I think it'd be Mint. Their first meeting didn't go as planned, considering she left with a knee-shaped bruise on her forehead, so that definitely affected first impressions on her end. She was pretty indifferent towards him until he began to trust and relax around her, and gradually she grew to love him.
As for the 5 other characters... Mint and Rouge are/were in a QPR but it's debatable whether or not there was love in the first place so this isn't applicable to them... I'm not actually sure what that means lol sorry!! But thank you for the ask anyways Ana I have so much fun answering these☺️☺️☺️
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starrydeckhand · 2 months
oh! hey there anon C:! sorry for the long wait, was out of the country for a bit! i hope the wait was worth it!
22. reminds me of a character
funnily enough Golden Boy by Bryce Fox mainly reminds me of Hawks from BNHA, but can DEFINITELY work as a Dabi song too (especially just before the Sekoto Peak accident)!! C:
25. i want to hear in a grocery store
The Heart of a Dancer by The Happy Fits, cause it's the one banger i would expect the least to hear in a grocery store, so my excitement would make me dance INSTANTLY!
18. makes me want to burn the world down
Gasoline by I Prevail!! just very straight forward and keeps the momentum throughout the whole song! perfect for arson!
thank you so much for the ask!! it was a lot fun C:
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 11 months
You're literally what I wish I could be. When I came across your tumblr I thought you only did fanart but then I found out that you wrote fanfiction as well and I was like "Um, hello? A fanart artist AND a fanfiction writer? Sign me the fuck up!"
Seriously, I wish I could draw as well as you!
Well thank you for the compliment! Ngl I love when people find out I can do both, its highly entertaining and definitely a source of good vibes for me <3 I'm sure if you draw every single day you'll be as good as me, probably even better. Have a fantastical day mate!
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killjoy-prince · 3 months
4, 12, and 37 for the ask game >:3c
Thank you LC for sending this in!!
4) which cryptyd being do you believe in?
Tbh i dont think i have any i believe in. Sorry ^^;;
12) what kind of day is it?
It's hot! The sky is an off blue color like it has a thin layer of cloud but theres basically no dense clouds but it's hot! Pool/beach weather. Most likely bc of the heat wave
37) someone in your life, other than a relative, you’ve known for 10+ years?
I have some family friends that ive known since i was young but if were talking friends around my age, i dont have any that ive know for 10+ but they're close
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rose-n-gunses · 6 months
for the fic asks: beneath the mistletoe screaming - questions 4, 5, & 9 💕 
Hi babe thanks for playing! And omg beneath the mistletoe screaming was so fun to write I'm so happy you picked this one
4 - What's your favorite line of dialogue?
Oh man there's so many! There's not much dialogue in this piece as a whole but since I have to choose, I'm quite fond of Wayne's comment to Eddie where he says "Maybe all this Santa business is good for you, kid. Seems to have turned you into one jolly son of a bitch."
5 - What part was hardest to write?
Probably the scene with Jason since I had already written that part in detail in the first part of the series. It was kind of difficult to portray the same scene from a different point of view without repeating all of the same dialogue, so I had really think to come up with whatever insights Eddie would have about it.
9 - Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
Not so much alternate versions as different parts of the same story told from different POVs. The first part in the series (mentioned above) is thrilling christmas, trembling fear, which is from Jason's pov (for those of you that haven't read them) and I haven't started it yet I don't think BUT I *am* planning on writing a third installation from Chrissy's pov about her joining the Munsons for dinner.
Send me an ask about my fics!
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zeawesomebirdie · 22 days
33. Which of your fic titles is your favorite? 20. What was the last thing you researched for a story? 16. What is one of your favorite words or phrases to use in writing?
[for this ask game here]
Thanks for the ask Sun!!
Which of your fic titles is your favorite? Oh this is such a tough one. I almost miss my song lyric era because titles were so easy back then! Probably Bruise Your Lover (So He Remembers Once You're Gone), because "bruise your lover" was the most common comment from @ful-crum as I was writing this fic, and it was meant to be a jokey title until I thought of something Proper, but it stuck and I'm awful proud of it!
What was the last thing you researched for a story? ultrasound technology for pregnancy detection in 1966, which incidentally isn't all that important to the fic because the pregnant character already knows he's pregnant and the main POV character is never at any point present for any of the pregnancy confirmation appointments lmao
What is one of your favorite words or phrases to use in writing? Repetition, particularly things in threes but that number is not a requirement, of any related things. An example from my most recent wip:
The Green Hornet’s voice was the exact same as it always was: firm, calm, collected, slightly gravelly, and not the least bit indicative of the shootout they’d left minutes before. But Ikano Kato knew better. Even in the rear-view mirror, he could see the tension in the Hornet’s shoulders under that heavy overcoat, he could see the stiff way the Hornet gripped the gas gun in his right hand, and that all had nothing on the slight way the Hornet had tilted his head to keep his face from being illuminated by the passing streetlights.
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a-drama-addict · 3 months
12, 28, 35, & 80 for the tav asks? :]
heyy thanks for the ask!! :] SIGRID TIME [ask game]
12. How does your Tav feel about Us? Did they free them, maim them or leave them behind?
Sigrid freed Us, mostly because she was in a daze and like… well, the brain sounded polite. When she encounters Us again in the Mindlfayer colony she’s like “THEY TRAPPED MY CHILD” and immediately takes them with her again <3
28. What does your Tav think of Auntie Ethel? What do they tell Mayrina?
When first meeting she was apprehensive, because like why is this random old lady in the grove so interested in her condition? Pretty much a “Thanks but no thanks for the concern” for her.
And then when she sees the shit go down between Ethel and Mayrina’s brothers she’s just kinda like “okay i’ll kill these guys i guess” <- which is basically only done because she’s like “Well Ethel’s a weird old lady but probably not a hag” and then almost immediately realises she’s wrong
Gaslights Mayrina into thinking Ethel killed her brothers, because well SHE’S not taking responsibility for that. In the end she does help Mayrina revive Connor and lets her go ham because Sig quite frankly didn’t care enough to keep him or kill him
35. Do they deliver Nere's head to the Myconids and save the slaves?
Sigrid definitely delivers his head, because OH she doesn’t like him. The second she enters the Grymforge and like sees the amount of Gnomes enslaved she’s like “Yeah okay cutting off his head sounds fair.” Also the Myconids and Barcus are her besties, OF COURSE she kills Nere
80. Does your Tav free the slaves from Steel Watch Foundry? Do they side with the Gondians or with Wulbren?
She frees the slaves, definitely. She can empathise with the Gondians a lot really, and at that point in the story she was definitely more concerned of the fact that she’d be killing so many people if she were to just. Go ham and destroy the foundry without second thought.
Sig also sides with Gondians at the end, Wulbren and her aren’t on good terms like. Ever. “Fuck Wulbren Bongle all my friends hate Wulbren Bongle” yknow
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saturn-sends-hugs · 4 months
waaaaaaa thanks for the ask!!
🍊 Who’s a character you don’t write for that often, but keep meaning to write for more? (They’re so interesting! But maybe you have trouble pinning them down, or keep getting distracted by another blorbo…)
i actually already answered this one here, but hey, now I get to go into more detail!
I always wish I had more opportunities to write about Fives (hence why he appears in some way or another in fics he's not even part of lol), but given.... um.... his unfortunate absence from the latter half of Echo's story, I never really get the chance.
He's just!! Such a fun character! He's that support person for Echo that encourages him and gives him the confidence to talk to people just by being there. Around him, I think Echo feels confident and capable and whole and that's something I really want to explore. While I relate more directly to Echo, I know exactly what that kind of friend is like and how helpful they are, and I just think I'd have so much fun characterizing that. And seeing them happy again.
Like I said in the other post though, I do have a WIP lined up that would include Fives and would let me figure out his character around Echo AND the batch and omg it's gonna be so fun. also painful cause this is me but like.... it's fun. :D
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arda-ancalima · 6 months
hello arda! I saw you are an actual real life librarian (which maybe I should have realized earlier since you always reblog certified librarian posts) and I had a question! a while ago I was discouraged from checking out ebooks and audiobooks from my library using Libby because apparently they have to pay a royalty on each checkout? does this have a big impact on libraries?
Hi!! Thank you for the ask and for giving me something to do yesterday! It was super quiet at work and reading about Libby was more productive than staring into space thinking about your meow meow in training hehe.
[also I say librarian as shorthand for library assistant, I'm not a *librarian* librarian, one who Knows Stuff, my contributions are Knows the Alphabet (probably) and Is Under 40 (definitely)]
Also sorry I'm long winded, I can't not say something once I've thought it.
As a patron I can relate, I heard the same thing on tumblr and felt bad. But I asked a coworker about it, and she said since we get Libby along with a group of other libraries, we just pay a set fee a year - no matter how much our patrons use it, it'll be the same cost for us. She gets audiobooks all the time and has no qualms about it!
I saw on OverDrive's website (parent company I think, and the old app name) that there are multiple lending models which vary by publisher - some are pay-per-use, some you buy a license for a certain time or number of checkouts. The library can tailor the collection to their needs and choose how many titles someone can have out at once. With hoopla (similar service we do pay for directly), we set limits to downloads so we know it won't cost more than $x per patron per month. Any digital services would be budgeted for (probably, should be).
Maybe we're in the minority, but our library has adequate funding so we're happy to offer these things, and it makes us happy when people use our services. My coworker and I who do stats love to see the numbers go up like STONKS (coworker would not say that tho. again, only one under 40 here).
Some thoughts I've seen online (not from my own knowledge or experience) are it sounds like for some libraries, funding is very much tied to usage, so using Libby more could lead to more money going toward it, or to the library in general.
I also saw a comment about how it's not any different from using a public park or public school, and the people who use it do pay for it one way or another through taxes, or a yearly fee for a card, or something like that.
Anyway there's a bunch of thoughts which may or may not help or be related to your particular library. They'd probably be happy to tell you about it though! (especially if it's a slow day it's like please give me something to do)
TL;DR I'd guess if they're offering the service, they've budgeted for it. It's their job to decide if they can afford it and to set their own limits, and patrons have no way of knowing the costs/usage and are not obligated to worry about it. If you were in my system, I'd say to borrow anything you like!
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hey might be socially dubious to ask after something mentioned in tags by a non-mutual, but that's your fault for burying this lead in tags on my post - please tell me what this Superman AU you have that the show reminds you of
bestie oh my god so glad you asked gimme a minute
So it's a Superman au for Detroit: Become Human, which in case you don't know what that is, is a branching-narrative videogame about androids that develop emotions and try to gain rights. You play from the rotating perspective of three characters: -Connor, The Android Detective who tries to stop the revolution -Markus, the one in charge of the revolution -Kara, an android who wants to keep her found family/pseudo-daughter safe and tries to ditch the country
It's a pretty interesting game with a LOT of different endings and i quite enjoy it! So as i do with all of my blorbos and hyperfixations, I tried to fit them into aus that give my brain that dopamine release.
Hence, the Superman D:BH Au. A crack idea turned serious and now that My Adventures with Superman came out, it made me think about it again! The vibes of the show are the vibes i thought of when i came up with the au, and that's what made me think of it!
honestly though, thank you for the ask, im always glad to talk about my AUs as niche as they can be sometimes!! And if you want, i drew some art for it as well below the cut.
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Kryptonian AI Chloe designs
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And the Connor as Superman redesign!
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