terra-tortoise · 1 year
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i hope we all explode.
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syrupspinner · 4 months
i defeated Fae Tactics
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i love how many tactics games need to put "tactics" in their title. imagine that with any other genre.
so theres a genre of indie game i like to call "that ratatouille gif". i have attached it for your convenience
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you know what i mean. Bloodstained, Yooka-Laylee, Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, Palworld, its a whole thing. this is a dangerous genre to classify things into, because theres a very thin line between "taking heavy inspiration" and "being a sequel". like, its easy to say that Paradise Killer is a Kill The Past game with that got sent to the wrong address in the morphogenetic field. theres the moon symbolism, the assassins, theres literally a silver case for gods sake. but i cant call it a ripoff because it brings so much unique to the table with the worldbuilding, presentation, and gameplay.
thats how i feel about Fae Tactics. when it first lit that spark, inspiring me to play it for as many hours as i could as many days as i could until i finished it, i felt my childhood. i remember one of the first video games i ever owned: final fantasy tactics a2 grimoire of the rift. i played the ass off of that game, expiring everthing you could do multiple times over. it inspired a lifelong respect for the tactical rpg in my bones, and Fae Tactics scratched an itch ive been feeling for a while
i dont want to give the impression that im nostalgia blind, thats not the case at all. comparing a trpg to final fantasy tactics (even what i consider the worst game in retrospect - man the law mechanic was a pain) is like comparing a fighing game to street fighter. remember that time capcom tried to sue someone who made a fighting game that stole too many mechanics and design elements from street fighter 2. the court said, paraphrased, "sf2 was so influential on the genre that MOST games have street fighter mechanics now. like, platformers with powerups arent ripping off mario, that just how platformers work now." yeah thats what fft did too.
what im saying is, the game takes the fundamentals of the genre as estalished by its best examples, and builds on them in unique and engaging ways. monsters have a random chance of dropping cards, which lets you equip them as summons for the next battle. its great to have more experimental low-stakes party members. instead of focusing all your valuable main character slots on healers if youre going into a heavy damage fight, you can just bring a bunch of water summons to power through it and support your glass cannons until they end the fight pronto. or, you can have a lot of ranged summons that suppliment your tankier party members; or expendable summons to distract enemies while you buff your party. this is a huge strength of any tactical game - letting you stratagize in a way that is functional to your playstyle.
something id like to note is that there are tons of mechanics, but i only felt overwhelmed at the very beginning. by fight, like, three? i was totally in sync with the games tools and how to use em. this is tough. i remember by playthrough of zanki zero, where i got so overwhelmed by shikabane and character relationship gene splicing and the crafting mechanic and the cloning and the aging and the attack windup and those stupid tentacle attacks that i just fizzled out and gave up trying to comprehend stuff (until chapter six, but im getting distracted). i never saw a new mechanic in Fae Tactics that made me think "whats the point? im not doing this". instead, i was always interested in how i can use this new element to enhance my gameplay. its that classic theory of Get To vs. Have to. i never had to do the cooking minigame every time i slept - i got to play a game where i boosted my partys stats.
so how about the story? i think it was pretty good! each continent that you can explore has its own little isolated plot, and while it all connects in the end, i was worried it would fall into the same trap that i felt saints row 2 did. it didnt feel like you had a gang, it felt like you had 3 friends who all did their own thing and you helped. i think this is managed in the most effective yet realistic way - have peony as the center of the communication because its just her personality. shes doing the talking because shes just a friendly person with leadership skills. also like 1/3 of her party cant talk. the only hurdle then is making everyone feel too isolated - i wont lie, there are shades of that, but i think letting the characters relax in the background if they arent immediately relevant to a scene is a good compromise of this. like, your dog chico doesnt always show up in cutscenes unless they have a weapon upgrade or something. thats fine, cuz like, theyre a dog. itd waste everyones time if everyone chimed in every time anything happened. so its not like gat is inexplicably uninterested in the non-ronin gangs, its just that characters are allowed to be offstage if they dont have any lines. it really helps the group feel more cohesive and friendly, and in general it feels less like oure going on mission sidequests waiting for the area to clean and instead youre going on a real ass adventure
also, if i can be candid, matilda is one of the most badass characters ive ever seen. i love how her intro quest brings so much validity to the scrap youve been collecting so far as more than just "upgrade points". it really builds up peonys compassion and heroism when she puts in that much work to save the life of a stranger, and the time limit adds so much urgency while still being very generous, at least to my collectathon playstyle. finally i just love her character conceptually. shes a fairy that esentially rides her own iron lung like a mecha. the fact that shes lowkey the best ranged fighter in the game doesnt hurt.
closing thoughts. i was insane about this game when i first played it. like, i cannot bring myself to play anything else because im so enraptured about this game. im talking "oh yeah i guess i havent had a meal today" at midnight. thats how you know that youve got a very special game. also that i am very autistic.
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irkenheretic · 2 years
Uhhh numbers 2 and 5 if they haven't been done
they have not!!! because of the way the google sheet is formatted, number 2 is actually the first character on the sheet, with row 1 being the column labels, so its real lucky you didnt wanna know number 1!!
anyway, number 2 is 777 himself!! heres where im gonna tell on myself a little and reveal that surprisingly large swathes of the plot has not been done yet. this is because i like to let the story flow on its own and see how the characters develop as i'm writing it, and i don't want to be married to a certain idea and realize that with the way the character's arc actually developed in-story, it won't work. or worse- not realize it and do it anyway and it turning out shit as a result. and besides, we're only on the prolouges! i have LOTS of time to hash out the meat of the story, but as it stands now, the farther away from the prolouges we get, the vauger it gets
i say all this because 777 is largely irrelevant until very deep into the story so theres not too much i can say about his role in the story because most of it just hasnt been set in stone yet, and what has been set in stone, is a spoiler!! i love doing this askmeme but i try to stay away from spoilers as best i can cause this is still a series that will be coming out and i dont wanna spoil everyones fun! anyone who sends numbers is clearly invested in the series if they care enough and i dont wanna punish that care by spoiling the fun
but!! what i can say about 777 is that he and zim are genuine friends- the comics have made a decision to make 777 only cooperate with zim because zim has his kids hostage, but considering thats a stupid fucking decision i will be ignoring it. 777 is also buddies with lard nar, although 777 isnt formally involved with the resisty due to yknow... being in prison. he does eventually get out of prison in the story though, and begins to take a more active role in the story after that ^^ he also knows lefy, and they used to be romantically involved, before 777 broke it off with him due to lefys lack of trust over certain things
also fun facts: i still havent decided on a name for 777, because every time i try to think of one, i just think of the name "sevince vinseven" from in short supply and i cant think of anyfuckingthings else
meanwhile number 5 is a lil guy named angie!! back on the oc train woo woo!!!!
angie is a mating facility drone which is exactly what it sounds like- he works at facilities where irkens go to fuck each other, which for pretty much all conformists, is just in the quest for a smeet and actually is only done in these facilities. pay is low, however, so angie offers an extra service in said facilities
he's a prostitute. there really isnt any nicer way to put it lmfao. escorts and the like are absolutely a thing in irken society, and specific escorts have specific niches- angie specifically caters to conformists. they hire him in his mating facility and mate there, too, technically having done everything "correctly" in irken society. it's not exactly uncommon for mating facility drones to offer this service for irkens who want to do their part wrt contributing a smeet, but cant get laid for whatever reason
however, angie has leeway to work outside his facility for one reason: he's a red eye. many conformists who want to mate outside of a mating facility dont want anyone to find out about it due to how taboo it is to mate for fun and not for a smeet, so the peace of mind that comes with having an infertile mate is something that is.... extremely valued
but here's the thing:
he's not infertile.
angie has a rare eye colorway called "flecked" eyes- the eye will primarily be a base color, with "eye-freckles" of a secondary color scattered over them. he has mainly purple eyes, with red flecks. due to the red-eye gene being not as dominant as in someone like, say, red, he didn't get hit as hard with the downsides of his genetic condition. so, for the most part, he doesn't really have any fertility issues. of course, things have gone wrong for him sometimes, but not nearly as much as red
this is where i need to mention that angie is a LAYER, he is not impregnating anyone based on false pretenses. he really only lets people think he's infertile so he has justification to charge a premium for his services- when he inevitably lays an egg, he lies and says he never caught the name of the fertilizer. his clients get the peace of mind that itll never come back to haunt them since, due to angie lying, the fertilizer is listed as "unknown" in the database, and angie gets fat stacks. everybody wins i guess? yeah fine ill admit, what angie does is incredibly dishonest but im gonna be real with you: its nowhere near the worst thing someone does in this fic. its not even the worst sex related thing someone does- if i had a nickel for a worse sex-related event that involves a red eye, id have two nickles. which isnt a lot but its weird that it happens twice
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tezzbot · 3 years
applejack headcanons in a sort of timeline i have in my head based on the flashbacks/statements in the show lol this is gonna get long i apologise
aj is born in the sweet apple acres barn to bright mac and pear butter :D
we get the apple family reunion episode flashback where she is lichrally baby asking for apple fritters 🥺
she grows up a bit, just by family gene pool luck shes a strong little fucker and as she grows her family realises she's not just physically strong but strong willed too, it becomes a running joke that shes secretly part mule with how stubborn she can be :P
bright mac had a dog from when he was younger that he loved with all his heart, big mac loved him too but applejack thought was a grumpy old lump of a beast she just Did Not Like This Animal you know how kids can be lmaooo
applejack and big mac dont really leave the farm all that much, theyre homeschooled by their parents and granny smith so, generally they dont have that many friends their age in their childhood, they say hi and play a bit with fillies and colts they pass while helping out with deliveries, aj and rarity possibly have a few interactions through this but nothing really sticks at this point, they know each others names and thats probably it, the apple siblings are a big hit with usual customer and ponies who sell them things in the market
pear butter teaches aj how to play the guitar and she practices until her hooves hurt, her ma is very proud of her, they like to play duets when they have some alone time :] then, deciding to branch out from that applejack also picks up other instruments like the banjo and the fiddle, they find out she has quite a knack for music! (applejack is only slightly disappointed she doesnt get her cutie mark from it, but unlike applebloom would be in the future, she doesnt mind all that much, after all granny smith always said it'd come with time 😌)
not long after little applebloom is born we get the great seedling episode flashback which is a turning point in applejack, a moment like finding out santa or the tooth fairy isnt real, she matures a little bit that day, gains more of the work ethic we see in her as an adult
around this time is when bright mac and pear butter die :( i dont have a concrete headcanon on How they die but the dangerous trade routes the apples have to take to make deliveries may have had something to do with it, or maybe they were trying to protect the farm from something coming from the everfree forest, im not sure
the rest of the apple family make their way to sweet apple acres to give their condolences and help out in any way they can around the farm while our apples grieve :( its sad but it brings aj and big mac closer than they'd ever been
after shes recovered a little from that, i think aj kind of loses herself, i mean how can you not after losing both parents :(( so she decides to leave the farm in the hopes she'll be able to find herself again in manehattan, this is the cutie mark chronicles flashback and where she realises she belongs in ponyville, Runs home and gets her cutiemark
after a little bit, to help her become a little bit more social with foals her age, applejack goes to camp friendship where she meets little coloratura and the two Immediately click, aj gives her new best friend the nickname rara and they're practically inseparable the whole summer, their friendship starts to grow into something more but rara is heading back to manehatten after camp and applejack belongs back in ponyville, so they decide to give a lonb distance relationship a try, they manage to exchange letters back and forth for a long time, ultimately deciding a long distance relationship wasnt gonna work so they mutually decide to break up but still stay pen pals! after a while, the letters stop and they become just a memory in one anothers minds
sweet apple acres eventually returns to a business as usual state, with groups of relatives stopping by the farm now and again to give a helping hoof considering its now run by a late-middle aged lady, two children and a baby lol, applejack, while still doing a lot of tree bucking, is starting to take on a more maternal figure role in applebloom's life as well as being her sister, her and big mac feels more responsible and protective of the foal since she would be growing up with no ma and pa, they sort of took on those roles, applejack more intensely i guess i just see her as having strong maternal instincts embedded in her or something lol, but she for sure isnt "single mom"ing it, with granny smith and other relatives ready to take the little bugger when aj needs to get stuff done :P it takes a village and all that lmao
since at this time aj and big mac are starting to go into town more often and are free to do as they please as long as their chores get done, they start actually interacting more with teens their age in ponyville! applejack starts hanging out with fillies like rarity who she had known in passing but now could finally get to know and the cake's new apprentice and ponyvilles youngest party planner, pinkie pie
after starting to hit some awkward growth spurts as she reaches her teens lol, she starts taking an interest in the business side of the farmwork too, dealings with customers, looking into trade routes stuff like that, this is when the where the apple lies flashback takes place i fuckin love that episode please watch it, and this starts applejack's lifelong promise to never lie ever again which she keeps bc shes a legend as fuck <3
one day aj notices cloudsdale passing through probably to start preparing ponyville for the next season, and she hears a Thud coming from a row or two over from where she's working, she goes over to investigate to find a pegasus filly shaking off what aj can only assume was a crash, she asks if shes alright, n the filly is like of course i am im so tough toughest around actually thanks<3 and aj is internally like hm. this kids kinda annoying. they introduce themselves and applejack finds out rainbow dash is looking for her friend fluttershy, she likes to come down from cloudsdale to play with animals or something, but applejack hasnt seen any yellow pegasi fillies around so the little blue filly says thanks anyway and zips off at what aj can only describe as probably the speed of light, she somehow has a strange feeling this isnt gonna be the last she sees of this kid
she turns out to be right when shes invited to a happy visit to ponyville from cloudsdale party thrown for rainbow and fluttershy, apparently rainbow had bumped into pinkie while asking around ponyville for any idea where fluttershy and of course pinkie Had to make an event out of it once she had helped rainbow find her friend, the party was of course a lot of fun rainbow and aj somehow managed to turn every party game into a competition and despite their first impressions of one another they actually got along really well and gained a good amount of respect for each other, aj eventually found fluttershy sort of hiding away from most of the party and fluttershy actually opened up a little after talking with aj bc of how calming her presence was for her
over the next few years the five got to know each other quite well, anytime cloudsdale passed by rainbow and fluttershy would drop into ponyville to hang out or just say hi, and once they were old enough they moved into their ponyville houses and the five of them became just a regular friend group youd see hanging out on the streets of ponyville, fluttershy helps aj pick out a border collie puppy for help with wrangling critters on the farm (applebloom was getting too old to be sent off to mindlessly run after little animals all the time and she had started going to school so she wasnt around as much lmaoo) and just as a companion for applejack, she names her Winona :]
and then after those few years Twilight shows up! you know the rest from there :P
if i missed anything uhhh whoops<3 lol
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milkie-yoongi · 5 years
yoyoyo okokok this is probably gonna be unimportant to most of you but thats all good i just gotta get this out of my brain so bear with me here! ive had dreams of bts (specifically yoongi) for three nights in a row so far, which is super unusual. before people assume that its normal to dream about the things they think about a lot, yes it is normal, but bts RARELY appear in my dreams even though theyre on my mind every second of the day (i usually dream about the things i think about often too, like my fears, places i go frequently, problems with people in my life, etc) but the bts member(s) show up in my dreams only twice a month if im lucky. they have never showed up in my dreams many nights in a row except on two occasions, in august 2016 and august 2019 (right now!).
for these past three days ive had dreams about yoongi, and the last time i dreamt about him three nights in a row was in august 2016. the last dream i had about him during that month was the night before his mixtape was released. same thing happened when his wings short film was released too (though i only had one dream about him, not three). these dreams aren’t very detailed either, hes just there existing and i see him for a few seconds before my dream cuts to a different scene. 
many of my other dreams have also been prophetic (accurately predicts what happens in the future, for those who may be going ??? at this word), whether they involve yoongi or not. because the stuff that happens in my dreams becomes real more than half the time, its actually really scary. one of my grandparents has prophetic dreams as well, so maybe it runs in my family? (is there a prophetic dream gene?? that’d be cool to research), anyway, the most vivid of these dreams that i remember was a dream i had few years back. i dreamt there was a fire near a place my family and i were staying in but we did not get burned and the next day we went on a road trip and were minutes from being caught in a fire on one of the freeways (we heard on the news radio later during our car ride). in my dream there was a fire that was close to my family and i but did not burn us, and the next day we were close to a fire but did not get burned. the dream came true. im not claiming that i for certain have the gift of prophetic dreams cuz idk yall would think im bozo but this has been a pattern since i was in middle school and it’s relevant information.
now lets put this together. its almost the end of august, yoongi could drop his second mixtape any day now, and ive had dreams about him for three consecutive nights. plus he posted a picture on twitter recently that was already posted months ago and it has that agust d vibe. if you think about it, out of all the pictures he could post or repost, why on earth would he choose this one?  
of course we shouldnt pressure yoongi to drop anything or get our hopes up too high but i really do sense something will come before this months ends. if it doesnt happen then i will laugh at myself and you can laugh at me too :) 
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trulymadlysydney · 6 years
The Boy Next Door
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Of all the things she could’ve ordered, it had to be a sex toy.  And of all the people who could’ve been her neighbor, it just had to be coffee shop Harry. 
Helloooo my loves, this is part one of my college AU story!!!  I was going to hold off on posting it, but what can I say? I’m incredibly proud of it and wanted you guys to share my excitement.  This all started as a request from a lovely anon, and my brain took the request and spun it into this huge, long, college AU that I’m so excited and nervous for you guys to read.  Enjoy!!! xx
It isn’t that Nova Leary is shy, necessarily.  It’s just that she’s the type of girl who enjoys keeping to herself and remaining anonymous. 
The fact of the matter is that anonymity feels like a rare thing to have nowadays, living in Los Angeles.  And anonymity is the one thing that Nova seems to cling to above all else.
Having grown up in a small town in North Carolina, she’d never faced the struggles of a Californian until she’d come here for school.  She hadn’t needed spare change to park her car.  She hadn’t needed to purchase a bus pass, because ultimately her car could’ve taken her anywhere with minimal traffic.
But now-- now she struggles to balance 19 credits a semester, because, as her mother would say,  “You’ll never get a good job just by coasting along, Nova Gene. Challenge yourself.” (Her mother, bless her heart, had a PhD in astrophysics-- because of course she did-- so Nova couldn’t help but feel the pressure to measure up her entire life.
So challenging herself was the only option, really.  And it isn’t that Nova minds all that much.  Entering her third semester of grad school, she feels accomplished.  As though she’s achieved more in her 23 years of living than most people her age.  Sure, maybe Los Angeles may not have been her first choice.  But hell, it certainly wasn’t her last.  
Currently she sits at her dining table, one leg tucked up under her and the other dangling so that her toes just loosely graze the wooden floor of her apartment.   She absentmindedly tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and types something into her laptop, chewing at the inside of her cheek when the results of her search appear fruitful.
“What are you looking at?”
Nova nearly jumps out of her chair when her roommate’s voice breaks through the silence.  She quickly switches tabs over to her e-mail.  Her inbox hasn’t received anything new since the last time she’d checked it, which had been four minutes ago when she thought Jessie was coming into the room.  For the sixth time. 
“Nothing,” Nova says, dismissively.  “E-mails.  Homework.”
Jessie is 29 and works for a law firm.  Which sounds much cooler than it actually is, Nova thinks.  All Jessie does is answer phones and file paperwork every now and then, and she gets to wear the heels she likes everyday so all in all, no one complains. (Except for the days when Jessie does, in fact, complain about every little thing that goes on in the firm and behind the scenes.  Nova thinks she knows a lot of these people’s stories better than she knows her own, which is saying something.)
Jessie looks at Nova incredulously, and scoffs.  “You cannot possibly have that much homework.”
“I do!” Nova says, pushing her glasses up on her nose and clicking the “compose e-mail” button.  For what reason, she doesn’t know, but it makes her look like she’s doing at least something. 
Jessie groans, clomping in her heels across the hardwood floor and over to the kitchen.  She opens the fridge and bends down, which reveals a little too much of the pink lace she’s wearing under her short dress.  When she straightens up, she’s got a beer in her hand.  “Come on, kid  You’ve gotta have some type of plans for tonight.”
“It’s Thursday.”
Jessie rolls her eyes, rummaging through the nearest drawer until she finds the bottle opener.  “Have you never heard of Thirsty Thursday?”  She takes a huge swig of her beer and hums in delight before holding it out in Nova’s direction.  “You want one?”
“No thanks.”  Nova smiles, because Jessie really is a sweet girl.  She means well.  It’s just that she and Nova are two incredibly different people.  Which works out, really, because 95% of the time, Jessie is gone and Nova gets the apartment to herself.  That isn’t to say Nova doesn’t worry about the older girl, but usually she’ll receive a call or, at the very least, a text from Jessie to let her know what her plan is for the night. 
Nova settles back in her seat.  “Where are you going tonight?”
“It’s Brad’s birthday,” Jessie says, and shoots Nova a look as if she’d rather die.  “We’re going out.” Brad is Jessie’s sort-of-boyfriend, but he’s a dick most of the time.  At least in the whole year and a half that Nova’s known Jessie, she’s hardly ever heard anything about Brad that she likes.  Even when she’d met him in passing, he’d been dismissive and a bit arrogant and altogether unpleasant.  Though, for whatever reason, Jessie’s been on and off with the guy for about four years now.  So Nova figures she has to give him the benefit of the doubt. 
“That should be fun!” Nova tries to sound hopeful, and Jessie smiles. 
“I’m hoping so, but we’ll see.  If he invites Steven I swear to God I’m leaving.”
Nova giggles and spends the next few minutes chatting with Jessie about Brad and his awful friends.  Sentences like “you’re too good for him,” and “But Nova, did you see what he surprised me with last weekend?” are all that can be heard, and it’s a lovely distraction for both of them until Jessie’s phone buzzes.
She hops up from where she’s now sitting on the counter and swallows the last bit of her drink.  “That’s my ride.  You sure you don’t wanna come out with us?  We can wait!”
“I’m good,” Nova says, shaking her head.  “You’re sweet though.”
Jessie giggles, walking over to Nova and wrapping her arm around the younger girl’s shoulders.  She leans down and presses a heartfelt kiss into Nova’s hair.  “I love you, kid.  You work too hard.”
“Who, me? Nahhh.”  Nova shakes her head.
Jessie grabs her coat and begins to head for the apartment door.  “Don’t wait up for me, okay?  I’ll be at Brad’s tonight.”
It goes without saying, but it still makes Nova smile that Jessie lets her know.  “Sounds good,” she calls. “Be safe!  Wear protection!”
She hears Jessie scoff as she leaves, and it makes her laugh.  Jessie is a lot of fun to be around, when she is around.  But Nova knows that if she were to ever go out with Jessie and her friends it would be awkward for everyone involved.  Nova’s never been the going out type, and all the friends that she would go out with lived back in North Carolina.
She sighs, placing her hands on the keyboard of the laptop and typing into the blank e-mail.
Note: Make new friends.
Backspace backspace backspace.
Note: Make friends in general.
It isn’t to say that Nova is lonely, however.  In fact, she appreciates her alone time quite a lot.
This reminds her of the task at hand, and her stomach flutters.  Cautiously, as if she’s being watched, she moves the curser back up to the tab she was in prior to Jessie’s departure, and double taps, taking her back to the screen that had made her cheeks redden. 
Row upon row of sex toys fills her screen, and it’s quite overwhelming, really, because how on earth is she supposed to know which one to pick?  She doesn’t want to make the wrong choice and get one thats too big.  And what if she doesn’t like the feeling of something inside of her?  The thought makes her insides flip and her ears grow hot. She groans, clicking the arrow to take her to the next page.
She knows she definitely wants one of these, it’s just a matter of which one she wants. It’s a difficult decision to make, especially because, despite being alone nearly every day she’s never really taken the time to experiment with these types of things. 
That isn’t to say she’s never gotten herself off, of course, but she definitely hasn’t tried any other techniques other than the one she knows.  And now there are several toys in front of her, all different shapes, sizes, textures, colors, (do colors matter?), some of them vibrate, some of them don’t... there are just far too many options for Nova’s liking.
What’s worse, she doesn’t even have anyone to ask about these types of things.  She’s sure that Jessie, more likely than not, has experimented with one, but she could never just outright ask her for tips.  Plus, reading the reviews on every single one of these feels almost invasive, if Nova’s being honest.  Like she’s creeping in on these people’s intimate alone time, as if to compare notes. It’s strange. 
Its 45 minutes and a few squeals and facepalms later that Nova finally thinks she’s found the one.  5/5 stars, not too big. Vibrations are optional, but should she chose to use them, it comes with several different speeds.  Plus the reviews, as strange as it makes her feel to read them, all agreed on one thing-- maximum pleasure with minimal effort.  (Not to mention the one review from a woman in Texas, who’d said that it was her first one and it had worked like magic.)
Nova types in her billing information and the address to which she wants it shipped, praying that it comes on a day when Jessie isn’t home, and when everything is filled out correctly, she inhales as deep as her lungs can take.  She examines her purchase one more time, shocked that this is actually something that she’s doing.  God, her mother would disown her if she knew.
She lets out her breath in one quick puff and closes one eye.  She tilts her head so that she’s not looking directly at the screen, and smashes her finger down on the mouse.  When her laptop takes her to the next screen, she can’t help but shriek when she reads, in bold, bright letters:
Thank you for your purchase! 
It’s a week later and Nova finds herself at the local coffee shop like every college student from the young adult novels she (not so) guiltily reads.  It’s stereotypical, yes, but it’s her favorite place.  They constantly have weird music playing through the speakers and it intrigues her every time she’s come in.  Sometimes they sell EPs of local bands on the counter where you purchase your drink, and Nova usually can’t help herself but to buy one.  She doesn’t always love the music she buys, but she loves the aesthetic of it all, so she continues to take pleasure in feeling like a fake hipster.
Today, the shop is crowded, which makes Nova curse under her breath.  She curses a second time after she’s ordered a her coffee, when she realizes there are no available seats in here.  She frowns, glancing around the room.  When did everyone realize this place existed?  Why are they taking over her little corner of campus?
She’s about to go ask the barista to put her drink in a to-go cup, because maybe she can go sit on the grass outside or something, when they call out her order at the counter.  Fuck.  
She takes it and mutters a thank you, and inside she panics while she scans the room.  She can’t just stand there awkwardly sipping her coffee.  Especially because she has her laptop in her other hand, and she’ll just look silly standing there with it.  But she’s not about to go up to a stranger, for goodness sake.  
She scowls without realizing it, and she hears a chuckle nearby.  She’s about to just chug her coffee and go when she hears a voice.
“You can sit here if you want.”
Nova turns around to find who the voice belongs to, and she relaxes a bit when she notices a somewhat familiar face.
She’s seen this guy around campus a few times, although she doesn’t know his name.   He’s cute.  In fact, Nova would go so far as to say he’s sexy-- although he’s nothing like any of the guys she’s dated previously.  She’s only seen him in passing, but he’s had a smile for her every time. 
He’s got a mess of curly brown hair that doesn’t seem to want to cooperate, with a long, stubborn curl resting on his forehead.  He has a pair of glasses atop his head, and Nova wonders why he isn’t wearing them-- especially because he seems to be squinting at his laptop.  One hand is wrapped loosely around a coffee mug, in which she spies just plain black coffee.  How boring and yet incredibly intriguing. 
Not to mention the deliciously thick british accent that seems fitting, somewhow, and makes Nova’s insides feel warm and fluttery. 
He shoots her a friendly smile and nods his head towards the empty chair across the table from him.  Right.
She sits quickly, setting down her own laptop and coffee mug and shimmying out of her coat.  “Thank you,” she says.  “I didn’t expect this place to be so crowded today.”
“Midterms,” he mutters dismissively, and Nova nods in agreement.
“M’Harry by the way.”
He watches her with amused eyes and it makes her feel small in the best possible way.  She settles her coat on the back of her chair and grins at him.  “I’m Nova.”
His eyes widen at her words.  “No shit! Nova Leary?”
“The one and only.”  She nods, and she doesn’t know how or why this guy knows her name.  “How’d you know?”
“It’s not a very common name, for starters.  But also, Mr. Shuff won’t shut up about you and how great your grades were.”
The statement alarms Nova until she realizes who he’s referring to.  She furrows her eyebrows.  “Rick?”
Harry snorts.  “So you’re on a first name basis with the science professors then.”
Nova rolls her eyes, taking a sip of her coffee.  “No.  Rick taught my favorite class last year.  I asked my counselor if I could take it again because I loved it so much.”
“He says you’re the only one who aced every single one of his exams,” Harry continues.  “Show off.”
Nova shrugs.  “I love science.”
“Apparently so,” Harry chuckles.  He takes a sip of his coffee and turns back to his laptop, and Nova thinks that the conversation is over, so she opens up her own laptop and starts logging in on the home screen.
“So, Nova huh?  That’s a cool name.  Very futuristic of you.”
Nova looks up then, absentmindedly tapping her nails against the keys on the laptop.  “Thanks.  Chose it myself.” 
Harry eyes her for a moment, unsure of how exactly to read her sarcasm, and she rolls her eyes.  “That was a joke.”
He smiles then, seemingly relieved, and laughs softly.  “Oh.  Cool.  So Nova’s your real name then?”
“Yup.”  She takes a sip of her coffee and considers her words carefully.  She knows it’s a unique name, one that Harry’s probably never heard before.  But she doesn’t know if he’s actually interested in hearing the origin story of her name, or if he’s just making polite conversation.
“Where’d it come from?”
“Your name.  Like, what made your parents name you that?”
Nova feels her cheeks redden, because duh.  Of course that’s what he’d meant.  “You’re gonna make fun of it.”
Harry smirks that damn smirk once again and his fingers trace the rim of his mug.  “Try me.”
“The night that they think I was... conceived...” She says the last word softly, because damn, it feels weird to know the night you were conceived.  “My parents were at a music festival.  They looked up and swore that there was a supernova in the sky.”
Harry leans in, genuinely interested.  “That’s sick.”
It’s Nova’s turn to smirk.  “It was a music festival.  In the 90s.  They were on several drugs.”
“Oh.”  Harry snorts at how blunt-- for lack of a better term-- she is.  He takes another sip of his coffee and speaks into his mug.  “I mean... you never know.  There could’ve been a supernova.”
“There wasn’t.”
“And how would you know?  Were you there?”
“Technically yes.”  Harry nearly chokes on his drink and Nova beams.  “Besides.  The last supernova was in 1604.”
“Wow.”  Harry finally relaxes into his chair.  “Pretty and smart.”
“Comes with the name,” she says, matter-of-factly.  “When you’re named after a type of star, you kind of have to know your stuff.”
“I see.”  Harry smirks like he knows something that Nova doesn’t, and it intrigues her.  He tugs at his bottom lip and watches her for a moment.  She can feel the tips of her ears turning red, and she turns to her laptop.  She hears Harry let out a soft, nasally laugh before he, too, turns back to his laptop. 
She surprises herself when she speaks this time.  “I like your accent.”
Harry smirks, but he doesn’t look away from his laptop.  “Thanks.   Chose it myself.”
Nova rolls her eyes.  “What an original joke.”
Harry giggles-- actually giggles-- and it’s so endearing that Nova physically can’t stop herself from smiling.  “M’from England,” Harry says.  “But I moved here when I was 16.”
“Oh yeah?  Why’s that?”
“When my parents divorced, my mum got a job out here.  And I was... I mean, ya know, I was a kid, right?  So I just came with her.”
“I see.”  Nova picks nervously at her thumbnail.  “Sorry to hear about the divorce.”
Harry shakes his head.  “Nah.  Don’t worry about it.  Still close with both of ‘em.  M’glad, anyway.  They drove each other fuckin’ crazy.”  The way he pronounces the word “fucking” makes Nova swoon, but she refrains from telling him that. 
He turns to his laptop.  “Anyway,” he says again, typing away.  “I like it here.  A lot.”
Nova smiles, busying herself with her own work.  “That’s good!”
They’re quiet after that, and Nova is actually able to go over a few pages of the notes she’d taken a week ago.  She’d been studying for the past few weeks, of course, so she could recite this stuff in her sleep, but still.  It doesn’t hurt to be prepared.
It isn’t even five minutes later, however, when he’s talking again.  He’s asking her some question about Mr. Shuff-- Rick-- and his class, and next thing she knows she’s helping him with his study guide for the midterm.  (The midterm she’d aced with flying colors, she reminds him several times.)
Harry is smart, despite science not being his thing.  A lot of the concepts that come as second nature to her don’t quite click in his brain, but the way he talks about them, the way he asks questions, the way he perceives and listens and takes in everything she’s telling him is fascinating.  (Not to mention the fact that he’s actually quite beautiful to look at.)
Nova hasn’t even noticed when an hour has passed, and she actually feels her stomach drop when Harry mutters, “Oh shit, I’ve gotta go.”
“Where?”  She feels stupid for asking, but she can’t help herself.
Harry is already up and wiggling into his jacket. “I have to go to class.  It starts at 3:30.”
Nova glances down at the clock on her laptop, which reads 3:25.  Damn.
“Thank you so much for all the help, today, really.    I feel like I kind of understand it now.”
“Anytime!” Nova says.  “And you know, I’m here a lot, so.  If you ever need help, you know where to find me.”
Harry shoots her a genuine smile, and she crosses her fingers (on both hands) under the table, praying that he’ll ask for her number.  “Thanks,” he says, nodding.  “I’ll see you around, Nova.”
And then he’s gone, and the shop already seems less bright.  (A terrible metaphor but an accurate one nonetheless.)  
Nova stares dumbly at the empty chair in front of her, and she lets out a sigh she didn’t know she was holding.   Looking back, she probably could’ve asked him for his number instead of hoping he’d ask her for hers.  But still. Ouch.
Her laptop has gone into sleep mode and she wiggles her fingers against the mousepad to “wake it back up.”  She’s hardly even glanced at her notes this entire time, and she doesn’t even care.  She’d gotten to talk about something she loved with one of the most attractive guys she’d seen in AGES... and she had gotten no way of contacting him again.
She reaches for the coffee mug, which has been untouched for the last hour, and frowns when she realizes that the decent amount of coffee she had left is now cold.  So she sighs, drinking it down anyway and then closing her laptop.  She can do the rest of her studying at home, where she can maybe distract herself a bit and not think about those enormous, beautiful green eyes...
She stands then, slipping into her jacket and dropping her used mug off at the counter.  (She knows she could just leave it on the table and someone would come clean it, but having worked as a waitress all through high school, she knows the drill too well and figures she’ll just make everyone’s lives that much easier by doing this.)
With one last nod and a mumbled, “thank you” to the barista, Nova straightens her jacket and heads out the door. 
It’s two nights later, and Nova is impatient.
It’s a Saturday night, 9 business days since she’d ordered her package.  And still, no sign of it.
Who is she supposed to call about this?  She considers looking up the number for customer service on the website she’d ordered from, but then what would she say?  “Hi this is Nova Leary calling, is this dildo support?”  
There’s a reason she’s never done anything like this before, and this is it.
She groans, flipping upside down on the couch so that her head hangs off of the edge of it.  She opens up her Instagram once more and goes to the search section.  In her recent search history are several different variations of usernames containing the name “Harry,” and each time she’d clicked on one to find it wasn’t Coffee Shop Harry, she cursed herself for not asking for his last name.
It isn’t that she’s trying to stalk him, by any means.  In fact, it’s quite the opposite.  She just wants to see how he’s doing.  See if he’s taken Rick’s test yet and how he feels about it.  But she cannot find him anywhere, and she’s beginning to think that maybe its not meant to be.
She hears a knock on the door and groans.  She expects it to be Jessie, because most of the time when Jessie leaves, she forgets her keys.  (Although Nova doesn’t know why she didn’t just put her house key on the same keyring as her car keys.  It’s such a simple solution.)
Nova rolls backwards off the couch and shuffles to the door.  She expects to see Jessie, already kicking off her heels and holding her phone in her hand, with her mouth running a mile a minute telling Nova about tonight’s plans and how Nova should totally join her “just this once girl, pleeeease?”  She expects to turn Jessie down, and she expects Jessie to ask her to curl her hair because “I can’t do it like you, kid!”  
What Nova does not expect when she opens the door is Harry-- Coffee Shop Harry- standing in the hallway and holding a white box with that god-awful smirk.
“Well well well.  If it isn’t the supernova herself.”
She rolls her eyes but she does smile.  “Hi.”  She can’t even begin to explain whats happening in her chest right now.  He looks even better than he did at the coffee shop, if that’s even possible, Good lord. 
“Where’ve you been?  Feels like I haven’t seen you since 1604.”
“Ha ha,” she deadpans, then nods at the box.  “What are you doing here?  How’d you know I lived here?”
“Well, turns out this campus is a lot smaller than you’d think.  I live there,” he nods his head towards the next door over, “And this...”  He takes a deep breath and his cheeks redden the tiniest bit when he holds the box out to her.  “This was delivered to my place.”
It takes Nova a moment to register what he’s holding, and when she does, she gasps.
“Oh... oh my god...”
“Yeah... erm...” Harry shrugs awkwardly.  “I was going to just leave it there and hope you realized but I figured...” The tiniest hint of a smirk tugs at the corners of his mouth once again, but he covers it and lowers his voice.  “Figured you’d maybe want whatever’s inside of here.”
Mortified, Nova gulps and shakes her head. Promised Discreet Packaging, her ass.
Her fingers feel awkward and cold, but her face is hot and overall this feels like she’s experiencing the most intense out-of-body experience in her entire life.  She opens her mouth, then closes it.  She can hear her heart pounding in her ears, and thinks that maybe this is it-- maybe she’s dying.  What she can feel of her body feels like its vibrating at a frequency unheard of by humans and most animals.  When was the last known case of spontaneous human combustion?  Is that what she’s feeling now?  Should Harry get out of the way? 
Harry clears his throat, drawing her from her thoughts and sending another heat wave up to her ears.  “Uh...” she chokes.  “Well... I... thanks.”  She takes the box from his hands in what can only be described as slow motion, despite her best efforts to get out of this situation as quickly as possible. 
Harry hands over the box and his hands feel warm too.  Possibly a little clammy.  Or maybe those are hers. “Sure, yeah. Have a good night.”
Nova closes her eyes and wills them to never open, and Harry lets out a little “Ha-haa!” that crescendos in the most awkward and unnatural way.  “No, that wasn’t... I didn’t mean...  because of the...”  He nods his head towards the box that feels like its going to melt out of her hand’s at any moment.
“Yeah,” she nods, willing him to please, for fucks sake, shut up before he finishes that sentence.  “Uh.  You too.  Have a... good night.”
Neither of them makes any type of effort to pick up their feet and move, although for what reason, Nova isn’t sure.  Especially because neither of them will look at the other. And Nova wants more than anything to just close the door and evaporate into nothingness but her feet seem to be glued to the carpet.
Of all people who could’ve been her neighbor.
Harry clears his throat once more for what feels like the 80th time that night.  “Right.”  He nods his head and shoves his hands in his pockets, turning on his heels to head back to his own apartment.
(But not before Nova notices how beyond red his ears are.)
Nova closes her mouth after realizing that a) its been open this entire time, and b) she’s been watching Harry until he disappeared into his own apartment, and she comes back to reality slowly.
When she’s back inside the safety of her own apartment, she sinks down against the door.  She allows the box to drop out of her hands and land with a soft thud on the carpet while she hides her face.  Why did it have to be Coffee Shop Harry? Why did it have to be a fucking vibrator?
Why did this have to happen to her?
She wants to scream, but that, of course, would do her no favors.  So she groans, long and loud until she runs out of breath.  How is she going to be able to face this?  She won’t be able to use this now, knowing that Harry knows about it.  There’s no way she’ll be able to use it.
Except, that is a complete lie.
Four hours later, after Jessie has texted her and told her she’s going to be spending the night at Brad’s, Nova eyes the box that is now sitting in the corner of the living room.  It’s remained untouched since she’d gotten it, but she’d be lying if she said that she hadn’t been thinking about it.  How deliciously teasing it must be on its lowest setting, and how torturously good it must feel on its highest one.  She’d also be lying if she said she hadn’t been practically aching to know what it would look like, covered in her wetness, when she pulled it out from between her thighs.
And, to be frank, she’d be lying if she said she hadn’t been imagining what Harry would look like from down there, holding the vibrator firm between her legs, and watching her come undone with lust in his eyes.
She doesn’t know why she has that thought, and it makes her cheeks turn pink and hot but she can’t even help it.  He’s been on her mind since the afternoon at the coffee shop, and now that she knows that he lives right next door, her thoughts are running even more wild than before.
And so she gives in.
Soon, Nova finds herself half sitting, half laying on her bed, knees curled up and naked from the waist down.  She eyes the contraption in her hands and lets out a shaky breath.  She doesn’t need instructions on how to use this or anything, but goodness, its so intimidating in her hands that she can’t help but feel a little lost.
But she knows what to do.  And she needs to stop putting it off. 
She clears her throat and sits up a bit more, and with her thumb she flips the switch of the vibrator to the lowest setting.  It hums to life, and her eyes widen just a fraction.
Holy shit.
Even on the lowest setting, its powerful.  Her hand thats holding the toy is buzzing, and her mouth practically waters.  She needs to get this on her right now.
She’s still nervous, and she lowers it down between her legs.  Slowly, so as to build up the anticipation.  She thinks she knows what it’s going to feel like, but she doesn’t fully know. What if she doesn’t like it?
And then she feels it.  Even on its lowest setting, it sends a tingle up her spine almost instantly.  Her jaw drops and she can’t help the gasp that escapes her lips.  Her knee-jerk reaction is to pull it away, and she sits there for a moment, taking it all in.
She definitely likes it.
She presses the tip against her clit again almost hungrily and allows her head to fall back against the wall.  Her eyes flutter closed as she sighs out a quiet “Ohhh.”  It feels so good, especially when she adds a bit of pressure.  Fuck, why did she wait so long to purchase one of these?
She uses her thumb to increase the speed and groans the minute she hears the buzzing getting louder.  She tilts the vibrator to hit her clit from an angle and lets out a half moan, half gasp noise that she knows she’s never made before. With a giggle, she thanks her lucky stars that Jessie isn’t home tonight and she can be as loud as she wants. Because, oh god, does she want to be loud.
She swirls the vibrator against her clit with a little flick of her wrist, and moans loudly just because she can.  It feels good, and its even better knowing that she doesn’t have to suppress that feeling for anyone.  Although truthfully, she’s not even sure she could suppress it if she wanted to.  Not with how good this thing feels. 
She allows herself to fall into a steady rhythm of rocking her hips against the top, and she’s nearly drooling.  Every now and then she hits a certain spot that makes her toes curl and her breath hitch and she makes a note to focus more on that spot.  She revels in how good she’s feeling, and her mind begins to drift.
It starts small.  She thinks about how she wants to do this every night.  About what a shame it is that she’s missed out on making herself feel this good for so long.  About how she doesn’t need a partner to make herself feel good, and how wonderful that is.
But then, she thinks about having a partner.  Someone to hold this against her while they kiss her neck or lick into her mouth.  Someone with long fingers that could curl up inside her while they use their other hand to continuously roll this against her clit.  Someone with a deep voice, so that the words “You like this, baby? Hm? Feel good?” sound like honey dripping off their lips.  Someone with shaggy hair, green eyes, a thick british accent...
Fuck, she’s thinking about Harry.
Her legs kick out and her back arches just a bit when she hits another particularly good spot, and without even giving it a second thought, she turns up the speed.  She lets out a long, loud moan and involuntarily bucks her hips up against the vibrator.  Her head hits the wall once more with an embarrassingly loud thud, but she doesn’t even care.  She can’t be bothered to even begin to care; not when this feels so good and her mind is completely engrossed with thoughts of Harry.
She imagines what he would look like down between her legs, eyes trained on her face and bottom lip tucked between his teeth.  Her cheeks turn red when she allows herself to whisper his name softly under her breath, but it feels so good.  She starts to do it again, but cuts herself off when she hits her clit from a different angle.
Her whispers turn into a moan that almost sounds like a shout, and if she wasn’t so wrapped up in how good she’s feeling, she’d be worried about the fact that the tail end of Harry’s name was completely audible.  But how can she even think about that when she can hardly even think at all?  That familiar tingle in her belly is beginning to blossom, and all she can focus on is getting there.
And so she bucks her hips with a bit more aggression this time, and completely releases any and all inhibitions. A chorus of “fuckfuckfuck” and “shit oh my god” and “yes holy shit yes!” pours from her mouth and echos off the walls of her all too quiet apartment.  She doesn’t even have time to make the conscious decision to allow herself to cum, and its almost ridiculous how quickly she’s reached her orgasm. Especially considering how all she’s done with it is rub at her clit.  Her free hand grasps and tugs at the comforter of her bed, and her bottom lip stings because of how strongly it’s wedged between her teeth.   This is hands down the most intense orgasm she’s ever experienced, and she didn’t even have time to insert the thing inside of her or switch to the highest setting. 
She is loving every single second of it.
When the feeling passes, Nova is left completely breathless.  She flicks the vibrator off and drops it onto the bed beside her, and then she just stares. 
Fucking hell.
She gives herself time to catch her breath, and it feels almost like a struggle to keep her eyes open.  It’s the loveliest, most intense thing she’s experienced in a while, and she feels herself slowly returning back to earth, one shaky breath at a time.
When she straightens out her legs, her thighs twitch repeatedly-- almost like aftershocks.  Is that supposed to happen?  She doesn’t know, but right now, she’s too tired to be worried about it.  With a stretch, she curls and uncurls her toes, allowing them to crack and pop.  It feels surprisingly good, because she hadn’t realized how hard she’d been curling her toes the entire time.
And in the midst of it all, her thoughts drift back to Harry.  She thinks of how kind he must be during the aftershocks.  How smug he’d be that he’d made her feel so good.  And how hard his cock would be... how delicious it would taste...
Nova swallows when she realizes that she’s salivating at the thought of him, and she feels her cheeks grow hot once more.  Another twitch of her thighs snaps her back to reality.  
She can’t be fantasizing about him like this.  Absolutely not.  He’s her neighbor, and she’s only had one conversation with him.  (Two, if she considers the one she’d had with him earlier.  Which, she doesn’t.)
So why on earth is the thought of him using this vibrator on her so sexy, and why had it brought her to orgasm in under five minutes?
Suddenly, Nova feels embarrassed. Even more embarrassed than before.  Which is stupid, because she knows she’s alone in the apartment and has nothing to hide.  But still, she feels so vulnerable.  Exposed.  Naked.
Which reminds her that she is, in fact, naked from the waist down.  
“Fuck,” she mutters under her breath.  She rolls off of her bed and her knees wobble ever so slightly once she puts weight on them.  She tries not to think about her twitching thighs and how wet she feels.  And most importantly, she tries not to think about Harry anymore.
Although she’s almost positive that he’d take care of her in these intimate moments after the intensity passed.  He’d probably get her a clean pair of underwear and one of his hoodies, which would smell like him, and he’d probably help her clean herself off.  Not to mention, of course, how good he’d probably smell....
Shut up, Nova.
She shakes her head and retrieves a pair of pink cotton panties from her top drawer.  Nowhere near sexy, but they’re comfortable and that’s what she needs right now.
She bets Harry would love them.
With a groan she gathers up her PJs, as well as the vibrator, and heads into the bathroom.  Her face feels hot the entire time she’s washing off the tip of the toy with a damp cloth.  (Is that what you’re supposed to do?  She’d read online that she needed to keep the vibrator clean, but is this correct?  Why does this shit confuse her so much?)
Fifteen minutes later, Nova is in bed and the vibrator is stored safely and discreetly in her closet.   She still feels awkward and giddy, like a little kid almost, and her thighs continue to buzz every so often with another little aftershock.  
She’s fading fast, and its hard to even focus her mind right now.  But what she does focus on is the one person who’s been her driving force behind nearly everything for the past hour or so.
She hugs her pillow closer and allows herself to imagine its him.  Imagining the scent of his bare chest, the warmth of his skin, and the gentle thumping of his heartbeat.  She imagines his fingers in her hair, trailing lightly down her back, and his thick accent humming and muttering her praises in her ear.  “Such a good girl for me.”  “Rode that so well.”  “Look so pretty when you cum.”
Nova knows she’ll have to deal with this in the morning, of course.  Or rather, not deal with it at all.  She knows she’ll eventually see Harry again, and she  knows herself well enough to know she will probably never make eye contact with him after tonights incident.  (She has the fleeting, sleepy thought that tonight could be referred to as The Great Dildo Incident and it makes her giggle so hard that she starts coughing.)
For now, though, she’s happy.  And warm.  And sincerely exhausted after fucking herself to the thought of her cute british neighbor.
And so for now, that is enough.
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botanyshitposts · 7 years
Re: corn bybrids, I thought developing a monoculture was quite...dangerous, having a vast amount of food production depending on something never coming along which might evolve to attack a single genetic variety... like the way it went with bananas... and might be going again with bananas... Isn't genetic diversity kind of the key component of robustness in the ongoing evolution race between plant and pest?
okay, so first of all: damage in the maize industry due to a large amount of the same seed variety being used has happened before because of the thing that anon is talking about, way back in the gap between the 50s and the 70s when we didn’t know as much about breeding things for agri as we do now. 
to understand this bit of maize history, we have to back up here and explain detasseling. the process of detasseling is a HHUUUUUUUGGEE thing in the midwest to the point where its a tradition/coming of age ritual for a lot of rural families. so in large production cornfields (which create mass hybrid seed for farmers), it’s like my job on a huge scale; at this point, corn research facilities (like the one I work at) have chosen the best resulting hybrid varieties from two of their inbred strains and have decided to market it. to do this, they send the seed companies a shit ton of seeds for the inbred parents with the intention of making a super shit ton of hybrid seed for sale. at my work, when the resulting varieties might be openly tossed out at any moment, we hand-pollinate the maize with special bags, but this is impossible with literal thousands of plants on a production line. so what companies do is plant fields separated into parts- part A will be the male inbred line, and part B will be the female inbred line. the intention is to mass-pollinate the female line with the male line. this is done by chopping off all the tassels (the male flower structures on top of the plants) off the plants in the female section, so that the field has no choice but to pollinate the female ears in part B with the male tassels in part A. the plants in part B produce ears of hybrid seed, which can be sold. 
and this is where the bus loads of rural teens come in. detasseling is a notoriously HORRIBLE job, but it also pays well to the point that you can make $1,000 in a few weeks, which attracts farm kids to get up at 4AM to walk through the female sections of fields to individually pull the tassels off each and every female plant. each field has a different arrangement; some are one row male, two rows female, ect, but its all the same concept. in recent decades we’ve developed giant wacking machines that roll through the fields and chop off all the female tassels, but anyone who works with plants knows that when you work with biological organisms, it’s nearly impossible to use a machine to regulate everything the exact same way; every individual is different, which is why to this day every late June to early July corn companies hire farm kids to do this horrible job for a reasonable amount of pay. 
now you may be like, “why can’t they just get rid of the tassels in the genes??” and that’s where we come to our story about the terrible potential of inbred line crossing and mass monocultures when done incorrectly.
in the 1950s, people in corn research facilities found a single corn inbred variety that allowed for male sterility in the inbred line; when crossed, it regained it’s fertility as a hybrid cross. this means that seed corn companies could use a fertile male inbred line and this specific infertile line as their female, and during production wouldn’t need to hire detasselers. the resulting corn would be perfectly fertile to use by farmers in the field for the production of grain. 
the result of this was people using a shit ton of this female line. like. in everything. like by the mid 1960s almost all seed corn was produced with this gene so corn companies could save money. 
and this is where we reach the total nightmare scenario that i still kind of geek out about because it’s such a nightmare scenario like how could you create a monoculture like this when this is like. a textbook potential result of reducing genetic diversity?????:
in 1971, we had a huge outbreak of fungus southern corn leaf blight. it just so happened that the male infertile inbred line being used as a female in like 500000000 hybrid corn varieties was very susceptible to fungus southern corn leaf blight. and the hybrid corn that was developed from it- which at this point made up 90% of all hybrid corn being grown in the United States- was also susceptible to it. 
we lost 15% of the entire USA’s maize crop in 1971 because corn companies wanted to save money and didn’t have the tech to increase genetic diversity in their inbred lines. also this is just the USA, like this is a quote from the abstract of this emergency white paper on the epidemic discussing the nightmare scenario looming over the susceptible crop in 1970-1971 canada when it crept up from the corn belt (canada ended up not suffering as badly as the US, and that paper is really interesting and anxiety-inducing to read if your interested in plant pathology btw):
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75% like could you even imagine. if this was worse than it was canada alone could have lost 75% of its entire maize crop. like i cannot believe this literally happened like you would think???? that they would be like o shit we have a lot of that corn like we should prob not do that incase something was to happen???? but they didnt they really. just did it lol
anyway so the resolution to that story is that of course farmers were like wow i sure dont want to lose my livelihood to my entire crop failing and immediately stopped buying hybrids with the susceptible inbred line. it literally fell out of use in like three years and we went back to manual detasseling even though the scientists in the 80s were like “hey we fixed it” and tried putting a leaf blight resistant male infertile inbred line back on the market for crossing but no one would touch that shit lol
and thats the story of how detasseling almost stopped for like 30 years until the US maize market took a major hit as the result of companies cutting corners and then came back and is still a thing that happens every year. today, we do use the male infertile inbred lines, but not even close to in the same capacity as we did in the 60s. it’s used today in conjunction with manual detasseling and machine detasseling to reduce costs. 
so anyway, i asked the corn breeders at work about how they prevent this nightmare from happening again, and they told me a couple things:
1. theres just. so many corn varieties out there now that are used. like to give some ideas as far of the sheer scale: at my facility alone, we have around 40 male inbred lines and 40 female inbred lines. every facility has this many. there are hundreds of facilities and they all mix and match inbreds. thats just my company 
2. they have hundreds of breeding programs that all strive for different things and seek out new maize varieties to keep the gene pool fresh. 
3. just like with all other things that aren’t industry and lifestyle changing (coughthatonesingularmaleinfertilefamaleinbredlinecough), things fall in and out of style. like it feels like a weird thing bc its corn but seriously, its a thing that happens in breeding because what the farmers want in their corn is always changing; they gave an example of a particularly popular variety my company had in the 90s that was the big thing for a few years. after those few years where it was like super popular (they spoke of it by numerical code and did so very fondly lol it was like two of them and they were like “aaahhhh 4919992 do u remember that one.....man what a stunner”) the farmers noticed some problems with it, got tired of it, and started buying better stuff. things fall in and out of popularity. 
4. we have the power of GMOs on our side. that means that if they have a gene in one plant thats super cool and powerful but the plant itself if lacking, they can just take it out and put it in a better, more resistant plant, and if that doesnt work they can just keep trying, or try with a better gene or trait. if the detasseling thing had happened today instead of the 1950s, they could have taken the gene out and put it in several different, more genetically diverse inbred lines, causing a little more variety than using the exact. same. females. for everything. bc thats so smart. 
basically?? we have a ton of corn. a lot of corn. just so much corn. u want tall corn?? u can choose between 6000000000 tall corn lines or perhaps u would like some mid-sized corn????? could i interest u in some corn from england??????? or japan???? or corn resistant to your particular climate or tailored to your needs???????????? please choose your corn company (there are like 500000 and they all have their own inbred lines) and then choose ur fave and change it out from year to year???????? we just got in 500000 new inbred varieties and got rid of 50000?????? its in the industry’s favor financially to keep developing new stuff, new traits, new inbreds, and new hybrids. genetic diversity is key to keeping up with new threats, and as of 2017 we’re certainly not using the same females for everything anymore. bananas are another story tho lol
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Love Letter
Notes: THREE DAYS IN A ROW! WOO! four/five fanfictions in one week, thats amazing! normally i dont write for long, but thanks to @thekitkatlizard i got an idea! and yes, this has blind!zane.
Word Count: 1, 358. Normal for me.
Warnings: none unless you hate love letters
“Aph, for the last time, I’m blind, I can’t read it.” Zane hisses, his closest friend giggling over the phone.
“Explain how you found it then?” The caramel-eyed girl asks.
“Garroth gave it to me. I don’t know why someone would write a letter, and not come to the house, because most likely they live nearby. Now will you come and read it?” Zane repeats.
“Fine, fine. I will. But I better get something in return…” Aphmau trails off.
Zane gives an aggregated sigh. “What do you want?”
“Irene, woman, you got some vocals….” Zane mutters. “I ate it all. That’s why you never got it.”
Aphmau growls. “Ugh, but I still want something!”
“I’ll take you to Olive Garden.”
“Deal!” Aphmau happily exclaims over the phone. “See ya in a minute!”
“I… SEE what you did there.” Zane smirks.
Aphmau giggles, both of them hanging up. Zane runs his fingers on the paper that kept the letter inside. The raven-haired male lies on his back on the dark purple colored bed sheets, a song playing on low volume. He couldn’t quite recognize the notes but- oh god, the G note. Zane fakes a small wail, saying silent to listen to one of his favorite song among many others: which did make him cry. He used to cry to this one, but Zane had gotten used to the song by now. The pale-blue eyed person silently taps his fingers to the time, singing along. He has also started associating songs with his friends. Sebonzakura remind him of Garroth for some reason, he gave Copycat to Kawaii~Chan, just because he can, and he did this with the others. One was special though, one reserved for someone infamous and famous in Zane’s mind; Gene. Sometimes, on a rainy day, he would play one of his top favorites, which was oddly enough not My Chemical Romance or Fall out Boy. It was actually Paramore, which made everyone confused.
Just by luck, the song came on. Zane silently sings along, waiting for Aphmau, is over seven minutes late now. Maybe she got stuck in something? Zane blocks any anxiety from entering his thoughts by his deep vocals, distracting him.
You, are, the only exception.
You, are, the only exception.
You, are, the only exception.
You, are, the only exception.
I’ve got a tight grip on reality!
But I can’t let go of what’s in front of me here…
I know you’re leaving in the morning when you wake up,
Leave me with some kind of proof it’s not a dream!
Zane turns his head to see Aphmau wide-eyed at the entrance of his room. “I didn’t know you could sing!”
Zane blushes and sinks into his shoulders a little. “I-I mean, I... I took choir i-in middle school, Heh…” he nervously explains.
Aphmau ruffles his hair and sits next to him. “Now where’s the letter?”
Zane raises the letter in the air. “Right ‘ere.”
The shorter one snatches the letter out of Zanes’ hand and opens the paper where the writing was sealed. She unfolds it about three times, the letter in a nice handwriting. It is about the length of a normal sketching paper, and had a back to it. She quickly looked over it and smirked. “Seems like someone is in love with you, Zane.”
Zane shoots up. “W-what?!”
Aphmau nods with a voice of knowing. “Mm-Hm, and the name is signed.”
“WHO IS IT FROM?!” Zane screams.
“Dear Zane,” Aphmau begins, ignoring Zanes’ request. Zane groans as he lies back down, listening to the words. “I know that it has been a few years since I moved near all of you, and I’m glad to have fixed my hostility with everyone, including you. I probably hurt you the most, which I am still sorry about. Every time I look at you, I get reminded of what I did. But that’s past us, right?” Aphmau pauses, quickly reading over the next paragraph. “Now that we are past the apologies, I can state that I’ve been seeing you act differently around me. You keep giving me this weird look, almost like you’re judging my soul. Who knows, maybe you are? Hah, I’m kidding. I can promise you though; that I know there is something more behind those eyes. I can see your mind going fifty miles per hour, and you stutter around me… a lot. I must say, it’s kinda adorable.”
Aphmau giggles as she looks at Zane, who had a small blush on his face. “I’m only a quarter way through and you’re already blushing.”
“S-shut up,” Zane squints, staring at Aphmau. “Continue.”
“Compliments aside, I’ve been able to keep my own personal secret for a while. I got in a truth or dare game with a few of the girls though as the punishment for a bet and… it kinda slipped? So, before they tell you, I decided to write this.” Aphmau continues. “Zane, a lot slipped. Like, a lot. All that I ever thought, or said, about you came out. So, here it comes.” Aphmau takes a deep breath as she prepares herself.
“Your midnight black hair constantly draws me in, somehow, like you having stars in your hair. I can say that your eyes are as bright as them, though, which any sane person could agree. The freckles which are barely visible are simply adorable, they make you look like a dork, but you also have a mature aura around you, balancing your personality. You can be extremely kind when you want to, and tearing down your walls around others only makes me feel proud of you. I wasn’t around you when you started becoming more social, so I don’t know how far you’ve really come, but I know it’s far.” Aphmau stares at Zane, whose face was a bright pink. She gives a small laugh as she reads the end.
“Unfortunately, I’m starting to run out of space. I know you probably won’t understand everything I’m saying, mostly because you probably don’t completely share my affection towards you, but I tried my best to write this. I may have failed epically; I may have won over your heart. Wait, did I just write this whole thing in ink? Wait, how would you know? Damn it, I was doing so well writing this. Guess I just spoiled it for myself.” Aphmau continues to stare at Zane.
“So?” She asks.
Zane darts his eyes around in disbelief. “I… who wrote this? It’s so excellently written- I don’t think anyone has this amount of skill besides me.”
Aphmau leans in. “Gene.”
“Gene what?” Zane questions, Aphmau letting out a sigh.
“Gene wrote this, stupid!”
“GENE?!” Zane screeches. “HE- HE WROTE THIS?!”
Aphmau nods vigourously. “Yes, Zane!”
“Are you serious?”
Zane shrugs. “I mean… I dunno, you and KC ship me with a lot of people.”
“We never guessed Gene though.” The other mutters.
Zane slides off his bed. “I’m talking to him.”
“Zane, wait!” Aphmau runs up beside him. “Don’t hurt yourself, okay?”
Zane nods. “I won’t. It’s just going to be a quick chat.”
Aphmau slides the paper in Zane’s hand as he rushes off. “See ya!”
Zane runs across the street, weary for any sounds indicating harm. He gets to the other side of the street, continuing to run across. He dashes past the houses, coming near the end of the street. He cuts through the yard, jumping onto the patio, and knocks furiously on Gene’s door. “GENE!”
A familiar face opens the door. “Zane?” Gene questions.
Zane grabs Gene in a tight hug, whispering. “I got the letter.”
A small blush appears on Gene’s face. “I- oh, uh, heh, so….”
Zane buries his face in the corner of Genes’ neck. “It’s fine. Besides, I…I should tell you, too. I should have told you a while ago.”
Gene gives a small chuckle as he keeps embracing the other. “I should have too.”
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drinkshaming-blog · 7 years
>Gamzee: Transport eggs.
You illuminate the path ahead of you, unwavering in your light as you gingerly carry a large, padded basket full of eggs towards one of the incubation caverns. Your bare feet pad softly against the rocky ground, dark stone tinted a hundred colors from sweeps of blood and paint running through the crevices. As you walk, you sing to the basket under your breath.
Ahead, the entry you remember is gone, as well as several of the murals that were beside it. You stop and frown. Your memory isn’t that bad, is it?
“Gamzee!” calls a voice from down the tunnel. “Ataki’e!”
You look up and wave in greeting. “Ataki’la, kenna.”
A troll a few sweeps older than you, Datayn, approaches you, carrying an armful of failed eggs. She nods to the wall where the entry should be. “Eylna te hariek’a juni pate, ah, saulo tog’una fabrei ne’gi, tellai.” Her expression darkens momentarily. “Temai’e herum herei te taki’e kureti aue.”
Your eyebrows lift and you study the wall, or rather the unwieldy rubble that makes up the wall. It’s difficult to tell where there’s been a recent collapse because there are so many old collapses-- there’s an old saying that goes hariek’a hennei kala re’ue ni’a, or ‘every wall of the caverns is made of someone’s ruins’. Datayn says eight jades and forty eggs were lost to a collapse three nights ago. You turn your gaze back to Datayn with a soft smile. “Auwae. Malai, malai, kenna.”
She smiles back. “Malai, malai, tellai.”
“Reke’te aue hyeni’el keji keia unelli te orema?”
“Paela taei ke me’ei.”
“Fa’ele key te jyre’kl te haeme’ai saulo taki’e?”
“Ah, raenu keai ke’ea ne’a dayn, melliaku.”
“Ta, auwae. Kelli’a ieneta ue!” You carefully rotate one of the eggs in your basket.
“Ieneta ue,” she echoes, nodding towards the failed eggs in her arms. “Temai’ilee kaki morei, shereya, Gamzee.” She laughs at her own joke and allows you to adjust the rhododendron in her hair before she continues on her path and you alter yours, turning right at the next fork to make your way to another incubation cavern.
As you walk, you check your messages, scrolling through a couple notifications about various projects you’re collaborating on (and sighing softly at your conversations with Tavros and Karkat respectively) until you reach your conversation with your supervisor.
GAMZEE: no worries, motherfucker GAMZEE: youll get a chance to see these legs again sooner or later haha JAREED: |et’s aim for ‘sooner’. GAMZEE: sure thing :o) JAREED: you are hard at work, i assume? GAMZEE: be up and carrying some motherfucking eggs around right now actually JAREED: oh! are you, uh. |uminescent? GAMZEE: yeah haha i lights all up whenever shits dark GAMZEE: helps a brother get around easy JAREED: that’s pretty hot.
Your smile widens. Motherfuck, for all the respect he doesn’t have for you, this thing you’re doing with him feels pretty good.
GAMZEE: you think? JAREED: yeah, the who|e g|owing thing, as we|| as the makeup stuff you wear. JAREED: and you. you are beautifu|. GAMZEE: haha damn thanks GAMZEE: thats all some nice shit to hear from a motherfucker as you GAMZEE: which, here cant make no judgements cause i dont all talk to so many highbloods JAREED: you are the first jade i’ve spoken to as we||. GAMZEE: really? JAREED: yes. i have heard stories about friends of friends who have had… encounters with jades, of course, but it is difficu|t to discern how much of that is pure boasting. JAREED: i think most tro||s want to find out what it’s |ike. GAMZEE: wow GAMZEE: that mean a brother just got lucky or something? JAREED: yeah, i got to see you for myse|f. GAMZEE: all kinds of motherfucking good shit that be haha GAMZEE: this fucker getting to talk at ya such how, shades and looks and everything JAREED: nothing you say makes sense. it’s cute. GAMZEE: haha aight JAREED: it’s because you speak that backwards jade dia|ect, right? it’s very exotic.
Does he think you’re speaking in the mother tongue? Does he think that’s the mother tongue?
GAMZEE: sure GAMZEE: so this all you tryna make a story for ya friends friends to gossip at, if ya catch? JAREED: abso|utely. i want you.
Oh, man. This is obviously intensely objectifying, but fuck it’s nice to be wanted. Why don’t you fall in love with people who fetishize you like Jareed does, again? (Because you would and do choose real, all-consuming, unrequited love over someone fickle who actually wants you any night. Which is a miracle unto itself.)
GAMZEE: thanks :o) JAREED: i’|| try to find an excuse to visit the caverns soon. GAMZEE: oh aight JAREED: is the new diet for the mother grub working out? GAMZEE: yeah shit be going down right as rain yo
You hear singing and see flickering light ahead, and shut off your palmhusk, checking on the eggs instead of paying attention to the new message vibration. Before long, you find yourself cutting through an enormous cavern where rows of jades are hauling on lines and handling levers to move huge vats of genetic material (a job far too delicate for machines- one off-temper unit and the entire gene pool could be poisoned). You walk down one of the lines as they continue to sing, and stop beside one particular troll.
“Yo, Kerede,” you greet him.
The jagged scar on his face twists as he smiles up at you, continuing to haul in time with the song. “Hey, brother. How’s the night treating you?”
“Some fine shit, tellai. You?”
He shrugs as much as he can. “Got stuck hauling, but we having a good time here.” Something catches someone’s attention; they raise their hand and call for the others to stop. The motion pauses and several trolls hurry over to check out whatever’s wrong with the slurry. Kerede steps away from the line; you decaptchalogue a skein of water and hand it to him. “Thanks, man. You going to the festival this week, right?”
“Yeah, motherfucker just heard of all that,” you reply. “Gotta pay respects and shit. Been a while since the last big event, anyway.”
“True, shit’ll be nice.” Kerede carefully pours some water over the back of his neck. “Anyways, I’m near finished with the inseam on that hat for ya’ friend. Probably be done in a night or two, depending how busy I am. Having a nice time with it.” He finishes dousing himself in water and holds out his arms invitingly; you carefully hand your basket to him and stretch. 
“Damn, aight. Thanks. Anything a motherfucker can do back at ya?” you ask.
He thinks about that for a moment. “Oh, I been working on some fancy dress for my palemate’s wriggling day in a few perigees here, could use some patterned silk for a shawl kinda thing.”
You nod. It isn’t repayment for his services, that isn’t how things work down here; it’s a way to keep busy, to keep creating, to help a brother. And this sounds like something you’d enjoy in your free time. “What size you thinking? Might need to find some help getting dyes and all.”
“Well-” A call goes up for workers to return to their places. “Shit.” He hands your basket and water skein back to you and repositions himself beside the line. “I’ll message you the details, okay?”
“Sounds good, brother.” You smile at him. “See you.”
He returns your smile and you’re on your way again as the singing starts back up.
Some time later, you see seashells dotting the walls of the tunnel, most broken into a few pieces by centuries of pressure at least. A few jades are carefully digging some of the shells out of the stone. They must be on break. You watch them gently scrape at the insides of the shells, presumably to make sure they’re the type that can be used to make a certain rich fuchsia pigment. One of the trolls calls to you and asks if you’d like some dye from these once it’s been treated. You say yes, definitely, and thank him-- without stopping; you’ve wasted some time already and you don’t want these eggs to cool down too much.
A few minutes later, you’re humming softly to yourself and the eggs when a smaller troll, barely younger than you, falls in step beside you. There’s something strange about the shape of her torso, not distinctly noticeable but undeniably there; she herself was killed in a collapse not too long ago. She’s holding a basket of eggs as well, you notice as she amiably joins in with the words to your song. “Cover your crystal eyes, and let your colors bleed and blend with mine... Making, uh-- motherfuck, forgot the lyrics.”
You laugh. “‘Sup, Ellane?”
“Thirsty as shit,” she replies frankly.
“Mm, I feel ya. Should check in with Ya’alei? Motherfucker might got something to spare,” you suggest. Ellane nods. “Mine best friend got me all fed couple nights ago,” you add, some pride in your tone.
She cocks her head. “Who?”
Her eyes widen, a grin playing across her face. “The cute cerulean who was here like last week? He is, so. Oh.”
You give another soft laugh, keeping an eye on your basket. “He’s the only cerulean you ever met, sister.”
“Yeah, but I’ve seen them in movies. He’s motherfucking cute. Have you ever met another cerulean, anyways?”
Shrug affably. “Nah, I ain’t. Got a good point.”
“Was he the one you went out with?” Her gaze traces the colorful shapes on the cavern walls as she moves past them.
“Yeah.” You smile at the memory.
“Sweet messiahs, that must have been so cool. How was that, anyways?”
“Some miracle shit. Brother took me to see some wildflowers and all, we sat around most the night. Hardly wanted to come back.” There’s probably some totally obvious note of disproportionate happiness in your voice.
She quirks an eyebrow. “So are you pale for him or what?”
“Yeah,” you reply simply. The two of you reach the entrance to the incubation cavern and head inside, navigating around clutches of eggs to find an open space. This area is tinged with the sulfurous smell of the hot air channeled up into this chamber from the boiling wells deep below. You step over one of the naturally occurring vents that line the wall of the cavern, feeling its intense heat on your legs-- it reminds you of the sweeps before the game, when you were the youngest troll in the caverns and your relatively diminutive size made you the perfect candidate to lower yourself down into the vents and locate blockages or problems. It reminds you of crawling for what felt like weeks through narrow winding tunnels, sometimes having to press your back and feet against the sides so you didn’t fall, of scraped shoulders and skinned knees and damp clothing, of a parched tongue that painfully juxtaposed the air so humid you thought you’d suffocate, of heat rashes and ambiguous chemical burns, of having to grope your way along the wall through total and inexhaustible darkness. 
Motherfuck, you wish you had your bioluminescence then. Maybe you’ll go back down there sometime. You smile and continue to follow Ellane, breaking your trance with “Sorry, what’d you motherfucking say?”
“Does he know?” she repeats.
“Don’t think so,” you say as she sets her basket down and lays a thick cover out in a wide, shallow depression in the cavern floor. “Ain’t trying to make it known, but ain’t tryna hide it neither.”
“Are you gonna make a move?”
“Nope. Motherfucker ain’t any way, like, available for that feelings shit, nor interested in a brother. Just friend shit.” You set down your own basket and start transferring the eggs to the cover.
She examines one of her eggs and then sets it aside with a little sigh. “And you’re happy with that?”
“Sure thing.” You smile down at the eggs. “I love him, ya know, don’t need nothing back. Brother knows I’m there for him, that’s the best I motherfuckin’ need.” You know if he knew how you feel, he’d try to cut ties with you; you know it’s bound to happen sometime. But he’s here for now, and you’re happy with that, and the little pining lump in the center of your chest just reminds you how good you felt when he was yours. And that’s not a bad thing. You squint at the ceiling, trying to fit words together. “It’s, uh. You know, tou’na leiva, for a motherfucker, like takalou na’e hekemai? Reke ali’i jeya fe’all, gaiye pala he works shit out. It all... hennai ali’e ta, last time. Kinda, um, ehuwei te’a. Miracle shit.”
She gives a little nod. “Ah, I got you. Ca’ali te, brother.”
You adjust an egg in the clutch with a laugh. “Yeah, ca’ali te.” Ellane reaches over to you and wipes at what you assume is a spot of smudged paint near your jaw, starting to hum another song. You quickly check your messages again; before Kerede’s recent message about the shawl for his moirail is one from Tavros, which does hurt a little, as fresh wounds tend to do. You smile, at her in thanks and at yourself for being able to help Tavros out as well as you can.
The mineral deposits in the incubation cavern glimmer as you and Ellane make your way out, the light from your bodies reflecting against the crystals, and you take a moment to take in the huge murals that illuminate the walls nearly as much as your bioluminescence does. They bear lines of scripture, depict messiahs and cavern workers and flowering trees and moon cycles, scenes of violence and kindness.
The caverns are beautiful, you think for the hundred thousandth time over the course of your life, all decked out in centuries’ worth of paints and stardust stains in every color imaginable, all full of siblings in their own paints and flowers and stardust singing songs and performing ancient rites and lighting their paths with the radiance of their own bodies. Making inks and baskets and clothes purely for the love of making. No wildflowers could be this vibrant, you think. You work hard, all of you, scraped shoulders and blistered palms and crushed ribs, hands grasping blindly in the dark, purely for the sake of creating something good, and you have. Here, deep beneath the surface of Alternia, is the garden of the sun.
These caverns must have been a lifeless place before the Faith was born-- you can’t imagine how difficult it must have been for your people back when they were really slaves. And without the Faith, they still would be. Without the Faith, you can only imagine that these caverns, here beautiful, the garden of the sun, would be dark and empty.
You like to think that you’re like the caverns.
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dorcasrempel · 6 years
Biologist Adam Martin studies the mechanics of tissue folding
Embryonic development is tightly regulated by genes that control how body parts form. One of the key responsibilities of these genes is to make sure that tissues fold into the correct shapes, forming structures that will become the spine, brain, and other body parts.
During the 1970s and ’80s, the field of embryonic development focused mainly on identifying the genes that control this process. More recently, many biologists have shifted toward investigating the physics behind the tissue movements that occur during development, and how those movements affect the shape of tissues, says Adam Martin, an MIT associate professor of biology.
Martin, who recently earned tenure, has made key discoveries in how tissue folding is controlled by the movement of cells’ internal scaffolding, known as the cytoskeleton. Such discoveries can not only shed light on how tissues form, including how birth defects such as spina bifida occur, but may also help guide scientists who are working on engineering artificial human tissues.
“We’d like to understand the molecular mechanisms that tune how forces are generated by cells in a tissue, such that the tissue then gets into a proper shape,” Martin says. “It’s important that we understand fundamental mechanisms that are in play when tissues are getting sculpted in development, so that we can then harness that knowledge to engineer tissues outside of the body.”
Cellular forces
Martin grew up in Rochester, New York, where both of his parents were teachers. As a biology major at nearby Cornell University, he became interested in genetics and development. He went on to graduate school at the University of California at Berkeley, thinking he would study the genes that control embryonic development.
However, while in his PhD program, Martin became interested in a different phenomenon — the role of the cytoskeleton in a process called endocytosis. Cells use endocytosis to absorb many different kinds of molecules, such as hormones or growth factors.
“I was interested in what generates the force to promote this internalization,” Martin says.
He discovered that the force is generated by the assembly of arrays of actin filaments. These filaments tug on a section of the cell membrane, pulling it inward so that the membrane encloses the molecule being absorbed. He also found that myosin, a protein that can act as a motor and controls muscle contractions, helps to control the assembly of actin filaments.
After finishing his PhD, Martin hoped to find a way to combine his study of cytoskeleton mechanics with his interest in developmental biology. As a postdoc at Princeton University, he started to study the phenomenon of tissue folding in fruit fly embryonic development, which is now one of the main research areas of his lab at MIT. Tissue folding is a ubiquitous shape change in tissues to convert a planar sheet of cells into a three-dimensional structure, such as a tube.
In developing fruit fly embryos, tissue folding invaginates cells that will form internal structures in the fly. This folding process is similar to tissue folding events in vertebrates, such as neural tube formation. The neural tube, which is the precursor to the vertebrate spinal cord and brain, begins as a sheet of cells that must fold over and “zip” itself up along a seam to form a tube. Problems with this process can lead to spina bifida, a birth defect that results from an incomplete closing of the backbone.
When Martin began working in this area, scientists had already discovered many of the transcription factors (proteins that turn on networks of specific genes) that control the folding of the neural tube. However, little was known about the mechanics of this folding.
“We didn’t know what types of forces those transcription factors generate, or what the mechanisms were that generated the force,” he says.
He discovered that the accumulation of myosin helps cells lined up in a row to become bottle-shaped, causing the top layer of the tissue to pucker inward and create a fold in the tissue. More recently, he found that myosin is turned on and off in these cells in a dynamic way, by a protein called RhoA.
“What we found is there’s essentially an oscillator running in the cells, and you get a cycle of this signaling protein, RhoA, that’s being switched on and off in a cyclical manner,” Martin says. “When you don’t have the dynamics, the tissue still tries to contract, but it falls apart.”
He also found that the dynamics of this myosin activity can be disrupted by depleting genes that have been linked to spina bifida.
Breaking free
Another important cellular process that relies on tissue folding is the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT). This occurs during embryonic development when cells gain the ability to break free and move to a new location. It is also believed to occur when cancer cells metastasize from tumors to seed new tumors in other parts of the body.
During embryonic development, cells lined up in a row need to orient themselves so that when they divide, both daughter cells remain in the row. Martin has shown that when the mechanism that enables the cells to align correctly is disrupted, one of the daughter cells will be squeezed out of the tissue.
“This has been proposed as one way you can get an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, where you have cells dissociate from native tissue,” Martin says.  He now plans to further study what happens to the cells that get squeezed out during the EMT.
In addition to these projects, he is also collaborating with Jörn Dunkel, an MIT associate professor of mathematics, to map the network connections between the myosin proteins that control tissue folding during development. “That project really highlights the benefits of getting people from diverse backgrounds to analyze a problem,” Martin says.
Biologist Adam Martin studies the mechanics of tissue folding syndicated from https://osmowaterfilters.blogspot.com/
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astralworld-blog1 · 8 years
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Donald Marshall stay up with me a little tonight my friends if you can. Carey Yost Breaking: Carey Yost's photo. Lill Fragill Castle up up up im always tryin to stay up Donald Marshall who's around tonight? Donald Marshall I have so much to tell you all... but I dont like the diluting... Donald Marshall however Lill Fragill Castle here here ,im in luck it seems Carey Yost www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnyB0a8G71Y LOUIS JORDAN - AIN'T NOBODY HERE BUT US CHICKENS- 1956 Rock'n'Roll remake of his 40's swing hit! www.mixcloud.com/woodybraun/woo... See more Donald Marshall same as when I skipped phase 2 info to jump to phase 3 info to tell about vrill and hosts... in case i'd died during phase 2 and didnt get to vrill... and hosts... Donald Marshall I feel the same kinda way now... Donald Marshall I have to tell you about draconians and more about nephelim... Donald Marshall just in case... so you have the real motives and perceptions and agenda of these things... Cindy Collins i'm here too, goin ta work... Donald Marshall understand. it is hard to talk about ok? Donald Marshall I'm no coward... i thought i was immune to the fear of seeing a new deadly thing or gene spliced monstrosity. Lill Fragill Castle cool you are good at all the motives and how they piece together Donald Marshall I was wrong. Donald Marshall please know I'm not stringing you along with tidbits... I gain nothing from that... Lill Fragill Castle take your time brother Donald Marshall info is free from me. Donald Marshall as it should be and will be always. Donald Marshall theyve told me lies and propaganda... it was so obvious I didn't bother to mention it. Donald Marshall i exclude much of the trivial talk and happenings... they WANT me to say the retarded things they've done and do... or they did before... Donald Marshall it bothers them when I dont mention the next day how this person or that bothered me... Donald Marshall long story... Donald Marshall I'll tell you all I know about Draconians which is limited... Donald Marshall this will sound absurd but... Donald Marshall the illuminati bounced time back... a day or more... I already did this... so did you... Donald Marshall this thread. Lill Fragill Castle absurd is what it has to be to be believable for me i know this place is whacked Donald Marshall altered now in the timeline... Lill Fragill Castle... no shit? Donald Marshall something happened that they didnt want to happen and they did the "groundhog day" effect with the hadron/proton collider... Donald Marshall maybe 1 day maybe more Donald Marshall depends upon when the collider made the last slam. Donald Marshall they have the option of doing a reset... its project pegasus... Donald Marshall back to that slam... Donald Marshall buuuut they can only do it like 7 times because 8 9 and 10 times in a row chance black holes appearing in the earth... Donald Marshall seriously Donald Marshall it is wild tech. Lill Fragill Castle i once dialed 911 and said "this sounds crazy but can someone get me back to 1979 Donald Marshall i had to do my original letter like 5 or 7 times... it was bad... Lill Fragill Castle i was having a slight psycho episode but was completely serious Donald Marshall an ordeal Lill Fragill Castle i read all of it Donald Marshall I went through it to save all you people not in the know. Donald Marshall don't allow me to have done that for nothing. Donald Marshall it was a lot of pain. Donald Marshall most crack... I didnt... had to warn the world... save others... Donald Marshall I thought they could do the groundhog day effect indefinetely... Donald Marshall I just kept going back and writing it out the next day again like stubborn and determined. Syro De-j Good evening my friend, good to see you. Donald Marshall learned they cant do pegasus over n over,... Lill Fragill Castle i know it was hell ...we hAVE to keep it from becoming megadeath for the masses Donald Marshall 5th or 7th time they had to let my letter get finished and sent everywhere... Carey Yost Is it possible we are in for another rewind Donald? Donald Marshall yes Donald Marshall they dont like it when I talk about the time bouncy back thing Carey Yost If I were a stoner I'd light up and say "woah.. trippy" Donald Marshall its one of their fave techs and they reeeaaally didnt want me to tell people about it. Donald Marshall \they wanted to keep it active as a catastrophe eraser... Donald Marshall like in event of big trouble... slam each week and if like a nuke happened,... go back and prevent it from happening. Carey Yost (I used my own bounce back to correct spelling just now) Donald Marshall but then there would be major problems. Lill Fragill Castle that aint a terrible use for it but that isnt where it ends is it? Donald Marshall someones mom would die in a car accident... they'd want time bounced back to the last proton slam to prevent the accident by not letting her leave the house that day Donald Marshall everyone would want to do that for accidents and big death tolls and wars n such. Donald Marshall the tech is being abused as nefariously as they can now... Donald Marshall they are so incredibly cruel... Lill Fragill Castle what are they tryin to do Donald Marshall you'd have to see it to understand my friends... Donald Marshall many things. Laurence Mountford soo. what did I say when we did this before, if you remeber. also hello. ust woke up. wow its actually morning time here for me Donald Marshall laurenceeeee Laurence Mountford Donnn Donald Marshall theres probs with rats n dracs. Laurence Mountford Um with Ya budddy Donald Marshall things are pissed Donald Marshall then apologetic to me with tears. Donald Marshall alien tears?!?!?! Laurence Mountford eww Laurence Mountford theyre really scared huh Donald Marshall noooo... nephelim are trying to show off and compliment me... Donald Marshall draconians are doing the same Donald Marshall they hate each other... Donald Marshall shits weirder than ever Carey Yost they're hams? Lill Fragill Castle were the damn hams Donald Marshall i said i hate em both and wheres the fuckin AK!?!? Donald Marshall nephelim and draconians dont get the chance to talk there much... because... Laurence Mountford so we have anywhere up to like 5 races and perhaps beyond running about underground warring? Donald Marshall merely the sight of them takes years off peoples lives just looking at them as rem clones temporarily... Laurence Mountford earth is not as separate as we'd think Donald Marshall not warring yet Donald Marshall minor scuffles here n there... Donald Marshall they want me to choose a side... I said neither... I'm human Laurence Mountford well they must have warred in past thats what im saying. and now its all an uneasy alliance... Donald Marshall pro human... Donald Marshall they said I'm savior... Laurence Mountford fkin aliens man... Donald Marshall they said I'm their savior too?!?!?!?!?1 Donald Marshall no laurence.... theyre mad that I dont care about them Trautmann Martin how is that possible ? Donald Marshall their survival... Laurence Mountford They were all already here. ahh thats ust cause youre an opportunity for them to potentially use to escape judgement Donald Marshall they said they always thought since i was a kid that I'd find a way... Donald Marshall there is no way Trautmann Martin false Donald Marshall they kill humans sometimes on impulse.... Donald Marshall they want to peacefully co-exist with humans... Donald Marshall but they eat humans... Laurence Mountford so did you to a couple of them Trautmann Martin thats the way Donald Marshall they said they'd give that up but I just dont trust em. Laurence Mountford good Donald Marshall theyre acting nice Lill Fragill Castle if they have no thumbs they arent behind the LHC thats people Donald Marshall theyre NOT NICE Trautmann Martin let them perform a ritual or something like that, that they have to stop Donald Marshall IT IS A DECEPTION AND ALWAYS WILL BE!!! Carey Yost Is it feasible to avoid a compromise? Carey Yost oh Donald Marshall if there were good aliens they are dead now... Trautmann Martin that .. if they do it again there will be no forgivness Donald Marshall I offered isolation and quarantine underground. Trautmann Martin are we not some good aliens in thier eyes ? Donald Marshall they accepted but they want humans to give them STUFF REGULARLY!!1 Donald Marshall and they have humans down there... Laurence Mountford what stuff? Carey Yost game shows! Laurence Mountford what trapped? prisoners? Lill Fragill Castle hostages? Donald Marshall whiCH i actually demand be released even if theyre permanently retarded or something by now... Laurence Mountford playthings... Donald Marshall they have people down there yes... Carey Yost mac books Donald Marshall I will not leave them there... Donald Marshall I can't plug the holes and leave humans down there... Trautmann Martin good man.. Donald Marshall aliens got a breeding program down there... body farm... can't have that... Trautmann Martin why we can't use dem? Trautmann Martin ...those beings? like they use us ? Donald Marshall for some unknown reason... I have some authority with them... Donald Marshall I AM NOT DOWN WITH THEM... Lill Fragill Castle war is to be won...difficult times Donald Marshall oh mannnn Donald Marshall no war Felicitas Feigl their existence needs to become visible for everyone, they can not continue to stay in the dark and humanity not knowing about them Donald Marshall they will surrender Donald Marshall they have to stay in the dark... sun blinds em. Lill Fragill Castle ok even better Trautmann Martin ya thats why u could set up some limitations for dem Donald Marshall theyre all built for underground. Donald Marshall theyd have to be seen and known about... Felicitas Feigl meaning that people know about them, what they have done etc. their influence on humanity... Laurence Mountford ust shine light into holes Donald Marshall on tv and like real tv no greenscreen stuff. Laurence Mountford not even a need to plug them Donald Marshall examine some dead ones. Donald Marshall people will know they are real... Laurence Mountford put sentries there. they can learn by dying too much Donald Marshall no fake pluggin holes n never see them... Donald Marshall people will question that and i'm not wanting to be doubted... Donald Marshall so gonna have to see some ugly things... theyre gonna talk... people are gonna have heart attacks all over the world. Donald Marshall just to see the horrifying things on tv and be shown their bodily functions... Lill Fragill Castle wow man ,when? Donald Marshall like parasitical takeover... Donald Marshall thats gonna make people some mad......... Carey Yost maybe accompanied with soothing music.. Donald Marshall I really dont know how I lil old me is going to keep a bunch of people calm after that... Trautmann Martin herbs Donald Marshall nope no soothing music. Donald Marshall that is a psychological ploy and i will never ever do that Carey Yost Seen Trautmann Donald Marshall people would recognize that and have doubt in me... Donald Marshall think I was being like politically deceptive. Donald Marshall Know what I mean Carey? Carey Yost Yeah you've thought this out. Impressive Carey Yost Do we have a time table? Trautmann Martin In the End we all are one.. we have to find a solution that is good for everybody. Lill Fragill Castle i dont want war but arent we in one (someone is killing me ,my friends and our planet,if not rats and dracs then its traitor humans Carey Yost Donald do you get any recall from bounce backs? Donald Marshall its close Donald Marshall good question carey Donald Marshall hmmm sec Donald Marshall first time they bounce back, if you have a chip you get STRONG deja vu of everything all day... Donald Marshall second time you know half of whats gonna happen all day Donald Marshall third time you know the whole days events. Donald Marshall much to it. Donald Marshall they did it as a joke to me for 6 days. Donald Marshall like the movie groundhog day. Donald Marshall I was scared yes... thought I was stuck in a star trek time loop thing... Donald Marshall then I decided to mess with my friends... because of course... you know whats gonna happen alllll day and yer hanging with them that day... you can tell them whats gonna happen... Donald Marshall I did it too well... Donald Marshall i'll tell you this story... Donald Marshall it is trivial and not necessary but... Carey Yost favorite kind Donald Marshall I lost this friend of 10 years... that I hung with every or every second day... we were tight. Donald Marshall but I scared him to death. Donald Marshall by accident. Donald Marshall ok... Donald Marshall his name was Darrell... real nice guy... I pick my friends wisely, that are normal and have personality traits that wont clash with mine. Donald Marshall i made small groups of like minded friends... it was fun... no nonsense or infighting for dominance... Donald Marshall u kmow what I mean... Donald Marshall ANYWAY Donald Marshall wake on the first day... played halo the video game with darrell... Donald Marshall this is good... read this... it was freaky as fuck... Donald Marshall and I swear to God it is true Donald Marshall upon my word of honor... which even though I broke ratting on the illuminati and bodysnatching aliens... I dont think that counts and I do consider my word intact and unblemished still. Donald Marshall some japanese dont agree they say its a strict thing... Donald Marshall I dont think the rest of japan or the world will agree in this situation... Donald Marshall ANYWAY Carey Yost lol Donald Marshall Darrells girlfriend calls him on his cellphone... she has a flat tire at a coffee shop down the road... needs us... Donald Marshall we go... have a certain conversation about stuff Donald Marshall on the way there... well we arrive... he inspects... he does automechanics... well he was mad Donald Marshall she must have ridden up on the curb he said... there was a chunk out of the very edge of the rim. Donald Marshall exaaactly the size of my baby finger... Donald Marshall to the first knuchle... lil inner ding. Donald Marshall he had to do some welding... Donald Marshall OK whiiile standing there passing him tire tools... and the spare.... a car pulled up... and from the passenger side a little girl stared at me... Donald Marshall and it was close up i was on the grass next to the curb... Donald Marshall ok... the light at the intersection was red... Donald Marshall this kid stared at me like I was a monster... which is weird in itself becfause kids usually like me... Donald Marshall ok they drive off... darrell is pissed about the rim... we take her home, we go do odd jobs, rest of the day... then end of day, we played the 2 player game Halo 3 again... then went to crash... night night right? Donald Marshall no... Donald Marshall Illuminati had just given me most of my clone memories... I was in the hospital with heart traouble just before this... Star Moncada Morning all nighters Donald Marshall so that night... they activate a clone of me... I hadnt said anything on the internet at all... I think I said ALLS WELL THAT ENDS WELL years ago... on fb here way back Donald Marshall wellll... they activate a clone of me that night and say you will join us or we will leave you in a seperate time loop and forget about you... for you it will always be wednesday... Donald Marshall I said I'm not joinin fuck you... nazi scum.... Donald Marshall well they tortured the shit out of me badly... worse and longer than usual... because the time bounce would be less damage on my real heart Donald Marshall WELL HAHAHAHA Donald Marshall next day wake up,... play some halo with Darrell... HEY... i thought we already finished this level and the next??? Donald Marshall we did Donald Marshall so I'm getting hard deja vu all through it Donald Marshall like constant... Donald Marshall his girlfriend calls... i remembered... I said Darrell if she tells you that she has a flat tire... something fucked up is going on... Donald Marshall well he gets on the phone... looks at me and then thinks we are tryin to PUNK him... like pull a prank on him!!! Donald Marshall because she |HAD A FLAT!!!! Donald Marshall well... we went... he's thinking he's the brunt of a joke the whole time... Donald Marshall he's asking what the hell me and her are trying... no surprise birthday party... what could it be Donald Marshall get there flat... dent in rim of rim... exactly the size of the tip of my pinky... Donald Marshall then I remembered the kid Donald Marshall OMG!!! the kid rolledup and stared at me AGAIN for like 30 seconds!!! Donald Marshall so now i'm freaking out... Donald Marshall he's asking me to pass him the tire iron and I'mstaring off into space... Donald Marshall well... Donald Marshall now he thinks we got her to get a flat on purpose for some joke or to inconvenience him Donald Marshall ok... then he logically thinks about it... was mad at me too... Donald Marshall then thinks something weird is going on... Donald Marshall I'm not remembering everything though... on this second run through this day... Donald Marshall well he's freaked out... doesnt know what to make of it so we didnt talk much... did odd jobsrest of the day and played the Halo game 2 player that night... nighty night again right? Donald Marshall nope. Donald Marshall well... the third day... Donald Marshall I remembered it all as soon as I woke up. Donald Marshall oh clone activation that night was just the same as the previous one... join us or stuck in time loop... u know... neverrrrr and stab stab stab stab... Donald Marshall i got out of bed and hoped against hope he wasnt going to be sitting at the coffee table eating cheerios with milk in the bowl... Donald Marshall peeked around the corner kinda apprehensive... YUP! Donald Marshall SAME! Donald Marshall so now i'm freakin out,... he wants to play Halo... Donald Marshall the videogame... same as last 2 times... Donald Marshall then I thought he was in on it... maybe a host i dunno... Donald Marshall but he wasnt... he didn't remember ANYTHING!!!!! Donald Marshall well with how mad he was... I wanted to mess him up because he was doing the same stuff... so... at the end of one level before he'd gone to the kitchen to get a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Donald Marshall as we beat the level... with me givin him hints because id played these levels a couple times now... supposedly never played them.... I said LOL Donald Marshall YOu darrell are now going to go and make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and tell me to wait. Donald Marshall he looked at me really funny... Donald Marshall kinda like when I said about the flat tire call... Donald Marshall and he said no.... I'm gonna go get a can of coke though... Donald Marshall and he did that instead... just to prove me wrong or somethingHAHAHAHHAHA Donald Marshall ok ok Donald Marshall he was weirded by that though... Donald Marshall he cant explain that... Donald Marshall anyway.... I said Darrell man... theres something fucked up going on... and at around 11 am your girlfriend is going to call with a flat tire that she just got... and there is going to be a ding in the edge of the rim exactly the size of my pinky finger... Donald Marshall it was like 9:30 Donald Marshall am Donald Marshall so... he was blank faced... didnt talk while we played the game... like the previous 2 days... Donald Marshall I think he was dreading the call... Donald Marshall he jumped and looked at me... it was like 10:45am Donald Marshall he answered it talked to her and looked at me like I wasn't a human being... Donald Marshall i dont know how to explain it... Donald Marshall anyway, I said don't worry i'll tell you all about it... your in no danger... Donald Marshall he's like yaya lets go get her and change the tire... Donald Marshall told him on the way there... I wouldnt trick ya or anything make ya look dumb... theres just something weird going on, you know me... trust me I'll tell you whats goin on no worries... Donald Marshall he was worse when he saw the rim... Donald Marshall looked at me... didnt think I was tricking him anymore and looked a little scared... actually worked on the tire change faster... ANYWAY!!! Donald Marshall i said DARRELL!!! I gotta tell ya somethin mega important... in like 20 seconds this creepy kid is gonna pull up n stare at me for the full duration of the red light... watch just watch my friend please... i kinda need your help. Donald Marshall well it was like the third car after I'd said that and same thing happened,... i was so confident, i turned my back to the kid and smiled at Darrell... I didnt have to tell him to look he did.... kid shoulda changed her view to him... he was close to me and staring at her... nope she stared at me... Donald Marshall well... now he's weird mad. Donald Marshall now he doesnt know what to think... Donald Marshall told me later that at the time he thought I was some sort of unnatural being lol Donald Marshall so we did the same stuff... he gave me silent treatment for a little... Donald Marshall I said darrell I know yer smart let me tell you whats happenin flat out no bullshit, i promise... Donald Marshall he sez alright then... I DO want to know... Donald Marshall we were about to go do these odd jobs... Donald Marshall I told him it was time loop that weve done this day third time now and he cant remember but I can... Donald Marshall he pondered. Donald Marshall and not long, he knew that could be the only explanation... Donald Marshall asked me if I had power over time or something like a wizard LOL!!! Donald Marshall i said nope my ex relatives as you know are evil want me in the cloning said I'm stuck on same day till I join... Donald Marshall 3rd day man... your actually taking it much better than yesterday or the second day... Donald Marshall he totally believed me, he knew me personally and knows I'm honest to a fault Donald Marshall .I told him then how our odd jobs will go. Donald Marshall what his gf will have ready for supper when we get back... Donald Marshall and that we'd play game Halo... at like 9:30 Donald Marshall and different things... Donald Marshall they all happened. Donald Marshall freaked em out bad... he thought I had alien attention on me torturing me... powerful ones Donald Marshall and I did... and do... Donald Marshall but it was refreshing to tell em all about it... Donald Marshall anyway next cloning same... next day same... Donald Marshall seemed like such a waste of time to explain everything to him...again... Donald Marshall we'd talked soooo much on the third one... Donald Marshall I was instantly depressed thinking I was doomed. Donald Marshall I didnt play game with em that morning, I just layed in bed... Donald Marshall told em his girlfriend would be getting a flat at 10:45 from runnin over the curb, ding in the rim exact size of my pinky finger... at like 730am... Donald Marshall well it happened again... Donald Marshall had a different effect on him. Donald Marshall now he thought I was an alien or unnatural thing... as he was getting deja vu of that feeling from the previous days... Donald Marshall people without chips just get deja vu... Donald Marshall so theyve said. Donald Marshall but yeah, warned him of a couple other things that happen... and left and did some other stuff that day... he didnt need me to help with the jobs that day anyway... Donald Marshall did all different stuff. Margi Steward Fuck, thats a mind fuck! Donald Marshall anyway... him and his girlfriend thought I was some kind of freak now for fortune telling the wheel and rim exactly when it hadnt happened yet... Donald Marshall anyway... they didnt want to be around the forces that were victimizing me... because they have kids and they had now seen some weirdness and know what i was sayignabout illuminati clone stuff was true... they believed me anyway, but that confirmed for them and they were scared to be around me after that. Donald Marshall end of story. Carey Yost ah man Carey Yost the last day tsk Donald Marshall not the worst way i lost a close friend Donald Marshall queen elizabeth cloned up my buddy Ryan... good pal Donald Marshall clothed clone inna ring stands full... Donald Marshall i was made to watch. Donald Marshall theyd juuust made em... took 5 months... Carey Yost ugh.. Donald Marshall she said do you know who i am? He said shaking ummm queen of england? Donald Marshall she said yes... if you continue to be donalds friend aid him if he needs you hang with him at all, I will degrade the lives of you and your loved ones in wats you cannot imagine. Donald Marshall forget him. Donald Marshall he agreed... he thought he was real body at the time Donald Marshall started pleading for his life Donald Marshall she said remember what i said ryan. Donald Marshall ok ok ok ok ok. Donald Marshall well Donald Marshall he moved... and not only did he not hang with me... but he didn't even hang around with anyone I knew at all... even remotely. Carey Yost wow Donald Marshall some of his friends that were also friends of mine would call him/ he would make a quick excuse and hang up. Donald Marshall she did that with a few of my friends... Donald Marshall some of my friends were the kids of illuminati members... Donald Marshall I didnt know... and they remembered cloning too... Donald Marshall i didnt until age 29 or 30 Margi Steward bitch Golden Knight thank-you for sharing this information Donald Marshall already did, you just never read the back stuff. Golden Knight i have donald - just appreciated the expanded version Donald Marshall thats how it works Donald Marshall and it doesnt have to be the same day... could be same week month... all depends on when they made the last set slam. Read more: http://donaldmarshall.proboards.com/thread/147/hadron-collider-manipulation-project-pegasus#ixzz3QasqsbIe
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botanyshitposts · 7 years
I was curious about the corn farm post. How do Botanists find or induce mutations in plants?
well, in the corn post, all those plants were plants that the corn breeders at the facility had found in the field. the facility i work at is interesting in that the plants that grow at the main “home” nursery - where the zoo corn lives- aren’t the corn varieties grown in farmer’s fields, but the parents of the corn varieties grown in farmer’s fields. this is a little sidetracked but ive been wanting to talk about it for a while bc i bugged the breeders about it until they told me: so like, all the varieties at the nursery crossing facility are inbreds. like, they’ve been bred with themselves down up to 13+ generations. this means that when you work in the nursery with the inbreds and then work in fields with commercial corn, you notice some distinct things about the stuff that has been inbred for years:
-the plants are stunted. like, they are physically smaller plants. they’ll go above your head, but not by much (im like 5 foot 5). corn in the field can be regularly be like, 7-8+ feet tall. 
right now, we’re doing data collection on our hybrid corn, which involves me and a team of four other people driving out to a test field each day with literal 144 inch tall folding yardsticks and a breeder’s assistant with an ipad or data collection device; our whole job, for the past week and a half (and for the next two weeks), has been to go from row to row in certain columns of the corn and shout out plant and ear heights as we measure the corn in certain areas. from here, the breeders can use the data to calculate an average plant hight and ear hight for each variety in testing (there can be thousands per field). usually, the corn we measure is between 100 inches and 120 inches. a couple days ago we visited a field that’s notorious for drought conditions, and this year was no different- the corn was stunted to about 80-90 inches. the corn in the nursery can be anywhere from 80-100 inches, usually, but stuff that has been inbred for more generations tends to be progressively smaller.
-the plants get mutated in really weird ways. the most common ones we see in the inbreds are things like whip tassels (where the flag leaf on top of the plant concealing and protecting the tassel tightly around it instead of opening it up for pollination, causing the whole top to curl up into a tight semi-circle shape), cases where corn will be growing out the top of the plant (the corn “ears” generally grow off the side of the plant, as the female flowers; the male flowers are the tassels on the top. in this case, the plant has no ears and instead has decided to fuze its ear into its tassel, so you get a weird, mutated tassel with random kernels everywhere and dying tassel strings hanging out), cases where the whole plant is just a mess (leaves dont furl out all the way and are misshapen, tops are mutated, ears dont grow, tassels dont grow, and the whole plant is stunted to knee height), etc. 
-the plants don’t germinate. like some varieties just dont germinate after so many inbreeds, for whatever reason; something along the line just got so mutated that the whole seed just decided to stop growth altogether. this is a really weird thing that happens because you’ll be walking through the varieties and suddenly there will be a completely bare section with like, one stunted and mutated plant sitting in the middle. thats all thats left because thats all that germinated
you may be like “why would you inbreed plants so much???” and the idea is to create a pair of purebred parents so you have a better cross. the plants are bred with themselves until they reach 100% genetic homogeny. so every. single. plant. in the variety. is genetically identical. you may be like, “whoa i didn’t know that was possible!!!” and thats because it is, but like. its illegal in humans. its the same genetic ideals, but…it doesn’t apply to humans well. for understandable reasons. 
anyway, so, the plants are crossed, and then the hybrid children are badass. they have all their genes recorded. they’ve been planned down to the nucleotide for the market. because their parents have the same genes in both their lines, every single plant is more or less dependable and reliable– you won’t have random secondary traits popping up. hybrids are stronger, more disease resilient, and generally bred specifically for farms– and that’s the corn that gets sent to production facilities. the production facilities grow them en mass and multiply them up, then sell the grain as seed to farmers, who then have hardy, reliable seed for their fields. 
so like, the mutations. all that stuff?? its kind of accidental, but when you work with plants that are explicitly cultivated for performance…like, all the stuff that naturally would stop mutations in the wild (for example, there’s not much of a chance that you’re gonna get bred with yourself 13+ times in a row) kind of gets thrown out the window, and weird stuff happens. that being said, bending the rules like that has allowed us to make huge strides in breeding. 
that being said…if you wanted to cause some plant mutations, it’s not hard. for example in the book ive been reading since it was recced to me yesterday (”Flower Confidential” by Amy Stewart, which talks about the ornamental cut flower industry) there are some techniques that get used for intentional mutations. like, they were talking about Plant Patent 165, one of the first patented plants (patented in the 1930s) by General Electric. In flower breeding for cut flowers, it’s undesirable to have plants that shed flower everywhere. #165 (a lily variety called “Regal Lily”) was one of the first patented plants ever, and didn’t shed pollen due to a treatment where the seeds were X-Rayed for 30 seconds, causing a sterile mutation. from the same book comes this example:
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so mutations: sometimes they’re intentional, sometimes they’re bred into it, sometimes its accidental or caused by overbreeding as a side effect. thats completely excluding GMO manipulation btw
P.S. “corn” in this post means Maize specifically, for those wondering 
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