mistergreatbones · 3 months
Watching my silly little British sci fi show and I think wow that was out of left field and then I go online and everyone’s like “I can’t believe I predicted it was sutekh from 60th anniversary lol” and then I watch my silly little American sci fi show and I go HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK HOW WHAT and everyone online is like “uggggggh ***** being the master was soooooooo obvious.”
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heartual · 1 month
had such a good experience with surgery today i can’t even fully explain
#🍄.txt#i’m so happy that fuck ass doctor referred me to another doctor in the building because he was so nice and attentive#taking the time to explain things to me and make sure i was good#even said oh well if ur really uncomfortable we can always go to the operating room! :)#when the other doctor treated me like a nuisance the whole time and like some dumb child#well if you can’t sit still they’re going to have to put you under elsewhere 🙄#I DIDNT EVEN FUCKING KNOW THEY COULD DO THAT IN THE BUILDING? SHE MADE IT SEEM LIKE I WAS INCONVENIENCING HER THE WHOLE TIME#i was asking a bunch of questions because knowing makes me feel less nervous and he answered everything so clearly even when my mom was#asking questions too#recommending me different medications to keep this from happening again etc etc etc#so fucking bare minimum for a doctor but it was so nice seriously i wish i could thank him again for making it a more#comfortable experience#he put numbing shots on the inside AND outside of my lid just in case we needed to go from the outside this time#and while it hurt obviously it was so much better than the single shot she gave me the first time three weeks ago#she told me this would be a much more extensive surgery and here i am with my eyelid barely swollen 😐#i could barely see with it open three weeks ago immediately after because it hurt too much and was so swollen#what the fuck how do you have such contrasting experiences with two people who literally work together in the same building#anyway bad doctor experiences are always so fucking bad but when you have a really good experience it just feels crazy and insane#like wow thank u for treating me like a person#did i mention i actually left with care instructions this time written out. and the medicine recommendations on a physical piece of paper#i didn’t even get that after surgery with her how is that not below bare minimum#like this actually surprised me. jesus christ
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electricpurrs · 5 months
i feel like shit i should rewatch the entire first 13 seasons of Red vs Blue instead of sleeping so i feel better
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thatuselesshuman · 1 month
Me when someone says some dumb shit about my medical issues
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thedepressexpress · 2 months
something I (you can disagree ofc) don't like about the sudden free access we have to authors and writers now is that it has taken a little bit of the magic out of interpreting art
I'm not saying there isn't value in trying to view something from the artist's point of view. the specific case I'm talking about is something I saw on this website where there was like a four or five word dialogue in one scene of one episode of a multi season show that someone asked the writer about. their question was about the placement of a comma in the script and the writer responded with where the comma was and that just???? pulled me out of it??????
one of my favorite things about media is that when it's out there, it's out there, whether you intended it to be received a certain way or not. once it's out there, people can perceive it however. the placement of that comma changed the meaning of the sentence and if your writing and directing meant it wasn't obvious where it went, that should be a fun point! it should be fun to consider how the delivery of the line itself doesn't clarify which version it is!! how fun it could be if we could look at both cases and just speculate!!! maybe there's a third secret way it could be interpreted that we haven't figured out yet!!!!
idk having definitely yes and no feels limiting in how much you can interpret of the art in front of you if the creator is there telling you what to take away from the dialogue despite their vision not translating on screen. I get that as people who enjoy art, knowing what the writer meant to say is important. the person who asked definitely wasn't seeking to take away from people enjoying speculating and the person answering definitely didn't take away any interpreting liberties that the public has. but it did remind me of why I dont watch celebrity interviews, because as a casual enjoyer, it's fun not to worry about the "correct" interpretation and see art as something you emotionally respond to rather than something meant to be understood in a specific way
maybe that's a naive way at looking at though :/
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terrorbirb · 3 months
I had to go to the ER for uhhhhh sudden stroke symptoms basically and while it's probably that my migraines that were already weird already got extremely weird, I'm very scared today because.....head hurt.
Like yesterday I could not see or walk at all. If I tried to walk I was just flinging myself in different directions. Seeing the double vision was so bad I just couldn't make anything out. Apparently migraines can just make you feel like stroke. No medication possible! Or really change to my life that's reasonable!
Anyway 2 things: scared this may happen again and driving.
I need to like try things out today because I will need to go to work tomorrow, but my wife is too scared to let me free.
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lowskey · 9 months
nothing crazy about changing around ur muses their jobs and backstories if it gives u more inspo right... right...
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dravidious · 3 months
You're more amazing than face-down cards
White commons! Enchantments aplenty!
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To be clear, the cards with capitalized names are existing cards that I'm using as reprints. Some, like Karametra's Blessing, will get new names eventually.
Also, using Elemental as a creature type was mostly just a placeholder, and now that I'm settling on the flavor I'm looking for a better subtype. The flavor is that they're spawned from human emotion, like faith, hope, or devotion for the enchantments, or passion or creativity for the artifacts. I scrolled through the creature types, but none really stuck out to me as a solid fit. The best I could come up with was spirit, but I figured I'd ask for ideas before committing to changing every instance of the Elemental type. I could even go with a totally new subtype, but I couldn't think of any good names.
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bo0zey · 2 years
when gerard way said “when i grow up i want to be nothing at all” i felt those words in my gdamn soul bro
#cried alone in my car parked in my driveway for like 17 minutes#i feel so hopeless and useless and stupid so so so stupid i’ll never be smart enough like the other nurses#i can’t fucking think im too slow i don’t know anything#it’s the emergency room and god for fucking bid i have an emergent patient i don’t know wtf to do ever#i don’t know how to initiate protocols or contact interdisciplinary or put in complex orders i don’t know anything i’m so useless#everyone thinks i’m stupid i’ve been on orientation for like 2 months know and i’m still the same useless stupid novice airhead new grad#i just get so frazzled i feel like everyone expects so much out of me and i have to be perfect to meet their standards#but im stupid im subpar im not good enough like them like#ever if they’ve been nurses for years and i’ve only been working as one for legit 2 months it’s just i still don’t know how to do anything#it’s like i can’t think i don’t do things how they want me to do them and then i look stupid im the attending doctor thinks i’m so dumb but#she wouldn’t even hear me out like i know you want both fluids running i know it’s important but he only has.1 IV and they aren’t compatible#we’re trying to start a second IV and he had difficult veins like why are you trying to tell me i’m stupid i know why you ordered it thatway#it’s like nobody gets my dumbass brain but that’s not their fault bc they can think clearly and convey their thoughts to people without#sounding like a fucking dumbass i have no critical thinking skills im just useless i hate this so much i don’t want to be here it sucks#i never wanted to be a nurse i never wanted to be anything i was 12 years old hoping i’d be dead by 18#and now i’m 23 and i’m still fucking here but it’s clear i shouldn’t be i don’t fit in im not fit for society#i should be euthanized like an unwanted dog that’s been at the shelter for too long that’s exactly what i am#20min later still crying can’t stop being a fucking crybaby pitypartying myself i’m the worst oh my god grow the fuck up already#why is everything so difficult for me why can’t i just fit in literally everyone knows i don’t belong#i’m the dumbest most useless new grad orientee and EVERYONE knows it even management it’s so embarrassing#i’m so embarrassed to be alive and take up space that could be filled by someone so much better smarter prepared someone meant to be there#i don’t want this i don’t want any of this i never wanted to grow up im just a kid in my head i’m so pathetic#i wish i was smart and good at something i wish people looked at me and thought o wow i respect her bc she’s also a good nurse#nobody likes me i’m such a burden to everyone the doctors my preceptors other nurses who deserve to be there#i’m leaking snot everywhere today wasn’t even that bad but i think it’s all just hitting me now how helpless i am#i’m so tired of myself and waking up and making a fool of myself every shift fucking stupid loser i hate myself i try so hard and it’s not#it’s not enough it’s never enough im not enough im an imposter i’ll never be as good as the other nurses even tho i’m really really trying#i seriously don’t want to do this anymore i don’t want to be here i can’t do it everyone knows i’m not cut out for this they all talk shit#ramblings
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tchotchkez · 5 months
damn y'all work really does got me Tired About Eyeballs
#living the optician in training life#I am literally so tired#human interaction at a new job is especially draining#I know I'll get used to it soon but GODDAMN man#some folks are just so skeezy#no you cannot have free trial contacts when your prescription expired 4 years ago and you haven't even been in for an exam#why not? because you are Stupid and if you fuck something up while wearing the expired prescription and we gave it to you#then your dumb ass will blame us and we will be sued#it may be a prescription for your eyes but IT IS STILL A MEDICAL PRESCRIPTION THAT YOU MUST RECEIVE FROM A DOCTOR#you can't go to your doctor and ask for medicine for an illness you had 4 years ago#so why would you expect different from us?#shit changes in 4 years#the audacity of some if these ignorant entitled fuckos#and we have a really affordable basic deal on an exam and two pairs of eyeglasses!#70 bucks for the whole shebang!#it's almost always better than what insurance covers!#and then people want to get all the add ons and special materials and go full on surprised pikachu face when it's not the same price anymore#they're called add ons because they ADD ON#they are not usually necessary unless you live a certain lifestyle that makes them worth the investment#but if you need something affordable in order to see and function and not end up killing yourself driving#then the basic plan is an insanely good and affordable deal!#i used the very same deal prior to being hired!#i have my main glasses and a whole ass backup pair#and some people just#do not get it#they think they can get something ~special~ or that their insurance just HAS to be better bc it's insurance#please you guys learn to think freely and critically#okay rant over#tate talks#work tales
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technicolorxsn · 5 months
love how there are pretentious video essays that just repeat the book and meander and ramble about house of leaves. it's what zampanó would have wanted. it is not, however, what I want
#anyway i finished the main portion of the book#all i have left is the poems and a few other small things i think? ive read pelafinas letters#im thinking of getting the full book of her letters#but also they severely messed with my head so we'll see#i will say. i do get why ppl say the book is pretentious and frustrating#there was a lot of stuff where i couldnt tell if it was supposed to be satire or if it was genuinely just that dense and pretentious#and a lot of the codes were rly obtuse imo?#like... idk. some of them were super obvious like the sos stuff or pelafina outright saying what to do#but others like. man how am i supposed to know johnny waxing poetic about pussy was coded#i mean that one is also pointed out though much later but i know i missed a lot just like it that werent pointed out#and ive heard theres a lot of shit where the message you get is just danielewski????? which gonna be real. kinda dumb.#but i did also really enjoy the book#there was a lot of stuff in it that was just so compelling or poignant or whatever other word#the minotaur stuff is good (ofc id say that though i love me some minotaur themes)#also a lot of the scenes with johnny just...... christ#idk how ppl say to skip them hes so fascinating#yeah i could do with him talking about his possibly hallucinated sex life a bit less but also his story is just plain interesting#i still think about the part where the girl he was talking to runs over a dog they had picked up........ it was fucking chilling#and his hallucinations of dying are so descriptive in just the right way to get under my skin#the uncertainty with him and his family..... did pelafina try to kill him? did his father just send her away for being a bit too overbearing#over an accident? was there something else? what was the deal with his foster family? with lude? gdansk man and kyrie?#how did it get published? who are the editors? why did the band know of the book before it should have been published?#why does his journal section end with a story from a man he admits to making up completely? the doctor from seattle doesnt exist#the chronological end is more hopeful with him saying things will be okay but then he puts a previous entry after that?#i think the burning of the book parallels the story nicely#johnny said his piece; he nurtured the book as much as he could; but it was hurting him and he had to give up on it#idk!#this book does make me feel a lil dumb ngl
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izzy-b-hands · 1 month
My doctor messaging me at 12:30 in the morning to tell me she wants to do a telehealth visit abt the side effects I'm having with my new Lamotrigine dose (including worse insomnia than my usual insomnia, as u may have guessed lmao) is. something.
#text post#like i know why i am awake babe why are YOU awake this late#and god why do we have to do another visit#they aren't bad enough to make me stop this dose and i haven't been on the new dose long enough to let it even out#can i not just Not have to do another uncomfortable visit where even if things turn out okay after#i later feel like I'm still not being wholly trusted/treated like i know my body and how i feel#i had worse side effects restarting this med months ago and we didn't have any additional visits for that#they fucking forgot to even book me for a f/u and i had to call in and beg for one basically#and then they misbooked it for the wrong reason and with the wrong doctor#and made it out like it was my fault when i made clear i begged and told the receptionist i spoke to to book said appt#that it needed to b with my doc for the Lamotrigine and that i hadn't been told when to follow up so i was just. doing it#bc she said i needed to but then didn't say when to book it#they're trying hard and im trying to give them grace but then this shit happens and like#im tired. makes me want to go into my new doc like nah never mind im fine. don't ask me nothing and i won't bug you with anything#unless im dying or nearly dead already.#would suck beyond believe attempting to raw dog life mostly again but goddamn. im so sick of this lack of stability with my care#anyway. probably an appt next Tuesday which is great#that's the week of the weekend that i work again and the week before my bday#(a bday I'll be working now which I'm not normally irked abt but. i am a bit rn)#so cool. yeah. let's stack anxiety and fear over a medical appt on top of everything else for that week#and that's not counting that this weekend I've been tasked with buying and getting signed a v expensive and rare figure#for my mum's bf and I'm kind of terrified im gonna fuck it up#he paid for tickets to the con the figure will be sold at and that the person he wants to sign it will be at#so if i fuck this up he'll want (understandably) to be paid back asap for that#and that's money i don't fucking have rn#i really wish she had waited till the actual day proper to contact me bc i couldn't sleep before this#and now i definitely cant bc like#it's dumb. but what if she takes my med away. it isn't perfect but it works better than any other med I've tried#what if she wants me to try a new one. i cant do that and b dealing with major side effects during the intense work schedule#that'll be happening for me v soon and then into November
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cloysterbell · 1 year
Personally I think we should all stop obsessing over Good Omens and instead put all our energy into obsessing over Nightmare in Silver. It's a shit episode as a whole but every time Matt swaps between the Doctor and the Cyber Planner he does it so masterfully that he should be retroactively given every single BAFTA on the planet
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i keep seeing screenrant articles and stuff (most recently) that are all "*gasp!* the toymaker has fixed continuity in doctor who by saying that actually it's all a mash up of different timelines!" and every time i'm just like yeah???? that isn't new that's literally the entire show
#el speaks#doctor who#dw 60th#google has long since figured out what I'm into#(apparently it's doctor who and archaeology and quantum mechanics in case you were wondering)#and i am occasionally a sucker for that specific kind of clickbait that's like#NEW STUDY SUGGESTS UNIVERSE MAY ACTUALLY BE TWICE AS OLD AS WE THOUGHT#where you can just take one look at the headline and go#nah#nah that's preeeeeeeetty obviously a massive exaggeration of conclusions made by a single preprint#maybe a chance that the authors would agree with the headline because they're going a little out there#but probably even they would say it's an exaggeration#the REAL exciting stem headlines are like#we found the first aperiodic monotile (it's shaped like a hat)#that's when you know you've found the good stuff#(the actual headlines about that were much less funny but I don't remember any examples because they weren't very interesting)#sometimes less interesting headlines = more interesting stories#but also sometimes i just want to read some dumb shit that's completely nonsensical but also 100% completely benign#because you know what? sometimes ya just gotta get way too into string theory and that's fine#fringe physics beliefs generally have utterly no impact on one's actual relationship to the world around them#and anyway how big can the overlap between people who care about this shit and people who believe this shit be?#wait what am i talking about now? i started out talking about doctor who#oh well#that's what the internet is for
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iamblueraspberry · 1 year
My jaw has been hurting ALL DAY today and it has been MISERABLE.
I had a burrito for lunch and it really hurt to chew. I could barely even eat my dinner 'cause it hurt so much, and ibuprofen hasn't done a whole lot to help with the pain (my sibling told me I probably haven't taken enough but I'm too scared to take more than 2 pills at a time).
I feel kind of dumb for not getting it checked out but my jaw almost ALWAYS hurts so I thought the pain would lessen throughout the day (like it does sometimes on other days) but it didn't.
I think it maybe might be dislocated but I'm not sure?????? I didn't even do anything to hurt it though???????? I dunno and it's really freaking me out.
It's super late right now (it's after 1 am) so I can't go to a doctor to get it checked out.
I'm gonna keep an eye on things and see if things feel better in the morning. If it doesn't get better I'm gonna see if I can go in to my doctor's to get it looked at.
Wish me luck y'all.
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panb1mbo · 1 year
this nurse was telling me my psych specialist was gonna be $40 and bless her heart she apologized on their behalf for being too pricey. ma'am the concern is so appreciated sometimes $40 do be too much, but you don't understand. one of my hospital bills this summer was like 30k until i got it waived. one of them.
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