me-sploh-rada-imas · 3 months
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da-proti-toku-grem · 2 months
17 Jance mayhaps (if you already did it I'm sorry, I love ur style and reading your prompts!!)
Thank you so much 🥰. I think I've officially lost the battle with my “I'm keeping these short” thoughts because this is almost 1.8k oops 😅.
As always, ao3 link at the bottom if you prefer to read it there <3
(Rating: Mature)
Send me a Ship and a Number and I will Write a Kiss
17. … to distract.
“Please, Nacko,” Jan begged from his place on the couch.
Knowing that they had an interview the next morning, Nace had offered Jan to stay at his house. After all, it was no secret that the guitarist was by no means a morning person and, being the one who lived closest to where the interview would take place, it seemed only reasonable to offer him a place to sleep without the need to drive from Vrhnika to Ljubljana in the early morning.
And maybe – and just maybe – something inside his chest was also tickling under the pretext of seeing Jan's gorgeous face when Nace inevitably woke up before him, his features relaxed and his hair tousled. No one needed to know that, though. He was more than willing to take the secret to his grave. It wasn't like someone like Jan would ever look at him that way, anyways.
Once they arrived at the apartment, Nace offered Jan a glass of wine. The bassist himself didn't drink anymore, but he liked to always have something to offer to his guests – in this case, a bottle of red wine.
And that's how they had gotten to this situation, Jan sitting cross-legged on the couch, an empty glass on the small table in front of him and looking up in the direction of Nace, who was standing on the other side of the table, with his pajamas already on and holding the bottle in his hand.
“I've already told you, Jan,” he said, a hint of tiredness in his voice. “You know that on any other occasion I wouldn't mind you drinking more, but we have an interview tomorrow and we can't risk you having a raging hangover because you drank the whole bottle of wine by yourself.”
“...Please?” Jan asked again, pouting and looking up at him with those beautiful dark puppy eyes that had no right to be so adorable. That, combined with the fact that his improvised pajamas were his boxer shorts and one of Nace's old t-shirts that was definitely too big on him – the length reaching almost halfway down his thighs and the collar being so wide that it left one of his shoulders exposed, as well as a bit of his chest hair – was definitely not helping Nace keep his thoughts pure.
He thought about how his hands would feel exploring the skin under the t-shirt or pulling on those gorgeous black locks, how he'd look up at him with his big brown eyes just like that while Nace fucked his mouth, taking it all like the good boy he knew he could be; how he’d love to kiss and bite and mark that exposed skin on his shoulder and neck until everyone knew who he belonged to, how he'd beg even prettier for Nace to touch him, to make him feel good; how he'd look all sweaty and ruined with his head thrown back, moaning Nace's name at the peak of his pleasure as he pounded into that sweet spot inside him over and over and-
Nace really needed to stop his train of thoughts right there before this ended in a terribly embarrassing situation.
“I'm sorry, okay?” He smiled at him apologetically, setting the bottle down on the table as he took a seat on the other side of the couch, hoping the other didn't notice the slight blush he felt creeping up his cheeks. “I know you probably don't want to go to sleep yet so… anything else you want to-”
The question died on the bassist's lips as he suddenly felt Jan straddle his thighs, resting his hands gently on his chest.
Nace simply remained still, his body a bit tense and his eyes wide open in surprise. He still didn't look at the guitarist's face, a million questions running through his mind when all of a sudden the weight of the younger man in his lap and the burning touch of his hands on his chest clouded his senses.
Eventually, he dared to look up, finding Jan's eyes, those eyes that made Nace's knees go weak and that accompanied him in his most sinful fantasies, looking back at him with that smirk he always had plastered on his face when he had an idea. He knew exactly what he was doing and Nace had fallen right into his trap.
“Hello there, Mr. Jordan,” Jan said, his deep voice reverberating in Nace's brain, as his hands went up to cup his cheeks.
He didn't respond, his own hands moving to Jan's thighs, over his t-shirt, while his eyes were flicking from the other's eyes to his lips and then up again and oh how much he'd like to send it all to hell and close the distance between them and-
Before he knew it, Jan's lips were on his.
Nace didn't move his hands, the uncertainty of not knowing how far Jan was willing to take this surpassing the urge to touch every single part of the other's body; but he started to reciprocate the kiss, taking everything Jan had to give him and trying to burn it into his memory, almost as if he was afraid that it was all a dream product of his treacherous imagination and he might wake up at any moment.
Their lips moved slowly against each other, his mouth opening in a silent invitation that Jan didn't hesitate to take, tongues dancing together in a rhythm known only to them.
Everything was so sultry, so sensual, so… Jan. It was intoxicating. And Nace didn't think he would ever get enough of this.
All too soon, the guitarist broke the kiss, pulling away completely and taking his place back on the couch. Nace immediately missed the warmth of his body pressing against his own.
“W-what was that for?” he asked after a few seconds, trying to sound nonchalant despite the deep blush he felt covering his face.
“Nothing,” Jan shrugged. “Can't I just kiss my really hot friend?”
At that, Nace looked up, meeting that mischievous grin before his gaze finally fell on the bottle that had somehow ended up in Jan's hands. Little shit.
“Oh hell no, come here,” he tugged at his arm and in one swift motion took the bottle from him, setting it safely on the table, and took him back into his lap, making him let out a surprised gasp.
“Well, I guess this will do too,” Jan smirked, moving his arms up to wrap them around Nace's neck, tangling his hands in the soft curls at the nape of his neck and drawing him into another kiss.
Nace didn't hold back this time, all the blood he had been trying to suppress from traveling south now rushed to his cock as his hands began to caress the body of the man on top of him.
The touch of his cold hands against the warm skin of his thighs sent a shiver down Jan's spine. Nace's hands traveled up his thighs, slowly slipping under his shirt until they reached his waist, grabbing it and moving his body so they could start grinding against each other.
Deep groans escaped their mouths the moment both of their already half-hard dicks brushed against each other, making them break the kiss, their foreheads pressed against one another as they breathed heavily into each other's mouths.
Without halting his movements, Nace leaned close to his ear and whispered: “Did you just want to distract me so you could get another glass or are you just a horny little slut, baby?”, catching the lobe between his teeth to emphasize his words before starting a trail of open-mouthed kisses and little nibbles along his jaw and neck.
The sound the younger man let out and the way Jan's hips jerked forward of their own accord, beginning to grind down more desperately, told Nace everything he needed to know.
It was still fun to tease him, though.
“I need words, honey. Or do you want me to stop?” he said teasingly. As if you'd be able to stop now that you finally have what you've been dreaming about for so long, the rational part of his brain told him.
“Please don’t stop.” Jan whined. “F-fuck, God knows how long I've been waiting for this.”
That sound, that plea, the meaning those words entailed all sent an electric jolt straight to Nace's cock. He sounded so beautifully desperate and– God. Jan Peteh was going to be the death of him.
“Oh yeah? Do I make you hard, baby?” he punctuated his words with a particularly hard thrust of his hips.
“So damn much, you have no idea. Fuck, have you seen yourself?”
Jan buried his face in Nace's neck, exploring his skin with his lips and teeth, careful not to leave marks in a place that would be visible during the interview and paying special attention to discover the bassist's most sensitive spots. Nace tilted his head to the side to grant him more access.
Neither of them could stop the soft little noises escaping their mouths, getting increasingly louder as Nace's hands started to roam all over the younger's back. They came to a stop at his ass, cupping Jan's cheeks over his boxers and pulling him even closer.
The increased pressure on his crotch caused the guitarist to pull away from Nace's neck, throwing his head back and exposing his throat as a sinful moan escaped his lips. It was probably the most erotic thing Nace had ever seen in his entire life.
However, as heavenly as the dry humping felt, Nace wanted – needed – more. He needed to feel skin on skin with the man that had been occupying his every thought ever since he officially joined the band.
He slowly licked a strip up his deliciously exposed throat, a smug smile spreading across his face at the shudder that ran through Jan's body.
“Shall we take this to the bedroom, kitten?” he asked, his deep voice accompanied with a little squeeze on his ass making Jan blush furiously.
Instead of answering, Jan smashed their lips together in a hungry, passionate kiss.
Nace took that as a yes, placing his hands under Jan's thighs and lifting them both off the couch to start the short walk to his room, grinning into the kiss when he felt Jan's dick twitch at the casual demonstration of strength as he wrapped his legs around his waist.
As he closed the bedroom door and threw a very flushed and now fully hard Jan unceremoniously on his bed, Nace made a mental note to treat him to all the red wine he wished for the days to come.
masterlist | ao3
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khihi · 5 months
plenty of people are going to analyse these pictures in a much more eloquent way but i still want to throw out a small perspective i have on nace's photos
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especially as someone who's struggled with body image and self perception and weight for practically half my life (so tw for talking about those things kinda)
because i'm sure we're all very aware nace has struggled with those things in the past too, and i can't help but think about how those things will have affected him while having his shoot done.
compare what nace wears here to bojan's topless photos. bojan is emotional in a very different ways in those pictures, and the shirtlessness enhances that, but he's confident in his 'nakedness' (not happy, arguably, but confident enough in his body). compare it especially to kris, who appears the most naked out of all of them in their shoots, despite wearing a shirt, because of the all the artistic choices made and how much more relaxed within himself he is compared to the others in his own 'therapy session'. compare it even to jan's all-black long-sleeved shirt; jan (or the image of jan being presented to us through damon's lens – that's a whole other story in of itself) is making a choice in what he shows of himself, and he's certain in his choice. there's no resistence or discomfort or yearning in the shadows he's hidden himself in.
nace, meanwhile, is somewhere in the middle of all of them. he's in a short-sleeved shirt, tugging it further to give us a glimpse at a little more. aside from, obviously, letting us see his gorgeous tattoo sleeve better, i think one of the things this could well be showing us is nace's strides in confidence, alongside the discomfort he likely still feels.
because he's ready to show off his arms, and he's tugging at the fabric to show a little more than we usually get to see and, let's be real, it's fucking hot. he's confident enough now to start leaning into being found attractive, which is fucking beautiful.
but, at the same time, he's not ready to go fully shirtless – he's not at the point where he can strip and pose purposefully like bojan can, or strip and let himself relax into his identity like kris can. and, unlike the way jan hides himself, which feels very purposeful on jan's part, it doesn't feel like it's fully nace's choice – or, at least, there's tension and discomfort there still that he doesn't get a choice in hiding. his hands are clenched and clinging to the material, his arms are crossed protectively over his chest, and his eyes?? they're heartstoppingly dangerous. protecting himself and keeping the audience at a distance, but alluring and drawing you in at the same time; he's so confident in himself these days, but he still likely carries a lot of his old discomfort.
couple all of that with the way he looks in the last picture up at the top of this post – the way he's rubbing at his face, like he's trying to mould it into a shape, almost. all these three images have a kind of tourmented edge to them.
luckily, similarly to bojan's safe sweater shots, nace gets catharsis after all these intense emotions in these soft, tender shots, where his eyes are so much brighter and then heavily lidded and peaceful.
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...oh, and of course, as has already been pointed out by @radioactive-cloud, nace gets his safe sweater in the form of jan, and we get to see that playful smile when he's around someone who makes him feel comfortable in himself ♡
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lunafoster · 1 year
Intrusive thoughts
AN: yes, another one. Again, I’m really sorry but I hope you guys enjoy.
AN2: I really should be studying for my finals but I keep procrastinating. Somebody send help, please.
Warnings: none, honestly, just fluff. I’m gonna say maybe bad English, I’m trying.
Words: 1500+
Bojan Cvjetićanin x fem!reader
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*first clip*
The singer was sitting down in front of the camera next to Kris, talking while filming one of their vlogs, when the girl appeared, sitting down by his side.
He was wearing a sleeveless shirt, as it was warm and he didn’t want to be sweating. You could see the girl staring at his arms, though; it looked like she had just woke up from a nap. Bojan kept talking.
“Ang.” She bit his shoulder.
He didn’t even react, just kept having his conversation with Kris. The latter looked at her and then at his bandmate, mouth agape in shock.
“What is going on?”
*second clip*
Bojan and his girlfriend were being interviewed for the fans, as they wanted to know how their relationship started and how it was going since then.
“Who takes more time to get ready?”
“It’s him! He does!” She said, pointing at him and smirking.
“That’s not- alright maybe it is true,” he gave in, nodding his head and awkwardly smiling, “but it’s mostly because my hair takes a lot of time to be tamed, honestly.”
As if it had a mind of its own, a strand of his hair fell on his face, but he kept making excuses as to why he was the one who spent more time in the bathroom when they had to go out.
The girl kept staring at it, exchanging looks between the camera, the interviewer and her boyfriend. She continued being laser focused on the lock of hair that was slightly covering his left eye.
With one last glance at the camera and the interviewer, she extender her arm and carefully removed the piece of hair, pulling it to a better position so it wouldn’t be on his face.
He looked at her. “Thank you, love.”
She smiled and mused his hair up, laughing loudly. He sighed with a ‘done’ look on his face.
*third clip*
The Joker Out guys were talking during an interview, having sweets to munch on in between questions and topics.
In that moment, Jure was holding part of a KitKat in his hand, talking passionately about ‘Demoni’ and how they had come up with the idea of the music video.
The girl was watching them behind the camera, having a good time making faces at the boys during serious moments so they would crack a smile when they shouldn’t.
However, right in that moment, she was craving chocolate really badly. And that’s when she noticed the KitKat in Jure’s hand.
She quietly approached them, went into view for the camera just behind the boys and snatched the chocolate out of the blond’s hand.
“Aha!” She shouted with an evil laugh, munching on the KitKat and leaving the frame.
Everyone just looked at each other for a few seconds and bursted out laughing. All except for Jure, who tried keeping a pout on his lips while fake sobbing.
“My KitKat!”
*fourth clip*
“This is another video in the series of ‘baking with Jan’! Where I get stressed and he looks like he’s high!”
“What? It rhymes.”
*fifth clip*
Nace was explaining a story about them in the beach, playing with a giant yoga ball.
“So I tried to take it back to the sand but the ball was just too big…” everyone was chuckling, remembering how he had been chasing the ball around in the water.
“That’s what she said,” she whispered while giggling.
“Hey!” Nace pushed her shoulder away from him, “Stop it!”
*sixth clip*
The camera was angled so you could see both the girl, preparing the oven, and Jan, mixing the cookie dough on a bowl.
“Make sure it’s well mixed,” she told him, getting up from her crouched position.
“I know what I’m doing,” he replied, glancing at her briefly.
Jan went to grab the cookie cutters when he deemed it was well mixed enough, making the mistake of leaving the dough alone.
She instantly scooped some of it onto her finger and spread it on his face right when he turned around.
The video cuts and the camera focuses again on the two throwing the mixture at each other, the bowl now empty and cookie dough all over them.
The video cuts again and it comes back to her licking dough from her hand, taking from her face and eating it happily.
“You are disgusting,” Jan let’s out with a breathy laugh, distaste in his face.
“You are definitely not!” She goes towards him with grabby hands, “let me lick it off you, too!”
“No!” He moves away, going off camera.
*seventh clip*
Kris was in the background of Nace and Jure talking in front of the camera in one of their vlogs, mindlessly strumming his guitar.
Bojan and his girlfriend appeared from the right, moving towards the younger with the idea of sitting next to him.
They sat down but you could see the girl watching as Kris played with a fond look in her face and a soft smile.
She took Kris’ hand and, after making sure he left his guitar so it wouldn’t fall, dragged him towards the camera.
“Everyone this is my son,” she stated, making the guys look at her weirdly and Bojan laugh loudly, “if anything happened to him I would kill everyone and then myself.”
“What are you on?” Jan suddenly spoke up from somewhere in the room, not visible to the camera.
“He’s a child, just look at him.” She grabs his face with both hands and smushes his cheeks together, Kris chuckling and trying to pull away, unsuccessfully. “Isn’t he just so cute? I wanna put him in my pocket but he’s really tall and I can’t,” she added with a devastated look, pressing her hand to her chest and feigning being hurt.
“You got yourself a special one, man,” Nace said towards Bojan, who was still laughing obnoxiously.
He stood up and went towards his girlfriend and Kris, putting his arm around his shoulder and leaning on the taller boy.
“I will go for the adoption papers,” he said with a serious face, turning to her and breaking into a smile.
“They’re both coo-coo,” Jure says to the camera, making circle shapes with his finger near his head.
*eighth clip*
Bojan is talking to the camera while in the behind-the-scenes of their latest music video, wearing a big coat, making it clear that it’s really cold outside.
His girlfriend walks into view, with another huge coat, a woolly hat and gloves.
She suddenly squishes him really close to her in a hug, making it possible to hear the air leaving his lungs.
“What is going on?” He asks, strained and confused at the sudden affection, forgetting about the camera.
“You just look so squishable it’s unfair!” She answers, hugging him even tighter if possible.
*ninth clip*
Bojan and Jan are near the swimming pool, but fully clothed, talking about their next tour to his phone, as the comments can be seen going up from the bottom left of the screen.
“Can you get me a glass of water?” Bojan asks his girlfriend, not wanting to stop his conversation with Jan.
She leaves the frame of the camera and the conversation goes on, slowing to a stop when she comes back staring at Bojan.
He goes to take the glass from her but she’s faster, moving it over his head and pouring its contents all over him, making him open his mouth in shock.
“I’m sorry,” she giggles, covering her own mouth with her hand.
He stands up and Jan takes his phone, pointing the camera towards them, sensing that something funny is going to happen.
He’s right, of course, Bojan picks her up by her waist and throws himself (with her) in the swimming pool, effectively drenching them both.
“Bojan!” She shouts, both of them laughing loudly and Jan’s chuckling being heard from behind the camera.
*tenth clip*
They’re in the van while Bojan and his girlfriend are answering questions from fans in an Instagram live.
“What do you guys call each other?” She reads, immediately following it up with, “I call him daddy.”
“No, she does not,” he shakes his head profusely, moving towards the camera.
“I would call him daddy if he let me,” she corrects herself, getting closer to the camera to read the comments.
“Stop,” he laughs as he gently pushes her smirking head away.
“Someone said it’s a good nickname!”
“That was me,” says Jure, moving so he can be seen on the screen.
She pouts and looks at Bojan.
“What do I usually call you?”
“I call her love, sweetheart; and she…,” he trails off and turns to her, “I don’t know, what do you like calling me?”
“I know!” She exclaims happily, “waffles, cupcake, pie, pumpkin,… yes.” She nods to herself.
“That’s definitely not it,” he retorts, raising an eyebrow at her, “why are all of them high-calorie foods, anyway?”
“What? Do you want me to call you my little celery stick or something?”
Somebody laughs in the background at that.
“I hate you.”
“No, you don’t sugarplum,” she smirks again, watching as he’s trying to stop himself from laughing.
“You’re right, I don’t honey bun.”
All of them burst into a loud, chaotic laugh.
*end of the video*
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185northgower · 1 month
For the kiss prompts, how about 36 for JuKris? 💛🩵✨️👀
Thank you so much for this prompt! I have a love/hate relationship with JuKris but ultimately it's mostly fun to write!
Thank you so much also to anyone who's sent me more prompts, I'm slowly (5-500 business days, pls keep that in mind) working my way through them (and other loose ends and new plotbunnies...)
Hope you enjoy :)
(You'll also be able to find this fic (and many more) on AO3)
Jure entered the studio, a tray with 5 coffees and a bag of delicious smelling, fresh pastries in the other. 
“I ended up going to that other bakery…” he started, quickly swallowing the rest of his sentence when he became aware of the tense atmosphere in the room.
“I. Said. It’s. Fine.” came Kris’ clipped voice, “I can do this.” 
Jan raised his hands in surrender, stomped over to the sofa across the room and heavily plopped down next to Bojan, slumping into his side, head resting on the smaller man’s shoulder. 
The singer wrapped his arm around Jan and carded his fingers through the guitarist’s hair.
Jure quietly put the drinks and pastries down on the shelf next to him and scanned the room for Nace. 
The bassist was leaning against the wall on the far side of the room, phone in hand but gaze on Jure. He raised an eyebrow and shrugged his shoulders, clearly out of his depth as well.
Kris was still sitting hunched over the laptop that was open on a chair in front of him, phone in hand while he huffed and narrowed his eyes at whatever search result he’d pulled up. 
When Jure had left the studio about half an hour before, Kris had been on the phone, and from what Jure had gathered they needed to rebook their accommodation for their next two gigs on short notice. 
It was seemingly not going smoothly.
While he was still watching the younger man who was openly scowling at his phone now, Bojan piped up from the couch with “Really, Krisko, you could let us help you…” 
Kris, Nace and Jure all looked to where Bojan was already further slumping into the sofa.
“Which part of ‘just let me do this’ did you not get, Boki?” Kris asked and Nace threw Bojan a sympathetic look before going back to scrolling on his phone.
Kris swivelled back around and typed even more aggressively into the laptop.
Jure pursed his lips and wandered over to the shelf closest to Kris, inspecting the books for a moment. Then he very casually stepped behind the younger man and brought his arms around his shoulders, placing a kiss to the top of his head, soft hair tickling his face.
Kris turned around, presumably to scowl at him, but Jure simply stepped around him, plopping down right in the younger man’s lap. 
He smiled at the guitarist’s disgruntled face and pressed a short kiss to his lips, pulling back briefly to see how Kris was narrowing his eyes at him, probably about to tell him off for interrupting but Jure simply moved back in, pressing another kiss to his lips.
After a beat, Kris’ lips moved hesitantly against his own, arms wrapping around Jure’s waist and dragging up his spine in a familiar slide. 
Jure grinned into the kiss as Kris’ lips fell open with a tiny moan, the soft sound making Jure trail his hands up to tangle in the soft hair at the nape of the younger man’s neck, his eyes sliding shut. 
He hummed, making the guitarist tilt his head a little to the side and enjoyed the way Kris pulled him closer against his chest, hands sliding up under Jure’s t-shirt to knead at the muscles in his back. 
When Jure felt the man in his arms relax he started trailing kisses towards his ear, nipping at the earlobe and saying in a low voice, “So are you gonna let us help you now?” 
Kris made a sound in the back of his throat before taking a deep breath. 
“We have to have this sorted before tonight,” he said in a low voice, pressing his face into the crook of Jure’s neck.
“Okay,” Jure pressed a kiss to his temple, “tell us what we’re looking for and we can sort this, okay?” 
When Kris nodded and moved in to kiss him again Jure looked over the younger man’s shoulder to where Nace had joined Jan and Bojan on the couch. He got two eager thumbs ups and an agreeing nod.
He let his eyes slide shut again, enjoying the way Kris was clinging to him, enjoying the familiar slide of their mouths for another moment before they’d have to attempt to sort this.
If you want to send me more prompts I'll love you forever I'd be very happy about that and you can use this list to do so! :)
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sparkles-oflight · 6 days
Umazane Misli
"Sanje so tvojega okusa Jutro po tebi mi diši Kompas več me ne posluša Moja izgubljena duša Išče le v smeri kjer si ti"
Synopsis: Jure helps Kris moving into Bojan's apartment and he finally asks the question that has been on his mind for a while....
Thank you @illbringyousolace for the proofreading on this one!
Disclaimer: Please think of these as characters and not the actual people. I don’t encourage anyone to send this to any of the actual JO members nor do I encourage people to force any type of relationship between anyone.
After the Stožice concert, their vacation, and the first leg of the winter tour, everything seemed to be about London. The band was going to live there for a couple of months in Žare's apartment to get some inspiration for the new album.
There's one thing Jure has noticed ever since Stožice: Bojan and Kris have been closer than ever. So, it was no surprise to the band when they announced they'd start living together to avoid paying more rent - Martin wasn't at his and Bojan's flat most of the time and Nace was no longer living near Kris either. What did surprise Jure when helping out Kris moving in with the singer was the occasional glances between the two, the small and not-so-small touches they'd exchange, the words of affection and small teases said out loud and the ones left unspoken. He hadn't noticed it until then, but they seemed to act like two high school sweethearts.
- Thanks, Jure! - Bojan hugged him - Princess over here would have taken so much longer without your help!
Kris rolled his eyes and then winked at Bojan.
- That's because you didn't get your ass up to help. - Kris riposted as he sat down on the sofa.
- I'd rather see your ass going up and down the stairs, your majesty. - the smaller one replied, earning a kiss blown at him by Kris.
- But thank you, Maček. - Kris turned his attention back to Jure - How can we pay you? Do you want to stay for dinner?
- No, no, I'm good. Also, I have plans for tonight.
Kris nodded, waiting to hear more from the drummer, but he didn't want to elaborate more. Usually, his plans meant hooking up with a girl, so it’s not like there was much to elaborate on.
- Can I just ask one question? - Jure asked.
- Sure. - the singer sat down next to the guitarist who put his arm on top of him.
They both watched as Jure walked around and tried to come up with the right words to say. Eventually, he decided to sit down in front of the two.
- What happened? - he said.
- What? - Kris' face contorted at the question, not quite sure what to make of it.
- I mean... - Jure sighed - After Stožice things have felt... Different. What I mean is... What's up with the two of you? Or, between you.
None of them said a word, they only glanced at each other as two children who got caught stealing cookies from the sewing kit.
- Kris, in Thailand you were always texting Bojan even though you said you were going to enjoy being far away from him for a couple of weeks. You even went as far as leaving us to go to your room and talk to Bojan on the phone.
Once again, more guilty looks and a slight blush crept into Kris' checks.
- Th-that's... - he tried to defend himself, but his voice came out slightly higher pitch than he expected so he left the words unspoken.
- Bojan, ever since we returned to touring you are all hands at Kris and even asking him to sit on you when he has plenty of room to sit somewhere else.
- Well, maybe I just like Kris' ass on my thighs. - he smirked.
- BOJAN! - the younger one tried to scold him, but the other couldn't help but laugh.
- Sorry, sorry, but come on, they'd know sooner or later.
Jure's eyes opened wide open, and Kris started fidgeting with his sweater's sleeves and whispering something.
- I was hoping it'd be later...
- When? When we marry and have kids?
- Oh, shut up!
- So, it's true? - Jure interrupted the love birds.
- Yeah, Kris and I are together. - Bojan replied to the curious kitty - Since October.
- Figured.
Jure sighed. Now he knows.
His face quickly shifted from relieved to sad and that got an eyebrow raise from Kris.
- I'm sorry we didn't tell you sooner. I mean... We didn't tell anyone.
- Oh, I did. My parents are already waiting for me to marry you.
- Oh god, Bojan, stop telling people we are together. It has only been one month!
- For them, it has been almost 9 years. Also, don't lie to me because Maks told me you told everyone at dinner about us before going to Thailand.
- Guys, it's okay. I assume neither Jan nor Nace knows about it? - Jure imposed the question.
- No, they don't, though I guess we can tell them now.
With no hesitation, Bojan took his phone out, and suddenly, both Jure and Kris' pockets made a sound. Jure picked up his phone.
Cvjet: Me and Kris have been fucking
- What the fuck, Bojan. - Jure laughed.
- We are not just fucking. – Kris pulled him by his ear.
Another sound came in.
Jonh: Yeah, we know
And one last sound.
Nacko: We heard you...
Jure was ready to set his phone aside, but as Kris read the messages, he began typing:
Krisko: when? Jonh: bus Nacko: Also, in Thailand, I tried to check on you when you left suddenly once Nacko: I never did it again Jonh: oh yeah, that too Jonh: the phone sex was good, uh
Jure glanced over at Kris and saw him with his hands on his head, clearly losing his sanity. Bojan was amused. The guitarist groaned out words of frustration and the singer called him all sorts of pet names as he rubbed his hands on his back.
- Well, I should get going... - Jure announced as he got up -, You guys have to... Not even talk, just have fun and stay safe, I guess.
- MAČEK! – Kris yelled in a last effort to control the situation, but it was too late because the blond cat had already left the apartment.
- I mean... we could have fun. – Bojan whispered to Kris after the door shut.
- I’m way too tired, Cvjetićanin.
They decided that they’d just sleep next to each other to commemorate Kris’ arrival.
When Bojan woke up, he took advantage of the fact that the window shutter didn’t close completely to gaze at Kris’ hair illuminated by small squares of light coming through it. His lover shined like a golden mosaic, and he wanted to melt at the sight of it.
He stroked his hair and while he ran his fingers through the small forming curls, he got closer. Bojan tilted his head to the side a little, feeling the other’s breath into his nose through his own. He looked up to see Kris, who opened his eyes slowly, and the blue ocean that he saw in him was telling him to proceed. Bojan smiled and kissed him.
Sometimes, Bojan would do that. Sometimes Bojan would kiss that gently after asking for his permission first. It was intimate, but it was their own way of telling each other “I love you” without using the words.
- The morning smells like you. – Bojan told Kris before the taller one grabbed him closer and pulled him onto his chest, giving him all the kisses he could before fully waking up.
Now I have to finish writting the story that ties in all my short stories... dear lord. Wish me luck
Polaroid Photos Universe | Recommended next: Vse Kar Vem
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hotcat37 · 4 months
Janace and 21 :D (to write a kiss thing)
two more and I've finished all the kiss asks 💪💪
21: on a place of insecurity
It's a real shame that Nace doesn't see what Jan sees. Though he knows it's more complicated than Nace simply not finding himself attractive. Knows that this is the result of years of a bad self image and remarks from friends and strangers alike. Losing all that weight won't magically make those old insecurities vanish.
Nace never talks about it but Jan can see it in the way the other man always keeps his shirt on even when it's hot as balls. Or how he always declines to be in photos where they're expected to be half naked.
Jan only ever sees the brunette's torso in the pool or under the hot water of a shower. Because in those environments he really has no choice but to go shirtless. Even during sex, Nace covers himself.
The guitarist has never complained about it, though, only quietly admiring every chance he gets. The last thing he wants is to push Nace's boundaries, which is why he's slow and careful when he climbs on the bed upon noticing his lover lying there half asleep and miraculously without a shirt on.
"Hey, gorgeous." Jan rolls over until he's pressed up against Nace's side, mindful not to touch his bare torso unexpectedly.
Nace cracks one eye open to lazily gaze at the younger man. A slow smile spreads across his face and Jan can't help but lean in for a kiss. "Speak for yourself."
"What's a guy gotta do to get some ass around here?" He throws one leg over Nace's body, moving his hips to playfully hump his bandmate.
The bassist laughs at his boyfriend's antics, throwing an arm over his face. "Geez, take me to dinner first!"
"Oh, I will." Jan promises, then moves around until he's straddling Nace's lap. "Don't mind me cupping a feel first, though...."
"Go ahead." Despite the words, he still hides into his arm, body tensing noticeably when Jan's hands slide along his exposed lovehandles.
Jan is gentle and slow as he explores the soft flesh he lusts over every night. He keeps a hawk eye on Nace's reaction to the touches. There's some telltale signs the brunette has for when things are getting too much and he wants to make sure he catches them just in case. But despite the tension Nace does seem okay with the touching, only starting to gnaw at his bottom lip when Jan's fingers trail over the stretch marks across his tummy.
He pauses for a moment, giving Nace a minute to collect his thoughts, waiting until the bassist stops biting his lip and visibly relaxes before lowering his head. Jan presses kisses to the marks, feeling the skin under his lips quiver as Nace shudders. He presses one to each and every little line stretched across the other man's body, until Nace stops shaking and no longer hides his face.
When Jan looks up, his lover's face is beet red. But more notably, there's a shy smile tugging at his lips, and the guitarist doesn't stop the urge to lean in for another kiss.
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scarletslippers · 6 months
Nace Countdown to Christmas - Day 16
(From this post of relationship milestone prompts)
On AO3
talking about their shared future
“You’re taking a whole week off, right? I get you all to myself?” Ace says softly, one hand gently combing through the ends of her hair. It’s been a while since they’ve gotten to do this, just lay together comfortably. Life seems to always get in the way. 
Nancy burrows closer and chuckles against his chest. “You’re gonna get me for two weeks. Nancy Drew Investigations has officially set up an ‘out of office’ email, and all calls are being forwarded to an answering service.” 
“Answering service?” Ace wrinkles his brow. 
“Bess and Ryan have agreed to take shifts as my secretary to return calls and schedule cases for into January.” She tilts her head back to look at his face. “I’m not letting anything get in the way of this.” 
He presses his lips to her forehead, trying to stop his racing thoughts from tumbling out before he can organize them. She’s right, he wants nothing more than this. Forever. But they have more things to discuss. “Nancy, now that you’re done catching sin eaters, are you— What will you— If I—”
Nancy’s palm against his cheek halts his spiraling, her eyes warm and open, prompting him to continue. “Ace. Take a breath.”
He listens, her body rising a bit with the movement of his chest. “I still have four years of medical school. Now that you’re done catching sin eaters, where will you go? Back to Horseshoe Bay?” 
He doesn’t ask the question he really wants to, afraid of her answer. 
Will you stay?
“Well,” she begins, tucking hair back from his face. “I guess it depends on where you get into school,” she says lightly. 
He can feel her own unsaid statement lingering between them. 
If you’ll have me. 
“John Sander has been trying to recruit me to Northeastern.” 
“Plenty of people to help in Boston, I’m sure,” she says with a grin. “You know mystery always finds me.” 
Ace smiles into their kiss, sighing in relief. One less mystery for them to solve.
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ana-chronista · 4 months
Me again with some Jan/Jure for the kiss promts hehe :))
Could you maybe do …forcefully and ...out of necessity for them (either works fine as well<3)
So my hand slipped and I wrote both...
33. ...forcefully
“What the fuck were you thinking?” Lying there on the hospital bed, arm already in a fresh cast and sling, Jure has the audacity to roll his eyes. “Oh, come on. It's not like I did it on purpose!” “That doesn't matter!” Jan snaps back at him, trying to take a deep breath before his anger becomes full-on fury. They may be in a private side room, alone while the nurse is off sorting out the discharge paperwork, but the door is still slightly ajar and he doubts anyone down the corridor wants to hear him shouting. “Jan, it's not that b- ” “Don’t you tell me – you're lying there with a broken arm and you're trying to tell me me it's not that bad?” He can’t believe how casually Jure is treating this. The panic he’d felt from the phone call – don’t freak out, but can you give me a ride from the hospital? – is still gnawing at the edges of his mind, even though no permanent damage has been done and Jure appears to give precisely zero shits about what’s happened. “Who are you, my mum?” Jure scoffs. “It's really not, it barely hurts – ” “That’ll be the painkillers, which seem to be messing up your take on this.” “Look, if I’d wanted a lecture, I would have called Kris – ” “Yeah, I’d love to see how you’re going to explain this one to him.” Jan says snidely. He wants a front row seat to that show, for sure. “What are we supposed to do with the gigs coming up?” “I don’t know, Rick Allen manages just fine.” Jure shoots back. For a moment, Jan stares him down, hands on hips, until suddenly Jure sighs, flippancy draining and leaving him deflated. “Get a session musician, I guess. I know a few people, and I’m sure Nace has a few connections.” Jan shakes his head, insisting, “That’s not the point, Jure.” “Yeah, OK, I don’t want to let the fans down. Maybe I can still be on stage?” “Also not the point!” He can’t help raising his voice. How does he not get that there are a million and one different scenarios still running through Jan’s head, each worse than the last? “What if you’d landed on your head or something? You could have been hurt way worse!” And just like that, he can see annoyance flooding the other man again. “Yeah, but I didn’t, and I wasn’t! Honestly, I don’t get why you’re making such a huge deal – ” “Oh, for fuck’s sake.” He darts forward, his hands landing on either side of Jure’s jaw to hold him in place and crushes his mouth against his. He pours every last scrap of fear and frustration into it, cutting off every last what if and what now chasing through his head. There’s a spark of satisfaction as Jure shifts his head the fraction he can, mouth falling open beneath Jan’s teeth and tongue. It only lasts a moment before footsteps echo in the hallway. They’re both breathless and panting as they break apart. “There!” Jan hisses, still holding on to Jure’s face as the drummer stares back at him. “Do you understand now? A knock sounds on the door. “Mr. Maček – ” “Jan – ” Jure sounds as dazed as he looks. Jan can feel his jaw clenching as he shakes his head and lets go of Jure. “Later. We’ll talk later.” he says, shoving his hands in his pockets and turning to the window as the nurse comes in clutching Jure’s file.
49. ... out of necessity
“So, the time has come!” Jure announces, startling Jan out of pretending to check his texts to look up and see their new drummer grinning up at him. “For what?” he asks, wondering if he’s missed something. The music and chatter of the party is like a wall of noise blocking off what’s actually happening, and he’s been lurking here in the corner for a good ten minutes trying to recharge his social batteries, beer in one hand and phone in the other. “For us to kiss!” Jure sounds so matter of fact, as though it should be obvious. Jan raises an eyebrow, trying to stay deadpan. “Oh, really?” Jure shrugs. “Well, I’ve already kissed everyone else... Bojan, Kris, Martin, even Matic on his way out.” He ticks them off on his fingers as he goes, leaving one raised that he prods into Jan’s chest. “That just leaves you.” “And what’s this all for? Science?” “Nah, team bonding exercise.” He can’t help but laugh at the flimsy reasoning. “You know, if you wanted to kiss me that much you could’ve just asked.” “Didn’t think I’d need to.” Jure says airily. “Thought you’d make me welcome.” Jan rolls his eyes, unable to help the fond smile tugging at his lips as he slips his phone away. “Well, if that’s how you feel, come here then.” Jure apparently doesn’t need to be told twice. He’s immediately stepping into Jan’s personal space and wrapping his arms around his neck to pull him down, leaning up and meeting him halfway. Jan lets him lead, unsure exactly what he’s going for, but Jure’s lips on his are warm and insistent as he coaxes Jan’s mouth open and then Jan – Jan decides to play him at his own game, wrapping his free arm around Jure’s back to draw him in closer, pushing back as much as Jure is. He lets Jure cup the back of his head and deepen the kiss, but nips back at his bottom lip, enjoying the smallest shudder he feels run through him. Jure was the one to ask for this, of course. He might as well make it memorable for him. It seems like he’s succeeded, because Jure is grinning when they break apart, wide and self-satisfied and very much the cat that got the cream. Jan can’t blame him – he’s feeling quite pleased with himself too, even if he restricts it to a smirk. “Will that do, then?” he asks. Jure uncoils himself from Jan, sliding his hands over his shoulders to his chest before giving him an affectionate nudge. “Hmm, maybe. I don’t know.” His tone is light and teasing, though Jan’s pretty sure he can hear some breathlessness in there too. “I might need more research – I’ll let you know.” And if Jure suggests they go conduct that research somewhere a bit quieter, Jan knows he’ll agree. This party is boring, anyway.
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me-sploh-rada-imas · 25 days
Hi!!! May I ask jance 22 kiss please?❤️
hi anon! tysm for your ask, the prompt is in a rush of adrenaline. i've also posted this fic on ao3 here!
Nace stepping up next to Jan in Novi Val is inevitable. They’ve messed around with each other a little throughout the gig, but they’re conscious that they’re being recorded and that they intend to release a concert film, so they’ve tried to tone it down. It’s ridiculous, but Jan has missed glancing across to catch Nace’s eye and reel him in with a look alone, has missed sidling up to him and making a witty comment just to make him laugh. Now, though, with the end of the concert so near, Jan feels unable to think of anything funny to say. He just leans heavily into Nace, who wraps an arm round him and pulls him in tight. They take in the ocean of their audience together, the glittering of their phone torches lighting up the hall in rainbow colours, the towering tiers of fans above their heads.
“We made it,” Nace says, barely audible over the roar of thousands of people singing their music. His voice sounds hoarse, as though he might cry, and Jan lets go of his guitar to slip his arm around Nace’s back in return. Sometimes he wishes he could stop playing for Novi Val, as Jure and Nace do, so he could stay pressed into Nace’s side like this for the whole song.
“We did,” Jan agrees, and as touching as the moment is, he’s still running high on the adrenaline of the past hour on stage, and he’s smiling so widely at Nace that he must look deranged. He wants to pull Nace towards him and kiss him senseless. He leans up so that he can speak directly into Nace’s ear. “We’re so lucky to have you.” 
Nace pulls him closer, his cheeks dimpling. “I’m so lucky to have you,” he answers. “Have I ever told you just how mesmerising you are when you play? And do you even know how gorgeous you look tonight?”
Jan can’t help but blush, though Nace has said these words to him before. “Do you know how proud I am of you,” he counters, “for what you’re wearing? Have you finally realised how hot you are?”
Nace just laughs, and Jan can’t tear his eyes away. “Endless compliments tonight, huh?” he jokes.
“For you, always.”
They’re interrupted by Jure on Nace’s other side, and he’s grinning at them too. He sings raucously at them both, throwing his hands in the air, before spinning off to face the other half of the audience, where Kris is standing. Nace remains at Jan’s side for a while longer, but Jan soon has to resume playing and he reluctantly steps out of Nace’s embrace so as to be able to concentrate again.
When Novi Val ends, they rush backstage to change into their Eurovision outfits before they play Carpe Diem. Kiki takes Jan’s guitar at the edge of the stage and Mark meets them at the bottom of the stairs with his camera in his hand. They only have a three minute clip prepared for the screen above the stage and Jan knows the crowd will get restless if they have to wait too long, but he doesn’t care. As soon as he gets to the green room, he launches himself towards Nace, who’s already taken off his shoes and half undone his trousers, and kisses him hard, despite the presence of their three bandmates and Mark. Nace staggers a few steps backwards but wraps his arms around Jan to bring him closer and kisses him fiercely back. Jan opens his mouth to Nace, desperately taking advantage of their few moments of peace. This kind of display in front of their bandmates is unusual, but Jan doesn’t care. When the gig finishes, they’ll be immediately surrounded by all the crew and the staff in the arena, Mark will be filming, and they’ll have to go straight into a press conference and be professional. Even at the afterparty, there will be enough strangers and press present that they’ll have to be careful around each other, though Jan knows he’ll be desperate to have Nace under his hands again. 
Someone tugs on the back of Jan’s shirt and says wryly, “can you stop trying to eat each other’s faces and actually get ready? You’ve only got two more minutes.”
Nace breaks the kiss reluctantly, but doesn’t let go of Jan, who’s still holding Nace’s face between his hands. Jan savours the weight of Nace’s arms around him for a few more moments, the sight of his flushed cheeks, the heaviness of his breathing, and then he tears himself away and begins to get changed.
“You’ve ruined a good shot we could have put in the concert film,” Mark chides Jan as he leans down to take off his shoes. 
“Worth it,” Jan mutters under his breath, and Mark playfully swats at his arm in retaliation.
When their allotted time is up, Mark impatiently ushers them out of the green room though Bojan’s shirt is half unbuttoned and Nace is still shrugging on his jacket. Jan just has time to pull Nace in for one more bruising kiss before they head back on stage for the encore.
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da-proti-toku-grem · 4 months
48. poly!jo (habit)
👏Poly!JO👏my👏beloved👏, thank you so much for the request 💖 I think this is the longest one yet (1k words) so… enjoy ✌
Send me a Ship and a Number and I will Write a Kiss
48. … out of habit.
The guys had come to Bojan's apartment to help him decide on an outfit for an interview he had that day. The brown-haired man didn't understand why some interviewers seemed to insist on interviewing only him. Okay, he might be the singer and probably the most recognisable face out of all of them – whether he liked it or not – but after all they were a band, and the band consisted of five people, not just him. He didn't want his bandmates – and boyfriends – to feel less important.
So that's why they were there, sitting in the living room watching Bojan finish getting changed, after assuring him a few times that they were completely okay with this.
Kris was sitting in the armchair next to the couch, his legs dangling over the side, and Jure was standing leaning against the wall; meanwhile Nace was sitting on the couch, Jan on his lap and his arms around the younger's waist. They were all watching a clearly anxious Bojan trying to fix his clothes in front of the mirror for what seemed like the tenth time in the last five minutes.
As for the singer, he was wearing Nace's black cardigan over a plain white T-shirt and his favorite pair of trousers (this time from his own closet), accompanied by one of Kris' rings, Jure's chain and one of Jan's hair ties around his wrist.
He knew the fans would probably analyze it later, but he didn't care. He wanted to feel his boyfriends as close as possible.
“Jurček, can you help me with this, please?” he sighed after struggling with the cardigan for a few moments.
It looked perfect, if you asked Jure, but he still nodded and said “Of course. C'mere, pup.”
Bojan walked over to him and the blond brought his hands to the lapels of the cardigan, positioning it correctly. “Done,” he smiled.
“Thank you, muca,” he smiled back and leaned up, leaving a small peck on the drummer's lips. He didn't think too much about it, it just felt like the usual thing to do after thanking one of his boyfriends.
“Okay, I really need to go now or I'll be late,” Bojan said, but Kris' voice stopped him in his tracks before he could turn around to walk through the front door.
“Wait, before you go!” the guitarist spoke up, getting up from the armchair and approaching Bojan. He placed one of his hands on the singer's waist, pulling him closer to his body and giving him a kiss, this time much longer than the one he gave the drummer, making him stand on his tiptoes so he could reach more comfortably. Kris pulled away slowly, nibbling a little on his lower lip. “There, you can go now.”
“Oh hell no, he can't,” Jan growled, rising quickly from his place on Nace's lap, grabbing Bojan's chain with one finger and yanking it, smashing their lips together in a heated kiss. A little moan escaped Bojan’s mouth and the dark-haired man took it as an opportunity to push his tongue inside the singer's mouth.
When they parted, Bojan was breathless, a blush creeping up his cheeks rather quickly. He could feel three pairs of eyes staring at them as Jan leaned close to his ear. “Why don't you give our Nacko some attention too, Bojč?” he whispered, his breath in his ear and his deep voice sending a shiver down Bojan's spine.
His gaze switched between the guitarist and the bassist a couple of times, both looking at him with a smirk on their faces, until the older one patted his lap in a silent invitation.
Without a second thought, Bojan walked over to the couch and straddled Nace, one leg on either side of his hips.
“Hello there, pretty boy,” Nace said, his hands slowly caressing his thighs up and down and squeezing them gently.
The bassist tilted his head up slightly and connected their lips in another kiss. He wasn't as rough as Jan, but certainly no less passionate.
Bojan could have sworn he heard someone mutter “fuck, they look so hot together, don't they?”, but he couldn't really tell who it was.
As they broke the kiss, Bojan slowly opened his eyes and removed his hands from Nace's hair – when had he put them there?
“Weren't you running late for an interview?” Nace smirked against his lips.
Oh shit, the interview. “Yeah, yeah, of course, I gotta... Yeah,” he started rambling, getting up and walking towards the door once again, earning various chuckles from the guys.
Jure, who had been watching every one of his boyfriends’ movements really closely, pouted and said “Hey, that's not fair! I only got a little peck.” He pulled Bojan's arm and turned him around, his hands going straight to his ass and squeezing it, kissing him hard. The sudden action elicited yet another moan from the singer. Fucking hell what has gotten into them?, he thought to himself.
“There, all done,” Jure smiled, smacking him on the ass.
Slowly withdrawing himself from Jure's arms, Bojan began to run his hands through his hair, fixing it for the twentieth time that morning and trying to regulate his breathing. “C-can I go now?”
“Yep,” said the drummer with his big sunshine smile.
“Don’t worry, you'll get more than just a few kisses after you're back from the interview,” Jan added with a wink.
If Bojan was already blushing before, he was pretty sure he was as red as a tomato right now.
He opened and closed his mouth several times, trying (unsuccessfully) to come up with some smart comeback.
“I'm... gonna go now. See you,” he said awkwardly instead, causing all his boyfriends to burst out laughing as he turned around, picking up his keys and walking out the front door as quickly as he could.
And if the only thought on Bojan's mind while he drove there was ‘please, don't get hard on national TV’, well, the guys will probably make up for it when he comes home.
masterlist | ao3
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illarian-rambling · 1 month
Thanks for the tag @cowboybrunch!
5 Lines Tag
My lines:
a line with suspense a funny line a line with color a loud line a line you’re proud of
I'll pull from End Times :)
A line with suspense
Her mangled Janazi characters bled as the wine seeped through the napkin, twisting their meaning even further. Twenari had taught Izjik and Sepo—or tried to teach, in her case—how to write in Janazi back on Nace. Sepo, of course, had picked up the language frighteningly fast and with a studious intensity that had left him with the handwriting of a scribe. Izjik, on the other hand, had never written anything before. Halawema’ishi didn’t have a written counterpart like Llanaodan, so she wasn’t super familiar with the concept to begin with.
Unfortunately, End didn’t have the patience to wait on her. All Izjik managed to scribble down was ‘Find Devaris. Help—’ before her captor took control and she was shunted once again to the back of her mind.
A funny line
“Look for dry wood in a variety of sizes,” Sepo acquiesced with a sigh.
Djek smothered a giggle. “And I’ll bet you’re an expert at looking for dry wood in a variety of sizes, huh?”
A twig flew out of the darkness and impacted his forehead. “You’re a child.”
“Avoid any Nabafyrian cedar,” Twenari added. Either the innuendo had sailed over the girl’s head or she just didn’t care. Honestly, it was a toss-up. “It can explode when exposed to intense heat.”
“That’s…. Sure, whatever. Exploding trees.” Djek cracked his knuckles with a sigh and began to make his way into the underbrush. “Run fast if you hear me scream.”
“The head start will be appreciated.”
“Run towards me, dumbass!”
A line with color
Flicking into her arcane awareness, Twenari could see a great hurricane of whirling threads—black and yellow and purple like a fresh bruise. The mass of it covered the sky, turning the rays of the moon already dimmed by her focus on the magical into little more than candlelight. It crouched over Sepo and his miraculous music like a bloated giant. Almost, Twenari could see the bare impression of a face pressed into the rotting strings leering down at him.
From the fiddle flowed magic as well. Twenari had seen divine magic before, both in the All-Temple and making up Izjik’s torn cloak. It had a finer weave to it, a different texture under her discerning eye. The magic Sepo played wasn’t quite that. It shared elements—the burning blue threads flowed like water or honey, as smooth as silk—but held the tell-tale snarls of mortal magic.
Mortal magic was imperfect. Sometimes, that was where discoveries were found, or what transformed a stale hymn into a fiery concerto.
A loud line
Before her was a far more damning sight. End didn’t wear its carapace of night. It didn’t need to, facing only mortal threats on a floating piece of flimsy wood. Twenari felt the terror of teleportation replaced instantly by sickened rage. She’d imagined it would be hard to see past Izjik to the demon wearing her skin, hard to separate the flesh from the thing within, but her friend never would’ve smiled with such sadism. Her friend would never have worn Djek’s blood on her knuckles like a trophy.
The Amaranthi’s eyes were wild with terror as he looked back at the newly arrived reinforcements from where he struggled to stand up from slick ground. Fading whips of shadow pulled uselessly as End’s arms and legs.
“Where the fuck have you been?” was his screamed greeting.
A line you're proud of
Breathing hard, she sat on the edge of the slowly sinking ship, letting the southern sea wash the ichor from her sandals. The stars stared down at her with naked hatred and Izjik knew it would be this way every night for the rest of her life. Despised by the heavens, feared by the gods.
“I hate you,” she whispered, but the words were hollow. A desperate grab for the last embers of fury to keep her warm. Terror seeped into her veins like icy poison. Izjik looked down at her shaking hands—did blood even flow within them? Or just black ichor?
It was done. She was free. So, why didn’t she feel that way?
I'll tag @apolline-lucy @melpomene-grey @nebula--nix @theprissythumbelina and anyone else who wants to play :)
Your lines are:
A whispered line
A line with sass
A pretty line
A blue line
A brutal line
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rosetta-j-stone · 2 months
Time for the sequel to this post : D
Tumblr media
Hi everyone! Here's a fluffy SFW BoJere fic for y'all. Enjoy <3
It's been a hell of a day.
Normally Bojan gets his energy from two main sources, being on stage and meeting new people. But for some reason today, which has been full of both of these things, has been...a LOT.
He feels...what's that thing Jan says introverts feel?
And he hates it.
If performing isn't fun and being with others is exhausting...if he can't be the perky, bouncy, energetic golden boy who gets the party started...who even is he?
Bojan doesn't want to think too hard about that one.
(There's a reason he's not finishing that Sociology course.)
His phone buzzes. Ugh.
He checks it even though he already knows what it means.
Yep. It's the alert Kris insisted on programming in to remind him about the next interview. He grins despite himself, remembering that conversation.
If you can call Kris grabbing the phone off him and telling him "I'm putting this in your phone. NOW. In case you "forget"." a conversation.
Kris is the only person he knows who can pronounce air quotes perfectly.
Bojan sighs, throws the phone on the bed, runs his hands through his hair distractedly, and tries to focus on which outfit he should pick out of the band's shared wardrobe (Nace's suitcase) for...which interview even is this again? He's lost track, and for once "Human Filofax" Guštin hasn't bothered to give details beyond the time and place.
Maybe he's lost track too.
Bojan throws himself back on the bed in frustration. Maybe he'll just lie here for a few more minutes.
A few more hours.
The rest of his life.
Is someone knocking at the door?
It can't be any of the boys surely.
Housekeeping maybe?
He manoeuvres himself upright again, summoning his best "charming young functional human being" face, forces himself over to the door, and opens it.
It's him.
For one dizzying moment he thinks the Finn is going to ask to come in, but then he clocks the puffy jacket. Jere is clearly on his way out somewhere.
Somewhere that ISN'T an interview.
Lucky bastard.
Jere grins at him and for a minute Bojan thinks he's read his mind.
"Jokerman. I think I find you here. Other jokers waiting downstairs"
Bojan groans. Of course they sent Jere to go and get him.
He's going to kill Kris later.
Slowly and painfully.
Jere is looking at him with his head on one side, like some kind of confused kitten. If he was in a better mood he'd be more tickled by the image.
When Jere speaks again, it's surprisingly gentle. Hesitant. "I think...I think...the Bojan not want to join other jokers this time yesyes?"
As a wise person once probably said, the only thing worse than no one noticing you're not okay is someone else noticing you're not okay. Bojan sinks down to the floor, bringing his hands up to hide his face.
He doesn't want to look Jere in the eye right now.
Jere seems to get the message because Bojan feels him looking away, but he doesn't leave.
Instead he sits down next to Bojan.
There's a moment's silence.
Jere breaks it.
"If the Bojan not so tall dark and handsome, I lend him my jacket right now. This very comforting jacket yesyes. But...not fit you I think". He steals a sideways glance at Bojan, half-concerned, half-mischievous.
Bojan can't help it. The image of him in Jere's clothes is...
He giggles despite himself.
Jere tentatively touches his arm.
"But...I think Bojan maybe fit Jere's arm ok?" He pauses. "Is OK?"
Bojan looks up gratefully.
"More than OK"
Jere slides an arm around his waist gently. Bojan allows himself to relax into it, leaning his head on Jere's shoulder. He half-expects Jere to make a joke about never letting him go but instead he brings his hand up, lightly, slowly, and starts softly stroking Bojan's hair. Almost automatically Bojan nestles closer. Before he quite realises it, his arms are around Jere and he's gripping onto that stupid puffy coat like his life depends on it.
Jere doesn't even flinch. He just hugs Bojan tight like it's the end of the world.
Eventually, he speaks again, and his voice is so soft, so gentle, like a caress.
"You want we stay here? I can tell other jokers you sick. Again."
He grins but Bojan sees the concern in his eyes. He shakes his head.
"No. I need to get out."
Jere looks thoughtful again. Then he gets to his feet and holds out his hand.
"Me too. You come with me? We go out, just us"
Bojan looks at him.
"The boys will kill me"
There's a gleam in the Finn's eye. "Is that a yes, Jokerman?"
Bojan takes hold of Jere's hand, smiling, and lets him pull him back up.
He takes Jere's other hand and holds it tight.
"It's a yesyes"
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185northgower · 1 month
i see you girl!! bojance 30 😈
So when I say writing takes me between 5-500 business days I'm not kidding, I'm very sorry dear anon! I've not forgotten about these prompts, just know that each of my fingers is riding a turtle across the keyboard, or something like that.
But thank you so much for this prompt and the opportunity to write something short and cute for my favourite throuple.
Hope you enjoy :)
(You'll also be able to find this fic (and many more) on AO3)
Nace was watching the back of Kris’ head as the blond guitarist made yet another phone call.
He knew Kris was looking out for them and working out back-up plan a-z, but his ever tenser and more clipped growing tone of voice was only serving to make all of them more nervous than Nace thought they really ought to be. 
Jure was napping, against Kris’ side, headphones and beanie helping him stay entirely unaware of the chaos unfolding around him. 
He chanced a glance over his shoulder where Vita, Kiki and Primož were sitting and was met with tense faces and silence. 
“You reckon we’ll make it?” came a quiet voice from beside him and his hold on the smaller man’s shoulders tightened further, head turning to look at the singer.
To his surprise the question had been directed at Jan, who must have woken up while Nace was distracted.
Before they had run into the massive traffic jam they were now stuck in, Jan had leaned his head back against the headrest and closed his eyes, headphones on his ears, clearly needing a little quiet time before they’d get to the busy airport, possibly even meeting fans they’d stop to chat to and take selfies with.
The longer they were stuck in traffic the slimmer were the chances they’d even have time to stop and chat, given they’d still manage to make it to the airport on time. If they were too late for their flight they’d have all the time in the world though…
“I’m sure whatever happens, we’ll manage to sort it.. look, Kris is on it already,” came Jan’s quiet reply and Nace felt the guitarist wind his own arm around Bojan, squeezing in between the smaller man’s back and the backrest of the van. 
Bojan slumped a bit further down in his seat at Jan’s answer, eyes wide and chewing on his bottom lip, small hands fidgeting in his lap. The guitarist carefully threaded a hand through his hair, making him turn his head towards him. 
“Look, I know you’re worried because we’re kind of stuck here, and I get it. But maybe we can make time pass a little more enjoyably, okay?” and Nace saw Bojan nod, an almost imperceptible movement of his head, and then Jan was slowly pulling him in closer, the hand in his hair guiding him into a soft kiss. 
Nace watched as Bojan slowly closed his eyes, a hand coming up to stroke the stubble on Jan’s cheek, his shoulders still tense but his expression already less miserable than a moment before.
The guitarist turned further in his seat, keeping their lips connected in a series of long, close-mouthed kisses and making the smaller man relax into their arms, making him lean against the backrest. 
Bojan sighed into the kiss and Nace watched as Jan gently pulled his bottom lip between his teeth, making the smaller man’s mouth fall open. Jan’s tongue pushed between his lips, licking into the soft mouth and drawing out another sigh. 
Nace instinctively shifted closer, the hand he had wrapped around Bojan’s shoulders finding the nape of Jan’s neck, while his other hand landed on Bojan’s knee, stroking his thigh.
Jan gentled the kiss, going back to simply pressing their lips together before Bojan could let out any of the deliciously needy noises his boyfriends loved so much in the full car.
When the guitarist started pressing kisses to Bojan’s cheek, trailing his mouth towards his temple, lips resting against the side of his head as he caught his breath, Nace leaned forward, pressing his own lips to the younger man’s.
Bojan smiled into the kiss, his hand reaching for Nace’s face now, slowly stroking his cheek.
Nace couldn’t help but dart his tongue out, chasing traces of Jan on Bojan’s lips and delving further, exploring the sweet mouth he knew so well and enjoying the way Bojan yielded so prettily, relaxing beneath them.
When he was about to pull back, sensing the way Bojan’s tiny, quiet sighs were about to turn into needy little whimpers, Kris’ voice cut through the silence of the van. “Oh thank Christ!” 
Nace pressed another quick peck to the smaller man’s lips and looked up, realising they had started moving again at some point, the signs ahead welcoming them to the airport. Jan had also lifted his head and was smiling at Nace while Bojan was bouncing excitedly in his seat between them. 
Kris and Jure were both turning around in their seats, one sleepily blinking at them while the other held up his phone with the flight schedule, quickly telling them how much time they’d have until their flight.
When they arrived in front of the terminal, Bojan beamed at Jan and Nace before dashing around the van, quickly trying to help unload everything. 
Nace sighed and passed a hand over his face, the stress from the unexpected traffic jam and seeing everyone else, but especially Bojan, so anxious still making him feel restless. 
Strong arms wrapped around him, hands burying in his hair and pulling him into a slim shoulder. Jan nuzzled the side of his head. “We better help unload the van,” the guitarist murmured and Nace nodded.
Pulling back he straightened up, reaching for Jan’s face to connect their lips for a moment, chuckling when someone almost ran into them, arms wrapping around the both of them. 
“We’ve gotten everything out of the trunk and Jure and Kiki are getting luggage carts. I’m so fucking glad we made it on time,” came Bojan’s voice and Nace and Jan pulled the smaller man into their sides, hugging him tight.
“I love you,” Nace told the two men, the answering ‘Love you too’s settling the last of his nerves. He could hear the baggage trolleys approaching, Jure and Kiki seemingly racing each other, and they went to sort their luggage onto the carts. 
If anyone fancies sending me more prompts (which I will also fill within the aforementioned 5-500 business days) you can do so using this list.
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sparkles-oflight · 5 months
Sunny side of London
Hi, yesterday I made some people sad. Have some lighthearted BoKris and JaNce fic.
Thanks @anxious-witch for the proofreading!
Synopsis: Jure has instated a policy that prevents any of the couples from sleeping together. But it's Joker Out, they follow no rules or common sense.
Disclaimer: Please think of these as characters and not the actual people. I don’t encourage anyone to send this to any of the actual JO members nor do I encourage people to force any type of relationship between anyone.
Sensible topics mentioned: sex
The room assignments were simple: Nace with Kris, Jan with Jure, and Bojan alone.
“Let’s keep it like during Eurovision”, Jure proposed “For the sake of my mental health, please”.
Jure knew if the couples were sleeping together, boundaries could easily be crossed. And if one of the couples did, the other would too.
So why not return to the basis? Jan and Jure are great roommates and Nace and Kris are even better – Also, nobody but Guštin himself can handle Bojan’s snoring.
There was a problem, after Stožice, Kris moved in with Bojan, and the two of them had grown used to sleeping together, or at least in the same room, so, the older one was struggling to sleep tonight. He worked all day to get some lyrics out, but nothing. Nada.
Frustrated, he decided to get up to the kitchen, maybe a glass of water would help.
He walked barefoot. Bojan didn’t mind the cold much, but London’s cold was something completely different from Slovenia’s. Luckily for them, they had heating, though he wondered how much the bills would cost them.
Following an orange light to the end of the corridor, he entered the living room which wasn’t empty.
Kris was wrapped up in a blanket scrolling on his phone with headphones on. Quickly he noticed the other's presence and put the objects he was holding aside.
- Trouble sleeping? – he asked.
- Uh, yes. – and Bojan replied.
Kris patted the empty space next to him on the couch, inviting Bojan to join his side. He accepted the request and they cuddled.
- So, what happened?
- Uh. Lyrics. – he sighed – I can’t wrap my head around them.
- Just that?
Bojan didn’t reply. Instead, he turned the tables.
- You? Why are you awake?
Kris looked up and let his body completely rest on the sofa.
- Overwhelmed.
Bojan glanced at the table with an empty tainted wine glass.
- I figured.
A moment went by.
Then Bojan decided to look up and also rest his body like Kris.
He looked at the ceiling. Empty, just like his mind.
- What color would you like our ceiling to be?
Kris was confused by Bojan’s question.
- What do you mean?
- When we settle down, what color would you like the ceiling to be?
Kris chuckled. He was slightly flustered at the question.
- White. Like all the ceilings are.
- Why? Why are ceilings white? Why not a cool color!? Like...Orange!
- That’s a warm color.
- Ahaha, funny. – Bojan mocked him – No, but why not?
- Because makes the space look brighter, cleaner, and bigger.
- Oh.
Bojan didn’t say anything again, but then Kris grabbed his chin for their faces to meet.
- When we settle down, you can paint our room any color you want. - He looked at his small brunette who grinned from one ear to the other. - Except orange, what the fuck is wrong with you?
- But I like orange!
- And I like purple.
- That’s your favorite color, it’s different. Mine is pink.
- Then why do you want orange so bad?
- Because it’s your color, Kris.
- W-what? – he muttered.
- It’s your color. It’s the color of the sun, and you brighten my day every day. So, it’s your color.
Kris was left speechless. If he weren’t a bit tipsy, he probably would have mocked Bojan for what he said. Make a snarky remark, a mean comment, tell him is just like a little puppy, but, right now, he wanted to cry at the idea Bojan saw him as the sun.
In fact, Kris was about to cry...
- You are the “Sunny Side of London”, Kris. – ...but Bojan had to make a pun.
Kris planted his hand on Bojan’s face.
- God, you are unbearable. – Bojan licked his hand making Kris flinch – Hey!
- Shush, be quieter, they are asleep.
- We could go to sleep too. – Kris suggested as his hand found its way to Bojan’s chest.
- Together? – he smiled but then flinched as he felt Kris slightly gripping a nipple.
- Together together. Did that turn you on?
- A little.
- Too bad I’m not having sex with you tonight.
- WHY!?
Kris’ lips met Bojan’s.
- Shush, the others are asleep. – he said as he opened his blue eyes to examine his lover’s face.
Bojan was suddenly hit with the realization that he lived with his friends.
- But you know what you could write about? About this. – He kissed him again – About my lips meeting yours – and again – About you falling for me – and again – About the nights we spend together.
Bojan couldn’t even begin to express how happy he gets when he has tipsy Kris kissing him softly and getting to hear the sincerest of Krises.
- You taste like grapes. – Bojan commented.
- And you love it, don’t you?
After a make-out session, the late-night hours were starting to take a toll on them, and they decided to leave for Bojan’s room where the two men would cuddle very closely on a single’s bed.
They didn’t realize that they did wake someone else – Jan.
The tall dark-haired man made sure the coast was clear before going to the room in front of his. He opened the door slowly to see another sleeping man.
He made his way to him and kissed his shoulder, which made him move a little. Jan then whispered in his ear.
- Mister Jordan? – he teased the other.
Nace turned to him, and he opened his eyes slightly. When he noticed it was Jan, he smiled. God, Jan loved his dimples.
- Are you lonely? – he asked.
Nace nodded. He knew Kris wasn’t feeling well and woke up in the middle of the night and he had also heard some noises coming from the living room...Nace was sleepy, but he could still put two and two together.
He opened his arms to Jan who slept next to him for the first time in a while. Nace’s arms were warm against Jan’s body. He felt at home. He met the “Sunny Side of London”.
Jure, on the other hand, was not dumb. The coast is clear for him, time to text a cute bartender he has been talking to since he got to London. He has been with these boys for a while now, he knows Bojan doesn’t sleep when he’s frustrated like this. And he knew for a fact that one way or another they would all end up sleeping with each other.
“Are you by the area?” he asked and after some texting, she dropped by after her shift.
The morning after...nobody said anything. None of them apologized for “breaking the rules” because nobody followed them. And Bojan wrote a new song, so...it’s a win-win situation?
I don't know what to write here lmao
Polaroid Photos Universe | Recommended next: Kamila
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anxious-witch · 9 months
sorry I don't have enough imagination to come up with a prompt or something, but I'd love to see something with poly!JO :3 (maybe the guys taking care of Nace somehow idk)
Anon, sorry for the wait, this turned out much longer than I initially planned, but here it is. I hope you like it!
TW for vomitting and general sickness descriptions
Nace woke up with a blinding headache, which was never a good way to wake up. Even when all his boyfriends were still there to cuddle him. So he snoozed his alarm and decided he could skip his morning workout this once. It was unlikely he's be very productive with a headache anyway.
Bojan mumbled something in his dream and snuggled closer. Nace smiled and drifted off again.
Second time he woke up, it was by Kris' gently shaking.
"Nacko, wake up. You slept in, we gotta-"
But didn't hear the rest of his sentence, because he was hit by a sudden wave of nausea. He jumped out of the bed and ran towards the bathroom, leaving a bewildered Kris behind. 
He made it to the bathroom just in time to throw up in the toilet. It was disgusting and his head was spinning so bad, it was a miracle he managed to run to here in the first place.
"Fuck," he heard Kris curse from the doorway, "I'll go wake the others."
Nace tried to shake his head. It had to still be early if only Kris was awake. He could handle it.
"Let them sleep." he said, immediately winching at how hoarse his voice sounded.
"Don't be ridiculous. You are sick. They'd all want to help."
Kris left before Nace could protest again. Which was probably for the best, considering the fact that he managed to throw up again. He knew how easily Kris got grossed out over these things.
So he waited, willing for his stomach to calm down and stop cramping so bad. Or for his head to stop spinning.
He must have nodded off again, because he jolted when a cold hand gently touched his forehead.
"Shhh, it's just me Nacko. Relax."
Jan's voice was deeper than usual, likely due to him just waking up. But he wasn't usually cold. If anything among the five of them, it was Jan and Jure who always ran hot.
"You are burning up, love."
Jan chuckled at his deadpan tone. He grabbed his phone and quickly typed something out.
"Alright, Bojan will go run to the pharmacy to get you something for the temperature. Let's get you cleaned up a bit, yeah? And put some more clothes on you. You are shivering."
Nace was too tired to protest. He doubted he could stand for long enough on his own to do it himself. And God knew Jan was too stubborn to fight, especially when he was worried as he was now.
So Nace let him help him brush his teeth and put on a shirt and sweatpants. It immediately made him feel a bit more human.
"Where are Kris and Jure?"
"Making breakfast, I believe. Kris is also googling which tea is best for a stomach bug. But I digress."
Nace tried not to laugh.
"So you just wanted to give Bojan a reason to not be in the kitchen with them?"
Jan shrugged, unapologetic.
"I prefer him not burning down the apartment while trying to help. Or Kris strangling him before he could. One crisis at the time."
This time, Nace did laugh. He leaned on the sink to not fall down as he doubled over while laughing.
"We both know Bojan wouldn't mind other option."
Then they were both laughing and for a moment Nace felt completely fine. And the the world started spinning again, and his legs became very unstable.
"Shit, shit, shit. Kris!"
Jan's arms were wrapped around him and he gently lowered him to the floor, instead of Nace plummeting as he would if he were alone.
"Can't I fucking leave for five minutes?!"
Then there wasn't one, but two pair of arms pulling him up. Black spots slowly stopped dancing in his vision and he looked up to a very worried faces of his boyfriends.
"This is karma for making fun of Bojan's choking kink, isn't it?"
Jan chuckled and Kris rolled his eyes. Still. Nace could see their relief.
"How about we get you back to bed? Which was the plan, that Jan seems to have forgotten," Kris said, shooting Jan a glare.
"He started making fun of Bojan. Would you have interrupted him?"
Kris pursed his lips and wordlessly offered for Nace to lean on him on his right side, while Jan took his left. Nace felt a bit ridiculous.
"I can probably make it to bed on my own, you know?"
"Right. Let's not risk that, yeah? Kris will kill me if you crack your head on the floor."
"He is absolutely right on that one."
Nace sighed, but leaned on them. They slowly made their way back to the bedroom and helped him climb on the bed. Kris retrieved a bucket, in case Nace got sick again before saying he'd go check on Jure's progress with breakfast.
Nace didn't have the heart to tell him that eating was probably the last thing he wanted to do right now. Jan snuggled next to him when Kris left.
The front doors opened with a loud bang that rattled Nace to the bone.
"I got socially acceptable drugs!" Bojan yelled from the hallway.
Jan sighed. Nace chuckled. There went a bit of peace they had. Bojan came strolling in the bedroom with a bag with...whatever pills he bought. Nace didn't really care as long as it would make him feel better.
Bojan dropped the bag on the bedside drawer and leaned over the bed to check Nace's forehead. He immediately winced in sympathy.
"Let me get you some water to take that pill."
He practically ran to get it, coming back in record time. He held out a pill and a glass of water for Nace to drink from and kissed his cheek when he did.
"Don't do that. You'll get sick too," Nace mumbled, trying not to blush.
"And Jan won't by cuddling you?"
Nace blinked. Right, That was true.
"You are right. Jan, you shouldn't be this close, either."
Jan only grumbled and snuggled closer. Nace had a feeling he was already half asleep again. It was way too early to be awake by his standards. He didn't think of a different solution before Kris and Jure arrived with breakfast and tea.
"Jure made some toast and hard boiled eggs. It says it's least likely to make you sick. And some mint tea, to take your medicine with."
Then Kris took in Bojan holding the packaging and glass of water. His eyes narrowed.
"Tell me you didn't just give him medicine on an empty stomach."
Bojan looked at him sheepishly.
"Um. May have. Done that."
Kris opened his mouth to retort, but Jure pushed past him. He put the plate on the bedside drawer before leaning in to kiss Nace's forehead.
"How are you Nace?"
Nace smiled, his gaze taking all four of them in. All awake-more or less-and helping in any way they could to make him feel better.
"I am better now."
Despite all their bickering and the fact that he was sick, he knew they'd take care of him. And really, how could he be anything but better in those circumstances?
"Much better when you are all here, now."
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