sea-jello · 2 years
!!tw vague description of a body burning!!
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what if morro could feel his body burning a second time?
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r0semultiverse · 1 year
Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake finale spoilers without context
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din0lover · 7 months
Funny post of all the little "ghosties" talking moments in the captions
(It's ccbbh but also there might be some missing I did the best I could in trying to get it all lol enjoy!)
Signs of Pomme and Ramon
"Fudge I missed the sign"
"Maybe bad should stay dead a bit longer"
"Stress never killed anybody, except for the people it did"
"Isn't that cannibalism " (referring to pomme apple die comment)
Zinc cave
"Richas is going to die" (richas digging straight down)
" Oh Fudge not this one" (referring to cave they went into go collect zinc)
"This is limestone not zinc"
"Look how pretty"
"Let's go mine proceeds to mine limestone"
"These statements are now canonical ghosty thoughts"
"The block looks chewable" (referring to the limestone block)
"Canonical ghosty bathroom break"
"And canonically left alone" (after he got back from the bathroom break)
"There are going to be so mad at us when the eggs die" (after richas digs straight down deeper into the cave)
"Ghosties have bad hand eye coordination" (after falling in lava)
"50 zinc that's enough to make 1/10 of a drill"
"Free stuff"
"Lucy what are you doing over there"
"Later peasants I'm warping away, what the Fudge, that's crazy" (referring to richas warping out of the cave)
Leaving Zinc Cave
"All your stones belongs to me"
"Give me your stone I'm going to eat it all"
"Nom nom nom nom nom nom"
(ramon and pomme digging up out of the cave)
"Well this is the end for me I'm afraid"
"Should've taken those swimming lessons"
(Water bucket was placed down for a split second this guy is so dramatic LOL)
"You know, I'm holding sugar cane, it's magic, but why am I holding sugar cane? Is it a coincidence Or is there a higher meaning to it? Not even caption viewers will find out"
"Yep some of you realized all stream it was me reading the signs."
"Yep what you thought it was magic?, no I was reading them."
"The entire time thats where the captions come from."
"No way /j"
"The poor people without the captions right now."
That's it Ramon takes one call, I'm going to narrate their actions"
"Pomme looks around aimlessly "
"Ramon thinks I'm done cave mining it's probably best to leave"
"Pomme thinks Fudge dirt that means we're close to the surface but I hate digging through it."
"Don't worry we're good"
"Now it's off to do more adventuring"
"Sorry I'll stop being silly"
Finally out of the Zinc Cave
"You got this
You got this
You got this
You got this
You got this
You can do it"
"Freedom of fudge, worst ad time ever"
"Actually no we had some horribly timed ads."
"Dumbo, the moon, why did it translate it to that? I think there was a mistranslation chat."
"And pomme sacrifices Ramon to the squids" (Ramon fell out of the boat)
"Hey guys maybe we should take that zinc to Badboyhalo house instead"
Repairing the town of Fobo farm
Richas : "I mean I am not human I don't know, that works with tio dad and my dad's"
Ccbbh aka "ghosties" : "he's onto something "
"Huh bird"
"Nosy ghosties"
"Lucy Hi"
"So wholesome"
"3 minutes till restart"
"One minute before void"
"Toxic not the backup"
"The lore killer"
"Sometimes I still hear his voice" (referring to bbh it's almost like we can still hear him in the after life)
"There comes a day in every pet owners life" (referring to richas killing his caged amethyst crab)
"It is a good way to keep memories, if only bad was doing that." (That vile man he needs to be put in a panini press)
"I'm running out of sad music"
"Guys stop trolling the Chatters and telling them I died IRL"
"I can still hear his voice"
Group hug for all
"And it's a group hug"
"Get down here richas it's group hug time"
"Oh my gosh he is dying"
"Okay now he is good"
"Group hug richas, don't let him go up"
"Don't let him wiggle his way up there"
"He can't get away from The Angst train,there's a train and it's full angst"
"I love angst"
"I'm going to be honest this has been a very wholesome night but it is a lot of angst."
"Choo Choo"
Richas getting down again
"Crazy people oh my gosh"
"Gave me a heart attack right now"
"Oh my gosh they actually just trying to kill him in front of me"
"That's crazy"
"Where's you armor ?! He's not wearing armor!"
"Oh my gosh just let him die, finish him now"
"That be the worst time for a creeper to just slither its way and explode right next to them "
"Like actual nightmare fuel"
"You're going to give me a heart attack"
"He's going to die chat like if we don't see the death and no one else is online it doesn't really happen."
"It's like a tree that falls in the forest, and no one around here it doesn't make a noise."
"Pretty sure that's how it works chat mathematically "
Slight BBH love <3<3
- "I'm sorry chat thus has been a long stream, I'm trying to keep myself chucking along, I'm enjoying it but it is a long stream."
"Two really long streams in a row"
(Peace and love ccbbh thanks for the long streams with the eggs and other memes <3<3)
Back to richas and his vendetta against group hugs
"Rebel Richas, no hugs, hugs are for the weak"
"Oh my gosh they're going to actually kill him, I need to make sure to look away before he dies"
*looks away*
"There we go"
"If I dont see the death it doesn't count"
"This is like a slightly unhinged nature documentary "
"Bros really going to fall and die literally if he's not careful oh my gosh"
"Quick everyone lets vandalize their building even more."
"Oh my gosh please just don't do it."
"He's going to drown."
"No don't die drowning underwater it will kill you instantly "
"Bro really said that I'm going to maybe die someday and choose that day to be today."
"He's crazy chat, oh my goodness."
"Oh my goodness please holy crap."
"Let me build or I will die, thats your only two choices here" (even after death bbh still having beef with richas that's crazy)
"Bro better-" ( looking to see if richas is wearing armor and then proceeds to find out he's wearing diamond pants)
"I've been wearing pants this whole time. "
"Someone who doesn't have their cosmetic armor off and they just see pants walking around."
Back home
"Confused but following "
"Where am i?"
"He's still not wearing armor either "
Fin (I just realized that didn't bbh say he be recording his audio too? I just transcript all this for nothing I'm done on a serious note though it was fun to read the captions and hope you find slight entertainment in what I was able to capture lmk if I missed any which I probs did well im off) (also forgive me if I did some misspelling I did this really late)
Extra clip:
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team7-headquarter · 10 months
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Sasuke saying that before —when he activated the Susanoo to shield them from the Tsukuyomi— he only saved Sakura and Kakashi because they were next to Naruto, not because he cares about them or what happens to them (or if they die, by the way). He says after Naruto calls him to save Kakashi and Sakura from falling into the lava and Sasuke tells him to look at what's in front of him instead, 'cause if one of them two gets killed then it's over for everyone.
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Of course, Naruto calls it bullshit, implying Sasuke moved to save them without thinking, like when they were genins and Sasuke jumped in front of Naruto to protect him from Haku's attack. Sasuke didn't know what he did it at the moment ('cause he cared, 'cause he didn't want to see them hurt, 'cause they do matter to him).
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In the manga we see him summoning a hawk to save himself from the fall, then hearing Naruto's call so Sasuke looks at where Kakashi and Sakura are. I know this 'cause he looks up and to his left / front, while Naruto is lower and to his right side. Then almost immediately he looks the other way and goes to save Naruto. It happens in a flash.
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Sakura and Kakashi were in front of them at the time, but almost at the other side of the cave they were in, with Obito being closer to the wall of the cave. Kaguya is to Sasuke and Naruto's left, but to the right of Sakura, Kakashi and nearest to Obito. Since Naruto points later at Sakura and Kakashi with his right hand (not gonna show the panel in here but yeah), we know that he must had turned to Sasuke's direction.
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Naruto must have turned again at some point, because he was falling with his belly down and looking at Sasuke, yet when he's caught by the summoning he is facing the other direction, at Kakashi and Sakura, not at Sasuke.
Which means that Sasuke could have made that on purpose so Naruto could see by himself that they were safe.
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But the thing is, Sasuke describes what happened to Naruto perfectly, without looking back at them that much. In the blink of an eye Kakashi did all of that, Sasuke looked up and saw Kakashi doing it and turned around, knowing Kakashi got it and he needed to save Naruto (they didn't know yet that Naruto could levitate like Madara lol).
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So when Naruto implies to him that he "moved to save them before he could think twice about it", it's because the panel confirms it. Naruto does Kakashi and Sakura the favor of implying it out loud more than he needed to and still leaving it vague enough as to not pressure Sasuke, 'cause neither Sakura or Kakashi were in the fight with Haku, so they wouldn't really know what Naruto is referring to here.
Naruto's smirk is because he knows that Sasuke knows that he knows.
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tofautisawa · 5 months
What are your thoughts on Bunga? Although I’m sure I have a good idea.
If you are guessing that I am not a fan of him, then you would be right.
BUT....I will say that he did legit have some moments that actually got a chuckle out of me in Season 2 and I did like the episode Babysitter Bunga. And I am always a sucker for the Happily Adopted trope, and Timon and Pumbaa referring to him as their baby is downright adorable.
I thought they would improve his character, but in season 3- he was the absolute worst. From causing problems thanks to how reckless he is, to apparently finding amusement from Kion going mad from the bullshit scars and lashing out at his friends- nevermind that Kion could have actually killed him earlier and despite all of that, he never apologizes for any of it. I actually made this shitpost in response that I have posted beforehand because it just baffles me the writers chose to do this with Kion's "best friend."
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It's like despite how serious season 3 wanted to be, they REFUSED to actually have Bunga's character grow. I don't know why they couldn't have a moment where Bunga just drops the reckless dumbass trait to take something seriously for five freaking seconds. Like you can still have him be the comic relief without having him come across as being blatantly insensitive towards his "best friend" and expecting us to laugh at it.
And don't get me started on how the show's morals and lessons they try to teach in various episodes, NEVER applies to him at all. We had multiple episodes talking about how stealing is wrong because it disturbs the "Circle Of Life", cue Bunga knowingly taking food from a mother bird's nest and he never gets scolded for it. Fuli is considered in the wrong for doing a reckless act even though that is like Bunga's entire character that we should be rooting for. They even try to have Bunga say "Even I wouldn't do something like that." to Fuli. But I guess trying to dive into lava because he think it can't hurt him is something he would do? In which he also endangered Fuli because she had to keep saving his ass. Should have let him get the Ushari treatment, Fuli.
Speaking of Ushari, Bunga is one of the main reasons Ushari turned evil and you can't change my mind. This moment still infuriates me to this day.
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Despite all of this, I actually own a Bunga plush that I refuse to get rid of because my partner used it to prank me. lol So there's is that.
TL;DR: Me and my homies don't like Bunga.
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cygninae · 9 months
Hi! 👋 Could you please do 20 and 23 for the Quagmire triplets for the character ask game? :)
Hi Ven ! Sure !!
20 (Weird headcanon)
i have literally SO many headcanons for Quigley but I'll try and hold back and only share a few. (I'll refer to Quigley with they pronouns because that is my headcanon !)
if they had been raised in the 2000s, would absolutely have thomas the tank engine or cars bedsheets. so embarrassing
couldn't take serious photos, always had to be pulling a face or doing bunny ears or something
tried to pierce their ears with a safety pin and lemon (did not go well.)
disastrous handwriting. Like incomprehensible.
gay awakening was Veronia Lake in I Married A Witch (dir. René Clair)
went through a goth phase (after discovering Mary Shelley and Edgar Allen Poe) where she attempted to dye all of her clothes black. They came out brown.
tried to pull a prank on Carmelita Spats by balancing a bucket of water on a doorframe and have her walk through, getting drenched. Forgot to let himself out of the room first and drenched himself.
obsessed with lava lamps
23 (Future headcanon)
felt so betrayed by Jacques leaving, that they completely turned away from VFD. Lost a lot of their love for cartography and it took a long time for it to come back. They began to prefer sketching landscapes and people they loved.
discovered David Bowie (this depends on your theory of when ASOUE is set) and he changed their life. Became obsessed with Ziggy Stardust and embraced gender fluidity through makeup, piercings, shiny clothes, etc. learnt to love themself :)
finally got that ear piercing they had botched when they were younger.
actually became really good friends with Fiona. She taught them that it was okay to view the world with more criticism. They got along and were actually really similar. Bickered a lot.
moved to a big city with Duncan and Isadora and got really into the world of music, art, freedom, self-expression. They probably joined a band at some point, no doubt.
in the big city, joined a sapphic society and made friends who loved poetry (and girls).
got her poetry published in the paper on multiple occasions, but anonymously. She wanted to spread the beauty of poetry without getting attention for it.
opened up to the idea of writing prose too, and learnt that she was really talented in that area, too, joining writing societies and book clubs and learning so much more about literature. it gave her the opportunity to express herself in more ways than one.
her and Klaus (if reunited) absolutely became an unstoppable best friend duo. They were practically unseperable, and he was in a lot of the same book clubs with her. He worked at one of their local libraries and let her sneak in the back to write in the staff room while he ate his lunch or read on his break.
aside from writing journalism, he actually got really into photojournalism. He loved the peace of the dark room and the process of developing photos. He got into the habit of photographing his friends and siblings to immortalise them and kept his favourite pictures in his shirt pocket.
got an internship at a newspaper (NOT the daily punctillio, lol) and had a niche in foreign correspondence, (with the rise in use of the telephone) and he made so many connections across the world. Learning about so many cultures gave him a sense of freedom after feeling so trapped post the death of his parents.
and a dunklaus headcanon, since I can't hold back: after he and Klaus started dating, he would very occasionally sneak coded messages into the newspaper, just sappy stuff saying he missed him and hoped he was having a great day :)
interviewed Lemony Snicket once without knowing it was him.
This was so much fun !! Thanks so much for asking :)
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grumpywiltedlettuce · 7 months
I’m on a reread of tcf so expect more lists soon. This is mostly for myself but have it anyways. I’m just past chapter 200 on the reread so the attack with the northern alliance is underway.
TCF TL/PR notes that made me lol
29 Cat washing face reference
1. Something like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J_Bl9f-MTA
50 About Toonka (TL: Yet he got shipwrecked…clearly didn’t survive the sea…(PR: Perservering = Survival)
51 ( It’s a small boat that requires oars but has rooms and windows?! o.O )
57 “That’s enough thanks. If you thank me anymore, it will not feel genuine. Same thing with the apology.”
“Got it. Thank you very much.” ( (PR: You had one job.) )
59 Cale could see the still flawless Violan’s eyes turning chilly. ( :O If I didn’t know any better, I’d say this is Beacrox’s mom! )
59 “Yes, daddy.” ( I’m sorry, I just had to. It was the perfect opportunity. )
59 ( … The Henituse family is the Night’s Watch … )
68 Cale knew how Shickler had domesticated the troublemaker Archie. He beat him up. He beat up him so much that the entire ocean seemed to be filled with dust. He really beat him to a pulp while saying that a beating was the best medicine for a troublemaker. ( (PR: I pity Witira and Paseton.) TL: You mean envy. You like the pain as a masochist… )
71 Toonka got up while staggering to the side. At that moment, Cale could hear Raon’s serious voice.
– …Why is he laughing after getting hit? Does he enjoy getting hit? ( Our PR’s masochistic friend. (PR: I’m innocent I swear.) )
74 about Mueller ( (PR: I originally felt pity. Now I am thinking that we can do without one more mage.) )
76 ( (PR: Raon is a yandere…) )
110 Cale looked odd as he suddenly stopped laughing and stoically stood there. A path of silver coins was shining on top of the boiling lava. That silver light meshed well with the red-haired Cale.
“Weak human.”
“Let me know if you don’t have enough! I am willing to give you my piggy bank!” ((PR: IT’S ADORABLE.) ) …
The king of rocks, the Giant Cobblestone that is known as the, ‘Super Rock,’ is in the land of boulders. (Really wanted to call it Dwayne Johnson )
112 Cale could see an old Elf with white hair and beard walking toward them. It was the Elf Chief. However, unfortunately, he did not have time to greet her. (I double checked the raw and it does indeed say beard but it is a woman )
114 The group all looked toward Cale at Ron’s question. He had fainted after coughing up blood. They knew that Cale was a good person who really liked to help others, but they also knew that Cale did not enjoy moving around and getting hurt. (Pfft, you’ve all been scammed to believe he’s a good person! (PR: I mean, he COULD have just ignored the Elves’ plight…) )
118 “Just what are you selling to the Whipper Kingdom that Alberu keeps laughing for no reason when he is alone?”
“… His highness keeps laughing when he is alone?” ((PR: Cale broke him.) )
129 Hannah let out a quiet chuckle. Although her poisoned body was still in pain, she was now full of vitality. Cale gently asked Hannah, who seemed to be imagining the opportunity to get her revenge. (Cale just collects people who want revenge. )
135 He could see that Tasha was looking at him with warm eyes and that the black robe was coming toward him. (Author references Mary as black robe frequently because that’s all you can see. (PR: And I hate it.) )
142 “It has been wonderful having Cage-nim here. If it is okay with you, young master-nim, I hope that Miss Cage can stay here longer.” (Went from Cage-nim to Miss Cage in one breath. New ship? Poor Taylor. )
148 ‘It’s not a matter of if I will be fine or not. I don’t think I’ll be able to differentiate. Once I start to see blood, I can’t stop myself from killing anything in front of me.’ ((PR: Hannah was the one who said that a sea of blood would be beautiful. I don’t think her blood addiction is as bad as Redika, but she definitely still has a blood addiction. Why is everyone in this novel a sadist?) )
151 The Count nodded his head multiple time as he answered.
There was a different kind of smile on his face now. Raon, who was watching the father-son duo chat while remaining invisible, started to speak into Cale’s mind.
– Human, the Count is smiling like you do when you are scamming people! It is amazing! It is very similar! ((PR: I wonder what Deruth’s young scamming years were like…) )
158 “Was it you?”
“What are you talking about, your highness?”
Alberu was certain after seeing Cale eating a cookie with an expression that seemed to be saying, ‘I know nothing.’
“It was you.”
“What was?”
“What did you do to the Vatican?”
Cale started to smile as he bit down on the cookie. ((PR: Cale is an innocent lil child.) )
‘That knight is originally from the slums.’
‘Apparently, he grew up with poor parents and many siblings, but his good character made him popular with the people in the slums and the general public. They call him a Dragon from the river. (This is an idiom for something rare. You wouldn’t normally find a Dragon coming out of a river. (PR: A-Are dragons common in other places then?) )
Alberu shocked to find out choi han is a sword master ((PR: Oh if only he knew Cale’s party’s full strength…) )
160 Huten and Metelona. ((PR: Their names sound like pokemon.) )
164 Cale ~must~ go home and spend the new year with his family ((TL: such a good boy.))
172 “Just one of the many average people.” ((TL: Just your friendly neighborhood Spider-man.) )
174 Cale quickly understood what Hong was trying to say. ((PR: I can’t even read lips, but young master Silver Light can understand animals!) )
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teriri-sayes · 1 year
Reactions to Trash Boss's Chapter 126
TLDR; Cale finally arrives at the Kunlun School. Cale's lucky gacha experience. Mi Ryeo joining Caleism.
Soos? LSH = ✅ CJS = ❌
Finally, Cale is inside the Kunlun School! I thought we're going to have more conversations while they climb up the mountain, but thankfully, it began with Cale inside one of the school's pavilions.
It's elixir time, but our Chief Eunuch Wi is worried about our trash boss. It seems like Wi had seen the blood-soaked clothes being carried by Ron after Cale consumed the first elixir. So Wi is worried now. Welcome to the gang, Wi!
Team Leader LSH had 2 mentions in today's chapter! 🎉One was when he stepped forward and said, "I'll be by your side." as Cale declared his desire to consume the elixir. The other mention was when Sui asked Cale, "Are you going to start right away?" after Cale opened the boxes of the two elixirs.
The scene of Cale opening the elixir boxes was like watching someone play a gacha game. There were 3 possible attributes: Fire, Wind, and Earth. Cale even mentally prayed to the gacha gods before opening the boxes 🤣
What did Cale get? He got one UR and one SSR!
You got Fire Blossom (UR rank)!
-A fresh flower with live fire. Legend has it that this flower was gifted by an immortal to the first emperor of this land. . . .
You got Lava Ginseng (SSR rank)!
-This ginseng is said to have grown out of lava.
Cale then did this under the table:
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B-But there's trouble! Jungwon messaged Cale, begging him to only consume the SSR one because consuming the UR one would get him scolded by GoB. Gasp!
Apparently, the flavor text of the UR elixir was indeed true, so Jungwon was troubled. But with just one word of irritation from our trash boss, scared baby Jungwon accepted that he would be scolded later by GoB. Please, GoB... Just scold him, okay? Don't step on him like what you did to GoD, okay? Our Jungwon is still young...
Meanwhile, a representative from the Demon Cult arrived. New character is Angry Demon? Not sure if it's "angry", "brain", "lightning", or "hunger" because the Korean word has so many different meanings. Anyway, he was the general commander and tactician of the Demon Cult, so it's possible it's Brain Demon? I'm actually surprised that we have another Demon.
If I recall, there was the 5 Saints and 5 Demons. We already completed the list of the 5 Demons back then:
Sword Demon
Heavenly Demon
Blood Demon
Murder Demon
Halberd Demon
And now, there's another person with a Demon title? Or does everyone from the Demon Cult have a Demon title?
Moving on, just as Angry Demon was having a conversation with the higher-ups of the Good Faction, they all felt a massive energy of fire. Cue poetic descriptions of the Fire energy they felt to be similar to the effects of Dominating Aura. I mean, Mi Ryeo was beautifully describing it with joy despite her breath being choked...
Untitled Poem by Jegal Mi Ryeo:
This incredible power will set everything right, Like how everything turns to naught where the fire has passed, Like the path he walks.
...Mi Ryeo, when did you join Caleism? 🤣
(The path mentioned in the poem refers to the 'righteous path' or the dao. Good Faction peeps follow the righteous path, so Mi Ryeo was talking about Cale's journey to the righteous path.)
Overall, this chapter was hilarious. The author brilliantly captured every player's gacha experience when they get an ultra rare pull. And more people are joining the Caleism church! Cale's journey to godhood is progressing step by step (but without his knowledge, hahaha)!
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bleue-flora · 1 month
''what does the rest of the server mean then'' Most disliked c!Dream for a valid reason like his actions, and autism is never an excuse to do bad things hfmoot
lol are you saying you read give or take something like 3,000 words of c!Dream being autistic and that one line you didn’t even quote right because I assume you are talking about this “And if Dream is autistic, damn what kinda of picture does that paint of the rest of the server… just saying… ;)” from the very bottom of the tags is what you got out of all of that?… seriously?
First of all, the valid reasons are comical. Sure some people have a good reason to hate Dream, but like Sapnap’s reason is because Dream threatened to use Bekerson against him and he thought Dream doesn’t care about him [clip]. But sure yea no, skeppy cage and threats are a perfectly valid reason to put them in torture box for eternity dislike someone… (really besides the point but yea it just so happened to be fresh on my mind lol…)
Regardless, I don’t think I did or will ever say that autism or anything else excuses bad behavior. If you ever think that’s what I’m saying - that it’s okay to do bad things if you have a good excuse - you are misunderstanding and misconstruing my words. What I do like to do, is look at Why something might have happened. Those are not the same thing. C!Dream himself specifically highlights this in Daedalus because Sam was using his reasons as justifications for his actions - I have a good reason therefore it’s okay, which Dream was pointing that eventhough reasons are important to know someone isn’t just being malicious for the sake of it, a valid reason doesn’t excuse it. Especially because excuses don’t tend to erase the hurt those actions caused. But even though reasons don’t excuse the behavior or make it right, they can add perspective and perhaps help gain compassion…
To be fair though, I don’t think I really even talked about autism and the bad things he did at all anyways. Only the character traits, circumstances and storyline that point to autism in my opinion. Explaining his actions through the lense of autism would be a whole different set of essays.
Really, if I’m creating excuses for behavior for anyone it is for the server. As I said people have inherent hate of autistic people down to the subconscious level of basic fear, not to say everyone is ableist but the fact that we are different makes us already a target of dislike, which is really more so if anything excusing the server’s despicable treatment of a fellow human being. But even then, I’m still not excusing or justifying only trying to make sense of and understand how people could hate him so much to the point of killing him till he’s permanently dead (something they didn’t even do to Wilbur or Schlatt l) and put him in a little lava covered box and throw away the key. Plus, I mean a lot of people were against Dream before the agruably more bad things like Staged finale, Doomsday, Exile, hell even before the Pogtopia war people seemed to hate him, so my aim is to understand why things happened the way they did…
Anyways, if that is the statement you are referring to then, I’ll admit it’s a little aggressive, poorly worded and I probably shouldn’t have said it at all. But my intention was not really to call the server a bunch of ableists, but more so that they are a good representation of the bullying and social rejection and the hate autistic people often face without even understanding why. (I mean I was probably also just saying how dare they bully my poor little autistic green teletubby lol XD as more so a joke hence the winky face) anyways… all that to say, that It’s not about everything Dream did was okay because he’s autistic so he gets a pass or to say the server was maliciously targeting him because he’s autistic or whatever, it’s about understanding the Why something happened and how that might paint a picture of the server and story that reflects the real world…
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bnomiko · 1 year
Nocturne ramblings, with spoilers
(This is NOT a rant post. Nor specifically a spoiler post. I'm just making observations and babbling shit about some of the characters in Nocturne thus far.)
I did a spoiler-free ramble post, now time for the other side of the coin, just to let loose a bit...
**SPOILERS** ahoy for Castlevania: Nocturne, S1.
Vampires in general
I'm very happy to see some souped up vampires. Let's face it, the majority of them in the original animation weren't exactly impressive. They were basically people with pointy teeth and like 1 special ability. The fact that 2 1/2 humans could walk into a castle and just waste twenty or thirty of them without taking damage (other than Alucard taking a fist to the mug) felt a bit lackluster.
Oh, but there's a LOT of vampires touching sunlight that aren't going up in flames. You can't just hold a parasol over one and expect them not to combust : p
I said it before, but seriously, give a raise to whoever did his character design. He's absolutely delicious. Those cheekbones! The dragon's eyes! I want to roll myself in his hair like a bug in a rug then slap those meaty thighs...
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I've also watched all his interactions with Mizrak again. I don't understand how the two of them make so much more sense (given that they literally went from "You know my name, tell me yours" to fucking to "I don't love you" to … maybe I do…), than like, canon pairing Richter and Annette, who feel about as compelling as a piece of dry toast.
I truly hope he continues playing a little on both sides of the fence. It makes him so much more interesting than the majority of the characters who are simply on one side or the other.
I admit I got all excited thinking he was Alucard in a glamour at first, because when you first see his eyes, there's a gold gleam (of course the second he touched the whip I went, "Ahh, it's Juste.")
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I'm sure it's more that his eyes appear to be a very light gray and catch any candle/firelight, but I'd rather think that the animators were being cheeky and hiding a reference to the fact that when HoD came out, some fans were convinced Juste was Alucard's son.
Talking about who looks like who's offspring, uh… I almost question if Maxim was doing some sneaking. Doesn't Julia look more like Maxim?? Since they threw out Vampire Killer clause #1, why not throw out the rest of it?
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(I mean... really, who would you think was daddy?)
Also… I honestly do feel badly for Juste. He's always been one of the forgotten Belmonts, but maybe he was better off forgotten as I think most headcanons imagined him living a quiet retirement with his wife and their husband, surrounded by a massive stockpile of overly gaudy home furnishings, with little grandson Richter visiting and getting lost in all the furniture : )
I already made mention of the fact that she's all of 12 in game canon (and apparently 16 in Nocturne), which makes it all the more awkward that her future boyfriend's already made his appearance when she hasn't even hit her teens yet. I mean… how is that going to work?
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(Sorry, can't resist reusing this, Richter's reaction is too funny.)
I feel ya, bro.
I was so young and naive when I read The Scarlet Letter that I didn't actually get what it was about at the time lol… actually took me years to figure it out. And… yeah, that's it. That's my comment.
Emmanuel (the abbot)
This guy will never get the death he actually deserves. It'll probably be something relatively quick, like falling into a pit of lava *shrug*
Kind of a shame to off her so soon. Her latex collection was impressive.
And of course, Alucard
Okay, I get that he probably just woke up, but maybe a few strokes with a hairbrush before you run out the door, eh buddy?
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Compare to Alucard in the mini artbook/manga for SotN (look at those crisp curls!) waking up after his 300 year nap:
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I don't mind the "washed out" palette as much as others do. He was pretty much the textbook definition of pale in SotN anyhow.
Actually it would've been really damn funny if he'd showed up in his pajamas, screaming, "I hope I'm not too… wait, what year is it?" *looks at Maria* "Fuck I'm too early!"
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innytoes · 1 year
More Dark Fantasy AU because when have I ever left well enough alone and @jmrothwell made me the prettiest moodboard.
-Rose's great grandmother was a changeling. Her great great grandparents went to the fair folk because they were having trouble conceiving a child and made a deal. They got their baby... only for it to be swapped with a changeling after a few months.
-They went to the fae like: um excuse me we want our child back. No we're not giving you this one, a deal's a deal. We gave you our heirloom music box to grow our family, it's not our fault you gave us two. You still have the music box so no refunds.
-That story had been passed down for generations and Ray always thought it was a sweet fairytale about found family and loving people even if they're not related by blood or a bit different. But nope, guess it was real.
-In true Molina fashion Ray is thus like: welp guess I have four new children now.
-Four very weird new children. At least Reggie is only a little bit out of time, but he's had to stop Luke from getting run over by a car at least four times already.
-Alex came from the 1920s and was promised a life where he could be himself, be as gay as he wanted, and dance the night away.
-Years and years of non-stop dancing, his feet moving against his will, was a very harsh lesson to learn about not making deals with the fae.
-The boys can all go invisible, but Julie can still see them.
-Victoria taking 3 minutes to freak out at the whole situations and shouting about demons while Willie tries to continue having a pleasant conversation with her and Reggie is like: hey, words hurt. ... And then she realises the stories her abuela told her and Rose were real and sets right to feeding these poor kids.
-Yes it takes some convincing that they can eat food here and still leave. Carlos demonstrates by eating and apple and prancing in and out of the door.
-Ray was pretty okay with his four new children. Getting the guys up to speed of Life on Earth In 2020 is... a bit hit and miss. Explaining the microwave to his new kids: great! They get it! They're so smart (especially when it comes to food). Forgetting to mention to take the tinfoil off the stuff Tía left in the fridge: less great! Especially because Willie is strangely enchanted by the fire extinguisher.
-They of course each have their own things they're excited about. Reggie is freaking out over the new Star Wars. Luke discovered Rock music. Alex is deep in a Britney Spears phase, and, to Julie's slight annoyance, a Dirty Candi phase.
-Willie is baffled and delighted by all kinds of odd things, and has fallen in love with waves. He tries to explain that it's kind of like home, without the bad parts: constant, the same, but ever-changing.
-Willie takes up surfing and Alex nearly swallows his tongue.
-Other human and earth things Willie is enchanted by: friendship bracelets, lava lamps, theramins, glittery gel pens, salt and vinegar chips, cats, and of course, skateboards.
-Out of all of his kids, Willie is definitely the one Ray worries the most about. The other boys are just out of time, but Willie has no reference for human culture or... anything.
-Like he doesn't understand that people crying or yelling or being in pain means they cannot do something because... well, that's just what Caleb expected. He doesn't understand that not everything needs to be a trade. He seems weirdly upset all days are the same length.
-Carlos made a sign that says 'it's been 0 days since Willie has done or said some freaky stuff'. The counter has never been higher than 1.
-Willie, staring straight into Ray's soul and is it just him or did his pupils and irises disappear to be replaced by an endless galaxy for just a moment: "The birds say you left a bag of groceries in your caw and your ice cream is melting."
-The ice cream is saved, the birds are fed some sunflower seeds, and Ray decides that Willie picking up language from the crows is not on the top of his list of priorities.
-Until the crows teach him to swear.
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alexanderwesker · 6 months
hi hello :D i just remembered that your ask box existed, and i’ve had some little curiosities on my mind for a while, so i figured i’d stop by and ask them here :] 
so the topic that’s been on my mind recently has been the sky gods and their games.
obviously it's been established that the gods’ games are inspired from wilbur’s challenge videos, like the lava rising challenge, him being forced to perpetually drown that one time, the moles, etc, etc. but is mcc also one of their games? like. was that game with parkour and archery that charlie noticed a reference to mcc or was it just a random archery game? bc it’d make a lot of sense if mcc Was a Game there, considering scott is one of the sky gods and all, but i just wanted to make sure ^_^
follow-up to if mcc is in their Games, what is it like? like how are teams assigned? is there an equivalent of a live audience at all (other than the sky gods)? is there a hall of fame, and if so what’s it like? do they still win in teams, and if so how does that work, like, do the winning teams just get split up after and sent to other Games afterwards or something? and was soot a part of those games too, or was he only in the challenge video ones in this universe?
more of a general question about the Games, but how many people are kidnapped a year(?) to become playthings in it? and what's the kidnapping process like? do they just Wake Up there kinda like how the ccs do when they're sent here by the gods (which would open some very interesting implications)? and does everyone get kidnapped at once, or gradually over time?
which Game, in your opinion, do you think would be the worst one to have to play?
also pertaining to the Games, how accurate to the real thing was las nevadas' version of the lava rising game, like, appearance-wise? and how Was it a thing, like, did quackity use illusion runes to make the fake lava, and if so, are they any different from the ones you’d put on a person, or was it something else that did that illusion? and i know people wouldn't actually Die if they lost, but would there be any other consequences they'd have to face for losing? like enál choosing to torment them more or something?
ok, that's all the questions i have written down, but i'll let you know if i come up with any others !! and thank you, as always, for writing!!! ^_^
Hey! ^^ Sorry for having taken so long to answer, I forgot the incomplete answer in my drafts and couldn't find the ask again because of that. ^^" Now to answer your questions: 1. MCC is one of the Sky Gods' games, and since Scott is one of the fairer between the Sky Gods, his Games have more structure and he usually does give the rewards he promised without tricks, or at least not as many as the rest of the Sky Gods. 2. The Game version of the MCC is pretty similar to how it is in our world, just way less fun for the participants, since failing means death or being trapped in the Sky Gods' Games longer. As for the Teams they are chosen according to what the Gods think would be the most entertaining combination of people. (That's why they always paired Wilbur and Schlatt in the same Games cause they were entertained by their interaction) Or based on how much they think the 'team members' will egg each other on in losing themselves to the Madness of the Games. Agathus participated to that version of the MCC too, as the Sky Gods' favourite plaything. 3. As for how many people the Sky Gods kidnap, it depends. If they have enough playthings that have not bored them yet, they may take only a few hundreds, the numbers though rise, when they are at their most bored. The people taken by the Gods kind of just wake up in their realm, like the CCs do in both AToL and tHAW. They get taken gradually, but in groups. 4. Oh, that's a good question. Personally, I would find the Mole Game to be the most horrible, but that is because I have a fear of being buried alive and also claustrophobia. So that game specifically is terrifying for me. But in general I would say either the Sunpocalypse or the ever raising lava ones since there is no real escape to either of them. (And in the Shattered!Verse you can't escape to the Nether, since it's entrance is impossible from the Sky Gods' realm). 5. The recreations of the Games' in Las Nevadas are pretty close to the real thing, without the death and torment from the Gods' of course. Quackity did use illusion runes to create the illusion of the raising lava(and feather falling for when people fell from the platforms to not get hurt), they are different from the ones you would use on a person because of the way they are written, as they are less layered, and also they need only one infusion of magic instead of a constant one that you would need for the one on a person. Luckily because the games of the Eternal Day festival are just a simulation and a 'celebration' for the Gods, there isn't really a punishment for losing. As they lean more in the Game aspect of the Sky Gods than the Madness one.
Thank you for your ask, and sorry again for taking so long to answer ^^ Hope the answer satisfies you, and feel free to ask more if you have more questions!! ^D^
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zelda-photography · 1 year
TOTK Trailer 3 Analysis
Alright, let's do this. There was a whole lot in this trailer, and just so you know i'm not going to be dissecting every second or everything that made me go 'oh cool!' Like, the rocket is way cool but I won't be providing a picture. Anyway, without further ado, here we go!
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I really liked seeing the little robot guys doing stuff on the island, especially this little one fending off a chuchu :D I think it adds a lot to the understanding of the role of these robots
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Not sure what's up with all the mushroom stuff but I love it! I like seeing that the villages are going to be changed :D
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Yay, settlements! People trying to move into this area! A shame that the castle is gone now. I also really like the birds on the old fountains.
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Big round rock is very interesting. It reminds me of the speed boost things in skyward sword, so that's my theory on what this one does.
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Big thing rising from the Gerudo desert. It's probably going to end up just being Ganondorf's castle, but I really hope it's Arbiter's Grounds because that place horrifies and fascinates me.
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Presumably a back shot of Ganondorf, and I gotta say I love his hair all glowing and crazy like that. He seems to be watching something explode, but I'm not sure what? Baby theory with the only proof of 'idk it'd make a modicum of sense', maybe it's the great plateau he's destroying?
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Putting these two together since they seem to go together - ways to get below ground? Very interesting. Not psyched about having to wear the lame lava armor again, though. (and when I say go together, I realize this is probably an underground cavern in the Eldin area and not in Lanayru)
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Flying ship flying ship let's go!!! Looks way cool and makes me wonder who is manning it. Robots? Monsters? The Zonai???
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Floating balls of water are cool, but more than anything make me wonder if there will be a better swimming mechanic, maybe even diving?
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Mostly took this picture because I like the red bird outfit Link is wearing. Presumably it'll slow his fall more than other clothes, but I also like the reference to the crimson loftwing.
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Finally, the being we've been seeing on the wall carvings and ruins. What's her deal? Is this what all Zonai look like? She looks rad that's for sure. I've heard some people say she looks like a lizard, but personally I think she looks more like the three dragons.
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At first, this is kind of a boring shot, until I remembered that Hyrule castle probably was very much destroyed in the final battle of BotW. Was it repaired? By the little magic sparkles around, I'd guess either Zelda is repairing it with magic, or this is some kind of memory.
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Finally, the girl. Strange dais she's standing in front of, I'm so worried for her.
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The Baby! Teba really said 'I'm too old for this shit' and is having his baby fill in for him! Rip Teba you were, well, a normal guy opposed to all the other champions. Here's to your cool kiddo.
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I think I said this in my analysis of the last trailer, that I thought Link's vehicles would be able to transport Hylians, and I feel soooo vindicated right now! Yes, helping the citizens! I love it!
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This is ridiculous and I love it. Just us with our dumb machine against a bunch of monsters. Reminds me of that woodcutting machine from beauty and the beast, I think because of the little arm making kind of chopping motions
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No idea what the little magatama is still other than 'probably what they mean when they say tears'
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I have mixed opinions on ganondorf's design, but overall I think I like it :) He's green still, which is a little weird, but I guess he is technically a zombie, and damn did he rehydrate well.
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Putting these two together to make a point (may also make it it's own post too) that I think Zelda isn't just wearing the above woman's outfit, I think the above woman is Zelda, the one from 1000 years ago. (I'll also mention now that what if the male voice talking to Zelda is some version of Ganondorf?)
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At one point I was going to make a video about TotK theories, and one involved getting to fight with civilians. It was more of an escort idea in there, but hey, still looks exciting! I love all these people who are stepping up to the plate and aren't just going to let another calamity hit them!
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Riju haircut! Sidon is King! Kind of weird that we say three of the four races, really hoping the gorons are doing okay. I'm really excited to see how the powers and strengths of the allies have evolved. From the footage, you already get the idea that Riju has started to use Urbosa's lightning powers.
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Gleeok! We've all seen him coming, but hey, he's officially here! That's pretty rad!
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Hard to see, but we're getting more of the wall mural thing, this time featuring ganondorf. I hope this thing will be, like, a physical thing in game so we can look at the whole thing.
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And finally Zelda. My bets are that she's a) going to be found sleeping on that thing, very similar to Zelda 2's ending or that b) she's going to end up being sacrificed on it :(
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lostalioth · 2 years
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→ premise: steve thinks you have a foul mouth and he believes he knows the right cure for such a filthy mouth
→ pairing: steve rogers x fem!reader — dads bestfriend!steve
→ warnings: eighteen+, reader is rude, bustier!reader, smut, nicknames [little one, baby], oral [male receiving], small sir kink, face fucking, titty fucking, age gap [steve is in his late 30’s, reader is 23], authority kink?
→ a/n: my steve content varied with how well it did so let’s see how this does. O2 kinktober
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“That’s such a stupid fucking idea”
“Why are you so dumb?”
“Cant you just shut the fuck up?”
Ever since Steve became best friends with your father and spent more and more time around you, he noticed you seemed to have quite a filthy mouth. Spouting profanities every other sentence, making crude comments to and about everyone. He slowly got more and more irritated at your coarse demeanor, he was about ready to snap.
“I think it’s time we fix that awful foul mouth of yours little one what do you say” a smirk was beginning to grow on steve's face. “I don't know if you're capable of that old man, think you can do it without blowing your back out?” Even on your knees you were a brat fighting to submit. Steve’s expanding smirk was replaced with a scowl and he grabs you hard by the back of your neck. Leaning down and pulling your face up a bit to his he growls lowly, the sound sending a shiver down your spine and to your core. “You're gonna listen like a good girl baby” his voice was so raspy and commanding it was becoming increasingly harder to fight sinking into that spacey place.
“And you will refer to me as sir got that?” He made a point by tugging your head back with his grip on the back of your neck when he said ‘will’. When you refuse to answer him he lets go of your neck and grabs your cheeks. “I asked, do you got that little one?”
“Yes sir” you whine softly and avert your eyes from steve. Dominance and authority was oozing off him and it was hard to hide your lust filled blown out pupils. “Look at me when you speak to me, and speak up” he commanded and you snap your eyes to his face. Studying all the hard edges but soft look in his eyes even as he was commanding you and manhandling you. “Yes sir” you raised your voice but it still comes out as a whine while looking him in his gorgeous eyes.
“Good, now I know just the thing to fix that mouth of yours”
“And what’s that sir?”
“Fucking that pretty little face of yours, may even just fuck these wonderful tits of yours while im at it to indulge myself” he groaned as he palmed your right tit, his large hand cupping nearly half of it.
It suddenly felt very hot in the room as your entire body felt like it was on fire, it was meant to be a form of punishment for talking back and yet you were excited. “Strip off this flimsy little shirt and lay on your bed” he gave you a shiny but dark smile before letting your face go and pushing it to the side as he waited for you to comply.
You jump up off the floor like it was lava and began peeling off your shirt not wanting to anger him further. “Bra too baby” Steve grunts out an extra command as he is pulling off his jacket and t-shirt. You’re quick to unlatch your lacy bra, freeing your tits. The room that was once on fire is oddly chilly now as a breeze passes your body, causing goosebumps to rise on your skin and your nipples to harden. Before making your way to your bed you steal a glance at Steve as he is unbuckling his belt and taking it off. In the back of your mind secretly hoping he'd use it on you.
You squirm a bit trying to get as comfortable as possible on your back while Steve makes his way over clad in just his excruciatingly tight boxers. His cock throbbing and twitching under the fabric at the sight of you making him need to shake his head quickly to clear it.
By now your eyes were heavy and glazed over ready to do whatever Steve told you to. “Hey little one help me out of these why don't ya’ ” Steve tells you in a slightly softer voice now as he was now sat on the edge of your plush bed. Slowly tugging the waistband of his boxers down, off his thighs and down his legs with the help of the older man his leaking cock is freed. Steve wasted very little time in straddling your body, one leg either side of you and rubbing on your breasts. His own eyes begin to match your glazed over ones. Pinching your hardened nipple between his thumb and pointer he starts rolling the sensitive bud in his fingers.
“God, you have such beautiful tits and such a pretty face baby, too bad it's ruined by this awful mouth” he groans as he pulls your bottom lip down with the thumb of his free hand. You whimper and buck your hips softly as the throbbing in your cunt was becoming persistent and unbearable. He chuckles softly at your quickly growing desperation. He lets your nipple go but not without a swift slap to your tit making you let out a small yelp of pleasure. He smiles wider at this and pushes your breasts together a bit more to make a tighter space for his cock.
Your foot was nearly shaking in anticipation, you needed and wanted this the same if not more than he did.
With a grunt Steve began working his swollen and leaking tip through the space he made with your breasts. Slowly drawing his hips back and slamming them forward he begins to create a steady pace fucking your plump tits. Through a small growl Steve orders “open your mouth for me baby” his eyes never look up at you to see if you comply, he knew you would, they’re simply glued to your chest. You let your jaw drop, leaving your mouth agape with your tongue out as his cock pushes up to the top of your tits and his reddened tip brushes your tongue. “Just like that yeah” he groans as his head leans back and he shuts his eyes.
You lean your head down so you can take his tip in your mouth and suck. Steve’s balls sat heavy and full at the base of your chest. He felt like he was already gonna explode. He didn’t wanna bust quick but your tongue running through this slit and on the underside of his tip was making that feel like mission impossible.
You and your dirty mouth will be death of steve sooner than he expected.
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→ this was delayed cause i lost power yesterday and then got busy trying to fix links so my day 1 would show up in tags, anyway you’re getting this on a day i wouldn’t normally post! Day 3 will be coming tomorrow the 4th cause of my posting schedule and the fact i’m doing 18 days not 30. I rushed this ending so i could get this out lol.
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quibbs126 · 1 year
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This is another one no one asked for, but it was one I wanted to do. They’re a bit high up on my list (though surprisingly not as high as I thought, they’re on the low end of my top 25), but I was struggling to come up with ideas and I had some for them, so I decided to do them
Originally it was just going to be one like my others, and I was going to do Choco Vine, but then I thought “oh hey, those molten lava cakes would work for a darkyam kid too”, and put that on my notes, but then I couldn’t decide which to do. Then later I was told about ube rolls and thought that would work for one too, so I was in a dilemma trying to figure out which to do. But then I thought, “why not do all three?” And so yeah, that’s what I did. Took quite a while, was working on this both today and yesterday, though I suppose that’s understandable given that there’s three of them
So Choco Vine is named after chocolate vines, aka akebi, which has a purplish flower hat smells like chocolate. It does have a fruit but I opted for the flower instead
Chocolate vine/akebi:
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For Lava Fudge, he’s named after molten chocolate cakes, aka lava cakes. I don’t quite remember where the “fudge” bit came from, but I thought it worked. I chose that because chocolate, and also Purple Yam tends to be associated with fire and heat, so a “lava cake” just fits
Lava cake:
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And then ube rolls are cakes made with Ube, aka purple yams. And the stripe of white reminded me of Dark Choco’s white stripes
Ube roll:
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Let’s see, their designs…I’m trying to think of things to say
Okay, so Choco Vine’s hair is supposed to be like the flower, even if it doesn’t really embody the shape. The flower has these little purple bits in the middle (they look more purple in other pictures), so I just added it at the top of her hair, and it also looks like a little bow. I always envisioned Choco Vine as a little girl, but I think when I made her and all her siblings, she became slightly younger. For context she’s around 3-4. So she’s probably a lot smaller, but I can’t really indicate that without her getting too small to draw. But she’s small enough that any one of them, even Ube Roll, can pick her up with one hand. Also she has a little cardboard tube (a flimsy one) because she likes to smack literally everything in her radius, and Dark Choco and Lava Fudge thought it was the best way to make sure she doesn’t get hurt doing it, or that she cause too much damage to the things she smacks. She can upgrade to a proper weapon once she’s older and stops hitting everything
Anyways I’m bleeding into the character section, so let’s move on to Lava Fudge. So his hair is supposed to be like the molten chocolate in the center of the cake, so it’s all liquid-y. It was originally going to look more like Yam’s dreads but chocolate, but after sketching I thought of the other idea and chose that instead. I put in the red highlights because of the whole “lava” thing. Probably should have shown that more in the other colors now that I think about it. I’m not sure why I made his armor that color, but that’s what I went with. I gave him an axe because I thought it was the best compromise between Dark Choco’s greatsword and Purple Yam’s mace. Also my first time drawing an axe, I’m realizing now that I haven’t really seen any Cookies wielding axes in these games, other than Tea Knight in his other outfit, which I used as a reference for Lava Fudge. Oh and another thing I wanted to mention, so Lava Fudge is supposed to be huge, my notes call him an “absolute unit”. He’s taller than even Dark Cacao, and as you can tell, much wider, as I gave him a body type like Yam’s. He’s the first one of these I’ve made with a particularly large frame, and I think it was a good change of pace. Though I admit with the armor, it looks like he has a small waist. Not my intention
Then with Ube Roll, so despite the name her hair’s more based on Dark Choco and Dark Cacao. I also wanted to make her thinner just because I thought that I needed that variation. Also probably because I was suggested to name Violet Sugar Cookie Ube Roll, and maybe some of her design subconsciously went into her. Anyways so she’s also supposed to be a magic user, hence the book in her hand (used Prune Juice as a reference for that), and I kind of wanted to reflect that in her outfit, with it being more cloth than armor. I also thought it’d be fun to give her shoulder pads and a cape like Dark Choco, and I think I used his Young Prince Outfit as my main model. I also gave her a sword since she’d obviously still use a weapon, even if she’s learning magic, though I made it smaller since her skills aren’t entirely strength reliant. I think I might have planned to put more red in her design, but I’m fine with keeping it mostly purple, I think it looks good
Oh yeah also regarding the things on their face, none of them are scars, they’re just markings like Purple Yam. They have them elsewhere in their body too. I just assume it’s a natural thing for him and thought it would be neat to incorporate. Though I admit Choco Vine’s were a last minute addition
So now onto their characters
So I half mentioned Choco Vine’s personality already, but basically she’s a tiny child with far too much energy. She idolizes her dads and older brother and wants to be a warrior like them, hence why she tries to pretend being a warrior with her little tube. Though she may be misinterpreting the role and she just hits literally everything. If you are in her radius, steel your legs because she will swing at them, possibly more than once. Everyone just goes with it since I mean, she’s a little kid, let her have her fun. And with the flimsy tube, no one’s really getting hurt by it. She will smack her family repeatedly and it doesn’t even faze them (which is part of the reason she continues to do it, as if she saw it really did hurt them, she’d probably stop), though on occasion they’ll play along and act as if they’ve been defeated by her attacks, meaning she’s defeated the enemy
I’m also toying with the idea that Choco Vine is actually blind, and the reason she’s always hitting things with her tube is that this is her way of figuring out the world around her. Not sure if I should keep it though
Another, somewhat funny idea I had was this idea of her getting kidnapped by the Cookies of Darkness (though for this to happen there’d have to be some timeline altering, namely that Choco Vine is baked much earlier in the timeline and is already out and about within at most a couple years of the main plot of Kingdom), only for her to be their undoing as she keeps hitting them with her tube. While I said it doesn’t hurt, to be fair the people she’s likely surrounded with are those of the Dark Cacao Kingdom, where everyone has at least some warrior training and conditioning to the harsh elements; what’s a flimsy piece of cardboard going to do? With these guys though, with the exceptions of Red Velvet and probably Choco Werehound Brute, they aren’t as immune, so her constant hits to the kneecaps do genuinely hurt, and she doesn’t care if they do because they’re villains. And so by the time her parents come to the rescue, she’s basically single-handedly taken down the Cookies of Darkness. Made even worse if in her excursion in the place, she found an actual weapon (which I feel is somewhat likely), in which they would all be screwed
Oh yeah I forgot there were others to talk about, not just her. Okay then, moving on
So Lava Fudge is probably the most cautious of the family. I tried to show that with his eyes but I’m not sure that got across. If someone wants to fight, he tries to convince the other to just talk it out and not have to fight, as he’d much rather use words to avoid unnecessary fights. This also translates to him being the voice of reason amongst his siblings, even if they don’t always listen, as his main concern is that they’re all safe. The way he acts may lead you to think he’s not a very good fighter. However, this is most certainly not the case, as he is an incredibly powerful fighter, and destructive one at that. When his axe hits the ground, it splits open the earth and even lava pours out from the cracks, even in places like the Dark Cacao Kingdom. No one’s sure how he’s so powerful, but they choose not to question it too much, given his grandfather is one of the Ancient Heroes, and the one most know for physical prowess. Most likely you will not win the fight, and possibly not survive it, as he is relentless in his attacks. He just likes to be cautious because again, he wants to avoid unnecessary fights. And he just has a relatively kind heart. But also, if you hurt one of his sisters, physically or emotionally, there will be no mercy for you. I think laying it out, he’s sort of like ROTTMNT Raphael
I’m not too sure what he does, given the armor doesn’t resemble anything from the Dark Cacao Kingdom, but maybe he’s part of a guild or something, going around helping others in need
As for Ube Roll, like I said, she’s a magic user. She started out learning swords and physical fighting like the rest of her family, but she later took an interest in magic and has since been studying it. She probably studied at Parfaedia, if she doesn’t go there now. I was thinking her magic would be like, purple flames, but I’m also considering it being ice or earth based. Maybe she has multiple. However her magic doesn’t mean she won’t still use her sword if need be. She’s probably also the most socially adept of the family, given her general vibe
Sorry I don’t have too much to say about Ube Roll in company to her siblings, since they were the ones I put the most thought into
But yeah, I think that’s about it for them, and I hope you enjoy them (and can maybe also forgive me for not posting more this week)
Oh yeah, so one more thing, so I have a request for Dark Choco/Milk, and spoilers but there I’m giving them twins, since there were two very easy ideas to go with that worked together. If this trio were to be a polycule and there also be a Purple Yam/Milk kid (hopefully I’m thinking just one), than that would mean they’d have at least 6 children, dear lord
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toast-tales · 1 year
I Lava You, Chapter 2: Addiction Enabled
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Read Chapter 1 here!
Cover art by @luckyshotwrites!
This short story takes place after P39 of ITWOM and as such, contains minor spoilers for ITWOM - read at your own risk! You do NOT need to have read WIDFALI to enjoy this story!
This story is cowritten with the amazing, fantastic @luckyshotwrites and uses the minor character June from their ongoing vore story What I'd Do For A Livable Income. It's chock full of monsters, magic, goofs, and absolutely fantastic worldbuilding and characters. Give it a shot if you haven't yet!
Contains: references to g/t soft, safe vore and language. About 1300 words.
Chapter 2: Addiction Enabled
Even if this had secretly been their plan all along, June hadn’t intended it to go like this. They’d been planning on pacing themselves—maybe a few sips, and then wait a bit more before having more later.
He had no choice but to absorb it all into his body and quickly climb back out. He was about fifteen feet tall now, maybe taller. In a hurry now, he screwed the cap back on. 
He could feel the soft vibrations across the surface of the shelf, telling him that Sam was getting closer. He forced his body to assimilate the lava lamp liquid and convert it to energy, without being able to enjoy its glow. 
Suddenly, Sam came back into the room, and he had to stop the energy transfer. He still looked human, of course, just…taller by about two feet now. 
He hoped Sam wouldn’t notice.
“A-ah—you’re back, Sam! My friend!" His lip quivered. He felt bad for emptying the pretty glowing lamp so fast. “That sure looks tasty, wh-what did you make?”
Sam had their mouth open to take a bite of their ramen when they stopped and blinked, their eyes drawn first to the human, then to the lava-less lava lamp behind them. Then they blinked again. 
I’m not even high yet. Right? Maybe I was supposed to cook that egg after all. 
“H-hey little buddy.” They walked over to the shelf like they were in a daze, staring at the empty lamp with a mesmerized, empty sort of look as they contemplated the stability of their mental faculties. “You didn’t. Um. See what happened here, did you?” 
It didn’t leak out, it would be everywhere. It’s completely empty. Am I going crazy?
June couldn’t make eye contact with Sam. “Uh-um—” I didn’t expect Sam to ask me! He tried to come up with a plausible excuse. 
“Well—I—” June looked at the empty, incriminating container next to him. What should I say? Humans don’t normally eat that. 
June lowered his head and tugged at the shirt of his uniform. “I’m sorry, I-I thought it was really pretty and drank some…all of it. I—” June looked up sincerely, “I didn’t mean to, I only meant to drink a little bit!” He walked up to the edge of the shelf and pitched his offer, “I will buy you a new one!” He knew he shouldn't have admitted to drinking it and risk exposing himself as anything but human—but he couldn’t lie to Sam. He didn’t want to be mean.
Sam’s eyes widened in shock. They weren’t exactly versed in taking care of humans—that was the kind of thing they left up to dealers. Christopher, mostly. But they were at least fairly sure that humans weren’t supposed to be able to eat whatever the hell was in lava lamps. Probably.
Then again, they’d never seen what humans eat.
They stared at June with a look that was as dumbstruck as it was in awe of this human’s abilities, a grin creeping up onto their face despite their initial confusion. “Holy shit. I didn’t know humans could do that. You drank the whole thing? THAT’S BONKERS.” They laughed, poking at the human a little as if they expected it to burst. “How’d you do it? You’re like. So tiny still.”
Wait, wait. Um. Is this human safe to eat now? Should I call Chris and ask? …nah, he’d probably yell at me or something. Or tell me to give him the human. 
June prepared himself for some well deserved yelling. He should not have eaten a glowy thing in front of a human, giant or not. He should have asked Sam first. 
Lucky for him, Sam didn’t look mad. 
June released a soft sigh of relief and smiled back at Sam, especially after they poked him. It seemed the giant hadn’t recognized June was a little puffier and taller than before. Nice! I still look human. 
“Yeah! Humans can do that! Mhm!” June said, nodding fervently. “And I have a fast…metabolism, that’s why!” Yes, some humans have that. That’s believable. 
Sam was far too trusting for their own good, which was a dangerous combination with their stunning lack of human knowledge. Humans are fucking CRAZY. I HAVE to ask Chris about this later. 
“I have got to see you do that again. Shit, I’ll go to town tomorrow and get another one. What else do you eat?”
June blinked a few times. Wait. Okay! Hold on. They didn’t freak out? And THEY SAID THEY WANT TO SEE ME EAT MORE? 
June hopped around dangerously close to the edge of the shelf with glee. Thankfully, he kept his balance enough not to fall. 
“I eat…well, I’m not very picky. My taste buds don’t work the same as—” he cut himself off and hummed, nearly blowing his cover. “As most people’s do. They were like this since I was born so—I uh, can’t taste things super well like normal humans, humans like me,” he chuckled. Be careful June! Remember, Sam’s a giant human, I can’t say anything too incriminating. I’m a human! I’m a human!
He tried to quickly switch the topic. “When you go to get a new one, take me with you and I will pay for it!” June said. He imagined seeing another lovely-colored one. I can resist the temptation. June told himself. He couldn't buy Sam a new one just to eat it instantly.
He tipped toward the edge again, squinting to look at Sam's noodles. The thoughts of the radioactive glow of the lava lamp filled his mind. What if they're illuminated noodles?
Sam’s mind was on lava lamps, and they were still staring at the empty one. They did not notice June teetering inches away from a very long fall. 
“You’ve got money, little dude?” Their head cocked in confusion at June mentioning “paying” for it. They weren’t sure where a human would get money. Or where they’d carry it, even. But Sam was broke, and they’d take an offer of financial assistance where they could. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth and all that. 
Since their hunger had ebbed, it was easier to talk to the human without getting the urge to stuff it in their mouth. And Sam was fascinated with this human now…perhaps even more so than they were wanting to eat them. For now.
June nodded. “Oh yeah, I have a lot of money with my current job.” He tapped at his uniform, though he realized he wasn’t wearing his hat anymore. 
“I have enough to buy you…two lava lamps!” He said two with seemingly unwarranted gusto. How much would a magnificent object like that cost? The next thought struck him like a Honda Civic—how many varieties of lava lamps are there?!? He puffed up his cheeks. No, June, don't distract yourself. Lava lamps are for Sam, not me. He punctuated that internal monologue with a firm nod.
“Humans have jobs?” Sam muttered out loud. I mean…huh. I guess Chris mentioned some sort of human city, didn’t he? 
Sam puzzled over this question of theirs. “Do you make human money, or…giant money?”
Of course June would say human money, but what was the difference between human and giant human money? He was still oblivious to the fact that Sam was in no way human. 
“Human…money?” June replied, tilting his head up. “Is there a difference? Or…oh! Did I somehow end up in a different country?" There was a pause. What country do I live in again? "Is this the…United States?”
Sam stared back at the human, unblinking and now thoroughly confused. “The united what?”
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Chapter 3 ->
Uh-oh! Will things clear up from here? Or will there be another series of increasingly improbable misconceptions? Only time will tell.
Thank you for reading!
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