play-on-skinners-box · 9 months
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Others have already been furrying the Raincode characters and doing a phenomenal job, but when I would peruse Danganrompa fanart I really liked seeing different and wildly varying interpretations for the characters' animal choices and now it is my turn, my GOD GIVEN DUTY TO PROVIDE IN THE GENISIS OF THE RAINCODE FANDOM, FOR THE HONOR OF THOSE WHO HAVE COME BEFORE ME.
For all of them I used their pose from the artbook renders. I'll say it's to keep them recognizable but that is actually a lie I'm just lazy.
Secretary Bird Halara:
Halara I did first and they were the one I was most jazzed to do because I love them dearly. I made them a secretary bird and I think it's a PERFECT fit. Ahem allow me to rattle off. Secretary birds are birds, so doomed by the narrative to have to stay away from cats, they are predatory birds and of course Halara would be at the top of the food chain. Speaking of predetory birds, secretary birds are known for their ability TO KICK VENOUMOUS SNAKES TO DEATH, AND THATS JUST TOO GOOD A FIT. They also have plumage that I could easily shape into Halara's kinda smooth swoopy hairstyle, and face markings that could be sort of representative of their glasses! I think the drawing for them is probably the weakest out of the group just because as I went along I improved and started to translate the human designs in less one to one ways, plus the pose Halara has in the artbook doesn't fit perfectly to the really big wing hand things. I still enjoyed making it because H A L A R A N I G H T M A R E but I'm honestly kinda sad at how lackluster it is compared to Fubuki and Viva who got the most interesting details and texture work. NEVER DO YOUR FAVORITE FIRST IT'S A TRAP.
Guinea Pig Desuhiko:
With Desuhiko I was going back and fourth between a few rodents, I just think he kinda looks like one and already had those pikachu cheeks. My first scetch made him a hamster, and while it DID look like him, it felt a little too... Indistinct. Desuhiko's probably my favorite design in the cast just because he looks so distinctive and has a short stocky bodytype I really really love and makes my character designer brain happy, so I swapped hamster for guinea pig. While the guinea pig face doesn't look like him quite as much as the hamster, they are very interesting and distinctive looking which I loved a lot more even with a bit of accuracy sacrificed if that makes sense. Also there are Guinea pigs with spikey wild fur that make it so I could just kinda give him his actual hair and still have it make sense. Guinea pigs are also the perfect size and shape to be thrown like a large softball and out of all the Master Detectives Desuhiko looks like he'd be the most sadisfying to chuck across a room.
Fish Fubuki:
Fubuki was really hard just because it's difficult to anthropomorphize a fish in the same way as a mammal or a avian cause of their structure. She might look a biitttt more like a fantasy creature inspired by a fish than just a fish but she's charming enough I don't completely mind. I got some SOLID advice and looked at some Splatoon NPCs characteristics to try and make her more appealing. So why fish? I got it as a suggestion that I ended up really liking because fish are notorious for their bad memory, live in tanks their whole lives(Fubuki is the definition of sheltered), and they have fins to mimic the shape of Fubukis cloak and hair. I used beta fish for reference, they don't really fit her but just being a fish was good enough for me and at that point I was prioritizing looks. She doesn't even really look like any specific species like the other three to be honest. She's defiantly the outlier of the group but that's fine, she can be special in her own unique way like always. Got a little lazy with making the hair look all that fin-like, but it's kinda the main event of her human design so I wanted to keep it as true to that as possible but looking at it now I think its tooooo copy and paste looking. Her furry design IS my brothers favorite out of the batch so that's gotta count for something!
Flying Fox Bat Vivia:
The vampire looking man was always gonna be a bat, I am but a slave to the whims of fate. I made him specifically a flying fox because they're the largest bat species and therefore can loom ominously. Vampire bat would have been fun too, but they have more of a squished bastard energy that doesn't really fit Vivia. Bats also are known for their weird sleeping habits, ala upside. Viva isn't sleeping upside down or anything like that but he DOES snooze in some weird places so I think comparing him to a bat in multiple aspects is very apt! His drawing and animal design is probably my favorite, I really like the wings, and the bat feet are super weird I loved doing those. I did have trouble incorperating his hair, flying foxes have pretty smooth heads, but they do have sort of a mane thing going on so I tried to put some of his hair texture and shape there instead. Sorry I did not give him is edgy edgy hair cut, I too love it very much but it was simply not to be. I did try to mimic it's vibe with the patterning on his head though, an illusion of his bangs.
I'm very happy with this lineup overall, they're some neat little designs if I do say so myself! I might do more but I have the chronic problem of not being able to sit still for a long time to do a BUNTCH of guys again(though for the record I would make Seth the most delightfully storm drain gutter looking creature). I also kinda wanna do Makoto and Yuma cause someone suggested a REALLY good idea for them, but the concept for Makoto with this idea would be more of an involved design that I wouldn't be able to use all of his normal outfit for so it'd probably take longer than average.
TLDR: Furries amiright?
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coconut530 · 1 year
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Heyyyy everyone! I just wanted to take a bit to gush about the WT I’ve been binging the past three days, Not Even Bones!
I’d seen this WT on the Saturday page for y e a r s , but it never looked that appealing to me. Last week, I binged Silent Screams on Canvas, and learned that artist was on NEB as well. That, combined with my desire for a darker story, and the icon nagging me like Shiloh and Lavender Jack did, made me cave and start it.
Let’s start with the characters. Nita’s our protagonist, and she’s.. interesting to say the least. Most of the time I can see where she goes but there are some instances where I question the writing a bit. And though I do get squeamish over her.. hobbies, the story usually justifies it pretty well or Kovit manages to say something. Speaking of Kovit, you can see most of these images have him in it 😂. Uhh but I have to say he’s a really good character, despite what he does. In the end he only does it because of his nature and the society that enables him. But his design is cool across all three styles, he’s a caring guy, and the rules he poses for himself make the story really interesting. S2 was my favorite, I think for all of the things we found out about him. Next we have… Fabricio. I… truly don’t know what to think about this little dude. He’s a little annoying, for starters, bc he always escapes!! And his morals are grayer than a thundercloud! And I don’t know what he truly wants! But regardless, I think he’s a good foil character for Nita, forcing her to confront herself when she’s too far gone or giving her a goal to reach. That’s our main three, but I do want to give a couple shoutouts. Adair is like.. so fun. He gives those fun trickster vibes, and to me sounds like Josh Grelle. Diana is fun too, giving Nita a friend when Kovit isn’t there. Gold is a bit annoying sometimes, but I like how she brings out a different side of Kovit. Overall these characters are very interesting, and their designs in the latter seasons make it all look and feel so immersive and unique.
So, I started it. S1 was a little rough, since the story was new to me and I wasn’t a huuuuge fan of the art style. But the story was engaging enough and I think the art fit with the tone of the season, even if it wasn’t my favorite. Overall it was interesting to see this WT go deeper than the advertisements of simply “girl who’s mom finds supernatural creatures and she dissects them”. We actually learn more about those creatures and the hostile world they live in.
S2 was what I was really waiting for, since Glamist was the artist for that one. And BOY did it deliver! The story just got more engaging from there, with Kovit’s backstory coming up more and Nita getting more desperate, and Glamist’s art made it look soooooooo goooooood!!! What I really noticed in this season was the imagery that Glamist drew. You can see it in the panel above where Kovit is behind bars made out of money, MMMM so good. There’s more like that, which is a sticking point alone. And! Before this I’d only seen three WTs of mine have moving panels: Shiloh, Nevermore, and Time & Time Again. BUT now I can add this one to the list! The one where Adair was like “What have you done?” also moves, and it was so fluent and amazing. There’s another one where Kovit swings his knife around, and I was floored by that one. This season was so great with characters, story, and art, and it just makes me soooo excited to see Silent Screams come out as an Original.
I just caught up today with S3, and it is still so good. I was a teensy bit sad to see Glamist go, but Starpiper keeps that same style nearly to a T, the imagery is still so strong, and the panels still move from time to time. It is nice to see Nita and Kovit’s relationship still so strong in this season, even when Kovit is brought down to his worst. This season is still going on, so I don’t have tooooo much to say, but it’s been really good so far. Excited to read a new ep today.
Anyway, if you’re a fan of like Shiloh or Silent Screams and looking for another story like that to enjoy, check Not Even Bones out!
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suuushirolled · 3 days
if you had to choose, which oc is 'easiest' for you to draw, and which is 'hardest'?
GOOD QUESTION 👀 my OCs all around for the most part, don't give me tooooo? much trouble but there's definitely some that are more complex and layer-headache inducing for Caelus i have to layer each piece of his armor separately and erase as needed for it to work/look the way it does he takes time but i genuinely like his design, it's also my first knight design so :] *happy noise* for Guy, he's extremely easy and that was the point of it- he's meant to be a practice oc for posing and exaggeration in some of his pictures he looks VERY monstrous but can all be simply cute in others
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thank you for asking! this made me smile :]
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ionasadventures · 8 months
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We managed to reset our sleeping scheduled to conquer the jet lag today so weren’t asleep for tooooo much of it! Didn’t wake up till midday though. We had planned for today to be a rest day anyway so didn’t really have much planned. Our hotel was within walking distance to the Warner Bros.‘ Studio Tour so we decided to check that out! After like…. 2 minutes outside my hair was completely dry from the shower I took. Safe to say it was HOT. About 30C which was interesting! Luckily most places in the US have AC so when we arrived at the studios the temperature was nice. There was a Starbucks there lmao and also a LOT of security. Like airport level security but I guess that’s for safety purposes as a lot of stuff is filmed here. Upon entry you’re guided to a introductory room explaining about the Warner Brothers themselves - Harry, Albert, Sam, and Jack - who founded the studio in 1923. This means that this year (2023) is the 100th anniversary of the studio founding! They were the children of Polish-Jewish immigrants. After this information area you are ushered to a movie theatre-esq room which plays an introductory showcase of all the films made and some of the things you will see. Then you’re split into groups and taken on a shuttle ride. Our guide (Jenny I think?) was SO good, really kind and helpful and can constantly walk backwards without looking, like Mater in cars lmao which was a little uncanny but very impressive! She really knew her stuff and made sure to point out most of the things that locations were used for, not just the more popular shows. Which was good cause honestly the tour primarily was banking on Friends, Gilmore Girls, and The Big Bang Theory, none of which I’ve seen! However one thing I HAVE seen that was filmed almost ENTIRELY on this set is Pretty Little Liars. It’s an ….. interesting show? Shall we say? I wouldn’t say it’s terrible and I wouldn’t say it’s good. Like Glee. A LOT of the houses on the tour we saw were used in PLL and it was so cool to see them and recognise them! Fun fact - each of the houses have multiple façades, so they can act as the exterior of different places depending on which angle the camera is at! The interior is empty completely to allow for multiple uses, and there’s no ceiling on the inside! This is to allow the lighting, cameras, and AC to be moved and positioned to accommodate different things. We went into what was Emily’s house in PLL and everything looks so realistic, but is actually made with other materials to allow for complete remodelling if the shoot calls for it. Fun fact 2 - if any changes are made at ALL, at the end of filming the crew MUST return the set to what it originally looked like. So in PLL, Spencer’s barn is white and has fancier doors and foliage than the red barn originally has. The windows are also all made out of sugar glass so no one gets hurt when doing stunts. In an episode of PLL, a car gets driven into Emily’s living room - this was actually done here, on this set! The stunt driver drove a car straight through the walls and windows, and because of the material the house is made from, it could smash into it without posing much danger to the driver. It’s absolutely fascinating to see and hear how the behind the scenes work! I’ve tried to include in the pictures screenshots from the shows so you can see how they were used and how they were changed, but I took most from a moving golf shuttle (like a golf cart but longer and can fit 12 people) and i shake like there’s no tomorrow so they won’t be the clearest 😅 the sets were also used for films like Batman, Citizen Cane, and they were currently all set up to look like the streets of Texas for Young Sheldon, which was currently filming as we were driving around! Luckily all the film stages are soundproof to accommodate things like this.
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pigsiescribe · 2 years
Love Is Stored In The Belly
Adrienne watched her friend dancing around drunkenly a few paces in front of her, humming a wedding song to himself. Well, she wasn't quite sure if "friend," was really the way to put it after the evening they had.
Some months ago, James confessed to her. At the time, Adrienne wasn't interested in a romantic relationship, so she agreed to starting off as friends and seeing where it goes from there. She was also skeptical of the man. James was polite and charming, well-educated, and a medical doctor; a little too good to be true. Overtime, he showed his silly side, and proved to be rather funny. Definitely friendship material.
That evening, however, Adrienne had invited James to be her plus-one to a friend's wedding. He politely asked if she was alright with him drinking, proceeded to get drunk, stripped down to his underwear, and pole-danced with one of the grooms. Adrienne would be lying if she said the performance wasn't titillating, to say the least.
Knowing how to dance on a pole didn't make someone romantic material though. Adrienne was into some... Unusual fetishes (for a vampire) and she needed a partner who was at least okay with it.
Adrienne was so lost in thought that she didn't notice James dancing around a streetlamp (thankfully, with his clothes still on).
"Lesh ge' sometin to eat," he declared.
"What would you like?" Adrienne asked, mostly to humor him. They were vampires after all; vampires can't taste food. He didn't exactly have a huge range of options.
Wow, he is DRUNK. "You know you can't taste food, right?" She didn't want him wasting money on something he wouldn't enjoy. Unless the meat was raw, it was just going to be mouthful after mouthful of mush.
"Yess aye can," he assured her. "Mom sssays I like food tooooo much, so I ne'er lost me taste for it."
"Hm." Adrienne had heard of adult vampires who could still taste food, but they almost seemed mythical, like a bearded woman. "Okay. Where do you want to go?"
"Evening, Dr. Marker," the cashier greeted James cheerily.
"My too late?" James looked around the nearly empty diner. "I 'on't wanna im-pose."
"Just a slow day," the cashier assured him. "The usual?"
"Yesh p'ease~"
"Does he come here often?" Adrienne asked.
"About once a month at most," the cashier answered, jotting something down on a note pad. "Never bothers anybody, takes his food and leaves. Honestly, I wish more drunks were like him."
"Stuff here's good~" James declared with a chef's kiss. "You shou' get some too."
I might actually take you up on that offer, Adrienne thought sneakily. "What's his usual?"
"Every burger on our menu, a medium order of fries, and a large orange soda."
"He eats nine different burgers in one sitting?!"
"I'm assuming. He always takes his food home, so I've never actually seen it with my own eyes."
Adrienne glanced at the dessert menu on the counter. "Go ahead and throw in five cinnamon rolls, and I'll foot the bill."
Lucky ducky, Adrienne thought, sitting perpendicular from James at his living room table. (He refused to eat at the dining room table, saying the chairs were "shifty bastards.") He wasn't lying about being able to taste food. Each bite into a burger sounded like he was making out with it. Every once in a while, he remembered Adrienne was sitting near him and would offer to share his food (which she politely declined) but otherwise, he was lost in the sauce and salt and grease of the fast food burgers. But we're friends, Adrienne reminded herself. Putting the moves on someone drunk was wrong. The respectful thing to do was just... Enjoy the show from a respectable distance.
"Mm!" James suddenly exclaimed with a mouthful of fries after his fourth burger. He gestured towards the suit he was still wearing and looked around, possibly for something to wipe his hands clean. An opportunity!
"Do you need some help with your buttons?" Adrienne asked, trying her best to hide how much the idea excited her. Though, watching his belly bust those buttons off would be more exciting, it was a nice suit that he obviously wanted to preserve.
"If ish no trou'le," he admitted sheepishly. Even in a drunken feeding frenzy, he was still so considerate of others.
"Oh, no trouble at all." Adrienne slid next to him and, with one hand, carefully unbuttoned his vest, sneaking little playful pokes on his tight upper belly. Soon, he'd need help with the side zipper of his high-waisted pants, and maybe even his shirt. She couldn't wait to see the contrast of his belly at max capacity on his otherwise slender body. Normally, Adrienne was more into chubby guys, but there was something delightful about stuffed-up skinny guys, especially the morning after...
"Coul' you...?" Just as expected, his pants were starting to cut into him.
"Oh, of course." Adrienne pulled down the zipper just a smidge. She wanted to watch the mechanism slowly give way to the curvature of his belly as it filled up more and more.
By the seventh burger, gaps were beginning to show on his shirt. With her sensitive hearing, Adrienne could tell the threads were slowly tearing as they struggled to contain the globe filled with greasy food. Either James didn't notice or he didn't care. Decisions, decisions...
"Maybe I should unbutton your shirt," Adrienne suggested nonchalantly. "You don't want to have to mend it later."
"Mm-mm," he nodded. It was a little uncouth, but Adrienne hoped he wouldn't notice that she started unbuttoning from the bottom, sneaking a gentle caress of his soft underbelly, carefully noting how taut his skin felt beneath his undershirt as she worked her way up. Soon, he'd be like all the others; tight as a drum, pinned down by the weight of his own gluttony, whimpering and moaning in the aftercare.
I'm being so obvious right now! Adrienne scolded herself. But then again, he never said anything about the way she was touching him. Maybe he was into it? Or at least neutral to it? Maybe they COULD take things to the next level...
James politely suppressed a burp, excusing himself.
"That's cute," Adrienne teasingly remarked, kneading around for possible air bubbles, "but let's try putting a little more oomph into it. You're gonna need to make some room if you're going to finish that last burger."
"WhaUUUOOOOOORRRRR!" James stared at her in horror, hand to his mouth. Look at him, unabashedly burping in front of a lady!
"That's better, isn't it?" Adrienne teased with a couple playful pats of his belly. "Go on now. Finish up."
Once sure she wasn't upset by his lack of decorum, James continued onto the last burger. With a contented sigh, he leaned against the couch, stretching his arms up high, practically taunting Adrienne with the swell of his gut.
"Got some room for dessert?"
"Uh..." He slowly nudged his belly, careful not to disturb the contents too much. "I'm fine."
"Mind if I check?" He rotated himself in her direction, and Adrienne reached out with both hands, first marveling at the curvature and the absolutely delightful contrast between him and his belly. Then, she lightly knocked above his belly button, then to his side. As expected, she got his belly to illicit a growl so loud, one would think he was running on empty. "Sounds to me like you're practically wasting away." James stared at her, then his belly, no doubt struggling to comprehend the mixed messages.
"Well... Mayee jus' a little..."
"A little," turned into one cinnamon roll. One cinnamon roll turned to two. Two turned into three. "Just one more," Adrienne goaded him, holding up the pastry. "You know they taste better fresh." Three slowly turned into four. "Oops, sorry. There's still one more left. It's a small one, I promise." Finally, four turned into five, resulting in a deliciously noisy digestion and James slouched against the couch, with Adrienne using his lap (or, what was left of it) as a pillow, giving her front row seats to all the borborgymous.
You're going to be SO bloated tomorrow, Adrienne thought gleefully as she listened to the poor overworked intestines struggling to digest so much food in so little time, especially with him starting to doze off. If only I could be here to see it...
"Lets get you to bed, Jammy-man."
"Jam...?" He couldn't even string a full sentence as Adrienne slowly eased him up to his feet.
"Yeah. You're like a doughnut that's been stuffed with sweet, fruity jam." Wrapping her arm around his waist, she gently rubbed the side of his belly as they walked down a hallway, to his bedroom. "It's also my favorite pastry."
"Really?" He sounded a bit surprised.
"Now get to sleep, you puffy delight."
"HUUUUUURRRAAAAAUUUUURRRRP~! Ugh..." James belched then groaned upon rising the next morning. "Burgers... And cinnamon." What did I eat that had cinnamon? He was used to tasting beef, egg, and black beans from eating burgers after getting drunk, and waking up on the living room floor. James groggily searched his wallet for a receipt but found none. Did I rob somebody?! There was no way he was sober enough to cook himself a decent burger.
A note lying on the floor caught his eye. Feeling no desire to actually leave his bed, he laid down on his bloated belly, forcing up a few more burps in the process, as he stretched towards the piece of paper.
"'I had fun last night'," he read. "'If you are still interested, we can take things in a romantic direction.'" He reread and reread and reread the note. Did this mean what he thought it meant? "What the bloody hell did I do last night to make her like me like that?" James was happy, of course, but still very, very confused.
"Wait..." Pieces of his memory from last night slowly began to surface. He remembered eating in the living room, and his clothes slowly coming off as he ate more and more, and someone's hand rubbing his belly in all the right places... Adrienne brought me home and got me into bed?! And she--! Admittedly, James had an inkling she was into THAT sort of thing when she admitted to finding chubby men attractive. Due to his large appetite, he avoided eating food in front of her up until now, lest she be disgusted by his gusto. James wasn't particularly INTO that sort of thing, but he also had nothing against it. If his occasional indulgences made her happy, well... That was just a win-win situation.
"I should give her a call still," he told himself, ignoring the fluttering in his heart. "Just in case I did something I really shouldn't have."
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nulltune · 2 years
LYNNYPOO!! what are some of ur fav icons of Hakuno and why do u like them👀? (no need for a specific order)
GAHDAMN IS THIS A TOUGH QUESTION SMOWU!!!!!! i love all my icons 🥺 bc they are all hakuno and i love hakuno so like......yea... GDJCHSHF I JOKE! there are some icons i'm not too fond of (bc of the way i colored or edited it eee) 🗿 BUT I DO NOT HAVE THE HEART TO DELETE THEM BC IT'S MY BELOVED MOON BONBON 😩❤️ that is not ur question tho but aAAAAAAA THIS IS FR SO TOUGH TO ANSWER??? THIS IS NOT 100% SET IN STONE BUT SOME LYNNYPOO FAVS I THINK WOULD BE (AND IN NO SPECIFIC ORDER!!)
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POUTYBLUSHYKUNOS!!!!!!! i'm weak for these 😩 i just think she is so Cute!!!! i like her blushy face in general but pouts just!! make it Extra Cute methinkss 💘💘 RLLY ESPECIALLY LOVE THE SECOND WAAAHHH i think it's so cute how hakuno tries to keep her cool when she's flustered but kinda fails sgfksgd (even in official art of her blushing her brows are kinda furrowed!! she is def a pouter methinks <3) idk why but i find that so cuuutteee AND DON'T U FEEL LIKE SMOOSHING/SQUEEZING/PINCHING HER CHEEKS IN THESE ICONS......!!!! it'd only make her more pouty but as i said, poutykuno is a cutekuno so that's just an extra win honestly!
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I'VE NEVER USED THESE ONES IC BUT 🥺 I LOVE THIS SMILING ONESSSS AA I CLUTCH MY CHEST i don't have stoic hakunos in this list but don't get me wrong i luv luv her normal stoic face too 💖 but her being expressive?? GOOD FOOD. she looks so happy here pls 😭😭😭🥺🥺 very fond of the gap between her usual :| self and how happy she can be hhngh official art of her smiling this brightly usually have her eyes closed but i still like these a lot!!! just look at that sparkle in her eyes!!!!! 🥺🥺 very happy i added the subtle blush too bc i just think it adds to her cuteness here IT FILLS MY HEART WITH SM SEROTONINNN and pls i love hakuno sm i think she deserves the world and dESERVES TO BE HAPPY!!!! so yes i just love my icons of her smiling but these ones..... idk they just hit DIFF oooough and i just love it when hakuno is like hyped/excited... SHE IS SO CUTE 😭 AND I LOVE HER ENERGY IN THOSE MOMENTSSS i feel likr these icons have some of that energy and i'm just <333
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OOOHOOHOO I REALLLYYY LIKE THIS EYE ICON FOR SOME REASON 😳 I LIKE A LOT OF HER EYE ICONS TBH!!!!! a lil upsetti bc i colored her icons lighter than her hair because it is lighter + her eyes are her most expressive/beautiful feature so they need to POP 👏 OFF 👏 (NOT IN THE LITERAL WAY THO!) but alas..... my psd just makes it look the same color </3 I STILL LIKE EM A LOT THOOO but this one's a personal fav cuz 😳 idk why but i just rlly like the energy it has??? rlly like the cropping too i just think it looks neaatttt ✨️✨️
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THIS CONTEMPLATIVEKUNO IS ALSO A FAVVVV i think she is so cute heree 🥺 OH HAKUNO HAS A THINKING POSE SIMILAR TO THIS IN GAME and i have always thought it is So Cute. def one of my fav hakuno poses!!! (along with her hands on chest pose and polite hands on her lap as she sits very elegantly pose ✨️) i like her expression in this tooo her mouth is kind curved like ^ in the way that i think is rlly cute and that just adds bonus points 4 me I THINK SHE IS SO LOVELYYY her closed eyes look is also very pwetty 💖💖 i just like it a lot!!! i think her hair looks so nice here and her hand is dainty and delicate and pretty and hhhHHHHH I JUST LOVE IT
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IDK WHY BUT I RLLY LIKE THIS ONE... this fc has some outfits that is just,,, So perfect for my hakuno and they're all pretty much just black and white, but i think it looks so nice on her! rlly like the way her hair flows here tooo 😌😌💖 also captures hakuno's energy rlly nicely methinks! the pose is pretty polite and i feel like it captures her meek-ish energy nicely..... she has a strong front but the softest heart yknow 🥺
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I LOVE THIS ONE TOOOOO obviously because hakuno's a beaut and she's as beautiful as always in these icons 💖 but i feel like.... there is a vulnerability to this one,, she looks so Soft(TM) in such a delicate way which is honestly the vibes i try to get with her!! and like i said in the prev para, hakuno has a strong front (which she has even when she's suffering the most, ouchie ouchie 🥲) but she rlly is the softest inside and i just- love to see her more vulnerable side tbh!!! it feels so tender........... WHEN U SEE HER LIKE THIS DON'T U GET THE FEELING OF WANTING TO EMBRACE HERR (<- A SIMP) 😩😩 IT'S LIKE THIS ONE MANGACAP THAT'S SO HAKUNOCORE THAT U SENT ME-- THAT THOUGHT JUST CAME TO ME ALL OF A SUDDEN but yeah i just rlly like this one!!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺 she is so lovely and i just sobbb into my grubby paws
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aNOTHER ONE I HAVEN'T USED IC but i rlly want to 😳 HVEKFJEKD OK LISTEN, I LOVE MY GIRL. BUT I ALSO LOVE PAIN AND THIS ICON HURTS???? i still think her hair is so pretty heree and i just rlly like how the tear looks! i have a couple more bloody and dying hakuno icons but this one is my fav out of em (nodnod) i just like it a lot!!! even without the blood i feel like you can just tell the amount of pain and how close to death she is and hRNGH it hurts!!!!!! extra hurts too bc we've seen in last encore how vulnerable hakuno looks when she's dying (AND HOW SHE CRIED THERE TOO 😭😭😭) and i think thks just captures it vvv well!
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OK I HAVE A LOT MORE THAT I LIKE BUT!! THIS CHIBI HAKUNO HITS DIFF AGDKEHKFJEJFJE i think her o.o face is suuuper cute okok!!!! AND THIS ONE JUST CAPTURES THE ESSENCE OF THAT SO PERFECTLY??? (I SQUISH HER LIKE.... MOCHI) i just love the energy she has here even tho i'm not even sure what kind of energy it is?? i love it sm tho and i like all of my chibikuno icons!!! but this one def has a special place in my heart 🥺💘 SHES SO CUTE AUGH
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harmcityherald · 1 year
you know, that's the first time I wrote that out about brandy. I should be worried how it makes me look maybe. I don't know. its the fucking truth and that's one thing the whole 10 billion of you get from me on whatever page I word vomit on. I don't care who I vomit on. I don't care if I offend you with the truth. Quite different than offending you with a lie. Or a pop up puppet of something I want you to think I am. I don't like lies. that comes from my transgender experience. (clutch your pearls) If you know what the "talk" is, then you know.
Yes, dear readers I had "the talk" more than once. I made rules for myself. those rules still live inside me just like ranny still lives inside me. So yea I got this big thing about lies and facades and manufacturing false impressions. I broke the heart of a man from Australia who I was quite head over heels for. I have never forgotten it.
In second life there was eddie. he bought the best penis in sl, according to him. they all loved eddie. I was the dj. but he took a shine to me, naturally. eddie was from sweden. he was a good guy. violently hetero though. to him I was the brunette dj with all the tattoos. the librarian no less. so he asks me, middle of a set mind you, if I want to come back to his place and try out his new washing machine. if you sit on it you have an orgasm. my partner in crime, danana, was like you GOTTA go!!! omg its eddie. im like but...but....the talk.
fuck the talk dont tell him shit lol.
I just cant do that, I will find a way. he deserves the truth. this was post wash so that pain was fresh.
so my show ends and now all the girls see me leaving with eddie lol. my dms are blowing up but I go. honestly I want to see this washing machine. so we make small talk and he gets frisky and I let him to a point and then he sits me on this washing machine. its just like a pose ball. it animates your avatar having an orgasm and thats when I chose my time.
"Eddddiiiieeed IIii hhhaaavvve sooooomethiiing tooooo tellll yooooooou." because im like a sext drama machine right? "Iiiiimmmm a maaaaan." now in sl we owned our land. i owned my library grounds and I have the power to kick anyone from the server. that bitch blew me off that washer and strait out his place and I fucking land right in the middle of the party place like digital karma that cant exist. danana says you told him didn't you. Im like yea but that was funny as shit. eddie stayed friends and I didn't ride him too hard. later after I had left sl I learned that eddie died. I was very sad about that. my point? I wouldn't even lie to sl fonzie with the "best dick in sl" in a chat room with cartoons because thats what it was and thats what the metaverse will devolve into. trust me. I been there. what was special about sl were the people who accepted me. danana and wash and delphi and eif and amari and kasey. who I was extremely honored to meet in DC at a library convention where she entered my digital library on to the list of accredited libraries. we were only there a year. after that 50 bucks a month for my pixel world became too much. that plus I had lost the line between fantasy and reality. maybe fantasy is the wrong word. ranny is there. she has always been there. but so is xid and greg and max. there's a secret for you too. ran-xid. sun and moon. duality you can not imagine and I pity you that you can not experience it. I was bringing ran into the real world. you got questions and maybe I will answer you someday. maybe not. I chose my grandkids. I made the most feminine decision of my life. To be the man they needed. The one I was good at being. so there's your answer. but ranny? she still talks to me. I don't remember how this post started. oh yes, brandy. and my questionable admissions to the greater public. there's a hundred other stories. hopefully I have time to tell them all so the entire world hates me lol. I love you, all 10 billion of you. even you, stalking me from fb like you gonna tell someone some juicy shit about me. go ahead everybody knows and I never lie. unless I see someone shoplifting food. then I didn't see shit, officer. so yea that's a lie I would tell.
lol most people's aversion to lies is religion. mine ain't. lol.
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drawbauchery · 3 years
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just gonna do this screenshot bs until tumblr gets its shit together BUT IF ONLY YOU’D HEARD THE SOUND I MADE WHEN I SAW THIS
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ruthlesslistener · 2 years
19 and 20 for the art ask game :3
19. What is the most difficult thing for you to draw?
-People and their assorted bullshittery. Faces. Shoulders. Clothes. Hair. Human-built things like buildings and cars that are all geometric and defy the laws of nature, shit like that.
They aren't tooooo bad? But holy hell people are so damn weird that its hard for me to figure out how to get all their curves and contours, much less factor in all that bs in a 3d setting with WALLS. Also human mouths make no damn sense and I hate drawing them. Where's your muzzle asshole
20. What is the easiest thing for you to draw?
-Anything quadruped. Dragons are the easiest bet here since all you need to do is make them look good, but as long as I have a solid group of references to pick from, I feel pretty confident in my abilities to draw animals. It's really more the whole 'how tf do I pose this when its on 2 legs' thing that gets me, y'know
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tick-fic-nick · 3 years
Braids, Family, and Tickles
word count: 1784
Summary: No one in the mighty nein knew that Caduceus was ticklish until Jester made a little discovery. He finds out that a peaceful day can take quite the chaotic turn.
characters: (Caduceus, Jester, Beau, Fjord)
Warnings: (Tickling)
Caduceus was sitting alone on the floor in his room with the door open, in the Xorehouse. He had been meditating for an hour, when he heard someone (not so sneakily) enter his room. He opened one eye to look to see who had come in, though he was sure he already knew. He saw Jester sitting down a few feet away from him with her sketch book and regular paints.
He fully opened his eyes now and gave a small chuckle, "hello Jester." He sound happy to see her.
Jester looked up to meet his gaze with surprised
"Oh my gosh, im sorry Caduceus I didn't mean to disturb you, I just wanted to draw you but it was hard to get a good angle out there."
His posture had relaxed and he pushed his hair away from his face. "Its alright, do you need me to pose? Or should I just do what I was doing?"
She put a finger to her chin, in a show of contemplation, "Well, what if you were in a really silly pose?" She jokingly suggested " Like you could be doing a handstand or make a really funny face?"
Her suggestions made his features curl up into a smile "Well I havent done a handstand in many years. I dont think i could do one even if I tried," he brushed the hair away from his face again, "i dont know if I can make a silly face."
"Do you want to try?"
"Sure." He takes a second to think about the face he'll make before his eyes go crossed, brown furrows, face scrunched up, and he just barely sticks his tounge out. He turns to Jester "is this, uh, is this silly?"
Now the face that he makes isn't to terribly funny, but the way he executed it just makes Jester laugh, "hahaha thats a really good silly face Caduceus! But you don't have to keep that up, I can draw you how you normally are."
He had his face go back to normal, and then moved his hair out of his face again "Thats good, my mother always said that if you kept making a face that it would get stuck that way"
"Caduceus is your hair bothering you?"
He moved his hair again
"Oh, well. Its just been like this today, theres nothing I can really do about it."
"Well, why don't I help braid your hair? I used to help my Mama do her hair before her performances, I wouldn't mind helping get it out of your face for you." She already started putting her sketchbook to the side along with her paints.
"I guess I wouldn't mind, if your offering."
Jester sat up on the bed and had caduceus sit on the ground in front of her. She took his long mohawk in one hand and started to think about how she should go about doing this. She finally started to make a French braid. Weaving his hair, she could tell he was leaning into her just a little bit. Which he was.
"I always love my Mama doing this for me, do you like it?"
"Yeah, I'd say I do. It actually feels a little tickly."
"Tickly?" She laughed "like ants tickly? Or like this?" And she used her tail to lightly go over one of his ears. He twitched his ear and snorted, batting her tail away. "Caduceus! Stay still, I almost lost a hold of your braid!" She teased.
"I cant sit still if you tickle my ear" he deadpanned. Though there was a slight tinge of red to his cheeks, but Jester couldn't see it.
"Okay, okay!" She grinned, and continued her work. After a few more minutes she finished the braid and tied it off with a band she hand around her wrist. Hopping off the bed she stood in front of him, and looked at her hard work. "Oh my gosh, Caduceus, it looks great!"
"Does it really?" He stood up and looked at the mirror in his room and gave a laugh, "thats funny."
"Whats that?"
He looked down at her "I look like my sister." He chuckled again looking back into the mirror, not seeing Jester look of mischeif.
"You know caduceus." She walked closer to him "I dont think anyone even knew your were ticklish."
He froze for a second, before he turned to her and put his arm at her forehead. Impending her movement forward. "I have siblings Jester, I wouldn't do that if I were you."
Her goody smile turned into one of determination "well if you going to play that card, then im going to play my own!" She walked away from him and ran out the room and down the stairs.
It didn't quite click to him that she was getting reinforcements, so he picked up her sketchbook and paints of a nearby shelf.
It was a little bit later, after dinner. Most of them were sitting in their living room except for Caleb and Veth who were working on a spell, and Yasha, who went to her balcony to listen to a nearby storm.
The rest were having a nice conversation and enjoying each others presence, Caduceus had put a pot tea on to start cooking and got up to get it when it was ready. When he got back he put the tea on the center table to cool off, and took his spot on the floor.
They were talking nonsense about a schrodingers skeleton, or something of the such, whatever it was, it was amusing.
Though the conversation was stopped when Caduceus snorted, and his arms came to protect his ear and neck. The culript of this reaction sitting next to him with a bright smile on her face.
Fjord looked up with amusement at him "Caduceus are you alright?"
He stammered, his face flushed "oh well, I--" he was cut off by Jester
"Oh, hes fine Fjord. He's just a little ticklish."
"Caduceus, your ticklish?" Beau looked up towards the tall firbolg, who has a wobbly nervous smile.
Jester answered for him again sitting a bit closer to him "his ears are, but I dont know about the rest of him." She reached out her hands but she got stopped again by his arm to her forehead.
He put up his other hand to the other two "yes I am ticklish, but if you tickle me I will get every single one of you back for it."
Fjord look towards to Beau, with a mischievous grin "Beau, did you hear that? I think he just threatened us? How rude"
"Yeah, its almost like he's asking for us to teach him some manners" she looks back towards Fjord playfully punching her fists into her palms.
"Oooohh Caduceus, your in so much trouble!" Jester wiggles her fingers towards him without getting any closer because of his arm. His flush spread to his ears and neck, he quickly turned away from her and looked at the others.
Though he panicked when he only saw fjord right in front of him. He tried to turn around to look behind him but he was pulled down onto the floor by Beau, who had stuck up behind him.
He looked up at the three who stood over him, which seemed to spark many memories of his childhood tickle fights with his siblings. Beau climbed up and sat right on his waist, making sure he can't move. Jester hopped over to his head and sat next to it, playing with the cloth near his shoulders and neck. Fjord sat near his knees and legs.
Beau looked down at him, mostly deadpanning, but he could sense some satisfaction when she said "its nothing personal, man. Think of it more like uh.. an initiation!"
Jester spoke up and leaned over his head, her face upside down from his angle "yeah, totally. Cause you always sit out our tickle fights caduceus."
Fjord peaked around from beau "its almost a right of passage." But caduceus could quiet see any of them. His hands rest on top of his rosy face.
He groaned, "please just get it over with, you guys are horri---EEe"
His request was cut off from a squeak that erupted from his mouth with died down into soft almost quiet giggles. His body shook and he squirmed at the tickly feeling getting poked and proded around his torso.
Jester followed Beau's lead and playfully jumped her fingers around his neck and ears. His giggling got audible with her contribution and the hands that were covering his face twitched and flung to her hands trying to catch them.
"Hehehehehe wahahahait! Dohohohont! Ahahaha hehelp"
Fjord voice popped up through the laughter "help? I think I can assist you, Caduceus."
"Oh nonsense I'm happy to help. Do tell me though, is this a good spot?" His hands spidered around Caduceus' knees, even though there was he was wearing his normal baggy pants, it didn't seem to matter. His volume increased quite a bit. So did his squirming. His legs shook and wiggled, trying to get away from the tickling. "~I think it is~"
"Nohohohoho! Not thahahahat kihihihind of hehehehehelp!"
"How about this then" jesters voice said right before he felt one of his arms getting restrained by Jester. She then started to slowly poke and scratch down his restrained arm teasing the sensitive area. "Is this helping?"
He shook his head no and started whining clawing at her hand with his other arm, but no use "Not thehehehere Jehehehester"
"Why? Is it tooooo ticklish?" She attacked on the last word wiggling her fingers down into his hollowed pit.
His laughter started to boom, and go up an octave. Beau suddenly found it more difficult to stay straddled on her firbolg friend. And jester almost lost her hold on his arm.
Both fjord and beau stopped tickling and just watched jester slow down and unrestrained his arm. His laughter just stayed at giggling.
Beau got up off caduceus, and stood up looking down at the giggling, out of breath firbolg on the floor "hey man, you good?" She asked
His giggles had mostly subsided and one of his hands still covered his face. He looked at each of them. His wobbly smile turned into an amused smirk. "You all, are in such trouble"
Everyone gave amused somewhat concerned looks at each other while caduceus got up and walked towards the tea pot that he'd set down earlier. He picked it up with one hand and looked back to the three, slightly out of breath.
"Hey look, the teas ready"
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tellatennie · 3 years
Denki Kaminari x Female!Reader
Warnings: Rough kissing??
I wrote this a while ago xD And someone requested to be put in it then so thats who Lizzie is because FAN SERVICE 
Stupid party. I hate this
I sighed as I stood in my friends room, glaring at my reflection in the mirror. She was having a huge party downstairs and had forced me into a dress that she bought me. 
”I look. Just....why?” She popped her head in through the doorway. “Oh my GOD YOU LOOK SO CUTEEEE” She squealed and ran into the room and circled me and hugged me. I stepped back and looked at her.
”Oh my gosh Lizzy you look so nice!” she gushed at me “Thanks (Y/N)! You think Katsuki will like it?” I nodded and she squealed.
She look my bun out and started to curl my hair, being careful to not burn me. 
“Yknow, Denki will love that dress on you.” She smirked at my flushing face. It was pretty obvious to everyone that I had a crush on him, and they would tell me he liked me back but I never believed them. 
“Sh-Shut up.” She giggles and when she finished my hair and took a step back and smiled at me. Someone cleared their throat from the door way and she let out a small shriek. We turned around to see Katsuki standing at the door. When he saw her he straightened up and flushed slightly. 
“Y-You look nice” She laughed and walked near him. “Did my Katsuki just stutter?” He grumbled and walked away, mumbling something into her ear. She giggled and pranced back to me and picked up a rose from her desk and placed it in my hair. She grabbed my shoulders and looked at me. 
“Listen to me (Y/N). Tonight is the night you are going to be the most vibrant girl in the room. Denki is going to see you and explode at your sexiness” I raised an eyebrow at her. 
“Should I be worried that your calling me sexy?” She pinched my cheek before smacking it slightly and walked to the door, glancing over her shoulder “Come down when your ready”  **** (Denki Pov)
I sighed, getting myself more of the fruit punch Lizzy had most likely spiked with vodka. I looked around the enormous living room, my eyes scanning for a certain brown haired girl. I saw Lizzy walk down the her I sped walked to her, tossing my arm around her shoulder. "Heyy Lizzy" She raised an eyebrow at me and smiled "Hi Denki, do you need something?" My face started to heat up slightly "umm well I was wondering if anyone else is coming to the party or if everyone is here already?"  "Oh you mean (Y-"  "OH HEY (Y/N)" I jumped at the shout from Kirishima and looked up the staircase in front of me and saw the beauty I had fallen for walking down the stairs with a flushed face. All eyes were on her, but she was looking right at me. My face felt hot I knew it was red. I start to walk to the bottom of Lizzies' seemingly endless staircase to join (Y/N), but as i approach it, and were still maintaining eye-contact, Ochaco, Mina, and Kirishima rush past me and speak to her and pull her away from me in the opposite direction (sad elec boi). I watch the back of their heads leaving the room into the kitchen when i feel someone nudge me. 
"Buck up buddy, they don't realize how much you love her" Lizzie says to me, a big grin on her face. "L-love? I d-don't loVE her" I sputter out, she obviously doesn't believe my pathetic lie. "Oh yeah, and you don't stay up until 4 in the morning playing pokemon on your ds. Don't worry though, ill set up some games so you'll be able tooooo..... talk to her?" Well that doesn't sound suspicious at all. Lizzie smiles and me and backs up slowly, disappearing into the crowd of people. I try looking for her to figure out what 'games' shes going to set up, but i cant find her, until she appears on a stage with a microphone. 
"HellOOO my welcome guests! Tonight has been amazing so far, and i have all of you to thank! For any of you who want to partake in some generic smexy party games, follow me into the basement lounge, if you prefer to stay up here in the main area feel free to!" oh noooo nonono Lizzie makes her way off the stage and motions for people to follow her. She looks at me and motions for me especially. 
We all make our way down to her GIANT lounge and everyone gathers in a circle, I see most of class 1-A and a few students from 2-B. I see (Y/N) from across the circle, shes in deep conversation with Monoma, laughing and making jokes with him. I feel a pang of jealously in my chest and I look away from them and take a seat on a couch. Resting my chin on my palm, watching the group around me. 
(Your Pov)
"OK everyone take a seat in a circle and we'll get started!" Lizzie said aloud. I skim the room and notice Denki looking a little grumpy, I go to talk to him put I'm pulled into a seat by Mina. "Don't worry (Y/N), you'll get to socialize with your boy-toy during the games" I flushed "H-hes not my b-boy-toy" she gives me a look and is about to say something when she gets cut off by Lizzie. "Okie dokie then i think we're ready to play some games, how about we start off with spin the bottle?" This question got a lot of good responses from the lounge dwellers so Lizzie pulled out an empty bottle and set it down on the ground in the middle of the circle. "Who's up first?" She was met with silence "Alright..... guess ill go then" She was met with many protests and people offering to go first. See, Lizzie isn't able to play these kind of games because if Katsuki ever found out, everyone participating would be dead in seconds, so no one wants her to do anything other then watch and help move it along. 
"That's what i thought, well then i get to pick who goes first......Izuku! You spin first!" Izukus face flushed a bit as he reached forward and spun the bottle, every ones eyes were on the bottle as it slowed down and stopped on Shoto. Poor Izuku was a stuttering mess as people around them giggled like crazy, everyone knew about the crushes each of them had on one another and it was adorable to watch the timid izuku lean over and peck the maroon faced shoto on the lips. Everyone giggled even more as izuku returned to his seat and hid his face in his polo shirt. "Cuteee. Alright, i vote (Y/N) next!" Lizzie said with the dorkiest smile on her face. I gulped slightly and glanced at Denki out of the corner of my eyes, he looks like hes on edge, he definitely straightened his back. I reached over to the bottle and spun it, i want it to land on Denki, i really do. It slows to a stop. 
Monoma. Dang. Monoma is probably one of my best friends, i don't really want to kiss him. "Do i have to kiss him on the lips?" I ask, "No you don't, but this is the only veto for anyone" I lean over to Monoma and kiss him on the cheek. "Good, i don't want to kiss her, shes a good best friend but not my sophisticated type." Monoma chuckles out. Everyone lets out those nose breath laughs and moves on. 
After a few rounds of this game people start getting a bit bored, so Lizzie announces "Well i guess we only have enough time  for one more game, its getting late. So lets play a spicy game, 7 minutes in heaven!" Some people groan, and some people squeal. Its very obvious who likes this game and who doesn't. 
Lizzie has everyone drop some sort of item of theirs into a hat and Lizzie has people draw something at random. Some pairs go into a closet and come out exactly the same, other go in and come out with obvious ruffled hair and lipstick smears. Lizzie gets to me and reaches the hat out to me "No peaking (Y/N)" I reach in and run my hand around, i feel something seemingly rectangular and flat, connected to what i think is a lanyard. I pull it out and quickly look at the item. eff
The lanyard is yellow and covered with small pikachus in different poses, i look at the UA i.d card connected to it and i see what i both wanted to see, and dreaded to see. I see the dorky smile of Denki Kaminari. Lizzie snatches the lanyard out of my hand and peers at it, with the most ecstatic look on her face. (Y/N) and Denki! You're up!" I'm shoved into the medium sized closet with Denki, i back into a corner, and i cant see anything. "Seven minutes starting nowwww!" i hear Lizzie shout from a room over. 
"Lizzie? Where are you? I cant see anything" Denki says, i hear a small thud and i hear what was most likely something hitting him on the head. "I'm here Denki" I reach my hands out to feel for him "Are you okay you ditz? That sounded like it hurt" I feel my hands touch something moving (him obviously) "Yeah I'm fine" I feel his hands over mine and he travels them up my arms and onto my face, cupping my cheeks. "D-denki? What're you d-doing" 
"I'm glad you pulled my lanyard out of that hat, the truth is (Y/N)... I really like you, more than a friend. D-do you think you would like the be with m-me?" My heart melts, 'this sweet little bean' I reach my arms around his neck and pull him closer to me "W-wha-" i cut him off my kissing him, something I've wanted to do almost since i met him. 
(Denki Pov)
Shes- Kissing me!?! Her lips are warm and soft, i kiss her back, and inwardly cringed at how it was a little rougher then i wanted it to seem, but she starts kissing me harder too so imma roll with it.
(Your Pov) 
He pushes me into the wall of the closest, my hands are in his hair, tugging him into the rough kiss more, One of his hands roam down to my ass and he gropes it slightly, causing me to gasp, which he took the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. As we battle for dominance he taps my thighs with his hand basically telling me to jump. I wrap my legs around his waist as he keeps me pinned in the wall with his body. He slips his tongue out of my mouth and he makes his way down to my neck, licking and sucking on almost all the surface area of it. His hands start to roam my thighs and they make their way up to-
"PUT MY FRIEND DOWN BOI" The closet door is swung open by Lizzie and when she sees the position we're in she pretends to faint and walks away laughing her ass off. Denki sets my legs back on the ground and awkwardly looks at everyone staring at us. "What?" He asks, they all divert their eyes as Denki takes my hand and leads me out of the lounge and outside to Lizzies' patio. We sit down at a table and smile at each other like dorks. "(Y/N), would you like to be my girlfriend? Given what we just did in the closet I would hope so but i figured i need to ask just to be sur-" I once again cut him off from rambling and press my lips onto his. This actually might be what everyone calls happily ever after...
jzfdb.kjdsgnbkjngbkjsg I'm REALLY bad at writing romantic scenes *cough* or any scene at all *cough* but i hope you all enjoyed!
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emoticonreview · 5 years
The Foot
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This isn’t horrible, kind of a weird angle I must say. But the shading isn’t hideous. The toes look pretty realistic, I’m not mad at it. 8/10
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Oh... no. That gradient is so horrible it hurts. The length between the ankle and the toes is way too long. Don’t even get me started on the toes, they just look wrong. -1/10
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I actually like the simplicity of this, and the huge bold lines are working for it. It looks like an off brand athletic company. I like it, would buy. 9.5/10
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The ankle is either broken or dislocated, it’s way to low. This shading is absolutely abhorred, I hate it. The toes are just rubbing me the wrong way. 0/10 get me out.
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Ummmmmm... is anyone gonna tell apple? 7/10 points taken for unoriginality.
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The toes are completely offending in every way possible. It’s just boring. 2/10 points for lineless.
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Why is this so good??? The pose is giving me action, the shading is ridiculous, the toes are pretty accurate. I love everything about it. It’s beautiful. 1000/10
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The toes are so tiny and basically the same size. The foot is also way to long again. The only good thing about this is the ankle. Smh. 3/10
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Everything is wrong. The ankle is tooooo low, the toes are so long, and the shading comes from hell itself. This is the foot of a demon. -666/10
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onore-art · 5 years
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Happy Halloween! (2019)
It’s not November 2nd, you are...
This took tooooo long. I started this, like, two weeks ago. Thought I’d finish it before Halloween but I made so many edits to their poses and costumes and crap, and finally got it to mild satisfaction... It’s looking good enough with colour now, though.
I intended to just do Denki and Hitoshi (in costumes loosely based on my costumes last year and this year), but you guys like my Tododeku so much, and then I didn’t want to leave out my KiriBaku. Deciding what costumes Shouto and Izuku would wear was pretty instant, but I found it so difficult for Katsuki and Eijirou, no idea why.
Anyway, I really hope you like it. I put a lot of work into it!
No reposts, please, but reblogs are my drug, many thanks.
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lucarioisinthevoid · 4 years
Everytime I hear the song 'I've no more fucks to give' by Thomas Benjamin Wild I can't help but think of Mike--
You know, I love getting new music from all of you guys way too much, it’s always such a roll of the dice, except all of the sides are either “awesome” or “hilarious”.
But I gotta disappoint you all, the only TRUE Mike song out there is “Chris Ray Gun KYS” by Cool Songs. It’s the most Mike any song will ever get and literally the one thing I based his character on (aside from some joke comics floating around), which should explain why I’m so baffled all you guys even like him. This here song though? On a scale from M1ke to M10ke? You fucking NAILED it. I mean, Mike would fucking WISH to be so classy in his fucklessness, but he sadly is a bit too much of a primal bastard to get onto this level. Maybe when he absolutely loses his mind at the end of a very stressful day. He’s getting there actually, getting some more class from Simon and eventually he will reach peak “no more fucks to give”. Dream big. Seriously this song is so good I’m losing it right now, I need to draw something with this sometimes, oh god- Mike was humming as cleaned the tables, a smile on his face. A rather terrifying situation, as everyone present had to consider being stuck in a parallel dimension of some sort- Of course, everyone aside from Jeremy, who was secretly the bravest character. “Mike! You’re in a good mood! What happened?” “I’ve got send a good song.” “Oh! That’s cool! Can I listen to it?” Mike shortly looked at the Phone Guy who simply raised an eyebrow. Admittedly, he was curious too, but wouldn’t get involved with that. But the guard took it as a go ahead and put on the music, so he was able to hear it anyways, without needing to ask. It took all of 26 seconds for the surprised smiles to turn into mortified expressions- Of course, for everyone, but the four resident edgelords. Old Sport was the first one to chime in and start singing along. “I've no more fucks to give! My fucks have runeth dry!” Naturally Dave followed his lead. “I've tried to go fuck shoppin’ but there ain’t no fucks left to buy!” Nemo coughed and then took the spotlight with an oddly melodic voice. “I've no more fucks to give! Though more fucks I’ve tried to get! I'm over my fuck budget, and I’m now in fucking debt!” Slowly Phone Guy buried his lack of a face in his hands, accepting that “fuck – the musical” would apparently become a thing now. Finally, the ending approached and Mike took the cake, as he jumped on top of the table he has JUST been cleaning- “I've no more fucks to give!
I've noooo mooooore fucks!
I've noooo moooooore fucks!
At last, the song was over and for once everyone seemed to be at peace. Jeremy quietly coughed. “Uhm- it’s- it’s a very nice melody… I guess…?” “I should fucking put it on more often!” Mike nodded, enthusiastically. Dave though was done with it for now. “Ya know, Mikey, if ya would use less fucks in your sentences, maybe you’d have some fucks when ya need them. You’re pretty irresponsible with your fuck-stash. Maybe get help budgeting your fucks?” “Oh shut the fuck up.” Before the guard could get into an actual argument with Dave, Old Sport decided to pull the aggro back onto himself. “I mean, that too, but consider, Mike! We’ll make a musical based around the songs that people send in! OF COURSE, YOU’LL BE THE MAIN CHARACTER-“ The last part had to be screamed to be understandable, as he was forced to run away from the now VERY violent Mike. What do they say? Kill the idea before it spreads? Yeah, that tends to work, right? Loyally Dave jumped in, to once more distract Mike, ping-ponging him between himself and his partner like usual. “Okay, so what’s it gonna be, Sportsy? It’ll start with Mike the absolutely sexy emo boy that we’re tryin’ to get the attention from? ‘Fuck me, Emo Boy!’” Grinning he watched as the man came to a screeching hold and turned right around, Dave gave him a short head-start to let him get JUST close enough to make the chase worth it. Old Sport stopped to catch his breath, grinning. It was like holding a red towel in front of a bull... GLORIOUS. Nemo scoffed. “Hello? The frick? The only one getting the title of EMO BOY, is me, OKAY? Literally, don’t even @ me, this is straight FACTS.” “How old are you again? I don’t think this song should be about you-“ “I might be a young soul, but I’m at least as old Mike!” He bragged, just for Mike to scoff, as he ran. “Yeah fucking sure. As if.” By now he was a little too close to Dave for comfort and Old Sport put his hands back to his mouth. “HE MIGHT NOT LOOK LIKE HE GETS BITCHES, BUT HONEY, THAT DICK IS ELEVEN INCHES!” Worked as always and Old Sport got ready- But of course, Nemo couldn’t keep his mouth shut. “Isn’t that just average though? Like, I never thought I should mention that I-” Instantly he was forced to regret his words as Mike was close enough to grab him and put him into a headlock, slowly pressing his breath out of him. “YOU’RE NOT FUCKING OLD ENOUGH TO TALK ABOUT SHIT LIKE THAT-“ Between his suffocating squeaking noises, Nemo spit out his last words. “Not… old enough… to talk about… my dick… but… old enough… to die…?” “YOU’RE ALWAYS FUCKING OLD ENOUGH TO DIE.” “… inspi… rational…” Quickly the Orange Guy had sneaked up though to free his fellow-minded co-worker. Without wasting a second he put a pair of headphones over Mike’s head. “No more fucks, remember? Why are you so upset?” Thankfully, that worked and Mike was prevented from committing a felony. Letting go of the boy he groaned and pressed the headphones against his ears, in an attempt to make it louder and forget about everything else. In that pose he stumbled towards the office. “If anyone needs me today- go fuck yourself.” With that the metal doors slammed shut.
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Wasn’t gonna do a 5x11 post, but ya know what? It was a good one, and it’s fun to talk about stuff ya like.
Folks this one is LONG:
Admittedly, I don’t really understand what Brainy did with the rock and the stick, but it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter, because we get Motorcycle Brainy.
I appreciate that nearly every character on this show has the impulse to go out and get a black Stealth Outfit and procure a motorcycle whenever they gotta do clandestine, under-cover stuff. (See also: Lucy, Kara, Alex, J’onn.)
ALSO appreciate the ongoing commitment to characters showing they care via food, as seen in the Breakup Feast scene. 
I’ve seen this episode four times and it’s only JUST occurring to me that Lex is grabbing some of Evil!Winn’s hair and not just creepily picking lint off his shirt, after their little chat.
Lena Laments to Lex! Lost Lots of Lobe Legwork.
Lex’s action figure is safe for children ages 5 and up, AND the articulation allows for lots of action and superhero poses!
(That thing has NO visible leg or arm joints, Lex will not be doing ANY action posing, whatsoever. XD)
But, for real: It’s a pretty great prop. The packaging is spot on. 
Love all the Supergirl action figures in the background too. (AND WITH THE NEW SUIT I am envious of Earth Prime.)
Get ‘im William, GET ‘IM.
The Lex and Kara scene was GREAT, loved the recorder smash.
Then dramatic slow walk with wiiiiiind, very nice.
Absolutely love the moment between him, Alex, and Kara when he reveals he has a family. 
Group huuuuuuug
‘I might have missed you just a little bit.’ ‘Me too, just a little.’ ‘Yeah, well, I missed you, like, A LOT.’
Side note: Really dig Winn’s superhero outfit. 
“I wanted to apologize to you, for how I treated you after you took my mother’s medallion.”
*Skeptical Thor face* Is it really hers though?
(Answer: No.)
Okay OKAY now we get to the REALLY GOOD PART but first, a bit of appreciation for Winn referencing Sam Spade.
Alright, are we ready? ARE WE READY????
J’onn’s office (which is ALREADY a cool set) gets a SECRET ELEVATOR that leads tooooo...
THE TOWwait, whoops, almost forgot:
Kara’s total nerd reaction to the secret elevator and Alex’s elder sibling-ly ‘don’t push’ while actually pushing Winn are just. *chef’s kiss*
Okay, we’re back: THE TOWER!!!!!
Complete with PAPA BEAR HUG for Best Son Winn!
I like J’onn’s Martian vest, though I do feel like he should get some finger-less gloves, or something, to complete the look.
“In the future they call it the Hall of Justice.” “I like that.”
“So like STAR Labs.” “Or the Arrow Bunker.” “A place where my Superfriends can work, whenever they should need it.” 
1.) I don’t know why the casual references to the other shows are throwing me, it’s not like they haven’t done it before...maybe it’s the fact that characters besides Kara have this kind of...lived-in familiarity with this stuff that’s otherwise been reserved for her, due to the nature of JUST the lead visiting the other shows. 2.) It occurs to me that Supergirl, the show, never had a central hub like the Arrow Bunker or Star Labs that’s just for the main characters. (Well, I guess the Office of Solitude counts? Kind of?) All of the sets (aside from Kara’s Loft and J’onn’s office which are like...living spaces) require at least a handful of extras milling around in the background. I don’t know where I was going with this....*Marge Simpson voice* I just think it’s neat. 3.) J’onn calling them his Superfriends!!!! :D
“What are you gonna call it?” “I was thinking...The Tower.” “COOL.”
Kara you lovable nerd, you.
The cut from the Martian Memory Meld to Winn’s puking is comedic gold.
“And James runs a small town newspaper and mentors children? That’s adorable!”
You can tell who’s only watching the show via gifs, because this line threw them.
Alex being like, ‘BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE.’ XD
Evil!Winn’s message has Jim Carrey Riddler energy. I think it’s that ‘Let’s play to win!’ bit that does it.
Aaaand some other stuff occurs. Lex and Brainy talk, The Kara and William stuff at CatCo, Evil!Winn’s warehouse lair.
But then BACK TO THE TOWER for more nerding out and some lovely heart-to-hearts!
Winn telling Nia about Nura: :D :D :D
And then OOOOOH BOY, my favorite scene: Kara and Winn.
It starts off great, with Kara being like, ‘I bet you’re a great dad.’ And then Winn gets to talk about being a dad! And naming his little girl after his mom! ‘It was either that or Winifred.’ Heart AND humor??? AND THEN: “KARA WAS AN OPTION.” AAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWW
 And then the scene continued to be great but I will admit that I was gripped with a sudden, terrible fear that when Kara mentioned not being too thrilled with her ‘legend’ she was gonna talk about how she betrayed Lena yet again but THANK GOODNESS IT WASN’T THAT.
Instead what we got was this nice little exchange about Kara feeling like she’s endangering William, and Winn being like: ‘you put ME in danger but I always trusted you to protect me’ which is a LOVELY bit of trust and reassurance and a nice deconstruction of the idea that heroes have to distance themselves from others in order to best protect them. Supergirl the TV show has always said and will always say NOPE.
“Being in your orbit...it’s inspiring.” “You.”
Then Wicked Winn’s Warehouse! Followed By Lex on a Legion Ship! Learning of Leviathan!
The Obsidian pitch sounds TOTALLY legit, can’t IMAGINE how that could be exploited for evil.
Then Toyman’s Terrible Tigers! Which Brainy Tries to Tame! 
And, look. You’re either the kind of person that watches these DCTV shows and rolls your eyes at on-the-nose music cues, ooooor you’re the kind of person that applauds that kind of go-for-broke attitude.
I am one of the latter.
(BUT it’s always just gonna be...really hard to top The Flash using “Flash Gordon” as Barry jumps into a black hole.)
Always cool to see Kara speed folks away from danger. Very nice!
Whoops, little out of order here, I got excited: prior to the super speed, we have a Winn Stand-off.
(NGL the mental image of Winn singing “Nothing Left to Lose” with his evil counterpart has been amusing me all week long.)
But I digress! Toyman seems to perish in the explosion, but given that this is a two part episode...HMMMM. I think NOT.
(I mean, there’s also the end of episode cliffhanger, so. Yeah, obvious guess is obvious.)
But for the moment, Winn’s future is safe! Yaaaaay!
Then we get the cute moment between Kara and William and YEAH, THAT’S RIGHT, I SAID CUTE. BECAUSE IT WAS CUTE.
So please put me firmly in camp: Generally indifferent to ships but certainly not opposed to more cute reporter shenanigans.
(Also she wouldn’t let him have dinner alone with the world’s saddest sandwich.) 
Instead William gets to come to GAME NIGHT!
Everything about that scene is. So good.
The friendly trash-talking! The glasses bit! ‘Marty’! William saving the Jenga tower for Kara! Space Dad being there! 
(Oh, forgot another scene in my haste to rejoice over game night. Winn and Brainy. T’was good.)
And then there’s the cliffhanger and the next episode preview WHICH I’m absolutely looking forward to because MORE WINN and also KARA AND WILLIAM GET TO SING “AFRICA”.
WHICH...thank you, show, for giving us “Africa” after revealing that was Kara’s other choice, but she went with “Intergalactic” back innnnn...season...three? Well the reveal was in season four. But karaoke night proper was in season three. And “Intergalactic” was great! But. 
Anyways. Wonderful episode! A true season highlight! David did such a good job! EVERYONE did such a good job! This fandom is the worst! And I hope that they actually DO stop watching the show, because it will be better for their emotional well-being and mental health, as well as our own!
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teekapoaold · 5 years
a big replies post! ❤❤❤
Uff some of these are so old, sry 
amphoraesims replied to your photo “it’s a grey rainy day ”
Lovely ❤️
Love grey days  ❤
camicrazygirl replied to your photo
eternal love to Bonehilda ��
She sure needs more love!
amphoraesims replied to your photo
lovely pic <3
Thank you!
ninjaofthepurplethings replied to your photo
“Things to know about Nellie; she never take off her cape, and she...”
Awwwwww! ��
I know right! 
ninjaofthepurplethings replied to your photo
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
ninjaofthepurplethings replied to your photo
“Dextor do not like bath time!”
Bahahahah! Dextor DOES NOT WANT BATH!!!!!111!!! xD
Heheh xD
froggypixel replied to your post “��”
Love you tooooo������������������������
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
ninjaofthepurplethings replied to your photo
I �� your scenery pictures ��
iii thank you!!  ♡-♡
alfalfalegacy replied to your photo “This cutie aged up! Dislike Children // Brave”
she's adorable!!
I think so too!
iliketodissectsims replied to your post “��”
*blows u a kiss*
♡ ♡ (ノ*°▽°*) ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
amphoraesims replied to your photo
Awwww :)
ktarsims replied to your photo “teekapoachive: Teekapoa’s follow gift! A big thank you for everyone...”
amphoraesims replied to your photo “teekapoachive: Teekapoa’s follow gift! A big thank you for everyone...”
Love these! Thanks for converting them :D
Glad you like them! :3
pixelbots replied to your photo
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
mspoodle1 replied to your photo
Beautiful! ♥
Thank you!
rollo-rolls replied to your photo
ktarsims replied to your photo
So pretty!
Thank you!!
ktarsims replied to your post
“I’m v close to a follow stone, so i think when i hit that, i will...”
Being blunt is not always a bad thing. ^-^
amphoraesims replied to your photo
“wip; Museum // the upper floor”
It looks great!
Thank you, it just takes so damn long to be finish with xD
amphoraesims replied to your photo
Pretty! I love scenery ❤️
Ah me too!!  ♡♡
dreamsongsims replied to your photo “Oh noo :(”
So sorry.
It’s okay :3
bravetrait replied to your photo “Bye Champs Les Sims~”
this is SO pretty
It’s honestly soome of my favorite scenery pics i have taken  ♡
ninjaofthepurplethings replied to your photo
“Off, it’s a good thing sims can’t break a hip”
LOOL! Too right xD That'd be a downright dangerous activity for elders if they could- I bet a hip replacement in Champs Le Sims wouldn't be cheap either ;p
Oh gosh i can imagine, the treetops would be bankrupt! xD
danjaley replied to your post
“�� New icon [needed a change], and congratulations replies below ...”
Awww, I love the new icon! ❤️
Thank you!!  ♡♡ (/ω\) ♡♡
ktarsims replied to your photo
“Ah so i kinda learned to convert objects from s4 to s3, because i...”
Hmmmmm. Ideas... how about silhouettes of spy poses? If that makes any sense.... ��
Sorry i wan’t able to find any good ones :(
iliketodissectsims replied to your post
“Forgot about the summer time change, and didn’t change the time on my...”
mine did too stupid system, why bother setting our timezones huh
I know right!
ktarsims replied to your post “Forgot about the summer time change, and didn’t change the time on my...”
I got so confused by all these time change posts... I had to go and verify that our time change here in California took place a few weeks ago. xD
It honestly is very confusing. And apparently they are going to vote for it to perhaps get it removed. Dunno if it’s just here tho or like eu?? 
ktarsims replied to your photo “Ah so i kinda learned to convert objects from s4 to s3, because i...”
ninjaofthepurplethings replied to your photo “After a few weeks of dating Raina moved in ”
They are so cute together :D
They really do fit so well together!! 
danjaley replied to your photo “Dawns wall of mounted fishes”
It got bigger xD
ktarsims replied to your photo “teekapoachive: Jetson Adventure - TS3 As requested, here is my...”
OMG! ��Awesome!
Thank you ❤️
amphoraesims replied to your photoset “wip; Museum”
Looks great! And more power to you, I could never have the patience for building and decorating a museum xD
Uff it also takes all my patience which is why it takes so long!! Thank you again tho
froggypixel replied to your post “wcif the jetson’s photo in the birthday twirler post?”
YES!Upload them! You can never have too many paintings in your game
So true!!
alfalfalegacy replied to your photo “Thank you for everyone voting for the next heir for generation two of...”
Woo I'm happy Pelorous won! He was who I voted for!
Hehe, i’m excited to see what he will be up to, tho i kinda have lost the interest in the family i hope the new gen will bring it back!
amphoraesims replied to your photo “Sometimes you game is just more pretty unedited”
love this!!!
Me too!! xD
dustofsims replied to your photo
*yawns into a dab*
She really did xD
amphoraesims replied to your photo
“That doesn’t seem safe!!”
Such a cute toddler!!
She really was, really awkward as a ya tho xD
ninjaofthepurplethings replied to your photo
ninjaofthepurplethings replied to your photo
“Aurora skies in snow~”
Gorgeous!!! ��
I thought so too  ♡♡♡
ktarsims replied to your photo
romeo-and-simulet replied to your photo
your scenery is some of the best on here honestly
(*/ω\) Uhh nuuu thank you so much!!
romeo-and-simulet replied to your photo
it truly does it's so beautiful
♡ (ノ*°▽°*) ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
ninjaofthepurplethings replied to your photo
awww I miss his blue glasses :)
Me too xD, they will make a comeback
mikminicule replied to your photo
“A very dapper boy aged up~ Grumpy // Star Quality // Loves to swim //...”
I love his lil moustache xD That's puberty for you!
I never really put on beard or moustaches on the teens, but it fit him so well xD!
froggypixel replied to your photo
Look at his little peach fuzz����
I know right!
ohthesefaces replied to your photo
“A very dapper boy aged up~ Grumpy // Star Quality // Loves to swim //...”
omg how. freaking. cute.
Hehe, he really was!
littlemicrocosims replied to your photo
oh my god this is tooooo cuuuuute more please
asdfghj i know right, poor ludvig tjo 
ninjaofthepurplethings replied to your photo
I'm sorry I haven't said it sooner.... but I absolutely ADORE Ludvig. HE IS SO CUTE ��
Awee, he really is a cutie potutie! 
mikminicule replied to your photo “And they are now wife & wife!”
Beautiful :')
 it really was :o
mikminicule replied to your post “replies, i didn’t forgot!”
I hate it when the game does that! Even if you've made sure that no they're single, not dating anyone, but nope they set them up somehow anyway?!?!
I know right!! ugh 
rollo-rolls replied to your photo
Wow *-*
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
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