zibiscusloon · 1 year
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Yeah Imma be away for a while I need to process everything that happened in The Owl House-
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blonde-toddy · 4 years
Random and Not So Random thoughts while watching Bridgerton: Season 1, Episode 4
Oh they're at court.
Also she's not a commoner. She's the daughter of a Viscount.
Another Daphne brag moment, but homegirl really got the juice. She's bagging mfs over hand holding and dancing.
Violet dgaf. She's hungry now, damn it!
Oh he's buying jewelry already.
Ooooooh the way she imagines the Duke behind her. Honey yes. That scene was hot.
Too bad she came back to reality.
Hyacinth is my spirit animal.
Lady Whistledown ain't ready to write Simon off yet. She's waiting on the Dukes Hail Mary.
Shit. So am I.
I have never seen someone look so depressed in such an exquisite piece of jewelry. It's like the necklace chokes her. Testament to the acting and script for that though. It truly represents a trap.
Awww Simon is wearing that heavy bag out. I would say poor Simon, but he made this damn bed.
I love Alice and Will. They are the kind of wholesome love I need to keep my heart steady watching this damn show. She's his rider and I love it.
Alice roasting Simon over Daphne. Get. Yo. Girl. Mane.
I always cringe when a man tells a woman to smile.
Poor Marina. Portia is determined to find her the oldest mf. She's playing smart though.
Those damn dingbat sisters.
Maybe Penelope does care.
Well at least the least mean sister got a caller. They're awkward/cute.
Eloise girl, I love feathers in hair. Your one dimensional preaching is wearing me out again.
A boxing match date? I'd be down.
The prince legit seems like a nice guy. And Daphne is trying....but she's CLEARLY hung up on Simon.
Oh look Simon's losing focus on his friend because he's too focused on Daphne and the prince.
Ok mf! Take that shit off and roll them sleeves up. It turns me on too sis!
Oh look at the sweet family talk with the prince. Girl he'd give you any and everything you wanted.
But you and the Duke are just ATE TF UP about each other!
Mondrich for the win!!!!
Oh Benny. You've got a new friend. But what kind of friend? Give me more of this.
Well Anthony is smug and pleased as punch. Simons courtship of Daphne has ended. She has her perfect suitor. And Simon is leaving England to go rake and fuckboy about.
Though Simons hard slammed shot when the prince approached says he's anything but happy.
Violet always worries about the wrong shit.
Hyacinth always wants to know the good shit.
Be Hyacinth.
Oh fuck the prince is ready to propose. That shit escalated quickly.
SIMON!!!!!! Now would be a good time for that Hail Mary.
Good job Anthony. Way to realize that the women in your life have agency over THEMSELVES.
Violet always beating around the damn bush.....but she is still 100% #teamduke
Aw Daphne you're gonna break down snitching on yourself.
If it wasn't real with Simon you wouldn't be so ate up about it, and you would be rocking tf out of that necklace from the prince instead of crying.
There's a reason for the black in her outfit. For Daphne, who is normally all pastel blues, that black is her mourning. It's her 'attempting' to put to death her feelings for the Duke. And also I think mourning the loss if the bond they shared. Maybe I'm reading too much into it. But this seems like a very deliberate show with it's details.
Danbury ripping Simon open before she sends him off. Big energy.
She knows everything you thick headed mf. Why won't you just listen?! You letting your rank ass daddy live rent free in your soul.
He's so jaded it hurts.
Ayyyye this Trowbridge party looks like the real deal.
Oh gawd. Marina and the old man.
Mr. Finch and the cheese frock. Jesus who wrote this. I love it
Cressida you have been Daphnes biggest hater all season and now you're mad that she's with the prince. He was never gonna marry yo basket headed ass anyway.
Oooooh shit Simon sees the 'intimate painting' and has 2nd thoughts.
Go. Get. Yo. Girl.......Bitch.
Ooooh Benny's at the new homies spot and it's lit!
Naked models, easels, mingling between the classes. Yes indeed.
2nd sons having fun. Hell yes.
Damn Even Sienna at the ball...as a performer of course.
And Anthony looking tongue tied.
Violet....you need to chill. There take another sip.
Portia trying to shade Lady Trowbridges style is comical. Both of y'all bitches gaudy as hell.
Oh shit Phillipa lost her man.
Wtf is wrong with Lord Featherington?
And wtf are you doing Eloise?
Ayyye she just let her have it. You think servants have the time to be Lady Whistledown? I'm dead.
"Get out."
Ok Penelope with your saucy ass.
Well fuck! You just pushed him right to Marina. You played yourself boo.
Oooh the prince is about to shoot the big shot and Daphne keeps running away.
She done spotted Simon. Its over.
Fuck off Cressida.
Rip that mf necklace off girl.
Simon followed her ass outside.
"Miss Bridgerton." Motherfucker, call her Daphne.
"I came to say goodbye." Man. Go to hell.
Daphne serving those barbs. You not ready to keep playing with her.
Damn, Simon. If you're not gonna give her what she wants, get out the way.
Tell his ass sis.....even if you don't believe it yourself.
Really Simon? You stand there quiet as a mf church mouse whiles she's pleading with you to say something.....then you take off after her once she walks away from your shit
I swear.....men.....yall mfs really do shit like this. Speak up! Or...LET. ME. GO.
She's really cracking on his ass and I'm here for it....but wtf us up with his "I forbid you." Who tf are you to me? I'm glad she ain't playing with his ass.
Ooooh he called her Daphne and grabbed her.
Oh honey this is what fulfillment feels like, isn't it?
He's definitely fulFILLing her all the way up!
Oh shit Anthony caught them.
At least he finally landed some decent blows on Simon.
This RAKE ass mf still won't marry her.
Oh Simon.....for once.....Anthony is in the right and you the wrong. You are really about to die over your fucking daddy issues. Boy bye. Again.
Poor Daphne.
Wait, how did Cressida know she was in the garden?
That can't be good.
At least Benny is having a good time.
Dearest Portia, when you go looking for shit, it usually falls in your lap.
Marina keeps carrying on about Colin and Penelope is crushed.....or scheming....or both.
Aww Penelope let her hurt feelings cause a fight with her bestie. Her jealousy is seething.
Daphne still out here having to educate Anthony....though I get the need for the duel. And he still thinks he's running something.
Ooooh this is why they brought up 2nd sons.....Anthony is prepping Benny to take over. Well Benny, at least you had one good night out.
Colin caring for drunk Violet is parenting goals one day.
Oh great, now yall wanna bring Colin into the shit.
Simon raiding Wills spot for booze was so uneccesarily loud.
So Berbrooke alludes to her dishonor and Simon caves his fucking head in. Simon legit dishonors her and he's just like ,"Kay, guess I'll go get shot now." Someone get this man some therapy.
Oh great Anthony is back at Siennas door with more of his bullshit. Girl. Close that door.
No, not after you've let him in and climbed his torso. I guess y'all fuckin again.
He lost all the money and now he's fucked up.
Her face while he cried, is literally the face of every woman sick of a mediocre man's shit.
Oooh now they're all riding off into battle like the fucking idiots they are.
Colin is so pure.
I knew that Cressida shit would come back.
Well at least Anthony was willing to care for Sienna in his death....but damn mf, treat me right while WE'RE here.
Oh the dramatics of drawing a gun.
Nobody is here for Simon's weak ass apologies and I'm okay with that.
Hurry hurry Daphne.
Daphne down....but she's alright.
Call them idiots just like they are.
Simon still being a hoe about this shit. You really about let her be ostracized because you're a fuck boy.
Ultimate fuck boy line...I can't be with you because I love you too much. Fucking hell.
They do obviously love each other though.
Hold up.......you CAN NEVER, or WILL NEVER give her children. Don't play this like you have a reproductive issue.
So your reason for not marrying her is that you "can never" give her children and you know that's what her heart desires.
You playing with fire, Simon.
I wonder how much shit I let slide with his character just because he's portrayed so well by the phenomenal Regé-Jean Page.
No, I do love Simon's damaged ass. He just makes me so mad.
So the duel resumes......or not.
Daphne said, "Fuck them kids, give me my husband." Or something like that.
Well. This us an uncomfortable arrangement even though both of these idiots are in love.
Simon's evasion will most certainly come back to bite him in the ass.
But I'll be here with my popcorn and tissue, rooting for these cool kids to make it!
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Survey #368
“whatever doesn’t kill you, is gonna leave a scar”
Have you ever bought a YouTuber’s merch? My favorite shirt is the Day of the Dead design by Cloak, which is Markiplier's and jacksepticeye's clothing brand. Mom's friend/former co-worker also got me a Ninja Sex Party shirt because she knew I liked them. There are SO MANY YouTubers I wanna support by buying shirts. Do you think oatmeal tastes better when made with water or milk? Milk, 110%. Have you ever left a note in a library book? No. What time of day do you prefer to wash your hair? Morning. Has anyone ever spread lies about you? Yes. Have you ever taken a photograph with a celebrity? If so, did it turn out the way you wanted, or do you wish you could retake it? No. If you could move out of your home country permanently, would you? If so, where would you go? If it didn't mean being so very far from my family, I would love to move to Canada. Is there a celebrity that everyone else seems to love, but you find totally overrated? Why is it that you don’t like them? I legit don't know who's considered currently popular, and I especially don't know who they are as people. If you could volunteer for any charity, which one would you choose? Do you think it’s more important to help humans, or are animal and environmental charities equally important? Something relating to animals, and I think they're both equally important. Do you prefer holidays where you relax, or actually do things? I like a mix. Something chill, but you still do some stuff as a family. Do you think that after we die our spirit is still alive? Yes. Has anybody ever told you that you could be a model? Someone has mistaken me for a model in a picture I once took. It was one of the most flattering things I've ever heard, haha. Do you use different kinds of moisturizer for different body parts? ie. hand lotion for your hands, face cream for your face. Or do you just use one moisturizer for all body parts? Yes. Have you ever felt like you were someone’s rebound? No. Has anybody ever broken up with you over something really pathetic? What was it? Have you ever been dumped in a disrespectful way? (eg. through text, through a friend..) I have 100% been dumped in a very cowardly and disrespectful way; after dating Jason for nearly four years and being very serious, he broke up with me very abruptly over Facebook Messenger. His reason was valid, but at the same time, he NEVER talked to me about it. Apparently my depression was dragging him down. If he'd fucking communicated it, I would have explored new treatment options so goddamn fast. But no, he decided to snap his fingers and disappear. That's exactly WHY it was so traumatic, I think: it was so unexpected and sudden. Did you have a lot of role models as a kid? Animal enthusiasts like Steve Irwin and Jeff Corwin for sure. Do you feel like anyone looks up to you? Why or why not? God no. I'm just... not someone to aspire to be like. What was the last thing you found offensive? I'm not sure. Who is the nicest person you know? My mom. Do you feel safe in your country? I feel safe in NC, rather. Like I don't expect an atom bomb or terrorist attack or something in this obscure area. In the U.S.A. itself, sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. America is definitely not loved by every other country. Do you feel safe where you live? Not in this city, no. Have you been falsely diagnosed with something by a bad doctor? Yup. Did y'all know I apparently have ADHD? I know, shocking. Have you ever had a doctor refuse to treat you? No. Name the strangest game you’ve ever played (video game or real game): The first Silent Hill, probably. It took a lot of reading to get it. Do you know anyone who has been struck by lightning before? No. Which cartoon character would you want to keep as a pet? Does Stitch count? Or a Pokemon. Do you like marshmallows? Yes. What is your favorite flavor of candy cane? I really like the Jolly Rancher candy canes, I think they are? Have you ever fostered an animal? No. Do you still take hot showers when it’s hot out? Not as hot, but not cold except on very extreme occasions. When writing $ sign, do you draw one line through the S or two? Two. What animal have you always wanted as a pet but couldn’t have? I'm thankful that my parents were pretty open-minded to what pets I really wanted, but one I was never allowed to have was a ferret because of how messy and smelly they are. List three people you’ve had crushes on: Jason, Sara, and Sebastian were probably my biggest crushes. Have you ever thrown up from cramps? No, but god have I felt close. List three people you had a hard time forgiving. Jason, Colleen, and my dad. Who is the most spiritual person you know? Probably my sister's mother-in-law. Would you ever start a vlog? God no, I'd bore people to tears. Are your dreams coming true yet? I mean, I guess in some ways with my mental health. In my deepest depression, what I have now was a dream, even though current me is very discontent with it. Most of my dreams, though? No. Do you struggle with depression? I've been diagnosed with severe depression since 7th grade. Are you haunted by your past? A few things won't leave me alone. What medical conditions do you have? Just a lot. There are even more that are up for debate. I've talked about my diagnosed conditions enough. Do you use a Magic Bullet? No. What does your apron look like? I don’t have one. What are your favorite spicy foods? Hot Cheetos, Takis, hot wings, jalapeno pizza... Man, I love spicy food. Which do you like better: being an adult or being a kid? Being a kid. Were you excited to be a teenager on your thirteenth birthday? I had very mixed feelings. Did you feel insecure in high school? Shit, I still do. Would you ever be friends with someone who was suicidal? What the FUCK is this question? No fucking shit I would be. Someone being suicidal in no way affects who they are as a person. Who was the biggest bully in high school? I don't think there really was one. What was your favorite class in high school? Art. Would you rather have a daughter or a son? If I wanted kids, a daughter. Have you ever written to an advice columnist? No. Have you ever had a doctor not believe what you told him? Maybe? I did however have an employee at the ER the first time I went try to pry out of me that my self-mutilation was for attention, and it wasn't until I insisted about a dozen times that it wasn't that he believed me. It's odd looking back that I got REALLY attached to him during that stay, knowing now that it was absolutely horrible and extremely unhelpful for him to do that. If you’re female, would you feel uncomfortable having a male gynecologist? I would absolutely refuse to have a male one. Do you like Lisa Frank? Yeah, like can you talk about aesthetic. What gives you nightmares? Boy, I wish I could tell you, given how much I have them. Were you ever hospitalized as a child? No. Did you get senior pictures taken? No. What color is your bicycle? I don’t have one. Did you ever have to take home a fake baby in health class? No, thank fuck. Would you rather wear ivory or white on your wedding day? What color will your bridesmaids wear? I'd rather wear black. I think red will be the bridesmaids' color. Would you rather have a swimming pool or trampoline? I want a swimming pool so damn badly so I could exercise my legs without worrying about sweating, and I can stop and rest whenever I want, unlike going walking or something. I don't think my knees could handle a trampoline. Do you think babies are cute? Some, sure. But a lot, not really. Do you dream about the future a lot? Yeah. Do you think about your past a lot? Way too frequently. How good are you at living in the moment? I'm trying to get better at it. Have you ever questioned God’s existence? Yeah. Vanilla frosting or chocolate? Chocolate. What’s your favorite foreign cuisine? I've actually been exploring Italian pasta lately. I'm not a big fan of foreign food that I've tried, though. Have you ever moved to another state? No. Did you do anything productive today? No. .-. Can you say the alphabet backwards? No, actually. Do you like flowers? Of course; does anyone not? Have you ever thought you were gonna die? I didn't care if I did or didn't. What kind of mood are you in today? I was honestly really depressed through most of it. Just health stuff was really getting to me. I just woke up from what was honestly like a four-hour nap and I feel all right, I guess. What are you craving right now? I REALLY want Domino's jalapeno pizza. Is there anyone you would seriously punch right now if you had the chance? No. What is worse, physical or emotional pain? Definitely emotional. Have you ever walked in on somebody doing something… questionable? When Dad still lived with us, I think he might have been watching... you know... on TV when I came into my parents' room for something. Idk for sure though. I didn't ask, and I don't want to know. If you were to make videos on YouTube, what would they be of? Oh god, idk. I don't want to make any. What I'd have most fun with would be reptile education, but I 1.) have literally one snake, 2.) am not extremely educated on a good number of them and don't want to be misleading, and 3.) I would run outta content fast. So, leave it to Snake Discovery, haha. Posting pictures of yourself in a bathing suit on the internet - ok or not? Yes, it's okay????? If you're talking about me personally though, you won't see me dead in a bathing suit picture. Do you typically laugh when somebody falls down? No, I gasp and see if they're okay. What is the most disturbing movie you’ve ever watched? Paranormal Entity. The ending is... a lot. Your opinion of Katy Perry, please? I like a couple of her songs. If you could say anything to your Mom right now… what would it be? "Thank you for absolutely everything."
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ellsey · 4 years
Agents of Shield Rewatch 7x10 Stolen
I don’t even know what to do with myself after that last episode whew. But the show must go on.
They got the most out of this bar set for real
I think James Paxton did an amazing job of not just trying to copy his dad, but really trying to get the essence of John Garrett
We’re back in the 80′s wheeee
Roxy is a real agent now! 
Good for her
The Triskelion you say?
Ruh roh
Sousa is impressed
Daisy and Jemma are not
Legit my face and Jemma’s are the same at this moment like
The way Sousa swoops in there and finds a way to let Daisy let him help her is just...I love it
So does Dr. Simmons
Also Jemma says look how cute he’s being chivalrous, but her face says I know you Daisy Johnson and you like that man yo
Because Daisy’s face definitely did not escape Jemma
And Daisy was grinning like a fool
Daisy is very concerned about Jemma’s behavior when the implant was taken out, and clearly she’s worried about Fitz
“We can’t lose any more parents” Ummmmmmmm
May and Elena are like...ummm we need to tell you something and I really feel for them in this case
Nathaniel is letting everybody see the timestream which...I mean, I guess
“I could kill them”
Daisy is like “There’s the mom I know”
Gordon is a very sweet kid which makes me sad for what happens to him
Oopsie Daisy knows there’s a sister now
Ohhh, so I didn���t catch this the first time, but the implication here is that if Kora is alive Jiaying would have never met Cal because she wouldn’t have left Afterlife at all
So it may be Daisy would have had a hard time being born in this timeline regardless
I mean was their plan was to make sure Kora got killed so Jiaying would want to go get it with Cal?
Obviously they didn’t have a plan but eh
Nathaniel is so manipulative and Kora deserves way better
Although interestingly it looks like Kora can both give and take life with her power
“Staying in the 80′s wouldn’t be my worst case scenario” I’ve got good news for you Deke
Well I guess Daisy got in Jemma’s head because now she’s thinking that Fitz could be dead
Deke tries to comfort Nana but I’m not sure if it’s working
“You vaporize me with a space laser” Omg
“I’m not even mad, they let me watch you die a bunch of times.” 
Look, this is hilarious
“You haven’t changed a bit. And I’m aware that statement makes no sense.” omg Phil
“Looking spry for an old guy” 
Yep, she wants him
“Mack caught me up” I wish I could have seen that because I’m sure it was amazing
Also I’m struck by the way Sousa says “10 years ago” because it’s very clear he’s had zero time to adjust to his change in time period poor guy
“The timeline is screwed, pardon my French” SOUSA
But also, the way he very calmly and quietly gives Daisy the support she needs to do something that is going to be very hard is just...MY HEART IS FULL
Also, this is clearly done with nothing expected in return
We stan
We also get a chance to see that Sousa, while fitting in very well with this group, clearly has people he wishes he could have said goodbye to. I know a lot of people just went “OH PEGGY” which I’m sure she’s part of it, but this man had an entire life with family and friends and he just disappeared. Granted, he would have been dead so they would have missed him anyway, but still.
It’s a lot
Also his offer to bail her out is peak Sousa, but also it must remind Daisy of what he said to her in the time loops
And that little smile of hers...WE SEE YOU DAISY
Elena is ready to gooooooooooooooo
I feel like you can tell Kora is kind of wishy washy about all this, but she’s caught up in this idea of revenge for her mistreatment and caught up in Nathaniel, which...girl...no
The look Daisy gives Sousa when he says, “She’s been there” like
But also I have a feeling that won’t be the last time he is on the receiving end of that look in his lifetime
Ok, I think Jiaying is saying two different things here. The first is you seem so familiar. Like clearly she is vibing on half of her DNA in Daisy. And then she says she recognizes Daisy’s gift because of Nathaniel.
I adore Sousa slowly noping out of there when he knows he’s no longer needed
Poor Daisy :(
I am happy she got to see the mom she could have had though if it weren’t for Hydra
But also it’s sad because Daisy realizes how different the Jiaying she knew was from the true Jiaying
I am so, so, so happy that Daisy had this moment with her mom though
John Garrett is a Deke Squad fan confirmed
Awww RIP good Gordon
May getting to take out some aggression on Garrett is pretty sweet
So, we know their actual target was Jemma, so this was stuff with Daisy and Jiaying was just Nathaniel being a sadistic prick obviously
“For the record, I’m digging the upgrade” Hahahaha of course you are
“Leave my daughter alone” Ohhhh Jiaying
For a hot second I thought this show was going to give Daisy some closure lol at me
Nathaniel clearly does not know everything about Daisy’s abilities though
I love you May
Full respect to Sousa who actually shoots at Garrett when told to
Kora kind of deserved that let’s be real
Oh now we look for Deke
Who it turns out is on the Zephyr
Oh Garrett
Nathaniel wants to know where Fitz is, so in this way he is basically most of the fandom
This episode managed to raise my hopes then dash them all again. Womp. We have a 100000/10 on the Dousy scale for supportive talks and bag carrying. Awww. This episode also gets a 10/10 on the Younger Versions Seem to Be Cooler scale because for real, John Garrett, Gordon, and Jiaying were all better in their younger iterations. This episode also rates a 10/10 on the What a Tweest! scale because it turns out they were after Jemma all along!
Well, we’re back in 1983, so we’re back to 80′s music. This episode’s song is “Burning Down the House” by Talking Heads.
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polygamyff · 4 years
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Smiling at the picture Robyn sent me of Reign, I sweat her teeth are the cutest thing I have seen. The top ones of pushing through but the bottom two have come up so quick, I love to see it. I love Robyn sends me pictures of Reign while I am at work “Maurice! The meeting is now in session, can you hurry up” getting up from my seat, Ally stepped into my office and eye-balled me “I am here” closing my laptop and picking it up, I need to set up my team. I am practically taking over next week, well I already have but my dad hasn’t done his little ceremony yet “here I am, let’s go. Is Kellen here?” this is going to be interesting “yes, and so is Nalah. They are all waiting on you so come on” walking inside the meeting room “morning everyone, your boss is here. Don’t get all worried now” I am sure they hate me “morning Maurice” only one person said “whoever didn’t say morning is fired, so try again” pulling my chair out “be quiet and sit down” here is Nalah, ruining my moment “I should have done a separate meeting with Nalah, she is ruining my moment here” sitting down “so let’s get straight to it, shares have fallen. Why? And that is aimed at my account’s management, well anyone really. So, answer” I didn’t know shares fell, Ally told me “erm, I will answer so it’s seasonal. It fluctuates, this is normal. You are in the process of moving over from your dad to you, so sometimes it can happen. It’s nothing to worry about I can assure you sir” nodding my head “good, so let’s get to it. Kellen, he is my cousin as you all know. I am putting him on overseas, he will be in Tokyo. Alongside Nalah, but she will be there for a week. We need to really hurry this Tokyo hotel, I don’t want to spend too much time on it because as you know. I have other ventures, the Davenport apartments, they should be opening soon. And then the homes in New Jersey but we are in arguments with, you know who. That should be dealt with. So anyways, Kellen. You will be overseeing Tokyo, now I want to know you will be ok with that?” Kellen has lost so much weight, he has been stressing “I will be fine, I have worked alongside uncle. I will get it done” nodding my head “Nalah, you can help him” I am speeding up this meeting because I have a meet and greet with some kids, I mean I didn’t ask for this but Nalah and this program.
Throwing my laptop onto the couch in my office sighing out, the meeting lasted longer than I wanted “my brother” turning around “oh, Shawn” shaking his hand and then hugging him “it’s been weeks? What the hell? Are you upset with me” shaking my head stepping back “busy, I mind my own shit now. It’s about me and my family, so yeah. That is it” moving back from Shawn “yeah but a phone call, I called you and you text me back saying soon, that soon turned into weeks, why? I thought we was good” licking my bottom lip sighing out “look, it’s nothing to do with I hate you, I just have my own life. I am settled now, I am not in need of someone to watch me not die, but that don’t mean I am resentful of you dating my sister, ask Nalah she is chasing me” seeing Nalah walk into my office “I think Shawn misses you” rubbing my chin making my way around my desk as I sat down “I can tell, and I can’t be angry at that but I am just here and then back home. I am so settled right now, that is it. My home is always open to you but I go home to see my kid and my girl. And then when Robyn works, I am taking care of Reign so tell me, when do I get time to have fun. I am all out of that now, but I love you” Shawn looks really upset “I just feel like we ain’t close anymore, and no offence to Nalah but I couldn’t lose what we got and I just found it hard to come here, Nalah said just do it and say it. I miss you” I laughed lowly “that is emotional for you, if Nalah felt I was being a dick. She would say it, it’s just new for me. I have a routine and yes, I need to make time for others around me, but my door was never closed for you” Nalah is laughing “he goes, Jay took my place and I swear it made me laugh” it’s nice to see them both happy “maybe he has, I am joking. Look, this weekend we can do what you want yeah? Just me and you? Sexually” I smiled “nigga be quiet, can we just go and have our usual time?” I paused “usual? Nalah, you hear this, usual is Hollywood hill party?” I pointed at him “the amount of grovelling he has done and you equally with Robyn, I trust you both, but go and have fun together somewhere” Nalah shrugged “how about we go, Milan” I pointed at him “the friends are out there this weekend too, let’s do it. Boys trip” Shawn is happy, he was so sad about this and I didn’t mean to do it.
You know when they say don’t worry about the shares going down, I am worried because this is not a good thing “and this is where Maurice Davenport sits, let’s knock first” rolling my eyes, I guess this is them. Hearing the knock on the door “yeah, come in!” I shouted, I don’t know anything about this programme at all, not since I have kept away from it and Nalah took it under her wing “hey” Nalah said, smiling at her “so this is where Maurice spends most of his day, and luckily today he is in so come on in” seeing the college kids walk in “hi” they are so shy, it’s cute to see. Smiling at them “it’s the main dog, you remember me right!?” squinting my eyes at him “I know him, I know his girl” I think I do “uhm, you’re” I pointing at him “you’re Jason, the kid I met where Robyn helped out. You’re in New York” he walked over to my desk “hell yes, I got chosen. I work in your hotel. The Hilton” shaking his hand “wow, that is good. And they chose you?” he seems so happy about this “they said I could take your seat you see, I told y’all. I said it, I know this guy. Where is my girl Robyn? How is she? I miss her, she is so beautiful” standing up from my seat laughing “you’re funny and she’s well, she don’t miss you. And if you would like to all come in. Least there isn’t more then five here. Close the door” I pointed “and you stand down there” walking around my desk “let’s go around the room and get to know each other, let’s start off with you beautiful” pointing at the girl, her eyes widened “oh me?” she pointed “yes” I nodded “I’m Kayla” nodding my head “and what do you do, for free time?” I asked “nails, I can do my own nails” she showed me her hands “they are pretty, so do you also know this clown?” I pointed at Jason “he is in my class in college, I want to say Mr Maurice that your program chose me, paying for my scholarship, I thank you so much” smiling at her “I want my people to prosper, we do this for you. Seeing some talented young black kids not get somewhere because of money, I did this for you, and you all special that is why you received what you got. And coming here is a bonus, a break away and some fun, but what about you?” pointing at the next girl, it is good to see this.
Rolling my eyes at Jason “I am bored, anyways” Jason hit my arm laughing “you’re rude” clearing my throat “so tell us Maurice, boss man you tell us about you” Jason said “but you know me, what more do you want me to say? Ok, you ask me. What you want to know?” sitting on the edge of my desk “any question? You won’t whoop my ass question?” I shrugged “try me” crossing my arms across my chest “ok, I have a legit question. I heard you dated one of the Hadid sisters, and then you fucked with Chanel Iman and girls like that. What made you want to be with a regular girl? Like come on, these girls are beautiful, my Robyn is beautiful too but like you had these women and they famous” laughing as I looked at Nalah “I’ve always wanted to ask you this, like I have so many questions” this Jason kid is stupid “ain’t this supposed to be work related, and how the hell did you research that so well?” I am confused “I did a report on you, so I had yo research you so tell me” nodding my head slowly “well, I have met plenty of women. I have lost count, I have women saying remember me, I don’t. It’s not something you remember when you see people every day unless you’re my assistant then I will, I did technically kind of fuck with them, maybe I don’t know” I laughed “but Robyn gets me, she makes me laugh. It’s about that connection, it’s noting else. Robyn and I have a connection. So there, that is why. It’s nothing to do with famous or whatever, we have that connection now that question was dumb. You’re nosey” I pointed at him “can I ask?” Kayla raised her hand “sure” she better has a good question “how come Nalah never was the boss of the company. You are her younger brother or was it something she didn’t want?” that is a good question, blowing out air “so” I dragged out “I want to put this out there that I want you all to succeed, male or female so what it is. My dad, my grandparents or whatever made this rule, first born son has it. So, I was the first born son, so it came to me but that is not it anymore. If my daughter wants this then she can, or if she wants to be anything else she can. It was an incredibly old idea but Nalah has been the best sister with me, so that is why” I hope I explained myself well enough.
I am glad to be home, I mean it was nice seeing those kids and Jason, he’s funny but stupid “papa is home” opening the baby gate “Reign, daddy is home” I hate this baby gate “yes I am and it is papa thank you” closing the gate behind me “stop that shit, it’s ugly. Welcome home baby, come to us” taking my suit jacket off and throwing on the couch “hey Mi Amor, what you doing?” walking around the couch, the biggest smile on Reign’ face “come on” I stood with my arms open “come to papa” getting down on my knees “you going to give him a hug, go on baby” Robyn said, I want her to walk so bad “come here, look” getting my phone out from my pocket “I got this baby come” unlocking it, Reign is thinking. I know she is, she just needs to let go of the side of the table “come here” I know she wants to do it, I knew it. Shuffling closer to her, it may be a distance away from “da” she pointed at me “yes, da is here and wants hugs and lots of kisses from you come. Give papa a kiss” pointing at my cheek, she is so damn cute in her body suit with her fat little legs out “she might do it Maurice, oh my god” Robyn said in whisper “come, look” turning my phone to her, Reign is scared I can tell “oh my god” my eyes widened watching Reign let go of the side and took her first time with her arms held up “come on, come on!” she took another, after another, after another and I caught her before she fell “yay!!! Oh my god, Reign. You did it” I spat hugging her so close “I saw my baby walk” Robyn said, looking up at her being an emotional mess “you are the bravest baby, oh god. I am so proud of you Reign” she doesn’t understand the fuss, she wanted my phone “god, why am I even crying” Robyn said “she is growing up, I am so happy to have witnessed it. Like my heart” pressing a kiss to the top of her head “same, it’s emotional. I am shocked, like she was so ready for it but was scared” I honestly thought I would be crying but no, Robyn is. I am just so proud of her, Reign did it and I was here to see it.
Watching Reign on the floor clapping her hands while Mickey claps, she is responding to what he does now, but her screaming is driving me up the wall “here, this came in the post. Who’s wedding is it?” Robyn threw the card on my chest, picking it off of my chest “mhmmm, don’t know” Opening up the envelope “I have no idea who be getting married anyways” pulling the card out “it’s fancy too, looks like when your singing important documents” opening it up, I frowned looking at it. Getting up from my position sitting up “what is it?” Robyn asked “Reign, be quiet. It says together with their parents Marquis, Joy and Terry, Thomas request the pleasure of the company of Maurice Davenport and Robyn Willis to celebrate their wedding ceremony and” looking up at Robyn “it’s at the ballroom where I am having the ceremony for the business in California?” Robyn got up and snatched the card from me, what the hell is this. Picking up the envelope to check on the handwriting “this is my dad’ handwriting” checking inside the envelope, feeling a note in there and pulling it out and opening it up “so your dad did this, read that to me” Robyn said “Robyn and Maurice, I have heard many stories, many times, and many hours of the day on when you both will get married. It is always on hold, it is always on hold because of Maurice. He is a stupid boy, but my boy. This is my goodbye gift from me to you, this way I get to see my son get married, I know he is finally ready to be married to the woman he loves dearly. I want to do this wedding; all I need is for you both to turn up. Once you open this envelope I want you both to count down the days, I think I feel is if I leave it to you both, it will never happen. It is my time to make it right by him, so I Marquis Davenport invite you both to your wedding day, my gift to you both and Reign, my angel. Love dad” closing the note and looking at Robyn, she is just staring at me.
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avengers endgame reaction (spoilers!!!)
**if youre on mobile scroll fast bc idk if the keep reading works
holy shit holy shit fuck fuck fuck
i am an emotional wreak right now
ahhhhh it was so good im crying still
tony fucking stark my heart i guess ill start there 
tony stark i love you three thousand. he got his happy ending with morgan and pepper for 5 years they had 5 years together and he knew that the time heist (lol) would jeopardize that and he still went and helped
that scene where he had it out with steve at the beginning fuck my heart was breaking and i was crying .
i cried a lot in this movie. legit sobbing when nat died but ill get to that
that scene was everything i wanted it to be and perfectly executed. of course hes angry and lashing out because they were supposed to do it together and lose together and the emotion behind that ughh rdj killed it
he literally hands steve his heart the arch reactor
tony and howard ugh everything with them together. tony got closure with his dad 
everything tony was great. 
he got his happy ending. he got his dance with peggy (now im crying again) fuck. and he PICK UP MJOLNIR omg that scene was amazing and everything i never dreamed could happen when the hammer started moving ughhhh omg i was cheering so loud in the theatre and i dont normally do that. that whole scene ugh theres so much to react to
and he got to say assemble. 
ok now from the beginning. 
i started to cry literally before it even started. the screen was black and i was already tearing up but when clint and his daughter came up and then his family disappeared i was full on crying.
carol coming in clutch and saving tony and nebula yessss
steve and tony’s conversation right when he gets off the ship was everything i wanted it to be. (crying again) everything. 
when they go to thanos’s house thing and thor chops off his arm . its what ive been saying they shouldve done on titan 
and then he went for the head! 
years later
fuck them. literally when the ‘five’ came up i was like no no no dont you dare do it dont you dare and then they did it. fuck them
five fucking years?!?! they made them live through 5 years of that trauma?!?!? 
nat was everything in this film. she became the leader and keeping track of everything and her moment of breaking down was just so human. she couldnt move on in those 5 years and it just shows how much the avengers had become her family. 
scott and cassie omg cassie all grown up made me so emotional 
tony and morgan i love you three thousand she is the cutest and sweetest thing 
tony fucking stark figured out time travel. he did that. 
when tony gives steve his shield back my heart could not take it
the scenes where they were trying to pinpoint the exact time to go back and it was like a sleepover sesh and all the domestic avenger fanfics 
going back a little bit
clint killing all the people that should have been killed and deserved to be killed and being a total badass showing up all those people who said he was just really good with an arrow and every scene he has with nat.
‘dont give me hope’
thor. oh where to start. he really did lose everything and he was blaming himself for all that happened so i get where hes coming from. every time you could see him remembering and tormenting himself about what happened broke me. his scene with his mother (crying again)
also hulk/bruce was an interesting choice (not a huge fan of it but ok) 
the time traveling
everything about the new york scenes were amazing. the aftermath of the end of the avengers, loki turning into cap for a second, seeing rumlow and sitwell come out, steve getting into the elevator and channeling that winter soldier energy (i was slapping my sister on the arm so hard at this part) hail hydra and outsmarting them all. cap fighting cap “i can do this all day” lmao i was dying ‘bucky is alive” again dying they really nailed it with this. i was worried beforehand because like it would change how we would see the og avengers but i still think it works
also can talk about how tony (and scott) was checking out steves ass????
“i forgot how that suit did nothing for you ass” (be still my heart) “i like to think of it at america’s ass” (or whatever the line was) 
loki getting away with the tesseract (is that in this timeline im confused about that hopefully someone will explain bc does that mean loki is alive in this timeline or not? lol)
them going back to the 1970s (do you trust me? i do) and tony meeting howard and introducing himself as howard potts. again i know i talked about howard and tony already but i loved their scenes. and JARVIS FROM AGENT CARTER MAKING AN APPEARANCE OMG
PEGGYYYYYYY (crying) when steve walked into her office (grabbed my sister again) and when he was watching her through the window and you could feel his pain. 
thor and rocket are the pairing that i never imagined but amazing none the less. i loved that we got the return of mjolnir here even though idk what that does to the timeline (again who knows at this point) 
rhodey and nebula again another pairing i didnt expect but are great together. everything about nebula in this film. she really has a great arch. i was stressing out so hard when the alternate timeline thanos found out that they came from the past. the scene where peter quill is dancing and singing to no music was great.
clint and natasha. this pairing thie duo the og. fuck my heart. when they started going off to vormir i knew. i knew it and i cannot handle it. the whole scene where they are fighting each other to sacrifice themself i was SOBBING. LEGIT SOBBING. ‘let me go’ i loved this so much and also hated it. she deserved her happy ending too. after everything she gave up everything to save those people. her arch is so good too. im excited for her origin. i kinda want to see her when shes a bad guy and killing everyone and her journey to shield. i hope thats what we’ll see in her movie. 
but also that scene emotionally fucked me up hard. 
the og avengers (minus nat) sitting on the edge of the lake 
thor trying to put on the glove and redeem himself (in his own eyes not my own bc he doesnt deserve the shit he gets for not going for the head)
hulk doing it and the calm before the storm where everything goes back before that missile comes firing down. 
steve tony and thor facing off with thanos. everything about this scene. tony getting a juice-up from thor and lightning to max out his powers. steve jump kicking on thanos’s ass. thanos beating up thor and steve coming in with FUCKING MJOLNIR AGAIN CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH HOW MUCH I WAS CHEERING AT THIS POINT HE IS WORTHY MY BOY STEVE IS WORTHY
also on that note tony coming up to steve and saying “theres my man” or something and giving him back his shield again. 
steve standing there with his broken shield ready to face off with thanos’s army and sam coming in on the comm. and then EVERYONE COMING THRU AND KICKING NAMES AND TAKING ASS
legit cheering and crying so much 
valkyrie with her pegasus
shuri with her blasters 
peter parker and his reunion with tony was heartbreaking. tony looked so broken and complete at the same time. he got him back. 
peter quill’s semi-reunion with gamora and how she doesnt know him but he gets her back
also gamora, nebula and still-evil!nebula was a great scene. nebula killing her past self is some symbolic shit right there AND to protect her sister who she hated
im sad that she wasn’t in the film as much but i get why they did it and it also makes me really excited for her future films
but carol getting the gauntlet and peter saying “i dont know how youre gonna get through that” 
this is something that couldn’t of been done a few years ago because there weren’t a lot of female superheroes in this universe and just the fact that this scene can make such an impression and become probably one of the most badass scenes of the mcu is one of the best things that came out of this movie.
side note: ‘activate instant kill’ great callback 
and then we get to the sacrifice.
i knew it. i expected it. i read it in fanfics.
i was still not prepared. 
‘I am inevitable’
FUCKKKKKKKK they really know how to write these movies. 
he knew he would die. he knew he would never see morgan again. but he knew what he had to do. 
his character arch from a selfish man to a selfless man has been the most profound and powerful story. 
rdj and tony stark have really carried this franchise. they were the start. and it makes sense that his death closes out this era of the mcu. 
to rdj: i will never forgive my mom for telling me that she didn’t like you way back when. that really influenced how i thought about you and about tony stark for years. and i limited me from really appreciating and loving iron man and those movies and tony’s character. but as i continued to watch more of you in the mcu and in real life and have seen how you have grown and who you are today, i have so much love and respect for you and your character. im just so upset at the time i lost where i could have fallen even more in love with you. thank you so much for everything you have done over the last 11 years for this franchise. thank you for the time thank you for the memories and the laughs. the journey has been amazing. 
the funeral scene with ‘proof that tony stark has a heart’ 
(also was the the kid from iron man 3 in the back?)
VALKYRIE BECOMING KING (queen? i say king but who knows) of new asgard. look at my killing baby all grown up and being the leader they need.
thor becoming a guardian basically. 
also was quill looking for his gamora? where was the gamora from this timeline on the ship? she wasn’t there in the scene so idk
also fighting with knives to see whos in charge lol
im glad people mentioned/mourned for nat too 
steve rogers 
i knew he wasn’t coming back.
bucky knew it too.
im wreaked
but at least he got his happy ending. he got his peggy (again idk what that does to her timeline) 
captain sam wilson america in the house.
(old steve looks like joe biden or is it just me lol)
they ended it with a steggy dance and kiss
it really was a perfect end to his story and it wrapped up his character really well. he got that life he deserved 
to chris evans: as this is probably the last time we will see you as captain america let me thank you too for the years and joy that you have brought to my life. youre it for me. you are the reason i became so invested in this world. when you jumped on the fake grenade i was in it with you. chris you are and will always be the best chris in my heart. your passion for this character and understanding of steve rogers and his motivations have created such a memorable performance. steve rogers will always be the og. he will always have my heart. i am so thankful that you took this opportunity and used it and made this character your own. you live up to the standards that steve holds for himself and i am so excited for your future. i am also so glad that you didn’t die in this movie bc i definitely could not have handled it if i had to watch both my favs die. i love you three thousand.
i literally cried throughout the whole movie. there were laughs, cheers, groans, stress, tears, and love throughout this film. i am so grateful that i am alive during this time in cinematic history. there will never be something as great or momentous as this film. a true culmination of 22 films. its never been done and i doubt itll ever be done again
i am also so impressed and amazed by how well this film turned out. it is just amazing how everything fell into place 
im sure ill read other people’s reactions and they will bring up points or problematic things that will taint my view on this movie but i dont want that to ruin my own experience
and for me, this was truly emotionally draining and fulfilling. the feeling of being in that theatre with all those people who love the characters as much as i do and experiencing this film for the first time is something i will never forget. 
people talk about how they remember lining up for star wars.
well i remember sobbing my eyes out when nat died, cheering along with everyone when cap picked up mjolnir and whipped thanos’s ass with it and when carol and the rest of the badass women of the mcu ready to kick ass, crying with everyone as the light went out in tony’s chest and eyes, watching as history was made in front of our eyes.
and the end credits with the og avengers getting recognition with their photos and autographs. 
i love this franchise and these films and these characters i dont know who i would be without them. 
one last thing
thank you to the og avengers. steve tony thor nat clint bruce. chris robert chris scarlett jeremy mark. you will always have a special place in my heart. you were there at the start. you were the reason this all could happen you were the reason i became so invested in these movies. you brought these characters to life and embodied them. you are all so much like your characters the casting is perfect. thank you for your dedication to your work to you fans and to your characters. it means so much that you all stuck through this together and that you are such great friends in real life and i can only hope that one day i can be so lucky as to meet you all and thank you in person. 
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paniccord-ff · 7 years
27. Part 3
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Rylee doesn’t want to go inside her home because of what happened with Hannah but she has no choice at all “can we just get a hotel? I beat her Chris, I look bad” I know she is feeling bad about it but I find it a little funny now “have you noticed that we both have hit someone for each other?” looking over at Rylee “mhmmm we have” she looked down “you know what that means though babe?” she shook her head “that means we are crazy motherfuckers” I chuckled “joke, but we are ride or die. Like remember when you wasn’t into me that much? I was the first to say I love you? It feels good to get this from you, you can feel what I feel. It’s just deep as fuck, it’s like a whole new world” Rylee smiled a little “but it’s scary Chris, I wasn’t the type to fight girls for anyone. Now I want to fight people, I’m scared to lose you and I think this is what triggers me” squinting my eyes at Rylee “you’re scared to lose me? But I am scared to lose you so stop it, we good over here. I know there is a lot of shit but we good” she amazes me, I can’t believe she is insecure about me when she is the most beautiful girl in the world.
Grabbing my snapback from the seat before closing the car door “boss you want us to go or wait?” Joe asked, walking around the SUV “wait here, I need to go somewhere else. Let me go inside with Rylee” Joe nodded his head “Carlos, you stepping on Rose’ flowers, she will beat your ass” Carlos jumped off the yard “dumbass” I chuckled, Rylee grabbed onto my hand. She really doesn’t want to go inside “Rylee, what happened? Why!?” some guy shouted, looking across the yard “oh my god, her father” Rylee said in a whisper “but who is the guys?” I asked, I don’t know who they think they are staring at Rylee like this “cousins, they are dicks” I don’t even care, pulling Rylee along to go inside “you hurt my daughter! I want an explanation!” he shouted at the side of me before getting in our way “can you step back sir” Joe stepped ahead of me “do not touch me” her father eyeballed Joe “I am simply moving you, you are in his space” I will let Joe throw him to the ground “I want to speak to Rylee, not him” Joe shook his head “please move to the side” the very guys that I saw came over, I don’t know why they want to start this mess “get back” Joe gripped the guy’ collar with his one hand and threw him to the ground “can you leave them alone!” Harvey shouted, walking around her father to go inside.
Harvey looks so angry, I just remained silent with my hands behind my back “Rylee don’t give me that face why did you hit her? You really hurt her and then you ran away” Blake came from behind Harvey eating a Twizzler “sis, you beat that bitch. Shit, what happened?” Rylee looked up pouting “she was saying things about Chris I didn’t like, she was flirting with my fiancé!” Rylee said in her defence “I want to go to bed, I don’t feel good” Rylee is such a child “don’t pout your lips out like that with me, you were outside my home like some hoodrat. I won’t have that shit, no” Harvey said, Rylee huffed out “I don’t care! I will fuck any bitch up!” eyeballing Rylee, she snaps like a crazy person “if someone was flirting with you I know mom would beat them and I know it” Rylee has got a point “she right pops, Hannah is a hoe” Blake said defending Rylee, Rylee turned around to walk away “leave me alone, I am going to my room. Don’t come near me” she snatched her hand away from me, shaking my head at her “she is going through some things I guess” I wish she didn’t take it out on me.
Holding the car door open for Kyrie, I came to Walmart to get some things and I thought I would bring Kyrie along with me. He jumped out of the car, banging the car door shut “how come Rylee didn’t come? Why was she crying?” Kyrie questioned, stuffing my hands in my pockets “because she is not feeling too good, one day you will understand. One day you will have a girlfriend and will realise what they have every month and how emotionally crazy they are” Kyrie pulled a face at me “I hope I don’t get a girlfriend like Rylee she is mad annoying” he ran to get a shopping cart, that kid is funny I like him “so boss, tell me about little Rylee fighting? Who she fight?” Joe asked smiling, busting out laughing “the next door neighbour, she snapped and started yanking her hair. She was hitting her face onto the sidewalk, Rylee is crazy but then she got sad. A lot of shit is going on, you know. She thought she might have been pregnant and she wasn’t and then the neighbour was flirting saying she was backstage with me” I shrugged watching Kyrie run to me with a shopping cart “the hell you think we buying?” he legit got a cart for no reason actually “candy? Can I push it?” nodding my head walking off slowly, I guess we finna buy junk food.
Holding my phone to my ear as the phone rang out, staring at the Magazines “yes” Rylee said on the phone “rude, stop being mean to me” squinting my eyes at the magazine in the back, reaching over and pulling it out “sorry, yes baby? Where are you? Where did you go?” there is me and Rylee on this, holding it up to Joe “just in Walmart, you need anything? Tampons?” Joe grinned “Chris Brown engaged” Joe said laughing, Rylee snorted laughing “read all about his new fiancé” Joe said aloud “really? Buy me tampons? Stop it, honestly, I don’t need any but thank you. I am sorry for being moody, just come back home now” Joe opened the magazine “I won’t be long, I love you. See the kind of man I am, I will do anything for you” Rylee cooed out “stop, you going to make me cry. Please come back now, I love you too” disconnecting the phone call.
Joe is really into the magazine “you know what, it makes me happy that I made it in the picture. I am always so angry though and my eyes look scared” he kissed his teeth turning the magazine so I can see “you look better there actually, real life you ugly as hell” I said as Carlos laughed “I don’t know why you laugh, every time I am in danger you are always somewhere else” Joe chuckled “Chris Brown to marry a twenty five year old nurse from New Jersey, a very close source to Rylee Turner said she is over the moon but is feeling a little scared with how things are going so fast, their love is very real” Joe looked up at me “who is this close friend?” I shrugged having no clue, Joe looked back down “and then the rest is how much of a hoe you are boss, your ex chick saying how you don’t know how to commit and then how Nia is apparently not happy and will not want Rylee near Royalty, then they have a picture of Royalty and Rylee from Instagram” he closed the magazine “that was fun, can we go now before your fans gather” taking the magazine from him “let’s move on” throwing the magazine in the cart “you think your momma need anything? I mean I do eat all the cereal in that place and drink a lot” I should have asked before I left actually.
I came here to get Rylee some snacks to make her feel good, mostly junk but I bought so much shit. Kyrie did his own thing, not only that I am staying there and there is five boys in that place. I got a lot of junk and chicken because I might cook for them “Chris, why do you need to have these guys with you?” Kyrie questioned pointing at Joe and Carlos as we waited for the checkout “because I like to be normal, I like to come to Walmart and do normal things. I have people that harass me sometimes, I have people that hate me too so these are to keep me safe. Also they keep Rylee safe and you, I mean look there” I pointed “you see the people taking pictures?” he nodded his head “they haven’t asked for a picture but they will after a while, I don’t mind it but when I am with family I just want downtime” I hope he understands “but it’s cool to have girls chasing you? You have so many girls Chris!” he said so loudly “but I am with your sister now” Kyrie looked at me pulling a face “but why have one?” I snorted laughing “you want me to die? You want me to also get beat up? I have had that already and it is no fun” placing my hand on his head, he has all this to come.
“Here Chris” Joe gave me the bag with the stuff I got for Rylee, taking the flowers from him “is she still upstairs?” I asked Harvey “yes she is but you didn’t need to do this Chris, honestly” smiling at Harvey “it’s fine, family” Rose looked at me all emotional “thank you so much, I have gained another son. You don’t just make my daughter happy you make us happy, I can’t thank you enough” Rose placed her hand over her heart “it’s ok Mrs Turner, I just be eating y’all food and I feel bad. It’s cool honestly, I am going upstairs now though” Rose smiled at me “only you can deal with that moody daughter of mine” turning around to go upstairs “you good bro?” looking in shock at Blake, did he just call me bro “uh yeah, just finna see Rylee” Blake walked around me “cool, good looking out though for the food” he patted my back walking off.
It’s still so weird how Blake is now nice to me, I appreciate it and maybe he has now accepted Rylee and I but he really hated my ass. Opening Rylee’ bedroom door, looking over at the bed. Her head snapped up in my direction “you back!” she yelped, holding the flowers in front of my face “you got them for me?” stepping into the bedroom, kicking the door shut behind me. Moving the flowers down “yeah, I went to Walmart and I got them” walking over to the bed “I love them, thank you so much” placing the bag on the bed “I got some snacks and some drinks” Rylee took the flowers from me “oh my, what did I do to deserve you” taking my bottle of Fanta out of from the bag “we can Netflix and chill, just chill because you on your period” walking around the bed “oh yes, Ben and Jerrys. You even bought spoons, god Chris. I didn’t think you was like this at all” she gushed “I’m not but it’s you, you my baby so I have to look after you” I wouldn’t do this for anybody.
I have no idea what is happening on this shit she is watching, I was hoping she fell asleep but she hasn’t. She is wide awake and really into Gossip Girl but Rylee is at peace and I guess that is the main thing, she is quiet “my stomach hurts” Rylee mumbled against my chest, looking down at her “well suck it up and get on with it” Rylee gasped lifting her head up looking up at me “I will say that to you when you complain to me, oh baby can I sleep in my favourite place. Can you wrap your legs around me” she kissed her teeth as I laughed, she hit my chest “suck my ass, hate you” even though she hates me she still laid her head back on my chest “you know I am joking, you are so uptight and violent” placing my hand lightly on her booty “don’t touch what you can’t afford” squeezing the booty “Don’t do that! I am heavy” pulling a face moving my hand “you women are weird” shaking my head, I don’t even want to know what is happening down there.
Instagram is so boring at times, I just do it to see what people be up too but they are fake as shit. Smiling at the picture Nia put up of Royalty, I miss her so much and there is always something different about her every time I leave. Feeling Rylee tug at my sweatpants, moving my phone away and looking down at myself. Rylee openly lifted my sweatpants up and looked down my boxers “what are you doing?” I questioned “I just wanted to see your dick, it looks cute when soft. I kind of like looking at it soft, I just want to play with it” my mouth hung open in shock “you are so weird, don’t wake him up please” Rylee groaned out but placed her hand on top of my package, she will regret it when it gets hard. Looking back at my phone as it rang, my manager is calling me once again “yo” answering the call “still in New Jersey?” Rylee needs to stop touching my crotch “yeah, will be back in LA still” I wonder what he wants “cool, club hosting tomorrow. How about it? Marquee club, its money” such short notice “erm yeah, I’ll go there for a few hours” I don’t really have anything else to do so why not.
Disconnecting the phone call “where are we going?” Rylee asked me, my eyebrows knitted together moving my phone away to look at Rylee “we?” I said in confusion “yeah, where are we going? You heard right” I would to love to see Rylee’ face right now but she is watching Gossip Girl and is being deadly serious about this “where is my sweet Rylee gone? This one is crazy” Rylee grabbed the remote and paused Netflix, locking my phone “I want to know where we going? What is so hard to just say where? Don’t you want me to come with you” Rylee got up from me, shuffling off the bed “speak up, if you don’t want me to go then say it? I swear to god I will beat any girl up that comes near you unless you hiding some girl? I just feel I can’t do anything right anymore” staring at Rylee in shock as she walked off to the bathroom “and I thought I was bipolar” I said, Rylee huffed slamming the bathroom door.
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Review/Discussion for 7x14 (Power Play)
It goes without saying that this post WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR 7x14! Reveals 1. Sydney is working for A.D 2. Ted is Charlotte's Father 3. Mary killed Jessica? 4. Alison is having Emily's baby Ok so last nights episode certainly had a few reveals, however I feel like they were all things that were quite obvious but just hadn't been said until now. For me personally the reveals were things I had guessed but just hadn't had confirmed, and while it was nice to know for certain, it would have been nice for a surprising reveal, something unexpected. Sydney's Game The episode showed Aria getting video chats from someone and then leaving Ali to go and meet with who she thought was going to be A.D. When she arrives at the location she is met by a black car, which she reluctantly gets in to. When she gets in she's met by a person in a black hoodie (the clip from the endgame promo) that is revealed to be Sydney who is not A.D herself but is working for them. She then tells Aria that there is no way out of the game and instead tries to convince to join 'The Winning Team'. In this scene I did notice a few things * That Sydney seems to be afraid of A.D and while she says she joined A.D because it's no fun being part of the losing team, I think A.D has something on Sydney and is using her as another pawn in their game. * Sydney seemed fine right up until Aria went to open the privacy screen, then something changed in her eyes, she looked afraid and her warning for Aria to not open the screen seemed like a genuine warning for her safety. So this also implies that she is being used by A.D * Sydney said she built the game, however I don't think she did, it feels like her confession is not legit, almost like she's been told to say this so that whoever is responsible can continue to operate from the shadows. All in all I found this reveal to be interesting but not surprising, I guessed that Sydney was working for A.D and she seems to be a very low level player, no higher up than the girls really. Aria's Dark Side Following on from the conversation with Sydney and her telling her to join A.D, I think she will go on to supply A.D with information making them believe she is working on their side. We have already seen her choose to go and meet A.D/Sydney rather than be there for Alison which seemed to impress A.D as she then got to skip her turn in the game, the question is whether or not Aria will continue to work for A.D, will she supply then with info? I think she will start working for A.D but will do it to help and protect the girls and to ultimately find out who A.D is once and for all. She just wants this whole thing to be over and isn't willing to play the game like the others are, she's not taking it lying down and is willing to go rogue in order to do so. I do however wonder if she might be punished for 'betraying' the other girls and leaving them to play while she helps A.D, because it could almost be like Aria trying to 'cheat' at the game, get to the end before anyone else, do anything, even go against the rules in order to win. It just seems to me like something A.D would do, convince Aria she is part of 'The Winning Team' then give her a punishment for cheating. Or maybe she will get info by supplying it to A.D, who knows? Pastor Ted is who?? So we also saw the return of Pastor Ted who was last seen in Season 5 Episode 23 (The Melody Lingers On). He made several revelations to Hanna * He revealed how he and Mary dated in College for a bit but she disappeared on him. * He hadn't seen or heard from her since, then she showed up out of the blue on his doorstep two days prior and slept on his couch. * He then goes on to tell Hanna that he is Charlotte's Biological Father, something he didn't know until Mary told him after Hanna and Spencer left his house when they came to his door. * He did know Charlotte but as Charles, he worked at a Summer Camp for troubled kids, he knew Charles but didn't know he was his Father. * He shows Hanna a photo of Himself, Charles and another little boy and when Hanna asks who the other boy is, he reveals that it is none other than Lucas Gottesman, the very person who owns the apartment Hanna is staying in. This reveal had its moments but again it is something I had kind of guessed in a way, however I didn't predict the part about Lucas and Charles being friends when they were kids, I have always thought Lucas is working for A.D (in fact I think he's the one who really built the game board) but I never predicted how far back his relationship with Charles went. I look forward to seeing this unfold. Mary The Killer? Now for this reveal I have put a question mark, this is because I am not 100% convinced it's true anymore, I thought she was the one who killed Jessica but after watching the episode I'm not so sure anymore, but I'll get to that. So Peter has finally come home and Spencer has questions about his whereabouts after looking at his passport and seeing that he returned at the same time as Veronica. Peter then explains that he has been working with a private investigator to try and find Mary because he wants to keep her away from Spencer to protect her. Spencer is understandably upset and angry because she feels she is being kept in the dark and she is being kept away from her birth mother and all of the answers she wants so desperately, she then storms out. Later Peter finds out she used his private investigator to try and find Mary on her own despite Peter's warnings. He then tells her about Mary. * He reveals that Mary snuck into the house posing as Jessica and we see the flashback of Jessica appearing behind Spencer as she looked out of the window, we then got another part to that flashback of Mary trying to sneak out but being caught by Peter and she talks about how beautiful their daughter is. * Spencer sees this as Mary just wanting to see her but Peter then goes on to reveal how Mary wanted revenge * He then goes on to reveal that Mary killed Jessica with pills and buried her in the Hastings backyard. * Now onto my question mark, now, up until this episode I firmly believed that Mary killed Jessica and was certain that last night she was going to be revealed as Jessica's killer, and she was, however having watched the episode and hearing what Peter had to say, I am now not so sure for a few reasons. - One being that he didn't exactly say how he knew Mary killed Jessica, he just told Spencer that Mary killed Jessica and buried her in the Hastings' backyard because she wanted revenge. To me his story doesn't add up, he didn't go into detail, how long as he known? Why didn't he report what he knew to the police? Why has he been covering for her all this time? It almost seems like he is trying to make Spencer hate Mary and is willing to say anything to do it, because if you think about it, the only people who can back him up are Mary, who is missing and is shady af anyways so can't be trusted even if she does tell the truth, and Jessica, who is dead. So Peter could say anything and no one can really prove him wrong. - And my other reasoning for me not believing Peter... There was no flashback! This really stood out to me, we saw the flashback to Mary and Peter's conversation when she snuck into the Hastings' house, but we didn't get a flashback to Peter finding out Mary was responsible for her sister's death, why not? Why didn't we get a flashback to Peter finding out it was Mary who killed Jessica? Maybe because he doesn't actually know?! I think he believes it was Mary but I don't think he actually knows for sure and was desperately trying to convince Spencer to not go looking for Mary that he just blurted it out. - Finally, Spencer made a comment asking if he was sure as Mary and Jessica are twins, this also made me wonder what actually happened, maybe hinting that Jessica didn't die but Mary did and she's now running around pretending to be Mary. Or maybe just bringing up twins again around Spencer implying that she is one?? I know it's a long shot but I'm still holding onto my Twincer theory! P.S I know in the flashback Mary said about their daughter plural however flashbacks are from the point of view of the person telling the story so aren't always accurate and can leave details out, Peter isn't going to say the part about Spencer's twin if she knows nothing about her is he?! Plus Peter is a liar, plus he actually might not know anything about Spencer's twin, so I am taking this with a pinch of salt. So overall this reveal did surprise me but not because I was shocked by the reveal, but because it revealed something that I suspected and made me question whether it was true (pretty much the story of pll though right?!). And I have never trusted Peter Hastings less than I do right now (and that guy is shady af) Also #Twincer! Emison Baby?!?! In the episode we see the board trying to decide whether it was Alison's or Aria's turn in the game. Finally it chose Ali and she was sent coordinates which she and Aria followed. They arrive at a mother-care store and are told to go in. Aria then bailed on her leaving her to go into the shop alone. When she gets inside she is given a scanner and instructed by the shop worker to pick out 10 items for the baby which she does. Once she's finished she puts the scanner down on the desk and goes to leave. However, before she can do anything she is stopped by the employee and given a personalised gift for 'the donor' and she reaches into the bag to reveal a necklace with 'Emily' on it in lettered beads. Alison is in complete shock, asks for the puzzle piece which the employee didn't know anything about and leaves after finding it hanging on a mobile. She later confesses this to Emily and then the rest of the girls. I have always thought this was the case, we pretty much knew that A.D stole Emily's eggs and when Ali got pregnant I knew right away it had to be Emily's baby. It makes much more sense than her getting pregnant naturally as she spent so long in Welby that the pregnancy could not have occurred before she went in, also with everything they did to her, a baby would have never survived. So this reveal for me was one that was really obvious and didn't shock me at all, I didn't know it was coming in this episode so I was shocked to see it in there but the reveal itself wasn't shocking at all. I'm not complaining though, an Emison baby is a win all round, anything Emison is a win really! Paily reunion?! So, another thing that happened last night is that Paily reunited after Paige couldn't decide whether or not to leave Rosewood. She spent the episode trying to decide whether or not to take the job and leave Rosewood and Emily behind and finally move on with her life. They shared a moment between the two in the high school where the two confessed they thought they might start their relationship again. They then later were discussing the job and talked of when they used to race to make decisions, Paige then challenged Emily to a race in order to make a decision once and for all about the job. Paige then stops, says she's already made up her mind and kisses Emily. I can't say this is a surprise to me, I kind of thought they might have a brief thing before Emison get together. I used to ship Paily back in the day, however I feel that their relationship has run its course and that Emison is endgame. I think it's fine as one final trip down memory lane to get it out of their system but I think ultimately Emily will chose Alison and Paige will take the job and leave Rosewood. Ezria Love Triangle The episode showed Ezra return to his flat to collect Nicole who had escaped and come down to 'the last place she called home' which was Ezra's apartment. Nicole finds out about Ezria being engaged. She also finds Ezra's book and throws it at her parents apparently. This storyline isn't that appealing to me and nothing really happened with it tonight. It's also completely irrelevant to the A.D mystery which I suppose is why I don't feel attached to it. #FeelTheFurey In last week's episode we saw Spencer and Marco share a kiss, in last night's episode we saw Spencer wake up next to him. She later talks to Hanna about it, and she doesn't seem to interested in it long term. To me I feel this is a fling Spencer is having while Toby grieves for Yvonne. I feel like Spencer and Toby will eventually get together but until then she's having a bit of a fling with Marco. Don't get me wrong I do think they care for each other, though it feels very one sided, like he's way more interested in her than she is in him and I think it will fade to nothing (kind of like Emily and Sabrina) I think that's pretty much it in terms of what happened, the episode was filled with reveals however they were all fairly predictable, however I'm hoping this is just the start and now they have all of those reveals out of the way, some surprising ones are finally going to start coming! Hope you enjoyed this review/discussion!
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loseitall-ff · 8 years
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My one hand holding Liana’ leg as I got my money out from my pocket “buy me that” Maleah placed a bag of skittles on the counter “anything else little girl? Yo momma did say no candy” she smiled at me, I can’t say no to that face “hold on” I said to Liana as I got a twenty note out “here” passing the store keeper the note “hold uncle’ drink for me please” passing my Red Bull to Maleah and her bag of skittles, grabbing my cigarettes from the counter and putting them in my pocket. The store keeper held my change from the money to me but Liana reached over taking it “mine!” she said, this girl already taking my money “you got it” he said as Liana’ little hands could not hold it all “yes” feeling a coin hit my head “really” holding my hand out “put it in my hand, you about to knock me out” she giggled placing the coins in my hand, this girl is crazy. That really hurt my head, placing the change in my pocket and grabbing the Twizzlers “let’s go ladies” that was a whole mission doing that.
I am on a morning stroll with the ladies today, Maleah wanted to take her dog for a walk when I went to Mijo’ so I thought I would do it. I like it, it’s peaceful just being with my daughter. I mean I do get little looks from people but I ignore it “Liana, are you going come down?” Maleah asked her “no” she spat “I stay here” her lazy ass does not want to walk, she wants to be carried around “Liana is lazy Maleah, she prefers to be carried” the dog yanked Maleah ahead a little “woah! Naughty!” she said, I chuckled as she fell forward “daddy!!” Liana shouted me, looking up at her “yeah beautiful” she held the Twizzler up “go aahhh” stopping in my tracks and opening my mouth, Liana slowly placed the piece in my mouth “gone” she clapped her hands, closing my mouth “thank you, give me kiss now” she held my face and leaned over kissing my lips “I love you baby girl” looking ahead of me “we holding Maleah up actually” jogging a little to catch up with her.
Placing Liana on the ground as we got inside Mijo’ home “come Liana, let play outside” they both ran inside to go to the back yard “oh no, they back” hearing Mylen say, I thought I would see Mijo. Liana woke up so early and I text him, he was awake so I thought why not. I am supposed to be in Australia right now, I haven’t cancelled but I have a couple of days until I can make it. Closing the door behind me, Robyn is still at my home. She is ok I would say but she’s a little off, she hasn’t left the home even though I told her that her family have gone. She talked to Cassandra and she told her she needs to go back to basics again, I offered for her to come with me but Robyn says no. I don’t want to leave them here, I am so worried. Walking into the living area “are you still watching this garbage?” I pointed at the TV “Uncle it’s not! It is the best thing on” I snorted “sure, you ain’t watched Tom and Jerry. Now that shit was funny” sitting down on the couch.
Mijo finally walked in, he was upstairs for a long time “son, go and check on the girls. Make sure they don’t go near the pool” Mylen rolled his eyes “he always makes me do this” pushing himself off the couch “roll those eyes at me again little nigga” Mijo pointed at him, Mylen slowly walked over to him “nigga!” Mijo spat as Mylen ran off “he legit just did it again” shaking his head “kids” I said laughing “beat their little asses, we would get whooped for backchat, these get away with it” look at Mijo being all serious “how was the walk?” he asked “good, hot out there though” rubbing my chest “can tell, the top is off” that was the first thing to come off “what happened? Talk to me nigga, we been bros since day one. You been so quiet, not hanging with the niggas. Only god knows where you live because that apartment is dead, you’re so secretive with us. I know you’re with Robyn now, from the videos you was supposed to be gone but you’re not” the more public we go, the more people know about what Robyn and I do.
Rubbing the back of my neck shrugging “what do you want me to say? Robyn and I are together and have been for a while, her family are not happy” looking over at Mijo “y’all look happy, if y’all happy who am I to judge. Just hate to see anyone get hurt” shuffling off the couch a little, sitting on the edge of the couch “I know I shouldn’t but you know, I need someone to talk too. I need someone to let it off my chest with” looking away from Mijo, I am feeling so emotional. Blinking my eyes several times to stop the tears from falling, rubbing my left eye “woah, nigga. What’s up” feeling Mijo sit next to me “the fuck you crying for, you soft nigga” chewing on my bottom “you can’t tell anyone this. I promised Robyn to not tell anyone, Mel knows but that was because I needed someone to help. I don’t know Mijo, I just feel upset as fuck because she don’t deserve it. She don’t deserve to be feeling the way she feels, I know she is hurting and I feel I can’t help her. Shit is so much” Mijo hit my leg lightly “tell me” he said, breathing out “that day when Robyn came to the home, that day I broke a window and I was popping off. You tried to calm me down?” looking over at him “yeah I remember, I still never understood why” I hope I don’t regret this “that night, Robyn broke down to me and told me that” I paused, I don’t even want to say it. I feel sick to even say it “he uhm, Mychal raped her. She told me she was telling him stop, he was being forceful, she couldn’t breathe. You know how I feel to know this, to know he did that” my voice broke, Mijo stared at me in shock not saying a word.
Wiping my tears with my hand “fucking kills me to know that happened, she don’t deserve this and it’s on me. I am the one that could have saved her, instead I fucked on her. I die inside every time she cries, but I have to be there for her and Liana. She just gets in that mood where she don’t want to bother with Liana so here I am, I am doing it. Playing it off, I had to come back Mijo because her family said poor Mychal. She broke down, she ended up telling them and breaking down. The poor Mychal shit has really got to her” swallowing hard, I feel like a weight has been lifted with talking to someone “sorry, I am just in shock” Mijo shook his head “you telling me, that bastard did that to her? Oh my god” Mijo got up from the couch “I feel sad and angry at the same time” he paced off slowly “poor Rih, oh my god. I just wouldn’t think that would happen to her, I feel sick. Nigga why didn’t you tell me this” I remained silent not saying a word “you kept this to yourself, no wonder you been acting mad strange. You have been all about your family and been quiet, I get it. It all adds up, you trying to beat Mychal up at every chance. Why don’t she fuck him over?” shaking my head “she don’t want to be a victim but she is suffering so much, she was doing so well. You saw her when she came here, she is good but her family just made her backtrack, I just want to take the pain away from her” I love Robyn too much.
Mijo is in shock, he just doesn’t know what to say “I just want to hug her, I really want to tell her that I will fight him. My sister” scratching the top of my head “I ain’t been blocking you for no reason, she needs me. She won’t come on tour with me, she says no I am a burden but she is more of a burden being in America. She has her record label asking for her, I had to answer the call for her. I built her up just for her fucking family to ruin it” Mijo rubbed his chin “maybe she was never ready then” he got a point, maybe I rushed it “so what you doing about the tour, Mel is around. I will be too?” smiling at Mijo “appreciate you bro, she don’t want Mel. Mel told me to come back, she just wants me there but also wants me to tour. I don’t know how that will work” I feel so stuck.
Liana climbed onto my lap “you ready to go home now?” I said to Liana but she ignored me and got comfy on my lap “I guess not” I said to myself, Maleah ran over and sat next to me “pony!!” Liana shouted pointing at the TV “this is stupid” Mylen complained “I have an idea” Mijo said out of nowhere, he walked over to me. He crouched down at the side of me on the couch “have your mom move in, don’t get me wrong. Just hear me out, don’t tell her what happened. Just tell Joyce to stay with Robyn, she needs help with Liana. Tell her to come tomorrow, settle her down. If Robyn wants she can tell but I think that is a good idea, talk to Robyn about it. Your mom will give her that love and help, I will help if you want” I appreciate him so much “you might be onto something, I will think about that you know” he is right, I never thought of my mom.
Walking behind Liana “back mommy!” Liana shouted knocking on the door, she is a fool “this is my home stupid” picking her up, she yelped out as I placed her over my shoulder. Kicking the door shut behind me, jogging down the steps as Liana screamed “can always hear you both when you get home” placing Liana down, looking over at Mel “missed us I see” I grinned “where is my baby momma?” I asked, Mel pointed to the kitchen “I missed my bed buddy” Mel said as Liana jumped on her, Liana and Mel have been sleeping in the bed together. Walking into the kitchen “hey beautiful” placing my hand just above her hip, Robyn turned around “you took too long, so I am making food for just Mel and I” she is just too cute “it’s cool” Robyn looked back at the eggs, pressing a kiss to her cheek “you not wearing a bra again I see” bringing my finger up and flicking her nipple with the tip of my finger, Robyn hit my chest “go away” she laughed “well not my fault, wearing tight tops with no bra. Your nipples always be at full attention” watching Robyn just shake her head to herself.
Sitting down next to Robyn on the couch “so we not using the table anymore?” both of them with their plates on their lap “oh no nigga” Mel piped up, turning my head to see Mel pointing her fork at me “I done heard that Robz has came on that table, her ass been on that and so has yours so hell to the no” busting out laughing “oh, so Robyn been telling you then. I mean Liana eats on there” I shrugged “nasty heffas” Mel waved me off “I don’t see the issue, do you see the issue?” looking at Robyn “nope” she said simply, I am wondering on when I should bring it up with her. When I should mention the mom thing, I don’t want her to think she is not capable “your phone is ringing” Mel said, quickly looking to the side of me and seeing that my record label is calling me “been dodging these calls, looks like the top boss is now calling me” this is not good.
I didn’t really want to pick up but I did, it’s different ignoring my manager but now it’s gone higher “hello” I usually act like a dick on the phone to people, but I have to be good “hi Chris, how are you?” he is being nice “cool, yourself?” this is so formal “great, just checking on if everything is ok on your side of the contract? I heard there was a setback, you have four days to get there and get set” rubbing my face “everything is good, you know when you need to be around for your family” I don’t know what else to say “understandable, we all have families. We can push the dates back but no matter what you need to do this, you signed the contract with us and the deal was a worldwide tour Chris” shaking my head lightly “I get it, I do and I said fine. I will make it just don’t worry about me, I will do the tour” I won’t push the dates back, fuck that “loss in revenue will come out of your pocket” biting my bottom lip but I can’t help myself “I said ok did I not? Trust me on this, y’all need me because the artists y’all have on your record label are a pile of shit bro. Nobody want them, next time you talk to me like I need y’all I will wipe that contract with my ass, if I see fit I will fly out if not I will cancel but it will be on my terms” disconnecting the call, fuck them niggas.
I was so close to throwing my phone but I remembered, I am in a house with women. Forcing a smile on my face seeing Liana “that doesn’t sound good” Mel said, getting up from the couch “they want their money out of me don’t they” noticing that Robyn has barely touched her food, this is not what I want to see “you have no choice, you’re coming with me” I demanded this time “me?” Robyn pointed to herself “yes you, you can’t stay here and be like this” Robyn shook her head “I don’t want to come with you” she is saying that while looking sad as hell “ok but then why are you upset about it?” I questioned her “because my mom-” cutting Robyn off before she said anymore “I don’t care about your mom, you really think I would waste my time being stood here with you if I was going to go out there and cheat on you? Come on Robyn, give me a break. I have a reputation I get it, I lost a lot during that time. You’re coming anyways” Robyn placed her plate to the side of her “I refuse, I don’t want too” now she is annoying me “you choose, either you come with me or my mom moves in with you. I don’t want to hear it” her eyes widened, I need some air.
Staring down at my pool from the balcony. I am slowly losing my shit, just because I have them just driving me crazy “can I join you?” hearing Mel say behind me “yep” blowing the smoke from my lips “well I was going too anyways” I thought she would have “sharing the blunt?” side eyeing Mel “you forreal? Come out here to take my blunt?” she chuckled, holding the blunt out for her to take “you good now? Got little heated there, demanding things” moving back from the balcony “things getting on top of me” not much to say because it is “I get you but why did you mention about your mom?” clearing my throat “because I feel like Robyn just needs someone there, she has you but I don’t know. Someone just there to look after her, something I would do. My mom would do the same, she don’t need to know what happened. Robyn sometimes doesn’t listen” Mel chuckled “she doesn’t, she ignores me at times. I guess it is up to her, sounds good though” Mel thinks it’s a good idea, I hope Robyn accepts.
I need to not be so annoyed or get annoyed so easily, I just think I am getting it at all ends “you finished with that?” pointing at the plate she barely touched “yeah” Robyn mumbled “can I talk you then? The bedroom” staring at the side of Robyn’ face, she silently got up from the couch. I rather speak to Robyn in private without anyone interrupting us, walking behind Robyn up the stairs “niggas be calling me at all the wrong times” staring at Lo calling me, I don’t need to speak to him. I put my phone on silent so I don’t need to hear this shit going off “popular man, shame I am holding you back” rolling my eyes behind Robyn, she is so damn dramatic about shit “ok, sure” I have to just let her say it, she feels that for no reason.
Closing the bedroom door behind me “I am sorry for getting annoyed with you, them motherfuckers annoy my life but I do not mean it” she didn’t say anything but sit down on the bed “how are you feeling anyways, my priority is you. I would do anything for you, to think that you even allow your mom to cloud your thoughts about me does upset me. I get it, I get what I did and what I have done and trust me I am suffering, and right now I am trying to make it better. I just need you to be good because if not then I am cancelling my tour, so you either come with me or my mom stays with you. She don’t know anything, she will think she is helping you with Liana and she won’t care” I know I was supposed to just ask but now I am just demanding this “where did this idea of your mom being with me come from? I don’t need babysitting Chris” Robyn said “it is not babysitting, it’s just someone to look after you on my behalf. You playing it off like you good but you’re not, you’re acting like everything is good which scares me. Don’t make me pick you up and put you on the jet with me, making food for yourself and acting like you’re eating, I watch you Robyn” I always clock the shit she do “I am not a child, I rather you just go and just leave me alone” watching Robyn storm off to the bathroom like a child.
I am not leaving it, I want her to pick now. Hearing the door unlock, the door opened slowly “I’m sorry” Robyn sobbed out crying “why you crying for?” and they say I am bipolar, she went in there all angry with me “I lost everyone and I don’t want to lose you, I just told you to go and now you will go” what am I going to do with her, shaking my head smiling “stop it, you’re being so silly now” wrapping my arms around her “it will take more then you just saying for me to go for me to actually go, I just want you to be good. You mean too much to me, I need to look after you. I want you to be mentally right, ignoring your record label is not helping. I just need you to choose, you’re not a burden because that means I get to have my wife and my daughter with me which will be a blessing” she needs to understand I would love for them to come with me.
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zalrb · 8 years
This episode was SO jokes {TVD 8x15 Review}
Hi all! You know the deal. I write my thoughts in real time so anything I saw at the beginning that might be a mistake may be corrected by the end. This review will have anti-Damon, anti-Delena, anti-Steroline, anti-Bamon, anti-Bonenzo sentiments and will most likely have references to other shows and to the misogynoir, anti-blackness and racism in the narrative. If you do not like it, you do not have to read this. Are you ready? OK! Let's go. 1. So I'm stopping a very promising Kdrama to watch this. The Kdrama is called Mirror of the Witch, I'm on the first episode and already there are more consequences in this drama than all eight seasons of TVD. So far it looks exceptionally dark and mean-spirited, I think it might actually disturb me. Anyway. It's still entirely ridiculous that Cade's last words are “Go to hell.” Like why? Also why would Stefan say, “You first”? Wasn't Cade already in hell? Like didn't he sort of create it? And now he's just ... dead? What was that dialogue? 2. I like how opening the door to Cade's world will only destroy everything for “miles”, like that's such a small scale, shouldn't it be the end of the world if the devil is walking among us? Or is he not the devil, is Katherine the devil? I'm confused about the Hell hierarchy, you see. 3. Also I should mention I have a cold and I took cough syrup and it SAYS non-drowsy but last night I was knocked the fuck out so if I get a little loopy near the end, it could be that. Or it could be that watching TVD has finally addled my brain. Who knows. 4. They really do hype Katherine way too much. 5. Sorry, pausing because my cat is being extremely affectionate and I would rather play with her for a little than watch what trash this episode is going to be. 6. But now she's on my keyboard. It's like she's trying to spare me. 7. The lighting in this episode seems to be darker than normal, I can barely see anything. 8. I think it's funny that Caroline keeps waking up expecting to see Stefan and he's not there. 9. Matt's hair is SO stupid though. LIKE WHY. 10. I have it paused because the video is loading still but like seriously, he looks thoroughly unattractive like this and out of character I think Zach is pretty cute, so like ugh, why am I subjected to this. 11. Why do we care about Matt's dad again? 12. Or his mother for that matter. 13. Like remember when she came to town and then made out with Damon and then they discovered Vicki was dead and she made out with Tyler? Or was Tyler first and then Damon? Either way, she's messy af. The only interesting dynamic was her and Caroline and Elena. She's pointless. 14. “That was a lifetime ago, things have changed since then” that should just replace the title of TVD. “Didn't Damon kill your sister?” “That was a long time ago.” “Didn't Damon kill your brother” “That was a long time ago.” And now apparently abandoning your family because of man pain and cowardice and immaturity is “a lifetime ago” too but oh no, Stefan was a ripper a literal century ago and we need to harp on it forever. 15. Real talk, I already feel kinda woozy but it's fine it's like being buzzed and it's probably the only way I will get through this episode. 16. Why would Dorian agreeing to help them on how to get rid of the “Queen of Hell” be misconstrued as him being “cool” with Stefan though? Isn't getting rid of someone who is supposed to be the devil Plus be in everyone's best interest? Like whatever, it was just another chance to take a shot at Stefan. Transparent as fuck. 17. That red looks nice on Kat. 18. I like how Katherine is in this world, everything is supposed to be going to shit and Matt isn't like “Mom, Dad, I hate you but you need to leave town because you could possibly die” he's just like yeah fam, I'm rescheduling our awkward dinner date. Like lol. It would be more interesting if he didn't give a shit if they died but this is just the writers being the writers. In Buffy, when the Mayor is supposed to devour all of Sunnydale, Buffy forces her mother to leave town and tells her if she doesn't her presence will get her [Buffy] killed. 19. I love Stefan's face when Damon says “she's obsessed with Stefan” like BITCH WHO TOLD YOU TO TALK? 20. Why does it have to be a wedding though? It could just as easily be an engagement party or a rehearsal dinner, like sooooooooooo forced. 21. I mean, I don't blame Bonnie for hating Stefan but Damon was responsible for killing Jeremy and kidnapping Jeremy, Enzo was responsible for suffocating Jeremy and she's cool with both of them, hell she fell in love with one of them so I'm just like girl, I guess. The writers are ridiculous because it just feels like they don't know the web they've created with these characters and understand that they've turned pretty much everyone into a hyprocrite. 22. And as a non-Beremy shipper, I still think Bonnie loved Jeremy more than Enzo and Beremy was a problematic af ship but at least some things were halfway earned, Bonenzo is pure dialogue, fam. 23. Oh and looks. 24. I don't even know why Damon needs to tell Stefan that what happened to Enzo will haunt him like Stefan isn't new to guilt. Why are they making it seem like this is Stefan's first rodeo? 25. My video keeps fucking buffering. I might switch sites because I love myself too much to drag this out longer than I have to. Because I am only eight minutes in, that's not gonna fly. 26. OK so everything is just buffering. I was supposed to have my data back, what is this. 27. Right now I have it paused on Damon. I really don't get what anons mean when they tell me his arms are huge. Like I don't see it. 28. WHO CARES ABOUT MATT'S MOM? What's her name again? Kelly? 29. Is she dying? 30. She's dying. 31. Oh she's dead. Ish. 32. “Oh please don't be mad at me, Caroline” that actually sounded like Stefan was talking to his mother. 33. Yeah this BE scene is giving me nothing. 34. Liz did a TERRIBLE job protecting MF, who are we kidding? And toasting with your rape victim about how her mother became your best friend and now her daughter will be your family is disgusting. 35. Lol yes use the SE necklace that Damon kept taking to give it to Caroline on her wedding day for Stefan because we're ignoring how important that necklace was to SE, sure. 36. Seriously, Caroline looks at Alaric with more love than she does Stefan. Like just marry him, y'all are more compatible and have more chemistry than you and Stefan anyway. Like omg. 37. “I hope I get to see this one day with you and Elena” lol the FLATTEST delivery ever. Like do you even mean it? Do you REALLY? Think hard, Stefan. 38. “I want to be a part of your happiness” I mean I guess. I don't like Bonnie being arbitrary in her blame for Stefan but like can the girl be selfish and feel what she feels when she feels it for once? And indulge? Like?? 39. I also find it interesting that Stefan and Caroline don't have a private moment before the wedding, like I know this isn't how we wanted to do this blah blah blah. They're so segregated even when they're together. 40. Do the writers not know of any alcohol other than bourbon? 41. The slow mo doesn't change the deadened expression on Paul's face, guys. Sorry. 42. Also Alaric's speech is stupid, who becomes “family” with the people who have continuously terrorized your life and are responsible for the people you've lost? Like that's when you see a psychiatrist because you have serious emotional issues. 43. “You saw light in me when all I saw was darkness.” WHEN WAS THIS? NO LEGIT WHEN? I REALLY WANT TO KNOW. Madly in love, you don't even look madly in love, you look SO chill. OMG. 44. LOL bout you've been ready since you saw him at school. You were on his jock for one episode, then you onto Damon and were unfortunate enough to be his victim, then it was Matt, then it was Tyler, then it was Klaus, then it was Tyler then it was Jesse then it was Klaus then it was Stefan. Girl bye. 45. That SC dance looks SO AWKWARD. LOL SLOW MO DOESN'T MAKE SHIT BETTER UNLESS IT'S ALREADY GOOD 46. Of course Matt's dad isn't dead. I mean he got stabbed when it was light out and now it's dark but he's still gurgling. Jesus. We met him THIS season, Julie, you can kill the irrelevant fucker off. 47. I don't know why Caroline is STILL wearing the necklace. 48. HER NAME IS KELLY. I WAS RIGHT. 49. Why isn't Caroline vamp speeding into the house? 50. Really? That's your reaction to your kids potentially dying? 51. So like the smoke is having no effect on Bonnie? 52. And them siphoning her doesn't hurt? 53. Caroline is legit calm when she thought her kids were dead for a minute. 54. LMFAO SO WHO ISN'T IN HELL? Vicki was in hell, Kelly was in hell, so like ERRBODY GOES TO HELL THEN? WHAT CRITERIA IS THERE? Like if I run a stop light do I go to hell because it's against the law? What if I jaywalk or accidentally step on an ant or something? BECAUSE SERIOUSLY. 55. STEFAN WHY DON'T YOU EVER CHECK ANYONE'S PULSE? Final thoughts: This episode didn't enrage me like I thought it would, it's just thoroughly ridiculous because it attempts to haphazardly rewrite history and Paul was such a lacklustre groom, like faaaam, those vows were horrible. And Caroline and Stefan are just so isolated from each other, like they don't feel like a couple or a pair, they don't feel like one, it's so very cold. Kelly coming back with her daughter to destroy MF is like, I mean I guess, Katherine's plan isn't even original, Stefan was going to burn MF to the ground first anyway, like we're seriously recycling plots in the same season too? This was actually laughably bad.
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