zibiscusloon · 1 year
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Yeah Imma be away for a while I need to process everything that happened in The Owl House-
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qquoe · 1 year
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💫 Titan Luz, Luzan 💫
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nova8byte · 1 year
I just realized something about Belos. (Season 3 Spoilers!)
Belos was shown to have survived being splattered all over a wall, and yet he died from... people kicking his face and some hot water? I mean, sure it must have been painful, but was it pushing him any bit closer to death? Probably not. It IS however, made clear that Belos needs a constant supply of magic to stay alive, which is probably why he kept his consciousness alive in a super tiny fragment, no bigger than a chicken nugget.
That magic supply was cut off from him entirely when Luz separated him from the titan’s heart. Whatever titan’s blood  that wasn’t already flowing inside him had vanished or become inactive, and that blood was
Belos was already 400 years old, and his aging body was catching up to him. I find it likely that Luz knew this, and like Eda, Raine, and King, she wanted to make Belos’s last moments as painful as possible.
Therefore, the truth about Belos’s painful ending is that yes, he was destroyed. Not by Luz, not by Eda or King or Raine or any physical means, but by the hand of his one and only weakness: dying
EDIT: Removed one of the minor points because it was heavily flawed. Also we know that titan blood is likely inactive, if not gone, because Luz can’t do magic in the boiling isles, where the titan blood would be. The gang probably made a new portal door using King’s blood sample from s2e09, I mean they had it the whole time and it’s a stored titan blood sample doesn’t rot (at least not in 400 years)
they never use it for anything else so... also, love the comments.
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pickledoctopushair · 1 year
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She may have lost herself along the way but she will forever be a nerd. Disney, eat this sucka
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navarei · 1 year
I worked really hard on this. Luz, Eda, and King from The Owl House, which is my current obsession. On my tablet all the colors look great but on my phone Luz looks sunburned so depending on what you are viewing this on it may look a little off lol.
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hana-youzakura · 1 year
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Luz Noceda: Titan Mode
•Banner Re-upload •
I love titan luz so much I wish the look was permant💚🖤💚 I miss toh~
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vintagelilies · 1 year
Not me chanting ‘ say it say it SAY IT’ as Luz rips Belos out of the titans heart with her bare hands like the OP protagonist she is
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denjidomination · 1 year
dana terrace really said: if you’re going to cancel my show for being queer, i’m going to end it being even queer-er! BOOM! same-sex kiss. BOOM! another same-sex kiss. BOOM! gay blushing. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!
in dana we trust.
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hollifo · 1 year
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Warrior of Peace | Luz | Photoshop
This was so much fun to draw , employed a lot of new (for me) techniques. I couldn't let the finale go by without honouring it in some way <3 It was a joy <3
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tokufan400 · 1 year
I am so happy they ended the fight on this line.
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starburst0822 · 1 year
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(Giselle, my Lumity child)
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solosart · 1 year
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Going to miss TOH so much! Could always tell how much the team fought to get this show made, and how much love was put in to it. Congrats to the Owl House!
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seanseabean · 1 year
“Now eat this, sucka!”
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ichigo-kitten · 1 year
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Happy to finally be able to share my Titan Luz cosplay from The Owl House!!
I debuted this at Amecon and won the judge's wow choice award in the cosplay competition!! ✨️
I wore full sclera contacts for my Titan Luz cosplay and became my friends new sleep paralysis demon 😈☠️
Now eat this sucka!!
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cranetreegang · 1 year
Save Her - Ominis x FemReader
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Alright my fellow Ominis Simps. Here is the angst chapter (a lil late i know my b i was watching a rocket launch). If I don't make at least one of you cry, i will shut down my account and never write again. on god. no cap.
im just kidding ;) i ain't leaving suckas! hahahah you're stuck with me >:)
But low key, i do need someone to tell me to stop. i think im getting too crazy with some of these ideas.
Read Part 1 Here
🎶 Music to enjoy/feel to -> I'm Sending You Away and Never Goodbye and The Departure 🎶
Summary: Ominis and the Fifth Year are no longer speaking to one another. A rift Sebastian takes note of, and tries to bridge for them. Things take a turn, and she may be lost to them... forever
Word Count: ~7,400 words
Warnings: ANGST, Fighting, slight cursing, mentions of death, near death
Read my other Ominis Fics Here
Sebastian knows something is wrong. 
Over the past few days, Ominis has been far more curt than normal - not even bothering to exchange pleasantries half the time and he rarely ever smiles unless it’s a sneering smirk after a scathing remark. His patience is all but gone as well. His short temper extends not just to Sebastian though. A Second Year, who made the unfortunate mistake of bumping into Ominis one morning, received a tongue-lashing so intense, it would have made Professor Sharp blush. And now, almost everyone gives Ominis a wide berth so as to not face his wrath. 
Sebastian hasn’t witnessed Ominis this cold and cruel since their First Year, but even then he was still civil if not a bit aloof. He’s tried to speak to Ominis about his recent behavior, but Ominis is quick to dismiss him. Even going so far as to state it’s none of Sebastian’s concern and to stop ‘meddling with affairs he has no business being in’. Sebastian would be lying if Ominis’ words hadn’t stung him. 
Sebastian also took note in the lacking presence of their mutual friend. She was a common sight in the Undercroft or hanging off Ominis’ arm, but she’s been notably absent. When Sebastian brought up asking her to come study with them, Ominis gave him such a scathing glare, Sebastian had flinched away to avoid any hexes he might send his way. But, beneath the menacing stare, was an undeniable pain at the mention of her. And Sebastian almost couldn’t believe it. He stormed all over the castle to confront her for hurting Ominis. But then he found her.
She was leaning against a window overlooking the courtyard - her gaze far away. She looked abysmal and her features were contorted into an equally pained expression as Ominis. After he saw her, he started to really take notice of the state she’s been in. 
She's all but withdrawn. At dinner, she picks around her food while she glances towards Ominis - barely replying to anything Sebastian is trying to tell her. He’s caught Natty and Poppy both trying to help with her unkempt hair - brushing out the tangles in between classes while she stares blankly ahead. The dark circles under her eyes shows she doesn’t sleep much, if at all. When others speak to her, she rarely acknowledges, or she speaks so softly she might as well not have said anything at all. And everytime she tries to approach Ominis, Sebastian swears Ominis turns his back to her and goes the other way. It’s her longing gaze which eats at Sebastian the most. He’s never seen her this pathetic and beaten before.
Sebastian sighs as he thinks about his two friends. This cannot continue, he decides. And since they’ve yet to mend whatever is wrong between them on their own, he knows he has to step in and figure out what’s going on. If not for their sake, at least for his own.
He first approaches her after potions. Having just witnessed Ominis storming out without so much as acknowledging Sebastian as he passed, he figures he would have far more luck with her than Ominis at the moment.
“Hey.” Sebastian greets her with a tentative smile while he helps her pack her things.
She gives him a smile back, but it doesn’t even come close to reaching her glassy eyes. 
“Alright. What’s going on between you two?” Sebastian questions her as they walk out of the classroom. “And don’t say it’s ‘nothing’ as it most certainly is not. Tell me what’s gotten into the two of you.”
She looks at him as if she had been stricken. Her eyes trail over to where Ominis stomped away moments ago.
“It’s my fault… I messed it all up, Sebastian.” She whispers, her lip quivering.
He doesn’t waste time and he takes her to the more secluded section of the castle - since the Undercroft is absolutely out of the question. They take their place next to one another overlooking the Black Lake - where the wind carries its damp smell all the way here, on the rickety, old long bridge outside the Clocktower Courtyard. The looming gray clouds bring about an oncoming winter storm and it makes the wind bite their cheeks. She grips onto the wooden post with a somber expression and her eyes are glazed over. 
“Tell me what’s going on. Maybe I can help. I mean, I can’t fathom how you could actually mess something up with Ominis beyond repair. He adores you.” Sebastian says with a grin.
She gives him a wry smile, “I doubt he adores me anymore.” She closes her eyes with a deep sigh then asks in a whisper, “Have you ever made a mistake that you wish with every fiber of your being you could take back?”
Sebastian nods with a solemn expression, “Of course. I think we all have, at some point.”
It takes her several breaths before she continues.
“I’m sure you’re aware that Ominis comes from a long line of Legilimens.” 
He nods, “I know Salazar was one. Can’t say I’m surprised the talent stayed in the bloodline.”
“Well, I was hoping I could help him master his Legilimency. So he would be able to… feel me whenever he wished. It was supposed to help quell his worries when I’m not at the castle. So he knows I’m alright.” 
He waits for her to continue while her fingers pick at the weathered wood and a grimace consumes her features.
“After a particularly intense session, he now believes that I want to-, that I-I want to fix him. Wh-Which isn’t true. He’s not broken. He doesn’t need mending. I know this.” 
Sebastian lowers his gaze to the chasm below with a quiet inhale. He knows Ominis to be sensitive on the subject. Ominis’ mother in particular has been keen on him being ‘cured’ - going so far as to procure him magical eyes to be inserted at the removal of his current eyes. 
She lets out a shaky breath as her head falls, “B-But, maybe my motives were never in good nature. Despite my intentions, perhaps on some level, I did want to… fix him. And this was always selfish in nature.”
She sighs, “I won’t deny the allure of him able to see - even if it’s just through memories. It’s exciting. A gift.” She pauses and Sebastian can see her body trembling. “A gift, he never asked for, but I assumed he wanted.” 
Her hands cover her face, “Oh, Sebastian - I didn’t realize how carelessly I approached all of this until it was too late. And now, he won’t even speak to me.” 
Her last sentence comes out as a near whisper and she ducks away from him to hide her crying. Sebastian grabs her, turning her back to him, then he pulls her into a tight hug. She holds onto him as her head presses into his chest.
“Hey. Don’t cry. Don’t cry now.” He hushes. “It’s okay. It’ll all be okay.”
“No. No it won’t. You didn’t see the way he looked at me, Sebastian. I’ve never seen him so cold. He hates me. I fear this can’t be mended in any way. I-I’m sure he believes I’m no better than his wretched family.”
Sebastian pulls her away with a frown and furrowed brows, “You are nothing like that. Don’t even compare yourself to them. Do you hear me?!” 
She lowers her gaze from his and his fingers jerk her chin back up to him.
“Look at me.” He demands in a stern tone. “You need to stop wallowing in self-pity this instant. And we need to come up with a way to sit Ominis down to work this whole thing out. You both are being absolutely ridiculous. Him even more so. He’s being a right bloody arse, and you’re the only one who can sort him out.” 
“But, he doesn’t want to hear what I have to say. Anytime I try to go to him, he just ignores me, or walks away.” She grimaces - biting her lip to keep another wave of sobs from spilling out.
Sebastian smirks, “It’s a good thing I have my own way with him. I think I may have an idea.”
Sebastian will be the first to admit his surprise at Ominis’ acceptance to go to Hogsmeade, but he’s not about to complain. 
The journey there is all but silent. The storm of yesterday is upon them and leaves the sky in a dark gloom. Chilling winds cut through the wall of trees - kicking up the snow along the banks - and Sebastian wraps his arms around his chest to keep some of his warmth. He spares glances at his friend, noting how his brows are pinched together and his lips are pressed into a tight frown - seemingly unaffected by the frigid gales. He sees the dark circles under Ominis’ eyes as well and he finds some hope, that underneath all his bitter anger, Ominis still cares for her. And he’s just as upset by all this as she is. 
It’s once they’re at Honeydukes, does Sebastian finally find his chance to broach the subject. He catches Ominis lingering on a shelf of candies. Her favorite. His fingers glide over the boxes and he has a somber smile as he does. 
“You should get her something.” Sebastian says as he stands near Ominis. 
He retracts his hand, as if burned, and he sneers, “Why on earth would I do that?” 
“Oh, I don’t know,” Sebastian drawls out while Ominis turns towards the door - the bell ringing as they both leave the warm shop and head into the bitter cold, “to cheer her up. She’s been quite down lately. Like someone killed her beloved pet right in front of her. Not even Poppy can cheer her up - and she’s been throwing Puffskeins at her all week.” 
Ominis frowns at this, hurrying his stride - but Sebastian is hot on his heels.
“Is that what this venture is about? Did she put you up to this?” Ominis spits. 
“Far from it. She barely speaks any more - did you know that? I couldn’t talk to her if I tried.” 
Sebastian catches the wince rippling across Ominis’ features before he resumes his stoic indifference. 
“Well, perhaps that’s for the best.” 
Sebastian’s eyes widen, “You don’t mean that, Ominis.” 
“What if I did?” He retorts with an edge in his voice - any others would have backed down, but Sebastian has never been one to take heed of such things.
“Because if you did, you’d be as cruel as that brother of yours. And you and I both know, that’s not true.” Sebastian states. “Tell me. What’s wrong? What happened between you two? I thought you adored each other. And now, you practically hate her guts. Has she done something truly that unforgivable?” 
“I don’t hate her.” Ominis snaps then he grimaces with a slight shake of his head, “I thought she was different. But, she’s just like all the others. I should’ve known better than to expect anything else.” 
“What does that even mean, Ominis?” 
Ominis scoffs, “It means exactly that. If you want to know more - go interrogate her instead. I’m sure she’s dying to tell you all about it. Since she’s so apt on fixing everyone’s problems, it’ll be good for her to worry about herself for a change.”
Sebastian winces at his harsh tone while doubts of him being able to help start to bubble up. He sucks in a sharp breath, clenching his fists in determination.
“You know,” Sebastian says while they wind their way on the path back to Hogwarts, “is there any way you two could talk this out? Perhaps this is all one big misunderstanding!” 
Sebastian curses to himself at Ominis’ stubbornness. He hates when Ominis gets like this - and there’s only ever been one person who’s able to get him to come around to reason. And Ominis is refusing to ever speak to her again.
“Can’t you at least give her a chance to apologize? Bury the hatchet, and whatnot?” Sebastian practically pleads. “You do care for her. I know you do, Ominis. Despite all this guise of pretending you don’t. And guess what - she still cares about you. So, what’s stopping you? Your pride? I sincerely hope not. Because you, of all people, should know better.”
Ominis’ brows pinch together and his eyes soften. Ominis won’t deny, it’s been extremely difficult to keep up his ‘indifference’ towards her. He longs for her. But, he doesn’t know how to face her. 
“I-,” Ominis stops, his wand pointing to something ahead on the path. Sebastian follows his wand until he sees what’s got Ominis’ attention. 
She’s walking up to them - her hands are wringing together and her eyes are glued to Ominis. Sebastian curses to himself again.
Ominis turns to Sebastian with a scowl, “You lied. You did speak to her. To what? Ambush me?!” 
“I told you to wait in the Undercroft.” Sebastian hisses at her. 
“I’m sorry, but I couldn’t wait any longer.” She speaks up. “I just want to talk to you, Ominis. Please.” 
Sebastian can see the hurt within Ominis, despite his best attempts to keep it all at bay. 
“There’s nothing to talk about.” Ominis stomps past her. 
“Wait, please!” She catches up to him, tugging on his sleeve to get him to stop. 
“Get your hand off of me!” He whips around with a snarl, “Are you dense? Surely you must realize that I want nothing to do with you!” 
Sebastian stands next to her with his mouth agape, “Ominis.” 
Ominis bites his tongue hard enough to flood his mouth with a hot copper taste. He’s ready to yank his arm from her loose grasp and run away from the both of them when the noise of twigs breaking gets all of their attention. 
“You!” A masked man shouts as he emerges from the treeline - his wand pointing towards her and Ominis. “There you are! You lil’ meddling brat.”
Without pause, Ominis hears a spell being cast. He doesn’t have time to react before she steps in front of him. He hears her gasp and her body crumples to the ground with an audible thud. Sebastian is firing back at their assailants and spells whiz past Ominis’ head - just barely missing him. Ominis gathers his wits enough to help Sebastian. His casting is frantic and phrenetic. He hates the satisfaction he has in hearing the Ashwinders cries of pain when he and Sebastian land their heated spells, but he doesn’t restrain himself. 
It doesn’t take much to drive the dark wizards back, and they soon retreat into the forest from whence they came. A chilling stillness settles in the air with not a bird’s song nor insect’s chitter to break it - only the howling wind and Ominis’ and Sebastian’s heavy breaths. 
Ominis turns to check on her, when his foot hits something. He falls to the ground and he nearly recoils at touching her leg. He says her name over and over again as his hands move up her body to her face. He searches her face for any sort of movement, but she’s still. His heart seizes once he gets to her eyes. They’re wide open. Frozen in a lifeless expression. Sebastian stares at the scene with his mouth agape and his heart twisting.
“Sebastian? Is she alright? What’s wrong with her?” Ominis whimpers. He shouldn’t be this numb, nor feel that his world is disintegrating around him. But he does. And he doesn’t know how to make it stop. 
Sebastian is somewhat thankful Ominis cannot see her as he’s sure Ominis would shatter at the sight. Her eyes are wide, swallowed in an eerie teal mist, and staring blankly ahead. If it weren’t for the slight movements of her chest - he would believe her dead. Ominis drags her into his arms as he feels over her face in horror.
“Answer me!” Ominis demands, his haunting gray eyes a full on tempest as he searches in vain for Sebastian.
“She’s alive.” He states in a stern tone and Ominis lets out an audible sigh. “But, something’s wrong. I-I think they cursed her.” Sebastian can taste the bile in his mouth at the thought. “We need to get her to Hogwarts. Now.”
Ominis shuts his eyes then nods. 
Sebastian casts a Hover Charm on her - making her float lifelessly in the air. Ominis holds her close to him and they carry her back to the castle. They sprint into the Hospital Wing and start to babble like madmen once they arrive. The Nurse helps set their unconscious friend on a bed then pushes them back with a flick of her wand and she’s quick to work without a single word.
Ominis and Sebastian stand in silence. Sebastian glances over to his eerily still best friend and he places his hand on Ominis’ shoulder. 
“She’ll be okay.” He whispers. “She’s a lot tougher than she looks.” 
Ominis trembles under Sebastian’s touch, so he brings Ominis under his arm into a strong side hug. Sebastian hates this. He hates waiting for an answer. He hates seeing his friend - hurt and unmoving. And he hates the wretched expression upon Ominis. It sends Sebastian into a spiral of helplessness. He holds Ominis tighter - it’s the least he can do… the only thing he can do.
“I told her I wanted nothing to do with her.” He closes his eyes with a shaky breath. “Why did I say such a vicious thing to her?” 
Sebastian opens his mouth to speak, but Madame Blainey approaches them with a grim expression.
“Her body is unharmed. But, she’s suffering from a botched Memory Charm.” Madame Blainey states.
“What does that mean? Will she be alright then? That means you can fix it, right?” Sebastian questions. 
Madame Blainey sighs, her eyes downcast, “The state she’s currently in is not optimistic. She will have to be transferred to St. Mungos for further treatment. And…,” 
“And what?” Ominis’ voice is cold and devoid of any emotion. 
“St. Mungos will keep her comfortable.” Blainey spares them a sad, pitying smile between the two boys. “You may need to prepare yourselves for the possibility of her not waking from this.” 
Ominis’ shoulders sag and Sebastian scowls - taking a step towards the Matron with clenched fists. 
“That can’t be. You said it was a shoddy charm. So, why can’t it be remedied? Why can’t you heal her?!” Sebastian demands, his voice rising with every question. 
The Nurse raises both of her hands to ease Sebastian, but it does little to quell the indignation dancing in his dark eyes.
“The Charm may not have worked as intended. But that doesn’t mean it didn’t affect her.” Madame Blainey turns towards the occupied bed - where she lays, unmoving upon the pristine white sheets. 
 “She’s currently lost in her own mind. Unless she’s able to find her way back, I’m afraid she will remain lost to us.” 
Madame Blainey turns back to the two boys, “I am truly so sorry. I wish I had better news. I’ll leave you two alone with her.” 
Madame Blainey bows her head before she goes into her office - shutting her door with a click. 
Sebastian glares at the shut door while Ominis takes shaky steps forward until he reaches the foot of her bed. His fingers trace up her leg until they reach her hand. His hand wraps around hers and he lets out a gasp.
“She’s so cold.” He whispers. 
Ominis collapses to his knees with a silent sob, “This is all my fault.” 
Sebastian goes to his side, wrapping an arm around his heaving shoulders. Sebastian bites his lip to keep his own tears at bay. 
“This is not your fault, Ominis.” He squeezes Ominis’ shoulder while his other hand rubs up and down Ominis’ arm.
“It is. It is.” Ominis cries. “She wouldn’t be like this if I hadn’t been so cruel to her. I-If I would’ve given her the chance to speak. Instead, I-I just ignored her. I knew she was hurting, Sebastian. I knew I was hurting her. But, I chose to ignore it. All because I assumed the worst in her. And now, the last thing I said to her was that I didn’t want her.”
Ominis lets out a heavy breath, “Yet, she still chose to protect me. Even then she still… cared.” 
Ominis manages to get back to his unstable legs long enough to stumble towards the head of the bed. He feels over her face, brushing aside her hair as he does so. He buries himself into the crook of her neck and Sebastian can only place a reassuring hand upon Ominis’ back - and watch. 
“Please. Please. Wake up. Wake up and tell me what a fool I am. And how foolish I’ve been. Please, just wake up.” Ominis begs.
Sebastian can’t stand how hurt Ominis is, nor can he stand the blank expression upon her face staring at him. So, he leaves without a word. His destination - plainly written in his mind. 
Ominis can barely hear the breaths leaving her. He has to strain his ears to catch the hint of an exhale escaping her. He places his hand over her heart. There’s a slight rise and fall, and a faint strumming of a near nonexistent heartbeat against his palm. 
“If this is your way of getting back at me for how-,” his throat cinches and he has to suck in a sharp breath, “For how I’ve been. I’d say you’ve made your point. You can stop. You can wake up now.” 
He sounds pathetic and desperate, even to his own ears, but he doesn’t care. He’ll gladly grovel at her feet, weep for forgiveness, anything. Anything. He'd give, he’d do, he’d say anything, just to hear her curse his name - to direct all the malicious things he’s said to her unto him. At least then, she’d be… 
He shakes his head at the grim thought. She’s not dead. She’s simply lost, as the Matron put it. 
“Lost in thought.” He murmurs. “I hope they’re pleasant thoughts. An old adventure perhaps? The ones you like to tell me about - even though they worry me to know you were in such a perilous situation.” He laughs, bitterly and near sobbing. 
“I hope it’s the one you and I were on together. I enjoyed it. Although, you did nearly get us killed.” He smiles to himself.
He feels over the top of her far too cold hand and he slips off his school robe. He drapes it across her while he focuses on the rise and fall of her chest - satisfied she is indeed still breathing. 
“Or maybe it’s best to not think of me at all. I wouldn’t blame you.” He murmurs as he grabs her hand once more. 
“I don’t know why I didn’t come to you. I wanted to. So badly. So very, very badly. It’s been driving me mad. Not being able to talk to you. There’s so much I want to tell you.”
But now, those words may forever remain unspoken. He shudders at the thought. 
“It’s not to say I wasn’t upset with you.” He confesses. “I was. Even now, I’m angry at you for throwing yourself into harm’s way - yet again. You’re so incredibly, unbelievably careless. And look at where it’s gotten you!” 
He lets out a sharp breath, ripping his hands away while he falls back into his chair. 
“You must be laughing right now at how-,” he gasps, “At how much pain I’m in. I’m in absolute agony right now, and you don’t even realize. Because you care about everyone so much - but never yourself! Why is that? Why don’t you love yourself to the same degree that everyone else loves you? Like I love you.” 
He falls into his hands and his fingers dig into his hair, practically ripping it from his scalp. 
“I love you so much. It pains me. I thought this was supposed to be a sweet, wonderful thing - yet here I am. In misery.” 
He strains his ears again, and he catches a slight exhale. 
“Say something, will you? Anything. Please. Just say something. End my torment.” He whimpers. 
Another near silent breath is his only response. 
He sits back up and slowly, carefully, reaches out for her. He tangles his fingers in her hair - far more gently than he had for himself - and he has her hand in a vice-like grip. He strokes her scalp while he listens for any slight changes in her breathing. But, it’s steady. Like she’s in a deep sleep and he’s merely trying to disturb her rest. 
“I know. I know.” He sighs. 
“I know you don’t like it when I’m upset. Especially over your… adventures. I just wish it was someone else in your place. Selfish, I know. But I never claimed I wasn’t. I wish you weren’t the way you are. So wanting to do good and to help those that have no merit for it.” 
He smiles softly, “But, that’s also why I love you so fiercely - that bleeding, kind heart of yours. Which, so foolishly, believes me worthy. Worthy enough to protect me. To care and love me.” 
He shakes his head to dispel the tears threatening to fall, “You are such a fool.” 
He squeezes her hand, his heart twisting when he doesn’t feel her squeeze right back, then he shifts to be closer to her. He presses a kiss on her forehead then rests his head against her temple. His nose brushes against her cheek and he sighs, taking in her sweet, calming scent. 
“It’s alright. For I’m a fool, too. We can be fools together. You and I.” He laughs, “It sounds wonderful, actually. We can live a foolish life. Doing foolish things. And, it’d be perfect. Because, you’d be there with me. And I, with you.” 
He closes his eyes, breathing deeply through his nose and letting it pass through his lips in a near whine. 
“I hope that’s what you’re lost in right now. Us. Doing foolish things. Together. You and I.” 
He whispers with a tear trailing down his cheek, “You and I.”
By the time Sebastian returns, it’s the early hours of the morning. He goes towards the candle light emitting from her bedside. It’s not nearly enough to keep the shadows at bay and the dark silhouettes of his two friends sends a chill down his spine. Ominis is in a chair holding her hand and stroking her hair. He’s never seen Ominis so disheveled. His hair is pulled out of his neat, slicked-back style and his starched clothes are rumpled and wrinkled - his school robe lays over her as a poor excuse of a blanket. 
Sebastian doubts he fairs much better - feeling the sting in his eyes from straining them and refusing to let the exhaustion manifest to slow him down. Sebastian can hear the soft whispers Ominis speaks to her the closer he gets, but he can’t make out what’s being said. Sebastian hovers by the foot of her bed, unable to break Ominis from his hushed pleadings. He’s like a stranger intruding on something intimate - something not meant for him to hear.
“She’ll be transferred to St. Mungos at first light.” Ominis states, his head not even turning towards Sebastian. Sebastian closes his eyes with a deep breath - his throat impossibly constricted. 
He moves towards Ominis to rest a hand on his shoulder.
“We can save her.” He says with not an ounce of wavering in his voice.
Ominis whips his head towards him with wide, glassy eyes, “How?” 
“We can’t do it here. We need to take her to the Undercroft.” 
Ominis nods, “Very well. How do you suggest we sneak her out?” 
Sebastian is grateful Ominis isn’t fighting him on this - and he’s quick to cast the Hover Charm on her once again. 
“Quickly. Before anyone sees.” Sebastian takes the lead, with Ominis trailing behind. 
They arrive at the Undercroft and place her down in the middle of the circle Sebastian has prepared. Ominis smells the distinct stench of incense in the air and he frowns.
“What is it we’re going to do?” 
Sebastian guides Ominis to kneel right by her head.
“It’s you. It has to be you, Ominis. You’re the only one who can save her.” Sebastian states. 
“Me? H-How?” Ominis reaches out in front of him until his fingers nestle in her hair. 
Sebastian takes his place next to Ominis, “You have to reach into her mind, find where she is, and then guide her out of the charm.”
Ominis shakes his head, “No. No, I can’t.”
“You’re the only one who can.”
Ominis wants to object, but Sebastian places a strong hand on his shoulder.
“I’ll be with you every step of the way, Ominis.” Sebastian says. “You can do this. I know you can. She does too.” 
Ominis lets out a sharp exhale and he moves her head to rest on his thighs. He traces along her cheeks and jawline before he gives a short nod.
“I’ll try.” He whispers. 
Sebastian grins for a moment, “I’ve drawn a grounding circle around us to protect you from getting lost in there as well.”
“A grounding circle?” Ominis grimaces. “Sebastian, this doesn’t sound-,”
“Yes! Alright, yes.” Sebastian snaps. “This is experimental magic we’re doing - and it might not even work - but it’s all we got.” 
Ominis takes a deep breath as he closes his eyes, “Is there anything else I need to do?” 
“Just find her.” 
Ominis swallows down the apprehension, the fear, and the doubts. She needs him. And he won’t abandon her now. He takes another deep breath then searches for her eyes until he feels something tugging on him. 
He’s not greeted with the normal familiarity of her emotions. Instead, it’s an empty, stillness. It would be enough to send him reeling away, but he refuses to leave. Not without her. The more he feels around in the empty confines, he begins to notice there’s slight tears within this place. He reaches out and rips the veil apart. 
A slew of memories rush over him. He’s tossed around from one to the next and just when he’s beginning to understand what he’s seeing, he’s jerked to the next one - all fresh memories from the past few days. He has to watch as she tries to go to him, only for him to turn away from her - again and again and again. Each one hurts more and more, but he refuses to pull away. 
He keeps going even though his head feels like it’s being split into tiny pieces. 
He catches voices - Sebastian and her speaking. Then the voices of the men who attacked them. She didn’t even hesitate to move in front of him - all to protect him. How she still loves him, even though he said such horrible things to her not but mere moments ago is not something he quite understands. How could she be so…
It speaks to him and the torrent he’s in slowly dies down as he focuses hard on the warm feeling. More images shift past him until finally it stays on just one, singular memory. 
The sun peers through the autumn leaves. Golds, reds, oranges, and browns are all in front of him. He blinks several times, nearly retreating from the overwhelming sight. It’s almost too much. All these colors swirl around him and it takes his breath away. He reaches out to grab the leaves as they flutter past, but they pass right through him as if he were no more than an apparition. He’s lost in absorbing the sights around him - walking along a stone path as he takes it all in. The chilled air and distant bird song brings him solace and the memory wraps around him like a warm blanket on a cold, winter’s night. Whatever this memory is, it’s important and it's like he’s been here numerous times before with how at home he feels.
He hears her soft laughter and he’s harshly reminded as to why he’s here. He sprints right towards it - going around bends and following the path until he finds two people walking next to each other. 
A boy with slicked-backed brownish-blonde hair wearing a black and emerald school robe and a girl in a similar black robe as the boy. The boy’s sightless gaze is in front of him - his head craned towards the girl next to him- and his wand emits a pulsing red glow. Ominis can’t believe he sees himself. More importantly, he can’t believe he sees her.
The sun casts a soft glow upon her smiling face and her shining hair. She keeps looking over at the boy - over at him - and every time, a warm smile tugs on her lips. He’s amazed at being able to see this smile reach all the way to her eyes - making them sparkle and shimmer. It’s enough to send his heart hammering in his chest as he watches them. He finds himself enamored with every little detail about her. Even the way she walks and moves her hands as she talks is captivating.  
He knows this day. 
They’re walking back from Hogsmeade. Long before they ever admitted to one another their feelings. Although he knew she looked at him often, he never imagined it was with such adoration. And the way her smile entangles in every word, it’s a wonder he didn’t piece it together sooner. He’s like a bystander as he watches them - they’re moving, yet they’re going nowhere and if he doesn’t keep his concentration on where he is, he finds himself looking through her eyes instead. A very disorienting sensation. 
He sees himself talking, but the words are distorted and cut in and out. He notices the woods around them are starting to get blurry and it’s all beginning to fade away. 
He concentrates until the memory comes back into focus with sharper clarity. They continue walking down the path and he goes to follow. He calls out her name, but nothing comes out of his mouth. He tries once more, yet again, nothing - not even a whisper. They’re walking away from him now and he’s running in place.
‘No. Come back! Don’t leave!’ He screams, but no sound comes out. He’s slipping and losing his grasp of this memory.
He won’t let her go. He digs within himself to compel the words to be uttered with every ounce of strength he has. 
Her name reverberates in a great shout and she stops walking. She turns to face him, the real him, and her eyes widen.
“Ominis?” She whispers. 
He laughs in both relief and disbelief. He runs towards her - his hand outstretched, “Yes. Please. Don’t go. Come with me.” 
She cranes her head and takes a step towards him with a slight smile until a voice cuts through:
“I want nothing to do with you!”
“Leave me alone!” 
“Get your hand off of me!” 
The memory begins to distort as she grimaces - backing away from him. The words keep repeating in a horrible mantra. It’s deafening and it makes him sick to hear his own vile words again and again.
“You’re not real.” She says, blinking back tears. “None of this is real.”
“Wait!” Ominis calls to her, but she’s already running away. 
No, no, no, she’s slipping from his grasp - then she may very well be forever lost. Something ignites within him - a sudden surge of control and power unlike anything he’s felt before and - with great effort - he forces everything to cease. The echoes of his words silence and the world around them fades until it’s just them in a dark, empty space. She turns towards him while he all but rushes to her. 
“Don’t go.” He cries. “Please. Come back.” 
She shakes her head while she steps away from him, “No. No, I don’t want to go back.”
“No, wait! Don’t leave me. I-I need you.” He pleads. 
He wants to go to her, but his feet refuse to lift. Some force is keeping him at bay. 
“I hurt you, Ominis. I didn’t mean to, but I did. I ruined everything.” She cries. “At least here, I can pretend. I can go back to how it was.” Her lip quivers and it breaks his heart to see her so upset. 
“You haven’t ruined anything, my love.” He whispers with a pleading expression. “It’s I who’s done that. I never should’ve pushed you away.”
He lowers his head, “I’ve been acting like that scared little boy that Marvolo would take toys from. The one Father would torment by ripping apart my mind. The son, a mother, so desperately wants to fix.”
He lets out a shuddering breath as he whispers, “It was easier to accept that you had ill-intent towards me than the truth.” 
She shakes her head, “The truth?”
He finds it impossible to look at her awaiting face, but he does. He knows he has to.
“It frightened me to see into your mind. Because, I wanted more. I wanted to see more. I wanted to be just like Father, and tear into your memories to make them all mine.”
He gasps at the truth leaving his lips. He stares at her as she stares back at him. He wishes he could understand the expression written upon her face. But, he doesn’t. All he can do is wait for her to speak.
She steps closer to him, “You are not your father, Ominis. And I’m so deeply sorry I put you in a position which made you feel even remotely like that. I never should have pushed you into doing what I believed you should want.”
He shakes his head with a bitter laugh, “If you hadn’t been so adamant on me learning how to do this, I wouldn’t be here right now. And you would be lost to me. And,” he looks at her with a wide smile, “I wouldn’t be able to see you now. Nor that beautiful memory.”
She lets out a near cry and her sweet smile brings him unfathomable joy. 
He steps towards her, “I’m not my father - I don’t have to use this ability the same way he does. I understand that now. This is, indeed, a gift. And I’m so sorry it took me so long to realize that.”
Her features morph into an earnest, pleading expression.
“This was never a means to fix you, Ominis. I don’t want to fix you.” She whispers. “I love who you are. And I’m so sorry if I made it seem otherwise.”
He smiles as he nods emphatically, “I know. And I was such a fool to believe otherwise. You didn’t deserve that.”
She beams with a slight laugh, “We’ve both been fools, haven’t we?” 
“I’m afraid we have.” He laughs. “So, please,” he holds out his hand towards her, “come back with me, love. Come back.”
She glances between his outstretched hand and him. A warm smile comes over her.
She closes the space between them and embraces him. He lets out a gasp at how close he feels to her - far closer than he has before - as he embraces her just as fiercely back. He senses something tethering to him. It’s trying to bond with him. It’s a magic he’s never experienced before, but he knows it’s stemming from her. He lets it tangle around him and the dark place they’re in begins to shatter.
Ominis gasps, reeling from the experience, and he has to gather himself. He blinks several times, a frown forming at his sight being normal once more.
“Ominis! Are you alright? Did it work?” Sebastian grips Ominis’ arm while Sebastian’s gaze is firmly locked on her. Ominis’ hands feel over her unmoving face and his frown deepens. 
“I-I don’t know.”
She jolts up with an audible breath before she falls back into his lap. Sebastian laughs, shaking Ominis as she blinks up at both of them in confusion. 
“O-Ominis?” She mumbles and her brows pinch together. “Oh, Ominis. You look like you’ve been romped by a herd of Puffskeins.” 
Ominis chuckles, his relief palpable, “That would’ve been far more preferable. Oh, it’s so good to hear your voice.”
She stares at Ominis with wide eyes. 
“So that was real.” She whispers with a wide smile as Ominis nods. He strokes her cheeks and she holds onto one of his wrists to ensure he stays right there.
 She turns her head towards Sebastian, “If this was your grand idea to get us back together,” she laughs, “well, I suppose it could’ve been worse.” 
Her eyes flutter shut with a groan,  “Although, my head is certainly killing me.”
Sebastian - unable to retort with a witty response - holds her free hand with a chuckle. Ominis leans his head against Sebastian’s shoulder, in both relief and exhaustion, while she glances between the two tear-stricken, grinning boys with a grin. 
“It’s so good to see you awake.” Sebastian smiles. “We were worried one of us was gonna have to slap you until you finally came to your senses.” 
She giggles, “Thank goodness it was unnecessary.” 
Ominis lets out a sharp laugh, “All thanks to you, Sebastian. None of this would’ve worked without you. Thank you.” 
“Anytime.” Sebastian grins at both of his friends, alive and well, with unmasked relief. Ominis plays with her hair with a warm smile while she looks up at Ominis with such adoration, it’s enough to churn Sebastian’s stomach from their sweetness. 
“So, let’s discuss my reward. I take many forms of gratitude.” Sebastian smirks. “Butterbeers. Doing my homework. Answers to next week’s test. I’m open to most ideas.” 
Ominis chuckles, “I’ll get you a whole keg of Butterbeer for what you’ve done.” 
“I’ll hold you to that.” Sebastian says. 
Ominis leans his head onto hers as they slowly stroll along the rickety, old, long bridge by the Clocktower Courtyard. She plays with his hand - intertwining their fingers together then releasing them to hold his hand, only to tangle them once again. 
“When do you expect to return?” He wonders.
“By this evening. I’ll try not to take too long.” She squeezes his hand. 
He hums, “I’ll be waiting for you.”
She smiles as they reach the end of the bridge and she turns to face him, “And I’ll be looking forward to seeing you.” 
He’s still captivated by the sight of what his wand paints of her. Like waves crashing to shore or a crackling inferno, magic rolls over her body in a steady hum. It’s electric and fiery - unbridled energy which sparks and ignites across her. He wonders if the pulsing is in time with her heartbeats as it thrums to a gentle beat. It’s breathtaking and he’s the only one who can see her like this - and he’s forever grateful his wand has adjusted to this new connection between them.
He cups her cheek with a soft smile, “I hope you don’t run into too much trouble, love. I do rather like you unharmed, and intact.”
She laughs, “Don’t fret. I promise to return just as I left.” 
He leans down and places a heated kiss on her awaiting lips, one which takes her breath away and leaves her wanting for more. It’s a brilliant supernova in her mind as he intertwines himself with her. She feels his lips on hers, but also her lips on his. For a brief moment, they are one. The sensation dies down as he parts, but his presence doesn’t fully leave her. She sees the strands of Ancient Magic tangled around him - glowing in a vibrant radiance as it stretches all the way to her. She wonders if he regrets it. This bond he’s been forced to share with her. He silences the thought before it can fully form with another deep kiss. 
“Do be careful.” He whispers against her lips with a sweet smile.
“I will.” She steps away from him before he can lure her back into his embrace. She summons her broom - sparing him one final, loving glance - then she takes off. 
He sucks in a sharp breath at her departure. If he concentrates, he can feel the wind in her hair and against her face. Whatever bond they had created in the confines of her mind, has not dimmed, but flourished. And as she flies further from him, he can find her like his guiding star. And he smiles - turning back to the castle to await her return.
AN: i like the idea of Ominis' mom being far different from his father and brother. Meaning, I want his mom to be a type of devouring mother where she manipulates you into believing she's only doing what's 'best' for you. idk, i can just see her being very sweet and doting in a twisted kind of way. like ripping out her son's eyeballs to 'help' him.
also, hope the magic bond and legilimency mind shit wasn't TOO weird. idk, i like the idea of magic bonds and Ominis' wand being able to detect her in his own special way. and ancient magic seems like a pure form of magic for this to be viable.
ALSO ALSO, is it Ominis' or Ominis's???? i might blow up my computer and then my local walmart on minecraft if it's the latter. I was told if a word ends in an s, then you don't add the 's. idk im not an english expert. im a dumb idiot writing mediocre fanfiction.
Any feedback is appreciated and wanted! I love hearing from y'all and thanks for reading <3
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sepublic · 10 months
Like yeah they both had power fantasies they pursued but the opposing nature of those fantasies -and not just how they tried to achieve them- is key when it comes to Luz and Philip;
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Because Luz just wanted to be herself, she wanted to be a witch, something that doesn't actually require others to suffer; Sure there's the "Now eat this sucka!!!" bit, but it's never emphasized and used very sparingly, with the main focus on Luz wanting to appreciate the wonders of the world around her, and focusing more on trying to make friends out of enemies than just condemning them; So Eat this Sucka becomes a necessary last resort, in a way. Luz tries to avoid picking fights and only does so for the sake of others, and even then has to confront whether that's appropriate or not.
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Whereas Belos, his power fantasy explicitly calls for the harm of others; Which he justifies because they're 'evil', but he nevertheless wants for there to be evil people, he wants people to do wrong, so he can then hurt them. Kill them, even; He wants injustice to always exist and that's unsustainable. Belos doesn't want people to get better, he wants to punish them first and foremost, it's not his last but first resort, and he claims to be an aggressor on behalf of 'humanity' but never listens to actual humans. He desires an Us vs Them scenario, Belos is basically "It's not enough I should succeed, others must fail." He relies on hierarchy instead of wanting to uplift everyone else if he can.
And so you can see how these different power fantasies that Luz and Philip latch onto reflect who they want and choose to be, and become; With Luz wanting to engage with another world and respect it, learn to value and see the beauty in it, making friends with unexpected people in unexpected places and only kicking ass as necessary. Whereas Belos approaches everything from the entitlement of a colonizer who believes in his own supremacy and superiority to lesser, subhuman beings that he distances himself from, and never truly connects to.
So their dichotomy is a discussion of the nature of power fantasies and what they'd logically require in real life, but also an expression of who they are because of why they choose those fantasies, and how far they're willing to go to commit to them; Because Luz is willing to give up her fantasy for the sake of others (despite it being inherently less dangerous than Philip's, which he still clings to), because people's lives will always matter more than some fantastical achievement. The problem is that Luz thinks she necessarily has to make that sacrifice.
There's just a lot of interplay between wanting things for yourself and how that relates to selfishness, and what selfishness even IS, what makes it bad if it is, etc. The line between choosing to sacrifice others for yourself, VS having to prioritize your own health over pleasing others (such as society's expectations), even using self-defense against people who keep taking advantage of and threatening you. You should want to look after yourself and you should care about others, these are not mutually exclusive!!!
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