raulfernandez · 3 months
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zahri-melitor · 6 months
Sorting through old issues and I came across this conversational parallel I’d forgotten:
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"Last time I checked, Batman and Alfred were good with cars." "I don't want to go running to him for advice every ten minutes." "What's with you guys? You have to make everything so difficult. He views you as an equal. Get over it." "He was just down here in Blüdhaven to --" "He's concerned about you. Though it would kill him to say it. Just like it kills you to ask for help."
Nightwing #16 (1996)
Does it sound a little familiar? Because I had to line it up with...
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"I don't call this 'okay', Dick." "He's my responsibility now. You're not my protege, Tim... you're my equal. My closest ally. You'll be okay. But him...Tim, you know better than anyone that left on his own, he's going to kill someone. Again. You have to understand--" "No. I don't. This is all I have now."
Red Robin #1 (2009)
Dick, in his extreme independence "I'm a big boy now, Bruce, I have my own city" mode, is kicking and disbelieving that Bruce thinks of him and treats him as an equal, even though Barbara can see it. And Barbara notes how hard it is for Dick to ask for help.
While Tim, clutching at the only remaining stability in his life, disbelieves Dick telling him that Dick sees Tim as an equal, and desperately reaches out and asks for help here...only to be turned down by Dick.
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steventhusiast · 9 months
STWG daily prompt 5/9/23
prompt: growing pains
characters/pairing(s): steve and dustin
If there's one thing Steve knows, it's the feeling of being left behind.
Ever since that day in 1983 where his life and his perception of the world and the government got flipped upside down for the first time, he's felt... stuck. And at first, everyone else was stuck too.
Nancy wasn't processing her grief. Mike had an unhealthy attachment to El. Max became more closed off emotionally. Robin coped through nothing but finding the humour in situations. Hopper drank.
It sucked, but they were in it together.
And then...
People started leaving him Hawkins. Nancy and Robin went off to college. The Hopper-Byers family moved to another small town permanently.
And Steve's been coping with that. They are ready to be done with Hawkins, but he can't. There's a rock that sits deep and unsettled in his gut that tells him if he leaves Hawkins it will come back. What 'it' is changes by the day. Sometimes, it's the demogorgon that will come back if he leaves. Sometimes it's a gate opening. Sometimes it's Vecna coming back from the dead.
He wants nothing more than to leave, to not see places he will forever associate with pain and fear and suffering every day. But if he leaves, bad things will happen and it will be his fault. So he's stuck. He stays. He copes.
Or, he copes until Dustin comes running into Melvald's -- Steve took over Joyce's job there when she left -- holding an envelope up like it's precious treasure.
"Whoa whoa, where's the fire, Henderson?" He jokes as Dustin slides across the linoleum floor when he tries to stop at the cash register. He's out of breath, and a mixed expression of nerves-excitement-fear is clear on his face.
"My- I got- Letter-" Dustin says between laboured breaths, holding up the letter still as he leans on the counter.
"What?" Steve says. He tries to get more information by looking closely at the letter now that it's inches away from him. In the corner are the letters 'MIT', and it's clearly addressed to Dustin.
"I got my letter from MIT. I want to open it with you." Dustin states when he's caught his breath. Steve's still confused, so he elaborates, "I'm.. nervous."
"MIT is.. one of the schools you applied to right?" Steve checks, feeling the presence of that rock in his gut all of a sudden.
Ever since the kids entered their senior year, he's been secretly, selfishly hoping they'd choose schools in state, ones that are close by. Maybe even ones that wouldn't require them to move out of Hawkins.
But obviously they're all due for bigger and better things. They're too good, too smart. They're growing up.
"Go on then, open it!"
He fakes the enthusiasm he knows Dustin needs, and watches him tear it open. Already, he knows Dustin's gotten in. He's too smart to have been rejected. And Steve's happy for him, but he's also dreading everything.
Dustin's eyes dart across the paper as he reads the first line aloud.
"'On behalf of the Admissions Committee, it is my pleasure to offer you admission- holy shit! -to the MIT class of 1989!'" Dustin stops reading and just looks at Steve with wide eyes.
Steve offers him a smile, even though he knows he's about to be left behind again.
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asteria-argo · 11 months
Colin being So Annoying To Jamie Specifically my most beloved dynamic
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the-great-kraken · 1 year
physically, i'm right here, but emotionally, i'm stuck at "who the hell is jordie?"
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cheebdraws · 1 year
BABY HEIMDALL AND BALDUR 😭it is so cute i feel like Heim loved his baby brother, in a big bro way ofc (meaning he still picks on him but would break someone's neck if a stranger did it)
I mean Baldur was the most beloved of the gods, so naturally Heimdall loved his brother too. But definitely in a "Only *I* can bully my baby brother" kind of way. (Nevermind that Baldur bullies him back tenfold and gets away with it very easily). Heimdall loves his baby brother even though he also wants to punt the little boy into the next realm.
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vaultbuggo · 2 years
this sequence lives in my head rent-free they mean everything to me
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meldy-arts · 2 years
Dream, Sapnap, Tommy and Ranboo would be such an overpowered MCC team but I’m pleading they give it to us someday
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bougiebutchbitch · 2 years
Okay but Obito living in Kamui, and using Kakashis body just reminded me so much of those Shippuden fillers focused on Kakashi and Yamato. Where they meet the smoke people and the little girl took over a bunch of people's bodies to eat different foods.
Just Obito suddenly possessing people to eat ramen with Naruto and teach Sasuke his family history or something.
Maybe actually gathering a following that don't mind being possessed ?
oh noooo that's cute! ...I need to watch the Kakashi and Yamato eps again, they were so gooooood
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recycledcactus · 3 years
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crimeboys <3
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Wilbur Lore: On the ‘Who Do You Want To Play With’ sheet, Wilbur always puts Technoblade.
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rosartemis · 3 years
Dream gave Tommy the netherite sword  🥺
my discduo heart 
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steventhusiast · 10 months
STWG daily prompt 2/9/23
and here is today's daily drabble from the ST Writers Guild (i know it's more than 100 words i just couldn't write this in less words than this)
prompt: "I'd still know you"
pairing(s): dustin + steve
“You ever think about how we only know each other because of the Upside Down?” Dustin asks, and Steve looks up from what he's reading. Dustin looks.. conflicted.
“I guess.”
“Is it selfish that.. I’m glad it happened if I got you out of it? You’re my brother.”
Steve softens, and wants to give Dustin his full attention. He puts down the book.
"I don’t know about selfish. I like to think I’d still know you, even without this whole,” He gestures vaguely, “mess.”
“Yeah? How?”
Steve lets the question sit for a moment. He’s never been good at hypotheticals.
“I don’t know.” He confesses, but Dustin practically deflates at the words, so he’s quick to add on, “I just- I can’t see a world where I don’t end up with you as my annoying kid brother.”
Dustin offers him a smile, looks a little shy, and gives him a gentle shove to the shoulder.
“I’m not annoying.”
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future-circuit · 3 years
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i love them... i am revitalised by their relationship every day. 
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kurohe · 3 years
At some point Tommy was standing between 3 skeletons shooting at each other, and Techno yelling “GET OUT OF THE CROSSFIRE TOMMY !” even though he was absolutely NOT in immediate danger is the cutest shit ever
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hermits-that-craft · 4 years
“I know you said I never will be” “You can be”
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