theteaisaddictive · 4 months
y’all i have a fucking house
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thearoaceshark · 8 months
Remember the polyamorous ship we created out of nowhere in the group a month ago? Well, here are more Incorrect Quotes about them!
Usagi: Valentine’s day is just a consumerist holiday that holds no real value other than drive people insane buying heart shaped chocolates for their significant others and pos-
Leona: I wrote you a poem.
Usagi, already crying: You did?
Lotus: Smart is attractive. Educate me on something I don't know!
Casey: The mouth of a jellyfish is also an anus.
Usagi: Stop.
Leona: I think I'm falling for you.
Usagi: Then get up.
Leona: Are you ready to commit?
Casey: Like, a crime or a relationship?
Leona: Do you want to know your gay name?
April: My... my gay name?
Leona: Yeah, it's your first name-
April: Haha. Very funny Leona-
Leona: *gets down on one knee* And my last name.
April: Oh- oh my god.
Leona: Can you cut me some slack, Lotus? I’m sort of in love.
Lotus: I’m sorry, but that’s really not my problem.
Leona: I’m in love with you.
Lotus: *blushes* Oh. That brings me in the loop a little.
Leona: I have feelings for you.
Usagi: Why? What's wrong with you? Are you sure you're okay?
Leona: Look at me straight in the eyes and tell me the truth, Usagi!
Usagi: You can’t expect me to look into your eyes and be straight.
Casey: Being gay is a constant battle between "I wish to sit on a window bench with my lover, our legs tangling as we listen to the birds" and "Hey, let's go throw rocks at fascists" and I think that's very sexy of us.
Usagi: If the window's open and you time it right, you can do both.
Lotus: We have fun, don’t we, Usagi?
Usagi: I have never been more stressed out in my entire life.
Lotus: How do I make a date really romantic?
Casey: Be mysterious.
Lotus: Okay!
*later, while on a date with April*
Apeil: So where are we going?
Lotus: None of your fucking business.
Lotus: So, I heard you like bad girls… I time travel in Animal Crossing.
Judge: Does the defendant have any special requests?
Lotus: Death penalty.
Casey, from the gallery: Lotus, it’s just a parking ticket.
Lotus, whispering into the mic: Please kill me.
Usagi: Come on, Lotus. Nobody actually believes that April is in love with me.
Lotus, to the rest of them: Raise your hand if you think that Apeil is helplessly in love with Usagi.
*Everyone raises their hand*
Usagi: April, put your damn hand down.
Leona to Lotus: First rule of battle, little big one... don’t ever let them know where you are.
April: 'Course, there’re other schools of thought.
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nyccx · 3 months
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Super rich kids with nothing but lose ends
Draco Malfoy x Reader
This story is inspired by this song
((One of my favs))
Also this is my first story on heree
You were getting ready with Pansy, because you two were supposed to go out with the guys. Every one knew what you were going to do. “Should I bring my books to study?” You asked,even though you already knew the answer. “Is that a joke or something you know we always say we’re going to study and then just drink some shit and forget what we’re supposed to do.” Pansy answered while applying her new perfume. “I knoww but I thought we might actually study this time, Snape is on my ass with all those exams, I thought he liked the Slytherin kids more but he seems to just really hate me.” You moaned. “Noo you get it all wrong he hates everyone he just hates you the most.” She said laughing. “Wow thanks a lot now I feel better.” You laughed. “No problem,btw are you done yet Draco and Mattheo are waiting.” She said reading the text she got from them. “Yea sure but what about Blaise,Enzo,Theo,Tom and Reggie?” You asked. “they’re getting the stuff yk also lets go outside nowww.” She whined. “Alrr sorry for making you wait so long for your dray dray.” You said while basically dying of laughter. “Yea right cuz I’m the one missing draco over the holidays.” She protested . “Oh shut up and let’s goo.” You replied.
As you got to your fav hang out spot you could already smell the weed Theo probably brought, you sat besides between Enzo and Blaise (mostly cuz the were the most chill and didn’t care about ur raging crush on Draco). Draco stood up and offered you a glass of wine they brought. You asked him what whine it was he didn’t know and even if he knew he was probably too drunk to even pronounce the name,if he was only half as drunk he would probably not even be able to speak to you. After some drinks and some talking you noticed how Blaise and Theo were hyping Draco up, you didn’t quite get why but u thought it was quit funny and you couldn’t stop staring cuz his hair was so MMM and his hands were so AAAAAH and don’t get me started on his eyess. After some time of actually listening to what they said you were even more confused because Theo was always telling Draco he could cut his confidence in half and still have to much so you didn’t get why he was now basically screaming at him that he was usually so confident he should just go for it so you were like totally confused, but after like 15 minutes of them hyping draco up Draco got up and said, “alright but y’all owe me,because this is going to be wayy to embarrassing if it doesn’t go how y’all said.” And they just nodded. Then he walked towards you and asked if he could talk to you in private for a bit and you agreed.
So you went with him and as soon as you were out of hearing distance he just couldn’t stop talking “Okayy so I know you probably got a crush on Enzo or something but you are like the best thing that ever got in my life cuz even if I tried I can’t stop thinking about you and believe me I tried since second year so I just had to get it out and I know your probably gonna reject me cuz I’m not your type but I love you and I just had to say it cuz my thoughts of you were just eating me up soo yeaa.” And for a second you just didn’t know what to say,so you just grabbed him by his shirt and gave him a kiss after while you opened your mouth basically giving him the permission to slide his tongue in,and so he totally did when you both stoped you just said “I love you.” And what happened next was a blur cuz everyone was pretty drunk.
The next morning you woke up looked up and you were about to scream until you saw Draco beside you.
Later after everyone was awake Pansy showed you the video she secretly made cuz you totally forgot and after that day there wasn’t a day that draco wasn’t there.
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invisiblegarters · 1 year
The End of the World With You Ep 6
Note: TW for discussion of suicide below. 
Ha, I knew that Meguru was just aching to get Ritsu alone. I had a feeling that it was something to do with his sister, too. Were they lovers, I wonder?
Ha literally no one believes that Ritsu didn’t have something to do with the sister’s death. I would feel bad about this but this is also the dude who tried to have his cake and eat it too with Masumi (although again, I maintain the only thing he did wrong there was not being up front about what he was looking for - he knew Masumi wouldn’t go for it and he selfishly wanted to keep him for whatever reason, and that’s wrong. The end). More importantly, this is also the dude who let a literal teenager take a death pill because he was curious to see if it would work. So honestly the fact that everyone believes he’d be callous enough to just ignore a woman who was struggling with depression and have that result in her death doesn’t surprise me. I don’t really think it’s fair - none of them yet knows what exactly happened at the moment - but it’s understandable. Ritsu’s not a good guy. He’s spent his whole life living selfishly so there’s no reason anyone would expect this to be different. 
Man I am glad that my teenage years are behind me. Feeling everything that deeply is exhausting. 
Masumi is such an older brother, I swear.
Welp, that will certainly put a damper on travel plans. They will definitely need gas now if they plan to keep Masumi with them after that tumble - I don’t think he’s gonna be walking. 
I like how panicked Ritsu sounds. Maybe there’s a real boy in there after all. 
And yep, Masumi has a busted leg. Called it. 
See this is the thing that always makes me shudder when it comes to apocalyptic stories (aside from losing the Internet, aaaaah). Doctors and hospitals are now a relic of the past, right? Someone hurts themselves and they can’t just pop round to the nearest A&E and get it looked at/taken care of. It reminds me a bit of The Stand, where one of the characters gets appendicitis and there’s literally nothing that they can do for him, and they have to resort to letting a man whose only experience with putting things together is formerly working in a calculator factory do surgery. Imagine getting a stupid scrape that then gets infected and there’s no way to take care of it. *shudders again*
So even though Masumi is making light of it, Ritsu’s reaction makes a whole hell of a lot of sense (although maybe our resident maybe magic boy will prove Masumi right and take care of it). And by the way kudos to the actor, because not only does he look terrified out of his mind, he sounds it. Love the little shake in his voice. 
Fine time to have a crisis about your own shitty personality, Ritsu. Although I geuss if you can’t reevaluate your life choices at the end of the world, when can you?
To be fair, I don’t actually entirely believe that it was the end of the world that kickstarted this particular crisis. I had the impression that Ritsu had the suicide pills before the world got ready to end, and if that’s actually the case, well. That says something. I still don't’ think I like him, but I definitely find him more interesting now. 
Aw that kiss was soft and sweet. There really is no point holding grudges at the end of the world, is there? I do like that Masumi decided to leverage Ritsu’s clear guilt and worry over him to get him to tell Meguru what happened with his sister. 
Oh. Oh that poor girl. I like that they have the same actor playing both Madoka and Meguru. I wonder how much of the guilt Ritsu feels is due to Madoka’s story with her ex paralleling what happened with Masumi. A lot of it probably also has to do with him not being there for her, which...hm. I don’t necessarily agree with, I think. I get the need to blame himself because there will always be that what if hanging over his head - if he had just been a little less preoccupied with himself, could he have stopped her, etc - but at the end of the day no one can be responsible for someone else’s mental health. Ritsu is not a great guy by any stretch, but I don’t know if I’d add this particular thing to his list of sins. 
And yep, called it. Ritsu very much wants to die, and clearly has for a while. 
Oh, and that whole story just set Yuma right off didn’t it. “Go away, you damn meteor!” 
I guess if he is a magic boy they’ll find out in four days. 
I have to say, I really appreciate that this drama isn’t shying away from tackling the hard stuff. I don’t know if that’s what I expected when I first started watching - oh, I expected some existential questions because most end of the world fiction gets there eventually, but the rest of it? I just don’t know. I feel like this drama took a hard left when Ritsu asked Masumi to help him dispose of a corpse and it hasn’t really stopped since. Now that Utsukare S2 is over it might be my favorite thing currently airing (although Jack o’ Frost is bringing in a close second. Damn, Japan). 
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mass effect replay thoughts, episode 8
episode 1 / episode 2 / episode 3 / episode 4 / episode 5 / episode 6 / episode 7 / episode 9
so, we went to ilos. we found the conduit. we learnt a lot about the protheans and the true purpose of the citadel — so the citadel is both the catalyst and a relay for the reapers to get through?? or did i hear that wrong??
in any case, it’s really satisfying to go through the setup for the trilogy again while playing through mass effect 3 on my own time and seeing it all come together there
why is the conduit thing timed?? why is it so tight?? i mean, it’s easy to just drive past the geth units and armatures, but… like, is that there to play gotcha with the player if they act on instinct and think they have to fight their way through, only to realise too late the conduit is closing? i bet players who did at first were so pleased with that “mission failure” screen (or whatever else it is you see, i’ve just barrelled through on both playthroughs but not without nearly having a heart attack the first time)
and then getting to the citadel in time to, uh, not stop saren is just watching him enter his resident evil 4 era. love that for him
legit, the first time i played it through i was facetiming my friend (because she wanted to see my stupid face just as that moment happened, i suspect) and just yelled WHAT IS THIS, RESI 4??? bless his rearranging limbs and entrails cascading off his skeleton, but i was NOT ready for that
garrus and wrex when they believe shep’s dead 😭 oof the hollow grief all over their faces
and then! garrus lighting up!! when he hears footsteps!! aaaaah!!!
and wow literally in that moment i remembered the start of mass effect 2 and how utterly cruel it must have felt not to lose shep here, and then only months later… didn’t make that hurt any less, i gotta tell ya
don’t imagine garrus’ insurmountable relief that shep’s fine, and knowing then how deep his feelings for them run; don’t imagine all of it driving home how it can all end any time; don’t imagine how he still can’t bring himself to tell shep; don’t imagine his despair when, so soon after, shep dies in the collector attack and it’s too late, he wasted his chance
yeah, we’re ok
anyway, we’re on to mass effect 2 now, and we’ve changed shep’s look 👀
omega really is the place to go if you want two merc husbands for the price of one trip
can’t wait to visit garbage man for story time
kelly “i just want to hug garrus and tell him it’ll be ok” chambers
all those dossiers!!!!!! good lord. all those loyalty missions!!!!!
i cannot believe that hackett’s tracker just switched ass cheeks in the resurrection — barely back on the normandy and we’ve got an email from him. granted, it’s about the final resting place of the normandy and not immediately another alliance war crime to cover up, but like. grandpa. be serious. a lil “hey so you’re not dead, that’s nice” was too much work????
anderson like “hey if you’re really not dead, come see me.” thanks for reaching out dad 💛
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rottenbrainstuff · 2 months
I thought “fight the elder brain” would be a relatively quick encounter but surprise: it is not! I thought I was going to be able to wrap everything up last night but I had to take a break. Spoilers below the cut.
The elder brain has a different and interesting conversation with you if you’re a durge - it seems I am still facing the consequences of my actions. When she said the plan would have worked if I had stayed in the group, I’m… gosh I don’t know how to feel about that… how.. Interesting to hear that I was… a great tyrant…oh… good…?
Voss said Orpheus would slander my name and indeed he did, accusing me of stealing an unborn gith child! I assume this is on purpose to make it seem like Orpheus won’t be friendly, and not a glitch where the game thinks I did something bad? Cause excuse you me I did not STEAL A CHILD, I was GIVEN an egg by the CRECHE BABYSITTER who was afraid that the egg was going to be destroyed, and I protected it TWICE from sketchy Society of Brilliance people who offered to buy it off me. Then Orpheus went on to say the CORRECT action I SHOULD have done was to let his attacking honor guard kill me honorably, and because I didn’t, all these deaths were on my head. Ok. Ok. Needless to say, I didn’t shed any tears when he transformed into a mindflayer.
I do like that the choice between Orpheus and the Emperor is not exactly clear cut, there are some people who like the Emperor and want to side with it. I do feel like in its own way it has been working hard to help, it has, and like I said, Orpheus sure didn’t exactly win me over. BUT, but, in the end the Emperor reminds me too much of shitty people in my past, gaslighting and manipulating me. Everything it says has an aspect of the truth, which makes it hard to argue against, but you know in your gut there’s something wrong there, even if you can’t articulate it. When WE don’t trust it and hide things from it, it’s us being unwilling to work together, us being prejudiced against mindflayers, etc, but when IT withholds things from US, oh well that’s a totally different story, it HAD to do it, that was DIFFERENT, it’s DIFFERENT when it applies to itself, and we have a different set of rules. Yeah, fuck that, I’ve heard allllll of that before. It’s funny because I DO kind of see its point of view, when it summarized all the things it had done to help us in the past, I had to agree, but… yeah. That lecture about trust, the attitude it takes with us, I mean amazing writing on Larian’s part - the way the Emperor talked to us in that scene felt sooo disgustingly familiar, made me sick, and it might be some of my player issues bleeding through into my character, but that was it for my tav, that was it.
So the Emperor fucks off and says now we’ve left it NO OTHER CHOICE AT ALL, it is FORCED to join with the elder brain. Yeah, no. That’s not the only choice left, that doesn’t even make any sense my buddy, and you’re not blaming me for that, this isn’t my first rodeo with this bullshit, fuck you. Byeee.
Alright let’s go. It’s stressful to see the city ruined like this - my tav is so protective of his people, but he has to just trust they’re going to be able to save themselves right now.
GATHER YOUR ALLIES - aaaaah I was looking forward to this for weeks!!! It’s so satisfying to see everyone I helped all gather together. Except the Gondians, who are in my ally list but don’t show up at the final battle, lol. It’s also really not great how Zevlor feels tacked on… here he is, he’s back and he’s a hellrider again, somehow, no we didn’t record any chat dialogue for him because we didn’t have time / didn’t think you’d want it? Like man even freaking VOLO comes and hangs out at my camp. Myeh. Whatever. I’ll take what I can get I guess. I’d rather have this somewhat incomplete conclusion than a fully complete version where he betrays the grove like in the EA.
I believe I managed to collect every single non-evil-choice ally. Eh. And… maybe one evil choice ally? If you count the strange ox as an evil choice? Oops? I dunno guys, I dunno, we had a good chat there at the inn in act 2, I… didn’t… lol I have no excuse. I helped the ox, I don’t know why. Let’s just hope it keeps its desire for bloodshed sated with smugglers and thieves hiding out in the sewers, I guess?...
After that you can give a rousing… well… a rousing single line of dialogue, anyways. But, if you have Minsc in your party, you can defer to him to give the rallying speech, (I guess a nod to the old games?) and it’s actually pretty touching. He says he used to count the steps he had taken away from his home in Rashemon. He had to stop and let Boo do the counting instead because the number got too high and it made his head hurt - and his heart. But now he considers the number of steps to be zero, because he feels like Baldur’s Gate is his home now, and he will fight to defend his home! Your one little voiceless line of dialogue really pales in comparison tbh. It’s a bit too bad… I wish your own character had a similarly rousing moment. I feel like this would have been a great place to have your tav VA record a couple dialogue lines for a little speech, and that would have felt really neat, similar to what happens when a durge fights Orin. Oh well.
PHEW. Onward to victory! Here we are at the end of the playthrough. Hard to believe.
(the cranium rats all stopping to look at me was a bizarre and fun touch!!! Guess how many times I had to reload back to the boat because I forgot the hammer or some other item?)
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Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kou Dark [Prologue]
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ー The scene starts in the underground waterway
Yui: ( Those wolves are after me...So I can’t simply save my own skin by running to the Demon World...! )
( Leaving everyone;..even Kou-kun behind? I don’t want that...! )
I’ll go back after all. Kou-kun...Please be safe. 
ー The scene shifts to the living room of the Mukami manor
Yui: Oh no...!
( The living room is a mess...There’s blood stains on the floor... )
( Where is everyone? Where could Kou-kun have gone...? )
( If he’s hiding somewhere, I figured he would have seen me and called out by now... )
( ...He’s nowhere to be found. I wonder where everybody went? )
( Did they get overpowered by the wolves? ...No, that just can’t be. )
( I’m sure they’re somewhere...Right! I’ll check out Kou-kun’s room. He might be hiding there. )
ー The scene shifts to Kou’s room
Yui: ( Kou-kun...What’s happening to you right now? Where are you? )
Yui: ...!?
???: ...!
Yui: ( T-There’s someone behind me...!? They covered my mouth...!! )
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: ( No...! Somebody, save me!! Please...! )
( Kou-kun...!! )
ー The scene shifts to the bathroom
Yui: ( They took me to the bathroom...! What are their intentions!? )
( Stop, let me go...!! )
*Rustle rustle*
???: ...!
Yui: ( They’re...loosening their grip!? )
Yui: ( This is my chance to run..!! )
ー Yui pushes the ‘mystery man’ away
Yui: ...! No!! Let go of me...!!
???: Wait.
It’s me...M-neko-chan. Calm down for a sec.
Yui: Kou...kun.
Kou: Exactly, me. ...Kuh!
ー He collapses
Yui: Kou-kun!! You’re badly wounded...!
Kou: I’m fine.
Yui: You’re not ‘fine’ in the slightest! Also, your right eye...!!
Kou: Shh...You’re too loud. If they find us...We’ll be in a lot of trouble, remember?
Yui: Ah...I’m sorry.
Kou: Why are you here anyway? We told you to flee to the Demon World.
Yui: Sorry...
I was too worried about you...I just couldn’t bring myself to run all by myself...!
Kou: You’re such a silly girl...Gosh. You’re their target, remember?
Yui: That’s exactly why...Yet you guys are the ones getting hurt because of me.
Kou: I can’t believe you’ve chosen to stay behind when you know that you’ll get the short end of the stick if we get caught...
As to be expected of an ‘M-neko-chan’.
...For my sake, on top of that?
...I really don’t get what goes on inside that head of yours.
Yui: Kou-kun...
Kou: But well, I can’t say I dislike it.
Yui: ( Kou-kun...Such a gentle embrace... )
Kou: To be honest, deep down, I felt just the slightest bit happy knowing you came back. 
Yui: ( Hyah...! He’s whispering in my ear, it tickles...! )
Kou: You’re trembling...Fufu, so cute.
Yui: B-By the way, where’s everyone else?
Kou: No idea. We all got separated during the fight.
But we promised to meet up again in the Demon World, so they should be fine...
Yui: Kou-kun? Is something wrong?
Kou: Kuh...Uu.
Yui: ( W-What’s going on...? He suddenly crouched down. )
Kou: Ahー ... Aaaaah! Fuck! My eye hurts...
Yui: Kou-kun...!!
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On certain CGs, little black roses will appear on the screen. If you click on them, you get an extra line of dialogue.
“You become really assertive when you set your mind on something, don’t you, M-neko-chan? ...Well, I like that side of you as well.”
“Haah...I’m happy to see you so bold, but I won’t be able to hold myself back. You really are a natural at driving me crazy.”
Kou: Uu...! Those bastards...How dare they do this to this precious eye I received from that man...!!
Kou: I can’t forgive those wolves...!! I’ll kill them with my very own hands, I swear...!!
Yui: ( Right...He has been treasuring said eye like it’s the most precious of gems...No wonder he feels frustrated. )
Kou: Uu...Kuh!
Yui: We have to treat it right away...Um. 
Let’s wipe off the blood and sweat with a towel for now, Kou-kun.
Kou: ...Hah.
Yui: ( He’s bleeding badly. His complexion is pale as well, at this rate... )
...Kou-kun, get a grip. Look at me.
Kou: M-neko...chan? Why are you exposing your shoulder? Are you seducing me? 
Yui: Suck my blood.
Kou: ...!
I can’t believe you’re the one asking for it. I guess getting hurt every now and then isn’t the end of the world. 
Yui: Kou-kun...This isn’t the time for jokes. Hurry up...
Kou: I like the way you talk...It really gets me going. Nn...!
ー Kou bites her
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Yui: Uu...Ah...!
Kou: ...Nn, nnh...Hah...
Your blood...really is the very best...Give me more, and more...
Yui: Aah...!
G-Go ahead...Kou-kun, drink more...Ah...!
( If it makes him happy...I’ll give him as much as he wants...! )
Kou: Ahー ...This is bad. I feel like I might just suck you dry...
Yui: Nn...Phew...
Kou: M-neko-chan? ...Fufu, you’ve got that dazed look in your eyes.
Yui: Kou-kun...
Kou: While I can tell you’re really enjoying it, I think I’ll call it a day here. 
Yui: Eh? ...But, Kou-kun...Your injuries...
Kou: Seeing your erotic display filled me with energy.
Yui: K-Kou-kun...!
Kou: ...Thanks. Please accept this humple gift in return. 
Yui: Geez...You don’t have to shower me in kisses...
Kou: Why not? Just accept it. This is the only thing I can give you back right now.
Yui: I don’t need anything in return. As long as you’re feeling better, that’s all I care about...
Kou: You knowー You always say that. Why not accept my efforts to return the favor every once in a while? 
Yui: But...I really...
Kou: I know, I know. Don’t look at me with those watery eyes. 
I’ll end up wanting to suck you dry, you know? ...I’m trying my hardest here to hold back, so don’t entice me too much. 
Yui: T-That wasn’t my intention...!
Kou: If that wasn’t even your goal, it’s even more nasty of youー
Yui: ( N-No way...! )
( But this conversation...He’s back to sounding more like the old Kou-kun, I guess? )
( He was looking so pale earlier, it really had me worried for a bit, so I’m glad... )
Kou: ...Well then. It’d be fun to just stay huddled up here forever but...
We should probably get a move on soon. If they find us, I’ll be in a world of pain again.
Yui: ( In a world of pain...again...? )
Kou: No need to look so scared. I’m right here with you. 
Yui: Yeah...
Kou: Let’s hurry to the Demon World and meet back up with everyone. 
...That being said, let’s not use this manor’s tunnel. They might try and ambush us there. 
Yui: Eh? ...Then, what are we going to do? 
Kou: Oh, you forgot already? 
There’s one other place which connects to the Demon World, right?
Yui: Ah, are you perhaps...!? 
Kou: Exactly, the Sakamaki’s place. M-neko-chan, think you can stand? 
Yui: Yeah, I’m fine.
Kou: Okay, then...Woah!
Yui: Kou-kun!
Kou: Haha...Sorry. I’m the one who stumbled instead. 
Yui: Hold onto me.
Kou: ...I’ll gladly take you up on that offer then.
Yui: ...!! Your face is close, Kou-kun...
Kou: Ehー You don’t mind lending me your shoulder, do you? I’m having a hard time walking after all?
Yui: Oh you...!
Kou: Fufu~ I’ll be in your care, M-neko-chan~
ー The scene shifts to the shopping district 
Kou: Ahー ...Fuck...
Yui: ( Kou-kun...He seems to having a bit of a hard time walking. His breathing is ragged too. )
( Of course it is. Even if he sucked my blood, he sustained some really bad injuries... )
Kou-kun, want to take a small break?
Kou: Hm, what? Are you worried about me? 
You really are a masochist. Even though I sucked so much of your blood earlier. 
Yui: But...I mean.
Kou: I would have been able to fully enjoy this little ‘date’ together if it weren’t for these circumstances. 
Yui: Kyaah...! Kou-kun, where are you touching...!? 
Kou: Woah there! You’re going to push me away when I’m injured? So violentー
Yui: N-No! Gosh...I can’t believe you!
Yui: Kyah...!
Kou: Come here for a sec.
ー He pulls her away to a back alley
Kou: ...I sense trouble. 
Yui: Trouble...?
Kou: I know Ruki-kun told me to refrain from using my powers but...I guess I have no other choice. 
Yui: Kou-kun...?
Kou: Okay. Come here, M-neko-chan. Upsy-daisy!
ー He lifts her into his arms
Yui: Kyah...! K-Kou-kun!
Kou: Off we goー
Yui: ( W-We’re floating...!! )
Kou: Come on, hold onto me! Tightly wrap those arms around me!
Yui: ...!
Kou: Exactly, nothing like seeing you behave. ...Ready for launch~?
Kou: ーー M-neko-chan. Come on, M-neko-chan, open your eyes.
ー Yui opens her eyes and finds herself in front of the Sakamaki manor
Yui: Ah...This is... 
Kou: Yup! we’ve arrived at the Sakamaki manor!
Yui: ( We got here in no time as I kept my eyes closed in fear the whole time... )
Kou: Let’s get going before anyone tries to stop us.
Yui: Y-Yeah!
ー The scene shifts to the entrance hall
Yui: ( Come to think of it, Ruki-kun said that all of them evacuated to the Demon World, right? )
I heard Ayato-kun was attacked by those wolves...I wonder if he’s okay?
Kou: Are you worried about that guy~? 
Yui: Well...I mean, it’s only natural to be concerned when you hear that someone you know has gotten injured, no? 
Kou: I wonder. You were treated in quite the way (1) at this manor, weren’t you?
Yui: T-That’s...
Kou: God. Could you not give me that look, it pisses me off? 
I already know that you’re a miss goodie-two-shoes...
Yui: Eh...?
Kou: ...Nothing. More importantly, we have to find the entrance to the Demon World and quick. 
Do you know which stairs will take us to the basement? 
Yui: Y-Yeah, this way. 
ー The scene shifts to the underground waterway
Kou: ...This is the place. If we just walk straight forward, we can make it to the Demon World. 
Let’s hurry. I’m sure Ruki-kun is waiting at the other side. 
Yui: ( I’m sure we’ll be able to breathe in relief once we meet back up with Ruki-kun and the others in the Demon Worldーー )
Yui: What’s wrong, Kou-kun? Why did you suddenly stop? 
Kou: Che...We were so close too. 
ー Somebody walks up to them
Yui: ( Someone is approaching from up front. Also these footsteps...They belong to an animal. )
Kou: It stinks in here... Ahー I hate it. 
???: Hehe...I’ve been waiting for you.
Yui: ( Wolves...! )
???: Pwaah...! Took you long enough. I nearly dozed off because you kept me waiting forever.
Yui: You’re Shin-kun...!
Shin: Hey, so we meet again!
Kou: ...You know this guy, M-neko-chan?
Shin: I’m also a student at Ryoutei Academy. The name’s Tsukinami Shin. Nice to meet you!
...And bye-bye.
ー One of the wolves attacks Kou 
Kou: ...!
Yui: Kou-kun...!
Kou: Step back, Yui.
Shin: Haha...! Are you trying to protect the Princess? 
Kou: What do you want? What kind of grudge do you hold against us to do all of this? 
Shin: Grudge? That has nothing to do with it. 
Kou: Then what’s your problem!? You trashed our whole house! What was the meaning behind that!? 
Shin: Guess I have no other choice. I’ll make an exception and introduce myself one more time. 
I’m a Founder. A First Blood. 
Kou: A Founder...First Blood? Those people Ruki-kun told us about...
Shin: In other words, you’re no match for me no matter how hard you try. Hehe...
Kou: You...Eyepatch Bastard!!
Shin: You want to throw down?
Yui: Kou-kun, don’t be reckless!
Shin: You heard the Princess?
Kou: Kuh...!
Shin: Oh? You have a bad eye too? Seems like some out-of-place substitute was put in there instead though. 
Kou: Shut up, don’t dodge...!
Shin: Oh...!
Yui: ( Kou-kun, wow...He’s so fast! )
Shin: Oh? You’re better than I thought. For a small fry at least.
I suppose I have no other choice but to play with you for a bit.
Kou: You little...!!
Shin: Go, you guys! Rip that woman to shreds!
Yui: Kyaah...!
Kou: Fuck...!
ー Kou quickly protects Yui
Shin: Ah-ahー How cruel. How could you do that to my cute Familiars? 
However, I wonder just how long you’ll last while fighting like that? ...Hehe. 
Kou: You’re playing it dirty...!
Shin: ...
Pretty ironic coming from a filthy creature such as yourself, you know?
Kou: Uu...Ah!
Yui: Kou-kun...!
Kou: Stay away...!!
Yui: ...! But...!
Shin: Heeh? You must be pretty confident if you have the time to look away.
Kou: Guh...!
Shin: Come on, what happened to all that vigor from earlier!? 
Shin: Is this what you want? You’ll die at this rate, you know? ...Hehe.
Kou: Fuck...!!
Shin: Didn’t I tell you earlier? Struggle all you want, you could never win from me! You measly Vampire!
Kou: Guh, hah...!!
ー Kou collapses
Yui: Kou-kun...!!
Shin: Oh? It’s a little early for the baby’s nap (2), don’t you think? 
You better get back up on your legs. I still have to chop your head off after all. 
Kou: Uu...Kuh...Haah...!
Shin: Well, I think you put in a valiant effort for a weakling. 
ーー Goodbye!
Yui: Stop...!!
ー Yui pushes Shin away
Shin: Wha...!?
Yui: Kou-kun, hang in there!
Kou: Haha...You had to save me. How lame. 
Yui: This is our chance to run! Grab onto my shoulder!!
Kou: Guess I have...no other choice!
Yui: ( The exit is right there...! It’ll be fine, I’m sure we’ll somehow manage! )
Just...a little further! Hang in there just a little longer, Kou-kun!
Kou: Yeah, we’re almost at the Demon World...! Once we’re there...!!
ー The scene shifts to the forest in the Demon World
Yui: Haah...Haah...Is this, the Demon World...?
Kou: Guh...Hah, cough cough!
ー Kou collapses again
Yui: Kou-kun!
Ruki: ーー Calm down, Livestock.
Kou: Ruki-kun...!
Yui: Ruki-kun...! How did you know we would be here!?
Ruki: I figured you’d use the Sakamaki manor’s tunnel, so I waited here. 
You did well protecting Yui, Kou. I’m proud of you. 
Kou: Hehehe, I guess so...I wasn’t in the best shape...because of the Lunar Eclipse though...
ー He faints
Yui: Kou-kun...!!
Kou: ...
Ruki: He lost consciousness. 
Let’s go before our pursuers arrive. I will carry Kou. Follow me. 
Yui: Y-Yes!
Ruki: I honestly did not think...Kou would risk his own safety to protect you. 
Yui: He might not have gotten hurt to this extend if he hadn’t shielded me from harm...
Ruki: However, I’m sure Kou managed to come this far because you were there with him. 
He sustained some pretty severe injuries at the manor as well. Even if I ordered him to, I cannot imagine he would have pushed himself this far in the past. 
Kou has changed quite a bit ever since you became part of our lives. For the better, most likely. ...It’s all thanks to you. 
Yui: Oh no...I haven’t done anything. 
If he has changed, then I’m sure that’s a result of his own efforts...
( He protected me...At the risk of his own life. Until he was beaten and bruised. )
( Even though it pains me to recall...I’m still happy. )
( There were plenty of times I thought of him as mean or scary, but, I... )
( I...might love him regardless. )
Ruki: ...However, even so, we will never be chosen. 
Yui: Eh...? Did you say something, Ruki-kun?
Ruki: No...It’s nothing. 
ーー I did not quite catch,
what Ruki-said said back then. 
I was worried about Kou-kun. 
Seeing him with his eyes closed,
filled me with an overwhelming feeling of concern. 
I hope he wakes up soon. 
I want him to smile and joke around. 
Those kinds of trivial wishes,
were the only thing occupying my mindーー 
Translation notes
(1) かわいがる or ‘kawaigaru’ means ‘to dote on’ or ‘to spoil’, but it’s often used sarcastically in DL, meaning the exact opposite. 
(2) Shin uses the term おねんね or ‘onene’ which is baby/toddler talk, signifying how he looks down on Kou and doesn’t consider him a worthy opponent. 
<- [ Mukami Prologue ] [ Dark 01 ] ->
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doukyuusei-mp3 · 3 years
“Just an incredible tape! I mean, CD!”
“Oh. Um-”
“I listened to it a million times!!”
“That’s great...”
“Putting The Beatles as the first song was a great hook! It’s such a gentle song, but it’s so moving!! And then the second song!! I can’t believe you know the artist!! I loooove her! Her voice is divine!! And just when I thought it was going to go on in that gentle vein, the next song ended up being super funky!! So cool right from the get-go!!”
“Uh, that’s great...”
“AAAAAH! I could go on and on about every song!! But the best one really is that last one! It’s your song, isn’t it, Kusakabe-kun?”
“OH. HUH? Uhh, well...”
“I knew right away. You have such a good voice!”
“No, uh...”
“...I actually cried. ...Oh. Maybe I’m wrong, but... I wondered if you were singing about Rihito. I’m probably being overly self-conscious... Well, “self-conscious” isn’t the right word. But... if that is the case, the lyrics are--”
“Um! Oh... it’s just, like... y'know. It is about him. So... the truth is... we... we broke--”
“He went and did something silly again, didn’t he?”
“He overthinks and gets stuck in his own head. And then he comes to the wrong conclusions! Well! You probably already know that.”
“Oh. No. But... I... I can be hard to get along with, too. Like... when I think a thing’s not working out, I quit right away. Stuff like that.”
“You mean, you get angry?”
“Oh. No. I don’t get angry... I quit... the relationship. Or, like...”
“(Here. I’m giving back my ring.)”
“.....No. This time... I did get angry. Like, I was just done. But... that’s obviously not good.”
“(I can’t see my future at all anymore. Everything’s pure white.)”
“...Really not good. I’m totally not good. I end up totally adrift. Seriously. I don’t know what to do...”
“...You know... I used to not really understand him myself.”
“It’s true. When he was little... right, when he was really little, we had a decent relationship. But... at some point... when did it change? He... he stopped looking at me in the eye. At first, I thought it was just me. But... but he gradually grew... what’s the word? Distant?”
“Mm. When I think about it now... he might have felt guilty towards me somehow. Even though there was no reason for him to feel like that. But... the gap grew. He was like that for so long. .....Until he met you, Kusakabe-kun. He started smiling and laughing again. He’s so lucky you two met and grew close. Without a doubt... you’re the most important person in his life.”
“.....Ah... that’s..... I'm the lucky one! I’m soooo lucky...!”
“...The truth is... when he told me he was going out with a boy, I was a bit upset. I worried it was because his dad was away often... or something. Or maybe because I wasn’t there for him enough when he was growing up. Things like that. But... I was completely wrong. We didn’t make any mistakes. I’m so glad Rihito fell in love with you. I... like you a lot, too, Kusakabe-kun.”
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lisutarid-a · 2 years
[Gakuen K] Yata Misaki Route Translation
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Snowball fight practice
[Translation under the cut]
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Saya: Oh, it's cold...
Kusanagi: Welcome! Come here and warm up.
Saya: Yeah, I will. ...Winter came, and suddenly it became cold!
Kusanagi: You're right. I heard it's supposed to be especially cold this year. Maybe it'll snow.
Saya: Is that so...
Kusanagi: You don't like it?
Saya: No, I like it. But I thought it would be even colder than it is now.
Kusanagi: Stay warm so you don't catch a cold.
Totsuka: Aaaaah, I'm freezing to death. Kusanagi-san, hot milk!
Kusanagi: Got it, Totsuka. What's wrong with your appearance?...
Totsuka: Apperance? Oh, you mean my gym suit? Hahaha, don't worry about it.
Kusanagi: It's impossible not to worry. What happened to your uniform? Did you get it dirty?
Totsuka: Well, something like that.
Yata: I tired...Totsuka-san, it was just too much for a start.
Saya: Yata-kun also wearing a gym suit even though it's cold...What were you doing?
Yata: There was a snowball fight practice.
Saya: Snowball fight?
Kusanagi: Oh, that...These guys had a serious snowball fight with the Blue club last year.
Saya: Seriously?
Totsuka: Ultimate snowball fight with unlimited use of abilities. I was in charge of tactical support, though.
Yata: Last year we were almost there, but the Silver club got in the way and we drew. This year I want to win!
Totsuka: Yeah, yeah. Let's train hard for that.
Saya: Do you really need to train to a snowball fight?
Yata: Idiot, of course we need to! Muscular strength, stamina and then there's that...Anyway, you need a lot of things!
Saya: Oh, that's right...
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Choice: [I want to participate, too] ♥
Saya: If there is a snowball fight this year, I'd like to participate too.
Kusanagi: Really? If you're not lucky, you'll end up covered in snow and gonna look pretty miserable, don't you think?
Saya: Yes, because it looks fun. I don't care how I look like as long as I can enjoy it.
Yata: That's right, that's totally right! I know that feeling!
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Choice: [I'll just watch]
Saya: It seems to be hard. Maybe I should just watch...
Kusanagi: Yeah, that's the best thing. You're a girl.
Kusanagi: I'm also a spectator, so how about we watch these guys together while eating tangerines?
Saya: Yes, I'd like that.
Yata: You're both so unmotivated. It's pathetic.
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Mikoto: They are all here...He got lost on the way.
Saya: Got lost...Kamamoto-kun!
Kamamoto: You're terrible, Yata-san, I can't believe you left me in that pitfall...
Yata: Oh, my bad. I completely forgot about Kamamoto...
Saya: Pitfall...
Totsuka: You can't win a snowball fight against the Blue club unless you use traps!
Kusanagi: Isn't it a dirty play? That's why I don't want to be a part of it.
Yata: Kamamoto, put yourself back in a good mood. Ah, look...fried rice! I'll make you fried rice! Okay?
Kamamoto: A large portion! With seconds!
Yata: Oh, of course. Eat up and grow up!
Kamamoto: Yup!
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kyotakumrau · 3 years
2021.04.06 a talk event at Meguro Rock-May-Kan film screening at Namba Hatch with Kyo and Shinya - PART 2
Report by とあ on twitter (topics are not reported in order things happened, I followed the order they posted, 1st and 2nd session are mixed)
"What is Shinya's hair colour called? Is it okay to copy you [and dye my hair the same colour]?"
Shinya: Violet rose.
Fujieda: How about copying?
Shinya: It's fine.
Kyo: ... Violet rose?! It's called violet rose? (laughing)
Fujieda: It's sounds like a song title.
Kyo: Like our next song? Doesn't sound exciting at all (laughing).
Kyo: Did you name it Violet rose yourself?
Shinya: No, when I requested pink shade I got this colour, when I asked what colour is it I got told it's Violet rose.
Kyo: It's not pink at all.
"Which place is painful to get tattooed on?"
Kyo: It's said that the hand's palm and back of the foot. The one on this hand was done by the person who did the tattoo on my back, but she lives in Germany. She told me it's easy for the colour to fade on the palm. That's why she told me she will use an ink that's not approved in Japan but will not fade, and she did it for me.
Fujieda: It's really not fading.
Kyo: That's why she used some weird ink. Suspicious one, with something bad for people in it.
There are four small tattoos on this hand
(during this talk Kyo was showing his palm almost all the time)
Shift of conversation to the topic of tattooing a giraffe on Fujieda's back.
Kyo: A giraffe going all over your back to your thighs.
Fujieda: And the head would be on the neck?
Kyo: No, on the shoulder. So when you move your arm the giraffe's head would move as well. If I had a machine I could do it on you.
Fujieda: When there's a chance.
Kyo: Eh, if there's a machine?
(*there's a brilliant word play here with 機械・machine and 機会・opportunity both being read as 'kikai'🤣)
Kyo: Then I'm going to get the machine and tattoo you. Using that not approved ink from Germany.
Fujieda: No no no, we're talking about different 'kikai'.
Fujieda: "I'm in trouble eating too much. What should I do?"
Kyo: Eat!
"What do you drink when you wake up?"
Shinya: Cola.
"What lip balm do you use?"
Kyo: Cola flavour.
"A drink you like"
Kyo: Ehm... Dekavita, Oronamin C, things like that. But it's not good to drink those too much.
"Favorite chocolate sweets"
Kyo: Ehm... there are too many. ...Ah, but I love cheap sweets.
"When you eating a candy do you suck it till the end or do you crunch it?
Kyo: I crunch it from the start.
"Your favorite Japanese sweets"
Shinya: Ichigo daifuku (rice cake with a strawberry)
"Anything special about Namba Hatch, first time in a while?"
Shinya: Not really. First time since we played here and not for a show. It's feels quite empty.
Kyo: I have something I buy every time I come to Osaka, but I'm annoyed because they weren't sold. Half of me is made of sweets! I always buy 3 or 4 flavours of Curl before going back but I couldn't find them.
(*Curl is a corn puff snack)
Kyo: I never talk to the shop clerk, but this time I checked the shop few times and couldn't find it so I asked. I got told they only have cheese flavour so I got it and left.
Kyo: But don't send me Curl. It'd be troublesome to start receiving so many Curl packs. I'd get them myself.
Before I bought 4 packs to take home but by the time I was home I only had one left.
"What type of dogs do you like?"
Kyo: It's a secret. You'll know eventually.
Shinya: small dogs.
"What colours do you like besides members colours?"
Takavayashi: How were those colours decided? By the hair colour?
Kyo: That's what I think?
Shinya: They were decided without my knowledge.
Takabayashi: it's pink for you, right? Although it doesn't really match you?
What colour do you like best?
Shinya: Black.
(two if them look at each other in silence and laugh)
Takabayashi: How about you Kyo?
Kyo: Pink!
"Merchandise item you like"
Shinya: I guess the travel pouch.
Fujieda: Are you using it?
Shinya: Today I brought a smaller one.
Fujieda: Eh? You use it...
Kyo: He said he doesn't. The size is wrong.
Fujieda: Btw where's your bag from?
Shinya: It's from MUJI.
Fujieda: How was the hot pack? It's warm!
Handed it to Kyo
Kyo: Yeah, it's warm... but it was supposed to be released last time.
Fujieda: Eh? Saying that does it mean it was your idea??!
Kyo: Yup. Actually I wanted to have it last year, last year end was cold right? But the design wasn't done in time.
That's why it didn't come that time, just now. Niw it's not needed anymore. ...I hope you can use it next winter.
(*aaaaah so that's why he was poking at Fujieda so much about it☹️ it'd have been great last December!😆 but it'd definitely be useful next winter!!😊)
Fujieda: That's true, let's use it next winter. And it can also be used as a power bank so that can be used now.
Power strip.
Fujieda: Before this event Shinya was using this backstage. There aren't enough outlets backstage.
Kyo: Lol... is there really that few outlets backstage?
Fujieda: Well... not that few. But he was using it.
Kyo: Huhm.
Kyo (looks at Shinya): what is that, drawn on it?
Shinya got the power strip in his hands.
Shinya: That is cats who got electrocuted.
Kyo: Those are cats? Why cats?
Shinya: Who knows.
Fujieda: But isn't it cute?
Kyo: Yup, ...I guess it is.
Kyo likes the hoodie.
Kyo: The design in the back was drawn by the person who is my tattoo artist after I asked.
Fujieda: Why a hoodie?
Kyo: Eh?If its something to use it at home... you can't use a heat pack at home. Only a loony would use a heat pack at home. It's better to just turn on the heating. So it'd be crazy to use heat packs at home.
Kyo: and then you also won't use the pass case. And no use for the travel pouch at home nor the sticker...
Fujieda: What about the tote bag? Shinya is using it, for his shoes etc.
Shinya: I'm using it. I didn't bring it today though.
"In an old interview you said that because you couldn't afford to stay in a hotel you slept in the car and thought of sleeping position like yoga, what kind of position was it?"
Kyo: I said that?
Takabayashi: In a magazine interview I think? Didn't you said you didn't stay in a hotel?
Kyo: Saying I slept in the car, it must have been when traveling?
Kyo: You're sitting, right? There's someone next to you so totally no space. Saying it's like yoga, so like this, your head goes down and your legs go up, kinda have to turn around
Shinya: I thought then Kyo had a great idea, when I tried it, it was comfortable.
Kyo: I've put a plastic box in the legs and used it for my head, rose my legs, like L shape.
Fujieda: Is that really comfortable?
Kyo: Yup.
Takabayashi: There won't be any swelling, if you raise your legs.
Kyo: But in the past, when we got to the venue I was in that position some fan suddenly opened our car's door. I was so upset she saw the L shape position.
Fujieda: It's also hard to believe someone would just suddenly open your car door.
"How do you like your meat cooked?"
Kyo: rary rare
Fujieda: You mean to grill it only a little bit? Like sizzle siz..done?
Kyo: Yup.
Fujieda: How about you Shinya?
Shinya: Medium rare.
Kyo: You don't eat Yukhoe? (*dish similar to tartare steak)
Kyo: Isn't it rary rare?
Shinya: But that's special.
"A song you just hum"
Kyo: the '♪gohan ga susumu gohan ga susumu♪' one
"Do you look at the needle when you get an injection?"
Kyo: Fixedly. I also watch when I'm getting tattooed.
"You should know that ZARAME DONUTS bacon donuts will come back, so don't worry."
Kyo: .......? What? How do you know that?
Fujieda: When we were in Nagoya we got told the same. That for now they are gone but they will be available again.
Kyo: Uhm... Who are they? Why do they know this? Are you the shop's spy or something??
"A vegetable you like"
Kyo: what spring veg are there?
Fujieda: Bamboo shoots and so on.
Kyo: Bamboo shoots!
"What are you into right now."
Kyo: Sneakers and Bugs Bunny.
Fujieda: Batsu Bani?!
Kyo: Batsu Bani lol
Fujieda: What's that? Batsu Bani?
Kyo: It's a character...
Fujieda: Eh? Do you know it?
Takabayashi: Of course.
Fujieda: Batsu Bani... I have no idea. I didn't bring my phone so I can't check... What kind of character is it?
Kyo: I said.
Fujieda: Baksu Bani?? ...ah! Bunny! It's a rabbit?
"What fabric softener do you use?"
Shinya: No preference. Something smooth
Takabayashi: Not the pods?
Shinya: No. Water... should rather say liquid.
Takabayashi: I'll look for it next time.
Kyo: Any softener would be okay for me, but there's Fafa, isn't the bear super cute? Have you seen that commercial? Where the bear falls on the towels. It's very cute. Watch it. It's on the net. It makes me feel better even when I'm irritated.
Fujieda: So at the moment you like two characters, FaFa bear and Bugs Bunny.... !!! Bugs Bunny! You meant Bugs Bunny!
Kyo: You finally got it 😆
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vaguely-concerned · 4 years
The Mandalorian Chapter 12 rewatch thoughts
- I would like to thank them for keeping in din’s harried yet triumphant ‘hAH!!’ when he gets the explosives to stick to gideon’s ship in the ‘hey remember when this happened last season’ section, that was a nice gesture from the showrunners to me personally, I assume
- this episode actually helped me find more enjoyment in the last one, because it’s such a nice reassurance that even though they’re pulling in more stuff from other star wars media this show won’t suddenly stop being its own thing and mando won’t suddenly stop being himself and it’s very comforting to me somehow haha
- the small hesitation before din calls out “do you... do you have the wire?” lol lol lol he’s completely aware of the bizarreness of what he’s doing here but hey being alive is already so damn weird etc. 
the softness of his voice the whole way through and the fact that he never, never blames the baby for not being able to do what shouldn’t really be asked of him in the first place, tho... ;____;  
- the tiny exasperated head tilt din does when he realizes the hatch isn’t going to extend all the way fdslkfhasdlashfs  
- din is looking down at the baby the entire time while greef talks to the mechanics ❤️❤️❤️
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(the baby seems pretty drawn to/excited to see greef again and mando seems to notice which is extremely cute. he’s becoming really good at tuning in with the kid) 
he also greets cara baby first in much the same way as he does peli, like he knows what the main attraction here is lol, they do a very sweet bro nod at each other. god I wish gina carano wasn’t so terrible imagine if we could just have this BrOTP without hesitations :( 
I think greef is actually a bit worried to begin with after seeing the ship, he sort of takes din in intently before he huffs a little laugh and grabs his arm. it must be a bit stressful to be his friend and not be able to see his expression right away when you worry something might be seriously wrong haha
- people are finally treating the baby like you would a real baby and it’s such a blessing, everyone talking and cooing at him and baby babbling back
(I wonder if greef has children of his own? he does have an undeniable air of experienced grandpa about him in this episode, it’s adorable)  
- din does so much talking -- unprompted, even! -- these days, it truly is an embarrassment of riches 
- capital E Emotional about this shot with IG-11 right behind din and cara inviting him into the school in front of him. some past carried with us into the future shit going on here  
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IG-11′s legacy’s still got our back y’all :’) I swear to god if gideon blows up nevarro at some point I’m going to lose it 
the ‘oh yeah?/that so?’ way din leans his head back after she says “wait until you see inside” is also amazing
- baby reaching out his hand like ‘can have?’ is so polite ;______; he takes after his father (including in the ‘fool me twice, I’ll fuck you up’ department haha. listen you get one chance to be cool about it and then no more mr nice mando/baby)
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go ahead, kid, make a fuss about it. who are you going to tell, huh? who’s going to believe you? you gonna tell them you got bested by a baby? a magic baby? no? that’s right. I took your dignity as easily as I took your macarons, there’s nothing you can do to change it, and now you gotta live with that. sweet dreams.
(this is a joke. the baby is not evil. I hate that I even have to specify this but I’ve seen some stupid shit in the tags in my time you guys haha) 
- I can’t work out what anything on greef’s desk is supposed to be, but if that’s a computer it’s got to be older than even the razor crest lol
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- friends: din yes?
mando: din no, only repairs
friends: din yes please?
mando: ... [sigh] din yes 
he truly has next to no defense against people he actually likes asking him for something huh lol. well a self care co-op mission clearly did him a world of good in this one at least it’s all fine
- “I’m starting to dehydrate, Boss” is an excellent line and delivered perfectly, I cackle every time (”You park your gills right there until I say otherwise” is a good runner up too) 
- it’s so nice to see the small moments of communication between them in this one after mando was so out of sync with the team in the last one (and tbf those guys didn’t even try to give him any pointers at all, they really left him to flounder through the whole thing if you watch it carefully haha)
- the mythrol’s jacket still looks so comfy, I want one
- aaaaah the way din says “I don’t like this” is just so... hnnngh it’s perfect, there’s a vulnerability and openness to it for a moment. greef glances over at him like he hasn’t heard him sound like this before too, which just sells it even more
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u ok bro?
you know shit’s fucked up when din djarin expresses an emotion without even being forced to by circumstance (I think what I mean is that it’s actually really rare for him to state how he feels about something just to do it, usually his communication is more practically oriented, more along ‘I think this is the best cause of action because of a and b’ lines, or like when he tells omera he’s grateful it’s... more to inform her of it and make sure she knows than to express himself? but he’s starting to do it more with people he trusts now and it gets me in the heart? man I’m finding this hard to articulate let’s move on lol)
- I really, really wonder about pershing’s position in all of this. his plea for the child’s life did sound genuine -- he did try to guard him with his own noodly scientist body when he thought din was out to hurt him, remember -- but is that only because he knows he’s in deep shit himself without the blood the baby can give? is he maybe not quite cool with whatever gideon has him doing? (he does sound quite strained when he talks about the ‘body’ rejecting the transfusion and the ‘volunteer’ potentially suffering the same fate... hm.)
idk why I want there to be something redeemable in him so bad, maybe it’s just my weird yet enduring attachment to ladon radim in stargate atlantis messing with me they’re kind of similar in some ways (yeah don’t ask me I don’t know either sometimes the heart wants what it wants in ways reason can’t explain)
- tfw ur literally launching yourself across a pool of boiling lava because you’re Dad and your baby’s in danger T__________T he just does not stop running towards that kid for even a single second help
- there’s something so innocently pure and... old fashioned? about the scene with mythrol and greef screaming the entire time they drive off the cliff, it feels like something out of a movie from like three decades ago. that whole segment feels a bit like that, it’s just there to be fun and that’s okay sometimes
- every dog fight in every movie should have a baby nonchalantly snacking on a cookie in them, it elevates the experience immeasurably (he squishes his nose a little bit with the macaron when he misses his mouth at one point, which is more than anyone should be expected to bear honestly)
I love that even all fixed up again the razor crest groans and creaks like an old tired thing when din makes it flip to dive, he 100% did take out a bunch of ferraris in his stalwart morris minor of a spaceship and I treasure him     
- there’s so much life and emotion in din’s voice here I can’t!!!! I simply can’t!!!! imagine if we get to hear him openly laugh one day, would I even survive it??!!!!
 also the kid makes such pitch perfect ‘having my lil nose wiped and whining about it’ baby noises when din uses his cape to clean him up (din does turn the autopilot on before he turns around to deal with it, for those who, like me, worry about these things) 
- between carson showing up and the stuff the droid talks about in the lesson they’re doing quite a bit of outer rim vs. core worlds theme building in this one, I wonder if this is going to ramp up more or what
- god but gideon’s theme SLAPS tho 
he’s probably going to try to fuck up everything I love but you can’t fault him on the tunes he’s going to do it to 
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dualswordskings · 4 years
Ulrich handles very well being in love with Odd. (spoiler : it's not true)
aaaaah i’m finally done with this rbfkdjw i hope you guys will enjoy it !! i’m not english so sorry if some things don’t make sense. (i’d love to see what you thought about this so don’t be shy to comment or leave tags if you reblog 👉👈) a big thanks to @vexfulfun for motivating me to write this djsjd that being said... enjoy !
• Yumi comes out to Ulrich as aromantic a few months before they finally beat Xana, and now that they're on the clear about the nature of their relationship, it's easier to move on from the massive crush he had on her since Day One. Considering how pretty chaotic their relationship was sometimes, he thinks that the next time he gets a crush on someone it will be easier (spoiler : it's not. it's really not.)
• He figures out his crush on Odd a few months after putting an end to Lyoko, during the summer break. They got closer a few weeks before the end of school, and they've been texting or calling each other almost non-stop since the holidays started. Now Ulrich is lying on his bed, looking at the blank walls of his bedroom, wishing Odd was here to fill the silence like he did in their shared bedroom at the school, when it hits him and he's like. oh. Oh. OH NO.
• At first he thinks it's going to go away if he doesn't think about it, so he tries, but now that he knows, he sees it everywhere. And it doesn't help that Odd keeps texting him things like "hey it sucks without you, Kiwi and i miss you". (Granted, Odd does says the first part to every of their friends, but the Kiwi part ? that's just for him, and Ulrich loathes how proud and happy it makes him feel)
• So, yeah, the "i do not see it, i can not see" method doesn't work at all, but it's okay ! Ulrich is Smart, he can find a solution to that ! Maybe if he represses it hard enough, it will go away !
• Surprise : it doesn't work too.
• So whatever. Ulrich has a crush on Odd. It's fine, it's totally fine. (It's not.) He can handle this. (He can't.)
• Ulrich ends up being in a constant crisis about it during the whole summer, until the last week before school starts and he texts Yumi to tell her everything because, and he hates to admit it, he can't handle it and he might need help.
• Yumi instantly makes fun of him BUT she does help and at the end of the day Ulrich is much calmer about it because he finally got it off his chest and can now think a bit more clearly.
• So, he has a crush on Odd. And it... might be not that bad. Actually, it's okay. Yes, he has a crush on his best friend, and so what ? It's just a crush, and it will all be over soon, when they get back to seeing each other everyday and Ulrich is going to remember the little things he dislikes about Odd and why they would never work together anyway.
• ...It’s a month and a half in the school year when Ulrich thinks he should start taking circus classes, because he's becoming a clown.
• His crush does not go away. His crush gets WORSE. because of course he dislikes things about Odd, like how coward he can be sometimes, or how bad his feet smells, but it's not important compared to how many things he -loves- likes about him. and the worst thing is, they do work well together !
• Ulrich hates it ! He is tired of feelings, he doesn't want them ! Why did it have to be Odd ! Why does he keeps getting crushes on people he shouldn't !
• Eventually, after a long time.. He learns to live with it. He ends up accepting (for real, this time) the fact that he has a crush on Odd, and that it's not going away any time soon. And he's fine with that ! If he's destined to pine over Odd forever, then so be it. Ulrich finds that it's not a terrible way to live, anyway.
• He does try to date some people there and there during high school, but he always ends up cancelling plans after the second date because it's clear it's not going to work and people deserve better than being a last resort to a guy who has a crush on his best friend.
• He takes a gap year after high school, because he doesn't really know what he wants to do with his life. Odd goes to an art school in a close town, and ends up being roommate with Sissi, of all people ! (She moved out of their city before starting high school, and she changed a lot during that time).
• They don't see each other as much as they used to, since they're not in the same town anymore and they both have different things to do. They were both scared of drifting apart or not finding the time to hang out with each other (or with the rest of the group), but in the end they make it work.
• But still, a lot of things change. They spend week-ends together, whether it's Odd going to Ulrich's place or the opposite, and sometimes they go out, or they stay inside when they can.
• Ulrich barely sees Sissi because she's not here a lot during week-ends, and he still believes that Odd has been lying to everyone when he says she's nice now and they're getting along really well, because there's no way that's true.
• Anyway, the point is. They spend a lot of time together, and Ulrich ends up having dog food for Kiwi for when Odd comes over with him, and Odd ends up having Ulrich's clothes in his closet (and yes, sometimes he wears them but you can't blame him ! it's not his fault Ulrich keeps forgetting to take them back !) (what really happened is that Ulrich only forgot his clothes one time, and then he noticed Odd wore them, and look, he's enough of a disaster already, let him at least have this, he's been pining for *years* now). It's totally not gay, purely platonic, of course.
• And then comes The Competition. They don't remember when it started, but one day they noticed that every time they hung out outside, people mistook them as a couple and... well. They started playing along, calling each other ridiculous pet names, and of course it turned into a competion, to see who could come up with the worst pet name and who could be the most mushy.
• They're insufferable. Jeremie, Aelita and Yumi are planning their deaths because they're so tired of their stupidity.
• There’s no “rule” for this, but they never call each other pet names that are used a lot, like "babe" or "darling" etc. It always has to be ridiculous. Why, you ask ?
• Because one day Ulrich called Odd "babe" and they just. stared blankly at each other, both desesperatly trying to hide the fact that they were screaming inside, and both went "uh. that was weird. let's never mention that again." and that was it.
• So voila, everything is fine in their lives. They flirt (but as a joke), and they sleep in the same bed when they see each other during the week-end (because the couch is uncomfortable, and it would be rude to make someone sleep on it) and Odd wears Ulrich's clothes sometimes, and Ulrich keeps dog food in his apartment for Odd's dog (but there's nothing domestic about that). Everything is fine.
• Yumi, Aelita and Jeremie aren't as stupid as them though, and they kind of notice that... there's no way this is going to end well for Ulrich. (Ulrich hadn't planned on telling Aelita and Jeremie about his crush, but they figured it out themselves after a few years, because Ulrich is sometimes pretty obvious) (yes, Yumi, Aelita and Jeremie are keeping bets on who's going to confess first)
• So Yumi tries to talk to Ulrich, like 'hey maybe you should confess because you're kinda acting like a couple but you're not and we don't want you to see heartbroken the day Odd starts dating someone else'.
• And Ulrich wishes he could pretend everything is fine and there's no way this could go wrong, but he's a Responsible Adult now, or at least he's an old teenager, and maybe it's time to.. stop waiting. Maybe he could tell Odd, and it would make their friendship change, but maybe that's for the best. Maybe. So he promises to think about it, and he does.
• There's comfort in the way things are now, but at the same time, Ulrich has to move on someday, because as much as he loves loving Odd, it doesn’t stop it from hurting. and he doesn't want to wait until forever to confess either. the only reason he hasn't done it by now is because he's never sure about how Odd really feels about him, but then again, if he waits to be sure, then he'll never say anything.
• So it's decided. Ulrich is going to confess, and then life will move on, with or without Odd in it.
• He hopes it will be with Odd in it. He really, really hopes it will. He doesn't know what he would do if he had to live without him. Because before being his crush, Odd is his best friend since middle school, he's family, and Ulrich can't find the appeal of a life without Odd, no matter how hard he tries.
• (Fuck, Odd was right when he told him he wouldn't be able to live without him, the first day when they met.)
• It's a good thing to know you're going to confess. But the important question is, how are you going to do it ?
• Ulrich doesn't know. UnFortunately, he doesn't get the chance to think about it for too long.
• One week-end, while they're watching Pacific Rim again in Odd's apartment, with Odd buried in Ulrich's big hoodie, his legs resting on Ulrich's lap, Sissi comes home early.
• It's a little bit awkward between her and Ulrich, in the way that they're only acquaintances now, so they don't know each other really well. But that doesn't mean they don't get along, which is why it's not much of a problem when Sissi decides to watch the end of the movie with them.
• But she keeps glancing at them, especially Ulrich, until it's time for him to leave. And it's weird, because Ulrich doesn't understand why she would do that. It might be stupid, because it's not a big deal, but Ulrich got a sinking feeling in his stomach during the whole ride home and it doesn't leave him even after.
• Odd texts him a few hours later, and for the first time Ulrich doesn't want to know what he said. But still, he opens his phone and reads the text, because he's a weak man who can't refuse anything to Odd.
• It's something along the line "Sissi thought we were a couple hahahaha, that's so weird."
• It shouldn't be a big deal. It shouldn't. It's not the first time someone tells them they look like a couple anyway. Heck, they often pretends they are with the pet names competition. But there's something about that makes Ulrich sick in his stomach.
• Technically, nothing is wrong, because Odd still texted him, and he's laughing about it, like he always does, but. But Odd never uses capital letters, and he never types "hahaha" and he never puts punctuation in his texts, and sure, it's just some details, but Ulrich knows Odd and he knows that something is wrong and that somehow, now, everything is going to change. For the better or for the worst.
• He types back a simple "yeah, weird." and Odd never replies.
• It's... strange, for about a month. Odd starts avoiding him, answering his texts really late (if he answers them at all), never calling, coming up with shitty excuses to not spend time with him. They don't see each other once. Ulrich doesn't know how to feel about this situation.
• He's frustrated, because what the hell ? What happened ? Did he do or say something wrong ? He keeps replaying the last time they saw each other in his head, but he can't find anything out of the ordinary, except, well. their last texts.
• It angry, too. Because he doesn't understand. Odd had never been bothered when people mistook them for a couple, so why did he now ? And even if this was the reason, his behaviour still didn't make any sense. Odd would never stop talking to someone just for that, or at least he never did before.
• Did he discover Ulrich's crush on him and decided to put some distance between them because he thought it would be awkward to acknowleged it ? Odd had never acted like that when learning someone loved him, but maybe because they were best friends, this was different ?
• It hurts to think about it. It's not like Ulrich wasn't prepared to be rejected if he were to confess, but losing Odd like this ? It sucks. Odd is his best friend first and foremost, so of course Ulrich doesn't want him out of his life. He just always thought Odd would want him to stay in his, too.
• He's angry, and he's sad, and he's hurt and he's tired of this. It makes him mad that Odd was right when he said Ulrich wouldn't be able to live without him, and he’d like to believe that maybe he's got it all wrong and something else happened to make Odd stop talking to him, but he knows it can't be anything else after spending time with Yumi, Aelita and Jeremy. They all acted a little awkward, and Ulrich knows Odd still talks to them on the regular, and it's enough proof to know that the problem is indeed with him.
• He talks to Yumi about it, and she just tells him that Odd is an idiot and that maybe he should still confess so he can move on.
• Ulrich actually starts thinking about it, after the third week. Moving on that is- not confessing, because that is way too scary.
• And of course it's not going to be easy and it sucks but if Odd wants to act like a dumbass then fine, Ulrich isn't going to wait and cry about it forever. He deserves better than this bullshit anyway.
• (It doesn’t make it any less hurting. Ulrich is not really sure he wants to fully admit that he lost his best friend.)
• He tries to talk to Odd a few times during those three weeks of course, but it never ends anywhere. He either leaves him on read or answers vaguely and doesn't participate in the conversations. Ulrich tries to confront him one time, and they end up fighting. It's not a big fight, but it's still shitty, and Ulrich stops trying after that, and Odd doesn't say anything.
• Then out of nowhere, on the fourth week, Odd calls him. Ulrich stares in shock and considers for a brief moment not answering and ignoring him, because that would only be fair, but he ends up answering, because maybe this their chance to make it right again and fuck, he missed his best friend, okay ?
• It's... it's awkward. At first, Odd tries to act like nothing happened, and Ulrich pretends that they don't need to talk about it, but they both know ignoring the elephant in the room won't resolves anything.
• And surprise ! After a few awkward silences, they do end up talking about it. Or at least a little.
• Odd apologies, but doesn't offer any explanations, and Ulrich decides that it's enough, at least for now.
• They start catching up on what they missed during the month, though not a lot happened on both sides, and they joke around and that's pretty much it.
• Ulrich is sure life is going to go back to normal (until he confesses), and he's happy with that, but then it's the end of the call, and Odd tells him about this movie that's going to come out soon and how they should go watch it together, and Ulrich agrees, and Odd says "cool, so it's a date then ?" which is. what. WHAT.
• Ulrich takes five whole minutes to answer because his brain decided to shut down. He's not sure if it's a joke, like their pet names competition, or if it's a dream, but it can't be real. Except Odd is silent at the end of the line, so he must be serious, and oh, Ulrich is a weak, weak man.
• "Uh. Yeah, ok." "Cool, see you on the week-end for our date then !"
• And that's it. That's how the call ends and Ulrich doesn't know for how long he stares at his phone like it holds the secrets of the universe, but when he finally registers what happened, a lot of time has passed.
• Ulrich has a date. With Odd.
• He wakes up Yumi by calling them. (They're mad because they lost the bet on who will ask the other out on a date first, but she doesn't tell him that.)
• And so the week-end comes, and Ulrich gets ready. to go on his date. with Odd.
• He's expecting this to be a bad prank but still, he takes his time to dress well and make sure he looks good. And then he goes pick up Odd on his motorcycle and tries his best not to have a gay panic when Odd comes out of his apartment wearing his best date outfit with the jean jacket Ulrich bought him for one of his birthday.
• They go to the cinema, and it's awkward at first, because how are you supposed to act on a first date with your crush who's also your best friend who you also haven't talked to since a month ? It's.. a little bit weird, doing romantic coded things together for real and not as a joke, but it's nice. It's something they could get used to, something they /want/ to get used to.
• And so it doesn't take long for them to be comfortable around the other again, and everything falls back to normal, and they have an amazing time.
• None of them confess that day, because they want to take the time to enjoy this new thing, and they go on a lot of other dates and Ulrich feels weird because he's not used to have luck on his side when it's about romance, but he's definitely not complaining about it.
• A few months later, when they're coming home to Ulrich's apartment after a midnight walk with Kiwi, Odd tells him about the month when they stopped talking to each other. It slowly becomes a confession, because it turns out Odd realized he was in love with Ulrich after Sissi's comment and didn't know how to process it, but Ulrich cuts him in the middle of it to confess how he feels because 1) he hasn't been suffering all these years only to not confess first and 2) Yumi would kill him if he didn't.
• So that's how they start dating.
• Yumi, Aelita and Jeremy are like "finally ! we can have peace now. no more them being fools." and also very happy because they've been waiting for this for so long and their best friends deserves to be happy together.
• jokes on them though, because now that they're dating, they're worse than before. the pda, the jokes, the love confessions at any given time, they're everywhere. the awful pet names ? even worse now because they call each other regular pet names too.
• But hey, for their friends happiness, they can endure it. a little. they do deserve to be happy after all of this.
• Bonus :
Later, after a few years of being together, someone looks at them and goes "wow, you're such good friends ! i would love to have a bro like that", and it's the pet name competition nightmare all over again, except it’s reversed. Yumi, Sissi, Aelita and Jeremie have to deal with them calling each other "bro" or "dude" constantly and they regret being friends with them.
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quirrrky · 2 years
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𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐞'𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 —♡ @tobuo
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Samu hates how you make him see everything that’s wrong with him. You flesh out the ache from his self-limiting illusions—his doubts, his ego and his fears to get close with someone. He finds someone he misses a lot and it’s you.
He doesn't say it, but he looks at your social media a lot just to check you're doing okay. Samu wants to be part of your daily life. It's funny how your presence taught him how to love himself more with the way he just wants to give to you.
He wants to be the one to take care of you, to give you rest whenever you feel troubled. Samu wants to be your safe space because you are that one person who can understand better than himself.
It something he never thought is possible, but he longs for you despite how hard he tries not to. He can’t believe that he’ll learn to let go and finally learn how to love fully. Now, he’s ready to make new memories, only with you.
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-/ @tobuo: aaaaah! this take so long, I apoligize. I hope you like this tho and I hope Samu gets his act already bc he just has so much love for u uwu
♡ 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
Hello Goldy 💜 So JK dint post for Jin and so does Tae. Both of them di t post for Jinins bday also. Whats going on here ? I dont understand if JK and Tae have been banned from posting on their boyfriends bday. As u can tell i am both Jikook and Taejin shipper. What do u think is happening or should i say not happening.
This topic...
Hold on, lemme put on my tinfoil hat:
I got nothing. Lol.
Secondly, aaaaah Tae Kook!
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Lol. Tae Kook. The evil power duo of BTS, my favorite rageddy boogie men of ship street Avenue, PPP- pathological party poopers of Bangtan fantasyland- stomping on shipper's parade, putting commas in people's hopes and dreams. Y'all didn't get the memo? When we said y'all be snatching hearts, this is not the kind of horror heart snatching we was talking about! Y'all ratchet for this shit. Lol.
Someone give them the memo. Atatatatatat.
I mean for Jk, I've already speculated a few times- several times now, how I feel he's kind off been on a self assertive journey since late 2019 and coupled with a lot of things I felt was happening with him, Jimin and group around that period, that him not posting for the members' birthdays sort of make a lot of sense to me.
I've also speculated on what I felt was going on with Kook, RM and Tae around JM's birthday this year, so Tae not posting for JM also sort of made sense to me?
Tae missed Jimin's birthday as well. It would have been 'problematic' in today's social media climate if he posted for any body else within the group after that. It's the same with JK when he missed Jin's birthday last December- had he posted for anybody else, I'm afraid several trucks would have been sent to BigHit HQ demanding his head on a spike. Chileee.
Can't blame them though. Even the members themselves, during 2017 Festa, descended hard on JK for gifting a present to Jimin and not the others- they pay attention to these things, you know? Jin in his recent VLive had said he had been up waiting for texts and all- or something along the lines of that, and I'm pretty sure he pays attention to who posts what on their Twitter account on his birthday. Well we know Jimin does this too. Lol.
You don't need to be a mad scientist to figure out that one member posting for another and not the others would make the members feel some kind of way about it even if they don't say it out loud.
Frankly, like I said, I feel they set themselves up for this shit- miss one, miss them all or risk solo stans coming for your ass. That's how we roll on these fang gang streets. Lol.
But for Kook, I sort of felt his was deliberate- may be an impulsive decision at the time, but deliberate nonetheless. I mean he had all 24 hours post Jin's birthday to belate that shit- better late than never, but he didn't do that.
Whatever had transpired within that period- which I've speculated on in past posts, I feel that had pushed him to his breaking point and had incentivized him or propelled him to reel back, reevaluate his goals, intentions, purpose, calling- whatever you wanna call it, and eventually had embarked on a journey to reassert himself and take back control of his life all throughout 2020- until recent times...
- Y'all see Jikook's dynamics have flipped again post Jimin's birthday right? Clear your schedules. We gone talk. Soon. Muhahaha.
I don said, Jikook have/had been asserting themselves against eachother and against the group this year. And for Jk, that self assertion would come in the form of him putting up boundaries and reinforcing already existing boundaries among other things, which would in turn require him demanding and demonstrating his independence from anything and anyone he had relinquished his self autonomy to- prior to. In my opinion.
I'm gonna step on a few toes here and regurgitate, JK didn't just take a step back from his life, he took a step back from Jimin as well, in my opinion- I can literally hear temperatures rising. Chilee. Lmho.
It's easy to lose yourself in the process of loving someone. And when you love this person more than you love yourself, in the thick of love, under heavy public and peer scrutiny, where you are being told to change this and that about yourself everyday and everytime as a prerequisite for being able to love this person you want within a group; then you are bound to end up with nothing but the total eradication of who you are at your core or at least a drift away from your true self and the expressions of it... Sigh.
I mean all the, 'try not to be so possessive, he's our friend too' 'operation neutralize Jikook' 'chilee, don't lean too much into him, this is an award' 'I've got Jimin, restrain Kook' 'oh I think you stared too long here' 'look away' 'you got him a present, why didn't you get us any' 'is that your heart eyes?' 'Tuck it away' 'why do you film Jimin a lot?' 'use this person, not Jimin for your GCF if you want the clicks' 'GCF in Tokyo? How about OT7 in wherever mate?' - all these little tweaks and adjustments he's had to make to his personality and his expressions of self in order to hide his relationship within the group climaxes honestly. In my opinion. And late 2019 to me was that peak for JK. Again, in my opinion.
Changes like these don't come drastically. They creep up on you. Its slippery slope till you're caught knee deep in the mud. For instance, notice when the members complained about him not caring for them because he hadn't presented them with gifts like he did Jimin, he had agreed immediately to give them presents in the future in order to not answer to their question of why he had chosen to give just Jimin a present. That compromise to me was one of the early signs of him losing his authenticity. In my opinion.
Jimin and the members were quick to point out that he didn't have to do that because giving and gifting were not obligations and honestly they were right. He doesn't have to do things if he doesn't want to.
That's the paradox of Jungkook. He does the things he wants to do without shame and he is fearless and unapologetic about it. But you see, he is also often very passive when it comes to the things he doesn't want to do and would hesitate in insisting on his boundaries until he is pushed to his limits- from my observation of his interactions with the members and I think Suga and RM have talked about this too.
A classic example of this is his conversation with Jimin about their friendship- when Jimin said they were in between love and friends. His hesitation was a sign he was uncomfortable with that description but he didn't assert himself over it.
Another example would be Jimin saying during their log that he was taking a liking to JK- JK didn't react as much but JM turning to ask him if he was ok with him saying things like that was a sign they had had the talk about 'boundaries.'
JK is a very assertive person but his position as the youngest within the group places a lot of restrictions on his assertiveness I feel.
We talk a lot about Jimin being Kumbaya and sacrificing a lot of their personal happiness for the good of the group- well, I've been talking. Y'all don't say shit much- fuxking lurkers 😒 y'all suck. Lol. [Delete before you post, you idiot. They don't know you like that]
Anywho, we often talk about Jimin in this context but we- by we, I mean I, don't talk enough about all the ways JK often sacrifices his authenticity for the Kumbaya of the group as well. But unlike Jimin, I feel JK does it so he can keep his glass closet- fucking whippidy whip whipped. Lol.
And it's crazy because that sacrifice he makes of his true feelings and it's expression is what often leads people to question whether he acts exclusively with JM at all.
Often I hear shippers complain about how he did this with Jimin but he did similar thing with another member- listen, if you've heard JK sigh upon seeing RM imitating his mannerisms to try to neutralize his nonverbal gestures around Jimin, you'd understand what exclusivity means for him.
And when, you think about that he had to apologize to and explain himself for choosing to wear his man's bag over another member- it's not hard to see where his authentic self began to erode- It started from the moment the apologies begun. Never apologize for who you are- class dismissed. Lol.
Then he goes on to talk about losing his passions for his GCFs, his music- this is a person everyone within the group had said is or was the most passionate member within the group... You gotta wonder where it all went wrong. Know what I mean? Come on work me. I'm writing this at 2am. Lol.
I think Jimin was right when he said giving should never be a task. You should give from your heart and from your own free will. Not for show, and certainly not to please anyone.
Wishing a member a happy birthday should never be a duty, task or obligation- especially when such moments and expressions of it has become performative over the years rather than as true expressions of the love and affections they have for eachother- ok, I'm dozing off now. Lmho.
I mean let's face it, posting on Twitter for eachother has become more of a culture and an established tradition within the group that sentimental members within the group hold on to.
The birthday twitter post has been hijacked and lowkey/highkey advances the OT7 kumbaya agenda BigHit is bent on pushing and sells the BTS bromance fantasy to us rather than an actual representation of their love for eachother. In my opinion. I could be wrong about this.
JK asserting himself would mean him choosing not to participate in expressions that to him are performative, shallow and lacks depth whatsoever.
I know what you are gonna say- but but Jimin's birthday. But but but nothing. Lol. I have said I felt he was going to post for Jimin's birthday. Dude geared up for it with the 5/8 and everything.
And given as he's been on a journey to do the things he wants to and to pursue meaning in his expressions of self within the group, I feel and I believe he believes wishing his man a happy birthday on social is meaningful- Confirmation bias this shit. Lol.
Not that the act itself is meaningful, but that the act holds meaning to Jimin. I think I've talked extensively about Jimin and how important his birthday is to him. The only reason I feel he wouldn't or didn't post for him was if Jimin had asked him not to- which I believe he did. Posting for Jimin would have been tantamount to outing their relationship gangster style. Lol.
And we all know how the members feel about that. Smirk.
So no, I don't think he's been banned from posting for his man's birthday. I think this is him deciding not to partake in performative expressions of love- perhaps because that has never been him?
I don't know for Tae's Journey. His decision not to post feels very random to me. Who knows, he and JK have been talking a lot lately it seems and getting closer post Sope. So if you ask me, this perhaps is him taking a page out of JK's self help book and pursuing that authenticity of self expressions I've talked about?
I mean he did do awesome things for Jin's birthday so I don't think we can complain much. Getting his friends to wish Jin a happy birthday certainly pulls weight over a second post on Twitter. Jin got a birthday party with the members, RM had the same.....
The thing that bothers me and my friends over here about Jikook's incident is the lack of closure after that traumatizing experience.
With the others JK didn't post for, at least we got to see him in a VLive with them interacting and just giving us moments here and there. So even if he didn't post, we know he was with them and they shared the memory of that day together- which I feel is what we shippers want. For them to show eachother love- whatever way they express it.
With Jimin- Nada. Zero. Zilch. We got nothing my guy. Jimin didn't share any insight or give any details remotely resembling closure for us. We were hoping for a bangtan bomb or Episode but nothing so far. I hate it here.
We didn't get to see JK showing the love we know he feels for Jimin- he's proven time and again he loves that man. We didn't get to see them share the memories of that day together. Not even through narration- Jimin, you sonova bish! Lol.
Would I ever move on from that incident? No.
Do I want to move on from that incident- chileee I've been trying. It would haunt me for the rest of my Jikook life. Lol. I still get get nightmares thinking about it and it's Christmas. Sigh.
I think we would have to observe rather than anticipate how they choose to express and communicate their love for one another- especially Jikook and by extension Taejin- chilee Anon, I respect your hustle. Lol.
I don't blame you though. I mean sometimes Jin be looking like he wants to gobb-ok
What was your question again? Lol. I hope I answered it. Chilee. Keep supporting Jikook.
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Diabolik Lovers Zero Vol. 12 Azusa Mukami [Track 4]
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Original title: ただ、一緒に
Source: Diabolik Lovers Zero Vol. 12 Azusa Mukami [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Kishio Daisuke
Translator’s note: ーー And once again, the power of true love prevails!! The plot of the Zero CDs is a perfect combination between angst, suspense and fluff, which is why it is one of my favorites. I felt like the ‘enemy’ they were fighting this time was not as extreme compared to some of the other CDs and I genuinely got some ~~feels~~ in the end. ;w;
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5
Track 4: Simply, Together
The two of you walk through the hallway of the museum.
“Oh...The hallway is...different from earlier...It used to be full of twists and turns, but now it’s just...one straight path...If this building is alive...I suppose it would easily be able to...change its interior...?”
You ask how much longer you’ll have to walk. 
“Mmh...I wonder how much longer this path goes on for...? I’m pretty sure...the museum is guiding us towards a place though...”
Azusa comes to a halt.
“Ah. ...A door. ...Let’s go! We have no...other choice.”
“...H-Huh...? We’ve returned here again...? The room filled with...art supplies...”
You seem confused. 
“Mmh...I wonder why? Is there something...important here? ...Oh! Wait.”
He looks around, suddenly spotting his doppelganger.
( Say, what’s wrong? Ah...You’re hungry, aren’ you? I’m sorry! I’ll prepare your meal in no time! )
“It’s his...voice...I can hear it from right up ahead...We should probably turn around, huh?”
You shake your head. 
“Ah...Right...It’s a one-way path...So we can’t go anywhere else...Ugh...In that case...Let’s quietly...sneak closer. There might be something in the back after all...”
You slowly step closer.
( Hey...Cheer up? Do you hate me now? )
“Eh...? W-What’s...that!?”
( ...Oh? Ah...You’ve come here. )
( Haah...How troublesome. I went through so much trouble to tie you both up too. )
“...!! Stay by my side...!”
Azusa protects you.
“We can’t die here...! We have to go back...no matter what!”
( Can’t do~ Just look at how grumpy she is. I’m sure it’s because she’s hungry. Therefore, I need you two to become her food. ...Say, you want to hurry up and eat too, right? )
( Oh...What’s wrong...Why won’t you rejoice...? )
“Ah...S-Say! The thing you’re...talking to...it’s shaped like a person but is it...a work of art?”
( ...Right. I made this. It’s the heart of the museum. )
“Oh...! Of the museum...?”
( Fufu~ Isn’t it pretty? I attached these tubes as well. All of the nutrients absorbed through the food come flowing in here. Because of this system, she can stay alive, even when reduced to just her heart. )
“What do you...mean...?”
( My precious someone...was killed a long time ago. Even though she was...so very, very important to me... )
“Are you perhaps talking...about the woman on those sketches?”
( ...Exactly. The one person who accepted me. Without her, I would lose even my reason to exist! Yet...! She almost took her last breath right in front of my own eyes! If she were to pass away I just...I wouldn’t know what to do! ...But you know, I realized! That I could simply move her still-beating heart... )
“Oh...Don’t tell me...That heart is inside...?”
“You transplanted the heart and...turned the person you loved into that thing? Is that why this museum is alive?”
( Yes. Right now...She is this building. )
“Say...Who are you? You’re not an ordinary painting...”
(  I’m a Vampire just like you. I just so happened to be well-versed in this department. (1) ...I was simply living a happy life painting pictures, accompanied by the person I loved. ) 
“Together with...the person you loved?”
( However, as you can see, I died too, staying by her side as a spirit to ensure she would not grow lonely. As a painting who hunts for her prey. ...To make sure she stays alive. )
“...!! What are you...going to do...?”
( What do you mean? I have to restrain you two with pins to make sure the food doesn’t run away? )
The fake Azusa uses his magic to make the pins float in the air.
( Hm~ I’m glad I brought a bunch of these large pins with me. ...I’ll turn you both in skewers, okay? )
“...!! Step back!! ...Ugh!”
“Aaargh...!! Uu...Ugh...”
( Ahaha~ My live specimen is complete~ We’ll do this in order, so you’ll have to wait till later. ...First up, we’ll start with the more delicious-looking one~ )
He approaches you.
( Woah there...~ Struggle all you want, but you can’t run. ...The sheer white canvas over there, that’s the museum’s mouth. Once you get thrown inside, you will melt away and become nutrients. ...You seem to have a thing for pain, so I’ll make sure you dissolve slowly, okay? Fufu~ )
The painting demon starts dragging you towards the canvas.
*Rustle rustle* 
“You...can’t...Let...go of her...!”
( Ah...! )
“...The museum is...crying...again...Perhaps...S-Say...! Couldn’t your...girlfriend be weeping because...she wants you to...stop this already...?”
( ...Hah? )
“When you...fed off her or...even when I did it...Every time...there was the scent of blood...the museum cried...Even when you tried to get her eaten...as if she’s...begging you not to do this...”
( ...You’re wrong. That can’t be. )
( She would never disagree with what I do...! I love her this much! It’d definitely make her happy! ...Ugh. She has simply grown impatient because I’m such a slowpoke. Come on! Get inside the painting...!! )
He pushes you against the canvas.
( It’ll be all over once she sinks into the canvas. I’m sure she’ll feel better once she has had her meal~ )
“...Eve...Kuh...You can’t...I won’t let you go...!! I definitely...won’t let you go all by yourself...!”
( Eh...!? There’s just no way he could stand up right now!? )
“Ugh...Kuh...To me...She is my special someone...She is the only one I have...! I definitely don’t want her...to go...!!!!”
Azusa frees himself.
*Cling clang*
He rushes over to you, trying to pull you out of the canvas.
“I won’t let you go...Never...! Argh...!!”
The two of you get absorbed by the painting.
“...Where are we...? I can’t see...anything...? Haah, haah...Am I...inside the painting?”
You call out for Azusa.
“...! Eve...!? Are you there...!?”
You call for him again and Azusa runs to you. 
“Ugh...Haah, haah...! You’re here...”
He grabs hold of your hand.
“...Why are you apologizing...? I didn’t want to leave your side...so that’s why I followed you. I don’t want us to be separated...”
You ask if you will get eaten now. 
“Mmh...It’s all over once you...get absorbed by the painting...We might get...consumed. But you know, this is way better...than losing just you...Neither of us...should have to be lonely. We always have to be together...Right?”
You nod.
“Yeah. ...That’s why...I don’t regret anything. Let’s be together in life and death.”
*Rumble rumble*
“Oh...Eh!? It’s...shaking?”
*Rumble rumble*
“...Ah! I’m being...pulled in...! ...Eve! ...Hang on tight...! Don’t...leave me...!! Aaaaah...!!!”
The two of you get sucked out of the canvas again. 
“Ugh...Ow...A-Are you...okay?”
You nod.
“Thank god...Give me your hand. Can you stand?”
Azusa helps you get up.
“...Where are we...?”
“...We made it...out of the canvas...!?”
( ...Why!? How come!? How did you get out!? This has never happened before...!? )
“Oh...I see. She let us out...The museum let us...go...”
( ...!! N-No way...No...I don’t believe this. She is always happy with my work! There is no way she would get in my way! )
“That might be true...I’m sure she really does love you...But couldn’t that be...why she’s sad now?”
( ...Eh? )
“You see...I saddened the person important to me in the past as well. Time after time...”
You frown.
“That girl was a...kind person so...she was worried about me and hurt herself too...That’s why I sort of understand...I’m sure your girlfriend is worried about you...Since you’ve taken many lives for her sake. ...I’m sure she doesn’t want you...to continue this...So don’t you think that could be why...she’s crying?”
( ...! ...Say...Is he right...? Are you crying because of me...? )
*Rumble rumble*
( ...!! I-I see...I was wrong... )
He drops to his knees.
( I’m sorry...I...I’m so sorry...! I never meant to make you suffer...! I just...I didn’t want to let you die! I thought that...You’d be happy if I did this...! But...I was wrong, huh? I had forgotten. That you were always the type of person who would worry about me, instead of about yourself. I made you worry a lot, didn’t I? ...I’ll no longer repeat the same mistake. I’ll stop doing this. So please...! Will you stay by my side? )
( Aah...I see...Mmh. Thank you. )
He stands up again.
( I have a...request to make. Could you please...burn me down together with this museum. )
You seem shocked.
( She wants things to end. Because she can’t become happy, even if she were to remain alive. However, I can’t let her go alone, so I will perish alongside her. No matter where it takes us, I don’t want to leave her side. )
“I...see. ...Mmh. Understood.”
You tell Azusa not to do it.
“I...can’t stop them. The two of them...seem happy after all. That’s why...Eve...”
You nod.
“Mmh. Let’s go...outside. If we stay here...We’ll get swallowed by the flames...after all...”
( ...Hey! Can I ask one last thing? )
( What would you do...If she were to die on you? )
“I would...”
You look up at Azusa.
“i cannot...fantom that...But! However...I might have just done...the exact same thing you did...”
“...Oh. It has stopped raining. The nearby greenery is still wet, so the fire probably won’t spread...”
You ask him if this is truly the right thing to do.
“Mmh. They wished for this themselves...So I think this was for the best. Besides...I’m sure that nobody can decide...whether this is good or bad...This is the path they have chosen for themselves after all...Nobody should interfere with that...”
He turns his head towards you.
“It’s the same for us, right...? No matter what happens...We don’t want anyone to get in our way...We’d want to be together forever...Don’t we?”
You agree.
“Mmh...I pray (2) that as they meet their end, and even after that...they will never be torn apart...Farewell.”
Azusa sets the museum on fire.
Translation notes 
(1) This sentence is quite vague, but I suppose he refers to having the necessary knowledge to know that if he preserved his lover’s heart and put it into something else, he could keep her alive that way. 
(2) He ends his sentence with ように or ‘you ni’ which implies that he is making some sort of wish. 
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angstyaches · 3 years
AAAAAH okay dear diary for Charlie after Shayne tells him his stomach hurts and at first he’s upset bc he thinks Shayne is just fucking with him and then his sympathy goes into overdrive when he realizes his poor baby is actually sick and he feels super bad for not believing him and tries to make it up for him by taking good care of the grumpy boi
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Dear Diary,
I can't believe this!! I know it's a bit weird and I didn't expect him to "get it" right away, but I didn't think he'd go so far as to take the piss. I at least thought he knew how important this is to me and how hard it was for me to be honest about it... But anyway, what happened was this. I got up to go get some water from the sink (my mouth and throat were so dry after throwing up so much) and he didn't seem to have slept at all (maybe he was stressing out about what I told him?? Or about what we should say to Elliott tomorrow?). He asked if I was okay when I got back to bed and I told him yes, I was feeling a lot better, I was just thirsty.
And then he said my name really quietly, and I said "Yes?" and he said "My stomach hurts." In just the sweetest little voice. It gave me butterflies but it also made me roll my eyes. "Very funny", I mumbled to him. He didn't say anything after that. I'm about to fall back to sleep.
~ few minutes later ~
Dear Diary,
Noooooo, no no no, oh my god I'm a horrible person!! Remember when I said Shayne was telling me his tummy was bothering him? Turns out he wasn't messing with me at all, he really did feel sick! He started breathing kind of funny and I asked him sleepily (and still annoyed!!) what was wrong and he said "I already told you, I really don't feel good", and suddenly he threw up on his pillow! If I'd believed him at first, we probably could have gotten him to the bathroom in time but I just had to be a paranoid idiot, didn't I?! 😭😭😭 I feel so bad and he's so grumpy with me now, and I can tell he would be even grumpier if he wasn't throwing up over and over again. I need to go and hold him so tightly (but not too tightly) and tell him I'm sorry.
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