whistleloves · 4 months
(I’m putting all this here because if I write this in an ask I’m gonna probably fuck it up.)
Dan Heng
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Dan Heng is that really quiet guy in the back of your history class who always does exceptionally well on every test. If you were to peak over his shoulder and look into his notebook, everything would be color coded and catalogued with the skill of someone far older than he appears. He’s smart as all get out and would much rather spend his time adding to the Data bank than trifling with silly matters. He fits the bill of an incredibly smart individual decently well, and his stoic demeanor eerily remind me of Albedo at times. He’s certainly not above teasing though, and will sometimes make a remark towards those he considers a good friend. I could see you two discussing whatever topics you’re currently enthralled in with each other. He would listen to you prattle on about chemistry will diligently writing down any information that’s new to him.
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Aventurine is a peculiar man with a dashing sense of style and an incredibly self destructive nature. He’s quick to bet with his life and it usually works out for him. He’s blessed with a mysterious string of luck, and a horrific life. He’s a peacock incarnate and truly shows with how he carries himself. Though he may at first seem like an arrogant, self serving, conniving individual, he harbors just as much fear as anyone else. I can see a relationship with him being either romantic and platonic, though I’m leaning more platonic. Having his favor would likely mean he’d lavish you greatly with anything he could provide. He knows poverty, and he doesn’t seem to have any intention of experiencing it again. He’s witty, sarcastic, and would easily keep up with any banter you throw at him. Though of course, he’s lost so much that was dear to him, he’d be incredibly protective. As a friend (a true one at least, sometimes he says friend and means pawn.) he would cherish the bond deeply. Though he wouldn’t dare let you too close at first, he might slowly open up. This man is sneaky and strategic, and his boss fight killed my husband a few times before I did actually beat him. So I’m mad at his ass rn >:(
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Kafka is the kind of woman who would tell you to sit down and a whole legion of people would salute and oblige. She is honestly terrifying, and off the charts smart. The way she speaks makes even ME, one of the straightest women on the planet, think “Mommy?” Her plans extend far past what the average mind can conceive, but she somehow carries herself with a sense of humor. She balances out the severity of her actions and words with a strange lack of seriousness at times. She would let you vent to her about a bad day and by the need you’d feel leagues better than before, and she’d give you some great advice to boot. She too can keep up with witty banter easily, though she may just surpass you a bit too easily. She scares me quite frankly.
Sampo Koski
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Sampo is kinda just Sampo honestly. There’s not too much behind that goofy demeanor but a lot of well meaning scheming. He’s never an antagonist, but he certainly isn’t the most morally correct all the time. He’s goofy, well meaning, and a bit slippery. He probably gives fantastic hugs while mumbling about whatever shenanigans he got up to that day specifically.
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tomwambsgans · 1 year
just want to say your insight into Tom's sexuality is very validating and a much-needed perspective in a fandom that appears to overwhelmingly read him as bi.
I think people simply underestimate how deeply fucked up Tom's relationship towards sex and socialisation is, how truly unbelievably repressed and self-loathing he is, and how much this ties into the show's overall male ideal and themes of sexuality+emasculation. things like when he's trying to get Shiv pregnant in s3 (and saying sex without trying for a baby is pointless), or the Tabitha storyline, show that he clearly has issues separate from and preceding Greg (and even Shiv). and it's interesting how tomgreg leaves people less inclined to consider the character's orientations discretely and in fact often leads to adoption of the baffling fanon trope of 'middle-aged conservatively socialised man is secretly comfortable in his bisexuality'. it also just seems shallow to me when people act like his being gay would somehow invalidate his love for and romantic attachment to Shiv, which are things often regarded as the only 'real' aspect of their (exceptionally compelling) relationship. so many fics insert a clarification to the effect of 'Tom is bi, not gay, he did love Shiv, don't worry!' that just comes across as reductive to me. like I promise this fandom the gay male experience is not an easy one-size-fits-all and closeted men do date/love women. sometimes they even marry them! and impregnate them! (hi, Greg's dad?)
I could go on forever so again, just here to say that I really appreciate your posts about this. I don't think Tom was originally 'intended' as gay but that's simply how the show evolved through the writing and acting. there are plenty of characters I read as bi or repressed bi (I think it's not uncommon in media), Tom just isn't one of them lol.
printing out this message and eating it oh my god thank you SO much
you basically said it all. and specifically on the point of (fandom) ppl being inexplicably convinced that a gay man can't have ever loved a woman is so insane like... what do you think the closet IS lol. i don't know a single gay man who was at some point closeted enough to date women who would say that they didn't feel ANYTHING about those women. the idea of "he clearly loves shiv so he can't be gay" honestly just betrays a naivety about... most aspects of life, lol. the nuances of emotion and constructing the self and repression, and of all the things that go into love and desire (something tackled imo pretty well by the show itself so it's kinda insane to be so off the mark while a fan of succession), and tbqh of tom's motives period. and i mean also, of course, about male homosexuality. i can't necessarily blame anyone, at least individually, like for just not being a gay man or knowing enough about gay men, but the sheer lack of it is... yeah a little frustrating lol. i can vouch quite personally for the fact that sometimes gay men, even WHILE knowing that they're gay, can date women and love them. deciding to pursue what you really desire rather than what creates a certain image for yourself is then a matter of self-love.
anyway. i recommend reading like literally any gay man's memoir for anyone who wants to make an effort at a deep understanding of all the stuff I say about gay tom. i'm reading this one rn by paul monette called Becoming A Man that feels SO uncannily tom to me and i kinda wish everyone would read it so I'll use this opportunity to put it out there lol
finally I wanna say that maybe I'm a little too wishful but with some of the lines in the script that didn't make it to the final cut I do lowkey suspect Closeted Gay Tom to have been the intended reading from the beginning. like "shall I be mother"? "all girls here"? js
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
hi rae!! i was wondering if you could tell us more about your writing process :)) im very curious about it. like, do you brainstorm then write or write whatever flows or both. do you painstakingly line edit after or just give it a glance for any mistakes. im mostly curious about atydsp bc its so exceptionally well written and it absolutely boggles my mind that you were posting a ch a day. how much of your time for atydsp involved editing/scrapping & rewriting/etc? xx
hi sure i'd be happy to!! gonna put this under a cut tho bc it got long lol
for atydsp (+ my captive prince rewrite) my process was pretty different from my other writing in that i basically descended into a feverish haze of obsession and literally abandoned all other hobbies just to write bc i loved the story so much lol. for atydsp especially that thing was like...my only hobby for half a year like i was not reading or watching tv or movies or playing video games etc bc the only thing i wanted 2 do in my free time was. write.
when i'm rewriting a story from another character's pov i usually have the ch of whatever i'm rewriting open next to word doc and just kinda go 2 town. i think it's much easier when you aren't having to do the heavy lifting when it comes to plot and are following an outline, bc obviously you aren't having to do much story planning urself--although for the later chs of atydsp where i sort of broke off from the og version + the chs where r + s are separated + i had to write new scenes for s i did have to spend more time planning, writing, editing, etc, but i didn't start posting the story until i'd already written the first 20 chs so. i had a pretty large buffer and that combined with the obsession combined with the shorter chapters + outline to follow is why i was able to post so frequently.
when i'm writing a new fic there's much more brainstorming involved bc obviously i am having 2 come up w a whole new plot!! but bc i'm only writing fic for fun i don't really take it too seriously and usually i just cobble together a couple of fun scenes or tropes that i like and then sort of...fill in the blanks? like if i'm like "ok i want to write a scene where x happens and then later a scene where y happens" i usually end up figuring out a plot/how to keep the story moving between those two scenes, rather than vice versa (having like...a coherent plot and then coming up with fun scenes that fit into it). like my current wip started as just a single idea of "ooh what if there was a werewolf fighting ring" and then it become a voldemort-won au bc i was like hmmm in what situation would r + s meet at a werewolf fighting ring...and then i decided it would eventually turn into a horcrux hunt bc i was like "ok if r + s grew up in a voldemort-won au...what would james be doing...." and now the story is continuing to change as i continue to have ideas of like "ooh what if i incorporated this trope" or "ooh this would be such a fun scene to write." like lily + james's entire dynamic in this fic basically grew out of an idea that i had for a single argument that i wanted to write lmao
anyway when it comes to actual writing process i usually go into a ch with just a vague outline of a few bullet points, and if i'm stuck on something i send a voicenote to my sister just like...talking through my thoughts + what i want to happen + usually by the end of the voicenote i'll have figured out what direction i wanna take things. or sometimes i'll ask her opinion (the ending i'm planning rn for atwmd changed completely after one such consultation...had an idea but then talked myself out of it but then my twin was like wait....i think that idea works better than what ur currently planning....and i was like damn maybe ur right....). so most of my planning + brainstorming is basically just me daydreaming + then talking 2 myself lmao.
when it comes to actual writing i'm pretty slow because i'm too much of a perfectionist and i need everything to sound right. immediately. like i have heard the advice so many times "just get something down on the page then go back and edit it later" but i am like. incapable of following it lol i will write a sentence and then read over it three times to decide if i like it before i move on. the plus side to this is that my chs usually need very little editing; i generally just read over them once or twice and make a few minor tweaks and i'm good to go!
anyway. i have had some similar inquiries abt my writing process etc in the past so i'll tag this ask w 'writing tips' bc i think that's what i've used b4; hopefully this satisfied ur curiosity!
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sleeeplessidiot · 1 year
Alright hoes im about to rant my thoughts about the first episode of OPLA rn
Okay, so, after watching the first episode i can conclude a few things. This is not going to follow the manga to a T, which is a good thing in my opinion, I doubt the live action could be good while doing that.
First off, the set design is immaculate, it looks amazing and it fits well. It really captures the vibe of like a caribbian pirate island area and it works, theyve made places like makinos bar a lot more open, and that works well for the vibe that the show is going for. Shells town also seems to have been made much larger than it is in the manga, and the aerial views of it look great.
Second, the fighting and combat choreography also looks great, its fun, its dynamic, and theres a lot of movement, that works well with the so far open areas. Though in my opinion the weakest fighting scene in this episode was the one against Alvida.
Third, the actors and costumes look great, captain morgan somehow feels a bit intomidating even knowing what kind of character he is in the manga. Inaki captures a lot of the sillyness of Luffy while also making him fir a live action version a bit more. Mackenyu captures the first introduced seriousness of Zoro exceptionally well, while also in a few scenes giving us a hint of the true dumbass Zoro is, and as mentioned earlier, his fighting skill and movement really sell Zoro (im sorry his choreo is just so amazing, given that he has actual sword fighting training). Emily captures Nami's seriousness great, and we briefly get to see her sarcastic and more teasing nature, though i wish we had gotten a bit more, i understand the situation in the episode didnt quite call for it.
Garp is fun, and having him introduced so early is strange but i hope it will work out. They capture Gold Rogers character in such a fun way, truely laughing till the end.
Some scenes do stick out to me as a bit strange, but i suspect thats just because I am a manga reader. And even then there are still a lot of great easter eggs for manga readers.
Tbh there were just some scenes that didnt feel too great to me, but theyre (so far) so few and far inbetween that i can deal with it.
All in all, i would reccomend it, just know its not going to be excactly like the anime or manga, and thats a good thing.
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weedhorse69 · 6 months
1) what anime/TV series would u currently recommend for me?
I recommend three body problem. It's trippy and it was really good. I also think I recommend dungeon meshi, or delicious jn dungeon if you haven't seen it already. I've been loving it with my friends.
2) what's the song you're most obsessed with as of currently?
I'm obsessed with mundian to bach ke- Punjabi mc
Literally stuck in my head non stop
3) I'm so sorry but I don't have any pets rn unless lyn counts
*insert picture of lyn
4) how's your family doing?
for the most part they are okay!!! My mom is recovering from cancer but I've been sending her doordash cards when she doesn't have the strength to get stuff for herself.
5) are you still with your adhd puppy dog gamer boyfriend? If so, how's he doing? What's he up to?
Yes I am!! In fact we're engaged!!!
*insert picture if ring
And he's good but stressed as hell. He's trying to pass grad school.
6) what're you up to? Doing anything with the degree?
Actually I work on security panels now haha. I troubleshoot them with installers to help people make sure they are working correctly. I almost started working on rockets again but I decided against it because at the time the US was still in the war in Iran, and I'm glad I didn't take the job since the US started sending weapons to Israel shortly afterwards effectively funding a genocide. So I am no longer working on rockets, and I am glad, and now I work on security panels for anywhere from schools to government buildings to businesses to rich people homes.
So I use my degree for security.
7) what do you think of the pin designs? Do you think they are cute/consistent? Any dog/ breed recs?
I LOVE YOUR PINS!!!!! I LOVE THE DOGS!!!!!! And I miss Chile too. Ngl I would love a wienerdog version of the pin as well. They have exceptionally long and thin noses and beautiful brown eyebrows.
*insert picture of long haired wienerdog
Also I love the name Kuma for your Shiba inu cuz I feel like that fits.
8) I haven't talked to anyone from the yl 4th ward lately!!!!!! No one except for u low key. I like you.
I want to talk to baylee but I don't know how to do it without trying to over rely on her emotionally.
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wiackcom · 1 year
Hyundai is set to democratize exotic carbon fiber wheels. The automaker is partnering with wheel specialist Dymag to develop carbon-hybrid wheels for its performance-focused N models. This technology has been restricted to hypercars and race vehicles until now. Here's an in-depth look at the new carbon wheels and what they mean for Hyundai's sporty N brand: Highlights Hyundai partnering with Dymag on new carbon-hybrid wheel tech Prototype shown at Goodwood uses carbon outer rim with forged center Can cut weight by 40-50% compared to alloy wheels Improves stiffness, strength and steering feedback Will likely debut on the upcoming Ioniq 5 N Makes carbon wheels accessible on affordable performance cars Extreme Weight Savings With Hybrid Design Dymag's carbon-hybrid wheel technology melds the benefits of carbon fiber and forged metal components. The carbon composite outer rim trims significant weight versus a traditional alloy rim. This reduces unsprung mass to sharpen handling reflexes. The forged metal centerpiece maintains strength to withstand impacts from potholes and debris. It also facilitates attaching the wheel to the hub. Combined, this hybrid carbon design can achieve 40-50% weight savings compared to regular alloy wheels. For drivers, that means better acceleration, braking, steering precision, and ride quality. First Application: Hyundai Ioniq 5 N Hyundai displayed a carbon-hybrid wheel prototype at the 2022 Goodwood Festival of Speed fitted on the upcoming Ioniq 5 N. This suggests the Ioniq 5 N could be one of the first models to get carbon wheel availability when it launches. As an electric performance crossover, reducing unsprung weight is particularly impactful for the Ioniq 5 N. The instant torque of its motors will feel even sharper. Look for the exotic wheels to carry over to the forthcoming Ioniq 6 N sedan as well. Carbon Fiber Demystified Carbon fiber wheels have been cloaked in mystique - reserved only for seven-figure hypercars until now. Their high cost and labor-intensive manufacturing restricted applications. But by utilizing carbon only for the outer rim section, Dymag's process brings costs down to viable levels. Hyundai capturing this technology is a win for drivers seeking exotic performance on an ordinary budget. Better Feedback and Control Incorporating carbon fiber in the wheel design also boosts stiffness and strength. The exceptionally rigid carbon rim allows less flex and improves tire adhesion when cornering hard. This translates to sharper turn-in, better traction, and more precise steering feedback. Performance drivers will be able to feel the grip limits more intuitively. Potential Applications Hyundai hasn't revealed which N models will get carbon wheel availability yet. The Ioniq 5 N and Ioniq 6 N seem likely candidates. Other possibilities include: Elantra N Kona N Future RN performance coupe More affordable models may forego the option to keep pricing in check. But offering carbon wheels on any mass-market cars is a radical move by Hyundai if executed. FAQs How much weight do carbon-hybrid wheels save? Dymag claims they can reduce weight by 40-50% compared to alloy wheels. What Hyundai models will get them first? The upcoming Ioniq 5 N and Ioniq 6 N EVs seem the most probable. When will they debut on production cars? Details are still scarce, but potentially within the next 1-2 model years. Will carbon wheels be offered on cheaper Hyundais? Possibly, but likely only on higher N trims. The cost may be prohibitive on base models. Do carbon wheels improve performance? Yes, the reduced unsprung weight improves handling precision and steering feel noticeably. The Takeaway Hyundai partnering with Dymag to bring carbon fiber wheel tech to its N performance line is game-changing. This exotic material has been unattainable for most buyers until now.
Debuting lightweight carbon-hybrid wheels on models like the Ioniq 5 N and 6 N will make these track-capable cars even sharper and more responsive. It's an unprecedented move that could shake up industry perceptions on what's possible for accessible sports cars. #Wiack #Car #CarInsurance #CarRental #CarPrice #AutoLoans
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sportyconnect · 1 year
Hyundai is set to democratize exotic carbon fiber wheels. The automaker is partnering with wheel specialist Dymag to develop carbon-hybrid wheels for its performance-focused N models. This technology has been restricted to hypercars and race vehicles until now. Here's an in-depth look at the new carbon wheels and what they mean for Hyundai's sporty N brand: Highlights Hyundai partnering with Dymag on new carbon-hybrid wheel tech Prototype shown at Goodwood uses carbon outer rim with forged center Can cut weight by 40-50% compared to alloy wheels Improves stiffness, strength and steering feedback Will likely debut on the upcoming Ioniq 5 N Makes carbon wheels accessible on affordable performance cars Extreme Weight Savings With Hybrid Design Dymag's carbon-hybrid wheel technology melds the benefits of carbon fiber and forged metal components. The carbon composite outer rim trims significant weight versus a traditional alloy rim. This reduces unsprung mass to sharpen handling reflexes. The forged metal centerpiece maintains strength to withstand impacts from potholes and debris. It also facilitates attaching the wheel to the hub. Combined, this hybrid carbon design can achieve 40-50% weight savings compared to regular alloy wheels. For drivers, that means better acceleration, braking, steering precision, and ride quality. First Application: Hyundai Ioniq 5 N Hyundai displayed a carbon-hybrid wheel prototype at the 2022 Goodwood Festival of Speed fitted on the upcoming Ioniq 5 N. This suggests the Ioniq 5 N could be one of the first models to get carbon wheel availability when it launches. As an electric performance crossover, reducing unsprung weight is particularly impactful for the Ioniq 5 N. The instant torque of its motors will feel even sharper. Look for the exotic wheels to carry over to the forthcoming Ioniq 6 N sedan as well. Carbon Fiber Demystified Carbon fiber wheels have been cloaked in mystique - reserved only for seven-figure hypercars until now. Their high cost and labor-intensive manufacturing restricted applications. But by utilizing carbon only for the outer rim section, Dymag's process brings costs down to viable levels. Hyundai capturing this technology is a win for drivers seeking exotic performance on an ordinary budget. Better Feedback and Control Incorporating carbon fiber in the wheel design also boosts stiffness and strength. The exceptionally rigid carbon rim allows less flex and improves tire adhesion when cornering hard. This translates to sharper turn-in, better traction, and more precise steering feedback. Performance drivers will be able to feel the grip limits more intuitively. Potential Applications Hyundai hasn't revealed which N models will get carbon wheel availability yet. The Ioniq 5 N and Ioniq 6 N seem likely candidates. Other possibilities include: Elantra N Kona N Future RN performance coupe More affordable models may forego the option to keep pricing in check. But offering carbon wheels on any mass-market cars is a radical move by Hyundai if executed. FAQs How much weight do carbon-hybrid wheels save? Dymag claims they can reduce weight by 40-50% compared to alloy wheels. What Hyundai models will get them first? The upcoming Ioniq 5 N and Ioniq 6 N EVs seem the most probable. When will they debut on production cars? Details are still scarce, but potentially within the next 1-2 model years. Will carbon wheels be offered on cheaper Hyundais? Possibly, but likely only on higher N trims. The cost may be prohibitive on base models. Do carbon wheels improve performance? Yes, the reduced unsprung weight improves handling precision and steering feel noticeably. The Takeaway Hyundai partnering with Dymag to bring carbon fiber wheel tech to its N performance line is game-changing. This exotic material has been unattainable for most buyers until now.
Debuting lightweight carbon-hybrid wheels on models like the Ioniq 5 N and 6 N will make these track-capable cars even sharper and more responsive. It's an unprecedented move that could shake up industry perceptions on what's possible for accessible sports cars. #Wiack #Car #CarInsurance #CarRental #CarPrice #AutoLoans
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caught a stomach flu from vomiting small children at work so i only just now watched the episode, but it was fine. kind of boring. [spoilers] i only cared about Team Revolution back at commonwealth, tho my boy hornsby going full two-face was extremely funny. ik ppl wanted carol and leah to meet. idk why, i never did. that would have just made her seem like she mattered even more in daryl's life besides just a distraction from The Sadness in the woods. i just wanted her to go away, and she did, very unceremoniously, which felt fitting. she came into our house without warning. let's just get her out with a single gunshot wound and let her rot with the rest of her exceptionally boring plotline. daryl gave about half a shit about it, and that's all that matters to me lol
i, unfortunately, caught wind of discourse on accident. i didn't dig deep, but from what it looked like it was bc carol wasn't in the episode or something? there also wasn't any mercer, princess, or grimes' children, which also was a bummer, but none of them were relevant to what was going on so it didn't feel like a purposeful exclusion by any means. carol especially is going to have beaucoup screentime coming up, as well as a like, you know, an entire series about her, so i think one episode without her, while not ideal, doesn't spell out our doom lmfao.
additionally, there was nothing that threatened caryl at all, and if anything it set up some sexy caryl things in the future bc daryl is now Enemy #1 of hornsby (well, mb #2, he rly fucking hates maggie), and who is currently playing hornsby like a fiddle back at commonwealth right now? we been knew daryl was gonna go full acab sooner rather than later, and carol is the only one rn who has inside intel on hornsby's increasingly disastrous mission, so ofc she's gonna be involved. we'll have our time in the sun v v soon.
anyway, really good batch of episodes! this one was the least good out of all of them and it was still decent. glad to have a good plotline on the show again! happy to enjoy my time watching it! fucking ECSTATIC to not have to worry about anything for several beautiful beautiful months!
idk how bad the discourse got, bc again, i accidentally dipped my toe in and then ran away before i got pulled in, but jic someone needs it, here you go:
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side note: the atmospherics in this episode were #quality, i loved the locusts. and also, max's outfits are 😘🤌🏼
k the end. time to go play in the fanfic au sandbox until fall. feel free to join me, but you gotta keep your negativity out. it gets the sand dirty.
stay hype, stan kang, and get daryl to go down on carol for five hours straight 2k22,
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Sleeping With The Enemy II Draco Malfoy x Reader II Part 3 of 3
Summary: Being a Slytherin yourself doesn’t make you hate Malfoy any less. So why can’t you stop fantasizing about him? (18+)
A/N: I’m thinking of combining this concept with another series that I’m planning rn because I had so much fun writing this mini series! I hope you guys like the ending! Thank you so much for your support! <3
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x fem!Reader, Words: 3.2k Warnings: post-war Hogwarts, smut, swearing, oral sex (male receiving)
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Once again, an image was stuck in your mind.
This time however, it was way worse than your ex and Pansy. It was of Draco Malfoy and Pansy. Of his hips thrusting into her; of her legs wrapped around his waist, accompanied by the sound, sweaty bodies slapping against each other. It haunted you whenever you closed your eyes, it followed you into your dreams that night. You still couldn’t believe that happened to you. Twice in one week.
At breakfast you could barely look at them. You sat at the far end of the table, next to Millicent, keeping your head down. In your first period, it was the same. You were glad they were both seated behind you. Well, until Professor Slughorn decided to pair you into groups. He chose Malfoy as your partner.
What a huge surprise.
Of fucking course.
“Did you sleep well last night?”, Malfoy asked nonchalantly while reading the instructions.
You almost dropped the glass of snails. “Exceptionally well,” you then said and cleared your throat. You didn’t have to look at Malfoy to know that he was smirking. Clenching your teeth, you continued working in silence.
Malfoy spoke again after a few moments. “Never would have thought you’d be into something like that.” He walked past you to grab a bottle with snake blood from the other side of the table. When he did that, his arms brushed your side. You hated yourself for the shiver that ran down your spine.
“Something like what?”, you asked innocently. “The smell of honey?” You gestured towards the cauldron where a pink liquid bubbled, smelling like honey and wildflowers. The potion could let the person who drinks from it forget anything they want. How fitting, you thought. Exactly what you needed right now. It was also extremely toxic when given too much.
Blood rushed to your cheeks. “Don’t, Malfoy.” You kept your eyes on the liquid. “If I didn’t know it’d kill me, I’d stick my head into the cauldron right now to erase the memory from my mind. So can we please just … forget it. Please?”
“Begging suits you.”
You groaned. “Fucking hell, Malfoy.” Everything seemed to be a joke to him.
The blonde Slytherin chuckled at your reaction and for the first time since you started working together, you looked at him. His stormy eyes sparkled with mischief and he lowered his voice when he continued: “I don’t want to forget about it.”
Me either. You stared at him.
“Ms. Y/L/N, Mr. Malfoy, are you making progress?”, the voice of your Professor made you flinch. Slughorn had appeared next to you, looking curiously into the cauldron.
“We’re almost there, Sir,” Malfoy replied and your cheeks burned. “Almost there.”
The remaining lessons of the day followed the same plot - you sat far away from Malfoy and Pansy and avoided eye contact at all costs. It worked perfectly - until your eyes accidentally wandered over to his table.
He wasn’t writing. His quill layed loosely in his hand and his gaze was fixated on you. Only then you realized what you did - 
You bite down on your lip when you concentrate or listen to the professors, Malfoy had said during that faithful night where you first talked, combine that with your skirt riding up your thighs and …
You crossed your legs, causing your skirt to ride up even higher. Malfoy shifted in his seat. When you felt the soft tingling in your stomach, you turned your head away.
“Theo, if you don’t stop eyefucking that Hufflepuff right now, you’re gonna sit on the bench and watch today. I am not losing against Gryffindor - again,” Blaise looked at the Chaser with narrowed eyes.
Your team members chuckled and Theo only rolled his eyes at Blaise - however not before winking at the 6th year Hufflepuff who gave him a little wave in response as she walked towards the stairs.
You stood outside the Slytherin locker rooms, all dressed in your quidditch uniforms. Today was the second game of the season and your team captain was dead set on winning it.
“Maybe Y/N should sit on the bench today, Blaise,” Malfoy suggested. “I heard she’s good at watching.”
You clenched your jaw. “Then you probably also heard that I’m even better at kicking your ass.”
“Please,” he raised one eyebrow. “I want to see you try.”
“Alright, whatever this is, stop it.” Blaise sighed. Apparently, the whole team seemed a little distracted today. “This is the second game of this year but it’ll also be the first game we win. So, pull yourselves together and make the Gryffindors regret the day they were born.”
You lost the game.
It was embarrassing, really. In the history of Quidditch, not once did Slytherin loose this high to the Gryffindors. When you walked off the field afterwards, heads hanging and accompanied by the laughter and songs of the Gryffindors, Blaise was fuming. It came to no surprise to you that he ordered you and Malfoy inside the boys locker room, after everyone had left.
“Both of you - in here,” he demanded in a sharp tone. Draco returned from the far end of the room while buttoning his shirt. You leaned against the doorframe, annoyed and frankly tired. A lecture from your team captain was the last thing you needed right now, considering you’d get one at the next training session anyways. Blaise looked back and forth between you and Malfoy before announcing: “Get your shit together?”
You raised your eyebrows. “What?”
“We all get it, you hate each other,” Blaise began. Malfoy snorted. “But if you let this affect our Quidditch games I have no choice but to …”
“To what?”, the blond one asked.
“Kick you off the team.”
Your eyes widened and you straightened up, taking a step inside. “So, Malfoy is the one who keeps making inappropriate comments and I’m the one who gets kicked off the team?!” You crossed your arms in front of your chest. “Are you for real, Blaise?”
He looked at you calmly. “You are distracted.”
“Because he distracts me.” You gestured at Malfoy who rolled his eyes.
“During the last training sessions, you didn’t focus and kept your eyes on him instead of the Quaffel. Didn’t matter whether or not Draco said something beforehand,” Blaise said. “So, to answer your question - yes, I’m for real.” 
You swallowed. You were speechless (and a little embarrassed). You opened your mouth but then closed it again.
“Don’t, Draco,” Blaise shot his friend an annoyed glance. You quickly noticed why - Malfoy watched you, amused. He obviously held back a grin. When Blaise confronted him, he gave a dismissive wave. “Give it a rest, Zabini.”
“No, I won’t,” Blaise scoffed, “stop trying to get her attention unless it’s Quidditch related. It’s annoying and I won’t allow it in my team.” He looked back and forth between you again. “Are we clear?”
“Crystal,” Malfoys voice dripped with sarcasm.
“Yes.” You nodded, anger still burning inside of you. Blaise nodded, not content but slightly less mad, and left. You decided to find him later and talk a little sense into him.
It was quiet for a while.
“Should have fucked him when you had the chance.” Apparently Malfoy was incapable of keeping his thoughts to himself - no matter how stupid they were.
“Oh, when will you ever shut up?!”, you sneered at him. “I can’t believe you almost got me kicked out of the team!”
“It’s not my fault you can’t keep your eyes off me.”
“Right,” you laughed bitterly. “Oh, don’t give me that look. You stare at me, you make inappropriate -”
“Stop saying I’m the one who’s inappropriate when you literally watched me fuck your best friend last night.” 
This managed to shut you up. You gasped at his words and then the image appeared in front of your eyes again. His hair that was still messy from the shower resembled his hair from last night after Pansy had tugged on it and run her fingers through it.
“Did you know we’d meet there?”, Draco continued. “Did Pansy tell you?”
“Of course not!”, you exclaimed, “What’s wrong with you!”
“What’s wrong with you for not leaving?” Malfoy walked towards you until only a few steps separated you.
“You would have caught me!”
“I caught you anyways.”
“I’m sorry,” the apology left your mouth before you could think about it.
You saw a flicker of confusion in his eyes. “For what?”
“I should have left.”
Malfoy looked at you. He was so close. So awfully close that you could smell his spearmint shampoo. And there was something else … something beneath that fresh scent. He smelled like sex. You smelt it before, you realized. But this time … this time it was because of you.
“Why didn’t you?”, Draco finally asked in a low voice.
“I couldn’t.” You were trapped in his gaze.
“Why?” He moved his hands slightly and they brushed against yours. Your breath shuddered.
“Because I keep thinking about -”, you trailed off.
“About what?”
“What you said that night.” The words were barely a whisper. You were scared he might have not understood you, unsure about whether or not you could repeat them.
“Do you want me to turn it into a reality?”
Your heart began to pump faster in your chest, you were scared it might jump out of it. The second the question left his mouth, you knew the answer to it. Your body knew the answer to it. The way, the hair on your arms and neck stood up, told you.
It would be like an itch. You would scratch it once (maybe twice) and then it would be gone. Forgotten. You could go back to hating him and finally start grieving your lost relationship. Your breathing hitched when he tilted his head and his eyes dropped to your lips.
“Yes,” you said.
Your lips collided and the world stood still.
You felt his hands on your hips immediately, pulling you closer to him, as his lips worked tirelessly against yours. When they parted, his tongue slipped into your mouth and it swallowed the soft moan. Before the war, before he became a Death Eater, there were rumours floating through Hogwarts passed by giggling girls and jealous boys. How many times did you hear Pansy swoon over the way he kisses, the way his lips taste against hers? Countless times. And yet, nothing could have prepared you for this.
He was leading and it came to no surprise to you. You lost yourself in him, all the doubts and anger and embarrassment from the past days faded away, and all that was left were his lips against yours. His hands found your hair, tugging on it sharply to expose your neck. You whined when he traveled down to kiss the sensitive skin on there.
“Fuck,” you whispered as he sucked on the skin before abruptly pushing him away.
Draco looked up, visibly confused. You smirked, your hand still on his chest, as he walked backwards until he felt the bench against the back of his legs. You pushed him down and straddled him, your skirt riding up your thigh. When you let your hips roll against him, you heard it again - the same low moan from the night before. It resonated within you, causing you to press yourself tighter against him and deepen the kiss. You felt his erection and an ache began to grow inside of you. Just feeling it like this … you could imagine how big he truly must be. You wanted, no, you needed to see it, feel it, taste it. 
His hands searched for the hem of your skirt and you felt his fingers trailing up your thigh. “Not yet,” you whispered and playfully pushed them away. Keeping your eyes locked, you slid down his lap and in between his legs. A smirk spread to his lips as you unzipped his pants.
His cock sprung free, fully erect and dripping. You gulped at the sight, your panties dampening. You reached for his shaft and Draco let out a sharp hiss when you gave it a few good, hard strokes. His breathing became ragged and when the look in his eyes darkened, you leaned forward and licked over the length of his cock. Your tongue circled over the top and you moaned when you tasted the salty precum.
“Tease,” Draco mumbled and you chuckled.
“Tell me what you want me to do,” you whispered in response.
“I want you to take my cock in your mouth,” he said, “take it like the - ah, fuck!”
Your mouth closed around his shaft and he let his head fall back. His eyes fluttered shut as you began to bop your head up and down. You couldn’t take him all in so your hand pumped him in the same rhythm as you sucked him off. Moans and curses escaped his lips. “I knew there was a reason why I wanted to fuck you all this time.” 
You moaned around him, the familiar ache growing stronger and stronger inside of you. It was the same sensation you had felt the night prior. But now you weren’t forced to stand aside while he fucked another girl - now you were the one making him tremble. Draco’s hand found your hair, guiding you.
You gagged when his cock hit the back of your throat and he cursed. “Good girl,” he was out of breath, “sucking my dick like the good little slut you are …”
You looked up at him through your lashes - and you thought he looked beautiful the night before? Well, this was truly a sight for the gods. Seeing him staring down at you, his blonde hair hanging down messily, his eyes dark with lust - if your panties weren’t completely soaked before, they sure as hell were now.
You sensed that he was close. His legs started to tremble, he tightened the grip in your hair, and then he abruptly pulled you up. If you had it your way, he would come inside of your mouth. You wanted nothing more than for him to release himself inside of you as he fucked your mouth. Draco had different plans. 
He got up, his clothes falling to the ground quickly, and pushed you against the locker room wall. You licked over your lips before his mouth claimed yours again in a hungry kiss. He ripped at your blouse, buttons clattering on the ground. His hands explored your body, grabbing and squeezing and then he finally, finally, slipped underneath your skirt and panties. You moaned loudly when his fingers teasingly stroked over your wet folds.
“Oh, you’re soaked, darling,” he chuckled cockily.
“Shut up and touch me already,” you shot back.
“Your wish is my command.” You felt the smile against your skin and then pleasure exploded inside of you. His fingers circled over your clit, stroking, teasing, flicking over the sensitive skin and your moans turned into whimpers and pleads and begs. With every movement of his hand did he push you closer to the edge. You were so close, so fucking close - Draco stopped.
Your eyes flew open in anger but then you felt him pressing against your entrance. He looked at you, his grey eyes searching for something in yours - you nodded. The simple sign of consent wasn’t enough.
“Ask for it,” he growled.
You snorted. “What?”
His thumb flicked over your clit once more and you moaned. “Shit,” you managed to get out breathlessly. “Oh, fuck me, Malfoy!”
His cock pressed against you. You would just have to buckle your hip and he would slip inside of you. “I said,” his hot breath sent shivers down your spine, “ask for it and say my name!”
You whimpered. “Please, Draco, please will you fuck me? I need you.”
He thrusted into you in one swift movement. Your walls stretched around him and it was almost too much. The pleasure almost bordered on pain, but gods, if this wasn’t the most delicious pain you had ever felt in your life. He gave you only a little time to adjust before he started pounding into you.
“You have no idea what you did to me last night,” he whispered in between sloppy kisses. “When I saw you …”
“It was so fucking hot,” you said, another loud moan escaping your mouth as he sped up. For a second you were scared someone might hear you and come in but the thought got chased away when Draco groaned in your ear.
“I forgot all about her, I only thought about fucking you. The look in your eyes … let me see them …”
His hips stuttered when your eyes met. Your body arched against him when he shifted, hitting that sweet spot from a different position. You didn’t think it was possible for you to become even wetter but slick juices ran down your leg. “I thought about you tonight,” you whimpered, “touching me … taking me …”
It was true. When Draco and Pansy had left the Astronomy Tower and you were up there all alone, a moment of weakness overcame you. The pleasure inside of you had grown too strong and in the haze of the aftermath, your body craved release. You came silently, the image of his grey eyes staring at you still in your mind. Shame had followed quickly. Shame and embarrassment by what you did.
“Fuck,” Draco groaned before he loses all control. There was nothing sweet or slow about his thrusts anymore - he fucked you violently, took you as he pleased. His hands gripped you so tightly, you knew it would leave bruises but the sharp pain was drowned out by the pleasure. It built and built inside of you; your legs started shaking and then you heard him calling out your name before the orgasmn rolled over you like a wave. You held onto him desperately, cursing loudly as you came all over his cock. Draco followed shortly after, pounding into you, moans escaping his throat, until he finally released himself. Warmth spread inside of you and you shuddered.
Your breath trembled as you rode out the last waves of the orgasm. When Draco pulled out of you, the sudden emptiness allowed a last, short whimper to escape your mouth. He lowered you to the ground carefully, before sitting down next to you.
You leaned against the wall with your eyes closed. When your breathing calmed down you turned your head towards him. He looked at you, his chest rising and falling steadily.
“I understand the hype now,” you said after a few more moments.
He raised an eyebrow. “The hype?”
“Around you,” you make a vague gesture in his direction. “I understand now.”
Draco snorted. “I’m flattered,” he said dryly. “But this wasn’t my best work.”
“It wasn’t?”
He shook his head.
“Then what is?”, you asked curiously.
“Get under the shower and I show you.”
HP Masterlist 
Taglist: @dracomalfoyswifey, @donttellany1iusetumbler, @beiahadid, @lavenderblossom12, @weasleytwinswheezes, @bellagrayson-wayne, @pixiedustsupplyco @purpleskymalfoy @piercinghorizons @svturtles @miso-tang @krazykendraisnotinsane @vee-is-a-writter-now @lauren-100 @tifftiff233 @rennaisancebaby @mushi98 @thecityinthesea @dracosaurusrex @turtletaylor98 @saby06143, @peterspideysense @dracoismybabey, @labualill @thatoneniceslytherin @anythings-n-everythings @loumila-layouts @dracoswhore007 @ceridwen-02 @sunshinetm @drabblingdraco @cheywtf @kerie-prince @sylvanslytherin @littlemissnoname13 @minsuuwu @serrendiipty @disartrous @t38h @dracoxmgg @writerdee1701, @zpandaqueen, @ladylizzieofdarbyshire, @aspiring-ginger, @nobleking, @harpersmariano, @dracos-slut, @destiels-assbutt13, @justmesadgirl, @bbeautyybbx, @hermione-stark.  @avaluriaa, @cherie-draco, @natsiboo, @theanxietyqueen17, @amelialilypotter, @summertimelilies, @malfoysp0tter, @dontpanicitsdan @justignoreth-s @official—fangirl @punchnxzis @coffee-lupin @potterhead-of-ilvermorny @bimbelle @gloryekaterina @idaydreamofanotherlife @hahee154hq @ofheartsandcries @p0gues4l @draco-malfoys-significant-other, @dilugitis @sincerelymalfoy @capkatie @hesaidimcrazy​  @amourtentiaa @awaken-the-sirens @onyourgoddamnleft @kaiteliyn @dracosbaibe @fuckingdraco​ @dracosathenaeum​
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hematomes · 2 years
but as for Dottore's voice,I personally think that it's wierd but in a good way?like I'm not sure how to explain it,but I think it's like something that grows on you and you're like "well,I guess it kinda fits" ,but that's just what I think,maybe once we see more of him in game we'll get a wider range of his voice.
Also,I can't really think of a way that they would make Dottore playable unless they're straight up like "he's still a villain but you can play as him" ,either that or something like one of his clones being the one that's playable?like a clone that revolted against the others? idk
pantalone's voice is hideous and it doesn't fit him at all like. it reminds me of itto's bc i didn't like it either, he sounds like the alcoholic uncle but it's FUNNY so it fits him. pantalone? hell no im sorry but it physically irks me
im conflicted abt dottore's but it does make sense when sandrone (or is it columbina? im not sure they're not on screen) tells him he looks "exceptionally young today" or smth, which must mean he's actually old as fuck. so ig the voice makes sense but it's still ugly and i won't be able to listen to him talk without laughing
yeah i talked abt that w luna and the only way to make him playable is indeed a rogue clone. but i feel like most of his clones have done unspeakable horrors so there's still the moral horizon issue, and as of rn he's 100% unplayable
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jeyned · 4 years
heya everyone ! i wrote a really long intro / backstory which i’ve linked below, but in case you’re lazy like me i’ve also put a little tl;dr under the cut with the cliffs notes. there’s also a bunch of plot ideas in case anyone is interested ! like this, drop me and IM, or message me on discord ( do you like yuice ?#6373 ) if you want to plot !
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⤷ the courts offer bread and salt to jeyne whent née lannister of house whent. many say that the twenty - seven year old ruling lady of harrenhal is known to be lively and insightful, though ill tongues whisper that she is condescending and selfish when her name is uttered , one is reminded of a pretty smile hiding bloodied teeth; the hiss and raised hackles of a cat that thinks itself a lion; a languid and velvety darkness; heartbeat made of war drums. may she be blessed and protected in this war of crowns. ( fc: caitlin stasey )
full backstory   /   statistics page   /   development tag .
              trigger warnings for ; death & murder, illness, forced marriage, misogyny & misogynistic slurs (1), war.
name.  jeyne whent née lannister. nicknames.  the little lioness. age.  twenty-seven. traits.  + clever, intrepid, lively, protective, insightful, tasteful.          - hypocritical, cruel, condescending, proud, selfish, spiteful. titles.  ruling lady of harrenhal, heir apparent to lannisport. loyalty.  [ lana del rey vc ] money, power, and glory. also the starks of winterfell, i guess.
tl ; dr .
jeyne is the youngest child and only daughter of the lord of lannisport and his wife. well - raised, courtesied, if admittedly spoiled. even as a little girl she plays pretend at being a king. her father teaches her what words like wartime and loyalty and ambition mean ; the sacrifices she must make for their family name, for gold and glory.
the ironborn raids come to the shores of the westerlands and both her brothers are sent to fight. the younger dies first ; there is no body to bury. her mother falls ill with something they can only call grief.
jeyne is married not long after, a rose in bloom at nineteen. when she first hears, she weeps and begs and rages. her father reminds her of her duty, of the joy it would bring her ailing mother. jeyne knows then what must be done, and plans.
when her first husband dies just shy of two years into their marriage, jeyne is irreproachable. he dies in winter, already ill ; goes to sleep coughing and doesn’t wake up. jeyne isn’t even in the castle when it happens, although unfounded rumors fly of witchery and murder. 
nine months pass, and she plays the part of mourning widow exceptionally well. it helps her mummer’s farce that news comes from the war : her remaining brother is dead now too, and her mother’s health is failing. without her brothers, she’s the ostensible heir to lannisport ; her father’s displeasure with this is made quite clear to her. he even suggests she isn’t his ; bearing too many of her mother’s features, not enough of his.
she is remarried quickly to lord lucas whent, without a fraction of the pomp and circumstance of her first wedding ; now a widow, with a reputation tarnished by unproven but incessant whispers, the newest match is rushed, necessary but insignificant. she doesn’t cry or beg this time, just goes coldly.
she hates him before she even meets him, hates the harrenhal the moment she sets eyes on it, hates the cold and the rain and the gloom of the castle and its people. spends all her considerable energies complaining and making life generally miserable for anyone around. 
word arrives that her mother has died ; her father remarries quickly in the hopes of a new male heir, and draws in his nephews and nieces. weighing his options. jeyne prays to the stranger to take them all. 
she resents the lot of them ; her father for using and betraying her, her brother and mothers for leaving her, the ironborn for killing her brothers, the starks for suing for peace and making their deaths worthless, her husband merely for existing. mostly, though, she resents herself, not clever enough to find a way out of the cages she’s been locked in.
enemies.  the very best plot type and you cannot convince me otherwise. gimme intimately plotted hate-your-guts-smile-to-your-face frenemies who overthink everything the other says and press each others buttons incessantly. gimme ‘our houses have fought each other and i blame your family for this or that’. gimme petty jealousies and annoyances and people too much like her for them to get along. gimme people who think she’s a traitorous, murdering bastard and a whore to boot, and aren’t even wrong to think so.
close friends.  i don’t imagine she has a lot of these ; those not deterred by her reputation often are dissuaded by her personality. still i love the idea of her having a few lords or ladies with whom she gets along quite well, the kind of people you only need to meet briefly to know you understand each other. can be from pretty much anywhere ; stuck at harrenhal i imagine jeyne to be an avid letter-writer. 
cousins.  i’m also considering sending in a wc for this, but gimme all the family plots ! could be paternal cousins, potential contenders for inheriting lannisport, & probably childhood companions. could also be maternal cousins ! i listed her mom as being a westerling but i’m more than happy to change that to another house for plot reasons, it doesn’t really matter ! her father could’ve also had sisters who married into other houses, there’s lots of options.
failed betrothals.  i can imagine her father made a lot of offers, both when she was first getting married and after she was widowed. and i can imagine a lot of reasons why someone might reject that ; she’s a lannister, she’s not .... great as a person and her reputation isn’t phenomenal either. after the death of her first husband, too, i can imagine her prospects were pretty slim. still, the lannisters are ambitious and would have sought out as good as match as they could have. 
family of her late husband.  yea, i specifically didn’t pick a house for her first husband to be from because i wanted to leave ‘em open for other applicants but also because i wanted to leave it open in case it’s a plot anyone would like to take up ! most of the story around that is also very vague so as to fit with pretty much any ideas/plots someone has going on. would be really fun, tho ; possibly they can even have been co-conspirators and this person inherited jeyne’s late husband’s title and lands ? or they absolutely hate jeyne and think she’s a murderer which .... she very well might be.
sister in law.  the widow of jeyne’s older brother, irwyn ; i hc that they had a daughter but tbh that’s just flavor text and i am open to changing pretty much anything i’ve got going on. i may send in a wc for this at some point too ? anyway, whether she stayed at lannisport or returned to her family home or anything, idk. seems like an unlikely connection to get picked up but it’s definitely out there if it happens to fit for someone.
brothers’ connections.  again kind of vague ? would probably work best for men from the northern kingdom who may have known them or trained with them, or else fought alongside them against the ironborn. could also be ladies with pretty much any kind of attachment to either of them idk ; jeyne doesn’t have a whole lot of family left so this is my way of trying to have connections thru her family anyway.
childhood friends.  idk how many characters from the westerlands there are around rn, but bring them to me pls. would love some childhood friends for jeyne ; whether they fell out of touch, or still write each other monthly letters. them being a ward at lannisport, or jeyne being a ward at theirs for a time is also a neat option ! 
allies.  not quite friends, but potential partners whose ambitions align with hers. she has connections to the wealth of lannisport and the might and strategic position of harrenhal ( though harrenhal is truly weaker than she’d ever admit ) and honestly would support just about anyone if it meant she got lannisport. she’s power hungry what can i say ? 
former flings / secret lovers.  firstly these can be of any gender as jeyne is ... peak evil bisexual tbh. yes i’m queercoding my villain and i think that’s very sexy of me. these are also just pretty vague ideas, and absolutely do not need to be particularly romantic ; they could have had a more lengthy affair or just hooked up at a wedding or a tourney or something. 
travellers.  both lannisport and harrenhal are pretty common places to pass through. on a sea journey on the western coast one is likely to stop by lannisport, and harrenhal stands practically at the center of westeros, which is a fun opportunity for jeyne & your muse to have met even if they live very far way or are unlikely to have met in other ways ! especially considering harrenhal’s size it’s a good stop over for travellers with a larger retinue. idk i just want an excuse to plot with everyone.
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degenerate-yandere · 5 years
Any chance I can get some yandere Caspar headcanons? : " )
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Here ya’ go! Hope you guys enjoy! My blog is pretty much just Fe3H rn, but I’m finally workin’ on some bnha requests so expect a lil variety.
A/N: Characters are assumed to be post-timeskip.
TW: Yandere, kidnapping, stalking, slight NSFW, mentions of Ferdinand Von Aegir
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Caspar is certified baby, no two ways around that. He’s inexperienced with love and romance and all that weird stuff, the only thing he’s certain of is that being around you makes him super happy!
You make his heart beat like crazy, and he gets all hot and red when he talks to you, making him feel like he’s been doing hours of training. But Caspar loves training though, so it doesn’t bother him. He doesn’t love it quite as much as he loves you though.
He’s kinda like a puppy. He’ll follow you around with a giddy smile, constantly seeking your praise and validation. 
You’re a great motivator for his workouts. He just thinks of you and your pretty face lit up with amazement at all his hard work, and he’ll push himself twice - no - thrice as hard.
And like his physique and stamina, Caspar will see you as something to be obtained with hard work and dedication. He’s just a little... unsure on what exactly he’s supposed to do.
He’ll ask Sylvain about how to approach his little issue, after all he’s had a lot of experience with this stuff, right?
Unfortunately, Caspar is intense. It’s like training; the harder you do it, the more it’ll pay off, right? Did Sylvain say to get to know you? Caspar will stalk you day and night, learning every intricacy of your daily life. Did Sylvain tell him to learn your interests and hobbies? Well, expect a broken lock and a room turned upside down. He’ll learn what books you like, the food you eat, even the clothes you wear (he’ll take a few for himself - just so he doesn’t forget, not so he can put it under his pillow and pretend you’re sleeping there with him, or anything).
It’s also worth noting that things get ugly when he’s jealous. If someone so much as looks at you with a bit too much interest, he might just have to rough them up a little.
And then, the fateful day will come when he believes he’s fully ready to confront you: He’s worked so hard and it’s paid off! He knows everything about you, that’ll show you how much he loves you! He’ll approach you, voice loud in excitement;
“Hey, (Y/n)! I love you! Please go out with me!”
You’ll be taken aback, for sure. Caspar will notice your hesitation, and assure you that he really, really does love you! He’ll list off facts and tidbits about you, the mannerisms he adores so much, the cute way you sleep, how nice all your clothes smell...
If you’re sane, you’ll be absolutely mortified. How the fuck does he know any of this? You’ll shake your head, apologizing but warning him to stay away from you. It feels like you’ve been betrayed; you cherished your friendship with Caspar, but now you don’t know what to think of him.
Before you can walk away, he’ll have you in a choke hold, your vision blurring into stars as you struggle to breathe.
“I’m really sorry, (Y/n). This wasn’t how this was supposed to go. But don’t worry! I’ll show you how much I love you.”
You’ll wake up in an unfamiliar room, with Caspar sitting across from you with a worried look in his eye. He’ll be overjoyed when he sees you stir.
“Heh, sorry about that (Y/n). I got a little rough back there. I was worried I might’ve -” Caspar just shakes his head and scratches his neck, acting as if this was no more than a dumb accident.
Caspar is hella delusional. He’ll truly believe you love him back. He’ll treat you so kindly - kissing you gently, holding you close when he forces lets you sleep with him, and giving you constant compliments. He’ll refuse to process any signs of your discontent. Trembling? You must be cold, he’ll fetch you a blanket. You cry when he embraces you? Oh, you must just love him so much it overwhelms you!
“I love you so much, (Y/n)! And you love me, right? It’s like we were made for each other.”
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Ferdinand is, in every sense of the word, a noble. A fact he greatly prides himself on. He’s kind of the opposite of Caspar, he knows the world of courtship and customs of chivalry inside out. 
On that day, when the stars align and see fit to bless him, he’ll lay eyes on you. You’re captivating, exceptionally beautiful and stunningly refined. And when he gets to know you; well his infatuation inflates tenfold. To him, you’re perfect in aesthetics and substance. He sees it as his duty, his purpose as a man of honor, to woo you and make you his bride.
To be honest, Ferdinand sort of has a thing for marrying you, sculpting you into the perfect little spouse. It’s low-key a fantasy for him. When he finds himself in the throes of passion, he’ll call out your name with ‘Von Aegir’ in lieu of your actual surname. It never fails to finish him off. He’ll oft find himself daydreaming about you welcoming him into your shared home, greeting him with tender kisses and a cooked meal. What can he say, he finds domesticity very exciting.
But he decides that he’s lived in fantasy for too long; A noble must take initiative!
Expect an exhausting courtship. Ferdinand will be overbearing with sickly-sweet compliments that wax poetic, luxurious gifts that you feel bad for accepting, and constant insistence on joining him for tea or a horse ride.
If he finds himself facing rejection, however, he may feel a little scorned. He showed you nothing but courtesy, and that’s how you repay him?
“If you wish to be uncivilized about this, (Y/n), then it’s time I ought to act accordingly.”
He’ll use every political connection he has to blackmail and threaten you. It’s for your own good, of course. You just insist on being so difficult about it.
In the fantasy world he’s created, he’s the shining knight to rescue you from the troubles of your boring, lowly life.
He’ll force you into a marriage, delighting in just how cute you are as his loyal companion - and he’ll be eager to finally consummate this eternal union.
“It sounds beautiful, doesn’t it, my angel? Von Aegir suits you so well.”
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deactivatedz2020 · 4 years
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At a glance he may look like BILL SKARSGARD but in reality they’re just 26 year old Nathan Myers, a werewolf here in Barton Hallow. They are an omega without a group. They work as a receptionist at Wentworth Memorial here in town and are known for being adaptive and indifferent. I’d watch my back if I were you..
[Full Bio] [Pinterest] [Headcanons] [Wanted Connections]
First a few somewhat random little points, full bio and more linked above, but here’s some basic rambling to get this started. 
Werewolf. Technically. Due to an amazingly unhealthy mix of distance from his original pack and the viciously abusive home life he suffered growing up, thrown in with a healthy fear of the sort of wolves that he knew pack to be; Nathan hasn’t fully reached his potential as a werewolf in spite of being in his late twenties. He hasn’t changed, hasn’t reached his full strength or scope of normal abilities, and he certainly hasn’t made any effort to fit himself into a new pack. He tends to live life as much like a human as possible, but it is a flawed effort given where he originally came from before being moved to CA (possible connection - people he knew back there) to live with his father. 
His mother’s pack were unsettling by most any accounts, the sort of strange, bizarre monsters that the locals in their Appalachian home spoke of in whispers of ghosts and demons. Hardly the case, but the pack as a whole certainly had some arcane nature running in their blood and Nathan feels it within his own. All the more reason to be wary of what the moon can do, and what he may himself do if he were to reach that state. He’s mostly written it off as impossible, something within him too off centered, content with being stronger than humans, more aware, sharper sensed, rather than dare chase the moon too much. (Possible connection? Somebody who wants to stir up that change?)
As one would assume that, while unable to be sensed by most other werewolves (connection? Maybe someone can sense it?), that delay puts him at odds with them if they do find out. He’s hardly afraid to voice his opinions in regards to their often judgmental views, quick to point out that he doesn’t care what they think of him or his life (someone feel free to give him someone to clash on this?), but there is that feeling, still, of knowing that he doesn’t have a place with them anymore than he does with actual humans. It’s an uncomfortable spot, that feeling of being resistant to what one is and still feeling the lure of it so intensely. 
Due to his inheritance Nathan really has no reason to work (hellooo other people working at Wentworth =  connections), he could live very well his entire life and have nothing to worry about, but he likes having a reason to keep busy. And being a receptionist at the hospital isn’t exactly as interesting as things might have been if he’d finished his stint in school to become an RN, but it’s something to do. He also isn’t fond of people being aware of just how impressive his bank account is. He has a roommate (connection needs to be filled, yess), lives what he considers to be fairly typical for someone his age, although he gets it wrong sometimes after being raised in excess as his normality. His tastes run lavish but, usually, he doesn’t let it go too far in hinting at the money he doesn’t like for people to know about. (but if somebody does know? connection?) He’s lived the life of being important because of his status, he grew tired of it and the false people that came with it. Normality is surprisingly entertaining, all in all. 
He has a cat, Frankie, (short for Frankenstein) who wanders the shared apartment. Said cat is the typical, pet me when I want and I’ll ignore that you exist the rest of the time, feline and is usually slinking around like a furry, splotchy shadow. Frankie is a Tortoiseshell tabby and Nathan claims he came with the apartment since he found the cat skirting around outside as a stray very shortly after moving in.
Perhaps a throwback to the linage of his pack, but Nathan has a morbid streak. He enjoys horror movies (100% needs somebody to drink and watch movies with) and binge watches them when left to his own devices, collects bones and skulls as artwork and pours over how lovely the macabre can be. Most of those habits he keeps to himself, he already gives off an eerie vibe almost naturally, but also likes to use that to unnerve people. His sense of humor can be dark at times, he really likes to joke that he knows he gives off that air of serial killer. 
The flat dead stare also doesn’t help, because he has perfected it. Coupled with the fact that he’s intensely tall (6'4") most people are a bit intimidated by his presence. He finds it bemusing, even more so since a great deal of the time he’s not interested enough in bothering people to use that to his advantage. But when he does, yes, it works exceptionally well.
He has a surprisingly impressive working knowledge of the occult as well, thanks to his early years and the interest that came from trying to sort out his own hazy memories. (shared interest connection?) His room is scattered with books on various subjects and he holds some of the older superstitions true, even though he doesn’t admit it; something that seems ingrained in him through blood, perhaps, thanks to his mother’s influence.
Don’t try to debate morality with him, (or do because he really needs somebody to hang out and debate things with - connection?) Nathan is a firm believer that such concepts are entirely situational. There are no good or bad people, no evil or light ultimately, only people who twist the world as they see fit and the deeds they do. He likes that view, actually, because in the end it is the ultimate equality among everyone; when anyone is capable of any extreme what better common ground is there? Morality is also personal though, he knows, and those beliefs in how people see the world fascinate him. 
In spite of seeming otherwise, his tendency to study people rather than interact with them, Nathan is very social. Getting him to warm up usually ends in sarcasm and offhand banter, but that’s just the sort of communication he considers friendly. He usually gives people a chance to prove if they’re total bastards or not before he makes his mind up. He prefers to roll his eyes and walk away from pointless confrontation, nothing irritates an instigator more than being ignored, but if he’s cornered he gets far less passive about the situation.
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ursoself-satisfying · 5 years
My Sweet Lord (ch1)
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dude is that fucking brenda song?? lol i forgot he was in social network w her what a world huh??? 
Chapter One - Genesis 3:23 
Priest!Joe Mazzello x F!Reader, SFW, 2.5k words 
My Sweet Lord masterlist 
A/N: ugh this is super short but its rly just kind of an intro,,,, I’m testing the  waters here,,,, idk why this was so hard for me to write like its not as good as I want it to be but I’m ok w it rn,,, I might come back n rewrite it real soon n go in n change that so be warned lol but i’m rly excited for where this is going to go cus I do have a lot planned its just getting jumbled in translation lol but enjoy!!
special thanks given in this post!! you can find whole accompanying laylists there as well not just single associated songs!!!  
Warning(s): none rn,, unless a priest being kinda into u or u being into a priest is bad cus thats gonna be this whole fucking series m8 so if u dont enjoy defiling holy ground n religious imagery i suggest u move on sorry!!! 
The church was filled to the brim with life, with colors and sounds. There were your newest acquaintances, knitting in the corner. They were the main source of the commotion, all shrill laughs, and clacking needles. On the pews further ahead were some children, and a man attempting to corral them but failing in the end. The squeals of the kids echoed through the crowds and came to where you stood at the entrance. When you took in the scene, you were surprised the doors could even close given how the entire town had flocked to its sonorous halls this cold Sunday morning. Inside it was somehow still just as bright like the blinding clouds had followed your shadow.
Though you’d admittedly been to few churches in your lifetime, this one you were sure was exceptionally stunning. How such a grand masterpiece ended up out in these boonies was beyond you. You had felt a bit silly at first, attending mass at all but then you saw the steeple and then there you were, standing in awe of how the building seemed to soar above you. The view of it as you had driven up the small hill was impossible to replicate, how the belltower rose over the rolling grass like the sun that unknowingly led you the dawn of your new life. In your juvenile appreciation of its architecture, you lost yourself in the way the worn stone of the support beams still held the tall ceilings up like pillars of salt to the heavens.
Pillars of salt, you thought, was a fitting image for your situation. Surely you must have blended right into the columns, tributes to every other woman who approached religion and turned their heads back. You were ripped from your runaway thoughts, though, by the bustle of bodies behind you and the urging but ultimately gentle hand that came to squeeze your upper arm. Beatrice stopped at your side and looked up at you with shining, young eyes that got lost in the folds of her lids when she smiled.
There was somehow a familiar and comforting aura about her and when she touched you a blanket of trust always came with the contact. With the top of her auburn beehive just reaching your eyes, her bent body led you to the very front pew and gestured for you to take a seat on the sandalwood. You did as told with a thin smile, still distracted by the arched ceiling of the chapel around you.
As you waited in the congregation for the priest to begin his sermon, your mind wandered to the morning, how the belltower rose, tall and white, over the rolling green hills like the first sun dawning on a new world. Impossible to replicate. It was an unknowing sign of things to come. The church wasn’t something you expected to ever return to much less for it to become something you looked forward to, something that would end up being such a large part of your life. That was all yet, to come through, for, at this moment, your thoughts weren’t busied by the future but rather by the thought of the blinding white exterior of this place of worship, how bright it had been in those early hours.
The organ began and its resonance nearly shook you from your seat, but it certainly caught your attention as intended. The people rose in unison, you doing your best to follow, unfamiliar with the practices seeing as your last time in mass would have been before you were able to remember anything about it. The songs, though, were vaguely familiar, maybe reminiscent of something you’d heard on the radio, seeing as this town picked up almost purely religious stations.
You moved your mouth along to the words, not knowing exactly what they were but doing your best to look like you were competent. The song ended and you sat, grateful it was over, huffing a bit when your body hit the wood. The father beside you gave you an awkward smile when you attempted to cover your relief with a cough and a straightening of your back.
Then when you looked up from your awkward encounter-
Were you very religious? Not particularly, but when in Rome, do as the Romans, right? So when in church, pray. Maybe there had been a little prayer going on in your heart since you entered the building, hell, since you entered the town, a prayer for good things to come, and God must have heard those unintentional prayers because behold before you was what must have been an angel.
He walked slowly to the podium, robes dragging behind him and a glow seeming to emanate from the crown of his head. He seemed like the only living proof of a God that you could find in the whole of the chapel. His hair was wispy, auburn, and looked so soft, reminding you of clouds, and maybe cotton candy if cotton candy were brandy flavored. Bronze, you thought would be the right shade.
The stained glass behind him spread like wings, angels on either side surely singing of his beauty and softness. The haze of his arrival washed over you and you were enraptured. You never thought someone could so quickly feel this way. The romcoms were nice, but they were unrealistic, and most definitely did not happen to you of all people. Completely prepared to shove down these feeling, deep down underneath the mattress of your soul and leave them there to rot, you allowed yourself to enjoy the sermon, or at the very least, enjoy the priest.
God, your gaze hadn’t dropped past his eyebrows before you completely fell. His eyes were soft, pleading, forgiving, but young and curious as well. His nose? You adored immediately. He had, in the kindest way, what you would have referred to as an ‘old man’ nose, a little long, strong, gave him an impeccable silhouette that shown like a holy imagine again the early morning backlight, sun streaming from the tall windows behind him. His chin was soft and cleanshaven, his lips, soft and puffy and lush and looking simply perfect to kiss.
Kiss? You shook your head briefly, half attempting to banish these thoughts you knew you shouldn’t be thinking, but having been so completely lost in his image that you had missed the beginning of his sermon. The congregation spoke back at him at certain times, words you vaguely remembered from childhood. The echoes of “and also with you” kept you anchored to reality as you struggled not to get lost in the languid movements he made as he moved about behind the podium. He spoke animatedly about- Well, you weren’t exactly paying attention, but you did notice how he spoke with his hands, waving them about when he said something about the glory and grace that has been granted so many. His hands were long and thin and surely would be long and thin enough to fit perfectly between your-
The organ boomed through the hall and shook you from your daydream, again, and you, again, tried to lipsync your way through the unfamiliar hymn and failing, again. You had stood for the song, and the stretch was welcome after clenching your thighs so obviously together for so long, but when you sat back down, the cool of the wood and the wetness of your panties made you visibly shudder. Dear, sweet, Beatrice placed a feeble hand on your arm as a sign of concern, along with her shakily drawn on eyebrows being raised. Gripping her wrinkled hand carefully, you smiled, tight-lipped, as a reply of ‘I’m fine’.
You again turned from your elderly friend to the man at the front of the room, the one who demanded your attention with his repetition and his- He smiled, all teeth, cheeks puffing up. A sharp intake of breath was all you could muster before he began to pray. The rest of those looking on seemed to know what to do and you did your best to imitate, but as he pushed his hair back, your lips fell apart and you crossed your legs in desperation, his clergy status seeming to only turn you on more. Fuck, you chastised your own attraction to the taboo. As clandestine as it may have been, though, God, did it turn you on.
“Lord have mercy,” he said, voice effortlessly both round and light.
“Lord have mercy,” you pleaded breathlessly.
“Christ have mercy.” His eyes rose to meet yours for the first time and you choked.
“Christ have mercy” came out like a whine under your breath, unheard under the rest of the mass, but you knew he saw your chest rise and fall heavily as you seemingly tried to breathe in his prayer and send it back to him.
“Lord have mercy.” His own voice wavered when he saw you, red in the face and out of breath. His gaze didn’t move from you as you mouthed the words back at him.
“Lord have mercy.”
Unbeknownst to you, this was not, in fact, the first time he’d laid eyes on you. He had been watching you, side-eyed, the whole service. If his peripheral served him right, you had been the one with your eyes glued to him since he’d first emerged from his chambers. He saw you stand out in the mass, the last of the congregation to sit down after prayers or songs. He was unable to tell whether this was due to you being distracted or inexperienced, or both, but it caught his attention without catching yours, darting his own away just in time as to not catch your gaze. It seemed to work so long as he kept his focus on the other side of the chapel, though the magnetism of your attentive gaze was hard to resist. The man didn’t let himself give in, not until he somehow heard your barely audible repetitions after those of the congregation. Then you saw one another, caught in the undeniable stare of interest. Suddenly, his lungs felt like iron on his chest and he struggled to finish praying.
Again, you were pulled down by the older woman next to you, unaware everyone had been seated and for a moment it was just you and him, standing and caught in this sudden whirlwind of unknown attraction. The world seemed to dissolve around you, focus seeming to blur and leave you with tunnel vision on the holy man. His sermon paused for a moment as he stared at you and smiled softly. You could feel his eyes fall down your body, but then his voice picked up again, being carried over your head in smooth, calming waves and you were lost, again, in his presence that loomed over the crowd like the hanging branches of a willow on a sticky summer day. For the remainder of his sermon, you focused less on his words and more on the mystery that might be hiding beneath those layers and layers of robes that dragged behind him.
If you asked Joe why you caught his attention, he would tell you that you were the first young and clearly not familial woman he had seen in town since his arrival. This was true, that in a town occupied only by elderly folks and new families, you were the first young face he had seen in a long time. Of course, it didn’t help that he found you incredibly attractive and that, as a newly appointed man of the cloth, he had been experiencing somehow more temptations than ever before.
Every verse he read was budding with new meaning and potential, every lust soaked gaze sent your direction waning to go through with it. There was, of course, a pang in his heart every time the thought of you passed through his head. The allure of a woman who was neither the age of his grandmother nor heavily with child was far more than it should it have been. Father Joe knew it was wrong, that he must keep his mind as clean as his body, his thoughts as clean as his actions. “Good thoughts, good words, good deeds,” he said aloud to the congregation, using his slip as some kind of holy motivation.
Another song followed, then a prayer and every time he stood the priest had to force his eyes forward, away from the direction you were sitting. His thoughts went back to the way your skirt slid up your thigh when you sat down and how you must have known how much skin you were showing but when his eyes met yours with one final, united “Amen”, he knew you were too distracted to have noticed.
You watched the priest with unintentional intensity, looking as though you were spaced out, lost in thought and caught on his words, but the reality was that you were simply entranced. All the time you’d spent in this town so far and you had yet to see anyone as young and painfully unavailable as him. Though in the back of your mind you wondered how fidelious some of these new husbands were, you had settled with remaining single, that is, until now. What was more delicious than a man who was not only gorgeous, mature, and clearly into you already, but also one so out of reach, so taboo and clandestine. The beating of your heart when he would slip up and land his eyes on your form a little too long thrummed against the bars of your ribcage like Morse code, an aching organ begging to be hurt.
The service had ended and Beatrice had eagerly joined her group of cawing old ladies, but not before kindly introducing you to the sweet-faced Father that had spoken today. “Darling, this is Father Mazzello, he’s new to the Ridge.” Her smile was sickly sweet and you couldn’t help but smile back, keeping your eyes from the man approaching you.
He’d traded the excess robes for a simple black ensemble already and when he approached you and, God, he looked even better now. His hand was extended to you firmly, holding back any eagerness behind a front of eminence and dignity. Beatrice spoke again as you finally lifted your longing gaze from his nimble, capable, horribly inspiring hands, up his arms, across his shoulders, and finally to his green eyes. They were so much prettier up close. “Father Mazzello,” your friend spoke warmly, “this is [Y/N]. The dear has been staying with me and I’ve finally convinced her to get a bit of God in her.” She laughed and you took the man’s extended hand, holding it motionless.
“I would love a bit of God in me,” you laughed quietly, hopefully only loud enough for him to hear.
Joe swallowed dryly at your low comment and the softness of your hand, “It’s nice to meet you, [Y/N],” he smiled crookedly, “and you can call me Joe.”
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dominicvail · 5 years
Hey! Random question for you: How do you decide if/how you're gonna crop the gifs you make when putting together a set? I struggle so bad with the aesthetic elements of building a set it ends up discouraging me from finishing them most of the time.
I get the feeling anon, i struggle a lot with certain types of sets Still, which affects what i end up making A Lot. And i’ve only been making gifs for lol, 6 years, yikes? I tend to stick to what i Have learnt these days. But, anyway. 
I mostly think that the aesthetics of what you’re giffing depend heavily on how you should decide to crop it to fit on here.
I don’t know what kind of sets you make? Because I make like, gifs of scenes  very differently to something i make just for the sake of it being pretty.  
I personally have preferences for what dimensions i think look best for certain types of gif sets on tumblr, i do not Usually ( i make exceptions) stray from these, and the dimensions have an effect on your cropping.
Say like, [This] set, the dimensions i used were 268x180 which is my preferred choice for either 6 gif set or an 8 gif set formatted like this and if i don’t use those dimensions, it’s because i had a good reason not to.
Typically, face close ups in sets like this look Far better than like, a shot in the first gif of that set with half of granger’s body in the shot. This isn’t because head shots look better in gifs, it’s because head shots remove a Lot of the background which is what, 9 times out of 10, is what is messing up the aesthetic of a gifset. Also, an aside, try not to have dialogue cover anybody’s face, sometimes with already close up shots it’s impossible to avoid, but if your text is obscuring somebody’s face, you’ve cropped too much off. 
Backgrounds are often messy, busy, and eye drawing. If you’re making edits just for the sake of being pretty, negative space is your best friend, i really can’t emphasis that enough. I think people think it’s what’s In your gif that will make an aesthetic set look pretty, but i personally think it’s in how you use what it Not there. 
'what is not there’ also applies to shadows on negative space backgrounds, you Really need it to look as plain as possible, imo, take this gif for example;
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Without edits, the plain wall behind the height chart was heavily shadowed, i used brightening techniques to remove the harshest shadows and also cropped it so the gif was thinner b/c the shadows were darkest at the far corners of the gif. It’s not a major edit, but the effect it had on the set it was in was Massive. It went from ruining the look of what was a ten gif set to fitting in perfectly and it was such a small, simple thing to edit. 
Also, for examples of how different a seemingly plain background shot can look with and without editing, This;
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(the over exaggerated white was for Aesthetic reasons, i wanted it to look weirdly coloured, the bg was empty anyway) but this same shot looks totally different when i remove the small lines from the elevator he’s in that i left there in the top gif. His malevolence levels shoot through the roof. Just simple things like that can entirely alter the look of something. 
I don’t have an example of this next technique with that specific G shot, But with some scenes like the above it would be possible to crop it in as close as the second gif has been, then increase the canvas size again and just paint on the same bg colour as the bg behind him and you’d have a panoramic gif with an entirely negative space bg without it even looking like you’ve even edited it.
i did that here, kinda:
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I cropped the bottom of the gif off because originally there was a Lot more mountain on it, and added to the canvas at the top of the gif, and just coloured the blank canvas the same colour as the rest of the sky and presto! i have a Ton of more negative space and it took me like a minute. You can use the same technique for width as well as height, this was just the first gif i’d found. 
anyway i went on a tangent, but dimensions;
for 2 gifs in a set, if they’re face close ups i’ll for them side by side and like, rectangle, you can do them square but i just think it looks better if they’re higher than they are wide, i don’t always use the same dimensions for the height of these types of sets, just what i think looks best for the scene.
if it’s more of a view than a close up for 2 gifs, i’ll do one gif on top of the other, Usually if i do it like this it’s specifically to showcase a view, so i probably won’t crop the scene at all for this type, and just resize for tumblr, but if i do it will be to crop out a network logo but i’ll leave the gifs as large as i can do so while taking it off. If possible i will paint over a logo, so if the logo is over a bit of screen that’s just one plain colour it’s easy to obscure, but otherwise its a crop. If i ever leave a logo on, it’s b/c i had no choice because i Hate leaving logos on. 
for sets of 4, like, dialogue scene gifs e.g. this one [here] the traditional square 268x286 is best, tbh. However, for that set there, not sure if this counts as cropping but it is aesthetic, in the show the shots were eric, nell, nell, eric. Because, in that format, doing it that way would have had them looking Away from each other in the bottom two gifs, i switched them around in the set and it looked So much better. When possible, always have people physically speaking to each other  in gifs actively face each other. Sometimes this involves flipping the whole gif which i Try not to do because our brains are trained to look at these people through a backward lens, so when you flip it over we think it looks weird because very few people Actually have perfectly symmetrical faces so like, they look Wrong to us. But looking a little wrong normally looks less weird than having people insets face the totally wrong direction. 
for 10 gifs, displayed 2 by 2, i will not make them as high, 10 gifs of 268x180 is too long, it looks weird, and even shaving 10px off each gif makes it look more aesthetically pleasing. 
for gifs displayed one on top of the other with text over, where you have a lot of them, they look better thin, i usually use somewhere between 230-245px for each gif’s height. Like this one. 
if you’re making Huge gifs like... 540x440px for Aesthetic reasons, that Can work really well but is Exceptionally difficult imo and i really can’t offer any advice or tricks because i am hopeless at it. 
On of my other tricks of the trade is, when i see a scene i think will make great gifs in the caps i’ve taken for something, i will save the caps. Like, that G moment of him looking into the camera, i took caps of the scene for a specific reason, deleted the rest of them when done, but saved those ones away. Scenes with minimal background that Also contain a look into the camera are Rare, exceptionally good looking on edits, and u will never remember where they are in the show if u delete them lol. So if you find shots you love, keep the caps! reuse them! to this day, i’m the one one to ever call myself out over excessive reuse of the same shots over and over. 
Also, zig zags and diagonals are more attractive visually. like, this is from my main but i can’t fine one off this blog atm, but [this] You see how i’ve made this so your eyes flow in a seamless diagonal downwards? You eyes don’t flit back and forth in 3 different directions, it has a flow to it. The first shot on that set isn’t actually like that in the show, her face was on the right side of the screen, i cropped off everything on the left, added to the canvas on the right and used the wall she was standing next to to make it less obvious i cropped it so dramatically to achieve that. You can only really tell if you’re looking for it in that one. But like, if you can crop something so the gifset has a decent flow to it, so your eyes slide over it rather than attempt to look in 6 directions in jerky moments, it helps a lot. I did the same thing with this one, [here] every gif on that is cropped into a different angle as it was on the show. 
This works specially well when you have a lot of gifs in your sets, which is where the zig zag thing comes into it, like, those 2 i linked two didn’t last long enough to zig back, but if i’d done another 2 gifs on there, i’d have put it back so your eyes slid back to the left side again. Can’t find an example rn, it’s Hard to do the more gifs you have, but pull it off and it looks really good. 
however, if you Can make each gif centered perfectly it looks Really cool but it’s really hard to do b/c show content just.. isn’t great sometimes. But it looks so cool. 
tldr: Negative space is Super Important!!! backgrounds can be super eye grabbing and you don’t want that, choose your dimensions well, make sure you make peoples eyes flow across your work rather than dart. 
idk, i hope this made sense, but making things look aesthetically pleasing is Really hard and takes a lot of work, it just looks like it should be easy, it’s not you finding something hard that other people seem to find super easy, it’s not easy, it involves a lot of tricks and editing that you Have to obscure because if it’s too obvious it doesn’t look attractive. A lot of work goes in, if i had my way i’d make mostly aesthetically pleasing edits but it’s too hard and i don’t have that kind of time. I hope this helped in some way? 
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lemongogo · 5 years
same here i didnt expect hawks to have such a deep voice but i watched the compilation of the vas characters to like Get used to it. they removed natsuos red streaks to get rid of anything endvore related on him ALSO YEAH THE VILLAIN OP IS GONNA BE SO VJJDJDJD id love for them to make it a little spoilery but omg i also wonder id theyre gonna try to squeeze the 1a kids in there. regarding hawks i feel like he might be in the op but maybe scarcely but in the op after that? we will be feed i feel
its so fitting bc i feel like nakamura can do a rly good job for someone like hawks where he’s normally characterized by his laid back demeanor but can get rly rly intense when he needs to. like that scene where dabi and hawks meet up? ITS GONNA SOUND SO GOOD . tht also reminds me that we’ll get the whole thing w jeanist next season too. im,,,,,,,,,,, need to stop thinking so far ahead when s4 isnt even halfway done bro KNFKD
and VALID .......... IT RLY IS THOUGH AAA im kinda in the process of rereading the villain arc rn and i miss it soo much. the whole league in general is just full of the best characters w the best development arcs and i cant wait to see all of their quirk power-ups come into play ;_; plus shigaraki was drawn exceptionally well during that period, nd so im really hoping the anime does him justice. i have One (1) wish and thats it
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