cracklewink · 2 months
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Science-themed mermay day 3: Parasite (Sea Trout + Tongue-eating Louse)
Shoutout to @moose__chan on twitter/insta for helping me double check the ASL!
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kkbardd · 24 days
hi! popping in quickly.
I absolutely adore your artstyle and your ocs. their personalities and stories are always so interesting, and I look forward to seeing any type of art you post.
If you take a break from drawing asurei, that's completely okay!! doing things with joy is more important than just doing them. I will enjoy whatever you draw regardless— in fact, I regularly go back to that drawing of the unnamed pink haired girlfailure OC and her "friend" daily. i am mayhaps their number one fan.
please continue sharing your stories and ideas!! I adore your characters and designs so much. I am very excited for your toxic yuri freeloader/assassin story.. they are very interesting!!
also saw you did some dialogue in japanese.. do you speak it ? im quite interested in any language so.. apologies if this is off topic ><!
In any case, thank you for continuing to create. I love your art and hope you continue to draw what makes you happy and what you feel motivated to do. I love all your art regardless of subject matter!! in fact it convinced me to to start watching madoka magica :}
best wishes !! hope you're well!!
wahhh isopod !! u always send me the nicest asks when i need them most!! i hope ur doing well ~ although my last post sounded pretty depressing im actually doing pretty well too! im going to the aquarium next week w some friends so im looking forward to that more than anything >:D
I've been reading a lot of short yuri stories by Toyo Totan & Iwami Kiyoko lately and I'm excited to use that inspiration to improve some of my own OC stuff too! (I recommend 'Last Summer Vacation' !)
And yes I'm fluent in Japanese !! I'm actually an officer in my college's JP language community & I used to translate manga on the side !! I'm completely self-taught through videos though, so while my listening and speaking are fluent I actually suck at reading LOL I'm so bad that when I translated manga I'd use my camera's text to speech to do everything...
I'm a huge language nerd too! I watch a bunch of scientific videos/TED-Talks on how our brain learns languages and tips to learn things more efficiently! For example, apparently when you first start learning a language you should never try to speak it right off! If you try speaking before listening for a very long time, your brain just kinda solidifies your verbal pronunciation and it can have long-term effects on not only how you sound, but also how you HEAR sounds! This is also why some think that children learn languages better, because they spend a long time exposed to it while being non-verbal. I love this fact bc I kinda experienced it myself!
I spent about 2 years just watching JP translated videos of people speaking naturally (not videos aimed at foreigners, nor shows that have acting, more like vlog-type stuff!) and only started speaking when exposed to others who could speak it too ! Especially during COVID, I think I was pretty much spending ~80% of my day listening and thinking in Japanese so I was very immersed! And because of that, I'm a little famous in my community for having the best pronunciation 😤 Going to on a trip to Japan & translating for the people who went with me also boosted my confidence a lot! I'll never forget this guy at an izakaya who asked how many years I've been living in Osaka LOL ("three days actually!")
I think the biggest downside though is that once u learn another language, ur first language skills get bad.. i often think up half-sentences and sayings/metaphors in Jap that just sound wrong when you try to translate it back into Eng ;;; i sometimes trail off when i speaking because i forget the english word for certain things, but my friends are now just used to my weird metaphors so!
I went on such a long tangent!! But anyways!! Thank u for always sending me the sweetest asks, I always save them to my phone and I'm pretty sure all my friends know abt u bc I always show them the nice things u say 😭!! And yes!!! Madoka is so good, especially the movie so im excited ur gonna watch it!! I hope u like it!
and finally for their #1 fan <3 :
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alakazamboni-blog · 1 month
For the ask game! 🍓 , 🐇 ,🧃, 🍄 , 🔪 , 🦷 ,☁️ , 🌸
OMG tumblr ate this ask for two days! sorry!!
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
Oh this definitely started in college. I started reading fanfiction on and off (homestuck lol) in the 2012/2013 era. By 2016, my senior year in college, I was miserable and almost entirely reliant on tf2 and Danny Phantom fanfiction as a form of escape. My favorite fics, Phantom of Truth and its sequel Shadow of a Doubt, inspired me to finally start writing. My first works were terribly cringe hahaha and will die a nostalgic death entombed in my old laptop under the many things in my closet.
🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both? 
never written reader inserts (unless you count second person pov). original characters for sure
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
I try to keep a lot of my personal life offline. I don't have a big social media presence. Hmmmm... I really really really wanted to be a paleontologist when I was a kid. I got really good at identifying bones and knew a lot of the names of dinosaurs. I don't remember them anymore, but I used to I swear! (source: 5 yo me)
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
:) My fav ship right now is serirei (of course), but i am very partial to ekurei and grey ghost. Despite my track record on AO3, I'm actually not a big shipper. I mostly like comedy and or angst, and in my writing, I like to explore alien concepts and humanity.
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
I have researched how long does it take a human to suffocate? to freeze to death? etc but I think these topics are probably pretty common among writers.
For fanfiction, I've researched nuclear physics, decay, and what's actually dangerous in a nuclear fallout event :0
For an original writing project (still unfinished - still unposted anywhere - i need it to be perfect cause i love it), I researched animal tranquilizers and probably got put on a list cause apparently that's a commonly abused drug. I don't know if that's the weirdest topic I've researched, but its definitely the most eyeopening one to a whole underworld I wasn't even looking for 0.0
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
1.) Humans are human. Even the people with physical and mental problems. You'll get very far by treating everyone with respect and love.
2.) Take things slow. This isn't a race. You'll find where your going when you get there.
3.) Touch grass. Literally. Go outside and do something. The simple act of leaving your house or office resets your brain, and you'll find yourself better off in the long term.
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
:3 i wanted my fan username to be different from my normal one (in case a friend or family member or coworker searches me), so that forced me to choose something i'd remember. i went with alakazam + zamboni
🌸 ⇢ do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them
i absolutely love animals and have so many pets! two dogs and a praying mantis. my girlfriend has two cats.
i also keep and raise a few different invertebrates like discoid roaches, giant canyon isopods, dwarf white isopods, superworms (and darkling beatles), and black soldier fly larvae (and soldier flies).
I used to have a bearded dragon (hence my feeder bug colonies), but he recently passed.
i do eventually want to have a koi pond, chickens, a rosy boa, some different millipedes, some silk moths, freshwater shrimp, starry night reed frogs, and i'll always keep dogs with me.
I'll post pictures later under the tag alakazanimals
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brown-little-robin · 1 year
I'm Learning To Be Bad At Things In College
Yesterday, I was in ceramics studio, trying to make cylinders on the throwing wheel. This is my second week (fifth day) of throwing clay on the wheel. I am miserable at it. My fingers don't know where to go, how hard to press, they slip on the clay, my hands slip out of alignment with each other, I am just newly able to center the clay well enough to keep it from wobbling itself to death. And the professor said to make three five-inch-tall cylinders as best as we could, by class next Tuesday.
I was miserable.
I didn't want to be there, my cylinders were coming out terrible, I made the wall of one too thin and it collapsed on itself... I'm not good at throwing. I wanted to give up. I made three terrible cylinders, gave up on the idea of making more, and cleaned up my station—that part was satisfying, I can clean a station, I sponged off the wheel and then it was clean.
Then I went and painted my sculptures for two hours, because I felt bad about failing at throwing, and painting sculptures makes me feel happy. I'm good at making sculptures. I earned that skill years ago. My fingers know where to go to pull out an ear from a bunny, to stroke an isopod's shell into position. They know the exact pressure to use on stoneware to mold it and finger-polish it into an elegant little animal. And painting the sculptures is a little echo of that, a glorification of the bodies I've already made. Painting the sculptures confirms: I made this. The animal's naked form is good for painting. The paintbrush goes over its curves with pleasing fluidity and pokes into the little corners, precise, gentle, leaving behind beauty.
I know I practiced for years to get good at sculptures but I was really upset about the throwing.
Then I walked out of the building, walked back in because I forgot to cover my terrible cylinders, which for some misguided reason the studio is firing, and called my dad. He's a potter. He throws pots. We have a million of his mugs and bowls in our house.
I said, I'm going to get a bad grade on my cylinders.
He said, it took me a year to throw anything worth keeping.
A year. A whole year. No wonder I felt so terrible about my cylinders. They're not worth keeping. I knew that. But it took my dad, an incredibly dedicated artist, an entire year of throwing to make anything worth keeping, so... of course my cylinders aren't good. Of course my fingers don't know where to go. I'm new.
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fantabulisticity · 2 years
I've had a great day so far! Got up on time, went to the doctor for my acne, and got a topical gel AND an oral prescription, so hopefully it clears up in a few months!
The oral prescription is, uh
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So, like, I KNOW it's a diuretic and like a birth control pill, but bc I run w trans people, when I hear the name of this drug the very first thing I think of is transfem HRT. And I'm transmasc-ish, so it is REALLY funny to me that I'm taking spiro 😂
After the doctor, I went to the car electrics shop to get my headlight bulb replaced since my grandpa and I couldn't get it last night. I brought the new bulb we struggled with and let the guy know that we couldn't get it to work and that the bulb itself may be faulty, so they may need to give me a New new bulb, lmao. I had to drop my car off bc they're busy today, but I WAS able to get it in today, which is really nice!
On the walk home, I saw this fucking pink stretch limo or something:
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Which is WILD to see in a small town in the middle of nowhere. Like, we DO have two colleges nearby, but it's STILL fucking weird.
I ALSO saw a ROTTING LOG in a DITCH, so of course I got down there and flipped it over, and a small rodent (mouse or vole -- I didn't get a good look) scampered out from under it. I found some various decent-sized isopods, a small-ish centipede, a worm, a spider egg-sac, and several kinds of fungus! No pictures of them, sorry. I also checked for my spider friends under a bridge, but they were all tucked away or absent except for one small male grass spider (it IS dormancy/dying season). HOWEVER. I found this BEAUTIFUL lady on a fence post:
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I LOVE HER 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
And when I got home, I was greeted by this friend:
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And this evening, I'm going to hang out with one of my human friends! Hopefully I have my car back by then. We'll see.
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juvederm · 7 months
josh headcanons cuz yeah (these are gonna be all of them actually so anyone who cares abt my posts have prob seen these before)
multimedia artist; i think he mainly likes to use paints and charcoal, and if he's sketching he uses smudges and sharp fancy artist pencils
loves drones and cyborg related anything, especially if it's horror related, so like sci-fi horror (also is a sucker for slasher horror, i fink saw is his favorite probably)
he's got an engineer kinda streak to him. he loves making things and tampering with machinery (contrast to chris who loves tampering with electronics instead)
loves to write stories, but he keeps it hidden bc he thinks it's embarrassing
he doesn't game often, when he does though he enjoys castlevania and resident evil, and has played majority of the story games out there on playstation
he also likes survival horror in general when it comes to games. prob liked haunting ground
video essay enthusiast, josh is like that meme that's like "what happened to him" "he ate without youtube" like that's his vibe
can info dump about anything aquatic, loves the aquarium and his favorite sea creature is an isopod bc it looks so extraterrestrial
although he's afraid of spiders, he enjoys the creepy crawly if they're slimy and cool looking
has about 20 sketchbooks
breaks every pair of headphones he's ever owned and the only ones he hasn't broken are sony headphones his dad got in like 2001
made a shit ton of mix tapes in high school, it's literally all poorly exported mp3s of unheard of artists that he still indulged in till college
i don't think josh is that frequent of a drug user so from time to time he smokes weed
on that ^ topic tho he has messed with a variety of drugs
horrible decision maker: in 7th grade he chugged robitussin and had a full body rash
trans, was stealth till he came out in like college, and he doesn't gaf abt what pronouns ppl use
likes the uncanny, creepy dolls and masks and mannequins are like one of his favorite things in horror (kinda true bc of all the mannequins we see in the therapy sessions + the dolls he used to represent his friends)
his bday is january 30th (mainly bc his bday just has to be in january for his age to make sense + he's the most aquarius man i've ever seen)
used to be into sports bc his dad would play baseball with him but i think that ended up dwindling over the years and josh lost all interest in sports by high school and thought it was lame
also in high school he was in the yearbook club
he was verryyyy dorky in high school which he tried keeping to himself but it didn't mesh well with others so josh opted to be like. the guy who everyone went to for parties and booze when he got to college
while he did study psychology i also think he was interested in other science or stem courses in general while there, but he didn't pursue it
in public he dresses in a way he hopes nobody even thinks about (just super casual and normal he's like a sim) but splurges on weird clothes he finds on cheap sites
both his parents worked and were hardly home, so josh had to learn to cook if him and his sisters ever wanted to have dinner
he had a lot of jobs while in college and high school; longest place he worked at was a cafe. he also took up working at the college library but hated it and quit
he steals a lot of hannah's accessories
is mildly interested in botany
knows ASL, has EDS, and used to do ballet with his sisters at a young age. they try to get him back into it but he firmly declines.
very autistic, specifically about horror movies and filmmaking in general. he always looks for the behind the scenes footage of all his favorite horror films, and particularly enjoys the FX process
okay this is all i got i might add more to it if i remember my other headcanons (which honestly is just endless atp)
also while i do hc all of this for him, josh is still the same douche bag we see in game. i just wanted him to have more interests besides just being the horror and films guy (which i do keep in his character while headcanoning all of this)
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the-golden-ghost · 5 years
Prime numbers for the ask game! (if that's not too much!)
Challenge accepted
2. Do I have any nicknames?
Ghost is my nickname, I suppose!
3: Zodiac sign?
5. Book/series I reread?
One beloved one is A Series of Unfortunate Events!
7. Writer I trust enough to read whatever they write?
I don’t know exactly what this means, but I’ve read most of Laurie Halse Anderson’s works. Also Edgar Allan Poe!
11. Favourite song?
Ruler of Everything by Tally Hall
13.  Favourite word?
Persnickety but I don’t get to use it ever
17.  Pirates or ninjas?
Pirates, all the way!
19.  Song that I always start my shuffle with/wake-up song/always-on-a-loop song?
I don’t know what this means
23.  A bad quality of mine?
Oh dear. Probably how passive and unassuming I am
29.  My best friend?
31.  Hair colour?
It is auburn, or maybe copper. Reddish-brown.
37.  Favourite TV shows as a child?
I really liked this Animal Planet show called The Most Extreme and watched it religiously. It was beautiful. And by beautiful I mean weird. I don’t know if anyone else even remembers it. 
41.  Do I have any strange phobias?
TRAINS. They are horrible beasts.
43.  Favourite hobbies?
Reading, writing, ‘rithmatic
47.  Favourite animal?
That would be either a kakapo, serval, giant isopod, bold jumping spider, or barred owl.
53.  What makes me smile?
The night sky, I am very fond of stars. The moon, less so, but it’s pretty as well and the ocean needs it so I accept it.
59.  Afraid of heights?
61.  What was the last concert I went to see?
I haven’t been to a concert in probably ten years, so I couldn’t remember if I tried.
67.  Scared of the dark?
71.  Something I wish I could do?
Speak a second language.
73.  Have I ever skipped school?
Yes, once in high school and a few times in college.
79.  Sunsets or sunrise?
Sunset, cause you get to see the stars shortly after.
83.  Have I ever had braces?
Yep and they broke my jaw. I’m still bitter
89. Kindle or real book?
97. Can I bake?
Uh... I can, but not very well, and not everything.
101.  Who do I get on with better, girls or boys?
Uh, neither really. I prefer a nice even mix of the two.
103.  Sexual orientation?
107.  Guilty pleasure?
Lays baked potato chips!
109. A photo of myself.
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113.  Favourite accents?
127.  Am I a bad loser?
Yes, unfortunately. I try to do better with this.
131.  Am I a good liar?
No! I’m transparent as hell, you can see right through me.
139. If I found a wallet full of cash on the ground, what would I do?
Find whose it is and mail it to them. I mean, presuming there’s ID in there.
149.  Do I have any tattoos?
No. I wish!
151.  Do I believe in Karma?
Not really, no. I think things just occur, I don’t really believe in any cosmic justice or divinity or anything like that. Everything just seems too unfair, chaotic and random.
157.  What makes me nostalgic?
The sweet smell of a lilac bush
163.  What do I love most about myself?
I don’t know! I wish there were more things about my mind and persona that I found lovable, but I’m just kind of There, not really anything much. 
167.  Have I ever been on radio?
No, again, I wish!
173.  Have I learnt from my mistakes?
Unfortunately, not really it seems. Maybe a little. Maybe a few.
179.  If I were immortal, what would I do?
I think I would stress a lot about the cost of living, and how I’m going to provide for myself when my family is dead, and about how much it’s going to hurt when the sun explodes. So, basically what I do now but with the added bonus of the sun exploding. 
On the bright side, I’d have more time to learn French.
181.  If I could get away with a crime, what would I choose to do?
Probably take down the hostile architecture type things in cities, those are atrocious.
191.  What makes me the happiest?
The night sky
193.  What motivates me?
The desire for a better life, and inner happiness which I don’t have now
197.  Something I hated as a child that I like now?
Going to bed on time
199.  Live in the city or suburbs?
The country, actually!
211. How do I handle anger?
I don’t
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nanonaturalist · 6 years
Les Catacombes de Paris
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Last week, I was on a Fancy Adult Business Trip in Paris, France. I had a little time to explore the city before Important Business meetings, so I did something I never thought I would get a chance to do: Visit the Catacombs.
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A long, long time ago, back when the educational TV channels actually had… educational programming (yes, I’m that old)… I watched a show that featured the amazing tunnels dug under the city of Paris, which had been stacked to the ceiling with the skeletons of 6 million people. The short version of the story is: Paris has been a big city for a long time, and several centuries ago, funerary practices were not very… hygienic. A few of the cemeteries became public health hazards, so beginning in the late 1700’s, the city systematically emptied every single cemetery and reinterred the bones in the abandoned quarry tunnels. And instead of just throwing all the bones in, the “architect” of the project laid the bones to rest in beautiful arrangements that honored the lives of the people who were moved. The bones are grouped together by the cemetery they were from, or later by which the battle of the French Revolution they died in.
Amazing! But I was a poor kid, we never went on vacations, and although I had big plans for the future (I was going to go to college!), I grew up knowing that people like me didn’t get to travel so the best I could do was just read every book I could get my hands on. But I seriously lucked out, and 25 years later, not only did I get to go to Paris, my work was paying for the entire trip. !  So, to the Catacombs!
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It was amazing. The first 1/3 of the tunnels was just getting down. The cramped spiral staircase seemed to go on forever. Then you went down a very narrow cramped tunnel sparsely lit with old-timey lamps. That photo above should give you an idea of how cramped they were. Those shadowy figures are humans. This is definitely not an activity for somebody with claustrophobia.
Anyway, you may be wondering: Wait, aren’t you a nature blog? Why are you talking about this here???
Well. Thing is, nature happens even in the strangest, most artificial environments. When you put skeletons in human-made caves and then leave them for a few hundred years, interesting things start to happen.
-> Warning: photos beyond the cut include human remains (skeletons)
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The tunnels were dug into the limestone bedrock under the city, beginning around the year 1300, and were used as a quarry for building materials. The floor and ceiling are limestone. Although the tunnels were dug by humans, they function exactly like a natural cave. I’m from Texas, another place with a limestone foundation (and *lots* of caves). The Catacombs are 20 meters underground (65 feet), and when you’re that far underground, you may think you are protected from the rain, especially after standing in line for two hours in it. You’d be mistaken. In the photo above, look at the path. The darker edges are wet.
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Limestone is primarily calcium carbonate. If you have hard water, you are likely familiar with it. The white residue it leaves behind are dissolved minerals from limestone—and you can see that same residue on the bones in the photo above. In some parts of the Catacombs, the bones were glittering from crystals that had started to grow on them, and they were beautiful.
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If you’re familiar with what happens when you add water to caves, you shouldn’t be at all surprised to learn that baby stalactites are forming above the bones in some areas (see below). Stalactites take thousands of years to form. One estimate I looked up said they grow less than 10 cm (just under 4 inches) in 1,000 years. If this section of the tunnel dates back to 1400, that would make these stalactites about 600 years old.
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But enough about geology, right? You want to see bugs, why else would you be on my blog? I also wanted to see bugs, but I was not expecting them, and I was a little pessimistic after getting stranded in Pittsburgh, meaning I missed not only my one free day in Paris, but a chance to see a friend who moved abroad a million years ago and currently lives in Germany. While I stood in line for two hours, she had started posting her photos from the day before when she went to the Catacombs without me, so I got to see her photos of the moss growing on the rocks and her comment, “Life finds a way.”
And since I am the iNat fanatic that I am, I thought, “hmmmm I’ll bet nobody else has posted iNat observations from the Catacombs…” so I paid attention to green stuff growing so I could get a couple fun photos of moss.
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The first bits of green I saw was this–it appears to be green algae [link to iNat] growing on the bones, but I am not an algae expert. Then, aha! The Moss!
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A beautiful, luscious, gorgeous bed of moss [link to iNat]. Perfect. I love it. Yes, life does indeed find a way. This part of the tunnels had moss in several spots, so I hung around getting a good view of it. Then, wait, who is this!?
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!!! An Isopod !!! [link to iNat] Guys, I love isopods. I love isopods so much, when I saw that in Japan, you can get an iPhone case shaped like an isopod, I dropped everything and ordered one, even though it meant I’d have to upgrade my phone and I hate upgrading my technology because I’m a dinosaur. But here they were! Yes, they. There were three in the first area I saw them. In the photo above, you can see little “chocolate” sprinkles on the rock. These babies are having a nice moss feast! The first photo of this post was on this rock face as well. I was so happy. Look at these cuties!
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So we have all this algae and moss, with fat happy isopods eating it to their hearts’ content. Clearly, there was plenty of moss to go around, so what was keeping the isopod numbers in check?
I’ll give you a hint:
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These guys. There were cellar and cave spiders [link to iNat] throughout the tunnels, always in close proximity to the isopods. It was fairly predictable, too. If I saw a patch of fuzzy green stuff, I could reliably find an isopod and a spider.
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There are hundreds of miles of tunnels under Paris, so extensive that holding 6 million skeletons leaves most of the network completely empty. The public tour goes through only a tiny fraction of the tunnels holding human remains. Just imagine what other food webs developed in the ~700 years since these tunnels were created, which humans have never witnessed.
As I was walking towards the spiral staircase back up (it was long), I was granted a fond farewell by this lovely moth who would not hold still:
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Photos from March 4, 2018 / Posted March 14, 2018
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kotaface · 6 years
85 Things!
1. drink - a lovely draught of Guinness
2. phone call – my Momma
3. text message - to the boyfriend
4. song you listened to – “Wilder Mind” by Mumford and Sons
5. time you cried – umm, maybe two weeks ago?
1. dated someone twice? – yes
2. kissed someone and regretted it – eh?
3. been cheated on – 5 separate times by 3 different boyfriends (I really knew how to pick em).
4. lost someone special - my grandpa died last year, he was very special
5. been depressed – ha! (Read: bipolar disorder)
6. gotten drunk and thrown up – so many times. But I haven’t done that in over a year. #adulting
fave colours
Rust red
in the last year have you…
1. made new friends – Yes
2. fallen out of love - nope
3. laughed until you cried – Definitely
4. found out someone was talking about you – eh?
5. met someone who changed you – not really sure
6. found out who your friends are - Can’t say I’ve dealt with that kind of situation since college
7. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - ... does my boyfriend count?
1. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl – ...all of them?
2. do you have any pets - 2 cats at home, and 7 salamanders, 3 frogs, a 380-gallon coral reef aquarium, and about 3 dozen isopods at work
3. do you want to change your name - no I like it a lot
4. what did you do for your last birthday – Went out for a fancy dinner with my bf and got hella drunk on expensive wine
5. what time did you wake up today – ugh 6:40am
6. what were you doing at midnight last night – sleeping
7. what is something you can’t wait for – MY FIRST BACKPACKING TRIP OF THE YEAR
8. what are you listening to right now – A PBS Nova special on the ruins of Petra in Jordan
9. have you ever talked to a person named tom – ugh. My first college boyfriend’s name was Tom. So yes, unfortunately.
10. something that’s getting on your nerves – workplace bureaucracy.
11. most visited website - Tumblr and Ao3
12. hair colour – Auburn
13. Long or short hair – currently very long
14. do you have a crush on someone – I’m always crushing on my man
15. what do you like about yourself – That im a tough bitch when I remember to be
16. want any piercings? – eh
17. blood type – O+
18. nicknames – “Kota” is really it
19. relationship status - taken/might as well be married
20. zodiac - Taurus
21. pronouns - She/her
22. fave tv shows – ummm... documentaries?
23. tattoos – I have 5
24. right or left handed - righty tighty
25. ever had surgery - do my wisdom teeth count?
26. piercings – Two in my ear lobes and a forward helix in my left ear
27. sport – if I’m participating? Volleyball and marching band. Watching? Baseball all the way.
28. drinking – I drink all the things
29. i’m about to watch – the inside of my eyelids
30. waiting for – My damn tax refund
31. want - a raise
32. get married – It’s only a matter of time
33. career – museum educator
which is better
1. hugs or kisses - depends on my mood
2. lips or eyes - eyes definitely
3. shorter or taller - Taller
4. older or younger - Older
4. nice arms or stomach - arms
5. hookup or relationship - I’ve done both but I’m committed now so definitely a stable relationship
6. troublemaker or hesitant - that depends which mood I’m in
have you ever
1. kissed a stranger - Yes
2. drank hard liquor - most definitely
3. Lost glasses - yes actually and it’s a good thing I have two pairs!
4. turned someone down - yes. My exact words were “eh, I’m good.”
5. sex on first date - yes
6. broken someone’s heart - yknow I’m not entirely sure
7. had your heart broken - a billion goddamn times
8. been arrested - nope!
9. cried when someone died - yes
10. fallen for a friend — ugh yes. The first few times it was awful. The last time was great.
do you believe in
yourself – usually yes
miracles - no
love at first sight – Yes
santa claus - no
kiss on a first date - I have before so yes?
angels - ha no
best friend’s name - Andy
eye colour – Brown
fave movie - Spirited Away
fave actor – it changes frequently
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kkbardd · 3 months
hello! i haven’t sent an ask in a while because schoolwork has been piling up infinitely :[ , but your recent posts have been really interesting to me! i really liked the room sketch one, I can’t exactly explain why but there’s something so indescribably human about it. i love spaces that looked lived in, that have personality, and I think that your room (current one? made up? old one?) has done a great job of showing that. and I’m not very good at giving advice— I can hardly follow it myself, but if you don’t know something, don’t know what you want to do, try things. it’s okay if you don’t like them. i recently found out I’m more competent in languages than I thought! i can already read and understand simple sentences in german.
there’s always more to yourself than you’ll know, I think, but the world is kinder than people think. If anything, everyone is still very new at this. we’ve never lived before. do the things you like, branch out, don’t become less of yourself for other people. everything has a place, and my best advice is to treat life as you would a vacation. do all the things you can while you’re here. build a life that makes it worth it. (sorry for the long ask and my rambling, or if this is overstepping in any way. i just read what you wrote and kind of related to it in a way. thank you for continuing to create art, it brings me a lot of joy! :] )
hey isopod!!! thanks for the ask & I wish u good luck with ur school work!
Thank u so much for the compliments, im really glad the vibe of my room was conveyed in those doodles. i absolutely looove drawing my room! It’s extremely small (a renovated utility closet) and just barely fits a bed + my desk but its packed full of the things i love. It’s very lived in and I feel like it reflects my character well.
when i drew that page I was in my senior year of high school and pressures to decide my future were overwhelming. I never thought much about it until then and I didn’t have any idea of what I was going to do. The only thing I felt I had going for me was art but I didn’t want to turn my only hobby into a job I hated. I remember going through a master list of majors on random college websites and one-by-one asking myself if I’d be okay doing it. In the end I had nothing. I was really crushed about it and felt stuck. This was right after the covid quarantine too so focusing in school was difficult & I couldn’t bring myself to apply for scholarships. I started skipping classes, smoking weed, and pushing off my assignments. All of this only made me feel more miserable, of course, so everything seemed pretty bleak at the time.
But luckily I had the support of my family and especially my mother. She would always remind me that “we have option”, “we always have options”. Because I did! This was a fresh start to try my hand at a totally different experience than what I’ve done so far. I ended up choosing my major on a complete whim after hearing my aunt had a job in an adjacent field. I was pretty sure I’d drop out after a semester, yet here I am about to graduate soon & I’m having a ton of fun!! (Hell, I’m 10 hours out in the middle of nowhere right now for my Field Methods class!) It’s not that I had a knack for Geology that I just never tapped into, or that i secretly had a passion for rocks this entire time; I just found something that seemed like an okay fit and grew interest from there. I think that a small level of commitment like that is more than enough to get you going. I had a ton of ideas in my head about how I needed to have a perfect fit major that would connect every dot I’ve laid out in my life thus far, but that’s not true at all. Life is much more messy and unpredictable than that.
But enough of my rambling!! That time of my life may have been stressful but I’m very grateful that I went through it! It changed how I viewed problems and it taught me to always look for other options when everything seems helpless.
Thank u so much for ur encouragement, I really appreciate it <33 I completely agree with everything u said!! Life is an ever changing experience & often leads u in unpredictable directions!
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