q-starhalo · 10 months
-`. ★
Bad would always stay up, even back on the island. So when he couldn't sleep, he would hangout with Dapper late at night - which Richarlyson and Pomme would later join in, leading to them being called the "The Late Night Trio" - or talk to his ghosties or do other types of shenanigans. But here? He couldn't do that. All he could do is sit there alone, listening to the snores of the other members of his team and the sound of the soulfire cackling. Just alone.
Unless Bagi or Etoiles messaged him. Bagi, despite being new to the island, was a nice person to be around with. And her theories were interesting as well so he's always glad when she messages him to talk about them even if they were on opposing teams. They would drink tea and lean on one another while they talked about any logical thoughts (sometimes leading Bad to make a visual representation) and just chill out.
As for Etoiles, he was just a gem to be around with. His jokes and sassy yet sweet personality would always make Bad be glad to have him as his friend. And not only that, but he is incredibly smart so it was nice to talk to him about strategies (though they laid a bit down on that during their time here to not sabotage their teams). At some point they made a camp underground and marked the area with random flowers they found. It was a cozy place to be at and they were able tend to the others wounds and drink tea near the fire in peace without worrying about mobs.
However, tonight, he had a different reason for staying up. A reason he hopes won't happen. For this reason could be one of the fates of his friends.
His friends....his dear friends.....
Every one of his friends that were on that team. They could all be gone. He could have to walk them down that hall, leading them to the afterlife. And it would've been his fault.
If he just didn't turn in those missions. If he just waited. If he just didn't listen to his paranoia. If he just didn't look at the creature he named Coco who reminded him so much like Dapper. If he just didn't ask Coco that question. If he just didn't take the nod and remember his son's words. Then maybe, JUST maybe, they wouldn't have been eliminated. Maybe they would've been able to tie.
Bad stood up and decided to go on a walk. He just needed to relax his mind from these thoughts. He packed some extra tea and went up the elevator. He looked around just in case and got on a boat.
He eventually got off once he hit land and started wandering around, heading in a random direction. But no matter how calming the silence was with the water and the wind dancing, his mind would not rest. The words Dapper told him in that message were now on repeat. His sorrow was now being replaced with a new motivation.
Nothing is off the table. Run over whoever you need to win.
He had to win.
Nothing is off the table. Run over whoever you need to win.
No matter who he killed, it's for the eggs.
Nothing if off the table. Run over whoever you need to win
If anything, that eye guy will split the teams. All he had to do is win.
Nothing is off the table. Run over whoever you need to win.
He had to do it for all the eggs. For Dapper. For his porcupine. His sunshine.
Nothing is off the table. Run over whoever you need to win-
He stopped. Some flowers were suddenly tickling his legs. The violent thoughts were now quiet. Oh? he thought as he looked around. And to his surprise, it was a familiar area. He was just above their base. Their safe camp away from danger. Oh how funny it is that he carried himself here. He did need somewhere to rest.
He looked around and went down the elevator and appeared in the little house under the ground. He was greeted with the feeling of warmth from the torches and campfire that were in the room and the smell tea from the previous day was still in the air. He took a second to let it overtake him and tried to relax his body.
Startled, Bad's hand immediately grabbed his sword and looked to his side to see who was there. Etoiles, who turned out to be the voice, was sitting in one of the chairs near the campfire and laughing at Bad's sudden action.
"Were you going to kill me, Badboy? I thought we were friends!" said Etoiles while smiling at Bad who put away his sword away and sat down next to him.
"Oh hush, I just got scared. Besides, it wouldn't have mattered. Nothing is affective to players at this hour besides mobs" Bad took some tea out of his bag and poured some of it in a cup, giving it to Etoiles.
"You were still going to stab me!" said Etoiles while he took a sip of the tea. Bad let out a giggle and poured his own cup. He really hopes he's right about the splitting of teams.
They talked for a bit before they quieted down. Their tea cups were put a side and they were looking at the fire. Etoiles laid his head down on Bad's shoulder and Bad's tail started to wrap itself around Etoiles' leg and they sat like that, in silence. The fire cackled in the silence and the smell of their teas filled the air. Everything was so still. So calming.
They didn't say anything about what could happen. It didn't matter. As long as they were able to have a good fight with each other and be able to be together on this lovely night, talking and laughing, then nothing really mattered. They would be together on this lonely night. A demon with his star. Together before disaster.
-`. ★
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ghastigiggles · 11 months
trickle down
RAAAAAAHHHH WOMEN!!! Furina Content for the hungry masses, apologies that it's not longer. I was very inspired by a particular post and speedran this at like 4 in the morning.
Finally. Women in the Genshin Content tag. Let's Go Lesbians
usual disclaimer; safe-for-work tickling content ahead, very cute, very fluffy - also very vague 4.2 spoilers? but you wouldn't get it without context so it should be okay for the uninitiated o7
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Being human comes with a lot of fun little quirks.
Furina loves being human. 
Furina does not, however, quite enjoy the prideful appearance she's been forced to keep for so long – so it's very nice and refreshing to finally have more and more friends at her side to drop that guard around.
At least, it's certainly nicer for Clorinde to no longer be alone in suffering Furina's drama, because –
"Would y – eeEEeeh! Ahaha – help mehehe already…!"
Paimon shuffled awkwardly in the air, glancing towards the Champion Duellist. 
"Should we, um, do something…?"
"No. Let it run its course… She'll be fine."
Lumine snorted softly, biting down her smile in an attempt to look as bemused as Clorinde when Paimon looked over haplessly. Before the three of them, taking advantage of their relative privacy and distance from society, was poor Lady Furina, her arms held above her head by Gentilhomme Usher – thus allowing Surintendante Chevalmarin and Mademoiselle Crabaletta to pinch and prod at her torso, sending her into the undignified fit of giggles she was in now. 
( very necessary A/N; the names of furina's staff are needlessly complicated even for a french speaker. sweet jesus. )
"Ahaha – y-you – yohohou are cruel! How c-cohould you fff – ahaha! – forsahake me this way?!"
"Lady Furina has a habit of, er…. Well, this," Clorinde explained poorly, nodding her head towards the scene with a tired look; "I gave up on actually helping after the first dozen repeat offenses."
The traveling pair nodded, exchanging a mildly amused look between themselves as Paimon took over replying for them both.
"Don't worry, we get it… We've got a few friends who are very similar, ehe…!"
Lumine nodded as well, turning her gaze back to Furina's song and dance. From the way her legs shook, it seemed like she'd collapse if Usher released her arms; and though she was flushed in the face, she also seemed genuinely happy…
It made the traveler's fingers itch, and she hummed, glancing towards her fairy friend.
"Hey, Paimon – since we're just waiting, why don't you and Clorinde scout up ahead? I'll stay here to keep her safe if anything creeps up on us."
Paimon started to object, but shut her jaw with an audible click when their gazes met, her eyes widening with sudden understanding. Offering a more nervous smile, Paimon nodded quickly, whipping back to Clorinde.
"... R-right! Come on, miss Clorinde!"
"Right. Shout if you need help."
Almost grateful for the out, Clorinde marched up the path, Paimon hovering just beside her as she went. Lumine watched until they disappeared through a few trees before approaching the giddy Furina, waving her arms to shoo away her staff members.
"Alright, that's enough…"
"... Haah, ahah… ah –!"
Abruptly, they disappeared with a burst of bubbles, and, as predicted, Furina collapsed entirely, opting to commit entirely to the fall and flop back onto the grass, her hat rolling away when she landed. 
"Ahh, ow… haah, you could've been faster with the save, you know…"
"Oh, please, you could've gotten yourself out of it anytime," Lumine giggled, crouching beside the Chief Justice and savouring the flustered glare her comment got.
"Y-yes, well! Perhaps I was testing your friendship – looking to see how fast you would save me if I was in dire straits!"
"Oh, you're testing something, alright…"
The traveler shifted, somehow managing to straddle Furina where she lay before she had a chance to react – though it was less than graceful, with how their skirts overlapped. Furina stared up at Lumine with shock, stammering wordlessly while the blonde traveler smiled, a mischievous glimmer in her eye.
"I've got a question for you, Lady Furina – in operas, how much do you enjoy twist villains?"
"... Oh," Furina squeaked finally, her cheeks red – though her next words made Lumine soften the act a bit; "I – I, um… You're really…?"
"Yeah. Unless you don't want me to?"
"N-no! I mean – yes? I – mngh…"
The verbal stumbling made Lumine laugh, and Furina huffed petulantly, squirming in place with a thoroughly flustered expression.
"Just… Stop when I say so, okay?!"
"Promise. I won't push it."
Furina hesitated, gauging Lumine's sincerity before letting out a soft breath and nodding – only to tense when the traveler dug her fingers into her sides, wasting no time to profit off of the okay.
"Now, let's see how loud you can really sing…"
"AahhaaaAAH – Wait wait wahahait –!"
As Clorinde and Paimon rounded the bend again, they were greeted with Lumine helping a very breathless-looking Furina to her feet, slinging an arm around her shoulders to support the wobbly-legged damsel with an amused look to their companions.
"Unfortunately, Madameoiselle Crabaletta did a number on her… I think we might have to give up on the rest of this trip."
Clorinde sighed haplessly, shaking her head; "It's alright… It wouldn't be the first time. Come on, let's get back to the city…"
"... Haah, haah… S-sorry, everyone…"
Paimon giggled, collecting Furina's hat from the ground as they began their trek homeward and trying it on her own head, giving Lumine a knowing side-eye.
"It's okay! Paimon had fun anyway! What about you, Traveler?"
"Yeah – lots of fun. We should do this again soon."
Lumine grinned, drumming her fingers against Furina's side where they rested just to make her flinch and giggle, leaning into the traveler a little harder and ducking down to hide a giddy smile.
Furina loves being human – especially now that she has proper friends to be human with.
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suzulaii · 2 months
hai suzu! i was wondering could you please write slow burn of @dazkive and @im4yeons ? thanks <3
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—﹒How much I enjoy you and your existence
𐔌 synopsis ; a new meeting is always nice, but when a spark happens who knows if it'll dim or flow.
𐔌 a/n ; i actually enjoyed writing this so more chapters to come o7
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The small coastal town of Marbury has always had a nice tranquil feeling to it, everyone knew each other like close neighbors with some people coming and going. Gigi, a small local painter, has always been known for some of her paintings that she'd do on the beach. Her days were spent in a small studio overlooking the harbor, always surrounded by the scent of saltwater and oil paint.
On a summer morning Gigi was setting up her easel on the beach, before a figure she hadn't seen before appeared on the horizon. She had a striking appearance as the woman moved with a confident stride, her short hair catching the sunlight. Gigi couldn't help but watch as she walked closer, feeling a curious feeling in her chest.
The woman stopped a few feet away from where Gigi was settled down, looking out over the water. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" she said, her voice rather smooth with a happiness to it.
Gigi smiled, a little surprised by the sudden conversation although not displeased. "It is. Especially at this time of day."
The woman turned to her, eyes sparkling with an unreadable emotion. "I'm Silas, by the way." She extended her hand with a smile on her face, and Gigi took it, feeling a warmth that most definitely had nothing to do with the sun.
"Gigi," she replied, her voice steady despite the flutter in her stomach. "I haven't seen you around before."
Silas chuckled, a rich sound that made Gigi's heart skip a beat. "I just moved here. Needed a change of scenery. And this place..." She looked back towards the sea. "It's perfect."
Gigi nodded, suddenly feeling self-conscious. She rarely met new people due to how remote this area is, and for someone as striking as her she's definitely a breath of fresh air. "What brings you to Marbury?
Silas's smile faltered for a moment, then she shrugged. "A fresh start, I guess. I needed to get away from the city, clear my head." She paused, then added, "And maybe find some inspiration."
"Inspiration?" Gigi echoed, curious.
"I'm an artist," Silas explained. "Or at least, I try to be." She glanced at the canvas in front of Gigi, where the beginnings of a seascape were taking shape. "It looks like you understand the need for inspiration."
Gigi nodded, feeling the start of a connection form between them. "Yeah, I guess I do. Painting is... well, it's everything to me."
There was a comfortable silence as they both turned to look at the ocean. The waves lapped gently at the shore, and seagulls called overhead. Gigi felt a strange sense of peace wash over her, mixed with an unfamiliar excitement. There was something about Silas that drew her in, and she couldn't quite place it.
As if sensing her thoughts, Silas turned to her with a soft smile. "Maybe we could grab coffee sometime? I'd love to hear more about your art."
Gigi felt her cheeks warm, and she nodded, trying to sound casual. "I'd like that, there's a great little cafe in town."
"Perfect," Silas said, her eyes holding Gigi's for a moment longer than necessary. "I'll see you around, Gigi."
As Silas walked away, Gigi watched her go, a small smile playing on her lips. There was something about this new woman that felt like a fresh breeze blowing through her life. She didn't know where this new connection would lead, but she was curious to find out.
The next few days passed with Gigi constantly thinking back to meeting Silas. The town's usual rhythm seemed almost mundane compared to the spark she'd felt during their brief conversation. Every time the door to her studio opened, Gigi found herself hoping to see that familiar silhouette.
It wasn't long before her wish was granted. One afternoon, as she was engrossed in a particularly challenging piece- a fractured mind Gigi heard the door chime. She turned, expecting a regular customer, but there stood Silas, a smile on her lips and a book tucked under her arm.
"Hey," Silas greeted, stepping inside and glancing around. "I hope I'm not interrupting."
Gigi quickly set down her brush. "Not at all. I was just... trying to capture this idea before it fades from my mind."
Silas walked over to the canvas, studying the painting. "You have a real talent for capturing emotion in your work," she said thoughtfully. "It's like I can feel the turmoil just looking at it."
Gigi felt a blush creeping up her neck, compliments on her art always felt a little surreal, especially when they came from someone she was so intrigued by. "Thank you," she said, trying to keep her voice steady. "It's kind of you to say that."
Silas turned to her, her eyes warm. "It's just the truth. I was actually hoping you'd be up for that coffee we talked about. If you're free, that is."
Gigi's heart fluttered at the invitation as her mind blanked for a moment before panicking, she quickly nodded, trying not to seem too eager. "I'd love that, let me just clean up a bit, and we can go."
A few minutes later, they were walking through the quaint streets of Marbury. The afternoon sun cast a golden glow over the town, and the sea breeze brought a refreshing coolness and fresh smell of the water. They chatted casually about the town, their favorite spots, and the best places to get coffee or sightseeing. Gigi found herself relaxing, the initial nervousness melting away as Silas shared stories of her time in the city and the decision to move to Marbury.
The cafe they settled into was cozy, with a few locals scattered around, enjoying the quiet atmosphere. They ordered their drinks and found a table near a window overlooking the harbor. The conversation flowed easily, touching on everything from art and writing to their favorite books and movies.
As they sipped their coffee, Gigi found herself opening up more than she usually did with new people. There was something about Silas that made it easy to share her thoughts and dreams. She talked about her love for the true feelings of art, her struggles with capturing its true essence in her paintings, and the sense of peace it brought her.
Silas listened intently, occasionally asking questions or sharing her own experiences. "You know," she said after a while, "there's a certain kind of feeling in the way you see the world. It’s inspiring and fresh, really."
Gigi smiled, feeling a warmth in her chest at the compliment. "I could say the same about you, it takes a lot of courage to leave everything behind and start fresh."
Silas shrugged, a thoughtful expression on her face. "Sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith. Besides, I've always believed that new places bring new stories."
Gigi nodded, understanding the sentiment. They fell into a comfortable silence, sipping their coffee and watching the boats in the harbor. There was a quiet connection growing between them, a sense of understanding and mutual respect.
As the afternoon turned to evening, the cafe began to fill with the warm glow of the setting sun. Silas glanced out the window, then back at Gigi with a soft smile. "It's getting late, I should probably let you get back to your painting."
Gigi felt a pang of disappointment at her words but eventually nodded. "Yeah, I guess I should." She paused, then added, "But I'd really like to do this again sometime."
Silas's smile widened, her eyes lighting up at the invitation. "I'd like that too. How about a walk on the beach next time? I could use some inspiration from your favorite spot."
Gigi felt her heart lift at the idea. "Sounds perfect."
As they parted ways outside the cafe, Gigi watched Silas walk away, her heart a little lighter and her mind buzzing with the possibilities of this new connection. She didn't know where things would go from here, but she was excited to find out. There was something undeniably special about Silas, and Gigi was intrigued to see where this connection would lead.
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ramzawrites · 3 years
Hey, so I'm having a really rough time rn (dealing with bs from my friend group, we have to take my really old dog to the vet today bc we found blood in her pee and we're scared that she won't make it this time, I'm struggling with my mental health, I'm just kinda goin thru it rn ig) so I would love a comfort fic with the sbi maybe with the reader as their sibling where the reader is the one that always comforts the fam, but hides their emotions until (1/2, very sorry about splitting it)
(2/2) something happens that makes the reader have a full on breakdown? I'll leave the rest to you, it can be a good or bad ending, headcanons or one shots, anything. You can ignore this request if you want/if it makes you uncomfortable. Please don't feel pressured/guilt tripped to write anything from this, your mental health comes first and I'm sure you're already really busy. Reminder to eat something today if you haven't yet and get a drink of water <3
We are family - Reader and SBI!Brothers
Pairings: none
Characters included: Wilbur, Technoblade, Tommy, (mentioned) Niki, (mentioned) Schlatt
Warnings: n/a
Series: a request <3
Summary: Y/N came back from an errand and surprises their brothers with their weird behavior. Trying to put on their usual smile, trying to hide away their real emotions but their brothers know them better than they inititally suspected. They could immediately tell that something must have happened.
Words count: 2060
Authors Note: I’m so sorry this took so long! I hope you and your dog are doing better! 💙 I wish I could give you more than words of encouragement and that I managed to get faster to this request, I apologize Please make sure to take care of yourself, alright? Take time for yourself to deal with the stress and anxiety! Make sure to stay hydrated and remember to eat! Even if it’s just something small!
Once again I apologize for the long wait, I felt really bad already and then I kinda put it off because I felt bad.
adhd hit hard again and haven’t checked for typos yet, but will get on it as soon as I can o7
On another note if you want to read another comfort fic; I have a small series called “A Painful Reminder” which is more angsty but the 2nd part is more about the comfort, if that is something for you 
Living in the SMP was chaotic, turbulent and at times downright painful.
Most people tended to gravitate to one cause or other people to deal with this. Holding on to something so they don’t get pulled under. Get buried beneath the chaos and the violence.
So having people like Y/N around was like a godsend. They were one of the few people that seemed to be able to withstand the constant waves of misfortune and stand strong. Be the rock to hold onto when everything got too overwhelming.
Wilbur, Technoblade and Tommy loved their sibling for it.
After Wilbur and Tommy got exiled with Y/N out of L’Manberg, they were there and cheered both of their siblings up. Immediately making plans on how to set up a safe home and collecting ideas on how to get back. They were the one who managed to get a message out to Technoblade and asked him to visit them. Maybe help them.
Wilbur often jokingly said that Y/N was the glue that held the family together, to which they would always reply with the warmest of smiles “I’m glad.”
And what he said was true. Whenever the family fell on hard times and they began to drift apart it was Y/N who pulled all of them back. Pulling them back to reality and giving solutions for their problems if needed.
Sitting down with Wilbur when things got to much. Listening to his thoughts and worries, letting his emotion run freely without judgement. While they looked worried for him, their comforting smile never faltered. Offering him solutions to problems if he wanted it, otherwise they gave him the chance to just air his own thoughts out. To be angry with him. Sad with him.
Working with Tommy on his own projects. Listening to his ideas and giving him a different perspective that could improve some things but also respecting it when Tommy wanted to do this his way. And while he liked to brag and pretend that some things didn’t hit him that hard, they were still patiently listening to him as he spoke about his own pain in a more roundabout way. Telling him that he was not alone and making him feel heard.
Talking to Technoblade whenever the voices got too loud or out of hand again. He would just walk over to them and nudge them away, asking them to talk about something, no matter what. He just needed to hear their voice and be able to concentrate on it. Tune out the garbled voices in his head with a familiar sound that calmed him down no matter what. Leaning against them, slowly falling asleep as Y/N told all about how they were happily working on their own farm and what shenanigans they got up to.
Y/N really was like the warm sun on a cold day. Warming them up and protecting them.
Yes, Y/N was strong. So strong that even Technoblade considered them stronger than him. Maybe not physically but mentally and emotionally.
A clanging of metal rung through the cave. Techno was training with Wilbur while Tommy was just watching. Cheering on Techno.
It wasn’t an unusual situation and something Y/N expected to see as they made their way down the staircase. Wilbur in full iron armor and weapon while Techno just fought back with his own iron sword.
“Hey, Y/N! Welcome back!” Wilbur breathed out. Sweat running down the side of his face as he stopped attacking his brother.
The three men looked happily over to their sibling who slowly walked towards them but soon their expressions fell. Something was off about Y/N and it confused the three.
Their smile was as always plastered on their face but it looked strained. Their eyes wide open, trying to look sincere and loving but the glassy look of them gave off a different picture.
“Y/N? You okay?” Tommy asked as he stood up from the ground. Taking a step closer to them which made them in return stop in their tracks.
Y/N was hugging themself, shakily opening up their mouth to answer but nothing came out. It was then when Techno got very aware of how they were shaking in general.
This all seemed so wrong. This shouldn’t be possible. It just didn’t seem to register fully inside their minds.
Wilbur made sure to get rid off his sword and armor as fast as he could, walking over to his sibling, trying to get a better look at them but they just avoided his gaze.
Staring at the ground, slowly shaking their head “It’s- It’s fine. I’m fine.”
“You aren’t. You really aren’t. What happened? Did they find you?” Techno asked, his voice full with worry. A bit of anger hidden as well.
Y/N had their own little farm in order to support Pogtopia. The potatoes from Techno were great but variety is important after all. Though they also had an abundance of wheat they usually tried to smuggle into Manberg for Niki. Trying to help her out as much as possible with her taxes and work.
This time Y/N nodded “They did… It’s fine though. I’m fine. I’m not hurt. It’s all good.”
Wilbur’s frown deepened “Usually when people have to be so adamant about being okay something isn’t alright.”
Tommy nodded, supporting his statement only to whisper to himself “Adamant? What does-“
But Wilbur continued “We are your family, talk to us.”
Y/N licked their chapped lips “I’m-“
The tears finally escaped their eyes and begun streaming down their face. Sobbing they fell down on the ground. Wilbur immediately followed suit, laying his arm around them and pulling them against his chest. His hand flew up to their head and begun going through their hair, trying to calm them down. Humming a soft tune from their childhood.
It was the first time in their lives they saw Y/N break down like that and it was quite frankly shocking.
Unsure what to do with himself Tommy squatted down “Um, uh, what- what happened?”
Techno was still gripping the iron sword in his hand. Pacing up and down. Manberg found them? What the hell did they do to make Y/N break down like that? His own sibling! Whatever it was he would make sure to pay it back a thousand times over.
“Tommy can you grab them some water?” Wilbur laid his chin on top of Y/N’s head, rubbing circles now on their back.
He didn’t even hesitate, jumping up to run towards one of the chests with food items that Y/N had always ready for them. Grabbing a water bottle and running back over. Happy that he could do something else besides staring.
Tommy then pushed the bottle towards Y/N who gratefully took it, putting some space between them and Wilbur as they drank some of the cold liquid which helped them to calm down.
“You ready to tell us what happened?” Techno stopped pacing around. His gaze purely trained on his crying sibling. Anger still rising in him just like the voices.
Screaming things like “Technosib! How dare they hurt them! Protect them! I love Y/N so much! Why would anyone hurt Y/N! They always help us! Let’s help them for a change! Technosib! Let’s go out and fight them! Yeah! Blood for the Blood God and Y/N!”
Y/N’s voice was still wavering and a bit scratchy from their sobbing as they begun speaking “Hey, hey! Techno don’t concentrate on the voices. Listen to me. It’s all good.”
This somehow made Techno angry. He threw the sword away and finally knelt down next to them as well so his face was on the same eye level as theirs “Stop. Please. Stop thinking about us for one second. Stop trying to not make us uncomfortable or worried! Tell us what happened! Please.”
He was basically begging at the last part. All his worry packed into it.
“Yeah, honestly you trying to make sure everything is okay for us makes us even more worried.” It surprised the others a bit that this came from Tommy but he was correct.
Tears fell down their face again “I- I was just delivering more wheat to Niki and someone must have followed me. They followed me back to my farm and- and- they burned my fields down. There were explosions. I- it was just my farm. I did not harm. Just, why does it always have to end like this. Why do all the good things always end like this. Why can’t this place let something be. There is always something.”
The farm was so important to Y/N. It was their little project they put so much sweat, love and work into. It was their home away from home. A place to retreat and enjoy some peace. This obviously was devastating. It was their one thing they had for themself. The one thing that wasn’t there for anyone else but them.
It was also clear that this seemed to be the straw that broke the camel’s back and it broke the three a bit that they only now seemed to notice this. That it took that long and their whole farm being destroyed for the realize this was heartbreaking.
“Who?” Techno urged but Y/N shook their head.
“I don’t know. Everything went so fast and I tried to save as much as I could but- but it’s all gone. It’s all gone.” Their voice jumped up an octave at the end, burying their face against Wilbur’s shoulder again. Silently sobbing.
It should have been impossible but Wilbur’s frown deepened and his expression turned more grim “Don’t worry. We will get back at them. We will get our revenge. They will see firsthand what they did to you, I promise.”
Shocked Y/N looked up, their red and puffy eyes wide open “Wil, that’s not what I- no revenge. There is already too much misery going around I just want this to stop. I just want all of us being able to live in peace.”
Wilbur should have known that Y/N was too good natured for that but he couldn’t help himself. He was just so angry. Angry at Schlatt and Manberg. That they went for him was one thing but to go out of their way to treat Y/N like this? Let’s just say he put it on the list in bold letters with reasonings on why he will get back at the Manberg faction.
“Listen Y/N.” Techno begun, his voice now calm again “Stop it. Just for once think about yourself. Stop thinking about others for once. You are also worthy of the same care you give us. Let us at least help rebuild your farm. You always help us with our projects, let us help you with yours.”
Tommy seemed to lit up at that “That sounds like a good idea! We could build towers around your new farm and make sure no one gets in! We could put down traps and all!”
He really wasn’t sure how to react but that was at least something he could do for them. As the past General’s right hand man, this should be something he can do. If he couldn’t protect his sibling how could he ever hope to get L’Manberg back.
Wilbur seemed to think about it for a bit but agreed “Yeah, how does that sound?” Though the dark glint in his eyes stayed. The cogs in head still running off with his own thoughts.
“You guys would? Since when can you guys build?” a dry laugh escaped them but it was a laugh nonetheless.
Both Tommy and Wilbur looked almost appalled at that claim while Techno just shrugged and nodded. Just looking around Pogtopia was more functioning than good looking after all. Y/N tried to pretty it up a bit but usually something always happened around here.
“Also Y/N, please talk to us more. Don’t bottle everything up. Please. We worry a lot about you and we love you. You always do so much for us, let us do the same.” Wilbur pushed Y/N a bit off of him and looked them deep into their eyes, hoping that this would really hammer in that this was a genuine plea.
As a respone Y/N wiped the tears off their face “I understand. I’ll try to remember that.”
“Don’t try just do it.”
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misticloyal · 3 years
Macaque Big Braining?
For context this is me not only reading WAY too much into Macaque but also focusing on how he continues to mentor MK even after he was ‘defeated’ the first time he shows up.
 K also Monkie Kid season 3 spoilers after the read more o7 
SO after re-binging the entirety of season 3 (for the 2nd time, I’m going on the third after I finish some other things I have) I’ve come to the conclusion that Macaque really took his position as being a mentor to MK seriously.
I mean, think about every episode where Macaque faces off against MK. 
Season 1 Episode 9: This is the first episode he shows up in, and obviously here he does train MK properly for the soul purpose of stealing his power. We see in this episode (and as I mentioned in one of my previous posts) that Macaque has some previous beef with Wu Kong that eventually results in MK being involved as well. 
However, we also see that in order for Macaque to steal someone’s powers they need to fill up that shadow gauge thingy...? I literally have no clue what to call it.
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^That thing
Anyway the point is I’m assuming that Macaque needs that symbol to build up with power being used in order to steal it from someone. Which means that after this episode he should have no interest in using the mentor card except to hold it over MK as a manipulation tool.
Season 2 episode 7: I already made a post about this episode because it made me sad but that’s not the point of this one. In this episode Macaque uses the shadow lantern to trap MK’s friends and use them against him but doesn’t finish him off after pushing MK to the point of reminding him of what Wu Kong did to him (what Wu Kong did to Macaque I mean).
So the real reason why I feel that Macaque is actually taking his mentoring role seriously although he’s a terrible example because his methods would be considered abuse if taken through a ‘normal’ lens (this being a scenario where Macaque is a normal human raised in a society where his methods are morally incorrect and frowned upon). Is because in this episode he makes a point to give MK a lesson. 
Since we’ve established that after s1e9 there should be no reason for Macaque to teach MK anything and should essentially just attack him as a way to anger Wu Kong, what is the point of this?
One could claim that this is a form of manipulation, interacting with MK in such a way that at the end of the day MK can look back and see that even though he suffered he actually did learn something. The problem with this is that I really don’t see what Macaque’s end goal actually is by doing this. 
Consider it like this: if Macaque is using a backwards way of mentoring MK then he should have more pros then cons of the end result. 
-MK could perhaps doubt Macaque’s intentions and believe that he is a good person (literally this would never happen though and Macaque knows it)
-Maybe play a long term game where when asked, MK could actually claim that although Macaque is evil he still taught him things whereas Wu Kong did not (this is also highly unlikely since Macaque realizes he had one chance to get MK away from Wu Kong and failed, now only strengthening MK’s loyalty)
-He could potentially torment MK to the point of fearing him completely (I’m talking like- LBD type of trauma where MK get’s flashbacks and nightmares and panic attacks bc of Macaque) which would really piss off Wu Kong but this suggestion doesn’t even count as a pro because Macaque will not do it. 
Seriously, think about the most cannon resembling Macaque. Does he seem like the type to target MK to that much of an extreme for the purpose of getting at Wu Kong? Macaque has a grudge against Wu Kong and his associates but he doesn’t hurt for fun meaning that playing mental gymnastics with MK has to only serve the purpose of making Wu Kong angry.
-MK starts to believe in himself after seeing that he can ward off Macaque on his own. No need for friends, he can think, acclimate, survive on his own.
Like how Macaque did after him and Wu Kong stopped being friends- wait was that confirmed canon? Hold up- Nope kay we’re good Macaque talked abt him and Wu Kong in the shadow play. how did I forget that wtf lmao
-MK learns how to think under pressure, something that does not happen often since the DBK family are not a main threat and in any other scenario MK might actually not make it out alive.
-MK gets training to fight stronger enemies in general
-MK strengthens his observation and critical thinking skills
Notice how all the cons are literally about teaching MK something. I like to think that all the lessons Macaque ever teaches MK balance out Wu Kong’s teachings on purpose, not only because of Macaque’s grudge but also because Macaque needs an outlet, and what better way than to create a disciple in which to project all your fighting and thinking methods onto.
Last thoughts, Macaque also warns MK about LBD which I guess was supposed to be intimidating but Macaque could just as easily have left with a reminder of how MK is still useless to his friends or how he’s still the hero in the story making him a selfish person and it would have the same effect.
Macaque ends their fight as soon as MK gains the power to shake off his shadow friends and attempts a killing strike (which fails), then he gives advice and leaves. Sounds like a training session to me, the teacher ends the demonstration as soon as the lesson was taught.
Season 3 Episode 1: OHOHOHO we’re getting into the new stuff now. Okay *rubs hands together* SO again spoilers staring rn it’s you’re last chance to run peasant-
Synopsis: Everyone’s on Sandy’s ship running from LBD after she just recently JACKED MK and Wu Kong’s powers. Wu Kong is slowly gaining them back but obviously not fast enough because low and behold this absolute trash bag douche Macaque starts shooting down their ship. 
Later it’s implied that LBD wants MK and Wu Kong back and then confirmed that Macaque is the one supposed to bring them back.
Also may it be known that every single time Macaque talks to MK he brings up mentoring him. Like he straight up asks MK “Hey kid need a new teacher?” and MK tells him “screw you” (I’m literally quoting the ep).
Something different happens though, when MK and Wu Kong are at a loss and MK is literally being held in a chokehold, Mei interrupts. So far whenever Macaque has interacted with MK it's only been them two and of course the Monkey King in a fight, Macaque had made sure to take care of the rest of the friend group in one way shape or form.
He claims that she’s interesting and she and him are actually getting to face off but then MK literally sabotages the ship in order to get Macaque off the ship. This was in an attempt to impress/imitate Wu Kong’s ‘self suicide’ when he got the map from Ne Zha’s temple thing.
Add this to the list of another one of Macaque’s visits ended with MK thinking outside the box and coming up with solutions that aren’t presented to him with a power.
This is where I’m going to point out that so far the trend in beating Macaque whenever he shows up seems to be pushing MK to do something without Wu Kong’s powers. The first time, he wielded the staff even though Macaque punched the shit out of him. The second time he was still suffering from PTSD from meeting LBD (oops forgot to mention that but whatever I’m guessing ppl watched the s2 ep’s). And now the third time, LBD still has a grasp on MK’s powers but he kicked Macaque off the ship anyway.
Season 3 Episode 4: Such a good episode for this post’s purpose literally I could not ask for a better episode to exemplify this season 3 is so far the best one jfc.
Okay so in this A LOT gets revealed showing that Macaque is in debt to LBD but he kinda ghosted her on helping her come back to the land of the living in order to get revenge on his ex (not cannon but I mean we have to admit Macaque’s got an obsession o77). So he gets kidnapped as we saw after s2e7 and gets slapped around a little (L moment) before getting shoved off to retrieve MK and Wu Kong.
We can also use this scene to see how much Macaque despises being controlled which is obvious from the start and not relevant to him mentoring MK but I still think it’s a good point to make. It adds character to Macaque especially when LBD threatens him for the first time and he straight up trembles with frustration and anger (and probably fear too since LBD can just erase him from existence).
Skipping to the part where MK and Macaque fight in the van we get the same reoccurring trends: friends are taken care of; MK still has no powers and has to rely on himself; and the reference to MK still being his student is seen when Macaque calls him his ‘pupil’.
Macaque threatens MK’s friends which kick starts the golden eyes to work (keep in mind so far MK hasn’t been able to access any of his powers) and when Macaque taunts him telling him they aren’t enough, MK finally breaks free of the trap Macque put him in.
When MK starts to negotiate with him, Macaque shuts him down and then further pushes the claim I said earlier that being under someone else’s control makes Macque want to rip his own fur out.
Then Mei interrupts again before he can hit MK and now it’s interesting because both Sandy and Mei are now free, and Macaque’s fighting style for them seems so much more different than when he fights Wu Kong and MK. 
Maybe it’s because LBD wants MK and Wu Kong to come to her, but even before LBD was truly awakened (back in s1) when Macaque fights MK and Wu Kong he never goes in for the kill without expecting a pushback. As in, if he goes to strike MK, he expects to push Wu Kong far enough to reach the ‘true Wu Kong’ while when it’s just him and MK, he pushes MK to the point where he can ‘defeat’ Macaque while getting his powers back at the same time.
TL;DR: When Macaque deals with Mei and Sandy he has no problem with treating them like toys/tools simply to further push MK. 
We’re not even done yet because when MK offers his life in exchange for his friend’s, he straight up AVOIDS the subject. This is probably the moment where I’m like ‘yep this guy totally knows what he’s doing’.
There is no reason why Macaque shouldn’t accept this deal. Killing MK’s friends wouldn’t affect anything if his end goal is to get MK to come with him, he’s already accomplished that. Nothing that happened in that desert would ever reach Wu Kong because he isn’t there, and I’m guessing Macaque has no faith that the group would ever rendezvous with MK in tow.
So in the end, Macaque’s won. But NOPE, mans started targeting MK’s loss of powers for some reason? Literally the one thing that he knows MK is insecure about and also the one thing he knows can push MK to rediscover them.
He’s SMILING when he goads MK to say that he’s the Monkie Kid louder so he can hear him. So of course, MK uses the power of the 72 transformations and turns into a bird to hit Macaque right in the blind eye (which he didn’t get to last time so props for him 👏)
Case in point, Macaque has some unhealthy ass ways of training his pupils but he ain’t slick bro, if someone asked him to kill MK and Wu Kong right then and there he wouldn’t do it no balls. He’s too invested in building MK’s self confidence (for what reason I have no idea) and... 
Well actually he could totally just stab Wu Kong but he’s immortal, so maybe he would just take the chance to have an eternity to fight with him or smth, but I feel like all those two need is a nice long chat to talk through their problems and attachments and they’d be fine. (Also like- an apology to each other that’d be nice too just sayin’)
All Wu Kong would have to say is “I’m sorry, Macaque” and the dude would FOLD so fast. Vice versa too I don’t think Wu Kong is to blame for their differences but jfc they need to CHILLAX the both of them lmao.
I’m gonna leave some of the rest of the episodes to talk in a different post about stuff (Like how Macaque hates being controlled, Wu Kong needs some parenting lessons, MK has some serious insecurities and abandonment issues, etc.)
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pxtopia · 4 years
My dream smp playlists
i recently made some spotify playlists that have to do with the dream smp and I’m adding any song that reminds me of a certain character!! i wanted to make a post of all of them cause I’m honestly really proud. These are constantly updating and I’m gonna be adding more characters / storylines 
The Dream smp / Wilbur Soot / Technoblade / Dream / Tommyinnit / Quackity / Jschlatt / Georgenotfound / Ranboo / Tubbo / Dreamnotfound / Philza Minecraft / Karl Jacobs / Fundy / Niki / Jack  Manifold / Sapnap / Ghostbur / Badboyhalo / Captain Puffy / Awesamdude / Eret / Hannahxxrose / Foolish Gamers / Pogtopia / L’manberg 
DISCLAIMER: !!! these playlists are about the characters / relationships from the dream smp and have nothing to do with the ccs and their real life !!!
i hope you like them they’re constantly being updated :D
DREAM SMP: The city of fallen angels 
WILBUR: I am the villain in your story, I guess there’s only one way to go from here. Take my sword and cut through me, find peace in my solitude, find happiness in the hate I now attract, find love in the destruction of my own happiness and most importantly, find contentment, in the death of the life I have always known.
TECHNOBLADE: i still don’t care about your bright, feeble existence. but then you never cared much for mine, did you?
DREAM: the art of lying is a science: i’ll put on my lab coat and tinker inside your head until all you see is what i want you to see. you’ll wonder, “have i gone blind? or was i blind all my life.” and ill slyly grin, baring my teeth, tucking my demon’s tail away and out of sight, pleasantly answering, “i don’t know, you tell me.” not many can see behind the thick draping of those velvet curtains, but i see. i see everything. and you see nothing, because i’ve kept everything from you. take a scalpel and slice through my chest, peel back the thick draping of this velvet flesh, crack the cage of ivory bone, have a peek inside at all these holy terrors. they’re living in me. i am them, and they are me. 
TOMMY: And I traveled far, I reached for the stars, but those stars don’t reach back they’re better left alone 
QUACKITY: Excuse the shit out of my goddamn french
SCHLATT: At lease we’ll be entertained while the world goes to hell 
GEORGE: His soul burns so brightly, I fear I’ll catch fire. Ignited by passion, consumed by his light. I risk losing myself in the flames of lust burning into the night.
RANBOO: The situations becoming dire, my treehouse is on fire, and for some reason I smell gas on my hands
TUBBO: Thats what an angel is. Dust pressed into a diamond by the weight of this world.
DREAMNOTFOUND: I was in love with you before I even knew what love was
PHILZA: “What if I fall?” Oh, but my darling, what if you fly?
KARL: The world fell apart…Didn’t you notice?
FUNDY: Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this, too, was a gift.
NIKI: Finding nothing but brightly colored failures, and shame colored relics, of what used to be.
JACK: There is a bitter triumph in crashing, when you should be soaring
SAPNAP: Im everything you can’t control
GHOSTBUR: I told the stars about you
BADBOYHALO: Take a look around and what do I see? It's looking like the whole world's goin just a little crazy. And I know it can't be all of them and just not me, so I guess I'm going just a little crazy
CAPTAIN PUFFY: No god worthy of worship would demand such horrors to be committed in his name 
AWESAMDUDE: Life went on, but it was never the same
ERET: this place is always better when youre here, i dont know how long youre going to stay, but its been the most fun
HANNAH: she had a galaxy in her eyes and a universe in her mind
FOOLISH: I go to seek a great perhaps 
POGTOPIA: The world had drained me for everything I had. I couldn't draw my face if god asked.
L’manberg o7: We deserve a soft epilogue, my love. We are good people, and we've suffered enough.
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It has been a while since I wrote anything this long for fanfiction. o7
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Character: Motonari Mouri
Prompt: Enemies to lovers (implied) + Soulmate AU (the first word/sentence your soulmate says to you is etched into your skin.)
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The tides of the waves and the soft shaking of the boat was a lullaby to the body and mind, comforting you into a sweet lull that you found hard to fight off. But you were on a mission and you couldn't afford to be distracted. Not when the sea's greatest treasure was so well contented for and the map so near but not in your hands. Yet.
"Raise the sails! Rival ship signalled!" someone called from the crow’s nest, and you knew that to be your cue. For days the ship had been tiding the open sea, its captain too afraid to board now that he finally had the map. A coward’s decision with insight, you knew, for it had cut you off from any escape route, or room to act. It forced you to be patient, to wait for the wave to come. But with a rival ship in sight this changed, this could be your wave. And as the rest of the ship jumped into action you quietly slipped out of sight, carefully making your way down towards the captain's room; the place where the treasure map would be.
Whoever manned the other ship had a bold captain. The crash you heard, followed with the shock that threw you off balance on the stairs, signalled as much. A mixture of screams, war cries and fear alike, told the rest of what you needed to know above as you hurried yourself along the wall, knowing there was little time.
"Fire!" a voice cut above the rest of the chaos. It was the only warning you got as you were launched into the wall again. A sharp burst of fire and gunpowder followed. The attacking ship was out for blood and the cannon that had blasted a hole in the captain’s room did the rest. The smoke, thick at first, slowly faded revealing a tall figure stepping through without fear or care and in full confidence.
A showdown, you determined. For now there were two of you in the room. Though the winner between both ships was already decided the contest for the map had just started. You were determined to make yourself the winner, but knew that you weren't alone in that idea. A smile curved along your lips as you wondered if you would have to jump ship. It mattered little with whom you were, as long as you stayed afloat. Security first, you could always swipe away the treasure later.
The ship shook once more. Violently like a summer storm brooding, and a noise accompanied it along with more screams and yells incomprehensible from above. The fight had officially started as the sound of iron and steel clashed. The time to move and get your map was running out. And with the stranger already at the captain’s desk you knew you had to act fast.  
"Best give that to me," you smiled, a gun clicking in your hand as you aimed it at the figure from the smoke. A man, you recognised him, tall and dark with a mop of white hair. Handsome, you determined next, but nothing that could help him convince you to give up. Bold, just like those red coloured eyes that snarled at you with a wicked smile before pulling a weapon of his own. "Motonari Mouri," you named the man, a smirk on your face as you circled around the infamous pirate, "finally we meet." You had hoped for a showdown with the pirate before. There was a bounty on his head and you valued your bounties just as much as you loved your treasures. It had been inevitable for the two of you to meet, for the seas weren’t endless and the treasures few.
"Just give me that map," Motonari spoke, and somewhere you could tell that under all that rough exterior and slang there was a well-educated man. Someone that grew up within the upper class. It wasn’t his accent that got your attention, however. It was the sentence itself as you felt the back of your shoulder burn, the words imprinted there calling, snarling. You grimaced at that irony as you rolled your shoulders, slowly stepping around to face the man, a smile etched on your face when burnishing red eyes met yours, a scowl on his face.
"Nice to meet you, soulmate," you calmly responded, placing an emphasis on the last word as you watched Motonari click his tongue. "You will need me to be able to read the map," you stated confidently, and your newly found soulmate narrowed his eyes.
"Don't think that being my soulmate will save ya.” His tone is sharp before a confident smile finds his way, "or that I need ya.” And you could tell from that crazed smile that your soulmate meant every word. He would feed you to the sharks before taking you in.
A voice calling “halt!” followed by a warning shot had the two of you duck on the floor as you switched your target, your weapons aiming at the captain in distress who had originally hidden the map. “Don’t think you can get away alive,” the man blusters and you snort, pitying the fellow as you eye Motonari in mutual understanding.
"A shame, I could be useful," you shrug, trying not to seem daunted or worried. It was ill business to show any form of intimidation, not in a world where only the boldest could survive. Diving you roll underneath his arm, swiping the map out of Motonari’s hand as a pair of shots are released, only one finding its aim.
Throwing the scroll up in the air you give the pirate a whimsical look, ignoring the shot captain on the floor. "We only get one soulmate, after all." And with that dramatic claim you jumped through the hole, leaping over to the attacking ship. Another shot could be heard, followed by an order barked towards the remaining crew on the ship. Motonari’s ship.
The sails of the ship billowed and the low thud behind you amongst the rest of the leaping figures signalled the departure of the ship. It had gotten what it aimed for and so did you. Turning around you eye your soulmate, his eyes set in a deep frown before turning into a broad smile, a flash of his canine teeth flashing handsomely, "we only get one, right?" and you return the cheek, deciding that the pirate was worth the interest for more reason than simply fate.
But nothing was ever easy with Motonari and within your wandering life there was little room for ties and commitment. The map had been acquired, but there was only one treasure and it was one that you weren’t willing to share.
"Are you leaving?" his voice sounded harsh in the dark and you could tell that he was pouting underneath that harsh exterior. In the while the two of you had been partners you had come to know the man. The one that had been betrayed too often, the one that couldn't trust, the hurt child and the feral cat within. He who would hurt you before you ever had the chance of hurting him. The one who was as unwilling to share as you were.
The breeze that night smelled of salt, harshly whipping against both your faces, promising a storm. It felt like an apt moment to leave, you thought, but you weren't sure. You just had to leave, you felt.
"There is only one treasure," you answered, and the fiery red in Motonari's eyes took the same bluster as it had the first time you met, his lips pulling taut as he stared you down. For months you had followed while he had warmed up gradually. There was little to no change in his hostility, but you knew why, and you knew you couldn't ask for it. Not from him. Just as that your soulmate had known that you would leave his side one day. You were a wanderer, a treasure hunter, never to be tied to one place, or to a ship even. Your loyalty couldn't be tied. Not even to him whose fate was intertwined with yours.
"Ya can do whatever ya want, but the map stays," you heard him growl and a wry smile escapes you, having always known that sharing was not an option with him. It was something you had learnt not to ask for either. It wasn't selfishness, you knew. Not from Motonari. It was why you couldn't ask him to change, just as he couldn't ask the same from you.
With a shrug of your shoulders and a flick of your wrist you throw the map over. "I copied it, just so you know," you tell him honestly and the flicker in his eyes tells you that he had expected it, but appreciated your openness nonetheless. It made you feel braver and bolder for what was to come next, that which you knew to be the hardest part.
"If only you could ask the same of me." The words were out before you had a chance to review them yourself, your expression twisting as Motonari's brows raised, surprise painted on his face. Neither of you had expected an expression of your sentiments, not now when you were so determined to leave.
"Would ya?" he throws back at you and you laugh, at the informal tone he has taken with you, at the whole ordeal between you two. Soulmates, yet miles apart and it was so evident that both your hearts, or at least yours, wanted something that wasn't the reality now. Men paint their own tragedy, no matter how free their souls are believed to be.
"Can I?" you ask and you see a flash of irritation on the pirate's face, his nose scrunched up in that disapproving manner when things didn't go his way. The answer was already obvious, it had already been known for so long, but you wanted it out of him, you wanted Motonari to say it.
But he was as stubborn as you were and neither of you were willing to change. Not in nature, nor in life, or in style. "Whatever," his answer sounded and you knew this was the best you would get. The topic of soulmates still far away and undiscussed, the phrase 'I love you' even further away.
You knew that you both cared for the journey more than the result, for at least the both of you were adventurers at heart if there was nothing else you shared but fate.
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kiloxy · 4 years
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Listen Guys I have come up with the greatest theory/analysis of my life. Twitter could NEVER. This is about to solidify me as one of the lead big brain theorists on tumblr, cross my heart..... *cough* shit-poster *cough* I mean what? anyway... This analysis includes lots of receipts! Now let’s begin me launching my 1000000000 IQ career faster than Dream can MLG water out of this damning post. 
Tw: Close up of eyes since I zoomed in images of their eyes as proof. It will be under the cut.
So let me start with the question everyone has asked: WHO IS DREAM?!?
He’s the mysterious lime green, tea kettle sounding, god level skill, 10000 IQ, pissbaby enigma that took the internet BY STORM. He has grown so fast and so quick it’s insane, big brain plays must be through the roof. We could wonder how he did this... Why he did this.... But really. All we should care about is WHO THE FUCK IS HE?!!?!
Excuse my language... But anyway.. I have been working DAY AND NIGHT. To figure this out for you guys. It’s been 78 hours of no sleep. After escaping Dream’s basement (smart ass found out I was going to expose him) I have finally made it to a computer to post this...   
Dream is Blonde George
Okay wait wait wait! Before you go leave, screaming and appalled, slamming the button to unfollow my broke ass, hear me out. 
First point... What the fuck is blonde George?
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THIS MAN. REMEMBER HE BLEW UP?!?! WHY DID HE? WHY??? I mean we hate him! Well the only reasonable explanation is that he was a PLANT!
Yes that’s right, blonde George was a plant. This is actually Dream. Now Dream loves chaos, he’s even mentioned before he may make a stan account/pose as a cosplayer and I think this was his way...He leaked this photo of him on twitter to fuck with us. To test the waters before the Mr.Beast video where he might reveal himself as blonde George. 
Only Dream and his 1000000 IQ could blow up a post like this guys, think about it! 
We know Dream’s hair color okay, look at this twitter post where he does a hair color reveal:
Now let’s take a closer look. Here’s Dream’s hair:
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Rest of the analysis under the cut includes more analyzed images, links, and video as proof:
Now I took to an eyedropper and examined Blonde George’s hair and got:
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LOOK HOW CLOSE THE NUMBERS ARE!  AND WE KNOW NUMBERS DON’T LIE! The more samples I took of blonde George’s hair and compared to Dream’s the clearer it became... Their hair... Is the same! 
Now that we have the hair matching what else can we figure out? I mean Dream said he had green eyes, we even have a pic here of them. 
But I ask you.... Dream’s smart. You really think he’s telling the truth? I mean think of the the vlog incident. Man is a liar. 
I introduce to you a concept: CONTACTS
You see Dream knew that blonde George would get a lot of traction (he wanted it to). But he didn’t want to be outed too fast. I mean blonde white dude? blowing up on twitter? Obviously traceable back to Dream. So change one of his most distinct features, his eyes! He is wearing brown contacts. I have proof, let’s look at blonde Gog again. uSING MY EXPENSIVE HIGH TECH EQUIPMENT I-
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I mean first just looking at this you can see the odd white glare on his eye... Now that is not your usual eye glare, no... That’s an eye glare that shows what it looks like when light reflects off a contact lens. He is wearing contacts! 
But if that isn’t enough for you I cleaned up the photo of blonde George’s eye using mad skillz I learned from crime shows and got:
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Dream put in brown contacts! Why else would this “blonde George” be wearing contacts huh??? We know real George has 100% real gorgeous brown eyes. 
Now you may be saying, well that’s just an edited photo of legit George. We have the real photo of George.  But no, it’s not! THAT’S WHAT DREAM WANTS YOU TO THINK SHEEPLE, WAKE UP!
Dream put on a red hoodie, styled his hair to look like George, and he posed just right so it looks like it’s an edited version of that photo of Gog. But it’s not! We can tell by the contacts! Also George would never exude the off vibes blonde George does. It doesn’t pass the vibe check. 
Now while there are so many other bits of proof... This is getting long and I want to wrap it up. So here’s one last big bit of proof. 
They talk about blonde George and, George claims it is photoshopped but he smiles nervously. And as he pulls up blonde George Dream does his nervous laugh. Why is he nervous? Why would he be nervous?? about this “meme”. Maybe because he’s scared to be found out,
Now the most important part:
“I don’t rlly like it tbh.”- Gog.
“Uhhh I don’t like it.”-Dream.
Now you may have brushed past this upon viewing, but.... Nobody asked for Dream’s opinion. This was supposed to be about GEORGE why would Dream input his opinion and speak like it’s about him... BECAUSE IT IS HIM
Now the most damning of all... 16:50 same video.
“Dream have you like ever done a face reveal or no?”-??
“No- I haven’t yet. I do plan on doing one but I haven’t yet.”
As he speaks his words get more rushed and quiet, he’s lying. He’s nervous.
Then George saving him, redirects the topic completely off blonde George and Dream immediately jumps on the new topic eager to switch focus. It’s so weird how fast they move the topic, the clearly don’t want to talk about it. George is a good friend, he knew that Dream was scared and needed an out of the conversation before he outed himself as blonde George. 
But... they couldn’t keep the ruse up.... BECAUSE I AM HERE! 
*cough* Anyway, now my very very last point. 
Why haven’t we ever seen Dream and Blonde George in a room together huh? It’s weird right?? They can’t coexist separately because THEY ARE THE SAME PERSON. IT’S SO OBVIOUS! 
If this grade A++++, wagyu quality, meaty with receipts analysis wasn’t enough to convince you then.... I am going to hack into Mr.Beast’s content. I am on my way to his house as I type this... Next post I am LEAKING images from the shoot when Dream drops the sign that will SHOW that he is in fact Blonde George. 
If you have more proof.... Anything to add... react... or respond to this analysis. My inbox is open.
Wish me luck, I honed my hacker skillz just for this. You may not be able to trust Dream, but you can trust me! Hopefully I can do this before Dre catches me again. 
o7 bois 
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bngtanah · 4 years
I’m (not) With The Band. | o7
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summary: Adrienne is an indie producer who is hired to help co-produce BTS’ next album alongside their resident producer; Suga. Despite the initial opposition on both ends, the pair spend time together, share a few stories, dreams and aspirations and begin to hit it off really well. Wrapped up in the whirlwind of late nights and heated disagreements and reconciliations, Min Yoongi and Adrienne Rolle find themselves growing closer and closer. One night they decide to cross the barrier between personal and professional and do their best make a relationship work against all odds.
pairing: idol!Yoongi  x OC
word count: 4.5k genre: drama, romance, smut(eventually)
chapters: prologue| o1| o2| o3| o4| o5| o6| o7| o8| o9| 10| 11|
warning: fluff, workplace relationship, slow burn, sexual attraction, ambw, developing relationship, light angst, making out.
a/n: hey. sup. it’s been forever lmao.
"No, no, I want there to be a subtle kind of...sexiness even without the lyrics"
"But I thought we agreed to go for a different feeling?"
"We did...then I changed my mind"
"So, I guess what I want doesn't matter?"
"For this song- no. No, it does not."
Yoongi wanted to be annoyed by her dismissal and deep down he mostly was, Andy was being unnecessarily difficult with the direction of their latest music-related venture, and although she had shot down nearly all of his ideas today, Yoongi still found himself bowing to her will instead of arguing with her like he usually would whenever she batted those big green eyes at him. He was fairly certain that she wasn't doing this on purpose, enticing him so that he would continue to remain entranced by her attractive features and intoxicating smile, even if she wasn't aware of what she was doing, the results were still the same. She already had him wrapped around her finger without even realizing it and Yoongi hated being so damn malleable. 
Today was another day off for the group but with the limited time and amount of preparation they still had to go through t in order to be ready to release their album on time, no one in the group had the luxury of lounging around doing nothing  like they had been doing the past few days. Everyone was either practicing, giving interviews or helping out with lyrics for the few songs that were already completed and approved leaving Andy and Yoongi alone in an empty dorm to get some actual work done. They opted out of working at the studio since it was already crowded with Namjoon, Jimin and Hoseok using the computer and mic, Yoongi knew that the dorm would be empty for most of the day, so it gave them a chance to work in peace.
"Look," Adrienne sighed and leaned back on her elbows, they were seated on Yoongi's bed and much closer than they needed to be "I'm sure whatever you're thinking is great but if you guys really want to go for a more mature image with this album you need a song like this. The kind of song that will give you the confidence to strip and give your boyfriend a lap dance even if you can't dance for shit." Adrienne exhaled sharply and glanced up at the ceiling, looking wistful. She wasn't looking at Yoongi, and she hadn't been since she started speaking, but if she was she probably would have noticed the way his eyes ping-ponged between the slight amount of cleavage peeking out of the top of her v-neck and her plump lips that curled into a seductive smile when she spoke that last sentence.
Something about the way she said the previous sentence, however, must’ve given too much of her desire away, because he froze when she exhaled, just to stare her down. When Adrienne finally did glance to the side she flinched slightly under his intense glare but didn't back away.
"Sorry, was that too much? I talk without thinking sometimes..."
"No... that's not-"
It seemed Yoongi hadn’t truly been paying attention to what she was saying before, but now he would have been hanging on her every word if she had the courage to say anything else, instead, they just stared at each other, neither one moving an inch until one of Adrienne's braids fell into her face and Yoongi raised his fingers and brushed the back of his knuckles across her cheek to put it back in place.
His movements were gentle, so gentle that Adrienne could barely breathe– the moment stretched out for so much longer than seemed appropriate, allowing Adrienne to become lost in her thoughts and the realization of just how much she wanted his lips on her to hit her with a heavy awareness. Andy broke under the thought and found herself leaning forward to just do it, to just kiss him like she had wanted to for so much longer than she cared to think about. Yoongi leaned forward as well, the hand that was caressing her cheek moving down to her neck to securely keep her head where he wanted it to be. Eyelids hooded and lips just a few inches apart, their breathing intermingled as they drew closer and closer to their intended goal. Weeks of flirting and mutually explosive tension bubbling just under the surface was just seconds from reaching its peak....until hearing the door handle jiggle broke apart their fantasy.
Suddenly the front door opened, and the sound of Jin's voice blending together with Jungkook's caused the enamored pair to spring apart, quite literally, with Yoongi rolling further into the center of his bed and Adrienne tumbling from the bed to the ground, landing flat on her ass.
"Are you okay?" Yoongi asked quickly, peering over the edge as Adrienne nodded and rubbed the sore spot on her hip where she landed.
"I'm fine, just a little bruise-" She responded with a groan then looked up, the moment between them was long from being forgotten and that was evident in the way Yoongi still peered down at her like he wanted to devour her right then. But, Jin and Jungkook making their presence known in the hallway outside Yoongi's bedroom made them break contact and swiftly pretend to be working, Andy grabbing her notebook off the edge of the bed and Yoongi mindlessly pressing keys on his laptop as the two young men hovered around the entrance and inquired about how their work was going.
"Yoongi's being stubborn, and I am making amazing music, so it's just like always," Adrienne commented from the floor, earning a chuckle from both Jin and Jungkook and an agitated smirk from the target of her jeer.
"Ah, well we won't distract you, keep working hard!" Jin stated as he began to usher Jungkook out the door, who was on the verge of complaining.
"Oh no! You can stay!" Adrienne replied, too quickly, and shot out her hand to stop them from leaving "It would be nice to hear some feedback." She wasn't too certain about being left alone with Yoongi after what had almost happened just a few seconds earlier, even with her sitting on the floor now there was no guaranteeing she wouldn't lose her senses again and do something stupid like try to kiss her coworker.
"Are you sure won't we be in the way?" Jin asked in part, allowing Jungkook to finish off the question even though he was already walking back towards Jin's bed and sitting down. Both of them glanced back and forth from Adrienne to Yoongi for an answer, before finally settling on Yoongi.
"It's fine," he grumbled from behind his laptop screen, "Just try not to make too much noise."
They, of course, did the opposite of what he asked.
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Yoongi slammed the door of the Bangtan room so hard Adrienne swore she could hear the frosted glass crack and shatter when he entered the room. She didn't even bother swiveling around in her chair when she heard him come in since she already knew what was bothering him. Yoongi had a meeting with the boss today about a few songs he'd submitted on his own for approval and, judging by his reaction, it probably hadn't gone well.
It was always interesting (terrifying) to see Yoongi so genuinely angry, he was usually so calm and unconcerned by small or big things, but when it came to his music he quite literally wore his emotions on his sleeves and it barely took much to ignite a blaze of fire within him.
"Yoongi-ssi?" Adrienne called as she heard his pacing back and forth behind her.
No answer.
"Are you alright?" Adrienne decided to ask once again when he took a seat on the couch and began running both of his hands down the length of his face. 
"Do I seem alright to you?" Yoongi snapped with his face still buried in his hands, his knee was bouncing up and down so quickly it warbled his voice and Adrienne couldn't even find herself becoming offended by his curt reply.
"You don't," Adrienne answered as she spun around to face Yoongi, "That's why I'm asking if you are. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, but don't come in here disrupting my time with your bad vibes if just going to be an asshole."
Yoongi puffed up almost immediately, his chest inflating with arrogance and his lips twisting into an aggravated scowl. He looked up, ready to dispute his right to be an asshole whenever he wanted to be, but once his eyes met Adrienne's he deflated and glanced to the side with a heavy sigh. He shouldn't be putting his anger off on her, she wasn't the reason he was upset.
"He said no- again!" Yoongi finally replied with an answer that Adrienne already knew, but she nodded anyway, her gaze never leaving his as he began to rant about not being taken seriously. 
"They still look at me and talk to me like I'm still the same kid that auditioned here three years ago, it's fucking humiliating!"
"Did he at least give you some constructive criticism?" Andy asked, trying to remain positive.
"That's not even the point," Yoongi huffed, rising up from his seat, "If it was just about my song not being good enough, I could change that. I can always make better songs but I'm not growing as an artist if I'm constantly being told to write about the same thing in a slightly different way! There are only so many similes and metaphors you can write about someone not loving you the way you love them."
Adrienne frowned and nodded because she understood how he felt. Even when she felt like she didn't know Yoongi as well as she wanted to, it was always very obvious to Adrienne how much his music meant to him, that was something they had in common and it was probably the reason for most of their music-related disagreements. Neither of them would put their name on a project that they didn't know was their absolute best effort.
Yoongi was still pacing  back and forth the length of the small studio room in an attempt to work off all the anger that was building up inside him. He stopped abruptly once he felt Adrienne's arms embrace him from behind and her cheek rest against his shoulder, she was wearing platform sneakers that made her as tall as him.
"Do you really think your boss doesn't respect you?" She asked after a few seconds passed and his harsh breathing had calmed some.
"He's not acting like he does," Yoongi muttered over his shoulder.
"You know that's not what I asked, do you honestly think he doesn't respect you? Would he have given you the responsibility of producing an entire album for your group if he didn't appreciate your talent?" Adrienne inquired and picked her head up off of Yoongi's shoulder.
"...Technically he didn't, he hired you to produce it with me." He said quietly, followed by a pained hiss when Adrienne flicked his earlobe.
"Yah! We're getting along, don't ruin the moment!"
Yoongi smiled, it was small and short-lived but it was the first time he hadn't been scowling since he walked into the room and Andy counted that as a win.
"In all seriousness, I know for a fact that he doesn't think you're still the same kid you were when you were training. You should hear the way he talked about you before I met you guys, it was nauseating. I think he recognizes that you've grown which is why he allowed this opportunity, he also knows what's going to sell so try not to take the rejection too personally."
Yoongi exhaled and pressed his lips together, he knew she was right. He may have been taking this a little too personally, but his music was an extension of him, how could he not? After a second of contemplation, Yoongi turned so that he was facing Adrienne and looped his arms around her shoulders, pulling her close to him in a tight hug.
"Thank you," He said gently as they pulled apart and Adrienne smiled widely in response, her grip on his forearms reluctantly growing slack. A moment of charged silence passed between them once again when they were no longer hugging, and Adrienne felt a fleeting sensation of recklessness pass through her once again. They still hadn't talked about what had happened a few days earlier in Yoongi's room, Adrienne was waiting for him to bring it up while being too cowardly to do it herself and Yoongi felt the same way. 
"You should do something," Adrienne spoke first.
"What?" Yoongi asked, clearly confused.
"Your song," Adrienne clarified and backed away to save her own sanity. "You should do something with it if you really like it that much. Maybe you can't put it on an album, but you can always release it for free? Your fans would like that"
"Ah, I don't know about that" Yoongi shook his head and returned to his seat on the couch, "The big reason it can't be included on the album is because of the subject matter....it's kind of suggestive."
Andy shrugged and leaned against the back of the office chair "But it would be nice! Think of your fans."
Adrienne pouted and Yoongi caved.
"Fine, but I need you to sing the chorus, and we can't release it anywhere."
"Me? Why? Can't you use Jimin?"
"He's busy, and I doubt he would be comfortable singing some of the lines."
Adrienne's curiosity was piqued but understood what he meant once they actually began recording the song. The word 'suggestive' would have been the last adjective on Adrienne's mind as she read the lyrics as well as she could and sang along with Yoongi's direction; explicit would have been her first choice. It was a catchy song, that was definitely true, but Adrienne understood immediately why it couldn't be included on the album. They finished the song in just a few takes and quickly got back to working on the album like they were supposed to be. It was well into the night before either of them left for home and Adrienne made a quick stop to one of the few cubicles that were still occupied with someone working. It was an assistant name Soo-Bin whom Adrienne wasn't overly friendly with, but she still knew her by name. She quickly asked to post the cover she'd mixed and arranged for Jungkook before she left for the night since she was going to be there a lot longer than Adrienne was. Soo-Bin agreed, reluctantly, and once it was time for her to go home quickly published the first song that seemed to match the specifications Adrienne described.
She wasn't in the mood to double check.
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The next morning Adrienne got ready for work with a heavy heart after waking up to a message from Bang Sihyuk requesting her presence in his office, the second she got to work. She hadn't had a one on one meeting with him since she was hired, and she honestly couldn't think of anything they needed to talk about. She wasn't finished with the latest batch of songs and there was still time for her to send them in, so she knew he couldn't have been moving up the deadline, and anything else pertaining to the album was usually just relayed to her through Yoongi or one of the other staff members. There was only one logical reason Andy could think of for him wanting to meet with her alone and that was to tell her that she was fired. The thought alone nearly made her hyperventilate.
Slowly, Adrienne trudged her way towards Bang Sihyuk's office when she was finally inside the Big Hit building. She paused once she was a few feet away from the office door and noticed a familiar face leaning against the door frame.
"Ah, I was wondering when you'd get here, you're late today."
"It took me a while to get ready..why are you here? Do you have a meeting today too?"
Yoongi nodded, "Yeah, right now. He wants to talk to both of us."
Adrienne sighed a small breath of relief once Yoongi turned and entered the room before her. If he wanted to talk to both of them at once, then the chances of her being fired seemed to be a lot smaller. Andy soon followed after Yoongi and immediately bowed at a complete 90 degree angle once she was inside, the rules of engagement when it came to her superiors were still foreign to Adrienne, and she wasn't sure if she had to bow once she entered his office, but she didn't want to run the risk of possibly offending her boss.
Bang Sihyuk was in the middle of a phone call when they walked in but motioned for them to side down anyway. Andy and Yoongi exchange a short confused glance but their attention was brought back to their boss once he hung up and cleared his throat.
"I'll be quick about this, I'm sure you're both wondering why I called you here," Andy and Yoongi both nodded simultaneously, "The reason is simple really, I need to have a conversation with you about the nature of your relationship and the easiest way to do that is if you're both here together."
Adrienne was confused, she was sure she heard him correctly but the way he said 'relationship' didn't make sense to her. 
"Now while I suppose I can't outright stop you, I can strongly discourage you from openly dating so early into Yoongi's career. The group is finally gaining some ground in the music business and a scandal like this could derail all the hard work that-"
"I'm sorry, did you say dating?" Adrienne interjected, trying to sound as respectful as possible but she just had to stop him before all his words began to blur together.
"PD-nim, we're not dating" Yoongi spoke up once Bang Sihyuk answered Adrienne's question with a firm nod.
"Are you sure about that? The song that you put up on the blog yesterday seems to very explicitly suggest otherwise. You don't have to lie to me,Yoongi. Honestly, it's better if we get it out in the open now that way I can protect you if I need to in the future." Bang Sihyuk countered with genuine concern in his tone.
"Song? What song?" Adrienne muttered underneath her breath before the wheels in her head finally started turning "Aish! Soo-Bin must have uploaded the wrong song last night, I asked her to upload Jungkook's cover. She must have gotten the files mixed up" She said to Yoongi who nodded and shook his head.
"That song was never meant to be released to the public, sir" Yoongi explained, "It was just something we recorded for fun but I can promise you that we are not dating or anything like that."
"Truthfully, we are not. I don't have a reason to lie to you" Adrienne tacked on.
Bang folded his arms across his stomach and leaned back into his comfy office chair "Good," he said after a few seconds of tense silence "We've already taken the song down but both of you need to be more careful in the future, you can't afford a mistake like this."
"Yes, Sir."
They both thanked him for understanding before he excused them and allowed them to leave. Adrienne dramatically sighed and slumped into the sofa once they reached the studio.
"I can't believe I thought I was going to be fired today."
"Why would you think that?" Yoongi asked from hovering over the computer console.
"I didn't know you were going to be there, I thought he wanted to talk to me alone and that could only mean one thing."
"You shouldn't take things so personally" He snickered, proud of himself for being able to use her own words against her.
Adrienne rolled her eyes, "This not the same thing, my reason is totally valid" She scoffed "Can you believe he thought we were dating, though? There's no way that would ever happen."
Yoongi stopped fidgeting with the keys on the keyboard just long enough to look back at Adrienne who seemed to be lost in her own thoughts, her statement had struck a chord in him "No way, huh?"
"Hm? Oh! It's nothing against you I just....I don't think I'm your type" Adrienne said with a humorless laugh as she got up to take a closer look at the books on the shelf against the far wall.
"What does that mean?"
"It...means what I said, I'm not your type," Adrienne answered over her shoulder, completely unaware of the utter disbelief written all over Yoongi's face.
His hand latching onto her wrist took her by surprise and Adrienne gasped softly as she was suddenly being pressed against the wall next to the bookshelf, her body sandwiched between Yoongi and the plaster. His knuckles softly grazed over Adrienne's cheeks just like they had days before but this time, there were no braids obstructing her view to excuse his actions. His move was deliberate, and he made that notion clear as his gaze never left Adrienne's face as his hand moved down to her jawline and the pad of his thumb lightly traced Adrienne's' sharp features.
Yoongi only wanted to make a point; that there was no possible way she wouldn't be his type. However, being so close to her. Feeling her chest rise and fall against his body each time she drew a shallow breath he found it hard to stop himself once he'd started. As if of its own accord his head dipped, and he pressed his lips to hers. His free hand cupped the back of her head, holding her there gently. His kiss was soft and almost chaste to start off with, not forcing Adrienne to give any more than she wanted to, but she soon found herself getting lost in their kiss, her lips returning his actions with as much vigor as she could muster. She couldn’t quite explain the feeling that she had right now, it was as if all the blood had rushed from her head and that she was flying, she felt light and grounded all at the same time. Whatever it was she definitely knew she had a word for it now; right.
As much as she tried to ignore it and push her feelings to the back burner for the sake of her sanity and now career, kissing Yoongi felt right and Adrienne could no longer deny that fact. Her arms gripped tightly around his back as she pulled her head back momentarily to catch her breath, she looked up into Yoongi’s eyes and it was as if she was seeing him for the first time. The slight redness in his cheeks made her grin playfully as she sent her lips plunging back to his, her head shifted to the side with precision as she snaked her tongue past his lips. Yoongi no longer felt the need to be gentle, he put his all into the kiss now, and he let her in, tongues massaging and bodies wrapping up in one another as his hand slid down Adrienne's torso to firmly grasp her hips and hold her steady.
The feeling of her fingernails dragging across the skin of his neck ignited a five-alarm fire within Yoongi and just as quickly and unexpectedly as their kiss started, he ended it. Detaching his hands from her waist and immediately backing away like Adrienne was radioactive.
"I'm sorry," He said breathlessly with his hand covering his slightly swollen lips. "I shouldn't have done that" Yoongi croaked, that one moment was validation of something he'd wanted for such a long time, but he couldn't allow himself to completely abandon his self-control.
"Please, don't apologize," Adrienne answered, still trying to catch her breath "You don't know how long I've been waiting for you to kiss me."
"No, I have to because I can't.....we can't...we can't do this Andy!" Yoongi frantically exclaimed, pushing the hair away from his face roughly.
The strength of his response made Adrienne flinch slightly, he wasn't yelling but there was a temper behind his words that she didn't fully recognize, "Okay." She nodded and adjusted her top so that it laid flat over her stomach again. 
"I don't want to sound desperate but why?"
"We just can't," Yoongi exhaled and hung his head low.
"I-is it because I'm black?"
He spun around quickly to face her with his expression contorted in confusion, "What? No!"
"Then what is it?"
Yoongi sighed heavily and took a seat on the sofa then patted the seat next to him and gestured toward Adrienne "Come here."
Adrienne followed his command and occupied the seat next to him, he took both of her hands in his once she was seated.
"You heard what PD-nim said today." He started softly, his thumb gentle caressing the back of her palm. "I have a very demanding job. It's not that I wouldn't want to be with you, but I also want to have a successful career and I don't know if I could handle doing both. I know that seems selfish but I've given up so many things in my life to make sure that I can do this to the best of my abilities and I can't become lenient now, no matter how tempting the thought of this is." He accompanied his words with another gentle stroke against Adrienne's cheek.
"If we got together I wouldn't feel right unless I was giving you every part of me and I can't do that and be good at my job, Andy" He frowned and cradled her face with both of his hands "I have so many goals to accomplish before I can give my heart away and I can't just ask you to wait for me...that wouldn't be fair."
Adrienne bit down harshly on her bottom, she understood where he was coming from. Honestly, she did but still didn't stop her from feeling like he was just admitting to being too afraid to take a risk. She didn't voice her opinion, however, he was bearing his heart to her and accusing him of being a coward would undoubtedly only ensure that he would never do that again.
"I understand," She responded with a tight, forced smile; her palms smoothing up Yoongi's forearms until the rested over his hands "I don't totally agree but I understand, your job is important to you and it wouldn't really be fair for me to ask you to put it on hold." Adrienne leaned forward and pressed her lips against Yoongi's cheek long enough so that her lipstick transferred to leave an outline of her lips against his pale skin.
"If you change your mind you know where to find me."
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icharchivist · 3 years
Thank you for taking the time to reply to my ask! 😊
Now... How much, out of 10, are you of each summer troupe member?
I hope you also find this a fun ask to answer!
ahah sure <3 thanks for sending them and well, indulging in my answers!
i do find it fun to answer it's just that i worry my justifications may be too much infos ahah
anyway for summer...
for the vague notes: Tenma: 1/10, Yuki: 4/10, Muku: 7/10 Misumi: 2/10, Kazunari: 8/10, Kumon: 3/10
under the cut for more justification (again which are infos about me so go in with caution)
if we don't see again under the cut, now i say, take care! :3c
(Links: Spring, Summer, Autumn , Winter ranking)
Tenma: 1/10. I don't. think i actually relate to Tenma all that much dKLJFDLFK I think all i can really relate to is that he loves his friends even if he doesn't really know how to show it at times. I adore him but i really don't know if i have anything in common with him DLKJFDKLF
Yuki: 4/10. Yuki's interesting to me because i was a lot like him when i was his age, actually, but i'm so different now that i can't say i relate to him as much, but i still see my younger self in him? When i was his age i was really rejected by my peers for a lot, lot of reasons, one of them being the way i decided to dress (though it was not like. the worst reason. i think?). Early teen i was a recluse but at 14, i developed thick skin and would snap back at people pretty easily, i would try to stand out proud about who i was, that doing stuff i enjoy is worth going through this sort of humiliation. There is a lot about Yuki's defense mechanisms, from his sass to the way he tries to keep people at armlength, that brings me back to middle school. He's healthily growing past that in a way i don't as much relate to (took different path and all) but it makes me happy to see him grow and feel safer. So it's a weird one to answer to ahah, when i was 14 i'd say i would have given him maybe a 7/10? but nowadays maybe just a 2/10 just because now i dress very cutesyly and always wear dress and stuff, or the fact i don't feel interested in being in romantic situation myself. i'll make it round at 4/10 for that.
Muku: 7/10 Oh, to be an anxious romantic with passions for lovestories and blaming yourself for everything you ever do because you MUST be doing something wrong. I feel that. I relate more with Muku now that i did when i was his age for instance ahah but yeah that'd be the gist of it. Also relating to his habit to get lost in his own fantasy world, in unrealistic scenarios, wanting to be something you can't realistically be. I do relate to how much he loves lovestories though (like i just mentioned tho i just. don't like the idea of being in one irl. so i really love stories much more about it where i can explore all of this in a safe way with no engagement ahah) But for various reasons (from his athletics to the confidence boost he can get) i can only give him that much point LDKJF
Misumi: 2/10 Misumi's complicated to discuss for me DKJFDFLK but as for what i relate about, some elements about his family life hit ways too close from home and i don't like thinking about it too hard, it's too real dLFKJDFLK. Other than that one of the major thing i can relate with for Misumi is the way he's genuinely taken aback when people say they care about him and his health because he's not used to his family doing that for him, and that he's been really lonely because he's been considered "weird". While not to the same extend though i do understand the happiness of seeing stuff you care about somewhere (though for me it may be plushies kjfdhdf) but really not to his extends
Kazunari: 8/10 oh yeah we're in it now he's one of the first chara i actually projected on hard (because i didn't think about whenever i related to spring charas before and he was before the slaps in the face). Anyway i too, am a massive people pleaser who don't really know how to voice my own opinions on stuff when it's not too important. I'm indecisive as hell when i don't have a strong opinion about something and i will generally just be trying to go with the flow. I've been trying to work on that those past few years and be a little more assertive, but so i can also relate to how Kazu tries to push himself out of this comfort zone in later plotpoints. As much as i think i'm more assertive now it's a constant work and it's not always linar. I don't like upsetting people, i'm extremely conflict avoidant, and i always feel like i have a responsibility to keep up a cheerful Face. I was a very quiet kid then a very quiet teen and i didn't have much friends then, until about high school, where i was finally in good surrounding at school and made a lot of friends, though i do keep my friends at a distance in general and wouldn't say i form. very deep relationships. so like him. though different reasons why. When i was in high school i was so much more loud and i faked a lot of confidence i didn't have and pretending to be always happy and unbothered by anything. It completely disappeared after high school though, i'm. so much more calm in general nowadays. anyway, turns out people always complain i'm very loud when i do talk especially if it's something i'm excited about (which is something i'm super insecure about when people points it out but LDKJFLDF ANYWAY). To that i'll just add too that i also pursued art school and art cursus but i stopped because [spoiler alert for why i relate to Kumon]. When Kazu ends up showing his enthusiasm about art it brings me back to back then tbh. Even though i don't do art anymore i'm really appreciative of that in general. Points off because of how social he can be or how he seeks getting into social situations like. Nope. Not for me. But i'm happy for him.
Kumon: 3/10 this kid is too energic he exhausts me just when i see him, so in general i have to keep the number low because. Kid. I can't keep up TwT. That said the two things i'd relate to with Kumon is, first, his geeky side in general which is very cute. A bit like Muku, in the way he lives in his own fantasies, though he's more ashamed than Muku to talk about it and i relate to that too bc i refuse to share what my fantasies are about DLKJFLDKFJ. Second, as i first hinted at, is that i had to give up a lot of what was important to me because of my deteriorating health, more specifically, illnesses related to stress that made themselves.... too dangerous for me to ignore. I gave up art school because a deadly skin sickness i had developed because of stress was eating my right hand (well not just there but it is the biggest problem) and by the end of my first year i couldn't hold a pen anymore. It was only one of the various illness i had manifesting from the stress, but i stubborningly tried to ignore the others and push through and it's just that this one was not ignorable anymore. It crushed my spirit ngl and it was even worse realizing i didn't manage to bounce back - i haven't drawn anything since, and i can't use my hand at my full capacity so i can't do other stuff to bounce back - and i'm stressed about getting stressed and triggering back all those illnesses and so i end up even more stressed and yeah. So when Kumon's fevers hit and it's explicit that it's due to his stress while still being very real and not something he can ease off just by "calming down", and that he can get stressed about his fevers triggering, and Juza talking about how he worries that if Kumon's sickness acts up it might break his spirit, it. hit very very close from home ahah. Tho despite the long entry i don't relate to anything else about Kumon, he's too energic, too athletic, has a good relationship with his family and all that jazz i can't relate to ahah. But yeah this one was. A Painful thing to have to face back dLKFJDF.
So yeah in general i can say that i don't relate as much to Summer as i can relate to for Spring or Winter. I see more of my younger years in them (to some details here and there) so there's also a much bigger distance with what i'd relate to them about.
but yeah that'd about sums it up o7
Take care :3c
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innaminitus · 5 years
King and queen
This story is for: @daddyloki
Request: oh my god O2 and O7 for loki i- 🤤 and omg i cant believe you’re at 1.6K you literally deserve it so much??? you’re hands down one of my top 3 favorite writers on here
O2. I didn’t say it, I declared it.
O7. Did I stutter?
Pairing: Loki x reader
Warnings: language, smut, slight praise kink 
Word count: 1000 
A/N: being in somebody’s top 3 writers is probably one of my gratest achievements on this website and I’m not even kidding. It looks like i have a praise kink, too 
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You were reading a book in the garden, listening to sweet song of the birds and smelling even sweetest scent of roses and freshly cut grass when a maid approached you, her hair messy and skirt clenched in her fists, as if she’s been running.
“My lady…” She was struggling for breath. “My lady… Price Loki… did it again.”
You just shrugged and lowered your sight back on the book.
“And what do you expect me to do with it?” Lazily you used your mind to flip the page.
“My lady, he imprisoned Allfather.”
With a sigh of annoyance you closed your book and dematerialized it. Fabric of your green dress swished when you got up from the bench and walked past the maid.
“Smarten yourself up, girl.” You shook your head. “And next time when you bother me, at least make sure you look decent.”
The maid crimsoned and bowed to you, murmuring apologies.
You walked through the hallways in angry pace, the heels of your shoes were clacking viciously on the marble floor. You ignored the guards who were bowing to you as you walked past them.
Massive door leading to the throne room opened with a flick of your fingers.
You liked using your magic instead of having things done for you. It guaranteed you respect you needed to live on Asgard.
Loki was sitting on the throne, Odin’s scepter lying against it. You dismissed the guards with a wave of your hand.
“And what happened here, dear husband? I leave you alone for mere hours and you’re now claiming the throne your own?” You came closer to him, a shadow of a smile on your face.
You would lie if you said you didn’t love the sight before you. Your husband on the throne of Asgard, and you as his queen. Power was one of things you undeniably desired, but you couldn’t allow Loki to keep enslaving his own father. Even if your pussy throbbed just at the sight of your husband being so powerful.
“I declared myself a king,” he said, smirk on his face making you roll your eyes.
“You can’t just say you’re a king and take the throne.” You came up the stairs, your arms crossed.
“I didn’t say it, I declared it.” He shrugged. “Won’t you kneel before your king?”
You laughed silently and sat on his lap.
“No, I don’t think so.” You tugged a lost string of his hair behind his ear. “Loki, you need to let your father go.”
He sighed, his thumb travelling up and down your spine.
“I agree, I might’ve been a little… hasty maybe.” He kissed your neck. “But doesn’t this feel right? Me as a king, you as my queen, ruling Asgard together…” His lips were on your collarbone.
“Not yet, my beloved,” you said, cupping his face in your hands. “It will all be ours someday, but the day has not yet come.”
With a sigh he nodded slowly and you leaned to kiss him.
“Can we at least have a bit of fun before I set my father free?” He murmured in your lips and you couldn’t hide a smile.
“Your brother will be here any minute.”  
“Then we better hurry, wife.”
He captured your lips with his and guided one of your legs to the other side of his lap. His sneaky fingers rolled your dress up, harshly squeezing your thighs, making you sigh. You wanted to stand up and go to a place that at least had a bed in it, but he stopped you.
“No, no, no… I want to fuck you on this throne,” he nearly gasped on your neck when his lips left wet kisses along it.
“You want to fuck me on the throne?” You raised an eyebrow at him, a bite on your neck made you hiss.
“Did I stutter?” His magic got rid of your panties, you were now bare on his leather pants and a hard bulge beneath the material, the sudden feeling releasing a squirm.
“No–.” He moved your hips, so you rubbed against him, surely leaving a wet mark of your arousal on the black leather. “No, my king.”
“That’s what I thought.”
He kissed you again and you reached to the buttons of his trousers, struggling, but finally being able to free his dripping cock.
The feeling of him sliding into you completely, ideally, perfectly was addicting. You were like two pieces of a puzzle, fitting together and only to one another. God of lies and goddess of madness.
“My queen,” he sighed in your mouth in between thrusts. “Most perfect of all beings…” You moaned when he quickened the pace to match your bouncing. “My goddess…”
“Fuck –ahh– keep talking,” you sighed, his fingers dug into the skin of your thighs to the point of leaving bruises. You kissed his smile.
“Dirty, dirty whore.” He captured your bottom lip in between his sharp teeth and you felt metallic taste of blood. “Your tight cunt feels so good around my cock,” his gasps surrounded your neck, bruised with love marks and traces of his fingers.
He was reaching so deep you never deemed it possible, silent moans and sighs echoed in the empty throne room along with obscene sounds of flesh smacking flesh. Pleasure was wandering around your body, coursing through your veins like poison.
“Gods you’re incredible,” he moaned in your lips and licked the blood off it.
Unable to speak, think even, you just kissed him deeply, your tongues fighting in your mouth, your moves uncoordinated when ecstasy took control over you, and orgasm shattered your mind to pieces consisting only of pleasure.
Loki wasn’t long behind, you felt his hot cum shot inside of you just seconds later.
You pressed your forehead onto his, his member still inside, not letting any seed out.
The door swung open and you almost jumped off your husband.
“Brother, what is the meaning of–“
“Get the fuck out!”
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clairenchanted · 4 years
wild sage; ocean spray; the earth in the high, dry summer. 
a few things you remember, in no particular order. / previous. 
o1. the room is dark and quiet with every thing that made it alive petering into nothing in the growing night. the television screen has gone to the complacent blue of the movie menu, and it spills insubstantially over kate’s face. it makes her face soft where it’s pressed against her arm and where her arm is pressed against ray’s. the shadows cast by ray’s hair grow darker, but he bleeds into light in the glow the further down his face is illuminated. 
you cannot see victoria. she is sleeping on your shoulder. your back is against the legs of the bed, and you are on fire where she is draped against your side, you are on fire in every place that she touches you and you hold her unintentionally upright. you don’t understand what it means, to feel so blindingly alive in a room so dark and still. you don’t understand how you have not burned down the bedsheets at your back, the carpet under your thighs, the delicate and infinitely breakable form of her cheek her elbow her knee jammed up into yours. 
it’s too quiet and far too loud. you sit for hours trying tread the water of your desperation, aching to understand why you are so acutely aware of your body. you don’t fall asleep. 
o2. you look at your reflection in your sister’s mirror. you try to understand what you look like in her sweater, turning a little to catch the light in the slivery threads that slip through the seams almost unnoticed until you see them the right way. emma shifts on the bed. you hear the way sheets shift under her. you wait for her to say something; the tension in the silence wraps around your throat and begs for your voice. 
deep maroon. you wonder if it’s too dark for you. 
i don’t know, she finally says, with the precision of a scalpel. 
what don’t you know? you don’t ask. 
a little more silence. you think about how short golden hour lasts, and how much you’ll blend into the shadows of the basement as the party lasts so much longer. 
she sighs. i don’t think it fits you right. 
you don’t know what to say to that, or why you want to say anything. but the chord wraps tighter and you scramble to find the release: can you argue? do you want this? does it matter? what could you possibly need help with? 
you look at emma’s reflection over your shoulder in the cool glass. your lips part; you don’t say anything. you take off the sweater and give it back. 
o3. no one says anything on the ride back home from the police station. you stare out the window of the SUV and idly note the landmarks that pass by. you don’t remember the questions you answered, and you never asked about the paperwork that was filled out. you turn the memory of your father on the phone over in your mind for as long as you remember to -- something about forms, something about documents -- and then it’s gone. 
the pitcher sage is growing. it’s april, so this makes sense. you know something about pitcher sage, or maybe you remember something, but the thought ebbs out to sea. you can’t smell them from here anyway, and you’ve never been anything but neutral towards plants. 
when you get home, the foyer feels a little larger than you thought it was. maybe the ceilings are higher. something hot presses against your elbow; by the time you turn, emma is already a few paces ahead. you catch only the tail end of her look, the last pointed hook of it, before she is gone up the stairs. in the distance, echoing in this too big and meticulously kept foyer, the slamming of her bedroom door is the only sound. 
your mother is wearing all black. she stands a few feet away from you at the crossroads where the living room branches off from the stairs. you watch her, cataloguing the things about her that stand out: her perfected waves frizzing at the ends; her lipstick smudging just at the corner of her mouth; the front of her dress is wrinkled. you don’t know why these details whisper to you, and you don’t know why you should care. 
o4. when you and victoria are nine, you realize the true extent of your power. it’s a hot day -- it’s too hot in a way that it never really gets in california, all sticky with rare, heavy storm clouds gathering on the horizon. every time you shift in the sand, it burns your skin where it’s bare. it hurts. the back of your throat burns and it’s stupid -- it’s just a stupidly hot day -- but the moment your face turns red and your eyes sting, there’s a sticky, familiar hand on your shoulder. 
c’mon, she says. she takes your hand and helps you stand. i think i have enough for ices. 
she doesn’t, and you want to cry because victoria is so nice and it feels so unfair that you’re just fifty cents short. your throat aches; you want to yell, even though it’s useless and selfish and bratty. even though you know better. it’s hot and it’s not fair and you just want to eat ices with your best friend in the whole world so you can stay out here and not go back home. 
aw. the ice seller guy probably isn’t as old as your parents but he’s old to you. you wonder if he’ll get mad at you both, but something breaks in his expression and he hands v’s money back to her along with two little ices, lemon and cherry. don’t worry about it, girls. 
this is a magnificent superpower, but you both whisper to each other that you need to be careful with it. you laugh when v’s lips turn bright red as she eats, and then you can’t stop laughing just, just because. 
o5. the hallways are packed with the throng. you marvel at the fact that you haven’t been trampled yet; you dread it, you dread its certain coming. you press yourself against the back of lockers, hugging your books to your chest. room 205 must exist somewhere but it doesn’t exist here and you don’t know which way to go. 
more important things don’t exist here: the ocean spray, the smell of pitcher sage, the tang of lemon ices from the boardwalk. the burning heat of the august sun and victoria next to you. you knew this would happen once high school started -- you’re right and for a moment, anger lashes up your chest and into your throat. how dare the world be so large and loud and so lacking of anything that you can cling to and understand with each intimate breath. how dare the world do this to you, how dare it take you here without your permission and ask you to deal with it. 
you manage to make it to english just as the bell rings. you sit in the back row, and you spend half the lesson curling notebook paper around your pencil. 
o6. there has never been a bigger deal than the junior class trip. your grades have been immaculate -- straight a’s, a glowing report card, a need for nothing more at the fall’s parent teacher conference -- and you find yourself with a signed permission slip and a check for mr. chester. 
we have basically two full days, v says solemnly, the two of you leaning over her spiral edged notebook. so we have to plan strategically. if we start with skiing, we’re not going to have time for anything else. 
you picture mammoth mountain’s snow capped peaks, soaring high above the hot desert valley below. you picture leaving the heat-packed sand behind, forgetting the dry earth. you think of cute hats and gloves and scarves, and try to imagine what it feels to look at your own outfit on your own body with approval. with excitement. maybe you’ll manage it -- maybe you’ll leave the constant, gnawing anxiety behind in southern california behind for a weekend. 
okay, you say, imagining v’s face red with the cold -- the tip of her nose, the tops of her ears. you smile to yourself and look at the notebook. do we have any time to hang out in the lodge? 
absolutely not, she says primly, everything under control. this is a once in a lifetime thing until we get into some fabulous east coast college and we can go skiing all the time. 
in between classes. 
sure, sure. now look, if we do snow tubing and ice skating first, we have the whole second day to figure out the skiing and snowboarding trails. 
you picture spinning in concentric circles over and over, hands linked, gentle guitar-heavy music wrapped around the scene. you nod. 
sounds great. 
we also have to sit with felicity for like, most of the time. 
-- felicity? you wonder sharply. felicity? you ask gently. 
she’s been making eyes at jake for like, the entire semester. she chews the words, deliberate and hard edged. something’s up. keep your enemies close, gus. 
you are cold. you are very cold. you breathe through it and look at the schedule printed in v’s spiky, flowing script. oh. i didn’t realize that was still a thing. 
it’s not anything. not yet. but i’m not going to let something just -- just happen between them. you know how i feel about jake. 
do you? you should. you should know everything about v. you watch the notebook, and you tell yourself you’re not cold. right, sorry. 
no worries. v waves a hand like it’s not a big deal. like it’s not important. that’s okay. it’s okay. just help me, okay? 
this is part of your world now: the smell of books, the off white lighting, the hallways of your same old high school. but it suddenly feels very, very large again and you don’t know how to form the words. 
okay? she asks idly, not looking at you. 
you nod. 
o7. three days after you all come home -- from the funeral by way of the police station -- your mother opens the door to your room. it’s past midnight. you blink at the sudden light, waiting until her silhouette resolves into something familiar. 
she jumps a little when she sees you. you don’t understand why. 
my god, she says. why are you awake? 
you don’t know, so you don’t answer. 
you watch her as she stands there, eclipsed by the low light in the hallway. part of you wonders, briefly, why she’s here, but then in the next wave the curiosity is dragged back out and you are left alone in your bed. 
she finally moves. you don’t know how long it took her. she presses the door behind you until it is still open but only just. she crosses the room. she stands by the side of your bed. she sits, so close to the edge you think she might fall off. she reaches out and you blink when heat -- searing, brilliant, entirely strange -- covers the back of your hand. you feel her flinch, and you look down at her hand then back up at her face. 
-- august. there is something rough in her voice that you don’t remember -- catching, steely, ragged. rusty. she reaches forward, pressing a hand to your face. her eyes are wide, brows up. she looks as if she’s searching for something, but you don’t know what it could be so you say nothing. 
in one motion -- sharp but fluid -- she wraps her arms around your shoulders. you don’t move, but you don’t feel the need to pull away. august, she says, as if there is something to excavate in the depths of your name. august. please, can you -- please? 
you don’t know what she’s asking, so you cannot answer. 
in shattered pieces, she pulls back. she looks at you, one hand still on your shoulder. her expression pinches more, still at her eyes and lips. august, can you please say something? 
what? you try to ask, because this seems like the most logical question, but you try for the sound and it rasps in the back of your throat, stinging with seawater. you grow colder. you try again, and nothing comes out. 
your mother’s expression draws darker. she lets go of your shoulder. coldness rushes in to replace the burning warmth. i don’t know why you’re being like this. i don’t know why i try. 
you don’t know either. there’s nothing you can say as she gets up and leaves, closing the door behind her. 
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jaxademic · 6 years
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“It’s an Old Song” | A Playlist for ENG 1131 | PLAY
A Song for (almost) Every Text We’ll Read
 Hades and Persephone (Hades POV) 
Never feel too good in crowds | With folks around, when they're playing | The anthems of rape culture loud | Crude and proud, creatures baying | All I've ever done is hide | From our times, when you're near me | Honey, when you kill the lights and kiss my eyes | I feel like a person for a moment of my life 
o2. “Love Crime” – Siouxsie Sioux & Brian Reitzell 
 Hades and Persephone (Persephone POV) 
Oh, the skies, tumbling from your eyes | So sublime, the chase to end all time | Seasons call and fall, from grace and uniform | Anatomical and metaphysical | I will survive, live and thrive | Win this deadly game | Love crime 
 o3. “Sympathy For the Devil” – The Rolling Stones 
 Hercules and Devil!Hades 
Please allow me to introduce myself | I'm a man of wealth and taste | I've been around for a long, long year | Stole many a man's soul and faith
o4. “To Pluto’s Moon” – My Brightest Diamond 
“Orpheus and Eurydice”
How I tried to catch you while you ran ahead of me | I lassoed mars to see if you were hiding there | But you'd already ran past Jupiter to Pluto's moon | And my rope won't reach that moon | This is a state of electrical shock | You were so beautiful I thought you'd last forever | But you came and you went when the lights went out | You went like you came: In a lightning bolt 
o5. “Road to Hell” – Anais Mitchell 
There was a railroad line on the road to Hell | There was a young man down on bended knee | And brother, thus begins the tale | Of Orpheus and Eurydice! | It’s a love song | It’s a tale of a love that never dies | It’s a love song | About someone who tries 
 o6. “Roxanne” – The Police 
Moulin Rouge! 
Roxanne, you don't have to put on the red light | Those days are over | You don't have to sell your body to the night | Roxanne, you don't have to wear that dress tonight | Walk the streets for money | You don't care if it's wrong or if it's right 
 o7. “Haunting” – Halsey 
“Cupid and Psyche” 
 I was as pure as a river | But now I think I'm possessed | You put a fever inside me | And I've been cold since you left | I've got a boyfriend now and he's made of gold | And you've got your own mistakes in a bed at home | I'm hoping you could save me now, but you break and fold | You've got a fire inside, but your heart's so cold | Cause I've done some things that I can't speak | And I've tried to wash you away, but you just won't leave | So won't you take a breath and dive in deep? | Cause I came here so you'd come for me | I'm begging you to keep on haunting | I'm begging you to keep on haunting me 
o8. “The Beast” – Austra 
“Beauty and the Beast” 
The morning that I was born again | I was made into a beast | Am I free now, am I at peace? | Is that the ground below me, or your feet? 
o9. “Prologue” – Howard Ashman and Alan Menken 
 Disney’s Beauty and the Beast 
1o. “Become the Beast” - Karliene 
 “The Tiger’s Bride” 
To capture a predator | You can't remain the prey | You have to become | An equal | In every way | So look in the mirror | And tell me, who do you see? | Is it still you? | Or is it me? | Become the beast | We don't have to hide | Do I terrify you | Or do you feel alive? | Do you feel the hunger | Does it howl inside? | Does it terrify you? | Or do you feel alive? 
11. “Hallelujah” – Jeff Buckley 
But baby I've been here before | I've seen this room and I've walked this floor | You know, I used to live alone before I knew ya | And I've seen your flag on the marble arch | And love is not a victory march | It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah | Hallelujah | Hallelujah | Hallelujah | Hallelujah 
12. “Marry Me” – Emilie Autumn 
Marry me, he said, through his rotten teeth, bad breath, and then | Marry me instead of that strapping young goatherd, but when | I was in his bed, and my father had sold me | I knew I hadn't any choice, hushed my voice, did what any girl would do | And when I'm beheaded at least I was wedded | And when I am buried at least I was married | I'll hide my behavior with wine as my savior | But, oh, what beautiful things I'll wear | What beautiful dresses and hair | I'm lucky to share his bed | Especially since I'll soon be dead 
13. “Where the Wild Roses Grow” – Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds 
“The Bloody Chamber” 
They call me The Wild Rose | But my name was Elisa Day | Why they call me it I do not know | For my name was Elisa Day | On the third day he took me to the river | He showed me the roses and we kissed | And the last thing I heard was a muttered word | As he knelt above me with a rock in his fist 
14. “O Death” – Jen Titus 
 “A Lady’s Hands Are Cold” 
 Oh, Death | Won't you spare me over another year? | But what is this that I can't see | With ice cold hands taking hold of me? | When God is gone and the Devil takes hold | Who will have mercy on your soul? | Oh, Death 
15. “Love the Way You Lie” – Skylar Grey 
Jane Eyre 
On the first page of our story | The future seemed so bright | Then this thing turned out so evil | I don't know why I'm still surprised | Even angels have their wicked schemes | And you take that to new extremes | But you'll always be my hero | Even though you've lost your mind 
16. “Crazy in Love (2014 Remix)” - Beyoncé 
Wide Sargasso Sea 
I look and stare so deep in your eyes| I touch on you more and more every time | When you leave I'm begging you not to go | Call your name two or three times in a row | Such a funny thing for me to try to explain | How I'm feeling and my pride is the one to blame | I still don't understand | Just how your love can do what no one else can 
17. “Little Red Riding Hood” – Sam the Sham and Pharaohs 
“Little Red Riding Hood” + variants 
Hey there Little Red Riding Hood | You sure are looking good | You're everything a big bad wolf could want | Listen to me | Little Red Riding Hood | I don't think little big girls should | Go walking in these spooky old woods alone 
18. “Howl” – Florence and the Machine
“The Company of Wolves” 
The fabric of your flesh, pure as a wedding dress | Until I wrap myself inside your arms I cannot rest | The saints can't help me now, the ropes have been unbound | I hunt for you with bloodied feet across the hallowed ground | And howl | Be careful of the curse that falls on young lovers | Starts so soft and sweet and turns them to hunters | A man who's pure of heart and says his prayers by night | May still become a wolf when the autumn moon is bright 
19. “Lullaby” – The Cure 
“Our Neighbor’s House” 
On candy stripe legs | The Spiderman comes | Softly through the shadow of the evening sun | Stealing past the windows of the blissfully dead | Looking for a victim shivering in bed 
2o. “Werewolf” – Cat Power 
“The Werewolf” 
I saw the werewolf, and the werewolf was crying | Cryin' “nobody knows, nobody knows, body knows | How I loved the man, as I teared off his clothes” | Cryin' “nobody, no, nobody knows my pain | When I see that it's risen, that full moon again” | For the werewolf, for the werewolf have sympathy | For the werewolf, somebody like you and me 
 21. “In the Woods Somewhere” – Hozier 
“Margot’s Room” 
When I awoke | The moon still hung | The night so black that the darkness hummed | I raised myself | My legs were weak | I prayed my mind be good to me | An awful noise | Filled the air | I heard a scream in the woods somewhere 
22. “Lullaby For Cain” – Sinead O’Connor 
“His Face All Red” 
Envy stole your brother’s life | Came home murdered | peace of mind | Left you nightmares on the pillow | Sleep now | Soul surrendering your soul | The heart in you not whole | For love, but love walked on | Cast into the dark | Branded with the mark | Of shame; of Cain 
 23. “Hedwig’s Theme” – John Williams 
 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
 24. “Two Men in Love” – The Irrepressibles 
The Shoebox Project 
There's a strange love inside | It's getting louder, louder, louder, louder, louder | There's a danger I can't hide | Who I am, it's who I am | It's who I am, it's who I am | I'm in love, I'm in love 
25. BONUS: “Science Fiction/Double Feature” 
King Kong/The Creature From the Black Lagoon 
Then something went wrong | For Fay Wray and King Kong | They got caught in a celluloid jam | Then at a deadly pace | It Came From Outer Space | And this is how the message ran... | Science fiction double feature | Doctor X will build a creature | See androids fighting Brad and Janet | Anne Francis stars in Forbidden Planet | Woah oh, oh oh oh | At the late night double feature picture show 
 26. “The Mob Song” – Richard White and Cast 
King Kong 
We're not safe until he's dead | He'll come stalking us at night | Set to sacrifice our children | To his monstrous appetite | He'll wreak havoc on our village if we let him wander free | So it's time to take some action, boys | It's time to follow me | Hear him roar | See him foam | But we're not coming home | Till he's dead | Good and dead | Kill the Beast! 
 27. “Jaws Theme” – John Williams 
The Creature From the Black Lagoon 
 28. What the Water Gave Me – Florence + The Machine 
The Shape of Water 
Time it took us | To where the water was | That's what the water gave me | And time goes quicker | Between the two of us | Oh, my love, don't forsake me | Take what the water gave me | Lay me down | Let the only sound | Be the overflow | Pockets full of stones | Lay me down | Let the only sound | Be the overflow 
29. “I’d Like to See The Bad Guys Win Sometime” – Margo Guryan 
“My Monster Boyfriend” 
I'd like to see the bad guy get the girl | The good guy's always such a bore | He's well-behaved and he's so sincere | But you don't even get what he gives a horse | I'd like to see the bad guys get away | They're always getting shot or hung | Wouldn't it be | Thrilling to see | A happy ending ending unhappily? | I'd like to tell the good guys `it's no sin' | To let the bad guys win | Sometime | I'd like to see the bad guys win
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Week 7 - 20-27/02/3304
It’s the beginning of a new week and after only 7 weeks i can now buy a new ship. Yes another one but i do need it with my only cargo ship been stuck in Colonia. I can’t call myself a Trucker is i don’t have a mother trucking cargo ship. So 170 mill later i now own an Anaconda, probably not my wisest move as after i supped it up it left me just enough money for 1 rebuy. 
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 For a couple of days i trucked along dropping of many many tonnes of cargo but sadly it wasn’t making me a profit fast enough and been interdicted most of the time by pirates after my haul was pretty scary. I had no weapons you see so if i failed that was me gone, luckily i didn't but i had had enough of this so with the money i had earned from cargo i headed back to outfitting a changed it. This time i went for passengers, i’m a fan of exploring myself to taking people to see new and interesting things seemed right up my alley.  One of my biggest missions was to take a rich client and her friends to go see a Watery Paradise. At 2000ly away is wasn't a small trip just over 100 jumps away the journey there didn't go to plan either. Upon entering a system my steering went down for no reason. Now picture this, say your driving along in what ever it is you ride be it a ship, a car ANYTHING it doesn't matter but you driving it as fast as it could possibly go. Then suddenly the steering goes and you have no control over anything. Sure you could push the breaks but in ships we don’t have breaks so picture they have broke as well. At scary speeds your going straight ahead with no means of stopping except the only thing in front of you, could be a truck, a wall or in my case a trucking SUN! Frantically i try to turn or stop hitting every button i could, closer and close the sun engulfed my vision its blinding burning fury been the only thing i could see. The passengers screaming through them coms at me, i hear some of them crying and i don’t blame them. We were about to die. Dragged out of super cruise and still slowly heading towards certain doom, pulled in by gravity and rapidly heating up i boot the control panel over and over. It worked it actually worked. Not staying to long in shock i dropped a heat sink to cool down the ship and zipped it around full power to the engines i headed away. I wasn’t going to escape that easily though flipping through the navigation panels i targets a system directly in front and after dropping another heat sink i jumped away.  In the next system i stopped the ship and took a breather before going to go check on the passengers. They were ecstatic some even laughing through the tears. I told them the problem and that i was running a repair sequence so it wouldn’t happen again. One of the passengers who had been sat quietly since i entered the room then burst out laughing and said and i quote ‘ Well that’s going to make one heck of a story when we get back home, better then some boring planet at least”. The rest of the tip went as smooth as butter and we made it to the destination and what a beautiful place it was.
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We stopped for the night and the girls had found the bar drinking Centauri Mega Gin like it was water, i think it’s safe to say that tomorrow they will all be hung over and sleeping throughout most of the trip. This of course is good news for me as it means i can then listen to the Hutton Orbital Radio Truckers weekly show with out to many distractions.   Now if you remember from before radio offers many fun things and i especially enjoyed this weeks as not only was i mentioned on the top trucker section i also correctly guessed the theme of the show and i will soon be the owner of a Hutton Radio Mug. My tea is going to stay so hot in this and its going to look great in my cup holder.
Top Trucker
I Won a Hutton Radio Mug
 After all this weeks happenings i decided to take it a little easier. Haha who am i kidding i jumped in my Space Urchin and supped that up for a bit of bounty hunting which is a fast way to make credits as long as you know what your doing and who you can take on. You wont see me taking on anything to big at least not by myself, that’s why the best place i have found to bounty hunt are High Res sites. Not only do they have a lot of wanted people trying to steal cargo off the poor miners out trying to make an honest wage, they also are teaming with Feds so if you pick the right targets they will come along and lend a helping hand while you of course reap the rewards.
I would say that is all i have for this week but after a long talk with CMDR Psymons and some other Hutton Truckers we decided and have been accepted to become custodians of the new Hutton system. Luyten 145 -141. Its a beautiful system with a stunning white dwarf star greeting you when you drop in. I’ll let you know another time what else this system has to offer but for now fly safe and i’ll update you in a weeks time.
CMDR Draxxor o7
-Promotion to Novice -Promotion to Competent -Reputation increase to Cordial with:
Hirarimpt Gold Fortune Network
Gang Yun State Solutions
Jet Major Organisation 
Alpha Centauri Freedom Party
Zhana Blue Universal Inc
Movement for Byggvi Resistance
-Reputation increase to Friendly with: 
Hirarimpt Gold Fortune Network
Gang Yun State Solutions
-Reputation increase to Unfriendly with: 
WISE 0855-0714 Gold Gang
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femkinkharry · 7 years
i was tagged by the beautiful @horsegirlharry to post 10 songs that i've been vibin', autumn edition! instead of just listing them, my extra ass made y'all a playlist AND a list AND colors! enjoy! o1. Gravity ~ Dresden Dolls you called this one, phoe! this song always makes me feel like i'm in high school again? and there's just something sexy about it. very black and lace and plum purple and maroon lipstick. fav lyric: "you think i can't fly? | well you just watch me" o2. Stromata ~ Charlotte Martin the song my september started with. heavy and pounding and longing and sorrowful. black and royal purple with flashes of lightning yellow. fav lyric: "i'm singing you in every breath i'm left to heave" o3. Waiting Game ~ Banks girl direction feels! this is sooo girl!harry it's actually hilarious. i never finish anything i write ever but i have ideas based on this song. 😩 eyeliner black, smoke grey, the red of blood. fav lyric: "i wish i was in love | but i don't want to cause any pain" o4. Sign Language ~ Dylan Gardner finally a song that's not dark lmao! this comes on the radio at work and it's a bop, lads! i've been learning asl, too, so this cute lil song reminds me to study. ☺️ lime green, neon purple, aquamarine. fav lyric: "we could use our hands and take our time" o5. Mornings ~ GUSSY god i love this song. the way it's put together, the lyrics, their voice, the music! the fact that they're an LGBT artist!!!! i'm obsessed. gauzy creams, slate blues, the pink of bitten lips. fav lyric: "I'll tell you and you tell me | all the things that we want to hear" o6. Friends ~ Ed Sheeran early fall is ed time lmao. every year since 2012! this gives me feelings about x factor h and l so. y'know. grass green, the orange and yellow of a flame. fav lyric: "friends should sleep in another bed | and friends shouldn't kiss me like you do" o7. San Cristobal ~ Mal Blum another wonderful LGBT artist! this song was on my summer vibe playlist so it's kind of cheating but i love this song so much! mal, you handsome devil, come further south and lemme show you how rad my small town can be. 😘sand yellow, blazing red, the brown of liquor. fav lyric: "you found religion in a dirty crystal ball | in the back of a dollar store in that shopping mall" o8. Cecelia and the Satellite ~ Andrew McMahon in the Wildnerness another song that comes on the radio at work. took me forever to find it! it's so calming and for some reason reminds me of louis? [hint: every single song reminds me of the boys lmao] i adore the message and the vibe and the colours and just literally everything about this song! very sky blue and royal blue and sea blue. fav lyric: "cafe crawl through amsterdam | been around the world with a punk rock band" o9. I Feel You ~ Placebo [cover of Depeche Mode] now y'all know i am so far up brian molko's ass that i couldn't leave placebo off of this list! i got to look into his beautiful blue eyes and tell him that he saved my life so this band is something i hold near and dear. of course i could have included literally any song that they've written but recently this song has been on my mind. i've felt disconnected from everything recently and this song brings me back to a time of connection and passion and power. smoky grey, shadow black, slashes of red, and the enigmatic brown of a lover's eyes. fav lyric: "this is the dawning of our love" 1o. Come Here Boy ~ Imogen Heap i recently reblogged these last two songs during horny music hour with lauren lmao. autumn is a sexy time! this is undeniably a sexy song! naturally it's included. ochre yellow, wine red, the white flash of a smirk. fav lyric: "i'm wanting and i'm needing | to show you the slut i am" a lot of pals have been tagged so i'm hoping to hit some that haven't! ❤️ i kind of hate tagging bc I have the worst memory and i never want anyone to feel left out so if i didn't tag you, do it anyway lol! anyway: @goldbootsandvans, @lovelylarrie, @lousongs, @fookoff, @jlf23tumble, @tightropeofhope, @bunnythevampirebot, @samewhiteshirt, @heathenharry, and @harryisabean!
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pandabearlikes · 7 years
My Husband, Kim JunMeow
Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Chapter o7. One and The Same
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With crystal orbs narrowed into slits, the cat of the night perches outside the jewelry store.  As soon as the security guard heads out, he’d slip in, grab the biggest diamond ring, and swallow it before they caught him.  It is the plan he’d brainstormed for weeks after the bullying incident.  He even secretly researched and discovered that as long as he drank enough water, the ring should come out in perfect form the very next day.  And yet, his little front paws shift and he misses the golden opportunity again.  His face slams the glass door and the guard shoos him away.
He tries for five more days until his confidence in this method takes a dive.  A happy couple walking out of the building details about how each jewelry piece has its own plated barcode and tracker that needs to be removed during purchase, or else police could track and arrest the thief.  Junmyeon definitely didn’t want me to get in trouble and to be honest, stealing isn’t something he wanted to do.  So instead, for the next two weeks, he scans the neighborhood for any couples in bicker and at the brink of break up.  
“I hate you!  IT’S OVER!” a female shouts at her now, ex, angrily rips the engagement ring from her fingers, and throws it to the ground.  
Immediately, the hast kitty leaps out, snatches the discarded ring, and runs off.  Skies start to drizzle with rain.  Zip-lining into the alley, he uncovers a box he had hidden some clothing for emergencies like these.  He dresses himself up.  When he reappears, he is not JunMeow, the brave and cuddly cat, but my lover, Kim Junmyeon.  His thumb brushes the shiny ring within his hands.  It’s not bought by his riches, but he hopes his angel would still love it.  
Back home, I groan as I try to cram a quarter worth of textbook information into my brain for another exam.  In all honestly, I hadn’t slept nor eaten for over 48 hours.  I felt like a piece of crap; every second that passed, I felt my spirits leaving my body.  Not to mention, both my cat and my lover have been missing in action for the last couple of days.  Especially, that cat…yes, I said he could go meet his lover but did he really have to abandon me with a cold bed, every single night?  Sighing, I stroke one of his plush toys.
“Thank you for protecting me, Suho,” my own voice haunts me.
Thank God, JunMeow didn’t throw a tantrum for my misidentification.  Instead, he had tilted his head up with tears brimming in his eyes.  It felt like de ja vu.  The words were spoken in my voice, but my brain couldn’t comprehend them.  It was as though, in that moment, someone else had taken possession of my body.  
The door bell rings, waking me up from my deep thoughts.  Shaking myself awake, I drag myself out of my room.  My expressions instantly perk up at the sight of the handsome Kim Junmyeon.  Grinning, I widen the door opening and invite him in.
“How come whenever you show up, you’re either wet or naked?” I casually ponder.  
Shaking his wet hair, Junmyeon turns to me and asks, “Which one would you rather?”
I gulp.  
“Hm?” he teases.
Chewing my lower lip, I murmur, “I don’t have a preference.”  He looks hot either way…
With a soft chuckle, Junmyeon brushes my hair and takes my hand into his. He tugs me over to the sofa while nervously hiding something behind his back.
“Hm?  Do you want to take a shower and dry off?” I suggest but the antsy Junmyeon shakes his head.  “Hm?”
Swallowing the lump in his throat, he musters up courage and reveals the hidden ring.  A gasp spills from my lips before my palm manages to cover my mouth.  Amethyst illuminates into my eyes; the gorgeous violet rays color Junmyeon’s palm.  Immediately, tears brim, an unexplainable bliss rushes into my blood.  
“Is…is that for me?” my voice shakes.
Taking my hand onto his lap, he slips the ring on.  
“I’m sorry I don’t have the money to let you choose from the ones at the jewe—“
I grab hold on his collar and yank him in, smashing my lips into his.  It didn’t make sense that he is apologizing for making today the best day of my life.  Tears rush down both Junmyeon’s cheeks as he drapes his arms around my body, his palm guides the nape of my neck, pressing me closer and closer with his passionate kiss.  All his withheld affections pour out.  This is nothing like the shy pecks and sweet kisses he’s given me before.  His touch is wet but blazing hot.  We pant for air, nose glides against nose.  He starts to slide my shirt off my shoulders.  I shudder against him as he lowers me onto the couch.  Droplets of rainwater stream down his body, dotting my partly worn blouse with Heaven’s gift.  With a soft smile, I lift my palm up and run my fingertips down Junmyeon’s jawline.  A gaze that reads fear and desire, anticipation but unconditional love, his brows sew together as he wordlessly ask for permission.  I nod.  His head lowers, his lips striking my neck and collarbone with much affection…and just as I thought, his tongue does wonders.  Automatically, my back arches and my arms caress his head to brings him closer to my chest.  
“Suho!” a little girl’s voice flashes in my brain.  It almost feels like a pulse flowing through my brain.  
Everything’s so heated and I don’t want to stop.  Our clothes are sloppily still half-clinging onto our bodies.  The rainwater and sweat glues fabric along our skin; each movement creates friction.  I throw my head back and the world starts to grow blurry.
“Meow~” a high pitched kitten purrs as his tiny paws pounce in the wet puddle.  Streaks of water colors the girl’s tea party dress as her giggles ring in my ears.
I heave for air as my lover cradles and brings me upright.  It feels as though an electric shock paralyzes my spine.  My head totters and I grab onto Junmyeon’s forearm for support.  Blinking, he lifts his head from my chest and scans my pale face.
“Wuh…what’s wrong?” he breathes.  Fear collects in his soul.  
“Don’t separate us!!”
I gasp for air as the distraught male hugs my head against his warm chest.  
“Don’t scare me…” he pleas, “Where does it hurt?”
An image of a small kitten hopping up and down in front up me flashes by.  The negatives of the lasting photograph fade away as iridescent light.  I could still smell the musky scent of the dumpster.  
“My Love…” Junmyeon’s body starts to tremble as he holds my feeble form, “Talk to me…”  He presses his lips on the side of my head.
Finally, my eyes reopen and I drift in and out of consciousness, unsure of what is reality and what is just a dream.  Perhaps, both were realities.  I peer up at my lover who’s also paled three shades due to worry.  
“Sorry…” I pull myself together and weakly say, “I’ve been studying too hard and haven’t slept or eaten…”
A heavy sigh of relief disperses from those lips, that are now a bit swollen from our makeup session.  I throw him a gentle smile.  “Sorry for ruining the moment…”
Shaking his head, Junmyeon holds me closer and hooks his chin on the top of my head.  He makes me feel like a little delicate baby and I feel so safe and loved.  Love is so strange sometimes.  You may have this ideal type or relationship goals but when it hits you, nothing matters.  Junmyeon may not be tall or dark or quite possibly live in a deserted forest because he burned all his money but his heart communicated with my heart, words that cannot be expressed out loud.  A tear rushes down the corners of my eye.
“I’ll cook something really quick for you to eat,” he whispers and kisses my earlobe.  I nod and let him go.  
With him gone, or at least a safe distance, I finally allow my fear to show.  The images from the past become clearer and clearer; they aren’t frightening but I’m shaking all over.  I grab hold of the arm of the sofa to try to calm the dizziness.  That’s the last time I put a stupid exam over my own health.  Bearing through the vertigo, I slowly lean my head against a sofa pillow.  In and out of consciousness…I see those familiar bluish gray eyes…my fingertips feel the softness of his fur.  Voices bombard me in a sensory overload.  My body flames with feverish temperature.
“I won’t marry Minseok Oppa anymore…”
“I’ll marry you…” my voice merges with the little girl’s voice as my eyes open wide.  
With the jingle of a bell still fresh in my mind, I rush over to the bedroom.  On my knees, I tear apart boxes and rummage through clutter like a mad woman.  Finally, I discover the black collar JunMeow wore around his neck on the day I took him home.  I had taken it off due to the small size.  My thumbs rub the dirt off the name tag as my eyes squint to read the engraved text.
“Kim…” I read out loud.
Using my nails, I scratch off the rust.  “S….u….”
My fingers grow numb.
“Suho,” I read out loud as overfilled tears sabotage my vision.  Everything finally made sense.  Memories, stolen from my childhood, finally return.  My JunMeow is my precious Suho.  My fragile body convulses as I burst into tears.  “He’s nearing the end of his life...”  The world starts to spin around me.
Alerted by the noise, Junmyeon walks in just in the nick of time to rush over and catch me before I collapsed.  The collar drops from my hand and falls to the floor.  As I completely lose consciousness, Junmyeon’s call and Suho’s meow merges together in my mind.  
Shaking me, my husband calls out my name over and over again.  Blood drains from his face.  His warm palm presses against by forehead and immediately bounces back with inferiority.  A malicious fever boils my body.  Cradling my frame against him, Junmyeon tilts his head up to the sky as if to recite a familiar bargain.  I grab his hand in my sleep.
“Su…ho….” I weep, “I’ll…protect you…”
“My Love…” Junmyeon tearfully calls out.  He picks me up and lays me down on the bed.  A wet towel is placed on top of my forehead.  I flinch; the coldness awakens me for a brief moment.
“It smells so good…” I murmur and gift him a weak smile, hoping it’d be enough to ease his tensed expression.  
“That’s the last time I let you procrastinate and cram information for exams,” he sniffs back tears and scolds. His thumbs stroke the back of my hand and I respond with a coarse chuckle.  “I’ll bring you a bit to eat,” he volunteers.
The delicious tomato omelette causes me to salivate.  Gently, Junmyeon lifts me up and starts to feed my deflated stomach.  He may not be the most experienced chef, but in that moment, the omelette was the best meal I’ve ever eaten.  
“Junmyeon-ah…” I call as he blows on the last bite so that I wouldn’t scald my tongue.  
“Is JunMeow home?” I softly ask.
The spoon is slowly placed back on the plate and he hesitates his response.  
“Is he with his lover again?” I conclude.
“Yes,” Junmyeon looks me in the eyes and responds with seriousness in his tone.  
“Ah, I see…” I sadly respond.  “Wake me up when he comes home…” I request.  Tears start to brim again and the tip of my nose tinges in pink.  Junmyeon drapes his arms around me and nods.  I flow in and out of consciousness again; a part of me foolishly doesn’t want to fall asleep because I want to be there to welcome my JunMeow - my Suho home as soon as he returned.  
Slowly, my lover starts to sway me back and forth.  “You used to rock me to sleep like this each night…” Junmyeon chokes.
“Do you think he’s mad at me for abandoning him?” I semi-consciously question.  “He must be…I promised we’d protect each other…”  It didn’t occur to me how strange my murmurs would sound to my uninformed husband.
“No…” Junmyeon tears up and squeezes me.  Lips quiver.  “Of course not…How could he?  He loves you so much more than you’ll ever know…”
My tired eyes reopen to admire the ocean-filled ones of Kim Junmyeon.  
“…That’s why he came back to find you even after all these years.  He wants to stay by your side and protect you for the remainder of his life,” Junmyeon confesses the deepest feelings he suppressed within his heart - those he never thought he’d be able to say out loud.  Salted liquid spills from his orbs to my oscillating ones.  
“I’ll make him the happiest in the world…” I tearfully promise.
“He already is…” Junmyeon replies as he seals me with a kiss.  The familiar plitter platter of my window flows into my ears as a soft lullaby.  As I finally surrender to my dreams, I see a blurry image of my lover’s silhouette shrinking into an outline of a fluffy white feline.  
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A/N: (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩___-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩) Let it rain under my eyes…
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On side note, did ya’ll skip chapter 5 or something?  
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