argentinianb-127 · 6 months
watched the fnaf movie again n it was so good
shout out to jim henson's creature shop i loved the animatronics
also tw fnaf movie spoilers !!!
okay but the part in where mike starts punching a guy bc he thought he was gonna kidnap a kid but turns out he was the dad ????? damn. also he got judged bc of that
honestly i understand that i hit someone last year at school. i got judged by that 2. so like
me 🤝 fnaf movie mike
ANYWAY going on with tje movie
DUDEEEEE i loved matthew lillard in here he made such a good job as william afton :3 look i did NOT expect lillard as william afton i was expecting idk willem dafoe ???? but overall i liked william afton in the movie
also abby was just like me fr as a kid. while watching the movie i was like "maybe i was like that as a kid". not a fun experience
vanessa's role in here was like "hey im gonna say something important n then act like nothing happened until the epic part everyone wants to see (springbonnie/trap in action + the animatronicz)" but overall i liked her
now to the fun part. THE ANIMATRONICZ !!!!!!! they were so so so cool i loved how they look they were so pretty :3:3:3:3 i always thought bonnie was purple but NO turns out he was blue (da ba dee da ba da/j) (please tell me you get the joke)
also incoming rant over the fnaf movie animatronicz n why they arent "violent" or "war machines" like everyone wanted them to be
theyre POSSESED by CHILDREN. INFANTS. sure,, they wouldve killed people but it was mostly manipulation,, probably by William Afton.
the kids' lives were taken away at a REALLY young age and now their souls AND bodies are inside the animatronicz. also now theyre uncapable of growing up mentally AND physically. meaning that they cant change their childish points of view and the representation of them (the kids mike sees in his dreams) is still the same to this day
so this leads to the infamous fort scene. why does this scene exists ?? probably to tell the audience that these animatronicz arent really violent,, theyre friendly as they were supposed to be
or to manipulate abby to think the animatronicz were her friends until l8r in the movie where chica almost puts abby in the Ella springlock suit
it's all a mess between this one scene in which the animatronicz act like kidz bc one part of the audience didnt like this,, another part of the audience did,, etc
also balloon boy jumpscares were so funny tbh,, i didnt expect balloon boy to appear at least in a figurine version
matpat n coryxkenshin'z cameos ????? art (+ dawko'z mini cameo in one of the scenes. the one in which they get in the pizzeria to break everything and in one of the scenes they break a "employee of the month" thingie you can see dawko !!! :3)
anyway yeah the fnaf movie was good plz watch it
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marstourguide · 1 year
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tatakaeeren · 10 months
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Kenpachi Zaraki vs Gremmy
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basketobread · 5 months
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( haima belongs to @percexe )
I AM OBSESSED WITH THEM!!!! IM CRAZY!!!! ignore how bloody they both are they just got done with battle and this is just their celebratory kiss
(you dont escape the underdark without being able to carry things x3 your height and body weight)
referencing this image
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professional-sinner · 3 months
My sharing a bed trope Father Paul fic is live! You can find it on ao3
Father Paul x fem reader
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You ever think about Jon and and what it means to be human?
You ever think about how small he sounded when he asked Elias if he's still human. How much terror there was in his voice when he realised he recorded a statement that was written in a language he didn't speak. How he tried to deny it when he first Knew something.
You ever think about him being not quite human enough to die, but still too human to survive.
You ever think about how much he didn't want to stop taking statements, how good it felt when he did. How he knew it was wrong but how he desperately still wanted it.
You ever think about how frustrated he became that he's still feeling things, that he hasn't become a monster like all the other avatars, who enjoy feeding fear to their patrons, who revel in it and he's still a monster that cares.
You ever think about that time Jon went to Helen to ask when he would become that way, when he'd finally loose the last scraps of the humanity that he has left and she told him anytime. Anytime you want to, Jon.
You ever think about the way Jon laughed when the eye opened. How he sounded so triumphant and defeated at once. How he told Martin that he wished it felt horrible that he Saw and Felt everything.
You ever think about him sleeping with his eyes open. How he felt faint and less focused when outside the Eye's vision, how he forgot everything that happened at Salesa's safe house.
You ever think about how he held so much power. The power to See and Know basically everything and he purposefully held back about Looking at Martin, Basira, Helen, because that's just the decent thing to do.
You ever think about how much it hurt him to be the catalyst for the apocalypse, how much guilt he felt over that to the point that the thought of another having to go through the same thing was unbereable to him. He was prepared to let everyone die, to stand as king over a barren world, to go behind his love's, his anchor's back because he couldn't let there be even a tiny chance that somebody would have to suffer like he did.
You ever think about how on every step of the way they tried to rip his humanity away. To make him the monster he believed himself to be. How his humanity caused him nothing but grief and hurt but also love. How he clung to it, how he kept his humanity deep within himself and never gave it up. How it would have been so easy to do so. And so hard at the same time. How despite everything, Jon remained so human throughout it all?
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robloxmythoids · 7 months
hiiii :) could you pretty please do a (PLATONIC!!!!!!!) PartyGuest & kid reader where the reader's panicking because they're lost and Pest calms them down? kind of a hurt/comfot thingy I guess
(a drabble would be preferred but if headcanons are easier then you can do that instead!!)
poob & pest helping a kid reader !!!!
kid reader lost at the subway :-(
HIII IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG stuff got in the way :-( its extra long just for u tho as an apology !!! idk if you're into partybeetle (poob/pest) i kept their relationship vague so anyone can interpret it in any way . reader also really likes bugs 🙏🙏🙏hope u enjoy anony !!!!
Tears well up in your eyes as you aimlessly wander around what feels like the maze of your busy city. Your parents had deemed you old enough to start going home on your own instead of bothering to come pick you up, leaving you all alone in the middle of a city. Clearly, you didn't practice your route home enough, because you were anxiously trying to get home.
The city was big. Like, really really big. Big enough for a tiny child like you to hopelessly walk around, desperate to find any sort of familiar store or house. The soon to be setting sun makes your growing nerves flare, your eyes sting from the sight. You miss the warm wooden floors, the big soft carpet in the middle of the living room that your mom told you to stop laying on even though it was really comfy.
Shoving back tears, you stare down at the concrete, aimlessly walking around and traversing It feels like you've been walking for forever, and even though it's only been 30 minutes, it's too much for your little legs to handle. You pick up the pace, trying to walk faster and find your house and escape this horror.
Soon, you start running, dashing along the streets as your sort-of-too-big-bag hits against your back. Where's my house!? You think to yourself, tears blurring your vision. You're only a kid, you don't wanna end up on the streets!!! What if your parents never find you!? What if you end up as a kid on the back of a milk carton!?!? What if—
With blurred vision, you flinch as you bump into someone, jumping back. As a child, it's nothing to have to crane your head to look up at people, but this person is tall. Taller than you've really had to deal with. Sniffling, your eyes dart around, examine your surroundings.
A subway, you think, based on how dim it is now. You remember your parents taking you here when the car was broken that one time. How did you get here? You look back to person you bumped into.
They were tall, bright yellow skin and big blue eyes staring back down at you. A party hat sits lopsided on their head and one of those party horn things, the ones that you like hearing at birthday parties. "Huh?" They ask, peering down at you. Their fluffy hair bounces with their movements, looking blurry in your tear filled vision.
You open your mouth to apologize for bumping into them, but all that comes out is a choked sob. A few of the tears you were struggling to hold back cascade down your face, one, three, four, five, until hot and wet globs of salty liquid pour down your cheeks. It's too much. This is too much. You wanna go home, not talk to some random robloxian, as cool as their party hat was!!!
"Ah– Hey, don't cry!!" They quickly try to comfort. You flinch a little as they pick you up, holding you with somewhat ease and pulling you up to be eye to eye. They stare at you, a concerned frown on your face. "Whaddya doing here? Are you lost?!" They ask frantically, clearly not very good at comfort.
Still, it's good enough. Shakily, you nod, your throat feeling too closed up to let out anything that won't be embarrassing. The party themed robloxian blinks at you worriedly, not quite sure how to address the situation. They try to help anyways, thinking.
"Where r u coming back from??" They ask, tilting their head at you. You mutter out the broken answer of "*School,*" and they pout just as much as you at the mention of that wretched place. "Blegh." They mumble playfully, sticking out their tongue in mock disgust. "I hate that place."
Both you and the robloxian picking you up jump at the sudden voice of someone speaking, a voice a bit deeper than the one in front of you. You turn, blinking before shrinking back in surprise at the sight of him. Another robloxian, muttering something in another language.
He looks pretty standard for a robloxian, normal cap, porcelain white skin, a sweater with stylized red text that look like the Roblox logo on it in, just in a different language. What really gets you, though, are his manibles, chittering as they huff. Their eyes are a piercing red, a shade casted over their gaze from their cap. Normally, you would've been terrified, but they look like a beetle!! You love beetles!!!
"Pest!" The other person says excitedly, smiling happily at the beetle-like person. The name certaintly adds up. "Do u have ur phone on u? I forgot mine at home, and this guy needs to call their parents..." They ask, and he tilts their gaze towards you.
Pest just sort of blinks at you, clearly not having expected his (who you think is) friend to be holding a child in their hands. Still, he sighs, obliging. "Yes, I do, Poob." They murmur, fishing through their pockets and pulling out a phone. You squint. It's an android.
"Thank u!!" The party robloxian, Poob apparently, smiles. They set you down and Pest tugs you along to a bench, sitting you down inbetween him and them. You awkwardly sit there, stealing little glances at the beetle next to you. They have beetle horns. It's so cool.
Poob hands you the phone and you awkwardly fumble around with the keypad, trying to think. ...You sorta don't remember what your mom's phone number was. But that's okay!!! You can figure it out. You read a book that said your gut will tell you which one is right. Somewhat nervously, you try and find the right one. Settling on what you pray is the correct one, you hand it back to Poob, letting them dial it and wait to see if it picks up.
As Poob works on calling your parents, you turn to look at Pest sitting next to you. You stare in awe and excitement at him. Mandibles. Beetle horns. How cool is that!? You wish you had horns!!! Curiously, you reach out to him, poking their mandible lightly.
As soon as you poke at Pest, he jumps away from the touch, flinching back. He yelps something in that same language as before. He narrows his eyes on you and you giggle, wanting to feel the sharp edges of them more. "DO NOT." He hisses at you, clearly not sharing the sentiment as they lean away from you.
Giggling, you lean closer, all previous fears of ending up as a missing child poster forgotten as you poke at him again. Another yelp comes out of him and Poob chuckles behind you, watching as you torment poor Pest.
Eventually, Pest gives up to his fate. He mutters under their breath about being unable to hurt a child as you giggle and poke at them with excitement, feeling his horns and looking at his extra arms. Poob stifles their giggles as they speak on the phone to your parents, informing them of your location. You can hear Pest let out soft grumbles as you giggle joyfully.
Soon enough, the familiar sound of your mom calling for your name catches your attention. Poob and Pest look up, watching as your mom tugs you up out of your seat. "Bye bye!!" Poob does a mock salute, picking you up again and holding you up to eye level. They blow their party horn at you, and in response you blow a raspberry back, soft giggles escaping the both of you.
As Poob sets you down, you immediately rush to hug Pest, and he freezes in place. Still, he hugs you bag, giving you a gentle squeeze that makes you beam. It's brief, but comforting nonetheless. Your mom thanks them for the help and you walk away, beaming with the knowledge that you have two new friends. Maybe you should visit the subway more often!!
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missingn000 · 5 months
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longdaytogo · 1 year
Hi! Could you explain Tom and Abraxas relationship? I'm so interested in knowing since you said he choose Draco bc he looks like A. Thanks!!!
oh you have no idea how excited I am to answer this!! 😭 fair warning this is all my headcannon so take it with a grain of salt.
let's start off with a young tom riddle. we know his back story blah blah but upon arriving at hogwarts he was definitely confused right? perhaps even bullied at first for being a suspected muggleborn except he wouldn't know the difference since it's his first introduction to the wizarding world. this is where abraxas comes in.
abraxas malfoy–pureblood, popular, rich, and subtly haughty sees a potential servant (?) /friend in tom riddle. the boy is pretty to look at and if taught the right things, could be a useful asset and minion. he befriends tom and introduces him to wizarding society, teaching him the hierarchical rules, traditions, and the prestige being a pureblood brings. he tells him the inferiority of muggles and muggleborns and how they are destroying wizarding culture and are a stain to society. tom, who already has a bad experience with muggles, agrees with all this and soaks it all in immediately.
quickly adapting to all he has learned from his mentor, their relationship changes at some point with tom taking the lead and abraxas becoming the follower instead. tom's skills in manipulation shines through and suddenly, he has an entire posse following behind him, preaching what abraxas taught him. abraxas, ever the naive, sheltered pureblood, doesn't realize the tides have changed until it's too late but doesn't mind it as he's now willing to follow behind the boy he once thought worthy of being his lackey. his admirations to young tom riddle borderline on near feverish idolization to the point where he is willing to risk it all for just one word of approval from tom, similar to other death eaters.
tom's incapability to love prevents him from being able to see anyone as an equal, them merely being pawns for him to use and beneath his standing. however, this is different when it comes to abraxas. he thinks of abraxas as a coddled naive fool who was undeservingly served a golden spoon from birth but is somewhat grateful to him for being his first ally at school and a guide to the wizarding world. in a sense, perhaps out of pity or personal amusement, he sees abraxas as his first partner? friend? not on equal standing of course but perhaps as the closest acquaintance he is capable of making in all his lifetime.
later on in their years at hogwarts, abraxas's need to solidify his position as tom's closest companion, confidant, and perhaps his own growing obsession, pushes him to evolve their platonic relationship into one of the sexual kind. this lasts for as long as it does until abraxas is ordered by his family to get married and have an heir. tom encourages this as an heir means more followers for his cause, resulting in abraxas's hasty marriage and the consequent birth of lucius malfoy. throughout it all, a now grown abraxas continues to expend all his efforts to aid tom's mission to the best of his capabilities before his abrupt death by a case of dragon pox before reaching the age of 30. tom is reasonably upset by this for a while but doesn't mull over it for too long as he believes himself to be the kind that never cared.
as lucius malfoy grows and becomes servant to the dark lord, tom sees subtle similarities between the young man and his once closest friend but it's nothing shocking or worth acting upon as their differences are far greater than their similarities. where lucius is an odious character with cruel tendencies, a slimy character and is obnoxiously vain, abraxas was naive yet charming with a boastful appearance accompanied by his noble arrogance that was pleasing at times. abraxas was capable of cruelty to please while lucius did the same out of fear instead. this didn't interest tom in the slightest and he turned a blind eye to the first generation after abraxas.
after the situation with baby harry and his own revival, tom, now voldemort, spends his days in the malfoy residence where he happens upon draco. he is mildly shocked by the surprising resemblance draco has of abraxas and as a skilled legilimens, he goes through teenage draco's mind and sees the romantic obsession the young malfoy has for harry potter. this reminds him once again of abraxas's own feelings towards himself and this is where his interest starts. suddenly he finds himself glancing for prolonged times at draco, soaking up the remnants of abraxas he is able to find and comes to the realization he has missed his deceased friend more than he has let on. he will never again have a companion so loyal, so pretty, so willing to die for him and what better way to honour that sort of bond than putting a piece of himself inside abraxas's living descendant. this is further fueled by the images he sees of harry's own memories through their connection and the oblivious but budding feelings harry holds for draco. he makes up his mind then to turn draco into his final and most prized horcrux, one he knows to be made in honour of his most cherished pet and the one piece of himself harry would never be able to kill.
or as I like to call it: draco is now a horcrux I guess 🤷‍♀️
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stealingpotatoes · 9 months
How do u think the first meeting between Luke and Ahsoka went
Im sad we didn’t get to see that interaction
so I haven't watched TBOBF bc everyone told me it was dogwater but like??? for real????? they dont?? explain how ahsoka and luke meet???!?!???????? thats INSANE TO ME
anyway ah. i have to fix this fuckup in the universe and I don't have any fully formed ideas rn but I'm in academy luke brainrot (kofi members know this too well bc they have early access to several academy luke comics loll) so yeah. i WILL do something along the concept of them I simply have to wtf
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dumbsterchild · 5 months
Merry Christmas!
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here's them in their outfits :D can you guess what they are?
i know Optimatus's shoes look terrible but i can't draw shoes :l
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thanks to my sister who helped me finish the comic :)
full image if anyone's interested!
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iknaenmal · 7 months
Would you stop andrew hussie from ever creating homestuck if given the chance?
nope!! i know homestuck has its problems and some parts of it have aged like milk but i still think its a great webcomic with a big narrative value .. plus it has fundamentally changed me as a person and many of the friends i have now both online and irl i met thanks to it!! so while it might have some issues i still wouldnt have stopped hussie from ever creating it
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smallest-moon · 11 months
here it is the master post for all my soul eater!au ideas (here are posts 1 and 2 + vashwood as souls), where I'll be periodically rebloging it whenever i think of something new! feel free to dm if you wanna talk about it and give me more ideas :) or point out any dumb contradictions but anyways lets go:
vash is the meister and wolfwood is the death scythe
wolfwood's original partner was livio but due to events livio is now presumed dead/missing, leaving wolfwood without a partner for a long time
livio is however very much alive and eventually he'll return with his new weapon who is razlo (how does it work? basically imagine razlo as ragnarok)
wolfwood scythe form is his giant machine gun (still thinking if he should be like tsubaki is able to change forms so that when he finally accepts vash as his partner he changes into vash's gun instead of always being a machine gun..... and can later transform into that wicked weapon vash's angel arm changes into)
vash himself is death (i suppose.. though nobody knows... yet) and he still brings chaos wherever he goes. he has been without a partner for a very very long time
due to walking around without a scythe, he has a lot of scars thanks to the fights he cannot avoid and his immense desire to save everyone
meryl and milly are naturally around and they are meister and weapon
they are currently looking for a chaotic meister that leaves a trail of destruction behind
when vash and wolfwood first start working together as partners, wolfwood makes his scythe self heavier just to see vash struggle as much as possible whenever they arent in combat because really what the fuck is up with this dude hating to kill?? you ARE literally death incarnate grow up
completelyyy unrelated to that is that people hear and tell many different versions of the same story: of a great battle many many many years ago that brought great destruction. despite names changing many times most seem to agree that one of the beings was called knives millions and that his heart only knew destruction. the ending differs for a lot of people, most agree there were no survivors but some believe there was only one because how else would the story exist ("ain't nobody surviving that, its just a story" an old man shook his head "but if someone did survive, they are either death or the devil itself")
so thus far no one has found out that vash is that "one" survivor nor have they found out that knives didnt actually die but instead he is trapped as vash refused to kill him then
but how long will he stay trapped? how long until he breaks free again?
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peppermintpegis · 6 months
netflix one piece live action feels a little like fanfic in that it makes sure it hits all the important notes but doesnt do all the work to make them hit which works in fic where the reader is supposed to bring all the emotional story investment from the original but doesnt work in a multi million adaptation that is supposed to be able to stand on its own or even serve as an intro to the series. it even does this in service to have more koby and helmeppo gay moments in this essay i w
#one piece#opla#the fleshing out of koby and helmeppo is like honestly good its a beacon of light its truly really fun#and all the actors are great it is just what they are given .#they didnt let nami do any real betraying. they didnt even have her steal the merry!! she just stole the map that they added in!!!!#ddont get me started on the gutting of sanjis intro. i dont give a shit about if don krieg appears or not i need to see this guy fuckin#feed the hand thats about to kill him im going to start shaking like a dog.#im almost madder krieg appeared for just a little id rather have that time be used for. anything else really.#like have one of arlongs guys starved half to death when they get to arlong park!or idk anything! no gin appears look its gin! you know him#sanji doesnt even get to beat the shit out of a shitty guest. like i guess he does a little but it feels so blink and you miss it#+the first like two eps were good!! buggys great hes scary and weird and fun. i dont mind that he sticks around longer in theory#but the way he is comedic relief instead of basically every character having funny bits is like. ahghhhgggg. its a symptom of this really#mean and edgy feeling the whole thing has. like the removal of people missing usopps pirate calling :( and how cocoyashi didnt know#nami was working to help them. like p. please. can we have caring and bonds in this world?? trust and love???#anyway. sorry for having expectations of a netflix show im so close to putting this into a more proper form rather than tags. just to get i#all out of my system cause fuck man.#anyway solid 7/10 not as bad as it couldve been
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purpleghoul87 · 6 months
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well then... since y'guys wanted it... >:D
basically before HW2 ruins it I had this idea that since Helpi is currently uuuuuh malfunctioning as of RUIN... that the devs are like oh shit we need a new helper. So they base one on some old employee files and other records they find.
so ofc its michael. (but it doesnt know its based off michael shhh)
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sorry abt the old art from august </3
is he evil? is he actually going to be helpful??? :3c eeeheheh
LOOK. Sister location is HIS game. If there is no michael then WHAT IS THE POINT.
(Pizza sim as well but i made these before we got the updated information OKAYYYY)
bonus bit
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PS. designs are likely to change(ESP MICHAEL!!), but this is pretty much what i felt like i should share before HW2 comes out tomorrow LOL.
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bright-and-burning · 8 months
No bc I love women and football tell me all the gossip with mccabe and foord and the ex (who is she) ☕️
alright this is going to be long im sorry but get me started on woso and i just blabber. uhh most of my sources cited but this is mostly me going back thru texts from during the world cup and grabbing facts/pictures from then so a few of these claims are a little
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BUT i promise i didnt make this up LOL i was Deep in google for the entirety of the world cup so i Know i got my info from somewhere
everything else under the cut bc this got SO long im actually so sorry
there's three primary people involved here:
katie mccabe: left back (but honestly left everything wonder woman). captains the irish national team. plays for WSL's arsenal, has been since 2015 (minus a lil bit loaned to glasgow in 2017). those are the two important facts here really but the below is ~flavor~.
also for context this world cup was ireland's wnt's first ever major tournament appearance. she's the first ever irish goal-scorer (of men and women!). she's amazing. here's her for arsenal:
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ruesha littlejohn: striker/midfielder. scottish-irish, but represents ireland at the senior level. 33 years old. has played for a lot of teams club-wise. currently plays for london city lionesses, a second tier team, but that wasnt announced til after the world cup. her most recent wsl team was aston villa (but i mean it, she's played like everywhere lol). 5'6 if you're curious.
here's her in ireland's kit:
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caitlin foord: forward! plays for australia internationally, and arsenal (so teammates with katie. this is important.) she's played for arsenal since 2020! used to play for the thorns in the nwsl once upon a time. 5'7, if, again, you're curious. she used to date a swiss footballer (lia walti, who's played for arsenal since 2018) but they broke up like six months before the world cup. walti unfollows the australian team on instragram right after they post a video of foord, it's all very dramatic (THEYRE STILL TEAMMATES AT ARSENAL THIS WHOLE TIME BTW). arsenal man, always at the scene of the crime.
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ok so now you've met our main players!!
world cup happened this past summer (2023), btw. to give you an idea of timing.
katie mccabe and ruesha littlejohn dated for 6-7 years (some articles say 6, some say 7). they came out in june 2019 and said they'd been dating for three years already. their breakup was confirmed right before the world cup (like THE SAME WEEK??), in an article where mccabe was like "yeah, ruesha, my partner at the time..." very casual.
and then. in JUNE. (world cup starts july 20th!!)
foord and mccabe go to ibiza w an ex-arsenal player (jordan nobbs). who (in june 2023, not anymore) played at aston villa with. you guessed it. littlejohn. so yeah your ex gf goes on a trip to ibiza w a new girl and your current teammate, you might be a lil pissed off. maybe.
the sun's (i know, BOOOO but this made me laugh so hard) caption on a pic from the trip had me cackling:
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(the title of the article was "inside the glam lifestyle of pals caitlin foord and katie mccabe after ireland’s star’s ex snubs world cup handshake." borderline galpals commentary like have writers there never heard of regular synonyms for friends?? there was also a line that just screamed please don't sue us: "However, The Sun does not suggest the Aussie forward had anything to do with McCabe and Littlejohn's break-up.")
so now we've got two exes on the irish national team going into their first world cup appearance, the captain of the swiss national team and an australian player having broken up like six months ago, and much more, but that isn't directly related to This Specifically.
while you, anon, presumably know how the world cup works, ill give a mini explainer for anyone lost: there's the group stage, where the teams get divided into groups (in this case, of four), and your team plays every other team in the group. you get three points for winning a game, one for a draw, and none for a loss. those points add up and top two teams move on. and then you go into the knockout stage, where you have to win to advance, and if you keep winning you make it to the final yay!!
but for this we only care about the group stage. and more specifically, about group B.
group B is made up of nigeria, canada, australia, and (drumroll please) ireland!!! it is the stuff reality tv shows WISH they could make happen.
ireland and australia play. it is (almost*) the very first game of the tournament (but it's still on july 20th). it is at 5am my time. you would not believe the timezone fuckery i went through that month.
(*ok new zealand played norway starting a bit earlier on the same day but that's not as dramatic sounding)
and you know how they shake hands with the other team before a game? yeah well here's littlejohn apparently refusing to shake foord's hand:
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here's a lovely photo of a Look from littlejohn to mccabe:
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here's a diff irish player (sullivan) separating littlejohn and foord after the game (australia wins 1-0, btw.):
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and i already shared this on @powerful-owl's post BUT. here's mccabe's little sister, supporting mccabe. please note the date (july 20th) and the comment from foord (from after the game, im like 99.99% sure) asking if she wants her jersey now. me personally if i just beat my totally platonic friend/teammate on the world's stage i wouldnt be pulling up in their sister's comments asking if she wants a jersey now (also implication of the word now as in previously discussed, etc etc. this was the thing that pushed me over the edge into insanity at like 9am after no sleep)
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i admittedly have not kept up to date on anything that's gone down since the world cup so it's entirely possible more has happened! in fact i would say that it is downright likely lol. i love soccer lesbians n the insane charts necessary to keep track of their relationships <3
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