mamamittens · 1 year
Oh, Sweet Child of Mine (Pt. 12)
Platonic Yandere Whitebeard Crew (and others) & Reader-Insert
Warnings: Yandere behavior, excessive use of force/fire, light injuries, and character death. At this point, need I remind ya'll to not tolerate possessive/toxic behavior in real life? Or murder/violence for that matter. If yandere content makes you uncomfortable, please do block the tag 'oh sweet child of mine' as well as any variation of 'one piece yandere' that you feel is necessary.
Ya'll about to lose your damn minds and I'm not sorry.
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(also, this gif is baller)
Word Count: 2,439
Ace leaned back a little as Striker sped off across the water. Ocean spray erupting in his wake as he veered towards the shoreline. Marco was checking the other nearby island while he checked this one. Discreetly.
Well… as discreetly as he could manage.
After several months of riding Teach’s ass, he knew they were close. Several times they went into a port only to find out that Teach had left only days before. Whatever crew he managed to get on such short notice was competent, Ace would admit that much. But everything he heard only made his fire burn hotter in his chest. He’d been practically spitting sparks for weeks now.
Particularly what he’d heard from Luffy.
‘They look cool. Though really tired!’
Thatch had woken up a couple of months back, though he was still strictly on bedrest. He was able to provide a better picture of what happened. As they had all suspected, you didn’t have anything to do with it. As far as Thatch could remember while bleeding out, Teach had kidnapped you with a sack. Not exactly ‘accomplice’ behavior. Thatch had also been devastated to learn that you’d been taken when he was right there.
Ace promised to bring you back home. At this point, the only reason for Teach to return was so Oyaji could personally punt him into the sea.
Ace ran Striker onto the shore and leapt out, boots digging into the sand as he jogged up the slight incline. Shards of glass breaking under his heel as he took a moment to control his temper.
He just wanted to go home already. He wanted all of this to be over with. To go back to teasing you for dodging parties and Thatch’s attempts to befriend you. Hell, he’d even take your awkward, concerned smiles for when someone tried really hard to talk to you about joining. Like they were confessing their plans to marry a sea king—actually, you’d probably be offended they thought they were worthy of Mao.
Ace sucked in a deep breath and steadied himself. Stalking through the shadows towards the center of the town. Ears primed for gossip.
“—they think I’d pay for that! Ugh!”
“—get ahold of your sister after last week? What she say?”
“—Did you see those pirates? Dragging around a slave, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised—” Ace jerked towards the voice with narrowed eyes. An older lady gossiped with someone just a little bit younger, the two engrossed with their conversation. “—That Blackbeard fellow has no shame! All those rings! And his crew were just obnoxious! I feel so bad for that slave. I wonder if calling the marines would help or if they’d just be sold again?”
“I thought slaves just had the collar and brand. I didn’t even see a brand anywhere… do you think it’s a ransom?”
“Well, you’d think he wouldn’t be carting them around if that was the case! Poor dear looked exhausted!”
Ace grit his teeth, hissing as steam curled between his lips. After a moment, he put on his best, charming smile and stepped out.
“Excuse me, ma’am? I couldn’t help but overhear you… are they still here? My friend was taken by pirates and I’ve been trying to find them for months! Thick glasses, blue bandana around their wrist?” Ace asked with wide, sad eyes. The older ladies tittered at him as expected.
“Oh! Yes, actually, though it looked like they’re using it as a bandage now. That brute doesn’t look very gentle to me, you know. Last I heard they were readying for departure on the other side of town.” She replied. Ace bowed low.
“Thank you, very much, ma’am! Ah.” Ace looked up with a wry smile. “I suggest you ladies get a bit of distance. I’m afraid I’m going to make a bit of a mess soon.”
The ladies nodded and hurried off, warning others as they went.
Ace kept his smile for a few moments longer before settling his gaze in the direction they indicated.
Ace huffed, running up a wall and grabbing onto a rooftile. Hoisting himself up to run atop the buildings for a better vantage point. The colorful clay roofing blurring as he rushed.
He leapt on top of a house, crouched down low as he sneered.
Teach stood with his crew around him, organizing barrels. You swaying on your feet a little beside him. A dull, iron bracelet connected to a chain that ran all the way to Teach’s own wrist.
Luffy was right.
You looked fucking exhausted.
Ace cupped his hand, fire pooling between his fingers as he threw it down at Teach’s feet where it exploded. More light and noise than damage.
He didn’t want to hurt you.
It would be tricky to immolate Teach with you next to him, but Ace was clever. He’d figure something out. At the very least he could keep fighting until Marco arrives.
You yelped, startled by the sudden explosion just feet from you. Teach instantly backing up with his hand gripping your arm. His face turned up towards a roof.
You followed his gaze in shock as the figure stood up. Ace screaming furiously across the distance.
“TEACH YOU BASTARD!” Rather than be intimidated in the least, Teach laughed.
“Commander! Should have known it would be you.” Teach grinned, pulling you forward a bit. “Here for something? Why not join my crew? I’m going to be a warlord soon, you know. After I turn in Straw Hat, they’ll gladly give me the position.”
You couldn’t quite see Ace well, but he seemed more furious at the suggestion than before. His fruit flaring enough that even with your exhaustion you noticed. He’d clearly been burning so hot for a while now—your obliviousness to him was just further evidence for how weak you’d gotten over the past few months.
Teach had been getting a tad… desperate to outrun his pursuers until he could manage to get the warlord title. And it seems as though his luck had run out.
“I. Would. Never.” Ace spat, launching off the room in a hail of fire and landing several feet away. “Luffy is my little brother, Teach. You’re not hurting anymore of my family.”
Teach made a surprised sound and you couldn’t blame him. They didn’t quite resemble each other, nor did they share a last name. And seeing Ace now, face etched with fury, he looked about as far from the goofy, beaming Luffy as possible.
Teach clicked his tongue.
“What a shame. You’re pretty strong, commander. We could have done great together.” Teach bemoaned playfully, like they were still crewmates having a small argument over pie flavors.
“I’m not your commander, Teach. Not after what you’ve done.” Ace’s body lit up like a bonfire, flaring high into the sky and making you look away or risk blinding yourself.
The shadows beneath your feet writhed as the light flickered over them, powered by your fruit as a cold spot developed around you. Around Teach.
“Go. None of you are strong enough to fight him—” Teach warned before one of them shot a gun at Ace. The bullets flying through harmlessly, leaving only temporary holes in the blazing fire that constituted his body. Ace’s eyes were fixed on you like dying stars. “Now!”
The crew ran as a flashover spilled out across the area, scorching the earth and singing your lungs.
You wished you had the opportunity to run yourself. Never, have you ever, wanted to fight Ace. For a lot of reasons.
Mostly a lack of desire to know what being a burned marshmallow felt like.
Teach’s free fist was coated in smoke and shadows, curling around his fingers eagerly.
Ace reeled back his fiery arm, fist clenched tight as Teach mirrored him.
Fire and living darkness rushed across the space, suddenly not nearly enough space as they collided violently. Friction lighting where they clashed as it raced upwards and out, attempting to find a weak point. You felt your body being blown back, only held in place by Teach’s firm grip as his boots dug into the earth. Despite only being connected to Teach, you could feel how hungry the fire was. Eating away the oxygen as it exploded again and again, trying to outmatch the shadows.
The final detonation was high above your head and the shockwave took you down to your knees as you gasped for air. Shaking almost as violently as their first blow, your head ringing, skin tingling with light burns. You blinked hard, eyes crying out at the relief as you looked up.
Teach’s grip on your arm was the only thing keeping you from collapsing to the ground. Dust and debris clinging to your body.
You were horrified. Only realizing now that Teach fully intended to keep you right next to him for this fight.
And you genuinely wasn’t sure you could handle being this close to any of it.
Teach grunted, bending down to wrap his arm around your middle like a sack of potatoes. You didn’t even really have time to consider how painful the position was before Ace leapt forward with a feral howl of anger.
Sparks and flame erupting around you as you could do nothing but hold onto Teach’s arm and close your eyes. Your body jerking around as the two traded blows. Teach handicapped by you, as was Ace, who clearly wasn’t quite going all out like he wanted. The air was stiflingly hot and heavy as they clashed. Fire burning through your eyelids as you tried to focus on anything but the fight.
“Zehahahaha~! What’s wrong, commander? You don’t seem to be invested!” Teach cackled before he was cut off with a pained grunt. “I was hit!?” He mumbled just over the rippling sound of fire tearing through the atmosphere.
“You’re a fucking COWARD, TEACH! PUT! THEM! DOWN!” Ace screamed like he was possessed, explosions scorching you as Teach jerked around a touch desperately.
You gasped for air, lungs burning from heat and exertion. Exhaustion filling your head with cotton as tears slipped through your closed eyes.
You… you were so fucking sick and tired of this.
All of it.
Every last fucking thing.
Sick of the fucking pirates!
Sick of your fucking devil fruit!
Sick of the clammy, creepy shadows curling around your ankles every fucking second of the day!
Your senses focused on that sensation. How much you hated it.
Fire and shadows tearing up the earth as Teach occasionally pulled in debris to single-handedly hurl at Ace. Pulled in nearly the whole town only to eject it violently at Ace.
Every move taunting and teasing your senses as it pulled on your lingering energy.
“TEEEAAAACCHH!” Ace roared, the sound distant and dull in your ears.
Your heart beat in your chest. A distant drum that steadily grew closer. Louder until it vibrated in your blood and bones.
A mirage formed behind your eyelids. Less wavering and unsteady with every beat.
A dial. Almost like a pressure gauge. The needle vibrating near the red and jumping with every attack.
You felt a foreign vibration build in your chest. Your feet digging into the broken cobblestone, muscles screaming out as you forced yourself to uncurl from around Teach’s arm.
Your nails dug into his skin as you pivoted. One hand curled around the illusionary dial before twisting. To. Zero.
“Dial DOWN!” You screamed, the pressure of his fruit on yours reversing.
Teach spun in your bloodied grip, body flying around as you threw him over your shoulder with more strength than you thought you’d ever have. Fueled by rage and desperation to make it stop.
The chain pulled taut. Yanking you with him as you screamed, the joint popping out of place from the force of your throw.
The electric pain made your hand spasm as you ‘let go’. Body pulled across the ground and nearly slamming your face into the ruined street beneath you. Your only free hand scrapping across the broken rock, leaving a trail of blood that was shared underneath your knees and side of your ribs.
You gasped, body jerking uncontrollably away from the taut chain but only abusing your dislocated shoulder further.
It was dead silent aside from your pained gasp and a low, startled moan from Teach.
He coughed.
Then he laughed. Shadows erupting around you both as he slowly sat up.
A burning, oozing hand slammed into his head, shoving him back down with a barely registered scream. The smell of burning flesh erupting as you looked up in shock.
Teach was dead in less than a second.
Admiral Akainu kneeling over him, one arm shoved to the ground where Teach’s head used to be. His foot burning through Teach’s arm, melting him slowly as lava pooled around him. The heat waving over you at a much greater temperature than all but the most devastating of Ace’s attacks. And he was several feet away.
“…S-Sir?!” You rasped, throat burning as you tried to sit up.
Admiral Akainu jerked at the sound of your voice. His stern features flickering for a moment.
“You did well, Ensign. We only have one last thing to take care of.” Admiral Akainu stated with cold eyes. Slowly standing before walking towards you. Deliberately stepping on the chain and melting it under his shoe.
“HEY! GET AWAY FROM THEM!” Ace screamed, throwing a fireball high. Admiral Akainu flicked his hand, batting it away as he moved to kneel before you. Gently helping you up.
Still in shock, you couldn’t say anything as he braced your back and shoved your shoulder into place. You screamed, startled as pins and needles went down your arm, though otherwise the relief was immense.
You panted, utterly confused as he picked you up with one arm under your thighs, pinning your face into his suit as he sneered.
“I haven’t forgotten about you, Fire Fist.”
You trembled as the air grew hazy with an overwhelming amount of heat. The edge taken off due to your devil fruit connecting with Admiral Akainu’s.
You were so tired.
You managed to look back at Ace, worry dragging you from the edge of consciousness. He looked horrified and infuriated all at once.
You felt the tears slip down your face, almost ice cold in the heat.
There was no way Ace could survive against Admiral Akainu with his devil fruit.
Even before you got involved, it simply didn’t burn hot enough.
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uwusillygirl · 10 months
first and foremost, i'd love to thank everyone for such a fabulous kinktober. i was tentative about doing something within the community; i was worried no one would participate, or i would be organizing an event "wrong", or that people would feel limited by my prompts and suggestions. you all made sure that absolutely NONE OF THESE FEARS WERE WARRANTED! everyone came with the COOLEST shit.
here is a brief collection of some of my personal favorites; either just stunningly written, fascinatingly done, or personally my cup of tea (and i will not tell you which is which! lmao!)
@aicosu's "KNOCK KNOCK": oxy-addicted, adhd, dopamine hole eddie and fastidious, nerdy, ex-fundamentalist chrissy meet at the glory hole of a seedy sex arcade. visceral, headachey, and so hot.
@staceymcgillicuddy's whole series was awesome, but i LOVED their "humiliation + bladder control" prompt especially. nasty and mean!
@jewelledfoxes' also had banger after banger, but i really loved their bottoming from the top prompt, "i'd probably still adore you with your hands around my neck" .
the anonymously posted "if loving you is wrong, I don't want to be right": the most charming, sweetest little take on hybristophilia a girl has ever seen! chrissy sees eddie being very evil and bad (read as: harmless graffiti) and is simply swept away by his raw criminality. so cute, soft, silly, fantastic.
@bettercraic went big-brained as all hell with their jonathan/nancy/eddie/chrissy voyuerism installment, "let's make a team". quick and sexy.
@erythromanc3r wrote this mean and insane and nasty one-shot, "kiss me where you bruise me" that is the hottest anything ever. you're never gonna guess what i loved about it (kidding. you will. it's mean.)
FINALLY! i would like to thank those who stuck to THEIR OWN HARD LIMITS, CREATED WHOLE SERIES, OR WANTED TO DO SOMETHING ELSE! we had some people make whole cohesive (@hunter-gatherer-stuff) stories, we had some people come in and write about pimple popping, we had people write shit (@badlydrawnlips) based on my own indulgent little kink dynamics (sorry, couldn't not mention that one... so baller), and best of all, we had people write their own stuff when the prompts were not for them. that made my heart so happy.
if you are working on a kinktober series that's gonna take more time, if you have prompts in process that you suddenly have the urge to finish, if you wake up in a cold sweat on december 3rd and just NEED to write about spit, fucking do it and tag it. i love you so much. every day is kinktober if you are a true pervert. take your time, love your life, remember that fanfiction (like art in general!) should be an enjoyable effort and made under your own rules!
there is still some stuff i have left to read on the tag! and i loved literally everything i read, this is just a rapid-fire word vomit. i PROMISE i will get around to anything unread soon! i am so unbelievably pleased about this month, thank you all again so, so, so much!
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zalrb · 1 year
The Summer I turned Pretty 1x02 Review -- Steven and Jere are boyfriends
idk steven watching jere make those eggs had a vibe. that would've been way more interesting even though steven is insufferable.
like that's flirting.
conrad go upstairs. ok there's just gonna be a few times when i call conrad connor. i can't keep backspacing.
that ass slap and that "ooh!" make them boyfriends.
they are ALL so unnatural. "this sounds expensive" "don't worry, laur, it's on me. it was my idea after all." like if they were friends, best friends, it shouldn't sound so stilted and formal like she's just getting to know someone.
Belly hasn't done anything for all of the cracks about how she needs etiquette, like I know she's "pretty" now but she can still have semblances of that, like in Love and Basketball, Monica is a baller and a tomboy who her sister dresses up for prom
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but she forgets that she's in a dress so she sits the way she always does and has to quickly self-correct
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I haven't seen anything like this.
Even their change room montage lacks chemistry, I wouldn't have thought that was possible, I thought they could at least fudge that but it doesn't have the spontaneity a sequence like that usually has, it's contained. The whole point of trying on different outfits in a show is to show bonding but they all still act like they don't know each other.
Gigi you've been in that pool long enough to know Jeremiah was there. Why wouldn't they just have her walk to the pool and have this conversation? DETAILS.
"Totally, yeah. I would, uh, love to take you surfing sometime." He's the charmer? I've seen charmers in action, even if they aren't interested they're charming, that's why charmers are dangerous. This is BAD.
"Take it in Steven, this is all ours." It's a pool with mostly children, Jere.
I hooked up with her, with him, with her, with him. A perfect pattern.
I just like to kiss and be cozy with people
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mmhmm ok.
i would've 1000% preferred this over a love triangle and then belly can get mad that steven is stealing her thunder.
"Go get that bread." Never again. No AAVE on this show please.
"Oh my God, Belly, uh, I didn't even recognize you" she looks exactly the same, but you thought a guy's name was Cam Cameron, Jeremiah, so.
Even when he sneaks in to grab a sandwich, it's supposed to be he's such a charming kid I can't stay mad at him like he's basically supposed to be Aladdin
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but he doesn't execute. Jeremiah is supposed to be like this guy I worked with at a hotel where like management ALWAYS put him as a greeter at the doors because he was charming and smiley and flirty and they would also make him do room service, which is just A LOT but anyway. Actor doesn't have the ease and the effortlessness to pull that off.
Why wouldn't Susannah cover up Belly's bruise? So this scene could happen, Zal.
"Dude, that's Belly's brother" was the most organic delivery out of that entire exchange.
Why would they start pouring the alcohol into their tea when Paige is right by their table making a speech.
Also doing it in a flask?
"A drive in movie" You can just say the drive in. Oh my god.
As a writer, Laurel's character annoys me so much.
"Daaaamn you look hot." She looks cute.
"Hey hey, stop flirting with my sister." Sound jealous there, Steven.
Sabrina. How on the nose.
So I have made up my mind that Jere and Steven are boyfriends.
Brooklyn hipsters don't sail?
Belly, why do you like Conrad?
This is supposed to be a hot and heavy kiss and it's not. They should've just stuck to the awkward cute kiss.
It's funny when shows now do things that are supposed to show how risque these characters are acting because it's all so clearly staged because she's straddling Steven on the beach but is very still and the framing is supposed to be OMG STRADDLING ON THE BEACH but it's clear that's what it's supposed to be instead of me feeling like these are just characters interacting, like it should really be something like this
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LOL I'm not saying Conrad wasn't doing what Belly was saying he was doing, which he clearly was meant to be doing, but I'm also saying on the first night, Belly, you crashed a bonfire no one invited you to and then started antagonizing Conrad and Nicole and called him an asshole before storming off so going like WHY COULDN'T YOU JUST LET ME HAVE THIS ONE THING is a little rich. ALSO Conrad has been sullen and drinking since you got here but he hasn't actively impeded you from anything except for tonight when he showed up at the drive in and because we haven't seen your relationship before this I don't see any time where you wanted to do something and Conrad stopped you from doing it because he wanted you all to himself or he wanted you crushing on him so this confrontation just feels like projection, which would be fine if we spent more time with Belly and from her perspective Conrad keeps letting her down -- which I know is what the flashback scene was meant to be in season 2 where he brings her to the boardwalk so he can talk to a girl but that should actually be a flashback we see here. If anything, when Conrad has his Taylor Swift entrance that's when we could have "the first time my heart was ever broken", go to that flashback to establish her history with him and that dynamic and then do things throughout the episode to build upon that flashback.
"Why don't you go smoke some more pot" lmao the anti-drinking, anti-drug messaging is hilarious.
"Why don't you go look in the mirror some more?" Man, it's not like he said you're just a virgin who can't drive.
He could've been harsher if the whole point is that this is supposed to SO gut-wrenching.
"I wonder if this is how all crushes ended" I don't CARE about your crush Belly because the show has given me no reason to be invested in you two, it has given me no indication of why you would like him, what you two were like before this summer, what's so great and dreamy about him to you. The only REAL conversations you've had this summer is with Cam Cameron.
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spitblaze · 1 year
Aaaaah I have so many questions for the Android Therion AU. Ravus Industries has def used Therion for Less Than Legal activities and I wonder how much of their treatment of him skirts on the rights of an android as well (honestly in a capitalist hellscape I'm surprised they have any at all as much as there's a sense of 'we made you we own you forever unless you can afford to buy yourself outright')
That aside, I am *very worried* for Alfyn's safety as Ravus Industries tries to get Therion back. Like... they don't have issues killing if they use androids for assassinations. owo;;
Well, even in a capitalist hellscape there's civil rights lawyers. How far the rights of artificial lives go is...up in the air, at this point. Can they vote? Can they own property? Are they considered citizens? Do anti-discrimination and labor laws apply to them? Unclear, and probably varies between jurisdictions. Either way, androids have at least been around long enough at this point that they're not like, a chattel slave class outright. Also not super common, maybe one out of every 50 or 100 people is an android, but enough that it's a sizeable population, enough that they cannot be considered property outside of specific circumstances, and Therion happens to fall under that legal category.
Therion (and by extension Gareth) are officially and legally, despite having just as much going on upstairs as any human being, property of Ravus Industries. The paperwork was all filed beforehand, he's made with a specific purpose in mind and 'would pose a danger to others' if not under the control of the company, or they claim that he has no true intelligence and is therefore not sentient enough to qualify as a citizen, or something. I'm not gonna pretend I know enough about civil rights law to make up what those exceptions are, but just know that Ravus either fudged most of em or paid off some politicians to let them keep the whole thing hush-hush or both.
There's probably a good few sympathetic scientists and engineers who consider him fully human but unable to really do anything about his situation without jeopardizing their own. There's clearly others, like whoever wrote his file, who look at Therion and only see a tool. One that's helped Ravus Industries take down competitors and acquire their tech and research illicitly, but in this case one of the benefits of Therion being private property is that responsibility lies on the company, not him. Legally speaking, at least. I'm sure some of the less-sympathetic caretakers threaten to reprogram or scrap or replace his parts every time there's a mistake, because he's not a person, he can't learn, he's a machine who has defective parts.
At any rate, uh...Alfyn is definitely in trouble, lol. Like luckily he's still a country boy who can handle himself (Still has swarthy carpenter genes and experience with an axe, probably has a shotgun or whatever the 31st century equivalent would be), and magic is probably still a thing in the 'sufficiently advanced science' way (still thinking about how osvald just does math so hard it makes fire. baller), but ultimately the one thing that's keeping him safest is the fact that all of Therion's remote activation and tracking parts were disabled or removed after his initial escape. That's it. Ravus wants to turn Therion into a Homing Murderbot so bad so they can just retrieve him very easy so they can make him. idk. steal whatever the Wyndhams are doing or murder union organizers or something. The Fantasy Pinkertons are absolutely on his ass.
Luckily Alf at least has his trusty repair van and mobile engineering kits, as well as his usual irresistible charm that nets them allies wherever they go. Ravus Industries is a well-known company that employs a lot of people, but, uh. So are Nestle and Apple, if you catch my drift here. And it's not like they're alone, either! Tressa knows enough about how businesses and boards of investors work to predict what Ravus is gonna try, Olberic and Cyrus together have enough practical and theoretical knowledge of tactics to make for very effective planners, H'aanit knows how to live off the grid and hide your tracks and is the only member of the party who can wield a shotgun with more precision than Alfyn. Ophilia and Prim are also there, idk what they do, Prim is better with diplomacy and has less qualms with muder than Therion and Ophilia is probably very good at finding them allies or places to lay low (what are you going to do, say no to a bishop???).
I have MANY thoughts. some of them related (Cordelia may or may not be a C-suite at Ravus and is very conflicted on what to do about the situation bc she thinks the robot is hot and should go free but knows the practical use he has to the company. either way therion doesnt like her) some of them not (prim has her own goals and possible beef with Ravus but keeps getting distracted by h'aanit who is a lethally hot butch lesbian) but. im having a lot of fun thinking about the whole thing. heehee hoohoo funny sci-fi au
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photog-crafty · 1 year
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If this Hakuchou could tell stories, they would fill a library. This motorcycle was my flesh and blood for years. I had other bikes for stunting, yes, but this one was my daily driver as nothing could match its speed. My friends even raced me with helicopters, following the same courses Forza Horizon style, and it was neck-and-neck every time. What really made the Hakuchou so engaging was that it lived and died by its wheelie. Unlike a car that merely had a gas pedal, the Hakuchou made use of an intricacy of the game engine to go much faster by popping a wheelie, making it almost like a turbo boost. Learning how to read traffic and keep that boost active as much as possible was a game unto itself, which made seeing those 170+ MPH numbers on the speed challenge leaderboards all the more satisfying.
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The armless era was a formulative time in my GTA character's career, and I earned a bit of infamy among our crew for rocking the gimmick so hard. It was only proper that I had a car to represent it. This Coquette Classic used a glitch that made the entire rear half of the car completely invisible, aside from the exhaust pipes and taillights, making it the perfect candidate to match the invisible arms meme. it always got smiles, chuckles, and headscratches whenever it showed up at the downtown car meets.
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This Fugitive here was my very first car when I began playing GTA on the PC. I still love it to this day. It may not be flashy or conventionally appealing, but loud and gruff V8 sedans are my weakness. Eight years later, she's still shining and purring just like she did when I picked her up off the streets.
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The first car I ever bought in GTA, all the way back on Xbox 360 in October of 2013, was a Voltic. The car itself was lost to bugs in the transfer process, but its spirit lives on through this second model. I didn't drive it often after migrating to PC, but the hours upon hours spent racing to earn the money to buy the original will always stick with me.
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In a similar vein, this Ruiner symbolizes the first car I ever owned in GTA. The Ruiner was my main car in GTA IV, so when I saw it in GTA V and Online, I flew right back to my old baby. This one was added to the collection shortly after I started playing on PC and it has all the mods I missed out on on 360, like the crazy Shakotan exhausts and exposed intercooler. It's fun for me to compare it to the other Ruiners in my collection and see how much my tastes have changed.
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Poetically, my GTA career was bookended by Ruiners. One of the vehicles that released as things were winding down was the Ruiner ZZ-8, and I was delighted to see it because I've got an equally soft spot for fourth-gen F-bodies. The ZZ-8 leaned a little closer to the Firebird with its snout and beehive taillights, but it wasn't too hard to doll it up to resemble a Camaro with the '97-'98 factory Bright Purple Metallic paint. As long as I don't have to change the spark plugs myself, I'm happy.
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Normally I don't really dig the small and cute cars, but the modern Fiat 500s are charming to me, especially with their take on dog dish wheels. I tried to customize this Brioso R/A to look like one, but those unremovable carbon skirts put the kibosh on that idea. You win some, you lose some.
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The Schafter V12 was already an amazing car, but they released an armored version at the same time with almost identical performance. I couldn't help buying both and giving the armored one a more subdued look to contrast the regular version's bold white. It wasn't quite as stable as the Baller, but the extra protection nonetheless came in handy more than once.
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Since the game never had a '72 Riviera, I had to cope with a '65 in the form of the Buccaneer. This one has an unpurchaseable worn paint finish with a crew color glitched into one of the fields in order to keep the classic look while resembling some Rivieras I've seen photos of.
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The Rocoto is one of those unassuming street cars I had to pounce on once I knew what it was based on. Volkswagens are mostly alien to me, but their cars from the 2000s with luxuriously oversized engines like the Phaeton W12 and the Passat W8 make me absolutely giddy, and the Rocoto is related to the first-gen Touareg which had the option for a V10 turbodiesel. It wasn't quite as fast or as torque-loaded as its VW analog, but it was close enough to tick the boxes for my obsession.
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godtier · 4 months
Xbox showcase thoughts summary thingy, several hours later:
COD BOPS 6: one day I'll play these games (i've heard from multiple ppl that the storylines in black ops specifically are rly good) but no opinion rn tbqh
doom: the dark ages: very weird pivot??? kinda curious about it. of all the settings they could have chosen to toss the doomguy in, medieval fantasy wasn't the one I was expecting...! art direction looked good, but still kinda gave me "this is the Christmas episode" vibes, like jazz the jackrabbit having a holiday reskin... except instead of a holiday reskin, it's medieval times... hopefully that makes sense lmao
state of decay 3: not very familiar with this series so meh... looked like any other generic zambie shooter to me, but inb4 ppl holler at me about the games bein rly good
dragon age: the veilguard: no real opinion. i played the original dragon age for like, an hour when it was newish, never finished it lol
starfield DLC: that's nice ig
fallout 76 expac/updates: that's nice ig
clair obscur: expedition 33: looks interesting? but idk if this would be a game i'd be into. it appears to be a turn-based RPG and it's based off of la belle époque era of french art/architecture, so the art design looks baller? and the monster designs look interesting. i'll have to keep an eye out.
south of midnight: now this? this one looks hella interesting. the art style is kinda weird; the cutscenes seemed to be at a lower FPS so it almost looks like stop-motion? but i couldn't tell if that was uh... purposefully or not LMAO. but other than that, the setting is really weird and interesting! almost like bayou horror combined with fantasy nonsense monsters and stuff... and i liked the dynamic of the lead character and the monster guy who was ferrying her around. gameplay looks okay, but hopefully it handles well. i might very well get this one when it comes out.
WOW: the war within: no interest in this tbh
metal gear solid: snake eater remake: looks fine? never rly got into MGS myself, but it looks nice
sea of thieves expac: that's nice ig
flintlock: the siege of dawn: simultaneously looks interesting and generic so idk how they managed that. i like the idea of the little companion thing expanding your moveset options, but i feel like this isn't doing anything new per se. meh
age of mythology retold: was not expecting this asspull tbh LMAO. for those who aren't aware, this was a game microsoft developed and released in 2002, so it's basically a remaster. but idk who was asking for it... not that it's a bad game, but it was released in a sea of other similar games at the time. maybe that's why? i feel like there's a bit of a dearth of these games for console/PC, maybe? tho tbh i feel like this style of game is way more prolific on mobile devices... at least it's not a mobile port!
perfect dark: this one was really weird... like, microsoft owns rare, but crystal dynamics is developing this? idk if this is a soft reboot or a sequel to the last game, but it looked fine? i was never into perfect dark (either on n64 or xbox) but it looks like a solid stealth action game... just not one i have much interest in atm
diablo IV: vessel of hatred: okay, so real talk: i haven't played diablo since i was a kid on a windows 95 machine lmao so i'm so far removed from Current Day diablo. but that being said, the opening trailer was pretty dope. it was nasty, uncanny body horror and it certainly held my attention. this is an expac to a game i've never played, and iirc diablo IV is online-only crap, which blows. but the art direction in this trailer was probs my favorite, just removed from the fact it's for a video game expac lmao
fable: sure looks like a fable game. i never rly got into them (this is a running theme can you tell lmao) but the trailer was charming enough, i guess.
fragpunk: now this is ANOTHER team-based FPS (or "hero shooter"), but the gimmick looked intriguing. changing the game's rules at the start of each round definitely sounds like it would keep things interesting, but i wonder how it would suss out with multiple people using abilities at once? idk, the art direct looked nice, gameplay footage looked As Expected. we'll see
winter burrow: mouse game
mixtape: ???? i have no idea what this game is LMAO it appears to be set in the 80s, and they touted how the game's soundtrack would have a bunch of music from bands n shit from the era... but one of the bands they listed was the smashing pumpkins...??? huh??? like idk what they were smoking, but they're off by a decade there LMAO. but other than that, it just looked like nothing. a life sim?? idk what the story is? idk anything other than "music from the 80s is good, also look at this choppy animation because it's aesthetic ig" and that's all i got from it
microsoft flight simulator 2024: looks fun! the ability to explore the areas you're flying by after landing sounds like it could be fun and cozy. this series is ancient and i never rly got into it, but this entry might tempt me just bc it looks fun
elder scrolls online: this was an ad LMAO
life is strange: double exposure: okay, again, never had any real interest in this series but i might check this one out. i like murder mysteries and the flipping back and forth between the realities looks fun
indiana jones and the great circle: it exists
mechabreak: saw this at the SGF, it's a mecha game
wuchang: fallen feathers: i was starting to check out by this point, but rewatching the trailer, it's yet another game that has nice art direction and that's all i can really say about it
avowed: same as above: nice art direction and character designs, but not much else to say right now
atomfall: british fallout
asscreed: shadows: asscreed
s.t.a.l.k.e.r. 2: heart of chornobyl: was not expecting to see another entry in this series, but it looks intriguing. i like these types of settings, so i may check it out
gears of war: e-day: it's a gears game. i tried gears of war ages ago, it didn't really grab me so i never went back to it
so all in all? there wasn't a lot of hype for me personally because a lot of these series are either ones i've tried and didn't get into, ones i haven't played since i was a kid, or ones that i never even bothered to try. in all honesty, the newer titles were more interesting to me than most of the established franchise stuff they showed off.
however, i think there's a lot for people to get excited about if they already like some of these franchises. lots of updates to stuff, so i'm sure that there's excitement to be had for that.
the titles that ended up catching my attention/interest the most ended up being doom: the dark ages, south of midnight, s.t.a.l.k.e.r. 2, microsoft flight simulator 2024, fragpunk (morbid curiosity more than anything else tbh) and maaaaybe clair obscur.
not a total waste of time, but nothing too hype-inducing for me.
0 notes
kravkalackin · 4 years
Part 2 of Barry and Taako team up fic [Part 1 here]
He needed to keep it together. Barry was trying to keep it together, but it was easier said than done. 
He’d managed enough to get them away though, to get them set up with a small camp (they’d have to get to town, neither of them exactly had time to grab supplies before leaving) and put a temporary protective charm around them to keep from being tracked. It was a start, he told himself it was a start. 
“Okay, we should be safe here. No one should be able to find us for now,” he said, checking over the barrier again. Taako nodded, staring blankly at the fire in front of him. It was- 
Barry was trying not to focus on that. On how unfocused Taako was, the obvious confusion there, the numbness. It was terrifying. 
“You mean that lady?” he asked, and Barry tried not to flinch at that. He couldn’t remember who Lucretia was either. As furious and pained as Barry was at her actions right now, that still hurt too. 
“Y-yeah. Her, and others,” he said, letting out a sigh and coming back towards the fire. “Maybe... maybe I should have tried to grab the others? I could try to go back, but no, Lucretia knows we know, she would have moved them already. They wouldn’t know who I am either, it’s- but we just left,” Barry debated, and he’d been thinking about this all day. He’d been so panicked, it was all he could do to grab Taako and teleport out of there. 
What was she going to do with them? He didn’t think she would hurt them, never that. But they would have no way of arguing with her, of knowing that what she said was a lie. Where would she take them? He didn’t know. 
“What do we know, exactly?” Taako asked, and Barry sighed. 
“We know that the woman you had seen before did something to affect our memories. She erased part of them. I can remember because I’m dead, you- you left us with a fighting chance to fix this Taako. That’s what we know,” he said, hoping that all of that got through okay. From the slight nod the elf gave him, he guessed enough did. 
“And who’re these others you keep talking about?” he asked, and Barry was starting to hate that word. Who. He wasn’t going to take it out on Taako though, this wasn’t his fault. 
“Our family. Magnus, Merle, Davenport? Those names ring any bells?” he asked, spirit sinking when Taako shook his head. “Well, just know they’re important. We’ll get em back soon,” he insisted. It was quiet for a bit then, Taako poking the fire occasionally with a long stick. 
“Hey uh, you wouldn’t happen to have any food in that spooky robe of yours, would you?” he asked after a long moment. Barry shook his head, and at least that was already on his to do list. 
“No, sorry. You’re gonna have to transmute something until we get to town,” he said. 
The incredulous little tilt of his head that Taako gave him at that was not the reaction Barry expected. 
“What, you mean like with magic?” he asked, and Barry nodded very slowly. 
“Of course I mean with magic Taako. You do transmutation magic, it’s your specialty,” he said, but his brother-in-law didn’t look the least bit convinced. 
“Well, that must’ve been flushed with the rest of my brain then,” he said, and it wasn’t like Barry didn’t already know the redaction was bad. It took away Lup, of course it was bad. Every new bit that came out just made it worse and worse though. 
“Shit,” he said, because what else could he say. Waving a hand, he conjured up some bread and floated it over to Taako. “Okay, it’s not gonna be as filling because it’s conjured, but we’ll get to a town in the morning,” he said, and Taako nodded, not seeming too bothered by it.
It was quiet as he ate, and Barry took the time to just sort of... stare at Taako. He wasn’t trying to be creepy, but it was so strange. Barry knew him better than the elf knew himself at that moment, but at the same time he felt like a complete stranger. 
“Hey, can you tell me about yourself Taako?” he asked, getting a skeptical raise of an eyebrow at that. 
“Shouldn’t I be asking you to tell me about myself?” he asked back, and Barry couldn’t blame him for that. 
“Maybe, but I just... I want to know what’s still there. I want to know who you are now, what- what she left you,” he explained. Taako seemed to think it over for a moment, before shrugging casually. 
“Yeah alright, don��t see why not. I’m Taako, ya know, from... from... New Elfington. Yeah. Fuck it. I’m Taako from New Elfington, and I’m a baller cook. I uh, I traveled a lot. Caravans and shit. I uh, I...” Barry could see him trailing off, his eyes unfocusing as he tried to pull up memories that just weren’t there anymore. 
“Anything else?” he prompted, Taako’s frown deepening at that. 
“I’m alone,” he said, the words coming out almost involuntarily, like they were a surprise even to him. It felt like a knife in a chest Barry didn’t have anymore. 
“We’ll fix it,” he said, some of Taako’s gaze seeming to solidify at that. He nodded, and at least that was something. At least Taako still trusted him. He would earn that trust. 
No matter what happened, he was going to fix this. 
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sodrippy · 3 years
https://etsy.me/3CqPr0z have u seen this
i have never seen that before but 1. whoa 2. every time i see zidian ever im like. god thats hot. god thats Vals Vehicle Of Trauma Essay and 3. u just reminded me of those little sword charms i think there was a collection of like 3 inch long replicas of the swords from cql they were so fucking baller can u imagine having a little sandu i would put him on my phone<3
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3.Because a Woman's Heart is Like a Needle at the Bottom of the Ocean - Sugar Magnolia Wilson
88 pages
"This morning the sun rose like jewellery, only so much more than jewellery and less of that lonely feeling that gifts of precious stones and metals give me."
"The birds are our collective spirit renders as a portrait by nature."
"Another stared at her own reflection in the wall of beetles' backs, felt a hunger for something she'd never have."
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Such a beautiful poetry book to read; I had a lot of fun reading it whenever I had the chance, and now that I've finished it, I'll surely read it again.
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It is evident that Sugar Magnolia has created a world with pure and rich imagery in her works. Pensive and hauntingly honest. She's not hesitant to address the gore and gruesome realities of living, however she has a magnificent imagination and uses imagery that she puts into her work, and it works gracefully.
Dear Sister is a lovely start to the book, and I'm totally charmed. Snow Chart, Glamour, Moon-Baller, Spirit-liver, The Lake Has a Long Memory, and Muddy Heart are some of my favorites. That's a lot, but those are the ones for whom my heart beats. It's a new read, a breeze if the air we breathe is a book.
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Recommended by Dakota Warren, my comfort person. The book cover is the same vibes as all of the pieces in the book.
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there are a lot of songs to listen to but this one played when i read it
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charmandhex · 4 years
Credit to: the McElboys
No credit to: me, Charm H. Adventurezone, sleep deprived [job title redacted] and overly ambitious fic writer
[Our opening shot is of the world of Abeir-Toril (or whatever the fuck we’re going to call it to avoid copyright issues idk that redacted job title up there sure isn’t lawyer) as it drifts through the Prime Material Plane. From here, we can see little but clouds, water, and land masses. One regular-sized moon orbiting the world drifts into view. If you look closely, but you’re only looking closely because you’re a nerd who knows what to look for, you can see a much, much smaller moon -THAT’S NO MOON got there first Clint what now- drifts over a massive, still lake and a brightly colored spot that we might know to be Neverwinter, wait- Eversummer, hm, that was graphic novel, but can we use that there?- KINDASPRING there we go. The initial shot is quiet, for a moment, before seven notes -yes those ones folks- ring out.]
GRIFFIN [audio only]: I can guess what you’re probably all expecting. Some big, dramatic speech to match the big, dramatic intro we’ve got going on here. [As Griffin talks, we start to zoom in on a continent conveniently labeled NOT-FAERUN. We fly by our much smaller moon, but not close enough to see anything of interest – yet. We see Kindaspring, all busy and fantasy and so on. We catch a glimpse of a city buried in the shadow of a mountain range, with a bunch of dudes who all look the same. A city on a cliff, a shining gold monument in the center and trails of dust on a track around the city. Canyons, and a dash of pearlescent color just for a moment. Blink and you miss it, and a flash of a black and white tent in the woods near Kindaspring. You get the picture.] But, fact of the matter is, folks, we kinda blew all the budget on this one shot! Completely boned it in the first two seconds! So, let’s get right into it and roll some fuckin’ initiative- oh, can I say fuck? Are we allowed to do that, here on NBC Peacock? Shit, I’m going to completely bone our cussing budget too- anyway! Let’s roll some initiative and meet our heroes.
[Zoom in on wagon on road outside Kindaspring. It’s not a very impressive wagon. There are patches on the canvas. The wheels are all creaky and bouncy over the dirt road. The horses look like they could use a nap. There are stink lines, y’all. The road, meanwhile, is pretty well-used. There are ruts, and the sides of the road run clean and even. It’s surrounded by woods, and we’re far enough out of Kindaspring to not get any noise from the city, nor close enough to our destination to even get a hint of whatever the fuck I’m going to have to call Phandalin that isn’t Phandalin.
But back to our characters. Right now, only one is visible, a buff human man, like super buff, no you don’t understand animators, he must be a brick shithouse of a man, he’s very sensitive about this. He has massive muscles and massive sideburns, and he looks way too happy to be driving this wagon. You just know the vehicle proficiency jokes are coming. Cartoon GRIFFIN pops up in the corner of the screen, looking unimpressed.]
GRIFFIN: …Well, maybe not heroes. Three… boys. Three very messy, very murder hobo, very horny boys. [A beat.] Tres horny boys, if you will. So, uh, first up is-
MAGNUS [aware of Griffin and waving at everyone- listen, fourth wall breaks are kinda a thing for me, folks]: I’m Magnus Burnsides, human fighter! [Stat card for Magnus pops up on the side. There’s a not very flattering picture with it.] Also… [with the wagon reigns in hand, he starts counting off on his fingers, concentrating] Uh, master carpenter, man of action, rush into battle- oh, and I’m from Raven’s Roost, and-
[The canvas flaps blow open behind MAGNUS, and MAGNUS’S stat card disappears with a pop and a tiny bit of white smoke. TAAKO steps out, already exasperated and swinging a hand, colliding with MAGNUS’S head and pushing it to the side.]
TAAKO: Yeah, save the backstory for like… 40 more episodes, my dude. We don’t have time for that shit right now.
GRIFFIN: O-kay, guess we’re just gonna assume we can swear whenever we want.
[As GRIFFIN is talking, TAAKO stops pushing on MAGNUS’S head.]
TAAKO [triumphant, shouting]: FUCK!
[Flock of birds flies out of the trees.]
GRIFFIN: So this is Taako, the elf wizard [TAAKO’S stat card pops up. Much more flattering picture.] and-
TAAKO: That’s Taako, you know, from… podcast, elf wizard and baller chef, yes, thank you, very much. AND very, very beautiful. [TAAKO does a hair flip. There are sparkles and magical sounds.] And very, very bored. [TAAKO’S stat card disappears.] How far away is this fuckin’ town? What’s it called again?
MAGNUS [shrugging]: Beats me. [To GRIFFIN] Did we come up with a name that doesn’t violate copyright?
GRIFFIN [evading the question, because I still am]: Aaaaaaaaaaaaand last but not least, Merle Highchurch. [A beat. GRIFFIN sighs.] Merle, that’s your cue.
MERLE [inside the tent]: Wha? Somebody say my name? [Canvas flaps rustle rustle rustle. MERLE’S face pops out, looking around owlishly. He also steps out to the front of the wagon.]
MAGNUS [now very crowded and still trying to drive]: You missed your cue, old man.
MERLE [indignant]: I was busy studying my cantrips!
TAAKO and MAGNUS [in unison]: Gross!
MERLE: No, not like-
GRIFFIN [interrupting]: And Merle is a cleric! [MERLE’S stat card pops up. The picture was taken too high, so we can only see MERLE’S hair and forehead.]
MERLE: I’m a what now?
GRIFFIN [overly enthusiastic, it’s a bit now, folks]: Now, for those of you who aren’t familiar, clerics are kind of a support class magic user. They can cast things like buffs-
GRIFFIN [still overly enthusiastic]: and heal their party members-
MERLE: I can do that?
GRIFFIN: Clerics also serve gods, and Merle’s god is Mort-
MERLE [indignant again]: Hang on! That doesn’t sound right!
GRIFFIN [pushing out of his little bubble and leaning into the scene]: Then who is your god?
MERLE: Uh… Pan! [MERLE pulls out the Extreme Teen Bible.] See? Pan!
MAGNUS [whispering to TAAKO]: Okay, I guess this is how we’re resolving that whole thing. [TAAKO shrugs. MERLE is smiling. It’s adorable, like those little smiles Carey Pietsch does I love them so much, y’all.]
GRIFFIN: So, Magnus, Taako, Merle. Off on an adventure of epic proportions. [GRIFFIN is getting excited.] Full of action and danger and goofs and found family and-
MAGNUS: Now hold on! Epic proportions? Epic? [MAGNUS waves a hand around at the generally pretty chill woods, the boring road, and the stink lines wagon.]
TAAKO: Yeah, so far this is snoozeville, population, uh, me and these two chucklefucks.
MERLE [peering at GRIFFIN]: you sure you got the right dnd party, bud?
GRIFFIN [looking at audience]: We’re still negotiating contracts, so I’m filling in for, uh… someone. So for now, hey, I’m Griffin McElroy, your Dungeon Master, your best friend, and your announcer for this pilot episode. Ahem. [GRIFFIN clears his throat.] Grab your shields and ready your spell slots. Strap in your asses and… really, just strap in your asses. And, for the very first time, welcome to the animated version of… THE ADVENTURE ZONE!
[Title card and Mort Garson’s “Déjà Vu” plays. All my ideas went into dialogue, folks. Fan artists, this one’s all yours.]
[We pop back into the same scene as before.]
MAGNUS: Yeah, so, uh, like we were saying, before, uh, whatever that was, what we’re doing now is-
TAAKO [interrupting]: Hold on! We are not, I repeat, not doing some dumb recap where we explain this boring job... unless…
MAGNUS, MERLE, and GRIFFIN [all have gone laser eye meme]: UNLESS?
TAAKO [singing]: Flashback sequence!
[There’s a loud POP! as the scene shifts, and we’re now in your standard fantasy tavern. There’s a table with four chairs right in front of us, all of which are empty. The tavern acts as a backdrop behind that, illustrating just how fantasy this world is. We see humans and elves and dwarves yes, because we’ve already seen them, but also Gnomes and tieflings and haflings and orcs and Genasi and aarakocra (try spelling that one, folks ;) I’m sure that won’t come up later) and so on and so forth.
There’s another POP! as GRIFFIN’S window reappears in the upper right corner. He looks slightly ruffled.]
GRIFFIN [straightening his hair and glasses]: Wow, that is going to take some getting used to. Anyway, the boys should be here in a second, and-
[Three more pops as MAGNUS, TAAKO, and MERLE appear in three of the four seats at the table. MERLE lands upside down. He immediately starts struggling to right himself]
MAGNUS [looking at the empty chair and frowning]: Wait, what was the name of the guy we were meeting again? Gumdrop?
TAAKO: Hm… Gurgle? Guava? Gumbo?
MERLE [having finally righted himself]: No! My cousin, uh… um… oh, that’s right, Gundren!
[As MERLE says GUNDREN, another pop as GUNDREN pops into existence in the chair. He looks like if you put MERLE through a grinder, not like we’re gonna run into one of those in an episode or two, right, fellas?
Nasty boy that he is, GUNDREN lets out a grunt and then spits on the floor. People have to clean that, GUNDREN! This is why you- (SPOILERS REDACTED)- anyway.]
GUNDREN: So, like I was saying, boys. You take my wagon from here in Kindaspring down the road to Mandolin-
TAAKO: Oh, that’s what we’re calling it?
MERLE: I thought that was another TV show?
[Up in the corner, GRIFFIN shrugs.]
GUNDREN: Uh… yes? That’s… what it’s called? [GUNDREN looks suspiciously at them. It seems like he’d give the job to someone else in an instant, if literally anyone else would take the job. But magically, he’s stuck with these boys.] But, uh, you get my wagon and my goods to Mandolin, and I’ll let you in on the next job. And that job, boys… [GUNDREN laughs. It sounds like if you threw rocks in a blender.] That’s the kinda job that will be the last job you ever need to take.
MAGNUS [cheerfully]: Well, that sounds murdery!
[There’s a loud POP! and we’re back on the wagon again, all of our boys already in place.]
GRIFFIN [shrugging, smiling]: Guess you’re going to find out! Oh, and boys… let’s roll initiative.
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highgaarden · 4 years
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a lover’s concerto; game of thrones au. written for @klaroline-events‘ kc june bingo: ROYALS.
He shouldn’t be sitting so close, really, seeing as they were only just betrothed – and Caroline really wanted him to push his chair a bit further, but she had been told that you don’t tell a Targaryen what to do, much less the Mad King himself.
“Are you always so improper? Back it up, Dragon Boy,” said Caroline, who had never liked being told what to do.
Highgarden was a madness of wine and song. Enzo was trying not to vomit across the table whilst Damon was passed out underneath it. Loras was busy regaling a very drunk Malachai about that one time he accidentally set half their gardens on fire. Margaery was giggling, leaning heavily into Bonnie, who looked like even she was enjoying all the commotion around her.
It was strange that the everyone would have so much cause for celebration considering – everything – but… there you have it. Maybe she’d enjoy the party better if she wasn’t sitting at the head of the table, so far away from her friends.
“You’re sulking, Princess,” Klaus pointed out from behind the rim of his goblet.
“I don’t sulk,” she said, sulkily.
“Would it make you feel better,” he said, “if I named one of my dragons after you?”
“It would not,” she said primly, but Klaus hardly missed the little flare of curiosity in her eyes.  
“Qeldlie, I think I’ll name her,” Klaus decided. “It means golden. After your hair.”
Caroline, who had not yet started to learn High Valyrian, had to take his word for it. “A dragon in the Reach. Who would have thought?”
“These fertile lands suit them, it would seem,” Klaus said. He tipped his goblet at her. “Here’s to us Growing Strong.”
She tipped her own goblet back at him. “With Fire and Blood.”
The day the Targaryens came to Highgarden was quite a thing to behold.
Niklaus the Mad came swooping in on his dragon Viserion, whilst his sister Rebekah was on Drogon, and his brother Elijah was on Rhaegal, just like the stories they always hear about.
Katherine, a good handmaiden and a very bad flirt, was fanning her cheeks. Caroline wanted to snort. Who the hell did they think they were, rolling up into her lands with their bigass envoy and their stupid sunglasses?
“It’s not that hot here,” she grumbled. “No, Elena, do not wave!”
William had decided that to remain in his seat as one of the most ancient houses in the Kingdom, declaring friendship wasn’t enough when Klaus, apparently bored one day, wanted to liberate Westeros.
As if being an era ahead of them in technology made Dragonstone the ballers of the Seven Kingdoms. Klaus certainly thought so.
He was in William’s audience chamber when Caroline stomped in, huffing, and Klaus had tilted his head at her.
“Princess of the Summer courts,” he greeted.
“Your Grace,” she managed as graciously as she could, and sunk into a curtsy. “What brings you here?”
Klaus didn’t answer her. Instead he turned to William. “My Lord, your daughter speaks out of turn.”
“I—” blustered her father, turning a magnificent shade of magenta.
“I like it,” Klaus said. “So, have you heard? I am in search of a wife.”
“No, Your Grace - I hadn’t heard,” William said, the cogs already turning in his head.
Caroline’s barely had time to think whether this was a good opportunity to faint before Klaus has his lips on her knuckles.
Rebekah took to her at once, not because she was a lady as equal in beauty and stature as herself, but because she was someone to talk to that wasn’t one of her brothers.
“You’re lucky you’re an only child,” the Princess of Dragonstone confided one afternoon whilst they were practicing their stitching. She peeked at Caroline’s work – a pull of the needle here, a little thread there, and a flower bloomed to life in her hands – and looks approving. “You wouldn’t believe it, but brothers! They take ages getting ready.”
“You don’t say,” Caroline mumbled. There was already a ring on her finger, one of promise, and apparently there were two more to come before she and Klaus were finally to marry. She was disgruntled not at the fact that he had crafted her a ring so soon but more the fact that she didn’t hate it. She’d expected a big rock, and yes, it did come with that, but it was also surprisingly tasteful.
And it suited her very much, as if the gifter had taken exceptional notice of her hands.
He wasn’t bad company, she supposed. Things could be worse. According to Katherine things almost had been worse – apparently her father had considered a proposal from Winterfell.
Sure, the Starks were cool and all with their Direwolves, but she still hadn’t forgotten the time in Year 10 when Tyler, having invited Caroline over during one of those tedious Royal Exchange Programmes to experience court life in the asscrack of winter, had warged into his Direwolf in an attempt to impress her and had shed all over her favourite dress.
“Do you like dragons?” Klaus asked over breakfast. It was just the two of them since everyone else was still nursing their epic hangovers from last night’s wedding announcement celebrations.
She chewed thoughtfully on her lemon cake and swallowed before answering. “I do,” she said. “But I’m not talking to you until you tell me why you chose me.”
“I fancy you,” Klaus said.
She looked at him sharply.
“Is that so hard to believe?” he asked, sipping his coffee.
The look he shot her was incredulous. “I see beyond your petals, you know. That you’re beautiful is a given – that you are strong, I have no doubt, considering your House words. But you are also full of light. A maiden fair as summer, with sunlight in her hair.”
Caroline frowned down at her tea and fought down a blush.
“If we finish up quickly, I’ll take you to see Qeldlie,” he said.
Caroline blinked at him. “Did you really name a dragon after me?”
“Of course.” He ducks his head. “It is not something I do often, mind you.”
She looked at him from behind the rim of her teacup. “I know.”
“Do you now?” Klaus asked with a tilt of his lips. He hesitated for a moment. “Dragons, they’re the opposite of humans.”
“How so?”
“They’re loyal,” he said simply.
“To a point, I’ve heard,” Caroline said.
“That’s true,” Klaus conceded. “If you treat them well. With the deference they deserve – but not so much that they can sense weakness. You must command them – and I saw that in you. You would have a dragon bend its knee to you, Princess.”
Caroline didn’t quite know what to say to that. She put down her teacup, and for the first time looked him in the eye. “Take me to see her.”
She was a magnificent creature, creamy white with gold markings, flapping her great wings and snorting hot air onto her cheeks. She stared up at it, wide-eyed with wonder, her heart in her throat as she took in its size. When Qeldlie spread her wings it spanned almost the length of her entire private garden.
“Golden,” Klaus murmured and tugged on one of her curls. “She’s a youngin, still, but under your care she will flourish. Have your other teenage lovers ever accorded you so magnoliously?”
“This isn’t a competition, Your Grace,” Caroline rolled her eyes. Qeldlie butted his hand out of the way to nuzzle into her cheeks, startling her with its sudden proximity.
“Klaus,” he corrected. “And I know it isn’t. They couldn’t possibly compare.”
“You’re assuming I’ve been courted aplenty,” she said, reaching a tentative hand towards Qeldlie before pulling it back. “I don’t think having a profile on RoyalMatch.com counts.”
“Have a word with your team about taking that down, will you?” Klaus started to scowl, before realising she was kidding. He returned her smile slowly, like he was out of practice or something.
“Like this, Klaus,” she almost chastised. She cleared her throat once and turned to face him fully and turned on him the famed Tyrell charm, the beguiling femininity of a rose.
Klaus studied her. “I don’t care much for pretence, sweetheart. I’d much rather you show me your thorns.”
Insistently Qeldlie returned her snout to her neck, and she yelped at the sudden heat.
“ȳdra daor!” Klaus commanded in his native tongue, batting the dragon out of the way. “Keligon bona.”
She recognized those words of reprimand at least – she really should had paid more attention in class. But how was fifteen-year-old Caroline to know she’d end up marrying a Targaryen, a House so ancient they were almost myth? Ironic, innit? twenty-year-old Caroline thought.
“Qeldlie,” she said slowly, and the dragon rears back and lopes gently behind her, growling something she can’t understand yet but hopes to one day.
Wait, hold up.
Was this dragon—
Was this dragon pushing her into Klaus?
“I hope it’s true about Targaryens being immune to fire,” she muttered when it’s clear the high heat in her cheeks can’t be politely ignored. Klaus laughed and buried his nose in her hair, breathing deeply.
“I’m immune to many things, love,” he said softly. “Apparently not to you though.”
She pulled out of his embrace and made a face at him – and he shrugged, like he couldn’t help himself.
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pynkhues · 4 years
Sneak peek from your drive you mad (wear me out) sequel ? 🥺🥺🥺
Haha, sure! Hope you like it! ;-)
The champagne cork bounces off the far wall of the Boland Bubbles showroom, straight into one of the empty six-person lounger tubs (85 jets, 1700 liters, LED waterfall handrail with a Freedom sound system, and okay, Beth’s bedtime reading has been hot tub manufacturer packets for the last three months, so even right now, champagne fizz bubbling in her head, wobbly in her heels, she’s pretty sure she could sell a few).
“Ohhh!” Dean crows loudly behind her as he bounces forwards, knocking her a little in his efforts to get the waiter’s attention (along with everyone else’s). “Didn’t know we had a baller here! In the biz, we call that making it rain.”
Which - -
Beth blinks, a swell of embarrassment growing in her gut, and her eyes meet Annie’s dramatic, embarrassed wince a few feet away, even as a fresh wave of tipsy laughter overtakes the crowd. Which is all that really matters, Beth reminds herself, trying to swallow any – every – other feeling in the process.
It matters that these people find Dean funny and charming, instead of loud and stupid. It matters that they think he’s some charismatic, down-to-earth businessman, instead of - - well. Beth swallows, glances down at her drink, lets her eyes slip shut and her head briefly spin, and it’s the champagne and the no-dinner and it’s the memory of all those years ago, re-opening Boland Motors. It’s the easy and familiar lie that had for so long felt like a warm and pliant truth. Dean the ingenue son of the hardworking owner, Beth the trophy wife, and the business legitimate – really, actually legitimate, instead of - -
When her eyes peel back open, it’s only so they can slide sideways, find where Rio stands in the shadows at the back of the party, his lip curled in disdain as he watches Dean lumber through the crowd to slap a hand on the waiter’s back, riff another joke that has some shiny-faced motel owner doubled over in laughter. It doesn’t matter though, not then, what matters is that Rio’s own eyes are a little glassy, his cheeks slightly flushed in a way she’s never seen before, and it hits her that maybe he’s had as many drinks as her, and the thought is maybe a good one.
Too good, because maybe it means that he’s not enjoying this night as much as Beth’s not enjoying this night. Maybe he needs the distracting, dulling effects of the champagne too, only maybe not. Maybe that’s a lie too, because suddenly Autumn’s long and graceful hand is back on his shoulder, sliding up to poke gently at his neck, just enough to catch his attention.
And then he grins at her, something toothless, his eyes dark and his lashes fanned as he looks down at her, and then his hand is the one that’s sliding – down the woman’s back, stroking at the revealed skin there, then down again, further, further, to the swell of her perfect ass, and - -
And Beth throws back the last of her drink.
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thestalkerbunny · 4 years
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WE GOT OUR GOODEST BOY CHARM, a late comer to the team but he has proved his worth and pulled his fucking weight like a CHAMP
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OVER HERE IS MISS JACKSON (are you nasty?) who fucking wrecked Lance’s shop because he did not expect us to know the move PLAY ROUGH
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CAN WE GIVE A HAND OUR OUR MAN RAMEN-because he has no hands for which to clap-who took care of Agatha’s poison/ghost pokemon like a BALLER.
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PROPS TO OUR MAN HARUKI who snuffed out those ice types from the start, looking fabulous and FINE all while doing it
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SPECIAL AWARD TO SELBIT-he took care of the ENTIRE team Bruno had so fast they couldn’t even land a SINGLE HIT. The SPEED and ACCURACY of this magician Fox man.
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Sweet sweet sweet ass victory
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alwaysforgyeom · 4 years
dandelion (2016)
Lyrics for the songs in Yugyeom's "dandelion" album (4 songs): (Click "Keep Reading" to see the lyrics in text form) May contain inaccuracies. Please do not repost/use these translations without permission.
그대로 (The Way You Are) Ayy lady I’m not interested Don’t bother me Ah, that’s right, don’t mind it I won’t fall for it anyway I’m bored of it Just stop and piss off If you keep on coming, then my girl will feel uneasy Lady I don’t want you to say my name But baby I just want you to say my name She likes everything about me, I just want you girl I can’t express it through words, it’s so frustrating no no Even if I meet other girls, they can’t handle me No matter what others say, you’re the only one for me Other than me, everyone says no no I’ll confidently say, it’s you you I want you baby baby I want more baby You say it’s now, so will you come closer? I can I can only know Feel your heart, I know No oh, I haven’t been able to tell you yet They don’t know your charms yet Other than your appearance, there’s so much they don’t know To me, even your littlest actions And the little details in the way you talk In my eyes, all of it Is enough, just the way you are I know Just the way you are Yeah you know you know I just wanted you to know baby The way you are right now Would you come closer just the way you are? Even if I meet other girls, they can’t handle me No matter what others say, you’re the only one for me Other than me, everyone says no no I’ll confidently say, it’s you you I want you baby baby I want more baby You say it’s now You say it’s now
You Know Man, I love to get on I love to get 2 on When the drink be too strong When the tree be way too strong I love to get on I love to get 2 on When the drink be too strong My head is filled with the thought of you I’m slowly falling deeper into your trap I just wanna get you baby Even your heart It’s still far away but baby you know what I do I’m getting drunk on your lips I want more, you know, you know You still don’t know but It’s that feeling, what we feel No, oh, I’m not usually like this No, my body is moving towards you first No, I want you, come over closer next to me Come closer to me (Who cares what anyone says, I just want you) Those guys you think of can’t compare Got u down and low If you ask me directly, I’ll tell you, got me feelin you You’re gonna fall for me a little more today Stop playing, Like a PS4 I’m a baller, 4 N O baby You already know, what you wanna know My head is filled with the thought of you I’m slowly falling deeper into your trap I just wanna get you baby Even your heart It’s still far away but baby you know what I do I’m getting drunk on your lips I want more, you know, you know You still don’t know but It’s that feeling, what we feel I love to get on I love to get 2 on When the drink be too strong When the tree be way too strong I love to get on I love to get 2 on When the drink be too strong When the tree be way too strong I’m still not satisfied, just a little more You come to my mind (and I come to yours) Before you regret it, just tell me right now I’m still not satisfied I can’t hold back anymore I want you You come to my mind (You keep coming to mind) If you don’t want to regret you should say it too right now All the girls wanna hit me up Everyone around me hit me up When I hit the club, got me spendin’ dubs All the ladies wanna know what I'm looking for All the girls wanna hit me up Everyone around me hit me up When I hit the club, got me spendin’ dubs All the ladies wanna know what I'm looking for
No Way Ay yeah, oh nah nah nah This song reminds me of what you said then When you guys see me these days When you see how I’m still like a child You come over now and ask “why did you change?” But who the hell are you? I don’t care You want me to come back, no way You all just don’t know yet My future is bright Today too, all you have are excuses People around me say that they’ll do it They say it all the time, but it’s just words oh no Say, show your results Otherwise keep your mouth shut I’ll go on my own way There’s nothing else There’s nothing more so would you mind your own business They like talking bout me behind my back But I’m not like that, I’ll tell it to you straight When you guys see me these days When you see how I’m still like a child You come over now and ask “why did you change?” But who the hell are you? I don’t care You want me to come back, no way You all just don’t know yet My future is bright Today too, all you have are excuses Imma do my thing, and I hope you do the same They say I’ve changed but eh, why are you still the same? I don’t want to turn out like them, so I went another way While you’re stressing over that, I’m sippin Henessy While y’all talk that’s fine Whatever you do, the world keeps on spinning I’m busy doing my own thing, gotta increase my wealth My present and future is for my family Money over y’all, but family first The time I could be using to make money I don’t want that to be taken away from me Because of my timid personality, I had a lot of worries But now even if you throw stones, I’ll accept it with love Who the hell are you to me? Since when did you even care about me? Don’t try and come now to get attention Fake smiles, don’t feed me this poison-like medicine I know, no matter what anyone says I know my own answer I did it all to be that I’ll keep rising up to the sky even in the future Ain’t nobody fresh like me, girl and you know it Ain’t nobody chill like me, girl and you know it Never wanna lose got me thinkin bout the rules With my fans and my hyungs, I’ll keep going I don’t care You want me to come back, no way You all just don’t know yet My future is bright Today too, all you have are excuses
I Don’t Know I’ll call you in a bit my babe If you come here- no thanks You don’t have to call me, it’s okay I don’t know anymore, I don’t know Where are you looking lady You already know, be by my side maybe Out of my sight, out of my mind Do you know? You know what baby It’s not you, who went to the back If you see me, don’t hesitate, come to my side See? You’re here There’s nothing else but you Will you stop playing hard to get I can’t say that I’m alright with it You are my own At night, I can’t get you out of my head I’m thinking bout you girl Only thinking of you It’s not all about you Get over yourself, no play boy Pull up with my girl Up until now, nothing I’ll be there soon, I’m on my way, see you soon right there Tell me everything you want to do Tell me what you want You can tell me anything You already know what to do You already know how it’ll turn out How it’ll turn out Will you tell me by today what you’ll do? I’m always open to you, like a convenience store Our shelf-life is long, like processed food On days when my schedule is free, I will go all in on you like I went to Vegas, Like I became Lee Byunghun If there’s somewhere you want to go, tell me Even if you’re on the other side of the earth, it doesn’t matter to me If you miss me, I’ll fly to you My time difference adapts only to you JFK, LAX, wherever it is, it’s a breeze for me I can get to Sinsadong, Jeongjadong in 30 minutes and still have time to spare I’m leaving now, I’ll call you when I’m almost there so come and meet me Forget your makeup, I like your bare face If I’m Do Rae Mi Fa, then you’re the So La next to me I’m thinking bout you girl Only thinking of you It’s not all about you Get over yourself, no play boy Pull up with my girl Up until now, nothing I’ll be there soon, I’m on my way, see you soon right there Tell me everything you want to do Tell me what you want You can tell me anything You already know what to do You already know how it’ll turn out How it’ll turn out Will you tell me by today what you’ll do?
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nochiquinn · 4 years
campaign 2 episode 108: permadicked
I have a new keyboard, nobody's allowed to make fun of any typos in this
oh NO that art by naomi lord is so CUTE
I just got here why is sam cosplaying as hootie from hootie and the blowfish
replacing troy baker is MATT'S job, sam, stop that
"does brian remember how to talk?" "no, it's been weird at home"
"aimless slashing"
oh no I want it
laura bailey: she's done puzzles
caduceus: oh thank god, validation
mala: is...is that IC Marisha? me: write what you know
sam what the FUCK
moon mommy
I mean not THAT long
"could be interesting" is caduceus for "do it for the gram"
well that fanfic just happened
one ringy-dingy
that's a fucking copout answer
and she knows it, look at laura's face
exandria spontaneously develops a third moon
in a scripted show that would be MASSIVE foreshadowing for something terrible happening to all those people
caleb r u ok
when was the last time he got for-actual drunk? was the the drinking contest? in - was it fucking hupperdook?
beau got conned into having a job
why is everybody in this episode making me so NERVOUS
caleb whatcha doin
has this just been stewing on caleb's mind the whole time? like he wasn't gonna not help jester but was he always planning to just...turn around and raise hell?
I mean I support hellraising but do you have a PLAN mr widogast
everybody talking about their FEELINGS and their EMOTIONAL CONFLICT
and attacking MY feelings, as a parent, as veth always has and will undoubtedly continue to do
"I want to be wherever you are" welp there we go, actual tears
you know that part in hamilton where jefferson's like "can we get back to politics" and madison's in the back crying like "PLEASE?!" that's what that segue felt like
"you're jester, I'll allow it" that's it, that's the campaign
"we're making more of a difference than we ever would have if we hadn't met up"
beau: I'm technically included in everyone, that counts as a confession right
fjord what the fuck is that analogy
jester gets such mom energy sometimes
man it's gonna suck when they have to fight the traveler and they used all their spell slots on pyro
mala: his master plan
the traveler is just megamind
that's a baller name
"had to get the wiggles out"
beat them dicks
v e t h
artagan's gonna end up choking out two of liam's characters
I'm suprisingly into the concept of caleb and artagan beefing over who makes jester look cooler
"our own personal use"
there is now no prize, you got punked, fuck off
I don't trust like that
"do an insight check" "for what" "idk I just hate her"
v e T H
"9021VO" marisha
"it's a southern-ass thing" ahh, my people
"a blue tiefling" "so jester" "...yeah, it's jester"
"their dicks in their hands" a hur dur dur dur
I'm so NERVOUS there's no way this goes well but WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN
we lost marisha
"the golden phallus" his dark materials porn parody
fuck the what
"I'm the final dick!"
celia's the new big bad
new oneshot, search for celia
what's gonna HAPPEN the energy is so WEIRD
moonweaver: heard u bitches was lookin for me
oh. well shit.
well SHIT
what happens to jester if artagan gets put in gay baby jail???
okay I went and did dishes so I wouldn't have to do them after the episode and my current working theory is that jester becomes artagan's parole officer
depending if laura wants to keep jester on that route, idk, she might tell him to go fuck himself
jester :(
shades of garmelie in that muffled panic
jester's like 6-0 for charming incredibly powerful creatures, let's go for 7
"jester. that's all." cries
the one good thing he ever did
(I knew he actually loved her)
(vindication corner over here tonight)
moonweaver: don't forget to like comment and subscribe
cad: I got a lotta arm
stop making jester make decisions, let her Rest
jester you adorable goof, they fucking love you
y'all are gonna make me actually look up the moon theory and I don't Want To
"are you okay tho" "................yeah?"
beau: press x to doubt
everyone in this campaign: I'm incredibly powerful. I'm an enormous fuckup. I'm at the combination incredibly powerful and enormous fuckup.
veth was seriously going to throw tiny hands, I love her
artagan just tell her you love her back
I will teleport in there and throw hands
I can't help it, I just like him. I always have. I blame Matt. every time they want him to fuck off they just start doing monologues
I mean goldmember's taken
"I'm at your service" fuckin weh
fjord: are you fucking with me. you have to tell me if you're fucking with me or it's entrapment
jester set some boundaries challenge
this did not turn out to be much of a vacation, to be ENTIRELY fair
"sidequest, who's got sidequests"
cad's their designated driver, he doesn't go home until they're all home
"can we warn yussa" "I plan to!" "we always plan to, let's please do it this time"
"someone prayed for a miracle and there you were" cad that's gay
mala: sounds like Taliesin's home plane
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aptronyms · 4 years
u should tell me about the fnaf 2 animatronics....just in general i want ur thoughts
so like honestly the entire cast of the game is really well rounded in design and personality?? all of them feel really fun and they have their own charm to me!!!!! balloon boys my obvious favorite, hes so small and round and funny!! theres something about him thats so charming, hes a little scamp!!! he likes balloons and batteries and sure he can be a bit obnoxious but hes also five years old and thats part of his CHARM!!! mangles another one of my favorites, cuz like hes just fucking cool as a concept?? i honestly thought my love for mangle was like a newer thing that was just cuz i loved her voice, but i went back to look at my OLD old old fnaf art and WOW i drew mangle a lot n a lot of it was very edgy abt how shes torn apart n shit!! but yeah i big factor to why i love mangle so much is just... his VOICE is SO FUCKING GOOD TO LISTEN TO?? love it!!! AND ALL THE OTHER TOY ANIMATRONICS TOO THEYRE SO FUN, TOY FREDDY IS A SILLY GAMER AND TOY CHICA IS CUTE AND LIKES TO PARTY AND MURDER AND TOY BONNIE IS A MEAN SELF ABSORBED LITTLE GAYBOY <3 <3 <3 and the withereds too!! withered chica n withered bonnie have some of the best voices in the series, and honestly im kinda obsessed with withered foxy just bc i rlly think that he is like balloon boys dad bc of how balloon boy stealing your batteries means that foxy is able to jumpscare you?? so its like... GO GET EM SON!! withered freddy in comparison has a lot less to go off of in terms of personality but hes still very fun, every freddy is super fun <3 <3 and the PUPPET even just ignoring all the puppets lore its like WOWZA the puppets design is cool!! theyre creepy but i could still see them being at a kids restaurant because damn those places have creepy mascots a lot!!! and their mechanic is fun too GOD BRO HEARING POP GOES THE WEASEL GIVES ME GOOSEBUMPS NOW BC ITS LIKE OH FUCK I FORGOT THE MUSIC BOX SHIT SHIT SHIT AAAAAAAAA <\3 n i havent even gotten to the EASTER EGG ANIMATRONICS YET!! i have no clue what RWQ even IS but its got a real baller design, same for shadow freddy!! and endo 02 is definitely the best endo (so fucking sorry yenndo <\3) just bc they look so bored and they have cute little ears... and OF FUCKING COURSE!!! I COULD NEVER FORGET THE ONE AND ONLY JJ!!!! i love jj so much she loves hiding under desks and breaking doors... she doesnt rlly get much personality which is why ive taken it upon myself to give her that personality!! the only thing she really has in terms of character is the foxy fighters minigame in the fnaf world update, where she sounds very aggressive and irritable and i LOVE THAT she even has a cut line where she says “im gonna KICK YOUR ASS” and i just!!! FUCK IT UP YOU CRAZY SEVEN YEAR OLD!!!! GO OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok ramble over but thank you again anon i love fnaf and talking abt fnaf <3 <3 <3
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