suugiart · 1 year
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I love this boy so much, you have no idea (except you do if you know me LMAO)
Stock images are great references
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lloydofhyrule64 · 6 months
The Boy
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metalmewtwo-kxb · 2 months
Ladies, gents, and fam, I give you my new comic canon OC--
A baby boy 😌
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Now you may be asking yourself- "Wait!!! Isn't that @dingbat-things 's OC?? THAT Zen???" And, why yes, that's because it is! ☝️
"Is this MOTHERHECKIN THEFT" you might say (if you're a troublemaking rabble-rouser) - but no! This has been, in fact
✨️random adoption!✨️
Dings has been absolutely lovely and actually gave Zen to me since they know how much I love him as a character ❤️ It was truly out of nowhere but I'm IMMENSELY grateful, and I look forward to including him in the main story.
Brief note: So Benta canonically has a spontaneous box baby! But I want to point out the au drabble I wrote for them back in May is going to stay an au, so he will not be losing an arm lol. Seriously he's had enough happen already and it'll only get worse from here--
AND IN OTHER NEWS, I also give you,
A very lovely lady, Dings' new OC Dew 💖
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In light of the nonsense with ppl accusing perfectly upstanding artists of sTeALiNg, I decided to help show off Dew's uniqueness with a gift art -v- Including some fluff on her back and a few more freckles just to give her a tiny extra zing (that she realistically doesn't need from me- she's already a sparky little gem).
This is the least I can do in exchange for the gift of such a sweet baby boy as Zen, and plus, I had a lot of fun drawing both of them. Both gorgeous beans, and I'm looking forward to having Zen in my artwork along with all the others! ( ^▽^ )
Small bonus below the cut 👇
Zen got turned HECKIN PINK with one of the default camera filters.
And still the cutest little bug.
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Have a lovely day! 👋
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brandycranby · 1 year
me thinks we need to discuss big beefy men holding tiny tiny babies 🧐
ari having skin-to-skin time with his little one, the surge of protectiveness as they hold his finger in sleep, rising and falling with his chest 😖💕
frank 🥺 best dad/uncle frank with baby mary, covered in formula and spit up but still trying his best while juggling his office hrs and lectures
jakey with his niece swinging from his arms!! glasses crooked!! ik he would be such a good papa 😣 yeah he silly but when he holds that baby for the first time..
andy in the nursery past midnight, standing vigil by the crib and stroking a soft chubby cheek 😭 he just needs to know his baby's ok!!
steve with his baby!! so small!! they take her away for observation bc the serum didnt pass to her and she has to stay in nicu 😫 him looking through the glass and promising to always always keep her safe
@babyjakes bc u put this in my head 😣 @punemy-spotted bc this is totally Steve & Liddol territory, actually everyone heckin' chime in bc im tired of ppl not actually talking on main!!! come shake me by the lapels and yell about baby fever
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fountainpenguin · 2 months
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #2
Episode begin! Title card gives us Hazel with wings, so I'm liking where this is going. Gives me "Mile In My Shoes" vibes, and this 100% sounds like a first wish a kid would make.
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Cosmo and Wanda are on their 4th godkid in a row with damaged teeth (though in Crocker's defense, his changed later). I was going to say "bold move for giving Hazel the same teeth design as Chloe," but I'm pretty sure Chloe just has a chip, not an entire missing one.
omfg HARTMANVERSE HAS A BROWN-EYED CHARACTER!!!! We get them on occasion (I think some of the classmates in "Bunsen Is a Beast" had them, I think Willy Moore and maybe the tall girl?), but they are SO RARE and now we have a MAIN CHARACTER!
Usually, purple or pink is subbed in instead, even for humans (Exhibit Flappy Bob). Oh, this is exciting. This makes my heart happy.
!!! The title card !!! has Cosmo and Wanda with their OG designs! Even though they have new outfits now! That is super clever, and they're starting us off by giving us Hazel in FOP style too, for the card. That's fun.
Let's begin!
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Oh, heckin' yes, we're gettin' a townhouse! Or... whatever this building is. I am already excited about writing 'fics about that roof.
Waxing crescent moon! I am already back on my moon obsession. But oh no, they put stars in it.
Oh, that is a bold move giving Hazel a toy named Rhonda when Wanda's about to enter the scene.
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... Okay, it's not the same cat, but I was very close (and yes, I have this in my files; I have a Francis-centric work that's been in my drafts a few years, though I'm not sure I'll get to it at this point).
I am FASCINATED with the possibility that the photos depict characters in 2D while their bodies are 3D. Jimmy Neutron is gonna lose his FLIPPIN' MIND.
Who is Hazel's VA, do I know her...? /Looked her up- I've seen a few of the relevant media, but I wouldn't have nailed her down in this first sentence.
She's a sibling! Oh, finally... Only rarely do we get siblings in the Hartmanverse. I was so robbed by Mikey's clones in "Mikeyplication." When we saw the sneak peek of geeky Mikey, I thought there was a chance.
Plot twist, Antony pulls a Katty Katswell and shows up for a face-off.
I'm liking the direction this is going for Hazel having a lot of big life changes: Just moved to a new place AND just said bye to her big brother who's gone off to college.
Hazel talks to herself exactly the style I do, I love her.
SLKDFJSDKLFJS she does Chloe's classic squint, I love that for her.
Her first hypothetical wish (before fairies show up) is unlimited wishes. Oh, Jorgen's gonna love you.
Her dad calls her Hazelnut :)
crying, this poor girl wants to see her brother so bad that she thinks he's "visiting early" even though there's no possible way that's true.
Note to self, Hazel's room is last in the hall, to the right, with... wow, that's a lot of doors around her.
Oh thank GOODNESS we got lightswitches. Hey why are the doorknobs so low. Is that how they build them in this universe of chronically tiny children?
OH! Mom's outfit is reminiscent of Timmy's mom's! I like that. Wow, this family loves colorful shoes. Yeah, you goofballs must be new here. We don't do that in FOP.
T'was an apartment! Not a townhouse.
First Cosmo and Wanda sighting!! I paused instantly, but Wanda's definitely gonna point out that Cosmo has his crown still up. Hers has gone down for human disguise.
And OH YEAH, BABY! We get a back view of their hair? This is the show that keeps on giving.
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Time for a Post #3!
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linnetagain · 1 month
I have. Had a realization.
In-fic, it is Feb/March-ish of 2024. Gale is currently 29, Astarion is about to be 27. Hestia is seven-ish, and the baby was born when Gale was 21ish? Yes?
IRL, it is August 2024. I am currently 29. My sister is 27.
I am losing my mind.
I was a junior during the 2012 Olympics. Originally Astarion said that he was 14 when he skated to Golden, but that was when he thought his birthday was Jan 1, and skating season is usually finished by March, yeah??? So he would have be 13, little baby EIGHTH grader, teeny tiny child? Protect him????
And the Sebastian incident, he said he was 16, so that would have been some time in 2014, I’d only just graduated and was pretending to be A Real Adult, my sister was a tenth grader reading Julius Caesar and all that shiz, we were binge watching episodes of Pokémon on my chunky laptop like they were a line of crushed smarties on a coffee table and we had no nerve endings left in our sinuses.
Gale was 15 when he met Mystra, frickin 2010 or some shiz, I was still deeply uninterested in men as a concept at that point I’m ace but that’s beside the point so’s he, what were you thinking lady, I have a different sister who’s 8 years younger than me, when I was 22 the humans her size may as well have been INFANTS, who goes shopping for college boyfriends among incoming high school freshmen, you’re NASTY
Married at 19, okay maybe not so weird generally, that’s what my mom did, she’s fine, to each their own, but like that’s when I was heading into my first proper burnout, I was not a PERSON, absolute brick made of oatmeal, also I was still a TINY BABY, that was heckin ten years ago, heckin 2014, Astarion “falls” and Gale’s heckin legally bound to his heckin manager frick 2014 seriously who authorized this
Hestia would have been born some time in 2017, if she’s already 7 when the fic started in fall 2023, some time in March–September since we haven’t seen her birthday on screen yet, so absolute earliest she could have been conceived would have been like, June 2016, so Gale would have gotten the ultimatum in probably July or August, chest injury probably happened earlier that year, maybe March–Juneish if he spent a year retraining his voice and lungs and it overlapped with paternal leave post-Hessie, and Astarion asked “was that the year that—?” so his first baby probably died like, maybe mid-2015? That’s right when I got my heckin puppy. Gale’s son should be as old as my puppy dog. Jeez, Astarion escapes to law school right as Gale gets Metaphorically Orbed. Congrats Gale, you’re 20 and having the Worst Year Ever
Also, shoutout to Astarion for finishing law school in 3 years? Class of 2018? That seems so fast with like pre-law and stuff but I don’t know how the UK does it, also he’s a smart boy, GO, be FREE my son (sort of not really psych jk)
But also ugh living in a two-bed studio apartment for at least five years assuming they lived in student housing before that? How is your mind still intact
But just. Hessie. Born 2017. The year I started going into my SECOND major episode of burnout. Heck, do I know any seven year olds??? How old are my little cousins?? Heck, it would the ones who didn’t live very close, how big is a seven year old?????? My close friends have a six year old, but she’s usually doing her own thing when I hang out with them so I usually visualize her as so much smaller, I think I might be literally incapable of comprehending having spawned a tiny growing human and having them in close proximity to myself since 2017
Congrats, you’ve broken me
Yeah don't be fooled by Gale talking about how old he feels, they're both SO young and so much of the shit that they've gone through happened to them when they were literally children. Astarion was thirteen when he won gold, Gale was fifteen when he met Mystra. It's one of the reasons why that brief mention of Romeo and Juliet is so loaded, because Astarion is looking back and remembering how it felt like his whole world was defined by this one thing when he was that age, and how much has changed since then. How much more he's had the chance to be, and how he was so close to losing the chance at that. Also one of the reasons why it's so easy to write him being protective of Hestia. He can see Gale trying to give her a better childhood than either of them had and he's absolutely going to try and help.
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raccoonfallsharder · 9 months
what kind of names do you think Mantis would give to her new abilisk friends? though at the end of Vol. 3 she collectively calls them her "babies" as they evacuated the Arête and i think that's already heckin' adorable
i've been thinking about this since you sent it. i would love to know what you think, actually. i love mantis but i don't know enough of her canonical background to say anything with confidently, and i honestly cannot decide. so here are a number of things i considered:
i thought about tiny mantis, with baby fat still in her cheeks and eyes even wider than they are now, her antennae always glowing. she tells peter that ego swept her away from her home planet after she was left orphaned in her larval state - but a god like ego can't be bothered with raising a child. i thought maybe, after she'd help him fall asleep, baby mantis would sit and swing her legs, and dream herself up some imaginary friends. you've probably never seen a more sad or lonely thing than tiny mantis, wandering the lush and vibrant terrain of ego the living planet: bickering with the ghosts of her dreamed-up family, playing some self-taught variation on tag or hide-and-seek by herself.
i thought maybe she named her adopted abilisks after them.
and then i thought that - ego is not exactly a reliably storyteller. perhaps he told a young mantis the story of his charitable adoption of her so many times that she believed it - and since she was so young, she'd have no reason to question it. but maybe she was not simply orphaned. maybe he orphaned her the same way he orphaned pete, destroying a family who loved her so much, who had such hopes for her. maybe she had two older siblings who couldn't wait till she was big enough to play with, and they made up all her days and nights and joys and fights. they probably had nicknames. maybe the younger one was still enough of a baby to mispronounce everything, and mantis held onto that memory: the slightly tilted and childish pronunciations, wobbling with affection. maybe her conscious mind can't recall them, but when she reaches out to her abilisks, she finds those innocent, almost-meaningless names rising up in her lungs like flowers. she doesn't know why - she just knows they're there, right on the edge of her antennae.
then i thought maybe mantis would name them the most mundane names possible. very "human" or terran-esque: gladys and john, maybe. maybe she thinks they are very cool names. or she knows exactly what she's doing and thinks it's hilarious.
or - and here's the one i think i like best -
maybe she doesn't know what she's named them.
mantis is not a telepath, but she is an empath. at the end of vol3, she speaks to her babies with a little purring chirrup. she probably doesn't know what it means - not really - but she knows the associations. she knows the vibes.
the sense of come with me˚ ༘ ೀ⋆.˚
the sense of of go with me wherever i go༘*.゚ and of ༘ ⋆。˚i will go wherever you go, too
did that little trill mean come along⋆.˚જ⁀➴ or did it mean * ੈ♡‧₊˚we are companions or did it mean ⋆-ˋˏlet's depart into the silvered sky together✩₊˖°˖⁺‧
mantis doesn't know, but she knows it feels like all of those things.
do the abilisks have names for themselves? maybe. maybe not. mantis will probably never really know. but she probably asks them, because that's who mantis is. i like to think she takes all the little chirps and purrs and clicks and rumbles that feel best to them, and that's what she uses to call and speak to them. words that mean something like ༘⋆✦⋆ ˚。home and love♡✧˚ ༘ and embrace✲゚。⋆ and my child, my darling, my little one.ೃ࿔*:・₊⊹
you might think, how silly, that mantis has inadvertantly named the slightly smaller one something like ✧˚ ༘⋆。Sweetie-Pie♡˚ in their language, and the even bigger one now goes by a series of warbles and churrs that are close to ༘⋆-ˋˏAdorable Baby. after all, they're four times her height and like a hundred times her body mass mass and they vomit interdimensional glitter and rainbow confetti whenever they get anxious, like very large and very nervous cats. but even if mantis knew what she was calling them, she wouldn't stop. and they wouldn't want her to.
all three of them, together, know that she would cuddle them up and tuck them into her heart, and keep them safe no matter what.
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if-loki-was-a-fox · 8 months
Btw when I talk about avian!Mumbo with little baby bird wings I don't mean it in a cute fluffy chick way, I mean it in the awkward teen phase and covered in pinfeathers way.
He literally just looks like this to me:
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It's just too heckin' funny to me to imagine him with tiny ineffective wings that just look like these scraggly little things, and all he can do is sit their and marinate in the knowledge that he brought this upon himself by tricking Grian into signing away his sould
(they do look prettier later tho, once they finish growing in)
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Phew, okay - so pending shadows and highlights, and colors are likely to be tweaked at least a little (except for the baby in the middle; heckin' PERFECT!), but this is the first new ground broken in a while for my Fakemon project (with redesigns of old concepts being the art-production focus up until now). @v@;
Part of the excitement of revamping an old project is embracing new possibilities... and with that creative liberty, things have entirely spiraled out of control and now the region is based on a mashup of concepts (including but not limited to Post-Apocalyptic Cottagecore) rather than any real-world location.
In addition, the player is the only human in the setting — and to avoid drawing unwanted attention — can disguise themselves as a 'mon! These are your 3 options, which each align with a given "deity" (read: Mythical/Lesser-Legendary) you choose.
Rambles under the cut if you're as interested in the concept/process as I am!
Aside from signature accent colors and modified/added features of your chosen savior and one personal apparel-item, these are based on mutated variants of canon single-stage Pokémon. While these are super-derivative, I had fun with the concepts!
Each base is changed in type which the new designs reflect. Kecleon took on a Bug-Psychic typing; Indeedee became an Ice-Fairy type; and Heracross became an Electric-Ghost type.
Heracross changed the most of the 3, shrinking considerably and "hollowing out" to an extent, with the flakier texture of its altered carapace allowing for friction/contact-electrification to help generate current. Heracross was also the most-thought-out in terms of a Pokemon mutating to survive in a post-fallout setting; the others were just designed around reinforcing the themes/motifs of the deities I associated them with. ^^;
That said, the deities each have a theme that is reflected in the 'mon-avatar you can adopt through them. Let's go over each, respective to their avatar above, from left to right:
~ Celebi is coded as "The Illuminator", which is why a Psychic type is attributed to you as a mutant-Kecleon, and is the ideal choice if your priority in the "game" is exploration, discovery and mystery/problem-solving. ~ Suicune is coded as "The Protector/Rescuer", and I chose Fairy because out of the supernatural-leaning types, it felt most thematically appropriate. Despite mutant-Indeedee's primary ice-typing, the path associated with Suicune is about the gentle, cozy vibes, warmth and compassion, rewarding those who want to find comfort in rebuilding. ~ Victini is coded as "The Champion", and Ghost-typing was assigned via process of elimination, as I knew I wanted a "mystical" secondary typing for each (though that did make the conceptualization extra fun - deciding that mutant-Heracross attained this 'ghastly' subtype out of sheer tenacity, refusing to 'properly' die. XD). Even though the Heracross species is a tiny shell of its former self, it has lived to fight another day with newfound power, so it follows that this is the primary option if you prefer combat in gameplay!
I'm kind of invested in the hypothetical story now... as even though you assume a Pokémon form (at least while you're awake), you can still befriend a "starter" Pokémon out of 3 options (this is decided when you pick where in the "region" you want to start the game, with your options being the Cottage Zone, the Meadow Zone and the Twilight Zone); this First Friend will likely eventually find out that you're NOT a Pokémon, and that's when things will get interesting — because there's a reason you're hiding the fact that you're human, and there's a reason there are no other humans around...
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tirsden · 11 months
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Main account finally pulled Venti, finishing my collection of the current playable Genshin Impact archons. He's going DPS as his baby-build shows. Needs more crit rate, but it's not bad for hand-me-down artifacts. I specifically pulled Thundering Pulse for him back during madam pathological-liar's last rerun. Now to pile some resin into talents and finish off them ascension bosses.
Really hoping Furina isn't actually the hydro archon, because she may be the first one I refuse to pull. I have a tiny bit of hope from whispers in the plot... pleeease let her be a weekly boss so that someone way less heckin' annoying can be the water goddess. Please.
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hana-akari · 1 year
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I have found faceclaim for baby Sarada. She's around 3 to 4 years old. I wanted a verse with really tiny Sarada and a much younger single mom Saku.
I headcanon that Sarada got her glasses later when she first starts school. Sakura starts to take notice that Sarada can't read books unless they're like an inch away from her face and teachers have pulled Sakura aside to tell her that Sarada is having issues seeing the chalkboard. So off to the eye doctors they gooo.
Sarada was SO excited to get her first pair of glasses. Suddenly she could see things so clearly! No more squinting and guessing! Her mama's face is no longer a blur! Sarada picked red because red reminds her of her mom, and she knows it's her mom's favorite color. Red is a comfort color for Sarada. It makes her feel like even if they're apart, a little piece of her mom is with her when she wears red. That gives her a boost of confidence. Because her mom is so powerful and smart, she wants to be like that someday.
I refuse to acknowledge that arc where Sarada questions if Sakura is her mom or not. I also refuse to acknowledge Sakura snapping at her over Sasuke. That's some bullshit.
Even if Karin WAS Sarada's birth mother, Sarada would only see Sakura as mom because Sakura was raising her from the very beginning. It doesn't matter one way or another to her because Sakura is forever her mama.
Sakura loves Sarada more than the entire world. She would never snap at her daughter over a man. Some people say that Sakura lost her prime years becoming a mother young but Sakura never saw it as a loss. She gained something, and that was Sarada. Sarada is her pride and joy and no matter how old her gets, she'll forever be Sakura's little baby.
I also refuse to believe Sakura would let Sarada out of the house where stripper heels and a skirt so short it shows her panties jfdjkdkjdf I don't know why tf the artist keeps putting her in clothes like that. People already weirdly sexualize her. They're just adding fuel to the fire.
Side rant, I fuckin' HATE that people site Sarada's outfits as a reason for Sakura being a bad person/mother. Like brah, it's not her fault the artist is a weirdo. But people will literally pick at anything to hate Sakura. It's like unbelievable. I still can't get over I saw someone say that Sakura was ugly because she was fat. Like bruh, they draw her like a heckin twig with no meat. Plz tell me where the fat is. And even if she was, she's still hot. Haters got no tastes.
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caseyscraftycorner · 1 year
okay okay okay.
since 806jr won his match yesterday, I think i'm gonna try and draw what he looked like in june/july. because. man. he looked fuckin. SILLY.
his nickname is Donkey. and it's fitting. because, just. LOOK AT THIS TINY BABY BOY.
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how did that skinny, lanky, donkey-eared creature become THIS HECKIN CHONKER
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it's because his mom is a wonderful mother who fought the biggest boars for the best fishing spots. and 806jr? oh boy, he's gonna be a FBW champion some day!! i just know it!!!
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fluffallamaful · 2 years
Another option for The Reveal (Pet AU):
They never actually find the little white blob, because Dream manages to get just enough energy to turn back into a human before they corner him again. The server is devastated. Dream, meanwhile, has just been given a strong reminder of why he was doing all of this in the first place, and is now rushing to complete The Plan. He is tearing himself apart to do this because god damn it he wants that happy ending so bad.
What he doesn’t know, however, is that this hunt for the little white blob has done something unexpected. Everyone misses their little pet. Everyone is devastated. And by the end of it, everyone has realized that they were all talking about the same fucking pet. And nothing’s better at uniting people than a shared tragedy, so they’re all swapping stories about their little white blob and crying about how much they miss their missing baby and even going on hunts together to see if maybe — just maybe — they can get him back. So basically, Dream’s goal has been completed, and he doesn’t know it.
Anyway, because it’s basically the entire server (-Punz) vs Dream, the plan still falls flat on its face and Dream is left injured and surrounded with no chance of escape. And this is when he reverts to his true form and passes out.
Now everyone is freaking out because WHAT. Even Punz didn’t know that Dream was the blob! But now absolutely nothing makes sense about what he’s been doing, so they start looking for answers. And this is when Punz comes clean.
Dream wakes up hours later wrapped in blankets and cradled in someone’s lap (probably Quackity’s because Quackity was the one who was most attached). He panics at first, but Quackity’s grip is surprisingly tough (or maybe he’s just extremely weak) and eventually he just starts to break down into tiny, squeaky sobs because he’s so scared :((( Anyway the server gives him plenty of gentle comfort tickles to cheer him up.
FXTXYSHSS omggggggggg this one’s heckin adorable as well 😭😭
ok so the blob manhunt starts with all their posters and whatever, but they never actually find blob dream, because he has escaped to a forest (all fed and pampered now), and has transformed back into a human :(( (though despite having the energy to be human, he’s still heckin battered)
(discussion nnn beliowww)
fgzgzs this one is so devastating coz you’ve got both sides just being absolutely devastated omfg. like dream is cryinf and running in a forest absolutely mourning his moment of being happy and loved, and longing so much for his reset to happen faster. and the rest of the server is bonding over this little white blob that has brought them all so much joy :((
so i think, hopefully i’m reading your description right,, but in this version they manage to find HUMAN dream (all weak and exhausted and just emotionally drained), and then he’s so panicked and in shock and absolutely terrified that he transforms into his blob form and passes out?? i hope i got that right.
and then there’s a huge eruption of confusion and anger from the server. they feel they’ve been tricked!! how could dream have done such a thing!! they’re mad at him for being his usual manipulative self,, until of course punz explains everything (whilst gently scooping up the tiny passed out blob in his hands). he explains dreams goals and aims, and manages to calm the angry cries down to sympathetic murmurs
they take the blob back to the community house. a sweater is knitted for the blob and he is wrapped in several blankets. they know he’s ok because he’s breathing, but is just clearly completely exhausted.
i love that it’s quackity that ends up to be the one cradling him when dream finally wakes up :(( that’s so cute and yet would be so terrifying for dream. it’s heart wrenching to imagine dream’s confusion and panic when he wakes up, he wouldn’t know if he’s human or blob straight away,, and would go to yell and scream but would find only squeaks to come out. which then gives him a new wave of panic because he knows how vulnerable he is in this state,, and therefore his terrified whimpering squeaks continue :((( (im going to cry)
but quackity just soothes him. he explains everything to him gently. he explains that he knows dreams plans, and that he understands why dream is scared,, but he ensures that it’s all ok and that everyone wants to help him. the rest of the server nod their head as well. dream is absolutely hesitant in believing him until he manages to catch punz’s eye and reassuring head nod
quackity starts petting him. he starts listing all the ways that dream has helped people (i’ve seen your other ask im going to link it here once i’ve answered it), and just overall explains that they’re so happy to have found a side of dream that they understand. tommy jokes and says that dreams soft. dream’s cheeks start to tint green at the compliment. they all start complimenting him more.
a domino affect of showered affection from those who had the pleasure of being dream’s ‘owner’ breaks out,, where everyone starts telling cute and slightly embarrassing stories of things that blob dream did for them. dream is absolutely overjoyed but flustered by the love and attention. he’s simply not used to it. he doesn’t know how to react. his reaction is so incredibly cute that quackity starts to tickle him. it was something that he learned that blob dream loves anyway, and he’s being too cute to not tease just a little. turns out that tickling was rather common amongst the owners, and they all share their favourite places and spots to tickle the blob (there’s a unanimous agreement that his tummy produces the best reactions)
the combination of all of the compliments, love, and tickles causes dream to transform back into his human self. and once again he is absolutely devastated and petrified because of it,, half expecting them all to turn on him. however much to his relief the cooing and tickles only increase. he’s showered with twice as many teases and twice as many hands join in the tickle attack. he’s left with no other choice but to ascend to a giggly bliss in the arms of his ex-torturer, blushy cheeks hidden into his palms as his enemy-turned-friends prod and squeeze and scratch at his healing body.
his chance at a reset is not all lost afterall :,)
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iguessitsjustme · 2 years
All the Liquors - Eps 1 & 2 Drunk Thoughts
Here me out. I’m gonna get drunk while watching this show that heavily features and see what that does to the experience. For science. Also to get rid of some of my wine. I am but one tiny person who barely drinks. Why do I have so much wine? Also I am writing this little intro before actually getting drunk and watching. I need to make sure that at least part of this is coherent. Though I will let y’all in on a little secret, people have a hard time knowing when I’m drunk texting because I proofread everything I ever type so much due to my perfectionism. I’m trying to be better about it though so who knows what’s going to happen. Drunk thoughts start now:
-I’m now inebriated and I have my honey roasted cashews. Time to goooooooooooooooooo
-They are festive. Look at them.
-Sitting closer to the tv just means I need to turn down the brightness it does not helpful for reading the captions. Who designed this I want words.
-Ew a break up. Who would break up with that little cutie. Look at that face. Don’t worry baby you’ll find better. Look at you and how sweet you are. Come here, I’ll give you some wine and ice cream - I HAVE ICE CREAM. What a wonderful drunken revelation.
-Who goes to a cafe for beer? That looks like a place that serves cafe. Wait no. Coffee.
-He’s using his breakup as an excuse to drink and it turns out, so am I. Using his breakup I mean. I haven’t broken up with anyone. The day I stop being single is the day the world breaks out into another crisis. I’m not saying it’s related but the last time I got a serious boyfriend, covid struck. 
-Those are the tiniest trash bags I’ve ever seen in my entire life. Maybe my back wouldn’t hurt so bad if my trash bags were that small. It is a hike to my dumpsters. I gotta walk through a restaurant
-These people just be fallin in these shows.
-Aw they provided him a safe place to be passed out. There’s a reason I only drink at home.
-”Is he pure or dumb?” you know I get that question a lot.
-He got really angry for someone asking about alcohol. Though he makes a good point. My dude did just pass out drunk and then immediately ask for more. My guy, methinks you might have a problem.
-Why these girls so mean? If they didn’t have that stick up their ass they’d be so pretty. Look at them being so pretty. Pretty and petty. I love the way he handled them though. Like y’all it’s so easy to just go somewhere else that can accommodate you. Good god.
-Why does everyone and their brother want this man to provide them alcohol? Just order what’s on the menu.
-Oh what a heckin dick. She’s just going to post that she ignored the restaurant’s policies and blame it on the restaurant? She’s no longer pretty in the slightest. Go get drunk elsewhere you absolute dillwank. There are other restaurants in Korea.
-I’m actually obsessed with this opening. I love it so much. Cannot explain.
-Starting episode 2 now. And you know. I’m starting to think this boy might have a problem. Wait I think I might have said that earlier.
-Chef: ”I’m going to quit cooking.” Me: “You’re going to stop cooking? How you gonna eat?...oh wait.”
-This show was right. All the liquors. One day I will try soju. It’s on my list of alcohols to try. I don’t have very many on the list. Anyone care to guess my favorite liquor? It’s rum. But only because I don’t think sake counts as liquor. But I’m not all that knowledgeable about alcohol.
-This show from the tsundere chefs perspective is WILD. This man shows up drunk, passes out, wakes up and asks for food and more liquor, then shows up again later with armfulls of alcohol.
-I need someone to come bring me food. Someone come bring me food please. In exchange I will give you…an unhinged and chaotic personality and also show you my favorite shows.
-OH MY GOD IT’S COME FULL CIRCLE. His friend is telling him to ask that chef.
-I cannot express enough how much I need that man’s cardigan. I need it more than words can express.
-I’m not wearing my glasses and for a second I thought that said “Restaurant Good.” Would you believe I’ve been to a restaurant called Good before? And that it is, in fact, good. They weren’t just saying shit. Delicious. Now I want to go back but it’s too far.
-Cuties ABOUND.
-But whyyyy does he not want alcohol? I mean I get it and I respect his decision. But his love interest is currently an alcoholic. 
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wyvern-tales · 4 years
Since I have recently been overcome with the powerful desire to make more Side Dragons, I take Baby Dragon Virgil and raise you Adult Dragon Virgil
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Roman I blame you for this, and because of that, you're next.
(@delimeful for credit of course)
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apogexnarchive · 4 years
ancient entities when they find out Vasilija’s age
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