#TK Strand needs a hug
carlos-in-glasses · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Thank you for the tags @reyesstrand @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @alrightbuckaroo @lemonlyman-dotcom @catanisspicy @bonheur-cafe @goodways 🥰
My evening played out slightly differently so I'm actually around to share something! I wrote this today for Flashback Fic:
At daybreak, horizontal sleet is pin-sharp. The dark blue sky creaks open with purple light. Shadows deepen the flat cityscape. Black water turns gray.
Owen and TK stand on the banks of the Hudson watching two boats smoulder because three college students decided to perform a Viking-style ritual for a friend who died. The problem with being someone who symbolically douses a dinghy in gasoline, lights a match and then nudges the burning vessel into the water with a hockey stick – is that you're probably not someone who takes fire safety into account, or currents. All three students sustained burns to their arms, legs and torsos; one lost their eyebrows. The dinghy drifted straight into a large boat revamped into an oyster bar. Up it went.
"Nothing like firelight to bring out your glare," Owen says to a slightly sooty TK as he begins to snake a black hose back into the truck.
TK frowns, keeps reeling the hose in, feeding it through his gloved hands carefully.
"Son!" Owen whisper-shouts, looking over his shoulder to check that the rest of the crew are occupied elsewhere. "Please can you tell me why you're mad? You've been giving me the cold-shoulder for two days."
TK keeps his eyes on the hose as it smoothly curls into place. "You don't like him, do you?"
Owen makes a petulant sound somewhere between a sigh and a groan – as if he's been caught out.
Dinner between TK, Alex, Owen and Gwyn had been stilted; TK did everything he could to keep the atmosphere bright and conversation flowing. He feels like he virtually talked non-stop because he had no choice. He could swear Owen and Gwyn were agitated and making eyes at each other. At first he thought it was because they'd had an argument. Then he realized they were in agreement.
"I don't know him," Owen says simply.
"That dinner was all about getting to know him."
"And still." Owen shrugs. "I do not know him."
TK abandons the hose and moves closer – stepping up to his father, unafraid, pointing a thickly-gloved finger at him. "Have you been speaking to Mom?"
"No," Owen answers, and sounds genuine. "But I know she feels the same way I do. Doesn't that tell you something?"
Quickly, TK doesn't feel tough so much as despairing. Gutted. "Dad. I've never felt this way before about anyone. Alex – he's different. He makes me feel... as soon as I met him…like I wanted to change. I'm sober. I'm doing well. Don't you see that? I'm better at work now. You can’t tell me you haven’t noticed." He knows how pathetic and pleading he sounds, and he hates it.
What's worse is that Owen is smiling at him softly. "That's down to you, TK. Not Alex or anyone else."
"No!" TK insists, his voice rasping and loud enough for a couple of people to turn around. "It's Alex."
"TK." Owen steps up to him, but puts a hand on his shoulder rather than pointing a finger in his face. "I know how you feel about Alex. That much was clear. But–"
"But what?"
Owen stares at him with galling sympathy. "He's just not that into you."
I feel like everyone has been tagged so I'm panic-tagging @taralaurel because we're having a chat lol and also @lightningboltreader and @freneticfloetry and @liminalmemories21 if you want to share/ haven't already! And anyone else! Open tag butterfly net and feel free to tag me! ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜
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batcavescolony · 11 months
911: we're mostly fine? Need some therapy, we fight but it's ok, we're family!
911 lone Star: This show started with all but one firefighter dying and people haven't stopped dying since. It's only pain. everyone gets their houses blown up! But we're also a family!
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guardian-angle22 · 2 years
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911 Lone Star | TK Strand’s affectionate head ~plonk~
↳ for @ladytessa74
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howtosingit · 2 years
something something carlos always checks in, even when he’s upset something something 
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velvet-ink · 2 years
Broken over 3x08 all over again 😭
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kiankiwi · 1 year
I finished the Wedding Episodes of 911: Lonestar
So if anyone wants to recommend me fics, angsty, fluffy, domestic, any of it, I want to read all of it :)
Alright, I'm gonna go back to reading Tarlos fic :)
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tarlos-spain · 2 years
You have to be odd to be number one
Fandom: 911 Lone Star
Pairing: Carlos Reyes/TK Strand
Title: You have to be odd to be number one
"How was the holiday?"
"I would have preferred to be at work, the day would have gone by sooner and I wouldn't have realized the World Cup was starting."
"Weren't you dying to see it?"
"Of course I was. But... I can't get out of my head how they treat everyone LGBTQ and all the workers killed to build the facilities. I morally can't watch it this year."
Adknowledgements: Thanks to my betas @lire-casander @morganaspendragonss @chaotictarlos, also the creator of most of my edits
In my personal canon Carlos decides to boycott the World Cup, I am taking a very clear position and I wanted the characters I write about to take the same position. I don't expect everyone to support me, but I don't intend to open any kind of debate about it or argue about the opinions of others.
Who doesn't like the idea of Carlos deciding not to watch the World Cup because he doesn't think it's the right thing to do? Great, you can not read this story, but please, I would appreciate if you could avoid comments that are hurtful or in any way sound like an attack on my way of thinking and my choice of story.
Chapter 01
Carlos turned off the TV and dropped the remote control on the couch. He protested and turned his cell phone around, but all he could see was news, photos and all kinds of information about the start of the World Cup. So he put the phone aside as well.
TK entered the loft, put the bag on the floor and walked over to the couch. He went around Carlos's neck from behind and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"How was the holiday?"
"I would have preferred to be at work, the day would have gone by sooner and I wouldn't have realized the World Cup was starting."
"Weren't you dying to see it?"
"Of course I was. But... I can't get out of my head how they treat everyone LGBTQ and all the workers killed to build the facilities. I morally can't watch it this year."
TK sat down next to her and picked up the remote. "Let's go see what's on Netflix, I'm sure they've loaded some of the series we've been waiting for already."
He turned to Carlos. Seeing him lying there, depressed, made him sad too. Carlos was a sucker for soccer, that sport that TK had never managed to understand because it had too many rules and then there were all those strange names of players he couldn't manage to remember.
Carlos also became someone different when he met up with his friends to watch soccer games. He would spend hours speaking Spanish and TK was sure he used words that would get him a good scolding from his mother. But his friends were worse, they were loud-mouthed, as his boyfriend had never been, and the loft was filled with flags, scarves and beers.
TK didn't mind, his friends drank when they went out, they went to places where alcohol was always involved and he had no problems. Carlos sometimes drank too, although he spent the rest of the night trying to make up in bed for having had a couple of drinks.
But the friends Carlos watched soccer with.... that was another thing and on those nights, Carlos drank soft drinks like TK.
"Shall we open a couple of bags of cold chips and see...? Come on, let's go watch the opening of the World Cup. I'm sure it's great."
Carlos crossed his legs on the couch, "No, no World Cup. There shouldn't be one in Qatar it's all about politics and I don't like everything they're trying to sell us. So, no, no World Cup, I can wait another four years."
He leaned over TK and gave him a kiss and then stood up, with the excuse that he had to take a shower. But TK knew her boyfriend too well and knew his disappointed face.
He had to do something and if it involved soccer and entertaining his boyfriend on a day when he was sad, he had the solution.
When Carlos got out of the shower, TK was waiting for him in the bedroom dressed in shorts, one of the sports shirts that Carlos had bought him to try to convince him to go running in the morning... which he had worn very few of, sneakers and red socks that he couldn't look away from.
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callsign-dexter · 8 months
"911 what is your emergency?"
Request: hi I was wondering if I could please request a TK x daughter with the angst prompt starter “you were supposed to leave”?
totally your choice 💜
Starter- You were supposed to leave.
Pairings: TK Strand x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: angst
miscellaneous angst starters
A/N: Thank you to the person who sent this in!
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“Remember I need your guy’s permission slips for our field trip to Laboratory and Field Investigations. I also need another parent to go because this is a huge lab and we will be splitting up.” Mr. Vencie said, he was your science teacher and you absolutely loved him because he always made class fun. You, Y/N Strand, are just a junior in high school. You didn’t like school but science had quickly become your favorite subject thanks to Mr. Venice. There was instant chatter has the bell rang signaling the end of the school day. Normally you would head home but you were given specific instructions to head the fire station that your father and grandfather, TK Strand and Owen Strand, worked at.
“So, what are your plans after you leave?” Your best friend, Harper Wells, asked as you both walked out of the school.
“I was planning on going home but I was told I needed to head to the station, something about people coming to work on the house. Dad, Carlos, and Gramps don’t want me there alone and they’re both working.” You said, Carlos is your father’s boyfriend and you love him dearly and he loves you just as equally. You called Owen, Gramps just to get on his nerves because he didn’t look that old but he acted like it sometimes.
“Your dad is hot.” She said not afraid to let you know that pretty much all the time.
“And gay.” You said with a roll of your eyes.
“Hey, it doesn’t hurt to look.” She said and you laughed as you reached your Jeep that you begged your dad for. “You think he will be chaperoning the trip?” She asked and you shook your head.
“No, he has to work. I think Carlos may go though.” You said already preparing for what was about to be said.
“Hey, he’s hot too.” She said and there it was.
“Yea ok Harper.” You said and she just smiled because she knew that it got on your nerves sometimes. “Listen, I got to go. I’ll text you later.” You said and then hugged her and she hugged you back.
“Be careful and let me know when you get to the station safely.” She said as she released you from the hug.
“You know I will.” You said and then you both were saying bye to each other and getting your cars and driving home. You got into your car and sat there for a minute while you pulled out your phone and opened your text messages and opened the group chat that you had going with your father, Carlos, and grandpa.
School just let out. Heading to the station.
You waited for a response and immediately got them back.
Dad: Be safe. We will see you when you get here. Love you!
Gramps: Don’t get pulled over… but I’m sure Carlos would get you out. Love you.
Carlos: I would absolutely do that. I love her too much. Let me know when you get there safely. Love you.
Love you guys too. I will be safe. Gramps I’m going to break every single road law.
Gramps: Y/N Y/M/N Strand
You just laughed and began your drive after starting your car up. It was only a 30-minute drive to the station. You arrived in no time and parked where your Jeep next to your grandpa’s truck and killed the engine and made your way inside with your backpack on your shoulder and keys in one hand. Everyone knew who you were even the ones that normally didn’t work with your dad’s crew so nobody asked why you were there. As you were walking you noticed that the ambulance wasn’t there and it didn’t surprise you. You walked further and saw Judd. “Hey, Judd!” You said and he turned around and smiled.
“Little Strand! How are you?” He asked coming over and hugging you and you hugged him back.
“It was good! I have a field trip coming up to a science lab.” You said and he smiled and released you from the hug.
“That sounds fun. Your dad, Tommy, and Nancy got called out but should be back shortly. It didn’t sound like anything serious.” He said and you nodded.
“How is Grace?” You asked and he smiled. Grace was like a mother figure to you; she helped you with girl problems and when you had boy problems but your dad was surprisingly good with that. Your mom hasn’t been in the picture since you born. She and your dad had hooked up while they were both on drugs and she had stopped them when she was pregnant with you, she did have a soft spot for kids and babies, but when you were born, she gave up parenting rights to TK who was off of drugs and getting help. You had stayed with your grandma at the time while he got help but once he was clean, he was 100% about taking care of you and you quickly became a daddy’s girl. Now at 17 years old your bond with your father was strong and you could care less about his sexuality just as long as he was happy so were you. When he got dumped by his boyfriend before coming to Texas, he was heartbroken but he stayed strong for you and continued to be a great father to you.
“She’s good! She’s wondering when your next girl date is, she’s missing you.” He said and you smiled.
“I’ll have to shoot her a text later.” You replied and he smiled.
“She would love that.” Judd said “Your grandpa is in his office.” He said and you nodded and started that way. As you were walking you saw everyone else in the kitchen. “Hey!” You said with a smile and everyone turned to look at you.
“Little Strand!” A course of voices shouted out and they came over to hug you.
“How was school?” Marjan asked
“It was good. We have a field trip coming up that I need to talk to dad about chaperoning or maybe getting Carlos to do so.” You said and they smiled.
“Where is it?” Mateo asked and you turned to look at him.
“Laboratory and Field Investigations.” You said 
“Oh, that sounds fun.” Paul said and you nodded.
“Science is a favorite of mine especially since the teacher I have makes it fun.” You said “Sorry to cut this short but I need to talk to Gramps.” You said and they all snickered, they encouraged it. You headed to his office and when you got there, he wasn't doing anything so you knocked and he looked up and waved you on in. “Hi, Gramps.” You said with a smirk and he groaned playfully but got up and walked over to you and hugged you.
“Hi, Sweetheart.” He said and then released you from the hug. “Your dad will be back soon.” He said and you nodded.
“Yea, Judd told me.” You said and then went and sat down on the couch and pulled out your phone shooting off a text to Carlos letting him know that you had arrived along with one to Harper. “Hey, Gramps?” You asked looking up at your phone seeing that he had gone back to his desk and he looked up.
“What's up?” He asked
“I have a field trip coming up soon and need a chaperone. Do you think Dad will be able to get off?” You asked, sounding hopeful but knew the answer.
“Depends on the day. When is it?” He asked 
“Friday.” You said and he nodded thinking.
“I think we'll be working. Maybe Carlos can go with you.” He said and you nodded.
“That was going to be my next person I ask.” You said just then your dad walked in and that made you smile and get up and hug him. “Hi, Daddy.” You said excitedly which made him chuckle.
“Hi, Baby Girl. Good day at school?” He asked and you nodded and stepped back. 
“Yes. Speaking of school.” You started
“Uh oh. What did you do?” He asked smirking teasingly and you pushed him slightly “Kidding.” He said and then you both went and sat down on the couch and Owen came over.
“Oh hush. I have a field trip coming up and we need an extra chaperone. Gramps said that you all would be working.” You said and he nodded.
“He's right but Carlos would love to go with you. He loves hanging out with you and doing stuff with you.” TK said and you smiled and nodded, you really loved Carlos too. “You can ask him tonight.” He said 
“Ok!” You said and didn't have a moment to say anything else because the bell rang signaling for all trucks and ambulances to go and you hugged them both and got cozy on the couch. While they were gone you did your homework and played on your phone. There was no telling how long they would be gone for.
It was Monday night which meant that your day was getting off today and that meant he had 3 days off but would have to go back to work on Friday. When he got off of shift, he got into his car and you drove behind him going home. When you got home you saw Carlos’ Camero was in the driveway and you both parked in your undesignated spots. You both walked in to the cooking filing the house and your mouth watered, that was one thing about your dad and Carlos they could cook and it was the most delicious food ever but its another story for when your grandpa cooked. Carlos looked up and greeted the both of you with a smile. “Hey guys.” He said as he stirred something on the stove you walked over and he pulled you in a side hug.
“Hey.” You said
“Hey babe.” TK said and walked over to kiss Carlos.
“We’re having enchiladas tonight. I hope you’re both hungry.” He said and both you and your dad nodded.
“I’m ready for some good food. Let’s just say it had been rough with food for the last couple of days at the station.” He said and you and Carlos chuckled and TK grimaced.
“Grandpa cook?” You asked and he nodded.  
“You two go wash up and change. Supper will be ready in 30 minutes.” Carlos said and that is what you both did. 30 minutes later all 3 of you were sitting down for supper and talking began. Typically, they kept work talk at work and didn’t bring it home but sometimes there was a slip up but you enjoyed hearing about their days.
“Carlos.” You began and he looked up at you as if saying ‘go on’ “I have a field trip to a science lab coming up on Friday and we need another chaperone. Dad is working and so is Grandpa. I was wondering if you would be able to go.” You asked shyly. You didn’t like asking much but you had too.
“Of course, I would love to go with you. It sounds like fun and I get to be with you.” He said and the biggest smile appeared on your face and one appeared on both his and TK’s face. “Where is it?” He asked.
“Laboratory and Field Investigations.” You said getting excited.
“Oh exciting.” He said and TK said at the same time and you smiled and continued to eat. The rest of dinner was in great spirits and everyone was happy.
Over the next couple of days, you were preparing to go on the field trip. You had turned in your permission slip that your dad had signed and told Mr. Vencie that Carlos would be the chaperone for the trip, he was beyond excited to hear that since he was a cop and could handle out of control situations.
Friday rolled around and you were riding with Carlos to school. When you got there both of you walked in and went to the meeting place to check in. Once everything was good to go Harper found you and you both began to talk. Everyone got on the bus and you sat close to Carlos not wanting to be away from him, the bus ride didn’t take to long it was only a 20-minute drive to the lab and you were getting excited. Carlos talked with the other chaperones about anything could and you could tell they were drooling over him you just smirked and nudged him and he would playfully roll his eyes at you “You’re too much liked your father.” He would say and that just made you laugh.
Everyone gathered out front of the building and Mr. Venice gave orders and told everyone to get into groups with a chaperone. You were quick to side with Carlos and Harper was too. Once everyone was grouped the tour began, something was making you uneasy and you didn’t like this feeling but you were enjoying the lab so you didn’t say anything. The further the tour went on the more had the feeling but still didn’t say anything.
The tour was almost done when there was an explosion very close to your group and was so powerful that it pushed you back into Carlos and you both went down. You had hit your head on a metal pole and that had your ears ringing and blacked out for a moment. When your senses came back to you the building was filled with smoke and some fires had broken out. “Are you alright?” Carlos was asking you but your ears were ringing and that made him concerned he has been kneeling over you having gotten up but you could see some soot and some cuts on his face but nothing too major. “Y/N.” He said and it was slowly becoming clearer and you turned to him “Are you ok?” He asked again and you nodded having heard him this time around.
“I think so.” You said as he helped you sit up.
“It looks like you have a cut on your forehead and doesn’t need stitches. Anything else hurt?” He asked and when you went to get up your ankle screamed out in pain and you hissed.
“My ankle.” You said and he nodded and looked down and when he touched it you were ready to kick him but didn’t.
“Can you walk and try to help everyone and get them out?” He asked and you nodded as he helped you up. You pushed the pain down and limped checking on people and telling them where to go. You also had gotten your phone and called 911.
“911 what’s your emergency?” Grace’s voice came through.
“Grace it’s Y/N Strand. There was an explosion at Laboratory and Field Investigations. I’m on a field trip.” You said
“Are you ok? Are you hurt?” She asked
“Yes, I am but I’m ok. Carlos is here with me.” You said
“Is anybody else hurt?” She asked
“Yes.” You said
“Ok, I’m dispatching the 126. Y/N?” She asked
“Hmm?” You asked surveying the area.
“Be careful.” She said
“I will.” You said and then hung up the phone.
As you were making your rounds you would look up at Carlos every now and then but when you went back to checking on people you saw Harper lying unconscious on the ground. You limped over to her and kneeled down.
“Harper?” You asked and shook her slightly and that roused her and she was slowly opening her eyes. “Are you ok? There has been an explosion.” You said and helped her sit up.
“I think so.” She said and you helped her up and started to walk outside. Carlos was right behind you and when you got out most of the building had been evacuated and people were being tended to. You could really see the smoke and the fire from the outside. Carlos turned to you.
“Stay here.” He said and you nodded and waited outside after 10 minutes he hadn’t come out and you needed to go back in you needed to help people, it was in your blood. You started to walk that way when Harper stopped you.
“What are you doing?” She asked
“I can’t just sit around and do nothing. That’s not who I am.” You told her and then hurriedly walked towards the building just as soon as the 126 pulled up meaning that your dad was pulling up. You walked into the building and was met with smoke and that made you cough. You got to one part and ran into someone and it turned out to be Carlos and he turned to you.
 "You're not supposed to be here. You were supposed to get out." Carlos said to Y/N, she was just like her dad and grandpa always running into danger and not away. You shook your head.
“I need to help.” You said and he sighed.
“You’re just like your father and grandpa.” He said and shook his head and then began telling you what to do. You got more people out but you heard someone hollering and instead of sticking with Carlos you went to that voice. “Y/N!” He yelled but you were already gone into the black smoke.
“Can you hear me?!” You yelled out.
“I’m here!” The voice said you followed it and it led you to a door you tried to touch the handle but was burnt in the process.
“Hold on! Back away from the door!” You said and prayed they listened and you raised you foot and used all the strength you had and kicked the door and it actually worked.
“Thank you! We were trapped!” They yelled out over the alarms and fire.
“You’re welcome! Is anyone injured?” You asked and they nodded.
“My partner. She was blown back into the wall and hit her head. She’s bleeding pretty badly.” They said and you nodded and looked around.
“Take your jacket off and press it to her head. The pressure will help. Let’s get you out of here.” You said and they nodded and did as they were told and the three of you slowly made the trek out of the building you were close to the entrance but you heard something “Get her to an EMT more specifically Tommy Vega, Nancy Gillian, or TK Strand.” You said and they nodded and you headed back in. You followed the sound to another room and saw that someone was trapped and you tried to get to them but it was hard and your ankle hurt and so was your head. When you got them, you kneeled down. “Sir? Can you hear me?” You asked and he nodded.
“Yes, I can. My leg is trapped.” He said and looked over and it was.
“I’m gonna try and lift it.” You said and he nodded and when you began to lift it, he yelled out in pain but it was working. Once it was up, he scooted himself away and out.
“Thank you so much.” He said and you smiled.
“Let’s get you out of here.” You said and he nodded and you helped him stand up it was getting hard to breathe.
“How are you so calm and know what to do for a 17-year-old?” He asked and you smiled but coughed and so did he.
“My dad and grandpa taught me. He is a paramedic and my grandpa is a firefighter.” You said and you could see the exit but something was creaking both you and the man you were helping stopped and looked up the ceiling was about to collapse. “We need to go!” You shouted and he agreed. You both barley made it out before it collapsed though your shoulder was hit in the process. When you were out and saw daylight you both sighed in relief. You were safe enough away from the building when you saw three very familiar figures hurrying over to you as another paramedic from another station took the man off and away from you.
“You were supposed to leave.” TK said and you looked down.
“I know but people needed help.” You said and he sighed and brought you into a hug.
“You did well. When two people said that a 17-year-old girl helped them and told them to ask for us we knew it was you.” Your dad said and kissed your head and then released you and looked at you. “Let’s get you checked out.” He said and you nodded and he threw and arm around you and helped you limp your way to the others.
“You scared us.” Owen said finally speaking up after you had come out and helping TK lower you down onto the back of the ambulance. Your dad started to clean up the cut on your head.
“I’m sorry.” You said
“You’re safe and you helped a lot of people. We can’t be mad at you.” You dad said and everyone nodded.
“TK is right. You were so brave.” Carlos said and you looked up and smiled.
“Alright, I want you to go to the hospital and get your head and ankle checked out.” TK said
“But dad-“ You began but one look that only a parent could have when their child was doing something bad you shut your mouth.
“This is not up for discussion. As your father I want you to get checked out.” Your dad said and you nodded and then he leaned over and kissed your forehead just as soon as Nancy and Tommy walked over they greeted you and your dad explained everything and they nodded as if you were being loaded onto a gurney.
“Carlos go with her. I’m gonna finish and help here.” Owen said and he nodded and got into the back of the ambulance with you and Tommy and Nancy got up in the front. “I love you, Y/N.” He said and you smiled.
“Love you too Gramps.” You said with a smirk and he groaned but smiled and closed the doors and hit the back of it and you were on your way. As you made your way to the hospital your dad and Carlos fussed over you and you wouldn’t have it any other way. You just smiled, happy everyone is ok and you were going to be ok and you had your dad and your soon to be step-dad with you, you knew it was coming it was just a matter of time. “Dad, Carlos?” You asked and they looked at you.
“Are you ok? Is anything wrong?” Carlos asked and chuckled and nodded your head.
“I’m ok and nothing is wrong. I just wanted to say I love you both so much.” You said and they smiled.
“We love you too.” They both said at the same time. You smiled. You were going to be ok. 
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heartstringsduet · 10 months
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heartstringduet's fall reads. 🍂
(this list by no means is encompassing all the wonderful fics I read and that deserve everyone's thoughtful comments. I will do more lists soon though. You peeps are so amazing 😭.)
Currently WIPs 💕 i closed my eyes inside of your darkness (and found your glow) by falloutmars S: After losing his mom and moving states, TK finds comfort in a stranger who may need the comfort just as much. A story of loss, love, and learning to live again. I love how careful and tender the different ways of coping with grief are portrayed. Plus, Andrea runs a café, Carlos runs a book club and TK finds his way into being a paramedic.
You Keep Coming Back With A Bird In Your Teeth by vaguenotion S: When a gesture of goodwill is misinterpreted, a patient begins to develop a dangerous attachment to TK. The whole point of the job is to save patients, not to have to be saved FROM them. what can I say but that I chew my arm off each time this is updated. Absolutely love the characterizations, the dialogues and the goddamn tension.
your gentle hands are stained with the blood of anothers by @birdclowns S: Denton Miller was Carlos' first case after being promoted to detective. The serial killer has escaped, throwing Carlos and his loved ones into his game as the next unwilling participants. The stakes are impossibly higher and the rules have changed - it's his husband on the other side of the screen. Such a sucker for a kidnapping story and a cat-and-mouse game and Jasper masterfully strikes a line between scary and intimate i language and plot.
see a friend (see a ghost) by @ambiguouspenny S: TK would always come home to him. It was a dinner table promise wrapped in explicit truth; a vow Carlos would bet his life on. A choice made at the edge of tragedy leaves Carlos living in the aftermath. TK tries to make it right. Weeping, letting the vivid details and the mystery and punchy dialogue keep me up at night.
Where All This Love Comes From by @carlos-in-glasses
S: Six months after Gabriel Reyes’ death, TK grows concerned about Carlos’ drinking and brings him to a meeting at the Y. TK reflects on meeting Carlos after years of addiction and self-destruction, while Carlos has continued to seek closure by uncovering two unknowns: The identity of his father’s killer, and how his father truly felt about Carlos as his son. I recommend anyyything cig writes, because I'm hopelessly devoted to her writing. Anything I read by her is nuanced, poetic, so insightful and heart-wrenching. This only has one chapter but a dialogue that punched me right in the heart.
a long time ago (we used to be friends) by @welcometololaland
S: The exes to lovers, college sweethearts, murder mystery fic where the motto is: be gay, solve crime. I can always count on anything Lola writes to make me laugh and to have me in the throws and woes of my emotions. And this one is one of my favorites of her because I love how she writes them finding their way back into each others life.
Teach You How Forever Feels by @three-drink-amy
S: TK is left with custody of his five-year-old brother, Jonah. With Owen's encouragement, TK moves to Austin for a fresh start, questioning every move he makes as he's thrust into the role of parenthood. But it all leads him to Jonah's new school where he meets Carlos Reyes, the kindergarten teacher. It reads like a warm hug to see TK growing into the role of a parental figure and Carlos be a teacher and read both of them so gone over the other.
Finished Stories 💗 for if i'm going down, i'm taking you with me by @mooshkat and @thebumblecee S: For years now, the rivalry between the Reyes and Strand families has run strong. Since they were young, Carlos and TK have been warned to stay away from the other family and never trust each other, but what happens when a job forces them together? Two contract killers in an enemy-to-lovers scenario? Absolutely loved the journey of this (and the hot smut scenes let's be honest)
The Knave of Hearts . . . brought back the tarts by @liminalmemories21 S: TK exhales and picks up his glass. “The mind boggles. What did Matt want?” “Wanted to ask if I’d heard any rumors about a new art thief nosing around town for targets.” This entire universe of art lover (and former art thief) TK and detective Carlos is so intricate and never forgets to highlight their love even in in well-constructed plot!
to build a home by @freneticfloetry
S: Twenty-five years of chasing hope and happiness and the place where he belongs. Or: Carlos begins, and ends, and begins again, until he gets it right. My heart? Gone. This fic took it and ran with it. Seriously, one of the best character deep-dives I've ever read.
Under A Star Spell by @orchidscript
S: In which Carlos practices folk magic and TK, needing to rekindle something, finds himself on his doorstep. In which two people cross-paths, hope for one thing, and find something else altogether thanks to coffee, vanilla, hyssop, and mint.
The descriptions of Carlos practicing magic is seriously making me weep with jealousy. And the growing love between them in this and the sequel is magic itself.
When I’m Like This by @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut
S: TK Strand hasn’t known Carlos Reyes for very long. He’s slept with him, run out on his attempt at getting to know him better, and been processed by him after an arrest. Despite all of that, TK can’t get over Carlos. When TK gets bad news at an NA meeting, he quickly starts to spiral, and there’s only one person he feels safe enough to run to. The absolute tenderness of this and the rawness of emotions just rubs me open in the best way on each re-read.
Love From the Other Side by @lightningboltreader S: It's Exes to Lovers in One Bed! After two years apart, TK & Carlos find themselves face to face at a three-day training event for Texas first responders. Flirting leads to passion, then misunderstanding and ultimately the heart to heart they've each been craving. The exes in a single bed fic we all need in our life! This has so much tension and made me so emotional at the same time.
Sunshine On My Body, Rainbows Bloomin' In My Skies by @lemonlyman-dotcom S: After Carlos’s bold claim about hiking the Great Wall, TK reveals he’d been an avid hiker before moving to Austin. TK & Carlos go for their first hike together, and maybe learn some new things about each other along the way. Such a beautifully written, funny and heartfelt story that feels like you're overgrown with ivy and the feeeels. A Helping Hand by @rmd-writes
S: When TK’s bathroom sink is flooding and he needs help, pronto, he turns to Grindr to find someone close by. But what happens when the best one night stand of his life walks in the door? Or, the Grindr meet-cute AU
I can always count on Rae to give me grade-a smut with a heap of unbound joy and this is no exception. 29 going 30 by @alrightbuckaroo
S: During a trip to New York City to celebrate TK turning 30, TK and Carlos stumble upon a list of things TK always wanted to do before he turned 30, all of them being references to romantic comedies he loved so much growing up.
Just a biiiig old love letter to both TK and Carlos, to New York and to turning older and making your old wished come true. The night before Halloween by @ladytessa74 S: Carlos and TK have faced many fears in their lives. But has that prepared them for everything? As they get ready to celebrate Halloween with five year old Elijah, monsters lurk in the shadows. The only way to overcome fear is to face it. Tarlos as parents aren't always for me but Tessa has changed my mind! Plus, a little spooky and wonderuflly plotted halloween story never hurt anybody - or would it? come what may, I'll still stay by @strandnreyes
S: Nearly one year into their marriage and TK finds that life looks a little different these days with Carlos working as a detective. He knows change happens, but when the missed dinners start to pile up and the change begins to feel like too much change, TK struggles with how to remind Carlos that life exists beyond his badge.
One of my all time favorites by Jen which is saying a LOT with how many she has blessed us with.
The Firehouse by @paperstorm S: In 2002, TK and Carlos meet in a third grade classroom in Manhattan. 21 years later they meet again, at a nightclub in Austin called The Firehouse. Split between their friendship in childhood and the path that should set them up as enemies, this is such a beautiful story of kinship and eternal love to me. I just adore how Andie writes TK and Carlos - in love in any and all universes.
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lemonlyman-dotcom · 9 months
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WIP (Work Is Published) Wednesday
Thank you for the tags @whatsintheboxmh @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @thisbuildinghasfeelings @strandnreyes & @carlos-in-glasses 💕
From my Secret Santa fic, Como Te Quiero Yo (how I love you), wherein TK tries to give Carlos the perfect day on their beach honeymoon 🏝️
This is not how he wanted to spend their romantic beach vacation. He thinks this is probably the least sexy scenario they could have found themselves in on the third day of their honeymoon.
God, he’d kill for a good kidnapping right now. Or a coma. Anything, really, other than this nightmare.
Up until this morning it had been a perfect honeymoon. They’d spent the first afternoon at the beach, where they swam and splashed each other in the waves and dozed under a rented umbrella. Carlos had held TK’s hand on their beach blanket and kissed him sweetly in the surf. That night they made love on the balcony, Carlos’s thrusts timed perfectly with the driving waves of the ocean just below them. They’d cleaned up and gone for rounds two and three in their ensuite jacuzzi.
The next day they postponed pool plans for a lazy morning full of sleepy sex and breakfast in bed followed by more sex, which culminated in TK being shoved off the bed after he pulled off of Carlos to give him a detailed description of just exactly how he compared to the taste of a fresh oyster.
“TK, I swear to god, if you start comparing the mouth feel I’m canceling the rest of this honeymoon.”
Once they’d finally made it out of their room, they spent the second day bouncing between the beach and the resort’s six pools, sipping piña coladas (virgin for TK) and snacking from fruit trays and fresh guacamole.
But TK could tell Carlos was still feeling blue. Just a little melancholy.
When they checked into the hotel they’d found a large basket on the table in their suite, welcoming them with chocolates, salty snacks, bath bombs and scented lotions. The basket also held a card, addressed to Carlos and TK from their parents. They’d said how proud of them they were, how happy they all were to be welcoming a new son to their respective families, how they looked forward to watching TK and Carlos continue to grow together as a family, however big or small, and love and cherish each other. It was signed by all three parents — Owen, Andrea and, in large, looping cursive, Gabriel, who’d added his own little note about how proud he was of ‘both our boys.’
The honeymoon was their parents’ wedding gift. A compromise of sorts after Carlos and TK shut them out of the wedding planning months ago. Naturally, it makes sense they would have sent the card and made arrangements for the basket in advance. Before Gabriel was taken from them.
Carlos made a valiant attempt at keeping a straight face while he read the card. But TK knew him too well. His eyes glassed over and his mouth twitched, when he went to set the card down on the table his hand shook just slightly. TK needed no more encouragement than that. He’d crowded up behind his husband and wrapped him in a bear hug.
Carlos cleared his throat. “TK, I’m fine.”
“I know,” TK sighed. “I just wanted a hug.”
“Oh yeah?” Carlos chuckled, taking hold of TK’s arms and loosening his grip just enough so he could turn around. “I guess, as your husband, I better hug you then.”
TK rested his chin on Carlos’s chest and smirked up at him, “Yeah, husband, I guess you better.”
It’s how, two hours later, TK found himself at the front desk booking almost every activity the resort had to offer. He’s going to give Carlos the best day ever. He knows no amount of horseback riding and snorkeling will truly take away the pain of his grief. But Carlos, his sweet husband who would lift a car if it meant TK could be spared a second of pain, deserves a perfect day.
Tagging @chicgeekgirl89 @heartstringsduet @fitzherbertssmolder @guardian-angle22 @reasonandfaithinharmony @fckingyrs @alrightbuckaroo @bonheur-cafe @tarlosmalec @ladytessa74 @louis-ii-reyes-strand @herefortarlos @tellmegoodbye @carlos-tk @birdclowns @freneticfloetry @apothecarose @basilsunrise @rmd-writes @thebumblecee @welcometololaland @reyesstrand @your-catfish-friend @iboatedhere @liminalmemories21 @lightningboltreader @never-blooms @noxsoulmate @theghostofashton @paperstorm @decafdino and OPEN TAG 🏷️
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tinyluminaryzombie · 8 months
The Math Problem of TK Strand
...My first foray into writing Lone Star fic! A short missing scene in 1x08 :).
Carlos is a logical man.
He’s methodical in how he cooks, how he works out, how he clears a scene. The incessant need to organize chaos is his birthright.
So, he never dived off cliffs or yelled at his parents or chased after a man. Because Carlos Reyes was logical.  
At least, he was. Until green eyes, soft skin, and a rough heart ruined his track record. But there’s a consequence to everything, that had never been clearer. When Carlos screws up, people hurt. 
Protocol had failed him. Two hours ago, Carlos had cleared the scene. His lieutenant had even double-checked before letting the 126 in. But it wasn’t enough. Carlos wasn’t enough. Now, TK was lying unconscious in a god-damn hospital bed a few hundred feet from him. Because of him. 
After his shift ended, Carlos rushed to the hospital. He furiously grabbed his bag and ran to the Camaro. TK, TK, TK, his mind screamed. His hands shook on the wheel, fear bubbling through red lights, stop signs, and crosswalks. TK, TK, TK. He parked his car, never turning back to ensure he was inside the lines. TK, TK, TK. 
Running into the waiting room, Carlos’s thoughts veered dangerously toward internal declarations of love. He stopped short, trading one spiral for another. No one knew except Paul. He was a stranger to the 126. Carlos’s presence might just be a reminder of the scene he failed to clear. No one wanted him here. 
“Hey, man,” Paul’s voice brought him back. Carlos looked around the room, finding questioning looks as Paul pulled him into a hug. 
“I didn’t think…I don’t want to intrude…” Carlos whispers. 
“Carlos. You’re one of us,” Paul said, bringing Carlos to a seat. 
Judd broke the silence. “Thanks for coming Carlos. I’m sure TK will appreciate it.” 
Carlos offered a weak smile. 
Would TK really appreciate it? Would TK blame him? And is what TK wants, Carlos's arms melting into a pleather chair, making small talk with his teammates? Is this casual? Is this cool? Is this logical? 
Carlos heard a ragged breath before a hand rested on his shoulder. “Breathe, Carlos. That’s it. TK being here, that’s not your fault. We’ll get through this together.”
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carlos-in-glasses · 1 year
Following my post about Carlos' shoulders when he's feeling sexy vs scared, I would like to present:
TK's hands when he's feeling sexy:
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And TK's hands when he's feeling cute as a button:
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WIP Wednesday
Thank you for the tag, @honeybee-taskforce @heartstringsduet @sznofthesticks 💝
This is from the next chapter of my TK and Sophie fic -
2011 -
TK leaned on his sister’s door, his ear trained down the hall. “We need to hurry up. Mom’s going to be done with her makeup soon. She’s going to look for her phone”.
“Are you sure about this?” Sophie asked one more time. “More people at school like you than they like me, TK. They’ll be more likely to notice you’re gone”.
TK sighed impatiently. “Yes, I’m sure. You said you would do this, Soph. We don’t have a lot of time”. “Fine”. Sophie said, holding her hand out. TK placed their mom’s phone in her hand. “And we’ve got some time,” she added as she scrolled through her mom’s contacts. “Mom won’t be able to find her burgundy lipstick and it’ll take her a few minutes to decide if she wants to change her suit because it doesn’t match, but she won’t because she doesn’t want to be caught worrying about stuff like that”.
“How do you know she won’t be able to find it?” TK asked.
“Because it’s right here”. Sophie pulled the lipstick out of her pocket. “What?” she said on her brother’s look. “If she would just let me buy my own makeup, then I wouldn’t have to steal hers”. She selected a number on the phone and hit call. “It’s ringing,” she told TK. “Hi, Gail,” she said in a very bubbly voice. “This is Gwyneth Morgan. I’m great, how are you? Lovely. Yes, I’m calling about my son, TK Strand this morning? Yes, he’s got a bit of a cold and I’m just going to keep him home today. I will, thank you. Of course. Bye”. She clicked end and looked up. “Is that what you wanted?”
TK nodded eagerly. “Yes, it was perfect! Thank you”. He stepped out of the doorway to engulf his sister in another hug.
“Didn’t we do this already today?” Sophie complained, trying to shake him off. “How did you get Carson to agree to this? He seems like he loves school way too much to skip”.
“What are you two doing in here?” Gwyn demanded, taking TK’s spot in the doorway. “Are you still planning on going to school today? You both need to change”. Her eyes narrowed. “Is that my phone, Sophie?”
“Maybe”. Sophie shrugged and innocently batted her eyelashes. “I thought it might be lonely”. Gwyn crossed the room and took her phone from her daughter’s hand.
“And what’s this?” she said, reaching into Sophie’s pocket and pulling out her lipstick. “Sophie, we’ve talked about this. You aren’t old enough to wear makeup yet”.
“Well, people have mistaken me for being in college,” Sophie replied. “Can I wear makeup for the age people think I am anyway?”
Gwyn blinked. “Sweetheart, I do not have remotely enough time to tell you everything wrong with what you just said”. As his mom and sister argued, TK practically skipped out of the room. He was actually glad his mom had interrupted; it saved him from telling his sister that she was right.
Carson would never agree to cut school.
But it wasn’t Carson that TK was meeting up with.
No pressure tagging - I tag @anewkindofme @carlos-in-glasses @dreamingofmickeywaffles @snowviolettwhite @actualalligator @reyestrandd @firstprince-history-huh @lemonlyman-dotcom @thisbuildinghasfeelings @inkweedandlizards @lightningboltreader @paperstorm @chicgeekgirl89 @bonheur-cafe @kiwichaeng @welcometololaland @literateowl @nancygillianmvp @freneticfloetry @herefortarlos @carlos-tk @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @tailoredshirt @sugdenlovesdingle @birdclowns @liminalmemories21 @eclectic-sassycoweyes @jesuisici33 and anyone else who wants to do it - open tag 🫶
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guardian-angle22 · 2 years
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TK/Carlos + Touch
↳ 3.08 In the Unlikely Event of an Emergency
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tarlos-spain · 2 years
Trapped in the amber of the moment
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Chapter 07
TK had imagined that the day he went back to work they would have a party at home, a special breakfast or maybe a romantic dinner, with a comedy for a good time in the evening and of course a good session of the best sex.
I had also imagined that the day he went back to work, Carlos would do it, or with how bad his leg had been with the operation and the three nails, surely Carlos would have returned to work a long time before.
But the truth was that that day, as soon as he woke up and opened his eyes, he noticed the strong pressure in his chest and the bitterness with which he had fallen asleep. The night before, Carlos had fallen asleep earlier, exhausted by a strong migraine, with his head resting on his chest.
He had looked at him for a while, stroking his head and his curls. He could only get an idea of all that must have been going through his boyfriend's head in those last moments before he fell asleep.
He was still on sick leave, still suffering from migraines almost every day, the glasses had become his daily companions, because he couldn't put his contact lenses back in. In addition the seizures were still too common, small and minor the doctors said, in most cases, but they still got the occasional scare from a seizure longer and more severe than he could handle and after regaining consciousness a few minutes later, he needed to spend the next few hours in bed, dozing.
That left the physical a long way off, at an undetermined date.
His captain promised him every time they spoke, that he had his place saved, that no one was going to replace him and to take all the time he needed.
"That means I'm not coming back." He sobbed shortly before falling asleep. "He says he's saving my spot because he actually knows full well that this shit going on in my head is never going to go away and he doesn't have to worry about me."
With a lot of affection and a story about the next trip they would take when the doctor allowed him to move out, TK got him to fall asleep, while he thought the next day would be better.
Only when he woke up, he knew perfectly well that the next day, that day, was not going to be any good for Carlos and he would be lucky to see him out of bed.
He moved very carefully so as not to wake him up, preferring him to get as much rest as possible. He went to take a shower and made himself a long cup of coffee for breakfast, strong, little milk, but just enough sugar to overcome a taste he didn't really like.
He dressed in the first sweatshirt and a pair of jeans from the closet and began to get dressed in the greatest of silence.
"Have a good day at work."
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faithst · 1 year
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synopsis after a long exhausting chase around the house, you both decided to head to bed — only for keita to be shivering from the cold as you accidentally keep stealing the blanket
genre bf!keita x gn!reader, fluff, keita is a cutie, reader has enough hair to tie up, small spoon keita, just pure fluff and random scenarios w bf!keita wc 0.5k
notes happy keita day and happy metronome release ! i delayed this quite a bit because i was busy (i still am) but it’s eating me up inside if i don’t post it sooner so here it is <3
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keita was tying your hair up. …well trying to as the way your hair fell onto your face made him feel distressed. you didn’t want to so he offered to help. one thing he didn’t realise was that he had awful skills in tying hair.
yep, all rounder rapper ita itayo didn’t know how to tie someone else’s hair properly. with another huff of frustration when the hairtie got stuck in the strands, he warned you before pulling it out with just a tiny bit of force letting your hair fall down and cover your face.
the short sharp pain made you glare at him, making him put his hands up in defense “i warned you, didn’t i?” keita reasoned, puckering up his lips wanting to lean in for a kiss. you simply placed a finger in front of his lips, lightly pushing his head back.
he pouted, trying to lean in for another but you quickly ran away. the whole house being filled of the noises of heavy footsteps from chasing and laughter. panting as you catch your breath, you surrendered in defeat when keita tackled you, peppering kisses all around your face, giggling at his ticklish touches.
all the running had got you both exhausted and ready to hit the hay. you both settled onto the shared mattress, immediately turning to each other as your hands helped rest your head. no words had to be exchanged to know how much he loved you, a soft smile paired with eyes of adoration, he booped your nose, giggling shortly after.
he turned around, huddling closer to you as you help pull him closer by the waist. keita being the smaller spoon was a normal occurrence; he loved being held and having a safe and secure presence around him. not long after, he was out like a light, soft snores audible from his side.
although you had a tight hold around him when cuddling, he somehow had got out of it and was on the edge of the bed, soundly asleep with no blanket around him as he unconsciously hugged himself for warmth.
you had accidentally stolen the blanket and left him shivering in the cold breeze. you smiled, he looked so cute when curled up in a ball, sleeves pulled over his hands in attempt for some heat. you threw the blanket over him, pulling the edges to cover his body, plopping back down and falling asleep in an instant.
later on in the night, keita woke up as he felt chilly; you stole the blanket from him.. again. he sat up, his hair sprung up to different points from moving all around the bed. he glanced over to your resting body, grinning as he found the way you wrapped yourself with the cloth like a burrito, cute.
he shifted closer to you, unwrapping a bit of the burrito and slid under the covers; nose buried into your neck, seeking the much needed warmth.
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© keiwook | 2023
tag @bruhiamistake @trashydez @chxrrymxxnlight @haesunflower @big-uwu-stan @gnwookie @yjhcloud @kpoprhia @blaycke @ashyakii @terazono-keita
here if you wanna join the taglist !
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