#TOTC Lore
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Famine, Death, Conquest, War
ClassySkull and SnakeEyes belong to @ask-ufpapyrus Chad and Death belong to me
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impishdullahan · 1 month
What can you tell us about Naŧoš and Tongue of the Cactus?
Naŧoš was a conlang I put together based on the dynasties in my favourite CK2 runs and was intended to be a bit of a love letter to a few different natlangs, namely Irish, West Flemish, Northern Sami, Gujarati, and Phoenecian. In so doing it became a bit of a kitchen sink and I lost interest in it. I do still like the phonaesthetic, though, it just needs to go way less hard on the morphophonology. I had also ascribed it to a conculture across the sea on another continent from the rest of my conlangs, and I've scrapped a lot of the world beyond the main continent, so I'm even less inclined to work on it now. That being said it's still very usable so maybe far in the future I'll resurrect it.
TotC, though, that's a story! My first crack at what I could actually call a conlang and not a cipher or relex was in high school, but I didn't actually make anything at all usable till my first year of post-secondary with TotC. It started as an inside joke with my classmates about this pantheon of characters based on all of us, and we needed a divine language for them, so I took to making TotC. Part of the lore was that the Hera or Frig figure was someone whose profile picture was a cactus, and they gave the language to rest of the pantheon, hence Tongue of the Cactus. At least I think that was the case; this was like 7 years ago. I don't remember much about the conlang itself, but it stole some stuff from Quechua, and I developed this neat "writing" system for it based on Quipu with different knot types, cactus spines, and colours encoding segmental information.
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To my followers from twitter, who are very into Chad and the world he comes from...
You can send me an ask about ANYTHING you wanna know about Chad or TOTC. I can't answer anything regarding SnakeEyes and Classy... since those two belong to @ask-ufpapyrus. DON'T ASK WHO HAD CHAD'S KIDS EITHER, that is a secret lore. But if you like to guess, that would be pretty funny too.
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dark-imagine-robots · 2 years
What up!!!
What's up my radical dude!!
Welcome to my Tumblr, it's mildly okay.
But look deep enough in it and you get a lot of archived writing stuff.
Most are outdated, but anything not UT related and is just TOTC ONLY is Deep lore shit on this bloogg.
Hue hue hue!
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dark-imagine-robots · 4 years
"Who are you?" A story in the First TOTC story series.
((I actually have a journal that has the names of parts that are in both the Second and First main story of the TOTC. "Who are you?" Is actually the name of the story bit that has first meeting between Dark and Bob. But instead of it being a third person perspective, I'm going to make it in Bob's pov.))
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"Who are you?" I still remember so clearly as if it were yesterday... as if, we met not too long ago. 
There was not much of me to do that day, it was actually one I have decided to close up early since it was winter. Surely winter would be busy, but it's quite hard to want to come to the area of the forest I was in on winter time. It does not snow all that much in the part of the forest I was in, but it could get deathly cold. So I would understand if customers would rather not get hyperthermia trying to reach my home. 
Supernaturals, on the other hand, they become rather active in the winter. As the cold motivates them to keep moving and hunt for food that may be unmoving in their hideaways. 
What I'm trying to get at with... this... is that...
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No, not pleasing at all.... it was a horrific sight and a heartbreaking situation. 
I never seen a human child so small, and so frail.... let alone I never seen one so mutilated, vulnerable, and close to Death's grace. 
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As I was trying to clean up and close up my shop, she was there... struggling and trying to crawl my way. Her legs, her back, and her lower torso were the most damaged, grotesquely torn apart. My soul ached more than it should have at the sight. I was shocked, and didn't know what to do at first.... but she needed my help.
At....this time.... Dark was still transitioning into a semi-being. She was mostly human than being, and it did not help when I was trying to figure out her soul when she was in this state and transition. 
It scared me, I didn't know what she was and I did not know what to do in such a situation.... however, one thing was clear.... she wasn't due to meet Death.
Her time was not now. 
I analyzed her before I carefully took her off the ground, making sure she didn't fall apart due to her current condition. She was mauled by a Supernatural making of the NightCrawler kind, the species specially being "Rake". 
Since all I could identify from her body is that it's human, I had settled on using human treatment to patch her back up. It was lucky chance that her body, in transitioning, was also trying to heal itself at a faster pace than the usual speed for a human to heal themselves. Yet, it was still rather slow than at rapid.... and it seemed like she wasn't going to make it since her breathing sometimes ceased from time to time. I had to use my magic to keep her breathing when it those happen.
It disturbed me, still to this day it does, seeing her like that for the first time... unfortunately it would not be the last...
Even though I patched her up, her wounds mostly repaired, she was still unwell.
Her body still being human, it didn't like the cold. More so since it was trying to heal itself as is. 
So, I took it upon myself to keep her in my home until she was well...
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I did not leave her side, not for a moment. 
I even had to close shop to give her my full attention, as I really don't want the blood of a child to stain my hands. 
She did not want to wake up, nor eat at first.... but I've learned that it was because she was in the presents of a strange... who was also a Skeleton!
From there, I started to know more about her. 
Of course, she wouldn't know what skeleton Demons are due to her having only human influence, black matter influence, and some other influence from lesser Supernaturals. Which was hard to hear sometimes... not because she was "human", but the fact she was only 11 years old at the time. 
So one would be rather.... concerned... since a 11 year old human child had to bore so much burden, hurt, and fear already... 
Despite everything she has gone through though... everything....
She still smiled.
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Wonder.... it's simply a word. But a word with meaning to me.
I held wonder in my soul... but her... Dark was wonder. 
She wasn't a full semi-being when we met, but it showed.... Wonder showed through her smile and through her smile  her soul. 
Unfortunately, our first meeting was stopped when a proxy prompt her to leave. I could've kept them away, but it was under rule to not interfere with the goals and plans of proxies. As skeleton Demons as a while would end up getting involved with the plans and goals of proxies themselves and their Leader, The Operator.
I had hope for Dark however, as grim as it seemed.
And that hope, the wonder.... it did not give way.
As it was not the last I've seen of Dark.
We became the closest of friends, I got to see her grow and change...
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I began to see her change... but it only became more and more saddening as time and events went on... 
Her face, young but worn down by emotional stresses and damaged by unchangeable pasts... her smile long fading as the more hurt and mistakes she makes prompted it to show less... 
Her soul....
Never healing... and her wonder fades..... 
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I-.... I sometimes worry that she doesn't sleep either. As she grows less attached to her happines and her humanity, the more she becomes less....her... and more of a being than human. 
But her pain will never cease... she can't feel physical pain, but I can see and sense that her emotional pain is there permanently. And it always has been there from the beginning...
She has made mistakes... some even with me...
But I've long forgiven her....
She simply doesn't forgive herself...
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I just hope.... I can see her again to let her know that everything isn't her fault...
I hope...
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dark-imagine-robots · 4 years
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"Two Birds, One Stone"
Two versions! One without lyrics and the other with lyrics from Clown by Creep-P
Nightmare belongs to @jokublog
Error belongs to @loverofpiggies
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dark-imagine-robots · 4 years
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"Your Final Day"
"To his limit."
"He is the terror to your error."
"The lucid dream of your prolonging nightmare"
"Oh the horror, he drained her blood like ink."
"He brings balance with chaos, pain with honor."
"Snake eyes seeing through your soul."
"As he wields the great Judgement of Death's sight to determine the fate of your soul."
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dark-imagine-robots · 4 years
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"It has changed, but not for the better... no one should go there and no other universe should ever collide with it."
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dark-imagine-robots · 4 years
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Part that connects to this specific post
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"The Dead Don't Die"
* Your Game as been forced to Reset.
((The last GIF does not belong to me))
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dark-imagine-robots · 4 years
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Is it official? I dunno.
These two would wreck the Undertale multi-verse!
REBLOGS are much appreciated PLEASE!!!!
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dark-imagine-robots · 4 years
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"They will always choose Mercy..."
HH, TOTC epilogue story stuff??? TOTC looore??
I dunno, but I a loving how it came out! 
Got Bob not wanting to fight Cross, and a crying yet happy Dark!
Reblogs are MUCH appreciated, PLEASE!
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dark-imagine-robots · 4 years
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"Oh, What a Wonderful Life."
Bilhelm Boney and Sinxpara Boney
Before the chaos ensued.
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dark-imagine-robots · 4 years
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"Turn away"
Vent art.
Both versions of Dark slowly turning to one of her forms which is named, White Dark. Link is to the song that's White Dark's theme.
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dark-imagine-robots · 4 years
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"My Hear Cries out to you in Desperation"
I wanted to do more colors, but I decidedto stick with one OOF.
Also the app I'm using to make the GIF is extremely dumb and decided to chop off most of the full art. Can't really find a good app that let's me make decent gifs.
REBLOGS are much APPRECIATED, please!!
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Also here are the frames.
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dark-imagine-robots · 4 years
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"All Smiles and Sunshine, a Perfect World on a Perfect Day. Everything always Works out, I have never felt so Fucking Great." "Life isn't Like This."
Heheh, Bob is gonna kill the demon child.
REBLOGS are much APPRECIATED, please!!!
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dark-imagine-robots · 4 years
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"The Fall of a Leader at the hands of a mere Making." 
This is more of a comic that is fully on with the TOTC Universe/story rather than anything Undertale related. But this happens before Bob leaves the TOTC Universe and enters the Undertale multi-verse.
It also lines up with the vile of Black Matter that Bob possess. Every skeleton demon of high magic levels are required a vile of Black Matter. Bob's was empty due to "last use" that occurred in another TOTC event that happened long before the event of this comic. However, since the Black Matter that is given to skeleton Demons is "wild black matter" the skeleton Demons can morph and mend the black matter to better stabilize with their own bodies. But the black matter bob is collecting is far more superior as it is black matter that was already mended and morphed to create a "Leader". I can explain Beings, Leaders, and makings when asked, but for now it's just gonna be another can of worms tossed aside for later mention. 
The Black Matter Bob collects will indeed be more powerful than Wild Black Matter. 
The other character in the comic is an old fnaf oc, but he is also a character that has a role in the TOTC Universe and it's main stories. This comic is canon to the TOTC Universe and lore, so Dan ded and Bob killed a Leader... which that is a big thing to have done in the universe itself.
Also, souls look way more different in the TOTC Universe than in the Undertale multi-verse/ universe.
If you are curious about anything from this comic or any of the lore I shared, go on and leave an ask if you want!
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