crowfatherd · 26 days
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molekel · 3 months
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Amphibiuary Day 14: Green
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la-pheacienne · 3 months
Me trying to explain to my advisor why my thesis is taking me forever with my ADHD getting in the way:
Listen, I wanted to write a story about a guy whose father fought in a battle. That guy is pretty important and his story is pretty big, a monumental task if you want, but it would still be a great idea to tell people a little about his father, you know, for the sake of background and context, it's not that big of a digression right? It will only be a couple of chapters. Oh no, not the father's story, I meant the account of the battle itself. Yeaah the battle is relevant only as a backround info for the dead father of my main character, true. Thing is, this battle is pretty cool actually so that makes it relevant, on top of that it is pretty dear to me because it has a connection to my dad, so I have to lay down the specifics. But I can't do that without having an accurate knowledge of what happened there right? So logically I have to get there. No I don't mean there spiritually, I mean there, in the actual battlefield. Yeah I mean, like, a trip. To make a quick autopsy of the place! Sure, I have been there before and I might have called it odious but that was before, would it kill me to travel from Normandy to Belgium by any means I have in my disposal (a carriage? a donkey? MY FEET) and then spend two whole months inspecting the battlefield? What? It is taking me 20 years to write the book? God forbid people have special interests- Yeah that's right I'm not giving you this book before I inspect every inch of the place, see you when I get back- oh I said a 1-2 chapters didn't I? Yeah I meant the double of that. No not the double in the strict mathematical sense of the word, more like the double in a more abstract way and what I specifically meant was 19 chapters bye
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diver5ion · 7 months
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5racha · 11 months
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San ✦ log_logbook#111
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lunian · 8 months
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the hell i decided to open this cursed necromancy book in front of these two special nerd idiots
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forlion · 2 years
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I know I’m incredibly late to this,, but I would love to see a vid where both d&p are trying to drive.
Set up a camera, find an empty parking lot,
put them in a car,,, & see what happens
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basementfrogs · 1 year
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Amphibuary 11 + Day 13 Painted + Olm ^^
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Brink for Doomsday day 2! 
Shouldn’t have listened to fly me to the moon from neon genesis evangelion while doing this because I originally wanted to go with something more… dramatic but here we are.
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flickerintwilights · 1 year
Revalink Week 2023, day 2: You can do better than this // Flight Range
Revali crouches low, head half bent over his wings, wild feathers prickling at his eyes. He blinks them open and only sees spots. He closes them again. He has to keep going, he knows, he just needs a breath. He needs his vision.
His breath comes short and harsh, clouding in needle stabs of cold air when he expels it. Everything hurts. He thinks he might’ve lost some feathers from his tail this time.
“You can do better than— this,” he mutters, picturing the feathers scattered over the stone, feeling his bow’s presence a full wingspan away from him. Come on, get up, don’t you dare stop. He fumbles for it, grips it in his wings and holds on tight. A grunt, and he pulls himself to a kneeling position. His wings quiver slightly as they extend once more.
Something makes contact with a wing — warm, careful, almost hesitant. Skin, not feathers. Five fingers. A Hylian hand.
Revali stills, wincing internally at the prick of his muscles. “Link,” he rasps. His voice sounds terrible, he realizes. “You should be resting.”
He feels the fingers shift, shaping signs into his wing. “The village doctor cleared me to walk. It’s not bad.” A pause. “You shouldn’t be here.”
“What am I supposed to do?” Revali shoots back. “Pace around?”
He doesn’t feel any sign in response, only the growing warmth on his feathers where Link is touching, and he elaborates. “I… let you get hit, you must know that. I wasn’t watching well enough and my Gale was unresponsive.” He scoffs. “Do you not want me to train? You’re the one who had a Lynel arrow stuck through your leg.”
Again, a hesitation.
Revali looks up, blinking back the afterimages dotting his vision. Link is sitting just behind him, one hand on his wing, one hand lying over the wound on his right leg. It’s wrapped with bandages now, but Revali remembers seeing it the first time, a dark shaft protruding through Link’s clothing, part of the curving arrowhead sticking out, glinting cruelly on the sharp edges. The slight discoloration of blood surrounding the breach.
He has never seen Link with a wound like that before. And it was his fault.
He can do better. He has to do better, or—
“Revali.” Link meets Revali’s eyes steadily. “I don’t need you to do that for me.”
“I will,” Revali tells him, matter-of-fact, “and I don’t care what you think. Someone has to save you. You are the Hylian Champion, after all.”
Link almost smiles before he shakes his head vehemently. “Don’t do this,” Link signs, forcefully before his hands pull to an abrupt, screeching stop. It’s a moment until he continues. “Hurting yourself like this. Especially after a battle.”
Instantly, Revali fires back, “So you’d rather yourself get hurt? Forgive me if I don’t like that.”
Link exhales. “This isn’t the only option you have.”
“What else?” He pictures the Flight Range, remembering all the so very many hours he’s spent here, bleeding into days into months into years. He can always do better.
Link removes his hand from Revali’s wing and extends it to him, open. Carefully, he stands up.
Revali stares at it, then looks up at Link. “You… are you actually going to try to walk on that?”
His hand gestures vaguely, annoyed. Revali huffs, and with some reluctance, he takes the hand.
When Link pulls him up, his body is screaming, but Revali doesn’t miss his wince. Automatically, he shifts his weight so Link is half-leaning on him. What a pair they make.
Link lets a brief smile show. “We can talk,” he signs, “I cooked.”
Revali sighs and looks toward the little hut by the Flight Range, the small bright flame flickering in the center. It looks warm.
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smute · 2 months
i cant believe im sick again this is ridiculous
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rule-number-3 · 2 years
Why not draw Gnome Chompsky munching on some chocolate?
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No one can resists a nougat nummy
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rose-garden-sonas · 8 months
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FE OC Week - Oct. 10: Relationships
Here, I wish to focus on her family dynamic, I'll worry about her other relationships in the later date
Jamie Radha: Her little brother, one who she has taken care of ever since his birth (inevitably taken responsibility after their mother died giving birth to him). Jamie was rather close with his sister, as he has a distrust towards people, making it harder to befriend others. He's often most supportive of his sister, and willing to help find a cure to her curse, but Emiliya in return has to be sure he stays out of trouble.
Amal Radha: A surprised to be sure to find she has a son from Lucina's future, despite knowing her body has limits... But Amal came from a future where his mother was given remedy to even bare a child, thanks to his uncle's effort. Much left to say about him , for now it's safe to say that he also holds a compassionate side like his mother, plus more of a trickster thief at hand and learning to use magic.
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e-rosexxx · 1 month
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maddiesbookshelves · 1 year
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JOMP book photo challenge || February 2: Currently reading
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desude · 2 years
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