#TSAMS predictions
llamaisllama777 · 4 months
The Sun and Moon show predictions/theories
So we all have seen the most recent episode of The Sun and Moon show and The Earth and Lunar show. We all see how far Moon is going and how now he's being a massive jerk to his family and how their all worried for him and how Sun is going to try and stop him needless to say...
My theory/prediction is Sun, Jack, Eclipse,Lunar, Earth, and (hopefully). Monty will try and stop Moon's ritual, and Sun will interrupt the ritual and cause the ritual to go haywire. Which will bring Solar back, but Sun will die instead!
Ruin and/or Bloodmoon will escape and Solar will be shocked to be back and probably yell at Moon something like "Moon, What the **** did you do?!"
And Moon will just be silent, on his knees horrified, he wanted his brother back but not at the cost of his other brother.
Few episodes later they all would probably plan to re-do the ritual to bring Sun back and so Solar can go back to being dead but Moon would say they could just find Ruin or Bloodmoon to swap with Sun not Solar but they will all argue with Moon saying he shouldn't have done what he did and they aren't going to trade lives of people not willing sacrifice themselves to bring Sun back. Moon yells, saying, "I've already lost Solar, I did ALL THIS TO GET HIM BACK AND I'M NOT GONNA LOSE ANOTHER BROTHER AGAIN! I WILL NOT TRADE ONE BROTHER FOR ANOTHER!" Earth and Solar argue with Moon saying that he basically already did, and while Solar appreciates being back, Moon shouldn't gave done what he did cause now Sun is gone.
I feel like after that Moon might disappear for a bit. Maybe go to Golden Freddy to find another way to bring Sun back or maybe go to The Creator to find a way to bring Sun back.
Folks, we may be in for a very, very sad few episodes.
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sourtomatola · 4 months
THIS POST by @hazard-c-horror gave me The Brain Rot
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goodolddumbbanana · 1 month
I just think about a horrible outcome that I pray it will not become true.
What if in Solar's plan to kill Nexus, he stupidly secretly takes those Wither shards inside Moon's lab, and brings it to Nexus to make Nexus lose his guard?
But Nexus knows it, and uses it to his advantage. And Solar's attempted murder failed, leading him to almost get killed by Nexus. And potentially getting Sun into coma?
Because there is a lot of foreshadow Sun get killed indirectly by Solar?
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chibigalaxies · 2 months
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Art piece for pride month
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froggielovescoffee · 3 days
i cooked on @eddwardharrison ‘s tsbs whiteboard
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btw ppl you should check it out it’s pretty neat!!!!
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h-didanart · 4 months
Saw the SAMS thumbnail
Not full up to date
Haven’t seen that episode
Uploaded like ten minutes ago
Can’t see the title all the way
Immediately got a prediction
They will try to kill Moon off but Sun will get in the way. Sun will die protecting Moon. They have shown us Moon not caring about his family for a while, they have seemingly shown Sun really not liking of Monty and Foxy’s plan. They are showing us when they first separated today.
Someone is going to die.
And it will be Sun
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notokbutthriving · 4 months
YALL i had this idea that Moon ends up attacking Gemini in some weird attempt at protecting Lunar and then Lunar has to kick moon's ass to protect them
And now with newest episode hes like i wont let anything happen to my siblings and like he doesnt knowv gemini is on their side and protecting lunar and like hell is he gonna ask so like fuck
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kingxgarm · 5 months
So I was looking through simply plural, and I looked through Eos's notes because he had theories/predictions on what was going to happen in the Sun and Moon Show and Y'ALL-
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First is proof that he came up with the stuff before it happened, but OMG
He got 4 right so far and at least 2 wrong (the Lunar one and Creator one)
That's insane to me, that he predicted all this shit
What's funnier is that he's a fictive FROM Sun and Moon show AT THAT TIME
WAIT, NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT, wasn't an Eclipse council mentioned at some point? I'm not caught up rn IF SO THATS INSANE
5 FOR 5 BABY!!
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chocolix76 · 1 month
I keep a dream journal because I have a lot of funky/fandom related dreams I like to write down to look at later. I was looking through my journal today and my dreams predicted Nexus kidnapping Ruin a month before it happened
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bitterkarmaa · 2 years
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llamaisllama777 · 4 months
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It looks like the current plan to stop/fix Moon is to combine Old Moon and New Moon's consciences, so they will be one! Honestly, this might be their best bet. Earth couldn't reason with Moon, Sun couldn't, EVEN Moon couldn't reason with Moon if no one in Moon's family can reason with Moon maybe fusing New Moon with Old Moon can combining their memories, consciences,and experiences this can snap Moon out of his murder/revival plan. I do think this will work, but in the commotion, something bad will happen
1.Sun and the others. Even with Moon being back to normal, they won't forgive him nor want to be around him, and honestly... after everything they've been, though, I wouldn't blame them.
2. Creator kidnaps someone Lunar,F.c. or maybe Gemini or Taurus, which will cause them all to haul butt to rescue them.
3. They succeed, but not fast enough and though Old/New Moon is back, Solar is too but it's not Solar it's a shell, a husk, a horrifying abomination that is bent on destruction and now we have a new villain.
4. Again, they succeed, but it's too late, but Solar isn't back. Instead of Solar coming back, a TON of negative star power goes into the world, causing the Astrals to come to earth and that's not gonna be good, they probably will be on a warpath for Moon and ANYONE with Star power and to make matters worse the universe is becoming destabilized due to the excess negative starpower and now they have to save the universe.
Let me know what you all think 🤔 I'm very excited to see what they'll do.
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ghostsandfools · 6 months
Tsams/Laes predictions!!
I wanted to do some predictions for things I think are going to happen in the shows/how I think they will end. If y'all have any predictions, y'know, feel free to share.
-Solar will get revived.
-Eclipse will NOT die. I think he'll either get redeemed or just... move, ig.
-Old Moon and New Moon will meet. I don't think old Moon will ever come back tho.
-Bloodmoon will either die or get redeemed, I have NO CLUE.
-KC will get revived, but instead of him coming back, it'll be him from another universe.
-Sun will come out as trans fem (I hope, I really do. It's probably never going to happen, but I hope.)
-Creator and Trash can man will be revealed as a couple. (Idk, I never really watched any of the episodes with the Trash man, they just give off those vibes.
-The creator will die.
-Sun will die, possibly suicide even. He'll get brought back since he's a title character, but I mean c'mon, he's gotta die sometime.
I think TSAMS will end with the witherstorm being created, but I think they'll find a way to stop it. I feel like with how much they've explored the idea, they're absolutely going to do something with it. I think Sun and Moon will have to work together to stop it, showing Moon's growth in terms of intelligence and care for his brother, and Sun finally growing mentally and facing his mental health issues so he can be there when Moon needs him.
-The other astrals will be introduced. Probably not all twelve, but at least a couple more.
-Earth will go through an arc when her father dies, Monty will of course be there to comfort her because they've been through the same thing.
-Gemini might die. They'd get revived quickly, but they could die, OR Gemini has a villain arc.
-Lunar will form a bond with new KC, if he ever comes around.
I think LAES will end with Earth and Monty getting married, since that's something Earth herself has mentioned, and I think Lunar will go through a "coming of age arc" where he masters his powers and moves away to space with Gemini, kinda like a teenager graduating high school and going to college with their high school sweetheart. I think they'll have a really nice send off episode for him, right after the Earth marriage one. I also think this show will end barely before TSAMS does.
What do you guys think??
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glade-constellation · 9 months
It’s kind of funny to see the literal divide of the TSAMS fandom over Eclipse’s return. His return was something I’ve kind of predicted was going to happen, but wasn’t holding out much hope on. I’m super happy that he’s back, but scared about what TSAMS might do with his character. I don’t want to see him just, reused for the same things and then killed off again.
Like, I’m really hoping TSAMS upholds the redemption arc for Eclipse that they teased over on LAES right after his death. Even if he just becomes a neutral party or plays a sort of anti-hero role, I want him to get his chance at redemption.
A friend and I were just talking about the dynamic between Lunar and Eclipse if Eclipse ever apologized or tried to redeem himself to Lunar’s standard. This would be so interesting to watch. Because Lunar would not accept the apology. That much is clear. He hates Eclipse and has stated so several times. Lunar would down right refuse the apology (which he has every right to do). It would take a lot of work on Eclipse part, work Lunar would need to visually watch him do and/or see the consequences of, in order for Lunar to accept the apology. I would absolutely love to see Eclipse struggling to heal himself, constantly pushing forward and then backsliding for whatever reason. I need to see him fight to be better even when he feels he doesn’t want to be better.
Not to mention his and Sun’s dynamic. Sun does not like Eclipse, and is probably the most fearful of Eclipse besides Lunar. But at the same time, I feel like Sun might be the best way to getting Eclipse through a redemption arc. This is mostly personal feelings and speculation, but Eclipse and Sun have always had this really weird dynamic that was super interesting to watch. Sun hates Eclipse and had even tried to kill him himself at one point, but he also oddly seems to be the most sympathetic towards Eclipse. With Sun’s mental state where it is right now, and how he handled the whole Foxy and Monty situation recently, I think there might be a shot at Sun having the most logical reactions towards Eclipse right now. He’s unhinged but sympathetic enough to listen to his most hated enemy. They still both hate each other, but it’s kind of like the stereotype where the villain is the only one allowed to bully the hero. That relationship dynamic between those two would be hilarious to watch in my opinion.
With the way TSAMS has been handling things, a redemption isn’t going to happen. But I’m hoping.
Because I wholeheartedly don’t agree with “not everyone can be saved”. There were so many moments Eclipse could have been helped, had anyone actually known how to help him. Earth was probably the closest we ever got to that kind of character, but she had already pretty much sided with Sun and Moon by the time she had her therapy talk with Eclipse.
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skeinvelity · 2 months
Hello Tumblr!!
I am not that active as a uploader but I had a dream I think you all would like to hear!
My dream was a TSAMS video, which was named:
It basically began with the reveal that Dark Sun had been abusing Nexus to the point of him becoming partially mute (a bit like yesterday's episode, where Ruin finds Dark Sun's Moon.)
Dark Sun laughed into Nexus' face and began with
"You really thought, I cared?"
To which Nexus mumbled underneath his breath, making Dark Sun grin and shame him a little more.
After the scene ended, Nexus started to cry, setting up a portal which lead to our daycare and jumped right into it.
Everyone was at the daycare, and when they saw Nexus (he made his presence clear) almost instantly everybody wanted him to leave..
Except Sun.
Nexus apologised for everything he did, and plead for forgiveness. But nobody actually believed him.
Earth began talking to him, along with Lunar giving him dirty looks.
"You hurt me, me and my brother, and you expected us to forgive you?"
To which Sun slowly spoke in a few stutters, noticing Earth and Lunar's rather malicious state.
"Earth– wait, wait, let's.. Let's uh, think about this okay? We must–"
"Sun are you out of your goddamn mind?!"
And then Moon butt in, saying everything he knew about Nexus, how he was a bad person and brother, to which Sun didn't exactly agree and it lead to a fight between them.
The sudden argument made Sun so overwhelmed that in Moon's mid sentence he backed away and straight up ran away from the daycare.
And do you know who went after him?
Sun couldn't understand, and in my dream he kept repeating
"How could everyone be so heartless?"
In such small mumbles it was clear he was holding back the urge to cry as well.
At the end, when Nexus arrived, he hugged Sun tightly and whined into his shoulder.
"I was mistaken, Sun. You're the only brother I need."
And then I woke up! (very disappointing I know)
But, tell me community, what do you think?
Today is July 16, did I predict anything?
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goodolddumbbanana · 3 months
I don't think I can watch Tsams anymore, not until they get over this arc. Just yesterday, I just thought nah... Tsams can't get worse for Sun anymore.
Guess what? It is fucking can.
Because taking Old Moon chips is one thing, but New Moon and Dark Sun team up, and can potentially they two be new brothers????
Noooooooo. Just why... Right now, it is no longer the Sun and Moon show, it is Moon and other friends, because God forbid a Sun to develop himself.
I can predict how this crap is going, and I think I will wait until July 16 to see all of this crap. My heart is so weak, I cant take it, of how cringe it is.
Why It has to be the worst timeline like that, just whyyyyyy
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h-didanart · 3 months
Heeeeeyyyyyy guyssssssssss
Do any of you wanna hear about the ✨”fun”✨ new concept I have for an au?
It’s Bloodmoon centered~
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