#TW: Politics
topguncortez · 12 days
abortion rights are health care rights.
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thingstrumperssay · 1 year
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People are freaking out because Hasan called Luffy a terrorist and One Piece a "socialist" anime... Because he is, and it is.
Luffy is a pirate who's constantly fighting against the corrupted government that he declared war against. He's literally labeled a "terrorist" for stopping them.
He very early on in the series stopped the public execution of a wanted criminal by breaking him out and stealing property seized by the government.
The Straw Hats are treated like the good guys of the show despite constantly going against the world government. If right-wingers saw that and thought that The Straw Hats were patriotic capitalists then they really are hopeless.
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doueverwonder · 2 months
"But in Minnesota, just like in Wisconsin, we respect our neighbors and the personal choices they make. Even if we wouldn't make the same choices for ourselves. Because we know there's a golden rule. Mind your own damn business. I don't need you telling me about our healthcare, I don't need you telling us who we love, and I sure the hell don't need you telling us what books we're going to read."
-Tim Walz
Sorry I'm sure this quote is already on tumblr a thousand times over, but I'm so fucking happy, someone just says it plainly fucking finally!
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reddforalt · 12 days
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Alexander Path
🍷♟️🍃 Moodboard inspired in Vying for Versailles from the game app Romance Club 🍃♟️🍷
 | @rc-catalog  |
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reaiiygoodusername · 2 months
Well next debate the candidates won’t be bickering about fucking golf
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aurumacadicus · 6 months
My friends I'm putting this out here now so you can make note/try to remember:
200 word fics for proof of voting this November!!!!
Do NOT take a picture of your ballot (this makes it invalid). I accept pictures of 'I Voted' stickers, some polling stations have a little place you can take a picture after (you can just take a picture of the screen or send a selfie, I will accept scribbled out faces as well since anonymity is important to a lot of people), my fellow mail-in or early voters can send a picture of the privacy envelope or one of the drop off sites.
Also since this is my blog I can make political statements so I'm BEGGING you to Vote Blue No Matter Who so Congress can fucking get things done and we don't have a second run at Trump Coup: Electric Boogaloo 😭
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ladamedusoif · 5 months
Yesterday was the anniversary of the violent ending of the student occupation of Columbia University in 1968.
(This is a long-ish post; it is political; you’ve been given fair warning, but I can’t be silent on this today, my principles are my principles.)
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Last night, hordes of heavily armed NYPD swarmed onto Columbia and City College’s campuses in upper Manhattan and proceeded to dismantle the peaceful encampment and occupation by students in protest at the university’s continued support for the Israeli regime and, by extension, the ongoing genocide in Gaza.
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As some of you know, I am an academic. We think of ourselves - or should think of ourselves - as a global community. The students and faculty of Columbia and City College, like the students and faculty of the universities destroyed (and their communities murdered) in Palestine, are my colleagues, my people.
The student journalists on WKCR last night were so young, so brave in what they were trying to do, to keep reporting and make sure their story was being told. Meanwhile, the focus on Columbia meant eyes were turned away from the NYPD’s assault on City College, which has a much more diverse and working-class student body.
Student activism has always been an important vector for change. I do not know how we are supposed to teach our students that they can change the world, watch them try to put that into action, and then somehow stand silent while the riot police drag them out of their campus in zip ties.
Today is International Worker’s Day, traditionally a day of activism and solidarity, and with this in mind, here are some links to show support and solidarity. I’m trying to find a verified bail bond fund for students at the moment.
MSF/Doctors Without Borders:
International Red Cross:
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jammyness · 8 months
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November, 2020. Thinking about this one lately.
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tellmeallaboutit · 28 days
Вдохновлена ли "неуверенность в своих взглядах?" Ани (Knock Knock) Гарри Дебюуа?
Я вижу параллели меж тем как Рауль говорит ей: " Ты худший коммунист, которого я когда либо встречал. "
И ачивкой "Самый уморительный на свете центрист"
да. Абсолютно да. У Ани самые удобные и мейнстримовые (в ее круге) политические взгляды. Ты получаешь то же самое в диско, когда хочешь быть максимально "в цайтгайсте" и что б никого не обидеть и не сказать ничего лишнего. Она думает одно - что все в ее круге (лево-либеральном) думают, а делает совершенно другое. Рауль (да и Рафаил) это с пол-пинка считал.
Это немного тот уровень владения политикой, когда ты выбираешь свои взгляды на уровне "ну я хороший человек и хочу чтобы всем было хорошо и мои друзья так говорят". Плюс она не уверена в себе, и не может защищать свои политические взгляды перед лицом более сильного в плане риторики противника.
Пока ко мне не возникли вопросики, себя я считаю самым хуевым и фейловым и сомневающимся коммунистом на свете, так что тут есть и толика личного.
eng translation below if smb is interested
ASK: Is Anya's (Knock Knock) political ambivalence / uncertainty inspired by by Harry DuBois (Disco Elysium). I see parallels between Raul telling her: ‘You're the worst communist I've ever met’ and the ‘Most Hilarious Centrist Ever’ achievement.
Answer: yes. Absolutely yes. Anya has the most comfortable and mainstream (in her circle) political views. You get the same in disco elysium, when you want to be as ‘in the zeitgeist’ as possible and not to offend anyone or say anything unnecessary. She thinks what everyone in her (left-liberal) circle thinks - even if her actions do not match. Raul read this discrepancy in a heartbeat. It's a bit of that level of political alignment where you choose your views on a 'well I'm a good person and I want everyone to be happy and my friends say so' level. Plus she is insecure and cannot really protect what she says she believes in when the opponent outdoes her rhetorically.
Before there are any questions for me, I consider myself the most fucked up and failed and doubting communist in the world, so there's a bit of a personal side to it.
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monoman1c · 1 year
Warning: Political shit ahead.
As a fervent transgender, gay anarchist, I think that it’s time we, as the LGBTQIA+ people in the United States of America, after the disgusting and vile decision made by the SCOTUS to legalize discrimination against us, take action and fight back. Again.
First off, from my own personal experience and stuff, I don’t think we should just sit around and frankly, I’m a little bit tired of watching this country go to shit against my fellow transgender brothers, sisters, and siblings. Knowing that states like Florida and Texas are allowed to exist, which their blatant pushes towards genocide, underneath the United States Constitution in which “All men (meaning humans) are created equally”. In the country that’s supposed to be the “land of the free” and the “home of the brave”. When all I see are people who are locking down rights against their fellow people, and for what? Because you’re terrified of two men or two women holding hands? Doesn’t sound very free to me. Or very brave.
This country has disappointed me massively and has done nothing but let me down. I was told when I was younger to be proud of being American, but why should I be proud of such a terrible, awful country?
But back to my main point, I think we should take action. A little more than just a protest. A riot? Maybe. I know I’d be on-board if my local community planned one.
This has probably been a lot of rambling and nonsense and shit, but my main point is, we have to do something big here. Before it gets even worse than it already is. I don’t feel like letting my comrades just get wiped out so quietly.
… p.s. It’s the American people’s constitutional right to overthrow leaders that are deemed unfit to rule. Keep that in mind.
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topguncortez · 7 days
damn maybe we should just tell trump to “get over it” and that shootings are a “fact of life”
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doueverwonder · 1 month
I’m glad Trump didn’t get shot so he could get murdered by Harris’ speech.
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surplus-of-sarcasm · 11 months
I am largely very unpolitical on here, and this is my writing blog, but it is also the one with the most followers, and this needs to be said.
TW: A lot of talk about war and war crimes
What Israel is doing to Palestine is nothing short of several war crimes, and the US's "stance" on it is a pathetic excuse for these attrocities.
Tell me, how do you justify the slaughter of innocents, of women, children, elderly and people who have no business in this, who don't deserve all this torture? I mean, it is ignorant to say crap like they've been caught in the crossfire because this is clearly deliberate. How can anyone justify cutting off electricity, water, medical care and basic needs of life and the overall subhuman treatment of Palestinians? They're not even letting other governments help.
And about Hamas? I don't support what they did in the slightest. If anything, all they did was give Israel an "excuse" to do this to innocent civilians, no scratch that, not an excuse, a supposed reason that the ignorant choose to believe. Since when has punishing innocent people for the actions of an extremist group that doesn't give two damns about civilians and their country been seen as fair? As something to defend?
"Israel is the only military to warn civilians before bombing them." Oh my God. How admirable. So if I were to call someone and tell them I'd murder them and I do just that, I somehow don't end up in prison? I get a goddamn medal of honour? The hypocrisy is unbelievable.
And somehow, they want to pawn all this on Egypt. Give us access to your borders to house the civilians so we can destroy Hamas. Like Egypt is somehow the villain here. Like Israel doesn't have any bad blood with Egypt. And like Israel doesn't know who it's hurting. Like they actually care about those civilians. You see anyone from Hamas suffering? Hell no. Here's their cock and bull argument blown out of the water.
Don't expect me to believe that a military as powerful as theirs, however scummy it is, doesn't know who it's hurting. Like compassion is a trait of theirs. They just need a stupid argument to make it look like somehow any of this is okay. Like cutting off people's access to electricity, food, water, and bloody medical supplies is "defending themselves."
And listen. Hamas are a bunch of terrorist bastards. What they did is disgusting, and I'm not supportive of anti-semitism at all. But stop treating Israel like the bloody tooth fairy and look at what they've been doing for years to the Palestinians. It wasn't heaven before this attack, but now it's full-blown hell.
And before anyone gives me spiel about collateral damage, look up the West Bank. A Hamas-free area still being targeted.
I stand with Palestine. 🇵🇸 If you stand with Israel, please just dni. Block me if you want to. I'm not in the habit of having fights with people online, and please don't try changing my mind. I'm usually quite open to discussion, but not on this. Never on this.
Also, I've referenced things from this brilliant interview. I highly recommend watching it.
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professionallush · 2 months
you can bet the Joe Biden news hit the farmers market HARD. I had to break it to the ladies in front of me in the rotisserie chicken line.
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aurumacadicus · 5 months
Every Republican ever: Mail-in voting is unconstitutional and fraudulent
Oregon, which has been doing nothing BUT mail-in voting since 1998:
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us politics mention under the cut
love that most of the anti-harris rhetoric i'm seeing from the right mostly just involve them outing themselves as racist and sexist /sar
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