#TW. abuse
enbysiriusblack · 1 day
do you think the black family was physically abusive to their children? personally, i tend to think not, since i think that “their noble house” would not stoop so low to muggle ways of being, so to say.
completely unrelated, but i think sirius was the gifted child (and the one who was supposed to be the heir, obviously) and i like it when i read a fic that has the black family that also explores the dynamics beyond inherently evil or good. i think they were loved and that they loved each other, obviously, (or at leats in most cases) but they had a weird way of showing each other that.
also, regulus was orion’s favourite (quiet and obedient) while sirius was walburga’s (determined and intelligent). since orion was a pretty absent father, i think regulus felt the favouritism coming from his mother towards his older brother and resented both of them for it. i think regulus was pretty reserved as a child with that being one of the reasons, while sirius was always the one who invited the guests in and made polite conversation with them, when needed.
i definitely don't think they were physically abusive, only verbally and emotionally. i also think walburga, orion and regulus would see no fault with it and not recognise it as abuse.
i def agree with sirius being the gifted one, naturally smart and charming and everything. and sirius' line about how people don't just slot into 'good or evil' was so based on his family. they loved each other but walburga and orion were taught by their parents that control and tradition and fear were the ways to show that love. the family trauma cycle fr.
however, i don't think regulus was orion's favourite. i think sirius was both parents favourite. orion wanted a strong heir and saw that in sirius (whereas regulus, he saw as just his spare in case of any problems- ie. sirius running away and getting disowned) i think orion was quite absent (for regulus), but he did make sirius come into meetings and spend entire days just sitting in the corner of his office whilst he does paperwork and writes letters to people. walburga then spent time with both of them, and favoured sirius not because he was the heir, but more because he was always more charming and could talk to her guests, and played the piano better, and was always ahead in his academics, and could beat his father in chess by the time he was 7, and was a little outspoken and rebellious but so was she as a child so she thought he'd get over it as he grows up.
regulus was definitely reserved as a child, so true anon!! i also think he always was. i see his as autistic (well i hc both sirius and regulus as autistic, but regulus more quiet and antisocial and has selective mutism), and that he never really understood other people, or social situations, and struggles talking to most people.
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inkblot22 · 1 year
I Need A Little Sympathy.
Hi, hello. The formatting and possibly masterlist link for this one is going to be absolute garbage. I'm working from mobile, so uh. Please forgive me, I'll fix it as soon as I have time and resources. This is part 3 of Pants On Fire.
Anyway, TW for yandere, abuse, use of a shock collar, kidnapping, captivity, use of the nickname "kitten," and a general misunderstanding of how electronics work.
It’s very easy to forget that Idia is pretty tall and a tad intimidating. You find yourself forgetting on a near regular basis.
Perhaps it’s just the way he feels, the way that, despite his looming presence, he just feels that much more small and timid. Perhaps it’s all just the way he slouches. And then he stands up and you remember. You remember how he really is that looming presence in the corner, lanky and watching your every move.
Besides that, ever since he kissed you, he’s been a lot more… clingy? If you can call a grown man constantly begging you to sit with him as he games or watches anime or whatever the hell else, if you can call that “clingy,” then yes. Idia is clingy. And you’ve given in, a few times, although it should be noted that the content of the anime he watches with you is usually somewhat… Risque. The gaming is innocent enough, some sort of MOBA or MMO usually, something like League or FFXIV. you can live through some questionable design choices and jiggle physics in his games without thinking it was on purpose, but if you had to watch one more episode of whatever long title he rattled off last time where the heroine mysteriously both loses her clothing every episode and has a temperament similar to yours, you’d lose it.
Unfortunately for you, the devil affords you no rest, and seeing as Ortho was out today, you can’t hide behind his presence like a shield. 
Idia spins in his seat, face and the tips of his hair taking on a pink peachy tone as he watches you laying on the floor. Idia’s room had a few places to sit, but since he has you crowd into the bed with him, you prefer to not sit there or be anywhere near it until bedtime comes and that steady roll of electricity hits your neck until you crawl in next to him. Besides, the only other place was the chair he is sitting in. 
“Hey…” He begins.
“No thanks.” Honestly, you are bored, but not bored enough to constitute plopping yourself in his lap so he can watch creepy anime and place his hands on your knees awkwardly. You had been enjoying your little contemplation of your current predicament. 
Usually by now, Idia would have sighed, mumbled something about normies never wanting to interact with him anyway because they were just so much better than a shut-in like him, and turned back to do whatever it was without you. That is not what happened. This time, he stands up and walks over to where you are sprawled out.
You sit up a touch, not expecting that in the least. You’re even less prepared for him to pick you up and toss you butt first onto the bed. You yelp and look up, through your arms.
Idia has never struck you but with him looming over you like this, you feel scared. Idia is so tall, and you are being given an intense reminder. 
"What are you doing?" Your voice comes out shaky, soft and confused.
Idia just shrugs, "Spending time with my partner."
"Idia, I don't-"
"Yeah, I know. You don't even want to be here." He lays down over you, arms encasing you, keeping you stuck on the bed, "You don't exactly have a say."
"Of course I do." You retort. 
Idia looks down at you, eyes devoid of any type of care. He grabs your wrist and presses your pulse against the one in his throat.
The shock collar worked a little funny. You have a sneaking suspicion that Idia messes around with it while you're sleeping, because it works differently than it did before. Before, it would just zap you, no warning. Now it gives you a quick, three tap warning.
Zap zap zap!
Then it stops and you have three seconds to stop doing whatever it was. Depending on the severity of what you're doing, the incoming jolt of rolling electricity is either so intense that you have to fight to stay conscious, or low enough for you to know it left a mark. 
Idia knows his machines. When he placed the collar on you, you saw a bunch of exposed wires and circuits. It looked like an amateur's work, but now that you've been around Idia for a long while, you can't help but notice that literally nothing else he makes has exposed parts. The collar was made to shock, so it shocks. 
You grit your teeth and let out a noise as the shock begins to work. It ramps up in intensity, not too slowly, but not too quickly either. By the time it reaches its peak, you're screaming, howling as you thrash and writhe. 
"You know, I read something about focusing on one point when you're in pain," Idia says, somewhat boredly. "I think if you just focused on me, kitten, you'd be a bit better off. Don't you think?"
Despite being actively liquefied, your brain manages to focus for a second on the spot where your wrist is pressed against Idia's neck. You feel his pulse throb once, then twice. 
It's your standard heartbeat. You can't focus any more than you already have, though, since Idia's grip on your arm is keeping your hand in the one place you're never allowed to touch on Idia.
As you pass out, you hear him say, "I'll tell you the plot of this episode when you wake up, okay, kitten?"
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angelprinz · 5 months
i think i would claw at his arms until he gave me my drugs back 😭 @ last reblog
something abt being withheld contraception or anything that eases pain would drive me wild idc abt ur biology shit that’s abuse & i would quite literally tear my hair out & a chunk of their arm with my teeth pls.. sounding feral and insane but that’s who i am!
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Tw: intersex Snape, bottom snape, bullying rape ,vagina sex, anal sex , oral sex ,handjob, unwanted pregnency, victim blaming, blackmail,
I had a dream about Snape. After swm Snape tried to hide in the dungeon but marauders found him. They wanted to get him naked again.
Snape: Why! you have already seen my thing
Marauders (laughed cruelly) We have a bet. We want to know how your nipples look like.What are their colour.
Snape tried to protect himself but marauders managed to get him naked.
Sirius: Wow! You have purple nipples. How weird.
(Snape had bruises on his nipples)
James: Let's see your thing again.
They spread his leg and found he not only had dick but pussy too.The pussy was hidden behind his dick
James: you are a freak but you have pussy and arse. (He turned to Sirius) We can have group sex with him
Sirius: how
James: I prefer pussy. I will fuck his pussy. You can fuck his arse and for Remus and Peter, they can get blowjob and handjob from a freak
Snape: I won't do it
James (grinned) really Snivellus. So you prefer that everyone know your secret
Snape; I don't care
James: you don't care if anyone knows about your parents. (James stole letter from Eileen to Snape and know about his homelife)
Snape (who love his parents no matter what they had done to him didn't want his father locked out in jail or his mother locked out in hospital paled)
Snape: Please. Anyone can pass by. You will have trouble.
James no we won't. You will have trouble. You will tell anyone that you put us on imperious curse
Snape: I won't do it
James: If you won't.I will tell my father that you are filthy deatheater. He believes every words I say and he is famous potion master. You will never accept your potion masterly
Snape but if anyone thinks I use unforgivable curse. I will never gain it either
James (pondering) so you will tell everyone that you backmail us. You told us that if we don't have sex with you.You will reveal Remus's secret
Peter: I prefer to get handjob. I fear he will bite me if he gives me blowjob
James: ok how about you Remus
Remus ( tried to have an excuse to do it) thinking: Snape is biased. He hated me because I am a werewolf.He called me wolf.He tried to backmail me ( he forgot that Snape only called him wolf when no one was around and never backmail him): ok
Then marauders took a turn to fuck. James made sure that Snape couldn't bite any of them Snape.Four of them have 4 kinds of fucking. When it's James' turn to have vagina sex. He was disappointed that no one passed by so he called Hogwarts elf to take a picture of them.
The marauders gave pictures to school newspaper.They told them to censored their face but not Snape. Told them that Snape backmail them to fuck him.
McGonagall read the newspaper and believed it. Snape was just slimey Slytherin that wanted to get her precious boys in trouble.She went to Dumbledore demand him to sack Snape
Dumbledor refused
Snape foun out he was pregnant. He tried to abort but he had a dream
Two children one girl and one boy. The girl had Sirius' s face but his skin. The boy have James's face and Snape'eyes
Two children:Please don't kill us. mom we want to see you and our fathers
Snape (frustated) if you call me mom Don't call those monster fathers
Children: we call them fathers because they gave birth to us but we will never call him dad. Please mom we will get revenge for you.
Snape awoke he named his son Willow because he had dark brown eye and he liked whomping willow and named his daughter Pearl because She had pale skin.
James and Sirius have dream about their children too
James: I dream about handsome boy that looks a lot like me. I think I will get to fuck Lily
Remus: he looked like your twin eh
James yes except his eyes. He had black eyes
Sirius: how he had black eyes if he's your and Evans son.
James Don't tell me..
Sirius: what if he's your and Snape's son
James he can't be pregnant.He is a freak of nature. Nature never built fertile freak.
I'm awake before I know the ending but I think that marauders will notice that Snape pregnant and worried if it was their child. They tried to take care of Snape because they afraid that Snape will abort their children and start to develop felling for him At last Snape managed to get his rapist in Azkaban. He took his four children. Yes four from each marauders to visit their father and make sure that his rapist know that not only him didn't forgive their crime. But their own children also hated them
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a-m-archived · 2 years
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File tittle :
subject 3
Tests done by Dr. Eos
Subject 3 is is a six-foot-three humanoid female with red hair that's choppy and uneven. subject 3 seems to be able to self sustaining its own magical energy and self healing ability. Her iris's are a turquoise, while her pupils are purple. This is a trait that she seems to be able to hide.
subject 3 healing capabilities come from the original rune's used while heart core is unknown. The test subject originally had 13 runes on their body that helped them regulate themselves without a need for maintenance.
This was neglected once eight other runes were added. The test subject know produces to much magic, and seems to be in constant pain due to it. Subject three produces an abnormal amount of heat, one hypotheses is that this is from the ungodly amount of magic they produce.
Some things to note test subjects body functions similar to a humans with only some oddities . Below are a log of some of those oddities.
Notes : bleeding
Subject 3 dose not bleed out if any cuts have been made to its body. The wound will continue to bleed till its healed or covered due to test subjects self healing properties.
A deep enough cut to the subjects throat, dose not cause them to suffocate but subject 3 dose seem to have trouble breathing. A working theory is that the rune was affected rather then it's body taking damage.
Notes : Broken bones
Broken bones for Subject three seems to function similar to a broken bone for a human. The only difference is that it takes a hour for the injury to heal.
Further testing to be done to see the limits of this ability.
Notes : organs
[ Data expunged ]
More tests need to be run in order to gain a cohesive examination.
Notes : fatal injuries
[ Data expunged ]
Notes : nutrition
Subject 3 dose not need to eat or drink but can and dose prosses food like a human dose. The amount of food she can consume has not been tested.
It is hypothesized that Subject 3 was originally suppose to eat to preserve the natural magic her body could produce.
Subject 3 has many human qualities and reacts to many stimuli like a human, it is important to note that subject 3 has stopped reacting to its designation and has become docile.
Subject one improved the work Dr. Asteria did when creating subject 3, but I fear for Dr. asteria's work. It is why with a heavy heart I had
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miyomiikonran · 2 years
Whumptober 2022 Day 5
I'm just quickly gonna throw it here as I'm not only late but on my way to work :'D Stay tuned for another one at the end of the day cus I need to catch up .u.
Today's theme: Every whumpee's needs
Chosen prompt: Blood loss
Universe: Cyberpunk 2077
Character/s: Isei & his lil brother Tetsuro
Word count: ~1300
Tw: Violence, child abuse mentioned, hemophilia
Practice makes a master they say. Well, Isei for sure had some practice with sneaking around and stealing already, despite being only 16 y.o. In this city where everything happens fast, you have to live fast and it seemed kids had to grow up fast as well. Especially when you're a runaway kid taking care of another, smaller kid, with hard to explain actions on your record. You know, like killing your abusive mother, who's acting skills were always so great that police would rather believe her than a kid. Fuck them all.
This evening was just another one in a row of his escapades. Go out around late evening, look for some drunk folks hanging around clubs and going home late at night, steal either money or something that can be sold easily. That was it, simple. But nothing went right that night. First, he lost a chance to take some lone gal's jewellery while she was almost passed out by the bar, but some friends of hers popped up, so he managed to get only a small ring off her hand, while her neck shined with gold necklace. Such a waste. Then... Well. There was a reason why he mostly targeted women. Even more so around their home district, where men were mostly gang members, scavs or smugglers with influential friends. Last thing he wanted was to get fucked up by someone's gang mates. But that particular guy... He didn't seem dangerous. No sight of a gun and he watched really closely, no visible cyberware anywhere other than his face, sitting alone and seemingly drowning his pitifully sad mug into more and more and more alcohol. And he was paying with cash, which was unusual. Probably just got paid, so he expected his wallet to have some good cash. Bar was crowded, it seemed like a perfect spot... He waited till the guy was barely awake, dozing off one time after another in between his drinks... Just get his wallet out of pocket and take off. He had some weird feeling whenever he looked at him, but there is no good catch without risk, right? He was almost there, hand sneaking in his pocket...when guy grabbed him with some crazy reflex, staring him down with this blank stare in his eyes... A smile creeped on his face when he tried to get his hand off and run, but his grasp was hella strong.
- Some lil worm crawled in there, huh...? - he stated more than asked, but Isei didn't care to answer, he just tried to jerk off his hand, but even with his other hand trying to pry a stranger's fingers open, it was no use. It couldn't be just a human hand, despite its fleshy looks. He knew well enough he was fucked at this moment...he just didn't realize how much. At least not till blades slided out of man's knuckles, stabbing his wrist, slowly pushing in the flesh, making deep holes that started bleeding immediately. That's when his instincts kicked in for real, his insides burning, his mind shouting "GET OUT" at him, and so he grabbed nearby glass, still halfway full and shattered it on the guy's face, scratching his own fingers and finally making him let go in a cascade of curses.
Isei immediately took off, running out of the bar pushing aside some new people just walking in... But the guy decided to not let it slide just like that. He went out after him just as he was about to turn into another alley, gun in his hand... And his reflexes turned out to work great even with alcohol stabbing him right into his eyeballs. Sharp pain went through his shoulder joint, as a bullet went all the way through it and hit the wall in front of him. Whoever that was, he wasn't fuckin around, he was trying to aim for the head and who knows if he wouldn't score that headshot if not for the amount of alcohol he drank. At least that was in the boy's favour, there wasn't a way in hell for him to catch up and so he got away.
But... That wasn't the end of his problems. He got away, but he was left with nasty, heavy bleeding wounds. He already knew better what's gonna happen if he doesn't stop the flow in couple of minutes. Maybe he fled death at the hands of that guy, but his hemophilia was just waiting for something like that to happen...
When he made sure he got far enough, he found a place to sit and tore his t-shirt into pieces, helping himself with a small knife he had. He first used it to cut off the blood flow with tight strap around his arm and to patch his hand up the same way. However, his shoulder was much worse, he could feel blood dripping on his back, in front half of his chest was already red. It was a long time ago when he last felt that... Scared. His head and heart were pounding like crazy. This is bad. This is fuckin bad. He just pressed his teeth hard, knowing this would hurt like hell and first stucked some cloth deeper into the wound and then wrapped it around with the rest of the material he had left. It's not enough. He could feel how quickly blood was seeping through. Think think think! Then, a spark, a memory popped up. That can he got from a bag he stole some time ago. He has to get home fast. This instant. It was something about quicker healing. It was his only shot.
* * *
Loud banging on the door in the middle of the night wasn't anything unusual in this area. Every child knew better than to answer it, just ignore it as long as the door seems to hold on, as long as it doesn't seem too dangerous, so you would have to hide or run away. But this one weak bang? Just one, single one? Tetsuro immediately felt something heavy inside and ran to the door from his makeshift bed. He looked through the hole stepping on a wooden step his brother made him, just to be sure and opened it once he saw who's on the other side. They had a couple of simple latches and a lock, so it took a second especially when his hands started shaking.
- Isei! - little boy's voice was clearly scared, no wonder, he never came back home as bloodied as tonight, not as weak, he was barely standing on his feet and everything seemed to spin right before his eyes. He held onto the wall walking inside and went straight towards the second bed on the floor, stumbling and simply falling onto it, probably staining it with blood too.
- Lock...the door. Get me that spray, that... damn metal bottle. - he mumbled, turning around. His hands were shaking, it was so cold around despite it being the middle of the summer. Kid just ran around trying to find it, it took him a while, but at this point, whatever, he can't do that alone anyway. Once he came back to him, he just pointed at his back.
- Unwrap it. Spray the hell out of it...on that hole. - he said it as simply as possible, but the kid clearly had some doubts looking at that bloody mess.- Do it damn it! - he grumbled, his voice sounding so weird at this point, harsh and raspy. His vision soon got all black as he passed out just like that.
I have so much written with this guy and still I had a problem writing it x'D Either way, meet another one of my babies who's come a long way from his original Wakfu universe, this time he wasn't even mine to begin with, but belonged to @ironic-artist , from who I kind of "adopted" and developed him further, especially in this universe. And gave him a little bro. Maybe one day I will post a whole series of writings with him? Who knows?
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dearestgojo · 2 years
Can't wait for it to be revealed what went down between her and sukuna, why she dislikes large bodies of water? And that scar near her ribs. Also the bit about satoru's parents stuggling,wonder what that's about too🤔
Daaang he kissed her?! Not unexpected or surprising from what's been shown so far. Tbh i would have done the same maybe not a slap but at least give a warning to a girl before you kiss her😂 yn has shown she hates surprises and when satoru does something suddenly that involves her and without her input.
Jfc her dad, what a piece of work. Yikes. I'm kind of surprised yn could talk back to her dad like if he reacted like this?
How often does she talk back or criticize him and how often is he willing to use violence or force on her for it? Because she wouldn't mouth him off like that if that's his natural reaction, so from that I'm thinking this is the first time he reacted so violently?
Scars on her ribs and Sukuna thing are slightly related, and as for her not wanting to go near large bodies of water, we can blame Kenji. And I can't answer this, but he and y/n will have a heart-to-heart about the scars on her ribs and the thing about his parents...near a large body of water.
I wanted a telenovela like moment this chapter and if a surprise kiss followed by a slap doesn't scream telenovela I don't know what does.
Tw: mentions of abuse and a bit about my personal life under the cut
Okay, so y/n and her dad's relationship is a bit inspired by my own personal life, as much as I hate to admit y/n in Indifferent Love is inspired by the parts of myself that I have the hardest time loving and showing people. She's the part that i keep locked in a little box until I feel comfortable enough to show the ugly bits of myself.
I grew up in an abusive home where I eventually start talking back, despite knowing it could get me into trouble which would happen at times. And this is also basically what has happened to y/n. She's dealt with the abuse, from her father specifically, for a long time, and she has all this anger toward him that she loses a bit of the fear and snaps back at him. And she doesn't think he can do worse than he has already done (the scars on her ribs). As for how often she talks back, it's not often, usually after she catches him messing around with one of his secretaries or maids, sometimes when she is in a particularly horrible mood.
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wildbasil · 3 months
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things haven't been great but i think they will be. eventually 🌻🌼🩷
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I decided to clean up an old comic of mine! A thirty something year old Tintin reflects on his childhood with Chang.
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enbysiriusblack · 9 months
"You're not allowed to be smoking in here", Regulus commented, standing by the door.
Sirius turned towards him, sitting in the lounge on Orion's chair by the window, "Fuck that."
Regulus moved further into the room, sitting upright as Sirius slouched further in the black velvet chair.
"People from the Ministry are coming to dinner tonight."
"I'm going out", Sirius grinned, dabbing the ashes of their cigarette on the chairs armrest.
"Mother specifically requested your presence."
"She couldn’t come tell me herself?"
Regulus' hands fidgeted, "I offered."
Sirius turned, looking at their brother, their eyes taking in his agitated form that kept glancing to the door.
"You don't have to protect me, Reggie. I can handle myself."
"Mother is angry. She knows you left the house last night."
"Well she can do what she wants to me", Sirius smushed the cigarette into the armrest and stood up, "Just don't get in the middle of it, you'll only get yourself hurt."
Regulus glanced to the door, footsteps getting louder, "You do it for me."
Sirius sent him a grin, rolling his sleeves up to reveal the tattoos his mother detested, "You don't want to be like me, Reggie."
The two heard Walburga start shouting Sirius' name, and Sirius gestured to the door that led out to the front porch, "Go."
"She's angry, Sirius."
Sirius sighed, "Fucking leave", he grabbed his brother's arm and pushed him out the door to the porch.
The other door flew open and Walburga stepped inside, Regulus couldn’t move from his spot against the door, hearing his brother's screams as he cowered mere metres away.
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teaboot · 10 months
Adult ProTip, from a security professional: If a kid tells you, "My parents are gonna kill me / kick my ass / kick me out" for something relatively minor, don't respond with shit like "Really? ;) that sounds a little extreme, don't you think sweetie?" because that shit really does happen.
Instead, respond as though whatever threat they are afraid of is fully valid, and offer whatever you can do to help- ask if they believe they are in danger of being hurt in any way, and work accordingly.
If they're overreacting, they'll usually realize and dial it back, self-correct and begin thinking a bit more rationally.
If they're not overreacting, and the danger is real, then they'll need a level-headed adult in their corner, not another condescending authority figure who doesn't believe them.
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tastytoecheese · 2 years
First thing you see after you zoom in is how you die
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How you dying 👀
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a-m-archived · 2 years
Love, war and madness
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Theo's kind and sweet and caring and loves easily but that seems to be it in the beginning of her story . The bases of a person barely anything their truly. Someone who loves to much and to easily. But Theo is monstrous and fake...at least that's what she thinks. In her other verses she faces a different dilemma when it comes to who she is and how she feels as a 'person'.
You know something that hit me really hard recently with Theo is how she thinks she's to broken to be human. How she is horrible for at one point wanting people to suffer just like she did. And after words she sobbed her heart out finding out the world did die.
And ill be honest at least once eveyone has had one negative thought about another be it envy or anger. And for a girl who's been abused her whole life ? With only glimpses of the sun and sky and who has no idea how to write her own danm name ? Who believed her own danm mother didn't care enough for her because she died and left her ? Who dosn't remember anyone saying her own name since she was six.
Yeah I'm surprised it took her thirteen years to get to that point.
Theo down to her core cares. She cares for others and cares for people who she's never truly meet. Cares for the timelines that are displaced and loves people not because shes good and not because she is a 'protagonist' but because shes understands pain and loneliness and wouldn't wish that on anyone. Because she understands, she lived through that loneliness. Because that loneliness was her only solitude and sanctuary from the pain. Because being alone meant she was safe. she understood how it could be comforting but also understands its negative effects. So she dose her best to love others and help them feel just a little less alone. Their are exceptions but no one wants to hear that know do they ?
And the fact that theo before chaldea barely even under stood and remembered what it meant to be loved kinda just hurts. The last time she was held was the day everything started and that was when she was five. At five kids should be learning the alphabet , sould be in school and crying about wanting candies and staying up just a little longer. Five year olds should not be covered in head to toe in bandages and in rags that barely count as clothes. Theo barely remembers what it was like to be loved. But she remembers what its like to love someone.
But Loveing someone or something isn't always a good thing.
Remember: Love is just as dangerous as hate, for it consumes you just the same. Love is not a gentle thing. Love is a all consuming and all encompassing thing.
Ive said time and time again theo loves to easily , cares to easily. She loves others. Other people's safety and wellness has always been something shes intoned to. Caring and loving someone has always been a driving force for theo in the nasu verse and has become a running theme in her other verse's
But just because she loves someone doesn't mean it'll fix everything ...no in fact it'll make a lot of Theo's problems worse. This is a girl who doesn't understand boundaries. This is a girl who has no view on her own self worth and doesn't understand what it means. This is a girl who will die if it made someone she loved happy.
Theo dose her best to be reliable and nice and the image the master of chaldea presents. But she can't. She's barely a person with the life she lived which was five years outside a hell hole. Everything she learns at chaldea is a first. Her first true look at love was rama's love and devotion to being with sita even if it was a futile endeavor. And then her first true look at the madness love can and dose bring is brynhilder....brynhilder who mistaken people slightly similar to her beloved seigird because of her sin's she committed in life.
The grand order is a one human war. The master of chaldea is the only one who will truly remember it and that's something theo agonizes over. All those people and memory's lost and just fixed like it was nothing.
Theo died in that war and relieved that war. Watched as her choices meant nothing, watched as a unbearable outcome took place and she moved forward to try and fix it. Because if she doesn't do it then someone else is suffering through this hell and she would hate that.
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War ,loneliness , death and love shaped theo. It shaped her into something resembling a girl. And it's those aspects that theo hides. And its those aspects that Damocles was born from. She was 'born' from fire in a one man war agents the whole world and she was expected to win. The woman theo became died when Damocles was born.
She hides the hate and anger her war left her feeling. Hides the the apathy her loneliness and death has drilled into her over her own well being. Hides the madness her love will dive her into. She hides aspects of herself that are horrible because they don't befit a master of chaldea, nor dose it fit the counter guardian of humanity . She hides the bone crushing soul destroying sadness she feels as she tries so desperately to smile and be a piler of support she knows other's need. Not because she wants to be a hero but because she can't stand the idea of another person being alone. Because she was born alone and a world that was aflame and screaming for reprieve.
And this is why her loving someone hurts. Because if she loves someone she'll try more. She'll try and live. Try and be genuine, try and be open with what shes feeling even if she doesn't understand it. She'll try and shoulder her loves ones burdens with them.
Them loving someone means she'll stop trying to make everyone happy and try her best to make someone she cares for happy and sometimes that means she'll have to be better and improve herself. But that could also mean she would gladly be the match that burn the world down.
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transcowgirlslut · 4 months
it's kind of bullshit that people will react with horror to me discussing my fantasies/kinks until i clarify I'm the sub in them. like even my therapist was all like "ohhh it's ok to want to hold power so long as it's consensual" and then clearly relaxed when I clarified I wanted to be the sub.
i love you everyone and with rape kinks, those who want to roleplay kidnapping and abusing someone, i love you i love you i love you. this ain't me fishing for a dom/me to be clear---you are VALUED as a person, outside of your sexual fantasies. I care about you and appreciate you, and there is nothing wrong or bad about you!!!!
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bonefarm · 4 months
While we are on the subject - financial abuse is not always just physically taking money away or not having a savings account or escape stash. For a lot of people it is the other spouse sabotaging your credit score, constantly overspending, and you being unable to trust that joint household bills and loans are paid. Did you know that once you add an authorized user to your bank account it’s nearly impossible to remove them without their permission? Did you know that your spouse, who likely knows your birthday and SSN, can often gain access and reset passwords for any online accounts and create new ones?
Financial abuse will ruin your life and there’s really nothing except significant time that fixes it. If you are in a situation where you think this might happen to you you should freeze your credit with all three major agencies. You can find info on how to do this at USA.gov/credit-freeze
This is not something that only happens to tradwives. You are not exempt because you are independent or competent.
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caliburn-the-sword · 5 months
"hur hur gabe wasn't as abusive as he was in the books" people can all shut up. percy's jaw TREMBLED when ares yelled at him, which had nothing at all to do with his god status - percy backtalks gods just fine. he had trauma response to ares yelling. ares didn't so much as lift a finger. that goes to speak volumes about what percy was experiencing at home
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