#TW3 Test
imageingrunge · 1 year
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found out Simproved made kaer morhen in the sims
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witcheringways · 2 years
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Welcome back to the Duchy, Geralt!
{ Messing around with Witcher 3 Next Gen / Vanilla except SBUI mod. After about six attempts, I finally got it to work... just don't use the asset filter or it might get stuck in the UI, lol }
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just friends being silly and having ( probably drunken ) fun <3
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thecubes · 2 years
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so there's this ghost,
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tantumuna · 3 months
Also sending you Lambert :D
Aw he my BOO I love him
How I feel about this character
I really like him. Love him. Both TW3 and TWN versions (I haven't gotten to him in the books yet). I think arguably these portrayals had the potential to be more nuanced and interesting than Geralt lol. I think he has a lot more intelligence and emotional depth to him than people give him credit for and he CLEARLY loves eskel and geralt. I also think he sees vesemir as a father figure and the game really did him fucking dirty with how mean you can be to him during the funeral.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Aiden is the ultimate OTP here but also Geralt, Eskel, and Jaskier
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Yennefer. I think he and Yennefer could burn down the continent and we wouldn't even try to stop them. Their dynamic is so good.
My unpopular opinion about this character
That Keira is the worst possible companion for him?? She literally is just taking advantage of a man in a vulnerable enough state that he was willing to throw himself into danger during the assault on kaer morhen. There was such an emphasis on everyone telling lambert not to be a hero and then he tried to do that so he could die!!! His best friend and potential lover is dead and his family is honestly kinda mean to him and here's the chance to go out in a way that would leave a positive memory of lambert the hero, so ofc he wants to take it. And Keira can save him ofc but she isn't required. He can save himself or Geralt can save him. But if they do get together she basically says she's using him as a lab rat to test cures on and he's just letting her?? We have no idea if this is harming him snd he doesn't doesn't care. He has 0 self worth snd Keira knows that. She's a child with a new plaything.
Also the only reason fandom casts him as a bottom is because he's the shortest. Nothing abt that man says bottom.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I wish he would live a long happy life and love himself. I think one thing that TWN did for us was show us the friendship with Coën which was super nice for seeing Lambert actually have someone who matches his level. I stand by what i said that eskel and geralt are kinda unnecessarily mean to him in TW3 so seeing a FRIEND was a nice chance of pace. So I hope that's not devastating at all if Coën still dies in TWN
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murfeelee · 2 years
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End of Year Collage - Best of 2022
Rules: Find your fave pics of your story or your blog in general and post them up in a collage! :D it can be 1 picture or 100 whatever you want. But just reflect on your fave moments in your story or on your blog. It can be cute moments or pictures you’re just really proud of.
I did this last year and decided to make one for 2022, to celebrate simming, the one source of joy I got out of another crapfest of a year.
I did even less simming this year than I’ve ever done, so some months once again have no entries, which depresses me. I doubt 2023 will be any better, but here’s hoping! 🤞🤞
MY THOUGHTS (for each month) under the cut:
January: New Years Miniset
I did diddly squat in January, just uploaded my New Years miniset that I had made for Magnus Bane’s birthday the December before.
February #1: Lunar New Year | February #2: Black Girl Magic Collection
Still no gameplay this month, but I got a lot done as far as CC, uploading my regularly scheduled holiday sets for Lunar New Year and Black History Month. Shortest month of the frikkin year, but I’m always swamped in February.
March #1: BLEACH \(^0^)/ | March #2: Let them eat cake!
I went nuts in March, trying to rush to get as much Bleach inspired gameplay done as possible before my schoolwork and birthday plans for April all caught up with me. Didn’t get nearly as much done as I wanted, but I had fun, regardless. Ironically enough however, y’all were more interested in one silly post I made where my Sakura & Ryuu sims assassinated Marie Antoinette! XD
April: Modern Male Witch Project Part 5
My latest installment recreating Brenna-Ivy’s Modern Mages went off without a hitch. Made an EFFTON of CC for y’all on my birthday, and had a blast!
May: Didn’t do any simming in May, as I needed to recover from blitzing the last 3 months.
June #1: The Untamed cont’d | June #2: Pride Month: Asian LGBT+
I took advantage of my Summer Break from school to continue my The Untamed gameplay. Some of my favorite posts ever, right there. Plus, it was Pride Month, so I was able to double-time it with Hanguang-Jun(e) Month and an cool Asian-themed LGBT series of weekly posts from some of my fave fandom ships: Nagron, Malec, WangXian, Andynh, and Adoribull.
July: Mighty Nein
I did more of the Modern Male Project, but definitely the best gameplay of the month (and arguably my whole YEAR) came from my Critical Role inspired posts. Y’all were going bananas; I loved seeing how many D&D fans were out there! I’m definitely doing more this year, it was way too much fun.
August: TW3 Skellige
My witcher!household went a-viking in Ard Skellig, as I tested out a bunch of new CC I was uploading that month. 
September: Nada. I was in the TRENCHES at school; I got hit with one massive project after another, ISTG it was like the department wanted to see if I would effing crack under pressure. STILL HERE, WENCHES. I hate grad school.
October: The Untamed cont’d
Halloween was the perfect time to deal with Wen Ning, so I HAD to squeeze in some more Untamed gameplay for the holidays. 
November: Wei Wuxian’s Halloween/Birthday
I was late posting in time for WWX’s bday on Halloween, but was just glad I managed to make a post I’d been dying to do for a LONG while, showing Wei WuXian get reincarnated as Mo XuanYu.
December: Interview with the Vampire
Y’all. Y’all know? How effing HAPPY I am that AMC made this dang show? I love every bit of it; eff the book purists. This is how you do an adaptation RIGHT, by ELEVATING the source material and updating the content for modern audiences. BRAVO.
Thank you everybody, followers, mutuals, lurkers, and all simmers who continue to support me and The Sims 3, and like my content!
Happy Simming, and Happy New Year!
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sinfulpetgirlrd · 1 year
I hate how many textures you have
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I think of all the characters in tw3 Regis has the most fextures. His human form has 3 and his hybrid has 2. Recreating all of these is such a pain in my ass. The first picture is how my recreation looks in Daz as a test render, the second is the flat texture while the third(ripped right from the game) is the texture created by CDPR.
No where near as grimy but I think I got it pretty close, yea? 
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essskel · 2 years
Hi, as there is w2 and roche discussion on your blog, I had to join in - though this is not relevant to the points the other anon is arguing.
I was always in the camp of 'iorweth and roche hate each other', which seems logical, right? both their stations and sentiments would make it a sound conclusion. or, more accurately, 'they hate each other equally'.
But I've been re-playing w2 lately, (I have not left flotsam yet, so there might be more revelations to come) and I've been struck by how roche.... doesn't care.
He does think iorweth is disturbing the peace and getting in his way, and his postion as commander of the blue stripes of course means he feels it's his duty to resolve the problem. But from 'a regular son of a bitch' in contrast to iorweth's speech, to the many comments he makes throughout your stay in flotsam (can't quote them, sorry - it also depends on how sympathetic to the elves you seem in his eyes, I've tested this) it's clear iorweth is not his sworn enemy he single-mindedly hunted throughout his life.
(Side note - I never quite caught the... dismissive contempt in his voice in the abovementioned quote before.)
Iorweth is the one with a life-long vendetta. Roche just views it as another job.
And that... blew my mind a bit. And made me rethink some of my preconceptions of the characters. It's easy to fall into the one-note trope of bitter rivals - and isn't their relationship and personalities much more nuanced and interesting this way?
And isn't that such an interesting commentary (be it purposeful on cdpr's part or not)? The very government organisation tasked with exterminating them does not care the same way the scoia'tael do. Their hatred is not the same. You're just another elf, another commando, it's not so personal - while to the squirrels it's everything.
Anyway, I simply wanted to share my thoughts - and see what you think! Is it perhaps a common thing to observe and I just caught up late? I hope I articulated myself clearly.
- karanfile
oh yeah definitely with the uneven levels of hate upon their first meeting - Roche wants Iorveth to know defeat, but it’s hard to see this relationship as being ‘personal’ to him for the majority of the game. The conflict with the scoiatael is just part of his job. He’s preoccupied with the death of Foltest, and later the massacre of the Blue Stripes. He’s way more emotionally invested in those events that he really ever is with Iorveth.
Also for Iorveth’s side, I’d agree that he’s put more emphasis on their meeting than Roche has, but Iorveth is not being funded or supported by a whole kingdom. He has to scrounge, work, and categorize all his own intel in ways Roche wouldn’t have to worry about. Iorveth’s extensive knowledge and study of Roche’s career is a skill that he has to maintain in order to be prepared for battle, to me it’s maybe not necessarily a singular obsession. Also Iorveth is just a more extroverted and eloquent speaker, so I feel like his speech on the log serves to introduce and announce his character way more than it does to spark a ‘rivalry’
So overall yeah I totally agree. This specific fight is always going to be more impactful and important for the Scoiatael because they’re in this war on their own, and for their own survival. Theyre not safe on either side anymore. The Northern Kingdoms just treat them like a stepping stone to get to Nilfgaard.
The only thing i’d add maybe is that post tw2, now that Iorveth and Roche have met, dueled, and shared a mutual friend, I feel like their future interactions (bascially the cut content from tw3) would have allowed for a more person-to-person competition and vitriol to exist simply because Geralt would have forced them into close quarters for an extended amount of time. But CDPR hates us so …. 😔
EDIT: It wasn’t really that clear but - I was not praising Roche’s character here. Him doing something horrific and partaking in the murder and oppression of a marginalized group and then …. not really caring, is not something I consider a positive trait. I’m not calling him out or wever like, characters need flaws, that makes them more interesting, and oppressors not giving a shit about the people they hurt is pretty realistic, so I don’t even disagree with the writing very much. But yeah this post is not a celebration of a his character in any way
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andordean · 2 years
1, 15, 20!
1. What's the fic you're the most proud of?
"Blood Ties" by a mile. To figure out the political landscape and a believable path for Cintra to regain independence after the events of TW3 was something I'm still extremely proud of.
15. How do you think your writing has improved over time?
Every time someone praises my descriptions, I gain a level.
I hate writing them, my brain doesn't visualise the surroundings, clothes, faces, details, etc--not to mention this and action scenes are where my fluency of English is tested the most. I find it hard to identify where a reader might need to be told about the setting as it's something I ignore when I read. Descriptions used to be something I avoided like a plague to my betas' desperation.
20. What's the greatest gift you've gotten from your writing?
Friends I made along the way. 💜
Thanks for the ask! 💜
Edit: forgot to tag @jawanaka for 1 and 20 ☺️💜
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wolf-and-bard · 4 years
Silly Lambert Headcanon of the day, very much inspired by tw3 (thank you for enabling me @hiddlesstolemyaddiction , I love you):
Lambert secretly runs an alcoholic beverage empire. He is so adamant in holding his grudge over having no choice in becoming a witcher that he decides to start a little side venture, something he can fall back to when he decides he has enough of killing monsters. That's a decision they won't make for him.
At first, he experiments with distilling and fermentation techniques using the winters because there is very little to do in Kaer Morhen other than wrestling his brothers and listening to Vesemir's lectures. By the end of the second year Geralt and Eskel buzz and groan with hangovers and Lambert has the perfect formula for homebrewed beer
From there on, it escalates. He's lucky with the first merchant he talks to because the man is super happy with the beer Lambert sold him (only three bottles but hey) that he finds an investor for the witcher. The ball starts rolling and before he knows it, he owns several vinyards in Toussaint, a brewery in Redania, a distillery on Ard Skellig. He has a monopoly on Temerian Rye and even manages to befriend some dwarfen ale-masters with whom he exchanges recipes, builds alliances and so on
Lambert works his business, hires employees, spends just enough time on contracts that he doesn't fall out of touch and his journeys bring him across new recipes, ingredients etc. His brothers can never find out, and they won't as he makes sure they only get to drink from his most botched experiments that leave them hating him for a week or so.
He's not sure he will ever fully quit being a witcher, but it's nice to have the option
(Bonus points if Aiden is his business partner and abandoned being a witcher because either his fellow Cats kicked him out or he left because he didn't agree with their conduct)
(Double bonus points if Aiden is completely made up and actually the name of Lambert's favourite beverage he sells, something he came up with when he accidentally overdosed with Cat Potion and saw something that was definitely not from this world)
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tantumuna · 3 months
I always thought Lambert just helps Keira to gather ingredients, when does she say that she wants to make tests on him? 😱
It's really hard dialogue to find afaik. Its been awhile since I played but I think she alludes to this if you're able to find her wandering the world after Kaer Mohren. I think my first viewing of the dialogue was on YouTube cuz I honestly didn't like tw3 keira so I might have killed her when she tried to go to novigrad lol
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lockhvrts · 5 years
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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt ➸ SCENERY
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starkiller201 · 3 years
Small vid of Oriana's dress reworke
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riviae · 4 years
fun blood fact: red blood cells actually shed away important organelles such as the mitochondria when they reach maturity. why? because the electron transport chain, the site of oxidative phosphorylation (aka the ATP/energy-making machine of the cell), occurs in the mitochondria! & what do RBCs carry? nutrients & oxygen! so you wouldn’t want your RBC to use up the oxygen its coupled to before it reaches its destination within your body, no? 
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lucinx-moved · 6 years
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Finally I can stop thinking about politics and focus on what’s important to me. Which is why I came here.
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lastwished-a · 5 years
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