mendelpalace · 8 months
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disease · 9 months
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Two Lone Swordsmen
Tiny Reminders (2000)
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umamidaddy · 1 year
Blade Runner (Ridley Scott, 1982) X "The Big Clapper" (Two Lone Swordsmen, 1998)
My favorite cut of the cyberpunk classique mixed with this jittery yet groovy cut from Two Lone Swordsmen's incredible & underrated album, Stay Down. While Philip K. Dick's book has so many cool elements the film lacks such as kipple, Mercerism, and the whole electric sheep thing, Ridley Scott's version works too and has some of the greatest practical cinema aesthetics of all time.
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iamlisteningto · 5 months
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Two Lone Swordsmen's Still My World
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grrl-beetle · 1 year
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Two Lone Swordsmen - Further Reminders (Ricardo Villalobos Remix)
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grrl-operator · 2 years
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Two Lone Swordsmen - Brootle (Simulant Remix)
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maquina-semiotica · 2 years
Two Lone Swordsmen, "Tiny Reminder No. 1"
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mudwerks · 1 month
(via Anywhere (Two Lone Swordsmen Remix Vocal) - Beth Orton (2002)
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songsofadelaide · 3 months
Hello! Recently read a few of your kn8 Soshiro x Reader fics and fell in love with your writing style. It's so lovely, and I really like your portrayal of him! If you're okay with requests, can you maybe write a Soshiro/female!Reader story where the two have a number of memorable chance meetings from childhood to adulthood, until they "officially" meet in the Defense Force? I'm lowkey obsessed with the idea of two people who meet as kids and are repeatedly separated and reunited during different stages of life, before reuniting for good as adults who can be together. Bonus points if the reader is Kafka's silly little sister!
Sorry if this is a lot, and thanks for reading it all!
I love your big brain, anon. The childhood friends trope is really at the top of everything for some reason! But soulmates, too? (Or something like that lol.) These are just a few of my favourite things to write.
Hope you enjoy this!
cw: (F) Reader/OC has a name in this fic, Hibino Mayari, and is six years younger than Kafka and one year younger than Mina. There may be some inaccuracy with the ages. Written with a generic (f) reader in mind. ✧ Mayari is the deity of the moon, night, war, revolution, equality, and strength in the Philippines. Since Kafka had a unique name, I thought I'd give his little sister one, too. Think of it as their mother being some kind of voracious reader and giving her children names they absolutely cannot find in souvenir shops. wc: 3.8k
✧ Stardust - Sakura Fujiwara
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Lucky stars, a trick of the gods, destiny— you could call your meeting so many different things. Strings so intricately twined that you'd think it to be a single rope, raindrops from the same cloud falling into the same ocean, and shadows coming together as the sun reaches a point in the sky. There wasn't a single part of you that wouldn't recognise the soul that touched yours that fateful day.
What was it like to make a promise to someone? Your older brother promised you many things— sweets after school, a piggyback ride whenever you got tired of running after him, and taking you wherever you wanted. Such were the little sister privileges granted to you by your older brother Kafka.
In the wake of your home's destruction, you remember him making a promise to a girl— your next-door neighbour Mina, and how they both swore to rise above and become the coolest Defense Force Officer the world has ever seen. You wanted in on that promise, too, and Kafka agreed only because you were his younger sister, his only one in this world. And Mina agreed because there was no way she could refuse you and your eagerness.
"I want to be a Defense Force Officer, too!"
"Then let's race! Me, Mina, and Mayari! Let's see who becomes the coolest of them all!" 
Not long after making that promise, you were caught amid a Yoju attack that separated you from Kafka and your mother. You screamed and wailed for your older brother, for anyone at that point, only to be rescued by a lone swordsman who swept through the field with his single blade. Your nameless saviour brought you to the nearest evacuation centre, where you reunited with your family and the rest of your community. 
You only knew swordsmen from legends and anime and not even once in your life did you ever think you'd be rescued by one, but then you were. And you couldn't peel your eyes away from the older man, who was clearly flattered by how you followed him around the evacuation centre with your curious eyes. 
"Is there anything I can do for you, little one?"
"I—! I want to be a swordsman, too!"
He chuckled at your declaration, calling it an admirable intention, but the light in your eyes revealed the depth of your earnestness— a rarity for children like you who have lost nearly everything in your life— mostly due to Kaiju attacks. 
The old man in the familiar Defense Force uniform crouched down and held out his hand for a handshake with you. "Very well. If you wish to devote yourself to the way of the sword, you must be willing to sacrifice your existing way of life."
He scrounged a wrinkled sheet of paper and a pen and wrote down an address that your practised eyes could read. "Ho… shina?"
"That's correct. If you truly wish to learn more about swordsmanship, come to this place, and I will teach you all that our family knows." 
That little scrap of paper became your most treasured possession. After weeks of pestering your older brother to take you to that place, he eventually relented and allowed you a maximum of 30 minutes before he came to pick you up again. 
You were almost turned away from the dojo when the students mistook you for a lost child, but your saviour recognised you— and your eyes filled with hope. When you introduced yourself to him once more and reiterated your intention to learn the way of the sword, he acknowledged you with a deep bow, which you quickly imitated. 
"I have a son your age. He will be the one to teach you the most basic yet valuable lessons when it comes to swordsmanship," he said before gesturing at a boy in the same haori and hakama as him. "Soshiro."
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Rumours about the high schooler Hibino Mayari and her incredible sword arm reached even the ears of her older brother in college. While you remained his adorable little sister for the most part, it was clear to Kafka that you had a gift for the sword you had to continue honing. From his estimation, you won't have any difficulty passing the Defense Force Entrance Exams, but that will depend on your overall combat power and affinity for firearms. 
At 23, he had already failed four times, while you had one more year before you could take it yourself. And while you didn't wish for your brother to lose hope, the way things were going for him did not bode well. 
You were both home for the weekend, Kafka with his can of beer in hand while you practised your swings with your bokken in your backyard. 
"Aniki," you started. "Mina nee-san will take the entrance exams later this year, right?" 
"Yeah. Wish her luck when you can," he told you. "Speaking of which, didn't you say your friend will be taking the exam, too?" 
"Shiro-kun has family in the Defense Force. Though I doubt he'd try to get in the force by family connections alone," you said with a smile. "It's been years since I last saw him, so I wonder if he's really going to take the exam this year like he said before."
As a child, you learned everything you could about swordsmanship under the tutelage of the age-old samurai clan, but after being assessed at the age of 13, the Hoshina patriarch declared you a shodan, an estimation which meant you already had a clear grasp of the basics of swordsmanship. 
"It's a pity they had to let you go just when you were getting good, huh?" Kafka remarked as he drank deep from his can of beer. 
"I know, but Shisho said Shiro-kun and I were quickly becoming big fish in a small pond and training with a single person for a long time would narrow our perspective, so we had to start training with others. At least that's what he told me," you replied to him as you rested your bokken on your stiff shoulder. "I'm glad the schools I went to had Kendo clubs with members of varying levels of strengths and skill, so I was able to make use of my knowledge while learning new things at the same time." 
"Oh, come on. You learned swordsmanship from an elite dojo. We both know you just wanted to show off— ow!" He said with a small snort, to which you replied by lightly kicking his shin. "Mayari!"
"Well, maybe I do want to show off a little," you huffed at your older brother. 
"They even gave you some tacky nickname, right? Crescent blade Mayari! Pfft!"  
You kicked his shin a bit harder this time. "Aniki! I didn't ask for that! My kouhais thought it was cool, so…"
"So you ran with it," Kafka nodded at you before gently kicking you back. You could tell from the way he looked at you that he kind of wanted to cry. "I am proud of you, Mayari."
That can't be helped, you told yourself. Aniki is always so honest with himself, after all. 
"Thank you, aniki. Don't go crying on me now. I'll always be your adorable little sister," you replied to him with a laugh and playfully batted your eyelashes at him. "Speaking of which, this adorable little sister of yours just saw this pretty dress in—"
"H-Hey! Don't get too ahead of yourself, Mayari!" 
"Aniki," you said to him with a smile. "I hope you know I'll always be rooting for you, too, so don't give up, okay? I'm sure Mina nee-san will be waiting for you— and me— when she passes the exam this year."
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It was an endearing nickname that was even more endearing by the sweet way you said it. If he was being honest, Soshiro did not think much of you back then. For him, you were just a little girl his father invited to learn and train swordsmanship. You were different from him in the way flowers grew from the same bush. While they were equally tended to, some will grow larger than others and bloom more brilliantly, too. 
He likened you to a grafted plant— one attached to him by the roots. And brilliantly did you bloom, indeed. A wildflower that thrived from the same water and sunlight as he did. For him, it was only a matter of time until you bloomed in fullness and outgrew him, but that never happened because his father uprooted you to the quick— for growing at a rate he did not expect from someone like you. 
That, and he did not expect his sons to start fighting over you. And though you were one of his most excellent pupils, he didn't deem you worth the trouble his sons would stir if you did not permit them to tame you. 
You parted your place of learning in good faith and had nothing but gratitude for the Hoshina Family, but there were times you thought it was unfair. He will continue learning under the best of the best while you have to carry on by yourself… But you were more disheartened by the fact that you would not see him again. 
Soshiro was truly the best rival you could ever ask for. As you entered middle school and high school and razed through club after club and joined every tournament you could, you soon realised that no one else could ever come close to him— both in skill and in something else you couldn't quite put a finger on. You searched for him in every opponent you came across, only to be disappointed time and again that they were not even at your level. 
In your final year of high school, during your school's long-anticipated cultural festival, the drama club needed someone with your skill, and they made you the centrepiece of their performance by teaching you a sword dance that drew spectators to your graceful form. 
"She's a marvel."
For once in his life, Soshiro was glad to have let his curiosity win him over. He was glad he sighted you in your high school's silly-looking cultural festival poster— for never did he expect to see the most beautiful wildflower in full bloom, adorned with silk and grace that did little to conceal her thorns as she danced to the strong yet tender rhythm of an equally gorgeous piece of music played on a shamisen. 
That was his wildflower. 
When he came to see you after your performance, all you could say was his name. "Shiro-kun!"
And it sounded just as sweet as when he last heard it. 
"Are ya just dancin' now?"
"Of course not! I was just helping the drama club!" You retorted with a smile. "If you wish to challenge me, all you have to do is ask." 
Your wordless duel of wooden swords was akin to dance as well, both of you equally deft, your movements measured and graceful, almost like spinning before a mirror until your dull blades were pressed against each other's necks. 
"I see time has not dulled your skills. That's good."
"It looks like time has been incredibly good to ya, too," he said, a familiar glint of mischief in his wine-dark eyes. "You've gotten prettier, Mayari-chan."
"Hmm. Not exactly the words I was looking for, but good enough, I suppose," you shook your head at him before breaking out into a smile. "It's good to see you again, Shiro-kun."
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Mina's meteoric rise to the rank of Division Captain did not surprise you. Ever since you were children, she had always been more focused on her goals compared to Kafka, who only desired the coolness associated with being a Defense Force officer. She vouched for your potential when you took the entrance exams and passed with the help of her commendation, though she reassured you herself that your own skills brought you there to where she was. 
And though you were subsequently assigned to a different division, she kept in touch with you as you both anticipated your older brother's arrival.
An arrival that never came. 
When you last phoned your home, it was only then you found out that Kafka had moved out and started working as a monster cleaner. It was a noble profession for you, of course, but you couldn't help but think—
—of how lonely your older brother must have been to have received rejection after rejection from something he had wanted to do all his life—
And it pains you to think that behind his smile when he congratulated you for passing the exams and becoming an officer was the sting of dismissal. 
When Kafka stopped calling to check in on you, you figured he might be busy with his job. Behind your stellar performance during missions was a strong sense of duty and a great fear of failure that allowed you to focus on the things you can control. You missed your older brother, but it was his choice to give up. 
However, you sensed a change in the wind after receiving a summon from the Captain of the Third Division out of the blue.
"Captain Ashiro called for you again, Mayari. I know she's always looking forward to seeing you in joint training, but doesn't she realise how stressful it is having to travel to Tokyo so often?" 
The Captain of the Fourth Division, Ogata Jugo, was a relatively relaxed man for the most part, but he was also incredibly insightful. He had no qualms about promoting you to a Platoon Leader despite your inclination to use swords in missions. He believes in allowing officers to use their own weapons of choice and that you would eventually use a gun when the situation calls for it. 
Captain Ogata trusts your skills, but he trusts your critical thinking even more. 
"I don't really mind all the travelling, Captain, sir," you replied to him with your usual cheer. Nagano to Tokyo wasn't a walk in the park but a three-and-a-half-hour car ride.
"Well, I do. You are my Platoon Leader, after all. You must defend this base when the situation arises," your captain said with a sigh. "I'm betting that Ashiro would do just about anything to have you transferred to her division."
"Nonsense, Captain. My place is here," you reassured him. "And while I do enjoy being the apple of her eye, I don't think I'll work well under the Third Division and its Captain."
"Why'd you think that?"
"Because Captain Ashiro would sooner lose herself in the battle than send me out," you said with a small shrug. "Sisterly instincts, I suppose. More importantly, I like working with you and our division, Captain, sir."
"You should tell that to her," your Captain chuckled.
"But for the record, Captain, I enjoy seeing her, too," you replied with an easygoing laugh. "I hope you continue to be lenient with me, sir."
"All right, all right. Go before I change my mind," Ogata stated as he shooed you away with a slow swatting motion. "And don't forget to bring me back some of that stuff you last brought."
You gave him a sharp salute and the same warm smile he enjoyed seeing on your face. "I'll be sure to bring home a bottle or two for you, Captain, sir!"
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Tachikawa Base never failed to amaze you. You found it more of a marvel compared to Headquarters, seeing as it was at the centre of the busiest city in Japan, but it was a constant magnet of Kaiju attacks, too. 
The entrance exams concluded Tachikawa Base's busiest time of the year, and with fresh recruits to fill in the ranks, more joint training sessions would soon be set to foster a warm relationship and camaraderie among the different members of the Defense Force's Eastern Divisions. 
Mina received you at her office as per protocol, the one place where you could simply be friends and not Captain and subordinate. 
"Fourth Division Platoon Leader Hibino Mayari at your service," you stated your name with a sharp salute and dignity tied to your esteemed position. "It's good to see you again, Captain Ashiro, ma'am."
"It's good to see you well, Mayari-chan," the older woman saluted right back before offering you a handshake. "I'll have to thank Captain Ogata for permitting your visit this time again."
"I'll buy his clemency before I head back to Nagano, Mina nee-san," you said with a laugh. "How did the entrance exams go this year, by the way? I only heard from Captain Ogata that something… strange happened."
Mina squeezed your hand and motioned for you to sit next to her. "This year's exams were nothing short of strange, I'll tell you that. But there's something I want to show you, too."
Having the Division Captain herself guide you through the many halls and walls of her base meant you had to return many greetings and salutations from younger officers. Mina was evidently well-loved by her division and adored by the masses for her levelheadedness that calmed whatever panic struck them during Kaiju attacks. After what seemed to be fifteen minutes of walking, you finally arrived at the base training ground, where most of the recruits gathered for their routine drills. 
"One of these days, we'd like for you to visit again when we host the annual goodwill Kendo match," she stated, eyeing the state of her division's recruits from above the area's gate. 
"I'd be glad to take part in…" You answered her, only for her to give you a small smile as she pointed down at one of the Third Division's recruits.
Lagging behind their laps was one older man gasping for breath, while a younger man slowed his pace to keep up with him. 
Kafka turned to the direction of that endearment like clockwork, only to find you and Mina curiously peering down at him from the gate while the rest of his cohort eventually outran him. 
"Mayari! And Mina, too!" 
"Another 30 laps for calling your superiors by their names, Officer Hibino," Mina shot back at him, to which he replied with a small groan of protest. "You can catch up with Platoon Leader Hibino once you're done with your drills and punishment."
You managed to laugh off your older brother's misfortune over his excitement at seeing you, but your amusement was swiftly replaced by the same kind of shock that came over Kafka when you saw yet another figure in the same sleek black uniform approach you and Mina.
"Captain Ashiro! I didn't expect to see you here today! I was told you have a guest…"
"Huh. So you're that Shiro-kun, Hoshina? Mayari-chan told us much about you when we were young," Mina mused aloud, though you knew from the small smile on her face that she sewed everything seamlessly. "What a small world we live in. To think that one of my oldest friends knows my Vice Captain." 
"I-I apologise for speaking out of turn, V-Vice Captain Hoshina!" You mustered a nervous salute directed at your childhood rival, now one of the Third Division's most prominent superior officers. "I-It's good to see you again, sir!"
"Fancy meeting you here, Mayari-chan. Or should I say Platoon Leader—"
"Fourth Division Platoon Leader Hibino Mayari at your service, Vice Captain, sir! I'm here at Captain Ashiro's invitation." 
Hibino? He thought to himself. Same as the stand-out candidate from this year's exams— "Wait a second, are you actually Kafka's sister?!"
"I hope my older brother hasn't been causing you any trouble, sir," you let out a nervous little chuckle. "Truth be told, I haven't spoken to him in the last few years and I did not expect to see him here at all. Mina nee-san— I mean, Captain Ashiro only informed me about this today."
"I see. Then you two must have a lot of catching up to do," he replied to you with a warm smile, to which Mina responded by patting him on his shoulder. 
"You two have a lot of catching up to do, too, wouldn't you agree, Hoshina?" 
"Well, I— It's just that Mayari-ch— I mean, I simply thought Platoon Leader Hibino would like to hear about her brother's exploits so far…?" 
"Make good use of your time while you're here, Platoon Leader Hibino. Seeing as Hoshina is here, too, you should discuss the goodwill Kendo match between our divisions as well."
"O-Of course, Captain Ashiro, ma'am!" 
She gave your shoulder a quick squeeze as well, before eventually whispering in your ear, "Kafka-kun and I will be waiting for you, so make sure you two catch up well."
As Mina disappeared back to the base's main building, you were left to watch how Soshiro conducted drills and training exercises with his division's recruits. Nearly everyone cheered for Kafka as he finished the last of his additional 30 laps around the training ground before they all shuffled back to the mess hall, you and their Vice Captain trailing them from behind.
"Anything on yer mind, Mayari-chan?"
"How is Shisho? I hope he's been well." 
"The old man's as stubborn as a fox, I'll tell ya that. I suppose I'll have to let him know that one of his most prized students made it here again."
"Does he still remember me?" 
"'Course he does, even though we only knew you as Mayari-chan. You're one of his most dedicated pupils, after all," Soshiro stated with a grin. "One time he said he regretted letting ya go. But I'm sure he'll change his tune when he finds out how much better you've become, both with a sword and with yer guns…"
"You think I've gotten better with just a glance?" You teasingly asked him. "The last we met, you said I only got prettier."
"Well, pardon me for noticing your face before everythin' else," he shrugged at you. "And I wasn't jokin' about that, either. You did get prettier."
"And now? I can show you how well I've grown. If you wish to challenge me, all you have to do is ask." 
Soshiro chuckled at your instigation, only for him to tell you with the most familiar glint of mischief in his eyes, "I think you're mistaken there, Platoon Leader. You're the challenger here."
"Of course, sir. How could I forget that I'm on your turf?" You said with a hearty laugh. "Shall we put on a show for your lucky recruits? It's not every day they see two blade masters battle it out."
Lucky stars, a trick of the gods, destiny— your meeting could be defined by so many different things. But one thing remained constant in your every coming together and parting…
"I'd like that!"
Rivals, friends, colleagues, lovers. The titles didn't matter much to you. This meeting once more proves you were meant to be part of Hoshina Soshiro's life in one way or another, just as he was meant to be in yours.
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✦ Thank you for requesting! Nothing makes me happier than writing a request I know I can work with. 🍹 You can read more about requesting here
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slayfics · 10 months
Please write something with Genya Shinazugawa. It could be anything you want. I live for this men.😭🙏
I can do anything for him. Even clean the whole villa.
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You have tea with Genya.
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You gazed at the food on the table and noticed the swordsmith had only brought out one meal, but you were positive there was another demon slayer staying in the village.
"Excuse me, is the other swordsmen going to be joining tonight?" you asked.
"Oh- I do not believe so. Mr. Shinazugawa has not been taking meals," the swordsmith explained before exiting the room.
You stared at the appealing food in front of you as you contemplated. You had run into the other demon slayer while you were training and he seemed to have been caught off guard by it. Immediately when you asked if he wanted to spar he turned away and left. Now that you were replaying the memory in your head you realized he had looked rather flushed. Maybe he wasn't feeling well?
You decided to go check on him to ensure he was feeling ok.
You made your way to the part of the estate where the guest rooms were. Assuming his room must be the only one with a closed door you knocked.
"What?!" You heard him call angrily from the inside. A few moments later Genya slid the door open. And there it was again, his face ignited in a hot flush.
He must be battling a heavy fever you thought. He stood frozen in the doorway staring at you- suddenly, he had no words to say. You placed your hand up to his forehead to feel his temperature.
"That's strange," You exclaimed out loud. Even though his face was clearly red with a fever, his forehead was at normal temperature.
"Uh-" were all the words that Genya managed to muster at you.
"Your face is clearly red, but you don't seem to have a sign of a fever. Are you ok?" You asked.
Genya just nodded slightly, then slid the door back shut, being too overwhelmed by your presence.
You jumped in surprise at his reaction.
"Shinazugawa, are you sure you're ok?" You called through the door but got no answer. "I can bring you something to eat if you'd like," you offered.
"No!" He yelled hastily from the other side of the door.
You were startled again by his actions. He seemed to be a rather strange demon slayer.
"Hmm... ok well, I hope I didn't disturb you too much," You said, sounding a little downcast. "I was hoping to get to spend some time with you after seeing you at the training grounds- it's lonely being a demon slayer sometimes you know? But clearly, you're not feeling well so- I understand. Get some rest Mr. Shinazugawa," You said and began to make your way back down the hall.
Just as you turned around to leave you heard his door slide open again, he shyly peeked out from the other side at you.
You turned back to look at him dumbfounded by his behavior.
"Did you need something after all?" You asked.
"Uh-...," He began to speak, his face still in a complete flush. "I'll uh- have some tea," He said, barely loud enough for you to hear.
"Sure, I'll grab some and come right back ok?" You said smiling at him sweetly trying to help him feel more at ease. However, for some reason, your smile seemed to increase his fever. So you made your way to the kitchen fast to ask for some tea.
When you got there, the swordsmith was completely shocked that Genya had agreed to take something but was quick to hand you two cups of tea.
You walked back to his room with two cups of tea on a tray and gently knocked again. Genya slowly slid his door back open- his fever seemed to be a little more under control.
"Here, one is for you," You said, raising the tray to him. "Would you- like me to join you for a bit?" You asked. For some reason, this question seemed to increase his fever again. You tilted your head to the side, curious as to what kind of sickness this might be.
Genya nodded shyly once more and stepped aside to welcome you into the room.
You sat on the floor to make yourself comfortable and grabbed your tea into your hands. Genya stood awkwardly at the door.
"Well, come join me," You said, laughing slightly.
Genya reluctantly sat across from you. But, he didn't make any conversation. Instead, he sipped his tea while awkwardly taking glances at you. Every time he did his fever increased just a bit more.
"Hm- I'm sorry I thought this tea would help... anyway- I saw you training and your weapon is unique. I've never seen any demon slayers use a gun before. How does that work on demons exactly?" You asked.
"Uh-... the bullets, they are... made of the same material as nichirin swords," He said, again in such a quiet voice you almost didn't hear. It must be hard for him to talk being so sick you thought.
"Oh- wow, that's really cool. Could you- show me how it works when you're feeling better?" You asked.
Geny nodded again, "Tomorrow- I uh- I can tomorrow morning," He said and looked away from you as his blush increased once more.
"Ok! Only if you're sure you'll be feeling better!" You said excitedly as you finished your tea.
A smile spread on Genya's face at your words, as it seemed he had finally let go of some of the tension in his body. "I'll be fine," he assured you.
"I'll come to check on you just to make sure," You said standing up. "For now just get some rest ok? It was nice talking to you, It- it is hard being on so many missions alone. It's nice to relate to another demon slayer. So- I look forward to talking to you more! Goodnight Mr. Shinazugawa," You said as you made your way to the door.
"Goodnight," he said, his voice finally loud and coherent.
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Thank you for the request! Genya is such a cutie. I hope it was obvious enough that he was blushing the whole time and reader was just mistakenly thinking he was sick.
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dira333 · 6 months
If I’m not too late for the most recent game I’m going to say Kisame 24!
The plotbunny game is always ongoing, so there's never a "too late"! Thanks for calling in!
Your prompt: Lonely water, won't you let us wander (how fitting!)
Lonely Water - Kisame x Reader
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The ground is slick from recent rain as you run, the mist swallowing all color.
"Wait for me!" You call out with the annoyance only a five-year-old can muster, "Kisame!!"
"You're too slow!" He grinds out only moments later when his arm shoots out from your right, pulling you down a narrow alley.
"I'm not!"
"Are too!"
You huff and try to step on his foot, but he moves out of the way just in time.
“Come on,” he grumbles, clearly annoyed, “We’re going to be late.”
It’s not easy growing up in Kirigakure. But it helps to be a child, quick on your feet and small enough to get into all the spaces grown-ups can no longer slip through.
There’s work at the docks for children, but you have to come at the right time and know the right people if you want to keep the money that you earn.
Kisame’s good at that. He’s taller than most of the children your age, so he’s not good for most of the work, but the fishermen are afraid of him and the Shinobi let him get away with almost everything. 
“Here,” he pushes you toward one of the older ships, “I’ll pick you up in an hour.”
There used to be a time when your father didn’t want you playing with Kisame. Back then you still had money, a nice house, and people working for you instead of the other way around. But father got into fights with the wrong people. One day he just never came home.
“What’s a nice girl like you doing at the docks?” The guy asking has no teeth left. His gums have turned grey and his eyes have turned cold. You press yourself against the walls, well aware of the small sum of money that’s hidden in your pocket. The captain of this ship pays fairly, even though it’s never enough for the amount of work, never enough for the rising prices.
“Hands of my girl!” Kisame snarls from behind you, teeth bared. The threat is effective.
He guides you down the dock and up the streets, through the market where you buy a loaf of discounted bread and a few small fish. It eats up most of your earnings, but Kisame’s hand is warm around yours, his grip strong and self-assured. Everything will be okay.
- - -
The rich women of Kirigakure love their luxuries. Expensive dresses, expensive food, and, most importantly, cosmetics made from the finest ingredients.
It had been Kisame’s idea to get you into a pharmacy family when you didn’t show any signs of talent for the Shinobi traits. 
You’re good at this kind of work, and it pays well. Well, enough to feed Kisame and you. If he keeps rising in the ranks like this, making more and more with each mission, there might be something like a future for the two of you. If he thinks like that of you, that is?
You’ve barely turned sixteen when he steals you from your bedroom one night, whisks you out of the village in a heartbeat. He’s gotten taller, broader in the shoulders, wears a proud smirk even when there’s nothing to be proud about - you’ve heard about the Chunin Exams. “Where are we going?” You ask, breathless. He’s too handsome for his own good, his light can’t be dimmed by neither nightfall nor mist.
“To the water.” He urges until you hit the shore, freezing cold water running over your toes.
“What’s going on?” You ask, hand curling around his. You don’t want him to let go. But he does.
“Nothing,” he insists, looking up at the stars, “I just can’t breathe properly in the village. I need to be out of that damned mist.”
You laugh. “You’re lying. Something’s up.”
He grins at that. “Fine, you caught me. I got promoted.”
“Really?!” You press your hands to your lips before they can do foolish things, like take a hold of him.
“Really! I’m working directly under Fuguki! If everything goes well, I might be a member of the Seven Swordsmen too, soon.”
“And then?” You ask, regretting the words the moment they spill from your lips.
“What do you mean?” Confusion draws over his face like clouds over the moon. 
“I-I mean, I… what do you plan to do… when you reach that?”
“Well, be rich and famous, I guess.” He shrugs. “I don’t know how much they’re paid per mission, but I guess if I saved a little, it wouldn’t be too hard to buy a house. You could come by and cook for me then.”
Something cold and uncomfortable wedges itself into your heart. Your lips move on their own again.
“Wouldn’t I live with you then?” 
You’re painfully reminded that Kisame is a Shinobi. He freezes, face completely still, but you know his mind is running a mile a minute just by the way he fixates on you. That’s how he used to look at the fishermen, trying to figure out who to avoid and who to trust.
You know he’s figured you out when he speaks up.
“Listen,” he says, “We’re friends. We grew up side by side, but if you want to have a husband and a little cozy house, I’m not the man for you.”
“It’s fine, it’s fine,” you rush to say. It’s a lie. Kisame’s always been able to tell when you were lying, but this time he’s not calling you out on it. 
When he takes you back to your room shortly after, he does not look back when he leaves and you wonder if you’ll ever see him again. 
- - -
Kisame Hoshigaki is a name known by all and feared by many. 
They praise his loyalty, ready to slaughter all his comrades to keep the village safe. 
It’s been almost two years since that day at the shore so you’re a little surprised to find him in your bedroom once again.
“Hey,” you’ve learned to go along with his antics long ago, so don’t scream when you find him slumped over your bed late at night, the bandages around his arm an ugly shade of red.
“Hey.” He grinds out. “Long time no see.”
“Whose fault is that?” You ask, unable to keep yourself from being a little petty.
He does not apologize, not that you expected him to. 
“Did you get hurt?” You step up to him, hands reaching for the bandages. He moves away before you can reach him, his eyes boring holes into you.
“Why are you always nice to me?”
“Why wouldn’t I?” You ask back. 
“You don’t owe me anything, okay? I kept you safe, but you kept me fed. We’re even.”
“I know Kisame,” you insist, voice softer than it probably needs to be, “I’m not doing this because I owe you.”
“Then why?”
Your hands clench and unclench next to you, your heart heavy in your chest. You don’t want to say it, but what good does it bring to keep it in when he already knows anyway?
“I love you,” the words hang heavy in the air, “Love cares. Just because.”
Kisame buries his face in your bedding at that, body stiff as a board. You give him a minute to gather himself, to leave or do something else, but he doesn’t. When you reach for the bandages this time, he lets you.
When it’s time for you to sleep, he still hasn’t moved. Gingerly, you slip into bed next to him. He rolls a bit to the side so you can properly get under your blanket, face blank of any emotion. But his good arm comes out to pull you close as soon as you’re under the blanket. 
Kisame doesn’t apologize nor does he address the topic at hand. But you should have known that that’s not something he would do.
- - -
The sky is clear for once, the ever present mist retreating from the shore.
The sand is cold underneath you, but you’re not willing to budge. 
Something’s bothering Kisame, enough to drag you here. His knee is pressed against yours, the only form of touch he allows outside of the walls of your bedroom. His skin is warm and reassuring even though his silence is not.
“Do you ever feel stuck in place?” He asks suddenly, his voice barely above louder than the waves crashing.
“Sometimes,” you admit. “But I guess for different reasons than you.”
“What are yours?”
“There’s this guy I love and I guess he likes me too,” his lips quirk up, just a little, “but he won’t allow it to be official. So we have to hide in my bedroom when all I want is to hold his hand and make him breakfast and lunch and dinner.” You rest your head on your knees and look out onto the water, “What are your reasons?”
“There’s this girl that I love,” he admits, voice barely quivering at the last word. You force yourself not to look at him, but your knee presses harder against his. “And I want to give her a life that she deserves, a life that she had growing up. Where there’s food on the table everyday and she doesn’t have to worry that I won’t come home one day. Where our kids won’t have to fight for their life and people are honest to each other.”
He sighs. 
“But I fear we can’t have that life in Kirigakure.”
You swallow against the tears that are threatening to fall.
The waves keep crashing, like they’re stuck too, forced to come in again and again and again.
“Lonely water,” you sigh out the prayer your mother tought you, “Lonely water, won't you let us wander? Let us hold each other.”
Strong arms pull you in until your head is resting against his chest, his heartbeat loud and steady in your ear.
“Will you leave with me?” Kisame whispers into your ear.
You listen to his heartbeat that’s as steadfast as the waves and close your eyes.
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Two Lone Swordsmen
From The Double Gone Chapel (2004)
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goldie1006 · 20 days
Chapter 4: Whose Playing Hard To Get
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Weeks had passed since Yamiko, and Sanemi shared their brief evening on her rooftop. He had been away on extended missions with a few other Hashira, while she was helping Shinobu Kocho and Gyomei Himejima train the swordsmen that had recently made the rank of Kinoe.
Sanemi felt ragged, tired, and bruised as he trudged through the terrain toward his estate. He and Iguro were on a mission together for a demon that was just the challenge they were looking for. His bed and a hot bath had been the only two things that he had given him the needed burst of energy to jog the remaining mile home. As the wisteria flowers made an appearance, another source of inspiration reared into his head. Yamiko. Her long dark hair that smelled of flowers. Her lip gloss that stressed her pouty lips. And her damn smile had melted the layers of ice around his heart.
He opened the gate, approached his steps and noticed a jar sitting on the post near his front entrance. Yamiko's crow fluttered down to greet him. 
"Yamiko sent soaking herbs for you to bathe in. They are for muscle relief and help with troublesome bruising!"
"Some might say she missed you, but don't tell her I said that!"
He picked up a small jar as Kage made a sly exit. Hmm, she missed me and thought to come all the way out here to drop off a present on my return. It had been some time since Sanemi had felt cared for, especially in this way. He smiled at the jar as he entered his abode for the evening.
Yamiko was in her garden, tending to her gloomy flowers all dark blue or black. Kage sat on her perch, letting Yamiko know she had delivered the message successfully. She didn't ask what his reaction was because she already knew what to expect. Either the inklings of a small smile or no reaction at all as he carried the jar into his house. 
A few days had passed since Sanemi had returned home and he was now debriefing with Ubuyashiki and Iguro. As he was leaving the master's mansion, he noticed Yamiko talking to Tokito with a stern look on her face. It was cute. Sanemi had asked her on one occasion, why she had taken a caregiving role with Tokito since he was a prodigy.
"Even prodigies need to be reminded that they are a child first and should be protected and cared for. I am happy to do that for him for as long as I can." Internally he smiled at her quiet caretaking spirit. If Rengoku was out on a mission, she would make sure that Tokito ate enough at meals and he wasn't getting lonely at his estate. 
He watched the stern look leave her face to be replaced with a doting smile as she gently patted his head. Overhead he could hear Tokito and Yamiko's crows gossiping and joking with each other, the complete opposite of their owners. 
"Shinazugawa-San, Iguro-San, and Yamiko-San will come over this evening for dinner. I would like to invite you too!" A shrill voice behind him asked. He turned to find Mitsuri's obnoxious smile as she held a basket of groceries. Before he could object, she grabbed his hand in hers, pleading for him to come. 
"Ugh, fine! Get off me!" He ripped his hand from her grasp and trudged away. Sanemi knew what she was doing. Everyone knew that Yamiko and Mitsuri were close. It looked like the Love Hashira was working her magic behind the scenes, dragging Iguro behind.
"Iguro, this better not be a fucking set up or I'll.."
"Kanroji said it was just dinner. She wants to try out this new recipe." He hissed as they approached the front door. Iguro's fist hadn't even connected with the door before she enthusiastically opened it. 
"I'm so glad you both could make it! I have quite the spread for us tonight!" She had grabbed both of them, hurriedly ushering the duo to sit at the beautifully decorated table. Sanemi observed as Iguro's eyes followed Mitsuri around the dining room and kitchen dressed in an apron that matched her hair.
Sanemi's eyes checked around the table and kitchen, hungrily looking for the shadow hashira. There was a knock at the door, they both waited for Mitsuri to answer but she was too occupied to notice. Iguro went into the kitchen to let her know she had a visitor. 
"Iguro-San, can you be a dear and get the door?" Sanemi overheard her ask. 
"Hello, Iguro. How are you?" Yamiko asked as she turned the corner, not yet registering Sanemi was waiting for her to notice him. 
"I'm fine." was all Iguro could spare before taking his rightful seat next to where Kanroji usually sat. 
"Shinazugawa, I didn't know you would join us. How lovely to see you." Despite Yamiko claiming to be surprised, her usual composed and stoic demeanor never faltered. He also noticed that she had casually de-formalized his name. He loved it. 
Yamiko stood there feeling prickly since Mitsuri failed to mention that Sanemi would join them for dinner tonight. Yet, she plastered on a smile and headed to the kitchen, a basket full of treats and flowers in hand. 
"Mitsuri-San, you didn't tell me we would have more company than Iguro. Now I know why you told me to dress cute." She caught Mitsuri attempting to hide a devious smirk as she pulled out the flowers that she had brought. 
"Oh, I thought I mentioned it. My apologies, Yamiko-san. Don't be too upset with me?" Mitsuri turned to show you her puppy dog eyes and sweet smile. Ugh, she always gets me with this!
Mitsuri pushed Yamiko back out to the dining room table as she called Iguro into the kitchen to help her bring out the various dishes. 
Yamiko pulled out the chair across from Sanemi, doing her best to avoid his eye contact until she got the butterflies in her stomach together. Her dark eyes met his, and she politely smiled before breaking eye contact. Honestly, she felt bare under his steady gaze. 
"Thank you for the bath soak. It was a lovely treat to come back to." he said as his eyes scanned over her. She was dressed differently tonight. No longer clad in her demon corps or training attire. She had a large bow that pulled back her hair out of her face, allowing her soft facial structure to be seen. Her ears adorned with rubies, surely costing a fortune. And her kimono was black, with a moon shaped pin at her waist. 
"I'm glad you enjoyed it. How was your mission?" she asked. Sanemi became animated as he recounted his and Iguro's latest victory. By the end of the story, the table was set with over twelve different dishes. 
"Last but not least, flowers from Yamiko-San's garden. Aren't they beautiful?" she mused as she sat down. 
"Are they alive?" Iguro asked as his snake slithered near them to further investigate. 
"Yes. They are black Tsubaki. I breed and grow black flowers."
"Hmmm, that's an interesting hobby," Iguro said as his snake continued to probe them in curiosity. 
Is that why she always smells of flowers?
The rest of the night continued with laughter, praise for Mitsuri's cooking, and stories of victory from Iguro and Sanemi alike. During dinner, Sanemi noticed Yamiko had enough dishes around her to feed two men her size. Maybe that's why she and Kanroji eat together so often. 
"Well, it's getting late. Iguro, will you help me clean up?" For the second time that evening, Yamiko and Sanemi were alone at the table. 
"You look nice tonight, Yamiko," He said. She could suddenly feel her heart beating in her chest and her palms sweat. 
"Thank you, Shina.."
"Call me Sanemi. After all, you proved yourself to be a worthwhile adversary when we were spared." Yamiko's wide smile illuminated the blush that was creeping up on her cheeks.
"I don't think I've seen you blush like that before Yamiko," he said as he leaned across the table.
"Perhaps, because not very many people can make me do so." 
There was a pause between them as Iguro and Mitsuri came back with dessert. Yamiko politely declined saying she had to return to her home to tend to her cats as one kitten was sick. Sanemi volunteered to walk Yamiko back to her estate, despite it being out of the way for him. He wouldn't let her refuse, instead, he lectured her about the dangers of traveling at night without a weapon as they were on Mitsuri's front porch.
Yamiko pulled out the moon shaped pin that was at her waist. The moon was the grip that tapered down into a long dagger. 
"I picked up a thing or two from Kocho-San. The tip is laced with wisteria. Perfect for a demon or a man that won't take a hint when I go on missions in disguise." 
Sanemi's smile was so big that it erupted into violent laughter, shaking his exposed chest. Now this girl was a force to be reckoned with. He felt a throb below his belt that he normally would have taken care of when he got home. But he couldn't deny that primal longing to have Yamiko take care of it. 
"If you're ever with me on a mission. You won't have to use that, I have scary dog privileges." He said as he moved his hand to her lower back to guide her down the steps to walk her home. A short way into their quiet walk home, they both hear Kage overhead. 
"Don't forget you train the new kinoe in the morning."
"You're going to be grumpy."
Yamiko released an exaggerated sigh as she shooed away Kage. 
"You hate training?" Sanemi asked as he continued to walk with his arms behind his head, showcasing his muscles. 
"I love training them. But I'm not a morning person. I will have to get up early tomorrow to help set up my training space." Yamiko and Sanemi could see her estate in the near distance, illuminated by a couple of dimly lit lanterns at the entrance. 
"I'll stop by and watch you whip them into shape. It should be entertaining." 
Yamiko turned to face him as they both stood in front of her gates. 
"Please do. I hope to leave a mark on them like you did. Not physically of course." 
Sanemi's laughter boomed and Yamiko drank in his appearance languidly. Lost in the fantasy of how his muscles and enormous form dwarfed hers making her feel...
"Yamiko, you're staring," his voice pulled her back to reality. 
"I guess I am." Her mysterious and shadowy eyes clung to his lips.
Just as Sanemi was about to turn and head back. He felt a strong pull turn him toward Yamiko. Their lustful eyes met for a second before she yanked him down to where their lips were inches apart. Sanemi hovered over her, waiting for the next move. 
Yamiko smiled seductively while looking into his violet-colored eyes before she eagerly pressed her lips against his. Their kiss resembled a dance as both of them tried to gain control. Sanemi growled into the kiss as he tangled his large hand into her hair, pulling her back. A small desperate moan escaped her lips. She pulled back from the heated kiss, wishing it would continue. 
"Fuck, Kurotsuki" he muttered breathlessly. Yamiko could feel his breath against her skin, causing the hair on the back of her neck to rise. 
"Hmm, maybe sooner than you think." She giggled before turning around leaving him red as a tomato. 
"Get home, safe. See you!" Yamiko waved as she closed the door behind her. Sanemi stood there dumbfounded, his body outlined by her lanterns. 
Damn, Kurotsuki. I will definitely show up tomorrow. 
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zoroslost · 2 years
AU where sanji can see ghosts and kuina has been haunting zoro. They become friends after she realizes that he can see her and also once she manages to beat it into him to be a normal person around her.
Both of the swordsmen are in rough shape after the fight and Zoro passes out for days after securing his victory. He doesnt know much about what’s happening outside while he sleeps, but he can hear talking when he manages to swim into consciousness.
“-were just here to see what happens to him right? What happens to you now?” the voice is deep but warm, Zoro kind of wants to curl up in it.
“How the fuck should I know, no one explained this ghost thing to me. You’re the one who’s been able to see them for the past 25 years and you already know that I can’t talk to other ghosts,” it sounds like a kid, high pitched and grating. He kind of wants to tell her to shut up, but he feels a longing to keep hearing her talk. But he’s still asleep so he can’t tell her to do anything anyway so she continues, “Haven’t you seen one fade before?”
“Of course I have,” the man replies, “Usually they just vanish as soon as their reasons for staying are complete, which we both thought was to make sure this idiot completed his goal before he got himself killed.”
Zoro feels a soft hand brush against his forehead as the girl hums in reply. He wants to ask what they’re talking about, wants to see who they are, but the warmth of the hand brushing his face pulls him back into unconsciousness.
He's woken by the same voices sometime later.
“-still doing it wrong, idiot,” the girl complains.
“You’re the one who told me how to do this,” he can hear the eye roll in the man’s voice, “Would you rather I just leave her, I’m sure the moss-head would appreciate that.”
“Better that than doing it wrong,” she grumbles in reply, but seems content with his reply and let’s the other continue. Zoro registers the sharp scent of sword oil and steel as it cuts through the bitter smell of smoke that fills the room.
The two continue the sword cleaning in relative peace, only broken by the girl correcting the man’s work occasionally. Zoro wonders why she doesn’t just do the work herself.
"You going back to your ocean now?" the man hums in reply, "I mean you only stayed to see everyone finish their goals and he was the last one."
"You sure you won't be lonely without me Mellorine."
"As if you damn womanizer!"
"I won't leave until you figure out where you're going."
"You're just looking for an excuse to stay around your Marimo~"
"Not at all Kui-chan, I'm only here to make sure such a beautiful lady doesn't get lost with this oaf."
"You're not fooling anyone love-cook."
Their feeble back and forth lulls him back to sleep.
The next time Zoro rises to the surface, its quiet. His hand is warm, clutched in someone else’s, and he can hear their even breaths clearly in the silence.
“You’re the greatest now huh? Guess I’ll really be the only one who’s ever above you little Zoro. I would say it’s been nice to watch you get here but I’ve seen so much shit I never wanted to. You’re gross!”
The girls voice is quiet and wistful; she clearly isn’t expecting anyone to hear her. He wants to wake up, to argue with her, but his body won’t cooperate.
“Still, I should say thank you, I guess. For carrying my dream. Still kinda pathetic that you had to copy mine but it’s impressive regardless,” her teasing tone turns somber as she continues, “I don’t understand why I’m still here. You completed my dream, we’re the best. I thought I was stuck here to make sure you saw it through but you’ve done that, so why?”
She remains in contemplative silence for a while after. Zoro is almost back under when he hears her, “He’s waiting for you you know. You need to let me go already, there’s someone who’s been waiting for you for far longer than you know. Go with him and find your new goal. God knows you’ll be lost without it…”
He drifts back into the abyss, but not before feeling a cool brush of air across his forehead. It almost felt like a hand.
His head is clearer the next time he hears them and he finally has enough consciousness to recognize them as the cook and Kuina. A weird duo to dream about, but who said dreams had to make sense.
“So you figured it out then?”
“Yep, just gotta make sure someone trustworthy will keep an eye on this idiot and then I’ll fade. For sure this time.”
The cook sighs, “I assume you are making me take care of him then?”
“Don’t act like you weren’t going to anyway. I just need you to confirm it for me.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to wait for him to wake up? Say your last goodbyes and all that?”
The gloomy silence hangs on the hair until she speaks again, “I’ve had more than enough time to see Zoro. Far longer than I would’ve had even if I had lived. It’s your turn now. And I don’t want to watch you two being gross anyway. I’ve had enough of that already no thanks to you.”
“I can’t promise to keep him from getting lost because that’s a hopeless case already, but I will make sure to always bring him back… Goodbye swordsman above the greatest swordsman.”
Her laughter is the last thing he hears before he is gently tugged away again.
When Zoro finally wakes from his slumber, Sanji is still sleeping by his bedside, Zoro’s swords held gently in his precious hands. His sunken eyes and messy hair are enough to tell Zoro that the cook hasn’t been sleeping. Even so, the cook looks beautiful in the afternoon light.
Zoro thinks back to the two people talking in his dream. About the girl who told him to move on, who, in retrospect, was clearly Kuina. About how he’s already found a new purpose. He holds the cooks hand tighter.
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hannahhook7744 · 1 year
Isle kid Moodboards revamped part 3;
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Calista Jane 'CJ' Anne Hook, the 16 year old (at the time of d3) daughter of Captain James Hook. Younger sister of Harriet and Harry Hook. Possible half sister of Ginny Gothel and possible twin of Ally Riddell.
She's a sassy, sarcastic, vulgar, lone pirate with a sweet tooth and a rowboat.
She doesn't really have a crew unless you count Freddie Facilier, Ylza, and Zevon—who don't want to be pirates—and the two little Smee twins who have taken to following her around when Harriet and Sammy are busy.
She likes swinging around on a rope and pranks, and she sleeps in her rowboat between Yzma and Dr Facilier's houses because she doesn't get along with her dad, and because her friends' parents allow her to do so.
She's terrified of crocodiles because of the history between Tick-Tock and her dad but denies it when asked.
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Harriet Alice Hook, the 21 year old daughter of Captain James Hook. Older sister of Harry and Cj Hook.
Captain of the Queen's Fury and member of Diego's band—The Bad Apples.
She likes sword fighting, sailing, reading, playing cards, singing, dancing, sparring, and croc wrestling.
She is one of the most responsible people on the isle and is constantly taking kids in while keeping her friends and siblings out of trouble. She won her ship in a croc wrestling contest aganist a pirate captain.
She is dating Anthony Tremaine.
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Ginevra 'Ginny' Flower Gothel, the 21 year old daughter of Mother Gothel and Younger sister of Cassandra. Younger foster sister of Rapunzal. Possible half sister of the Hook siblings.
Member of Diego's band—The Bad Apples —and Harriet Hook's crew.
She feels resentful and a bit homicidal towards those of Auradon for how they threw them all away.
She likes daggers, crocodile wrestling, ransacking things, gossiping, potions making, and magic of any kind and she loves her friends more than anything. Even if she has a funny way of showing it sometimes.
She is dating Clay Clayton.
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Skipper and Sterling—Sqeauky and Squrimy— Smee, the 10 year old (by d3) sons of William Smee and First mate Mollie.
They love sword fighting, coloring, playing games, sailing, climbing on things, making origami sea animals and ships, playing with mud, playing with their pet fishes and dog (all named after pirates), and eating cake/ice cream/candy.
They're painfully shy and fearful of being separated. They also admire their older brother, even though he's short and scrawny.
They want to be the best pirates ever like the sea three, Harriet, Cj, and Sammy.
They live on the Jolly Roger with their dad and help out at the Hook inlet every so often.
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Samson 'Sammy' Smee, the 20 year old son of first mate Mollie and William Smee. He's Harriet's first mate and a terrible swordsmen but he's great at long range weapons.
He's also the peacemaker of the group (and the isle) and a bit of a messagener for the isle. He's the most educated and responsible of the group behind Harriet and Anthony. Plus he had a better temperment than Anthony and Harriet, which is why he is 2nd in command.
He babysits his little brothers often.
He is an inventor and causes a lot of accidents with them, but they are a wonder to the isle. His favorite weapon is a sling shot. He's also multilingual. He knows everyone's secrets and he is like a little brother/cousin to Harriet, who has made sure that everyone knows that he is off limits. No one messes with him.
They know it's a bad idea to. He is Harriet's favorite. He is seen as irreplaceable and he lets his little brothers help him with his inventions. He's also a sarcastic little crap. And he's shorter than average, which amuses everyone and earned him his nickname 'Little Sammy Smee'.
He is dating a Gaston the 3rd/Bronze.
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Cecaelia "Celia" Jacqueline Facilier, the 13 year old daughter of Dr Facilier and Ursula, and the younger sister of Freddie Facilier and Uma. Bestfriend of Dizzy Tremaine.
She was born on October 31st and is very good at voodoo and shadow magic.
She has a sweet tooth just like her sisters but also likes spicy food and sea food.
She has a pet frog named Bane, is great at card stacking, and loves mimicking, pranking, and conning people.
She's a student at Auradon Prep and a shop keeper at her dad's Arcade and Voodoo shop.
She doesn't remember her brother all that well since no one really talks about him and she wonders if he was ever really real at all.
Being around Hades reminds her that he was though, which is why she hangs out with him and runs errands for him to begin with.
She also switches shifts at her dad's shop and Arcade with her sister while also running errands from him.
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Frederique 'Freddie' Asherah Facilier, the 18 year old daughter of Dr Facilier and Urusla. Uma's twin. Cousin of Jonas and the sea witch. Older Full sister of Celia and Francis Facilier. Bestfriend of Yzla, Lil Yaz, Cj, and Zevon.
She's a voodoo queen with a sweet tooth haunted by the death of her younger brother, Francis.
She's a student at Auardon Prep and a shop keeper at her dad's Arcade and shop. She's also an unofficial pirate in Cj's extremely small crew and knows how to work Cj's rowboat.
She fits in well at Auardon Prep, despite her mischievous side and deeply held resentment of Auardon.
Her brother died of Malnutrition when he was 3. She still has his old Voodoo doll. These headcanons are inspired by @dragoneyes618 — Francis is also their oc—who came up with them and allowed me to use them.
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Anthony Francis Tremaine, the 21 year old son of Anastasia Tremaine and Jacob Lathyn. Grandson of Lady Tremaine and step nephew of Cinderella and Kit Charming, and step cousin of Chad Charming. Nephew of Drizella Tremaine and Hans Westergaard, and cousin of Drizella's seven daughters. Brother of Aaron, Anya, Amara, Colombe, Francis, Felix, and Elizabeth (last four are @idontliketomatoesleavemealone 's ocs).
He is apart of Harriet's crew and works at Curl up and Dye.
He likes baking, sparring (even if he's bad at it), reading, cooking, and photography.
He also has a cat named 'Lord.'
He is dating Harriet Hook.
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Drizella 'Dizzy' Sophia Tremaine-Westergaard of the Southern Isles, the 11 year old (by d3) daughter of Prince Hans Westergaard and Drizella Tremaine. Niece of Anastasia Tremaine. Granddaughter of Lady Tremaine. Cousin of Anthony Tremaine.
She likes making bracelets, listening to music, painting, bright colors, and sweets.
She is a very energetic and sweet young girl who loves her friends, her family, and pets very much even if they aren't the best to her at times.
She is single.
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Madeline 'Mad Maddy' Meraxes Mim, the 21 year old granddaughter of Madam Mim. She is apart of Harriet's crew and Diego's band, the Bad Apples.
She loves doll, going to the slop shop, collecting potion ingredients and spellbooks, all types of magic, parties, astrology, and exploring and has a soft spot for children, dolls, pigs, dragons, her friends, and chickens.
She has a pet chicken that breaths fire that she named 'Draco' and she's still really sensitive about what Mal did to her hair and her dolls. She's also willing to fight anyone who calls her 'Mad Maddy' whether it's to her face or not.
She and Rick Ratcliffe are dating.
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