#TWO takumis died for this
mefilas · 5 months
posts that make me go back and watch kamen rider faiz episode 9 yume no chikara and experience shrimp emotions
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twidara · 6 months
SPOILERS!! Don't read if you haven't finished the manga
A few months ago when I finished reading Nana, I went to the wiki to see if I could find any information about the birthday date of the children and only Satsuki had a date, that later I found out it was not an official information. This messed up a little the timeline I posted previously on my tumblr. So I made a new one!
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Before I didn't believe that Nana could be Satsuki's mother, but after reading a post on reddit it made a lot of sense to me! (here)
Briefly explaining, the timeline is divided in two possibilities, first timeline we have Ren and Satsuki being Hachi and Takumi's kid. After, we have Satsuki being Nana's and Ren.H and being born in the same year as Ren.l.
The last information we have about Nana and Ren.H engaging in sexual relationship it's a day before the first show of Blast's tour (that was cancelled after Shin's prison), after this Nana and Ren.H fight and stop talking to each other. Ren.H gives the name "Satsuki" as a gift to Hachi in the doll's festival, so we find out that Nana forgot to take her birth control pills last time. 'After a month Nana should know if she was pregnant, right?' Actually, not necessarily. When Hachi found out she was pregnant, she was already 6 weeks pregnant (I think it would have taken her longer to realize if it weren't for the morning sickness). A month has passed, Ren has died, and Nana is in mourning. It would be difficult for herself to notice anything or anyone around her. So it's possible that Satsuki is Nana's daughter.
(I really liked this theory!! Happy new year guys!)
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edgy-ella · 5 days
Did Azura actually die in Conquest?
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(Spoilers ahead obviously)
This may feel like a weird question, but really think about it. We don’t know what happens to Azura after Endgame—she just kinda dips. Her pre-fight dialogue as well as the ending of Birthright implies that she dies after overusing her pendant’s power, but if that’s the case, why don’t we see her dissolve into water? What’s up with her reappearance after Xander’s coronation?
My theory is that after defeating Takumi at the end of Conquest, Azura decided to run away to Valla rather than stay in Nohr with Corrin and the others.
Look at the level layout during Endgame: Castle Shirasagi has been corrupted by the Anankos-possessed Takumi’s influence, leaving it flooded with deep pools of water. Vallite soldiers and Faceless reinforcements notably come out of this water during the battle.
We also know from Chapter 15 that Azura (and Corrin) have the ability to travel to Valla via water, and that Azura does this frequently.
Also, consider the context of her reappearance at the very end of the game. She shows up in a large body of water, then vanishes after she tells Corrin to close his/her eyes. The only thing left of her when she wakes up are some stray bubble floating above the water, not unlike how she travels to Valla in Chapter 15.
Under this interpretation, Azura decides to leave Nohr for Valla after Garon has been defeated (possibly to deal with Anankos herself) through the pools of water in Castle Shirasagi. She shows herself to Corrin one last time to say goodbye after Xander’s coronation, then stays in Valla for the rest of her life. That’s not her ghost Corrin interacts with, it’s actually her.
This makes sense for her to do, too. Azura‘s childhood in Nohr was not a happy one, and she acts more closed off in Conquest than she does in the other two routes. Why would she stick around? This rings especially true considering that the Nohrian army just murdered her two adoptive brothers (Ryoma commits suicide, but more so out of a sense of honor and duty than anything else). She wouldn’t feel welcome in Hoshido anymore for the same reason.
I don’t think this explanation is perfect (like, fuck whoever you married her off to lol), but it recontextualizes some of Conquest’s more…interesting story choices in a more character driven light. Why does Azura not tell Corrin about Anankos when they’re in Valla during Chapter 15? She still feels betrayed by him siding with Nohr and not Hoshido. Why does she go in disguise when she tries to use her song’s power to cure Garon? She doesn’t trust the Nohrians enough to tell them her plan. It makes Azura a more fleshed out character than the sometimes one-note walking exposition dump Fates often turns her into, which I think makes for a more nuanced story than the alternative.
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plaguelily-art · 4 months
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I said I had an art idea for just Ikona, and somehow I managed to actually see that through...even if this took two months to complete (rip, my life has been busy lately).
So yeah! An official art of my design for Ikona. And, I have a handful of assorted headcanons for her as well:
I think she was a kinshi knight, because every one of the Hoshido siblings has access to kinshi knight as a class; also Hinoka's Legendary Hero alt. in FEH has Queen Hinoka as a kinshi knight, with an updated design that mixes the design of the kinshi knight (definitely not Sumeragi's) class and priestess (Mikoto's) class. For Ikona's kinshi knight design I merged the design for kinshi knight with archer/sniper, as I also headcanon that she originally wielded the Fujin Yumi (I know the lore states that the Fujin Yumi was passed down through the royal family, but given that it's a choosy weapon, it might have "chosen" Ikona after she married Sumeragi, or else she may have come from some far-flung branch family).
Ikona was the first person, probably, to show Ryouma, Hinoka, and Takumi the basics of archery, although Takumi took to it more readily. She would have continued to mentor Takumi as he grew older if she had survived long enough to do so.
Ikona shares her hair and eye color with Takumi, and Takumi was the only one to inherit these features (as Ryouma takes strongly after Sumeragi, and Hinoka and Sakura both inherited hair/eye color traits that both Sumeragi and Ikona had, but where recessive; I know hair/eye colors aren't Mendelian per se, but I promise this made some sort of sense when I was trying to map out how everyone's genetic traits might have been inherited). However, Hinoka and Sakura share Ikona's rounder face and eye shape; Ikona was also a bit shorter than Hinoka and a bit taller than Sakura. Takumi and Sakura also share Ikona's straight, silky hair, whereas Ryouma and Hinoka inherited Sumeragi's wild and unruly flyaway hair.
I think in terms of personality, that Takumi and Sakura's anxiety troubles probably came from Ikona (as did Hinoka's shyness as a child). As a notable noble, and later queen, Ikona would have found a way to mask her social anxiety, but it doesn't change the fact that she was much more comfortable around her close friends and family. Ikona probably came off as somewhat awkward or aloof at times as a result though, despite all her etiquette training and careful masking. If she had lived long enough, Ikona might have been able to pass down some techniques to Takumi and Sakura for handling their anxiety.
Ikona could have shared Hinoka's inclinations towards being a warrior, although Ikona would have had the etiquette training to balance this out and mask the fact that she was more comfortable in armor than silks. Ikona's desire to protect others probably led to her untimely death as well (I don't have a solid set of headcanons for this, although I think she probably died before Sumeragi did; stat-wise I think she would have had a glass canon build, with strong offensive capabilities, both physical and magical, and weak defenses--if she was a "dive in to save people" type, her weak defenses would have been Ikona's undoing).
I also think it's possible that either Reina or Yukimura were, at one point, one of Ikona's retainers. I know from a developmental standpoint that Orochi and Reina were originally one character (at least I seem to remember reading that somewhere), and therefore Mikoto would have had Yukimura and Orochi-Reina as her two retainers, rather than having three retainers. And I know Yukimura serves more as Hoshido's tactician rather than a retainer...but I figure if we have the characters to go around, that one of them could have served as one of Ikona's retainers, but survived her death (and made sure the Fujin Yumi returned to the royal family), and that her other retainer died with her.
Ikona fell in love with Mikoto first. I'm not entirely sure how their entire thruple thing worked out eventually, but I feel like Ikona was the first to fall in love. She would have been so awkward about it too.
Not a headcanon, but as an aside I originally planned to have her outfit's color palette feature more oranges, the way her yukata was orange in the first artwork I made of her, but uh...she ended up looking like an orange creamsicle. Using the strong reds that appear in most of the Hoshidan character designs made her look a bit like Inuyasha though, so I eventually settled on more muted pinkish colors. I might change the palette later if I can make the oranges or reds work, but overall I think I like how off this palette feels when compared to most of the Hoshidan palettes. It feels like Ikona was sort of a last-minute thought to the writers, which makes her feel forgotten in the story itself. Ikona having an unusual color palette reflects the fact that she ended up not really getting to be a part of her own family in life or death, and in time became something of an aside even to her own people.
So...yeah! As I've said before, I have a lot of thoughts about fictional dead moms who get shafted by the writers of the stories they're supposed to be a part of. Ikona is no exception, and I really enjoyed coming up with a design for her and trying to weave headcanons to flesh her character out a bit. I've been thinking about her since Fates released, and I'm sure I'll be thinking about her for years to come.
2024, Winter (Beginning of Year) Digital (Adobe Photoshop) Design for Ikona is my own. Ikona is a character from the Fire Emblem series, and belong to Intelligent Systems. Artwork belongs to me.
This image (published by the artist to deviantart.com/plaguelily, plaguelily-art.tumblr.com) may not be reproduced, copied, edited, republished, reuploaded, distributed, or redistributed in any way, and I do not give permission for the creation of any sort of derivatives of my work including the use of the work in datasets used for generation of AI art or any other sort of procedurally generated image program or software. Thank you.
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I keep forgetting to write down this FE Fates AU I dreamed of the other night:
About a year after the end of the Conquest route, Kaze - who’s married Corrin, lives in Nohr at the castle with her and her siblings - wakes up… and he’s being held prisoner alongside Rinkah, about to be dragged out to fight Corrin in front of Garon. He’s got all his memories of the future, but he’s back at the start of the plot, and at this point, he’s got two to three weeks to try and fix things before Mikoto is killed and the war breaks out.
Then once I was more awake, I had some more thoughts elaborating on it:
Saving Mikoto is obviously the first thought. It probably wouldn’t be all that hard for him to convince someone that Corrin should not be keeping her weird creepy sword with her. Like even if Ryoma and Mikoto firmly believe that Corrin won’t do them harm, Kaze really could just put the thought in Saizo’s head and then Saizo steals it from her in the middle of the night and throws it in a river. Problem solved!
…it probably wouldn’t be that easy. The limitations/mechanics of Anankos’ invisible soldiers are not well-defined (or…defined at all…) but even if they needed the sword in Hoshido as an anchor point, then even if it’s not at Corrin’s side, Anankos could still send Sumeragi to grab it and then travel to the capital, and the result is still the same.
The best plan would be to toss the sword in the Bottomless Canyon right after Rinkah captures Corrin in the border skirmish, but I don’t think Kaze is thinking that far ahead because. He doesn’t know about Valla. He knows that Garon was a goo monster and Takumi got possessed and Corrin’s sword was cursed and that there’s invisible assassins but he does not know where all of these things overlap. He’s missing critical information.
Like, maybe him being forewarned that an invisible assassin with an exploding sword is trying to kill Mikoto would be enough that he manages to save her. But then that spins this off into a wildly different AU that I’ve got to build from the ground up. And that’s an interesting story! But I haven’t built it from the ground up yet.
So assume Mikoto still dies. Obviously, not something Kaze wants. Something he’s probably be willing to die to prevent. Maybe something he’s trying to plan for anyway. Or at least, he recognizes even with her alive, Corrin’s still going to face a choice. He tries to get closer to her during her initial time in Hoshido - not really sure that he can influence her choice, or even what the best choice would be, but just. trying. something. anything. He already worked through his guilt about her kidnapping and Sumeragi’s death his first time around, so he’s not keeping his distance from her for that reason. It’s weird, because he’s a stranger to her and she’s his wife to him, and she’s pretty confused about why he’s asking her about her life and siblings in Nohr and such, but hey, she thinks, maybe he’s just curious about why Leo and Xander went along with her insistence that he and Rinkah be spared.
So assume Mikoto still dies, and Corrin is standing there facing a choice between her families. And so, three possible paths for her, and for Kaze, who’s already seen one path:
1. Birthright:
Whatever conversations she had with Kaze this time around, whatever thoughts he got her thinking, she doesn’t want to return to Garon. She stays in Hoshido. Kaze probably feels some relief. He doesn’t have to see her kill her brothers this time. He doesn’t have to kill his brother again. Her Nohrian siblings are furious and betrayed, of course, but Kaze has some hope that she can convince them and things can work out - he knows them well. They’re his siblings-in-law. They’re his comrades-in-arms and friends. Corrin, he’s sure, can sway them, and they’ll face down Garon together and it - it will turn out better. Surely.
And okay, no, her Nohrian siblings still don’t seem any less angry the next few times they cross paths - but once they’ve fought their way deep into Nohr, Leo stands down. Elise joins them. Camilla stands down. Kaze is, at this point, feeling pretty hopeful—
—and Xander accidentally kills Elise and then lets Corrin kill him, and Corrin is devastated, and Kaze is devastated and has to swallow that grief because he is not supposed to know them in this timeline. He has not spent a year living with them and repairing Nohr with them, rebuilding relations with Hoshido with them. In this timeline, he’s only known Elise briefly. Xander should be a stranger. He’s mourning them and he has no justifiable reason, to the others, to mourn. So he can’t.
And then they fight Garon and Azura sings herself to death. Dissolved into water and mist. And Kaze realizes: Azura vanished after that fight with Takumi. She left and never came back. Everyone assumed she just walked away, for whatever reasons of her own. But she used the powers of her song and her pendant in that battle, just as she did here, with Garon. Azura, he realizes, a year and a fucked-up time travel adventure later, died while their backs were turned. Azura probably snuck off around a corner to die alone, quietly, out of sight.
Mikoto is dead. Garon is dead. Two of Corrin’s siblings are dead. Azura is dead. Saizo… survived. Fewer innocent civilians were murdered by the Nohrian army. Two victories for Kaze.
2. Conquest:
Everything is playing out the same way that Kaze remembers. It would take a lot for him to stop himself from immediately defecting and following Corrin back. But he refrains and uses his time still in Hoshido to immediately try to convince Yukimura, Ryoma, Hinoka, anyone, that they need to launch an invasion of Nohr. They can’t be caught on the back foot. Even if they don’t do it immediately, Nohr will invade, and they will slaughter surrendering soldiers, slaughter civilians - Hoshido has to go on the offensive. There’s a burgeoning resistance in Cheve. Link up with them and start from there - but Kaze heard what happened in Cheve last time. Don’t expect that their guerrilla tactics will survive the might of the Nohrian army brought down on them. Hoshido has to bring everything it has, as soon as it can. That’s the best chance they have.
And then he defects to Nohr.
Well. Before that, I think he’d probably have to attempt to convince everyone that he has some amount of precognition to get them to listen at all to his insane plan. But we know Mikoto had visions of the future, Orochi is a diviner - these powers exist. It’s weird that Kaze is insisting he’s suddenly developed them, but it’s not impossible.
(“So if we don’t invade, who of us is going to die?” Orochi asks.
The look on Kaze’s face is enough to convince the skeptics that he is very, very serious about this, and that he has seen something that is very real to him, if nothing else. “You… I think you die in Cheve,” he says. “Reina as well. Princess Sakura and her retainers survive - Yukimura - Princess Hinoka and her retainers - you are crowned queen, Princess Hinoka.”
“I don’t think we need to hear more of this,” Subaki says.
“I’d rather die than surrender,” says Takumi, missing - or ignoring - the look already on Sakura’s face.
“You do,” Kaze says.
“Well, then I’d better have died with him,” Oboro says.
“You do,” Kaze says.
“Enough,” Ryoma says, and that is that.
Azura believes Kaze. She knows enough about the strangeness that lies hidden in the world to believe his visions. “And what of me?” she asks him later.
“I don’t know,” he admits. “You… you fight with Nohr, in the end. You’re kidnapped by Hoshidan soldiers who don’t trust you, dragged halfway across the continent - Corrin rescues you. You stay with her. But you… I don’t know what happens to you.”
“Oh,” says Azura, who can assume what this means. She knows the curse of Valla. She knows the consequences of her pendant and her powers. She can assume one of those devours her.
After a moment, Kaze adds, “I defect too.”
Maybe if they’re lucky, Azura will ask him something else about this future, and he’ll say something that makes her realize she can, and should, confide in him. Maybe she’ll realize that her knowledge of Valla can help him interpret his vision of the future. They’ll better put the pieces together.
Maybe, rather than waiting for Azura to be called a traitor for her supposed Nohrian birth, the two of them defect together. Stop at the Bottomless Canyon before they make their way to Corrin’s side.)
3. Revelation:
Kaze does not stop himself from defecting immediately. He hears her proclaimed a traitor, sees her, Azura, and Jakob fleeing the battlefield, and says “fuck it” and immediately cuts and runs after them. Fuck it.
Going to Valla clears up a lot of questions he had about everything that happened with Garon, and Takumi, and everything else, and raises several other questions. But everything’s so goddamn weird already, he might as well spill what he knows. Visions of an alternate future aren’t any weirder than the cursed land they traveled to by jumping off a bridge.
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memry · 11 months
So like. As I'm sure some of you may know, Ghost Trick's creator, Shu Takumi, and producer Shingo Izumi have said they might think about doing a sequel if ghost trick's remaster is shown a lot of support.
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Which is interesting to me because I can see a 2nd ghost trick game going in two different ways. Either a spinoff title of ace attorney vs ghost trick, which back in 2013, Shu Takumi talked about.
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Or.....a direct actual sequel. And I think the majority opinion on a sequel is that it would be hard to pull off since ghost trick's story is so tight. Though I think it could be pulled off, it just wouldn't make sense for it to focus on sissel again. My ideal for a sequel would actually be for it to focus on kamila.
My justification for this is that an older kamila would be involved in a plot about the foreign nation (in the new timeline) getting info about the temsik and solving the mysteries surrounding it. And yeah, sissel and missile tag along. Missile probably dies again and gets his ghost powers back. Maybe kamila would get some too. Who knows?
I only thought about this bc even though the rest of the story is tied up pretty nicely, we don't know ANYTHING about the foreign nation. What were their goals? Why did they need a piece of the meteorite? Did they know about it before meeting yomiel?
Anyways this is just speculation lmao
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shockersalvage · 3 months
Salvage Showcase - Eichiro Saiyama
...And so I missed the Killer Killer anniversary like, well, a lot! My bad, but trying to find who to do next was pretty difficult. I didn't want to do a salty or disappointed Showcase like the last two, so was trying to focus on who I could write about that I liked.
So on that end I decided to do a Showcase on one of Killer Killer's better serial killers of the week (having a backstory will do that to you) - its Eichiro Saiyama!!!
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Eichiro was a lonely and rather unpopular kid in his youth. The only happy moment he could gather was when one girl complimented his art and said he should be a mangaka.
And so he did!! That moment inspired him to be a manga artist that worked under Comic Ponpon...except the issue of people praising him persisted. While he's surviving the Tragedy enough to continue his work, it should be noted that his work was considered just...okay. Editors or readers, no one really cared for it.
Cue one day, Takumi Hijirihara shows up in a box, going over his work and about one he liked was Eichiro's documentary manga about the Tragedy. It had gotten popular with Takumi for its hyperrealistic graphic displays of death, but there was just one issue.
See, they were a bit too realistic.
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Yeah, Eichiro is a serial killer that murders his victims to use as references in his manga. To be specific, he's a copycat killer that murders his victims in relation to past cases, such as stringing up people to look like Chihiro's corpse.
Takumi deduces his motives were in a vain attempt to gain some praise, and criticizes him for using murder to seek out approval from others, believing attempts like that won't ever sell well. Takumi ranks Eichiro's murder as being 20 points for his misdeeds, and notes that Eiichiro's manga, while he does like it, won't ever be a bestseller since it's just too ordinary (to the point he marks Eichiro's manga as just being 55 points, even though Takumi likes it)
Upon hearing this, Eichiro (who had been progressively losing his mind) snaps and attacks Takumi, trying to kill him with his Wolverine-eqsue pens. But, Takumi get's the leg up and kill Eichiro similarly to how Mukuro Ikusaba died.
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Eichiro is a man that seeks out praise above all else since he sorely lacked that in life. Self-describing himself as dull, he believes his only redeeming quality is his artistic skills since it net him one praise he got in life. He is very sensitive to people dismissing him and his hard work.
Eventually, his need for approval escalated until he became a serial killer, killing others to use as reference for his work out of some desire to gain what he wanted the most.
In Killer Killer's theme of Passion vs Shallowness, Eichiro represents Shallowness in the form of attention and represents the dangers of being obsessed with validation from others. He wants people to notice him, and gives him the praise he feels he deserves. It's what fuels him to become a mangaka and drives him to the point that became a copycat killer to try to get what he wanted.
But its all at a detriment to himself. He focused so hard on his artistic skills he neglected his personal life, be it making friends or enjoying life that he made his own self-esteem issues worse. And because what he chased after was something so brief, and in a career so demanding, it had become a cycle of toxic disappointment and desperation. It's basically a self-fulfilling downward spiral in a way.
Another aspect of Eichiro that's telling to his own 'dullness' is the form of manga he made, a documentary, and even his own killing: copycat murders. He's essentially recapping events that most people in the world at the time would be privy about, and committing the cardinal sin for those in the artistic world - plagiarism. No one really cares for his work because he's essentially just regurgitating common knowledge for the public. If he had made something more original, he'd probably would get better success, but given how much he shut himself away to 'hone his talent' he probably doesn't have the life skills or proper imagination for it (and never will thanks to Takumi).
Finally, he's killed in similar way to Mukuro's Spears of Gungnir, though instead of spears its his own pens that kill him. in Danganronpa, ironic murders are all the rage, so you can think of it as symbolizing his own talent - his own crutch and downfall in life - being the one to lead him astray and betray him.
Personal Thoughts
I really like Eichiro, because he's one of the few characters in Killer Killer to be fully fleshed out. In backstory, in motivations, in personality - he's brimming with it in one chapter, when most of the main cast lack it in all 14. (Probably since the writer for KK is speaking from their own feelings in the industry, but that's just me). He's one of the few gems that I can say are good about Killer Killer and wish the other killers replicated. Especially Ted, who debuted in chapter 3.
I also like Eichiro in how he fleshed out an established lore item in DR2, that being the Tragedy manga found in endgame. He's heavily implied to be the author of that, and I always appreciate it when the DR series tries to build upon past continuity. Same reason why I like Koichi or Another Episode! Or later on concepts like the Mukuro Cult. It's building upon and even expanding the world of DR in a pretty good way. And in a 'flash, but little substance' story that Killer Killer seems to tred, stuff like that needs to be treasured.
Also, even as a killer, I just like he's the sort that should have been promoted more - he feels like a realistic DR villain. He's not drinking blood due to thinking it'll make him younger, he doesn't have parasite monsters that break the world - no, he's just a copycat killer trying to use his murders to increase his fame and get him praise. That's it, and God is it refreshing.
In short: Eiichiro is a breath of fresh air in the Killer Killer entry.
With that, another Killer Killer entry done! Hope it's a good read, with the next up being, again, the miscellaneous section of the DR novel side.
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diosama27 · 1 year
Usui Takumi
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So lately I've noticed a blonde guy from my class looking at me... No, to be accurate staring at me.
An: Yn was in the big girl group so no one literally gave her any attention, well she was fine with that cause she was one of the "independent women" they say but it's all because of the trust issues that she had with her past relationships and things she heard from others.
But for some reason, you knew that he was staring at your closest friend rather than you. Boys would swoon over the school's reigning queen. Misaki fucking Ayuzawa was who she was.
Misa was a typical tsundere girl who was literally without imperfections. The boys would do everything for her to notice, and since she's the prez, she obviously excels in the curriculum.
She is the goddess, a "smexy goddess," the all-powerful, supreme being. She has even rejected girls, which is painful to behold.
Everyone with a rational mind will, of course, fall for her. Because you two were great friends, a lot of males even approached you to introduce them to her.
Seriously, some guys merely talk to you to attract her attention, but she's just very protective of you and fears that you will get wounded as a result of everything. You weren't sure why, but you liked being the most important person to the school queen.
It's true because she detests men who use you as a stepping stone to approach her. She is the kind of friend that everybody desires.
But recently, she came clean about her emotions for Usui. Who has been the bad boy that most girls adored.
Honestly, after hearing this, you felt a little sad because you'd have to share your sexy bestie with someone else.
If she enters a relationship, you won't be able to spend time with her and hang out like you used to, but if she's pleased with it, you wanted to support her.
You want to make her smile, make fun of her, and discuss all the wonderful times she has had with her significant other.
That was like hearing about your daughter's love life and how happy it made you. Indeed the goddess and the bad boy thing would make a great couple, I reckon.
You get the impression that he has feelings for her, too. This relationship is now legitimate, and in a few days it might even become official.
Next day at school~~~
"Yn!! Why are you late today, uhh? What am I going to do with you?" She sighed. "Btw did you have your breakfast? Wait that's a stupid question so here" she handed you a bento similar to hers.
She does this so often she would bring food for you everytime. She's just too kind.
"Thank you misa~~~!!!!" you play cried and ate the food with her. She would do everything for you, protect you, bring you food, you can be comfortable around her, you will fall in love with her if this continues.
AN: And did I forget to mention that some of the guys and girls actually envy you for being treated like a lil baby by the queen of school.
Well you would've died a hundred times if dagger eyes could kill you, she would support you and just be there for you. The perfect waifu that everyone wants but is mine only. (Hehehe)
This usui guy wanted to say something to Misaki as he was literally all around her the whole day, but she just rejected him. It's to be mentioned that they were still in the friend stage.
You knew misa was not able to conceal her love for him. She was rejecting him only because if she spoke, he would've learned why she was a red tomato the whole day.
But you wanted him too find it out so they could get together you wanted to do something to help them confess their love for each other and come clean.
Students were already leaving their classes as the school bell rang, laughing and sighing alongside their friends and loves.
"Yn!!" When you turned around after hearing an unexpected voice call for you, you spotted him—the crucial target of your mission—in front of you.
Since you've never really said a hi or a hello to this man, you reasoned that God was on your side. You were trying to think of a way to approach him when he appeared.
"Wait, he's going to ask me to assist him in telling Misa how he feels. Yes of course, everything is going smoothly, and I only need to convince her to accept his offer. You were too preoccupied thinking about where they would go on their first date and how Usui would surprise Misa.
He was nervous, not at all like the bad guy he was, and you thought he really loved her. "Yn I want you to do me a favour and please don't say no, it's really important for me and only you could do this since Misaki trusts only you, so please," he said.
You mentally yelled out, "Yess it's here," and then asked, "Well, I'd do anything for Misa, so what is it?" You inquired, anticipating the responses you had in mind but this was different like really totally different.
"Actually, I need your support in arranging a date for Misaki with one of my friends. He attends a different school, and you can trust me when I say that Misaki would adore him. I'm not really sure how we became friends because he is nothing like me.
He is my best mate, and I want to do something for him because I know he would sacrifice his life for her. For her, he would do anything for her."
You just stood by and watched as he chuckled like a little kid while he reminisced about him and his pal.
"Please, Yn, help me in this. I know you would feel exactly the same way about Misaki, who needs to settle down with someone so she can have a lifestyle beyond the school as she's far too consumed with everything else to take care of herself. So, please."
He begged with you, and you were unable to even answer to his questions, like, "What the hell was he saying? She likes him, yet he's here asking me to set her up on a date with his best friend."
"That's not likely to happen; if he cares about her, he should come out and say it. How can she ever trust a coward who can't even communicate his own thoughts and emotions? If he truly loves her, ask him to grow up and have the guts to admit his feelings because the wonderful queen Misaki who she sure is doesn't need a love like that."
You were about to walk away when he said. "No, it's not like that, you should understand. He loves her, but he doesn't want her to know because he feels that he's not good enough to love her."
You are now really mad at how things turned out as you said "Even if we set up a date for them, Usui, do you honestly believe that Misa will accept his feelings? What are you even expecting when she doesn't even know who he is?"
He was puzzled but came up with "then how about we plan a double date so that we both could also go and make preparations for them to spend some alone time. How about that?"
'yes bye-bye misa I'm going to miss you, I'll miss you soo bad' you thought treasuring all those memories you had with misa and locking them all up in your heart.
"Wait no, no, no. That's not how it should be" you tried to think of other options but you couldn't come up with anything. When you heard him question "Then how should it be?" You were not in your right mind, millions of thoughts which were trying to make you go insane ran in your head and without even realising you blurted out the truth, the truth that only misa could say, the truth that only she has the right to say.
"Well, Misaki is in love with you" he was shocked and was comprehending what he just heard with an expression in his which waited for you to correct the sentence thinking that you made a mistake but no, it's the truth.
"What was that? No, it can't be true right? No." he paused for a few seconds but said "Yn, I'm actually in love with you. To be honest I wanted to confess in a better circumstances but I guess it too late now as it has come to this. But I have feelings for you and misa is just my friend, nothing more."
You were so shocked that your thoughts began to fade into the background of yourself and Misa and towards the reaction of the entire school once they learned what had actually happened.
He is the playboy, but now it's not the same him. He's dead serious and was anxiously anticipating your response, and you could see it as you stood still and stared at him.
You were confused, so you tried to take a glimpse of everything which happened so firstly you were You were trying to pair them up. Secondly Usui approached you and asked you to help him set up a date for Misa and his friend.
Finally he says that he's in love with you. You almost felt like you were in some kind of a tv drama or something. Things kept crashing into you.
"No, Misa is in love with you, and you need to be too. I should have no part in this, neither should your friend. Why did everything end up this way?" You could feel his hands on you while you were jabbering out loud and heard him acknowledge,
"Yn, I know all this is too much on you, but it's true, I genuinely love you and I can't even think about someone else in your stead. Don't make this a matter about others, please. I want to know what you feel about me, not how your friend thinks, please" usui says.
"I don't really know how to feel about this, maybe I need some time." You turn around to walk away when he pulls you and kiss you and says.
"I love you and I would do anything for you to love me back but I can't move on from you, no not in this life, so please give me a chance." He pleads while you stand there dumbstruck after the kiss.
Because to all this you never noticed Misa behind Usui standing in full shock trying to hold back the tears which were threatening to fall.
She just lowered her head and after a brief moment of looking away Misa murmured, "Yn, are you not cold? Would you like to walk with me as we head back home now that it's almost dusk?" As she was staring blank into your lifeless eyes. With that, she walked ahead saying "Let's meet up tomorrow, then. Take her home safely, Usui."
You didn't wait for anything and just ran behind Misa trying to stop her by then you were far away from Usui and near the local park were y'all sometimes chat for a while. She had tears stained her cheeks you couldn't just look at her like that. She was hurt. You hurt her.
"I'm sorry Misa, it's not like that, please understand. You are my friend and I'm sorry that you witnessed all this, I'm sorry, it's my fault, please, please forgive me." You cried as you hugged her.
Misa also couldn't control her emotions anymore and bursted into tears in your arms.
"Yn, I know, it's not your fault, it's just.... I can't. I don't want to loose you because of these emotions. You are one of the most important person in my life. I want you to be happy too."
"I know you love him too...."
You were trying to comfort her but when she said the last few words you knew you fucked up.
"What are you saying Misa, you think I like him, no, not a chan..."  Before you could finish she said. "Yn no, stop, I know you, don't give me that crap. But I'm sorry because I realised it too late, just after I, realised my feelings for him and when I confessed it to you that's only when I knew you also like him. I'm sorry, I should have said it before."
She sobbed onto you and you couldn't console her no more, she was broken and so were you. You knew you had feelings for Usui but it didn't matter when she had the same feelings for him.
"Yn, you should go back to him and tell him how you feel. I want you to be happy and find the one that you love, now that you found him you should do all you can. Yn, do it for me, please."
Stop this, it's not how it's supposed to be. No, I don't know what to do. By then Usui caught up to you and was just waiting for y'all to have your moment. "I'm sorry Misa, I didn't know all this, I'm sorry."
She wiped her tears away and said
"It's alright Usui, atleast you knew about my feelings, and I won't regret ever having feelings for you. But please understand yn and try to pursue her by anyway possible. You won't get anyone better than her. I can assure you for that."
She looked at you and said "Yn, nothing will tear us apart, this friendship is for life, as people say you either be with me or you die, so guess it's not the later?"
She playfully teased as she forms finger gun and points it to you. You just couldn't stop the tears which were now flowing like a waterfall. You hugged her so tight and she just pampered you for some time.
"Now I feel relieved. Please take care and take her home safe. Byee." She hugged you one more time and said "I love yn, let meet tomorrow. Bye" then she left.
Now it was only you and Usui, he saw you and said "A genuinely good friend to have, I guess." As you smiled and he hugged you removing the coldness in you when Misa left.
"I love you Usui, thank you for everything." You said as you were in his arms.
You could feel him tightening his grip around you as you face upwards you find his face beaming with joyful tears. He wipes them away and says "I love you too babe. I love you sooo much"
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Facts about Nana.
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Nana O was kicked out of school after being accused of prostitution. Though false, she never disputed it.
Nana K has two kids with Takumi. Their names are Satsuki Ichinose and Ren Ichinose.
When Ren saw Nana at Trapnest's show, he didn't visibly react but it's noted that he messed up a few times likely from the surprise of seeing her.
Nana K and Satsuki live in Japan while Takumi and Ren Ichinose live in London. It's implied that they secretly got a divorce and Takumi got remarried. (citation needed)
Ren died on Nana's 21st birthday after crashing into the first apartment they lived in together.
Nana O was born March 5, 1981 which means today she would be 41.
Nana K was born November 30, 1980 which would make her 42.
Reira is half American.
The anime ends with Nana and Ren together, however in the manga he was already deceased at that period. Whether this is an error or not is unclear.
Ren and Shin would often kiss in front of Nana Osaki because it annoyed her.
After the anime, Shin spent time in jail for marijuana possession.
Yasu studied to be a paralegal but gave it up to persue music.
Nobuo is was the only non-smoking member of BLAST.
Shin saw himself as unlovable which is why he saw his career as a prostitute fitting.
Ren and Yasu met in the adoption system and became close friends even after Yasu was adopted.
Nana K knew she was pregnant with Takumi's baby because Nobu only had sex with her while wearing a condom.
Nana O admitted that she wanted Nobu and Hachi to end up together for a selfish reason. It was because she was afraid of her leaving.
Both Shin and Nobu come from wealthy families.
Before his death, Ren tried to quit doing drugs cold turkey which would have prevented it.
Reira's name is actually Layla. She's named after a famous Eric Clapton song.
Takumi has rejected Reira/Layla several times but ultimately ends up giving in and cheating on Hachi with her.
Nobuo was the only person in high school who tried to befriend Nana.
When Nana was 4, she was abandoned by her mother to be raised by her grandmother. Her grandmother was extremely strict and wouldn't allow her to wear black so she wouldn't "tempt men and become like her mother".
In August of 2022 Ai Yawaza says that she plans on eventually finishing Nana. She took a hiatus after being hospitalized for an undisclosed illness.
It's hinted that Hachi and Shoji may have lingering feelings for each other when they meet at the Jackson hole.
Satsuki (Hachi's daughter) wishes her family lived together.
After Ren's death, Nana suffered severe panic attacks. One in particular was bad enough that Hachi had to give her mouth to mouth.
Yasu had to carry Nana to Ren's funeral as she was near catatonic.
The members of BLAST encouraged Nobu to inherent the family business but he declined because he wanted to make music.
Ren and Yasu were formerly in a band called Brute.
Yasu's baldness is OPTIONAL. He opts to shave his head.
Nana didn't want her relationship with Ren to be public originally because she didn't want people to think she was riding off his success.
Shin's stepdad raised him as a second son after his mother committed suicide but never felt any warm feelings towards him.
Nana was often shown being jealous of Hachi having other friends and could be possessive over her at times.
Shin met his pimp, an airline stewardess named Ryoko Kawashigi, after he moved to Japan.
The members of Trapnest didn't want Shin and Reira's relationship to be public due to him being underage.
A trapnest, according to the band, is a mother's love that turns into a trap where she refuses to let go of her child no matter what.
Takumi's controlling behavior stems from his childhood which was unstable at best.
The strawberry glasses were the first things Nana and Hachi bought together.
Shin once stated he would never be connected to anyone by love.
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Round 2, Bracket 2, Side D, Fourth poll
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Nine and Jupiter Icy Moon Explorer [NineJuice/SatelitalLove], 17776/20020 vs Takumi Tonooka and Itaru Chigasaki [Tonoita], A3! Act Addict Actors
Story of Tonoita:
Listen, I'm not an enemies to lovers liker. And exes to lovers is the kind of thing I like when I make them exes, not when they're canonically exes (they never canonically dated but like come on. they're basically exes). So why did I start shipping them?
I have these Twitter roleplay accounts for a3, a handful of them, and while roleplaying a different character in the series, I joined this little server of roleplay where we'd talk about stuff and plan out events and whatever, and one of them was roleplaying this fourth character (Citron!) mainly, but also had a Tonooka account, you might be able to see where I’m going with this.
We had this friend who had the Itaru roleplay account who really liked to roleplay this other Itaru ship (with a guy called Chikage), and sometimes he'd forget to do the replies to other ongoing roleplays. so my Citron/Tonooka friend dm'd me about it since they felt kind of left out whenever that happened, especially if there was an ongoing thread with Itaru and Citron, and I was like yeah I get it. I liked Chikaita a lot but it wasn't my go-to Itaru or Chikage ship, so I was like “uh huh nods”, and we got to talking about Itaru ships, and they mentioned Tonoita.
They really liked Tonoita, who is kinda unpopular in the general fandom because he caused Itaru a lot of trauma, and Itaru's like the number one or two most popular chara in the whole game, so a lot of people didn't like him. But my friend liked him a lot and told me so much about him, and literally he only appeared in one event story in the entire game at that point but I was listening so intently, and then I was like “mhm nods i understand”, and hey u can come to me about Tonoita whenever u want in case you feel judged or whatever.
I was still kinda neutral about it but I didn't dislike it, but the aforementioned Itaru rp friend went inactive, so after a while, I was like “What if I make an Itaru account instead?” so I did! and then, fuck, I literally still have the roleplay bookmarked. My friend was on their Tonooka account goofing off about whatever shit and I posted this stupid reaction pic of the press x to doubt guy and then Tonooka fucking REPLIED. And then we had the usual exes banter. And then it became real??? LIKE THEY STARTED CRYING AND SHIT?? AND APOLOGIZED TO EACH OTHER?? AND COMMUNICATED WITH EACH OTHER??? AND THEN LIKE. AGREED TO AT LEAST BE CIVIL TO EACH OTHER AGAIN? WHICH TURNED INTO BEING FRIENDS AGAIN?? AND THEN THEY STARTED DATING AGAIN?????
NaviMind (90)
Once upon a time, one of my now-friends was posting stuff about them, I didn’t like it, but then I looked at the tags And she was tagging it as frEAKIN… DAIN… BALLAS… I DIED, YO. I couldn’t live with the fandom knowing the pairing as that so I conferred with my beta and we came up with NaviMind and MasterGuide.
Then I started interacting more with the fandom and started accidentally converting people to this pairing like it was a religion. KEEP IN MIND that I didn’t ship them yet??? Like actually I was talking about canonical things and the people I texted were like “It’s my OTP now” 😭😭😭😭. My record time from me meeting someone to converting that person was a few hours. Literally, I had a NaviMind aura, it was a passive effect.
Then afterward I actually started imagining super angsty things about them and I wrote about their friendship, and I thought it would be much sadder if they were in love but couldn’t be together because of Bain’s paranoia and Dallas’ refusal to admit his feelings. They’re already best friends in canon, I write it to where Dallas can’t live without his guy… yeah, I have the most fics about this duo. I’m still strong even though it’s been over a year.
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felikatze · 10 months
I may or may not be obsessed with Takumi, Oboro, Hinata poly ship. What did this conversation yesterday do to me?
Like Takumi is so insecure but he somehow hit it off with two people? And they are both complete opposites. Hinata is like an excited puppy with way too much energy and Oboro is literally a cat. Nice to people she knows but she can snap any moment. At anyone.
Tbf Oboro already had a crush on him for some reason but its still funny to me. And kinda cute.
I think I'll draw them
that's always how the ships come to be. it's always a joke at first
i'm suprised at how consistently i ended up using oboro and hinata? they're suprisingly decent units considering how bad hana was for me
i havent gotten many of their supports but they are charming! the oboro-takumi c support is really cute imo. he likes the clothes she picked for him... and with the context that tailoring was her family business until she joined the army cuz her family died... aurgh.
ending where takumi gets over his insecurities by just not being prince anymore and instead oboro and her two boyfriends open a boutique
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eleccy · 9 months
the reason why ace attorney 456 don't form a trilogy lies in the character development.
the plot threads from aa4 are never resolved. most of them aren't even picked back up or addressed. characters come and go. there's a distinct lack of cohesion.
like take for example the star wars prequel trilogy. that was a story. the story was about qui gon jinn, obi wan kenobi and anakin skywalker. regardless of your opinion of these movies, plot threads are carried through each of the three installments. the whole thing taken together reads like one big story, and each of the three movies could be seen as an "act", or chapter. sure, (spoiler ahead) qui gon does die in phantom menace, the first movie. but his influence is seen throughout the other two. his mentorship shines through in obi wan, and in anakin. he affects the plot even after he's gone.
but ace attorney 456 doesn't do any of that. it doesn't even do it the same way that 123 did. 1, 2, and 3 form a trilogy because, taken together, they are a story. the story is primarily about mia fey and maya fey, but there are other characters. yes, it is true that mia dies early on in the first game. but through channeling, she appears again. she affects the plot. whether you're talking game 1, 2, or 3, she is a part of the story. she is mentioned in cases in which she doesn't appear, like rfta, adding to the mystery and sense of continuity and cohesion. edgeworth's story ties into phoenix's, which ties into mia's, which ties into maya's. there are character arcs and growth. minor and supporting characters re-occur to show certain themes and move the plot along. taken together, it is a story.
456 is not a trilogy, i say, because apollo, trucy, and phoenix are really the only constants. there is certainly some growth there, but most of the time in the plot is not spent focusing on their growth, but rather on random gimmicks, such as perceive / mood matrix / psyche locks or whatever happens to be going on with the minor characters of the current case. once we see certain supporting characters, we really never see them again. plot threads such as those with the gavin brothers, the kitaki family, evidence forging, the mishams, the gramaryes and such are basically discarded after game 4, as if there was never really a plan for them to tie into anything in the first place. klavier does come back in game 5, yes, the gramaryes are mentioned again in game 6. but it feels... impromptu. like it's just fanservice. there's no real growth, nothing new is really learned by re-introducing these elements. it's bland. without shu takumi writing, the cohesiveness of the story really suffers. what you're left with is a series of cases all featuring apollo, but no real answer as to how apollo really grew other than "well, phoenix accepts him as a lawyer now". which, given what the first case of game 4 set up, is kind of a wet fart of an ending. they never discussed the bloody ace. what about the intrigue? what about the time apollo punched him in the face? how has apollo's opinion of phoenix really changed? how does trucy feel about it all? what happened with kristoph? what was behind the black psychelocks? helloooooooooooo!?
so, basically, as much as i love apollo as a character and i love his game, you can't call 4, 5, and 6 a trilogy so much as a collection of games. and that's ok, so long as we're all honest about it.
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blankwashed · 2 months
previously on this un-named thing
Leaks To Love
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waking up everyday just felt like a drag. you didn’t want to go out, fearing that people might mistake you- well, recognise your from the disgusting video. your heart beat galloped every time you were out, even when you were with your friends or family. why- WHY did you have to trust someone so intimately? not to even mention the secrets you revealed to him, the trust that you built while even imagining a future with him. you thought you would be able to start a family with that dirt bag. all of this just brought your feelings down. you were never able to look up anymore, for a few reasons. one, afraid that people might recognize you, and two, you thought that finding your one true love would be impossible at this point. who would love a stupid girl who ruined her future? you were always known to trust people blindly because as you grew up, you always had your parents looking out for you. but now, you’re on your own kid. who in their right mind would date anyone who’s that gullible and stupid? to you, everyday was living hell. the only good thing you could think of was that your name was not mentioned in the video. it didn’t matter though, it was already bad enough.
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“hey y/n?” your heart started to beat profusely in your chest when you felt someone tap on your shoulder, you weren’t able to recognize the voice. when you turned to look at who it was, you were met with smiling eyes, a glint of mischief coming from the person.
ah, yuuji. your previous classmate from junior college. it’s strange, you haven’t talked to him in forever ever since you left takumi.
“can we...talk in private?”
oh no, not this again.
you quietly followed him to the empty corner, you followed him to the same spot satoru told you about the news, your heart beating so fast you were able to hear it.
“i know this will sound crazy but trust me, i think i found your stunt double. trust me i had nothing to do with this, i even told people that it wasn’t you!” yuuji took out his tablet and showed you the horrific video.
you weren’t that close to yuuji but he was one of takumi’s close friends. you both have hung out before once or twice, greeting each other with hi’s and bye’s. you closed your eyes, not wanting to take another look at yourself slutting out for your ex.
you didn’t know what to do though. to tell him the truth or to lie? and say that it’s someone who looks like you or who is pulling pranks on you. without even thinking, stupidly, you told him the bitter truth.
“hey, if you’d let me ask around we might actually catch the culprit, and if we’re lucky we might send him to jail. trust me on this, y/n. remember how we were friends before you met sato-“ yuuji’s words were interrupted by a phone call.
“i’m sorry yuuji i have to take this,” your excused yourself and answered the call, “yes?”
“y/n, are you still around the campus? i’ve already made dinner. you shouldn’t go out that often, y/n. things haven’t died down yet,” as satoru spoke to you softly. he was right, it’s only been a day. but your did felt cooped up in the home and wanted some fresh air. “i’ll be back soon, wait for me,” you responded to him.
you could feel a sigh of relief from his end, “i’ve already started some dishes for dinner. i know you get hungry when you’re nervous,” he continued. you felt your stomach grumble right after that. you shyly looked away causing yuuji to notice a change in your attitude.
“you should come home okay, y/n?” satoru said with worry in his voice making yuuji even more intrigued. he looked at you and asked, “oh you have a lover now, i see~” yuuji mocks and you blush, shaking your head.
“no, he’s not my lover, yuuji. just someone…important..” you stopped and mumbled, “for now…” softly enough for yuuji not to hear you. “i guess this is my stop. bye yuuji, it was nice meeting you again,” smiling, you quickly left.
you guess your crush on toru hasn’t faded away yet.
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“i’m home!” you say as you removed your shoes while entering your dorm. your dorm was in campus so it was easier for you to attend classes, it was only a couple blocks away.
your nose was met with an aroma you felt dear to your heart. the smell of miso soup! satoru must be the one cooking...until you hear a female's laugh?
you cocked an eyebrow and started to move closer to your kitchen.
"mai?" you said. satoru and mai were laughing and standing over the stew of miso soup. huh. satoru didn't cook, huh?
"y/n! you're back! look here, i called mai over and she assisted me in making this feast for you. i know you need all of these to make you feel better, just as mai says that she has these whenever she feels down," satoru smiles at you and reveals the reason why he called mai over. not knowing that you actually hated her.
you smile and thanked mai with a soft voice. hopefully she didn't drug the miso, she'd want that wouldn't she?
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Update: I'm just gonna name this "Leaks to Love"
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metalempire · 10 months
some very thoughts on wrathful aoi and why she’s easily one of my favourite things digimon has ever done down below. spoilers ahead for all of the wrathful route of digimon survive.
wrathful route in general is peak survive thanks to how violent and unhinged it is, plus you get mugendramon from it, my favourite digimon, so of course i’m overwhelmingly biased towards it, especially since it was my first route i completed when survive came out last year. all the said, aoi has always been a fascinating take on digimon’s core Girl™ archetype, clearly based on two characters from the original 1999 digimon adventure (which survive is overtly stated to draw heavy inspiration from as a more modern and dark retelling of that story’s core archetype and thematic elements) those being sora takenouchi primarily, and jou kido secondarily. 
she obviously has the Motherly™ traits down perfectly, as she is always concerned for the group, reacts negatively to violence, is very concerned for any instance of children, is a good cook, naturally caring, merciful, and kind. she also is a deeply responsible girl who puts others before herself, is an honour student who always volunteered to do the right thing at school, even to her own detriment as no one helped her. despite being seemingly the perfect girl, a class president who did no wrong, was always helpful, and never negative, she never had many friends, was scolded by teachers for being too helpful for her own good, and was seemingly always punished in small, but meaningful ways throughout life just for being what everyone wanted her to be. the parallels to sora and jou in their core traits and arcs from the show are quite clear as the route goes on, as aoi takes over as leader when takumi disappears trying to save miyuki and stop piemon. 
she’s able to hold the group together, taking on even more responsibility, putting all of her skills to good use. but in the end, she isn’t takuma, she can’t savescum every response for max affinity like a true MC, and so does the best with what she has. during this time, she develops a strong bond with saki, a girl she admires deeply. saki, though being terminally ill, and near the start of the game, close to dying, is still outwardly cheery, outgoing, emotionally vibrant, and blunt about everything. saki shines bright despite the horrendous circumstances she finds herself in, and she inspires aoi, who wishes to be as driven, determined, and honest with herself as saki is. the irony being saki keeps her secret that she’s dying from everyone except aoi and floramon. though (unless i’m remembering wrong) takuma can find out. similarly, saki admires everything positive about aoi, and the two girls desperately want to be more like each other, finding that one has what the other lacks. 
the tragedy of all this naturally comes to its conclusion as violently as possible. when saki dies, it’s a sudden, brutal, yet drawn out demise. saki makes a mistake, and isn’t reprimanded for it by aoi, because aoi and the others help her anyway, and the situation is too tense. aoi admires how saki can move on swiftly and back into action with the rescue effort, furthering her desire to be like saki, clouding her self-image once more, saki shining bright enough to where the glare prevents aoi from seeing she’s falling for the same trap as before. this ends up with the kenzoku grabbing saki, and aoi being the one to try and pull her back, only for saki to sacrifice herself so the girl she looks up to more than anyone in the world doesn’t die, and aoi is forced to watch her rock, the girl she’s leaned on for weeks be violently ripped apart in a bloody death, right in front of her, and cannot have time to grieve, as the team needs to move or be swallowed by the fog. 
aoi’s sheer shock and depression, her sense of loss, her confusion and bubbling self doubt come to the surface totally, and she shuts down. she rejects all comforts, because she has convinced herself she knows saki better than anyone, that she, in some small way, is saki, and that this death means something more to her. saki’s death shakes aoi to her core, and kaito, in a scene to parallel the harmonic route, tries to offer her words of resolve, but his emotions spill out wrong, and he doesn’t fully connect with her. in the end, aoi leaves to be by herself, only to end up at the library, where the saki illusion utterly breaks her mind, feeds on her guilt, aoi’s sense of responsibility, and weaponises her kindness against her, sinking aoi to her lowest low. but despite it all, she still has labramon. aoi wanders alone, lost in the woods, with only her thoughts of saki, saki’s death, what saki has and what she herself lacks, and eventually, of labramon, how she let her digimon down, and lets the others down, but then, her anger slips in. aoi wishes everyone would work together more. surely, if they had, if they had listened to her more often, bickered less often, coordinated better, not been indecisive or clashed so often, saki wouldn’t be dead. maybe even shuuji and ryo beforehand. aoi snaps here, and decides everyone should work harmoniously, even the sworn enemies of kemonogami and humans. 
for some reason, piemon survives getting his ass blasted by some kids in the human world (this only happens in wrathful and harmonic. he stays dead in moral and truthful. this is never explained lol but i like to think he gave up and was chilling on the beach for those)  and aoi finds him dying in the woods. in her more delusional state of confusion, she decides she’s now a fire emblem protagonist, and heals him so she can talk to him and recruit him in the fight against the master. unfortunately, aoi is not the protagonist, and this is digimon survive, so her helping a guy who was very much down with child sacrifices is a very stupid move that earns her a brutal fate. however, it makes total sense. she is deeply traumatised by death, constant fighting for her life, raw guilt, and a creeping sense of long-running resentment for the human race conflicting with her natural kindness and love of everyone. with so many mixed emotions, trauma, constant self-doubt, no confidence in herself whatsoever, having lost everything, save for her life, aoi really believes in herself that she is right, that everyone else is wrong, because she’s aoi shibuya, she only does the right thing. 
so piemon violently chokes aoi, beats her to death, and then stabs her, and to top it all off, does the same to labramon, and leaves them both to die on the ground. 
aoi, in her state of raw emotional and mental turmoil, (also hasn’t eaten anything since saki died so she’s physically out of it too and barely slept) genuinely thought this would work, that piemon was forsaken by the master, and would want to side with her. she forgot, in her self-assuredness, trying to be like saki, her ideal protagonist in life, that piemon was her enemy, that piemon hates humans more than she does, that piemon is an ultimate level (or mega if ur a dub loser lol) with four swords duct taped to his back, and that she, at most, will only have the perfect level cerberumon, (on wrathful, she cannot access anubimon’s evolution scene unless you already unlock it on ng+) so she could not have solo’d this boss even if she tried. poor aoi suffers once more for choosing “correctly”, for helping someone injured, for being like saki, assured, honest, confident, bright. 
she watches, dying on the ground, as piemon fights the team, who wish to save her. she laments that everyone is fighting again, which she was trying to prevent. once more, she is helpless to see her efforts come to naught, to fail. but labramon reaches out to her, someone who never abandoned her, someone who didn’t let her wander off alone, someone who loves her for being her, not for what she does for them. the friend she always needed. saki may be aoi’s idol, and her best friend, in a sense, but labramon is aoi’s partner digimon, labramon was who aoi needed all along. she knows this, deep down, and her desires, spilling out all at once as she sees her bloodied and dying little dog, manifest as, ironically, darkness. she doesn’t want to die, she wants to live. and she wants to be right for once, to make things right for once. 
aoi becomes plutomon by fusing with labramon. plumon is an ultimate level dark virus digimon. it is one of the olympos xii, and despite the former statement, is a vengeful roman death god hell bent on exterminating all virus digimon, and is the most frightening member of the olympos xii. plutmon kills and absorbs piemon easily, then fends off the party, declaring her intentions to kill the master, and bring harmony and peace to this broken world of the kemonogami. but there’s more to it than that. initially, everyone is terrified of plutomon, but minoru still sees her as aoi, and, that her new form is useful in their fight against the master. however aoi makes it clear that the harmony she seeks is the same kind she demonstrated with piemon. her madness complete, she earnestly believes that by assimilating everyone into her, she can make them all happy, to all do and think as she does, to all live with her. everyone will be together, as one. even if she has to be violent, cruel, and strict, she will bring everyone the happiness they need, because aoi is never wrong. aoi is the perfect honour student. aoi always does the right thing. and plutmon is simply fighting to make a utopia, the very thing mankind strives for. in her delusions, plutomon says she can hear saki’s voice, as part of this world, cheering her on. she’s too far gone to stop now, but she’s never been more confident in herself, or her new plans.
aoi leaves, kicks down the master’s door, and begins brutally assimilating the kenzoku, stripping the master of his minions. she fights the party again, and tis time, they try to get through to her, appealing to her emotions, admitting their own failings, but ultimately, trying to make her see reason. but in the end, miyuki and renamon die thanks to the master’s machinations, and so they are dragged into his realm. plutmon fights the master, but dies, and is absorbed by him. the party fights to avenge aoi, while the master wears plutomon as a hood ornament, mocking them all. however, this was all according to keikaku. aoi planned for it to go this way, so the others would weaken the master for her to eat him from the inside, gaining all the power she needs to make her dream a reality. she reveals that she intends to unify the world of the kemonogami and the humans to be as one, and then assimilate all life into her, to become the paradise they always dreamed of. she even pulls the remnants of saki, ryo and shuuji up, claiming to hear their affirming voices. all the party hears are the pained screams of the dead, who wish for their friend to stop. aoi doesn’t know, she’s too far gone, to caught in her delusions to care. plutomon hears what she wants to hear, just as it is in its original lore, the god of death is single minded in its pursuit, and violently unwavering. aoi even mocks the party, in an oddly caring way, reflecting on how their friendship, their bond, and their strength, was what she relied on this whole time to make her will come true. 
in the final battle, aoi is ultimately killed by her friends, who desperately wanted to help her, to turn her away from a path of mass extinction, and in the end, had to strike her down. she laments her failings, she apologises to everyone, dead and alive, and wishes she could just be right, and dies, with a smile, questioning if she was wrong again, and apologising, as the polite girl she always was. aoi dies with a smile, having fought for peace and harmony. aoi did nothing wrong. aoi was punished regardless. that’s how it always goes for her, doesn’t it? 
the core theme of aoi, or rather, plutomon’s journey, is the paradoxical and ultimately doomed to failure quest that is achieving heaven through violence. history even has such examples, such as crusades and holy wars, where the righteous, through doctrine, personal bias, piety, and ultimately, brutal ignorance and delusion, attempt to crush what they believe to be opposition, in what they believe to be righteous, the correct path, that will lead them to the wonderful utopia, the heavens above, yet they contradict themselves, through malicious acts of persecution and violence, sheer brutality, and hatred towards their fellow people. plutomon wanted nothing more than for people to be brought together. but plutomon used mass murder as her means to bring about peace, and believed it to be correct. a world of peace cannot be built on a foundation of violence. even her statement that there is no room for naughty children in her ideal world reveals the hypocrisy of plutomon’s beliefs and methods, punishing others through slaughter. 
the wrathful ending, with its anti-digimon dystopian police state (just like real life!) is a great representation of aoi’s corruption, and in the end, the world she was always going to make. people and digimon came together. forcefully. some found their partners and were happy. some found them and used them for evil. most never met them at all. most were lost and confused. division arose. segregation, persecution, violence, chaos and mass destruction arose in an authoritarian nightmare state. fitting, perhaps, for what aoi wrought. she wanted to bring people together, no matter the cost, and her brazen, self-assured, delusional methods, stained with blood, only brought more suffering. aoi did nothing wrong. the world was punished regardless. that’s how it always goes for her, isn’t it?
aoi shibuya is a good example of the subtle pressures and small scale incidents that pile up over time, and the consequences of bottling up one’s emotions while trying to always care for others. aoi was the perfect honour student, who was always kind and helpful. a good cook who prioritised the safety of the group, someone who always supported the sake decision, and could even cut through the air during an argument to restore peace. she stepped up to be responsible leader, and always helped others. 
aoi never leaned on anyone for support when it mattered. she put saki on a pedastal, and while she did lean on her for support, she never allowed their relationship to be equal, as friends, and was never fully honest with herself, or saki, about why she wanted to be like saki. she always had labramon looking out for her, but never confided in labramon. in her dying moments, she laments that she would have been a burden to them if she did confide in them and leaned on them for support, only for a tearful party to reveal she always did so much to help them, and hey would have loved to support her. but aoi never let them know that until she died. until she went on the warpath as plutomon. aoi was always responsible to a fault, but never leaned on anyone for support, never gave anyone else much of a chance to be like her, to share her burdens. aoi struggled to connect with people, and even when she tried, she put her on a pedestal, and never allowed them to properly share in their burdens. aoi never realised her strengths, and eventually, grew arrogant enough to believe she was always doing the right thing, and that by embodying only what she believed saki to be, that she could change the world. aoi not realising that she was fine as who she was, and that by working together with saki, being honest with her, sincere about her feelings, that she could have found a far better way to work through her flaws, and together with everyone. (jou’s crest is sincerity in the original japanese run of adventure, coincidence, then, that aoi needs to embody that sincerity, and with labramon, love, sora’s crest, to be able to move forward within herself as a character?)
aoi, in the wrathful route, is a bleakly realistic depiction of what happens when the Perfect Girl ultimately snaps from the weight of responsibility. when someone tried to always do the right thing, even to their own detriment, never asks for help, is never a burden, is always reliable, always kind, offers care of their own but never asks for any themselves, and always thinks of others first, no matter what, without ever leaning on anyone else for support. eventually, the perfection slips, and soon, the world itself seems to turn on them. in the end, the pressure becomes too great, everything goes wrong, and when one domino falls, the rest slip into place, and great consequences are wrought. ones that are deeply self-destructive, and even can harm the very people one cares about. 
aoi looks up to an inspiring friend. aoi’s friend dies right in front of her. aoi helps someone on the verge of death. aoi is choked, beaten, and stabbed to death. aoi resolves to fix the world, and solve two world’s worth of problems, carry everyone’s burdens, and put and end to a centuries-long conflict. aoi is killed by the very people she was fighting for. aoi did nothing wrong. aoi was punished regardless. it’s always like that for her, isn’t it? 
aoi shibuya is a fantastic deconstruction of the typical motherly Girl™ character, combined with the responsible older kid archetype, blended into a brutal physical and mental breakdown that makes far too much sense given everything that’s happened to her. all the little things built up, and then something big happened, and it all spilled out. she tried her best to regain control, but by then, she was already too far gone. no matter what, aoi shibuya never gave up, she took what she saw in saki, even takuma to a much lesser extent, and stepped up to take charge, confidently, and do the right thing, do what needs to be done, and embark on a mission to save the world. by destroying it. she wanted to be right, so badly, that she blinded herself to reality. all alone, and yet, in her last moments, died surrounded by people who cared for her, even after she tried to slaughter them all. and even though it went horrendously, in her own way, she brought humans and digimon together. 
her story is tragic, but more subtle than the traditional sad backstory kind of way digimon often does it. it’s grounded, mundane, even, yet it shows how even a polite, ordinary, high-achieving girl who is pleasant in every way and mild-mannered, can become twisted and unrecognisable due to circumstances beyond her control, and ultimately, her own self-imposed loneliness that many people struggle with in our real world. aoi desperately tried to gain control of her life, but sadly, was never truly able to have it. everyone else stood in her way. but then, it was everyone else who she, ironically, needed the most, yet pushed away with her own decisions, always, for their own good, over her own. by being selfless, aoi, in the end, did herself, more harm than good. 
it always goes that way, doesn’t it?
perfection is an illusion. chasing it only leads to madness. 
“i say these people should learn of our peaceful ways....by force!” -aoi shibuya, shortly after becoming plutomon 
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myfaveisfuckable · 1 year
Nightmare Polycule: The cirsed creation of like. 4 people on a niche fandom discord. Polycule consisting of pretty much every adult character in the series. It's awful and somehow the best thing ever. The potential for both crack and angst is unmatched. The divorced parents energy is OFF THE CHARTS. Marcia realizes she is a morosexual and has a crisis about it. Gringe confronts his prejudices by falling for a no-good wizard. Jillie Djinn is Marcia's ex and also dead and also GHOSTING ON HER COUCH which makes it very hard to bring her boyfriends over. Marcellus tries to be dramatic about the fleetingness of human life (except his) and gets made fun of until he confronts his trauma instead. Sarah and Mrs Gringe are having tea and getting a break from the drama.
Nokia/Ami: (spoilers for the game) all the fan stuff ive seen for the game is painfully straight unless its focusing on the two ships where one character is canonically gay n in love with the other (protag of the sequel game with his gay bestie i forgot the name of n yuuko/fei) n ami is usually just drawn on her own BUT theres a lot of canon subtext between nokia n ami mostly as a result of not much actually changing based on if u play as a boy or a girl regardless nokia to some extent likes ami she flirts with her talks about their relationship as if theyre already dating theres a scene that parallels a m/f couple in the game that plays exactly the same between ami n nokia with two other characters saying something along the lines of ah young love during a mandatory side quest ami gets offered an implied sex doll that looks exactly like nokia (weird story there the quest ends with it being heavily implied that the people that take the dolls end up having their organs harvested while their minds are stuck in a digital space called eden unaware that theyre not in the real world) n she has to think about it before declining the offer nokia's character arc is working to become a strong leader n reliable friend cause she wants to stand next to ami instead of relying on her theyre childhood friends but forgot about it ok i need to explain a bit more of the story so like as kids ami n nokia along with three other characters met beta testing for eden n one of them ended up getting eden syndrome to make sure theyre all able to leave safely (theres a thing called eaters that if u get eaten by put u in a coma cause theyre storing the contents of ur brain in them) n a guy who wants to use the eaters to get to the next stage of evolution removes their memories of the incident so years later as teenagers ami nokia n arata (one of the childhood friends important to the story but not to the ship) become friends again n reunite on eden where ami ends up getting eden syndrome but in a funky way cause she was logging out as she got eaten so she has a cyber body that over the course of the game deteriorates n at the end of the game ami basically dies right as everything is being fixed all the victims of eden syndrome are no longer comatose but ami is cause yknow kind of deteriorated too much n it happened right in front of nokia's eyes as she reached out for her hand so they could go home together n nokia cries for the only time in the game cause of that but ive genuinely never seen any fan stuff of them interacting so despite them being teased romantically n built up as being really important to eachother theres nothing not even like nokia with takumi (boy protagonist) im submitting it specifically as nokia/ami just cause i like wlw ships more if u want to do it neutrally protag's surname regardless of gender is aiba sorry if this is incoherent its been like 6 months since ive played the game
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fatesdeepdive · 10 months
Entry 117: The Elevator Level
Revelation Chapter 25: Blades Drawn
While traveling through the maselike halls of Anankos’s palace, the gang decides to split up. Because they are dumb. While Corrin is completely separated from their eighty-man-strong army, Anankos monologues about how cool he is and sentences Corrin to death. Corrin is knocked out by an unseen enemy, who leaves them alive for some reason.
Gunter finds Corrin and wakes them up. Corrin speculates their attacker also killed Scarlet because they said the same monologue. Except, that was Anankos monologuing through a possessed minion, meaning that there’s no reason to think it was the same person. It was, but the logic is shaky. Gunter says that the attacker must have been part of the team, because they knew Corrin was separated from the rest of the group. Corrin says that Scarlet wouldn’t want them to distrust each other, and Gunter for some reason mentions that he saw Scarlet pin a flower to her chest before jumping.
Corrin and Gunter run into Azura and Gunter accuses her of being evil. Corrin refuses to believe it, because this route is about trust, but also Corrin keeps trusting people who betray them, and the whole message is really muddled and dumb. Then enemies attack because we need gameplay.
The boss in this chapter is the hooded swordsman from all the way back in Chapter 5. The one who killed Mikoto. He pulls off his hood to reveal that he is actually Sumeragi, the father of the Hoshidans. Sumeragi smiles at the idea of fighting his children and the battle begins.
Not sure how Sumeragi ended up possessed by Anankos, now that I think about it. Or Mikoto, for that matter. Takumi, Scarlet, and Arete actually came into contact with Anankos in Valla, and Garon contacted Anankos through dark magic. How did Sumeragi’s body end up in Valla? I guess Garon could have carried it there, but in that case how did Mikoto’s body end up in Valla? Can Anankos turn any dead person anywhere into a minion?
This is the infamous elevator map. The map is split into different chunks, with elevators moving between them. In practice, this forces you to sit around for half of your turns waiting for an elevator to show up. Sumeragi only has dialogue with Ryoma and Corrin, because fuck Takumi, Sakura, and Hinoka. He urges Corrin to rely on their innate power rather than their sword. He calls Ryoma his pride and challenges him to a glorious battle.
After being defeated, Sumeragi praises his children for being so strong. Then he dies. This is the third time we’ve seen this scene, so it doesn’t really have any impact. Sumeragi saying he’s proud of everyone and apologizing to Corrin for not protecting them is nice I guess.
Hey, how come the Hoshidans get two scenes mourning their parents and the Nohrians get none? Like, Garon isn’t even fought in this route. Why can’t there be a chapter where Garon is fought and his good side is revealed as he dies? It would be better than three different Arete fights.
Support: Niles/Subaki
C: Niles says Subaki's face looks punchable. Suabki tells him to go ahead, because it won't hurt. Niles challenges him to a duel to the death at midnight. Subaki says he has things to do in the morning. Niles threatens to torture him in hundreds of minor ways, so Subaki calls says he has so much free time because he's useless.
B: Niles sneaks up on Subaki, planning to non-lethaly stab him in the back to make him suffer. Subaki asks what his deal is. Niles dodges the question and asks if Subaki's parents didn't pay attention to him. Subaki says his childhood was perfect and Niles says he wants to destroy his smile. Subaki says he's evil. Niles says he isn't (he is) and says, unlike Subaki, at least he doesn't hide his flaws. Subaki says he'll never fail.
A: Subaki looks sad and Niles asks if he can help. Subaki says he's jealous of Niles and wishes he didn't care what others think. He says the weight of perfection is exhausting. Niles asks Subaki to give him a bit of his burden, metaphorically. This somehow works.
Review: Niles and Subaki have a great back-and-forth and the A-Rank actually gives some good depth to Subaki. A surprisingly good Support.
Support: Effie/Hayato
C: Effie helps Hayato carry heavy stuff. Hayato is embarrassed that he's so weak. Effie offers to train him.
B: Effie makes Hayato do hundreds of squats as a warmup. Hayato is unable to do this, because no shit. Effie says she's jealous, because Hayato will have raw physical power and magic once trained, while she'll just have brute strength. Hayato says the brain is a muscle and offers to train Effie.
A: Effie continues training Hayato. Hayato makes Effie play war games.
S: Hayato completes Effie's training with ease. He says he likes Effie, shocking her so much she crushes a steel gauntlet with her bare hands. She says she loves him too.
Review: Effie's mind training is underdeveloped, but I do like a good Effie trains someone until they crave death Support.
Support: Hayato/Nyx
C: Hayato asks if Nyx can keep a secret, but chickens out of telling her.
B: Hayato admits he is afraid of the dark and asks Nyx to fix this problem with magic. Nyx says that all young boys are scared of something, annoying Hayato, who assumes they're the same age.
A: Nyx casts her spell, but Hayato is still scared, because he hasn't let go of his fear.
S: Hayato says he loves Nyx. She explains her curse. He says he'll break it. She says she'll be an older lady then, but he doesn't care about age. Nyx admits she didn't use magic to cure Hayato's fear of the dark, causing him to suddenly panic.
Review: Alright, but I wanted more. Hayato wants to be older and Nyx is forced to be young; that could have been a good bonding opportunity, but instead it's Hayato acting like a scared little kid.
Support: Mana/Mitama
C: Kana says he doesn't like poetry. Mitama decides to teach him how to write poetry.
B: Kana struggles to write a poem and instead does a word game about what the different letters of Mitama's name stand for. Mitama calls that dumb and shows Kana a moving poem Azama wrote to her when she was a child.
A: Kana writes a poem about how Mitama is great. Mitama isn't impressed, but says Kana is improving. She says he needs to write a genuinely moving piece from a place of love.
S: Kana writes a poem about how he wants Mitama to be his friend.
Review: This one was fine.
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