dizzybevvie · 11 months
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this is my spidersona spider-ivy!!! their new york is overgrown with so many plants that the green suit was ideal for camoflague. they’ve been spider…. powered for only a few months, so they’re still learning!!!
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this is a rlly self indulgent oc, red widow, based off of my best friend before she had her own spidersona!! that’s why the picture in the bottom left is so wonky (it’s traced directly over a pic of us). her name is benny barker :3. she collides paths with spider ivy when a certain multiverse event happens and they’re thrown into bennys universe and have to deal with her worlds wacky rogues gallery (the name is v deliberate. her universe is 1910s london. w sweeney todd reference. ignore the headphones they don’t exist in her universe so she gets them from a diff spider person down the line </3)
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house-of-daena · 9 months
random assorted thoughts. imma just ramble about dotty tbh.
like teaching him how to kiss, spending time alone together in the remains of some khaenri’an mech, his body pinned between yours and the moss-covered walls, lips locked together in a slow, shy dance as you move at his pace. there’s little he can complain about, his face dusted with an adorable blush and knees damn near useless by the time you push your tongue against his, the cute thing that was your nerdy boyfriend absolutely head over heels with the way you claim everything about him as yours. he’ll probably scold you later for how you have him fucking drooling at how good it felt. make sure to kiss him again when you get back to your dorms, just to see him chase after your lips from expecting another looooooong makeout session. maybe get him so used to it that you can kiss him to sleep, something so soft and loving and comforting that his eyes flutter shut as you hold him in your arms and keep your mouths together.
get him obsessed with you!!! pretend to ignore him to get him craving the moment he shoves you into some empty room, clothes discarded around you both as he possessively tightens around you, ignoring the growing burning of his thighs as he slams himself down again and again. take him with you to the library just to see him press his thighs together as he remembers how well you fucked him the last time you both were there— so why not sneaking your hand down his pants and shamelessly start stroking his leaky cock or coax his sex to grow wetter, get fucking soaked before plunging your fingers inside. push his face into your bare neck when he sits on your lap, get him to finally put some bite behind his cute bark of claiming you for the world to see that you’re his, feel him nick at your neck before finally sinking those sharp teeth into your skin, feel him moan at your taste and start rutting against your thigh as he laps up your blood.
even as the mad doctor, don’t hesitate to bend him over a cold operating table, make the nerd from ages ago reappear in the way he stutters as he begs for all of your attention on him, mask falling off and eyes rolling back as you sink yourself into him like you’ve done so many times before. use a flimsy excuse of it being too cold in your room to get him under you, pale legs thrown over your shoulder as you pump him full of your warmth and love again and again, listen to how he mewls and begs for more even when he can’t even hold his head up to look at you and his legs are shaking from the overwhelming pleasure. get him riled up after you flirt and bed some of his clones, get him possessive all over again as he makes them all watch how well he takes you, how he’s the original and your whore, pull him back down to fluster him and to see the others blush from the lewd, wet slapping of your bodies not made any better with your release now dripping down from his hole and adding to the filthy liquids and the scent of sex that absolutely permeates the room now.
and now imma get ready for sunday church ✌️
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AHHHHHHH OH NH GOSHHHHHH this had me screaming 😭 all of this... omg... im on my knees...
you had me locked in at the word 'teach'. nothing like teaching your poor inexperienced boyfriend who's all too smart for his own good! he's always sososo cute when you kiss him, bc he's trying to get used to it, but his heart is pounding so hard and he's blushing ashhdkgkdhcs... he still refuses to admit that u make him feel sooo good 💞 he just loves loves loves to make out like he developed a habit where he'd just stare at ur lips for a long period of time wondering when will u kiss him again (u just kissed him a few minutes ago)
getting him obsessed omg.. whether it's intentional or not, he's so into u that he's thinking of u all the time... he loves u so much his heart could burst and at the same time he needs u so fucking bad allll the time. you've turned him to be such a whore for you.. just insinuate smth lewd to his ear and he's glaring at you with his cheeks completely flushed, crossing his leg and biting his bottom lip. he gets sooo possessive when u pretend to ignore him like hello?? ur being rude to ur one and only bf?? you should be paying attention to him!! look at him!! and if u still ignore it ooo he's gonna make u, choking on your dick, slobber all over it, his chest and covered with this saliva and bits of ur cum after sucking u for soo long, loving the way you moan his name, eyes only on him, just the way it should be 💞
reminding him allll the nasty stuff you've done outside. especially in the library where you took his virginity 💕 he will never forget that no matter how long he lives.. omg and he loves biting u all the time!! all the marks he gives u is a testament that yes!!! he owns you!!! you're his lover and anyone else tries to get with u with their grubby hands will be faced the wrath of zandik 😤😤 he will whine and complain if u conceal his love bites with make up or a turtle neck..
AND YESS reminding dottore of his place, of how your relationship came to be, by fucking him so hard he's crying and sobbing. he's not il dottore, the second most powerful person in the fatui... nope! just your nerdy husband who likes to get fuck until he can't walk anymore, pumped with cum to the brim and leaving his hole all puffy n abused 😊 no one can take u like he does! centuries of being his lover has made his body into the most perfect fucktoy you'll ever have, his segments can't even compare! he gets sooo jealous when u fuck another segment but oh he can't do anything about it bc it's his punishment, all tied up with a vibrator at max intensity deep inside him, but his cock was left out, neglected as he's forced to watch u wreck his segments instead of him :( oooo he'd be crying and begging for mercy, cursing at his segments...
also zandik used to wear rope under his uniform all the time to impress you... to feel like he belongs to u in such a salacious manner 💕 he had to stop bc it would make his skin burn after a while so! you gave him something far more ethical and better for his sensitive, scarred skin! the ones u see him wearing now, with cyan silk stitched onto it bc ur so thoughtful, your name on the one around his neck! he absolutely adore it 💕
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ohbo-ohno · 5 months
guys my exchange fic is going so badly it's actually like. embarrassing
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aimer-arts · 1 year
I rly wish i could draw your characters but my hands have a physical aversion to drawing lines, what if i wrote you some sort of short story or something? It probably wouldnt be more than 1000 words since like, i have 18 million things going on, but like, if i were to, what should i know?
OHHHH MY GODDD?? I would absolutely LOVE that ;_; <3 <3
I'm assuming you'd want to make something about Team Fate (my explorers team)? In that case, I don't think there's a ton of information you need to know; all of their personality traits and quirks are implied in the art I've made of them, so I don't think you could go wrong!
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here's a guide I quickly put together!! hopefully it's somewhat helpful
(more rambling below)
So basically, my pmd teams pretty much follow the canon personalities they have in the games: for example, Piper (eevee hero) has a very reserved and quiet personality just like the player character in the games, and doesn't speak or emote much - but she talks and laughs the most around her partner.
Clementine (vulpix partner) is pretty similar to the explorers partner; she's jittery and nervous, but loves to ramble about adventuring to Piper (who loves to listen). She scares easily, but feels stronger with Piper - so in a way, they basically complete each other. They balance out each other's weaknesses, and give each other strength.
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actuallyitsstar · 2 months
bradley rooster bradshaw & 22, 12, 21? <3
✨ send me a number and a character! ✨
HENLO USER MARCHRAINDROPS!!!! ily and im so sorry for how long this took aaaaaaaaaaa but pls take my humble offering, and i hope that u enjoy my attempt at doing this ask justice lol <3 <3
(p.s. i did answer one of these for bradley here already, so click for another and more lighthearted headcanon lol)
22. something you like and dislike in reading for this character?
something that rly matters to me when it comes to bradley is, i guess for lack of a better word, his attitude. bradley has had, admittedly, his share of traumatizing experiences in life, and he was raised on eggshells and rose-petals, walking under the shadow of a grief too heavy for him to bear alone, watching the adults he knew and trusted be crushed slowly beneath it instead. he was a bright and happy child whose innocence was slowly stolen, piece by piece, building a sardonic and cynical adult. bradley was soft, and he still absolutely c an be, in the right setting and with the right people. but he's still a grown man, at least thirty-four-ish, who's been hardened by loss after loss after betrayal, who has gone through war and come home again. he can be sarcastic and self centered, closed-minded and demanding, vindictive and rageful. he's brash and quick to speak, fierce in spirit but measured, too; aware of the pitfalls behind life's every corner and terrified of stepping on another; this time, completely alone. he hesitates and he meets the consequences of his indecision, and he takes that blame out on others.
i guess i like to see bradley's roughest edges acknowledged. he has been hurt, and he will hurt other people. he's not exactly a white knight of most situations (except for when he is- sacrificing himself for phoenix in training comes to mind; it is all about nuance isn't it?). i think it's easy to paint those kinds of flaws out of the picture, and i can understand why we might want to- because after all, no one wants to think about their favorite character being the "bad guy" in a situation. but everyone is, sometimes.
i guess what i don't like is seeing bradley treated with kidd gloves. realistically, bradley was spoiled as a kid, and why wouldn't he have been? the hope of a family grieving the loss of its pillar (goose), and that's a lot of weight for a little kid to carry. they'd doted on him, and put all their efforts into giving him the happiest childhood they could muster in the face of that loss, and maybe they were quick to give in to demands- maybe they were quick to take the situations upsetting young bradley away from him instead of teaching him how to cope with them. i'm not sure if, for all of their love and devotion, the adults in bradley's life would have known how to teach him to cope with a situation healthfully, anyway.
12. what's a headcanon you have for this character?
bradley has goose's old cross necklace, and it's one of his most prized possessions.
when bradley was little, he was 100% a mama's boy. after all, for all that mav was there, which was always as much as he could be but no more than the tight grip of the navy on his collar would allow- it was just bradley and carole against the world, together, for most of it. he talked to his mom about everything, trusted her with everything, and he took her illness so incredibly hard. obviously- that's his mom, after all- but even more than he showed, at the time. he'd tried to be strong, for his mom and for mav and because he's not sure he remembers anymore, but he thinks it's what his dad would have wanted, too; for him to take care of mom. he tries, but doesn't end up remembering how to take care of himself at the same time.
the wedge that separates bradley from the world and everything good in it is the same one that splits carole off from her family and leaves them alone without her. as her illness worsens, bradley becomes more and more sullen and withdrawn and angry, with the world and the lot handed to him. he savors each moment he has left with her but grows to dread hospital visiting hours, too, because it gets harder and harder to remember her as she was with each hour he spends watching her waste away. the breaking point is when he's thirteen years old, and they know carole has a few months more, at best. bradley isn't supposed to know yet- but he isn't stupid. he can overhear parts of a hushed phone call, and see the worry lines around uncle mav's eyes when he tries to offer reassurances that bradley doesn't believe in anymore.
she calls him in for visiting hours alone, telling uncle ice to take uncle mav home and make him take a shower and go to bed. mav protests profusely, but a look of understanding passes between ice and carole over the heads of everyone else in the room, and everyone but bradley is subsequently herded out. bradley settles himself on the edge of her bed, feeling awkward with the presence of the dreaded ticking time between them. despite her gauntness and exhaustion, though, she offers him her brightest smile. i have something to give you, baby, she tells him, and then it's dangling from her fingers before he has time to realize it fully- a silver cross necklace. his dad's necklace.
i've was meanin' to give this to you, when you're all grown up, she says quietly, and bradley swallows hard, drawing in a shaky inhale. but i just couldn't wait any longer. your daddy would be so proud of you, honey. and bradley knows it means she loves him and that daddy does too, but he also knows it means that his mom is saying goodbye. when uncle mav sees him wearing it later that evening, his small hand tightened around the metal so firmly that it digs into his skin, his uncle's face blanches, but mav doesn't say a word about it. bradley doesn't either. when everything falls apart between them much later, bradley tries to assign meaning that isn't there, telling himself that maybe mav had wanted that necklace to keep selfishly to himself, or that maybe mav hadn't thought he'd deserved it. it's not until much, much later that he manages to reason out the much simpler truth of the moment; of the guilt and the exhaustion and the realization that his all-but-sister knew she didn't have much longer if she'd finally passed the necklace down.
during the long years of his twenties and early thirties, bradley clings to the necklace, convinced it holds the parts of his past that he's missing, the feeling of belonging he's craved and cannot seem to find. the weight of it against his breastbone, beneath his uniforms, is half-comfort and half-terror. he doesn't explain it to anyone, not even to phoenix. i didn't know you were spiritual, she tells him upon catching a glimpse of it in the gym. bradley is hasty to shove it back inside his shirt collar. i'm not, he growls back, and that's that. she doesn't ask again. he doesn't volunteer. just like the look mav had worn upon seeing the necklace, it isn't until much, much later that bradley figures out what he'd been missing, after the mission and after the reconciling and after everything- til he figures out that maybe the necklace means something to him because it had meant something to mom and to dad and to mav, and that maybe he doesn't have to drag the ghosts and spirit of all three of those people into the cockpit with him each time he goes up into the air. maybe knowing they had loved him all along is enough. he tells himself that this is what the cool metal against his skin reminds him of, now, and for the most part, he finds that he can learn to believe it.
21: something you like and dislike in writing for this character?
i think it's sort of rare to be in a fandom where you have this primary character and you know so much about the things that built that character. i mean, not the most rare- obviously there's a lot of stories and franchises out there that focus on lineage and talk about long-spanning over-arcing stories. but to get to know carole and to get to know goose and to get to know mav and the other flyboys too; depending on your opinion of the closeness of the group after the first movie (i guess we all know MY found-family-obsessed-ass's opinion on that lol <3) is a gift that builds a picture of bradley, and unpacking it and piecing it together is one of my favorite privileges in writing him! feeling like i know the people who shaped bradley means i feel like i know bradley so much more, too. there's so much focus, especially in tgm, on history and mirroring and repetition and the weight of years and the passage of time, and of course there needs to be, for a sequel made so long after the original- because it is all built on the power of nostalgia- but it also says something about the construction of a character like bradley, doesn't it?
that being said, i do spend a lot of time trying to strike the balance, because i think there can be too much mirroring and a little too much drawing from influence. the double edged sword is allowing bradley to be a separate and independent person who is shaped by and not defined by those things. i think it's very easy (or at least for my sentimental ass it is lol) to get a little TOO wrapped up in the ~nostalgia~ and the trying to weave a 30+ year narrative into one character's image, and i do have to remind myself to avoid letting that walk all over the actual characters i am actually presently writing.
@marchraindrops AHHHHHHHHHH again i am so so sorry this took so long but i thank u so so much for thinking of me and sending the lovely ask, i had a lot of fun answering ;) and i am always thrilled to type my silly little answers lol. i promise to always answer even if it takes like.... more than a hot minute lol <3 TY AND ILY!!!! <3<3<3
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cptnleviackerman · 4 months
this is so random, but i saw ur old url in ur tags, are you an infernal devices fan??? i haven't read those in SO long, but my high school best friend was IN LOVE with will herondale, so i always get nostalgic when i hear about them :,,) i was always a bigger fan of tmi, but the entire universe was so much fun, i miss them </33
OMG !!! YESSSSS i love the internal devices so much !! i am so obsessed w those books It's insane, i first read them when i was a teenager and i still get so happy rereading them hehe i think tid is probably the series of books i reread the most! although i do love tmi series there's just no one like jem and he will forever be my book husband bec im so in love with him its unreal<33
i feel like im so behind on all the books that have been released in this universe though, i think i read the books about the blackthorns (although i cant for the life of me remember what the series is called rn) but i swear there are so many new books that ive just lost track lol
the universe is so fun!! i agree, and honestly your high school best friend being in love with will is so real bec hes actually just so ♡‿♡ UGH i love all these characters i swear to god
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magnifiico · 5 months
What do you with everyone’s wishes? Do you keep them in a broom closet until you need one? Do you have the space for that?
(I havent seen the movie yet plz dont kill me lol)
@sevenstxrsiblings || you will be spared 😔🌟
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“A broom closet—? Why, that's—!”
Utterly absurd, he wanted to say. Rather, very nearly barked before the king caught himself with time enough to bite his tongue, incline his neck, clear his throat... and try again (with less volume). When he smiled, it wasn't so much friendly as it was a communication of You newcomers always ask the silliest questions! (Oh, you!) But it at least got a laugh out of him.
A light, fluttery sound to directly contrast the harsh notes of before.
“Ah, no. No, we don't shove all the wishes into a dark closet, I assure you.” And where in blazes did that idea come from...? “They have a very special chamber fitting for the most important and precious things. In case that was a... concern of yours: they're exceptionally safe.”
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hotgirlmuseboardxo · 6 months
i've been on a a real, "i need 2 quit my job" kick lately and my white male boss just tried to lecture me and make me responsible for other ppl's incompetence. like sorry but i'm the wrong one, nice knowing u <3
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heirtargaryen · 9 months
@helaenaes 𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡 : ❝ care for some company ? ❞ ——— ( HOUSE OF THE DRAGON ⟋ ALWAYS ACCEPTING )
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growing up an only child came with a certain weight that rhaenyra was forced to carry alone —— make no mistake , she was loved &. treasured , especially by her mother , her father in his own way too ; though that didn't eliminate the isolation that lingered deep in chest that rotted through the years . the reliance on her to carry on the targaryen bloodline , the near suffocating simultaneous high , yet low expectations that came with having the anatomy of a woman . the walls of the castle , on certain nights , seemed so much larger when lips quivered with unspoken vents that she couldn't repeat to anyone in fear of it falling on the wrong ears ; taking refuge under covers as eyes squeezed shut &. breath taken in an attempt to force concerns to the back of mind to be forgotten to the daylight . she dreamed of having someone there , alicent , when growing up was the perfect companion —— their bond arguably unbreakable until time weaved itself in what they had . though , she wasn't a targaryen , there were things she wouldn't understand .
which is why now , a small smile dawns on lips as her sister enters the room —— half sister , but no less bounded by the blood that flows through their veins . helena will never replace the secret loneliness of youth , but perhaps she could be someone she once needed all those years ago ; a smaller scale perhaps &. not as desired ; but it was something rhaenyra was okay with . . . more than okay with .
❛ always , dear sister ❜ dragged from her thoughts , now fleeting to the abyss ; unknown if it will ever be discovered again , the future heir pats the seat in offering ; a further conformation that helaena is welcomed to intrude on the moment of solitude ❛ your company is always welcome , you never need to ask . remember that ❜ an invitation , a hand held forward for them to build a stronger , sturdier bridge .
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So I edited this meme... as soon I saw this I IMMEDIATELY thought of them.
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greedbent · 7 months
If there was one thing the little girl actually admired (That's right) about the bro, it was his way with words. And so one day, seemingly out of nowhere... Itsuki just clears her throat gently, as she allows the following words to escape her as if it were her first Shakeaspearean recital (... whatever that is): "Uwaaaaa, such is the... FREH-GEE-LEE-TEA of life itself." There was a long, almost dramatic pause, before she whirls towards him with a smile, "... did ah use dat word right, bro? ouo"
@yukikorogashi || i'm squishing this snow child's cheeks in kaz's stead ;; <3
“Who let you on the floor?”
She'd barely even reached his side before the words crept through his teeth, and Kaz's ever-vigilant leer didn't falter from a sweep of the club surrounding them. Glasses clanked. Cards shuffled. Chips rattled. Wheels clicked. Nevertheless, Itsuki's voice still found a way to cut clear through the commotion. Try as Kaz did, he failed to fully ignore her.
At first, little more than a passing glance, a crack in his demeanor giving him away. But by the time Itsuki spun toward him with a beaming smile (What, expecting praise?), Kaz's focus had been pinned. He blinked slowly. A barely perceptible exhale skirted past his lips.
“Oh, now that depends,” he crooned, at that moment allowing the inklings of a smirk to cross his face. “Whose fragile life are we discussing? If it's that of a girl wandering places she shouldn't, then congratulations: you're absolutely right.”
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blindedguilt · 8 months
🔁 |[HIT ME. ♥]|
"You're going to get us killed." - Interaction Rewrite Prompts!
For Leonard, the weight of a child's blood upon his weapon was heavier than anything else he had handled before in his lifetime.
He hadn't the honour to have even called it the first, but different from his brothers, who had found their end directly by the blades of the Empire, there was no hope for the blame of responsibility to be lifted off his shoulders now that he had wielded that same blade himself.
Leonard's breathing was panicked and uneven. A cold sweat ran down his back as the sensation of the light body being flung backwards shot once more through his arms - he felt ill. Had he died? Had he done away with his life in that forest and been sentenced to hell? Perhaps it was all a punishment, an eternity spent in war, ending the lives of children just as he had his brothers. The screams had sounded too familiar for comfort.
He couldn't, couldn't bring himself to fight. The stakes didn't come to him. The seal didn't exist to him. The usually tranquil forest had roared with the sounds of the clashing steel, the hurried footsteps, the cries and mockery of the faerie - something like the dragon's voice had called his name in harsh rebuke, and whether it truly was her or Caim, Leonard didn't understand and stumbled blindly back to the garrisons in a piteous attempt to flee.
Too cowardly to die, and too starved to survive.
All that was clear to him against the roar of noise was his own breathing, the feeling of his heart pounding in its chest, and the crushing weight of the guilt from that thought repeating itself in his head like a mantra. Leonard struggled to break out of it - do or say something that could stop this madness. Anything. A sickened cry sounded at the sound of the mercenary's own cold reproach, and the hermit struggled to respond.
"Caim, please...!"
He had tried to utter words, either protest or a plea, but his throat had grown tight and left only a quiet whimper. Was that all he could do? Beg...? Leonard's weapon trembled in his hands. He was truly weak... He could have done more than beg. Just like his brothers, there was a thought that told him that he could have saved them. But, it was all the same. His family murdered for the sake of shameful pleasure. The blood of children spilled only for his own protection - his own cowardice to even die correctly. All for himself, a pathetic existence unable to even lift a finger against the slaughter of children.
Some wretched noise, a ragged fight for strained breath against the pounding heart in his chest, could be heard against the armoured thumps of bodies against the ground. Even from a distance, Leonard's frozen body could be seen trembling uncontrollably. The polearm dangled limply from his hands.
"They are only mere children...!"
The last uttered words before the hermit collapsed to his knees were a heart-wrenching sob.
Not a voice of disgust, but a cry in horror.
#||Reply||:Caim#{/without you i lose my mind.... GIVE ME A CAAAA~IIIIMMMM}#{/the way i JUMPED when i got this though!!! ! bri! caim!!! hello!!!!! that's my fucking guy right there!}#{/dreams DO come true!!}#{/BUT LIKE; LISTEN.}#{/THIS IS E X T R A SPECIAL BECAUSE YOU KNOW WHAT??? IT'S NOT JUST THE FIRST LEONARD-CAIM INTERACTION}#{/BUT LIKE}#{/LITERALLY HIS FIRST INTERACTION EVER!!!! this was the first ask i got on this blog!!!}#{/so that made it VERY hard to read lmao BUT I WAS SO HAPPY TO REDO THIS ONE IN PARTICULAR GOD BLESS}#{/both for its personal significance and ALSO as i mentioned}#{/the old ask makes me cringeeeeee.....}#{/this still could be better but here's the thing: it IS better compared to that lmao}#{/i really do wanna dive into leonard's likely trauma post-leonard's regret regarding that... <w<}#{/i would also KILL to see caim's whole retrospective on that someday as well omg}#{/BUT SERIOUSLY BRI TYSM FOR THE CAIMMMMM I MISS THAT NASTY LITTLE SHITGOBLIN SO MUCHHHHH <3333 it really brought me back QwQ}#{<- may or may not have taken so long on this because i was busy reading through old asks/replies and reminiscing}#{/i mean it when i say it now: leonard will be back in full swing SOON. after i get this last ask figured out and his DS1 verse established#{/im sending in the memes i have in my.......... 90 saved drafts folder lmao}#{/i keep PANICKING over all my drafts and literally a majority of it is just misc writing things that aren't even for this blog and memes}#{/either way; AGAIN; thank you so much for the ask!! i hope its at least better than the old one lmao}#{/and im so happy to write for caim again!!!! give him all my well wishes dhfbdfkjhbdkfj}
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impishsensei-a · 8 months
@chaoslulled asked: the curious little fox curse approaches him, attempting to jump up on his legs to be able to reach his pockets, sniffing. minato groans, hands attempting to reach for the little curse. "sorry, his superpower is sniffing out snacks. he has a thing for trying to get candy." a pause. "do not give him candy."
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satoru's surprised to see a curse of all things approach him. it hardly seems like a curse, as there's no hostility wafting from the creature. that's the only factor that initially gives him pause, shortly followed by the voice that assures him this must belong to them. he smiles a bit then, amused by the overly-friendly curse. just when satoru thinks he's seen it all...
 ❝ you're in control of a curse that wants to eat candy? ❞ he asks, though he maintains a bit of apprehension — he doesn't know them or what their motivations might be. the cute fox spirit could be a decoy meant to usher in a false sense of security. 
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❝ just out of curiosity, though — what would happen if i did give him candy? ❞
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bizarrescribblez · 11 months
‼️ 🪐 and ❇️ for JellySpot
FLOYD HI HI HI HELLO!!!!!!!! :D TYSM FOR SENDING THESE!!! So excited to answer hehehe
‼️: Reminds you of when you first found your F/O
THIS. THIS. Okay while it might not be just me first finding him because this applies to him more than me but it can be both of our povs if you think about it 🩵💜 just the visual of us both seeing each other for the first time and having that like. ZING. (Yes I used hotel Transylvania terms) And we’re just already obsessed with each other and want to be with the other so bad because of how much we just clicked immediately. (You know both of us went home that first day of meeting and planned our futures/had a total J+M/M+J in our notebooks/sketchbooks MOMENT THERES NO WAY.)
🪐: Makes you think of a sleepover/the first time you slept in the same bed
Do I even gotta say it. OK OFC I WILL ELABORATE. This song is just so.. sleeping with somebody you love/up late with your s/o and just talking about whatever pops into your mind until you sleep in each others arms ENERGY. Which ofc happens at the first jellyspot sleepover ^_^ this ofc is also pre collider so he’s just as nervous sleeping in the same bed when I offer him to. Constantly saying he’s okay on the couch but I’m like “>:( no. I want you to be comfortable.. and the buddies want to meet their new friend.” *camera pans to all the plushies on my bed* So once it’s sleep time I put this on to sleep and I’m like “goodnight Johnny” and he says his goodnight but stays awake throughout the whole song staring at me and how the nightlights in my room dimly shine on me.. (WHAT DID I JUST COOK RN…. Somebody hold me down)
❇️: Reminds you of your S/I
omg.. THERES TOO MANY. Okay Floyd you are special CUZ IM SHOWING TWO YIPPEEE
I LOVE THESE SONGS I LOVE THEM I LOVE THEM. Jelly (me) would be the most annoying T.V G.irl fan ever and if she had a swinging sequence/‘let’s do this one last time’ sequence BIRDS DONT SING IS PLAYING 100%. This happy go lucky song as she’s describing her life’s many sad events UDBSHSBSB ITS OKAY SHE HAS SM HAPPY MOMENTS IT BALANCES IT OUT!!
And ofc uncontrollable urge.. ABSOLUTELY PLAYS DURING A FIGHT SEQUENCE. It’s so cuteness because I have this cover on the jelly playlist and the D.evo one one Spot’s .. will we ever stop matching.. (no)
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princessbunnib · 1 year
I’ve recently discovered your writing and it actually motivated me to write again, thank you !
Awweeee you're welcome.🤧🤧
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lightsiided · 1 year
❝ don’t look at me like that. ❞
* american gods starters | accepting
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     she purses her lips to suppress a SMILE. “i’m not looking at you any particular way,” rey insists, though she has to actively turn her face away so as not to immediately prove finn’s point for him.
it was just that the expression on his face so perfectly mirrored the way she felt, and she hadn’t even had to say a word. they were simply in sync, again, though that had quickly stopped being SURPRISING. 
that didn’t mean it wasn’t still unfamiliar, though, pleasant as it was. and maybe the others were right -- maybe they could stand to get to know some more people at camp, her especially. true, they often found themselves tucked in a corner somewhere during social events, speaking quietly, but she was still getting used to being around so many people. and finn was so much better at... talking than she was. he made befriending other people seem so EFFORTLESS. 
“i’m just saying, maybe they have a point. i could probably try to make some more friends. i mean, you do it. how hard can it be?”
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