#Tablet stand with adjustable angle
you-nes · 6 months
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If You Can't Dance 6
Warnings: dubcon, noncon, other possible triggers. Proceed with caution.
Note: this is what you get when you encourage me. Please leave any and all feedback! 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
Part of The Club AU
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Orientation ends but your day is far from over. Your small group, Jensen, G, Marc, Dharshi, and yourself are shown around the building. It’s nice. The office spans the single floor with ample space for all the staff and then some.
Jensen is shown to his office first. He smiles at the rest of you, telling you to send any questions his way. Jonathan confirms this but assures you he will be just as available. Next G silently and somberly enters the doorway with his name on it and shuts the door without thanks. Marc is next, then Dharshi.
You’re the last one left. A spike of paranoia needles behind your ears. What if you don’t get an office? What if you didn’t make the cut? This is why you hate offices. You don’t understand the politics.
“And this is you,” Jonathan taps on the last door. A corner office. Your name is on the door. You frown as you read the title underneath.
“I’m not a senior developer,” you face Jonathan and stare at his top button.
“Oh, dear,” he steps closer and you shuffle back, you can smell his cologne, “I’ll be certain to have that corrected. I hope you don’t think this oversight to be any sort of slight.”
You shake your head. You don’t think much of it. Mistakes happen.
“Let me know if you require anything else. I’m just a few doors down,” he points down the next hall, “I do prefer to stay close… to all my employees.”
“Mhmm,” you nod and turn to the door. You stop yourself. You don’t want to be G, so gruff and silent. Things are different here, people expect you to be normal. You turn your head, “thanks,” you say over your shoulder.
“Anything,” he replies. “I’ll let you get settled.”
You turn the handle and let yourself in. The door clicks gently behind you as you let it go. Before you can even get to the desk, you’re struck by a horrid smell. Pollen. You put your bag down and search for the culprit. A crystal vase of tall gardenia and baby breath stands on the corner of the desk.
You touch your temple and scan the office. There’s tall windows along the walls, giving a nice view of the outdoors. You prefer your walls and your under desk heater. You go over and twist the small crank to open the pain and let in the brisk air.
You already feel the nail pounding into your skull. You don’t think you packed any allergy meds, you didn’t think you’d need them this time of year. You can’t keep the flowers in here. It’s a nice gesture but it’s hard to focus on code when your eyes are bleary from a raging migraine.
You take the vase and carry it to the door. You peek out, checking to make sure you’re not seen. You hate to come off as rude.
You quickly flit down the hall and find your way back to the break room. You have the basic layout stamped in your mind; bathrooms, break room, and meeting rooms. You put the vase on one of the tables and skirt out.
You get back to your office and stand in the strange space. You’re never going to be used to this. You’ve wasted enough time. You have to get set up. 
You unpack your laptop and your special ergonomic mouse and keyboard. You connect to the monitors already set up and adjust the height and angle. You plug everything in and finally sit down. You drop your head forward, clutching it with a groan. Shoot, your head is pounding.
It’s a helpless bid but you dig out the Tylenol from your bag and toss back two tablets. You sip from your large water bottle and swivel in your chair, trying to find comfort in the thin cushion. You’ll have to bring your pad from home.
You grow more and more frustrated as everything around you is wrong. The desk isn’t the right height, the chair squeaks, and the monitors won’t tilt how you want them. No, it’s not the office, it’s you.
The headache doesn’t relent. You only get halfway through the instructions of connecting to the company server before you have to tear your eyes away. You drop your head down onto your crossed arms, bending over the desk as you breathe through the wave of nausea. It’s a full-blown migraine.
Your eyes are watery as you fight to keep yourself together. You should call it a day and go home. At this point, the only way to deal with it is to sleep it off. No, you won’t leave on your first day. That would be a bad look.
You raise your head shakily and prop your head up in one hand. You whimper and make yourself finish your first task. Connected, that’s great. Now, the slack chat. Oof, that’s a lot of font. A lot of messages. 
You scroll through, catching up, then a new message pops up from a senior developer. You recognise his name from the meeting; Timothy. He says hello and you type hi back, the two clacks of a key echoing in your ears.
Three dots pop up almost immediately. He’s typing. He sends through a large block of text and you nearly whine. It’s an exhaustive rundown of procedures and expectations. You don’t understand why this wouldn’t be in a PDF. It ends with, ‘Please review and confirm that you understand’.
You sigh and start reading. The words don’t sink into your mind. You can’t string them together as the effort is enough to make a tear teeter on the brim of your eyelid. You wipe your eyes and sit back. 
A knock makes you jump. You want to scream but that will only make matters worse. So you bend over and take a shaky breath. You push yourself up to your feet, walking with light steps across the office. You stop before the door and brace yourself, forcing your posture straight.
You open the door, unsurprised to find Jonathan on the other side. You got the feeling earlier that he wouldn’t be shy. It is his job to supervise his employees, you suppose you’re just not used to more than a Teams message or quick email.
“I… I saw the flowers in the break room,” he says, “you don’t like them?”
You flutter your lashes. What does that matter?
“Oh, uh, I just thought… they’re so nice I’d put them out for everyone to… enjoy,” you eke out the last word as your eyes gleam and you put your palm to your head as it feels ready to split.
His expression shades to concern, “are you unwell?”
“It’s just… a migraine,” you say, “I’m okay.”
You back up and go to close the door. He stops you as he puts his hand on the wood, “a migraine? Was… Was it the flowers?”
“I…” you swallow, “it’s not a big deal.”
“I am so sorry. I wish I’d know. Darling, you’re more than welcome to take the half-day. You will not be docked the hours,” he plays with a button on his shirt. “I feel so awful.”
“You couldn’t know, uh, but I can get through–”
“No, no, I insist, take care of yourself here. We are all about employee first. You must be healthy to be efficient, please,” he spreads his hand over his chest, a heartfelt gesture, “you must go home and rest. That’s an order.”
You don’t have the strength to argue. Just like the first night you met. That fact embarrasses you. He can’t help but catch you at your very worst.
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bobfloydsbabe · 2 years
illicit affairs | bob floyd x oc | mob boss au
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SUMMARY: Robert Floyd runs one of San Diego's most notorious crime syndicates, but his new secretary, Abby Lennox, may just be his downfall.
WARNINGS: mob boss au, bob being horny on main, possessiveness (if you squint). strictly 18+/minors dni
A/N: I haven't been able to get Mob Boss Bob out of my head all day, so here we are with an introduction, a moodboard, and a small blurb. This AU will not be a full-length fic, but a collection of drabbles and blurbs. Don't hesitate to send me questions or headcanons!
EDIT: Join the taglist (google form–no personal info required)
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He looks up and finds his secretary standing in the doorway to his office with a tablet in her hands.
“Come in,” he says, waving her inside with one hand while closing the lid of his laptop on the other. “Close the door, please.”
He’s asked none of his past secretaries to close the door before, and Jake’s warning him about getting close rings in his ears yet again. He’d dismissed him then, but as Bob’s eyes rake across Abby’s body while she closes the door and walks to his desk, he’s starting to think he should heed Jake’s warning.
“What can I do for you?”
Her brows draw together before she seems to catch herself and places her expression back in neutral. The corner of his mouth twitches as she sits in one of the black leather chairs on her side of the desk.
“Mitchell called and asked for a meeting. I tried to set one up with Trace, but he refused. He wants to meet with you personally.”
Bob leans back in his chair, folding his hands across his stomach. “He does, does he?”
Abby nods. “Yes, sir.”
Bob adjusts in his seat, trying to ignore what Abby calling him sir does to him. His trousers feel tight as he meets her dark and intense eyes across the desk.
“Did he tell you what we would discuss at this meeting?”
Abby looks down at her tablet for a second before returning her eyes to him. “No, sir,” she tells him. “How would you like me to proceed?”
Bob weighs the possibilities in his mind. Mitchell is impulsive on the best of days. Reckless on the worst. Bob had been searching for a way out of his dealings with the much older man since he came into his position, and whatever Mitchell had gotten himself into now was surely the excuse he needed.
He leans forward again, resting his forearms on the large oak desk. “Set it up for this afternoon,” he says. “Call Trace and let her know to meet me there.”
“I’ll get right on it,” she says and stands, wobbling slightly. Bob shoots out of his seat, reaching across the desk for her arm to steady her. The feeling of her soft skin under his calloused palm sends a shiver down his spine.
He pulls back and watches Abby walk back to the door. As her hand lands on the knob, Bob opens his mouth before his head can catch up to what he’s saying.
“What are you doing tomorrow night?”
Bob watches as she squares her shoulders and turns back around slowly. There’s a dark hair stuck in her lip gloss that he can’t take his eyes off.
“Sitting on my couch with wine and takeout, probably.”
Bob walks around his desk, stopping right in front of Abby. He towers over her, and from this angle he can see just a hint of cleavage. “I’d like you to go to the fundraiser with me.”
He meant to go alone, but the idea of mingling with senators and other state officials on his own makes him want to scream.
“You do?”
She’s looking anywhere but at him when he raises a hand, places it on her cheek, and lets his thumb drag the hair away from her mouth. “I do,” he says and leans in closer.
Abby’s breath audibly hitches when his lips brush against her ear. “Wear blue,” he whispers, “so they all know you’re with me.”
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Likes are nice, but reblogs and comments are golden
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writtengalaxies · 2 years
Nap Time
Characters: Head Engineer Mark, GN!Reader as Captain
Word Count: 666
Spicy Rating: Some purposeful sleep deprivation.
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"Looks like you could use this. Cute bedhead there, Captain."
Your head engineer handed you a mug full of more coffee, which you took with a smile. Dawn may have still been artificially created up here in space, but without fail, he was up, ready to do all the work that was going to come his way. Mark's teasing little flirts were always a welcome part of your mornings.
You took a long sip off the steaming mug, sighing as the warmth helped you wake up just a little more. The caffeine really wasn't helping any more, but habits meant you weren't really paying attention to what you were saying as you ran your hand through your hair again, making it stand up at all angles.
"Is it really bed hair if I didn't make it to bed?"
"Uh. ...Shit." Mark had gotten that glint in his eye, the one that meant you were in trouble. You sighed, took a deep swig of your coffee, and set it down. You had to defend your choice to the man who looked ready to chide you like you normally did to him. "Look, I've just...it's been a long week and either I just toss and turn all night, or I have really bad nightmares so I just...decided to...stop. I've been doing a lot of work, hoping I could just...do an exhaustion sleep instead. It hasn't really worked, though."
He squinted, mouth twisting into a frown. "How long has it been since you last slept?"
"Not that long! Really! Like...maybe...three days?"
"Three--Nope." Mark didn't let you say anything else as you suddenly found yourself scooped up into his arms. You were pretty strong yourself, but with the sleep deprivation you had, you weren't really in a place to fight his grip. 
"What--put me down! What are you--"
Somehow, he managed to juggle you in such a way that he could hit all the scanners through the halls, dropping you into your bed. "Nap time now."
You sighed, trying to stare him down. "It's not going to magically happen just because you say so. I'm just going to get up--"
You couldn't even finish what you were saying, as you suddenly had the full weight of a engineer do the most careful full-body flop across you. Mark popped up with a grin at your indignant squawk.
"Then I'll just have to pin you in place until you get some sleep!"
"What about your work?"
"I've got sick days I haven't cashed in." As he spoke, he was typing things into his wrist tablet. "Might as well take one now."
You stared, wondering if there was any sort of out for you from his worry. A slow sigh pulled from you as you flopped back dramatically. "Fiiiiiiiiiine."
"You win. Just...can we at least get comfortable first? I didn't really want boots on in my bed."
"Can do, Captain!"
He let you get changed into pajamas, disappearing just long enough to go do a run towards his own room to get changed himself. You briefly contemplated escaping into the ship, but you didn't want to explain to the crew that you were trying to play the world's most complicated game of hide and seek.
Mark returned with a blanket in his arms, taking the time to tuck you in before snuggling in beside you. "Gotta make sure you sleep, after all."
It took some time, the two of you adjusting to sharing the bed and rearranging who was laying where. In the end, you were curled up facing each other, his arm draped over your waist so he could gently rub your back.
For the first time in that very long week, sleep didn't feel like a chore. You felt warm, safe and protected, and utterly surrounded by the person who knew what you had gone through. He had still trusted you to make the right decision then...you trusted him now.
It was the best damn sleep of your life.
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brinaanana · 2 years
I just discovered your art and it’s so beautiful!! Have you thought about sharing a process video or brush details sometime? I also use procreate and your painting work is so lovely, it’s soothing to the eyes, I’d love to learn more about it 💕
I'm really happy you like my work so much! Tbh, I've always wanted to share my drawing process, but never ended up doing it. Thanks to your ask, I'm finally motivated to write one!
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I will go over my process / brushes / and other extra things of this particular drawing... under the cut!
I will go over my process / brushes / and other extra things of this particular drawing... under the cut!
Starting out:
The most decisive part of drawing (in my opinion, anyways) is the initial sketch. I usually find myself drawing multiple preliminary sketches before going to coloring, hence why the video below is cropped in the beginning. There are so many things running through my mind as I sketch - should she look at the viewer? Should I make her cross her arms? How should how clothes flow? That sort of thing.
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The most frustrating thing in art is definitely having an idea, but being unable to carry it out due the skill set not matching up. For example, most of my drawings have the characters standing there like 🧍‍♂️ I wish I can do something much cooler like having Kaine pointing her blade at Nier but I lack the skill to draw poses like that. Better yet, I want to be able to draw from different angles. One day... I swear!!
There's no lineart section because I barely have patience to do so loll. Back before uni started, I had enough time to go line my drawings on CSP using my tablet back home. Nowadays, I'm just drawing on my ipad whenever I can. My art style changed a lot due to this new adjustment, which is pretty funny because it's been only one semester so far.
The brushes I usually use are the following, I don't usually use anything else other than these, unless I am working with metals. I use the "glass" brush in pretty much everythingggg, from sketching to cleaning up. Lmk if anyone wants to try the brush. The edge brush is by JenClaessen , which I love to do to shade skin. The last tool I use is the ordinary airbrush. My favorite thing adding soft lighting using it!
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I like to do this thing where I use the glass brush at low opacity to add a complementary color (yellow in this case) in the area where the base and shade meet (1)! Another thing I do it adding a brighter, saturated color towards the end of a round surface. This is adds shape to the 2d drawing, since there is light creeping from behind her (2).
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Because my art style is highly stylized, the lighting in my pieces seem to hit harsher than reality. I make the shading where it meets the base color the darkest, and the shading gets lighter as it gets farther away, or vice versa (3). In other words, the shading near her nose is darker than the other areas on her face.
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I would usually lower the opacity of the lines and change their color appropriately, to give the drawing a softer feel. Coloring is basically also my cleanup stage too. As I color, I will erase the lines and make the colors show the way instead. I would also like to note that I utilize the airbrush in skin to show texture of it, while the use the glass brush to do the intricate details in the hair/clothes.
For editing, I usually start by copying/pasting my whole drawing then tone curving immediately. Tone curving is basically adjusting the lights and darks by manipulating this line. The line towards the right changes the lights, vice versa for the darks. I don't remember the exact configurations for this drawing, but it should be akin to this:
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After tone curving, I like to slap on a gradient map for more interesting effects! Similarly to the tone curve, the colors towards the right highlight the lighter colors, and vice versa. Below are the colors I chose for this drawing. Tbh, I can't really explain why I chose these colors specifically - I think the best results would come from going with your guts and trying to use colors to match the vibes.
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Honestly, with procreate's features, you can't really go wrong. Sometimes, I'd tone curve a drawing multiple. Other times I would add two gradient maps that contain different colors together, with different layer effects. The noise filter is super charming when applied subtly to the shades. The chromatic aberration makes lazy doodles polished.
Here is the process video. I draw multiple things in a single canvas, so I cut those bits out.
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If you're still taking emoji only prompts, may I request 🌜⚔️🙃📸 If not then feel free to ignore
All your lovely comments have kept me going of late 💙 Thank you for showering my inbox with your wonderful thoughts!
Watching a mercenary rail his husband stupid is not how Apollo envisioned spending his evening. But if these are the results Slade Wilson promises, Apollo could stand to hire out his services more.  The sight of Mid, facedown on their bed — and it doesn’t escape Apollo’s notice that Slade has chosen their bed to fuck Mid on — trembling as Slade grips his hips hard enough to bruise, takes the sting out of Apollo’s wallet.  Apollo leans down to adjust his tablet screen, those golden eyes filling Mid's view for a moment when he smiles. "Is he better than me, love?"  Mid whines. He won't let Slade make a liar of him, but he doesn't want to bruise Apollo's ego anymore than he already has.  Slade seems perfectly happy to do the work for him. He grips Mid's jaw, pulling him up into a crawl, and then a kneel. The angle shifts Slade's cock inside him, and Mid keens as the mercenary takes him mercilessly. Apollo can see the flush of Mid’s untouched cock, stark against his stomach, drooling. He has the intense urge to lick it, and rues the distance between them.  "I think he's enjoying himself," Slade concedes smugly, tossing a grin in Apollo's direction. "But I don't think he'd be nearly so desperate without his audience."  Apollo laughs, bright and sweet like a sun shower. "Oh, is that true? Do you like me seeing you so debauched, love? Do you like showing off for me?"  Mid can't summon words, but his high-pitched whine seems to convey his need. Apollo's eyes sparkle through the screen when he tilts his cheek against one fist.  "Make sure you show him a good time then, Wilson," he purrs, in a tone that makes Mid's stomach clench hard. Apollo watches the muscles along Mid’s cum gutters dance for him. "I want my slut absolutely senseless by the time I get home."  Mid keens, hands fisting in the reinforced cuffs he’s wearing as he pants openly. Apollo is going to have to break those in himself when he gets home. Slade manhandles him until he can squeeze down on Mid's windpipe, head bowing to press a mocking kiss to the metahuman's pulse. "You got it. Sit back and enjoy the show."
11,959 / 50,000
See the prompts here!
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hibiscera · 2 years
God, I’ve been using the stand that came with my tablet since I got it and it’s been so… Shrimp Mode. So I ordered a new one that came in today and GOD the difference is so incredible being able to adjust it to a much higher angle.
No more hunching over to draw AND it takes up less space on my desk so it feels less cramped with my laptop, it’s amazing what a huge difference such a simple change can make. 😭
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6 Fit Tripod Stand + 10" Ring Light + K9 Microphone Combo - Gadget Planet Dhaka
🔥 Upgrade Your Content Creation with the 6 Fit Tripod Stand + 10" Ring Light + K9 Microphone Combo! 🔥
🎥 Perfect for photographers, vloggers, and livestreamers! Capture stunning visuals and crystal-clear audio for all your content.
✨ Key Features:
6 Fit Tripod Stand: Adjustable height from 2ft to 6ft for all angles.
10" LED Ring Light: Even, flattering lighting for flawless selfies and videos.
K9 Microphone: 9ms ultra-low latency with 20m barrier-free reception for top-notch audio.
📦 Specifications:
Tripod: Lightweight aluminum alloy, max load 7lbs, folds to 2ft 5in.
Ring Light: USB-powered, includes a flexible phone cradle and ball head tripod.
K9 Mic: Intelligent noise reduction, 10-hour battery, compatible with phone, camera, tablet.
💥 Why Choose Us? Buy from Gadget Planet Dhaka for premium gadgets at unbeatable prices! Fast delivery, reliable service, and easy returns. 🌐
👉 Order now and take your content to the next level!
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typecase07 · 21 days
Perfect Keyboard Cases for iPad 10th Generation by Typecase
In the world of tablets, the iPad 10th Gen and iPad Air 5th Generation stand out as powerful and versatile devices. But to maximize their potential, adding a keyboard case is a game-changer. A keyboard case not only protects your device but also enhances its functionality, turning your iPad into a portable workstation. If you're looking for top-notch keyboard cases for these models, look no further than Typecase. In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits and features of the iPad 10th Gen keyboard case and the iPad Air 5th Generation keyboard case by Typecase.
Why Choose a Keyboard Case for Your iPad?
Both the iPad 10th Gen and iPad Air 5th Generation offer incredible features, from powerful processors to high-quality displays. However, adding a keyboard case takes these devices to the next level. Whether you're a student, professional, or casual user, having a keyboard attached makes typing and multitasking much easier. You can efficiently write emails, work on documents, or even create presentations on the go.
When choosing the right keyboard case, consider factors like durability, comfort, and ease of use. Typecase delivers on all fronts, providing keyboard cases that complement the sleek design of your iPad while adding protection and functionality.
iPad 10th Gen Keyboard Case by Typecase
The iPad 10th Gen keyboard case by Typecase is crafted to perfectly fit your iPad 10th generation model. With precise cutouts for the ports, speakers, and buttons, you won’t have to worry about removing the case to charge or use any features. This case also offers a detachable keyboard, giving you the flexibility to switch between tablet mode and laptop mode seamlessly.
What sets this iPad 10th Gen keyboard case apart is its backlit keys. If you work in low-light environments, the adjustable backlight ensures that you can continue typing without any discomfort. The keys are also responsive and well-spaced, offering a laptop-like typing experience.
iPad Air 5th Generation Keyboard Case by Typecase
For the iPad Air 5th Generation, Typecase provides a similarly excellent keyboard case designed specifically for this model. With a slim, lightweight design, the iPad Air 5th Generation keyboard case doesn’t add bulk to your device, making it easy to carry around. This case is ideal for those who are constantly on the move but need their iPad to function as a portable workstation.
Like the iPad 10th Gen keyboard case, the iPad Air 5th Generation keyboard case also features backlit keys for a comfortable typing experience in any lighting condition. Additionally, the case offers multi-angle viewing, so you can adjust your iPad to the perfect angle for typing, watching videos, or video conferencing.
Features of Typecase Keyboard Cases
Backlit Keyboard: Both the iPad 10th Gen keyboard case and iPad Air 5th Generation keyboard case feature adjustable backlighting. This not only makes typing easier in the dark but also adds a stylish touch to your iPad.
Multi-Angle Viewing: Whether you're watching videos, working on a document, or presenting to a client, you can adjust the viewing angle to suit your needs.
Long Battery Life: One of the standout features of the Typecase keyboard cases is their long-lasting battery. You won't have to worry about constantly recharging your keyboard, making it ideal for those who use their iPads extensively throughout the day.
Detachable Keyboard: The keyboard is easy to detach, allowing you to switch between laptop mode and tablet mode effortlessly.
Durability and Protection: Along with the functionality of a keyboard, these cases also offer protection for your iPad. The Typecase iPad 10th Gen keyboard case and iPad Air 5th Generation keyboard case are designed to protect your device from scratches, drops, and other potential damage.
Why Choose Typecase?
Typecase is known for creating high-quality accessories for tablets and iPads. With a focus on durability, functionality, and style, Typecase products are designed to enhance the user experience. The iPad 10th Gen keyboard case and iPad Air 5th Generation keyboard case are no exception. By choosing Typecase, you're investing in a product that not only protects your device but also makes it more versatile and user-friendly.
Final Thoughts
Incorporating a keyboard case into your iPad 10th Gen or iPad Air 5th Generation setup is a great way to boost productivity and convenience. Whether you're typing a long email, creating content, or taking notes during a meeting, a keyboard case can make all the difference. And when it comes to high-quality, durable, and stylish keyboard cases, Typecase is the brand to trust.
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temuproductreviews · 29 days
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Experience Professional-Grade UAV Flying with the S2S Long Endurance Dual Camera Foldable Drone
In today’s fast-paced world, where technology continues to evolve rapidly, drones have emerged as a revolutionary tool for both recreation and professional use. Whether you’re a beginner taking your first steps into the world of aerial photography or an experienced pilot looking to add a new device to your collection, the S2S Long Endurance Dual Camera Foldable Drone offers the perfect combination of advanced features, ease of use, and affordability. Available on Temu, this drone is designed to meet the needs of enthusiasts and professionals alike. In this comprehensive product description, we will explore the key features, benefits, and reasons why you should buy Temu drones like the S2S Drone to elevate your flying experience.
Introducing the S2S Long Endurance Dual Camera Foldable Drone
The S2S Long Endurance Dual Camera Foldable Drone is a high-performance UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) that blends cutting-edge technology with user-friendly design. Engineered to deliver exceptional flight stability, long endurance, and high-definition aerial footage, this drone is perfect for anyone looking to capture stunning visuals from the sky. With its foldable design, dual-camera system, and advanced flight features, the S2S Drone stands out as a top choice for both indoor and outdoor flying.
Whether you’re capturing breathtaking landscapes, shooting cinematic videos, or simply enjoying the thrill of flying, the S2S Drone offers everything you need to take your aerial adventures to the next level. Let’s dive into the features that make this drone a must-have for anyone interested in wireless drones.
Key Features of the S2S Long Endurance Dual Camera Foldable Drone
The S2S Drone is packed with a range of features that cater to both novice and experienced drone pilots. Here’s what sets it apart:
Dual Camera System: The S2S Drone comes equipped with a dual-camera setup, allowing you to capture high-definition footage from multiple angles. The primary camera offers crystal-clear imaging with adjustable angles, making it ideal for aerial photography and videography. The secondary camera provides an additional perspective, perfect for immersive FPV (First-Person View) flying. This dual-camera system ensures that you can capture every moment with stunning clarity and detail.
Long Endurance Battery: One of the standout features of the S2S Drone is its long endurance battery. With extended flight time, this drone allows you to capture more footage and explore greater distances without the need for frequent recharging. Whether you’re on a professional shoot or enjoying a leisurely flight, the long battery life ensures that your drone is ready to go whenever you are.
Foldable and Portable Design: The S2S Drone is designed with portability in mind. Its foldable arms make it compact and easy to carry, allowing you to take it with you wherever you go. Whether you’re heading to a remote location for a photo shoot or simply flying in your backyard, the S2S Drone’s foldable design makes it convenient to transport and store. The foldable design also adds an extra layer of protection during transport, ensuring that your drone remains safe and secure.
High-Definition Camera: Capture every detail with the S2S Drone’s high-definition camera. The camera is capable of recording 1080p video and capturing sharp, vibrant images. Whether you’re shooting a sunset, a panoramic landscape, or an action-packed video, the S2S Drone delivers professional-grade footage that will impress your audience. The camera also features real-time transmission, allowing you to view your footage live on your smartphone or tablet.
Altitude Hold Mode: For beginners and professionals alike, maintaining a stable altitude is crucial for capturing smooth, high-quality footage. The S2S Drone’s altitude hold mode allows the drone to hover at a specific height, making it easier to capture steady shots without worrying about altitude control. This feature is especially useful for beginners who are still learning the basics of drone flight, as it provides a stable platform for capturing images and videos.
Intelligent Flight Modes: The S2S Drone offers a variety of intelligent flight modes that enhance your flying experience. These include headless mode, one-key takeoff and landing, and one-key return. Headless mode simplifies flight orientation, making it easier for beginners to control the drone. One-key takeoff and landing allow for smooth and effortless flight operations, while one-key return ensures that your drone can safely return to its starting point with the press of a button.
FPV Real-Time Transmission: Experience the thrill of FPV flying with the S2S Drone’s real-time transmission feature. By connecting your smartphone to the drone’s Wi-Fi, you can view live footage from the drone’s camera directly on your screen. This feature allows you to pilot the drone as if you were onboard, providing an immersive flying experience that’s perfect for capturing dynamic aerial shots.
Gesture Control: The S2S Drone takes convenience to the next level with its gesture control feature. With a simple wave of your hand, you can command the drone to take photos or start recording videos. This hands-free control method is perfect for capturing selfies, group shots, and candid moments without the need for a remote control.
Multiple Speed Modes: The S2S Drone is equipped with multiple speed modes, allowing you to tailor the drone’s performance to your skill level. Beginners can start with the slower speed modes to get a feel for the controls, while more experienced pilots can switch to higher speeds for more dynamic and exciting flights. The ability to adjust the speed makes the S2S Drone versatile and suitable for users of all levels.
Durable Build Quality: Built to withstand the rigors of both indoor and outdoor use, the S2S Drone features a durable construction that can handle minor bumps and crashes. The foldable arms are reinforced for added strength, and the propellers are designed to be impact-resistant. This robust build quality ensures that your drone will last through countless flights, making it a reliable choice for both beginners and seasoned pilots.
Why the S2S Drone is the Ideal Choice for Both Beginners and Professionals
The S2S Long Endurance Dual Camera Foldable Drone is designed to cater to a wide range of users, from beginners who are just starting their drone journey to professionals looking for a reliable and feature-rich UAV. Here’s why it’s the ideal choice for both:
Ease of Use for Beginners: The S2S Drone is equipped with a range of features that make it incredibly user-friendly for beginners. The one-key takeoff and landing, altitude hold mode, and headless mode simplify the learning process, allowing new pilots to focus on mastering the basics without feeling overwhelmed. The intuitive controls and stable flight performance make it easy for beginners to build their confidence and improve their skills.
Advanced Features for Professionals: For experienced drone pilots and professionals, the S2S Drone offers a suite of advanced features that enhance aerial photography and videography. The high-definition dual-camera system, long endurance battery, and intelligent flight modes provide the tools needed to capture professional-grade footage. Whether you’re shooting a commercial video, conducting aerial surveys, or creating content for social media, the S2S Drone delivers the performance and reliability you need.
Versatile and Portable: The foldable design and lightweight construction of the S2S Drone make it easy to take with you on the go. Whether you’re traveling to a remote location or simply heading to the park, this drone is designed for portability and convenience. Its versatility allows you to use it in a variety of settings, from indoor flying to outdoor adventures.
Affordable Price Point: Despite its advanced features and professional-grade performance, the S2S Drone is available at an affordable price point. This makes it accessible to a wide range of users, from hobbyists looking for a budget-friendly drone to professionals seeking a cost-effective UAV solution. The combination of high quality and affordability makes the S2S Drone a standout option in the market.
Enhance Your Drone Experience with Additional Accessories
To get the most out of your S2S Drone, consider investing in some additional accessories and add-ons. These can enhance your flying experience and help you capture even better footage:
Extra Batteries: Extend your flight time by purchasing extra batteries for your S2S Drone. Having spare batteries on hand allows you to enjoy longer sessions without the need for frequent recharging, making it easier to capture all the footage you need in a single outing.
Carrying Case: Protect your drone and accessories during transport with a dedicated carrying case. A carrying case not only keeps your drone safe from damage but also provides organized storage for your batteries, chargers, and other accessories.
Propeller Guards: Protect your drone’s propellers from damage by adding propeller guards. These guards are especially useful for beginners and for flying in confined spaces, as they help prevent the propellers from coming into contact with obstacles.
Landing Pad: Ensure safe takeoffs and landings with a foldable landing pad. This accessory provides a stable surface for your drone to land on, protecting it from dirt, debris, and uneven terrain.
Memory Cards: Capture more footage by adding a high-capacity memory card to your S2S Drone. A memory card allows you to store more photos and videos without worrying about running out of space, making it easier to manage your media on the go.
Where to Buy the S2S Long Endurance Dual Camera Foldable Drone
the right place to buy drones is crucial to ensuring you get a high-quality product. Here’s where you can buy Temu drones like the S2S Drone and other related products:
Temu Online Store: The best place to buy Temu drones is directly from the Temu online store. Here, you can find the S2S Drone along with other models and accessories. Buying directly from Temu ensures that you’re getting an authentic product backed by customer support and warranty options.
Online Marketplaces: Platforms like Amazon and eBay also offer Temu drones, including the S2S Drone. These marketplaces provide the convenience of customer reviews, price comparisons, and often faster shipping options. However, it’s essential to purchase from reputable sellers to ensure product authenticity.
Electronics Retailers: Some electronics retailers may carry Temu drones, offering the advantage of in-store pickups and immediate availability. This is a good option if you prefer to see the product in person before purchasing.
Specialty Drone Stores: For a more curated selection, consider visiting specialty drone stores that offer a range of wireless drones. These stores often provide expert advice and support, helping you choose the right drone and accessories for your needs.
Why Now is the Best Time to Buy the S2S Long Endurance Dual Camera Foldable Drone
The popularity of drones continues to rise, making now the ideal time to buy Temu drones like the S2S Drone. Here’s why you should act quickly:
Rising Demand: As more people discover the benefits and enjoyment of flying drones, the demand for high-quality models like the S2S Drone is increasing. By purchasing now, you can secure your drone before prices rise or stock runs out.
Seasonal Discounts: The S2S Drone is often available at discounted prices during sales events and holiday seasons. Keep an eye out for these opportunities to get the best deal on your purchase.
Perfect for Gifts: With the holiday season approaching, the S2S Drone makes an excellent gift for tech enthusiasts, hobbyists, or anyone interested in drones. Buying now ensures that you have the perfect gift ready for your loved ones.
Expand Your Skills: If you’ve been considering getting into drone flying, there’s no better time than now to start. The S2S Drone offers a great balance of ease of use and advanced features, making it the perfect tool for honing your skills.
Explore New Perspectives: Drones like the S2S Drone allow you to explore new perspectives and capture stunning aerial footage. Whether you’re a photographer, a videographer, or just someone who enjoys flying, this drone opens up a world of possibilities.
Maximizing Your Experience with the S2S Long Endurance Dual Camera Foldable Drone
To fully enjoy and maximize your experience with the S2S Drone, consider the following tips:
Practice in Open Spaces: Take the time to practice flying your drone in open spaces, away from obstacles. The more you practice, the more confident you’ll become in controlling the drone and capturing smooth, professional-quality footage.
Experiment with Camera Angles: The dual-camera system on the S2S Drone allows you to experiment with different camera angles and perspectives. Try capturing wide-angle shots, close-ups, and dynamic aerial views to see what works best for your creative vision.
Learn About Drone Regulations: Before flying your S2S Drone outdoors, familiarize yourself with local drone regulations. This ensures that you’re flying legally and safely, respecting privacy and airspace restrictions.
Join a Drone Community: Connecting with other drone enthusiasts can enhance your experience and provide valuable insights. Join online forums, social media groups, or local drone clubs to share tips, ask questions, and participate in events.
Keep Your Drone Maintained: Regular maintenance is key to keeping your S2S Drone in top condition. Clean the propellers, check for any loose parts, and ensure the battery is properly charged before each flight.
The Future of Drone Technology and Why the S2S Drone is a Smart Investment
As drone technology continues to advance, models like the S2S Drone are becoming more sophisticated and accessible. Investing in a wireless drone today not only provides immediate enjoyment but also positions you to take advantage of future innovations.
Integration with Smart Technology: As drones become more integrated with smart technology, we can expect features like voice control, AI-assisted flight, and enhanced camera capabilities. The S2S Drone’s solid foundation in these areas makes it a smart choice for those looking to stay ahead of the curve.
Increasing Use in Various Industries: Drones are being used in a growing number of industries, from agriculture to real estate to entertainment. Owning a drone like the S2S Drone allows you to explore these opportunities and potentially turn your hobby into a professional pursuit.
Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Uses: The future of drone technology includes a focus on sustainability, with drones being used for tasks like environmental monitoring, conservation, and even delivery services. The S2S Drone is a step towards engaging with these broader applications, making it a forward-thinking investment.
Enhanced Safety Features: As drone technology evolves, safety features like obstacle avoidance, auto-landing, and improved battery life will become standard. The S2S Drone already incorporates many of these features, ensuring that it remains relevant and useful as technology advances.
Conclusion: Why the S2S Long Endurance Dual Camera Foldable Drone is a Must-Have
The S2S Long Endurance Dual Camera Foldable Drone is more than just a flying gadget; it’s a powerful tool for exploration, creativity, and technological innovation. Whether you’re a beginner looking to learn the ropes or a seasoned pilot seeking a reliable and feature-rich drone, the S2S Drone offers the perfect combination of performance, ease of use, and affordability.
With its dual-camera system, long endurance battery, and intelligent flight modes, the S2S Drone is equipped to meet the needs of users at all skill levels. Its versatility makes it ideal for both indoor and outdoor use, while its advanced features ensure that you can capture stunning aerial footage with ease.
Now is the perfect time to buy Temu drones like the S2S Drone. With its rising popularity, limited availability, and the potential for future advancements in drone technology, investing in this drone is a smart decision that will provide you with endless hours of enjoyment.
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to own this incredible drone. Buy Temu Drone products today, and take the first step towards unlocking a world of aerial adventure and creative possibilities. Whether you’re capturing breathtaking landscapes, exploring new perspectives, or simply enjoying the thrill of flight, the S2S Drone is the perfect companion for all your drone-related endeavors.
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mightywirelessinc · 2 months
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Elevate Your Viewing Experience: Griffin Tablet Stand
Enhance your tablet experience with the user-friendly Griffin Tablet Stand. This versatile stand offers a convenient and comfortable way to use your tablet for reading, watching videos, working, or playing games.
The Griffin Tablet Stand is a practical and versatile accessory for any tablet user. Its universal compatibility, secure design, adjustable viewing angles, portability, and stylish design make it a valuable addition to your tech arsenal.
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posturecouk · 2 months
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Understanding DSE Assessment
Display Screen Equipment (DSE) assessments are critical evaluations designed to ensure that computer workstations meet specific health and safety standards. These assessments are pivotal in mitigating the risks associated with prolonged use of display screens, including computer monitors, tablets, and smartphones. With the increasing reliance on digital devices in both professional and personal settings, understanding and implementing effective DSE assessments is more crucial than ever.
The Importance of DSE Assessments
DSE assessments are integral to promoting ergonomic practices in the workplace. They help identify potential hazards that could lead to musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), eye strain, and other health issues. By assessing factors such as screen height, chair support, desk layout, and lighting conditions, these evaluations ensure that workstations are optimally set up to prevent discomfort and injury.
Work-related MSDs are a significant concern for employers and employees alike. According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), MSDs are responsible for a substantial portion of workplace absenteeism.By conducting regular DSE assessments, employers can proactively address these issues, leading to healthier work environments and increased productivity.
Key Components of a DSE Assessment
A comprehensive DSE assessment covers several critical aspects:
Workstation Layout:
Screen Position: The monitor should be at eye level and an arm's length away to avoid neck strain and eye fatigue.
Keyboard and Mouse Placement: These should be positioned to allow the arms to rest comfortably, with the elbows at a right angle.
Desk Height: The desk should be at a height that allows the forearms to be parallel to the ground when typing.
Seating Arrangement:
Chair Support: An ergonomic chair with proper lumbar support is essential. The chair height should be adjustable to ensure feet are flat on the floor or on a footrest.
Posture: Encouraging an upright posture with the back supported helps prevent back pain and other posture-related issues.
Environmental Factors:
Lighting: Adequate lighting reduces eye strain. Avoiding glare from windows and overhead lights is crucial.
Noise Levels: Minimizing background noise can improve concentration and reduce stress.
Breaks and Exercises:
Encouraging regular breaks to stand, stretch, and move can significantly reduce the risk of DSE-related health issues. Simple exercises and stretches can alleviate tension and improve circulation.
Implementing DSE Assessments
For businesses, implementing DSE assessments involves several steps:
Training employees on the importance of ergonomics and how to adjust their workstations is the first step. This includes understanding the correct posture, positioning of equipment, and the importance of regular breaks.
Assessment Tools:
Utilizing tools such as checklists and software can streamline the assessment process. These tools guide users through evaluating their workstations and identifying areas for improvement.
Regular Reviews:
Conducting periodic reviews ensures that any changes in the workstation setup or job roles are accounted for. Regular assessments help maintain optimal ergonomic conditions.
Expert Consultation:
Consulting with ergonomics experts can provide valuable insights and tailored recommendations. These professionals can conduct detailed assessments and suggest specific adjustments.
Benefits of Effective DSE Assessments
The advantages of effective DSE assessments extend beyond compliance with health and safety regulations:
Improved Employee Well-being:
Proper workstation setup reduces the risk of developing MSDs, eye strain, and other health issues. This leads to happier, healthier employees.
Increased Productivity:
Comfortable and well-designed workstations enhance productivity. Employees are less likely to experience discomfort, leading to fewer breaks and higher efficiency.
Reduced Absenteeism:
Addressing ergonomic risks reduces the incidence of work-related injuries and illnesses, leading to lower absenteeism rates.
Cost Savings:
Investing in ergonomic assessments and adjustments can result in long-term cost savings by reducing healthcare expenses and improving employee retention.
DSE assessments are a vital component of modern workplace health and safety practices. By ensuring that workstations are ergonomically optimized, businesses can protect their employees' health, enhance productivity, and foster a positive working environment. At Posture Group, we specialize in delivering comprehensive DSE assessments tailored to meet the unique needs of your organization. Our expert team is dedicated to helping you create a healthier, more productive workplace.
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amazingthingsforyou · 2 months
Frankz Round Mobile Phone Tablet Stand Universal Lazy Holder Desk Table Adjustable Clip Bracket for All Smart Phone At Home Work with Multi Color
✅【Frankz Phone Holder, Lazy Bracket】: The clip-on holder can be attached to any desk, making it ideal for use in the bedroom, office, bathroom, or kitchen. Perfect for watching videos, playing games, listening to music, or reading in any room. Convenient and versatile, it enhances your mobile experience wherever you are.
✅【A Phone Mount For Your Car】: The flexible arm allows for almost any mounting position, providing more solid protection for your phone with its V-type design clip. Compatible with iPhone 7, 7 Plus, 6s, 6, 5s, SE, Moto G5 G4 Plus, Redmi Note 4, 4A, OnePlus 3T, Lenovo, GPS, PDA, Samsung Galaxy, HTC, Nokia, LG, Oppo, Vivo, and more.
✅【Flexible Arm for Different Angles and Distances】: The adjustable arm allows you to position your device at the perfect viewing angle. This multipurpose mobile accessory is perfect for watching movies or browsing the internet in bed and can attach to various surfaces like your table or office desk.
✅【Multi-Function Clip】: Use the clip as a desktop phone/tablet stand. The flexible arm, made from aluminum-magnesium alloy, allows for different angles and distances, ensuring durability and strength.
✅【High-Quality Material】: Made from grade magnesium alloy, this phone holder is lightweight yet very strong, compatible with all Android mobiles and other devices
Buy On This Link
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markethighs · 2 months
Adorable Bunny Phone & Tablet Stand
The Cartoon Bunny Desktop Mobile Phone Holder Stand is a versatile and adorable accessory designed for a wide range of devices. It is compatible with iPhones, other smartphones, iPads, and tablets, providing a reliable and sturdy stand for your device.
Compatibility: Universal for iPhone, other smartphones, iPad, and other tablets.
Color Options: Pink, White
Size: 101024 cm
Origin: Mainland China
High-Quality Material: Made from durable materials ensuring longevity and reliability.
Stylish and Easy to Use: Fashionable design that is simple to set up and use.
Strong and Steady: Provides a firm and stable hold for your devices.
Ideal for Entertainment: Perfect for watching music videos or movies hands-free.
Universal Fit: Suitable for any mobile phone or tablet.
Package Includes:
1 x Phone Holder
This lazy bracket is designed for convenience, featuring an adjustable telescopic lifting mechanism that makes it easy to position your device at the perfect angle. Whether you're working, watching videos, or browsing the web, this bunny-themed stand adds a cute and functional touch to your desk.
Buy Now in an Amazing Low Price!!!
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maabhagwatistatus · 2 months
Elv Foldable, Portable, Tablet/Phone Stand. Compatible Phone Holder for iPhone, Android, Samsung, OnePlus, Xiaomi, Oppo, Vivo, Asus. Perfect for Bed,Office, Home,Gift and Desktop (Black)
Price: (as of – Details) Adjustable Viewing Angle: Vertical and horizontal support. You can put it on the table or on the bed, Perfect for watching videos, reading, video recording, viewing photos, and free your hands.Universal Compatibility: Suit for Home, Office, Living Room, Bedroom, Kitchen, Dining Table, Desktop.Easy To Use : ELV phone stand is easy to fold and slip into your pocket. A…
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saranga510 · 3 months
Cell Phone Stand with Wireless Bluetooth Speaker and Anti-Slip Base HD Surround Sound Perfect for Home and Outdoors with Bluetooth Speaker for Desk Compatible with iPhone/ipad/Samsung Galaxy
Click Here
Review of a Cell Phone Stand with Wireless Bluetooth Speaker I recently purchased the Cell Phone Stand with Wireless Bluetooth Speaker, and I am thoroughly impressed with its functionality and performance. Sound Quality The Bluetooth speaker delivers exceptional sound quality with enhanced bass, tight mids, and crystal-clear highs. I was pleasantly surprised by the volume and clarity, even at higher levels. Whether I'm listening to music, watching videos, or on a FaceTime call, the audio is consistently clear and enjoyable. Design and adjustability The phone stand's adjustable-angle viewing feature is a game-changer. It allows me to position my phone at multiple angles, which is perfect for different activities such as gaming, video watching, and video calls. This hands-free feature has added a lot of convenience to my daily routine. Stability and anti-slip features One of the standout aspects of this product is its stability. The pad back and bottom are fully covered with anti-skid silicone, which provides maximum protection against scratches and prevents the device from sliding. This has given me peace of mind, knowing that my devices are secure while in use. Compatibility The compatibility of this stand is impressive. It works seamlessly with a wide range of smartphones, tablets, and e-readers, including my iPhone and iPad. This versatility makes it a valuable addition to my collection of tech accessories. A Perfect Gift Given its combination of a Bluetooth speaker and phone stand, this product makes an excellent gift. I see it as a great Christmas gift or stocking stuffer for both men and women. The sleek design and practical functionality make it a thoughtful present for anyone who uses their phone frequently. Final Thoughts While it's important to note that this product is not a power bank and cannot charge your phone, its primary functions more than make up for this. Before using the wireless Bluetooth speaker, ensure you connect it to the power supply with the included type-C cable and read the instructions carefully. Overall, I highly recommend the Cell Phone Stand with Wireless Bluetooth Speaker. It has enhanced my tech experience and is a fantastic gadget for both personal use and gifting.
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