#Tablet stand with charging port
you-nes · 6 months
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pianta · 2 years
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the lovely folks over @ Huion kindly sent me a Kamvas 12 to try !! ♡ a quick review:
🖥  Huion Kamvas 12 is a beginner friendly screen tablet with full HD 12″ display, compatible with windows, mac, linux and android phones. it is not a standalone portable tablet, it will need to be hooked up to a computer with a HDMI port!
🖼 i’ve been using this screen tablet for a month now and i’m really happy with it! this is huion’s smallest model, making it easy to carry and ideal for my small desk. it is a compact, lightweight but high quality screen tablet.
⚙️  set up is straightforward. i had some trouble figuring out pen calibration during set up bc there was some lag/offset, but after some fiddling around it works like a charm and i don’t experience any major lag when doing a stroke - i've tested this both in SAI and CSP.
🎨  the screen resolution is impressive for its size & the colors are popping on this one. its kinda like your drawing on paper bc the screen is semi-matte. it even got customizable hotkeys which i love + u can turn off the screen and use it like a regular drawing tablet no problem
🖊  the pen is battery-free and charges automatically, so if you’re like me and get annoyed by the pen running out while you’re working, this is ideal! it comes with pen holder + extra nibs, a drawing glove, and an optional adjustable stand, making it more ergonomic
tl;dr: i’m impressed! if you think larger screen tablets are a bit intimidating, or you’re used to non-display tablets and are looking to transition to screen displays - this is a great and affordable fit! 💞
i'm so happy to see more affordable options out there so more people can jump in and start drawing digitally. i can highly recommend huion tablets!! if you are interested, you can find more info here! ✨
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minirigby · 1 year
"The Final Voyage"
Tales from Turaga Ventax, Volume 2, “The Final Voyage”
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Following the events of our last entry, after my assistant Kopeke returned home safely with the artifact I had sent him to retrieve, we quickly set to work examining the tablet, and recording as much of its contents as we could. After many weeks of transcribing and deciphering the notes and shorthand covering the stone tablet, I am pleased to write that finally, after being lost for more than a thousand years, the last written record of Kodan, Chronicler of Metru Nui, has been recovered.
It won't surprise most who were familiar with the Chronicler to know that the final topic of Kodan's research was in fact one of the Toa Mangai themselves, but I do at least hope that this record can provide some much needed closure for those of us who knew those featured in the account, and have spent the last millennium waiting for the answers enclosed within.
As you can imagine, the record begins in Metru Nui itself, after three of the Toa Mangai had been summoned for a seemingly mundane mission by the city's Turaga…
Kodan entered the room quietly, stone tablet in hand, so as not to disturb the conversation already in progress. Turaga Dume, leader of Metru Nui, sat behind his desk addressing the three Toa in front of him with the details of their latest mission.
"So why exactly are we closing the Sea Gates?" Valtruu, Toa of Ice, spoke up.
"I fear the Dark Hunters are growing bolder by the day" Dume said, getting up from his seat and walking out in front of his desk. "If something isn't done to fortify Metru Nui soon, they will doubtless take advantage and try to make the first move. We wouldn't want another war in our great city, now would we?" the Turaga said.
"I s'pose that makes sense, but why not just have the Vahki do it?" Valtruu countered.
Kanae, Toa of Plantlife, let out a scoff. "Those machines can't find their way to a charging port without methodical instruction" he said, before Dume raised his hand to interrupt the Toa.
"They already tried" he said, tossing a scrap of Vahki armor onto his desk for the room to see, "it seems they met some resistance".
Motara, the usually quiet and reserved Toa of Stone, spoke up for the first time since Kodan had entered the room. "Any chance you could tell us what to look out for, then?" he asked, unsatisfied with the Turaga's brevity.
"Feral Rahi, in all likelihood. Surely nothing for Toa to worry about" the Turaga said, brushing aside the Toa of Stone's concern before continuing. "You have your orders, now follow them. I have no time for further questions," Dume said dismissively, showing the three Toa to the door. "The safety of Metru Nui is my utmost priority, as it should be yours. If you have concerns, I shall hear them out after you've returned, when I have more time. For now, my attention is demanded elsewhere." he continued.
Valtruu shrugged, and followed his brothers out of the Turaga's office, with Kodan making sure to keep up behind them.
As the group exited the Coliseum, Kanae waved to the others and began heading off in the opposite direction. "I'm late for a thing in Ga-Metru, you guys can handle this one right?" he said in his usual nonchalant way, now that they were no longer in the presence of the Turaga.
"Yeah, shouldn't be a big deal" Valtruu replied, turning to speak to the Po-Matoran following close behind them. "You sure you've got time to join us, little dude?" he asked.
"A long, boring boat ride alone with the two of you? I wouldn't miss it for the universe," Kodan responded, smiling beneath his mask, as the trio set out to borrow a skiff for their mission…
The vessel skipped against the waves as it began making its way further from shore, while Kodan sat back to observe the two Toa making preparations for the mission ahead. Valtruu was standing towards the back of their skiff, steering the motor with his attention focused on the dome wall far off in the distance, while toward the front of the skiff sat Motara, checking over the stone-carving claws attached at his forearms.
Despite the two having known each other for many years at this point, Motara was the Mangai least familiar to Kodan, and to many others in the city as well. There were rumors of course, everyone in the city had their own theory about the background of this strangely colored Toa clad in striking silver armor, but rumors were all they were. What really sparked their interest wasn't just how foreign the yellow and black colored Toa looked, but the mask he wore.
Motara adorned himself with a sharp silver Great Mask of Power Scream, a mask whose power was normally considered immoral by the standards of Matoran society. In addition to the mask's long history of association with the brutal and fearsome Brotherhood of Makuta, the unholy shrieks it made when used were enough to unsettle even the sturdiest of individuals, leading to its almost unanimous rejection by Matoran society.
Despite this though, Kodan had never seen the Toa be anything less than upstanding in all his years of service to the city, which just made his choice in mask all the more perplexing. And now thanks to this mission, Kodan had the perfect opportunity to ask the Po-Toa all about it, without interruption…
After finally striking up a conversation with the Toa of Stone, Kodan soon found himself eagerly writing down everything he was hearing.
"It goes back many years ago, during the great war between the Brotherhood of Makuta and the League of Six Kingdoms" Motara began. "I lived in a small village back then, and had only just become a Toa in the months before the war started. We were able to keep our heads down and stay out of it at first, but once the League caught wind of our settlement they sent someone over to plant a flag down, and started telling us we belonged to them."
Motara reached his hand up to soothe an old scar on his shoulder, as if by reflex, before continuing. "I tried to fight them off, but they were too strong for just one Toa to handle. We'd almost given up hope of getting our freedom back, until one night, when a great warrior clad in silver showed up and ran the League's governor out of town with a legion of Rahkshi." He looked out over the side of the skiff, breaking eye contact.
"I know most don't think too highly of Rahkshi, and in truth I didn't either, but after that night we saw them as our saviors. Mostly though, we were grateful to their master, the silver warrior." Motara turned back toward Kodan, "I'm sure you can guess by the company he kept, but he was a Makuta, who went by the name Aruke." Motara touched his kanohi lightly before continuing.
"Unlike most of the Brotherhood who were occupied with grand military campaigns, or pursuits of glory on the front lines, Aruke and his troops made a point of seeking out settlements like ours, who were actually suffering under League occupation, and freeing as many of them as he could. I was so moved by the man's skill, grace, and honor that I pledged myself to his service right then and there."
"Lemme guess, he gave you that shiny armor to match his?" Valtruu chimed in from the back of the skiff.
"Eventually, yeah" Motara answered. "Makuta Aruke and I continued freeing League occupied settlements for the remainder of the war, and when it was all over and 'heroes' on the front got their accolades and fancy medals, nobody paid much attention to all the work we had done. Still though, Aruke was grateful for my help. He had this armor made special, so the two of us would match. Said it was a promise, not a reward. A promise that we would always be there to stand up for the forgotten and the oppressed, and a promise to each other, that we would never forget everything we had been through", Motara finished.
"So where is he now?" Kodan asked, "Why didn't you stay with your Makuta if you two were clearly so close?"
"I did, to an extent", Motara said, "we stayed in periodic contact for quite a while afterward."
The Po-Toa got up to stretch after sitting in the skiff for so long. "Then, after the Brotherhood took up the responsibilities left behind by the Barraki and were eventually assigned their own dominions, my home village fell within Aruke's new territory, and I was offered the position of his right-hand aide, which I humbly accepted." Motara said, sitting back down as the skiff passed over rougher waters.
"Things went well, until Aruke was summoned to a Convocation- a meeting of the Makuta. He was only gone for a few days, but when he returned, there was something… different about him." Motara reached up to touch his Kanohi before continuing.
"He was acting paranoid, doubling the guard at his fortress, checking rooms before entering… When I finally asked him what had happened at the meeting, he told me only two things: no one was to be trusted, and that things were changing in the universe."
"Well, that's not ominous at all!" Valtruu shouted over the wind and waves, still listening in from the back of the skiff.
Motara's expression soured, but he continued. "It was only a few days later, before I had gotten the opportunity to pry further, that Aruke vanished. For three days the fortress grounds were alive with search parties, all silent, hoping we might hear if he called out to us. Eventually though I was the one to find his body, sitting alone in his study- where it hadn't been just the night before."
Kodan spent a short while trying to find words. "I'm sorry," the Chronicler finally said. "Did you ever find out?" he continued, failing to fight back his curiosity, "What happened to him, I mean."
"No," Motara said, in a voice that was somehow both small yet louder than the crashing waves. "I figured his paranoia was right… The universe had changed, and that change, whatever it was, swallowed him up. Afterwards, everything Aruke had was transferred to another Makuta, as though he never even existed." Motara sighed. "Everything except for me…" he said, gingerly peeling the gleaming silver Kanohi from his face, taking a long look at it for himself, "And his mask…"
Motara's gaze was transfixed on the mask for some time. Kodan noted that, despite the maskless state of the Toa of Stone, there was a steely resolve in his eyes that failed to betray any weakness.
"I've been wearing it for myself ever since. Not just to honor what he stood for, but to remind myself of his last words to me" the Po-Toa said, before placing the mask back over his face.
"I spent the next few years moving around a lot, helping out wherever I could." Motara turned to the chronicler with a solemn look, before continuing. "Trying never to stay in the same place for too long, for fear that whoever killed Aruke would catch up with me too. That is, until I heard the Turaga's request for help, and came to this city." Motara said, looking back at the now tiny Metru Nui skyline behind them.
"For the first time in as long as I can remember, living in this place, being a part of this team… It's made me feel like I have a home again." He finished…
After Kodan had recorded Motara's story on his stone tablet, the trio sat in silence, reflecting on the Po-Toa's words, until they came in eye shot of the Sea Gate. As their skiff was slowing down on approach to the towering doorway, Motara noticed another vessel parked along the edge of the dome wall, and pointed it out to his comrades. Toa Valtruu, with his Great mask of Water Breathing, decided to dive beneath the sea of protodermis to get a closer look at the strange ship.
After a few minutes with no sign of the Ko-Toa, Motara was about to stand up and take a better look for himself. Before he could leap over the side of the skiff however, a towering monster of black and purple armor, with a grotesque face and four extra arms sticking up from behind its shoulders, stood up out of the water, igniting energy that crackled between its fingertips…
The record cuts off after that, though I think it safe to assume what happened next. As someone who lived in the city for many years, I've spent more time than I care to recall thinking on what I could have done differently to prevent the tragedies that occured, both to Metru Nui itself, and its honorable protectors. I often wonder, if I had stayed in the city rather than being convinced to set out on my travels by the false Turaga, if perhaps his deception could have been uncovered before it was too late.
Unfortunately though, I doubt we will ever know the answer to that question. And so we are left to take solace in the knowledge that, although it was a hard fought battle, good did eventually prevail in the end, and no others will ever again have to meet their fate at the hands of Makuta Teridax, or his minions, as these brave heroes did…
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The Mechanics of Hope
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x Alex Keller
Single Parent Omega Gaz x Mechanic Alpha Alex Keller
It's always been Gaz and his daughter, Genevieve. Ever since she was born and her father had died in an accident, it'd been just them against the world. Well, them and four pseudo parents that Gaz had picked up. And two best friends.
Either way, he's not really interested in trying to expand what he has. He doesn't really date around, because he doesn't trust new alphas around his daughter.
Of course, one has become rather persistent in trying to court him. But, he doesn't know about Genevieve, and Kyle is positive he's not going to stick around once he finds out.
Warnings: ABO, talks of death, fem leaning terms for omegas
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Gaz took a deep breath, holding his head for a moment and trying to push down the migraine that was building. He didn’t have time to see the doctor, again, and he knew it was just because he was pushing himself and his lungs were having trouble filling completely with air. He didn’t want to deal with it, though.
So, he just took a breath. “Genevieve Garrick!” He called, planting his hands on his hips and then going to her room, seeing her very quickly shove a tablet under her pillow. The tablet that “Grandpa Price” had gotten her for her birthday. She was only 7, she didn’t need a tablet…
He’d been ignored on this, though. Shaking his head, he went over and held out his hand. “Come on, just let me have it so it can charge at least.” He softened his tone. It had helped her… Laswell had installed a few speech apps on it, which was helping her communicate, so he supposed he couldn’t be too angry. Even still, it would have been nice to be backed up on something.
She seemed to pout as she gave him the tablet and then he shook his head, hoisting her up and putting her on his hip, ignoring how badly his back ached from her weight, though she was average weight for a seven year old. “Come on, school time.” He said, putting the tablet onto the wireless charging port that Price had so generously bought for it.
She didn’t protest like she normally did, which Gaz was grateful for. Though, he did suspect it had something to do with the Halloween Party that was happening that day. He sat down with her in his lap and helped her get the sparkly black socks she had begged for for her spider costume on. 
“Grandpa Price is going to pick you up from school.” He informed her as he made her stand so he could get the hoodie he’d handsewn extra arms onto. They rose as she moved her arms and he’d also handmade her little sunglasses with extra eyes on them. “Are you okay with that?”
A grin spread across her face and she immediately nodded. “Ice cream?” She asked.
Gaz laughed. “I’m sure if you ask him, he’ll get you some. He mentioned ordering pizza on the phone.” A little sparkle came in her eyes, which were green, the only trait she didn’t seem to get from Gaz. “Come on, Mum’s got some errands to run, love.” 
Gen put her arms up in the air and he gladly picked her up again, dreading the day she’d be too big for him to do that, though it seemed to approach faster and faster.
He grabbed her bag on the way out to the car and helped her into her carseat, though she could already buckle herself. He knew she would soon be out of one, but it was peace of mind until she was. He put the radio on to her favorite station and then started to drive, his mind wandering as it always did.
Gaz had been a teen mom, now only 22. And it had always been him and Genevieve. He wasn’t groomed by her father, no, in fact he’d been a very good partner, a fantastic alpha. Had been ready to step up and be her father, despite hardly being a year older than Gaz. Had even dropped out to get a good job and his family had given them a house.
But… death happens when you least expect it. He’d had a motorcycle and he’d actually been driving to sell it, since they’d need a better car. He was hit by a semi truck on the way there, died instantly. 
The worst part was that it had happened while Gaz was in labor. His water had broke right after his boyfriend had left and he hadn’t wanted to distract him by calling him so he’d had his boyfriend’s mom take him. Got the call right after she was born.
Well, his in-laws support had only lasted as long as their son was alive, because now… they wanted nothing to do with Gaz or his daughter. They’d let him keep the house, which he still owned, but that was it save for enough money to put a down payment on a shitty car as long as he left silently.
Whatever, he hadn’t needed them, anyway. However, the car was a piece of shit. When Gen was only around 3 years old, it’d started to regularly break down and Gaz had had to start taking it to a mechanic. Well, only one hadn’t tried to scam him or overprice him since he was an omega, and that was Price’s shop. 
Hell, Gaz had brought the car in to Price had been when Gen was severely overstimulated from the rattle of the engine, so she’d been crying and poor Gaz had been close to tears himself, trying hard to soothe her without breaking down. 
Price had refused payment and had even fixed several other issues. One of these included calming Gen down, since one of his mechanics, another omega named Soap, who was actually only 17 at the time, had made silly antics which had had Gen, and maybe even Gaz, giggling softly. 
It’d been a silly sight, Soap with his jumpsuit around his waist, doing a dramatic reenactment of a scene from Outlander, a romance show Gaz absolutely hated, but apparently Soap adored. He’d belted out lines, though, and both had clapped once he was done, as Price had came and told Gaz his car was fixed up. “Just come to me, for now.” Price had told him. “Don’t worry about money, just bring ‘er to me.”
Gaz couldn’t afford to insist to pay, so he’d instead broke down sobbing and thanking Price, who had seemed a little uncomfortable. The next time his car had broke down, he’d again gone to him, and Kate Laswell was there. She was an alpha, married to a sweet omega named Diane, and she invited Gaz and Gen to dinner.
From there, all three, and then later Price’s partner, an alpha named Nik, had become sort of like parents to Gaz. Grandparents to Gen. 
Genevieve called Price and Nik Grandpa Price and Grandpa Nik, and she called Diane Mawmaw Diane, and Laswell was just Kate. Laswell apparently didn’t want to feel old so she’d asked to just be called Kate. 
Soap was Uncle Soap, since Soap preferred masculine or alpha leaning terms, and his boyfriend, another omega named Roach, was called Auntie Roachie, though Roach detested the name. Soap had jokingly called him that, once, and Gen had stuck with it. 
Roach was another godsend, actually. See, when Gen was four years old, she got diagnosed with autism. Gaz knew she got it from him but he wasn’t diagnosed and he could pretend he didn’t have it if he really tried. She… couldn’t. Later, he’d learned how bad the terms were, but low functioning had been what she was called.
Roach, however, had apparently been diagnosed similarly. He had given Gaz every resource he had, had told him the name of a child therapist who could help, and helped Gaz pick a speech therapy class for her. Roach was actually still primarily nonverbal because of his own autism. 
So yeah, he hadn’t needed his inlaws. Fuck them. 
But, at home, it was just him and Genevieve. Yeah, Soap, and later another omega friend named Rodolfo, helped him out a lot, but he tried not to ask too much. 
It was him and Genevieve against the world… 
He met his daughter’s eyes in the rearview mirror and then he watched her give him this big toothy grin, complete with a missing front tooth which had just recently fallen out. Price had made some big display of finding her a fancy box to leave it in, which had been so convenient since that meant Gaz didn’t have to desperately scramble to find her damn tooth under her pillow. 
Then, he heard it. A clankering noise which had him fighting not to hit his head against the steering wheel. Immediately, Genevieve’s hands covered her ears, so he handed back her headphones and the ipod he’d gotten for her, just so she could have a way to block out the sound in the car. Had cost him a lot, but it didn’t have internet. 
Ignoring a car honking behind him, he continued on to her school, going into the drop off lane. “Have a good day, Gen!” He told her as he unlocked the doors. She came up to the window so he smiled. “Remember, spiders don’t roar, they hiss.”
She giggled and nodded before hissing, having an easier time due to that missing tooth, though it whistled slightly. “Bye, bye, mama.” She said, which always had his heart warming. He wouldn’t push her, if she remained nonverbal the rest of her life. But, it always made him so happy to hear her say Mum or Mama. 
“Bye, bye, sweet girl.” He murmured, leaning out of the car to kiss her head. He grabbed her headphones off her head since they’d both forgotten and then he tossed them into the seat beside him, watching her run up the stairs to the door. 
She ran up, immediately, to another little girl named Dae, who also had a single mom named Kim Hong-Jin, though he preferred Horangi to his friends. If Gaz remembered correctly, it meant Tiger in Korean. They weren’t really close, but their daughters had found each other and so they interacted for playdates.
It was… actually a rather tragic story how Dae came to be. Made Gaz grateful for a lot. 
Taking a deep breath, he decided to just not put it off, and drove the car to Price’s shop, deciding to just take the bus to run the few errands he needed to. It would be annoying to take groceries home on the bus, but… he’d manage.
He tilted his head at not seeing Soap’s car in the parking lot, though Soap had mentioned he was taking less hours since Roach had convinced him to take a few classes at the local college. Regardless, he parked and got out, going into the building.
There, he was greeted with two alphas, who he didn’t recognize at all. One, a woman, had a warm smile. Her jumpsuit was currently tied around her waist, though she was still covered in grease, and her hair was in a long single braid down her back. “Hello.” She greeted. “What can we do for you?”
The other, a male alpha, caught Gaz’s eye embarrassingly quickly. This may have to do with him being completely Gaz’s type. Gaz was tall for an omega, but this alpha was still Gaz’s height. Blonde, with a slightly fuller five o’clock shadow, and a warm half grin as Gaz stepped in. A sort of charming “how do you do” grin. 
“I uh…” Gaz shook it off, quickly, and turned back to the woman. “Is Price in?”
“He is! He’s in his office.” She nodded. “Do you need to speak with him? He’s on lunch.”
“Oh, I can wait, then.” Gaz answered, feeling guilty for interrupting Price’s lunch. “Um, my name is Kyle-”
“Oh, don’t give that shit, Gaz.” Price chuckled, coming out of his office. “You don’t have to wait. I forgot the damn sack at home, anyway, so I was watching football.”
“Don’t you mean soccer, sir?” The male alpha chuckled, crossing his arms. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you watch American football.”
“I mean football, Keller. The right football.” Price glared at the alpha, but his last name stood out to Gaz. Ahhh, Keller. This must be Alex and Farah, then. Laswell had taken in both, sort of like Price had, though they’d apparently been away for college. Both were 24, if Gaz remembered correctly. “Anyway, can you just bring in his car? It’s the shitty Kia.”
“Hey!” Gaz laughed, defending. “It’s my shitty Kia, and it’s been pretty reliable. When… it’s not breaking down.” He muttered that last part, and then sighed. “It’s making that sound again…”
“Probably the belt, again.” Price shook his head. “That bloody thing goes through more belts than I do around Christmas. Farah, can you-”
“On it.” She gave a thumbs up. “Can I have your keys?” She asked Gaz, her eyes soft. “Please.”
Gaz relaxed and then got them out, handing them to her. “Thanks… I have some errands to run, so I’ll be back in a few hours. Please let me pay this time.”
“For a slipped belt?” Price laughed, indignantly. “Here, you can pay by letting me buy you a new car.”
“You’ve done enough…” Gaz shook his head. He’d feel awful if he let Price buy him an entire car. “I can’t let you do that.”
“Well, then, in the mean time… free service. Here, I really don’t want you taking the bus through the city.” Price got out a second set of keys, likely to his truck, and Gaz winced. “Don’t fight me, Gaz.”
Gaz… also really didn’t want to take the bus. “Fine, I’ll be back in a few hours.”
“Wonderful.” Price pat his shoulder and then immediately turned to Alex, who Gaz noted had been watching him the entire time. “Well don’t fucking dawdle, Keller! There’s shit to do!” He scolded before going into his office.
“There really isn’t.” Alex chuckled, just moving back behind the little counter. “Hence why he even took his lunch. Well, actually, he took it because Nik threatened to leave his ass if he kept overworking himself.”
Gaz laughed, softly, since that definitely sounded like Nik. “I don’t think we’ve met… I’m Kyle, like I said earlier, but pretty much everyone calls me Gaz.”
“Why?” Alex tilted his head, almost appearing to frown. “I um… sort of fail to see how that fits with Kyle…”
Gaz couldn’t help laughing, softly, since it made sense. “Price started to call me it. I’m not really sure why.”
“Ah. Well, the old man does funny things.” Alex laughed, softly. “I’ll let you get to your errands.”
“Thanks, I’ll let you…” Gaz paused, since Alex had just mentioned that it wasn’t busy.  “Well, be bored, I guess. Dawdle.”
Alex laughed, again, and Gaz hated how he flushed from the sound of it. Look, he hadn’t gotten laid in a while, okay? Taking a deep breath, Gaz shook his head. No, don’t go for it. Alphas didn’t want omegas who already had kids. They definitely didn’t want omegas who had the laundry list of health issues that Gaz did. 
So, he just said another goodbye, and quickly left, gladly taking Price’s truck and going to run his errands, dropping the groceries off at home before filling the tank and coming back. It was… twice what he’d have to pay for his own car, but hey, free car service. And, he’d gotten paid a bit more that week, so he could afford it.
When he came back, he was surprised to see Price’s office was closed, which was odd, but Alex was still behind the counter. “Where’s Price?”
“Laswell called.” Alex explained, holding out Gaz’s keys. “Had an issue or something, so he rushed off. Took his other truck.”
“Ah.” Gaz nodded, taking his keys back and giving Alex Price’s keys. “Oh.” He hoped he’d still be picking Gen up, though he had about four hours left, anyway. Gen had an art club after school. “Thanks.”
“Hey, do you want to get coffee sometime?” Alex asked, which startled Gaz and had him blushing dark red. “Or… tea.” He chuckled.
Gaz couldn’t help laughing at the joke. “I…” No, he couldn’t. He did consider indulging for just one coffee date but… no. Alphas really didn’t like single moms. Even still, he didn’t want to just blow Alex off. He didn’t want to hurt his feelings. “I can’t…” He sighed, pretending to be forlorn. “I don’t date mechanics.” He joked. 
“Oh, well if that’s the case, I’ll quit right now.” Alex joked, which made Gaz relax since that meant he had succeeded in not hurting his feelings. “I’m actually studying criminology. You date lawyers?”
“Too stuffy.” Gaz teased, leaning against the counter. “Too uptight.”
“I can be anything but uptight.” Alex grinned, leaning close. 
God, Gaz wanted him so fucking bad but… he couldn’t. So, allowing himself one last disappointed sigh. “Sorry… I don’t date.” He smiled, apologetically. “You’re cute, though. Tell Farah thanks for fixing my car.”
That time, Alex did seem disappointed. “That’s alright.” He seemed to smile, anyway, before nodding. “Have a great day, Gaz.”
“You, too.” Gaz gave a little wave before heading off, trying not to dwell on his own disappointment too much. He reminded himself that single alphas weren’t looking for omegas like him.
As disheartening as that may be.
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iconicofficeblog · 4 months
Revolutionizing Workspaces: The Tech-Savvy Marvels of Modern Executive Desks
In today's fast-paced work environment, executive desks have evolved beyond mere furniture pieces. They have become integrated hubs of productivity and innovation, seamlessly blending functionality with cutting-edge technology. Let's dive into the exciting world of modern executive desks and explore the myriad of tech integrations that are reshaping how we work.
Streamlined Wire Management
Modern executive desks have revolutionized wire management with innovative built-in cable systems. These systems not only keep your wires organized but also ensure they remain out of sight, creating a clean and clutter-free environment.
No longer will you have to spend valuable time untangling cords or searching for the right cable. With a modern executive desk, everything is neatly arranged and easily accessible. This streamlined approach not only enhances the visual appeal of your workspace but also contributes to a more efficient and productive work environment.
By incorporating built-in cable management systems, modern executive desks are not just furniture pieces but productivity-enhancing tools. They empower you to stay organized, eliminate distractions, and concentrate on what truly matters – your work. Experience the difference with streamlined wire management and transform your workspace into a haven of productivity and order.
Convenient USB Charging Ports
In today's fast-paced and digitally connected world, the demand for staying powered up is constant. With multiple devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops being essential tools in our work lives, the ability to charge them conveniently becomes paramount. This is where desks with integrated USB charging ports truly shine.
These desks offer the unparalleled convenience of having charging capabilities right at your fingertips. You can easily plug in your devices directly into the desk, eliminating the need for bulky adapters or searching for outlets. This not only saves time but also promotes a clutter-free workspace, enhancing both aesthetics and functionality.
Additionally, the convenience of USB charging ports extends beyond just work-related devices. You can also charge personal devices like fitness trackers, Bluetooth headphones, or even e-readers without hassle. It's a versatile solution that caters to all your charging needs in one convenient location – your desk.
Wireless Charging Surfaces
Imagine a workspace where charging your devices is as simple as placing them on a designated surface. That's the reality with desks featuring wireless charging pads – a glimpse into the future of seamless technology integration. These innovative desks revolutionize the way we power up our devices, offering unparalleled convenience and efficiency.
Wireless charging surfaces are designed to be compatible with a wide range of devices, including smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, and more. Whether you're an Apple aficionado or an Android enthusiast, these desks cater to your charging needs seamlessly. It's a versatile solution that simplifies your workspace setup and promotes device compatibility.
desks featuring wireless charging surfaces represent the epitome of convenience, innovation, and efficiency in modern workspaces. They simplify the charging process, promote device compatibility, enhance user experience, save space, and embrace future-ready technology. Say hello to a new era of workspace technology with wireless charging surfaces and experience the future today.
Ergonomic Excellence with Adjustable Height
Health and comfort are paramount in today's ergonomic workspace designs. Modern executive desks feature motorized height-adjustable capabilities, allowing you to effortlessly transition between sitting and standing positions.
Smart Integration for Seamless Connectivity
Executive desks are now smarter than ever, offering seamless connectivity with other devices in your workspace. Whether it's syncing with your computer, tablet, or smart home devices, these desks make collaboration and multitasking a breeze.
In conclusion, modern executive desks are not just pieces of furniture – they are technological marvels designed to enhance productivity, comfort, and connectivity in the workplace. With streamlined wire management, convenient USB and wireless charging options, ergonomic adjustable height features, and smart integrations, these desks are revolutionizing how we work and interact with technology. Embrace the future of work with a tech-savvy executive desk that elevates your workspace experience to new heights.
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Many persons with online jobs often have this desire to work outside. Working in nature can be reviving and a pleasant change from your work space. Sometimes the weather is nice and sunny and our backyard patio becomes that perfect place to work. However, working outside does have its fair share of challenges and this article will provide you with tips to make the process easier.  
Wi-Fi Extender and Hotspot
A poor Internet connection will end your outdoor work session quickly. If you’re at home, a Wi-Fi extender may help you out if your router and modem are further away in the house. The extender will create a stronger signal and can even increase your speeds.
Should you choose to work outdoors at a coffee shop or public area, it’s smart to have a hotspot available. Actually, you may never know when the Internet might go down at your location, or you could even be surprised and find there’s no Wi-Fi connection available for use. Having access to a hotspot will ensure you’re able to be connected no matter what situation may arise.
Having a smartphone or a tablet, either of these can be tethered to your computer to provide an Internet connection. Please be aware, as these options will typically slice into your phone’s data plan plus reducing the battery life of your phone. It is important to remember that you also find mobile hotspots that are separate devices and often prepaid.
Anti-Glare Screen and Cooling Devices
Workers often find that the first problem they might have when working outside is a nasty glare on the computer screen. It often makes it difficult to see what you’re doing and cause you to squint. A shaded area is not enough to rectify this problem. Turning the screen brightness up as far as it will go will reduce the problem. It is important that you work from a cool shaded area. If shade isn’t plentiful where you’ll be working, consider wearing lighter clothing, bringing a portable mini fan, or using a cooling towel.
Extra Power Supply
A computer battery going dead is trouble. Should you head outside with a full battery, take along a power cord just in case. A portable charger is also an option, in case there are no outlets close by that can be used. Portable chargers must be charged beforehand and they can then be used to charge your computer when needed. Computer batteries don’t last all day, but depending on its condition, it may last up to two hours.
External Devices
Online jobs are challenging and persons working remotely often face issues during the scope of work. Some items are a must if you plan to work productively outdoors. Purchase a wireless keyboard and mouse, and consider a laptop stand to raise it up to eye level. These items can work wonder if you have to work outside. Please note that having a pair of headphones or earbuds will assist if you have to have to take a call or listen to music while engaging in your online work activities.
Working from a remote office can have its own set of challenges but working through the areas mentioned above will make the process easier. Carefully review these tips to take your work outside and stay industrious and driven no matter the challenges that may come up.
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ledshoes2024 · 11 days
Lighting Shoes: The Perfect Multi-Color USB Charging Footwear for Men and Women
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Lighting shoes have taken the fashion world by storm, offering a unique blend of style, innovation, and fun. These multi-color shoes, equipped with USB charging capabilities, are popular among both men and women. Whether you're dressing up for a party, a night out with friends, or just want to add a bold statement to your everyday attire, lighting shoes provide the perfect solution. With their eye-catching glow and practical design, these shoes are an exciting addition to any wardrobe.
The Technology Behind USB Charging Lighting Shoes
At the core of lighting shoes is their innovative USB charging technology. This feature allows wearers to easily recharge their shoes by plugging them into any USB port, much like charging a phone or tablet. After a full charge, these shoes can provide hours of continuous light, perfect for an evening out. The convenience of USB charging eliminates the need for disposable batteries, making these shoes both eco-friendly and cost-effective.
In addition to the charging feature, lighting shoes often come with multiple color settings and light patterns, allowing you to switch between solid colors, flashing modes, or a dynamic color-changing effect. These features can be controlled with a hidden button, giving you full control over your style without sacrificing comfort.
Why Men and Women Love Multi-Color Lighting Shoes
Lighting shoes are adored by both men and women for their versatility and the creative edge they bring to any outfit. The ability to customize the colors and lighting modes means that you can match your shoes to your mood, outfit, or occasion. Men may pair these shoes with casual attire for a cool, futuristic look, while women can add a playful twist to their style, making their footwear the centerpiece of their outfit.
Beyond just fashion, lighting shoes serve a functional purpose as well. They provide added visibility during nighttime events, walks, or outdoor activities. Whether you're at a music festival, clubbing, or just taking a stroll after dark, these shoes ensure that you stand out and stay safe.
How to Properly Care for Your Lighting Shoes
Proper care is essential to keep your lighting shoes functioning and looking their best. Since these shoes contain electronic components, it's important to avoid exposing them to excessive water or submerging them entirely. While many lighting shoes are water-resistant, heavy rain or full immersion could damage the internal battery or lighting system.
To clean your shoes, use a damp cloth to wipe the exterior. Be mindful of the USB port, ensuring it stays dry and free from dirt. Overcharging can reduce the battery life, so it's best to unplug the shoes once they are fully charged. With regular maintenance, your lighting shoes will remain vibrant and functional for a long time.
Tips for Buying the Best Lighting Shoes
When shopping for lighting shoes, there are a few things to consider to ensure you get the best pair for your needs. Look for shoes with a variety of color and lighting options to maximize your styling choices. Durability is another important factor, as lighting shoes need to withstand regular wear without compromising their lighting function.
Checking customer reviews can give you insights into the quality of the shoes before purchasing. Additionally, it’s wise to buy from reputable sellers that offer warranties or return policies, ensuring that you're covered if there are any issues with the product.
Lighting shoes are an exciting and innovative addition to modern fashion. Their multi-color lighting options, USB charging capabilities, and stylish designs make them the perfect choice for both men and women. With proper care and maintenance, these shoes can provide hours of enjoyment, enhancing your style and keeping you visible during night events. If you're looking for footwear that combines fun with function, lighting shoes are a must-have addition to your wardrobe.
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ayan-itx-sential · 12 days
Why Phone Buzz Is the Gold Coast’s Premier Mobile Repair Service
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Mobile phones are embedded in our lives as the generator of almost all our communication, entertainment, and work. When such is put to a standstill, a reliable repair service is necessary. The best mobile repairs in Gold Coast are here at Phone Buzz. It’s the combination of expertise, quality, and unmatched customer care that goes into creating the household name Phone Buzz at Benowa Gardens Shopping Centre.
Expertise That Matters
The level of expertise that technicians from Phone Buzz possess sets them apart from the competition. Each of their technicians is highly trained and highly experienced; one of them will diagnose and fix dozens of problems. Be it a simple screen replacement or a complex internal repair, you are assured that your device will be okay.
A Range of Services
Phone Buzz offers a great many services that cater to a wide customer base. Here are some in-demand services Phone Buzz offers for all its loyal customers:
iPhone and Android Screen Repairs: Cracked and shattered screens are two common problems, but they don’t have to be bothers. In no more than a snap, Phone Buzz will replace your screen with quality replacement parts.
Battery Replacements: When the battery in your phone doesn’t seem to hold a charge like it did before, then it’s likely time to get it replaced. Phone Buzz provides battery replacement services for all top brands in smartphones.
Tablet Repairs: With tablets being both a work and play device, it is essential to keep them in working condition. Phone Buzz can repair most of the ailments that affect your tablet, starting from the cracked screen to battery issues.
Charging Ports and Audio Jacks: If your phone were not charging correctly or the headphones were not producing audio or sound due to some mishap, then it is the fault of the phone charger socket or either the audio jack. These problems can be taken care of by inspection and final diagnosis with Phone Buzz. In most cases, this handheld gadget can be done on the same day.
Phone Buzz professionals are updated with innovative skills of today’s mobile technology, keeping them available with knowledge and repair of new devices. This commitment to education and training is one reason thousands more people on the Gold Coast are turning to Phone Buzz for all premier levels of mobile repair services.
When it comes to mobile repairs, quality counts. You had the quick repair to get you out of the jam, but aftermarket or substandard parts are going to have you back in here way too soon. This is why at Phone Buzz, we use only top-quality parts: first grade, certified to meet or exceed OEM standards. Be it a new screen, battery, or any other part; you are guaranteed that Phone Buzz is using only the finest available parts.
Besides using top-quality parts, Phone Buzz employs state-of-the-art tools and techniques that ensure repairs are done right the first time. This kind of detail and commitment to quality means your electronic device will not only work but stand the test of time.
Customer-Centric Approach
At Phone Buzz, it is all about the customer. The minute you step into the store, you will be treated with respect and care. The staff at Phone Buzz understands the stress a device on the fritz can bring, which is why the customer’s experience is made as smooth and hassle-free as possible.
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reviewtablets · 12 days
MSLSTM Tablet Reviews 11-inch Tablet
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MSLSTM Tablet Reviews 11-inch Tablet with Keyboard, Case, Pen, 2024 Latest Android 14 Tablet 18GB(6GB+12GB Extend) RAM 128GB ROM, 2K Display, 13MP+5MP Camera, 5G/2.4G WiFi, GPS, Bluetooth (Gray)
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11-Inch In-cell 2K FHD Display: The MSLSTM 11-inch tablet has a 2K FHD full-fit screen. Resolution provides higher pixel density, allowing more detailed images and realistic color reproduction, making movies more stunning. A 16:10 screen ratio and wide color gamut provide a more realistic visual experience. High-Performance, High-Capacity Storage: This Android tablet includes a fast 18GB (6GB+12GB extend) RAM and 128GB Storage, which supports up to 1TB of TF card expansion. You can store many movies, music, e-books, etc. You are equipped with a Huben T616 2GHz Octa-Core processor. High-performance, high-frequency CPU, and manufactured using a 12-nanometer process. It can easily meet reading, gaming, work, and other needs.
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Powerful Android 14, Octa-Core Processor: The newly released 11-inch Android tablet in 2024 comes with the new operating system Android 14, which works in conjunction with a highly powerful 2.0GHz Octa-Core Processor, giving a more personalized, secure, and easy-to-use system experience. Adopting the 802.11ac standard, it can simultaneously cover both 5GHz and 2.4GHz frequency bands, providing faster network and stability. Support split screen function, just like watching TV and reading at the same time. Supports Bluetooth 5.0 and GPS.
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High-Performance Battery, Fast Charging: The MSLSTM tablet is equipped with a powerful 9000 mAh battery and fast-charging Type-C interface. The MSLSTM F11 can play video for up to 6 hours of maximum sound, use normally for 15 hours, and charge quickly when needed. The Type-C charging port did not distinguish between the front and back, making your charging easier. Whether you are on the go or at home, the MSLSTM F11 Tablet enables you to stay connected and work efficiently all day.
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High-Definition Camera and Audio and Video Effects: This WiFi tablet is equipped with a 5MP front camera, and a 13MP rear camera, With an autofocus function that can take high-quality pictures and videos even in low-light conditions. The MSLSTM F11 tablet also comes with 4 dual magnetic BOX speakers with immersive audio to give your entertainment to life. 1-year limited warranty. Please contact us and we will do our best to make you satisfied. Multifunctional 11-inch tablet: This Android tablet comes with a Custom Case, Wireless Keyboard, and Stylus Pen. Foldable Protective Case, which can flexibly convert tablet to laptop mode or computer mode. Allow you to work and learn efficiently, and quickly handle daily tasks, giving you unlimited features and functions.
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Technical Details: Brand: MSLSTM Series: F11 Operating System: Android 14 Standing Screen Display Size: 11 Inches Display: 2K FHD Display Screen Resolution: 2000 x 12000 pixels Max Screen Resolution: 2000 x 1200 Pixels
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Processor: Unisoc T616 Octa-Core 2 GHz Card Description: Dedicated RAM: 18GB (6GB+12GB Extend) Storage: 128GB (up to 1TB of TF card expansion) Color: Gray Processor Brand: Unisoc 5MP front camera,13MP Rear Camera+5 MP Auxiliary camera
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Wireless Type: 802.11ac, 5G/2.4G WiFi Bluetooth: 5.0 GPS: Yes Speakers: 4 dual magnetic BOX speakers AI Face Unlock: Yes Fast Charging Type-C: Yes Item Weight: 1.03 pounds Item Dimensions LxWxH: 10.01 x 6.62 x 0.3 inches
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Battery: 1 Lithium Ion batteries required. (included) Battery Capacity: 9000 mAh Average Battery Life (in hours): 14.99 Hours Best Sellers Rank #40,040 in Electronics (See Top 100 in Electronics) #843 in Computer Tablets Date First Available on Amazon.com: May 21, 2024 What's in the box: Android Tablet x 1, Power Adapter x 1, Type-C Cable x 1, Tablet Case x 1, Keyboard x 1, OTG x 1, Stylus x 1, Screen Protector x 1, Card needle x 1, User Manual x 1
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Compare Prices MSLSTM Tablet Reviews 11-inch Tablet with Keyboard and Read More Customer Reviews
Read the full article
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addsofttech · 19 days
Why Mobile Charging Kiosks Are Essential for Modern Businesses
In today’s digital age, mobile devices have become an integral part of our daily lives. From managing work emails to staying connected with friends and family, smartphones are essential tools. However, with increased usage comes the inevitable issue of battery life. This is where mobile charging kiosks come into play. Let's explore why mobile charging kiosks are becoming a must-have for modern businesses.
What is a Mobile Charging Kiosk?
A mobile charging kiosk is a station equipped with multiple charging ports and cables compatible with various devices. These kiosks are designed to allow users to charge their smartphones, tablets, or other electronic devices in public places. They are commonly found in malls, airports, restaurants, hospitals, and other high-traffic areas.
Benefits of Mobile Charging Kiosks for Businesses
Enhancing Customer Experience:
In a world where staying connected is crucial, offering a mobile charging kiosk is a valuable service that can significantly enhance customer experience. Visitors are more likely to stay longer in an environment where they can charge their devices, leading to increased engagement and potentially more sales.
Attracting More Foot Traffic:
By providing a charging station, businesses can attract more foot traffic. People searching for a place to recharge their devices may choose a business that offers this service, especially in locations like malls or busy streets. This can increase brand visibility and customer loyalty.
Boosting Brand Loyalty and Trust:
Offering a free and convenient service such as a mobile charging kiosk can help build brand loyalty. Customers are likely to remember and appreciate businesses that cater to their needs, fostering a sense of trust and reliability.
Advertising Opportunities:
Many mobile charging kiosks come with screens that can display advertisements or promotional content. This provides businesses with a unique opportunity to engage with customers while they wait for their devices to charge. It’s an innovative way to market products or services and boost sales.
Promoting Safety and Security:
Mobile charging kiosks are designed with safety in mind. They often come with lockers or secure compartments that keep devices safe while charging. This feature can be a significant selling point, as customers can leave their devices unattended without worrying about theft.
Different Types of Mobile Charging Kiosks
There are various types of mobile charging kiosks available in the market, each catering to different needs:
Free-Standing Kiosks:
These are the most common types, typically found in malls, airports, and other public areas. They offer multiple charging ports and sometimes have built-in screens for advertising.
Tabletop Charging Stations:
These are smaller, more compact stations that can be placed on tables in restaurants, cafes, or waiting areas. They are ideal for businesses with limited space but still want to offer charging services.
Wall-Mounted Charging Stations:
As the name suggests, these are mounted on walls, saving floor space. They are often used in places with high traffic but limited room for larger kiosks.
Locker-Based Charging Stations:
These kiosks offer secure lockers where customers can safely store and charge their devices. This type is perfect for gyms, swimming pools, or other areas where customers might be away from their phones for extended periods.
How to Choose the Right Mobile Charging Kiosk for Your Business
When selecting a mobile charging kiosk for your business, consider the following factors:
Location and Space: Assess the available space and choose a kiosk that fits well within your business environment.
Customer Needs: Understand the needs of your customers. If security is a major concern, opt for locker-based kiosks.
Budget: Determine your budget and choose a kiosk that offers the best features within that range.
Customization Options: Some kiosks allow for branding and customization, which can help reinforce your business identity.
Mobile charging kiosks are more than just a convenience; they are an investment in customer satisfaction and engagement. By offering this service, businesses can attract more customers, enhance their experience, and ultimately drive more sales. In an increasingly mobile world, providing a solution to one of the most common problems – battery drain – can set your business apart from the competition.
So, if you’re looking to improve customer experience and stand out, consider adding a mobile charging kiosk to your business space.
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typecase07 · 21 days
Perfect Keyboard Cases for iPad 10th Generation by Typecase
In the world of tablets, the iPad 10th Gen and iPad Air 5th Generation stand out as powerful and versatile devices. But to maximize their potential, adding a keyboard case is a game-changer. A keyboard case not only protects your device but also enhances its functionality, turning your iPad into a portable workstation. If you're looking for top-notch keyboard cases for these models, look no further than Typecase. In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits and features of the iPad 10th Gen keyboard case and the iPad Air 5th Generation keyboard case by Typecase.
Why Choose a Keyboard Case for Your iPad?
Both the iPad 10th Gen and iPad Air 5th Generation offer incredible features, from powerful processors to high-quality displays. However, adding a keyboard case takes these devices to the next level. Whether you're a student, professional, or casual user, having a keyboard attached makes typing and multitasking much easier. You can efficiently write emails, work on documents, or even create presentations on the go.
When choosing the right keyboard case, consider factors like durability, comfort, and ease of use. Typecase delivers on all fronts, providing keyboard cases that complement the sleek design of your iPad while adding protection and functionality.
iPad 10th Gen Keyboard Case by Typecase
The iPad 10th Gen keyboard case by Typecase is crafted to perfectly fit your iPad 10th generation model. With precise cutouts for the ports, speakers, and buttons, you won’t have to worry about removing the case to charge or use any features. This case also offers a detachable keyboard, giving you the flexibility to switch between tablet mode and laptop mode seamlessly.
What sets this iPad 10th Gen keyboard case apart is its backlit keys. If you work in low-light environments, the adjustable backlight ensures that you can continue typing without any discomfort. The keys are also responsive and well-spaced, offering a laptop-like typing experience.
iPad Air 5th Generation Keyboard Case by Typecase
For the iPad Air 5th Generation, Typecase provides a similarly excellent keyboard case designed specifically for this model. With a slim, lightweight design, the iPad Air 5th Generation keyboard case doesn’t add bulk to your device, making it easy to carry around. This case is ideal for those who are constantly on the move but need their iPad to function as a portable workstation.
Like the iPad 10th Gen keyboard case, the iPad Air 5th Generation keyboard case also features backlit keys for a comfortable typing experience in any lighting condition. Additionally, the case offers multi-angle viewing, so you can adjust your iPad to the perfect angle for typing, watching videos, or video conferencing.
Features of Typecase Keyboard Cases
Backlit Keyboard: Both the iPad 10th Gen keyboard case and iPad Air 5th Generation keyboard case feature adjustable backlighting. This not only makes typing easier in the dark but also adds a stylish touch to your iPad.
Multi-Angle Viewing: Whether you're watching videos, working on a document, or presenting to a client, you can adjust the viewing angle to suit your needs.
Long Battery Life: One of the standout features of the Typecase keyboard cases is their long-lasting battery. You won't have to worry about constantly recharging your keyboard, making it ideal for those who use their iPads extensively throughout the day.
Detachable Keyboard: The keyboard is easy to detach, allowing you to switch between laptop mode and tablet mode effortlessly.
Durability and Protection: Along with the functionality of a keyboard, these cases also offer protection for your iPad. The Typecase iPad 10th Gen keyboard case and iPad Air 5th Generation keyboard case are designed to protect your device from scratches, drops, and other potential damage.
Why Choose Typecase?
Typecase is known for creating high-quality accessories for tablets and iPads. With a focus on durability, functionality, and style, Typecase products are designed to enhance the user experience. The iPad 10th Gen keyboard case and iPad Air 5th Generation keyboard case are no exception. By choosing Typecase, you're investing in a product that not only protects your device but also makes it more versatile and user-friendly.
Final Thoughts
Incorporating a keyboard case into your iPad 10th Gen or iPad Air 5th Generation setup is a great way to boost productivity and convenience. Whether you're typing a long email, creating content, or taking notes during a meeting, a keyboard case can make all the difference. And when it comes to high-quality, durable, and stylish keyboard cases, Typecase is the brand to trust.
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kabanbags21 · 23 days
Buy Travel Backpack Online in India: Why Kaban Bags Are the Ultimate Choice for Travelers
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In the world of travel, having the right backpack can make or break your journey. For those seeking a perfect blend of functionality, style, and durability, Kaban Bags stand out as a premier choice. Whether you’re an adventurous backpacker, a business traveler, or someone who just loves weekend getaways, Kaban Bags offer everything you need in a travel backpack. Let’s explore why Kaban Bags should be your go-to option when you decide to buy a travel backpack online in India.
1. Design and Aesthetics
Kaban Bags are known for their sleek and modern design. The minimalist yet stylish look makes these backpacks suitable for all kinds of travelers. Available in a range of colors and materials, Kaban Bags can seamlessly blend with both your casual and professional attire. The clean lines and thoughtful design details ensure that you not only travel comfortably but also look good doing it.
2. Unmatched Durability
When buying a travel backpack online in India, durability is a key factor to consider. Kaban Bags are crafted from high-quality materials that withstand the rigors of travel. Whether it’s the water-resistant fabrics or the reinforced stitching, these backpacks are built to last. They can endure rough handling, making them perfect for both urban environments and more rugged outdoor settings.
3. Spacious and Organized Interiors
One of the standout features of Kaban Bags is their spacious interiors. They are designed with multiple compartments, allowing you to organize your belongings efficiently. Whether you need to store your laptop, clothes, travel documents, or accessories, Kaban Bags provide ample space and specialized pockets to keep everything in its place. The easy-access front compartments and hidden pockets add an extra layer of convenience, making it easy to grab your essentials on the go.
4. Comfort for Long Journeys
Traveling often involves long hours of carrying your backpack, and Kaban Bags excel in providing comfort. The ergonomic design, padded shoulder straps, and breathable back panel ensure that the weight is evenly distributed, reducing strain on your shoulders and back. The adjustable straps allow you to customize the fit according to your body type, making it an ideal choice for long journeys.
5. Tech-Friendly Features
In today’s digital age, traveling with gadgets is almost a necessity. Kaban Bags are equipped with dedicated compartments for laptops, tablets, and other tech accessories. The padded laptop sleeve keeps your device secure, while the additional pockets can store chargers, power banks, and cables. Some models even come with a built-in USB charging port, allowing you to charge your devices on the go.
6. Eco-Friendly Options
For environmentally conscious travelers, Kaban Bags offer eco-friendly options made from recycled materials. These bags not only reduce your carbon footprint but also maintain the same level of durability and style as their traditional counterparts. Choosing an eco-friendly Kaban Bag is a great way to contribute to sustainability while enjoying a top-quality product.
7. Affordability and Accessibility
One of the significant advantages of Kaban Bags is their affordability. Despite the premium features, these bags are reasonably priced, making them accessible to a wide range of customers. When you decide to buy travel backpack online in india, you’ll find Kaban Bags available on various e-commerce platforms, often with attractive discounts and deals. The easy availability ensures that you can find the perfect Kaban Bag to suit your travel needs without breaking the bank.
8. Customer Reviews and Trust
Before making a purchase, it’s essential to consider customer feedback. Kaban Bags consistently receive positive reviews for their durability, functionality, and style. Travelers across India have expressed their satisfaction with the brand, making it a trusted name in the market. When you buy a Kaban Bag, you’re not just getting a backpack; you’re investing in a product that has been tried, tested, and loved by many.
In a market flooded with options, Kaban Bags distinguish themselves by offering a perfect blend of style, comfort, and practicality. Whether you're planning a short trip or a long adventure, these bags are designed to meet your needs. When you’re ready to buy a travel backpack online in India, consider Kaban Bags for a reliable, stylish, and durable companion on your travels. With their unbeatable combination of features, Kaban Bags are not just a purchase; they’re an investment in hassle-free and enjoyable travel experiences.
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toolacademy · 1 month
Are there different models of the Packout Radio?
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Milwaukee’s Packout Radios are designed to integrate seamlessly with their Packout modular storage system. These radios are more than just job site audio devices; they offer features like built-in chargers, Bluetooth connectivity, and exceptional durability. Whether you’re working in construction, landscaping, or any demanding environment, a Packout Radio ensures that you can enjoy high-quality sound without compromising on ruggedness.
Different Models of Packout Radios
Milwaukee offers several Packout Radio models, each catering to different needs and preferences. Here are the main models:
Milwaukee M18 Packout Radio + Charger
This is the flagship model of the Packout Radio lineup. It features a powerful 10-speaker system, offering 360-degree sound with deep bass. The built-in charger can recharge your M18 batteries, making it a multifunctional tool on the job site. The radio also includes a weather-sealed storage compartment for small items and electronic devices.
Key Features:
10-speaker system with 360-degree sound
Integrated M18 charger
Bluetooth 4.2 connectivity
Weather-sealed storage compartment
IPX4 water resistance
Milwaukee M12 Radio + Charger
The M12 Radio + Charger is a more compact and portable option, ideal for smaller job sites or for those who prefer a lighter setup. While it doesn’t offer the same power as the M18 model, it still delivers clear sound and has the added benefit of charging M12 batteries.
Key Features:
Compact design
Integrated M12 charger
Bluetooth connectivity
Weather-sealed storage compartment
IP54 water and dust resistance
Milwaukee Packout Radio (Non-Charging Model)
This model is perfect for users who don’t need the charging capability but still want the robust sound and durability of a Packout Radio. It includes high-performance speakers and a subwoofer for deep bass but skips the battery charger.
Key Features:
6-speaker system
Bluetooth connectivity
Subwoofer for enhanced bass
Weather-sealed storage compartment
IPX4 water resistance
Key Features of Packout Radios
Regardless of the model, all Packout Radios share some core features that make them stand out:
Audio Quality: Milwaukee’s Packout Radios are known for their superior audio quality. The combination of multiple speakers and subwoofers ensures crisp sound and deep bass, making them suitable for both small and large job sites.
Durability and Build: Built to withstand the harshest environments, these radios are constructed with rugged materials. They are water and dust-resistant, ensuring they can handle job site conditions without any issues.
Connectivity: With Bluetooth connectivity, these radios allow you to stream music directly from your smartphone or tablet. Additionally, they include auxiliary inputs and USB ports for versatile connectivity options.
Power Options: Depending on the model, these radios can charge your M18 or M12 batteries, ensuring that your tools are always ready for use. Some models also allow for AC power when available, providing flexibility in power sources.
How to Choose the Right Packout Radio
When selecting a Packout Radio, consider the following factors:
Job Site Size: For large job sites, the M18 Packout Radio + Charger is ideal due to its powerful sound output. For smaller sites, the M12 Radio + Charger might be more appropriate.
Charging Needs: If you need to charge your batteries, opt for a model with an integrated charger. If charging isn’t necessary, the non-charging model could save you some money.
Portability: The M12 model is more compact and lightweight, making it easier to transport between sites.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1: Are Packout Radios compatible with all Milwaukee Packout systems? A: Yes, all Packout Radios are fully compatible with Milwaukee’s Packout modular storage system, allowing you to stack and transport them easily.
Q2: Can I charge my phone with a Packout Radio? A: Yes, most Packout Radios feature USB ports that allow you to charge your smartphone or other electronic devices.
Q3: How long does the battery last on a fully charged Packout Radio? A: The battery life depends on the model and volume level, but on average, a fully charged M18 battery can power the radio for up to 12 hours.
Q4: Can Packout Radios withstand rain? A: Packout Radios have varying levels of water resistance, with most models rated at IPX4 or higher. This means they can handle splashes but should not be submerged in water.
Q5: Do Packout Radios have a warranty? A: Yes, Milwaukee offers a limited warranty on all Packout Radios, typically covering defects in materials and workmanship.
Milwaukee’s Packout Radios offer the perfect blend of quality sound, rugged durability, and convenient features, making them essential for any professional working on demanding job sites. Whether you need a model with charging capabilities or just a reliable radio to keep you entertained throughout the day, Milwaukee has a Packout Radio to suit your needs. By understanding the different models and their features, you can make an informed choice and ensure that your job site is always filled with high-quality sound.
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hqsportwear357 · 1 month
Slim Urban Commuter Backpack: Style Meets Function
This is because, in this fast-moving world, commuters need something more than just a simple bag to carry their basics; they need a confidant who would imbibe them with styles, practicality, and comfort to master their everyday lives. Enter the sleek urban commuter backpack—an essential accessory for those navigating the hustle and bustle of city life. Imagine what the life of a commuter man or woman wholly designed for urban life would be in dating scenarios while biking to work, partaking in subway schools, or even goal-walking along the crowded streets.
Why a Sleek Urban Commuter Backpack?
1. Urban Mobility Designed-in
The modern commuter demands a rucksack that will easily nest into the daily bustle of living in the city. A sleek urban commuter backpack comes designed with efficiency and convenience to detail. Usually, the design is very streamlined so that it doesn't get as bulky or unwieldy like some conventional backpacks do; great support in passing through small or crowded spaces, slipping into the tight confines of public transport, or stowing them away in the tiny lockers of a corporate office.
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2. Functionality Meets Organization
One of the standout features of commuter backpacks is their organizing capability. An urban sleek commuter backpack typically comprises many compartments and pockets—meaning you can have everything placed in an organized manner. You will also find snug space separated in different sections for your laptop, tablet, notebooks, and water bottles, with those click-open little zippered pockets for pens, keys, or your smartphone. For professionals that live out of their work, a place for electronics and other office must-haves is considered essential to keep them on point and productive.
 3. Minimalist and Fashion-Forward Design
The sleek urban commuter backpack is not just about practicality—it’s also about aesthetics. To the city young professional, personal style quite literally comes down to the bag that they carry. These backpacks, with detailed clean lines and extremely minimal detailing, give way to both your casual and professional clothing, justified by ease of wear. The commuter backpack takes this neutrality even further, in tones of black, gray, and navy, without coming across as faux-sophisticated sportiness. There are plenty of options made with metallics, or with pops of colors that don't take the whole piece in a fussy and overly flashy direction with a flare for something more style-conscious. 4. Comfort and Durability Comfort is paramount when carrying a backpack through your commute.
A streamlined commuter city backpack can usually have adjustable, padded straps to smoothly distribute the weight and reduce the load on your back.
Some even feature mesh back panels that are breathable, to keep out the sweat that you might be acquiring from those hour-long treks or bike rides. Durability matters too; these backpacks are often made from higher-quality fabric that is water-resistant or eco-friendly synthetic materials that will stand up toughly over time to withstand everyday use without losing a neat appearance. 5. Tech-Savvy Features
Modern devices mean that a backpack should be in place in today's extremely tech-savvy world. Today, many urban commuter backpacks look chic and have great technological features: in-built USB ports for charging on-the-go, some with radio-frequency identification-blocking pockets, securely padded compartments to hold gadgets such as laptops and tablets. These additional features make the determination of the daily commute more eased and pleasurable for the modern commuter.
Choosing the right sleek urban commuter backpack.
Therefore, in choosing the best sleek urban commuter backpack, your individual needs remain paramount. This calls for concern to the following considerations:
Size: Ensure you find one that is big enough to carry your daily essentials but small enough to help you keep things streamlined. 15 to 20 liters should generally work for most commuters.
Comfort: Choose ergonomic designs with padded straps and back panels for comfort even when commuting longer distances.
Material: This has to be in water-resistant material especially when commuting in a city where weather looks greatly confused. - Organization - Ensure the backpack has sections or rooms specially designed for the electronics, personal accessories, and work essentials.
Conclusion The urban commuter backpack: More than just a functional item that reflects your urban lifestyle, reflecting respectability subtly mixed with a bit of derring-do. It attains the much-needed balance between pragmatism long overdue and elegance corresponding to stylish solutions that help survive the challenges of daily commuting to work. This is the type of backpack that will offer comfort and organization for one to always be on the go, from the office straight to an after-work meet-up with friends or just spontaneous exploration of the city on weekends. When you pick a backpack designed with the city commuter in mind, you put your money into a product that'll raise your daily life that much easier and effortless so you could always be polished and professional.
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sanmeiglobal998 · 1 month
Acer PD Charger Benefits: Why It's the Best Choice for Fast Charging
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In today's fast-paced digital world, having a reliable and efficient charger is crucial. Acer, a leading name in electronics, offers a range of Power Delivery (PD) chargers designed to meet the demands of modern devices. But what makes Acer PD chargers stand out? In this article, we'll explore the key benefits of Acer PD chargers and why they might be the best choice for your charging needs. What is a PD Charger? Power Delivery (PD) is a fast-charging standard that uses USB-C to deliver higher power levels compared to traditional USB chargers. PD chargers can automatically adjust the power output to match the device's requirements, ensuring efficient and safe charging. This technology is especially important for high-power devices like laptops and tablets, which require more energy than standard chargers can provide. Key Benefits of Acer PD Chargers Acer PD chargers are designed with several advantages in mind. Here’s a detailed look at why these chargers are worth considering: 1. High Power Output One of the most significant benefits of Acer PD chargers is their high power output. Most Acer PD chargers support up to 100W of power, which is sufficient for charging a wide range of devices, including: - Laptops: Many modern laptops require higher power levels for optimal charging. Acer’s PD chargers can handle this, ensuring your laptop charges quickly and efficiently. - Tablets: Tablets with high-power requirements also benefit from Acer’s PD technology. - Smartphones: Even high-end smartphones with fast charging capabilities can take advantage of the rapid charging speeds offered by Acer PD chargers. 2. Fast Charging Technology Acer PD chargers leverage advanced charging technology to minimize charging times. This means you can quickly power up your devices and get back to using them. The fast charging capabilities are especially useful for: - Busy Professionals: Who need to charge their laptops and phones quickly between meetings or work sessions. - Students: Who require fast charging to keep their devices powered during long study sessions or classes. 3. Versatile Compatibility Acer PD chargers are designed to be versatile, compatible with a wide array of devices that support USB-C PD standards. This includes: - Acer Devices: Naturally, Acer’s own laptops, tablets, and other electronics work seamlessly with their PD chargers. - Other Brands: Acer PD chargers are also compatible with devices from other manufacturers that support USB-C PD, offering flexibility and convenience. 4. Compact and Portable Design Acer PD chargers are known for their compact and portable design. They are lightweight and easy to carry, making them ideal for: - Travel: Whether you're commuting, traveling for business, or going on vacation, Acer’s compact chargers are easy to pack and carry. - Home Use: The sleek design ensures that the charger doesn’t take up much space on your desk or work area. 5. Multiple Charging Ports Many Acer PD chargers come equipped with multiple USB-C ports. This feature allows users to: - Charge Multiple Devices Simultaneously: Perfect for those who need to charge their laptop, phone, and other gadgets at the same time. - Reduce Cable Clutter: With multiple ports, you can minimize the number of chargers and cables cluttering your workspace. 6. Smart Charging Technology Acer’s PD chargers often feature smart charging technology that adjusts the output power based on the connected device’s needs. This ensures: - Optimal Charging Speed: Devices receive the exact amount of power they need for fast and efficient charging. - Device Safety: Prevents overcharging and overheating, which helps extend the lifespan of your devices. 7. Durability and Reliability Acer is known for producing high-quality electronics, and their PD chargers are no exception. Benefits include: - Durable Construction: Built to withstand everyday use and occasional travel. - Reliable Performance: Consistent power delivery ensures your devices are always charged when you need them. How Acer PD Chargers Compare to Other Brands When compared to other brands, Acer PD chargers offer a combination of high power output, fast charging technology, and versatile compatibility. While many brands offer PD chargers, Acer’s commitment to quality and performance makes their chargers stand out. Some of the factors that give Acer an edge include: - Competitive Pricing: Acer’s PD chargers are often priced competitively, offering good value for the features and performance they provide. - Brand Reputation: Acer’s long-standing reputation in the electronics industry ensures that their products are reliable and well-supported. Conclusion Acer PD chargers offer numerous benefits that make them a top choice for fast and efficient charging. With high power output, fast charging technology, versatile compatibility, and a compact design, these chargers meet the needs of modern device users. Whether you’re a professional, student, or frequent traveler, Acer’s PD chargers provide a reliable and convenient charging solution. When choosing a PD charger, consider your specific needs and device requirements. Acer’s range of PD chargers is designed to deliver optimal performance and ensure your devices are always ready to go. Read the full article
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ashish-itx · 1 month
Expert Charging Port Repair Services in Jimboomba: Keep Your Devices Powered Up
A malfunctioning charging port can turn your reliable mobile device into a source of frustration. If you’re experiencing issues like slow charging, intermittent charging, or your device not charging at all, it might be time to consider a professional repair. At Mobile Hut Shop in Jimboomba, we specialize in charging port repairs for a wide range of mobile phones and tablets. Our expert technicians ensure that your device is back to optimal performance quickly and affordably. Read on to learn more about our top-notch charging port repair services and why Mobile Hut Shop is your go-to destination for mobile repairs in the city.
Common Signs Your Charging Port Needs Repair
Your charging port is a crucial component of your mobile device, and any damage or malfunction can lead to significant inconvenience. Here are some common signs that your charging port may need repair:
Loose Connection: If your charging cable feels loose or wobbly when plugged into the port, it could indicate a damaged or worn-out port.
Intermittent Charging: If your device only charges when the cable is held at a certain angle or only charges sporadically, there may be an issue with the port’s internal connectors.
No Charging: If your device doesn’t charge at all, despite trying different cables and chargers, the port might be completely non-functional.
Slow Charging: If your device charges much slower than usual, it could be due to a faulty charging port not delivering power efficiently.
Overheating During Charging: If your device becomes excessively hot while charging, it could indicate a short circuit or damage within the charging port.
Why Choose Mobile Hut Shop for Charging Port Repairs?
At Mobile Hut Shop in Jimboomba, we understand how vital your mobile device is to your daily life. Our charging port repair services are designed to get your device back in working order as quickly as possible. Here’s why we’re the best choice for your charging port repair needs:
Expert Technicians
Our team of experienced technicians has extensive knowledge of mobile device repairs, including charging port issues. They use advanced diagnostic tools to accurately identify the problem and perform precise repairs that restore your device’s functionality.
High-Quality Parts
We use only high-quality replacement parts that meet or exceed the original specifications of your device. This ensures that your repaired charging port will be reliable and long-lasting, giving you peace of mind and avoiding future issues.
Quick Turnaround Time
We know how important your device is to you, which is why we strive to complete most charging port repairs on the same day. Our efficient repair process means you won’t have to be without your device for long.
Affordable Pricing
At Mobile Hut Shop, we believe in providing top-notch repair services at competitive prices. Our charging port repairs are affordably priced, offering great value without compromising on quality.
Comprehensive Warranty
We stand by the quality of our repairs, which is why we offer a comprehensive warranty on all charging port repairs. If you experience any issues after the repair, simply bring your device back, and we’ll make it right.
How We Perform Charging Port Repairs
Our charging port repair process is thorough and ensures that every aspect of the issue is addressed:
Initial Diagnostic Assessment: We begin by performing a detailed diagnostic assessment to determine the exact cause of the charging problem. This helps us identify whether the issue lies solely with the charging port or if other components are involved.
Disassembly and Inspection: If the charging port is identified as the issue, we carefully disassemble the device to access the port. We inspect the port and surrounding components for any visible damage or wear.
Cleaning or Replacement: Depending on the condition of the charging port, we may either clean it to remove dust, debris, or oxidation, or we’ll replace it entirely with a high-quality part.
Reassembly and Testing: After the repair, we reassemble the device and perform a series of tests to ensure the charging port is functioning correctly. We check for stable connections, proper power delivery, and consistent charging.
Final Quality Check: Before handing your device back to you, we perform a final quality check to ensure everything is in perfect working order.
Benefits of Regular Charging Port Maintenance
To extend the life of your device’s charging port and avoid future repairs, consider the following maintenance tips:
Clean Regularly: Dust and debris can accumulate in the charging port over time, leading to connection issues. Use a small brush or compressed air to clean the port periodically.
Use Quality Cables: Always use certified and high-quality charging cables to prevent wear and tear on the port’s connectors.
Avoid Stressing the Port: Be gentle when plugging in and unplugging your charging cable. Avoid yanking the cable out or bending it sharply while it’s plugged in.
Charge in a Safe Environment: Avoid charging your device in extreme temperatures or humid conditions, as these can cause damage to the charging port.
Visit Mobile Hut Shop in Jimboomba for Professional Charging Port Repairs
If your mobile device is struggling to charge, don’t wait for the problem to get worse. Visit Mobile Hut Shop in Jimboomba today for expert charging port repairs. Our skilled technicians are ready to diagnose and fix your device quickly, ensuring you stay connected and powered up. With our commitment to quality, affordability, and customer satisfaction, Mobile Hut Shop is your trusted partner for all mobile repair needs.
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