#Tablet stand for hands-free use
you-nes · 6 months
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steddieas-shegoes · 2 months
pop goes metal
for @corrodedcoffinfest prompt 'alternate universe'
rated t | 964 words | cw: language | tags: famous corroded coffin, pop star steve harrington, flirting, getting together
"No fuckin' way are we working with him," Eddie argues with their manager. "You're always so worried about our image and then you go and have us doing a song with a fuckin' pop artist?"
The manager, Anthony, rolls his eyes. "It'll broaden your fanbase. You know who spends money on shit? Women. You know who likes Steve Harrington? Women."
"Does he even write his own shit?" Gareth asks.
"Does it matter?" Eddie turned to him with a glare. "Even if he writes it, it's not our style."
"Maybe we could at least hear what he's trying to work with us on?" Jeff, always the calming presence, asked towards Anthony.
"He sent over a sample before we sign any agreements."
Eddie sat down in the chair furthest from everyone else, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Now, this isn't an official recording. Just what he did on his phone on his tour bus with his acoustic guitar. He arranged the bass already for Frankie, too, but said he's open to whatever Gareth feels is right for the drums." Anthony pressed play on his phone and the room was filled with strumming and a surprisingly raspy voice singing what was clearly a chorus.
Eddie could pretend he hated it, and maybe the guys would agree with him and they'd never have to speak of this again.
He couldn't hide his reaction fast enough, though.
His jaw dropped as he listened to the lyrics, surprised to find that they weren't just about going to a club and dancing or being in love.
Steve's voice broke at the end before there was shuffling and the recording stopped.
Eddie felt everyone's eyes on him. He closed his mouth and looked down at the floor, tapping his fingers against his arm.
"It's not bad," he finally said. "Not sure why he needs us, though."
"Apparently, his brother is a huge fan of you and suggested he try to work with you."
"I think we should do it." Jeff said, a note of finality in his tone that Eddie knew he wouldn't try arguing with.
"Yeah, can't hurt." Frankie shrugged.
"If he's giving me creative freedom on the drums, how can I say no?" Gareth smirked.
"Guess we're working with the pop diva, then."
Steve Harrington was nothing like what they expected.
He showed up to their studio in sweats and glasses, holding a tablet and a bottle of Tylenol. They started to introduce themselves as he found a spot on the couch.
"I'm really glad you guys were willing to work with me," he said after he shook everyone's hand.
Eddie stared.
"My uh, my brother, Dustin, he's kinda why I wrote this song and I know it means a lot that you agreed to be on it," Steve continued. "So, thanks. Hopefully it doesn't ruin your vibes or anything."
Eddie felt every wall he built crumbling with every word Steve spoke. God dammit, this man just had to be sincere and hot and talented, didn't he?
"Nah, we're gonna sound great together." Eddie smiled at Steve's wide-eyed look. "You wanna show us the whole song?"
Steve nodded, pulling something up on his phone. Another recording, this one more professional and included an electric guitar.
"Robin was the stand in for the electric while I did bass."
"So you can play bass?" Frankie asked, leaning in.
"Yeah, but my preferred instrument is piano. I just don't do a lot of slow songs. Guitar is what gets the women interested, or so they tell me," Steve smiled awkwardly. "But feel free to change some things up. I'm totally open to suggestions."
But really, it was damn near perfect as it was. Frankie made one tweak during the bridge, but Steve ended up loving it more than the original and told him so with a grin.
"You're a fuckin' genius!" He exclaimed.
Gareth started messing around on the drums while Steve and Eddie worked on the first couple of lines.
"Something still doesn't feel right," Steve mentioned.
"Maybe we change the rhyming pattern?" Eddie suggested. "You've got ABAB. Might work better to do AABB. Some of these words can be moved around to make that work."
Steve stared at the notes app for a moment, then looked back up at Eddie, beaming smile making his eyes squint.
"I could kiss you!" He shouted. As soon as he realized what he said, he blushed, looking back down at the phone. "I mean, thanks. That's a great suggestion."
Eddie searched Steve's face, coming to the conclusion that there was probably a good reason why Steve didn't care about what women liked when it came to his music.
"I have a pretty strict rule about kissing people I work with," Eddie said slowly, quietly so they wouldn't be overheard.
"Yeah, no, that makes sense. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or-"
"But we won't be working with each other for long, right?" Eddie continued, letting his hand rest on Steve's thigh. God, he was muscular.
"Um. No I guess not."
"Rain check, then. Until we've finished our professional relationship." Eddie couldn't believe he was suggesting this. Showing interest in a pop star. What's next? Dating one? Marrying one?
"Are you saying you wanna kiss me, Munson?" Steve suddenly sounded more confident.
"I'm saying we've got work to do before I can get my hands on you." Eddie tapped his thigh before pulling away. "So let's get to it."
"Dude! I got it!" Gareth yelled, interrupting their moment.
"Be right there!" Steve yelled back, not looking away from Eddie. "Might break a record for fastest recording time ever just so I can kiss you," Steve added quietly to Eddie before standing and walking over to Gareth.
"Well, fuck." Eddie sighed, smiling to himself.
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heytheredelulu · 6 months
I was wondering if you could do maybe a like feral Bucky? Like maybe they trigger the soldat and instead of him fallowing their orders he goes after the shy curvy little intern of Tony’s? They’ve both been too shy to make a move. I’m cool with whatever spin you put on it, I LOVE your writing.
(Love all your normal kinks so feel free to add those too as you see fit! )
Thank you lovely 🥰 Can’t wait to drool over more of your writing lol
I took this and RAN with it.
It ended up becoming much longer than I had anticipated so this one will be broken up into two parts.
I struggled with trying to incorporate Bucky being triggered after the reader already being somewhat aquatinted with him, pining after him, etc. so I went the route I did and I hope it fulfills your request!
Part one will be mostly just plot building with a spicy cliff hanger leading us into a part two of pure smut.
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Ready to Comply - Part One - Anon Request
Bucky Barnes x Plus Size Reader
Word Count: 2.5k
C/W: Language, discussion/implications of violence and murder, choking, blood (Bucky is strugglin’ and bites his own hand), a lil sexual tension in prep for part two, he sniffs her coochie, okay?
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“Okay, stop. Stop that.” Tony whispered out of the corner of his mouth. You shot him a glance and tugged at your skirt one more time for good measure. He lets out an exasperated sigh and rolls his eyes. “You look fine, Rookie. Very professional. Is that what you needed to hear?”
You scoff and shake your head. “That’s no- I’m not fishing for compliments, I genuinely hate dressing like a fucking secretary.” You grumble, drawing a laugh out of Tony. “And don’t call me ‘Rookie.’” You add with a prod to his chest. He brushes the front of his suit jacket sarcastically in response to your poke and raises his hands defensively, a soft chuckle rising from his throat.
“A fucking secretary? Really? It’s business professional. Did you think I could let you stand next to me in a press conference wearing an old t-shirt and some torn up jeans? We need to create a semblance of professionalism.” He gestures to his own attire with a grin and there’s a teasing glint in his eye as he continues.
“And what’s wrong with ‘Rookie’? You’re my little protégé.” He jests, reaching like he’s going to pinch your cheek as if you were some adorable little toddler. You frown, swatting his hand away and brings it to his chest, clutching it dramatically. “Wow, you’re going to assault your friend, mentor and extremely rich and handsome boss?” He jokes, feigning offense.
“The only accurate adjective in that sentence is ‘boss’, Sir.” You reply dryly, crossing your arms. The corners of his lips twitch into a sly smile and he nudges you with his elbow. “I’ll accept if you don’t agree with friend and mentor.” He starts, pressing his lips into a pout. “But I might actually get a little offended if you refuse to acknowledge how devastatingly handsome I am.”
You groan in annoyance and roll your eyes, preparing a witty comeback when Pepper Potts rounds the corner with a tablet cradled in her arm, a phone nestled between her ear and shoulder and an expression of concern written across her face.
“Everything alright?” Tony asks, placing a hand on his wife’s shoulder. “Don’t tell me.. another offer for People’s ‘sexiest man alive’? I keep telling them, I can’t be on the cover every ye-“ Tony stops mid sentence as Pepper’s manicured forefinger lands on his lips, effectively silencing him.
“Yes. Okay. Understood. Thank you.” She says curtly into the phone before disconnecting the call. “That was Fury. We have an issue. A Barnes issue.”
Your brows furrow at this. “What’s happened with Bucky?” You ask, a sense of dread creeping up your spine. He’d been all but isolated since he’d moved into the Avenger’s tower alongside his best friend Steve Rogers and you couldn’t imagine him being the source of an issue with how reserved this man was. You weren’t at all oblivious to his past- it had been global wide news after all, but in the months since his de-conditioning in Wakanda he had been making great strides towards recovery, working to make amends.
Though your interactions with the ex-assassin had been few, he’d always been polite and kind towards you. You’d felt so out of place among the Avengers, being Tony’s intern. You weren’t on the team, hell, a few of them didn’t even know your name despite you having been trailing behind Tony for the last year. Maybe it was your own fault, considering you hadn’t really made an effort to talk to any of them but aside from the fact that they were all extremely intimidating, you were naturally a shy and quiet person.
You quickly push the self deprecating thoughts from your head. You didn’t care about any of that. You shouldn’t. It wasn’t as if you wanted to be on the team, or were there to make friends, you were here as an engineer, to learn from who was arguably the most intelligent man on the planet. Perhaps that’s why Bucky had always been cordial to you more than some of the others living here. Maybe he gravitated towards you, as someone who constantly felt so out of place, because he felt that way here as well.
Or maybe he thought you were cute.
Oh fuck, if only.
You couldn’t deny your attraction to the man or that you’d been quietly crushing on him practically since you’d started your internship. Every small interaction with Bucky left a blush on your cheeks and a kaleidoscope of butterflies flitting about your belly.
The thought of someone as absurdly good looking as Bucky fucking Barnes finding you attractive was enough to spark a surge of heat straight to your abdomen.
No, get it together. Now’s not the time.
You mentally scold your vagina for having the nerve to throb at the mere mention of Bucky Barnes regardless of the context and turn your attention back to Pepper and Tony as they argued in hushed whispers.
“What’s happened with Bucky?” You repeat, knowing they likely won’t clue you in if it’s related to Avenger’s business.
Tony offers a nervous smile and exchanges a quick glance with his wife before he checks his watch. “Terminator? He’s fine. I’m sure it’s nothing. Probably holed up with security for setting off the metal detector.” He pauses and then snaps his fingers. “Or maybe he walked past the junkyard on fifth and got snatched up by the hydraulic magnet.” He says, lifting a hand and miming a crane.
Pepper lets out a soft sigh and your gaze flicks to her. “Yeah, a big magnet or something.” She mumbles, turning her attention back to her tablet. “I don’t think that’s-“ Your cut off by Tony’s hand on the small of your back, urging you forward. “Enough about Robocop. We’re on, Rookie.” He says, his nervous expression falling away and quickly being replaced with a mask of professionalism. “Let’s go unveil our project to the press.” Pepper moves to open the door for you both and before you can open your mouth to tell Tony that if he calls you ‘rookie’ one more time you were going to strangle him with his overpriced tie, your senses are overwhelmed with an onslaught of overlapping voices and camera shutters.
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You toss your blazer over the desk in your quaint office and slump over into the chair, trying not to let your mind run wild with anxious thoughts about the press conference. Despite your best efforts you couldn’t help but worry that you probably looked like a deer in headlights up at the podium alongside Tony.
You huff and rest your chin on the back of your hand, glancing over at the computer screens. Your attention is immediately drawn to security footage from one of the conference rooms when you see movement on the monitor. You lean in with your brows furrowed. It’s late and no one should be in the conference room. You expand the image and can clearly make out Tony and Steve moving about the room with tense body language.
You hover over the footage with your mouse and hesitate. You know that you absolutely should not eavesdrop on the two men but once Tony’s hands begin angrily gesturing around you give in to temptation and turn on the audio.
“What the hell do you mean, ‘back up?’” Tony shouts, beginning to pace the room.
Steve leans forward with his palms on the table and his head bowed slightly. “It’s exactly what I said, Tony.” He replies, his biceps flexing as he grips the table. “HYDRA had a fail safe. They’d planted a back up activation incase he would ever manage to be deprogrammed.” He looks up at Tony with a solemn expression. “They got to him. I should’ve been there, I should’ve-“
Tony holds out a hand, his other resting against his temple as he tries to comprehend what Steve is telling him. “Well you weren’t and they did so know we have to figure out how the fuck we navigate this.” He says firmly, shaking his head. “Do we have eyes on him? Is he in the building?”
Steve sighed and stood upright from the table. “No. He’s in the wind. We lost contact with him a few hours ago.” He admits, running a hand through his hair. “But there’s something you need to know.” He adds, looking at Tony with concern as he begins to pace again.
“Well spit it out, Rogers!” Tony yells, stopping and turning back to Steve.
“Nat received some intel. The hit HYDRA ordered is on you and your intern.” He says so quietly you can barely pick it up on the audio. Fear crawls up your spine and your hand trembles as you increase the volume on the security feed, while your heartbeat in your ears becomes near deafening.
Tony stiffens, slowly approaching Steve. “You wanna tell me why?” He asks, his voice low and dangerous. Steve nods. “The new tech you unveiled today.“ He explains.
Tony sighs, understanding why one of their enemies would be threatened by what the two of you had been working on and reaches to loosen his tie. “I’ll take Pepper and move her to the safe house before I meet you at a rendezvous point. Send someone to get my Rookie and get her off the grid. I don’t want her alone for a single second.” He says in an exasperated tone, reaching into his suit jacket and pulling out his cell phone as he stalks towards the door.
“And Rogers?” He asks, turning around one last time, his hand curled tight around the doorknob. Steve’s head snaps up and he looks at Tony with guilt ridden eyes. “Yeah?”
“Find Barnes.”
Find Barnes.
The statement echoes in your ears, sending your thoughts spinning as if a category five hurricane were waging inside your head.
No. No, no, no.
There’s a hit out on you?
To be carried out by the fucking Winter Soldier.
Oh you were so fucked.
You scoot your chair back, bracing your hands on the desk to stand with wobbly knees.
Bile rises in your throat as you take a slow step backwards, bumping the chair in your state of panic and knocking your jacket off the workbench. You jump at the sound of it slipping to the floor and clutch your chest as a result of inducing your own jumpscare and take slow breaths to steel your nerves before you bend down to pick it up. As you rise back upright, your gaze connects with a pair of vacant, icy blue eyes in the shadows across the room and your entire body seizes in terror.
He’s not in the wind.
He’s been in here with you this entire goddamned time.
“B-Bucky?” You stutter, bringing your jacket to your chest and grasping it until your knuckles turn white. Maybe Steve and Tony were wrong. Maybe Nat’s intel was wrong. Maybe this was all a huge misunderstanding and you weren’t about to die at the hands of the ex-assassin you’ve been pining over for nearly a year.
He takes a step forward from the shadows, his face expressionless and his eyes unblinking without a single trace of emotion behind them.
Okay, yeah. You’re fucked.
“Sergeant Barnes?” You whisper, almost a plea to the man you knew, locked away somewhere in the brain of the cold and calculated killer standing in front of you.
He doesn’t speak, doesn’t register your words, as he crosses the lab in a few quick strides and catches your throat in his cybernetic hand.
Oh god.
The air leaves your lungs, his grip tightening around your windpipe as his face remains blank.
You’re going to die.
So why are you so fucking turned on?
Heat pools low in your abdomen, your core flooding with arousal, coupled with fear and unbridled lust.
Your mouth falls open in a silent cry as you gasp and thrash in his grip, your thick thighs rubbing together with every kick and flail, doing nothing to alleviate the throbbing ache in your cunt.
God this is so wrong.
His brows furrow, the first hint of emotion since he stepped out of the shadows. His head tilts inquisitively and his grip slackens around your throat as he leans in, tracing his nose across your jaw line and inhaling deeply. You still, your face contorting in confusion as you swallow hard against his palm, leaning your body into his hold.
His eyes narrow as he pulls away from you and you take the opportunity to suck in a breath, massaging your neck gently while your gaze drops to observe his hands clenching and unclenching into fists at his sides.
“Bucky?” You ask, wondering what’s caused the sudden shift in his demeanor, wondering if maybe he’s somehow snapped out of the trance he’d been in. He’s still and silent for a long moment, his head bowed as his chest rises and falls heavily with every breath.
“Sergeant Barnes, are yo-“
His head snaps up, effectively silencing you.
Your mouth remains agape, stuck on your last word and as he watches you with predatory eyes, taking menacing steps toward you, you can’t seem to find your voice any longer. You stumble backwards, losing your balance and falling back against the desk, unable to regain your footing before his hands grip the flesh of your bare thighs.
He tilts you backwards, your back colliding hard with the surface of the desk, stealing the breath out of your chest. He drops to his knees, splaying his palms against your thighs, the hem of your dress rising up to expose your panties as he spreads your legs wide before him and drags his nose across the fabric.
He groans.
He fucking groans.
“You’re my mission.” He breathes out, eyes wild and fingers digging into the flesh of your thighs as if he were fighting to physically restrain himself.
“I know.” You whimper, lifting your head to look down at him over the soft curve of your stomach.
“I’ve been ordered to kill you.” He chokes out, pressing his forehead against your inner thigh and drawing in a deep and shuddering breath.
“Then why haven’t you?” You ask in a broken whisper.
He turns his head and mumbles something incoherently, his breath ghosting against the damp fabric of your underwear and sending a wave of arousal crashing through your core. He stiffens, curling his flesh hand into a fist and bringing it to his mouth, biting down on his knuckles as he swallows back a moan.
He shakes his head, his teeth pressing into his skin hard enough to draw blood and you move to sit up, leaning on your palms as you look down at him where he’s slotted between your legs, visibly trembling.
He rises quickly to his feet, his left hand shooting out to curl around your neck again and he drops his bloodied flesh hand to his side.
“Because..” He says through clenched teeth, inhaling sharply as the cool metal of his thumb strokes the column of your throat.
“I can’t fucking focus when all I can smell-“
His free hand roughly cups your pussy over your panties, his voice trailing off as he kneads his palm against the thin, wet fabric.
He growls, tightening his grip around your throat and jerking you up to him, forcing you to meet his threatening gaze.
His expression grows pained and he whimpers, dipping his head to meet your forehead with his own, his breath fanning across your face with every heave of his chest.
“All I can smell is how wet you are.”
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Taglist (Taglist is open):
@suz7days @blackbirdwitch22 @truthfulliarr @lilacka
Part two
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theemporium · 1 month
im not sure if we’re allowed to combine prompts, so if we’re not, then feel free to choose!
can i request a violet fluff 💜 with nicojack??
"Come back to bed."
"Please, never apologise for wanting to be loved."
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
49. “Come back to bed.”
It was late.
The game ended hours ago, a brutal loss to the Devils that stung for everyone—the players, the coaches, the fans. It was a game of stupid mistakes and missed opportunities and it laid heavy on everyone’s shoulders as the seats at the Prudential Center emptied after the final buzzer sounded through the arena. 
It was bad, but it wasn’t season-breaking. It was still in the early months of the season, they had time to recover from the loss and move up. And all things considered with how the last season went, things were looking bright for the Devils chances to clinch a playoff spot and have a solid foot through the door for the Stanley Cup.
But that didn’t stop Jack’s brain from spiralling the second he stepped off the ice after the heartbreaking loss. 
Everyone could see the way he closed off and it wasn’t unusual. They were competitive athletes, it was in their DNA to thrive and push and aim for the win. It was disappointing when they didn’t get it. It was normal for them to just have moments to themselves to come to terms with the game before leaving it in the past and moving on.
But Jack couldn’t seem to let go. 
It was borderline obsessive the way he was watching tapes from a game he played hours ago, watching the same clips over and over and over again like he could somehow rewrite the outcome. Even getting him to eat dinner was a struggle, the boy uninterested and untempted by the plate lying beside him. 
You thought maybe he needed to sleep it off, that maybe he would talk to you or Nico in the morning. 
Instead, you woke up at three in the morning to find his side of the bed empty and Nico just as confused as he tried to blink away the sleep from his eyes. 
“Where’s Jack?” Nico grumbled, biting back a yawn as he reached towards the empty spot in bed, the sheets now cold.
“I can take a guess,” you murmured, throwing your legs over the side of the bed and wincing slightly at the cool floorboards beneath your feet before you walked out towards the living room. 
It was unsurprising to find Jack sat on the couch, tablet in hand and eyes glued to the screen. His shoulders were tense, his posture was horrible and his lips looked red and raw from biting down on them so much. 
“Babe,” you called out in a soft voice, watching Jack jump out of his skin as he turned to find both of you standing in the doorway. 
“Oh, hey,” he cleared his throat, his cheeks flushing a little when he realised he had been caught. “Couldn’t sleep?” 
“Jack,” you scolded in a soft voice.
“Schat, this isn’t healthy,” Nico frowned as he took in the scene in front of him, brows furrowed and concern written across his face. “I know you’re upset about the game—”
“I lost us that game,” Jack whispered, his voice breaking. “Look at all these mistakes! You kept setting me up and I kept fumbling and—”
“Hey,” Nico shook his head, rounding the couch until he was kneeling in front of Jack. He took the younger boy’s face in his hands, his thumbs soothing over his cheeks. “Everyone makes mistakes. It’s not one person’s fault. We are a team. We win together, we fail together. You know that.”
Jack swallowed harshly. “I know but—”
“No,” he frowned. “Together, Jack. You can’t keep kicking yourself about this. Not like this, okay?” 
He nodded softly. “Okay.” 
“Come back to bed,” Nico murmured as he stood up, pulling the boy up with him as they shuffled towards where you were standing.
“I’m a part of that together too, by the way,” you commented as Jack approached you, sinking into your embrace as you wrapped your arms around him and pulled him into a hug.
“Of course, babe,” he rasped, letting out a sigh as he leaned his head on your shoulder. “M’taking middle spot, by the way.”
You snorted. “Fine. Just this once.”
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erenjaegerwifee · 2 months
Summers In Pandora 🌸 Day 3 - Angry/Hate Sex
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Paring: Lo’ak x Fem!Omatikaya!Reader
Summary: Lo’ak doesn’t like it when you spend time with his brother so he shows you he’s the best you’ll ever have.
Warnings: MDNI 18+, established relationship, mentions of alcohol and drinking, smut, hate fucking, angry sex, rough sex, spitting, explicit language, choking, marking, overstimulation, begging, gagging, orals (m receiving),
Word Count: 3.6K
Index: kelku - house,
Disclaimer:  All my characters are aged-up! If this makes you uncomfortable feel free to scroll and don’t interact with my posts.
Main M.list | Event M.list
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You struggle to tie your new top around your neck, it was beautifully made using red and yellow beads by your boyfriend. He was always so generous when it came to you, and that wasn’t just with gift giving. Getting into a relationship with Lo’ak was one of the best decisions you ever made, you were so excited when he asked to court you. You love him dearly but of course it’s Lo’ak, he tends to have a knack to piss you off.  
It’s not really his fault though, you try so hard to show him you’ll be a good wife to him when you both officially mate. And you know he is aware you’ll treat him with love and respect when it happens, what sets you off is the way every woman in this clan wants to climb on his cock. 
In the past few months you’ve grown quite close with Lo’ak’s family, hanging out and having dinner with them daily. They have grown to become like your family. Tonight, there will be another clan celebration, as much as you love your clan wholeheartedly, you hate seeing girls trip over their feet to be close to your man knowing that he was courting you. You are so tired of them getting in your way constantly, you can’t even kiss him without getting side eyed by the next bitch.  
You decided to get ready with Kiri at her family kelku and leave from there, but when you arrived everyone was at the house but Lo’ak was nowhere to be seen. You didn’t think too much off it as everyone was finishing up either attire for the party. Everyone looked ethereal as they should as the leading family, sometimes you wonder how you got so lucky to join it.   
Kiri stepped out to help her mother with some last-minute health paste which left you with everyone else in the kelku. Neytiri had asked you so kindly to get Tuk ready while she was gone so she wouldn’t be rushing and you couldn’t say no. You styled her hair pretty and helped her knot her clothes properly and she ran out of the room excitedly to show her big brother and father who were seated in the common area.  
When you turned around and she disappeared you go back to struggling with your top and not getting anywhere. You keep ducking your head out to curtain to see if either Kiri, Neytiri or Lo’ak comes in but instead Jake and Tuk leave. So now you stand helplessly in the house with Neteyam.  
He has always been a sweet big brother to you, always defending you and protecting you when he sees necessary. The only reason he hesitates to ask him for help is because Lo’ak hates it when you have to ask or depend on Neteyam for anything instead of him. But at this moment you don’t have a choice. You loosely tie your loincloth on your hips not finished with your body jewelry and stuck your head out the room. Neteyam sits with a tablet in his hands scrolling through something you can’t make out from here, you glance around to see if there was anyone else before you call out to him, “Hey, nete” Neteyam’s head snaps to your voice and chuckles at your floating head, “Yea?” it made you smile how quickly he was ready to drop what he was doing, “I need help, come here” you duck your head back into the room and make sure to hold the top covering your body properly before he walked in.  
When he entered, he stood at the doorway looking at you in the mirror reflection, “Hm?”
“I need help to tie my top, my fingers are slipping I don’t know why today of all days I can’t tie a knot” you giggle. Neteyam laughs at you and walks up behind you pushing your hair over your shoulder, you watch his hands disappear behind your back grazing your skin to tie the knot. It feels a little more intimate than usual but you chalk it up to Lo’ak’s opinion of you asking Neteyam for help.  
“How long have you been struggling in here you know how long I’ve been waiting for you to finish?” he laughs as he focuses on securing your top. “What do you mean?” you ask him watching his eyes dart to make eyes contact with you through the mirror. “Dad went with Tuk to meet mom and Kiri, Lo’ak is Eywa knows where so he said wait for you until you’re done so we can go to the party.” his explanation makes sense he has always been that kind of gentleman.  
“I don’t know where Lo’ak is either and I’m not done I still have a couple things to do so it looks like you’re still waiting” you laugh and he joins in with you giggling about stupid stuff. All of a sudden Lo’ak yanks the curtain open and barges inside catching you and Neteyam in front of the mirror, “Hey baby Kiri said you were- what's going on here?” 
You can hear it in his voice, he feels sour Neteyam is in here with you, they always had a good relationship but Lo’ak has a serious sharing problem, he just couldn’t get it past his head that Neteyam respects your relationship, he doesn’t want you, and you don’t want him.  
“Nothing baby bro, I’m helping your girlfriend tie her top.” Lo’ak notes the loosely tied loincloth around your hips, you could see the gears turning in his head, he must think something happened between you while he wasn’t here, speaking off, where was he? 
“No one else was here and I wanted to finish getting ready” you voice spoke up, “And where were you? I thought you’d be here when I got here” you look at him in the mirror as Neteyam finished securing your top and stepped away from you looking at Lo’ak. 
Neteyam is also well aware Lo’ak doesn’t like it when he is around you, it honestly amused him how much you apologize to him about Lo’ak’s behavior in those matters. “I was busy, and I think she’s good now bro don’t need to wait anymore I’ll Walk her to the party.” Lo’ak said to Neteyam. 
Neteyam left the room after sending you a quick goodbye and you turn to Lo’ak, “you don’t have to act like that I just asked for his help, and who were you with?” you ask him as you start fixing your clothes better. “Oh, so you care so much about how I treat him why don’t you let him help you take your clothes off now he can see how sorry you are” he rolls his eyes. 
“Lo’ak don’t be like that you know that nothing happened and if you were here, I wouldn’t have had to ask him in the first place” you know the argument is brewing, he’s gonna say something he doesn’t mean much like he just did and you’re both gonna be at that party glaring at each other instead of dancing on him, “And where were you, Lo? What were you so busy with?” you turn to face him now one hand on your hip as you wait for him to respond. 
“I was helping out a friend, I just ran a little late.” 
He sighed he knew you were gonna take this in the wrong way but he was honest anyways, “Cilia, she asked me to restring her bow a couple days ago, today was the only day I had some time” your brow furrowed at his response, “Cilia? That girl you flashed you at the river a week ago? The one who is constantly trying to bend over your lap? You went into her kelku willingly?” your voice raised with every question.  
“Why are you always on my case about this sluttly girls? It's not my fault they want me-”  
“No Lo’ak but it is your fault when you entertain them, how many times must I explain this to you?” 
“I don’t know what more you want from me. Ever since we’ve been together, I never crawled into bed with any of them. You on the other hand always wait for me to turn my back so you have a reason to run to my fucking brother” 
“I’m sorry, hold up. Don’t let me misunderstand, are you telling me I’m in some kind of secret relationship with your brother?” 
“Well, are you? I mean come on your basically asking for it tying your loincloth like that while he was in here? It just sat on your hips waiting for a light breeze to blow it off”  
“Oh, fuck you Lo’ak, how can you even accuse me of something like this, you're such a dick” you storm out of the room walking to the celebration by yourself. You know he is right behind you; you can hear him walking behind you but you make no effort to slow your pace or even turn to talk to him.  
When you made it to the party your branched off going in different directions, you walking over to the drinks table and he went somewhere else. Kiri came up to you while you were pouring yourself a drink and asked why you were looking so pissed. You explained what Lo’ak did and how you two argued and no surprise she understands your issue with it. It seems only Lo’ak has his head up his ass. 
You start to feel the music a bit and sway your hips from side to side, Lo’ak was nowhere in sight even though you were fully ready to forgive him and dance like you originally planned. But it seems that asshole has other plans, you walk through the crowd politely greeting people who tried talking to you until you spotted Lo’ak across the clearing. He sits next to Cilia a little to closely laughing at some stupid joke she just said.  
Why is he doing this to you? Why is he torturing you like this? He knows you don’t like her; he is well aware you would throw her ass off a cliff if you could and right now you feel like you might. Your eyes dart to everyone else sitting around them. Spider making small talk with a na’vi girl. Tuk runs circles around the fire with her friends and Neteyam has a girl pressed up against a nearby tree looking like he’s ready to eat her. 
You felt bad for what you were about to do, you know it will only add fuel to the fire but Lo’ak fucking deserves it right now, he has done nothing but be mean to you and ignore your wishes you’ve had enough. You prance your way over to Neteyam tapping on his shoulder to get his attention away from the girl. 
He doesn’t seem too happy about being interrupted but his face softens when he sees yours, and not only that but your glassy eyes make him concerned, you look like a sad baby kitten. He never liked when you cried, no matter who’s fault it was. “Hey, hey what happened?”  
You pout your lip out like you were about to sob and glanced at Lo’ak giving him the hint, “I’m sorry- I didn’t mean to interrupt I just don’t know who else to- to-” you sniffle clearly holding in your cries “It’s okay, don’t cry, let’s get you something to eat” he walks you over to the food table that was a couple feet away from Lo’ak, his arm was rested around your shoulder as you dried your tears laughing at his bad jokes in attempt to cheer you up. 
He stood with you while you ate, even cleaning the side of your mouth when you got a little messy. On the other hand, Lo’ak was pissed, he could kill a palulukan. Why on this planet is his girl eating off a leaf Neteyam is holding? Why is his girl so close to him, he knows Neteyam can smell her, why is she so close they are smelling each other.  
Lo’ak gets up and storms over but to his surprise Neteyam don’t budge this time, “bro back up let me talk to my girl” 
“Your girl? Has talking to that girl make you lose braincells? You know y/n doesn’t like her; anyone can tell you that. Why are you over there grinning your teeth at her?” 
“Not that it’s any of your fucking business but Jackson asked me to put in a good word”  
Neteyam’s angry turning into confusion, “Avatar Jackson? He’s into that bimbo?” 
“I know right, her conversations are fucking mind numbing” Lo’ak matched his tone easily, it was not Neteyam he was mad at, it was you, for being dumb. “Now can I talk to my damn girl?” he said in a less angry tone and Neteyam raised his hands in surrender and went back to his girl. 
Truthfully you felt kind of bad, you had no idea he was helping out a friend, but it’s too late for you to not be mad because you are sure he is. He doesn’t say a word only pulls you in the direction of his family kelku, he knows no one is home so he can have privacy.  
When you entered his private room, you turn to face him watching him close the curtain shut, “Do you just leave home every day thinking about how to piss me off? Seriously, you fucking know I hate it when you do shit like that. And fake cry? What are you a child? Did I take away your fucking lollipop?” 
“Well by that logic Cilia is trying to take away my lollipop” you cross your arms over your chest. Lo’ak ran his hands over his face trying to gather up the patience to deal with you, problem is he ran out of it when he caught you getting dresses with another man’s help. He knows he could have ended this whole thing earlier if he told you he was just being a wingman but he was too caught up in the shit you were doing, he didn’t think that far. 
“Are you crazy? No one is tryna take anything away from you baby. I’m right here missing a perfectly good party to put your ass back into place”  
“Excuse me? Put my ass back into place? She was practically grinding on your lap; you should know by now I don’t fucking like her and I have good fucking reasons to.”
Fair enough you do but still it’s the principle, you tried to one up him with his own brother, what were you planning to do if he didn’t interrupt you? “Do you hear yourself when you talk? Honestly, I don’t see how you could have blown this more out of proportion, I am your man, I’m happy to provide for you for the rest of my life but Eywa knows you have to pat down his fucking attitude.” 
“Make me” you voice was stern you aren’t giving up, yet those words make Lo’ak growl. 
Lo’ak didn’t say anything more only walking you to you and grabbing you by the throat, he pushed you back until your back hit the wall behind you and you were up on your tippy toes. “You need to fix that fucking mouth.” he growled out. 
Lo’ak was towering you even on your toes and pulling your body forward by your neck to meet his lips. His kiss was rough but his lips were soft, he took your bottom lip between his teeth pulling on it before he lets go and comes back in for your lips. 
His heated kiss make you blush, you felt the heat run down your neck and you whimper. Your hands move from your side to hold around his neck but with his free hand he grabs them both pinning them on over your head, “Nah no touching” he said meanly. 
“Lo’ak I-” he shushed you with a kiss and sucked down the skin of your neck. Lo’ak felt marks on your collarbone and neck admiring the way your skin bruised so easy. He let go of your body completely pushing you down by your shoulders roughly. Your knees hit the floor hard but you didn’t think about the pain to focused on you boyfriend untying his loincloth watching his cock spring out. 
Lo’ak brough a hand up to stroke it over your face, you looked so cute crossing your eyes to watch his length before you. “Open” he demanded and when you obeyed, he spit on your tongue, “Don’t swallow, stick your tongue out. You're gonna learn what this fucking mouth is good for”  
He stuck his cock down your throat without warning, making you gag on it. He threw his head back as he thrusted back and forth into your tight mouth not giving you a chance to breath. Lo’ak moaned when your throat tightens around him, your mouth felt so good on him. “Gonna let anyone else fuck your mouth like this?”  he pulled his cock out for you to answer and he rubs the tip from your lips to your cheeks and back while you answer a strained ‘no’ shaking your head. 
Lo’ak rams his cock back into your mouth making your breathing uneven while you gag on him. When he pulls out of your mouth, he pulled you up by your hair and grabbed your bicep pushing you towards his bed. Lo’ak ripped the sting holding your top on behind your neck and snatched your loincloth off. You gasped at his actions but it really wasn’t out of the ordinary for Lo’ak to rip up your clothes. You'd say you quite liked it when he fucked you this rough because he doesn't always do it. Whether it is because he is angry at you or in his rut, Lo’ak still knows how you like it.  
He pushing your body up on the bed and got on his knees spreading your legs. He didn’t say much as he tapped his cock on your clit making you jump. Lo’ak didn’t want to say right now but you looked so pretty, tear stains down your cheeks and puffy lips, he did a number on you, and you’re just getting started. 
He pushing in harshly not giving you a chance before he’s fucking into you. No matter how much times you take him, you never really get used to the feeling of his stretching you out like that but it always feels heavenly. Lo’ak thrusted into you with a brutal pace, rocking your entire body as he did, “no smart comments now? You all out baby?” you couldn't even answer him you could only moan and whimper under him. 
Lo’ak pulled out and flipped you over on all fours, “You wanted to be a little slut huh, prance around my brother knowing I fucking hate it, tell me who do you belong to?” he thrust back into you gathering up your hair into a makeshift ponytail and pulling your head up to stare at the ceiling. He fucked into your cunt using your hair to pull you back into his thrust you mewl feeling his gritty cock stretch you out.  
“Y- you Lo, I belong to you-” your cut yourself off with a moan, as he pounds into you. Lo’ak knew you were close, he knew you wanted to release, but did you deserve that? “Wanna cum baby?” he bent over your body to talk to you, “Yes, Yea wanna cum on your cock” your words are jumbled but he understands anyways.  
“You sure it’s my cock you wanna cum on? You sure it’s not my brother’s?” you barely process his question before you answer, “No yours- yours" you shout. “I don’t know baby I'm gonna need a little convincing” he said cockily. 
“Please Lo- wanna cum so bad please?” he doesn’t respond to your pleads as you muster up the breath to do it again. “Love your cock yawne, not his pleasee” Lo’ak again said nothing to your words, he loved here them but he didn’t want you to know how that just yet. “Lo’ak I’m gonna cum gonna cum!” you were reaching the end of your resolve. You can’t hold this much longer you’re about to burst.  
“Lo’ak, Lo’ak, Lo’ak-” your chant his name as if it would change his mind, “Can’t believe you purposefully used him to get me jealous, you get off on watching me get man at Neteyam?” his mistake for saying Neteyam’s name, your cunt gush on his cock unintentionally just as Lo’ak utter his brother’s name and he felt it. 
“Oh, I see, you want him so fucking much you’re cuming at the sound of his name now?! Such a fucking slut.” Lo’ak doesn’t let up, he pounds in your cunt making you scream in overstimulation, you beg and beg him to give you a break but he never lets up. You cum three more times in his cock due to it, “yea take it, fucking take my cock, he’ll never be able to fuck you the way I do and you’ll fucking remember that”  
Lo’ak bent his head down to your neck and bit you, making you scream out and leaving a nasty purple bruise on your skin, he loves hearing how he makes you scream, gives him a nice since of pride knowing his girl gets off on his cock so well. “Gonna cum in this tight cunt, make you mine for real now, let’s see you flirt with other men.”  
Lo’ak jackhammered into your cunt letting his cum shoot deep inside you. You left his cock twitch before you drop down onto his bed sideways with him spooning you form behind. Lo’ak made no move to get up or pull out he simply rubbed along your skin gently as you fell into sleep for the night.  
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🌸 I hope you all enjoyed reading this one! Ik it learned more towards angry sex than hate sex but I do still like it! Please don’t repost my work on any other app or website!
🌸 Reblogs, comments and likes are always appreciated
@rivatar @strongheartneteyam @xylianasblog @delusionalwh6re @nilahsstuff @neteyamsoare @inlovewithpandora @m1tsu-ki @teymars @kylimarz
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antiquarianfics · 3 months
Lost Time
You meet up with a lost love.
a/n: i’m so sorry if this isn’t what you wanted. i’ve struggled to come up with much more than this little drabble for this request, but i hope, despite its being short and sweet, it’s enjoyable. :’)
“Well, well, well. Look what the Falcon drug in,” you say with a bright smile, a light laugh following your words.
Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes turn around from the table they’re standing at and seemingly arguing over whatever is lain out on it. Upon seeing you, Sam beams, a bright smile to match yours overtaking his face. He takes a few quick strides towards you, pulling you into his arms for a hug.
“Hey, kid! Long time!” He says, pulling away, hand resting on your shoulder. “How’ve you been?” He pulls his hand away, opting to stand with his arms crossed as he waits for your response.
“Not bad,” you grin. “Busy, but not bad. You?”
Sam shrugs. “Ah, y’know. Fighting bad guys, kicking ass.”
You raise an eyebrow, nodding towards a developing bruise on his cheek. “You sure the bad guys aren’t kicking your ass?”
“Ha. Ha.” Sam deadpans. “But, they are, actually. That’s why I called you.” He waves you over and the two of you start towards the table.
Your attention finally falls on the other man in the room who is simply staring at you, mouth agape. Sam sighs.
“Ignore him. He has a staring problem.”
“You’re gonna catch flies with your mouth hanging open like that, Buck,” you say, nonchalantly. Sam gives you a look, Bucky closes his mouth and swallows.
“You two know each other?”
“Something like that,” Bucky says quietly.
“Long time, James,” you reply.
You take a bold step forward and lean up and kiss his cheek.
“We should get lunch, just the two of us. Catch up.”
He gives you a curt nod. You smile despite the attitude.
“What the hell is with you two?” Sam asks, completely lost.
“19 leu,” the older Romanian shopkeeper demands, holding her hand out for payment. She’s not a friendly looking woman, and you’re not sure she won’t jump the counter to attack the much larger man in front of her for her money.
The man digs in his pocket, but the amount of leu he pulls out is not enough to cover the bag of plums he is holding. You frown, your gut telling you to step in and help. So, you do. You take a deep breath and put on a smile, stepping forward and speaking before gently looping your arm through the mystery man’s.
“Honey,” you chide, “there you are. I’ve been looking everywhere for you. You left your wallet with me.” He looks down at you with a confused (possibly scared?) expression on his face. You return the look with what you hope is a comforting smile: “Trust me,” you mouth.
You turn to the shop keeper and roll your eyes at the man. “Men!” You exclaim, waving your free hand to say ‘you get it.’ The woman cracks a small smile, but her hand remains out. You pull out the money, handing it over. “Can’t take him anywhere,” you laugh. “There you are. Thank you!”
You lead the man away from the fruit stand with his plums. When you’re far enough away, you pull your arm away from his and look up at him.
“Look,” you say nervously. “I didn’t mean to be presumptuous, but you looked like maybe you needed an assist. Uh. Have a nice day.” You turn to leave, but he gently and awkwardly puts a hand on your wrist.
“Thank you,” is all he says. You smile.
“Y/N.” You introduce.
“What are you doing here, Y/N?” Bucky asks stoically once you and him get a moment alone.
“Sam called,” you say with a frown, swiping on a tablet in front of you as you inspect some intel documents Sam had sent you.
“You know what I mean.”
“Sam and I are friends. He needed help, he called, I came. I didn’t know you were going to be here, too.” You set the tablet down and look up at him, still frowning. He looks perplexed.
“You promised to stay away.”
“You promised I’d be safer that way. We both lied.”
Bucky clenches his jaw and looks away. You sigh.
“How do you even know Sam?” Bucky asks.
You raise an eyebrow. “We were in the Air Force together. Did I not tell you I was Air Force? I could’ve sworn we talked about that.”
Bucky sighs, accepting your reason and ignoring your question.
“Anyway, Bucky, the animosity is a little silly, no? We didn’t leave off on bad terms; just tense ones.” You offer a small smile to which, surprisingly, Bucky reciprocates.
“Yeah,” he says, holding an arm out for you. “C’mere.” You step into the hug and hold onto your lost love tightly. “I missed you,” he whispers into your hair.
“I missed you, too,” you say.
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marlynnofmany · 4 months
Drying Out
The wind on this alien planet was like I’d expected: not quite strong enough to put my balance at risk, but enough to make me glad I’d braided my hair back extra tight. Even with that precaution, little hair tendrils were whipping the sides of my face as I walked, and I didn’t have a hand free to brush them away. I was, as usual, carrying a box.
Mur could have carried it, but it would have been much harder for him, since he needed his tentacles to walk. Lucky bipedal me, with my free hands. I tried to focus on that as I squinted into the wind, scanning the nearly-deserted spaceport for our clients. I really should have brought goggles. Or at least a hat that wouldn’t get blown off.
A beanie would be perfect right now, I thought. Or even a scarf. I could be nice and fashionable with my swim goggles and a tie-dye bandanna. Why did I grab chapstick but nothing for my eyes?
I knew it was because Wio had only mentioned the drying properties of the local air when I’d asked. She was a Strongarm like Mur, and they admittedly had different priorities. No hair, for one.
“There they are,” Mur said over the wind. Not a thing got in his eyes.
I followed the direction of his blue-black tentacle, and spotted the little alcove that looked like an old fashioned bus stop. Three small whitish shapes huddled there that I’d thought were trash bags. Whoops. A bit of judicious squinting showed that they were another pair of tentacle folk and their bag of belongings, avoiding the worst of the wind.
Not a bad idea.
They unfurled as we got close enough for them to see the package and correctly deduce that we were here to deliver whatever they’d ordered. Miscellaneous stuff from an offworld store without its own delivery crew, I think. Not my business.
Mur greeted them warmly, taking point in the conversation while I stood there like the hired muscle with the box. The clients were very glad to see us, mostly because that meant less waiting in all this wind. The bus shelter didn’t do much to hold it back.
“Thank you for being prompt!” said the bigger of the two Strongarms as she signed the payment tablet. Her coloring was off-white with patches of yellow, which reminded me of a popcorn-flavored jellybean. The other popcorn squid was a little smaller, but had the same coloration. Probably related, but what did I know?
“Our pleasure,” Mur said as he took the tablet back and they pulled out a small hover platform to carry the package. “The less time spent in this desiccating wind, the better.”
They agreed heartily. I placed the box on the platform and helped the small client strap it in place while the big one explained that they had one more delivery to wait for.
“Unfortunately, that ship has been delayed,” she said. “Which would have been good to know before we got out here, but that’s the twist of the current for you.”
The smaller one piped up in a voice that sounded young. “I’ll say. I ran out of moisturizer with one arm to go — I would have dug up more from storage if I’d known we were going to be out here all day.”
The big one was visibly worried, already tugging at the small one’s tentacles. “Where aren’t you covered? How bad is it? Let me see!”
Mur made sympathetic noises while I mentally went over what I knew of Strongarm physiology. The previous courier ship I’d worked on had kept the air at a higher moisture level than the current one, largely for their benefit. Mur had told me about the lotion they all wore in dry air. I’d honestly forgotten about it.
And it appeared to be a big deal. The one yellow-white tentacle that the small Strongarm had been holding curled close looked dry and stiff even from where I was standing. She winced as she uncurled it. Her mother (yeah, I’m assuming) rushed to dig through the bag for a bottle of water, which she rubbed into place with visible worry.
The young one watched her fuss over it. “I’ll be fine; it’s just a little dry.”
“It’s a lot dry! Why didn’t you say something? And I didn’t bring any moisturizer either, because this was supposed to be a short trip. Oh, and this port doesn’t have a shop!”
Mur winced. “Yeah, this place is mostly Heatseekers and Mesmers, isn’t it? They probably wouldn’t even stock the good stuff.”
“Or any stuff,” the older client agreed. Another gust of wind spun in from a new direction, as if it was determined to make things worse. I licked dry lips while the client fretted.
I had an idea.
“Hey, I don’t know if this works, but do you want my chapstick?” I offered, pulling the tube from my pocket and removing the cap. I swiped some on the back of my hand to demonstrate. “It’s made to keep human lips from drying out, but it might work for you. Assuming you’re not allergic. It has like three ingredients, mostly wax.”
The big Strongarm was already reaching for it, spilling gratitude. She inspected it quickly, picking up the cap with another tentacle while she read the ingredients. “Beeswax, coconut oil… What is coconut? And almond?”
“Plants from my planet,” I said. “Seeds, kind of? Though the coconut is really big and kind of like a fruit with a shell. I don’t know what it really counts as. At any rate, it’s not toxic for me, though that doesn’t mean much.”
She turned it further. “There’s a species-safe diagram here, though it’s very small. I think that’s a dot in the Strongarm corner. Do you remember which is where?” She looked up at Mur.
“Lemme see.” He studied it for a moment while the wind gusted around us and the smaller Strongarm curled her tentacle under her. “Yes, that’s the right corner! Good news.”
“Excellent! Thank you!” The client snatched the tube and instructed the young one to hold out the vulnerable tentacle.
It took a while to cover the whole thing in chapstick, but the elder was determined, and the youngster was patient. Also more than a little embarrassed if I was reading the body language right, but I couldn’t blame her for that.
“Done!” the elder announced. “Did I miss anything? Are there any other spots that feel dry?”
“No, it’s fine.” The youngster pulled her tentacle back. “Feels weird.”
“Yeah,” I agreed with sympathy. “The wax is more noticeable than a good moisturizing lotion would be. But I hope it helps!”
The elder put the cap back on and moved to return it to me, but I told her she could keep it. They needed it more than I did. Plus it had tentacle-alien cooties all over it now, which I’d feel weird about using on my own mouth, but I didn’t say that.
“Honestly, it’s my least favorite flavor,” I said instead. “I got that one in a multipack. I’ll just get a better one later.”
She thanked me again and badgered the younger one into holding the tube, with instructions to reapply it the moment her skin started feeling dry again. The youngster insisted she was fine. The adult had clearly heard that before.
“Well,” Mur said. “It’s been a pleasure doing business with you! May the wind torment you as little as possible.”
“We appreciate that,” the client said. “Do all humans carry these? I’ve seen human-run shops before, and never thought to look for moisturizing agent there.”
“Most of us probably don’t have chapstick on hand all the time, but it’s a good thing to have available. And humans do use skin moisturizer too! It’s probably not the same grade as the kind you’re used to, but if you’re in a tight spot in the future with a human-run store nearby, you can probably find something there.”
“That is very good to know,” she said. “Thank you again!”
We said our goodbyes and headed back out into the brunt of the wind. I could swear it was trying to unbraid my hair one strand at a time.
“Morbid curiosity,” Mur announced as we walked, “But what flavor do you prefer for lining your mouth with? Knowing humans, it’s probably gross.”
I had to smile. “I like the minty ones, which isn’t that weird. Or cherry. Though there was a cinnamon one I found once that I’d like to get again. It looked more like lipstick, which isn’t really what I’m going for, but it smelled good.”
“Hm,” Mur said. “And what was this one? Plant flavor?”
“It was mostly just beeswax. Not that great.”
“What kind of wax is ‘beez wax’?”
“Oh!” I lit up. “I told you about honey, right? The sweet stuff made by bugs?”
“Yeeeees,” he said with suspicion. “Your food additive that’s full of insect spit. Don’t tell me this is the same concept.”
“It’s what they make their hives with!” I told him. “I don’t think there’s as much spit involved. I looked it up once, and the wax seeps out of these pores on their sides, making little scales, then if enough of them flap their wings to raise the temperature to soften it, they can shape it into the little cells to lay eggs and store honey in. But not at the same time. And yeah, they probably do that with their mouths, so there might be some spit involved.”
Mur’s squid face was contorted into an expression of spectacular disgust. “And you put that on your mouth,” he said.
“Yup!” I brushed hair back from my face. “Probably good the client only asked about the other ingredients.”
Mur walked faster. “I hope they don’t find out until we are far out of range.”
“It’s not that gross!”
“You said that about honey too.”
These are the ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book.
Shared early on Patreon! There’s even a free tier to get them on the same day as the rest of the world.
The sequel novel is in progress (and will include characters from these stories. I hadn’t thought all of them up when I wrote the first book, but they’re too much fun to leave out of the second).
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timmydraker · 2 days
On a seemingly random Tuesday night, a few members of the Bat Family are free to spend dinner at the manner.
Jason was benched by his fellow Outlaws for a nasty hit to his chest and got tired of Biz’s worrying even if it was appreciated at first.
Dick had been taking a small break after a particularly bad case with work that involved some hurt children and wanted to be back home.
Damian had only ever made threats to move about but the newley eighteen year old was still at home.
Tim had been using his free time while Kon and Cassie visited their families to visit his own while Bart and Barry dragged Wally on a bonding trip. The poor West boy had to miss out a concert of some sort.
Stephanie, Duke and Cass were all busy with a case and had pleaded with Bruce to take some time off because he was, quote, “Broodier than Hamlet”. He eventually relented when Barbie and Kate promised to keep an eye on them.
The group had decided to watch a movie instead of playing games, mainly because not games were banned, and settled on something that Tim paid no mind to.
The problem came that it was cold out and everyone insisted on having the fire as hot as it could go, but Tim naturally ran hot. Jason and Damian tended to get the coldest and while only Jason would complain, Damian could and would set anything he wanted on fire to get warm.
So, Tim didn’t complain and just said he was going to get changed.
He spent at least half an hour on one of the arm chairs by himself with his tablet playing RuneScape, when Dick inhaled so quickly everyone heard it.
Tim assumed it was something to do with the movie and didn’t turn, tapping away at his screen, completely ignorant to Dick’s quickly forming tears.
It was when Bruce also made a noise, this time a poorly pronounced ‘oh’ that he turned around, assuming it had to be a truely grand thing for Bruce to react so openly in the movie.
Instead he finds his foster father and brothers staring at him.
More specifically, his thighs.
Tim hadn’t realised his shorts would ride up and stop covering him to just above his knee and show the hundreds of scars littered over the outside and inside of his pale skin. They were mostly faded, but with the width of some of them they were always going to be visible, especially with the sheer amount.
Pulling his pant leg down, Tim doesn’t bother to hide a sympathetic wince and says, “Sorry, didn’t meant to show them. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable.”
He looks away again, assuming that was that and trying to remind himself that it wasn’t his fault that people were upset by his scars, just like Black Canary told him.
Instead he hears a sob and turns back to find Bruce holding Dicks hand as his oldest brother sobs into his hand. He sees that Jason is seemingly fighting to not match him even with his wide eyes and Damian is staring at him with confusion.
Realisation finds Tim quickly, which makes sense considering he’s supposed to be the ‘smart Robin’.
“You didn’t know…”
Dick stands up, dropping Bruce’s hand and comes to kneel before Tim, holding onto his own hands like some kind of follower to a god, “Why? I- I don’t- why?”
The desperation in his voice makes Tim feel sick, and he looks around at the others for help because surely he had talked to at least one of them about it? He had been open with his friends, and he hadn’t exactly kept it a secret, but he did avoid showing them…
Tim moves to hold onto Dick in return, “I’m sorry, I thought you guys knew-… okay, look, I’ve got a two year clean streak and I’m in therapy, okay? I’m so sorry Dick, I just assumed you knew cause I use the shower in the cave with you guys and… I’m so sorry.”
There’s a silence for a moment as Dick drags him into his arms and squeezes him as tightly as he can, not even being careful like he usually would.
“I don’t understand.”
Damian’s voice sounds uncharacteristic in how small it is. He’s staring at Tim’s legs like he might be able to catch a glimpse of the scars in genuine confusion.
Bruce seemingly can’t speak and so Jason tries his best to explain to the youngest Wayne boy, “Look, bra-kid, some times when people aren’t doing to well they… they hurt themselves. Tim…”
Giving his brother a smile, Tim takes over as tears finally break away from Jason. Jason was always the most emotional and that’s evident in how he actually lets Bruce pull him into a side hug.
“Dami, you know how my parents kind of sucked?”
Damian makes a scoff noise, “I know they were incompetent, yes.”
Smiling, Tim continues as his eyes grow wet with the sound of his families cries, “Well, I really wanted to good for them but they had impossible standards. When I found I couldn’t reach them, I decided I needed punishment. So…” he takes a deep inhale and moves a hand to Dick’s head to comfort him as he finishes. “I started to cut myself.”
Damian doesn’t get wide eyes or anything, and Tim thinks it’s so much worse that there’s an image understanding in his little brothers eyes that show he sees that as completely logical.
But it is quickly overcome, his first thought always what he was raised with and quickly followed by the ideals he’s learnt and now values. He doesn’t cry either, but he does have a look of a pure heart break in his sweet little eyes.
Bruce finally comes over and pulls his two sons into a hug, adjusting to fit Jason in and saying nothing as Damian comes up behind Tim and leans his head against the others back.
Bruce asks other a few minutes of holding each other, “You said you haven’t for two years?”
Tim smiles once again and presses a kiss to his dad’s cheek. “Yeah. I learnt that family, real family like ours, would never want physical punishment, especially for something we can’t control. That’s not how loving people work.”
Damian moves to wrap his arms around Tim in their first ever hug and by all gods and mighty beings is Tim glad he stuck around.
Hugs from his family was well worth it.
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qlossytbh · 7 months
𝐨𝐜𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 - 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐟𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 you and conrad had established no strings attached, that is until valentines fold up and conrad suddenly seeks more out of you.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 implications of sex, fwb, lots of fluff towards the end
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 3.1k by
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 back at it lol. i’m taking request!! feel free to send in any requests for any of the characters on my masterlist
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐫𝐚𝐝 𝐟𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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Valentines day. 
Some people are apprehensive when it comes to deciding what to spend the day doing on this particular holiday. For the lucky, it might be spending the day with their significant other or sitting around, basking in the simplicity of spending time with the person you love. For others, it was spending the day watching sappy rom-cons or moping around about the very fact of being single.
For you, Valentine's Day was the perfect excuse to show everyone how much you loved and cared for them. You were an overall extremely affectionate person, giving intricate gifts was a part of who you were. It was an extreme love language of yours— the feeling of running around, planning and buying different parts and pieces for each gift was something you found loads of fun in doing. 
For example, you had just finished baking and packing up your usual valentine themed cookie boxes to send out to all of your coworkers who worked with you at the local dog shelter. You had also sent out all of the small valentine themed envelopes to your family, who lived down the street from Susannah’s house here in Cousins, which reminded you not to forget her and Laurel's bouquets. You also put together the little treat bags with the group's favorite candy and other small things; one for Jeremiah, one for Steven, one for Belly, and one for Conrad.
It maybe was a lot, but you couldn't help yourself. You loved Valentine's Day. 
It was currently around four in the afternoon, and you were rushing around the kitchen of the Fisher household, scrolling through your tablet, checking off a few of the things you had left to do. 
Jeremiah walked into the room along with Belly, Steven, and Conrad.
"Hello Jeremiah." You looked up from your tablet and caught Jeremiah reaching for a cookie from one of the batches you were going to give out to your neighbours later on. His face twisted, laughing in embarrassment. You shook your head, looking down at the screen with a smile. 
"I left a batch of red velvet cupcakes near the fridge," Jeremiah and Stevens faces lit up. 
"You are the best person to step foot on this planet," Steven praised as they rounded the corner in attempts to get their hands on one of the cupcakes. 
"Seem's like you've been busy," Belly said, scanning the room as you set the tablet down on the counter. "I'll never get how you do it."
You shrugged, pulling your hand back and letting down the messy bun you had whipped up a few hours ago. "What can I say? Its Valentine’s Day."
"Not a valid answer, you don't see me running around gifting people random lovey shit, huh?" Conrad butted in as he leaned against the wall. You shot a glare at him.
"Well, you don't do lovey shit anyways," You teased with a smile, looking at your feet. "I dont know, I like seeing people happy, thats really all there is to it."
Belly looked at you with a smile. "That and your mind works at like, a thousand miles per hour."
It was true, you had a tendency to always need to be moving around. You barely sat still, not being able to stand the feeling of not being productive. You were always doing something, or you always had something to do. It was the main reason why you always ended burnt out. You loved doing things constantly, but it came with the heavy price of not knowing when you should stop doing things and rest. 
"People only usually do this stuff when they have boyfriends and shit like that," Belly insinuated. 
"You trying to tell us something, Y/n?" She said, gesturing towards her and Conrad. 
You cleared your throat, feeling a heat wave spread itself against your cheeks. You looked down only momentarily before shooting the pair a smile. "I do this every year Belly, if I had a special someone, you'd be able to tell."
It had been half true, given how you and Conrad weren't necessarily dating. 
It was complicated, at least if you explained it to others. You and Conrad had been best friends since you started coming to Cousins, which was since you were a baby. You loved Belly and Steven, and you loved Jeremiah, but things always felt different with Conrad. 
People had told you that Conrad was never an open book, and it surprised you at first, because he had always been more than open with you. It took very little, if not nothing, to guess with just a glance at what was going on in his head.
Many of the words that people used to describe Conrad Fisher, were the complete opposite of what you knew him to be. Conrad had a side of him that was reserved for only you, and you eventually started noticing it throughout your friendship. 
The two of you had many things that you preferred to leave unspoken. It had always worked like that with the two of you. When it came to how you felt about him, you couldn't put much into words. Words didn't do it justice most of the time.
But you and Conrad had been involved in this, thing, for about a year now. It started last summer, the two of you having one too many drinks at a party and hooking up accidentally. Or so you'd like to say it like that, because no one hooks up with their best friend drunk and says it was an accident. The two of you, not being able to communicate properly, ignored what happened that night for weeks.
But then it happened again
and again, 
and then again.
And none of the following times included alcohol. But for some reason, each time you saw each other after any sexual rendezvous, things would go completely back to normal. You guessed that was just your relationship with Conrad, it never got awkward or weird. 
You did however end up talking about it with him. 
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"Can we talk?" You said, knocking on Conrad's door softly. He was lying down in his bed, book in hand. He sat up, placing it on the nightstand beside his bed. You looked at each other before he shook his head and ran a hand through his hair
"Sure," You walked in, feeling the cool air of the air conditioning hit your legs. You closed the door behind you, swallowing thickly as you could sense this conversation was going somewhere. You couldn't decipher if it was for the better or for the worse. 
You sat on the edge of his bed and looked into his eyes in silence. His gaze was just as locked on you as you were on him. That was before smiles started to grow on each of your faces before you threw your head back, laughing at the ridicule the situation presented. 
"I really don't know why we should talk about this," You said, turning to the side. 
Conrad sighed. "No, we probably should."
You looked at Conrad and focused on the blue in his eyes. "I dont regret what happened."
"Neither do I."
 "Is there a particular reason as to why it happened again after the first time?" You shifted your body and fiddled with your fingers. "And the second and third..
Conrad sighed heavily through his nose. He didn't get what was happening to him at all. He knew he cared about you; he knew he loved being near you and spending time with you. And he enjoyed what had happened between you two, 
A lot. 
But he didn't feel the need to put a title on what the two of you were. At this point, he was definitely opposed to the idea of dating, but he wasn't opposed to the idea of you. Maybe in the future? He didnt know, he was truly lost. 
And so were you. Which you hated. You couldn't stand not knowing what you wanted or what you were feeling. You needed to put titles onto everything—every feeling, every emotion, every situation—thats how your mind worked. But you knew you didn't want a relationship at this point in your life, but you loved spending time with Conrad the way you have recently.
"I don't know," He settled. "I don't see myself in a relationship, but I do love doing all the things we've been doing. 
You look at him and see a glint of something flashes through his eyes. "A lot."
You felt a rush of adrenaline pump through your veins as your cheeks went hot. You reached up, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "I do too."
"I say," He pushed his body closer to yours, his knees lightly grazing against yours. You watched his movements with a sharp intensity. "Let's just be the friends we’ve been since we could talk, and ocacionally thing."
He placed a hand on your thigh. "Things have been normal so far, would you want to keep doing things?"
You nodded and smiled as he leaned forward. You said in a whisper, "What things are we talking about specifically?"
"Should I say it?" His breath fanned over your own. He then pressed a chaste kiss onto your lips, allowing your eyes to flutter close in delight as you smiled through the kiss. "Or do you want me to show you,"
With that you pressed your lips onto his, hungry for whatever you could have of him. 
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For the rest of the summer it continued. The two of your manadged to keep it a secret, not wanting any complications of anyone else trying to put a name to whatever it was the two of you had. 
You didn't even know what it was. Friends with benefits? It was more than that, given how you two cuddled occasionally, kissed occasionally, and went on occasional dates. It stressed you out more to try to figure out what it was than just enjoying it. 
Plus, you knew Conrad cared for you, and you cared for him. That was all that really mattered to you anyway. 
Even when summer ended, you two talked all the time, which was not out of the norm for the two of you. The only difference was the occasional sexting. 
Things were occasional between the two of you, if you couldn't tell by now.
Winter break in Cousin's was your favorite, and when your college gave the students a week off, you were ecstatic. Every year, you never manadged to catch the Conklin and Fisher family, given how they were always given a few weeks off in January instead of February. You grabbed your keys, packed a bag, and headed straight for Cousin's.
Things with Conrad this week had been amazing, but you could tell things were a bit more romatic. Before it was easy to difirenciate when you were only friends and when you were in need of physical touch or intimacy, but now things were all fused and mixed together. 
It didnt bother you enough to talk about it though and neither did he, so you left it at that
You put the last bits of the dishes into the dryer before brushing your hands against the fabric of your cotton shorts. Jeremiah walked into the room with his keys in his hand. "Were headed out."
You looked over at him, grabing your phone and scanning it for any new messages. "Sounds okay,"
"We'll probably be back late, you and Conrad going to be okay?" You deadpanned at the boy.
"We'll be fine," You walked over to him, grabbing him by the shoulders and leading him towards the front door, where Steven and Belly stood. "You go have fun with Steven and Belly, god knows you need to take the poor girl out."
"Thank you," Belly said, agreeing with you. "Mom said she'd be back with Susanah in a few hours." 
You nodded, feeling the breeze of the cold air hit your bare shoulders as Steven opened the front door. Steven jumped. "Oh shit! Almost forgot." 
"That monstrousity came for you today," Steven said, pointing over to your left. "It had a small card, some sappy bullshit on it." 
"For me?" You looked over to the side, letting your jaw slack slightly. Placed perfectly in the middle of the table was a huge bouquet full of red roses and white tulips, both of your favorite flowers. They were carefully wrapped in white and silver paper, adorned almost perfectly with a pink satin bow. 
You never got much on Valentine's Day; you were used to giving the presents, not receiving them. You looked at the group aprehensively once more before walking carefully over to the table. You picked up the small card, reading it carefully: 'Happy Valentines Day pretty girl'
You felt your heart thump against your chest. You let out a small chuckle as your cheeks turned red, knowing exactly who these were from. "Dumbass.."
"What was that about not having a boyfriend?" Belly butted in, causing you to snap out of your lovesick trance. You turned to the three of them, who were eyeing you as you stumbled on your words. 
"Just- uhm, some guy thats been bothering me," You nervously chuckled, rubbing the back of your neck. The three of them looked at each other. 
"Conrad's gonna be pissed." Steven whispered before closing the door and heading out. You laughed to yourself and looked up the stairs, shaking your head. If only they knew. You placed the card down, looking back at the flowers once more before heading upstairs. 
You turned the corner, knocking softly on Conrad's door. With a hum on his side, you pushed the door open. He was standing near his bed with his shirt in his hand, and off of his body.
"Hey," He said, tossing the shirt into his already open closet. "I was just heading to bed." 
You smiled to yourself while crossing your arms, leaning against the door frame. "I thought you didn't do that lovey valentines day shit" 
He paused, looking at you with a perplexed look on his face. You rolled your eyes, walking into the room and closing the door behind you. Conrad eyed you carefully as you made your way to him. "Are you talking about the flowers?"
"Yes Conrad, I'm talking about the flowers," You said, placing a kiss onto his lips. He smiled into the kiss, letting his hands reach your waist, giving you the space your wrap your arms around his neck. You smiled widely into the kiss, not being able to contain your giddiness. 
Your heart was beating wrapidly in your chest, a feeling only Conrad gave you. You pushed into the kiss, deepening it as you directed his body towards his bed. The back of his knees hit the matress, forcing him to sit on the matress, which gave you the space to crawl onto his lap. 
You pulled away, looking down at the blonde boy whom you were currently straddling. "I'm guessing you liked them?”
"How'd you know roses and tulips were my favorite?" You said, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear as you admired the facial features you had grown to love. 
"I pay attention," He leaned forward, kissing the spot on your jaw just below your ear, causing a small giggle to erupt from your chest. 
"Thank you," You whispered, pulling away from him and looking into his eyes deeply. "You didn't have to, really."
He stared back at you, heart fluttering wildly. A feeling he was used to feeling around you, something only you brought out in him. It seemed that no matter how many girls would pop into his life or would come up to him at any frat party, you were always the first one on his mind. You were the only one on his mind.
"Of course I did," He kissed your cheek. "Its not even a quarter of what you deserve."
There it was again. He His your jaw again, trsiling soft delicate kissing up your neck. They were affectionate, none trying to iniciate something. Just soft pecks adorned with love and adoration. You let your hands enravel themselves into his hair, sighing in contentment. 
"Things have changed haven’t they?" You whispered as you pulled his body closer to yours. 
"Mhm," He agreed. You looked at the wall in front of you.
"Can we talk about it?" 
Conrad pulled away, looking at you with a look on his face. You stared back in silence. "Talk to me,"
You sighed, not really knowing what to say. Your heart fluttered at the sight of his attention, listening closely to what you had to say. 
The thing is you didnt know what to say. All you knew is that you cared about the boy in front of you a lot, and this ocassional thing has been going on for so long now. You knew you didnt want to end anything, fuck no. But you wanted more and you were scared it was a one paged thing. 
"Whyd you sent me the flowers?" You asked, paying close attention to his features. He smiled to himself, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. 
"Becuase," He started. "You love Valentines day, and you love recieving gifts, giving them as well, but not a lot of people know you like recieving them as well."
He continued. "You hate the color orange, you say it makes you squirmy and uncomfortable. Your favorite movies Rapunzel, great choice by the way,"
"You give so much to the people you love and I can vouch for that." He grabbed your hands, carresing them softly in his own. 
You looked at him in silence. "I don't want to do this thing occasionally anymore, I want it always.”
You and Conrad had always had a strong relationship, and its been a long time since it stopped being just platonic. You knew everything about him and so did he. Hell, it probably stopped being platonic before you even had sex with him for the first time.
Both of you could’ve saved yourselves months of time if you’d let yourself feel what you were meant to feel for each other sooner.
“So this mean what exactly? That you’re officially asking me to be your ‘girlfriend’” You asked, saying the word that felt so foreign. You knitted your eyebrows, waiting for an answer.
“If that’s something you want,” He said, hope and anxiety flooding his gaze. You stared down at him, smiling softly. You leaned in.
“I’d like that.” You closed the gap between the two of you, sighing deeply into the kiss.
Something inside you felt satisfied. As if your body had been longing for a confirmation that Conrad really was just yours.
He had always been.
You pulled away, hands resting at his bare shoulders as your foreheads rested against each other.
“Can we watch Tangled now?” You asked, voice laced with excitement. He rolled his eyes, pecking your lips softly.
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ofstoriesandstardust · 2 months
can't take the home out of oklahoma - iii. (k.c.)
a/n: i've been trapped in inspo paralysis because of the heat but i have finally pulled this together! please note that this part does contain descriptions of injuries related to tornadoes/part descriptions of trauma not unlike what we see in the opening scene of the film. the fourth and final part will play really heavily on the top gun aspect of the crossover so i've made sure things wrap up nicely if you're not here for that. as always, comments and reblog are appreciated! :)
i & ii
summary: As you and Kate grow into your relationship, you and Tyler finally talk.
warnings: descriptions of injuries due to tornadoes, past description of trauma, background retellings, hurt/comfort, swearing
word count: 5.6k
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“You should be all set.” Dani says, stepping away from you. 
You pump your fists in the air. “Yes!” 
She laughs, smiling. “Go on then.” 
“Thanks Dani!” You shout, taking the stairs fastest than you ever have before, slipping out the front door. You have to stop yourself from flat out running to the barn, too excited to see Kate. 
You see Boone first. He’s screwing something on the drone, probably fiddling with it as Lilly stands in the back of the barn with the rest of group, going over the data they’ve collected over the last few days. 
Boone knocks his elbow with you. You smile. “Good news, I’m free from concussion purgatory.” 
Boone grins, reaching his fist out to bump yours. “Hell yeah baby.”
“I was just coming to talk to Kate, but she looks pretty busy.” 
And also just pretty. 
She’s immersed into the data, standing over the tablet with Javi and Tyler crowded around her. She’s saying something to Lilly and Dexter as they follow her words with rapt attention. 
“I’ll talk to her later.” You muse and Boone nods.  You pause for a minute before taking Boone’s arm. He glances at you as you lean in real close despite the fact that no one will be able to hear you from across the barn. “Hey Booney baby. I took the shot.” You pat his arm, letting go, as his eyes go wide. “Your turn.” 
You laugh all the way back to the house as Boone shouts “Are you fucking shitting me man?” 
Kate softly knocks on the door of her bedroom door to alert you of her presence about an hour and a half later. Her head peaks around the door and you glance up at her from your phone, smile growing as you do.
You slide your phone onto her nightstand as she slips into the room, shutting the door gently behind her. 
“Hey.” She says quietly. “Dani says you’re all cleared.” 
You nod, moving to sit upwards on the bed, mindful of the sleeping Enid on your chest. “Free from concussion purgatory. How was the chase?” 
“Two out of three storms collapsed.” She responds, climbing onto the bed next you. “We’re keeping an eye out on a few more — might head back out in the morning if you want to join us? Only if you’re feeling up to it.” Kate’s voice feigns an air of casual nonchalance but you can hear the worry in the undertone of her words. 
You hum. “We’ll see. Only if you’re going.” 
Her smile grows as she reaches over to scratch Enid’s ears, the puppy nuzzling into her touch. “Always happy to have you along.” 
It’s quiet for a minute as the two of you sit there, basking in each other’s presence. The setting sun filters in through Kate’s window, setting a golden glow to the girl’s hair. 
“Look, I-“ Kate breaks off. She shakes her head. “If you want to chalk this up to- just heat of the moment, adrenaline, whatever, I’d understand.”
“Do you want that?” You ask quietly. 
“No.” She admits quietly. “No, no I don’t.” She sighs, quiet for a minute and you let her think, pensive look crossing her face. “No, I- I’ve-“ She breaks off again and you nudge her. 
“Kate?” She glances back up at you and you take her hand, intertwining her fingers with yours. “Whatever you have to say, I want to hear it.” 
She squeezes your hand. “I- I’ve come to the realization that I’m in love with you.” 
The confession should hit you like a ton of bricks, but instead all it does is send a warm soothing feeling through your body. 
Kate loves you. 
You didn’t think you’d ever entertained the possibility that she could love you and you feel alight, giddy almost, with the joy of hearing those words. 
But marveling in her words means you’re quiet for too long and it’s clear Kate begins to panic, ready to take back the confession. “I’m- I’m sorry. I just- After what happened, I realized I was so scared of losing you and I couldn’t miss another opportunity without showing you how I felt. But if you don’t feel that way for me, it’s okay. I can- I will make this be professional, just platonic. You don’t need to leave-“ 
Your eyebrows had been furrowing as she talk and you interrupt her as she goes to tug her fingers away. “Leave? Who said anything about leaving?” You question as you tighten your fingers around hers again. 
She hesitates for a minute before sighing. “I know that you have someone back at home who still cares for you-“ 
“I’m not hung up on him, Kate.” You interrupt. “I’m not still in love with him. Our breakup was messy and sudden as all hell, but I’ve let him go.” 
“He’d take you back in a heartbeat.” She says softly, tightening her fingers around your own as if you might intend to flee as she reminds you of your ex. “He still loves you. I mean, I don’t blame the guy, you’re…” She trails off. “You’re you.” She says in a tone so soft it makes your heart swell. She uses her free hand to wipe at her face. “And I’m just Kate. Kate who gets the people she loves killed.” 
You let go of Kate’s hand, a flash of panic crossing her face, only to disappear when you move to gently pry Enid off of your chest. “Sorry baby.” You whisper as the dog whimpers. “Need both of my hands and my body for this.” 
You loop your fingers in Kate’s belt loops, tugging her closer before your hands find placement on her waist. 
“You’re not just Kate to me. You’re Kate fucking Carter, Kate who tames tornadoes, Kate who has done what nobody else thought possible. The people you love don’t get killed because of you, Kate. They wouldn’t see it that way and neither do I.” You say softly, moving one of your hands to tuck a piece of hair behind her ear. “And I’m not leaving. This is my family, here with the Wranglers. I’ve- My whole life, I’ve tried to so hard to find a place where I truly belonged and I know no other place is right like it is here. And a huge reason is because of you, Kate.” You croon, hand gently cupping her cheek. “Yeah, I had somebody back home who meant a lot to me at one point in time and I’ll always wish the best for him. But he and I- we weren’t right for each other. Not like this is. And I know I haven’t- haven’t exactly shared all my scars with you and I’m sorry about that-“
“Hey.” She cuts you off gently. “We’ve got time.”
You tuck stray hair behind her ears, taking a second to admire how soft it is as you do before giving her a small smile. “Kate, I’ve been in love with you for so long now and I never even thought or gave myself a chance to believe that you could return my feelings. But I promise you, there is nowhere else in this world I’d want to be than next to you.” 
“You love me?” She whispers, eyes glassy. 
“Kate, I- I don’t know how anyone couldn’t be.” 
She leans in a little bit further, but pauses. “Can I- Can I kiss you?” 
You give the girl a soft smile, squeezing your hands against her. “Kate, you can kiss me whenever you want.” 
The kiss is softer this time, letting you savor it. The last kiss between the two of you had been a rush against time, a need to express your feelings but this, right here, was just for you two. 
Kate’s hands find your cheek, languidly deepening the kiss as she tilts your head. You’re all but practically in her lap, crowding her space in a way you’ve always wanted. 
it’s only when Enid paws at your thigh to you break away, breathing out a laugh at the little dog. You sit back, letting him crawl into your lap as Kate shifts on the bed, sitting so she can tuck your head into the crook of your neck. 
“So, does this like… make you my girlfriend now?” Kate asks, a smile tugging at her lips.
“If you want.” You respond, mirroring her own grin. 
“I think I’d like that.” She says with a sigh. You snort, reaching out to pet Enid as she wraps a hand around your side. “Hey, what was Boone yelling about earlier when you stopped by the barn?”
You give her a grin, feeling a bit sheepish. “A few weeks ago, Boone started ragging on me about what was going on between you and I so I started getting on him about him and Javi. He basically said that if I took the shot, he would too. I had told him had to do it first, so I guess he sort of thought he could keep running from it.” You shrug. “And while you kissed me first, I kissed you back and well, you know, told him it was his turn to take the shot.”
Kate giggles as a knock sounds at the door and Kate calls for them to come in. Tyler pushes the door open, stepping into the room. 
“Hey, Dani let us know you’re feeling better.” He says, sticking his hands in his pockets. 
“I am.” You confirm. 
“That’s good.” He says, looking around Kate’s bedroom. Your eyes slide between the pair, discomfort settling in. 
Kate blames me, hell I blame myself. 
You catch Kate’s eye, and nod to Tyler. She sighs and shifts on the bed. “T, I’m sorry for yelling at you. It wasn’t your fault.” 
He shakes his head, taking a step forward to sit on the edge of the bed. “No need to apologize, Kate.” He says with a grin that is all too plastic for your liking. “The blame is all mine.” 
“Would you stop that?” You say sharply and he looks up at you. “It’s like I keep trying to tell you both, nobody is at fault for what happened. If there’s anyone to blame, it’s me. I’m an adult who is in charge of her own actions and the consequences of them. Neither of you made me take care of the truck. I chose too. And I keep telling you I’ve walked away from worse. I’d like it if we could offer ourselves a little forgiveness here.” 
Kate glances at Tyler. “Ty, I really am sorry. It wasn’t right that I yelled at you. I was projecting and looking for someone to blame. It doesn’t excuse it. I am sorry.”
“I know Carter.” He says, crossing his arms. “I was never mad at you, just myself. But if you really are fine-“ He breaks off, looking to you for confirmation. When you nod, the tension in his shoulders loosen. “Then we’re all good.” 
The three of you sit in silence for a minute as you watch the dusk roll in over Kate’s shoulder. 
“So, I gotta ask.” You both turn back to Tyler. “Are the two of you like- dating now?” 
“Maybe.” Kate responds. “Gonna bother you if we are?” 
He shakes his head, grin growing. “Nah, cause I’m sick and tired of both of y’all pinning. Plus, if Sapulpa made the first move, it means StormPar owes me forty bucks.” 
“Hey guys!” Lilly shouts up the stairs. “The doppler is changing! If we want to catch that storm we’ve been watching, we’ve gotta go now!” 
Tyler’s eyes flicker down to the dog in your lap. 
“Does anyone else get the eery sense Enid’s only interested in you when he can sense a storm coming?” 
Boone worms his way in between where Javi and Tyler are sitting, beaming at you from the across the fire. Even in the orange glow of the firelight, you can see when Javi’s cheeks redden as Boone indiscreetly places an arm around Javi’s waist, pulling him in. 
You snort as you and Tyler make eye contact, Tyler giving you an exaggerated roll of his eyes. 
“What, you got something you want to say?” Boone asks with a tip of his head before taking a draw of his beer. 
You look down at the girl whose head is your lap as she flips through Lilly’s sketchbook. You brush a hand through Kate’s hair, tugging on a knot as you do. “No.” You hum. “I’m not exactly much better myself.” 
Although the team had never said anything about you and Kate, you knew they knew in the same way they had known about Javi and Boone. The quiet touches (well, in Boone’s case, rather obvious touches), the silent conversations, the way you leaned into each other’s presence. The way Kate sought you out after a storm and the way you always found your way to her room at the end of the night. 
It was simple, here in this life that you had. 
You’d never felt more whole, more complete, than alongside these people who’d become your family. You wanted to spend the rest of your life with all of them, no matter how that time was spent. 
“Whatcha thinking about?” Kate asks softly, moving to sit up with her weight pressed into you. You hum, tucking some stray hair behind her ear. 
“Bout how happy I am. How lucky I am to have this.” 
Kate gives you a soft smile, not an ounce insincere. Her eyes glimmer in the firelight as her right arm leans over, wrapping around your shoulders. 
“We’re the lucky ones.” She whispers. “You coming to Oklahoma was one of the best things that’s ever happened to us. To me.”
“I can’t hear what you’re saying but the sap is making me nauseous!” Boone calls from across the fire and Javi nudges Boone, Ty hitting the back of his head. 
“Shove it where the sun don’t shine Booney baby!” You call back, throwing him the bird as you pressed a chaste kiss to Kate’s lips. 
Dani snorts. “I always knew California would fit right in.”
“Hi Mrs. Jacobson!” Kate calls, walking up the drive to one of her neighbors houses. The elderly woman waves, beckoning you and the Carters up her front porch. 
The Jacobsons were one of Kate’s neighbors and they were getting ready to move out to Arizona to be closer to their daughter. Unfortunately, a stray kitten had decided that week that their new residence was the Jacobson’s farm. 
Mrs. Jacobson, Ellen she insists you call her, lets you all inside. Cathy had been hesitant about taking on a new pet but Kate had insisted the three of you go see the kitten anyways, just to be sure. 
(When you asked why Kate wanted you to go with, she’d simply given you a confused look and said that you’d be the cat’s mom too.) 
As you suspected she would, Kate begins to fawn over the peachy colored kitten, despite being covered in dirt from outside. Kate scoops the kitten up in her arms, cooing as the cat purrs, nuzzling into her hand. 
“We’ve given the kitten food and some shelter, but we’re just not really equipped for such a little thing and with the move on the horizon, we’d rather know the kitten’s going to a good home.” Ellen explains as you reach a hand out, gently scratching the cat’s head. 
“We could name you Peaches.” You say softly and the cat meows, prompting Kate to giggle. 
“I think Peaches likes that idea, huh baby?” She coos. Kate glances back up at her Mom, eyes pleading. 
Cathy sighs, letting her hands fall to her hips. “I’ve never been able to say no to you, you know that Katie?” 
Kate’s smile grows, jumping lightly on her toes and you chuckle, taking the cat from Kate’s arms so she could hug her Mom. Cathy runs her hands up and down Kate’s back, chuckling as she does. 
“At least you’re actually old enough to help take care of the cat this time around.”
“I still can’t believe you didn’t want Enid so badly.” You comment as Kate curls into your side. 
Tyler looks at the dog asleep on his chest. “That town just reminded me so much of where I grew up.” 
You glance up at him. “Yeah?” 
He nods, running a hand down Enid’s back. “When Dani was talking about his owners, it reminded me so much of how I lost my own grandparents. And we never uh, did find their dog afterwards.” 
Kate looks at Tyler. “Ty, I’m so sorry to hear that.” 
He shrugs as Enid nuzzles into his hand. “Such is life.”
You look out at your friends. Dani and Lilly are curled up together in their double camping chair, both passed out. Boone and Javi are huddled together across the fire, in quiet conversation. The blue staffy (Buttons, at Boone’s insistence) you all had picked up from the wreckage of another town is sat at Boone’s feet. Dexter is a few feet away from the fire, looking out through the telescope he’d brought. 
It was the end of the season. The storm you had all chased today had been for you, for your team. There were no cameras, just you and your friends and the sky.
Tomorrow, you all would head back to Sapulpa. 
Tyler had bought a place out by Kate’s sometime before the season so most of the team would settle there. There had been talk of roadtrips, Boone in particular wanting to head out to the intermountain west to find places to rock climb. Dexter was planning to go back to New Orleans for a little while. You supposed Kate and Javi would hunker down, focus on the data from the season and using it to get grants for the next. You knew Tyler had plans to get some relief out to towns hit by the hurricanes predicted to hit coastal towns this fall. Lilly had plans to improve her drones and Dani had been talking about binge watching all the Netflix shows she couldn’t watch during the season. 
And you- you would stay here. With this team and do anything they asked you to. You’d stay on Kate’s farm, with Enid who loved Ty more and Peaches who loved Kate even more, and help Cathy with the cows every morning. You’d help Javi and Kate draw up their grant proposals, help Boone manage the channel in the off-season lull, help Ty build relief plans for the hurricane season that had already been off to a rocky start. 
She didn’t know it, but you’d follow Kate anywhere she asked you to go. 
“Tyler, how come you don’t talk to your brother?” You ask quietly. Kate perks her head up off where it’s resting on your arm, moving to sit up. Javi and Boone both glance up, clearly intrigued by the conversation shift. 
Tyler takes a long draw of his beer. “We finally talking about it California?”
You sigh. “Yeah, I think it’s time we do.” 
“Tyler? I didn’t know you had a brother.” Javi comments. 
He sighs. “My twin. We don’t talk really at all.” He looks over at you. “How’d you know?”
Despite yourself, you snort. “The only difference between you and Jake Seresin is that he chases an adrenaline thrill by flying multimillion dollar jets for the Navy and you get it by shooting fireworks at a tornado. Otherwise, the two of you might as well be carbon copies of each other. The ego, the looks, the Southern charm. It’s all the same. I will say, the last names threw me, started to think maybe I was crazy.” 
Ty shakes his head. “When this started to get big, we had a couple crazies start to try and track down the rest of my family. Showed up in my hometown in Arkansas. Stuff like that. So, I decided to go by my Mom’s maiden name. Legally, I’m still a Seresin, but to the rest of the world and to me, I’ll always be an Owens. How do you even know Jake?” 
You hum. “I was in a pretty serious relationship with this guy named Javy for about a year and a half before I came here.” You say, squeezing Kate’s hand. “Served in the Navy with Jake. Best friends.” Your eyes flicker over to Javi. “That’s the one that you guys saw the voicemail from. The one I was scandalously younger than.” 
Javi straightens up, recognition forming on his face as Boone takes a glance at his partner. “Y’all talked about this before?” Boone asks, curiosity piquing in his voice. 
Javi shrugs. “Just a little. That night, when we got drunk and made cookies. I was sort of picking on her about it.” 
Tyler hums. “Yeah, yeah I think I met Machado a few times while they were back in the Academy. Nice guy.” 
You glance at Kate, who’s listening to your conversation with rapt attention. “Jake’s a real asshole.” You comment, scuffing your shoe against the ground. “I mean, he really-“ 
He really ruined my life, you want to say. 
“I’d agree with you on that one.” Jake mutters. 
“Tyler, what did he do?” Kate asks gently. 
Tyler sighs, stretching out in his chair. “Our parents separated the summer before we started kindergarten. Mom got full custody of me, Dad of Jake. Mom took me and went back to Arkansas to live with her parents. Jake lived in Texas but he spent so much time out there with us, all the holidays and school vacations. Dad apparently was never home much, hired a full-time nanny to watch him during the school year. Jacob Seresin always cared too damn much about his career and it’s a trait he unfortunately passed on to my brother.” 
Tyler sighs again after a minute. “Anyways, Mom died when I was 7. It was sudden - heart failure. Jake never came to the funeral. From then on, my grandparents raised me. Really tried with Jake too. But when I was in college, he was at Top Gun.” 
“For the record - Top Gun is a major competition where the top one percent of the Navy pilots compete for a trophy.” You say quietly to Kate. 
“The hell you know about Top Gun?” Tyler asks. 
You shrug. “Javy was there with Jake. And boy, do they live in their glory days.”
Tyler nods, conceding. “Makes sense. Anyways, towards the end of Top Gun, a tornado hit my town. Neither of my grandparents made it. I left school with three weeks left in the semester to be there for the funeral and sort through the estate stuff. I begged Jake to come but he said Top Gun was too important for his career, that I didn’t understand what sacrifices he’d have to make to be there. I was so angry with him I stopped answering him and eventually Jake stopped calling.” 
“And yet when I called you and told you Jake had given me your number, you still did all this for me?” 
Tyler looks up at you, the sincerity swimming in his face knocking the breath from your lungs. “I’d still do anything in this world for my brother. And if it means helping a scared girl calling me, I’d do it. And you’ve turned out to be one of the best things to happen for this team so I’m grateful I did.” 
“Me too.” Kate says softly and you smile, taking her hand and intertwining your fingers. 
“I third that statement.” Boone follows up and Javi snorts, shaking his head. 
“You ready to tell me how you ended up with my number in the first place?” Tyler asks. 
You sigh, glancing at Kate. “At the start of tornado season, we all went out to Texas for a friend’s joint bachelor/bachelorette trip. Javy and Jake, they’re friends and teammates with the groom and I was a bridesmaid for his fiancée.” You swallow around a lump that’s beginning to form at the thought of finally talking about what happened to you.
“A key point here is that Jake never liked me. He spent our whole relationship telling Javy every reason why he thought we shouldn’t be together and telling me why I’d never be enough for his friend. You know how I’ve always said that towards the end, I was unhappy?” 
The group nods, unsure looks on their faces. You sigh, shifting your hair. “Well, it was sort of this- mob mentality, with his friends right? It didn’t matter how much they liked me individually, when they saw Jake getting on me, they all piled it on. They saw it as fair game. And God, Jake would say the meanest things to me when he thought no one else could hear him and I used to beg Javy to stand up for me, just once. He never did, he wanted me to play nice with his friends. Didn’t want to go against the grain but didn’t want to do what it would take to keep me, you know? It wasn’t like he was a bad boyfriend but- towards the end there, it wasn’t like he was a good one either.”
“Shit kid.” Tyler breathes out, long and slow. “That’s not- that’s not good.” 
You shrug. “I’ve dated worse. You know, he was nice to me and we, we laughed a lot. Wasn’t beating the crap out of me or anything.” 
“Those are terrible standards for a relationship.” Javi says firmly. “Like lower than low. You should never ever let anyone treat you like that. You deserve better than that.” 
You sniffed. “I loved him.” You offer, tears seeping their way through the statement. 
Anger flashes across his face. “If I ever catch him-“ Boone nudges him, forcing him to take a breath and lean back. 
You sigh again. “So anyways, a bunch of the bridesmaids pulled out from the trip right beforehand — didn’t want to be caught dead in Texas. My presence just pissed Jake off to no end, not even acknowledging that this stupid trip ends up coinciding with Jake’s birthday. And of course, Jake wants to go out to this rodeo like two hours from the ranch we’re staying at. The night before, everyone goes out, parties too hard and the next morning the only people ready to leave on time are me, Jake, and this guy named Steven, who was a service member they all knew and owned the ranch with his wife Lainey. So we go to this stupid rodeo, but not before Jake and I spent the two hours fighting. I mean, he really- really let me have it. Kept telling me to have a backbone, to stand up for myself, like these guys weren’t eight, nine, ten years older than me and my boyfriend’s best friends. And by the time we got to the rodeo, I just- god, I knew something was wrong.” 
You don’t realize you’re crying until Kate reaches up to brush the tears from your face. “Baby, it’s okay.” She says softly, squeezing your hand. 
“All day, I kept asking Jake if we could leave and he kept saying no and then- and then it hit.” Your voice cracks as you feel yourself begin to slip into the memories. 
The leather of the truck, your outfit covered in blood and dirt, the way Jake had said have a backbone and stand up for yourself as he had hit the steering wheel, the way you had flinched. 
“All day it had been stormy and cloudy, but Jake insisted it was fine, no tornado would hit despite the warnings. He knew Texas tornados, he had said and he insisted that wasn’t it. But of course, that was it. And of course, we were in the farthest possible point from the shelters too. We ended up taking cover, holding onto this storm grate.”
It’s almost like you’re there again, the cold terror and panic like ice in your veins. The rain pounding on you. The screams of the people around you. The wind nearly tipping you over. 
“But before Steven could make it to the storm grate, some debris hit him. It sort of… went through him.” You say as Kate winces at the image you’re sure she sees. Boone cringes and Javi makes a noise in the back of his throat, eyes closing. “The immediate impact didn’t kill him and the whole time we rode out the storm we could hear him screaming out for us a few feet away to help him. By the time the tornado had passed, he was dead.” 
You remember too well the iron grip Jake had on the back of your shirt, the way he’d shielded your body with his. The whispered apologies he’d said as you cried through the storm. The way you had begged for him to help you afterwards as you stared at Steven. 
The unseeing, defeated look in his eye. 
“Jake asked me to lie. To say we had only found Steven afterwards, that we had gotten to shelter in time. I don’t know why I listened to him but I think I was in such shock, I did it. But it- it was all too much. Suddenly, my life didn’t make sense, didn’t feel right. How could I go back to San Diego knowing what I had seen? How could I go back to San Diego when I had watched a good man die? And I just kept wondering - why had it been me? What had the universe seen in this bossy, irritating girl that deserved to live over someone who had a life and a family? I couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep. All I could think about was what I had seen, about why it was me who was still breathing. All I could think about was the fact that I had agreed to lie and I couldn’t look any of them in the eye, least of all Javy. So, three days after we got back from Texas, I packed my duffle bag, marched on in to Javy’s house and told him we weren’t going to work out and that I was leaving. I didn’t know where I was going — just that what I wanted didn’t make sense anymore. The life I had didn’t fit.” 
Kate’s thumbs on your knuckles reminds you to let out a breath as you reach up to wipe the tears from your chin with the sleeves of her flannel. 
“I tunnel visioned so hard I didn’t even realize all of his roommates were there, including Jake. Jake followed me out of the house, shoved this tiny scrap piece of paper with Tyler’s number on it, and told me that if I ever needed anything to call that number. I wasn’t- I wasn’t going to but I was sitting in the San Diego airport trying to figure out where in the world I was going to go, what I was going to do, and I just- I just wanted to try.”
You pull your hands away from Kate, scrubbing at the tears on your face with your sleeves before looking at her. “That day, when he called me and left that voicemail, I realized- I realized I’ve never made a better decision than I did to come to Oklahoma.” A sob cuts through, voice weakening as you talk. “He says he’s still in love with me but the truth is, he’s still in love with a version of me that doesn’t exist, that will never exist again. That girl died that day at the rodeo and I will never be whole again.” 
Tyler sighs, standing up from his chair as he pulls you into a tight hug. “You are whole, California. You might be a bit rough around the edges but you’re whole and you’re healing. This team’s got you. We ain’t gonna turn our backs on you.” 
Tyler lets you go and you step back, looking at your girlfriend. “Kate?” You croak. 
She gives you a soft albeit concerned smile, pulling you into a hug of your own. “Javi always said we were more similar than we would think. Who knew it would be like this.” She whispers in your ear as you clutch the fabric of her sweatshirt. “You know I love you, yeah?” You nod into her shoulder. “Ty’s right. We got you. You’re safe here.”
“For the record, you heal me too. Your love doesn’t make the memories cut so deep.” 
She pulls back, eyes glittering with unshed tears.
Her hand comes up, brushing her thumb over your cheekbone. “Right back at ya.”
Javi waits until later, when you are all getting ready to turn in for the night, to pull you aside. His hug is long as he tucks his head on top of yours. Part of you thinks it may be more for his benefit than yours but you can’t deny the peace that comes wrapped around him. 
“You know, I know you’re like Owens little sister.” He says, clearing his throat. “But you’re like mine too. And it makes me angry as hell that you went through that shit without people looking out for you in the way they should’ve.” 
“We can’t go back and change the past.” You whisper. 
“We can’t. But I can make it right in the here and now. It’s like Ty said, we got your back. You ever find a time where you need me to knock some Navy guys skulls together, or hell you just need me, I’ll be there. You pick up the phone at three am, you call me ten years from now, I’ll be there.” 
“Ditto.” Boone says over Javi’s shoulder. “Whatever you need.” 
You let go of Javi’s sweatshirt, reaching out to fist bump Boone’s own. He smiles before joining the hug, much to the annoyance of Javi, based on the way he groans. 
“We’re family man. Don’t ever forget that.” Boone says, squeezing the both of you. 
“Don’t know how I ever could.” 
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russellsppttemplates · 7 months
Do you know the little fishes? (Charles Leclerc)
Charles' attention is drawn to the way you're invested in your home country's football qualifying game
Note: english is not my first language. I love me some football and I sort of channelled my energy from the last game we lost too! On the side, if you haven't already, you can read this one here where it goes well for the reader's team!
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Cw: curse words
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog
Charles didn't mind watching the football despite Monaco not having their own national team. He often supported the country the people watching the game with him were supporting or the best nations throughout history in which he recognised the biggest legends of the sport.
However, when he met you, the perspective shifted, especially for your national team. No matter where you were in the world, you would get up at an ungodly hour to watch the football, kissing Charles' forehead and tucking the sheets back in as you moved to another part of the room, sometimes the living room part of the room was that big, your tablet in hand as you watched the game, trying your best to keep quiet as you knew your boyfriend needed his sleep.
"Amour, at what time is the game today?", Charles asked as he poured himself some water from the glass bottle. Because it was a night race, he didn't have to go to the paddock until after lunch, and since you were on the other side of the world, the football game was on at breakfast time.
"It's in thirty minutes", you smiled, "do you mind it if we have breaking the room instead of downstairs? Or you can go downstairs while I watch the football, I have some snacks from the plane", you quickly reassured.
Charles smiled, grabbing his phone and tapping in the hotel app, "like I'd let you watch the game on your own", he shook his head, "I know how important it is to you", he kissed your forehead, sitting next to you as you watched the players warm up on the TV, kissing the top of your head, "are you thinking eggs or something sweeter?".
"He's not playing?", Charles questioned as they recorded the players on the bench, "no, he picked up an injury in training, I'm not sure how we're going to do today", you mumbled, "but the guy that's going in his place is very good, he's a bit young but everyone says he's a prodigy", you attempted to lift your own spirits.
The breakfast arrived a little after the first kick, Charles getting it from the door and making sure to display it on the table in front of you without blocking your view, having been once hit with a pillow when he walked in front of the screen just as your team did the last penalty shoot out for the final round of qualifiers.
"Here's your latte, gorgeous", he said when the game was a little quieter, earning him a kiss on his cheek from you, "thank you, they're playing really well", you groaned as the other team kept approaching the goal.
It only took the opposing team a few minutes to score the first goal, the fans recorded on the stands erupting in cheer as you crossed your arms over your chest, straightening up your back and looking at the replay of the goal, seeing no issue and slumping your shoulders, "it's a good goal", you mumbled.
"Like you always say, there's still a lot of game to play, amour", Charles added as your eyes followed the ball, feeling his hand back on your thigh and squeezing it.
"C'mon, you can do better than that, I know you can!", you groaned as another ball hit the bar.
Rubbing your forehead in circles, you sighed as your team scored just before half-time, "this isn't going anywhere! Our defense is like a large fishing net, everyone can get through and skip throughout them! They need to be those fishing nets that they use to get the little fishes! Do you know the little fishes, Charles?", you showed him your fingers almost pinched together, "the holes in the fishing net are so so so tiny that no fish can escape!", you spoke passionately, getting up to use the bathroom quickly.
"They're all playing really well", you said as you noticed the players going back in the pitch, doing all sorts of exercises, "they're just trying to go from the wings and it's so much clearer on the middle section", you reasoned as Charles nodded, "maybe the coach told them in the dressing room, they all look like they've had their behind handed to them on a platter", Charles chuckled, "they deserve it", you smiled, resting your back against his chest.
"Now the referee? I mean, c'mon!", you grunted, seeing the man in the pink t-shirt run to the screen and analyse the footage, "Oh, it looks like it's a penalty", you admitted despite not loving the fact, "maybe he won't see it", you shrugged innocently.
"I'm sure they'll notice it, chérie", Charles offered, not reading into your sarcasm before you looked up at him, "a girl can dream, handsome, a girl can dream".
The second part kept growing in tension, the other team scoring twice in the space of five minutes after scoring the penalty, "I can't watch this anymore", you sighed, eyes focused on the screen as they were waiting to validate a goal, the offside lines not clear enough on the moment and requiring further analysis.
"It's impressive how much they can get to know with technologies these days", Charles chirped in, hoping to distract you enough to relax against his embrace, "they also waste a lot of time though. I timed the game a couple of months ago and they only had the ball rolling for a little over an hour in total. Imagine if you had to do fifteen laps under a safety car", you tried the comparison.
Luckily, the goal was indeed offside, but your team still couldn't manage to out the ball in the opponent's net.
"Is it bad if I say that we're being robbed even though the other team is playing better?", you squinted, seeing the referee had given an extra time of three minutes, the players just making sure the ball never left the middle of the pitch, trying to leave the score unaltered.
"It was a well disputed match still, they didn't have luck on their side", Charles said, rubbing your arm gently and kissing the side of your head as you waited to the final whistle.
When you got to the track, Carlos was the first one to come and talk to you, "so, Y/N, that face can only mean you've watched the football", he teased.
The frown was a little evident as soon as you didn't feel the public eye on you, knowing they would be quick to judge, "they did their best, and their best was a little bit shit today", you shrugged your shoulders, "sometimes it's like this", you quoted your boyfriend, taking comfort in his words you usually hated when they left his mouth.
"She was a great supporter though, she got up early, she had the stripes of paint on her cheeks, her scarf and her t-shirt", Charles noted, "she was the most dedicated, cheerful and the best supporter, it's a shame they didn't feel it!".
"Now I'm going to support Ferrari, and you boys better not disappoint me", you snickered, kissing Charles' lips one last time before they headed off to their meeting.
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wandafiction · 8 months
You Stupid, Stupid Idiot
Warnings: Angst, Injury, death, No Happy Ending
“We have a mission.” 
It’s all Steve said as you and Natasha entered the kitchen, sleep still fresh in your eyes as you stand behind her with your arms wrapped around her waist, and your chin on her shoulder. You raise your brows at the man in his blue, white and red spandex who claps his hands a few times in front of the both of you and you shake your head quickly trying to wake yourself up as the reality of his words hit you.
“Wait a mission? But it's Sunday?” You groan, Natasha holds in a chuckle as Steve sends you a glare. 
“Yes, a mission like Hydra is going to take a day off. Everyone is coming so please go get yourself mission ready.” 
“Yes boss man.” You give him a fake salute as you drag yourself and Natasha back to your room to get changed into your mission gear. 
"What do you think the mission is? Steve seems pretty stressed." Natasha turns to you as you put the finishing touches on your suit.
"That man's always stressed, baby." Natasha chuckles, gently slapping your shoulder at your response.
"I'm serious dorogaya, he hardly stresses about missions and he said everyone is involved. Whatever it is, it must be serious." You turn to look at Natasha using your finger and thumb in her chin to tilt her head to look at you. 
"Steve is a stresser, but you're right it must be big for the whole team to be involved. So let's not keep them waiting." You lean down pressing a gentle kiss to her lips before tapping her butt earning a chuckle that breaks the kiss apart. "Let's go."
"Yes boss woman." Natasha gives you a fake salute smirking as she turns around and heads towards the door. 
"Oh you're gonna regret that." She squeals as you start to chase her out of the bedroom.
"So everyone knows the plan?" Everyone looks at Steve from their seats in the quinjet all giving a small yes or thumbs up. "Good because we are five minutes out." 
“It's a quick in and out with hardly any agents, they think they are moving out of the base. Yeah right. So tell me now, miss romanoff, why do we need the whole team?” You ask quietly to the red-head sitting next to you, curling a brow at your question.
“He isn’t telling us something.” You nod at her response, both your eyes darting to the star-spangled man who is standing by the door of the jet, reading from the tablet in his hands.
“I wonder what it is he is hiding from us.” You look back to Natasha who is trying to get a read on the man, his body language showing he is hiding something by the way he shuffles on his feet, clearing his throat unnecessarily, looking around to make sure no one is looking over his shoulder.
“We could always ask Wanda.” You both look in the young Sokovian’s direction, the brunette looking down at her hands as she fiddles with her fingers as Vision does his best to calm her down, but his logical thinking makes that difficult. 
“She looks terrified.” Natasha states the obvious as you both take in the way Wanda’s complexion is rather pale, muttering to herself as she glances at Steve every now and again.
“She knows.” That’s all Natasha needs to hear from you to stand from her seat and make her way over to Wanda, kneeling down in front of the girl and placing a hand on her knee; you were quick to join sitting in the free seat next to her. Vision sees the look you give him, understanding enough to leave the three of you alone.
“What is he hiding?” Wanda looks at you and Nat wide eyed.
“I-I-I don’t know what you mean.” Natasha raises a brow and Wanda sighs knowing there is no use in lying. “Hydra managed to get one of Tony’s nanotech suits and are experimenting on it, him and Tony don’t know what to expect when we go in. They don’t think all of us will be coming home.”
“All of us always come home Wands, don’t worry about that. Just worry about fighting the bad guys and let Tony and Steve deal with whatever they are here for.” You wrap your arm around the younger girl's shoulder pulling her into a half embrace as Natasha squeezes her knees; the actions allowing Wanda to relax slightly.
“Okay, everyone, let's get this done.” The three of you look to Steve who is pressing the button to open the door and you are met by what seems to be an abandoned building, all of you cautiously make your way out of the jet. 
“I will see you in a minute.” You smile at Nat’s saying, turning your head to look down at her before leaving a soft kiss on her lips.
“I will see you in a minute.”
“Y/n, shit! Stay with me.” You watch as Wanda slides onto her knees, almost colliding with your tired body that's slumped against a wall, her hands moving to cup your cheeks moving your head so you’re looking at her. “Hey, hey. You’re going to be fine okay. Let's get you out of here, back onto the jet and you and Nat can finally get married.”
“Wanda.” Your voice is weak, as a small amount of blood starts dribbling from the corner of your mouth.
“No, don’t you dare Wanda me. You and Nat are getting married next week, and I'll be damned if I don't help you get to that altar on time. So you keep your eyes on me, and I will get you out of here.” You don’t miss the tremble in her voice, the panic in her eyes, not believing her own words as she puts her finger to the coms in her ear. “Natasha, you need to get to the east side of the building, 3rd floor at the end of the corridor.”
“I’m a little busy with these Hydra goons right now Wanda, get Y/n to help you.” Wanda looks to the ceiling blinking away her tears, looking at you as you shake your head trying to stop her from saying what she is about to.
“I can’t, I need you here because it’s Y/n.” You hear the coms crackle in your own ear, the silence is deafening as you wait to hear a response.
“I’m on my way …  Cap?” 
“I got it, go.” Wanda looks back at you, using her free hand to wipe up the blood that is still leaving your mouth, and her eyes finally look down to the cause, taking her fingers off the com.
“I might be able to save you. I mean I’ve healed vision before, I should be able to heal you.” Her voice cracks with the emotion she is holding in, her hand moving down to your abdomen before brushing against the steel bar that you’ve become impaled on. 
“He is a literal walking microwave Wanda, wires and a powerful universe gem thing. This, this is something only a surgeon can fix.”
“So let's get you to doctor Cho, or Bruce. Yeah Bruce will know how to save you.” You shake your head, your bloodied hands grabbing a hold of Wanda’s frantically moving ones as she tries to come up with any ideas.
“Wanda, if we move me off this thing I’m dead.”
“And if you stay here, you’re dead.” The realisation seems to hit her and the tears start to flow down her cheek as she shakes her head in denial, her bottom lip quivering as she lets out a small no. “You can’t die, you and Nat are all I have left.”
“And you will still have Nat…” Before you can say anything else you feel another set of hands on your body and turn your head to see Natasha searching you up and down frantically, her panicked state not allowing her to see the obvious.
“Come on, up.” She says like she is talking to a child who is screaming and crying over simply having tripped over their own feet.
“I can’t.” You cough, a splatter of blood leaving your mouth, marking Wanda’s clothes and the floor. “Sorry.”
“Don’t apologise, nothing a little seltzer water and lemon can’t fix." You chuckle before coughing, Wanda using her sleeve to clean the fresh blood. 
"Sure thing Wands, that should work." Wanda gives you a pressed lip smile, trying her best not to completely break down in front of you. 
"What happened?" Natasha's soft voice causes you and Wanda to turn back to look at her, you wincing when the metal bar shifts slightly with your movement and you notice Natasha's eyes glued to the sight of it. 
"I was trying to get into the archive room and grab the blue prints and the plans and any intel I could. I didn't notice someone sneaking up behind me and Y/n jumped between me and him as he shot off his weapon. It was like Stark's blasters but in gun form and her shields weren't enough to stop her flying across the room." Wanda rambles desperately trying to make sure you don't die on her as she speaks.
"Where is he?" You see the flash of the old Natasha, the bloodthirsty assassin, as her voice drops an octave. 
"Dead." You weakly lift your hand to her cheek, rubbing soft circles along her cheekbone with your thumb and see the look that was there one second disappear at your words. 
"I may or may not have thrown him from the window." Wanda says shyly, earning a small chuckle from you and Natasha. "And yes I checked the body Nat, I couldn't let him get away with this."
"Nat what's your status?" The coms crackle once again in your ear at Steve's voice. "We are all done here, the three of you need to get back to the jet. We can't risk reinforcements coming."
"Steve." You hate the way Natasha's voice wavers, her normally strong but soothing voice gone and in its place a broken croak that once again silences the coms. 
"How long do you need?" Tony's voice is next and at his question Natasha looks at you, the color slowly draining from your face as more blood is coughed up by you; Wanda once again wiping your face clean of it. 
"I don't … I don't know, but just …. Please just wait for us." Natasha swallows harshly as she watches Wanda sandwich one of your hands between the both of hers. 
"Maximoff?" Tony seems to be taking over the command, which doesn't surprise you as Steve was never very good when it came to the death of someone he knew. You could imagine him sitting in his seat with his head in his hands as Bucky tries to comfort him.
"Yeah." You and Wanda both reply at the same time, earning a small chuckle down the coms.
"The older, not so good looking Maximoff." You can hear the smirk on Tony's face and you chuckle but wince in pain as the bar shifts again as your body slumps more as you struggle to keep yourself up.
"Rude." Is all you say but smile as you hear the chuckles of the other teammates and the two people in front of you. "I'm only 27, not that much older."
"That's 7 years sestra. Quite the age gap." You move to hit her, but a strong pair of hands on your shoulders stops you from moving and you give Nat a questioning look.
"The metal, don't move." You scrunch your brows as you follow her eyes and gasp when you see the metal poking out of your abdomen covered in blood.
"How did that get there?" You goofily smile as you move your free hand to the bar, your fingers poking the end. "And whose blood is that?"
"Nat…" You look back to Wanda, whose eyes are filled with fresh tears as she watches the delirium from the loss of blood take over. 
"Why are you crying Wands? Did someone die? Who died?" One of Wanda's hands moves to wipe her tears as Natasha takes your other hand in hers. 
"No one yet sestra. No one, I'm just happy to see you." You scrunch your brows.
"Well that's silly because we see each other everyday. So who's gonna die if no one has died." Wanda's bottom lip quivers her eyes saying it all and your head drops down to look back at the metal bar, as everything seems to hit you at once the delirium no more as it's wiped out by the reality you are in. "Oh."
"I love you." Your head moves to look at Natasha, a wide smile on her face as she sees you practically melt at the words. 
"I love you too Tasha. I'm sorry, but I don't think I'm going to make it to the altar." Natasha lets out a small sob, turning her head to look away from you as she tries to compose herself. 
"Hey Y/n." You hum, your head flopping to the side slightly as you look at Wanda, forcing your eyes to stay open. "When you see Pietro, tell him I said hi and that he needs to behave until I get there. I don't want to get to the afterlife and see you've murdered our brother because he was annoying you."
You let out a small laugh, no longer feeling the pain as the metal bar shifts your eyes nearly closed as your breathing slows down. You can feel that the inevitable is coming and there is nothing anyone can do, but you know you have to fight until your last breath so you force your head up leaning the back of it against the wall. Clearing your throat and opening your eyes as much as you can to see the two women in front of you, tears staining their cheeks as they hold your hands up theirs. 
"I promise not to kill Peitro, that's your job. He is your twin after all." Wanda nods with a laugh leaning forward to press a kiss to your forehead before leaning her own against yours. "Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone, and look after Nat for me. She is going to need you more now than ever."
"I promise." You gently rub your forehead against Wanda’s, something you have done since you were kids as your way to make a promise instead of making a pinky promise. 
"And you, my love, you look after my sister. You are both going to need each other." You swallow harshly, feeling your eyes starting to get heavy, unable to keep them open as you feel your throat dry, slapping your lips together and leaning into the touch on your cheek as Natasha places her hand on it. 
"I love you dorogaya." You smile weakly, your eyes staying closed as you take a shaky breath trying to use the last of your energy for her. 
"I love … love …y-y-ou too." Natasha feels your head fall more into her hand, your chest not rising as the last of your breath leaves your body as you allow the darkness and the inevitable consume you. 
"Natasha." Natasha clears her throat at the sound of Tony’s voice, placing her finger on her coms. 
"We are on our way." That's all she says as she moves closer to your body, wrapping one arm under your legs and the other around your back slowly pulling you off of the metal bar. 
Wanda keeps your hand in hers as she stands with Natasha, the both of them walking in silence. The only sounds that can be heard are the soft cries of the young Sokovian and the two women's footsteps in the cold snow as they step outside and towards the quinjet. 
They ignore the looks of sympathy from Tony and Steve, stopping themselves from saying anything as they spot Wanda's glare; her eyes glowing red. They both look away from two women who are cradling your body as they sit down, Natasha running her hand through your hair as your head lays in her lap. Wanda still has not let go of your hand, feeling that if she does it will make it all too real and she can't say goodbye to another sibling. Wanda looks at you shaking her head as her mind flashes memories of watching you fly into the wall as you save her life and she can only think of saying one thing to you now that you can't hear her.
"You stupid, stupid idiot."
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Whumptober 2023
No. 1: “How Many Fingers am I Holding Up?” | No. 5: Debris
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader (pre-relationship)
Setting: Prison era
Warnings: Head injury
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‘Please, don’t be dead. Please, don’t be dead!’ The railing on the stairs wobbled— a testament to the poor solidity of the building— as you hurried down the two floors separating you from the archer. The both of you agreed to tread carefully when entering the old hospital, the look of it not inspiring confidence but the probability of what it could contain overpowering any hesitance. Medical supplies were scarce in this world. Two Tylenol tablets and a pack of gauze would mean everything in what used to be the simplest of situations. 
“Daryl?” You called as loudly as you dared after shoving open the heavy metal door to the ground level. The hole in the flooring was easy to spot with the beam of your flashlight, several feet wide with dust still rising from the collapse. Your stomach twisted when there was no immediate reply, but another call was not necessary when you saw a piece of debris shift. A low groan followed the movement. You would swear that the moisture in your eyes was from the dust in the air. 
You had to hold the light in your mouth to help move the rubble covering him, but there he was. A little worse for wear but in one piece and blinking up at you with a dazed expression. The flashlight was propped against some of the wreckage so that your hands were free to help him sit up. 
“Are you okay?” He blinked a few more times and pressed the heel of his palm to his forehead. He didn’t answer, minutely swaying where he sat. “Dixon, are you with me?” 
Daryl finally seemed to realize you were speaking to him and met your eyes, more than a little disoriented. “Huh?” 
Worry gnawed at your heart. “Are you alright? How do you feel?”
“Like I jus’ fell through the floor fer a half full bottle’a meds.” His speech was a bit slurred, his movements slow and jerky. He held up the aforementioned antibiotics and shook the bottle lightly. “Still got ‘em though.”
You couldn’t help but smile. “Let me look you over and then we’ll get out of here.” You left no room for argument. The archer quickly squeezed his eyes shut when the flashlight was pointed toward his face, swatting at your hand lazily. “Stop it, I need to look at your eyes, you big baby.” 
“Yeah, yeah.” He slowly peeled open one and then the other, keeping his hand in front of them while they adjusted to the light. After a few seconds, he dropped his arm so you could see two evenly sized, reactive pupils. 
“Good. That’s good.” Lowering the light, you reached for the back of his head before he could think to stop the unwanted touch. Your fingers quickly probed at a wet, raised area. 
“Hey! Tha’ hurts, woman!”
“You’ve got a decent sized bump on your noggin, Dixon. How many fingers am I holding up?” You had perfected the art of ignoring his griping over the span of months you’d spent with him, a feat that the others in your little apocalypse family wished they all could achieve. Or maybe he just wasn’t as grumpy with you to begin with. Your hand hovered between you, three fingers wiggling to get his attention. 
Daryl scoffed and began preparing himself to stand, nonchalantly flipping up his middle finger. “How many m’ I holdin’ up?” 
You sighed with a fond smile, dropping your hand to his arm to help him get to his feet. “Yeah, you’re okay enough to get back to Hershel.” It was a bit of a struggle getting him upright, and he swayed a little before you settled his arm over your shoulders. “I’m driving.” 
“Hell no, ‘ve been through ‘nough today.” His tone was gruff but not angry. 
“And I’d like to make it in one piece. I bet you see two of me right now, don’t you?”
“Wouldn’t be such a bad thing, don’ reckon.” 
You could feel your cheeks burn. You ducked your head when you felt him staring at you and pinched his side playfully. 
“You must’ve really hit your head, Dixon.”
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Don't Speak 33
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, obsession, stalking, manipulation, reclusive behaviour, disordered eating, dissociation, allusions to abuse, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Reader is a reclusive loner who ventures down to the library on a simple mission. Her task is complicated by the man she meets there. (f!short!reader)
Character: librarian!Andy Barber
Note: Okay I had no plans to get this done but since US thanksgiving is near.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me <3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you all. Take care. 💖
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You cling to that moment of peace. Without Andy touching you, smothering you, invading you. You hide your head under your bent arm, curled up on your side as you try to close the world out. Reality slices through you like a razor.
You cannot outrun what is. Not anymore. You’ve lost that ability. Your mind can’t summon the fantasies that once kept you safe. There is only the tenderness inside and the bruises on your thighs. 
He’s there, somewhere, lurking. You thought he would go to work but that hope was quickly crushed, along with all your others. He stayed and touched you until that got the better of him. Then he would put you on your back, or your stomach, sometimes your side, however he wanted you…
And you let him. You don’t fight. Your weightless body follows his whim and opens to him. You squeeze your eyes shut and whimper as your walls clench at the thought of him near you. 
There’s something wrong with you. You’re supposed to love him, so it shouldn’t feel so bad, right? After all he’s done for you, shouldn’t you want him to do that? Shouldn’t you be just as eager for him?
You don’t understand it. It’s not supposed to hurt so surely, you’re doing something wrong. You’ll get it right. You can be what Andy wants, what he needs. You will not be another burden. Never again.
You hear him coming. You quiver and shrink down further. You can’t find the strength to sit up and try. 
He greets you with a sigh. Oh no, he’s mad. You whimper and curl your arm snugger around your head. What did you do now? What is he going to do?
He nears the bed, his shadow standing over you as his presence brings a dark cloud. He shifts and sniffs, turning to sit on the edge of the bed. He puts his large hand on your shoulder and you wince. You squeeze your eyes shut.
“We need to talk, Dove,” he says.
Talk? You can’t handle it. You’d rather he just hurt you than repeat the facts. You don’t need him to tell you how bad you are, you already know.
“Sit up,” he shakes you, gently but enough to jar you.
You relent and fall onto your back. You stare at the ceiling and press your hands to the mattress. You sit up, little but little, your muscles knotted and stiff.
You hug the blanket to your chest, hiding behind it as you hunch your shoulders forward. You can’t look at Andy so you focus on the lump of your feet under the covers.
“Why do you keep lying?” He rasps.
You blink as your lip trembles, tears threatening to spring free. He’s mad again. Your entire body tenses as you brace for what comes next.
“You could’ve told me about Steve,” he lifts the shape in his lap and you glance over. It’s your tablet. “He’s your doctor, I wouldn’t have been mad.”
You sniffle and cup your chin in your hands, fingers over your mouth. You watch him turn the tablet over and slide back the cover. You don’t try to stop him or defend yourself. He’s right. About everything.
“If you needed help… with the toy or figuring things out, I was here. I am here. You could’ve asked me,” an edge creeps into his voice, “why didn’t you ask me?”
You don’t say a word. You’re trapped in your own guilt. He has the proof in his hands. You did it, you lied and betrayed him.
“The only thing I ask of you, is that you tell the truth. You haven’t, so I can’t trust you. Not until you show me I can,” Andy closes the tablet, pressing his thumb to the cover. “And maybe then you can have this back.”
You nod and hang your head. It’s easier if you just do what he wants. You’ll get used to it eventually, maybe even one day, you’ll be normal and want it too.
“This is nice,” Andy struts into the room with a hanger in hand.
You sit on the edge of the bed where he left you. His frustration drew you out of your cocoon to shiver in the morning air. You can smell the crisp autumn seeping in around the window. There’s no point trying to figure out how long you’ve been like this, counting the days will only make it torturous.
You glance over as Andy waggles the dress at you, one of those he bought you. The bishop sleeves are almost longer than the skirt, the shade of faded plum overlaid with a translucent layer. You look at it and nod. Whatever he wants.
“You’ll have to clean up first,” he lays the dress on the bed, “it’ll help you feel better too.”
You blink and pinpoint on his chest. You can’t look him in the face. He nears you and runs his hands down your arms, sending a chill through you. He bends and twists you around to scoop you up. He hums as he lifts you against his chest.
“Aren’t you excited, honey?” He chimes.
You frown, excited? You let your head fall against his shoulder. There isn’t an ounce of strength left in you.
“Thanksgiving,” he prompts as if it’s obvious, “I got everything we need! So you can get started once you're ready. Don’t worry, I woke up early to deal with the turkey.”
He enters the bathroom and puts you down on the closed toilet. You look down at yourself. You wear his t-shirt and nothing else. He moves away to crank on the tub and quickly comes back to you. You wrinkle your nose, confused.
“Thanksgiving?” You croak.
“Uh, yeah, duh!” His tone is laced with forced enthusiasm. “Our first together.”
He tugs the hem of the shirt from under your ass and you murmur. You try to catch the cotton. He tuts and you let go. He rolls the fabric up your body and you lift your arms, surrendering.
“An…” you start to say his name but can’t get the bitter noise out. You clear your throat, “what if… I don’t feel good, I don’t know if I have the energy–”
“You’ve been in bed forever. You can get up for one day,” his timbre turns rigid, “you promised me. You promised Doctor Kemp. Do you want to let us both down?”
You close your eyes and slump. He huffs and tosses the shirt on the tile. You reach to touch your lashes and sniff back a wave of tears. It’s not just the time, the way it moves without you knowing, no, it’s him that makes you feel so helpless.
“Don’t do this,” he whispers, half a growl.
“I…” you inhale, struck by his fury, “I won’t. I’ll be good.”
You try to force a smile as you pull your hands away. Your cheeks twitch and your eyes sting, your lips just won’t curve the way you want them too. Another sigh as he stands straight. He rolls up his sleeves before he lifts you again.
He lowers you into the tube as you squeeze your legs together. You fold your arms around yourself, trying to hide, as he reaches for a scrubby and the bottle of vanilla soap. He pops the cap violently as the water bulges up towards your knees.
“Dove,” he reproaches as he grabs your arm, straightening it as he holds your wrist firmly.
You squeak as he scrubs you harshly. You hide behind your eyelids as the flash of another memory strikes you. The cold downpour of water from a screaming shower head, chattering teeth, and quaking sobs.
When he makes you stand, you curl your fingers to tight fists. As he washes you, you feel even more exposed than before. He takes his time on your chest and stomach, surprising you as he leans forward to his just beside your navel. You flinch and glance down.
“You’re beautiful, honey, you shouldn’t be so shy,” he says, “all done, sit.”
You obey and he finishes up the bath, helping you stand before wrapping you up in a soft towel. He pats you dry and moisturises your skin with the fragrant strawberry lotion. This time, he makes you walk back to the room with him.
As you consider the dress, he goes to his dresser and slides out a drawer. He comes to the bed and drops something else. You stare at the white panties and bra, see-through and speckled with little hearts.
“Happy Thanksgiving,” he says as he touches the front of his shirt, damp from the tub, “I’ll change too.”
You bite your lip and keep your chin down. You touch the dress, staring at the underwear, mortified at the thought of wearing those. Why can’t you wear something comfortable? Why can’t you be you? Why can’t he love you as you?
Andy said Steve is coming. You don’t dare ask when as the conversation about your tablet looms over you. You don’t want him to think anything bad of the doctor. It’s not his fault, you’re just stupid.
You put your energy into following the precise instructions printed out before you. All the ingredients are set out neatly for you. It’s all manageable, even for you.
In the next room, the TV blares with the commentators on the NFL pre-game. Andy paces in and out, as if checking on you, or maybe he’s restless. You start peeling the sweet potatoes as he comes in again, looking at his watch.
“Dr. Kemp said he’d bring dessert,” Andy says, “I bought a pie just in case. If he isn’t here in the next hour, we’ll take it out of the freezer.”
“Okay,” you agree as you drag the peeler over the bumpy potato.
“You must be excited, huh, dove?”
“Um, sure, I… I like Thanksgiving. Lots of food,” you smile, you’re getting better at that. “Um, yeah.”
“What?” He tilts his head, his hands going to his hips. Oh no, he’s mad. Again.
“N-nothing, I didn’t…” you look away, “nothing.”
“It’s just Steve,” he shrugs, “I don’t have family. You know, if you bothered to ask, you might realise we’re a lot more alike than you think.”
You chew your cheek and focus on stripping the orange potato. You never did ask. You didn’t think you should. It feels nosy so it’s not that you never wondered or cared, you just don’t know what’s right.
“I’m sorry,” you murmur.
“For not asking. Sorry that you’re alone too,” you grab the next potato.
“Not anymore, dove, we got each other, right?” He chirps, “anyway, before you get too deep into that, you should really do the snacks first. Can’t watch football without munchies.”
“Oh, I… I didn’t think…” you put the potato down and wipe your hands on the dish towel on the counter.
“Wait, wait,” he goes by the fridge and unhooks an apron hanging on the other side. “You don’t want to dirty up that pretty dress.”
“Uh, good idea.”
He puts the top strap over your head, tugging it down snug to your neck. He signals you to turn and you do. He steps close, reaching around you as he smooth the front and drags his hands to the thinner straps behind you. He ties them slowly, tickling your lower back through the dress.
“Let me see,” he steps back.
You face him and he admires you. You look down at the floral fabric with a large bow at the waist. It looks almost like a vintage dress on its own. You straighten your arms and sway as he purrs.
“That looks so good on you,” he steps closer and you plant your feet, resisting the urge to retreat. “Makes me wanna eat you up.”
Your chest racks with panic as he advances on you. He corners you against the counter as he flutters his fingers along the ruffled edge of the apron. You watch his hands creep up the fabric and gulp. Oh, again? Here? You thought you were safe.
“We got time,” his hands close on your hips, “just a little taste.”
You yelp as he takes you off your feet, perching you on the counter. Your ass knocks a bowl across the island and you brace the granite for balance. He pushes your knees apart and steps between them. You're paralysed as he cups your chin, tilting your head back as he kisses you. Suddenly.
He clamps his hand around the back of your neck, locking you against him. His other hand trails down your leg, stopping at your knee and crawling back up. He slips beneath the apron and your skirt, tendrils radiating from his touch. Your muscles spasm as you gasp.
He parts from your lips, kissing your jaw and neck, nibbling and moaning as his fingertips inch towards the trim of your panties. The cool air slips beneath your dress and through the thin fabric. You shudder as you close your eyes, trying to bury yourself inside.
“Mmmm, dove,” he shifts and nuzzles your chest.
He slowly gets to his knees, holding your legs apart as he pecks along your skin. You whimper as he edges towards your skirt, his breath dampening your thigh. He hums and pinches you with his teeth.
“Delicious,” he pokes his head under your skirt, a sudden ding breaking your trance.
He retracts, sitting back on his heels as the doorbell echoes through the house. You look down at him as he closes his eyes and grimaces. He shakes his head and pushes himself up to his feet, grunting as he stands.
“Great timing, as always,” he scoffs.
He struts out, his chagrin obvious in his posture. You push off the counter, landing awkwardly on your feet, tweaking your ankle slightly. You go to the doorway, peeking around into the hall but not daring to venture out.
Andy rolls his shoulders as he stops by the door. He heaves a breath as the doorbell chimes again. He turns back the latch and twists the handle, pulling it back.
“Andrew,” Kemp’s voice booms into the entryway, “Happy Thanksgiving!” You can’t help the way your heart topturns at his familiar timbre, “brought dessert.”
“What is she doing here?” Andy growls.
“Thanksgiving is for family, Andrew, and her family is here,” Kemp insists.
“No, I didn’t invite her–”
“Where is she?” The unseen ‘her’ asks. Your mouth falls open. Amber? “Let me see her.”
You rush forward without thinking. No fear, no doubt, you just want to see your sister. You scurry down the hall and brush by Andy, elbowing him as he reaches to stop you. You burst out through the doorway and crash into Amber, wrapping your arms around her.
“Hey,” her voice piques as she hugs you back, “hey, I’m here.”
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mactavishwritings · 2 years
Fresh Ink
Ghost x Tattoo Artist!Reader
fluff mainly. this may end up becoming multiple parts. I'm not sure yet
you become ghost’s artist and therapist in a way
tw: tattoo needles, retelling of injuries
part one | part two | part three | part four
Being the only tattoo shop within a 10 mile radius of a military base, you’ve seen it all. New recruits who just finished basic wanting to celebrate. Veterans wanting to honor their comrades. Drunk soldiers who’ve lost bets. Soldiers about to be shipped off on suicide missions wanting a way, some way, to be identified.
You’ve seen everything and you did your best to honor each story to the best of your ability. You’ve held the hands of soldiers who would go out and recommend your shop to others, telling them that you were safe and would honor them.
As you set up shop for the day, you looked over your appointment book. You mainly took appointments, but would sometimes take walk-ins. Today, you had a three appointments pretty spaced out so you decided to take a couple walk-ins. You posted on your shop’s social media accounts that you would talk two walk-in and started to sketch your first appointment’s tattoo.
You got pretty far into the tattoo when you heard the bell chime. “Hey, welcome to Dead Shot Ink. My name is (Y/N). How can I help you?” You looked up and saw a man standing in a balaclava mask. You raised an eye brow at him and looked him over. No ink.
“My friend said you tattoo?” A rough british voice came from under the mask and you nodded. “Yeah. The masks stays on, I'm guessing?” He nodded in return, tensing up.
“No worries. I do have a private room if you need it. What’s your name? I’m guessing you want to take one of the walk-ups?” You grabbed your appointment book. He nodded and pulled out his phone. “I'm Ghost. You did my friend, John Price, his tattoo a few months back and he recommended I check out your page. I’ve been meaning to make an appointment, but then I saw you’re talking walk-ins today…”
The name he gave you, John Price, sounded familiar. You nodded along to his words and guided him back to your room. You wrote his name down under your 11:00 spot and had him sit on your tattoo chair. It was a pretty small tattoo parlor since you had just opened, but you were trying to hire more artist.
“So, I do have an appointment coming in at 2. It’s about 11 now so that give us a little under 4 hours. What did you have in mind and where did you want it?” You sat down on your roller chair and grabbed your tablet.
"I'm not really sure. I know you do a lot of like soldier tattoos." Ghost said and he started picking at the skin on his thumb. You forward and gently placed your hand on top of his. "Let me grab something that may help." You stood and quickly walked back to the front of the shop. You grabbed your flash book and brought it back to Ghost.
"Here this may help you decide. What we can do is pick something you like and customize it to your story." You handed him your book and sat back down. Ghost slowly started flipping through the book before settling on a pair of dog tags. You nodded and started drawing.
Soon the stencil was on, dry, and you were ready to go. Ghost was laying back in the chair and you pulled your hair up. "Any particular music you want?" He looked at you for a moment before requesting whatever you wanted. You smiled before putting on (your fav artist). You pushed your sleeves up and got to work.
Every few minutes, you would check in with Ghost. You had your free hand was resting on his bicep since the dog tags were going on his inner forearm close to his elbow. You were on his side, listening and watching for any discomfort. You nodded along to the music and smiled at the tattoo. It was going good and Ghost seemed to like it.
After you finished, you wiped it down and had him look at it in the full body mirror. While you couldn't see his full face, you could see his eyes crinkle into a smile.
It had been about 5 months since you had first tattooed Ghost. He would come in every time you posted about taking a walk-in. You were slowly building a half-sleeve for him that was coming together very nicely. He would sometimes come in with new scars or injuries. Never on the side of your tattoos.
"How come you never get hurt on this side?" You asked casually, half way through the next piece. You were slowly getting him to talk to you. "I don't want to ruin your art." He answer oh so casually. You felt your heart skip and your face flushed. "It's art work. You put a lot of time and work into it." He looked down at the other pieces you had done.
"Makes sense." You nodded, your focus shifting back onto the tattoo. Your eyes shifted to the newest scar, "How'd that one happen? Am I going to be turning it into art soon?" You smiled up at him and he chuckled a little.
"Maybe. We'll see how this mission finishes out. I'm lucky I got these three days. This one was a knife fight. Got a little clumsy. You should see the other guy." He smiled. You felt proud that he was opening up to you. As a tattoo artist for soldiers, you had heard tons of mission stories. Ghost's stories were always intense, but told casually as if he had just gone to the grocery store.
"A knife fight? Seems intense. Looks like you won, though. You'll have to teach me." You smiled, dragging the needle down, making a straight line to finish the piece. "All done, Ghost! Go take a peek." You said, wiping away any excess ink.
"Simon...I'm Simon." He said as he walked towards the mirror, not facing you. You smiled and nodded. "Noted. Whatca think? This one pretty much finishes up the half-sleeve. After this, we could go up the arm for a full." You came up behind his hulking figure and showed him what you meant, moving his arm around.
Simon shivered at your touch. He looked over your hands, stained with dried tattoo ink. You arms were covered in your own tattoos. Your nails were painted black and pointed to the uncovered skin on his upper arm. You always worn dark colors, letting the attention fall on your tattoos. Your hair was pulled back and out of your face, but Ghost knew it was soft from the couple of times it touched his arms.
"I like it. I think after this mission we can complete it. Full sleeve sounds nice." Simon whispered, suddenly feeling the closeness between you two. "Thank you. Thank you for being so gentle with me." He looked up at you through the mirror and you nodded.
"Of course. You face so much hardship. You know my shop will always be open for you." You leaned your head against his shoulder and pulled back. "Let me get you wrapped up and you'll be all set." You grabbed your wrapping and wrapped up his fresh ink.
Months had gone by and you hadn't heard from Simon. You had finally gotten enough money to hire a receptionist and it made your life a million times easier. You walked into the shop and your receptionist greeted you warmly. "Morning (Y/N)!"
"Morning Emma! Can I see my book? I wanna see what I have over the next few days, got a client blowin' up my phone." You laughed as she handed you the book. "Oh! Speaking of, you had a call last night. Said you knew him and wanted to make an appointment so I book him for a couple weeks out. He said you would know what he wants. Sounds either crazy hot or crazy mean." Emma winked and you rolled your eyes. "He's booked for the 26th."
You flipped to that day and your smiled brightly. "He's the crazy hot."
Simon Riley.
part two?
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awkward-tension-art · 4 months
Bacta and Bandages Chp.3 (Rex x Reader)
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Chapter 2. Chapter 4.
First Mission
CW: Clone mistreatment, Medical procedures, needles, Death, destruction, mentions of an epidemic, nothing graphic, Reader is gender neutral, no use of (Y/N), reader is a doctor, if I miss a tag LMK!
You had a couple of weeks to establish yourself and settle with the 501st. It worked out well, because it allowed you to get to know the soldiers more.
Plus, no mission meant you had some free time to learn mando’a. It was basic at best, but you knew how to greet someone and find out where their pain is located, as well as other basic conversation.
It’s what you were doing at the moment. As you tidied up the medical bay, the robotic voice of a teaching droid came from the datapad on your desk. The holo was a program fit more for academy students, but you had to start somewhere.
“Ni cuy' a baar'ur,” You had managed to gear the learning towards medical language. Just to let you do your job better for the clones. Currently, the program was going over what to say when dealing with a patient.
“Very good. Where is your pain?”
“Vaii cuyir gar aaray?” You paused. The word for pain, aaray, always sounded off to you, “Vaii cuyir gar aaray?” Your words repeated.
You felt your damn soul leave your body when another voice interrupted.
“Ner kov'nyn bal ner haalas.” Rex was standing in the doorway, one hand on his hip, the other held his helmet. 
You didn’t know the exact sentence, and you had to think for a moment before looking up at him, “Head and…chest?”
He smirked and nodded, “That’s correct.” the captain stepped to your desk and looked at the holo-program that was still waiting for a response from you. “You’re learning Mando’a?”
“I thought it might help the troopers feel more comfortable,” You approached, tapping the tablet and pausing the holo-program, “I hope that's alright…” 
“It's more than alright, it's…it's a wonderful thought.” Rex had a genuine smile, “The men will appreciate it.” However, he cleared his throat, “However, General Skywalker needs you on the bridge.” 
Your heart raced, did something happen? Did you do something wrong?
“It’s about our next mission.” The captain explained, most likely catching your rising anxiety, “It's a relief mission, and your expertise with medical care is needed.” 
Oh! The breath you let out was one of relief, “Yes, of course…let's go to the bridge then.” 
The walk was quick. You’ve gotten used to the halls and paths of the venator now. Though, admittedly, you’ve gotten terribly lost a couple times. Once, you ended up in the reactor section and if you hadn’t found R2-D2, you’d have to embarrass yourself by asking a soldier to help guide you.
Once on the bridge, you saluted the general and commander in greeting, “You called for me, sir?”
Anakin Skywalker nodded, “We need your expertise, doctor,” He tapped a button on the console, bringing up a holomap of a planet with 4 moons, “The planet of Cherenity had a planet-wide epidemic and a series of natural disasters that caused total societal collapse. There were riots, famine, civil war and complete chaos.”
You frowned, but let him continue. 
“The Jedi have been called to try and help rebuild and offer relief. We need your help in dealing with the wounded and establishing medical care again.” He finished, standing up. He put his hands behind his back and looked at you, “What do you say?”
Ah. set up a medical center, help with supplies and maybe teach some procedures to the locals. 
You raised a hand to your chin, mentally working out the logistics, “One hospital for an entire planet will be overwhelmed. I’d like to have Kix with me to help deal with the injured.” Your eyes met Rex’s, “If that's alright with you, Captain.”
“He’s all yours.” He nodded. 
You smirked, and turned back to face General Skywalker, “When do we arrive?”
“We have an hour to prepare.” He informed everyone, “Thank you, Doctor. Get to work everyone. Dismissed.”
First mission…
You’d be a liar if you didn’t say you were nervous. Yes, you were a capable doctor. But…
Well, in soldier terms, you were no better than a shiny. A rookie.
You were in the hangar double checking the crates of supplies when Kix approached and saluted, “Doctor, I’ve been informed I will be aiding you in this mission.”
Your tone was calm and even, “You and I are going to help establish something of a medical care center for the survivors on Cherenity,” You looked over to him, “But, this will be my first mission, and I’m a doctor before I’m a soldier…I might follow your lead if the situation calls for it.”
He gave you an understanding smile, “I remember my first mission…It can be overwhelming but you’ll get used to it,” The medic melted into a friendly, approachable attitude, “Since it’s a relief mission, it should be easy. But if there's any danger I’ll show you what to do.” 
How kind. Very polite too.
“Thank you, Kix.” 
Before you loaded up, you checked your gear. Because of your rank and position, you didn’t wear the same heavy, clunky armor as the other soldiers. You were outfitted with movement and supplies in mind. Armor was minimal, only enough to protect your chest, calves and wrists. The uniform, made of protective yet light material, was red and white, indicating your medical personnel status.
In a perfect galaxy, this would mean no one would try to kill you. But…well, war crimes weren’t unheard of. Sometimes adversaries would specifically target medics.
With a calming breath, you stepped on the gunship with Kix and a few other soldiers and prepared yourself mentally. There were certain things you were worried about. With no sterile location, infection rates would be high. Plus, even if the disease that caused the epidemic had killed all of its hosts, it may still be present on the planet. 
And you had no idea how it was spread.
“Something wrong, Doctor?” A trooper next to you noticed. He was a ‘shiny’ judging by his pure white armor. 
“I don’t know yet,” you responded, “Do your helmets have protection against contaminants in the air? Like a virus perhaps?” Your question seemed to startle the poor shiny. 
It was a trooper with a painted flower on his chest that answered, “We have temporary protection. Though it only lasts long enough for us to get out of an area, not really stay in it. Maybe a couple minutes at most.”
You nodded, “We know nothing about this virus that contributed to the planet's collapse. If you, or any trooper feels unwell, come to me.”
Another soldier to your left, Steele, you believe his name is, let out a soft laugh, “Don’t worry about us, Doc. We’re not meant to be a priority.”
“I’ll prioritize whoever I want, thank you.” You responded, just as the gunship landed and the doors opened. 
You stepped off, taking in your surroundings. 
Devastation. The capital of Cherenity, Fushi, from what you could tell, used to be an active, beautiful city. But now, it was a shadow of its former self. The ruins and rubble looked like the buildings used to be made of marble and glass. Now, it was all…destroyed. broken, painted glass was everywhere. Craters littered the formerly stone streets. Smoke billowed at multiple locations in the distance. Occasionally, blaster shots echoed around the ruins, bouncing off the once beautiful walls. 
Your heart twisted.
This was war. You signed up expecting destruction, but not…this….
Kix put a hand on your shoulder, “Doctor?”
“I’m fine.” you shook your head, getting yourself together, “Just…didn’t expect this.”
“You’ll get used to it.” Steele responded, unloading a crate of supplies.
You weren’t sure if that made you feel better or worse. 
You made it to the center of the broken, desolate city. That’s where the Cherians had tried to maintain some semblance of civilization. Innocent people were living either in haphazard tents or the surely dangerously unstable remains of the buildings around.
As you and your group made your way forward, the Cherians pause what they were doing to watch you. 
They were humanoid, with skin tones that ranged from bright red to deep purple that were dotted with scales. All of them had horns of various shapes and sizes that poked out from hair of many different colors as well. Their eyes were all solid white, pupiless and glowing. Among them were some humans, twi’lek and other races as well. 
That didn’t strike you as odd. After all, a planet capital such as Fushi would have a lot of diversity.
You pressed your com at your wrist and raised it to your lips, “General, we’ve made it to where the survivors are camping.”
After a second, Anakin’s voice came through the other end, “Good, start unloading supplies. Ahsoka and I have been…held up.” 
As soon as the Jedi finished speaking, Rex’s voice came through the com, “All units, be advised, thieves and pirates are in the area and may target the supplies and the civilians.”
You swallowed and shared a look with Kix, you were about to speak before getting interrupted by an approaching Cherian. Her pure white hair trailed behind her and her horns gave height over the troopers. Her skin was a soft lavender and she had an aura of peace and calm. 
“Peace,” She greeted, “I am Zenial Ill’ty the Senator of Cherenity.”
Senator? Why isn’t she on Coruscant? Did she come home to try and help the devastation?
“Ma’am,” You nodded in greeting, “General Skywalker is on his way with more supplies, in the meanwhile, I’m his battalion's doctor and am here to help reestablish medical care.” 
Zenial gave you a smile and bowed, “Thank you, healer of the 501st. What is left of our city is open to you. Most of the injured are located at the north end of our camp.”
You bowed to her and motioned for the troopers carrying medical supplies to follow. Kix was beside you as your steps lead you beyond a half shattered green building. Behind it, was the injured and sick. 
There had to have been a few hundred at least. Walking among them were Cherians wearing the same medical symbol as you. However, it was clear they were overwhelmed and unable to help without proper equipment, medicine and housing. 
You steeled yourself. You were a doctor. You worked in a hospital on Coruscant’s lower levels, and that wiped away any naivety you had even before the war. You remained silent, eyes roaming the people and bodies. 
From visual confirmation, you guessed the few doctors had set up ‘zones’ by severity of wounds and illness. 
Good. It made your job easier. 
With a steading breath, you got to work. 
You prioritized those with the most severe wounds. Internal injuries, amputations, massive amounts of blood loss…Your focus was razor sharp as you tended to those you could. The supplies in your pack dwindled to nothing quickly, much to your frustration.
Perhaps it was your expectations. Or maybe it was how you worked in the hospital, but you burned through the supplies in your pack trying to save everyone. 
A twi’lek, with royal blue skin and yellow eyes wheezed and sputtered as you tried to fix his burnt and ripped heart. According to his young daughter, he was searching for food when thieves shot him. It was sheer will that he survived this long. 
You reached for more bacta, only to be stopped by Kix, “Doctor, there isn’t anything else you can do.”
My old mentor told me those words once. You remembered. It was the first patient you had ever lost. A drunken speeder accident. You’d never forget it as their heart stopped beating under your hands.
“But…he can be saved. I know he can.” Your eyes must’ve been wide and confused, “I’ve seen worse wounds.”
The medic next to you had an understanding look, “Maybe in a proper hospital. But on the field…we don’t have the luxury.”
You looked down at the twi’lek, taking in his severe wounds. 
Kix is right. 
You made sure his daughter held his hand as you injected him with painkillers. He drifted off to sleep and was dead within minutes. 
Move on. There are others. 
At some point as you tended to the wounded, General Skywalker and Commander Tano had arrived with food, water and some ‘society rebuilding’ technology. It was hours later when you had gotten done with the most severe patients and were able to get the Cherian healers together to start planning properly. You did your best to ignore how the General watched your moves. 
He was most likely testing you. Making sure you could handle this.
“You’ll need clean water,” You explained, looking over your datapad, “The biggest worry is infection. You can save a life but lose them later to the same wound if it's not kept clean.” Your steps weaved through the wounded patients. Some were already much better than when you arrived, and others were resting peacefully, finally having their pain managed.
“You’ll need to boil the water at the very least to sterilize it,” Your words didn’t falter even after passing by the General who was with Captain Rex, “Same for metal scalpels and other tools. Put them in boiling water to clean them at the very least.”
Kix, who had been walking beside you, handed you a holomap of the immediate area. Once you activated it, you began to plan the new medical center for the Cherians, “It would be best if you had the injured in the most stable building, here.” You pointed at one of the more stable, least destroyed glass and marble building on the map, “The cover will be imperative for those with more severe injuries and illnesses. I’ve had some of the troopers make sure the supports are-”
One of those following you spoke up, “Can we trust what an artificial human says?” 
That question screeched your mind to a halt. You blinked, dumbfounded at the bluntness from the individual in front of you. Your mind had to take a minute to process what you heard.
After getting your thoughts together, you responded, “The troopers are hardworking, reliable men. I trust what they say.”
The Cherian opened their mouth, “But-”
You couldn’t hold back the venom in your words as you cut them off, “Do I need to repeat myself or are we going to have a problem?” Your eyes bore into the individual, practically daring them to argue with you. 
“...No, Doctor.” 
“Good.” Immediately, your tone became calmer, “Now, let's continue.”
Unknown to you, Captain Rex saw your exchange, he couldn’t help the small smile on his lips as you walked away. 
Anakin elbowed his side, smirking at his captain.
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