#Tadeo jones theories
kimjimagery · 2 months
Please note I did not write this fic.
I found it on a fanfiction site archiveofourown.org but then something happened to the site last year in almost half of the fic stories on that site where erased but fortunately I managed to save this story on my files and it would be a shame for it to just disappear into nothingness cuz this was a really good story concept, and Tad needs more fanfics
And you guys know me I always give credit to the sources.
The fic was made by Ellxvs
You can find the author works here: https://archiveofourown.org/users/ellxvs/pseuds/ellxvs
I tried to find a way to message author but can't find any way of doing that so I hope they don’t mind me posting this.
@tadeojonesmemes @shields-and-depthgauges-oh-my @araminakilla
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araminakilla · 6 months
Tad 4 theory: The main theme of the movie
My brain: Seriously, already??? The movie comes out in-
Shhhhh, it's never too early to cook.
It's not that deep but I'm just wondering what is the main theme of Tadeo Jones 4. We know the group will travel to the past and make it to their present before it's too late.
Maybe the theme will be something about "letting your past go and focusing on what you have in the present" and I could be wrong, but this is a lesson that it will most likely affect not Tad, but MUMMY the most.
Yes, Tad may have some other issues to resolve that we don't know about. Maybe he's going to marry Sara and he's sad his parents (and probably his granny) aren't with him while Sara has her father still present.
Maybe Ramona has also something to say regarding her tragic past and how it was unfair her reign only lasted 3 days or maybe even Sara has some problems regarding her past, be with her father or Victoria or who-knows-who.
But it is Mummy the one who is going to make the wish...
Why? As seeing this is going to be the funniest movie of the franchise, I think I can't have some sad undertones. It could be he isn't making the wish for him, but for his friends.
Maybe he want Tad to encounter his parents or for Sara, her mother.
Maybe he want to take Ramona to her era when Egypt was great so she can see her subjects again (she mentioned at the end of the third movie that she misses them)
Or maybe he just wants to randomly travel through time so he and his friends could see past events that were only recorded in books. It would be interesting if the "travel between time" is decided on whoever holds the lamp or maybe they get a travel machine or a clock or something.
Would be interesting if Mummy didn't even say where/when he wants to travel and the magic of the lamp just transports him to the time he was alive because... lore and stuff, but I think this won't happen.
Also Mummy will finally had to confront his mistakes for once because he was partially responsible for the curse of the third movie. He unleashed Hermes from his chains, made more easy to the police to follow his friends and destroyed the Mona Lisa, but never said "I'm sorry"
He was probably sorry, but the movie didn't show that. And now that his wish is going to reshape the world as they (and we) know it, he is finally going to realize that "yes, I messed up big time and it's my fault"
We still don't know if someone (coughTad) motivated him to make the wish, but he still did it, and the reasons behind that peculiar wish could be more deep than the others realize.
Back with the theme of letting your past go, maybe if they DO have a villain in that movie they could be motivated by the fact that they can't and WON'T let their past go. Probably if there's a genie inside the lamo, it could be their case as part of their backstory.
Or maybe some of the funny characters they meet in the past have their own reasons as to why they cling to the past, and some will let it go, while others (the villains/antagonists) don't.
The possibilities are endless. But I'm pretty sure the lesson would be something related to the past and not let that define you (kind of like Kung Fu Panda 2, but less serious and more funny)
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paulinawoodpecker · 6 months
You know I have a theory about Tadeo jones 2
@kimjimagery @araminakilla @shields-and-depthgauges-oh-my @tadeojonesmemes
We know that in tad 2, they were going to go to turkey, so tad get themselves a cruise ship
But he meant a small ship…
What if tad gets seasick on a cruise ship?
And how did he managed to survive on the small ship without getting himself seasick?
Maybe someone gave him sea sickness medicine for him.
But I’m pretty sure his stomach was not going to handle a lot of traveling on a cruise ship on sea to turkey.
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I have some theories about Tadeo jones 4
But what we really want to know if we will ever get a female villain.
We have three male villains, if they ever make up a female villain, I'm going to be so hyped.
And yes we need Tiffany maze and Freddy back, along with professor lavorff, professor Humbert even the taxi driver, man I wish these guys made a comeback along with some new characters
But I felt very bad for tad. Because for alot of stress and anxiety he had since the third film. And I'm worried if he ever had a stomachache/ upset stomach. If someone gets too much stress and anxiety, they probably might have stomach issues
i remember it was actually mummy who is confirmed to have that stomach issue when he's nervous lol but hmm yeah and tiffany could have so much more too, i think but something feels lacking to her. i missed freddy but i dunno if the creator can see what to do with him other than being comic relief (same issue with mummy, sigh) i do agree i wanna see a female villain like the one in tad3 concept art
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tammyhybrid21 · 4 years
Do you think that in the Tadeo Jones universe, some people (average or rich people) think living mummies aren't persons but some creatures they can capture and claim as their own 'cuz they have no rights? (as mentioned by Tad in Movie 2) Kind of like the Apex's view of denizens in IT. I think this could be adressed in Tad 3. But I'll be sad because Mummy is going to find the hard way that for powerful people, his feelings and opinions doesn't matter (Twice, if we count the Spanish conquista)
Ohhhh man!
I have been-- stewing over how best to answer this since I saw it yesterday, because part of me has IDEAS-- the other part has a rant that has kind of been building for a while in general when you just examine the movies and the setting and even the actual community represented in reality(that being Archaeologists not-- well)
And LOOK-- I have TEA!
Frustrated, frustrated tea regarding other aspects of how this all could play out that basically boils down to the one major issue that a lot of those groups has is the issue of "But WE all know!" and the we've boxed this in already.
Which-- Debatably, Tad isn't the only one with some issues... But Sara has-- at least insofar as her reactions to Mummy in movie 2, come to terms past her more nebulous in concept repeated line.
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"Mummies can't be alive, it's a contradiction in terms" 
Which-- actually might be an issue that's just on the question of the life/death binary more than it is actually a question of whether someone is human/a person or not. And we ALL know she's definitely got Major Respect over Tad--
Like, I will write a proper analysis over their "Mummy gives advice/pep talk" scenes later-- but--
Sara doesn't just take it and run how Tadeo does-- and she doesn't get hyped about it either. It's soft and subtle and just ARGH--
Which, okay beside the point, but I have-- so much on this idea of how people view Mummy-- Because let's for a moment consider what Tad actually says-- in answer to Mummy's "What is with you?" and I want to also talk on what people tend to associate with and call monsters... and how... that might also factor into this whole mess.
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"Listen you're a mummy, you scare people. In my world you're a zombie!"
Which-- okay, on the surface this is just an on the nose point about how well, Mummy is undead. Ahahah, the living dead and I suppose living mummies are their own form of zombie-- although really it's more like they're cousins as zombies are usually more... in process of decay while mummies are preserved/petrified... Buuuut in any case... not the point here really.
But rather...
Let's talk about how "Monster Movies" come in here. And what zombies tend to be synonymous with nowadays. You know-- for the most part. Mindless, brainless, sometimes killers though not always-- But ultimately-- Does... anyone actually watch zombie shows for in-depth exploration of zombies ever anymore? Aside a few exceptions, and same in games-- Zombies are relegated to just brainless/mindless monsters.
On the other side of that-- monsters.
Tad never quite uses that word but--
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"First, you're not human"
Mummies-- are monsters. In stories and fiction. Used to scare, used to awe, used to add scenery dressing, spooky, freaky, creepy-- and when they're not-- well it's rare. But if they're not the villains, they're not "human". Which think about that for a moment, in all the monster stories we have but a few where the monsters aren't outright put in that position.
But a monster is usually in a story put into one role and box. And if they're not outright there just to be spooky, or the whole new misunderstood monster trope-- which well, that's a whole other thing. But we all know the usual "monster shtick".
Violent, scary, simple, dumb, driven by base impulses, nonhuman, Very, very often as lesser, other, and something to be feared/hunted/destroyed.
And while modern day does move away from that--
ISSUES still prevail.
And I have-- just got to aside here, but like, thinking on this but-- the Phone Mummy sign outside of Tad's window as a child has some... other weird things. Because as a wild aside, my dumb brain has decided to A - B link this with a series I watched on television from 2005-2007
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Because of THIS stupid Mummy Scam Artist character. And it's dumb, has nothing to do with the issue of mummies(and other potential beings and creatures of myth and legend) having less rights. But this whole phone billboard-- with the Mummy, it's legit right up this character's kind of scam alley and I may or may not one day just rewatch his two villain episodes to get his personality clear in my head JUST to do a dumb crossover.(And for nostalgia, but that's not news)
Advertising does tell us some things already. In how people possibly think and could respond/react.
Yet still-- there is something more I think that we're missing in this conversation on how people will potentially treat the discovery of a living mummy. Or really any supernatural being. If not with fear(which look-- fear the unknown, fear different, fear of monsters), arguably those who're intrigued, interested could be far, far worse.
Also-- I just have, much tea on other responses for even those who might briefly "respect" him. Because look-- Mummy would be a priceless artefact in a way, treasure and discovery all on his own-- BUT also a new potential source of information of a culture that for the most part has been lost and erased by history.
People could and would ask questions.
Whiiich is where I have doubts about how they will accept the answers to those questions. Because here's the thing, for all the Archaeology community loves to act as if they let discoveries speak for themselves, and even I suppose historians-- There are just-- so many times I watch and listen to documentaries and get SO FRUSTRATED-- because they're stubborn IDIOTS, who actually refuse to take in the evidence in front of them of any truths outside of what they're SO SURE has to be the TRUTH!
For those who speak of learning all about history and it's secrets, they're so damn high and mighty to reject anything that doesn't immediately fit with already established "facts". It must be an anomaly, aliens, can't be what we're actually seeing right--
And well even people today interacting-- Like-- I've seen people try to correct someone on the pronunciation of their own name before.
So I am almost certain there would be at least one idiot who'd be all high and mighty and just-- Mummy has LIVED it. It's his culture he grew up in and some idiot speaking over him saying his lying, which I just-- I am certain would happen(but probably not in canon because who would DARE?!)-- Just "EXCUSE ME?!"
Which is it's own kind of disrespect and hell, crash Tad's pillars again. Yes please!
Which... on that account--
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I kiiiind of want to talk about how Tad needs a smack on this... and that wake up to the truths of the high and mighty and bloody prideful issues of the community. BUT more than that-- I actually want to think about that point you made about how Mummy's supposed transformation in movie 3 comes across and the further themes of this question of humanity and rights is in regards to this whole issue.
Because yeah, there's the issue, front and CENTER.
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The question/implication of this resembling Ammut, and implied loss of humanity. Along with the fact that Tad's the likely TRUE CENTER of the curse-- since he's the idiot who opened the sarcophagus in the first place...
There's a very good possibility in regards to that issue-- potentially having to do with some of Tad's more... subtle issues. Or even the ones that are close to the surface and yet not. I've screamed already on Tadeo's Internalized Ableism... along with some small nods to Mummy's own less severe cast with that but-- This is directly playing into that image of monsters and nonhumanity--
And I could probably add an additional few pages of speculation onto this but--
I actually am... also worried for the pets. If only because uhhh, have you seen the original two Tadeo Jones shorts from before it become movies? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XxhNMbpE2A & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uoJBzI2AUOw
I mean not assuming anything, but I can definitely believe they wouldn't be above having that threat present at the least.(I mean just that second one... with what I guess is concept-Jeff) Even if Mummy is most definitely going to be the one at the MOST RISK. But with that-- comes the question of humanity.
And while yeah-- I do imagine, all too easily there will be many people more focused on the discovery-- I think there's an interesting mess that Tadeo is going to be FORCED to confront with this-- in how he has that displaced view.
Because here's the weird thing.
I've kind of mentioned it before but not really expanded or explained very clearly-- but for all of Tad's issues... he cares about Mummy probably more than he even really realizes. It's in small to big things as well. Again-- for all his trash behaviour in movie 2, I do think a lot of it is very, very misplaced attempts at some form of protection...
Which I also really want to at some point make a post that's just...
"Tad's I'm Helping moments and how they made things worse for everyone"
But that's for later... For now...
I kind of want to grab a few things.
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"You're already dead, RUN!"
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I also actually counted how quickly he ran back to Mummy for this moment, and it's LITERALLY two seconds, from when Mummy collapses to Tadeo's check on him. Also I'd like to mention with this-- he's supposedly tunnel visioning on Sara(and he ruins it within the next scene pretty quickly)
And for all they're kind of dumb decisions.
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DEBATABLY-- when he's trying to hide Mummy.
Ugh-- BUT Tadeo has a very... complicated issue here really. Because yes-- Tad very much has that nonhuman issue, but he CARES. And then-- there's how the whole Ammut thing feels set and the symbolic meaning there(ALSO INTERESTING SARA SEEMINGLY ISN'T CAUGHT BY THAT). But here's the thing--
With Ammut kiiind of come those scales and the feather.
It's not like that mythology isn't unknown-- but more to the point-- it feels kind of like force Tad to confront his mixed up view. On Mummy's humanity or lack of-- But really as the audience Mummy feels the most human at this point in time-- whiiich we can get into a debate on what even is human nature later-- but--
I am kind of hoping that we get a callout of a number of things regarding Tad's behaviour.
With some primary focus on this dynamic between him and Mummy and really seeing how he responds to that idea that Mummy is nonhuman to really be thrown into full view and scope. And listen...
You cannot cheat the scales.
As an aside generally, if he is turning into a form or version of Ammut even if initially the community is a danger because he's a living mummy that creates a whole other issue of how he'd be viewed as a danger due to the role that's possibly growing more and more of an instinct.
But yeah... I will probably now make a more formulated rant on this later, or like, minor expansions on the topic but-- yeah.
I have been CHEWING on these thoughts, ideas and concepts for a while.
With additional tea. Because when people think they know something too often they refuse to see differently.
(Also at some point I am going to make a personal rant on duality verses binary due to insistent terminology issues I have but ugh)
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Goodbye to the Decade: Aesthetic Series
5) Movies
Here we are at the end of this series, the year and the decade, in this week here you have 9 of the movies that I liked this decade.
Like the rest of the series a keep reading it’s here, I don’t enjoy to annoying the rest. And if you want to talk about them or request an aesthetic of them, here I am. No particular order in them
Ah, one more thing, Happy New Year Everyone!
The Swindlers  (꾼)  2017
Dark Phoenix 2019
Go Lala Go 2 2015
R2B: Return To Base (알투비: 리턴투베이스) 2012
Suicide Squad 2016
Joker 2019
Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum (곤지암) 2018
My Week With Marilyn 2011
Coco 2017
Your Name (Kimi No Na Wa) 2016
Storks 2016
Inside Out 2015
I Want To Eat Your Pancreas (Kimi No Suizô O Tabetai) 2018
Frozen 2013
Suspiria (Remake) 2018
Les Misérables 2012
I, Tonya 2017
Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them 2016
Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes Of Grindelwald 2018
Captain America: The First Avenger 2011
Captain Marvel 2019
Thor 2011
The Avengers 2012
Thor: The Dark World 2013
Captain America: The Winter Soldier 2014
Guardians Of The Galaxy 2014
Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol.2 2017
Avengers: Age Of Ultron 2015
Ant Man 2015
Captain America: Civil War 2016
Black Panther 2018
Spider-Man: Homecoming 2017
Doctor Strange 2016
Thor: Ragnarok 2017
Ant Man & The Wasp 2018
Avengers Infinity War 2018
Avengers Endgame 2019
Spider-Man Far From Home 2019
Mary, Queen Of Scots 2018
Voice From The Stone 2017
Crimson Peak 2015
Once Upon A Time In... Hollywood 2019
Terminal 2018
Maleficent 2014
Maleficent: Mistress Of Evil 2019
The Wrath (여곡성) 2018
Molly’s Game 2017
The Zookeeper’s Wife 2017
The Huntsman: Winter’s War 2016
The Cabin In The Woods 2011
Snowpiercer 2013
Bohemian Rhapsody 2018
Bastille Day 2016
Sing 2016
The Star 2017
The Maze Runner 2014
Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials 2015
Maze Runner: The Death Cure 2018
Cinderella (Live Action) 2015
After The Dark 2013
Mr. Holmes 2015
Victoria & Abdul 2017
The Purge 2013
The Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones 2013
Beastly 2011
Red Riding Hood 2011
The Princess Switch 2018
Freaks Of Nature 2015
Spring Breakers 2012 
Journey 2: The Mysterious Island 2012
Sucker Punch 2011
Kong: Skull Island 2017
Beauty And The Beast (Live Action) 2017
The Theory Of Everything 2014
The Nun 2018
The Conjuring 2013
The Conjuring 2 2016
The Visit 2015
The VVitch: A New England Folktale 2015
Marrowbone 2017
The Handmaiden (아가씨) 2016
Descendants 2015
Descendants 2 2017
Pitch Perfect 2012
Pitch Perfect 2 2015
White: The Melody Of The Curse (화이트: 저주의멜로디) 2011
Despicable Me 2010
Despicable Me 2 2013
Despicable Me 3 2017
Minions 2015
Pokémon Detective Pikachu 2019
Pokémon The Movie: I Choose You! (Gekijouban Poketto Monsutâ: Kimi ni kimeta!) 2017
The Garden Of Words 2013
Las Aventuras De Tadeo Jones 2012
Carrie (Remake) 2013
The Woman In Black 2012
Ocho Apellidos Vascos 2014
Silver Linings Playbook 2012
Tangled 2010
The Greatest Showman 2017
The Grand Budapest Hotel 2014
Winchester: The House That Ghosts Built 2018
The Rite 2011
Wreck-It Ralph 2012
Last Christmas 2019
Extra (Documentaries & Short Films): 
The Spy Who Brought Down Mary Queen Of Scots 2014
Cerdita 2018
I Love You, Now Die: The Commonwealth v. Michelle Carter 2019
The Garden Of Words (Koto No Ha No Niwa) 2013
To The Forest Of The Fireflies Light (Hotarubi No Mori E) 2011 
18 Meses Descifrando Los Ojos de Dulce 2019
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kimjimagery · 6 months
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I never fully noticed it until now but have you ever noticed how in the third movie Tad and Sara are always physically touching each when they are together?
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My theory;
The second movie they do physically touch each other
For Sara she missed Tad.
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For Tad when Sara was kidnapper he was worried and when he got her back he has more physically contact with her.
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And then the the moment when Sara turned to gold devastated him. And when He broke the spell he was overjoyed.
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So after the events of the second movie it must have triggered some kind of PTSD from both Tad and Sara and ever since that event they always end up physically touching each other either by face or by the arm as a means of coping or reflex.
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kimjimagery · 4 months
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With this talk of a lamp and time travel I wonder if these items will come back in Tadeo Jones 4 cuz they're pretty important to Tad's time line.
But it all depends on how Lightbox handles the new adventure and where the characters are going to be put.
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kimjimagery · 9 months
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I just realized something when the agent Ramirez said that the trio had told her everything about the sarcophagus.
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Does that mean that they would tell everyone that Tad was the one who discovered it first? And if that's the case that means Tad would get full credit for that discovery just like he always wanted.
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I hope this gets addressed in Tad 4
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kimjimagery · 1 year
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I think I finally figured out the whole thing regarding Jeff and why he looks like he didn't age a bit.
From what I found on the wiki when I was researching the two Tad shorts, the first one "Tad Jones" and the second one "Basement of Doom" are now chronicled as canon within the movie timeline if you ignore Tad's early character design.
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So when Tad was growing up that first dog he had as a kid might not have been Jeff it could have been a different dog and given the lifespan of dogs that one could have passed away.
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In his adult years this is where that first short came in, he went to that amusement park tome attrition, nothing much to go on with that in terms of him having a dog  except it just further shows Tad wanting to be an archaeologist which pushes his character arc for the movies. 
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The second shorts is when he rescued this stray dog and other animals from a cult, in a way we could say that it’s Jeff but it doesn't have any of the markings or it doesn't look like the same breed so it's safe to assume that he had this dog for a while but given that it's a stray it might have had medical issues and thus probably passed away.
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And then Tad moves to a new apartment, feeling lonely he went to an animal shelter and adopted Jeff. He might have gotten him as a puppy and Jeff grew up thus leading to the remaining events of the first movie. So this would explain why Jeff looked like he's not really old and it's the most logical thing I can think of right now.
...Also as a side note; 
This movie pretty much retcons the two comic books considering that the the movie was based off of the first one but it changed it up so much that it it's own thing as well as the second comic which I found out did had Max and Kopponen in it so that one is completely retconned.
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However, the second comic book was made into a video game of the movie characters Tad, Sara Jeff and remaining group of Odysseus now ran by different person so the video game will be included in the movie timeline I'd say like a year after the events of the movie and it was through finding that manuscript that encourage Sarah to begin searching for Midas papyrus which would lead to the second film.
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As for those Tad educational shorts I'm figuring out where that would fit in the timeline it can't be before the second movie given Tad's reaction to seeing Mummy again, I'm not sure if we can count it as after the second movie cuz it look like Mummy left the day after the party.
Or he went back to Tad months after.
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kimjimagery · 2 years
Tad discord needs fixing
Now don't get me wrong the Tad Discord is cool and all but I feel like it's a huge cluttered mess with postings all over the place and rules not properly enforced so here's my little offering on how we can fix the threads.
The Only Rule change is whatever you post it has to fit within that pacific category of the thread you can't compulsively post the same thing on every single thread category. 
This way it'll keep the Discord organized so people don't get confused especially for any new followers we might get.
To the one who made the discord here’s how you can fix it; 
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# news: Any news about Tad like upcoming movie, shorts or reviews
#general: Discussion about the movie this includes head cannon talk or theories and merch
# official-art-and-images: Official art, screenshots and links related to the movie or links to the creative crew behind Tad
# media: Video links related to the movie 
# fanart: Tadeo Jones fan art 
# fanfics: Tadeo Jones FanFictions
Off Topic: Here you can post whatever that's not Tadeo Jones related 
# general
# fanart
# fanfics
# pets
I just want to help make this fandom welcoming and fun, we should all strive for that.
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araminakilla · 4 years
Again, almost nobody knows this movie or the franchise, but I found a really intriguing description of the third movie of Tadeo Jones:
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"Tad would love for his archeologist colleagues to accept him as one of their own, but he always messes everything up. Tad accidentally destroys a sarcophagus and unleashes an ancient spell endangering the lives of his friends: Mummy, Jeff and Belzoni. With everyone against him and only helped by Sara, he sets off on an adventure that will take him from Mexico to Chicago and from Paris to Egypt, in order to put an end to the curse of the Mummy."
And before asking if the link is true and not fake, the answer is: I don't know BUT there was a case I remember about all the sinopsis of the second movie saying that Sara was kidnapped by an evil rich guy. That's it, those well known pages said he was a rich guy, but there was this little page I found (sorry I got no link of it) that said the evil rich guy's name was Jack Rackham. At first I didn't believe it until some months later where the new sinopsis said that was indeed his name. In conclusion, I take that plot of the third movie as official until proved wrong.
Today in this post I will analyse the sinopsis and give my opinion of it.
"Tad would love for his archeologist colleagues to accept him as one of their own, but he always messes everything up."
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We start good with this. It's already confirmed that is the problem with Tadeo. I assume that he has graduated and become an archeologist by this point, and the plot makes it sound like the new guy trying to be with the cool kids of the group, but failing miserably because of him being clumsy or him breaking something, which leads us to...
"Tad accidentally destroys a sarcophagus and unleashes an ancient spell..."
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No surprise here, I told you he is clumsy. This is interesting because the Spanish plot says he encounters an egyptian mummy, but this says he breaks her sarcophagus, if I were a mummy I would be pretty angry too, enough to put a curse on anyone who did that. But there's a catch, it says that it was an ancient spell, so it was planned for some poor unfortunate soul who is dumb enough to annoy a female mummy. If nobody knew about this curse until the lady mummy broke free I understand but if not, Tad... WHY WERE YOU EVEN TOUCHING THAT THING!? Ahem, sorry. Then there's this part:
"...endangering the lives of his friends: Mummy, Jeff and Belzoni."
First of all, it seems that the curse works only for the friends of the offender, not the tresspaser himself. Clever move, in my opinion. Some people say friends are your biggest treasure so maybe the egyptians mummies in this movie thought that if humans take away their material tresaures, they will take their emotional ones. But Sara is not affected, maybe because she wasn't there in the moment or because she was the damsel in distress in the second movie so I'm glad that she isn't in danger again.
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As for Tad's friends, Jeff and Belzoni just happen to change heads in the concept art, making many pet shenanigans so they will be fine (unless their lifes are in danger if they don't make it in time and they eventualy die because they don't have their respective heads, but that's too dark for a family movie). I'm more worried about our Mummy, the Inca Mummy who not only he already has a curse imposed into him about 500 years ago, but now he gets ANOTHER ONE all because his best friend made a mistake. Talk about bad luck. But that's not all, he gets transformed into a well known monster in the egyptian pantheon. The creature devourer of souls called Ammit. This Godness (yeah, she's female... so Mummy is going to become one too?) is among the most feared monsters to the egyptians (she doesn't have wings but hey, wings are cool so nevermind that) It's possible that like what happened in the movie "Brave" with Elinor and Mordu, our Mummy will begin to lose his human side/soul (or what little he has) and become a heartless soul eater monster. This will be the life that is in more danger. He could lose the little he has of his humanity, that's just cruel and unfair!
Now we get to the best part:
"With everyone against him and only helped by Sara... "
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Wait Wait WAIT. What is this? According to a concept art, Tad travels with Sara, the pets and both the Inca and Egyptian mummies. So what happened? Is this a spoiler to a part of the movie where Tad only has Sara's help? I mean, it's obvious that the lady mummy doesn't like the explorer but what happened to his friend/brother Mummy? I have many theories but those are the more possible:
1) He was influenced by the egyptian mummy to leave him and Sara: Maybe the lady is a female fatale and one of the antagonists of the movie (not the main one, that title goes to a human woman apparently) and convinces him that the humans will betray them and only they can lift the curse without anyone's help.
2) He begins to show a more animalistic side as the curse grows and decides to leave the group to protect them: Having little control over his body leaves Mummy powerless to stop himself from hurting his only friends and decides to leave them for the best, which only would make more conflict because great not only we have to arrive to Egypt before the third day or whatever, but now we have to add finding a leopard/hippo/cocodrile monster being to the list.
3) The Mummies are captured by the bad guys: And it's the job of Tad and Sara to free them before the curse becomes irreversible.
Or the most possible one:
4) Tad "betrays" Mummy and the monster leaves the explorer to find a way to lift the curse himself:
It's more likely that Tadeo wants to be a famous archeologist. The question is: How far he will go to archive this? What discoveries or secrets will he reveal to have the respect and admiration of his fellow archeologists?
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I didn't think this before, but Tad is basically best friends/brothers with probably the most important and prized discovery of all time. How this fact is going to affect their friendship? Maybe Mummy starts to notice this, or maybe Tad exclaims without thinking "I wish you stayed in Paititi!" in front of the bad guys or other people. This will bring back the promise for the first movie and it's sure Mummy will leave Tadeo for a moment, because I'm sure he will be back somehow (this is Tadeo Jones, not The Fox and the Hound after all)
And the last part of the sinopsis:
"...he sets off on an adventure that will take him from Mexico to Chicago and from Paris to Egypt, in order to put an end to the curse of the Mummy."
Why Mexico if the Mummy in question is an egyptian? I have a theory: Ratings. Latinoamerica is the place where the Tad movies have more reception (good reception) and Mexico is the country that made a lot of money probably because Belinda dubs Sara. Other country is Peru because the first movie was about this place. So I think they want to please the Mexicans by showing their country but... Wasn't a better idea to have the mummy being an Aztecan? That way she would have more common things with the Inca mummy as both cultures ended with the Conquistadors (and Pizarro and Cortés were actually distant cousins, weird but true) but oh well they want to go the Egypt.
After Mexico we have Chicago, where Tad lives. I think they are going to the museum Tad went in the first movie to see his profesor friend.
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So wait... Does that mean Incan Mummy and the lady Mummy are going to see all the frozen mummies in that exhibition? Wow, that's actually dark (but kind of hilarous if they both scream)
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And finally we have Paris. I'm betting they are going there for the Louvre Museum which has the form of a pyramid. And Paris is know as the city of love which... Yeah... I can see this is where both mummies fall in love or something (I don't like this idea, it's very cliche but this is kind of a cliche franchise so... yeah)
About the bad guys and what they want... I have no idea, only that it's probably a woman.
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And that's all I got for this sinopsis. Again, I'm sure everyone will scroll over this but I wanted to get all of this out of my head.
I'm glad that Tad's Mummy is going to become a very, very important character in this third movie according to one of the directors, so that means he's going to become more than just some "comic relief"
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araminakilla · 2 years
Two Tadeo Jones posts in one day? Yeah, why not? It's the tenth anniversary of the first movie releasing on theaters after all. Now we got, 2D characters!
Let's start with...
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Pharaoh Keops! (Queen Ra Amon Ah's ancestor?) and a giant guard.
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Napoleon Bonaparte and Dominique! So he was the man seen in that Egypt potrait on Victoria's house.
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The one and only Hermes. Heh, he's pulling a Peridot in the first image.
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The many movements of Keops. He gives me Kuzco vibes, but egyptian. So... Incan Mummy vibes when he was alive? Maybe?
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Hermes having its on chart of movements is also great to see. I wonder if he is going to do all the movements shown here in the image.
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The many conquerors who seached for the Emerald Tablet in life but couldn't find it. Julio Cesar, Marc Anthony and... SHAN YU IS THAT YOU???
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Don't let Blitzo to see these bad boys. They could be the many versions of Napoleon's horse, or Keops' horse.
Now the thing is...
Is pharaoh Keops mummified? Kept in a museum? Lost? Stoled?
Because looking at this monument, the face looks different from the ones seen in other statues in the movie.
Not gonna lie, it looks like... the face of a mummy (except he has ears, but mummy Hermes has ears too so)
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And considering that is near the pyramid of Keops where our characters manage to escape. I wonder...
Was pharaoh Keops meant to be the male mummy who was going to team up with Tad and our Mummy?
Because he would have seen first hand what the tablet did when he was alive. Plus, Hermes worked for him. That guy looks like a total diva which... fair he was a pharaoh. How would have a dynamic between Keops and Mummy work?
It could have been a case of "The girls are fighting!"
Who knows? Maybe there's a concept art of mummy Keops somewhere.
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araminakilla · 2 years
Day 45: "Si tú me llamas" preview
A little sneak peak of the song was released three days before its official debut, here it is:
The lyrics so far are:
If you look at me (?), I lose myself
like the sand in the desert
If you call me
for you I would climb the highest pyramid
(Upbeat music)
So far... I like it! Despite the autotune and the election of singers, the melody is very catchy. It represents the spirit of the film very well, as they said.
At first I was like "What is this?" but after listening for the third (or thirty?) time it really captured my attention. This could be better than "Te voy a esperar"
Now, little reviews of the sneak peeks:
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Seems like the scene after Tad was fired by Ryan. Sara is trying to console him, maybe saying that he doesn't need Ryan's approval and that he is just as important as anybody in the camp. Tad of course doesn't believe this.
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Are those agents... shooting at them?
They are shooting at them!
They try to take down the mummies, and they don't even care there's a human among them!
Of course we by this point know Tad is a menace to ancient artifacts and museums, but that doesn't justify trying to shoot him.
Mummy is guiding Ramona to safety by... holding her hand???
I think it is her wrist actually, while Ra-Amon-Ah is looking at their hands, rather perplexed? Like, "why is he touching me?" or something like that.
For the boat behind them, this occurs after they arrive to Egypt and the peaceful journey is ruined by the agents.
And where is Sara? Still in Paris? Is she traveling with Ryan and his group?
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Also, is it just me or after falling behind the rock, Mummy has a devastated/shocked face, as it having flashbacks of past events?
Maybe it's just me.
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More of the red lightsaber scene. Mummy knows how to make a dramatic entrance.
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New fear unlocked: Beljeff.
Also the bathtub!
Welcome to the "scared mummy club" Ramona. So far you and Mummy are the only integrants.
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Tad & mummies running away from the international police. This should be fun... for us, not for them.
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The Indiana Jones reference, except it is a Earth globe instead of a rock.
Run Tad! If you don't conquer the world then the world shall conquer you.
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So, *clears throat* yeah.
How do I even begin to describe this scene?
Oh! I know.
I will let this gif speak for me:
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Rip Tadeo Jones. You will be missed.
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araminakilla · 2 years
Day 17: More foreshadowing?
This post is about the Tad's instagram and his latest post:
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[Tad: And what have you lost? This summer I have to locate the emerald table 🤭]
[Mummy: It's clear. The phone 😂]
We know technically Tad hasn't lost the emerald table at the beggining (unless it gets lost later) but I'm thinking... what if he loses some of those things and this post is actually foreshadowing what he is going to lose in the third movie.
We saw his backpack in that Mexico clip, so it's going to appear, but will it get lost at some point? Is that going to be important to the plot? Or maybe the keys get lost? Dunno if the sunglasses are important but who knows?
Mummy actually foreshadowed in his Twitter his relationship with credit cards before his introduction image confirmed that "you shouldn't give him your credit card" so this instagram post could be another way to give us little clues for the third movie.
Speaking about Mummy, he said in that comment he lost his phone.
Hmmmmm. And that phone in the image actually belongs to Mummy, not Tad. Could it be...?
We don't see Mummy using his phone in Egypt in the screenshots nor in the clips and promotions. Even when he found that waterfall place "lit" he didn't take a picture of it or a selfie which is the most obvious thing Mummy would do.
This could indicate that in Paris, Mummy lost his phone.
Or most likely...
Tad made Mummy lost his phone.
Mummy is very attached to that thing, specially because he's recording everywhere he goes. And that's the problem, they are being persecuted by the police and Mummy is practically giving them their head on a silver plate even if that's not his intention.
Not to mention that in a clip in the sewers, Mummy says that to be a hit online, you should be very active and suddenly he gets very excited as a new person started to follow him.
We know by this point that Pickles is at best incompetent, so it's possible that the new follower is Agent Ramirez (or someone from the military passing as a common person) and obviously, Tad panics as he throws Mummy's phone and starts to shout at him about "how are you so stupid/idiotic/careless, now they know where we are!" and Mummy, being devastated for losing his phone to the sewers or Tad scolding him (or maybe both things) starts to transform into Ammit and the rest is history.
Did I make a whole theory about a summer post? Yes, yes I did.
But I still find very weird that Mummy doesn't have his phone in Egypt. But still:
Tad throwing Mummy's phone into the sewers in a fit of anger and worry >>>>>> Mummy being so clumsy that his phone falls into the sewers.
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araminakilla · 2 years
Day 20: Sam Pickles' role in the movie
I wantto talk about him. This guy, who we know so far is a not so great investigator as he likes to think, is another enigma in the movie.
Really doubt that he and Ramirez won't know about the mummies' existence by the end of the movie.
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We know from the screenshot that Ramirez will let them go, knowing at the end that all was a misunderstanding and Tad is not a criminal.
But what about Pickles?
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Even at the end of the movie, I doubt that the american officer will be able to let them go that easy. I don't know how will be possible for the movie to deal with his beliefs about Tad and the mummies being a danger unless that the writing will fall flat at that point.
Maybe Ramirez will have to deal with Pickles one last time before quitting the case, whenever he likes it or not.
If the franchise is meant to continue and possibly have a series in sight if everything goes smoothly, then that would require an antagonist.
And what better antagonist that the officer who lost the case because his partner decide to let the culprits go? After all Tad somehow destroyed the Chicago museum and Mummy vandalized the Mona Lisa.
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And that's another point. How is he going to interact with Mummy? What will be his opinion of him? Ramirez seems to be more conscious of the two, so she probably won't mind him wandering around as long as he doesn't cause problems. Pickles on the other hand... if Mummy stays with Tad in the human world, he will be staying in USA, his country. So he would excuse himself as someone trying to protect his country for possible undead menaces.
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It would make sense for him to be an antagonist in a future Tad or Mummy proyect given things aren't all peace and sunshine with him at the end. Which could develop in him sometimes being allies with the group for a greater good.
One more little thing which is a funny (?) coincidence. Incas had a long rivalty with Conquistadors and sometimes they became allies for specific reasons like short treaties or some wars. Spanish Conquistadors used to ride horses.
And what form does Pickles' pen has?
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