13thaustin · 2 months
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thatadhdfeel · 10 months
tafw you plan to do something awesome with/for your friends, tell them all about it in your excitement, and then promptly let them down because you can't actually commit to anything further in the future than 'right this very second' because time is an illusion.
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TAFW max volume isn't loud enough.
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julemmaes · 1 year
For your ask game: 💝🤍🦋
HII BABYY, miss you:(
Anyway, thanks for the ask
💝 What is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
Definitely TAFW. I loved the prompt and I loved the first part but I was NOT expecting people to love it as much as they did. Like the amount of asks I got just for that one shot probably goes over anything else. And I was even more shocked when OFNN got that many notes when I'd written the second part so easily and not really caring how it came out. I wish my brain would let me continue that one honestly, demi!Nesta was something I would love to explore more, but it is what it is
🤍what's one fic of yours you think people didn't "get"?
Fucking Mimi:( I spent WEEKS on that fic and I barely got any feedback or comments. I literally cried writing Cassian struggling so much and I even got a comment on Ao3 disregarding the entire fucking plot just brushing aside the real issues parents go through with newborns. I didn't even reply to that one cause clearly they hadn't understood a single fucking thing of what I'd written and I try not to engage. But yeah, that broke my heart:")
🦋what are you most insecure about when you post a fic?
RE👏🏻PE👏🏻TI👏🏻TIONS👏🏻👏🏻 I am terrified of people noticing how many times I use a specific way of describing things or words that I use a lot. Or just overall getting a complete opposite response from my readers than the one I expect
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autismawesomeness · 3 years
That Neurodivergent feel when
Sometimes simply just thinking about your special interest or hyperfixation gives you butterflies.
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fallacious-cactus · 3 years
tafw you live with someone, they're going out, and they just left.
Now you can relax in that special way you can only relax when you're all alo--
Oh, they had to use the bathroom before they leave. Ok, they're gone again.
Ok, let's rel--
Ah, they forgot their keys, right. That happens...no problem.
Ok...let's wait a few minutes....ok let's rela--you spilled coffee on your shirt while driving and you came back to change?? No, I'm fine, totally fine. Go do your thing. K, byeee....
Ok...I think....I think they're really really gone now.
Aaaaand I'm too scared of them coming back to be able to relax. Awesome, nice to have some alone time.
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bowling-with-skulls · 4 years
did any other autistic kids think slideshow presentations in school were like. the shit. individual ones at least
those things have it all:
• intensive research on one subject
• organizing the results of that research into topics
• repetitive tasks (slide design)
• you get to infodump everything you learned to a room full of people and they have to listen
• not nervous about how they feel about your presentation because you know they’re paying the bare minimum level of attention to you
like i want to find an excuse to research and then give a PowerPoint presentation on a subject at some point in my life. like a theme party or something
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abcsofadhd · 5 years
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bouquetofoddities · 4 years
Me: *interacting with special interest in some way*
Person: why do you like *special interest* so much ?
Me: that would take a long time to explain and people get mad at that
Person: that's okay, I have time
Me: *infodumps about special interest which takes a while*
Person: *annoyed and frustrated*
Me, internally: ???
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moonbug-makes · 4 years
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TAFW you finally have a reason for why you are the way you are and you reclaim your weirdness.
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oneheadtoanother · 3 years
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awobos · 5 years
Me yesterday during a job interview... aced it though. Glad to know I'm still able to act neurotypical when really needed
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julemmaes · 2 years
Hello! Loved your writing, such an easy, beautiful style! Do you plan on posting more fics? Nessian, maybe?🥺 Rowaelin was great too btw
AAAH THANK YOU SO MUCH, I'm always scared my writing will come off as too "thought-over" or too refined(?) so I'm glad to hear it doesn't disappoint😭
And yes, I have so much planned for Nessian week and them in general (NugNug Man and TAFW are being slowly slowly slowly written). I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to post everything on time because as I already said in a past ask I'm moving to Spain (in two days now!!!!!) so I genuinely don't know if I'll be alive to post them. Like I might have a lot of free time or none at all so who knows, I just hope I can give you guys something
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autismawesomeness · 3 years
That Autism feel when
An unexpected change throws you off for the rest of the day.
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silkycub · 4 years
Someone asked me today what’s the difference between being monotone and sounding uninterested in a conversation and I hit ‘em with a big ‘ol YIKES
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heckyeah-cryptids · 4 years
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made this because of how i’ve been feeling lately!
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