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utterly delighted that i can improve the destiel news meme with good old susanne daubner...
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Warum sieht sie aus wie bei Star Trek?
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queen-of-wisdom · 1 month
"Aliens are watching us!" "Aliens regularly visit Earth!"
Aliens were exactly once on this planet but unfortunately landed on Germany. They saw that little children are watching a show about depressed bread. Trying to recover from this shock, they were hit with the most lethal weapon (starring grandmas). Everyone saw it but just shrug, minded their own business and the adults changed channels to watch the news broadcast that has a cult status here & famously starts a 20:00.
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poseidons-lovechild · 15 days
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torben, haben wir das gleiche duell gesehen? auf augenhöhe? trump anfangs souveräner?
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leo-fie · 11 months
News from the Twilight Zone: Asking why Israel bombing hospitals in Gaza is ok and not, you know, evil, even if there was Hamas in the basement, is apparently relativization.
Tagesschau (German public broadcasting) shared an article about how only half of Gaza's hospitals remain functional.
I answerd that if could have something to do with Israel bombing them, to which a stranger replied that Hamas is hiding there and using human shields.
To which I asked how, even if that were true, bombing hospitals would not still be bad actually. Why it is ok in Gaza.
To which he said I'm relativizing. I'm not even sure what exactly.
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superconfusedcoryn · 5 months
Hab gerade diese Eilmeldung der Tagesschau aufs Handy bekommen und?????
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gifs-of-puppets · 2 years
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Sesamstrasse 50th Anniversary Interview on Tagesschau (2023)
Source: Tagesschau
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tovarishfungus · 7 months
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bexfangirlforlife · 8 months
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Watching german news and... there are people with the last name Winchester in Germany??? I couldn't escape spn if I wanted to.
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"Legale einwanderung" und "machen junge Menschen fit für den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt" ok und was mit den menschen die nicht für unseren Arbeitmarkt fit gemacht werden können?? Egal aus welchen grund? Die dürfen einfach abkratzen???
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german-enthusiast · 1 year
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Bär auf dem Mars?
Forscher:innen spekulieren, Nase könnte "ein Vulkan- oder Schlammschlot" sein.
"Ein Bär auf dem Mars?", twitterte das HiRISE-Team der NASA am Mittwoch. Die US-Raumfahrtsbehörde überraschte mit einem kuriosen Foto, das die Oberfläche des Roten Planeten zeigt. Insgesamt soll sich die Formation auf rund zwei Kilometer erstrecken.
der/die Forscher/in - the researcher
det Schlot - the vent, chimney
die Raumfahrt (Raum = Weltraum - Space) - the space-exploration/space-travel
überraschen - to surprise
kurios - strange, curious
dir Oberfläche - the surface
der Rote Planet = der Mars
insgesamt - overall, in total
sich erstrecken - to reach, to cover
(the news is from a while ago, I just LOVE the photo)
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just-ghost-thoughts · 2 years
news reports in germany really be like:
*4 interviews with different police officers*
*one 5 second clip of a press-conference with the climate activists
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sayxerjan · 1 year
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Hab so eine vorgefertigte Email bezüglich der neuen Asylpolitik an die drei Abgeordneten aus meinem Wahlkreis (SPD, CDU, Grüne) geschickt, weil ich die aktuellen Pläne schon eher komplett scheiße finde. Wie es Jan Böhmermann gut auf den Punkt gebracht hat: Gute Ausländer rein, schlechte Ausländer ZAUN.
Mir hat tatsächlich die Abgeordnete von der CDU zurückgeschrieben - schonmal mehr als ich erwartet hatte. Ich hätte ja gedacht, dass die Union als Oppositionspartei grundsätzlich alles was die Ampel macht schlecht findet. Aber wenn's darum geht nicht blütenweiße Menschen raus zu halten ziehen sie wohl alle an einem Strang.
Na, ja. Ich dachte vielleicht interessiert's ja wen was die so zu sagen haben. (Name der Politikerin ist raus damit ihr nicht gleich wisst wo ich wohne)
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Falls noch jemand Emails schreiben will ist hier übrigens der Link. Vielleicht bringt's ja was
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leo-fie · 9 months
My forced retreat from Mastodon about a month has left me without German news for the most part. I get news now mostly second and third hand from reddit.
A moment ago I looked at how German public broadcasting is doing right now and how they continue to justify the genocide of palestinians in Gaza.
Example: The accusations of genocide by South Africa before the UN. The article and clip spend as little words as possible on the actual content of the suit. Practically none. Instead it talks about how great the relations between South Africa and Palestinians are and how disgusted Israel is by the suit. In the clip specifically the correspondent in Tel Aviv says that Israel is attacking Hamas. Not Gaza, but Hamas. This I think is important because later they talk about the humanitarian desaster in Gaza, but it feels like a totally unrelated thing. One would not come away from this knowing that Israel's bombing is directly causing the humanitarian desaster. It's subtle, but it works.
Also the live ticker just had a message about how Al-Shifa hospital was totally a Hamas HQ, you guys! The Americans confirmed it.
The articles are mainly about what Israel says, often literally starting with "Israel meldet...". There is one article about how the IOF looked into the accidential shooting of israeli hostages by IOF, but the headline talks about "new findings" and not "organisation investigated itself, found no wrong doing". There are no articles about the many, many, many protests around the world for palestine on New Year's Eve, only one about the protest in Istanbul. And Germans already distrust Erdogan's Turkey and muslims in general, so it's just just paining anti-zionism as antisemitism and a thing other people are doing. Not us, we're white.
Future historians will build entire careers out of analysing the manufacturing of consent going on here.
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nomnomdiary · 2 years
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Arthur Wright - Constantin Schreiber (German journalist)
I think they both look a bit similar lol
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