#Take It or Leave It
coldtortelloni · 3 months
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magpiecrown · 29 days
i can’t believe i’m about to have to start adding it to my omagpies posts and making them even clunkier but: i do not condone any AI voiceovers of my art. at all. ever. no exceptions. and i hope your computer explodes and you lose all your data if you so much as think of dubbing something using ai.
once more for those in the back:
✅ voice actors 🥰🫡💗
❌ ai garbage 🔪💥🤮
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lilliancdoodles · 6 months
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ohthewh0rror · 9 months
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˚₊ ⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆ ₊˚ prompt — Professor Slughorn assigns Tom a potions partner— the only problem is that it’s a girl he’s never met before. Will Tom ignore his growing feelings for his new partner or will he give in and accept how he truly feels.
Full Request: HERE
Pairing: Tom Riddle x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.5K
A/N: I introduce to you — Tom “she’s not like the other girls” Riddle. Also I’m sorry girl, I forgot to make her sort of weary of Tom and skipped straight to her just being nice. 😗
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“When you think of me, is it fondly?”
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Tom resisted the urge to rub his hands together to warm them. The frosty January air was unrelenting, seeping its way through the thick stone walls of Hogwarts making the lengthy descent into the school's dungeons more unpleasant than usual.
Eager to get out of the frigid hall, Tom mentally thanked Salazar when the door to the potions classroom came into view. Walking through the door, Tom saw a few of his fellow classmates already huddled along the back wall and talking amongst themselves. He gave them a polite nod as they wished him good morning, continuing to make his way to the opposite end, away from them.
From his spot in the back, Tom watched as the other students slowly trickled in. Girls linked arm in arm, whispering and giggling to one another; boys knocking into one another, speaking loudly about next week's Quidditch match. The sense of comradery left Tom internally recoiling in disgust as he tried to imagine himself acting in such a way.
Tiernan Lestrange came to stand next to him, a little closer than what Tom was comfortable with. Tom side-eyed the boy, but ultimately said nothing to him, choosing to instead focus on Professor Slughorn who called the class to attention as he used his wand to wave the classroom door closed.
Tom began to tune his professor out as he began his theatrics about the point they’d be working with today— befuddlement draught. A potion used to cause the drinker to become reckless, something Tom would take precautionary measures not to spill or ingest in any capacity.
“I will be pairing you off today—” was all Tom heard before he felt the trickles of irritation creep into his mind. Working in pairs was always something Tom hated, preferring to work alone instead of having to potentially be weighed down by some idiot.
“And Mr. Riddle,” Professor Slughorn called out, breaking Tom out of his thoughts, “you will be working with Ms. Y/L/N!”. Slughorn’s arm was stretched out, motioning towards a girl standing on the other side of the class, just out of view. Tom ran the last name over in his head a few times, trying to spark some form of recognition in his mind, but he came up blank.
Slughorn clapped his hands, telling them they have until the end of the hour to finish their potion. Tom mentally prepared himself for what kind of girl he may be working with as he made his way through the dissipating crowd of students to find his partner.
Ah, there she was.
She hadn’t noticed him just yet, so he took those few seconds to give her a once over. It would make sense he didn’t recognize her, she was not in his house. They locked eyes as she finally noticed him just a few feet in front of her, and she swiftly closed the distance between the two.
“I don’t think we’ve met before, I’m Y/N” she said, introducing herself. Her voice, though a bit quiet, was sweet. It wasn’t the same condescending tone Tom was used to receiving from the girls that hung around Lestrange and Avery, and for that he was glad. Giving her a polite smile, Tom guided the both of them to an empty cauldron, “I don’t believe we have, my name is Tom.”
Y/N was not unbearable to work with, much to Tom’s relief. The only hiccup didn’t occur until thirty minutes into making the draught when she unknowingly overstepped a boundary of his. Tom had brought his hand up to drop the scurvy grass into the cauldron when she grabbed him; his eyes immediately snapped to her, surprised that she had the audacity to grab him.
“Wait,” she said, a hint of panic in her tone, “you have to add the sneezewort first.” Their hands stayed locked together as Tom took a peek at her potions book laying out in front of them. As his eyes glided over the instructions he saw she was right, causing him to now feel a little embarrassed at the mistake he almost made.
“You’re right,” Tom cringed on the inside, “it is sneezewort first.” Y/N let go of his hand as he lowered it to switch out the ingredient he was holding. Her grabbing him should have left him disgusted and discreetly wiping his hand against his robes to rid himself of the feeling of her touch But, it wasn’t disgust he felt from her touch; just annoyance and a lingering tingling feeling in his hand that he did not want to think about.
Tom and Y/N had just finished their potions when Slughorn had stopped in front of them. “A perfect brew! Though I expect nothing less from either of you!” Slughorn exclaimed in his usual jovial tone. “Thank you, sir,” Tom and Y/N replied at the same time. Tom and Y/N looked at one another, and he watched, unable to look away, as a genuine smile tugged at her lips.
Tom momentarily forgot they had been talking to Slughorn until the old fool spoke again, telling them they were welcome to spend the last few minutes of class how they wished. The two chose not to speak, something Tom was grateful for, as they put away their belongings. It wasn’t until the bell chimed telling them it was time for lunch that they spoke again.
“I’ll see you next Thursday, yeah?” Y/N looked at him with, what he could only describe as a hopeful look in her eyes. Tom nodded, “of course.” Tom watched as she left, her figure sauntering out of the potions door. He was once again reminded of where he was when he heard Avery’s grating voice ask him a question.
Though Tom did not have another class with her till next Thursday, he couldn’t seem to stop seeing her in some form. He saw her in the halls, a weird feeling gathering in his chest when she would give him a friendly wave as they passed each other by. He saw her in the Great Hall, his skin growing warm as his eyes accidentally caught hers from where they both sat at their respective tables.
Their next potions class together, Tom planned to work alone, but Y/N fell into step beside him, a playful smile dancing on her lips as she asked, “do you mind if I join you?”. Tom, who should have found a polite way to tell her to ‘fuck off’, couldn’t bring himself to turn her away.
“Not at all,” Tom wanted to hex himself. Why would he say that? Tom worked alone, he didn’t want nor need a partner, yet he did not hesitate to let her join him. It was beginning to drive him mad, how out of character he was being towards a girl he’s known for no longer than a week. Tom needed answers for why he was acting this way, for why he was being affected in such a way.
But answers wouldn’t come. For the next month Tom was tormented every time they worked together: sweaty palms, shortness of breath, conflicting thoughts. He was beginning to think she was attempting to bewitch him in some way, casting discrete spells on him. So, he began to pay closer attention to her, trying to catch her in the act, paying attention to her every move.
He noticed everything. From the way she hid behind her hands when she laughed all the way to how she liked her fruit cut a certain way. Every mannerism he noticed, he mentally jotted down— in case it was needed for future blackmail of course (he was sure he could spin the fruit thing into a vicious rumor of some kind).
Everything came to a head on February 26th. It was a chilly Friday night and the Slug Club was supposed to meet for a lavish dinner in Slughorn's office with its usual attendants.
Except, when Tom walked in it was anything but the usual attendants or atmosphere. Instead Tom walked into an office decorated to look far more lavish than usual with trays of food and drink floating about for guests to pick off of. As Tom walked further in, he saw more than just the typical group of boys that met once a month. He saw other students, as well as other adults, whom Tom assumed were acquaintances of Slughorn.
Tom thought of skipping this meeting, as gatherings such as this were out of his comfort zone, until something caught his eye. ‘Sweet Salazar,’ Tom thought to himself, exasperated. He couldn’t believe what he was looking at— or should he say, who he was looking at. It was Y/N, dressed in a flattering knee length, emerald dress. Tom thought of approaching her, but found himself rooted in place.
After a second, he finally found himself moving towards her, but before he could make it to her side, another boy approached her first. Tom slowed his steps as he felt a surge of white hot anger consume him at the sight of this Neanderthal touching her, as if he was worthy of such a thing. He was a plain looking fellow; average height, basic attire, and dull features.
‘As if she would go for the likes of him,’ it was that thought that made alarm bells go off in his head. Why would he think that? If not that boy, then who would she go for? Tom’s mind raced as he thought the question over. He fought with himself as he kept coming back to the same conclusion: Y/N deserved himself.
It was a conclusion he didn’t understand, but it was the only one he kept coming back to; the only one that made sense. Needing time to process what he realized, he slinked off, out of Y/N’s eyesight.
Tom was good at sneaking around and avoiding others, it was something he’d done since before his days at Hogwarts, when he was just a young child at Wool’s Orphanage. So it wasn’t hard to avoid Y/N for the remainder of the gathering, but in trying to avoid her, he ran into Slughorn.
“Tom! My boy! How are you enjoying the party?” Slughorn asked, clapping a heavy hand on his shoulder. Tom, though he wanted to be left alone, faked a polite smile, “I’m enjoying myself well enough, sir, you’ve truly outdone yourself this time.” He hoped a little flattery would help spend this conversation up, as he wasn’t in the mood to deal with him right now. “Good, good..” Slughorn trailed off, Tom hoped that would be the end of it, but the Professor seemed to have one more thing to add.
“I’ve noticed you hanging around Ms. Y/L/N more, and I must say, I like the idea of you two growing closer,” Slughorn confessed. Tom, though feeling embarrassed that his teacher noticed and decided to comment on an aspect of his personal life, played the bashful card. He forced himself to smile and glance at his feet, “I see.”
Slughorn gave Tom a pat on the back, wishing him luck, and departed to go mingle with more guests. Tom managed to avoid both Slughorn and Y/N for the rest of the night as he stayed in the furthest section of the party, mingling with the likes of Mulciber and Nott.
Finally having had enough, Tom decided to slip out of the room and into the empty hallway, intent on going back to his dorm and getting some rest. He hadn’t made it far from the party when he heard Y/N call for him from behind.
“Tom!” Y/N’s voice echoed throughout the hall. Tom stopped and turned to her, unsure of what she could need from him. Once she finally caught up to him, she stopped before him, slightly winded. Tom gave her a moment to collect herself, but a bashful look crossed her face as she seemed to be second guessing herself.
“Yes, Y/N?” Tom gently goaded, trying to get her to spit it out. It was another second before she finally spoke, “will you walk me back to my common room?”. It was a question that took him off guard, as that was not in the realm of what he guessed she could want. The fact that she wanted him to walk her back to her common room made his heart thump wildly against his chest. Giving her a slight nod, he held his arm out to her.
Feeling her hand delicately grasp his arm made him feel sick, having never done anything like this before. “Did you enjoy yourself? I assume this was the first time you’ve been invited?” Tom asked, trying to fill the silence. Well, that’s what he told himself at least. Truthfully, he just wanted to hear her voice; he could listen to her speak all day if she let him.
“Yes, this is my first time going,” she confirmed, “it was alright, a bit overwhelming if I’m being honest.” Tom nodded, knowing what she meant, “I felt the same.”
The two of them lapse into silence, only the sounds of their shoes could be heard as Tom escorted her back to her common room. Tom made sure to take smaller steps to be sure he didn’t accidentally drag her across the castle, but also, to prolong their walk.
Still, the walk was over far too soon as they came to a stop in front of her common room entrance. She let go of his arm, and the two of them faced each other. “Thank you for walking me back, Tom,” Y/N said. Tom gave her a genuine smile, “it was nothing.”
Y/N looked from Tom, to the entrance, and back to him again. She seemed as if she wanted to say something, and Tom, not wanting to be rude (for once) patiently waited for her to gather her courage to say what was on her mind. “I plan to go to Hogsmeade next weekend, would you mind accompanying me?” She asked.
The look on Tom’s face must have been awfully amusing as Y/N’s laughter reverberated throughout the hall. The sound of her laughter making his chest ache with how sweet it sounded. It made Tom wish he could bottle it up and keep it on a shelf; save it for moments when he needed to be reminded that something other than pain and cruelty existed in this world.
“So..” Y/N trailed off, laughter still evident in her tone, “is that a yes?”.
Finding his voice Tom agreed, “that’s a yes.”
Tom and Y/N bid each other goodnight, parting ways as she stepped through the entrance to her common room. As the entrance closed behind her Tom turned to make his way back to the dungeon, a feeling of anticipation filling him as thought’s of Y/N and their future date overrun his mind.
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Taglist: @r-a-c-h-e-l
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iheartjunpei · 6 months
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Yuta okkotsu hc’s
Uses nicknames like “hun”, or “baby” when he wants something
“Baby please let me come with you!” He’d bed while holding on to the sleeve of your sweater
Has a warm body but FREEZING hands, so while you two are cuddling he’ll put his hand on your neck or back under your shirt to tease you
You and your boyfriend Yuta are laying in bed together watching a movie. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his warm body. After awhile, you start to doze off, when suddenly you feel something on the back of your neck that’s so cold it could be compared to ice. You glare up at him while he looks down at you with a shit eating grin.
If you two get something matching (ex. Rings, keychains, necklaces, pins etc.), he’ll refuse to take it off until someone (probably maki) has to force him to take it off to wash it because of how dirty it’s gotten.
Yuta struggles as maki pulls off the necklace you’d gotten him almost 2 years ago. “This needs to be cleaned yuta look how rusty it is.” Maki tell’s him with a sigh before dragging him to the sink to wash it.
He’d try to make you and Rika get along even though it’s clearly not working.
“Cant you atleast try to get along with her?” He pleaded with you. “She hates me!” You answer back. He sighs before speaking again “she dosent hate you she just hasn’t warmed up to you yet.” (That was not the case)
Likes to surprise you with random gifts a lot for no reason
After a long day of work you go home to find a beautiful bouquet of roses lying on the kitchen counter. You pick them up and see a note that reads a simple “I love you”
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prof-peach · 11 months
So I have this cubone, except he’s???? Missing the skull???? He seems fine behavior wise although I’m no expert, but I don’t know if I should like get him a hat or a helmet or something??
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(Ooc but i found him at a convention like this and i needed him so bad my little baldy cubone <3)
So all cubone dont have skulls when they first hatch, again, the common dex suggests they do, this is not the case.
A mating pair have between 1-3 eggs on avarage per clutch, and usually either the last one to hatch and stay with them in their lifetime, OR the eldest that is still present in their lives will inherit the skulls of their parents if possible. This leaves a fair few cubone without one, and is perfectly normal and fine. Theyre more than capable of finding a new one in time, often earned in battle, from vanquished foe, so you see a lot of cubone with unusual skull helmets that dont match up with the dex's limited information.
I've lived with a cubone for years that activley swaps his skull helmet out depending on his mood, so i'd really not worry. You could certianly offer your little dude a cool hat, helmet, or even look into sustainably sourced skulls, people have to buy replacements all the time as they break during battles, or day to day through accidents. If your pokemon is a little bruiser like ours is, i'd also suggest checking in with rangers local to you to see if theres a mass outbreak of one pokemon type, if there is and your pokemon is interested, it could fell a foe and earn its own skull helmet, though this is not for the feint of heart, and can be a bit...full on for trainers.
Health wise not having one will not hurt the pokemon, they may be grouchier when it rains, and could do with some sun protection in the summer, but thats pretty straight forward with or without the helmet. I'd not encourage moves like skull bash or iron head without the missing part however, so perhaps it may come up later on, depending on how old and battle minded your cubone is.
There are options, but its not something you need to stress heavily over.
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jujoobedoodling · 6 months
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Jaina that's gay.
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xullian · 7 months
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Its finally DONE!!
(Click for better quality PLEASE)
Ok so first excuse the bad anatomy and overall artstyle these are all (except for the passive night one) from somwhere 1-2 years old. Most of them come from incorrect-undertale-quotes on instagram or someone else from somewhere else, some of them i was just being funny and awsome as always. Inks design will be next! ..maybe. Ink or error idk yet
Anyway i really need everyone to look at error. Hes so silly. Close ups and transcript under cut.
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Ink: Z is just N but sideways.
Error: Stop it.
Ink: Zo.
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Ink: I wanna change the world!
Dream: For the better?
Ink: uhhh-
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Ink: Im a Creative person!
Nightmare: And what have you created?
Ink: Problems.
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Passive Nightmare: I didnt do it!
Dream, crying: Then why are you laughing.?
Passive Nightmare: Cause whoever did is a fuckin genius.
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Error: I hate you with every inch of my body.
Fresh: No offence brah-
Fresh: But that aint a lot of inches
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Paperjam, Error: Thats disgusting.
Paperjam, Error: ...
Error: JINX-
Paperjam: Dont do that.
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"Gotta film in a hour, we fucked up 🍃😭😝🥳💯"
Dust <- brought weed
Ink <- rolled blunts
Killer <- smoked everything
Cross <- hit it wrong
Ink belongs to comyet
Error belongs to loverofpiggies
Fresh belongs to loverofpiggies
Paperjam belongs to 7goodangel
Dream belongs to jokublog
Nightmare belongs to jokublog
Cross belongs to jakie
Dust belongs to ask-dusttale
Killer belongs to rahafwabas
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scrollonso · 2 months
my motogp/f1 families (i'm insane)
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fernando/mark = oscar & marc (and alex tbh)
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fernando/lance = nikola (obviously)
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nando/immaculate conception = lando & carlos (mcnuggets)
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valentino/marc = andrea (vale the deadbeat dad)
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seb/kimi = fabio (just look at them, cmon.)
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lewis/nico = pecco & marco (hear me out 😓)
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marc/marco = rubik (yes i am bringing marcmarc into this)
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michael/mika = kimi & vale (idek.. its canon!)
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david/mika = max & luca (tell me this doesnt work fr)
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michsmeesh · 1 year
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my art isnt arting rn but heres a little. thing
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baggy-holmes · 7 months
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drulalovescas · 2 years
You THINK you hate the rusty rebar. But no one, and I mean NO ONE, hates the rusty rebar more than Jensen Ross Ackles.
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1v31182m5 · 11 months
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nothing about this post is nuerotypical. anyway. pinterest boards for all the sherbverse lads. because im normal i swear (listed in no particular order)
(More recent ones have between 50-70 ish pins; with the exception of Ashril - older ones have a fair bit more than that <3)
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ravenbunnie · 10 months
For the record, I say some of the most unhinged, entirely fucked, brutally true things on this platform that I wouldn't take back for all the money in the world. You appreciate me at my mentally unwell and horny or you don't get me at my entirely obsessed with you (and still insane and horny).
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parachutingkitten · 11 months
I know we all like the "Lloyd was still mentally a child, forced into the position of an adult" dynamic. But I think there's some pretty interesting potential in "Lloyd popped back into existence as a fully formed adult without having to actually live life" approach.
Like, that's also some prime material for some weird angst as well. Yesterday I was 10 and now I am a full functioning human. Almost like getting amnesia or something. Like you got all the development, but none of the memories or experiences to back it up. That's messed up.
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