ritmund-jpg · 3 months
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Look, the prettiest man in Riften! I think Keerava is a happy woman
I want to draw all the argonians from tesV like that, so who you want to be the next??? (i love them really much so can't decide ahh)
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spocklingtons · 1 year
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When looking for work gets tough, Talen gives Marcurio a job waiting on tables.
One of many head canons me and my sister come up with for Skyrim npcs. Also he’s in debt to Keerava, no work means no rent :(
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atypicalacademic · 1 year
WIP Whenever
Thank you to @aria-i-adagio for the tag, and tagging @cleverblackcat @dirty-bosmer @dumpsterhipster @ollifree and @cumbiazevran for fun! Here is a bit of a little epistolary Skyrim fic I really would like to finish soon,
Egg-brother, Eel broth lingers on my tongue as I write. The good kind, mind.  Scoop it up with saltrice, and I could hear the trees whisper. This close. Smell the water, breath in my gills. The muck. The marsh breathing. And then I think of you.  How do you and Eilan bear this open sky? Too light around the edges, and spare. And this meat like leather, over-ripe.It teaches me how to make sweet-rolls and skin deer and pour mead. And you know to-. So I suppose I bear it too. And I suppose I shouldn’t assume it is the open sky you and I share, no matter how our sister thinks of it. Like the same quilt, she says. As though we were hatchlings of the same brood. I won’t ask. I’ve learnt that lesson all too well. I hope you’re eating well. I hope you’re ali well. -Talen-Jei * Egg-Brother, I drink the sap of not-knowing-why-I-bother-to-lie. Here, to myself, when noone’s looking. There’s an Orphanage, across the street from where I live. The old woman who runs it, a miserable hag. They say she died in her sleep, but I hear different. The guards talk when the mead flows. Found her with her throat slit. Blood everywhere. It isn’t the broth that makes me think of you. --Talen-Jei *
Egg-Brother, Our mother thinks I’ve grown rootless. Calls me an Ojei and yet she takes my money. But you are the pride. She says you feast on Ajum-Ei at the Royal Court. Honest work earns less than that. Asks for more. You wouldn’t know, would you? Sorry. Sorry. I don’t mean to resent. I never do. How could I, when you and I are of one root? Maybe Mother’s right, and all this salt crawls under my scales and turns me blind from the inside. And I don’t even know your face. Just your name, Veezara. --Talen-Jei
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friend-of-giants · 1 year
Sentence Snippet Thing
Tagged by the besties @wildhexe and @boethiahspillowbook! Thank you! Tagging @elfinismsarts @thequeenofthewinter @archangelsunited. Not sure who else to call out but if you see this, consider yourself tagged!
A brief scene of Talen-Jei being a dear, a confused Wren, and an attempt at writing about food lmao.
“Your dinner, friend.” A husky voice startled her, and Wren turned to see Talen-Jei standing at the tableside with a platter in his hand, which he carefully sat before her. She eyed the food excitedly, especially the centerpiece of grilled salmon with its skin still on and charred nearly black. In life it had swam the rivers and lakes of the Rift, but now it called a puddle of honey-pepper glaze its home. There was even enough extra sauce on the plate to mix in with the potatoes and dip her bread in.
With her stomach growling eagerly for the feast laid before her, Wren reached into her pockets for some coin, but a dismissive wave of Talen’s hand caught her attention.
“A kind soul has already paid for your meal, keep your coin.”
“Huh?” Her somewhat pleasant outlook soured suddenly, and she glanced around the tavern to see if maybe Teldryn had followed her in and bought her meal in hopes to make her feel better—but she didn’t see him anywhere. “Who did this?”
Talen shrugged. “Didn’t catch his name. Some Khajiiti fellow, said he owes you.”
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omgkalyppso · 1 year
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Stop Staring At Me With Them Big Ol' Eyes
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thedisc0panda · 2 years
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tes inktober2022 day 25: Love
Finding the amethysts for Talen-Jei and the engagement ring is always annoyingly difficult and I feel bad having to intimidate them for the thieves guild quest line every time they deserve to have a nice life.
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dazzlerazz · 2 years
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Talen-Jei: Just be casual. Try some light flirting.
Marcurio: I can do that.
Marcurio, to the Dragonborn: Nice work! High five!
Aurora Orianus: *high fives Marcurio*
Marcurio: *intertwines fingers*
Marcurio: I’m in love with you.
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sheritzsposts · 2 years
Honestly? Same.
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thequeenofthieves · 2 years
Valrendil: I love you.
Mjoll: I love you too. I've waited so long to hear you say that.
*Valrendil and Mjoll start kissing*
Marcurio, to Talen Jei: You owe me 20 septims.
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aesthetic-lillie · 6 months
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hiii talen jei nation
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If you like very contrived back stories for minor characters and/or shadow scales, then my current WIP may be of interest to you.
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dawns-beauty · 10 months
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Children of the Hist - Riften Argonian NPCs
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First, Madesi's nicer screenshot
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Wujeeta, using a custom Oblivion-inspired horns
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Talen-Jei, sporting a feathery style similar to a certain 2nd Era Argoninan
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Keerava, with some fancy new bling and horns. I didn't change her actual face/colors much because she's my favorite design from the vanilla game.
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From-Deepest-Fathoms, now a bit more Morrowind
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friend-of-giants · 1 year
WIP Whenever
Tagged by the lovely @boethiahspillowbook and @wildhexe! Thank you both friends! Tagging @elfinismsarts @thelavenderelf @katastronoot and anyone seeing this, consider yourself tagged.
I can't recall if I've shared this before but have a snip of an upcoming chapter, featuring the staff of the Bee and Barb and one troubled Teldryn.
With a sigh, he found his way to the door of the Bee and Barb and stepped inside.  The place was empty save for the Argonian couple who owned it and a young Imperial man in golden mage robes seated at the bar.  The mage, he noted, seemed to be here every time they had visited, regardless of the time of day.  Perhaps he lived at the tavern.  
“Don’t think I’ve seen you here this early before,” Keerava said as Teldryn found a stool at the bar.  The young mage hardly spared him a glance.  “Can I get you anything?  Breakfast?  Milk?”
“Cliff Racer, if you will.”
Keerava’s eyes widened a little.  “A bit strong for this time of day, don’t you think?”
Teldryn set a few Septims on the bartop whilst holding back a groan of irritation.  “Just give me the damn drink, please.”
“Alright, alright.  Talen, one Cliff Racer, make it quick!”
“A Cliff Racer?  It isn’t even midday!”  Talen-Jei spoke up from the other side of the bar, not bothering to turn around to look.
“Just make the damn drink.  Got a paying customer here!”
Talen-Jei heaved a sigh and began to grab the ingredients to make the cocktail.  After gathering the bottles under his arm and a clean flagon in his free hand, he turned around to prepare the drink, his gaze settling upon Teldryn.  He gave a smile and sat the bottles on the bar and began to pull the corks out.  “Never too early for a strong drink, am I right?”  
“It isn’t my first choice for breakfast, just need something to calm my nerves.”  
“I understand,” Talen said, then raised a curious brow.  “Here alone today, hmm?  Don’t you usually come here with Wren?”
Teldryn gave a shallow nod.  “Usually.”
Talen’s smile turned to a faint wince.  “I’m guessing she’s the reason you’re here, then.”
“Talen, don’t be nosy!”  Keerava scolded him from the other end of the bar.  
“It’s part of the job to talk to my customers, dear.”  Talen finished pouring the drink, then handed it over with a wary grin.  “So, what’s on your mind?  You’re among good company, friend, let it out.”
Teldryn grabbed it eagerly and took a long and deep drink.  Like liquid flame, it burned.  After a second sip, he set the flagon down and clasped his fingers together tightly.  
“Thought so.  I see you two here a lot, did something happen?”
“Think she ran off,” Teldryn muttered.  “Haven’t seen her in three days.”
Talen frowned.  “I’m sorry, you two seem quite close.  Were you… together?”  He waved a clawed hand in front of him, as if to emphasize his intentions.  
“I’m her mercenary and her friend,” Teldryn said.  A sickening feeling rose in his gut as he recalled her words, and he forced out a gruff laugh.  It hurt, but he dared not show it.  “And nothing more.”
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morpheus-somnium · 3 months
Thieves Guild [modern au]
Location: Ragged Flagon, Ratway, Riften
Leader: Mercer Frey
The Ratway in my modern au is a street or scummy neighborhood that most people avoid. The Ragged Flagon is an internet cafe.
I mean, I can see Delvin doxing someone while eating instant noodles, tbh.
From the outside, it looks so bad, but from the inside, it really is. JK. Inside it’s pretty cool; you can buy different foods, there is an electric kettle, and maybe you can even get some drinks from Vekel if you are old enough.
In fact, a lot of people come here to actually play online games, and no one cares when a shady figure in the back of the cafe is on Facebook, writing a letter to an unknown Orc grandmother and convincing her that he is her missing grandson and let him have her inheritance.
The Thieves Guild, as a faction, is very diverse. They scam, they dox, they plan and do actual heists, they hack bank accounts, they pickpocket people (if they ever get out of bed or the internet café), they steal, they start a “devious lick” trend on social media…
Ragged Flagon is more of a meeting point for them.
On a larger-caliber mission, the members wear mainly techwear.
Brynjolf? You will find it in every city. He’s always in shopping centers where he scams people. Not in the underpass, but in the building itself. For example, he sells “nano-magic” and “high-tech” phone protector screens that were stolen from a one-dollar store (or from a delivery van).
Delvin works with technology; he is the one hacking bank accounts, and I think he might invest in crypto 😭 He is also kind of like a walking lexicon?
Even though Mercer says that there aren’t any places that the Guild protects, every other member thinks otherwise. For example, the members never still from orphanages, and they never steal from those places that certain members visit (in a non-criminal way). For example, I think Vex likes hot springs, jacuzzis, saunas, etc., so no one steals from the local spa that she visits (not even her, unless there is a rude customer).
They organize family game nights!! They play Mario Kart and similar games.
And they also place dozens of bets on the people they know, not just guild members. They made bets on when Talen-Jei would propose to Keerava, for example.
How does Mercer subdue the Thieves Guild? He keeps the prices so high for everyone. He charges almost 3-5 times more for internet and electricity. And the members don’t question it. Like they are one (1) Google search away from finding out that the average price for using the computers and wifi should be around 12 septim and not 40 septim.
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lizardstho · 11 months
I want to study at an Argonian university.
I will spell regret as **shunatei** and use **reed huts**. I would watch **Hallucinations** in my **mind** every night while drinking **Hist sap** with my **Egg-brothers**. I’ll have **Raw meat and Bogwater** every day that’s worth 5 **Septims**. I would go to **An-xileel raids** every night. I am also more likely to meet **Wamasu, Talen-Jei, Jaree-ra,** and **The Nisswo.**
I wish I was argonian : (
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