#Tarek Fatah
dumpshittybrain · 1 year
India has not attacked Pakistan, it has only attacked terror camps in the territory that has been occupied by Pakistan for the last 70 years.
Muslims in India are fortunate to be living in a country where they can breathe freely and they should believe in "Islam of Allah, and not in Islam of Mullah".
~Tarek Fatah,Pakistani-Canadian journalist and author.
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If I have one idol, it is Mr. Tarek Fateh
A little about him:
Tarek Fatah (November 1949–24 April 2023) was a Pakistani-Canadian journalist and author.
Fatah advocated LGBT rights, a separation of religion and state, opposition to sharia law, and advocacy for a liberal, progressive form of Islam.
He called himself "an Indian born in Pakistan" and "a Punjabi born into Islam" and is a vocal critic of the Pakistani religious and political establishment.
To this end, Fatah has criticized the partition of India.
The struggles he had to face for speaking the truth and opposing radical Pakistani Islamic policies:
He was a leftist student leader in the 1960s and 1970s and was imprisoned twice by military regimes.
In 1977, he was charged with sedition and barred from journalism by the Zia-ul Haq regime.
In early 2011, Fatah said that he received a threat via Twitter. Fatah contacted Toronto Police Service and later met with two police officers from 51 Division. Fatah said that police intelligence officers, one a Muslim officer who had shut down a previous investigation into a death threat, shut down the investigation and claimed there was no threat.
Assassination attempt:
In 2017, Indian police arrested two men who were hired by Chhota Shakeel to assassinate Fatah.
Wikipedia article:
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We lost this warrior, one of the bravest and most influential personalities of our time to cancer on 24 April 2023.
May the highest power grant him peace.
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I am feeling very sad by demise of Author , commentator Mr. Tarek Fateh ji. I was from my early youth have been listening to his revolutionary thoughts about islam , about life and how to live a free life . I made my dream of free life ,a love for progressive thoughts , liberal thinking and freedom by getting inspired from him .
Once he said I remember I am atheist and Marxist, he instilled feeling of continuous fight for freedom and truth in whatever condition you are . Today he is not with us . I don't know from where I will get my inspiration now bit yes he have left his books , revolutionary legacy for us which will always inspire us to fight not to sit idle.
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तारेक फतह एक कनाडाई लेखक, और पाकिस्तानी मूल के राजनीतिक टिप्पणीकार थे । उनका जन्म 20 नवंबर, 1949 को कराची, पाकिस्तान में हुआ था। फतह 1987 में कनाडा चले गए, और वह वर्तमान में टोरंटो में रहते थे। सोमवार 25 अप्रैल 2023 को कैंसर से जूझ रहे फ़तेह का 73 वर्ष की उम्र में निधन हो गया।
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buzz-london · 2 years
Tarek Fatah on Udaipur, Nupur Sharma, Supreme Court and Islam with Sanjay Dixit - July 2022
Tarek Fatah speaks on Udaipur beheading in the face of India's soft stance against Jihad, the demonisation of Nupur Sharma, Supreme Court's abdication, and Islamists' loud pronouncements of incompatibility with Indian democracy.
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quasi-normalcy · 1 year
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notwiselybuttoowell · 3 months
Palestinians in Lebanon rely on Unrwa for basic services such as healthcare and education. The decision by more than a dozen donors – which together contributed about two-thirds of Unrwa’s funding last year – to freeze payments has left the organisation’s operations facing collapse.
The Lebanese government is warning that the suspension of Unrwa’s services could create a humanitarian catastrophe that threatens the country’s stability. Unrwa runs 150 sites across Lebanon on a budget of about $180m a year, according to Unrwa’s director there, Dorothée Klaus.
In places such as Mar Elias, these services are a lifeline for Palestinians. In addition to the clinic, Unrwa runs a primary school for 277 pupils – at 95%, the attendance rate for Palestinians in Lebanon is higher than the regional average – and a small water-treatment facility.
It also runs waste-collection services and has helped to pave the narrow streets between Mar Elias’s colourfully painted tenements with concrete patterned to resemble flagstones.
The camp was established on church grounds to host Christian Palestinians after the 1948 Nakba (“Catastrophe”), in which more than 750,000 people were displaced or expelled from their homes during the creation of Israel and the resulting Arab-Israeli war. It has since become home to 1,700 residents of different faiths, the majority of whom were born in Lebanon.
Despite its peacefulness, unemployment is rife and deprivation is high. Across the country, 80% of Palestinians live in poverty. Growing up in the camps, Kiwan says, “makes you a different person”.
Palestinians are barred from attending Lebanon’s schools, accessing state healthcare or owning property in the country. Most Palestinians in employment have low-paying jobs in the informal sector, but since the economic crisis hit in 2019, these jobs have become harder to find. A recent Unrwa recruitment drive for 30 sanitation workers received 38,000 applicants, including many with higher degrees.
Unrwa is one of the few employers offering white-collar positions to Palestinians. “It is the dream of every Palestinian to find a job there,” says Tarek Moneim, chief executive of Initiate, a programme that supports empowerment and entrepreneurship among young Palestinians in Lebanon.
Lebanon is already suffering from an economic crisis that has wiped out more than half its economy, and a border conflict between Hezbollah and Israeli forces that has displaced thousands of people and threatens to spread to the rest of the country.
Speaking in Beirut earlier this month, the caretaker prime minister, Najib Mikati, warned that Unrwa was critical for maintaining stability in Lebanon and that its collapse could result in “unforeseen consequences”.
The potential for unrest in the camps was made clear last summer, when three months of interfactional fighting in the Ain al-Hilweh refugee camp left dozens of people dead and many more wounded, according to reports. Gunmen from Fatah, the dominant faction of the Palestine Liberation Organisation, fought street battles with Islamist militants after the assassination of a Fatah commander. More than 2,500 families were forced to find temporary accommodation, according to Unrwa.
According to Abdelnasser el-Ayi, the director of the Lebanese Palestinian Dialogue Committee, unrest in the camps poses “a security threat for Lebanon’s stability”.
“Unrwa is a stabilising actor,” he says. “Leaving the people without any services would make people much more inclined to join the [militant] groups, who actually can offer them money and can offer them survival. They are already in terrible living conditions.”
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islamapp · 1 year
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Tarek Fatah, a Pakistani-born journalist living in Canada was well known for spreading fake news about Islam and Muslims. He pushed a narrative that 'Islam is a cancer', ironically returned to his Lord after being diagnosed with cancer. #TarekFatah #Cancer #Death # Islam #Islamophobe https://www.instagram.com/p/CrgoNCzthwt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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skyexmedia7 · 1 year
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foster-the-moths · 7 months
Same anon from earlier. Glad you find the resources helpful! And yes, the Philosophy Tube videos are also really helpful because she cites all of her sources in both videos, so those are other leads for more/deeper reading! I also came across this news article that should be helpful or at least instructive as well:
And I think "The Jew is Not My Enemy" by Tarek Fatah would be good too
Oh cool, that's really handy! And thank you, there is a lot here... I'm definitely going to be very thorough with all this. There's a lot here I don't really know much about and I wanna do my own research before i form my opinion on them... But this looks really helpful, thank you!!
Definitely gonna keep in mind that "Antizionism./org" is a site run by neo-nazis as well... while trying to find more info on that I ran into a literal white supremacist forum so. yeah. that is one thing i can 100% verify right off the bat.
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indiejones · 8 months
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तारेक फतह के बारे में बेहतरीन बातें तारेक फतह का जन्म 20 नवंबर, 1949 को कराची, पाकिस्तान में हुआ था। वह 1987 में कनाडा आए और द टोरंटो सन और द ग्लोब एंड मेल सहित विभिन्न समाचार पत्रों के लिए एक पत्रकार के रूप में काम किया।
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xavicuevas · 11 months
Tarek William Saab y la literatura nazi en América
Por Ibsen Martínez - julio 16, 2023
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En su genial antología de apócrifos filonazis de nuestro continente el gran Roberto Bolaño distinguía a Venezuela con dos de sus autores ficticios: Segundo José Heredia (Caracas, 1927-2004) y Franz Zwickau (1946-1971).
No arruinaré a los lectores que aún no conozcan esta obra incomparable —puso a Bolaño en el mapa de la literatura mundial— el goce superlativo de leer hoy, ya bien entrado el siglo XXI, sus premonitorias visiones.
Diré, sí, que imagino fácilmente al poeta Tarek William Saab Halabi, tonante fiscal general de la República de Venezuela, integrando con distinción la nómina de infames elucubrada por el autor de Los detectives salvajes.
La invención paródica ha sido, desde El Quijote a nuestros días, pulpa y savia de grandes novelas. Los artistas imaginarios, y no solamente los escritores, sino también los músicos y los pintores  de embuste y las obras que los novelistas les han atribuido, darían para un gozoso e interminable simposio.
Bolaño, en su rabelesiana antología, logra algo prodigioso cuando inventa los títulos de sus autores filonazis: compendiar en ellos la peripecia de sus absurdas creencias y la sinrazón de sus muy verosímiles vidas.  Solamente la bibliografía del fiscal general lo acreditaría ante Bolaño: su obra más reciente, aparecida el año pasado, se titula Hoguera de una adolescencia intemporal. La quemazón sin tiempo que sugiere Saab Halabi no invita de entrada a leerlo, pero al menos no es tan manido como el de su primer poemario, publicado hace un cuarto de siglo: Los ríos de la ira.  
Entre uno y otro, según la nota wikipédica, el poeta fiscal ha publicado doce libros de poemas, uno de ellos titulado Al Fatah que, con seguridad, los analistas del Venezuelan Bureau de la CIA, en Langley, Virginia, han resaltado en sus pantallas con un rectángulo amarillo.
No puedo imaginar los motivos poéticos que Saab pudo volcar en Cuando pasen las carretas, perosin duda evoca arcaica vialidad rural, estampas criollas con tracción de sangre. Cielo a media asta (2001) y Príncipe de lluvia y duelo (1992) sugieren martirologio de izquierda latinoamericana: las elegías a los muertos en la lucha nutren desde siempre las librerías de pasillo universitario en toda la región. Dejé dicho más arriba que la obra poética de Saab Halabi no es su único mérito para entrar al panteón de los filonazis.
Como fiscal general de la satrapía cleptócrata venezolana, Saab Halabi se ha ganado también un lugar en la pinacoteca universal de los acusadores públicos, junto al impertérrito fiscal stalinista Andréi Vishynski, tratadista del derecho penal soviético, y Antoine Fouquier-Tinvile, quien mandó a la guillotina a María Antonieta, a Carlota Corday, a centenares de girondinos y dantonistas.
Cuando no hubo ya dantonistas ni girondinos a quien descabezar, Fouquier-Tinville la tomó con sus propios panas, Robespierre y Saint-Just. Antes de que terminase la película, lo guillotinaron a él también. De te fabula narratur, doctor Saab.
Más cerca en el tiempo y de nuestras costas hallamos al fiscal cubano Juan Escalona Reguera, quien mucho antes de obedecer en 1989 la orden de mandar al paredón al general Orlando Ochoa, solía disponer  sin melindres de las vidas ajenas y ello a tal punto que se ganó el macabro apodo de “Juanito charco de sangre”.
Saab Halabi comparte con Escalona Reguera la suprema virtud revolucionaria de la ciega obediencia. El rol que desempeña, con visible fruición, en las redadas de “petrotraidores” es el de perro de presa de su propia panda. Irónicamente, su carrera pública comenzó hace cuarenta años como paladín de los derechos humanos. Visitaba las salas de redacción denunciando abusos policiales. Obsequiaba sus poemarios, autografiados, a los reporteros de la fuente política.
De Vishynski hace mucho que el acusador público venezolano adoptó la doctrina soviética de la “presunción de culpabilidad” de todos los reos que encausa.
Se avecinan malos tiempos, amigos lectores, no solo para las variadas cepas del chavismo, sino para todos los demócratas de Venezuela, sean o no partidarios de acudir a elecciones primarias.
Queda rezarle, con Baudelaire, a Satanás, “báculo de los exilados y confesor de los ahorcados”, para que nos libre de la larga penalidad venezolana.
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himhks91 · 1 year
Watch "'Tarek Fatah's death being celebrated shows Muslim community doesn't engage with criticism'" on YouTube
Tarek fatah is not liked because he was somehow linked
with BJP.I have heard him some of his discussion were really against Muslim orthodoxy but we're rational,some afcourse were platform based mocking.
I do not want to dwel into this intellectual but in general
Speed and money have broken all those social structures which were part of our past culture considerably due to our respective religions.Many of our social entities in top layer of society or even middle layer of society do not follow their daily life based on percepts,rules and regulation due to religion, though ritual and customs gives us a separate social space but in majority bereft of spritual value which grossly r same in every religion.
In today's world social structures have broken in terms of morality .In indian spritualism which is quite logical great souls were attracted into good,morally upright social environment for their further evolution. But all those social structures have broken.
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amn-group · 1 year
Tarek Fatah Died: Pakistani-origin writer Tarek Fateh passed away, used to call himself the ‘son of India.‘
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thenationaltv243 · 1 year
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Tarek Fatah The Pakistani Canadian Journalist and Activist Fighting for Human Rights and Secularism
Pakistani-Canadian columnist Tarek Fatah passed away on Monday after a prolonged battle with Cancer, his daughter Natasha Fatah, who herself is a journalist, confirmed the news.
"Lion of Punjab. Son of Hindustan. Lover of Canada. Speaker of truth. Fighter for justice. Voice of the down-trodden, underdogs, and the oppressed. Tarek Fatah has passed the baton on... his revolution will continue with all who knew and loved him.
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nikologyindia · 1 year
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