#I love gk dialogue
senjo · 2 years
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holyblankbatman · 2 years
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i love jason’s anxious little idle animation, so timid, so polite
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whyoneartheven · 11 months
ughh it is so hard to write when the word you wanna use is one the character would never say
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eisforeidolon · 11 months
Okay, today is the kind of day where I really can't just scroll past something like this nonsense without comment [X]. To paraphrase: D/C fans totes loved Jared and really wanted to support Walker but just couldn't because the finale was such a betrayal :( :( :(. We're not hateful for the sake of being bitter, it's just so sad we had to turn on Jared because [implied batshit crazy]! FFS.
First, as if we don't remember how many fucking times hellers attacked Jared over utter bullshit long before the finale. Not only have they always been hateful little shits, they've always lied through their teeth about it. Some post from three years ago doing the same old same old, "Oh we're totally the GOOD side of fandom who never hate anybody, lookit our halos!" song and dance doesn't mean jack shit.
Second, what the fuck do they think being bitter means? "The tv show I was watching refused to cater to me personally by throwing away the core premise and genre of the show, which is totally unfaiiiiir - despite common sense and me being told repeatedly they wouldn't ever do so. Therefore I'm going to quote unquote punish the network and the stars by not watching any of their other shows! So there!" Like ... what? It's absurdly bitter - not to mention childish. Which doesn't even get into the giant black hole of logic that is blaming the actors for the writing which was done by the, y'know, writers.
But let's pretend for a moment it's not inherently bitter (as well as fucking ridiculous) to be butthurt a tv show didn't end in bad OOC fanfic out of nowhere and to blame the actors for it. They still prove it's nothing more than sour grapes bitter shipwar bullshit by ONLY singling out Jared and Walker. If they were really actually trying to avoid supporting the CW and ALL those involved in the finale rightfully disappointing their delusional asses? Misha conspired a year in advance to queerbait them with Castiel's death scene, pitched only as one-sided and with him knowing Castiel wouldn't be in the final two episodes. Jensen knew the ending was centering on the brothers as early as Jared did when they talked with the writers and played just at least as much of a part in adding little touches to make the finale as brother-centric as it was, including removing dialogue mentions of Castiel. Jensen also nodded along with Jared's Denvercon answer about how Castiel's death speech wasn't inherently romantic and added his own concurring opinion. And yet somehow, just by pure coincidence, really, I'm sure! It's only Walker and Jared they decided to boycott - while most of them wandered around proclaiming how happy they were to tune in to TW and GK on the supposedly oh-so-evil CW. But they totes love Jared, really! 🙄 They just can't help personally blaming just him for the finale because if there is a reboot he isn't half their shitty ship there was, like, totally an Easter egg mentioning going to Texas or whatever! Yeah! The finale is totally Walker propaganda!!! So they just couldn't watch only that CW show, though they really really wanted to! 😢
This transparent bullshit was at least funnier when it had hypnotiddies in it.
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warcorrespondence · 2 months
anthropocene, interrupted - brad/ray
Great zombie AU
Anon. I'm late so late, but you would love to know that actually this fic was in our original line up to be review.
Let's dive into it shall we?
A zombie AU where our favorite bff Brad and Ray and a very cute doggie who goes by the name of Toni (after the great Toni Morrison, which you know the authors have amazing taste) try to survive a zombie apocalypse and keep their sanity in check. Written by two amazing writers @queerapostate and @nextraordinaire. Together, they made a masterpiece.
fandom: Generation Kill
pairing: BradRay
Explicit, 43859 words
This fic is one for the decade. And now, I shall try to dissect all the way that it's so awesome.
First, the attention to detail. What makes one AU fic stands out from the many of its own genre (you know, coffee shop AU, fantasy AU) is always in the details. This fic has that in spades. The turning of season, the changes from rural to urban landscapes, from one state to another, you can see the scenery our characters are seeing with all five senses.
I love how the world is so alive -- dead, since zombies and all, but alive. We see how life has stopped, how things have rotted, how the world had broken down. The contrast between the deads (the smell, the bodies) versus the undeads (which Ray and Brad have to fight against so many of them) and the alives (nature, all the survivors, Toni the little lovable critter that she is) is constant.
The authors put so much thoughts into how every little part of this dead world would affect Ray, our POV. And he feels and he observes and paints up a world that is both savage and so beautiful. I love the scene of the overrun garden, it's strangely romantic -- a little respite from the never-ending struggle to survive.
Two, surviving isn't easy. And this fic goes in depth as to all the things that must be maintain to survive. You need to protect yourself from the weather that is relentless in its quest to kill you. Then you have to go against the zombies that eat your brain without mercy. And then the survivors out there our in this world are just as ruthless. When Ray tries to help the two little kids and got his supplies stolen? It was such a gut-punch moment. It tells us a lot about what kind of person Ray is, and also tells us how hard being kind in this settings can be. Furthermore, we know how smart and resourceful Ray and Brad have to be to stay alive.
Third. The character voices. Holy shit.
You named your dog Tony?” Brad stares at him with a carefully calculated expression, but he lowers his rifle, clearly convinced that Ray is harmless. Sort of. 
“Yeah, Toni, isn’t she great.” He bends down to scratch at her ear, getting a click of teeth for his efforts. 
“Since when does Tony Soprano have a pussy?”
“What—No, the fuck, Toni with an I, you dipshit.” 
“Like Toni Colette?”
“No, Toni Morrison.” 
You need to understand that I am always in awe of all the writers in GK fandom who manage to capture this specific brand of early 2000s humor and dialogue. Here, every single sentence and inner monologue from Ray I can hear. I can hear him say it all: curse words and non-PC apocalypse-coping jokes and a specific Ray™️brand of introspection. Not just him, but Brad's voice and manners™️are also very on point. He's complement Ray perfectly, even if he doesn't see it (at first).
Even Toni, our little dog, has so much personality 🥰
Fourth (yes I'm still yapping, i love this fic, gimme a break). The slow burn between Brad and Ray is so good, I wanna eat it.
Ray and Brad get closer and develop a healthy amount of respect to each other. We immediately get their chemistry even if Brad is ever the cagey and emotionally stunted fucker that we know and love. Their rapport is both easy and hard, and it fits perfectly to this settings where trust isn't so readily available. From friendship comes the romance, THE ROMANCE. Ray and his big heart and how he sees through Brad makes me all gooey inside.
AND the scene where Ray comes down with the blister infection and Brad has to leave him to find some anti-biotic so Ray, in his ferish delirium, keep calling out to him fruitlessly? Ahjfkdshjdfshjkfds
That scene got me good. I'm not alrigh; that imagery is so heart-wrenching oh my god.
Fifth, the many twists and turns their journey take. There is so much ups and downs and quiet moment and tense action scenes. I love how this story ends with bittersweetness, so fitting to the theme and the vibe of it.
All in all, a masterpiece. If you read this review all the way to this part, you should probably run to read this fic, or reread it once more ;)
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gildedkrone · 1 year
Lil' rant regarding the last Valeria post. (I hate anons who do stuff like this.)
I hate it when people go to COD x reader writing accounts, so far I've seen it mostly being COD x m!reader, and go anon, and post hateful shit like this. And I'm pretty sure, only a select few characters actually are confirmed to a sexuality. Like, Laswell for example, I didn't do much research do bare with me, but, it's confirmed she does infact have a wife, because it's literally in her dialogue in the mission Recon by Fire in MW2 Remastered , but that doesn't just confine her just to bring lesbian, she could be bisexual, but then again, that also isn't the case. And I'm pretty sure, in the MW1 & MW2 Remaster, barely any, maybe like a few, characters have a confirmrd sexuality.
But my point is, just because someone has a headcannon and someone else doesn't mean you get the right to go out of your way and go hate on someone like that. It just frustrates me when people do that.
Anyway, I would like to add that I love your work, and I'm glad you keep on posting content for us hungry little people, and I'll be keeping anon just incase of the possibility of getting targeted after this, and also sorry this post is a little long. ❤️
- Irritated Male Anon
Hi male anon,
I think you have hit the nail on the head. We all have different headcanons depending on how we want to write a character so let's give each other space to explore the fandom in our own ways.
It's one thing to make callout or targeted posts, and it's another to visit someone's page to leave such remarks, especially when they are made on baseless claims. Aside from writers, it hurts our readers too and I hate to see it.
I will continue to post my stories and the next fic with Price is coming 10 October. Thank you for your continued support; I appreciate you taking a stance and voicing your opinions.
With love,
Unrelated: I survived the hellscape that is ff dot net. I think I will survive here.
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piduai · 2 months
If gintama had been different after the shogun ass arc would you count it as one of your favorite series? I just got curious after seeing your recent posts :D I agree with them btw, and i thought the 3 disciples' bond was cheapened in subsequent arcs. Though i did like that gin remembered sugi's laugh, and i enjoy takazura so i wish zura had a similar fond memory of sugi since they knew each other even before sensei and gin. And while i like the idea of them reconciling, i wish it happened with more nuance and bittersweet feelings, the way their relationship was before the nonstop serious arcs with marvel movie dialogue. They could've used a tearful group hug...
Thanks in advance for reading this question and sharing your thoughts btw, have a nice day :D
hmmm dunno, i used to be unhealthily obsessed with it back in 2013-2018ish it was the big thing to me before getting into gk, if it never went south and had a timely ending maybe? can't say. i used to love it a lot. but with this rewatch i came to the conclusion that it's not as good as i remembered it to be, like it's decent but a lot of it is hit or miss, and at the heart of it it's not a qualitative product. though it does retain its charm. i think that if it ended at an appropriate time, without the whole utsuro and marvel space wars nonsense, it could have left a different impression, but as it overstayed its welcome by years... to me personally the fandom experience was also a highly unpleasant one, so i can't help but associate the series itself with that and feel a sourness towards it, even though it's silly.
there's also the sheer fact that the strong suite of gintama has always been the comedy, it's what i loved it for, and the serious bits were like once in half a year specials to give a bit more depth to the characters. but those still sowed in seeds that needed growing, even if the development was different to what we got, it still would have needed development. in short it's just messy. i think that it's one of those series that needed to come to you at a certain time in order to get you hooked. if someone asked me now "is it worth getting into it now that it's over" i wouldn't be able to say "yes" with a clear conscience.
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nostalgicatsea · 1 year
5-fic self-rec!
Thanks for tagging me for this, @oluka (and the last line thing too except I had to pass on that one because I haven't written anything in a while other than the last excerpt I posted on here 😅).
Except for "Apricity," which is near and dear to my heart despite how much I itch to edit it (a constant issue I have with things I write), I went with some of my favorites that have flown under the radar.
Hm...this ended up more of a "hey, good job, me" post than a "I'm trying to find what's compelling about these fics to rec them" post. Oh well.
In order of publication:
Apricity (616 Steve/Tony, T, 1.5k)
My first fic on AO3! My first Steve/Tony fic! And somehow it was 616 instead of MCU. I love dark Steve, but I'm particular with how exactly he's unhinged and this is how I like him. Even-keeled despite being off his rocker. Rational in his own head. Soured on the world, but in a way that pushes who he is to the extremes so his core is still visible even if it's mottled with rot. And, of course, obsessed with Tony. I also like the tempo of this; I used to have a good grasp on tempo, but I feel like I've lost that a bit over the years.
Unraveled (Warrior (2011) gen fic, G, 1k)
Since it's a movie that doesn't have a lot of fanworks for it and it's a gen fic to boot, barely anyone has read this, but I don't care because it was written for a friend, @luxover. I love writing little stories to gift friends. If you haven't watched Warrior, watch it! Brutal tearjerker about a broken family and broken men and one of the few good sports movies out there. No, you don't need to know anything about MMA to enjoy it. I don't.
Okay, I should talk about this ficlet. I'm fond of this one because it's so different from my usual writing. It's stream-of-consciousness and entirely voice-driven like someone sat you down in Brendan's head and he's talking and talking even if he naturally isn't saying of this out loud. Because he and his brother Tommy are emotionally constipated; even if they love each other a lot, they don't know how to reach out to each other. They don't know if they're wanted. This also has one of my favorite last lines I've ever written. GUT PUNCH, if I do say so myself. ONE-TWO HIT, K.O. Sums up every layer of their relationship.
Hidden Declaration (Brad/Ray (Generation Kill), T, 728 words)
Another gift for a friend (the same friend)! Brad/Ray and MCU Steve/Tony share some similarities despite being drastically different, so is it any surprise I liked these two unhinged idiots? I never open for fic prompts, but this was when I was on a roll and then I got scared because lux asked for this. I never wrote for Gen Kill, I read maybe 3 GK fics in my life, and Ray is one of those characters who are impossible to write well imo (to be honest, I also feel the same way about Brad though the difficulty is subtler). He's an unusual guy with a very particular way of speaking.
And somehow this flowed out of me quickly. It's not without its flaws, but it was so different from what I usually write and how I do that it was really fun to write this! Very dialogue-heavy too which isn't what I'm known for. And the crassest (also...some language that's not okay as a warning, but if you know GK, it comes with the territory) and most sexual (it's still not very sexual lol) out of my fics. I think I captured how much they're best friends and they're so comfortable in each other's presence well. Plus I put a little wink for my friend at the end and it's one of the few times I like being indulgent with my writing. Also, tattoo fics are a trope and I guess this counts as my one tattoo fic though it's not an AU and there's no actual tattooing involved.
A Long, Final Rest Among the Stars (MCU Tony-centric/Nebula & Tony gen fic, G, 2.7k)
My tribute to best boy Tony, my first and ultimate love (along with Steve, of course) along with an expansion of the lovely bits of Nebula and Tony's tender friendship that we got to see in IW which I adored. They share a lot in common.
Writing this made me so sad because I felt like I was preparing to say goodbye to Tony. It made me reminisce about how it all started, and everything came full circle. His past is his present. Tony's trapped on a dark spaceship injured and far, far away from home. Tony's trapped in a dark cave injured and far, far away from home. There's a kind spirit with him, and even if they try to keep him alive, he's a dead man walking. But he's also come a long way from the man he used to be. I'M REALLY PROUD OF HIM, OKAY? I LOVE HIM.
The Burning of Flowers (616 Steve/Tony, G, 1.2k)
I secretly really, really wish more people read this fic. I wanted to write a Hanahaki AU for a while, but I couldn't figure out what I'd do that would feel fresh and then I came up with this subversion of sorts. Hanahaki AUs usually involve someone pining for their love and refusing to let go of it because it means so much to them. I thought I'd write about someone who doesn't have it—and simultaneously wants and doesn't want it—and wishes ill on the person he loves by hoping their love has it. And what better era to situate it than Hickmanvengers? You don't need to know Hickmanvengers to enjoy it, though.
I'm extremely proud of this one because it's one of the best fics I've written if I'm allowed to toot my own horn for a sec! Please let me because it's so rare for me to feel like I don't want to rip apart chunks of my fics and sew them back whole again, new and improved. I think this is one of my most complete fics in that way; I can probably tweak it, but I'm satisfied with nearly all of it if not all of it.
Anyway, I was in a slump and then suddenly the old magic returned and I slipped back into the writing style I used to have back in the mid-2010s except better. I could actually see that I've developed as a writer even if I'm still learning. But the atmosphere, the sensory lines, and the rhythm returned. I like the pace of this a lot and feel like it follows Steve's relentless rage, much like the unmoored, slower pace of "Apricity" reminds me of a colder Steve who never fully woke up from the ice.
Tagging @kiyaar, @meidui, @sineala, @whenas-in-silks, @sabrecmc, @magicasen, and two artists (rec your art!<3): @kappamairi & @massivespacewren
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ackackh · 10 months
can u talk about what you love about generation kill? i tried to get into it once and it just didn't compel me. but i loved band of brothers and the pacific and i want to like gk
Yes, absolutely!
I’ll just start by saying that the tones for BoB and TP are much more similar to each other than either is to GK, so with that alone, it’s understandable that you might be like, eh, about GK. And it’s totally okay to not like something! But since you asked… :)
For me, the differences between the WW2 content and GK is what makes it more appealing. Even tho all of the shows are based off of journalistic works, GK feels more so, I think because it doesn’t have the hero-lens BoB and TP have. I like that. The characters are overtly flawed and sometimes hard to like initially, and it feels like a closer rendering to real life than the other two shows. I think that the creators of GK had to handle its contents differently, because OIF was not like, a net good? Or any good, really. And we as viewers know this, but the characters are, at most, conflicted in their feelings about it. And, for me, this conflict is what makes it so, how you say, JUICY.
The biggest thing for me is the characters. This show is fucking PACKED with dialogue and I watched it (voluntarily) many times with captions to pick up on all the little tidbits that are left all over the place in background dialogue, in the credits, and wherever else. It all paints a really detailed picture of these men in this very specific real-life situation that basically only happened once. I like the strong personalities, and I like the way in which they’re right, and wrong, and charming, and hard to swallow all at the same time. That’s what speaks to me, personally.
I’ll also just tack on that I understand why you might not find it compelling. I think it’s worth it to go into it with a different expectation than you might have with BoB and TP. For one, it doesn’t have the same story structure the other shows have. There isn’t as much material to pull from; where BoB and TP had years’ worth of stories to sort through and structure into a more conventional plot, GK takes place over like several weeks. In this way, it feels a bit more like a documentary, or maybe a series of related vignettes? If that makes sense. For two, outside of like two or three officers, there aren’t real good guys or bad guys. For the most part, everyone is just doing what they think they have to do to survive moment-to-moment. I think “how do I not get fucked?” Is a better internal logic for this series than any conventional narrative one that might be closer to, “here’s the problem. Okay, how do I solve that and progress the story” which the other two shows can more easily use.
Okay, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to talk for this long, and I feel like this is all over the place. But the take-away here is, I like it because it feels more real/realistic, the characters are extremely flawed and that makes them more life-like and interesting, and I find a show driven by characters more compelling than one driven by a more conventional plot.
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characteroulette · 4 months
Tagged by @fallintosanity wuh oh.
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Oof we doing this again. Let's see...
General --
ghost dialogue
isat Snufkin loop time
layton Luke
Slow Burn 7
fnaf Gregory
figment Raz Dusty
layton Clive son
figment courage lost
DP Key Dash
fnaf kids
Augustus ch3
liar princess blind prince
moomins winter 1
Persona --
p5 rgb 1
p4 Akechi Teddie
p4 ftsotm 1
p3 Lovers Yosuke 2
p4 trial ursa major
ftsotm culture fest
p4 streamer Yosuke 1
Ace Attorney --
aa hs au
rgb puzzlers 1
lemon boy 2-1
laywright oop 11
stab Klav time 3
aa one eye Apollo
aa lemon boy 2-2
lemon boy 3
aa apolluke
laywright oop intermission 4
aa Phoenix mindscape
aa son au 2
laywright oop detention centre
laywright oop wolf scene 2
laywright oop intermission 3
aa bodyswap Apollo
gs karaoke time klapollo
gs lights seasons bit
aa klapollo game kids
og trilogy but make it aj 3
aai 3 Europe trip
Originals --
Moon love 2!!
Monster fucker 1
The Moonless
Chew Flesh 1
kanos sammy bits 2
RGB Puzzlers
Nate final guy
unsexy times
fp Cheesecake
Mandela Kids
gk au good dad
Some repeats from last time I did this. I am still working on all of these (and more in my physical notebooks...)
Uhhh go @detective-piplup and whoever else wants a go I can't think of anyone else to tag D:
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writerobscura · 5 months
Fic Writer Tag
I was tagged by Anonymous - thanks, hoss.
How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 32 works on AO3, with an original work that is ongoing.
What’s your total AO3 word count?
There's nowhere that tells me, but a rough estimate? Over 260k
How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they?
At AO3? 5
Golden Kamuy (18) ALL OUT!! (6) Gungrave (4) Legend of the Galactic Heroes (2) Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1)
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Stolen Soul is my fandom opus featuring the rare pair of OTANI/TANIO (Ogata/Tanigaki/Ogata), and it's got 89 Kudos.
In second place is Shōganai, another Golden Kamuy fic with 76 Kudos. It is part of a tetralogy of Hyakunosuke Ogata/Genjirou Tanigaki stories that begin pre-canon and end just before the raid on Abashiri.
The three remaining stories in that tetralogy round out my top five: Don't Look at Me, Haitsu Taiken, and Bunkatsu-sen—all with 76-73 ish Kudos each.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I always thank readers for commenting, and if I know them from other outlets, I will converse a bit.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Most of my fan fiction has angsty endings. One that stands out is Beta Clones (a Star Trek DS9 fic).
Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Oh, absolutely - but never in the comments.
GK fandom provided mostly anons and neck-talkers and sub-tweeters that slagged me as a person and sometimes insulted my fiction.
Say what you want about my work and its themes bothering you, I don't care - but making up shit about me was a whole other kind of strange I wasn't ready for...
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Oh, I write me some smut - and it's typically gay.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I've had two of my published works, and an unpublished script plagiarized. Never checked my fanfic.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I've had five of my published works translated and a few of my Gungrave fics translated.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Fanfiction - no. Fan comics - yes, I consider the artists my co-writers.
What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Oh wow - it's a tie between KUGASHIRA/LEE (Gungrave) and OTANI/TANIO (Ogata/Tanigaki/Ogata)
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I'd love to finish Nach vorn Kommen (a LOGH fic), but I don't think it's in the stars.
What are your writing strengths?
I want to say dialogue.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Narrative pacing. I'm used to writing for artists or actors - not readers. I'm getting better.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
If I don't know the language, I find a native speaker to make sure I write it correctly. For original work, I use Italics and then denote the language being spoken in a dialogue tag.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Fandom? Oh, wow. Gundam Wing? My first fanfic, though, was Facts of Life, and I was about 12.
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
I typically write stories or pairings I cannot find elsewhere. That being said, I like all my fics and don't have a diehard favorite - but I'm very fond of Obstacle, an AO!! fic featuring Daigo Takashi and Iwashimizu Sumiaki.
I don't know anyone here enough to tag them - if you see thisand you write fanfic, feel free to take it.
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deputy-buck · 6 months
Intro & Masterlist
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Buck, M, 21, gay-aro, he/him. Anons are always on, requests always open
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Fellow Travelers
UFC (FreeStream link)
Generation Kill
The Pacific
Band of Brothers
Various Discovery Channel shows: Gold Ruch, Parker's Trail, Street Outlaws, No Prep Kings
Frequently Used Tags:
Buck Builds (Full-Assed Creations)
Buck Brawls (Half-Assed Creations + Rambling)
Buck Backtalks (Answering Asks)
Personal (For... Personal things?)
i don't know who's more stupid‚ queue or the hick (Queue Tag)
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Ao3: Deputy_Buck
Fetch (Hawk/Tim, Fellow Travelers)
Sold For Temporary Use (Brad/Ray, Gen Kill)
Gracious (Christeson/Stafford, Gen Kill)
Marines on Watch (Christeson/Trombley, Gen Kill)
Sunshine (Pappy/Walt, Gen Kill)
Release Goddamnit (Gabe/Walt, Gen Kill)
Unconventional Methods of Recovery (Brad/Ray, Gen Kill)
Docile Alpha (Roe/Speirs, BoB)
Silver Wrapped (Boyd/Raylan, Justified)
MOLLE Pouch of Memories (Boyd/Raylan/Tim, Justified)
Good Coffee and Good Mornings (Tim&Cade OC, Justified)
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Buck Builds: Fellow Travelers
Pup!Skip Headcanons
Pup!Skip Moodboard
Pup!Skip/Handler!Hawk SFW Fic
Catholic School Teacher/Student 1948 HawkTim FIc Idea
"You know I can't" Webweave HawkTim
"At last, he's asleep" Webweave HawkTim
Van Gogh Webweave HawkTim
Dreams/Sleep Webweave HawkTim
"You're bulletproof" Edit HawkTim
"Childhood" Webweave Hawk&Lenny
"I will keep it safe" Webweave HawkTim
Last Kiss - Pearl Jam Webweave HawkTim
"His Love, like a brand, is burned into my being" Edit HawkTim
"Treat him like a God and he’ll blind you like religion" Webweave HawkTim
"Drag Queens can read." Screencaps FrankieMarcus
Frankie 1x02 Screencaps + Stormi!
"Give him a mask..." Oscar Wilde Webweave HawkTim
Cannibalism Motif Webweave HawkTim
Devotion Edit HawkTim
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Buck Builds: Gen Kill
Pup!Romeo General Overview (Ray Person PuppyPlay)
Sad Brad/Ray HC
Trombley's Authority Kink
Brad/Ray PDA
NSFW "Sunshine" Pappy/Walt Drabble
Various RarePair Snippets/HeadCanons
Gunny Wynn Headcanons
BradTrombley Headcanons/Snippets
BradPoke & PappyRudy First Impressions
Brad & Gunny Headcanon
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Buck Builds: BoB
A/B/O Pain!Play BullMartin MoodBoard + Drabble
Shifty/Skinny Hunting Each Other Motif MoodBoard
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Buck Builds: The Pacific
Oral Fixation Kink Bill/Jay MoodBoard + Drabble
Pup!Sugar/Handler!Sidney MoodBoard
SId Ships & some Headcanons
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Buck Builds: Justified
Tim Gutterson Moodboard, Pup Tango
Boyd Crowder Moodboard, Pup Bravo
Rachel Brooks Moodboard
Raylan Givens Moodboard, two, Pup Romeo
Boyd/Raylan/Tim Playlist (Spotify)
Tim Gutterson Headcanons (sfw), Multilingual Tim Headcanon
Justified Pups headcanon semi-outline
Tim Gutterson x Wrestling-BJJ-Kickboxing-Grappling-UFC Headcanon
“Their Graves” Poem inspired by Tim Gutterson
OTP Ask Game: Boyd/Raylan 1, Boyd/Raylan 2, Boyd/Raylan 3, Raylan/Tim 1, Boyd/Tim 1, Boyd/Raylan/Tim 1
Childhood Ask Game: Tim 1, Tim 2, Cade (oc) 1
Requestable Drabbles: “The Monster Under The Bed” (Boyd /Raylan/Tim)
Cade Gutterson Moodboard
Good Coffee and Good Mornings original post
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Buck Brawls: Fellow Travelers
Hawk's Apartment Floorplan
Tim in lingerie
SubbyTim Yelling
“He was buried wearing your cufflinks.” FUCK YOU FUCK YOU
Tim stammers the “H” in “Hawk” when he comes.
Plant!Dad Tim
Car Sex Dialogue Sample HawkTim
HawkTim Ash Wednesday
Robbed of AgeGap Kink... sad
FT x Brokeback Mountian Bottom!Anger Parallel
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Buck Brawls: Gen Kill
Match Maker Ask Game: Five Pairs GK+BoB
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Buck Brawls: BoB
Match Maker Ask Game: Five Pairs GK+BoB
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midnightvantawings · 1 year
Happy Birthday, @mishacollins! Today is your special day, and I hope you make the best of it. Today is the oldest you have ever been and the youngest you will ever be again. But no matter your age, you are you, and your fans love you for it. You mentioned not long ago that you understand more about fandom and the experience from the fans' perspective. So you know why people look up to you and say you have helped them. I could say the same. You are an amazing person, very kind, and do some extraordinary things. You have done so much good in this world, and I will say GISH has been a big part of that, and I miss it so, but the memories we made we will always cherish, and the GISH family lives on. You may also be getting a gift soon from fellow gishers... But aside from that, your roles as an actor have made a major impact on this fandom; being relatable and lovable and interesting, and truly, having the opportunity to act them out is a blessing, believe me. You bring those characters to life, and you have done so wonderfully. We are disappointed we will not have the opportunity to see you on Gotham Knights anymore and GK at all, but please know that you are the best Harvey Dent/Two-Face. We loved every second of it, watching you become that character. The roles you take on, you take on so beautifully. And, of course, they are all special in their own way because you made them special. We are excited to see you as Cas again in the feature, by the way. Not that that's surprising, though. Most of us know you because of that role. If you had not been Cas, Supernatural would not have lasted as long as it did. You were a big part of keeping the show alive for so many seasons, making it the longest-running American live-action fantasy TV series. Truly incredible. You have also managed to become a character that became the most written ship on AO3, which, wow, is astonishing. You made history. You have inspired so many of us with your talents and your words, as well. With your poems, your dialogue, your kindness to fans, and so on. The point is, you are an incredible person and have accomplished so much within the 49 years you have been on this Earth, through all of the greatness, as well as the crap it had and still has to offer. Through Heaven and Hell, you managed to be a light for all of us. Thank you, and just keep being you. Keep making the world a better place. Continue being Misha Collins, which we will always love.
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dotthings · 2 years
And ftr I'm not annoyed at Misha fandom
I'm on my last nerve with dc stans or so-called "dc stans" who showed up 5 minutes ago claiming to be authorities and then screw with the meta dialogue. With DC stans who claim to love the batfamily and dc then show no comprehension of how its dynamics actually work since they spit on a show that's actually doing many of the things that made batfamily stories appealing in the first place and is drawing inspiration from there. OR DC stans who go after GK just because it's inclusive. DC stans who monetize their hatred on youtube channels and can't incisive analysis their way out of a paper bag. DC stans trying to trick Misha's lane into their HEADCANONS UWU instead of paying attention to the actual goals of GK. DC stans who are enraged only because GK isn't [insert some other show here] and no other reason. DC stans who are mad because GK doesn't star the Robins THEY hand-picked as the only ones that deserve to have pov. DC stans throwing rage fits because Bruce adopted another orphan and gosh this has never happened before!!!!
To the Misha fans who have basically just been chilling and appreciating Misha and have been so respectful about characters and a world that's not familiar to you yet, sorry about the mess. DC stans have been hassling Misha fans who are just trying to enjoy a tv series, DC stans have been trolling with transphobia, DC stans have been obnoxious gatekeeping assholes, when in fact it's the antis who are being shown the door and having the gates shut to them and they don't WIKE it so they're throwing fits. It's a bunch of angry dudebro anti-diversity trolls for the most part and aren't worth your energy to fight with them.
With the influx of Misha fans, it's exciting for me as a fan of dc to see that world get more love. I was a dc fan before spn even began. And thank you for the assist in the door-kicking and supporting an increasingly more inclusive DC universe.
Yes dc fans and batfamily fans are watching Gotham Knights.
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disniq · 2 years
Hey I'm new here, I love your blog!! I was wondering, do you recommend Gotham Knights? I kinda bought a gaming computer just so I could play it but now I'm worried it won't live up to my expectations...
Hi, welcome! Thank you!
I definitely recommend Gotham Knights for batfam fans! I think a lot of the negative reviews are because people were expecting another Arkham game and this isn't that. (And a lot of people played the Arkham series because Batman is a Badass™, so to start GK with the premise that Batman is dead put a lot of those fans into a bad faith mindset right off the bat, unfortunately)
Anyway, let me at least try to be objective here lmao. So;
Story - I enjoyed the main storyline. I think they did a good job repurposing comics lore into the GK universe, and even when I guessed elements of the plot it was still fun to play through it. (I'm actually on my third play through now, because I want to see each character's reactions and dialogue. The changes aren't huge but it's enough to keep me entertained) The side missions are also fun imo, and it didn't feel like a hassle to do them alongside the main quests.
Mechanics - this is where YMMV, baring in mind I play on console not PC. The fighting mechanics are a bit clunky to begin with but they do get smoother as you unlock more abilities imo. I also appreciate that they made an effort to *not* use the Arkham combat system, and that they made four very unique playable characters because they all do play very differently!
Characterization - what really sells the game for me is the amount of work they put into these characters. These are four characters with decades of history crammed into a 30 hour game and it's a hard balance between giving enough background information to people who aren't comic nerds without making the comic nerds feel like they're stating the obvious. Obviously I'm the latter, but I absolutely love the amount of care put into the details. It really feels like the studio knew their audience was going to be more batfam fans rather than casual batman fans and they catered to that (which, frankly, after years of living off of dregs, is a great feeling ngl!)
I do want to point out that I'm very much a play-for-fun kind of gamer, so I don't really care about the specs side of anything as long as it plays decently. I've had one glitch where Jason's hoodie strings defied gravity in a few cutscenes, which they seem to have fixed in the latest patch, but that's been it.
Hopefully my rambling is of some use, and I hope you enjoy the game if you do get it!!
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non-licet-bovi · 2 years
Really really having fun with this game for the most part. A rewarding and fun gameplay loop. Serviceable story with enough to do that I've been chewing through it with vigor. Characters are different enough that I'm invested in playing all of them often and can prepare for scenarios based on their skillsets and loadouts. Crafting is very nice and the styles are cool! Cut scenes are awesome and the opening scene is genuinely so dope. Gotham is huge and there's a ton to do. It's nice to look at and play (beyond a couple of hard crashes here and there).
It isn't nearly as polished, innovative, interesting nor detailed as the Arkham series, though, which is probably why it's getting dogpiled to hell lmao. It just isn't a flattering comparison for this game, because wow Batman in any Arkham game handles so much better than the Gotham Knights. Arkham combat is just the pinnacle and it has so many compelling character moments even in small cameos. Those games are so robust that even a solid, earnestly entertaining game like GK is gonna look threadbare next to them.
Fewer rouges/characters in general also doesn't help GK. I'm not done with it, but wow does it suffer from not giving each character more individualized story experiences. Reused dialogue is obvious and the changes that are there are so minimal that they don't impact any scenario at all. (Come on bro, we have Dick Grayson in a game with the Court of Owls and there's been -- so far anyway -- NO reference to The Gray Son?? Breh.)
OK and lbr the dialogue in this game is hot garbage to the point of hilarity. So many absurd statements in response to heartfelt struggles the characters are having. Multiple times I had to pause like "Jason what the fuck lmao". I really like the character specific moments with different members, most are just a bit... half baked to say the least. It doesn't help that the voice acting is borderline terrible (at least for the player characters, others are pretty alright).
A lot of the beyond direct dialogue character stuff is actually very nice, in contrast. Enjoying the emails a lot. Love all the overt gay shit (and two references to Dick being bi? LegGGOOOOO). And in spite of some garbo, these characters do feel and act like a family. Their relationships feel personal and, if tacky at times, nice to see progress.
Plot is so predictable it's funny honestly, but that's fine. The tone is also soooo much lighter than any Arkham game, which I think is actually a nice way to stand apart from them. I'm excited to see where the rest of the game goes.
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