sallllltywater · 1 year
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The Silence and The Fury
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toad-in-a-trenchcoat · 6 months
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“In here… I… can do more…”
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Best Fictional Dinosaur Tournament: Megatheropod Bracket; Round 1C, Poll 7/8
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chiefatticcreator · 24 days
Lewd Status: Love at First Sight: Timido Cute finds herself in a different world when the heavy steps of Taurox get closer and closer behind her.
Love at First Sight: Muse gets charmed and uncontrollably attracted to the first person they laid their eyes upon. Can specify who the person is.
Taurox did not know where the strange woman came from, save that it had been from some kind of magic portal, nor did he care very much. The only thing that paused him from raising his axes to add another layer of blood to them was a look at the girl's body. With a huff, the beastman made a noise of pleasure. Of all the human women he had killed and slaughtered, this one had the most attractive body he had seen. Snarling, he charged her, wanting to violate her.
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I recently finished the bust of Taurox the warchieftain of the Kindred of the Tusk (if you don't know him he's from Dead Sound's Sauria https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E98bD5WrMrc). At some point I wanted to create a fanart piece of him since I have drawn Ceratus a few times.
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rabidchilde · 2 years
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I was watching the cut-scenes from the 1997 Warhammer EPIC 40000 Final Liberation game and I noticed this little icon moving on the map.
That's a Taurox! From 1997! Well done to whoever designed that little icon to move around that silly map. Your boxy boy is ageless and crawling over many a 40k table in 2023.
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rockaroadrolla · 1 year
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My "Brazen Bull" endless spell
Wanted to give my new Wildfire Taurus a "chamon-y" feel
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emuwarum · 2 days
the chancellor is 150 years old? Yep she's definitely done something with magic
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the-techdub · 4 months
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WIP of my second Leman Russ, now with 100% less plasma I have to paint!
This isn’t going to be the last IG model you’ll see from me, I got my brood brothers kill team coming in and I plan to get a chimera to transport them with (it was like the only thing I could fit into my list and tauroxes are all out of stock)
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gingerfan24 · 2 months
Taurox with a bumper sticker on the back that says “Do you follow the Emperor this close?”
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elsa-fogen · 25 days
Here's a pretty good show for you, it'd made by deadsound and it's pretty enjoyable with the two episodes released, don't wanna spoil to much but the first one with the Blue Song Chancellor and Taurox the tusked cheif is ship worthy if you think about it, or that's my weird shipper brain overthinking things.
Thanks for recommendation, but i'm trying to keep myself from watching new stuff, because i have to much planned for Hazbin and I don't want to move on yet
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shoehedd · 10 months
Guys I genuinely think the Taurox I got off ebay made me gastro sick
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kharrneth · 1 year
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The Chaos Power are interchangeably referred to as One Pantheon and as each god being it’s own pantheon (Liber Chaotica Series). I’m more partial to the second one, as it distinguishes them from further from the “earthly” gods like Khaine, Ursun, Sigmar, Ulric, ect ect.
Each Power is the “Zeus” or “Odinn” or “Ra” of their respective Pantheons. Imagine if the Greek Pantheon, Egyptian Pantheon, and Norse Pantheon all existed and were rivals as opposed to being within one pantheon. That’s sort of how I view them.
They do have proper gods under them, such as Hashut apparently sharing territory and a few domains with Khorne. The Machina Daemonium is powered by Hashut’s breath, implying Hashut himself is present. Hashut is represented by a bull, an animal that appears in Khorne’s iconography in the form of his Greater Daemons and a few other places. Khorne himself seems to favor bull-like Beastmen (Taurox [Warhammer 3 did confirm that Khorne blessed Taurox], Ograx the Great, Minotaurs of Khorne) over any other type. They share domains of fire and hatred, though Hashut has a focus on Fire and Khorne has a focus on Hatred.
Hashut does not appear to have been a creation of the Chaos Dwarves in the same way the Horned Rat is due to the beliefs of the Skaven. It’s likely Hashut existed beforehand, and simple took it upon himself to wrangle the Chaos Dwarves into his service. I’ve played with the idea of Hashut actually being Khorne’s spawn...
This raises the question of the other Pantheons having “lesser gods” beneath them. 🤔🤔🤔
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sallllltywater · 1 year
Next few works i plan (although i don't really plan things i don't have plan) to draw are
- finishing taurox & oxyotl one
- figure out if the composition in my mind would work or not for 1)black orcs 2)skarbrand 3)Queek and Ska (i mean serious one not shitpost)
- draw Crone Hellebron
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djpain619 · 1 year
84th Sigman Kerberos Scions Regiment Force Organization
4th Brigade Task Force Organization:
>HQ: Task Force Scion Command Squad + Taurox Prime, Brigade Attachés,Centurion Rangers Enforcer Platoon, Abhuman Auxilia Company, Stray Dogs.
>1st Company: 3 Combined Arms Scion Echelons
>2nd Company: 3 Mechanised Scion Echelons
>3rd Company: 3 Air Cavalry Scion Echelons.
>Force Recon Company: Aquillacan Carabineers RoughRider Company
>HQ force Org:
-Task Force Scion Command Squad: Tempestor Prime Task Force Commander + 4 Tempestus Scions + Taurox Prime
-Centurion Rangers Enforcer Platoon: Centurion Rangers Platoon Command Squad (1 Marshall Primus [Special Character Inquisitior], 3 Centurion Marshals [Generic Inquisitior]), 4 Centurion Ranger Kill Squads [2 Exaction Squads, 1 Subductor Squad, 1 Vigilant Squad], 1 Centurian Ranger Enforcer Squad [20 Commisars])
-Abhuman Auxilia Company: Ogryn Platoon [6 Ogryn Squads], Bulgryn Platoon [6 Bullgryn Squads], Bodyguard Platoon [3 Bodyguard Squads]
-Stray Dogs: 444th Kreig Siege Regiment [1 Combined ad-hock scratch Company: 2 Kreig Mechanised Infantry Platoons, 1 Kreig Feild Ordinance Platoon]
>1st Company Force Org:
-Company HQ: Company Command Squad (1 Tempestor Prime + 4 Tempestus Scions + 1 Taurox Prime)
-1st Echelon: 1 Tempestus Scion Mechanized Platoon (1 Tempestus Scion Command Squad [1 Tempestor Prime + 4 Tempestus Scions], 3 Tempestus Scion Squads [3×{1Tempestor+9Scions}], + 4 Taurox Primes), 1 Tempestus Scion Air Cav Platoon (1 Tempestus Scion Command Squad [1 Tempestor Prime + 4 Tempestus Scions], 3 Tempestus Scion Squads [3×{1Tempestor+9Scions}], + 4 Valkyre Drop Ships, + 1 Vulture Gun Ship
-2nd Echelon: 1 Tempestus Scion Mechanized Platoon + 1 Tempestus Scion Air Cav Platoon
-3rd Echelon: 1 Tempestus Scion Mechanized Platoon + 1 Tempestus Scion Air Cav Platoon
>2nd Company Force Org:
-HQ: Company Command Squad
-1st Echelon: 2 Tempestus Scion Mechanized Platoon
-2nd Echelon: 2 Tempestus Scion Mechanized Platoon
-3rd Echelon: 2 Tempestus Scion Mechanized Platoon
>3rd Company Force Org:
-HQ: Company Command Squad
-1st Echelon: 2 Tempestus Scion Air Cav Platoon
-2nd Echelon: 2 Tempestus Scion Air Cav Platoon
-3rd Echelon: 2 Tempestus Scion Air Cav Platoon
>Force Recon Company:
-6 Aquillacan Carabineers RoughRider Squads
The 84th Sigman Kerberos Scions Regiment is a very large and oversized compared to standard Guard regiments. While the average Guard Regiment is anywhere from 3 to 20 Companies strong, the 84th Sigman Kerberos true size is unknown but is believed to be approximately 65 Companies in Strength.
The Regiment However is never deployed in full to any one theater. Instead it it parceled into individual Brigade Task Forces that are then distributed across the Imperium. A Single Brigade Task Force is usually attached to support entire Army Groups
To Round out these Brigade Task Forces thay are supplemented with elements from other formations from their home system
>Centurion Rangers: where Commisars and Arbites would be employed in other Imperial Organizations, these roles are both filled by the Centurion Rangers.
Their Organization Forged in the fires of a Genestealer Infested Civil War, the Centurion Rangers started as a task force ment to root out Genestealers Leader. By combining Commisars with Arbites, Scola Tempestus Cadets, and Blooded Veteran Kanak Skulltaker Headhunters, the task force managed to seek out and destroy countless Genestealer Hero Units at the cost of horrendous Mass Casualties. What was left after the war was over were an elite group of extremely hardened veteran fighters. These fighters were then distributed across numerous Rual Communities to enforce the Law, and Rally Militias, and Lead PDF Units when a Savage Orc Waaagh rises or a Planetary Invasion occurs.
>Aquillacan Carabineer RoughRiders: The Force Recon Company consists of the most experienced and elite RoughRider Veterans the Aquillacan Carabineers have to offer. Deployed as Recon Scouts, Pathfinders, shock cav, & guerrilla raiders
>Tercio de Mastìn: The House Guard of Señor Hidalgo Don Coyóte and the newly established Knightly House of La Mancha. The Tercio de Mastìn are a reputable Fighting force of fighting capability equal to many Famed and vaunted Guard Regiments and equipped with arms and armor nearly rivaling the Vostroyan Firstborn in quality. Señor Hidalgo Don Coyóte readily sells the services of Elements of his House Guard for the right price.
Señor Hidalgo Don Coyóte De La Mancha became very fond of the Aquillacan Ogryn population that live among the ethnic Kanaks in the rual Villages that span Planet Ørnverden. Shortly after Establishing the La Mancha House and reforming the Penal Mines of Tecolote IV into the La Mancha Colonial Settlement, Señor Hidalgo Don Coyóte De La Mancha founded a not-for-profit foundation to educate these Rual Ogryns. This endeavor, though not without its share of setbacks and missteps. Has largely been a resounding success. Graduates of these Ogryn Schools have been able to perfom basic addition and subtraction, count past 100, and are often Literate to a 2nd Grade Reading Comprehension level. As well as having spectacular patience, anger management, and overall personal discipline. Señor Hidalgo Don Coyóte Recruites heavily from the graduates of his Ogryn schools and Ogryn Abhumans make up a large proportion of his house guards. The Ogryn community for there part is full of young Ogryn chomping at the bit for a chance to join the Tercios, if only for a chance to wear the colorful uniform and shiny armor. Veteran Ogryns that have fufilled their contract with the Tercios often return to their Rual Villages sporting their fancy uniform and armor to the envy of their peers.
Both the 84th Sigman Kerberos Regiment and Many Aquillacan Carabineers Regiments recruit their Ogryn Abhuman Auxilia exclusivly either by purchasing their contracts directly from the Tercios de Mastìn as Long term Mercenaries, or by recruiting Veteran Tercio Ogryns that have just completed their contracts upon their return home.
>Stray Dogs: the 84th Sigman Kerberos Regiment have gained a tradition of occationaly adopting surviving elements of obliterated Regiments and forming them into Ad-hock Platoons and Companies for use as Auxilary Reserves, Rear Guards, and occasionally as a recruitment pool to replace losses (only if the recruit is particularly talented, and only after they are put through a minimalist in feild recreation of the Schola Tempestus boot camp, any recruits that pass this training and survive the Brigade's tour of Duty will be sent to the 84ths Schola Tempestus on the moon of Ørnverden for proper Scion Training and then be accepted as a Full Tempestus Scion)
The nickname "Stray Dogs" comes from the Wolfspear Chapter of Adeptus Astartes. It is the term of endearment the Wolfspears used to refer to the 84th Sigman Kerberos Brigade that fought by their side.
The 4th Brigade Task Force has adopted the last surviving Elements of the ravaged 444th Kreig Siege Regiment as their Stray Dogs.
The 444th Kreig Siege Regiment was demolished by battlefield casualties in a horrendous conflict in the Imperium Nihilis. Originally 18 Companies strong, they have been reduced to a Single Company strong Ad-hock formation. Abandoned by the administratum and left for dead on a barren rock, the 4th Brigade's Transport vessel just happened to intercept the 444ths distress signal while En Route to their assigned Army Group.
Really hard to find Force Org charts for Tempestus Scion Regiments...
So I kinda just ripped off these guys, then tweaked it a Little.
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theironwarsmith · 2 years
7 more to go
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So my other shoulder pads for the other 2 squads turned up today, now I'm eager to get through this squad and their Rhino.
Plus, the new Kasrkin sprues look like they have many extra heads, which will be good as they shall be my Inquisitorial Stormtroopers. Now to find some really good transports that aren't the chimeras or tauroxes.
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