#Technicolor Tarot
comparativetarot · 2 years
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The Therapist. Art by Megan Rose Gedris, from the Technicolor Tarot.
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miscellamyous · 2 years
I just bought a very cool technicolor tarot deck! So much diverse representation and a fun aesthetic. Only one day left to get one, too!
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bnbc · 6 months
5 Songs, 3 Outfits
WOOOOO thank you for tagging me @corpocyborg
will pass it to RT gang xD Tagging @aylinvail @holylustration @skolas-a @leadflowers @captastra
Rules: Post 5 songs associated with your OC, followed by 3 outfits they would wear.
let's start with CLOTHES okay because fuck rules; I'm still obsessed with Iza's tarot arc, so
// The Fool // The Strength // The Hermit //
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also known as "wannabe Rogue Trader", "whatever shit I want to wear" and "the white dress to vibe with nature at my retirement years"
let's go for the music then! wont share simmer this time xDD
something something 2nd fleet assignment years: quite a good time, but... but.
3. because bby deserves her fucking happy end*
4. THE shippy song
5. THE THE shippy song
ehehehehe! tysm again for tagging!
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fashionablyenigmatic · 8 months
The Fool's Journey through the Incept. :Khazaan.
continued from here
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In Tarot, the Major Arcana symbolizes the Fool's journey—from his initial steps, marveling at the world in blissful ignorance of impending danger. In this narrative, Khazaan embodies the Fool as Card zero. The imagery often portrays a young man engrossed in smelling the roses, oblivious to the looming cliff ahead. Typically, a companion, like a dog, would intervene and divert him from peril. Regrettably, Khazaan lacked such a companion and plunged headlong into the Incept. The Incept is a realm of wild, untamed magic, flashing like lightning across its technicolor, ever-changing landscape. No mortal could traverse this land and survive to recount the tale, yet for a hefty demon like Khazaan, it proved simply nauseating. Navigating by an innate sense of direction was impossible, as the landscape lacked any landmarks that endured longer than his gaze. However, credit must be given to the warrior for recognizing the solidity of the ground beneath him, believing it could provide him with an advantage.
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recusant-s-sigil · 1 year
So you know how the card combat system in CoM is never brought up again in the mainline series (non-mobile games)? This got pretty long, so it’ll be under the cut. Spoilers for Union Cross. TLDR: Ven’s presence in Castle Oblivion is what made it have the card system.
According to the 8th of Ansem the Wise’s secret reports in KH2, “[Castle Oblivion] consists of 13 floors above and 12 floors below ground, with the contents of its ‘White Rooms’ transforming in response to its visitor’s memories.” Those memories are etched onto cards, created by sampling specifically Sora and Riku’s memories. Who is the first person we see create these world cards?
Marluxia, who also teaches Sora how to use the cards to his advantage in combat for some reason. Come to think of it, why does Marluxia show Sora how to use the cards? In-universe, I mean. And how do the CO-assigned Org members know how to use them as well? But I’m getting off-track. We’re here to talk about why the cards are the combat system, not how the characters know how to use it.
Castle Oblivion is a place tied to the Age of Fairytales by its inhabitants, both as the Castle and as the Land of Departure. Ven is from then, as are Marluxia and Larxene, who both end up there. Eraqus is (probably but not confirmed to be) descended from Brain. Xehanort calls the Land of Departure a second home and is also related to a Union Leader, Ephemer. Remember, the contents of the White Rooms reflect the memories of the Castle’s visitors, so what then would happen if someone resided there? Would their memory, no matter if they consciously are aware of it or not, affect the whole castle to such a degree that the combat system reflects that of a bygone era?
Did you know that Kingdom Hearts χ, the browser game, used cards as its combat system? Ever wonder why Flick Rush exists? Dark Road also uses cards in its combat system, though it’s less a game of War and more “hit the enemy with sleights as fast as possible before their turn arrives”.
In Unchained χ and Union Cross, instead of cards, your player character uses Medals, which function basically the same but are exclusive to that specific game. Medals don’t show up anywhere else in the series, unlike cards.
At the end of Union Cross, it’s revealed that the events of Unchained χ were taking place inside a datascape, a digital recreation of the real Daybreak Town. Makes sense, then, that Medals only appear in that specific stretch of time/gameplay. We also discover that Dream Eaters, both Spirits and Nightmares, are actually wielders whose hearts have been kept safe by their Chirithy, transforming it into the technicolor Pokémon ripoffs of Dream Drop Distance. Only makes sense that they’d use cards for Flick Rush in that case, right?
Ever wonder why Luxord’s title is the Gambler of Fate when his attribute is time? Cards and dice, the main weapons he and his subset of Nobodies use, have been associated with fortune-telling since they were invented. Card reading, especially Tarot, are popular forms of attempting to predict the future or find out something important about yourself and others pertaining your/their destiny. But in this series, destiny is never left to chance, meaning no need to gamble. Perhaps Luxord is hoping to game the system while staying within the rules.
Back to world cards. Doesn’t the way they work seem oddly familiar? They use the memory of a person to project a world for them to interact with within a single location. Sounds very much like the Book of Prophecies creating worlds from the future it saw (the memory of that future etched in its pages) for wielders to collect Lux from the safety of Daybreak Town, since the actual worlds are too far away to get to besides using a Corridor of Darkness or similar.
I could go into how Skuld, Sigurd, and the Dark Road Norse Name crew connect to this (and possibly speculate about Sigurd’s role in Missing-Link), as well as the strange pods in CO/the Mansion and the significance of the Master’s Defender Keyblade being the one used to lock away the LoD but that’s more research than I could possibly stomach right now so I’ll save that analysis for another time. Besides, that’s more related to fate in general and not specifically cards so it’s probably best to keep that separate anyways.
If you made it this far, I want to thank you for reading! This is something I’ve had on my mind for a while and it feels great to finally get it down on paper (or rather, in a post).
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yukii0nna · 1 month
Action Girl: Comes with the territory
All Loving Hero: Is pretty willing to see the good in everyone.
Battle Dancer: Tends to use dance moves in her fights.
Beware the Nice One: try to harm her friends and family, see how that goes
Bilingual Bonus: Sometimes speaking in Spanish when she's panicking or too excited
Big beautiful Woman: Downplayed but is a bit chubby and is seen as cute.
Blessed with Suck: Has the ability to predict the future but not only can't see it,it gives great headaches and it made her an outcast before meeting Yuya.
Blue is Heroic: Wear blue and Purple and it is a sweet, fun lover.
Cards Of Power: Uses the Card Magic: The Tarot sighted.
Dark and Troubled Past: Lost her parents when she was a baby and grew up in the foster system until she was eleven. Even after she was adopted she was bullied.
Genki Girl: Pretty chipper about life and sees the world as a mostly good place.
Happily Adopted: Is this
Hidden Depths: Knows a lot about history
Lunar Motifs: Wears a moon necklace and often uses the moon card. Her birth mother also used moon magic
Platonic Life Partners: Is this with Yuya
Technicolor Hair: Light Green curly hair
Trauma Button: Usually sleep in a nightlight due to some experiences with the dark...
@punkeropercyjackson @insomniac-jay @honeypotsworld @mayameanderings @gritsandbrits
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hauntedgardenking · 2 years
Sometimes in between teeth filled with raspberries I sputter technicolors so saccharine I’d be mistaken for fireworks in the middle of white out conditions and if I turn my head just right I could see through the lens of lives past and future, I don’t need the tarot cards to bleed ephemeral for me, no
In the wake of distribution challenges and those left with açaí dyed fingertips I could wake the belief of days destined for me and from some that could dance around the carousel in my daydreams a shield of daisies, petunias, and carrot flowers
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infjtarot · 1 year
Queen of Swords. Weiser Waite Smith Tarot
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A queen on her throne is looking straight ahead at what lies before her. She holds her sword aloft. The Queen of Swords uses her wit and intelligence to rule. She would perhaps be Queen Elizabeth I, who maneuvered around her enemies strategically but was also ready to ride into battle. I always think of the Queen of Swords as a photographer. There is an interest in the subject—maybe even something that can be thought of as love—but the photographer must distance herself from the subject in order to capture it. She puts up this barrier of the camera, and she must set aside her love for a moment to think about shadow, light, framing, and so on. Her love is where things begin as the inspiration, but then the artist, the thinker, the craftsman takes over. That distance from the love allows the subject to be examined thoroughly. Love is, after all, a foggy state, all moonbeams and crashing waves and delirious swooning. It changes our focus: all of the faults kind of blur out while their virtues are shown in Technicolor. To truly pin down an object of love, one has to remove oneself (a little) from that dreamy state to keep it all from getting mushy and soft. The photographer Sally Mann created beautiful and loving images of her children. She portrayed them as they were, which included their injuries, their nudity, their half-wild, playful frenzies. In her memoir, Hold Still, she remarked that she had to stop being their mother in the moment it took to take each photograph, and become simply an artist instead. Her children were her collaborators, but she had to remove her love for them from the setup in order to take the shot. She couldn’t worry about their scraped knees and bloody noses, she couldn’t desire to wrap them in blankets to warm them, she couldn’t worry how the images of her half-naked five-year-old daughter would be seen by others—she had to put that aside to take the shot. It took, as she wrote, “a sliver of ice” in her heart. Only after the picture had been taken could she return to being their mother. And that is the role of the Queen of Swords. Many writers have had to distance themselves from their lovers in order to write about them, from Marguerite Duras’s hypnotic The Lover, to Calvin Trillin’s account of his wife’s death, About Alice. There has to be a sliver of ice to give the Queen a little perspective. To give the love some form. But it’s important to remove the ice, to go back to loving. The Queen of Swords can detach too much. She can wield her sword not toward the art but toward the lover. Dissection is a powerful act, but it should happen on the page or on the film or on the canvas, and not on the living person. It will take a little compartmentalization to get the balance right, but it can be easy for this particular Queen to slide into cruelty. So use the sword in the right direction and for the right reasons. To examine, not to wound. And know when it’s time to put down the sword and reach out with your hands again instead. RECOMMENDED MATERIALS The photography of Diane Arbus The Lover, book by Marguerite Duras Hold Still, book by Sally Mann Documenting Science, book of photography by Berenice Abbott Jessa Crispin
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synfulwitchcraft · 2 years
Finally giving Marseilles Tarot a chance… got the sister of my very first deck in rainbow technicolor and she reads like a DREAM (though the tarot snob in me is perpetually miffed about pip cards hah). Anyways, here’s a wonderful cheat sheet I want to keep for myself and also share with anyone still tuned in to this ghost-town of a blog:
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shoreslippery · 2 years
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Colouring image for @rosalarian's Tarot deck for the colouring competition!
Kickstarting now, check out their Technicolor queer-friendly Tarot.
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theworldwalkerswols · 3 months
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Klynrhot “Rhot” Hyltklinsyn 6 Inspos Chart 🥳
With thanks to @/beauxiv and @/sanquines on xitter, here are the original and expanded versions!
WoL Inspo Chart Descriptive Text
Prompt text: Pick 6 characters that helped inspire/continue to inspire your WoL!
Rhot’s Six Characters:
Jim Hawkins, from Treasure Planet (2002)
Meteor Survivor, from Final Fantasy X|V (the close-up of Dawntrail / Viper!Meteor specifically)*
Merry Brandybuck, from The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) - specifically, an image of him standing on a table and singing with a tankard of ale in his hand
Will Turner, from one of the later Pirates of the Caribbean films (fuck if I know which one, at this point)
Robin Hood, yes, the fox one specifically
Thor, from the MCU In this image Mjolnir rests on his shoulder. He looks toward the camera, his eyes luminous corner to corner. Behind him is a technicolor sky shot through with lightning.
*Since Rhot was designed to be my Canon!WoL, i.e. designed to belong to and in the world of Eitherys, Meteor is here unironically!
Visual Inspirations and Motifs:
Tarot Major Arcana VIII and X: Strength and Wheel of Fortune
A spray of Scilla flowers (aka Sea Onion)
A photograph of a clear night sky with Polaris at the center
A dramatic solar flare gushing from the surface of the sun
The tube of a breaking wave, the water bright blues and greens
Quotes, Lyrics, Verses that Inspire:
BLAET & SAELZ | BLOOD & SALT -Rhot’s family credo
River to the ocean goes / a fortune for the undertow… -”Find the River,” R.E.M.
And I went home / chasin’ twisters in the canyon / my cathedral is the badlands… -”Chasing Twisters,” Delta Rae
“Once a selkie finds its skin again, neither chains of steel nor chains of love can keep her from the sea. From that day on, it was forbidden to harm a seal on the island.” -The Secret of Roan Inish (1994)
Inspo Chart Descriptive Text End
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Meet the Crescent Keepers!
#7: Chisora Kammitsu
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"Though to others it may seem a bit odd or spooky, Hoshi-jin and seventh official Crescent Keeper Chisora Kammitsu has always found comfort in the dark and mysterious. Whether it be researching the dark arts, befriending cryptids and aliens, or simply watching classic horror movies, she loves it all! She longs to explore and discover all the weird, fascinating things there are out there in the violet, swirling cosmos!"
This is Chisora Kammitsu, the Star-elemental Hoshi-jin from Calypso Cavern! She is 21 years old (born December 7th, 1979) and is 4'11" (149.9 cm.)! She is biromantic/bisexual and is a cisgender female!
Her personality can be described as imaginative, compassionate, a big dreamer, emotional at times, mysterious, intuitive, wise, a bit immature sometimes, introverted, and very supportive!
Her hobbies/favorite things are observing bugs (mainly butterflies), daydreaming, pranking people (by jumpscaring), classic ballet, watching dark comedy movies, writing poetry, reading manga, playing guitar, playing with her cat, practicing illusion magic, & collecting tarot cards!
She knew Mirai and Minami before they joined the CKs since they all come from affluent families, and she has autism.
She is currently studying creative writing at Technicolor Academy!
Magical Girl form to be posted soon!
~ Mod Ricochet
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vishawatch · 2 years
Redefining luxury with Glenmorangie’s Maharaja Highballs
The stage was set, IF.BE—Mumbai’s history! 144-year-old factory was turned into transdisciplinary space.
But where was the showstopper at this event?? And who exactly was the showstopper? The hints were there for all to see. The unique space decked with bright oranges and lush foliage, orange-themed mood lighting, and more. The bright orange and its hues must’ve given away the showstopper. Yes indeed, it was the luxury single malt, Glenmorangie from the Maison of Moët Hennessy at LVMH.
That’s not all, the stars were set to shine—a stunning collaboration between Wondermaker Karsh Kale’s electric music and Nikunj Patel’s dazzling art. But what did this collaboration hold in store for guests at this exciting occasion that would set the tone for all upcoming events in the world of luxury single malt Scotch? You had to see it to believe it as Karsh Kale’s groovy symphonies and Nikunj Patel’s nostalgic yet effervescent artworks formed the perfect couple to enthral guests on this hard-to-forget night.
And welcome to Delicious Design Project, Glenmorangie’s ode to India’s stunning culture and vibrancy, and a step forward in unlocking unique luxury experiences for the hedonist in us. This ode to India was celebrated in the form of a beautiful art film that meshed perfectly with the ‘orange’ theme.
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That’s not all, the art film was complimented at this opulent event in the form of three art zones, each celebrating the culture and pulse of this beautiful country of ours in the form of sensory and experiential exhibits, stunning visuals, and foot-tapping rhythms.
Raas took the guests through the beauty of courtyards where magnificent celebrations and alluring music set the tone for the rest of the evening. Khuld took the guests through an immersive journey of Kashmir, where art and music intermingled to showcase gorgeous vistas from the Kashmir valley. And ultimately, this grandiose event closed with Shararat where guests were invited to a scintillating party experience against the backdrop of Mumbai’s iconic skyline.
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This was one of Glenmorangie’s first forays into mesmerizing luxury experiences, and what a night it was! The theme of being inspired by India was visible right from the outset with a maze-like entrance with a tarot card reader, exciting takeaways for guests in the form of tangerine sunglasses and orange scarves, and not to mention, The Maharaja Highball—a specially crafted cocktail for the night, which ended up being one of the highlights of this luxurious and glamorous evening.
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With these unique experiential exhibits, stars par excellence, the extraordinary Maharaja Highball, and the luxurious showstopper itself, Glenmorangie dazzled guests and showcased the best India has to offer through the technicolor lenses of its looking glass.
Original Source: Watches and Whisky
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Welcome to my pinned!
Not a lot to say here, mostly just a little directory here!
Who will answer questions asked?
FAQs? <- Reading these are a must if you want to ask something :) (they’re under the cut)
Current Fronter(s) (if you’re wanting to ask a specific question to a specific someone, this is a great way to figure out when someone’s available!)
I don’t really have a DNI or any sort of fancy CARRD for us, so this is the best we’ve got. Thanks for stopping by!
🔨⚠️Under Construction⚠️🔧
Howdy there!  In case you were wondering how you got here, you’ve somehow stumbled upon the personal interactive blog of my system. Headmates interact here on the regular and are encouraged to do so.
What is this blog/what will I see here?
this blog was started to be somewhere I could use to vent about issues I have as someone who suffers from mental and chronic illness, but I slowly decided that I wanted it to be a safe space for my headmates and system as a whole. We’ll mostly be answering questions and posting doodles by alters and/or ones I wouldn’t share on my main. We will answer things similarly to an ask blog from time to time.
What are the tags on here and what do they mean?
#artofhorrors will be for any art posted, #your ghost host is for posts from the host (me!), #gruff and grumble is for Gruff,  #cheerytree is for Layla,  #carebear bubs is for Teddybear,  #cumulocloud is for Cirrus, #tarot readings is for Natalia,  #miss me with that shit is for Riley,  #bumbly bee is for Zee,  #cuddlebug is for Beetle,  #cupcake is for Muffin, #you crack me up little buddy is for Sam, #tell me what the commissioner said is for Max, #train departing is for Tucker, #shark bait ooh ha ha is for Finny, #malibu is for Barbie, #mister minecraft is for Phil, #till death do us part is for Eve, #now in 3D is for Jack, #sharp and stabby is for “Edgelord”, #fruity drink is for Mèngo, #butterfly girl is for Genevieve, #bear bud is for Freds, #full moon is for Rox, #here comes the sun is for Sun, #rises the moon is for Moon, #spinning like a ballerina is for Macy, #paging on-call doctor is for Shannon, #itty bitty caterpillar is for Kaiser, #bits and bobs is for Blinky, #deep blue sea is for Blue, #technicolor canopy is for Inky, #watch me roll is for Tootsie, #chocolate bunny boy is for Cadbury, #cotton head is for Sofaipilla, #now in color! and #scarab!! is for Sphinks, #paddle paws is for Benji, #long ears is for Lemon, #pick a flower is for Iris, #for the departed is for Reaper, #poor unfortunate souls is for Obelisk, #chickadee darling is for Chica, #alligator aggravator is for Monty, #record scratch is for DJMM, #tropicana bro is for Splenda, #big papa Tex is for Texas, #yellow lovely is for Callie, #crisscross applesauce is for Cross, #flower girl is for Lily, #snuggle bear is for Horror, #big man tom is for Tommy, #big man tubbo is for Tubs, #vanity is a killer is for Vanity, #the red means I love you is for Roone, #said the spider to the fly is for Tule, #rocket boy is for Kepler, #blueby ice cream is for Mooney, #powdered sugardust is for Dust, #happy buzzing is for Zazzy, #dearly delightful is for Delite, #dead or alive is for Geno, #apple dumpling dearest is for Passi, #serpentine is for Pen, #explodes is for Blueberror/Blueby, #curious yet curiouser is for SciFi, #little dovelet is for Goth, #flutterbutter is for Fluttershy, #sKill issue is for Killer (#3), #littles under wraps is for any posts relating to/requested by littles, #unhappy house chat is for ask posts, #unhappy haunts is for personal text posts, #headstone text is for general text posts, #mild murmurs are for vents/vent posts, #blurry/hazy is for any post where we’re unsure of who is at front
#birthday crypt is for posts relating to a birthday.
What exactly are headmates/alters/systems/etc.?
I’m not really comfortable trying to explain it and then getting backlash for being wrong. Do your research on the topics before trying to say anything nasty. And if you don’t have something nice to say, maybe don’t say anything at all.
Why did you make a system blog?
My headmates are the ones who have been dying to interact with people, and I’ve been hesitant, but want them to at least have a chance to hang out and meet new people. We are never going to promote this blog, so if you happen to find it, you are the only ones who will know I have headmates. I’d prefer that if you do figure out and find my main, don’t mention this at all. It doesn’t feel safe, even when diagnosed, to have the two overlap. I’m keeping my personal blog separate from my special interests.
who are your headmates anyway?
I am a poly-fragmented DID system, meaning that I do have subsystems within my own system. I will separate those host alters by italicizing their names and then explaining which alters are in their systems. 
Personally that I have been able to identify in my own system: Barbie, Beetle, Blinky, Blueby, Cirrus, Connor, Cross, Delite, Dust, Edgelord, Finny, Fissure, Genevieve, Geno, Goth, Gruff, Horror, Iris, Jack, Kaiser, Kill3r, Layla, Max, Méngo, Mooney, Muffin, Natalia, Obelisk, Passi, Reaper, Riley, Roone, Sam, Sans Manatale, Shannon, Sir Pentious (Pent), Sphinks, Splenda, Teddybear, Texas, Tucker, Tule, Vanity, Zazzy, and Zee.
Genevieve’s system (🦋) includes: Freds, Chica, Rox, Chompy, Nilla, DJMM, Cassie, Gregy, Sun, Moon, Macy, Monty, Lily, Benji, and Lemon.
Blinky’s system (🧿) includes: Blue, Inky, Tootsie, Cadbury, and Sofaipilla.
Tucker & Jack’s system (📼) includes: Callie, Phil, Eve, Tommy, and Tubs.
Kaiser’s system (🐛) includes: Kepler.
Tule had a split(🧶): SciFi.
Goth’s system (🕊) includes: Fluttershy.
Delite had a split(🍓🍨): Rainier.
Two of these systems include littles that are not listed for their safety and ours. They will not be on this blog interacting, but may be mentioned or drawn.
Do any of your headmates use brackets when they talk?
Yes, some of them do! Others simply use identifying emojis, which I don’t have an issue with- *gruff talks like this /Teddybear talks like this/ •Layla talks like this• <Cirrus talks like this> }Natalia talks like this{ «Riley talks like this» °Zee talks like this° 🪲Beetle talks like this🪲 🧁Muffin talks like this🧁 „Sam talks like this„ ¡Max talks like this! £Tucker talks like this£ ≈Tommy talks like this≈ ¥Tubs talks like this¥ ≠Finny talks like this≠ 👠Barbie talks like this €Phil talks like this€ 🌿Eve talks like this👁‍🗨 ₽Jack talks like this₽ “Edgelord Talks Like This” or “LIKE THIS” 🥭Mèngo talks like this 🦋Genevieve talks like this🦋 ⚡️Freddy talks like this⚡️ ☀️Sun talks like this☀️ 🌙Moon talks like this🌙 🎹DJMM talks like this🎹 🐊Monty talks like this🐊 🐺Rox(y) talks like this🐺 🐓Chica talks like this🐓 🩹Gregy talks like this🩹 🍬Cassie talks like this🍬 🦊Benji talks like this 🐰Lemon talks like this 🪷Lily talks like this 🩰Macy talks like this ₩Shannon talks like this₩ 🐛Kaiser talks like this🐛 🌀Blinky talks like this🌀 🔵Blinky’s Blue talks like this🔵 ✒️Blinky’s Inky talks like this🖋 🍥Tootsie talks like this🍥 🍫Cadbury talks like this🐇 💤Sofaipilla talks like this💤 🎨Sphinks talks like this🖌 ;;Iris talks like this;; ¢Reaper talks like this¢ 🪓Horror talks like this 🐙Obelisk talks like this 💛Callie talks like this 🕯Geno talks like this ♟Dust talks like this ❌Cross talks like this 🚀Kepler talks like this🌟💫 §Texas talks like this§ 🍊Splenda talks like this 🕷Tule talks like this 🎯Vanity talks like this ❤️‍🔥Roone talks like this 🦜Zazzy talks like this 🫐Mooney Talks Like This🍦 🌾Passi talks like this 🧬SciFi talks like this 🐍Pentiousss talksss like thisss 🍌Blueberror talk-talk-talks like this-th-this 🍓Delite talks like this!🍰 🕊Goth talks like this 🔪Kil3r talks like this 🎠Fluttershy talks like this…
More will be added if and when the alter chooses a bracket for themself. Please be respectful of alters with typing quirks, stutters, etc.
Why don’t you want to post this art/these things on your main?
Because that’s not what my main is about. My system and my personal life is not what I want on my main. This is for my headmates and my system.
You’re copying _______! I’m telling on you!
I’m reeeeally not. System blogs are overly common now, and I don’t have a problem with sharing my own experiences.
Can you tell us more about yourselves?
Links to everyone’s personal introductions will be added as they come in! It will take a while as I want everyone to do them themselves, so waiting for someone to front is the best option.
Bones’ intro is here: https://at.tumblr.com/unhappy-house-of-horrors/time-to-make-an-introductory-post-i/b1pde6z5rv2q Gruff’s intro is here: https://at.tumblr.com/unhappy-house-of-horrors/name-role-age-my-pronouns-are-things-that/vjtgd8xuvq08  Sofa’s intro is here: https://www.tumblr.com/unhappy-house-of-horrors/717335133955457024 Mèngo’s intro is here: https://www.tumblr.com/unhappy-house-of-horrors/718712766923472896
Why won’t you let your littles on here?
Because they’re just that: littles. Alters who are under 11 are not allowed to interact on here. They may request their drawings to be posted and we may make art of them, but they will NOT answer any questions or do anything themselves. Think of it like being old enough to have your first phone. You don’t need to be on social media when you get one, in my opinion as an adult, and my other adult alters agree that they don’t need to be on here. Even the minor alters that *are* allowed to post here are under supervision and not allowed to post without approval.
Who can we ask questions?
That master post is located at this link: https://www.tumblr.com/unhappy-house-of-horrors/703587049761095680/masterlist-of-who-will-answer-questions-you-may?source=share
Last Updated: 06/17/24
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comparativetarot · 2 years
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The Fool. Art by Megan Rose Gedris, from the Technicolor Tarot.
Who knows what lies beyond the rainbow? Only one way to find out.
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afoolandathief · 3 years
All the first lines tag
Tagged by @author-a-holmes, thank you Ari!
How to Play: Share the first line from each chapter of your current Work In Progress.
Something Wicked spoilers below the cut (although some of these sections will be cut in my latest draft)
Open tag on this one!
It was a quarter to eight when Jade heard a rapping on her screen door.
The worst thing about an unattended death in a sweltering city had to be the smell, Kenneth Brooks thought to himself.
In his six-hundred-and-seventeenth year of being on this earth, Casimir Jozef Mraz had come to a realization.
Jade had always been good with numbers.
Caz was having the most wonderful of dreams.
Jade had gotten herself lost in a thought, again.
421. 425. Unconscious female. Either late teens or early twenties. Callers are reporting a head injury.
John. Lincoln. King. Seven. One. Six.
“Well, isn’t this grand?”
[This is where you can tell rewrites stop]
Caz flew over the garishly lit skyline, taking in the technicolor view for a moment.
By day, the Apothecarie, located in North Las Vegas, offered a variety of crystals, herbal pulstices, and “genuine love potions” that would let a visitor return home saying they did something a bit different than the usual Vegas scene.
Jade had been kicked out of several casinos over the last few years.
Jade tried to focus on the star pattern laid out before her, willing a vision to come to her. The only thing that appeared was one all too familiar. A burst of light, and heat, all-encompassing heat.
“This doesn’t make any sense.”
Jade pulled up outside Caz’s condo to see him exiting with a suitcase and a cooler.
Caz crashed as soon as he got home, sleeping in until almost 10 p.m. After a late breakfast he stepped onto his balcony. A popping noise echoed through the night and a small bat appeared in his place, flitting into the dark sky.
Sydney Arravich was waiting for the shitty hospital food as he flipped through channels on the minuscule television in the corner.
Jade pulled up to the ranch house. A metal windmill and green barn sat in the background. A strikingly all-black rooster with iridescent plumage strolled through the yard.
Jade parked her car on the street and walked awkwardly up to the club. Caz was waiting out front in his usual ensemble.
Lila and Caz waited underneath the canopy at the camp. It was fortunately a moonless night, with the only light coming from Lila’s phone as she skipped through songs on a playlist.
Caz practically crawled his way home, budging his way through the French doors on his balcony and passing out on the coach.
Jade tossed the dice. A three and a four.
The Apothecarie drew its fair share of tourists. While not the usual appeal of Vegas, the city offered the alternative types their tarot cards, crystals and various herbs and incense. Ember was always glad when he could flip the sign to close and get back to his book.
Jade was crossing the campus on her way to TA a class when she stopped suddenly, staring at a palm tree.
Kobalos Katsaros had seen quite a few horrifying things in coming to discover who his father was. But even he knew to avoid the tunnels under Sandhill.
Jade tapped her hands on the booth’s table.
Brooks parked at the playground near a grove of trees and a wastebasket overflowing with cigarette butts and beer cans.
Jade was still at the poker table when Ruby came up to her. She barely glanced up.
While he had gone to bed satisfied, Caz woke up in the middle of the afternoon to some discomfort. The vomiting had left him dehydrated and the pint of blood hadn’t been enough. Stretching and smacking his cottony mouth, he threw on his robe and headed to the kitchen.
Brooks sat down at the bar and ordered a drink when he saw a dark-haired woman approach him.
Caz grimaced as he attempted to pull out another bullet from his foot. The packaging for the set of tweezers he had bought up front sat nearby on the bench.
Violet leaned back against the worn seat cover as the truck’s motions gently rocked her.
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