#Ted lasso au
ofstarsandvibranium · 11 months
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Fandom: Ted Lasso (Regency AU)
Pairing: Roy Kent x F!Reader
Summary: Lord Roy Kent still has yet to marry. He hates the notion that marriage is a way to ensure your status in society. You have delayed your debut to society for years because of the same idea. So what happens when two people who hate the idea of marriage are constantly drawn to each other?
A/N: inspired by my post here. 
Part 1
Part 2  
Part 3 
Part 4 
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
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gaytedlasso · 1 year
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A young Trent Crimm gets asked to do an exposé on AFC Richmond and requests 3 days to watch training and shadow different players. The article is finished after the first day and just spends the next two sketching the team’s newest player, Ted Lasso 💙
inspired by my bestie Jay @bahoreal 's fantastic fic Lasso 7
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tedbecca wedding vibes
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stevethehairington · 1 year
HAPPY BIRTHDAY @stevecarrington!!!!! I HOPE TODAY IS UNBELIEVEABLE!! i'm so glad this fandom has brought us together, you're such a wonderful friend and im very lucky to know you!! i know how much you love steddie AND ted lasso so i whipped up a little steddie lasso for you, i hope you enjoy 💕💕
Eddie is not quite sure how he got here.
One day he was sprawling across his ornately carved DM throne, gleefully ruining the lives of those brave enough to sit at his table and dip their toes into his particular brand of tabletop roleplay chaos, and the next he was packing up his life and getting on a bus heading west, back to god damn Hawkins, Indiana — the hometown he swore he'd never come back to all to coach soccer.
Yeah. That's right. Soccer.
The thing is — he's never been a sportsball kind of guy. Not baseball, not basketball, not football. Certainly not soccer. Outside of ogling the players for their tight little shorts and their calf-hugging socks, of course. The only reason he knows even the slightest brush of the basics — and even then, it's a strech to say he knows it — is because Wayne is a sportsball guy.
But apparently that incredibly bare quasi-knowledge of it was good enough for Chrissy — Eddie's best friend extraordinaire and prominent figure in the sports world (truth be told, Eddie really couldn't tell you what her actual position was — all he knew was that she did everything and was everywhere. Seriously, it was insane how many connections she had in the world of professional organized sports.) — because when she heard the words "looking for strong leadership" and "to build comraderie" and especially "with a creative, outside of the box approach" when the league announced that they were looking for a new head coach, she had immediately submitted Eddie's name. Without even consulting him on it. Without even telling him in the first place.
It was a true testament to just how desperate the club was that they had actually chosen him.
Getting that call had boggled his damn mind.
Still does, if he's being honest.
And now here he is, fresh off the bus and standing in front of Nancy goddamn Wheeler — the tiny, but incredibly intimidating owner of the whole goddamn team.
"Eddie, welcome," Nancy says, flashing him a perfectly pleasant smile that still somehow makes him feel like prey. "It's great to meet you."
She holds out her hand, and Eddie quickly wipes his palm against his jeans before accepting it. Her handshake is firm — she's not fucking around.
"It's lovely to meet you too, ma'am," Eddie replies, with his politest midwestern manners.
Nancy's lips press together, turning down at the corners, and for a brief moment Eddie thinks he's somehow managed to fuck this up already. Could you get fired for sweaty hands? Was that legal?
But then a small laugh slips from those lips and Nancy says, "Just Nancy. Ma'am makes me feel like I'm seventy-five and belong in the bingo hall."
Eddie can't help the bleat of laughter that bubbles out, probably a little too enthusiastic. "Hey, the bingo hall's a riot," he says.
That gets Nancy to chuckle again before she clears her throat and smooths down the lapels of her blazer. "Well, thank you so much for taking on this position, we're really grateful to have you here, and we look forward to seeing what you can do for us," she says, and she sounds genuine about it, which puts Eddie a little more at ease. Nancy barrels on, "I'm sure Chrissy had briefed you about speaking with the press?" She asks, but she doesn't give him a chance to answer. "You'll just be sitting down with some journalists and answering any questions they may have — and I'm sure they'll have plenty."
Eddie lets out another nervous titter. Yeah, he's sure too. "Sure," he says. "Um, and that's... tomorrow? Later this week?"
Nancy makes a face, a sort of half grimace, half sympathetic thing.
Eddie's stomach turns.
"Actually," Nancy starts, eyes flickering towards the door behind Eddie, "it's right now."
"Did— did Chrissy not let you know that?" She asks, chewing on her lip.
"No, no!" Eddie is quick to reply. "She did, I'm sure she did, I just— probably wasn't listening. It's kind of been a... crazy fucking day—" his eyes go wide, "— I mean—"
Nancy laughs. "You can say that a-fucking-gain," she agrees, and Eddie's shoulders relax from where they'd tensed up to his ears.
"Well, I'm sorry to just throw you to the wolves like this, but we can't really call it off now," Nancy continues, giving him an apologetic look.
Eddie glances towards the door too and nods. Rolls back his shoulders and straightens his spine. Let's himself slip into his DM persona — the guy that can handle every punch that's thrown his way, no problem.
"No, it's fine. I got this," he says, nodding again.
Nancy smiles and leads him towards the door. "Whenever you're ready," she tells him.
Eddie takes a deep breath, steels himself, and turns the handle.
Immediately he is bombarded by flashing cameras and an increase in volume as dozens of eyes all pinprick right onto him.
He's got this. They're just people. He's good with people.
Eddie climbs the two steps leading up to the staging area and swaggers to his place behind the desk, dropping himself into the seat. He reaches out to tap the microphone, which emits a sharp whine that shuts the crowd up.
He stifles his grin and leans into the mic, "Let's start this thing, shall we?" He pauses, scans the audience, quirks a brow. "Questions?"
Almost every single hand shoots straight up.
Yep. Should've seen that coming.
"Okay, okay, you know what? Let's just—" he motions for everyone to put their hands down, "— yeah, there we go. Great. Thanks. Right. I'm sure a lot of you have some of the same questions, so why don't I start by clearing a few things up first."
He wriggles in his seat, getting comfortable. "Yes, the rumors are true. No, I have not coached soccer before. Haven't coached anything before, actually. Hell, I'm probably the least qualified guy they could have hired for the spot," he laughs, and a murmur goes through the crowd. "I don't really know the first thing about soccer, but what I do know is that this team, the Hawkins Demodogs FC, these ferocious warriors of sport— they're going to get out on that field and they're— they're gonna put all of their intelligence and wisdom and strength into it," he says firmly, falling back on his trusty DnD knowledge. Game of sports can't be that different from a campaign, right? "They're gonna put their constitution to good use and fall back on their dexterity and they're going to defeat their enemies — I'll make sure of it."
Glasses guy in the second rows eyebrows lift, almost like he recognizes the terminology.
"Now," Eddie says, clapping his hands together. "I'll take one question from the masses. Make it a good one."
The hands shoot back up again, but the only one Eddie notices is the one belonging to glasses guy. It raises it a beat after the rest, lifts his hand into the air relaxed, easy, like he doesn't actually care.
It intrigues Eddie. He intrigues Eddie.
"You, in the second row," Eddie says, pointing right at the man.
A slow smile spreads across his face as he rises to his feet, clicks his pen, pushes up his glasses again.
"I like your glasses," Eddie comments, unable to help himself.
The guy's smile twists at the corners. "Thank you," he says, and his voice is smooth, rich, like honey. Eddie kind of wants to bathe in it.
His stomach swoops. "And you are?"
"Steve Harrington, the Indypendent," he says.
Eddie leans forward on his elbows, lets his smile turn a little flirty. "What's your question, Steve Harrington from the Indypendent?" He asks, stretching out Steve's name, loving the way it tastes in his mouth.
"Yeah, I've just got one question for you," he says. He fixes a narrowed, nettled look on Eddie, cocks a hip, and says, in a perfectly, deliciously, bitchy tone, "is this a fucking joke?"
Oh, he's going to be a fun one.
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doctorsiren · 2 years
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Henry’s drawing of his dad, who has a mustache, as a robot was directed specifically at me (how did they know my obsession with dads, mustaches, and robots??? Also it reminded me of Grumbot, so that’s why I included a drawing of him too)
It was only a matter of time before I turned yet another person into a robot :) (and yes, his design is purposefully very similar to Mumbot’s from SSAU for obvious reasons hehe)
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Ted Lasso obikin edition
Obi-Wan: the retired player turned coach. He's strict but kind and also fucking hot
Anakin: the hotshot that idolized Obi-Wan growing up and even played with him before Obi-Wan turned to coaching
Satine: the club owner who has a soft spot for Obi-Wan much to Anakin’s chagrin
Padme: the girlfriend who runs the clubs social media and with every picture she posts of Anakin staring at Obi-Wan's face/muscles/ass she's having to come to terms with the impending breakup
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ramorazinn · 10 months
Imagine I had the attention span to write this S1 AU where the paparazzi incident (not Keeley finding out it was her, but way back at the incident itself) is Rebecca's wake-up call re: fucking over the team.
"I want to rebrand the club,” she tells Keeley the next day. “Every other television programme these days is about a group of doctors or detectives or firefighters or whatnot who operate as a family. Every damn sports movie is about winning because they're not just a team. I want that for Richmond. I want their friendships plastered all over social media. I want to fill those seats with women who don’t give a flying fuck about football who just want to see the boys interact. And if I can imply that Rupert was a bad team dad along the way, I consider that an absolutely luscious cherry on top.”
Keeley seems to be… broken, just staring at her, mouth gaping open like a fish.  It's not the amusement or glee that Rebecca had expected, and she suddenly feels uncertain.
"Am I crazy?" she asks.  "Is this a stupid idea?"
"Fuck no!” Keeley bursts out. “I mean yes, it’s fucking insane, who does that? But do you have any idea what kind of presence the Roy/Jamie shippers already have on Tumblr and AO3?"
Rebecca does not know what any of those things are, and she decidedly does not want to ask, but based on Keeley's excited bouncing and wide grin, they all add up to something promising.
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waywardted · 2 years
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   don't get sad, get even
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cora-devil · 1 year
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tedbecca good omens AU because I'm obsessed with both? Yeah!
Is Ted Aziraphale because both of them left the love of their lives (Rebecca and Crowley) behind even if they asked them to stay? Well...
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had some more thoughts about the ted lasso yellowjackets au
on second thought, jamie is the first one to get eaten because im voting him Most Likely To Stubbornly Freeze To Death In A Blizzard Over A Stupid Argument
he does suggest eating roy like 3 days after the crash
nate destroys the black box
ted does use crutches but mostly gets around the wilderness by piggybacking on beard. he keeps making yoda references.
ive decided roy gets the wilderness visions bc hes objectively the funniest choice
they all call him Big Daddy Wilderness
ted wants to try and fly the plane they find to safety and beard is like 'ted you've got one fucking leg. I'll do it.'
ted does a whole big speech while the beard is taking off; 'well, fellas, it would be real easy to take a look at our situation and to just give up. To think to yourself "what's the point? were done for. might as well just lay down quit". but, just like alanis morissette says, life has a funny way of helping you out. thanks to coach beards ingenuity and courage, we have got a fighting chance of-' *the plane explodes*
when they all walk out to jamie's perfectly barbecued corpse dani says '...football is life...jamie is football...jamie...is life...' and then they eat him
roy chooses rebecca to be the new Big Daddy Wilderness bc obviously
nate bitches in his diary about not being Big Daddy Wilderness
beard comes back after like 2 months with no injuries or explanation as to how he survived the plane exploding. there is a whole episode similar to 2x09 that's just watching him dick around in the wilderness though. he befriends a wild horse.
issac gets the whole 'second spooky personality' thing but nobody catches onto it bc they think hes just fucking with them. like they see him eating handfuls of dirt and are just like 'stop being a knob issac'
Keely and Rebecca's girl talk mostly boils down to all the different ways theyd kill and eat rupert if he were there
ted doesnt try and burn down their cabin but he does become led tasso which is arguably worse
(og post)
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Unexpectedly Yours: Part 1
Fandom: Ted Lasso (Regency AU)
Pairing: Roy Kent x F!Reader
Summary: Lord Roy Kent still has yet to marry. He hates the notion that marriage is a way to ensure your status in society. You have delayed your debut to society for years because of the same idea. So what happens when two people who hate the idea of marriage are constantly drawn to each other?
A/N: inspired by my post here. probably gonna be 2 or 3 parts max mini series.
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You thought you'd have more time. You thought you'd be able to enjoy your youth for just a bit longer, but your time is up. Now five and twenty, your parents can no longer let you delay your debut to society any longer. Tonight, your debut ball, is probably going to be the worst night of your life.
The Viscount, Lord Roy Kent wasn't too keen on moving from London to the small town of Richmond. However, after his brother-in-law's passing, he understood his sister's need for a change of scenery. So he bought an estate in Richmond for him, his sister, and his niece to live in.
Not long after their move, the viscount and his family were already being invited to take part in society, albeit, a small portion of it, but still a notable population of it.
"We should go," Lord Kent's sister, Clara, insists after viewing the invitation over her brother's shoulder.
"We should socialize, Roy. We didn't move here just to be holed up in the house all day. Come on, it could be good for us." Lord Kent groans, and Clara nudges him, "Fine. Don't go. Phoebe and I will go ourselves. I'm sure there will be some children there she could befriend."
Hating the idea of his sister and niece going by themselves gave Lord Kent the push he needed, "Fine. I'll go."
Clara beams at her older brother, "Wonderful!" she plucks the invitation from her brother's hand, "I'll send back a reply that the three of us will be attending."
The day of the ball, your mother was fussing in a way you have never seen before. You and your young cousin, Cecelia, watch your mother flutter about ordering servants and cooks in a very frightening manner.
"I don't like who auntie is right now," your eight year old cousin whispers to you.
You snort, "Just wait until you debut, I'm sure it'll be just the same. Maybe worse."
Cecelia grimaces and then sighs, "Do you think other children will be attending? I've made sure all of my dolls look pretty if they do."
"I'm sure a few will come, Cece."
"Is Keeley coming? I like playing with her."
You softly smile at Cecelia, "Yes, but she won't be able to play with you, darling. She has to socialize with everyone and, most importantly, keep any potential suitors away from me," you give your cousin a joking nudge.
Your attention is suddenly on your mother as she starts scolding one of your handmaidens. You rush over to them and step in-between them, "Mother, what happened?"
"The flower arrangements are all wrong! They don't look how I want them to. They-"
"Mother," you place your hands on her shoulders, "Breathe." You then nod to your handmaiden and she scurries away. You guide her to a nearby bench and sit beside her, "I've never seen you so stressed before. You've planned balls prior to this."
"Yes, but this is especially important. This is your debut. The time for you to finally find a husband. Potential suitors will be here and everything needs to be perfect! Most importantly, the viscount Lord Kent and his family will be attending."
Your brows shoot up in surprise, "Really?"
You've heard news about the viscount and his family. They moved to the small town of Richmond due to Lord Kent's sister's husband passing away. She has a daughter around the same age as Cecelia.
Lady O'Sullivan, Lord Kent's sister, and her daughter, Phoebe, have been seen out, but there have been very few sightings of Viscount Kent. He's, essentially, an anomaly, a mystery that everyone is trying to solve.
You? You have no particular interest in him at all, even if he is attending the ball held in your honor.
"Mother, I'm sure however the flower arrangements turn out, it'll be fine. Everything will be fine."
When Lord Kent, Lady O'Sullivan, and Phoebe arrive, there are already many guests present. As soon as they step foot into your home, your mother is rushing up to them.
"Lord Kent, it is an honor to be your host for tonight."
Clara steps forward, "Thank you so much for the invitation, Lady L/N," she thanks your mother with a curtsey. She then gestures to her brother, "This is my brother, Lord Kent and my daughter, Phoebe."
Your mother curtsies to Lord Kent and smiles at Phoebe, "Hello Phoebe. My niece is upstairs with other children. If you go to Jane," she points at the woman at the bottom of the stairs, "she can take you to them."
Phoebe looks up at her mother and when she receives a nod, she hastily rushes to Jane, ready to play with other children.
"I hope you enjoy the ball," your mother says, "My daughter, Y/N, is somewhere here, either mingling or hiding," she gives a sorry expression and then moves to greet other arriving guests.
Lord Kent groans as he enters the ballroom and Clara elbows him, "Behave. Go converse, mingle." Lord Kent slowly turns his head and glares at his sister, who then snorts, "Or stand in a corner and look menacing." She leaves her brother's side, heading for the h'orderves.
Lord Kent assumed his intimidating stature. His hands clasped behind his back as he walks around the ballroom. It was much smaller than ones he's been in when he lived in London. Still, it was impressive for a home in a small town.
"Sir?" a servant offers a tray of drinks and Lord Kent takes one. He sips the beverage, still wandering around the room, a looming and intimidating presence.
Your dance card had filled up quick. Left and right were you pulled around the dance floor by different prospects of men. They were all so...boring.
After another dance, you drag your body to the corner where Keeley and her fiancé, James, or Jamie as he liked to be referred to, stood in the corner talking and drinking.
"So?" your best friend asks with hopeful eyes.
"Just as boring as the last," you say as James offers you a drink, "Honestly, I don't understand how you dealt with this for years until this numpty finally turned himself around," you gesture to Jamie.
Jamie shrugs, "I'm just lucky she was willing to give me another chance," he kisses Keeley's cheek lovingly and you inwardly sigh. You always hoped to have a love like theirs. Yes, it was rocky at the start, but Jamie had changed himself around to be the man Keeley deserved.
"Yes, well," you lift your now empty glass, "I'm going to get another one of these." As soon as you turn around, you bump into a man, causing his drink to spill over him.
Your eyes widen, "I'm-"
"Watch where you're going," he rasps out.
You're taken aback, "Excuse me?"
"You need to be more aware of your surroundings," the man says with a frown.
You scoff, "Well I didn't know you were right behind me, so maybe it's you who needs to be aware of your surroundings and not stand so close to people!"
The man's brows furrow and just as he opens his mouth to retort, your mother appears by his side, "I am so sorry about this, Lord Kent. I'm sure this was an accident, right, Y/N?"
"Yes, an accident," you say, glaring at the viscount.
"We will happily pay for a new coat," you mother says and you roll your eyes.
"It's fine," Lord Kent mumbles and turns on his heel, going back in the direction he came.
Your mother turns to you with a stern expression, "You best hope you didn't upset Lord Kent too much."
"It was an accident, mother. Besides, he stood too close to me. How was I suppose to know he was right behind me?"
After the ball ended, you were so exhausted. The dancing, the mingling, all of it was too much. Several men had asked to call upon you, but you had declined, to your mother's dismay.
A week later, you thought you would have a break from your mother's meddling in your future. However, you were very wrong.
Your mother had called you in and surprised you with a guest.
"Lord Kent?" you look at him confusedly and then give your mother a questioning stare.
"Lord Kent accompanied his niece, Phoebe, here so she can play with Cecelia."
"How...thoughtful," you clear your throat and smooth out your dress, "Well, I'll let you two talk while I go back to reading," you move to step out of the room, but your mother stops you.
"Wait, darling, can you keep Lord Kent company for a moment? I just need to check in with the kitchen for lunch. It'll be only for a moment." she looks at you expectantly. You know exactly what she's doing and you don't like it one bit. She's already been on you about rejecting several suitors. A part of you regrets that now because, maybe if you hadn't, you wouldn't be forced to sit here with Lord Kent.
"Very well," you slowly lower yourself onto the bench beside your mother.
Your mother jumps to her feet excitedly, "Lovely! I will be back shortly!" you watch her scurry out of the room but not before giving a nod to your handmaiden.
You sigh and turn your attention to Lord Kent whom is sitting up straight, face void of any expression. His dark brown eyes staring back at you.
You wiggle in your seat, slightly unnerved with his gaze, "So, are you enjoying our little town, Lord Kent?"
He gives you a grunt and after cocking a brow at him, he speaks, "As much as I can. It's very quiet. Society is still just as nosey here."
You snort, "You have no idea." You clear your throat again, "Have my parents bought you a new jacket to replace the one I ruined?"
"Oh? Why not?"
"I told them not to. The jacket wasn't very important to me to begin with."
"Seemed rather important enough for you to snap at me," you can't help but say the statement with a little disdain.
"I...apologize for my behavior. I had a distasteful encounter with someone prior that made me upset. I'm not excusing my behavior, but providing some context to what led to it."
You nod, accepting his behavior, "Who did you encounter? Was it Lady Radcliffe and her daughter, Lavinia?"
He rises a brow at you, "How did you know?"
"They always stir trouble. I told mother not to invite them but she didn't want to look bad for not," you shake your head, your nose scrunched up, "All that family cares about it maintaining a higher status."
"Doesn't everybody?"
You shake your head, "Not me. I don't care about any of it. I dislike how dishonorable and ingenuine people become when they find out you have a high place in society. I know I'm privileged to have enough money to live comfortably, however, I don't like the theatrics of it all."
Lord Kent leans forward, resting his elbows over his knees, "You sound very passionate about this considering you just held a ball to do just that."
You scoff, "Please, as if that was truly what I wanted. I've pushed my debut back for years. I couldn't delay it anymore."
"No one caught your eye last night then?"
"Not anyone in the slightest," you sigh, "What about you then? I imagine many ladies throw themselves at your feet because of your status. Doesn't it get tiring? Doesn't it feel like you're being used?"
Before Lord Kent can answer, your cousin and Phoebe are rushing into the room, "Y/N, we need your help!"
"We want to play princesses and dragons!" Cece answers excitedly.
"You want me to play the dragon?"
"No, you're playing the princess, we're playing the dragons, and Uncle Roy will play the knight that rescues you!" Phoebe replies, pointing to everyone and giving them their roles.
"Oh, um," you glance at Lord Kent, "I don't think your uncle-"
"Let's go," Lord Kent says as he stands to his feet.
"Really?!" Cece looks up at him with excitement.
"Really?" you ask him in surprise. He shrugs, causing you to then stand, "Alright. Let's go."
"Yes!" the two young girls cry out as they rush out of the room and up the stairs to Cece's play room.
You and Lord Kent follow at a much slower pace. Lord Kent, walking besides you, leans in and whispers, "Phoebe's been struggling to make friends since we've moved. I'm happy she found a friend in Cecelia."
"I can't imagine how hard it must've been. Losing her father and moving away."
"It hasn't been easy, but I've been doing my best to see to that her and my sister are well taken care of."
You place a hand on Lord Kent's arm, "You're a good brother and man, my Lord. I don't know many men who would do the same."
Lord Kent, glances at your hand and then you pull away, mumbling a 'sorry', before rushing to Cecelia's play room.
Lord Kent proceeds to follow you at the same slow pace. His fists clench behind his back where he clasps them. There's a fluttering in his chest that he's never felt before and he's sure he's going to have a heart attack.
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gaytedlasso · 1 year
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Trent has been feeling very inspired by something lately… yes you guessed it, he got a new copic marker set ! ✌️🌈✨
Ted just happens to have nice hands that’s nothing special ofc why do you ask
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lupuslikethewolf · 1 year
pirates of the carribean royjamiekeeley au
(roy as jack sparrow, jamie as will turner and keeley as elizabeth ofc)
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halinski · 1 year
Okay but
J-amie + R-oy = Joy
Ke-eeley + R-oy = Key
T-artt + J-ones = Tones
Aka Joy Key Tones would be their band name probably if Reelie (RoyKeeleyJamie) were in a band!!!
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daydreamgoddess14 · 1 year
Shaping Minds
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Coming soon....
A TedBecca Secondary School AU.
Headmistress Rebecca Welton is preparing to welcome her final year students back to school. With a new Sports Science teacher, Ted Lasso, joining them from America, and the support of her existing staff, they prepare the group of young men for life in the wider world.
(Did I spend more time on the banner than fully formulating the idea? Yes, I did. Do I know when I'm going to even start writing this? Eh, early next week, I think? Did I get swept up in the idea and get carried away? absofuckinglutely. Oops!)
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yikeshereiam · 1 year
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Liam Dunbar in The McCall Way by yikeshereiam
“Y’know, as Captain, I don’t think you’re supposed to play favourites,” It’s Liam again. Jogging in circles around Theo like the un-injured, agile, cocky, young arsehole he is. Theo rolls his neck and tries to focus on anything but Liam's moving form.  “Can’t handle not being in the spotlight?” Theo tries to shake him off, slipping back into formation to continue the drill. The attempt is futile, because Liam sticks to him like glue. That infuriating smirk fixed on his face.  “I’m just saying I think you should be nicer to your star player, is all.”  “You’re right,” Theo nods, and is pleasantly surprised when it makes Liam’s steps falter ever so slightly. Like he didn’t expect Theo to even really be listening.  It gives Theo an opportunity to put some room between them, though Liam quickly begins to catch up. Theo decides to turn his attention back to the drill at hand and watches as Vernon gains possession of the ball, skillfully passing it off to Corey with just once glance in his direction. “I’ll make sure to apologise to Boyd later.”  Liam huffs. “Prick.”
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