#Teeth Whitening benefits
capturelifedental · 3 months
Unlock Your Brightest Smile: Exploring the Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening
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Your smile is often the first thing people notice about you, and a bright, radiant smile can leave a lasting impression. However, maintaining white teeth can be a challenge, especially with daily exposure to staining agents like coffee, tea, and tobacco. 
While there are countless over-the-counter whitening products available, they often fall short in delivering noticeable results. This is where professional teeth whitening comes into play, offering a safe, effective, and long-lasting solution to achieve a brighter, more confident smile. 
Let's take a look into the benefits of professional teeth whitening and why it's worth considering for your dental care routine.
Dramatic Results
One of the most significant advantages of professional teeth whitening is the remarkable results it delivers. Unlike over-the-counter whitening products, which may provide only subtle improvements, professional whitening treatments are performed by trained dental professionals using potent whitening agents. 
This allows for more significant stain removal and noticeable whitening effects in a relatively short amount of time.
Customized Treatment Plans
Professional teeth whitening treatments are tailored to meet the unique needs and preferences of each patient. During an initial consultation, your dentist will assess your oral health and discuss your desired level of whitening. 
Based on this information, they will develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses your specific concerns and ensures optimal results.
Safe and Controlled Environment
Undergoing teeth whitening treatment in a dental office offers a level of safety and control that cannot be replicated with at-home kits. 
Dental professionals are trained to perform whitening procedures safely, minimizing the risk of adverse effects such as gum irritation or tooth sensitivity. 
Additionally, the use of professional-grade whitening products ensures consistent, predictable results without compromising the integrity of your teeth.
Fast and Convenient
Professional teeth whitening treatments are designed to be fast and convenient, making them an ideal option for busy individuals seeking quick results. 
Depending on the whitening method chosen, treatment times typically range from 30 minutes to an hour per session. 
Some treatments, such as laser or light-activated whitening, may even provide noticeable results after a single appointment, allowing you to achieve a brighter smile in no time.
Long-lasting Effects
While over-the-counter whitening products may offer temporary results that fade over time, professional teeth whitening treatments provide long-lasting effects that can endure for months or even years with proper care. 
By following your dentist's recommendations for post-treatment maintenance, such as avoiding stain-causing foods and beverages and practicing good oral hygiene, you can help prolong the longevity of your results and enjoy a consistently brighter smile.
Boosted Confidence
A brighter, whiter smile can have a transformative effect on your overall appearance and self-confidence. 
Many patients report feeling more confident and self-assured after undergoing professional teeth whitening, leading to improved social interactions, professional success, and overall well-being. 
With a smile that lights up the room, you'll radiate confidence and positivity wherever you go.
Enhanced Oral Health
In addition to cosmetic benefits, professional teeth whitening treatments can also contribute to improved oral health. 
By removing surface stains and discoloration, whitening treatments can help reveal underlying dental issues that may require attention, such as tooth decay or gum disease. 
Furthermore, maintaining a bright, healthy smile may motivate you to prioritize oral hygiene and regular dental checkups, leading to better overall oral health in the long run.
In conclusion, professional teeth whitening offers a multitude of benefits beyond simply enhancing the appearance of your smile. 
From dramatic results and customized treatment plans to safety, convenience, and long-lasting effects, it's clear that professional whitening is a worthwhile investment in your dental care routine. 
So why wait? Visit Capture Life Dental Care for your teeth whitening today and you can also get exciting discounts and offers. 
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westwooddental · 5 months
Smile Brighter, Smile Safer: The Benefits of Dentistry-Supervised Teeth Whitening
A bright smile is a universal symbol of confidence and good health. Many people desire whiter teeth to enhance their smiles, and while over-the-counter teeth whitening options are readily available, dentistry-supervised teeth whitening offers a safer and more effective solution. In the vibrant city of Los Angeles, where appearances often play a significant role, opting for professional teeth whitening can make a noticeable difference. Let's explore the benefits of dentistry-supervised teeth whitening and understand why it is the preferred choice for achieving a brighter, safer smile.
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1. Customized Treatment Plans:
Dentistry-supervised teeth whitening ensures a personalized approach to each patient's needs. Unlike one-size-fits-all over-the-counter products, professional treatments are tailored to address individual concerns such as tooth sensitivity and the extent of discoloration. This customization allows for a more effective and comfortable whitening experience.
2. Expertise of Dental Professionals:
Choosing dentistry-supervised teeth whitening means entrusting your oral health to trained and experienced professionals. Dentists possess the knowledge to assess the overall health of your teeth and gums before recommending a whitening procedure. Their proficiency ensures that the treatment is safe, minimizes potential side effects, and provides optimal results.
3. Use of High-Quality Whitening Agents:
Professional teeth whitening utilizes high-quality whitening agents that are not available in over-the-counter products. These professional-grade solutions are more potent and can deliver faster, more noticeable results. Under the supervision of a dentist, the concentration of these agents can be adjusted to meet the specific needs and sensitivity levels of each patient.
4. Reduced Risk of Side Effects:
Dentists prioritize patient safety during teeth whitening procedures. With dentistry-supervised treatments, the risk of over-bleaching or damaging the enamel is significantly reduced. The dentist can closely monitor the process, making adjustments as needed to minimize sensitivity and ensure a comfortable experience.
5. Long-lasting Results:
Professional teeth whitening provides longer-lasting results compared to over-the-counter options. The combination of expert application and high-quality whitening agents contributes to a more sustained and vibrant smile. Patients can enjoy the benefits of their whiter teeth for an extended period, maintaining the investment in their oral aesthetics.
6. Post-Treatment Care and Guidance:
Following a dentistry-supervised teeth whitening procedure, patients receive valuable post-treatment care and guidance. Los Angeles Dentists provide instructions on maintaining oral hygiene, avoiding staining substances, and scheduling follow-up appointments if necessary. This comprehensive approach ensures that the results are not only immediate but also enduring.
For those seeking a brighter and safer smile, dentistry-supervised teeth whitening in Los Angeles is the key to achieving optimal results. With personalized treatment plans, the expertise of dental professionals, and the use of high-quality whitening agents, patients can confidently enhance their smiles while minimizing potential risks. Investing in professional teeth whitening not only leads to a more radiant appearance but also contributes to long-term oral health and overall well-being.
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excelingtips · 1 year
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Did you know the color of your teeth has a direct effect on your personal (and professional) relationships more than any other part of your appearance? Go here to Learn the BEST way to whiten your teeth up to 6 shades in less than 16 minutes
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alicetlarson · 6 months
The Personal Satisfaction of Teeth Whitening and Its Lasting Benefits
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They say money can't buy happiness, but investing in a brilliant, confident smile sure comes close. One popular technique for improving your smile is teeth whitening. By removing stains and discoloration, teeth whitening can instantly boost your confidence and elevate your overall appearance. This article will explore the top benefits of teeth whitening and why you should consider this cosmetic dental procedure.
Enhance Your Appearance and Confidence
First and foremost, teeth whitening significantly improves your smile. Over time, factors such as age, diet, and lifestyle habits can lead to dull, stained teeth. However, consult a skilled dentist for teeth whitening in Regina, SK, who can quickly and efficiently brighten your teeth, helping you achieve a gleaming smile that turns heads. A dazzling smile can enhance your self-esteem and self-worth, making you feel better about your appearance.
Long-Lasting Results
When it comes to teeth whitening, lasting results matter. Teeth whitening at the dentist's office usually employs stronger bleaching agents than at-home kits, ensuring that the treatment is effective and provides lasting results. In most cases, a professional whitening treatment can last for months or even years. Of course, it's important to maintain good oral hygiene and avoid notorious stain-causing foods and drinks to prolong your dazzling smile.
Safe and Tailored Treatments
One of the top benefits of teeth whitening at the dentist's office is the assurance of safe and tailored treatments. When whitening your teeth at the dentist's office, your dental professional can use desensitizing agents to avoid irritation and protect your gums. Additionally, the dentist can adjust the intensity of the whitening treatment according to your specific needs and preferences, ensuring optimal results.
Quick and Effective Results
The fast-paced world we live in doesn't leave much room for patience. Fortunately, professional teeth whitening treatments offer quick results. Unlike at-home kits that require consistent use over weeks or even months, professional teeth whitening can produce impressive results in just one visit. For those in a hurry to enjoy a radiant smile, this method is undoubtedly the way to go.
A Valuable Investment
Ultimately, teeth whitening is a worthwhile investment in your appearance and well-being. While professional teeth whitening treatments might cost more than over-the-counter kits, the superior and longer-lasting results are well worth it. What's more, the confidence and self-assurance you gain from a stunning smile are priceless.
Teeth whitening is a popular and effective way to achieve a brighter, more confident smile. By knowing the top benefits of teeth whitening at the dentist’s office, you can confidently approach your next dental appointment and enjoy the long-lasting results of a dazzling smile. With improved appearance, confidence, and overall well-being, teeth whitening is undoubtedly worth the investment.
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northwestdentalart · 8 months
Enhancing Smiles with Emax Crowns
A captivating smile can brighten not just your face but your entire day. At our dental practice, we understand the transformative power of a confident and radiant smile. That's why we offer a premium solution to elevate your smile to its fullest potential - Emax crowns.
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cosmeticservices · 9 months
Technological advancements have revolutionized various industries and cosmetic dentistry is no exception. The evolving developments of technologies in science have sparked a big talk in the world of cosmetics.
These improvements have drastically benefited the development of ultra-modern equipment, tools, and techniques used in cosmetic dentistry.
In today’s era, taking care of the aesthetics of a smile has become quite common. Hence, the popularity of cosmetic dentistry has evolved to a great extent over the years. Cosmetic dentistry is the perfect solution for people to achieve the smile of their dreams.
In this blog, you will get a gist about the benefits of cosmetic dentistry such as teeth whitening, dental bonding, composite bonding, etc. So, keep reading to know the reasons behind the growing popularity of cosmetic dentistry among people.
Improved Appearance
One of the primary concerns for people is that they want a beautiful smile and a youthful appearance. Cosmetic dentistry procedures can give people the smile they always wanted. People feel more confident and stronger with beautiful smiles.
2. Affordability
Previously cosmetic procedures were reserved for Hollywood stars and the wealthy section of society. However, today multiple cosmetic procedures such as dental bonding and teeth whitening services have become cost-effective and are available at affordable prices to most people.
3. Increased Awareness
According to a study, the majority of expert practitioners believed that social media had a major contribution to increasing awareness among people about cosmetic dentistry.
Almost half of the general practitioners post their content related to cosmetic dentistry on their social media handles to promote their work.
4. Advance Treatments
With high-tech advancements in cosmetic dentistry techniques, patients now get painless, quicker, and more conservative approaches to care and treatment. Patients can now have aesthetic restorations with less damage to their natural teeth.
5. Marketing by Influencers
In recent years cosmetic dentistry has been marketed more effectively, making more people aware of the benefits of cosmetic dentistry. Social media influencers and celebrities play a vital role in promoting cosmetic dental treatments especially when we focus on their beautiful and aesthetically appealing smile.
6. Increased Teeth Retention
These days people desire to maintain a youthful-looking appearance and an attractive smile. Cosmetic dentistry results in improving oral hygiene and increases prevention practices that eventually motivate patients to take better care of their teeth, leading to increased tooth retention.
7. Long Lasting Results
In the previous traditional procedure, patients were concerned about the longevity of the results however, in new cosmetic dentistry treatment procedures patients enjoyed long-lasting results with improved appearance of their teeth and smile.
Overall cosmetic dentistry offers a range of solutions who are keen to improve their smile and teeth. From advanced procedures to complicated treatments, cosmetic dentistry is gaining huge popularity.
Cosmetic Choice an online web platform can help you find the best dental services near you with top dental treatment experts to help you achieve your desired smile.
Source: Medium.com
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khulkarjiyo · 9 months
Gurunanda oil pulling for whitening teeth Benefits Side Effects
We all want to live a healthy life which is not known for many reasons, the main of which are related to our food or it affects the health of our teeth or mouth, such as the peeling of the teeth or the smell of the mouth, etc. Oil pulling is rinsed with oil which proves to be very beneficial for the health of the body. It is not a new method but it is a very old technique of Ayurveda, but in…
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What Is Teeth Whitening and Its Benefits?-articleaffiliate
A dazzling smile can leave a long-lasting impression, making it essential to maintain oral conditions by practicing oral hygiene in daily activities. Teeth cleaning or whitening is a popular cosmetic dental procedure that can transform stained or pale-colored teeth into a radiant, confident smile. In this post, we will briefly discuss teeth whitening and its advantages. Let’s have a close view.
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perfectsmiletulsa · 1 year
A dazzling smile is a powerful tool – it boosts confidence, radiates positivity, and can even improve your social life. But after you’ve gone through the process of teeth whitening, how do you maintain that beautiful shine? Sure, regular brushing and flossing are important for oral health, but what other steps should be taken? Fear not! In this comprehensive guide to teeth whitening aftercare, we’ll explore everything from diet choices to best practices for at-home maintenance so you can keep your bright smile shining for years to come. So let’s get started on this journey toward maintaining a gorgeous grin!
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trendfag · 1 year
idk my mom tries to get me to do teeth whitening but like. why are we mad about our teeth looking like teeth
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Makeovers are good for you, and so is getting your teeth whitened. There are a lot of products on the market that your dentist might suggest. But you have to want to know about its benefits before you start to be interested in it. It has many benefits, including white teeth that look great and last a long time. Here, you'll learn about the benefits of using the Zoom method to whiten your teeth.
Tooth bleaching, or whitening, is a cosmetic procedure that is often done when a tooth turns yellow. You can do this by changing the color of the inside or outside of the tooth enamel.
It is a way to whiten teeth in the dentist's office by giving the whitening gel a boost with ultraviolet (UV) rays. In an hour, the whitening gel can make your teeth up to eight shades whiter.
 Why did you choose the Zoom method for whitening your teeth?
You have probably noticed that drinking coffee, tea, smoking, and drinking red wine can make your teeth look yellow. Getting older is another reason for the same thing.
People who have trouble with the color of their teeth say that the benefits of Zoom whitening Dubai are great. This treatment is done in the dentist's office and uses 25% hydrogen peroxide to get rid of stains and yellowing on the teeth. As a result, it whitens your teeth and makes them less sensitive.
 What are the ingredients that are used to make the products that whiten teeth?
There are different in-office and over-the-counter (OTC) teeth whitening products with different ingredients and levels of concentration. We've talked about some products that people often ask for, like:
Carbamide peroxide is a bleaching agent that is often found in teeth-whitening gel. After it is used, it breaks down into hydrogen peroxide. Then hydrogen peroxide reacts with your teeth stains and discoloration.
 Toothpaste for Teeth Whitening
Some of the bleaching agents are silica, pyrophosphates, hydrogen peroxide, and carbamide peroxide. All of these can cause your teeth to turn a different color.
These mouthwashes have a lower concentration of HP, sodium hexametaphosphate, potassium pyrophosphate, and sodium citrate, which keep tooth stains from happening and get rid of them.
 Tooth whiteners that come in trays
HP, or carbamide peroxide, is used in whitening trays. When the carbamide peroxide mixes with water, it breaks down and releases hydrogen peroxide (HP), which helps get rid of stains on teeth.
After reading about the different ingredients in the product, it's clear that Zoom teeth whitening works. You can get the results you want in 45 minutes, and it won't hurt your teeth.
Now, let's take a look at the most common questions people have about hydrogen peroxide.
 Is it safe to whiten your teeth with H2O2?
Hydrogen peroxide can whiten your teeth over time if you use it in a safe way. On the other hand, it might make your teeth sensitive or hurt your enamel. If you use it undiluted or for too long, it can sometimes burn your teeth.
It also has ACP, which is an Amorphous Calcium Phosphate, and makes teeth less sensitive.
 How much hydrogen peroxide can you safely use?
Hydrogen peroxide has been a well-known way to whiten teeth for a long time. Hydrogen peroxide comes in many different concentrations on the market. But for the best results, the dentist always uses a solution that is 25% to 30% stronger.
Even though it doesn't work as well at home, it's always best to use the whitening tray that your dentist gives you.
 How effective is Zoom Teeth Brightening?
Zoom teeth whitening kit Dubai is a great way to remove stains from your teeth. Dentists are the only ones who can use hydrogen and carbamide peroxide at a higher concentration than what you can buy over the counter (OTC). You should think about the following bullet points:
 If you take care of your teeth after the treatment, the results may last for a year.
It is less likely to damage the teeth's enamel or make the gums sore.
The ingredients used to make the gel help to lessen tooth sensitivity.
 What are the benefits of the Zoom procedure for whitening teeth?
People have come to the dentist's office over the years after hearing about how good Zoom teeth whitening is. The only reason is that the products on the market have higher concentrations of HP and work better in less time. After you put on the gel, you are exposed to a strong blue light, which speeds up the oxidation of chromogens.
Blue light with a wavelength of between 480 nm and 520 nm is shined on you. This makes the gel work faster. Many professionals use laser treatment to make the treatment work better, making it a better way to stop teeth from getting whiter.
Zoom teeth whitening has a limited number of benefits, but it is not yet impossible for it to work. The main ingredient in most teeth-whitening gels is between 25 percent and 30 percent HP, or carbamide peroxide. We've also seen that leaving the HP on for too long can burn the teeth and make them more sensitive.
But if done with the help of a professional, it can give the best results. If your teeth are yellow or have stains, you can always look for help from a cosmetic dentist.
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akglobaldent · 2 years
7 Awesome Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening Treatment
Smile aesthetics are important for the personal, professional, and social life of every individual. A smile speaks a lot about the person holding it and plays an important role in creating lasting impressions and drawing others. When people show an attractive smile, it makes them feel better within themselves. However, it becomes embarrassing and uncomfortable to have a broad smile that exposes discolored or stained teeth. 
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Yellowing of teeth is a natural process that ought to happen with age because of thinning of teeth enamel, even if a sound dental care regime is maintained, shares Dr. Aneesh Katyal, best dental expert and orthodontist in Gurgaon at AK Global Dent. The teeth shade is unique to every person and is determined by the natural color of the dentin surface underlying the enamel. Teeth can be discolored because of tobacco use, underlying condition, or teeth-staining foods and beverages. 
If teeth discoloration has taken a toll on your life, and you wish to get a smile makeover, professional teeth whitening treatment in Gurgaon offered at AK Global Dent can help provide a quick, highly-effective solution to enhance your smile appearance. In-chair dental bleaching offered at AK Global Dental is tailored to the client's individual needs which can help achieve dramatic results by lightening the enamel and underlying dentin. To help out the readers in deciding whether it's right to go ahead with this simple cosmetic dental procedure, here is a compiled list of benefits offered by a professional teeth whitening treatment at AK Global. 
A Brighter, Appealing Smile
Professional teeth whitening treatment is specially designed for the removal of deep discolorations and lightening or dissolving of teeth stains by dental hygienists or dentists to reveal an instantly dazzling smile.  
Improved Self-Esteem
Yellow teeth or a dull smile can interfere with one’s confidence and can send self-esteem plummeting. However, with professional teeth whitening, people can feel better with the way they look and have a boost in their self-confidence.  
A Better Future
Having a healthy, bright smile can profoundly open up new opportunities in one’s life. In fact, it is the appearance of the people that directly impacts others' perception of them. With a radiant, confident smile, people can expect to be noticed by others during meetings, interviews, and other professional or personal life events. This can significantly impact the lifetime gross income of the individuals as they may land up getting the best jobs.  
Precise Customization 
Professional teeth whitening is done as per the unique needs of the person. It allows the lightening of the teeth shade to the exact level of brightness desired by the clients to look natural; in the areas/spots where more dental bleaching is required by them. This can’t be achieved through over-the-counter teeth whitening products that are just one-size-fits-all methods and can cause more harm than good.
Enhance Oral Health
With professional teeth whitening, as all the dental stains are removed from the teeth surfaces, the bacteria no longer linger in the mouth in the form of plaque or tartar and cause tooth decay or gum disease. This reinforces teeth strength and provides better oral health.   
Quick And Safer Treatment
Getting teeth whitened by a qualified dental professional is just about a single session lasting roughly an hour! There is no need for repeated application of messy teeth whitening kits available at drug stores. In addition, the procedure is closely monitored by experts who can adjust the amount of teeth whitening agent to be used and avoid damage to any other mouth parts by covering them with a rubber dam. On the other side, the over-the-counter dental bleaching kits may irritate the gums and cause teeth sensitivity. 
Long-Lasting Results
Teeth whitening performed by dental experts involves the use of strong bleaching agents. Thus it provides long-term results when backed with a good oral hygiene routine at home. 
Interested in teeth whitening treatment and want to achieve a beautiful smile? Book your consultation now at AK Global Dent, Best Teeth Whitening Clinic in Gurgaon to avail the benefits.
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manifestingmatcha · 2 years
✨My Glow Up tips✨
Drink a lot of water it benefits your body in every way bonus points if you add lemon. If you crave soda Olipop is a good alternative.
Eat little meals made with whole foods throughout the day it really does make a difference.
Go on hot girl walks get fresh air and sunshine every day.
Drink green juices and smoothies it’s the easiest way to get in all your fruits and veggies plus you can add supplements.
Skincare is self care it’s literally the canvas for your makeup so invest in your products. Keep it simple and be consistent with your routine.
Learn to read food labels ideally you want to know how to pronounce every ingredient.
Drink less alcohol bloating and hangovers aren’t hot.
Educate yourself on vitamins and supplements to target what you want to improve. For immune system you want vitamin c and zinc and for beauty you want a collagen supplement.
Lip filler: research your provider make sure you vibe with them and feel comfortable. Start slow and gradually build to your desired shape and size. (not everyone needs filler/botox only if you want it)
Contacts over glasses is my personal preference.
Choose a signature scent for every season.
Keratin hair treatments they make styling so easy and your hair looks shiny and perfect for weeks.
Natural nail colors are the most flattering. OPI and Essie make the best nudes.
Invest in classic basics for your closet black and white t-shirts denim and shoes. Think about cost per wear quality vs quantity ect. Zara is my favorite store for inexpensive trendy pieces.
Wear signature jewelry mine are gold hoops diamond studs and dainty necklaces. Mejuri is my favorite jeweler.
Cleaning and organizing your home is therapy. Light a Fall candle and deep clean your space once a week and you will feel refreshed.
Exfoliate your face and body a few times a week
Ice roll and gua sha your face it instantly de puffs and lifts.
Plant medicine personally I love cannabis and it’s been a positive life changing medicine for me.
Therapy: I believe everyone can benefit from it.
Never stop learning read often about whatever topics you’re interested in.
For improved hair skin and nails put collagen powder in your coffee or smoothies every day.
Put fresh eucalyptus and lavender in your shower or a few drops of essential oils for the best most relaxing bath.
Brush and floss often and occasionally use Crest white strips for whitening your teeth.
Journaling is so important on paper or even in your notes app on your phone.
Learn manifesting techniques your mindset is everything.
Get a professional bra fitting and match your lingerie it will make you feel confident and hot.
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allbeautyhacks · 2 years
8 Effective Way to Whiten Teeth  
ways to whiten teeth Does lemon juice whiten your teeth? is it good to brush with salt? We as a whole desire to put our best self forward, and one method for doing this is to know how to brighten teeth normally so we can flaunt a radiant white smile. Assuming you’ve been craving a more white grin? Searching for an effective way to whiten teeth? Your teeth can likewise be effectively stained by…
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pradame · 2 years
Hi! Any beauty hacks you mind sharing?
𝑩𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒚 𝒉𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒔:
- use silk pillow cases for your skin & hair
- lash growing serum works!! (I use grande lash)
- rice water / rosemary oil for long silky smooth hair
- ice masks / quartz rollers for your skin: promotes blood circulation & is meant to depuff and reduce inflammation
- cuticle oil for healthy strong nails
- putting a little bit of peroxide in your mouth wash helps whiten your teeth
- men’s after shave to reduce razor bumps
- always brush your tongue first thing in the morning to get rid of any toxins
- hyaluronic acid oral pills enhances its benefits and keeps your skin hydrated & plumped
- getting hair trims every 6 months promotes hair growth by getting rid of the split ends and breakage.
- with skin care, remember mornings are to protect & nights are to repair
- ditch the dairy and sugar if you want clear healthy skin
- remember that your neck and chest are an extension to your face! treat them with protective products as well.
- if you struggle with body hair and are constantly needing to shave, i truly recommend doing laser hair removal. it’s the best thing I’ve ever done for myself, i went from shaving my underarms and bikini area every 3 days to only once a month which helped so much with hyperpigmentation and razor bumps. it’s expensive but totally worth it.
- wrap your hair in a cotton t-shirt place of a towel to prevent breakage and roughness
- castor oil to thicken your eyebrows
- vitamin E brightens scars
- put Vaseline on the areas you want your perfume to stick
- look into the stomach vacuum exercise! performing it daily will help shrink the waist line and tone your abs
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cupidddd-d · 3 months
you like what i represent, i like the attention
in which you're both selfish-- greedy, even.
cw: age gap
the reader doesn't have any pronouns addressed towards them, so feel free to read in whatever gender you prefer :)
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what was it called when animals would use each other for their own benefits? like the crocodile and the plover? the crocodile would allow the plover to pick bits of meat from its teeth, and in turn, the plover would get a meal. a symbiotic relationship.
you were a model plastered on every magazine cover, every billboard. the type of model that children dreamed of becoming. the type of model who drowned in designer clothes and luxury brand deals.
tony was a billionaire, of course. everyone knew who tony stark was. and he didn't like you. not really, anyway. he only paraded you around because the paparazzi was always watching, and he needed you to hold his arm and look pretty, which you did.
he bought you expensive gifts and took you to fancy restaurants, and of course you'd go along with it. who wouldn't? you got even more attention, and tony's fame was only adding to yours.
and of course, the age gap between the two of you was very controversial. he was almost 40, and you were barely in your 20s. it made for a lot of bad press, and people were constantly making judgmental comments. but the way you saw it, all publicity was good publicity.
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"i have to make an appearance at some nascar race on the 25th," tony said offhandedly. "there's gonna be a lot of reporters there."
you were having your monthly meeting about syncing up your schedules-- which was, of course, an essential piece in your ruse.
"i can't-- i have a photoshoot then from 8am to 4pm. but that's the latest date we can see each other unless we want to risk rumors about a break up between us," you frowned, pausing your mobile game to think.
"maybe it's good, right? it'll get people talking again. we've been too stable. people are getting used to us-- that's what my publicist said."
"no, no...people were waiting for us to break up. they'll cheer for, like, two seconds, and then they'll move on. is it possible for you to be late to the race?" you mused, tapping your nails on the side of your phone.
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"oh, tony, you shouldn't have!" you gushed, your arms barely able to encase the massive bouquet of gold-dipped roses.
your mouth felt too big for your face, as if it was stretching your cheeks awkwardly, but it always felt this way when you were faking your enthusiasm. were your eyes crinkling enough to make your smile seem realistic? nobody ever commented on it, so perhaps you were better at acting than you thought.
"i just wanted to give my baby a little gift before taking you to the nascar race," tony flashed you a charming grin, his whitened teeth sparkling in the bounce lights. his expression seemed natural, but you supposed he had more experience in crafting his persona than you did.
you ducked your head to smell the flowers, hiding a triumphant grin as you noticed the flashing of a camera in your peripheral vision.
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