#Tenkai Sanzo
Tenkai Sanzo/Snow
The coal-fired braziers warm the monastery's interior, the soot darkening the high ceilings. Tenkai Sanzo awakes just as the dawn cracks open over the mountains. A thin stream of light flows in from under the heavily shuttered windows. He blinks, eyes following the dust motes dancing in the crisp sunlight.
Within minutes, the monastery starts bustling with activity. As Tenkai adjusts the Maten scripture on his shoulder, his youkai hearing picks up the ambient noises of the junior monks cleaning the floors and preparing for the morning prayers. 
One of the juniors knocks on his door. “Lord Sanzo, will be joining us for the morning prayers.”
Tenkai opens the door and comes face to face with the youkai monk. 
“Lead the way.” He says and follows the junior to the prayer halls. Among the tall monks, mostly human with a few youkai, Tenkai can’t see her.
He sees her later, the living Goddess, Kumari Taruchie, when she invites him for tea on the balcony. Tenkai sits on a teakwood chair and sips the yak-milk tea sweetened with cane sugar. Its a contrast, the light cold snow and the warm tea. He looks out into the rolling valley and gorges, some still covered by snow banks, most of it gone as spring arrives. 
“The last snow.” The Kumari comments.
“Yes. I shall leave next week.” He replies, eyes glancing at his older sister.
“Next month, the Gurunsh will bloom.”
“Next week, the merchants from the town will leave for Chang-an.”
“Next month the monastery will harvest the flowers and make syrup. Take some when you leave, Little Brother.” 
Tenkai protests, “—Kumari.”
“— Genkai…” Taruchie argues.
Tenkai takes in his sister’s visage. Her usual dour expression is gone. Her violet eyes glitter with sadness.
“Our kind live long lives.” He says.
“Our parents did not.”
Her eyes are glassier now.
No man nor any youkai could protest.
He relents. 
“Next month, there will be more merchants making their way to Chang-an.” He says.
Taruchie smiles, eyes bright.
Tenkai closes his eyes and relaxes back into his seat. Turning away from his worldly attachments. The snow has stopped. The warm sun now reflects from the budding Rhododendron bushes below, a hint of vibrant red among the unsaturated landscape.
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Written for @monthlyminekura Christmas Edition. Day 5: Snow
A/N: My H/C is that Taruchie was taken away from her parents and brother when he was a toddler. Tenkai parents then left India and went to live in China. Taruchie and Tenkai meet again once he becomes a Sanzo priest.
A/N: Gurunsh is the nepali word for Rhododendron. The flowers are often used in making syrup. Rhododendrons in full bloom are a beautiful sight to see. As an Indian I have had the oppurtunity to visit many parts of the Himalayas over the years which is one of the reasons why I love Saiyuki. The photo is taken from Google but this is what a Rhododendron forest looks like in full bloom.
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sakuplumeria · 7 months
Hello, I am using my main account since I can't ask questions with my sideblog. Thank you again for the questions choices, they were all awesome: 2), 4), 8), 17), 32), 38), 46), 52), 61), 67), 73)
Thank you for the ask!! Interesting choices~
2) A character in Saiyuki that grew on you
I always like Goku. I don't know why I liked him when I was little, but the more I know his story the more I like him. I'm quite sad when people see him like a child, he sees so much more than it seems. I'm thrilled to see how sensei developed his character, specially in Even a Worm arc, and how sensei drew him much more mature in Blast. Not only Sanzo, but he's like the sun to me too :3 There are many characters that grew on me as I spent more time with Saiyuki, Sanzo, Koumyo, Tenkai, Jikaku, Gat…
4) Favorite member of Kougaiji’s group
Is Zakuro part of his group? Yeah? No? Then Instructor Wang it is. I'm… oddly attracted to eccentric old men lmao.
8) Which character do you really dislike?
This is a hard question, I never really dislike a character as they all have their background stories… If I have to choose though, Li Touten, probably, for using Nataku like that :/
17) How long have you enjoyed Saiyuki?
I watched Reload and Reload Gunlock on TV when I was in elementary school, and you know they used sensei's art for the ending songs? I was so captivated that I searched for the manga. That's the first time I really worked myself to search for something. I just realized it's been around 20 years… omg
32) Do you enjoy writing/drawing/creating fan works for the Saiyuki fandom?
Absolutely! I write and draw and make covers, also translating the songs to English. I used many websites and you can see them here. I wish I have the energy to create more… at least to finish the ones I started..
38) Do you binge read the entire series or read selected chapters?
Sometimes I binge read, sometimes I read selected chapters. Mostly I read selected chapters when I'm in the mood!
46) If [character] died, what do you think they’d be reborn as?
Since you didn't give me the character, I'll go with Goku for the next two questions. By the way, I don't think Goku will die soon, I headcanon him aging very slowly… I wrote a fanfic about this, where Goku lives in the modern world lol. But anyway, I kinda imagine him reborn as a celestial being, much like Jeep, with powers and big responsibility for the world. A dragon maybe? I never thought about this before actually so I just type whatever pops up in my head lol
52) What are 3 tropes that describe [character]?
Amnesiac Hero :(
Innocent but Powerful
Bottomless Pit, as they always say
61) Do you seek out spoilers or avoid at all cost?
I don't mind spoilers, sometimes it helps me to get into the story better.
67) What’s something you think would improve the series?
Remake all the animated versions, with quality. Let's say, by Platinum Vision, the one who produces Reload Blast. Honestly, I like Saiyuki so much, but I don't rewatch it that much, besides Burial, because of the quality of the animes… It's also the reason why it's so hard to tell my friends about Saiyuki. People tend to watch rather than read, but I don't really want people to watch Saiyuki with the quality they have now. So yeah…
73) What character is still a mystery to you?
I wanna say Koumyo but well, I'm more interested in Tenkai and Taruchie. They're the ones with connection, connecting Ibun, which I see as the oldest story of Saiyuki on earth, and Blast, which will be the ending of it. Even though they're not the center of the plot, I believe they took an important part in it. That also brings me to Sai Tai Sai... but I guess we'll find out about Sai in the future. I hope to see Tenkai and Taruchie lore as well :3
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Jyoan: Why don't you tell me my...
Genkai: Fortune?
Jyoan: [annoyed] The future. I was going to say "future."
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sarasvati93 · 7 years
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Saiyuki Inktober Day 3
[Sanzo] and their successor
He is Genjyo Sanzo before Burial, and I feel as if I draw Tenkai with accusing eyes lol. Koumyou hair, as always, a pain to draw.
Shout out to @urasaiyuki thanks for the prompts!
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girlwithribbon · 7 years
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quick Saiyuki doodles from my expressions challenge over on twitter~
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ezra-blue · 5 years
Since you're rewriting a part of Rat King, can you give us a guide for order to get to where you've started your rewrite? Thanks! - a lost reader
You don’t have to be shy, anon. It’s a lot to read, but I’ll summarize the first 2 and 1/3 stories of the King Rat serial for you under a cut. Long post because I can’t do anything short.
King Rat: Deep Water: Gojyo and Sanzo mutually and secretly agree to use each other for sexual release, right down to signing a contract agreeing to never tell anyone else they slept with each other. Gojyo quickly gets exhausted, as Sanzo soon becomes rough with him, but though he stops sleeping with Sanzo, he doesn’t break their agreement to secrecy. The Merciful Goddess takes the opportunity to knock Gojyo up, right down to loaning him hir parts. Gojyo is horrified, but he decides he loves children more than he’s scared of having them, but he holds up his end of the bargain and refuses to tell Hakkai or Goku that Sanzo is the father. 
Sanzo disconnects himself from Gojyo, right down to denying that the baby is his on the notion that Gojyo would sleep with anyone. Gojyo insists otherwise in private, but makes clear to Sanzo that he expects nothing of him. However, after Dokugakuji kidnaps Gojyo in an effort to protect the baby from the ikkou (and from their own mother), Sanzo is wracked with guilt and pain over not protecting Gojyo and his offspring. When Gojyo is retrieved, Sanzo tries to show his care for him in awkward ways, but Gojyo, who thought he’d lost the baby while kidnapped, begins to rethink staying with the others and contemplates leaving, both to protect his unborn child and because he realizes he fell in love with Sanzo somewhere along the way and he’s tired of waiting for Sanzo to love him. 
When Gojyo does go into labor, however, Sanzo finds he can no longer listen to Gojyo insisting he go through the pain alone, reveals the secret to Hakkai and Goku, and moves in to support Gojyo. To the surprise of all involved, Gojyo delivers twins, Yohei (a human) and Eiji (a hanyou), though the effort and the strain of the pregnancy leave his body damaged and completely exhausted. Sanzo nurses both infants as the Merciful Goddess puts Gojyo back together, but no sooner does he recover than the question of what will be done with the infants must be addressed. The Merciful Goddess appears and offers to safeguard them, preserving them in Tenkai until the mission is complete. Gojyo and Sanzo reluctantly turn their children over to hir. At the end, Sanzo tells Gojyo he’d be willing to have a relationship with him more openly, and the party moves on…
King Rat: No Mercy: Sanzo and Gojyo’s relationship has been mediocre at best, from Gojyo’s point of view, but Sanzo is treating him well enough even though he’s not especially affectionate. On the year anniversary of their sons’ birth, Sanzo and Gojyo are praying at a shrine to wish them a happy birthday, when Gojyo feels an unusual energy pulling him in. The party follows it to find a strange black slab, which Gojyo touches, resulting in him getting pulled into it, with the rest of the party following shortly thereafter. Gojyo tries to grab Sanzo’s hand, but Sanzo’s grip fails, and Gojyo is separated from Goku, Hakkai, and Sanzo on the way down. 
They land in a devastated, lifeless realm populated only by hanyou. Gojyo is quickly captured and taken to the king, a man who calls himself King Rat, King of the Hanyou. He claims to be a powerful sorcerer and warrior who led a revolt on Tenkai, but he and his people were sealed by one of Tenkai’s armies more than 500 years ago, but he’s been able to spy on the world above and he knows that Gojyo’s the only known hanyou capable of creating new life. He declares he will have Gojyo make him a new army, to which Gojyo protests, but he locks Gojyo up and forces him to eat a magic scroll. In the prison, Gojyo meets Ryuji, a teenager and soldier of Tenkai who was locked up in the sealed realm with the hanyou army by accident. The two bond, but Ryuji suddenly becomes ill, coughing heavily.
Meanwhile, Goku, Sanzo, and Hakkai are beset by hanyou soldiers hoping to capture them, but though they struggle due to their powers being restricted by the magic in this realm, they are assisted by a hanyou soldier of Tenkai, Aka, not allowed to kill but adept with a glaive. After they explain their situation, and Sanzo reveals his status as a Sanzo priest, sutra and all, Aka offers to escort them to a sorcerer who may be able to rescue them from the realm. Aka soon begins to act strangely, and he’s secretive with the others about their movements. However, he does tell them that his twin brother, Ryuji, was captured by King Rat several months ago, and notes that King Rat has locked them up before.
Over the days they are traveling, Gojyo finds himself experiencing pregnancy symptoms, as Ryuji becomes more and more sick and coughing up blood and gore. At the same time, Gojyo begins to experience Ryuji’s memories, and the two put together that something King Rat did is putting Ryuji into Gojyo, essentially forcing Gojyo to give birth to him. Both are horrified, but are powerless to do anything about it. Gojyo is also shown illusions of his friends’ capture, from Goku wounded and dead, Hakkai surrendering himself and refusing to assist Gojyo, and an image of Sanzo himself acting cruelly towards Gojyo again. The illusions of Sanzo promise Gojyo both pleasure and pain, and Gojyo finds himself emotionally needy for Sanzo’s love even as he tries to resist what he is less increasingly sure are illusions. Gojyo gives into the illusion, however, when Sanzo tells him that he feels nothing for him and never will.
All the while, Gojyo’s put together Ryuji’s memories: he and his twin brother Aka were orphaned at birth, the product of a sex worker mother and two of her clients (having experienced the two in close enough succession to conceive two infants with different fathers), and though they were taken in by a monastery, they chose to run away to Tenkai in hopes of finding a family that will love them in Heaven. They go to Kanzeon Bosatsu, offering themselves as soldiers or servants if she’ll find them a family. The Merciful Goddess briefly turns them over to her nephew, Konzen, who claims to be far too busy to care for them but develops an affection for them nonetheless, until the Merciful Goddess gives them to Kenren. Kenren (with assistance from Tenpou), raises the boys, in his words, “as if I gave birth to them myself,” but at age 13, they are conscripted into the Western Army of Heaven. Kenren himself marshals them, as the Goddess charges them with what is supposed to be a safe mission, shutting down the hanyou rebellion led by King Rat. The army is told to negotiate first, but if that fails, they are to use a stone to seal them into a realm between life and death. Negotiations fail when King Rat first refuses to negotiate with anyone but a hanyou, but when Eiji steps forward to speak for Tenpou, King Rat instead decides to try to corrupt him. Aka resists, saying he loves the family he came with and the one he found, and though King Rat attacks him, Ryuji comes to the rescue. The sealing spell is set, but Ryuji and Aka are unable to escape its magic, and Kenren watches in horror and anger as his sons are taken away. 
Kanzeon later appears to the memories of Ryuji and Aka after their imprisonment, and Gojyo learns that while se can’t rescue them, se could take a piece of them and reincarnate it into new lives. Se promises that they will be returned to Kenren, one way or another, and that someone will come to let the rest of their spirits out of the Sealed Realm so they can move on to new lives with their father.
Ryuji dies in his cell. Aka is found slaughtering King Rat’s soldiers, covered in blood. Sanzo forgives Aka and cleans him off, though Aka cries at his touch and begs “Ryuji” not to touch him, indicating that he’s been subjected to King Rat’s illusions in the past. Hakkai has figured out that Eiji is taking them to King Rat, but they choose to let themselves be led on. 
Gojyo, traumatized and hopeless, gives himself over to King Rat, welcoming an illusion of peace even if it’s at the expense of his own body. He experiences one final memory from five centuries ago: one of Kenren’s, of Kanzeon Bosatsu making a promise to both Kenren and Konzen that se will rescue Aka and Ryuji and give them back to them, but Gojyo is only angry that se broke her promise and chooses to drug himself back to sleep. He rouses when he hears Aka arrive with the rest of the ikkou. Aka offers the three ikkou to King Rat, who tells them Gojyo has willingly joined him. None of them believe him, even as Gojyo eavesdrops from above the throne room. He hears Aka begin to cough, and reveals himself to the others when he jumps down and begs Aka to run if he wants to live. He warns Aka that King Rat is trying to force him to be reborn vis-a-vis Gojyo, and that it’s too late for Ryuji. Aka flees, as Gojyo looks at his friends in anger as if they are still illusions. They are shocked to discover Gojyo appearing to be pregnant again, and completely out of his mind. He tries to run from them, and they give chase, pursued by the King himself. 
Hakkai and Goku chase illusions, but Sanzo corners Gojyo, and Gojyo tells him that he’s tired of waiting for Sanzo to love him, and he doesn’t care whether or not he’s real anymore. Sanzo ignores Gojyo’s distraught state and tells him he’s taking him out and getting him well. Hakkai is able to subdue King Rat as he tries to surprise Sanzo, and Aka reappears, saying that, as the one who set the sealing stone in the first place, he knows how to get out using the other side of the sealed stone and Sanzo’s sutra. He is able to do so, but not before King Rat tries to confront them one last time. Brought partway back into reality after talking to the real Sanzo, Gojyo fights him off for the last time as the sealed realm is turned inside out. King Rat is captured by the Merciful Goddess, who reincarnates him into a rat, and the rest of his soldiers turn to dust as five centuries catch up with them. This includes Eiji, who asks them to take care of his brother as he dissolves. Gojyo quickly goes into labor, but due to a flaw in the magic, the thing he was carrying is not human, only parts, right down to a beating heart that shrivels and dies before them. Gojyo is traumatized, and Hakkai forces him to sleep.
In dreams, the Merciful Goddess sends Gojyo messages from his friends, their true hopes and feelings for him, including Kenren thanking Gojyo for doing what he could to protect his kids and asking him to keep doing it, since he can’t anymore. Gojyo able to lucid dream when Sanzo appears before him. This Sanzo plainly states he’s an illusion of the real one sent by Kanzeon Bosatsu, but that he speaks genuinely from Sanzo’s feelings. Sanzo tells Gojyo he can only really discuss everything with Gojyo face to face. Gojyo wakes, and Sanzo and Hakkai recount what happened to him, telling him the full truth as they know it. Gojyo tells them that Ryuji and Aka were supposed to become Yohei and Eiji, but since died, they won’t be getting Yohei and Eiji back. He withdraws into depression, and when Sanzo tries to get him alone, Gojyo gets on his knees and tells Sanzo, resigned, to take what he wants.
Sanzo is enraged at first, but when he sees Gojyo flinch from him, he demands Gojyo tell him exactly what he thought happened, and Gojyo repeats the abuse the illusion of Sanzo rained onto him. Angry now at King Rat, Sanzo tries to comfort Gojyo, but Gojyo trembles at his very touch. Sanzo swears that if it takes never touching him again, he’ll prove to Gojyo that he will never do him harm again. However, Gojyo pleads for him to hold his hand, and Sanzo lets him hold his hand as he cries for his sons.
The next morning, Ryuji and Aka appear again, healed and recovered, and though Ryuji remembers dying and Aka reveals that the Goddess is still sorting his head out, getting them out of the Sealed Realm (even with Ryuji in the state he was in) was enough to assure their reincarnation. They both say they’re excited to be Gojyo and Sanzo’s sons in their new life, and after they vanish, Sanzo and Gojyo take a moment for a direct conversation. Gojyo apologizes for distrusting him. Sanzo apologizes to Gojyo for being emotionally distant, saying that if he’d been warmer to Gojyo, he would never have believed the illusions. Gojyo chooses this moment to tell Sanzo, directly, that he loves him, and asks Sanzo if he loves him back. Sanzo is surprised that Gojyo doesn’t know and directly tells him he loves him like mad. With that, the party travels on…
King Rat: Our Kingdom: At journey’s end, the Goddess makes the ikkou an offer to remember their pasts. Goku is the only one who accepts. However, se does grant them all a gift: a free trip home. Gojyo and Sanzo soon have their sons returned to them, but face difficulties. First, Chang’an has a discriminatory new regional governor, Lord Akio, who seems to hate hanyou more than even youkai, who has usurped Sanzo’s role as spiritual leader and who quickly begins to put in policies to control youkai, from youkai registration to a curfew meant to restrict movement in the city. In addition, Gojyo is still struggling with his trauma from No Mercy (including being unable to be intimate with Sanzo ever since). Sanzo struggles to fit himself in with his life divided between being Sanzo and parenting his sons/being Gojyo’s partner. Gojyo and Hakkai do their best for the babies as they grow, moving into the city and opening a flower shop both to make money in a safer way and to be closer to Sanzo. 
However, Akio becomes aware of Sanzo and Gojyo’s relationship and, with assistance from his bodyguard, Avadhuti, begins to take pains to undo them. This includes loading Sanzo with work to keep him from going to Gojyo (resulting in arguments and tension between Sanzo and Gojyo), appearing to the boys when they are alone and warning them that if they don’t treat Sanzo with respect, they’ll be punished (resulting in a nasty argument between Gojyo and Sanzo that splits them up for several weeks), and instating the curfew almost explicitly to keep Sanzo from going to Gojyo by night. Gojyo has his own problems, however, including drinking heavily to bear off his emotional trauma. During one of these drinking episodes, Hakkai admits that he’s given up on the idea of finding a family of his own, but then asks Gojyo to give him a child. Gojyo revolts at the thought, still traumatized from his last “pregnancy” during No Mercy, and he admits to Sanzo that Hakkai made a pass at him, and though Hakkai promises he would never get between Sanzo and Gojyo, the incident erodes more of the trust between them. 
Gojyo also has a run-in with Banri and a teenaged hanyou boy, Ryuichi, who has been under his thrall. Gojyo is able to rescue Ryuichi and takes him in, getting Banri arrested after a scuffle, but Akio takes Banri for his own purposes. 
Gojyo and Sanzo try to keep themselves together despite the obstacles, but the tension comes to a head when Sanzo arranges to throw a Hanami festival at the temple in order to make happy memories for his family (as well as helping to reunite the youkai and humans of the city with a happy event). The family has fun at first, right down to the twins tying a wish to the prayer tree to have a little brother, but Sanzo is busy trying to run the event. Gojyo promises to meet him during the fireworks, but Akio incites Banri to cause mayhem (resulting in Yohei getting injured) and kidnap Eiji during the festival, keeping Gojyo from meeting with Sanzo, and Sanzo accuses Gojyo of lying to him, even as Gojyo pleads with him to come help take care of Yohei and Eiji. As Sanzo berates Gojyo, Gojyo finally gives in and tells Sanzo it’s over.
After a few weeks split up, however, Sanzo realizes that Gojyo wasn’t lying to him, and, driven to despair, runs back to him… breaking curfew. After spending the night with Gojyo, Sanzo is arrested and given 100 days’ imprisonment, and though he promises to return to Gojyo, Gojyo sinks back into a depression. However, it soon becomes clear that not all of his sickness is from hangover, and the morning after Sanzo returns, he determines that Kanzeon Bosatsu decided to make his sons’ wish come true.
Gojyo first panics, but soon reassures himself that he loves Sanzo and will love Sanzo’s baby. However, Akio appears the day after Sanzo’s release and warns Gojyo that he knows that Gojyo is “corrupting” Sanzo, and that if he doesn’t get out of Sanzo’s life, he will ruin Gojyo’s life, implying a threat on Yohei and Eiji. Gojyo is scared for his sons and the baby he’s carrying, and then realizes that, as unsteady as his relationship with Sanzo is, Sanzo may not protect him nor even have it in him to care for the unborn baby. 
In the story, as published, Gojyo decides to keep his pregnancy secret, even as Sanzo tries to rebuild their relationship and Gojyo struggles between trying to love the man he’s crazy for and protecting his family, including the baby Sanzo doesn’t know about. Sanzo does discover the truth eventually … after Gojyo flees to another city after Akio’s thugs destroy part of his house, timed just right to hide the end of his pregnancy, and Sanzo barely arrives in time to witness Gojyo giving birth to their daughter. However, I thought up two alternate scenarios, one where Gojyo gives up his secret three months after discovering his pregnancy, and this one, where Gojyo tells Sanzo from the top and ends their relationship. 
And that’s where we are!
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saiyuki-the-strange · 6 years
How these eleven colors shall blend...
Saiyuki Ibun 『最遊記異聞』 is a spin-off of the succesful Kazuya Minekura’s series Saiyuki, a liberal adaptation from the Chinese classic Journey to the West. Unlike its predecessor, Ibun is a completely original story that focuses on the youth of Genjo Sanzo’s master, Koumyou Sanzo Hoshi, here portrayed as a young, free-spirited novice monk under the name of Houmei.
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The story takes place around 40 years before the main storyline and it’s set at Taisou Temple (Taisouji), a place renowned for forming the most influential figures of all Tougenkyou: the holders of the sutras of Dawn and Time, the Sanzo priests. Along with two other Sanzo priests that have appeared in the main storyline (Goudai Sanzo and Tenkai Sanzo), as well as several new characters, we witness young Koumyou competing in the race for the Sanzo title, until only eleven candidates remain. Things start to really take off from there, as a blend of tension and camaraderie rises among the first faction and increasingly difficult challenges await ahead… In Jikaku (Taisouji’s abbot)’s own words, “let us observe then, how these eleven colors shall blend.”
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Saiyuki Ibun was published for the first time in the 11th issue of Ichijinsha’s Zerosum WARD magazine in September 2009. Its first tankobon was released in May 2013 with three different covers (regular, limited and Animated limited), and hasn’t been updated ever since, due to Minekura’s chronic health issues. The volume has also been translated into italian and distributed by Dynit.
A stage production by Saiyuki Kagekiden 『最遊記歌劇伝-異聞-』 has been announced at the end of 2017 and will take place at Tokyo Dome City Theater G-Rosso from September 4th to September 9th 2018(more info here: https://www.clie.asia/saiyukikagekiden/ibun/ ).
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As of now, Saiyuki Ibun manga’s status in uncertain, but according to the Saiyuki Ibun cast event, the story will continue.
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lunosamentelunitoo · 7 years
Saiyiuki reload blast. Shot 4, Kouten 11
Hakkai: Well... what we do next?
Gojyo: I dunno... what about a formation S?
Hassan: What? 
Sanzo: How you came with this S?
Goku: An S like in a Syouronbou? Or a Syoumai? (*it is chinese food)
Hassan: Are this guys really talking so casually in a situation like that, and so beaten up?
Gojyo: Noo!! More like the S in sexy you know! Become a sexy formation or something...
Sanzo; Bullshit, it isn’t the S of victory?
Hassan; They are so weird
Hakkai: Sanzo, don’t you think the V is more fitting for victory?
Sanzo: At this time, everything is ok!
Sharaku: Now I finally know... How this four managed to survive after so many troubles. This men are the Genjo Sanso’s party, after all.
Gojyo: Nothing can hit that brat!
Hakkai: Sanzo!
Sanzo: ON MANIHATSU MEI UN! Makai Tenjyou!!
Hassan: It’s usless! The purificatin can’t nothing against a god from the Tenkai!
Sharaku: No... Look!
Goku: It’s dazzling..
..: It is over?
Gojyo: Doesn’t it left some kind of after taste? 
Sanzo: Now that I think about it, it was probaly an useless move.. it was probaly not enough to disintegrate him
Hakkai: Sanzo, actually, there is something different now...
Sanzo: GOKU!!!!
Nataku: ...? Go.. ku... GOKU?
Hakkai: He disappeared? 
Sharaku: He backed down... but I don’t get the reason
Gojyo: Are you ok Goku? Eh? He’s crying?
...: Wait a sec...
Sanzo: Shut up, move 
...: Even if you are a Sanzo, you have no authority here!
Sanzo: Sanbutsushin! come out!
...What is happening? What's the problem?
Gojyo: Didn’t we showed it clearly? That this Prince Nataku, beated us greatly? Just look at our bodies covered in wounds!
Goku: Are this the new generation?
Sanzo: We were already told to back off from our previus duty and go back soon to Choan, but that was all an early talk, we have intention to travel west still for a little time, we will act as we please. 
...:  A BUddha said, you can gain the illumination in a lot of ways
Gogyo: And don’t block our card!! This is just a detour before going back home!
Hakkai: Gojyo, did you just stole my line?
...:  Will you be able to escape from Syakamuni’s palm and be freed from this endless circle of rebirth?
Sharaku: Do you want to be taken to my castle?
Hakkai: Yes, please.
(I don’t remember the dude’s name): Bosatsu? Kanzeon Bosatsu? weird... I looked everywhere... KANZEON BOSATSU!!!
(there is no date set for next chapter :/)
thanks to @seiten-taisei for sharing the raws with us!
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ao3 writers ask: 5, 17, 19
Thanks for the ask! I will answer both in fanart and fanfic context as I do both!!
5: What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
My Kings in Gotham fic. Because its such a niche crossover between K Project and DC. I was surprised people even read it. Same for my Ravenous Echos fic since its another niche crossover between Old Guard and Bulbbul.
In Saiyuki, I am blown away by the response to my fanart and fics in general. Its nice to see so much activity and reactivity from such an old fandom.
17. Your favourite character to write this year.
Just wrote it recently but the Tenkai Sanzo and Kumari Taruchie fic for Saiyuki. It flowed out so easily. I will write continuations for it as December goes by.
I have loved drawing Bleach characters this year as the anime has made a comeback.
19. What's one pairing you want to explore next year?
I have several Bleach fics (with ships) planned that I want to complete in Spring 2024.
In Saiyuki I don't really ship anyone. But I am obsessed with Genjo, Sharak and Konzen so I hope I get inspired regarding them more.
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alienatheart · 7 years
Reload Blast Ep 10 Reactionanalysis
Only a few left to go! Spoilers under cut!
Summary: Four days after the attack on Kouten Fortress, the damge is evident but repairs are underway. Sanzo’s still asleep recovering from injuries and Hakkai is concerned about long-term damge to his arm. Gojyo, Hakkai, and Sharak discuss the attack, and the mysterious child (Nataku) who appeared, and Goku’s help with the repair efforts. Hakkai privately reflects on whether to let Gojyo know about the mark, but just when he’s decided to tell him, a messenger bursts in announcing Sharak and the Sanzo Party are being summoned to Kyokueiden for an audience with the Sanbutsushin (3 Aspects). Sanzo arrives in the doorway to say he’ll never get better laying down, and he has questions for the Aspects. Outside, Goku looks at the spot where he saw Nataku and tries to understand why he felt sad and nostalgic seeing him, then Gojyo calls to say they’re going. Up on the roof, Sai Tai Sai is hanging out being mysterious again.
As they travel with 5 in the Jeep, Sharak again taking Sanzo’s usual passenger seat, she explains Kyokueiden is the residence of the Kumari, a beautiful girl worshipped as a living goddess. The current Kumari is gifted with prophecy and has supposedly never been wrong. Gojyo want to see the hottie until told she’s prepubescent, than doubly wierded out when Sharak says the Kumari is over 80. Once arriving at the impressively furnished temple, they meet the Kumari, who turns out to be Taruchie. She says the Sanzo Party’s luck will run out and if they continue on their path, but Sanzo responds if her foresight is real, she already knows they won’t turn back due to a stranger’s warning. Taruchie replies she’s not a stranger; she shares blood with the previous holder of the Maten Scripture. Sharak is surpised, and Sanzo asks for clarification, but they’re admitted to the audience chamber before anything else can be revealed. (Just to be clear, since the anime wasn’t, she’s referring to Tenkai Sanzo, the youkai Sanzo Priest BEFORE Genjyo Sanzo’s master Koumyou.) As Sharak and the Ikkou walk away, Taruchie internally states that the events of 500 years ago will repeat…
Inside, the Sanzos formally announce themselves to the Three Aspects, who scold the Ikkou for taking so long and spending too much on the credit card. Hakkai interrupts so Sharak can ask who the mysterious child was. The Aspects explain (over flashbacks) that the War Prince is the only being in Heaven permitted to kill, and had been dormant since the calamity 500 years ago…War Prince Nataku. Goku’s glad to know the name, but when Sharak asks WHY Nataku suddenly appeared the Aspects admit they’re just hearing about it now and guess it has something to do with the revival experiment, since Nataku originally defeated Gyumaoh 500 years ago. Then they drop the bomb: Since Nataku’s back, the Sanzo party is FIRED!
Up in Heaven, Kanzeon Bosatsu demands to see Shaka Nyorai (Head Honcho of Heaven?) RIGHT NOW!
The Aspects tell the Ikkou to head back to Chang’An (where they started out from two years ago) posthaste. While everyone digests the news, the Aspects go on saying they should count themselves lucky they weren’t fired sooner with how long they took and the way they spend money. Hakkai raises a logical point: If Nataku is to deal with Gyumaoh again, why not increase the chance of success by fighting alongside him? The Aspects explain Taruchie’s prophecy means the ikkou would certainly lose, and anyway it’s direct order from on high, so run along home NOW. Sanzo’s not having any of that, and shoots the screen where the Aspects’ images are projected!  As they walk outside, discussing what to do next, we’re reminded of Sanzo’s personal quest to retrieve the Seiten Scripture from Houtou, meaning they aren’t going to just quit. Hakkai brings up the money situation also, but discussion is cut short when Sanzo collapses, having pushed himself too far. As the others help Sanzo, Sharak privately muses about the turn of events. In Heaven, the 3 Aspects are also discussing the orders they relayed, mentioning Kanzeon went for an appeal, but the screen shows Kanzeon knocked out and bloodied in an unknown location.
Sharak takes her Kouten Corps to check on a nearby village, leaving the Ikkou in the Jeep thinking what to do next. While Sanzo sleeps, Goku, Gojyo and Hakkai speculate on a return journey, being able to travel at a relaxing pace and whether they’ll have to work to pay their way or skate by with Sanzo’s name and card still. It starts as light-hearted joking but once they decide to be realistic, Hakkai spells it out: Sanzo won’t quit until he’s got the Seiten Scripture; and Goku will naturally follow Sanzo. Hakkai and Hakuryuu are needed for healing and driving, but Gojyo should go no further! The others think he’s joking, but Hakkai says he’s serious, the minus wave is too strong and Gojyo can’t handle it. Gojyo’s understandably angry and demands an explanation, but Sanzo wakes up and grabs his hair, revealing the mark.
In the village, Sharak meets with the youkai (!) townspeople, who state that none of them have changed for better or worse. But the episode ends ominously with Nataku deploying...
So after the action of the last few episodes, the pacing slows down a bit, but important things are still happening!  We’re getting close to the end of the anime, and very close to all the material that’s been covered in the manga so far, and I think PlatVis made the right decision to stick very closely to the manga, but I’m a little disappointed with the things they left out, namely, anything, even a static image of Tenkai! I also think the pacing would have been helped by including the full conversation with the 3 Aspects, especially the part about Ukoku, since he was already shown in episode 7. But, it it what it is.
Of course, Kanzeon’s not on board with the whole firing thing either, which leads to another mystery. The exact workings of Heaven were never detailed, except for vague references to “higher ups,” but now we’re left to wonder who or what exactly could K.O. a Bodhisattva.
When they’re talking in the jeep, it’s a kind of calm before the storm, the way they act like they could really turn around and go back. When the conversation turns to places they passed through just before this leg of the journey, I think I caught some sly references to Crossroaders and the Twitter event from 2014! But of course, such musings can only go on for so long. When Hakkai drops his bomb and refuses to budge, Sanzo catches on an reveals Gojyo’s mark, and Sharak and the youkai townsfolk are about to have a visitor… it’s all very ominous!
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Genkai: *doing a tarot card reading* uh oh… this guy has a sword… better watch out for that…
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hipster-selkie · 7 years
Saiyuki RB ep. 10 liveblogging
Spoilers ahoy!
- Sanzo’s right arm? Nooooo my bby
- Hassan so hawt w/o that cap. My Koni-tan bias is showing
- omfg gojyo and goku stop making fun of foreign deities you ugly americans XD
- “i’m an adult ojou”  (ب_ب) lol i am liking kumari talchie too
- WAIT WAIT WAIT --- SO TALCHIE IS RELATED TO TENKAI SANZO?? OR IS SHE RELATED TO KOUMYOU SANZO??? WHICH IS IT?? you stay there until you get an explanation, ikkou noooo don’t gooooo
- hahaha “Shit. We can’t argue with that” lol at least they’re self-aware?
- also good it seems sanzo’s right arm is ok
- hahaha hakkai so practical “the problem is the credit card”
- what
- WHAT??
- Hakkai no don’t break up the fam noooooo ;o; on the other hand he’s worried about Gojyo so my shippy heart is twinging
- A more accurate translation might be “You’re terrible at lying about certain/particular things” coupled with Hakkai’s face at being called out, my 5x8x5 heart is crying out!! He’s so worried about Gojyo!
- oK DID NATAKU ATTACK KANZEON don’t end i have so many questionsssss
- oh thank god there’s an ura-sai i needed one
- HAHAHA THAT SPARKLY SANZO WTF at least they know which one is theirs hahaha
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seiten-taisei · 7 years
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Testing out some designs for new Saiyuki Charms, here’s what I’m thinking:
Saiyukitties (Sanzo, Goku, Gojyo, Hakkai, Hazel, Gat, maybe others)
Ibunnies (Koumyou, Ukoku, Jyoan, Tenkai)
Heavenly pups (Konzen, Goku, Kenren, Tenpou, Kanzeon, Nataku)
Still gonna play around with it. Will post more sketches later~
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nighttimefjaeril · 7 years
OMG!!!Thank you for correcting me abt the sanzo trainings!!! Im not that familiar with saiyuki's current plot at the moment i just read it from wiki few weeks ago before the anime aired and i just rememberd some ideas aftr wTching today. my bad :)
Hey^^ No problem, I just thought I chime in because your suspicion about the Taruchie-Tenkai connection was correct, but I still wanted to clarify a couple of things without spoiling too much^^ I’m sure that the anime will cover some of this, so I definitely don’t wanna ruin your enjoyment :) But given how hard it is to collect all the previous information due to the many prequels, difference between manga and anime adaptation etc. I thought I add some useful information :) Hope the anime will do a good job at filling all the gaps this time!
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ezra-blue · 7 years
Goku, "you found a child" or "I thought you were dead"
“You found a child?” Taisei Sanzo, Thirty-Second of China, had to repeat what the acolyte had told him, because he found it a little hard to believe. Ever since taking the crown and sutras from their previous guardian, Goku had been stationed at the Temple of the Setting Sun, high above Chang’an, far from civilization. He was meant to be the personal envoy of the Aspects, but in the aftermath of chaos, things had calmed to the point where his duties were practically ceremonial. Some days, he wished he had agreed to return to Tenkai. The peace and quiet had been stifling, but it had been what he needed, and it had been what someone special had asked him to do. Surely he’d had a reason for asking that of Goku, and he’d had nothing better to do and had obeyed. This was the first interesting thing to happen in nearly seventy years. The acolyte, wide-eyed and likely even more surprised than Goku, nodded.
“An infant, wrapped in a blanket. I don’t know how, or who – I mean, nobody comes up here – Master, wait!” Goku had hardly waited for him to finish talking before jumping from his desk and running through the halls like the wild man he’d been all those years ago, all but galloping across the tiles and slipping on his sandals as he bolted for the entrance. He could see the acolytes crowded around, and could hear them as he got close:
“How curious…”
“Those eyes!”
“Do you think he’s a–”
Goku pushed through the crowd, bowling two acolytes over. “Let me see!” He held both hands out, and the bald younger man holding the bundle of ragged blankets blinked back surprise.
“But, Master…”
Goku didn’t wait – a century hadn’t broken his impetuousness, and already he could imagine an old voice whispering a chide – but reached out to take the baby. To Goku’s surprise, though, just as he was about to take hold of him, a tiny pink hand whipped out and grabbed his finger. The acolytes ‘ooh’ed and ‘aah’ed, and the acolyte holding the baby took the hint and passed him to Goku. Goku carefully worked him into his open arm, not taking his finger from the baby’s tight grip, and looked down into his face.
Chubby cheeks. A few locks of pale hair. Big purple eyes. A wide pink mouth that the tiny hand was dragging his finger towards, and Goku gaped, struck silent as this impossible baby sucked on his index finger. Goku kept waiting for those eyes to look right into his, for that mouth to open up and say, “Thank you for waiting. I reached out to you this time, see?”  
“I thought you were…!” He choked on the word, and clutched the baby tight. “You came back…”
Of course Sanzo’d had a reason. Goku had trusted him then, and now, he got the feeling he’d get to trust him again.
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reginaldodpg · 5 years
Filmes Completos Dublados Azumi 2003 Artes Marciais Ano Lançamento 2003
Uma guerra no Japão faz com que o país seja devastado. Desesperado em restaurar a paz, Tokugawa Shogun, líder de um clã, ordena o assassinato de um comandante inimigo. Para realizar a tarefa é selecionada Azumi (Aya Ueto), uma jovem e bonita mulher que foi selecionada ao nascer, juntamente com outros 9 órfãos, para se tornar uma assassina.
Elenco : Aya Ueto, Shun Oguri, Kazuki Kitamura Diretor : Ryûhei Kitamura Gênero : Ação / Drama / Aventura
Elenco: Aya Ueto ... Azumi Kenji Kohashi ... Hyûga Hiroki Narimiya ... Ukiha Takatoshi Kaneko ... Amagi Yûma Ishigaki ... Nagara Yasuomi Sano ... Yura Shinji Suzuki ... Awa Eita ... Hiei Shôgo Yamaguchi ... Komoro Shun Oguri ... Nachi Joe Odagiri ... Bijomaru Mogami Aya Okamoto ... Yae Minoru Matsumoto ... Tobizaru Hideo Sakaki ... Nagato Ken'ichi Endô ... Isshin Sajiki Kazuya Shimizu ... Nisai Sajiki Tak Sakaguchi ... Sanzo Sajiki Ryô ... Mother being attacked Masatô Ibu ... Nagamasa Asano Kei Satô ... Tenkai Nankôbô Kazuki Kitamura ... Kanbê Inoue Naoto Takenaka ... Kiyomasa Katô Yoshio Harada ... Gessai Obata Katsushi Ikeda ... Bandit Bansuke Kasamatsu ... Nagamasa's Servant Takehiro Katayama ... Samurai Guard Fuuma Kosaka ... Hyuga Yûki Kuroda ... Gessai's Son Shôichirô Masumoto ... Head Bandit Misako Nagashima Takeshi Nakano ... Bandit Masaki Nishimura ... Samurai Guard Kazufumi Ohba ... Samurai Guard Houken Sonoda ... Steet Acrobat Yukiharu Sugiyama ... Bandit Asuka Sukuna ... Azuma Yasunari Takeshima ... Samurai Guard Kazuki Tsujimoto ... Head Bandit Kanae Uotani ... Azumi's Mother Hiroaki Yamazaki ... Nagamasa's Servant Hideo Kojima ... Bandit (não creditado)
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