#Tennessee class
lonestarbattleship · 5 months
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USS California (BB-44) on January 26, 1942. Salvage workers have removed her 14 inch guns to lighten the battleship in preparation to refloat and tow her to the drydock for repairs.
"USS California was struck by two torpedoes and one bomb. Near-miss damage resulted from a second bomb and minor damage was caused by a third. Minor fragmentation damage resulted from bombs at a distance. There was one fire aboard as a result of the bomb hit. About two hours after the start of the attack a surface oil fire completely enveloped the vessel. Finally, a vapor explosion occurred forward just prior to completion of salvage operations. The vessel sank slowly and did not approach the final position in the mud until late Wednesday night or early Thursday morning."
information from her damage report
Digital Archives of Hawai'i: PPFUR-2-15-007
USS California Damage Report: link
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marzipanandminutiae · 1 month
being a Tennessee teenager means, at least once, waking up to the sirens at 2:30 on a school night when you have to get up at 5:30 for school, and briefly considering whether death by tornado really WOULD be worse than AP English class on 4 hours of sleep
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Today the far-right dominated Montana legislature, after first silencing her, plans to censure and expel its first elected trans woman member, Zooey Zephyr, just as the Tennessee legislature did to two young Black men. 
All because she dared to condemn legislation that will kill and torture trans children -- something that Democratic Party leaders and Joe Biden have refused to condemn, much less take action against.
These attacks go far beyond the scope of electoral politics. They are attacks on the right of oppressed people to be represented or even speak on matters that directly affect them. Fortunately, there is a growing fight-back movement to #LetHerSpeak. I have no doubt that there will be a fierce struggle to restore her seat if she is expelled, as there was for Justin Jones and Justin Pearson in Tennessee.
"Blue check" fans of Elon Musk are now openly calling for the public executions of trans people, their families and their health care providers. This is a fight for the whole working class and progressive movement. 
If you haven't spoken up, if you haven't joined a protest, if you haven't paid attention -- the time is now. 
- redguard
Artwork by Lee Leslie
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ccasey0 · 2 months
OKAY. I did it. @thr-333 i finally did it. i made your lil guy. AND i gave him lore.
but before i show you i want you to see the mass amounts of concept sketches i came up with cuz i couldnt figure this guy out for the life of me.
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haha this went in so many different directions. i wanted him to look young, but any time i drew him like that he looked weird. so i tried a teenager. that just looked terrible. eventually i got it right tho :)
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oke, lore time! i gave this boi trauma so brace yourselves! also, imma try to make it mostly as a fic cuz i wanna see if i can actually write like that. oh, btw for context go here :)
The altar was beautiful. A tiny hut with no front wall. a large cork board on the back wall with pretty charms hanging from it. and a solid stone table in the center with lavender growing around the edges and corners. it would have been a wonderful sight.....if it wasn't Tommy's final resting place. two large men in black robes and masks covering their faces ushered Tommy forward. His hands were bound, and he was too weak to get away. the men shoved him to his knees, their hands gripping his shoulders hard and mercilessly. the priest stood behind him, speaking out to the crowd. nobody seemed to care that Tommy was just a child who didn't want to be here. he knew he would die one day. but he expected it to be from starvation or some sort of sickness from living on the streets. not like this. not as a sacrifice for some stupid Moon God. The priest finished his speech. shit. Tommy struggled against the ropes. please. i don't want to die. let me go. i know i wasn't good. just please don't kill me. i wont do anything bad again. i promise. please. don't kill me. i don't want to die. tears ran down his face, as he tried to plead with the people all staring at him. words failed him. he couldn't speak. suddenly his whole body went numb with shock as the priest poured a bowl of freezing cold water over his head. the man chanted some words in a strange language as Tommy coughed and tried to reorient himself. he opened his eyes and looked up, trying to see the priests face and plead with him. all he saw was the dagger coming down on his head. the world went silent. time seemed to slow down as the blade reached the space between Tommy's wide, teared up eyes. blood splattered onto the stone floor below them. people cheered, all chanting the same words the priest had spoken. Tommy fell limp. he was dead. his body slumped and flopped onto the ground. the priest picked him up, raising his dead body up for everyone to see. he then laid him down on the altar. saying a prayer and then turning back to the people to preach to them again.
the two stars frantically tried to tell their story to Casey. two farmer stars. Casey had no idea what either of them were trying to say, as they were both talking over each other. He raised up his hands, gesturing for the two to stop and back up. "okay, okay, slow down. uh, you." he pointed to the one on the right. "what happened?" the star began to recite what she had seen. a boy. dead on an altar built by an obsessive cult village. the small star finished her story and casey folded his arms. "well shit. both of you stay here. tell the others what happened and have Ally and May meet me at the Tree Shrine." There were a few stars that Casey knew the names of. but that's only because they usually followed him around everywhere they could. Casey then looked up at the small owl sitting on his head. he sighed, already dreading the convrsation he and his sister were going to have in the future. "go tell Dellta." the small owl, Abby, nodded slightly and flew away. Casey then held his hand out over the blackness under his feet. he was standing on the barrier between the Night and the Mortal World. a hole formed below him and he fell through, the other side leading to the woods surrounding the Cult Village. he looked around. it was dark out. Casey's time. the Nighttime. perfect. he walked through the forest, moss and mushrooms growing everywhere he stepped. it was cloudy tonight. the moon wasn't out. Casey moved quickly, just a blur through the trees to anyone who might see him. finally, he reached the altar. it was built up on a short cliff, and casey was at the bottom behind it. he jumped up to it, the wind blowing carrying him upward so he could land on top of the structure. he then hopped down to the stone floor below, drifting slowly until his feet reached the cold surface. he turned to see the boy. there he was, laying dead on the glossy stone table. a small incense fire had been lit on his chest and had already begun to burn him. Casey immediately brushed it off of the child, putting out the fire and dusting away the ashes. he stare down and the boy, whose face still had blood stains running down from between his eyes and splatters all over his skin. Casey brushed the hair away from his forehead. he then wiped off some of the blood with his thumb and pressed it to his forehead, painting the mark of the Night. Casey whispered the same words Celestial had spoken when they made Casey and Dellta spirits. the mark glowed and turned from blood to a permanent tattoo on the child. Casey then carefully lifted the boy up in his arms, holding him gently and making his way back to the spirit tree.
The boy opened his eyes slightly. everything was blurry and way too bright, and he had a horrible ache in his head. his gaze drifted upward as he tried to figure out who was holding him. his vision was still too poor to see them clearly. whoever it was, they seemed gentle. and their hands were very cold. their figure was dark, although their eyes seemed to be glowing yellow. the child tried to speak, but he couldn't even open his mouth. all that came out was a muffled "mmmm....mfff..." The figure slowed down for a second, looking down at him. "ah. you're awake. don't worry, Konton. you're safe now." their voice was tired and draggy, yet somehow warm in a strange way. wait...Konton? is that....my name? Konton. I like it. Chaos in japanese. wait, how do i know that? i don't speak japanese? what is going on?? The boy- Konton squinted his eyes to look at the person holding him. fur, ears, four eyes. what the fuck?? his vision was ever so slowly coming back to him....and his memory. he hadn't even thought of trying to remember what happened until now. it came in flashes. the men. the altar. the water. the knife. He didn't even realize he was crying until the person stopped next to a tree and set him down. the knelt down, reaching forward and brushing a tear off Konton's cheek. "hey. you're okay. no one will hurt you now. but i need you to listen to me for a bit, can you do that?" Konton nodded, bracing himself for whatever this strange person had to say. judging by their face, it was going to be long story.
To be continued..
Holy shit that took forever. Fics are very time consuming. hope you guys liked it tho! please tell me if ya'll want more of this! i know i should work some more on posting HBT, but the Spirit Au is just so much fun! this kid was originally just a lil guy i made for @thr-333, but i liked him enough to make him canon, just like the stars! also, @allyheart707 @kitmay05 and @icequeenabby have all been included in this as their stars! sorry to the other stars, i just felt like these guys would fit best for the roles i had for them.
also! i was doobling the other day and made this :D
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onii mask cuz why not? it's not a canon mask, i was just messing around :) that side profile looks like shit lol. but if you look closely you can see the scar from the incense fire on his chest. Konton doesnt remember the fire since it happened while he was dead. although he remembers everything else about his life except for names. even his. he can remember faces, but no names whatsoever. not even pets.
there is a lot more story to this and i might even continue it if y'all are interested. i also have a funky lil comic cooking in the background that i definitely haven't been procrastinating all weekend haha why would you ever think that :D
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wizardnuke · 7 months
"thou shalt not take the Lord's name in vain" except Her name is Dolly Parton and i am about to start fucking biting people
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carbone14 · 8 months
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Canons de 356 mm et mât du cuirassé USS California (BB-44) – 1938
©Naval History and Heritage Command - NH 80528
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woahpip · 2 months
the poise i keep every day in clicking away from local news articles instead of commenting "kill yourself" should be awarded
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kaida427 · 4 months
Silent Desperation
Inspired by "The Glass Menagerie" by Tennessee Williams
In a house like a pinewood box, This inescapable two-by-four situation, Nails bending, breaking, rusty, Leaving like a crowbar prying at the boards.
Pacing around, looking inside, Falling through a single crack, No escape without a fire, A flame that burns through factory work.
Tell me mother, do you believe, That I'm in love with Continental Shoes? Full of envy for the dead, "Rise and shine," you crow, and I'll do neither.
Even if I try to forget, Through midnight screens and bottles emptied, I left my home, was it for the better? What I left behind soon turns quiet.
Shyness sent to empty gaze, "Slight defects" ice picks will solve, Quiet girls are seen, not heard, A happy home without expression.
Were there really seventeen? Tales retold to bear with life, Exaggeration was your only tool, "Go," you said, my body exhumed.
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lorenzoholtjr · 2 months
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dopescissorscashwagon · 8 months
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Wynonna Judd, Larry Strickland, Brenda Lee, Bill Anderson, Tanya Tucker, Emmylou Harris, Ricky Skaggs, Patty Loveless and Sharon White, Craig Dillingham attend the Class of 2023 Medallion Ceremony at Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum on October 22, 2023 in Nashville, Tennessee.
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timberlakegallery · 6 months
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12.13 | Justin Timberlake & the Tennessee Kids performing at the opening night of the Fontainebleau Las Vegas’ brand-new casino.
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lonestarbattleship · 9 months
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USS Tennessee (BB-43) in dry-dock at the Bremerton Navy Yard, Bremerton, Washington.
Date: September 12, 1928.
National Museum of the U.S. Navy: 80-CF-14-2054-9
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placeinthisworld · 7 months
wait what’s happening in dark blue tennessee?
it is my very strong narrative that it is about s*icide
“She almost called him on the night that he wrote/ These simple words on his goodbye note”
For years I thought it was just a break up song… but listening to it in 2023 I was hit with the realization that it’s so somber because it’s too late to apologize since the subject has lied about moving to LA in an attempt to move on, but the sweet sorrow of missing her is too much and therefore he can’t move on and ends their own life
maybe I’m projecting, but idk man the context makes the most sense to me with the tone and wording “won’t you come back to me?” And we know Taylor has written plenty about mental health since debut so it’s not outside the realm of possibility.
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zeeturn · 1 year
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broke-on-books · 2 years
Appreciating those medieval monks rn
Like no WONDER handwriting books took forever this is crazy
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carbone14 · 10 months
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Cuirassé USS California (BB-44) à pleine vitesse – 1921
Photographe : O.W. Waterman
©U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command - NH 82114
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