#Teq Focus
tonyspank · 1 year
Warnings: none i think Summary: You meet Olivia Rodrigo at a party. A/N: part 2?
Olivia Rodrigo x Reader
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Fame. It was a blessing and a curse, bringing both adoration and scrutiny. The allure of the spotlight drew people in, but the constant invasion of privacy weighed heavily on those who experienced it.
You never wanted to be famous, with everyone watching your every move and judging your every decision. The pressure to maintain a perfect image becomes suffocating, leaving no room for mistakes or personal growth. It seemed like too much.
Your friends, on the other hand, envied the idea of fame. They saw it as a gateway to success, wealth, and recognition, and hell, it was.
The difference between Jack's and your bank accounts was big.
Jack Harlow, a rising rap artist, seemed to have it all. Jack Harlow, the same guy you used to hang out with and freestyle with in your basement, was now selling out arenas and topping the charts.
Jack Harlow, the same guy who would visit New York just to hang out with you, his best friend.
You'd know Jack since he was just starting out in the music industry. You had witnessed his journey from recording songs in his bedroom to signing a major record deal.
You were proud of him, he was truly like a brother to you, and seeing his success brought you immense joy. Despite his fame, Jack remained humble and always made time for the people who had supported him from the beginning.
Which is why he decided to drag you to a party in downtown Brooklyn, a place he hoped you would enjoy. The party was filled with talented musicians and industry professionals, nearly everyone there had some connection to the music industry.
You follow Jack as he maneuvers through the crowd, making his way to the DJ booth. You watch him dap up the DJ before he introduces you to him. "This is Zack Bia, his shit is fire. I swear to you." Jack says, leaning closer to you so you can hear him over the music.
Zack daps you up, giving you a warm smile before turning back to his DJ set. Zack leans into Jack's ear, whispering something that makes Jack quickly nod his head, you can slightly mouth the words "Oh yeah."
Zack presses a button on his DJ controller, and the music transitions seamlessly into Jack's song, Dua Lipa. He then hands him a mic, and Jack grabs it eagerly, ready to perform.
As the beat drops, Jack's voice fills the room, captivating everyone with his smooth delivery and undeniable stage presence. The crowd goes wild, their energy fueling Jack's performance as he effortlessly commands the small stage.
You find yourself nodding your head to the beat, unable to resist the infectious rhythm. The music pulsates through your body, making it impossible to stand still. Jack puts an arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to him as you take a sip from your glass.
"Do the next part," Jack whispers in your ear, moving the microphone away from his lips. You laugh a bit, shaking your head. "Nah, man." Jack smiles, "C'mon."
He doesn't give you time to process your response before he moves the microphone to your mouth and starts singing the next verse. Caught off guard, you stumble over the lyrics for a moment before finding your voice and joining in.
Jack starts jumping up and down, his energy contagious as he encourages the crowd to sing along. "So, what's up?" Jack shouts into the microphone, moving it away from you.
You leave the stage, needing a drink and fresh air after being put on the spot like that. When you arrive at the bar, you see a brunette girl sitting by herself, her head down, as she types away on her phone.
You twist your lips, would she mind if you took a seat next to her?
The bartender looks up from cleaning a glass and nods at you, indicating that you can take a seat. When you settle down, you catch a glimpse of the girl's screen, noticing that she's scrolling through social media.
"What can I get you?" the bartender asks, breaking your focus. You quickly glance at the menu and order a shot of tequila.
You can feel it. Her eyes stare at your side profile, but you pretend not to notice and play with the rings on your fingers. What would you say to her if you mustered up the courage to strike up a conversation?
Moments later, the bartender returns with your shot of tequila, accidentally knocking over the girl's drink and proceeding to drop your shot on the table. "Shit! I am so sorry."
You chuckle and reassure the bartender that it's alright, searching for a napkin. "Do you have a napkin?" You ask the bartender, glancing at the wet stain on your jeans.
The bartender searches underneath the counter, unable to find a napkin. "I'm really sorry, but I don't have any napkins at the moment. There might be some in the bathroom upstairs."
You glance at the brunette, who is now wiping her drink off her dress with her hands. "I could also grab you a napkin too, if you'd like."
For the first time, she looks at you, and your stomach does backflips.
"I could come with." She smiles, her brown doe eyes staring into yours. Her smile is warm and inviting, making your heart race even faster. "That would be great," you say, trying to hide your excitement.
You both make your way up the stairs, squeezing past other people who are heading downstairs. As you reach the top, you notice a sign pointing towards the bathroom. The brunette leads the way, gracefully navigating through the crowd.
Huh. This place used to be a studio, you think to yourself, admiring the high ceilings and large windows. You walk into the bathroom with her, turning on the light to reveal a clean and modern design.
The marble countertops and sleek fixtures give the space an elegant touch. You can't help but feel a sense of relief knowing that you won't have to endure a grimy restroom experience tonight.
The brown-eyed girl lets out a huff, searching the bottom compartment for napkins. "Well, I didn't find any napkins, but..." she says, pulling out a blowdryer. "We can use this."
You laugh, impressed by her resourcefulness. "That's definitely a creative solution," you say, admiring her ability to think outside the box. "Who needs napkins when we have a blowdryer?" you joke, helping her plug in the blowdryer.
You sit on the countertop, waiting for the blow dryer to warm up. "I'm Y/N, by the way." The brown-eyed girl smiles and extends her free hand. "Nice to meet you, Y/N. I'm Olivia," she introduces herself, grateful for the unexpected company in this situation.
You shake hands, and you can't help but feel that this encounter might turn into an interesting and memorable experience.
Olivia raises the blowdryer on the wet spot on your jeans, causing you to jump a bit in surprise. "Sorry about that," she apologizes, her cheeks turning slightly pink.
"You're good, it's just a bit hot."
You smile as you watch her swing the blow dryer back and forth, blowing warm air onto your damp jeans. Olivia looks back at you with a small smile on her lips.
"Did you get dragged here too? Or did you come willingly?" You ask, trying to make conversation.
"A bit of both, you?"
You chuckle softly, your eyes glancing around the room. "Well, I guess you could say I was persuaded to come," you admit with a playful tone. "But I'm actually glad I did. It's been a while since I've hung around Jack...I missed him."
Olivia nods understandingly, her smile widening. "Jack, like Jack Harlow?" You nod in response, confirming her guess. "Yeah, that's the one. We used to be attached at the hip back in high school, but life got busy and we drifted apart. It's nice to reconnect and catch up."
"Do you make music too?" Olivia asks, curious. You shake your head, chuckling softly. "No, not like Jack. I'm more of a listener than a creator when it comes to music. But I've always admired his talent and passion for it."
"You make music, though, right?" You ask and Olivia nods, smiling. "Yes, I do. It's been a big part of my life for as long as I can remember. I like being able to express myself through music and connect with others who kind of relate. It's a form of therapy for me, a way to escape and let my emotions flow freely."
You hum, "I completely understand what you mean. Music has a way of speaking rather than using words." Olivia's smile widens, and she nods in agreement. "Exactly! I honestly can't imagine my life without music."
A comfortable silence settles between the two of you. Another one of Jack's songs begins to play, so loudly that you can faintly hear it all the way up here.
"Want me to dry your dress?" You break the silence, softly taking the blow dryer from her hands. "Oh! Uh, sure, thank you." You smile, hopping off the counter. "You wanna sit? I can help you up."
"Thank you, yeah..." You place the blowdryer down, gently placing your hands on her waist, before lifting her onto the counter. She settles down, her eyes never leaving yours.
"I've always wanted to play an instrument." You confess, doing the same motions with the blowdryer on her dress. "Really? Which one?" she asks, biting down on her lips, her eyes still on you.
You pause for a moment, contemplating your answer. "I think I've always been drawn to the guitar," you finally reply, meeting her eyes.
"Acoustic or electric?" she asks, a small smile forming on her lips. "Acoustic for sure. But I can't sing for shit, so no one-man band for me," you chuckle, causing her smile to widen.
"Well, who needs vocals when you can make the guitar sing?" she teases playfully, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
"What do you do, if you don't mind me asking?" Olivia inquires, her curiosity evident in her tone. "I'm a real estate agent, believe it or not."
"It's not as glamorous as being a musician, but it pays the bills," you say with a shrug. Olivia nods understandingly, her smile still present. "Do you wear a suit to work?" she asks, raising an eyebrow.
"Sometimes," you reply with a smirk. "But most days, I prefer a more casual and comfortable look. I can't distract my clients with how good I look in a suit, you know?"
Olivia laughs and leans in, placing a hand on your forearm. "So, what's the most interesting property you've ever sold?" she asks.
"Well," you begin, "I once sold a mansion to Central Cee, you know, the UK rapper? He had some specific requests for the interior design, including a home studio and a custom-built gaming room. It was definitely a unique and exciting project to work on," you explain, reminiscing about the experience.
Olivia's eyes widen with intrigue as she listens attentively. "Is he the most famous client you've ever had?"
"Actually, no. I didn't directly sell a house to Drake, but I did have the opportunity to assist in finding him a property. And this was a while ago, maybe when he dropped that one Keke song."
Olivia's eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "Wow, why is that actually kind of cool?' You chuckle, turning off the blowdryer and setting it down on the counter. "Well, it was definitely a unique experience. It's not every day you get to work with someone as well-known as Drake."
Olivia nods. "I can only imagine what it must have been like. Did you get to meet him in person?"  
You smile and reply, "Unfortunately, I didn't get the chance to meet him face-to-face. However, I did communicate with his team throughout the process and ensure that his preferences and requirements were met."
You let out a sigh, saying, "If you ever need to find property in the future, let me know." Olivia smiles, nodding her head. "Of course, I wouldn't want anyone else. I don't think all real estate agents help their future clients dry off their dresses when the bartender spills a drink on them." She chuckles, patting her dress to see if it was dry.
"I guess that's just one of the many perks of having a dedicated real estate agent like me," you reply with a wink. Olivia opens her mouth to speak, but knocking on the door interrupts her.
"You guys done in there? We've been waiting for ages!" a voice calls from outside. Olivia and you exchange amused glances before you reply, "Just a moment! We'll be right out."
"Here, I'll help you down." You stand in between Olivia's legs, placing your hands on her waist to support her as she steps down from the countertop.
Olivia's face flushes slightly as she looks up at you, grateful for your assistance. "Thank you," she says softly, moving a hair strand out of her face.
You smile at Olivia and give her a reassuring nod. "No problem at all," you respond, feeling a warm connection between the two of you. You can't help but notice how her hand lingers on your arm for a brief moment before she lets go.
You begin walking towards the door, opening it for Olivia to exit first. A messy-haired boy quickly rushes past the two of you, "Sorry, I have to shit!" he exclaims, nearly knocking Olivia over.
She stumbles slightly but regains her balance with your support. You exchange a knowing glance with Olivia, bursting into laughter at the unexpected interruption.
As the laughter subsides, Olivia thanks you for catching her and playfully nudges your arm. "It was nice meeting you, Olivia." You say, returning the playful nudge.
You give her one last glance before walking towards the flight of stairs. "Wait!" Olivia calls out, causing you to turn around. "Can I have your number? I'd love to keep in touch," Olivia asks, a hint of nervousness in her voice. You smile and reach for your phone, exchanging numbers with her.
Olivia pulls you into a hug, surprising you. You hesitate before returning the hug, wrapping your arm tightly around her waist. You pull away, your hands slightly lingering on her waist. "Don't be a stranger," you say, giving her a warm smile. Olivia returns the smile, nodding.
With a final wave, you turn and continue down the stairs, already looking forward to the next time you'll see each other.
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dzamie-oc · 11 months
Voretober 19 - Replica
Length: 2100 words Vore type: M/M oral vore, willing prey Fandom: None Other info: furry robot pred, human prey Summary: There are certain benefits to befriending a mad* scientist Synth. And certain risks, but I'm sure it's fine. *Teq would surely argue that sanity is a meaningless concept to a robot, and therefore it cannot be lost (Synths are an open species created by Vader-San)
Sam blinked his eyes open; he was laying in some sort of cushioned tube, like the ones in Teq's lab. He tapped the glowing "exit" button and sat up, groggy. Around the tube was, well… Teq's lab. The practically second home of his Synth friend, the place was littered with tools, notes, and half-finished contraptions that it swore it had put in "the most efficient places possible." Today, the focus seemed to be around the biggest 3D printer Sam had ever seen, covered in papers with diagrams and measurements all over them.
Teq itself stood over its desk, presumably with even more complicated papers. [Oh, hello again Sam. Did you wake up well?] it asked, turning its head so its visor could "look" at him. Really, with its tail plugged into the wire hanging from the ceiling, Teq had seen Sam through every wall-mounted camera pointed near him, but he appreciated the familiar body language.
"Er, yeah, thanks for the makeshift bed, but I don't remember climbing in."
[Perfectly normal,] it replied, its electronic wink pulsing a mischievous yellow and blue, [seeing as you didn't.]
"Right, yeah, I remember some new scan you wanted to…" a yawn interrupted Sam, and he reached up in a big stretch, one that drew his attention to his outfit.
Or rather, his lack thereof.
"Teq, do you know why I'm naked?"
Sam sighed. "Care to tell me?"
[Oh, absolutely!]
A few more seconds passed, and another sigh. "This stopped being funny the second time you did it."
The corners of the Synth's mouth pulled back in a grin, filled with its flat, blunt set of metal "teeth." [I wholeheartedly disagree! Buuuut it does wear thin quickly. Your clothes are folded over there,] it pointed towards a bench where, indeed, Sam's clothes sat, [but if everything goes well, you won't need them.]
"Uh-huh." Sam swung his legs out of the tube, grimaced when they touched the frigid floor, and reluctantly sat back down. "But I'll hear you out. What are you up to?"
[I've discovered a method to fork humans!] Teq said, its lights flashing like glittering gold. [Sinera contributed the magic part, since I am incapable of thaumic conductivity. Perhaps another day I will attempt to optimize away the safeguards she applied, but that requires many more tests.]
Sam rolled his eyes, smiling. "Is this leading up to a "I can't fork you if you're not naked" joke?"
Teq simply stuck out its metal, segmented tongue; Sam noticed that it was wetter than the Synth usually kept it. It crossed its arms and huffed, [well, not if you're going to take it away from me. I would like one more trial, however, before introducing a variable in participant.]
"Okay, so… forking is your "I'm being a funny computer" way of saying cloning, right? How many Sams are there running around right now?"
[One, if you count yourself.]
"Oh, so you failed, but you want to try again?"
Teq shook its head. [Every single trial has passed! It just… turns out having more than one active at a time causes problems. I won't elaborate.]
A sense of dread grew in Sam's chest. "So… so what happened to the others?"
[I ate them,] the Synth said simply, [accidentally scanning your browser history gave me a great idea, really, that reduces the net energy cost per test!]
"Am I-" Sam's breath caught in his throat, "- am I next?" He rose into a crouch, as though thinking he could run in a facility where the robot dragon controlled every machine and the doors.
[Ideally, yes, but you know how I am about consent forms for research participation.] Teq grabbed a few sheets of paper and flipped through them, likely more for dramatic effect than actually recalling information. [I was hoping for a nice, round 16, but if you would rather not, I can simply attempt to court a new subject. I'll keep you in the loop, of course.]
Sam shook his head and climbed out, gritting his teeth at the cold against his feet, and the distinct lack of anything keeping his body heat in. "Well, I'm glad to hear I can avoid you killing me by just telling you not to." He shivered. "Fuck, it's chilly in here."
[I have been keeping my internal spatial storage at 30 degrees Celsius,] the Synth offered, pointing one finger helpfully into its mouth, [and the path from intake to storage is of a similar temperature.]
Trying to keep his teeth from chattering, Sam stepped towards his clothes. "Is that supposed to convince me to let you eat me?"
[It was a convincing argument three times, though putting your clothes in your line of sight seems to have disrupted this trend.]
The man stopped and turned. "Three times? Wouldn't I remember?"
Teq stepped closer, but remained at a short distance. [Moreso than I anticipated, which is an annoyingly convincing argument towards the existence of souls - I might be out a few hundred bucks. But still, scarcely more than the character in that game you played last night remembered if you asked hir to use hir tail, penis, or mouth to eat your character.]
Sam nearly jumped with shock, but his blush meant his face, at least, didn't feel cold. "H-how did you-"
[Fifth trial, you used it as an analogy to your situation while sitting inside me.] It winked at him, the dotted oval briefly changing into a lit-up caret. [However, I only possess a mouth. Perhaps for later experiments or leisure…]
Sam crossed his arms, and walked up to it. "Fifteen times?" Teq nodded. "You're not telling me a lower number to trick me into agreeing to more?"
[Nor am I lying with a higher number to imply a greater confidence of success,] it agreed. [I chose this method of… duplicate prevention to increase the odds of your cooperation and to avoid a mess. I supect I will use its appeal to attract a new test subject after one final successful run.]
An uneasy look crossed the man's face. "I… hadn't thought of the "higher number" thing until you brought it up." He sighed, and looked at Teq's draconic face. "Please be honest again: did I enjoy being swallowed and, uh… whatever you did to me?"
[Yes, unless you lied to me about it. I did not see utility in attempting to discern that.] It looked away with its hand on its chin, as though thinking. [With the exception of an unfortunately uncomfortable entrance. If you decide to go one more time, I will eat you feet-first to prevent this.]
"…alright. Load up that consent doc, Teq."
[Thank you~!] it replied, with a small jingle. Its facial display showed a text document, and its upturned eyes soon faded from view. [You know the deal, read carefully, button at the bottom. Basically the same thing you've done for other experiments, just with a different procedure name.]
"Yeah, yeah…" Sam muttered, flicking his finger along the display. Text scrolled by far too fast to read, but at least it didn't take long to reach the indicated button. One tap later, and the document vanished, soon replaced by Teq's familiar eyes. "Okay, so now do I- gah!"
There was a clicking noise as Teq extended its tail, curled it behind Sam's legs and back, and then gently pushed the man back onto it. Sam immediately stiffened, anticipating a similar chill, but whatever Teq had done to keep its insides heated had somewhat extended to its tail - while definitely not warm by any measure, it was… better than room temperature. He was jolted out of his thoughts by a much greater heat around his feet and ankles. Looking down, Sam was greeted by the view of his synthetic friend's head by his knees, and the inside of its mouth visible in small gaps.
[Are you okay?] Teq asked. It took Sam a second to remember that, although the Synth usually moved its mouth while talking, it technically just used speakers. He nodded, and Teq's tail smoothly drifted closer, feeding more of his legs into the warm faux-throat. Once most of his thighs were gone, a quiet whirring accompanied a new sensation: like a massage chair, rolling pressure constantly pushed at his legs from all sides, coaxing him down.
When the heat of Teq's mouth and throat washed over his upper thighs and exposed balls, Sam flushed red and quickly covered himself with his hands. The Synth's eyes - and even its display background - tinted pink, and, teasing him, it remarked, [I guess I should ignore that rather than… encouraging you. Good to see you continue to enjoy this.] Its tail pushed him forward, and its throat changed from a gentle pull to more of a controlled slide.
With everything below his chest fully inside Teq's gullet or deeper, Sam realized he could kick around a little, and that it felt like paddling through a thick liquid. Teq offered no time to think about what that meant - not that Sam needed much - and the man soon found his world dark as the Synth shut its mouth past his head, while the bottom of its "stomach" soon forced his legs to curl up. Moments later, all of him was sitting in the strange, dark hot tub, with luckily enough room to keep his head above the liquid.
[How was it?]
"Very… relaxing," Sam decided, "although, I think I expected more of a swallowing motion than the constant slide."
[Interesting… I will keep that in mind when we do this in the future, assuming further successful tests.]
"When, not if?" He laughed, and tried to pat Teq's insides, but found that the liquid seemed thicker, and harder to move through. "Getting ahead of yourself, aren't you?"
[I have a measured 100% success rate at talking you down my throat,] it pointed out, [and with a similar frequency of arousal, I expect you to ask it of me, especially once the process is further refined. Plus, you may want better footage than security camera video.]
"…fair enough. I definitely want a copy of those."
[And you'll have it. Goodbye now, Sam. I'll see an earlier you in a few minutes.]
The man didn't get the chance to think about what that meant.
Sam blinked his eyes open; he was laying in some sort of cushioned tube, like the ones in Teq's lab. He tapped the glowing "exit" button and sat up, groggy. Around the tube was, well… Teq's lab. The practically second home of his Synth friend, the place was littered with tools, notes, and half-finished contraptions that it swore it had put in "the most efficient places possible." Today, the focus seemed to be around the biggest 3D printer Sam had ever seen, covered in papers with diagrams and measurements all over them.
Teq itself stood over its desk, presumably with even more complicated papers. [Oh, hello again Sam. Did you wake up well?] it asked, turning its head so its visor could "look" at him. Really, with its tail plugged into the wire hanging from the ceiling, Teq had seen Sam through every wall-mounted camera pointed near him, but he appreciated the familiar body language.
"Er, yeah, thanks for the makeshift bed, but I don't remember climbing in."
[Perfectly normal,] it replied, its electronic wink pulsing a mischievous yellow and blue, [seeing as you didn't.]
"Right, yeah, I remember some new scan you wanted to…" a yawn interrupted Sam, and he reached up in a big stretch, one that drew his attention to his outfit.
Or rather, his lack thereof.
"Teq, do you know why I'm naked?"
[Synthesizing clothes around a body would have posed an unnecessary challenge and risk.] It turned, walked over, and offered a hand out of the tube. [Say, do you know anyone else who would want to be eaten by a Synth? For once, some external bias in selection would be welcome.]
Sam took the hand and cringed at the chill of the floor; helpfully, Teq pointed him to a pile of his clothes on a nearby bench. "I… maybe? Wait, what do you mean anyone ELSE?" he asked while putting on some protection from the lab's temperature.
The yellow and blue smiling eyes returned as Teq handed him a USB stick. "I could tell you directly, but I think it will be much more fun for you to find out looking through these files."
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tenacioususedcars · 2 years
Top 5 Tips To Note When You're In The Market For A Second-Hand Bakkie
The rest of the world might call them pick-ups or utes but we call them bakkies and they remain South Africa’s best-selling vehicles.
In 2018 the Toyota Hilux and the Ford Ranger once again topped the SA auto retail charts with Nissan, Isuzu and VW Amarok holding solid sales numbers.
Gumtree Autos Jeff Osborne says the trade in pre-owned bakkies also remains extremely healthy with more than 10 000 Gumtree listings right across the country priced from R18 000 to R800 000. This doesn’t even include the bakkies for sale by used car dealers that list their used bakkies on their websites. Osborne offers some basic tips for the best way to buy a pre-owned bakkie: 1. Mileage doesn’t matter so much because these beasts are built to last. Some have cracked a million km and 40% of listed bakkies have done more than 100 000km. 
What matters more is how they have been looked after so check the service record and investigate whether there has been a major replacement recently of something like a clutch.
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2. Think clearly about what you need the bakkie for - is it a workhorse or more of a town vehicle? 
For the former, ruggedness and reliability take priority, interior comforts are important and a double cab for extra passengers is essential for the latter.  3. Focus on the basics and don’t be distracted by features which you can add on yourself as required. Concentrate on the functionality of the vehicle and its suitability for the task at hand.
4. Bakkies are thirsty so fuel consumption can be a major expense. Don’t go for more power than you need and understand that the newer models have better fuel efficiency technology.
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5. Buy the best and use the 2018 Gumtree Pre-Owned Car Awards as a guide. In 2019, the judges assessed a range of factors including resale value, running costs and performance on 2016 double cab bakkies 4x2 under R460 000 and voted for the Toyota Hilux 2.8 GD-6 Raised Body Raider (A) as the winner with the Ford Ranger 3.2 TDCi Wildtrak (A) as runner up. 
The VW Amarok 2.0 BiTDi Highline 132kW, Isuzu KB300 D-TEQ LX and Nissan Navara 2.5dCi LE also made the final shortlist.  .
Info shared https://pre-ownedsmarts.postach.io/post/top-5-tips-to-note-when-you-re-in-the-market-for-a-second-hand-bakkie
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Playin' With Fire: Frankie's Secret
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Playin’ With Fire: Frankie’s secret
Summary: Dani and Frankie have been friends for almost two years now. While at a party, Dani learns Frankie’s darkest secret. Will their friendship surpass this hurdle? WIll they finally cross that line they have been teetering on? Or will this be the wedge that drives them apart?
Warnings: DRUG USE (straight up use of cocaine), ANGST (It starts it off), explicit language, a heated make out session, implication of smut (but no details because I suck at writing smut), Hurt!Frankie because it breaks my heart. I hurt my own heart writing this.
Pairings: Dani x Frankie, Frankie x ofc, Dani x Santiago
Word Count: 4,280
A/N: Part 2! Y'all this story is a wild ride. I am not responsible for any tears that are shed while reading this.
Tags: @221bshrlocked @danniburgh (if you want to be tagged, LMK)
It wasn’t often that Dani went to a party that wasn’t being hosted by a Miller brother. Yet, here she was at some random house with a lot of random people. Will said it would be fun, that she needed to relax. Benny said that she wouldn’t be alone because Frankie would be there. So how in the hell did she find herself standing around with none of the guys in sight?
Dani wandered aimlessly through the crowd of people, looking for someone she knew. She came across a door, and it seemed to be quiet on the other end. She quickly turned the knob to see that it was unlocked. Pushing the door open, she revealed her best friend, with a half naked brunette in his lap, snorting what looked like coke.
Her heart shattered into a million pieces. Dani couldn’t tell if it was because of the girl or the drug. “Tequila.” Frankie whimpered, but didn’t move a muscle. The girl in his lap twisted to see who opened the door.
“Either join in or get out.” The girl demanded, and Dani slammed the door shut. She knew she probably looked crazy; Tears running down her face, smearing her makeup, frantically looking for Will or Benny. She found the youngest Miller first, who immediately left the woman he was chatting up upon seeing Dani’s distressed state.
“Tequila, what happened?” He asked, wiping tears from her face. She tried to tell him, but it only came out in broken sobs. Benny was able to pick up “Frankie” and “cocaine”; After that, she was incoherent. Benny wrapped his arms around her, trying to give her some comfort. “Come on, let’s find Will and go.”
It took twenty minutes for Benny to track down Will, who was hooking up with the party host, Sara. Benny explained that Dani came up to him, sobbing and mentioned Frankie and coke. Will rushed to get dressed, apologizing for his hasty exit.
Dani was standing outside by Will’s jeep, eyes swollen and face red. Will rushed over, “Teq, I’m so sorry.” He comforted and placed a kiss to her head before ushering her into the car, just in time for Frankie to come running out the door. Benny took three large strides toward him before throwing a right hook that connected hard with his jaw.
“The fuck were you thinking, Fish? I thought you quit that shit!” Benny yelled at his friend who clutched his face where a red bruise was already starting to form, struggling to get up off the ground.
“Please, Benny.” Frankie started as he stood up, gesturing to the girl crying in the front seat “Let me talk to her.” He begged, trying to move toward the car. Will stepped in.
“You’ve done enough, Catfish. Leave her alone.” Will growled at the man before him. Frankie, exhaled a shaky breath and took a step back from his friends.
“I’m sorry.” He mumbled. “I’m so sorry.” He yelled a little louder, hoping Dani could hear him through the window. She turned her head just in time to see the same brunette that was seated on his lap, start dragging him back inside.
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Dani didn’t leave her room for three days. She barely touched anything Will or Benny brought her to eat. She barely slept, the image of Frankie doing lines of the white substance haunted her dreams. She tried to focus on the crappy ‘B’ rated horror movie playing on Netflix.
A knock on the door drew her from the screen. “It’s open.” She said numbly. It was Will. He came in carrying a tray of food and a few water bottles. Dani noticed and gave him a quiet ‘thank you’, before turning her attention back to her laptop.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Will asked her just like he had every day before. Today she seemed ready.
“Why didn’t anyone tell me?” She whispered, still looking at the screen. Will took a seat next to her on the bed.
“It wasn’t our story to tell. As far as we knew, he cleaned up after being discharged. Tequila, I promise you, if any of us knew, we would have told you.” Will tried to explain to her, knowing that his words weren’t going to help much.
Tears slowly started to trickle down her cheeks. She felt so stupid, letting herself get so close to him. Will pulled the computer away from her lap, sitting it on her bedside table. She instantly curled into him as sobs wracked her body. Will felt so helpless. On one hand, he has his best friend who has a drug problem and on the other, his best friend who has a broken heart. He didn’t know where to begin to fix either. Will noticed that the sobs finally stopped and her breathing evened out. She was finally asleep. He could have wiggled out from her hold, but instead, he made himself comfortable and fell asleep, too.
“What the fuck are you doing here, Frankie?” Benny’s voice stirred Will awake. He shot up off the bed and ran to the living room. He found Benny holding Catfish back from entering the doorway.
“I need to talk to her, Benny. I have to- shit, I have to explain myself.” Frankie begged his friend.
Will could see his brother getting angrier by the second, so he intervened. “Go check on her, make sure she’s still sleeping. I’ll handle this.” Will prompted his brother. Benny relaxed, moving away from Frankie. Will slid into his spot, blocking him from coming inside.
“Will, please.” Frankie begged. “I just want to see her. I’m sorry for this. I never wanted to hurt her.” All Frankie wanted was to make sure she was okay. He was about to speak again when Dani’s voice broke through the silence. Frankie took in her state, hair in a bun, eyes rimmed red and puffy.
“It’s okay, Ironhead.” She murmured, arms wrapped around herself in mock comfort. Will turned himself to face her. He brought a hand up to caress her face, erasing stray tears. He gave her his best ‘are you sure?’ look. She nodded, “I’ll be okay, Will. I’ll yell if I need you.” She tried to give him a smile, but she was so damn tired.
Will looked back at Frankie, “I love you, man, but she better not need me." The blonde threatened him and Frankie knew he meant it. He shook his head in agreement; Frankie would gladly let Will hurt him. He just wanted to make this right. Will moved over, letting Frankie pass him into the living room. Frankie looked around. Out of all the times he sat in the room, he never imagined himself sitting here because of this.
Dani moved to take a seat across from him. She gave Will a look to let him know that she was okay, and he left the room. She focused her attention back to the man in front of her. He looked tired, like he hadn’t slept either. His eyes were bloodshot, and he had dark circles under them, which didn’t complement the five o’clock shadow that dusted his face. She couldn’t help but wonder if it was because of her or the drugs.
Frankie noticed Dani looking over his features, and he felt ashamed, like he didn’t deserve to have her look at him. He hung his head low, trying to avoid making eye contact with her. He knew he couldn’t hide his face forever, but for now, the floor was looking pretty good.
Dani shuffled in her seat, trying to get herself comfortable before diving into a conversation she really did not want to have. As she thought of what she was going to say, Frankie started to apologize.
“I’m so fucking sorry, Teq.” He raised his head, tears chasing each other down his face. “I know that sorry doesn’t mean much, but I am.” Frankie wiped his tears away as he finally made eye contact with her.
“Why, Frankie?” Her words were barely detectable, but Frankie heard them. Those two words put a vice grip around his heart and he felt like he couldn’t breathe. He didn’t know why. Why did he let himself fall off the wagon after so long? Why did he let Vanessa back into his life when he could have had Dani? He didn’t have any answers for her.
“Can I start from the beginning?” He asked her, hoping they could talk things out. Dani thought it over. Did she really want to hear this? The choice was obvious. she needed to know and gave Frankie a curt nod.
Frankie moved to the floor in front of her chair, sitting crossed legged, looking up at her. “It started after my first helo crash.” Frankie began.
“This is gonna be a bumpy ride boys,” Frankie yelled through the headset. He was maneuvering the helo through gunfire, trying to find a safe place to land.
“Fish, we got smoke back here!” Pope bellowed, hanging onto the doorway of the cockpit. Frankie looked back at his friend. How was he going to do this? He looked back down to the earth, and all he saw was desert sand. “Fish! We gotta land, man. Or this thing’s gonna blow!” Santiago reiterated.
Frankie found a spot far enough away from the flying bullets, that he could try to land as safely as possible. When he started to bring it down, alarms started blaring, lights flashed. “Fuck! Guys, buckle up. This isn’t going to be good.”
“That crash broke Benny’s arm. Since then, I was a nervous wreck behind the controls. I almost got everyone killed because I couldn’t land the damned helo. My mistake almost killed my friends.” Frankie paused to compose himself. “At first, I only did it to calm my nerves, then I just lost control of it, using whenever I could. I was discharged with my license suspended. I did a rehab program and luckily, I was able to get my license reinstated.”
Dani tried to comprehend what he was telling her. All of her medical training told her that he had a disease, an addiction. She wanted to reach out and console him, but he kept this from her. She had shared all of her secrets with him and he kept this huge one from her. “What about the girl?” She asked, knowing she had no right to be jealous. Frankie wasn’t hers.
“Vanessa was a fling, someone I would get high with. She was just there.” He gulped, “I wasn’t looking to get high. It was a moment of weakness. I hadn’t used it in almost thirteen months.” Since he met her. He was laying everything out for her and he was praying she would still accept him.
Dani sat there, staring at the man in front of her. He was unrecognizable. He looked sad, broken. Nowhere near the happy, flirty, person she met on Benny’s birthday. She wasn’t sure how to respond. She wanted to understand. She wanted to help him past this, but she didn’t know how. She didn’t know if she was strong enough.
“Please say something, hermosa. Lo siento mucho.” Frankie apologized again, reaching to grab her hands. She didn’t pull away like he thought she would. Instead, she moved to kneel on the ground with him.
She released his hands to pull him in for a hug. The gesture was enough to completely destroy Frankie’s resolve. Frankie sobbed into her. “Lo siento mucho. Lo haré mejor, lo prometo.” Dani held him for what felt like forever, stroking his hair.
“I want to help you, Frankie.” She whispered into his hair, still holding him close. “But I need you to want to help yourself.” Frankie’s head bobbed in agreement. He needed this.
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The following weeks were hard on Frankie. Detoxing off the drug was a lot harder than he remembered, but Dani was there every step of the way. The exhaustion, shakes, and cravings were tolerable, but when the nightmares started, Frankie didn’t know if he would make it.
Dani let herself into Frankie’s apartment after her shift at the hospital. “Frankie?” She called out but did not get a reply. She moved further inside, making her way to Frankie’s room. She heard the shower running as she walked into his bedroom. “Frankie?” She called out again.
As she got closer to the bathroom, she could hear Frankie’s broken sobs over the shower. She rushed in to see him sitting in the corner of the tub, knees drawn to his chest. He raised his head when the door slammed into the wall.
“Dani?” He choked out, like he was surprised to see her. She rushed over to him. Feeling that the water was freezing, she quickly turned it off. She grabbed a towel, throwing it over him to give him some form of cover.
“Fuck, fish. What’re you doing? Trying to give yourself hypothermia?” Dani moved to grab more towels. She was able to get him to stand up and move into the bedroom. She searched his room for warm clothing. “Here.” She handed him the sweats and hoodie she found. “I’m gonna make you something to eat while you get dressed.” She exited the room and closed the door behind her. She felt her own tears threatening to fall down her face. It was hard to see her friend like this. She wiped away the drops that strayed down, trying to compose herself.
Frankie emerged from his room and followed the savory smell coming from the kitchen. “Hermosa.” His voice cracks a little, but she still hears him. Smiling, she turns to see him, arms wrapped around himself. “Shit, Teq.” He walks over to her, bringing a hand up to caress her face. “I didn’t mean to make you cry again.” He whispers, pulling her in for a hug.
“I’m okay, Fish.” She mumbles into his chest. “I made bacon and eggs.” She wasn’t going to say that was all she could make with the contents in his kitchen because the man was already down.
“Thank you, Dani. For everything. I think the worst has finally passed.” Frankie told her as they sat down at his tiny dining table. She handed him his plate before placing her own in front of her. The two ate in a comfortable silence.
“You wanna talk about it?” Dani asked as Frankie cleared the table. Frankie placed the dishes in the sink and turned back to where she sat at the table.
“I keep having the same nightmare. I’m in a helo and it's going down. It’s just like that first crash, except you’re there. And there’s nothing I can do to save you.” Frankie describes his dream, fighting back the emotion that is pouring through him.
“I’m here, Frankie. I’m here.” She tells him as she walks over. Taking his hand and placing it over her heart. “Feel that? I’m alive.” She moves it over his own, “You are, too. We are going to figure this out together.” The tension between them is palpable. Frankie looks down at Dani, her blue orbs staring back at him and all he can think about his pressing his lips to hers. Instead, he pulls away. She deserves more than a fuck up like me, he thought.
“Thank you. For dinner, fuck, for everything. You should go home and get some rest.” He practically pushed her out the door. “I’ll be okay.” He reassured her one last time before she said good-bye. He watched her walk to her car, climb inside, and drive away.
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After the almost kiss, Dani did her best to give Frankie space. She knew he was going through a lot and he was probably having a lot of conflicted emotions. She stayed away from his apartment for about a week, checking in via text. He always responded immediately.
It was Saturday evening, and she had just finished her ER shift. She had sent a text to Frankie earlier in the day and still had not heard from him. Deciding that a trip to his apartment was warranted, Dani made her way over.
She knocked on the door three times before it opened. “Vanessa?” Dani choked out as the brunette stood there, wrapped in a towel. “Where’s Frankie?” She asked, her voice a little shaky.
“He’s busy, sweetie. Go home.” Vanessa snarked with a smirk on her face. Dani rolled her eyes, before storming past her toward Frankie’s room. She all but kicked the door open, sending the handle smashing into the wall.
“What the fuck?!” Frankie yelled, coming out of his bathroom, towel wrapped around his waist. The angry look on his face dropped as soon as he saw her. “Fuck.” He whispered, dropping his head. Dani knew immediately what was going on.
“Frankie, tell me this isn’t what it looks like.” She wished, pointing to the powdered substance on his dresser. He didn’t answer. “Frankie, please.” Her voice cracked, “Tell me you aren’t doing fucking coke again.” She pleaded. He raised his head to look at her, but did not answer.
She shook her head in disappointment before walking out of the room. “Dani!” Frankie called as he chased after her. “Dani, please, don’t go.” He begged her. She stopped in her tracks before she reached the door. Vanessa scoffed, muttering under her breath “to let her go”.
She slowly turned around. “Fuck you, Frankie Morales. Fuck you and fuck her.” She spat, pointing to Vanessa who was sitting on Frankie’s couch. Dani focused back on Frankie. “Thank you for wasting my time, my effort, my love. I told you when I started to help you that you had to want to get clean. You’ve made it very clear that you don’t. So, fuck you.” She blubbered, tears of regret and hurt welling in her eyes, spilling over her lashes.
She didn’t wait for a reply as she walked out of the door. It closed behind her with a loud thud. She got to her car and let out the sobs she was holding in. Dani had never felt anything like this. Even when she caught him at the party, it didn’t hurt this bad. She felt like some punched her in the stomach and could hear her heart pounding in her ears. What was she supposed to do now?
Dani pulled into her driveway to find Santiago sitting outside on the porch, like he was waiting on someone to come home. She put her car in park and he’s there to open her door. “¿Estás bien?” He asked as she stepped out.
She didn’t dare to look the brunette in the eyes, because she knew she'd break. “I’m fine.” She replied curtly, looking at the ground, walking toward the house. He followed quickly behind her. Once inside, she threw her bag onto the couch, going straight to the kitchen. She poured a shot of tequila, offering one for Santiago. He shakes his head ‘no’.
“Shit, Teq. What’s wrong?” He asks again, worry laced in his voice. He can tell she’s been crying. Her eyes are red, and her face is blotchy. She downs the alcohol and pours another.
“He’s doing coke again.” She rasped out, throwing back the second drink. Slamming the glass on the counter, she left Santiago and walked to her room.
He ran a hand down his face before tailing her. What the fuck have you done, Catfish. He thought. He found Dani laying face first into her pillow. “What do you mean he’s doing coke again?” He questions, sitting next to her legs.
She rolled over and sat up. “I mean, I hadn’t heard from him all day. I was worried. I got to his apartment and Vanessa was there.” she hiccuped, falling back on the pillow again. “There was coke on his dresser.” Dani sniffled, a sickening feeling growing in her stomach.
“I’m sorry, Dani.” He whispered, not really sure if she heard him. He is sorry. He’s sorry that Frankie is being an idiot. He’s sorry that she’s hurting. And he’s sorry that all he wants to do is make it better.
Dani fought to push her sadness down. She wiped her tears away and moved to sit up again, so that she’s looking at him. “I’m sorry, you looked like you had something you wanted to say.” She apologized and gave him her full attention.
Santiago nodded. “Yeah. I’m um, I’m going to South America. Colombia. I got a contract with the military.” He told her. “I’m supposed to leave in a month.” Her face dropped, and for a second she wonders how much heartbreak a person can take.
“South America? For how long?” She asked in disbelief. How could Santi be going to a different country? She just lost Frankie, she couldn’t lose him, too.
“I’m not sure.” He was being honest. He didn’t know when or if he would be back. It wasn’t going to be the safest contract. Dani sat there staring at him, speechless. “Teq?” He said, and she lifted her sad eyes to his. Almost as if he could read her mind, he promised, “I’ll come back.”
She shakes her head. “You don’t know that, Santi.” She mumbled, “What if you don’t come back?” The brunette shakes his head, telling her that she can’t think like that.
His cedar brown eyes met her blue ones. He reached out for her, pulling her into his embrace. He had an internal debate on whether or not he should say anything. It would be completely selfish of him, especially since he knew how Fish felt about her. That didn’t stop him from saying, "I have a contact down there who can get you certification to practice there. You could come with me, work in a hospital there."
Dani's body stiffened. Go to South America with Santi? She couldn't, could she? Santi could practically see the gears turning in her head. "It's not a marriage proposal, babe." He joked, trying to lighten the mood.
Dani let out a breathy laugh, "Yeah, like I would ever assume you are proposing marriage." Santi rolled his eyes, squeezing her tighter.
"I could settle down for the right woman." He rebutted, and they both burst into laughter. They knew Santi wasn’t the ‘settle down’ type. His arms relaxed around her and she wiggled her way out of his hold to sit back down on her bed.
"Seriously though, Tequila. If you want to come, the option is there." He offered her again. She could look into it. She could help so many less fortunate people, the whole reason why she wanted to become a doctor. After tonight, maybe it would be for the best.
"Okay." She says and his eyes go wide, like he didn't hear her correctly. "I want to go." She reiterates. Now he knows he wasn't hearing things. A huge smile crossed his face and he scooped her up into his arms again. Dani sighed in contentment. He smelled like mint and leather, even though he wasn’t wearing any, with a hint of whiskey.
She leaned her head back, so that she could look up at him. She was surprised to find him staring back at her. Her eyes subconsciously flickered to his lips as his tongue swiped out to dampen them. She didn't know if it was the buzz from the alcohol earlier, but she pushed forward to crash her lips into his.
Santi froze at the feeling of her lips on his. It was if he had fallen into one of his dreams, where the blonde woman had been running rampant. His hand found purchase at the back of her head, pulling her closer as their lips moved in tandem.
Dani's arms wrapped around his neck, her fingers playing in the curls growing at the base of his head. She felt his tongue dance along her bottom lip, as if to ask for permission to enter. She parted her lips, finally tasting him as their tongues met. He even tasted like mint and whiskey.
Santi nibbled her bottom lip, which drew a low moan from her. He knew right then that he wanted more sounds from her. He tightened the grip on the back of her head, pulling it to the side, so that he could have access to her neck. He broke the kiss unceremoniously, before attacking her neck, finding her sweet spot immediately.
"Santi," Dani whimpered with need. Santi groaned at the sound of his name coming off her lips. She sounded like an angel. He wanted to hear more.
He pulled back to look at her. Her eyes so dark with lust, Santi could barely see the baby blue. Her hair was a mess where he buried his fingers. She looked absolutely beautiful. "Fuck, Tequila." Santi said breathlessly. His hands caressed her face, one thumb swiping over her bottom lip. "Fuck, as much as I want to do this. I can't." He said as his hands dropped and he stepped back. "I'm sorry, Teq. You would hate me in the morning."
Dani, brain still fuzzy with need, nodded, "Yeah, yeah. You're right. It's best that we stop now." She hesitantly agreed, when really what she wanted was for him to make her forget. Make her forget Frankie. Make her forget work. Make her forget her own name.
Santi took a deep breath, running a hand across his face. His eyes met hers once more, trying to find any signs of regret. There were none. "We really shouldn't do this." He said one more time before connecting their lips again.
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Hermosa- Beautiful
Lo siento mucho- I’m really sorry.
Lo haré mejor, lo prometo- I’ll do better, I promise.
¿estás bien?- Are you okay?
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teqfocus · 3 years
Salesforce has been in the business for more than 15 years and we have already seen the powerful and effective tool it has been for businesses of various sizes.
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pen-of-roses · 2 years
*happily working on fairytale wip*
*the teq (now tew) crew appearing* So we had a thought and now we’re your sole focus! Isn’t that great?
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mayurkohli-blog1 · 3 years
Rising demand for aluminum-scandium alloys in the aerospace and defense industry is anticipated to drive the scandium oxide market growth in the near future
The Global Scandium Oxide Market was valued at US$ 91.8 Mn in 2020 and is expected to reach US$ 182.3 Mn by 2027 and is expanding at a CAGR of 12.1% during the forecast period.
Scandium oxide is most commonly utilized in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) and scandium-aluminum alloys. SOFCs are a significant use of scandium. Scandium oxide costs are also impacted by quality, with 99.9% or greater grades indicating the highest purity, which is necessary for electrical applications but not alloy applications. The pollutants type also matters, while the selection of alloys, some are more troublesome than others in specific applications. The use of aluminum scandium alloys in various end use industries such as aerospace is expected to drive the global scandium oxide market growth.
Additionally, the Al-Scandium alloy, provides with characteristics such as better grain refinement, super plasticity, and precipitation hardening, corrosion resistance. Recrystallization is avoided, since most high-strength and precipitation hardenable aluminum alloys are solution-heated at temperatures considerably above their recrystallization temperatures, transition metals such as zirconium, chromium, manganese, vanadium, or titanium are ineffective at preventing recrystallization. These characteristics of scandium-aluminum alloy which can be utilized by automotive industry. All these factors mentioned above are expected to drive the global scandium oxide market growth during the forecast period.
 Get a Sample Copy of Scandium Oxide Market Report 2020-2027:
 Scandium Oxide Market Segmentation:
•       Market Size by Grade
 •       Scandium Oxide 95% - 99.9%
 •       Scandium Oxide 99.90%,
 •       Scandium Oxide 99.90% and higher
 •       Market Size by Application
 •       Aluminum-Scandium Alloys
 •       High-Intensity Metal Halide Lamps
 •       Lasers
 •       Ceramics
 •       Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
 •       3D Printing
 •       Others
 •       Geography
 •       North America
 •       US
 •       Canada
 •       Europe
 •       UK
 •       Germany
 •       France
 •       Italy
 •       Spain
 •       Russia
 •       Rest of Europe
 •       APAC
 •       China
 •       India
 •       Japan
 •       South Korea
 •       Singapore
 •       Philippines
 •       Rest of APAC
 •       RoW
 •       Middle East
 •       Africa
 •       LATAM
 For More Customization, Connect With Us At:
 Key Findings:
 •Based on grade, 95%-99.9% accounted for the largest market share in the base year 2020
 •Based on application, aluminum scandium alloys accounted for the largest market share in 2020 and will maintain its position throughout the forecast period (2020-2027)
•Based on regions, the Asia Pacific region for the largest market share in the Scandium Oxide industry
 The key players operating in the scandium and scandium oxide market are:
1.    Scandium International Mining Corp.
2.    Henan Tianfu Chemical Co.
3.    Accela ChemBio Inc.
4.    Australian Mines Ltd.
5.    Haihang Industry
6.    antaichem.com
7.    NioCorp Development Ltd.
8.    HuiZhou Top Metal Material Co.,Ltd
9.    Hunan Oriental Scandium Co.,Ltd.
10.  Hunan Rare Earth Co., Ltd.
11.  Nanografi Nano Technology
12.  American Elements
13.  ESPI Metals
14.  Rio Tinto
15.  Clean TeQ
16.  Nanoshel
17.  Imperial Mining Group Ltd.
18.  Hunan Kunwell Advanced Materials co
19.  Stanford Advanced Materials
20.  RUSAL
21.  Weston Aluminum
22.  Ottokemi
23.  Mincometsal
24.  Alfa Aesar
25.  Platina Resources Limited
26.  Canada Rare Earth Corporation
27.  Hastings Technology Metals Limited
28.  Beixin Minerals
29.  Other Notable Players
Get More Information: https://www.researchcmfe.com/report/68/scandium-oxide-market
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ResearchCMFE is a provider of world-class market research reports, customized solutions, and consulting services, and high-quality market intelligence that firmly believes in empowering the success of its client's successes in growing or improving their business.
We combine a distinctive package of research reports and consulting services, global reach, and in-depth expertise in markets such as Chemicals and Materials, Food and Beverage, Energy, and Power that cannot be matched by our competitors. Our focus is on providing knowledge and solutions throughout the entire value chain of the industries we serve. We believe in providing premium high-quality insights at an affordable cost
 For All Your Research Needs, Reach Out to Us:
 Contact Name: Rohan S.
 Phone: +1 (407) 768-2028
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spiderdevitt · 7 years
The Hardest Mistakes - Chapter 1
Synopsis: Greydene had a difficult upbringing. Born in the UK and adopted by American parents, her life in the system hasn’t been ideal. She was brought to the US at a young age and at 18, joined the Statesman, a spy organization in Kentucky. The rules were too much and she goes rouge, becoming an assassin. Her first job? Protect royalty with help from the Kingsman and her Uncle, Harry Hart.
Tags: Drama, Action
Author’s Note: Chapter 1 is officially here!!! Leave some feedback, reblog this, share it, love it, all that.
Main Characters: OC, Gary “Eggsy” Unwin, Harry Hart.
Tag List: @kingofbros
"Grey, that was completely reckless." Tequila yelled in his thick, Kentucky accent. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest. I didn't need this reprimanding from a man who wore assless chaps and cowboy boots on a normal basis.
"It wasn't reckless. It was effective." I spat, standing my ground.  
"You drove your fucking motorcycle onto the tracks! You could have injured one of the horses, one of the jockeys or even yourself!" He approached aggressively. "The suicidal shit needs to fucking stop."  
"I drove my bike onto the tracks because the fucking BAD GUY stole a fucking CAR and drove it onto the tracks. Let's not focus on me and the fact that I caught the fuck and you're treating me like a little child!" I yelled, uncrossing my arms. I stood up on my tip-toes and didn't even reach his chin. Tequila was a giant.  
"I'm focusing on you because Champ isn't happy. He hasn't been happy with you for some time. If it wasn't for your father being one of us before he died, you wouldn't be." Tequila sighed. "Champ feels like you're a charity and I know you aren't. I'm just worried about you, kid." I stood silently with a glare on my face. He sighed and left the room.
Twenty-three years ago, I was adopted in London, England when I was one. I was adopted by a horse jockey and his very high-end wife. Dad was always away and so mom and I lived in New York for her business. She was an owner of a string of boutiques in Manhattan. I never wanted for anything, and yet they weren't my favorite people. It wasn't until my eighteenth birthday that I found out my father wasn't a jockey at all. He was a Statesman.  
I was in training to be a Statesman when my father's accident happened. He was dealing with a job in Alabama and was killed by the guy he was investigating; a killer who always left a clue of his murder that would lead to the next. I was immediately made a Statesman and given his name, Vodka. I hated any thought of association with him, however and decided to put my own twist on the name. Everyone in the Statesman group called me Goose.  
Champagne was the leader of the Statesman and he did not like me in the slightest. He felt that the Statesman's vote to induct me immediately was ridiculous and my risky nature wasn't any better. He definitely felt this way when my horse from training, Saddle was killed in an accident within my first year of being a Statesman. I decided after to switch to a motorcycle, which Champagne felt was an abomination to the Kentucky-bred Statesman. I didn't care so much. I was a New York-bred bitch.
I left my bunker in the Statesman mansion to go and find Champagne. Tequila coming to yell at me was definitely a sign that Champagne was in a fury and I didn't need that pressure being put on Teq. He was like an annoying older brother to me and truthfully, he was the only Statesman I cared about; minus Ginger, who used to be our own personal hacker. She left us to marry an English man, but taught me everything she knew while she was here. Now I pick up the slack and it's the only thing Champagne probably likes about me. I stopped outside Champagne's door where Tequila was waiting.  
"Are you sure you want to go in there?" He asked, leaning against the wall next to the door.  
"You know I get off when people yell at me." I winked and he chuckled.  
"What are you going to do? If he..."
"Dismisses me?" I finished. Tequila nodded. "I'm going to do what I want." I huffed and opened the doors to his room without knocking and closed them behind me.
Champagne was your typical Kentucky Derby high-roller. He wore a 200-gallon cowboy hat, a beige suit and had very groomed white hair and a white goatee. He was our Champagne for a reason; he was the fanciest of us all. He sat with his arms on his desk and glared ahead at my small frame as I proceeded over to the chair that was in front of the desk. I sat down and crossed my legs.
"I'm not even going to explain. You aren't going to let me." I stated bitterly.
"I'm not. Your bike is to be destroyed and you are banned from ever being a field agent for the Statesman from this point forward. You are to sit in this mansion and hack computers if we ever need it." Champagne smiled, proud of his work. "I thought of dismissing you, Grey. I wanted to so badly."
"So why didn't you?"  
"Why give you what you want? As a Statesman, you pledge loyalty. You will mind your oath of loyalty and remain a Statesman." He stated, standing up and buttoning his jacket. "Now get out of my sight and go where I assigned you." I bit my tongue and stood up from the chair. I walked out of the room and slammed the door behind me.  
"How'd it go?" Tequila asked. He never moved from his spot.
"I'm not dismissed." I said, and went to walk down the hallway. He grabbed my arm and looked at me.  
"Grey, please don't do anything crazy." He sighed.
"Oh, nothing crazy. I'm just a hacker." I smiled and walked down the hall and to the elevators that would lead me to the hacking suite.  
The hacking suite was a sky-high room of monitors, wires and the smell of smoky electricity. There were multiple seats on different sides of the room, meant for me to run around to depending on who needed me. Every seat was at a station for a different Statesman. Champagne, Tequila, Whiskey, Rum, Wine, Absinthe, and Vodka; except Vodka's station... or my station, rather, was dark. Champagne had turned off my networks.  
I sat in the seat in the middle of the room that was connected to the computer and sighed. Leaning in the chair, I turned my head to look at my dark station. I knew that darkness wasn't just monitors being shut off. It was a message from Champagne. That I was stuck here and this was my new meaning. Ginger was lucky to get out of here when she met that man. She was lucky enough to escape Champagne and his annoyances, although she really did never seem to mind him; but she knew I felt held back.  
As I sat in my thought while looking at my monitors, I saw something blinking at the corner of my eye. I turned to look at the computer and saw an incoming message from an outside interference. Ginger never told me what to do in a situation like this and I was unsure of what was happening. The Statesman is a highly secure and secret organization, how was anyone calling in?  
The blinking stopped and I sat up, thinking I should tell Champagne. He was right, in an unfortunate sense. As much as I hated being a Statesman, I was loyal. I only hated being a Statesman because of the rules. Deciding to tell Champagne, I stood up but was interrupted by the blinking alert again. I sat back down and sighed.  
"I could just tell him later..." I whispered before clicking the alert and a video popped up on the screen.
"Greydene Hart?" A man spoke. He had tan skin and dark eyes. His head was bald and he wore a suit jacket with a black shirt.
"Y-yes?" I said quietly.
"My name is Vance Jones. I've been watching you for quite some time, and I have a job for you." He sternly stated to the camera.
"I'm not taking jobs at the moment..." I slowly stated.
"This isn't a job for a Statesman, Ms. Hart. I'm in need of an assassin."  
"I'm not an assassin. I'm not even a Statesman. I'm not meant to be." I cleared my throat.  
"You're not meant to be a hacker in a computer room either. I can help you escape. You need only accept the job." Vance breathed.  
"I'd be betraying the Statesman."  
"Yes. But you'd be free." He stated. I remained silent. "Listen, if you change your mind, there's a motorcycle waiting in the seventh horses gate. Until then, Ms. Hart." Vance gave a nod and then the screen turned black.  
I looked blankly at the screen, contemplating what just happened. How did this man know I was down here? How long was he watching me exactly? How did he know about the Statesman? I was confused and curious all at once. I looked over at my monitor and back at the computer screen.  
Looking back at my monitor, I shifted my eyes to the entrance of the hacking suite, got up and stormed out of the room. I walked through the halls of the mansion as if nothing was wrong and went outside to the race track where the horses stables and the gates were. I walked past number one, two, three... and finally stopped at number seven. Behind the gate was a jet black motorcycle with a shiny red helmet.  
Hopping the gate, I gently ran my hand over the leather seat and the wheels. The finish of the bike was beautiful and it looked far better than the other bike I had driven. I picked up the helmet and looked at myself in the reflection. I saw the mansion in the background and sighed. I put the helmet on, mounted the bike and revved the engine before taking off, leaving nothing but dust behind me.
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4 'Reverse Racism' Beliefs That Had To Stop.
For instance, the White man stated one thing concerning 'our experts was in America to begin with as well as just how minorities as well as immigrants concerned The U.S.A. taking over their property'? Regardless of this-- and also that the Clean Power Plan never took effect-- fans of repeal pinned the charcoal market's battles on the policy, indicting the Obama management of purposely seeking to destroy our way of living," as being one placed it. For a long times, Republicans condemned Obama for waging a battle on coal by means of environmental policies implied to address temperature modification and also air pollution.
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I enjoy being actually Dark however the fact mores than time the world has come to be a fusion, as well as absolutely, we have succeeded due to it. While I'm no Rachel Dolezal, I must accept the truth I carry try these out have White forefathers. Syerston's distinct mineral information, when incorporated along with Tidy TeQ's proprietary ion swap origin and also filtration handling modern technology, positions Tidy TeQ to come to be some of the most extensive and most reasonable cost vendors of crucial cathode resources to the lithium-ion electric battery market - nickel sulphate as well as cobalt sulphate.
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Blalock's power stroke is still there certainly, as he belted 6 homeruns over the month from April, thus if you need a flexible 1B/3B combo with loads of energy capacity, Blalock needs to be your # 1 pick-up alternative. Still the month of November typically denoted the time frame in leader's minds regarding wintering" their soldiers: where are going to our experts wintertime, what needs to have shielding as our team winter season, where will certainly our team receive our supplies, look after our unwell, stash our lifeless. Staff members could appreciate a cost-free night out on the provider's buck as well as gift certifications for a cinema are commonly great for numerous month to a year, making it possible for the employee to find a flick they truly intend to observe. The revelation final month of a home of horrors in the Tokyo areas, with the broken bodies from the preys - aged in between 15 and 26 - stowed away in coolers and also device cartons, has actually shaken the country and also switched focus on social networking sites. Of certain usefulness is noting when there are pork and fish purchases, as frequently you can acquire great offers when a sale is happening. Furthermore, some supermarket manage certain times of the month where every thing you acquire is 10% off, thus buying on those days is actually additionally necessary to save money on your total grocery costs. Once or two times a month to lessen the job you need to perform, you might yearn for to consider employing a housekeeper. A pal of mine utilized to have her maid come two times a full week, and also she will additionally make a large supper, and they had actually four foods insureded for the week given that each food worked as pair of with leftover. I complied with a gal in Thailand who essentially had actually been to 15 nations, and all she performed was would go, operate at the hostel for a month or two, she would certainly create a couple of hundred dollars, that would certainly suffice to take her to the upcoming city, following country, she 'd work certainly there, she had actually operate at a bar.
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chitrakullkarni · 3 years
Industrial Air Filtration Market Dynamics, Growth Prospects, Regional Estimates & Trends, 2027
The global Industrial Air Filtration Market research report provides complete insights on industry scope, trends, regional estimates, key application, competitive landscape and financial performance of prominent players. It also offers ready data-driven answers to several industry-level questions. This study enables numerous opportunities for the market players to invest in research and development.
Market Overview:
The global industrial air filtration market size is estimated to touch USD 18.0 billion by the end of 2027 and is projected to register a CAGR of 7.3% during the forecast period 2020 to 2027, according to a new report by Million Insights. The increasing demand for energy-efficient and high-performance products is expected to boost the market growth. Additionally, technological development in new filter media is projected to bode well with the market growth.
Key Players:
Alfa Laval
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
Parker Hannifin Corporation (Clarcor Inc.)
Clean TeQ Holdings Limited
Daikin Industries, Ltd.
Honeywell International, Inc.
Sharp Corporation
SPX Corporation
3nine AB
Absolent AB
Request free sample to get a complete analysis of top-performing companies @ https://www.millioninsights.com/industry-reports/industrial-air-filtration-market/request-sample
Growth Drivers:
The rising electric energy consumption is leading to the development of power plants. This is expected to bolster the need for air filtration systems in power industries. Furthermore, stiff government regulations with a focus on reducing airborne pollutants are projected to foster the demand for air filtration systems. In addition, various air quality standards such as the Clean Air Act, the Occupational Safety & Health Act (OSHA) are expected to positively impact market growth.
Product Outlook:
Dust Collectors
Oil Mist Collectors
HEPA Filters
Cartridge Collectors & Filters (CC&F)
Baghouse Filters
Welding Fume Extractors
Wet Scrubbers
Dry Scrubbers
End-use Outlook:
Paper & pulp and Woodworking
Regional Outlook:
In 2019, Europe accounted for the highest market share of over 27.0% in the overall industrial air filtration market. The region is highly characterized by domestic and global players. Latin America is estimated to expand at a substantial CAGR of over 7.5% during the forecast period. High demand for air filters across industries like food and metal industries is supporting the market growth.
Asia Pacific is anticipated to register a CAGR of over 8.0% from 2020 to 2027. Rapid industrialization is mainly driving the regional growth. China is projected to hold the largest share in the market. The rising import & export activities from the pharmaceutical sector are boosting the market growth.
Impact of COVID-19
COVID-19 outbreak has affected the global market. All the air filters and purifier manufacturing facilities had been shut down during the quarter Q1 & Q2 of 2020 due to lockdown situation. The stoppage of production and supply chain disruption raw materials has mainly hampered market growth.
However, product innovations and supportive initiatives by OEMs are projected to boost the demand for industrial air filtration system over the forecast period. For instance, Mann+Hummeloffer a filtration system with high sterilization and other viruses, allergic protection. Thus amid pandemic, the market is projected to expand at a steady rate over the next seven years.
Browse Related Category Research Reports @ https://industryanalysisandnews.wordpress.com/
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i-dopebouquetbeard · 5 years
Sonoco Buys TEQ
Sonoco buys TEQ.     Sonoco buys Thermoform Engineered Quality from ESCO Technologies for $187 million.     TEQ is a global manufacturer of thermoformed packaging in the healthcare, medical device, and consumer markets.  It operates three thermoforming and extrusion facilities in the United States, a thermoforming operation in the United Kingdom, and a thermoforming and molded-fiber facility in Poland.  Each location has the latest cleanroom capabilities for the creation of sterile barrier packaging systems for pharmaceuticals and medical devices.  TEQ also makes recyclable, molded-pulp-fiber packaging and thermoformed plastic packaging for European consumer products.     Rob Tiede of Sonoco said: ‘Recent studies value the global healthcare packaging market at $33 billion, with healthy growth expected for the future.  Increased life expectancy, the steady introduction of new products from medical device manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies, combined with requirements for improved safety and compliance, are driving market growth. TEQ provides a strong platform to further expand Sonoco’s growing healthcare packaging business, which includes our best-in-class ThermoSafe™ temperature-assured pharmaceutical packaging, injection-molded vials, multi-cell cuvettes and appliances, thermoformed trays for medical devices and over the counter medical products, and our Alloyd heat-sealing equipment for commercial medical applications.’     Randy Loga of TEQ said: ‘The US and Europe will remain the largest consumers of healthcare packaging as new sophisticated therapies with specialized packaging needs continue to be introduced.  Surgical operations are also increasing due to a growing aging population, and with that comes the demand for more medical devices, which should strengthen the segment for the foreseeable future.  TEQ’s history of growth mirrors the growth in healthcare spending and medical device use, and we look forward to joining Sonoco in further expanding our capabilities to meet our customers’ future needs.’     Vic Richey of ESCO said: ‘With this divestiture, we are delivering on our commitment to drive enhanced capital efficiency as this transaction streamlines our business, simplifies our portfolio, and allows us to focus on our three core operating segments.  As we’ve done in the past, we will continue to actively optimize our operations and reduce our capital intensity with the goal of increasing our ROIC, thereby creating added shareholder value.  I want to personally thank the dedicated management teams and employees of the Technical Packaging business for their contributions to ESCO over the years and wish them the best in their future as part of Sonoco.’     Gary Muenster of ESCO said: ‘Net proceeds from the sale will be used to pay down company debt, thereby increasing our liquidity and enhancing our ability to complete future acquisitions within our core businesses.  Later this fiscal year, we plan to use a part of the net proceeds to fully fund, terminate, and annuitize the defined benefit pension plan now maintained by the Company.  Annuitizing this non-strategic liability through an insurance company will cut both equity market risk and interest rate volatility, thereby reducing costs and eliminating future cash payments.  The Company froze the defined benefit plan in 2003 and no added benefits have been accrued since that date.’     Stifel served as financial advisor to ESCO.  Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner served as legal advisor.
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diveplanit · 5 years
scUber: the first ever ride-share submarine, sends a message from the Great Barrier Reef
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past couple of weeks, you’ll have heard about scUber, the world’s first ride-share submarine.
The ingenious partnership between Tourism and Events Queensland (TEQ) and Uber has put the Great Barrier Reef on the World Stage for all the right reasons: It’s beautiful, it’s alive, and it needs our global support to save it.
According to TEQ PR and Publicity Leader Shelley Winkel:
“What started out as an ambition to launch the world’s first ride share submarine in the world’s greatest reef, has become a global media tsunami. 2000 TV news stories, 2500 news pieces, hero videos on partner websites, newsletters to an audience of 20 plus million and… Ashton Kutcher sharing it on Facebook.
“Our aim was to put the spotlight on the Great Barrier Reef and remind the world that it is alive, rich in remarkable experiences and waiting for tourists to come visit, fall in love and help us protect it. The reef is fragile but it’s very, very beautiful. Please come and visit it.”

This week the first ever scUber underwater voyage was enjoyed by competition winners, Terry and Kym Purcell. Three days after watching the launch of scUber on the Australian news, avid diver Terry Purcell surprised his wife of 32 years with the once-in-a-lifetime experience. His mission was to show her the underwater world that he passionately loves.
“I’ve been diving on the Great Barrier Reef since I was seven years old and the reef around Heron Island is the most wonderful spot in the world,” said the 54-year-old owner of Purcell’s Engineering in Gladstone.
“Today is really about my wife. She does not have a diver’s certificate. She snorkels but it’s not the same. With this, she can experience the reef first-hand and see it close up.”
“Besides, who else do you know who can say, ‘I hailed a submarine’?”
Terry set his alarm clock early and was on the Uber app by 7:30 am to request the On-Demand ride when it opened to the public for the first time.
Within minutes of entering “Great Barrier Reef” into the Uber app, a submarine icon popped up on his screen followed by the arrival of a colourful Great Barrier Reef-branded Tesla. The Tesla transferred the couple to Marine Helicopters at Gladstone Airport for a scenic flight to Heron Island and the one-hour underwater scUber experience.
Commenting on the experience and the $3000 price tag, Terry said “It’s an absolute bargain. You can’t put a cost on this. For my wife to be able to see the reef at 18 metres below sea level and to see the bottom of a true coral atoll like I do when I dive was just magic.”
The scUber experience will be available on Heron Island for just over a week, before moving to Agincourt Reef off the coast of Port Douglas in Cairns & the Great Barrier Reef region from June 9. Availability is strictly limited.
The scUber experience will cost $3,000 AUD for two riders and includes:
Pickup from your location with the Uber app;
Return scenic helicopter ride to either Heron Island (for riders requesting from Gladstone) or the Quicksilver Cruises pontoon off the coast of Port Douglas (for riders requesting from Cairns, Port Douglas and Palm Cove);
One-hour ride in a scUber submarine;
Return trip back to your original pickup address with Uber.
To celebrate the launch, Queensland and Uber are offering this bucket-list experience to one lucky winner and a friend from each of the following countries: USA, Canada, United Kingdom, France, New Zealand and Australia.
To enter the competition, go to scUberQueensland.com and explain in 25 words or less why you should experience the wonder of the Great Barrier Reef with scUber.
The scUber launch also marks the beginning of a partnership with Citizens of the Great Barrier Reef. The organisation is committed to engaging the world in the protection and conservation of the Great Barrier Reef and reefs all over the world, using tech, data and a collaborative approach to conservation.
Uber’s partnership with Citizens will focus on supporting several initiatives including their Reef Tracks program and the Great Barrier Reef Census through a financial and resource investment program.
The post scUber: the first ever ride-share submarine, sends a message from the Great Barrier Reef appeared first on Diveplanit.
from Diveplanit http://bit.ly/2W8n14P
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davidslivens · 6 years
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Number 20: Tiny Epic Quest, designed by Scott Almes and published by @gamelyngames. Continuing my top 25 games I’ve discovered in the last year with the first Tiny Epic game I had ever played! ⚔️🍄🏕 Since playing Tiny Epic Quest I’ve also played Tiny Epic Galaxies, another fantastic addition to this clever series of games that has the hook of big games in small boxes. Tiny Epic Quest (TEQ) ultimately won out because of the sheer scale of game inside the box. Make no mistake, this is a nice light to medium Euro game, with the production and look of an Ameritrash. See those Meeples? You can slot weapons and equipment into their hands, so that your party of adventurers becomes uniquely equipped for the adventures they face. Where TEQ surpasses Galaxies for me is not necessarily in its gameplay (I honestly think both are equally as good), but in the sheer scope of game they managed to fit into this box. TEQ feels like a big game, with lots of unique ideas thrown together that manages to be both different and interesting throughout its 60-90 minute play time. ⚔️🏕🍄 Go on quests, fight goblins and learn magic! During the day you move your adventurers around the map using pre-chosen methods of travel. During the night you roll dice and choose to press on with your adventures or rest, saving yourself for future turns. Over 5 rounds each player will have tough decisions to make as to what they want to focus on, but you must remember not to neglect any of the possible achievements, because you could end up gaining negative points for not at least trying! 🍄🏕⚔️ Tiny Epic Quest is a really solid small box game. It’s pretty unique, and the Meeples are an absolute joy to equip. The art from Miguel Coimbra, Adam P McIver and Benjamin Shulman is just beautiful, and really brings the whole production to life. 🍄⚔️🏕 I’ve enjoyed the two Tiny Epic games I’ve played so much that I recently backed the forthcoming Tiny Epic Mechs on Kickstarter, so maybe that will make next years list! 🏕⚔️🍄 Next up, something a lot drier! https://www.instagram.com/p/BrDWivoDGK9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=eihzpzud1msq
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mayurkohli-blog1 · 3 years
Scandium Oxide Market is Expected to Reach US$ 182.3 Million by 2027
Rising demand for aluminum-scandium alloys in the aerospace and defense industry is anticipated to drive the scandium oxide market growth in the near future
The Global Scandium Oxide Market was valued at US$ 91.8 Mn in 2020 and is expected to reach US$ 182.3 Mn by 2027 and is expanding at a CAGR of 12.1% during the forecast period.
Scandium oxide is most commonly utilized in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) and scandium-aluminum alloys. SOFCs are a significant use of scandium. Scandium oxide costs are also impacted by quality, with 99.9% or greater grades indicating the highest purity, which is necessary for electrical applications but not alloy applications. The pollutants type also matters, while the selection of alloys, some are more troublesome than others in specific applications.  The use of aluminum scandium alloys in various end use industries such as aerospace is expected to drive the global scandium oxide market growth.
Additionally, the Al-Scandium alloy, provides with characteristics such as better grain refinement, super plasticity, and precipitation hardening, corrosion resistance. Recrystallization is avoided, since most high-strength and precipitation hardenable aluminum alloys are solution-heated at temperatures considerably above their recrystallization temperatures, transition metals such as zirconium, chromium, manganese, vanadium, or titanium are ineffective at preventing recrystallization. These characteristics of scandium-aluminum alloy which can be utilized by automotive industry. All these factors mentioned above are expected to drive the global scandium oxide market growth during the forecast period.
Get a Sample Copy of Scandium Oxide Market Report 2020-2027: https://www.researchcmfe.com/sample-request/68
Scandium Oxide Market Segmentation:
·         Market Size by Grade
 Scandium Oxide      95% - 99.9%
 Scandium Oxide      99.90%,
 Scandium Oxide      99.90% and higher
·         Market Size by Application
 Aluminum-Scandium      Alloys
 High-Intensity      Metal Halide Lamps
 Solid Oxide Fuel      Cells
 3D Printing
·         Geography
 North America
  Rest of Europe
  South Korea
  Rest of APAC
    Middle East
 For More Customization, Connect With Us At:  https://www.researchcmfe.com/customization/68
Key Findings:
Based     on grade, 95%-99.9% accounted for the largest market share in the base     year 2020
Based     on application, aluminum scandium alloys accounted for the largest market     share in 2020 and will maintain its position throughout the forecast     period (2020-2027)
Based     on regions, the Asia Pacific region for the largest market share in the     Scandium Oxide industry
The key players operating in the scandium and scandium oxide market are:
Scandium     International Mining Corp.
Henan Tianfu Chemical Co.
Accela ChemBio Inc.
Australian Mines Ltd.
Haihang Industry
NioCorp Development Ltd.
HuiZhou Top Metal Material Co.,Ltd
Hunan Oriental Scandium Co.,Ltd.
Hunan Rare Earth Co., Ltd.
Nanografi Nano Technology
American Elements
ESPI Metals
Rio     Tinto
Clean TeQ
Imperial Mining Group Ltd.
Hunan Kunwell Advanced Materials co
Stanford Advanced Materials
Weston Aluminum
Alfa Aesar
Platina Resources Limited
Canada Rare Earth Corporation
Hastings Technology Metals Limited
Beixin Minerals
Other Notable Players
Get More Information: https://www.researchcmfe.com/report/68/scandium-oxide-market
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ResearchCMFE is a provider of world-class market research reports, customized solutions, and consulting services, and high-quality market intelligence that firmly believes in empowering the success of its client's successes in growing or improving their business.
We combine a distinctive package of research reports and consulting services, global reach, and in-depth expertise in markets such as Chemicals and Materials, Food and Beverage, Energy, and Power that cannot be matched by our competitors. Our focus is on providing knowledge and solutions throughout the entire value chain of the industries we serve. We believe in providing premium high-quality insights at an affordable cost
For All Your Research Needs, Reach Out to Us:
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Getting over The Had To Deal With An Individual
When I was five years old, my mother was actually too obsessed along with finding discounts the time after Christmas to see I had actually been left. Program as well as outlet hours for Industry days are 11-5. Distributing simply half of yearly earnings-per-share leaves lots of space for high returns growth costs, specifically if earnings continue to bounce back from the sector decline. Macquarie has triggered coverage on Tidy TeQ in March 2017 as well as has established a 12months A$ 1.50 price target, i.e. a 130% gain from the reveal rate at the moment of writing. With you and also your household in mind, Brighton Residential properties considers your demands, your way of life, your every preference, in developing your aspiration residence. Today, IDC has a bit of good updates: It appears as though the PC market actually grew 0.7 percent in the holiday from 2017. A day excursion to this historical site will certainly unlock an age-long culture-rich adventure from historical opportunities. Tesla is actually presently the number 1 electric cars and truck dealer in the United States with 22% market share, as well as still variety 1 globally with 9 % international market reveal. I'll speak a little about that as well as I am actually heading to let Tom chime in. However, Tom, just before you get on there certainly, so our focus - when our company originally started - our experts're actually in The big apple last night along with a team referring to SafeStop. The unit's concentrate on rewarding center market development provided solid operating profit increases as well as frame development. In efficiency materials as well as innovations, purchases are up 9% on an all natural basis, steered by development across UOP, method solutions and also innovative products that's the whole entire PMT collection. At events and also homecomings, there is actually frequently good Southern meals like ribs, slaw, and also wonderful tea, lots of catching up amongst the grandchildren as well as relatives, and an exploring investigation team. During the 4th one-fourth of financial 2017, the company supplied sturdy year-over-year results, driven by much higher margins as well as amounts. 10 four-year-old youngsters and 11 individuals in their overdue 80s were brought together for 6 weeks in a new baby's room set within a retirement home in the area of Bristol. A lot of the urban area's road names emerge coming from Viking times, for instance, relevant internet page Fishergate where fish were actually sold and Swinegate where porkers were maintained, perfectly rational labels for streets during the time.
Better, we expect to use around TWENTY% from the take advantage of income tax reform to cash critical campaigns in the 2nd one-half from the year to enrich the worth of our company for our employees, consumers and also shareholders. Incredibly, this trouble generally exists when folks are actually certainly not married or even when their little ones have a housefull from mess from their own. Some common policies flow coming from this - citizenship based upon ethnic background, mass extraditions, economic patriotism, cleanup of immigrants off decisionmaking jobs. I recognized from Lodebar as I discussed the story along with a sister which at some point visited of her Lodebar while continuously I was in this unfruitful location regarding a particular part from my life. My favored in Pennsylvania is Philly, I devoted a whole lot good times there for work and also enjoyment as well as still enjoy to go there certainly periodically for weekend break.
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dokkanme-blog · 7 years
Ultimate Extreme Team Building Guide for Super Battle Road: DBZ Dokkan Battle
Ultimate Extreme Team Building Guide for Super Battle Road: DBZ Dokkan Battle
In this video we are going to take a look at how to build some teams for super battle road. This video will focus on Extreme Teams to take on Super Teams. Order goes: Agl, Teq, Int, Str, Phy Leave a like, comment, and subscribe 🙂 Also: Follow my twitch for streams: https://www.twitch.tv/tallenv Follow on Twitter for latest updates:…
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