ianchisnall · 1 year
A call for Terramation and Modern Disposing of the Dead
On Monday Caroline Lucas, the Brighton Pavilion MP asked a written question directed to the Ministry of Justice that was responded by Mike Freer the MP for Finchley and Golders Green. The answer did seem to be responded well. At the end of the response there is a link to the Law Commission website that is focused on A Modern Framework for Disposing of the Dead “Bringing the law governing how we…
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alcrego · 4 months
My part (no cuts) of the documentary recorded in Paris for Super Terram exhibition, January 2023.
Amniotic Culture, technology, internet of things, digital/physical art, public/street art, Giftillism, black & light, visual mantras, musicality of motion, silence of gifs...
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scrollonso · 2 months
getting ready for my first day of school...
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The Pixie Species and its Races
Pixies on Nijezdo are a strange people. They do not speak with sounds, but with scents, their language being aptly named Pheromona by Fae and Humans alike. As a result, very little is known about Pixie culture, habits, or even their life-cycle in general. However, what we do know is that unlike both Humans and Fae, Pixies are very androgynous. Having no mammary glands to speak of nor any sense of masculine or feminine features, it is quite difficult to differentiate between male Pixies and female Pixies. However it is still possible.
Addendum: Due to the impassible language barrier (Humans and Fae being physically unable to speak, or even comprehend, Pheromonan at this time) most of the "Nature" sections are nearly entirely speculative, and are to be taken with a grain of salt.
While Pixies are known to have the same cognitive functions as Humans and Fae, it is nearly impossible to prove consent for any kind of study. While most Pixologist have tried their best to make their subjects as comfortable as possible, the study of Pixies has been constantly questioned over the years if it is, indeed, ethical to study sentient creatures like this.
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Terram, Pixies of Nature
Height Average: 20 cm (the women are minusculey smaller than the men)
Weight Average: 145 grams
Physical Description: The biggest and the broadest of the Pixies, Terram are based off of beetles. They are covered in hearty carapace surrounding most of their body. Most males have some sort of horn protruding from their head, whether it's on their nose, both their cheeks, or forehead, females do not.
Magical Affinity: Enchanted plant and animal growth: No one know entirely why, but the only way to properly cultivate anything with magical properties, whether it be a plant or animal, is nigh impossible without the help of a Terram Pixie. While Gnomes are the Cultivators of non-enchanted flora and fauna, Terram are the Cultivators of enchanted flora and fauna.
Nature: Studies find that Terram Pixies are quite territorial. Most only live in small communities of no more that 40 people. They live in large family houses that seem to be patriarchal in nature. Of course, like other soulbound (Human, Fae, and Pixie) people, they live in houses made of anything sturdy they can find that is close to them, as they live anywhere that plants and animals live.
While their culture is unknown, it has been seen in most larger Terram settlements that they have made as many technological strides as Humans/Fae have. Places of government, work, leisure, and worship have all been found in most, if not all of their territories.
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Vita, Pixies of Life
Height Average: (male) 13 cm/(female) 11 cm
Weight Average: (male) 105 grams/(female) 98 grams
Physical Description: Tall, thin, and light, Vita Pixies are the most colorful of the bunch. Unlike their Terram and Mortem cousins, they are able to grow a hair like substance on their body, both sexes able to grow a head of hair, and males able to grow beards. Due to this, Vita Pixies are more sexually dimorphic compared to their cousins.
Magical Affinity: Life: Vita are attracted to living things that are either healthy, pregnant women/female animals, or that are just being born. It is speculated that they help with the birthing prosses, and give extra strength to those who are healthy. Though, the latter may just be a placebo,
Nature: Vita Pixies like to live along side Humans and Fae. They make their homes in gardens, attics, birdhouses, or any place that they can live near people without bothering them. Thankfully, most cultures on Nijezdo consider them good luck, so most people aren't bothered if a Vita decides that their garden is now also the Pixies garden. Though, there is still the problem of the Vita taking Human/Fae food without asking...
Vita tend to either live along or with a family of a married couple and their children. While they do seem to have territories of sorts, along with places of work, leisure, and worship, they do not seem to have any noticeable governing body. They seem to be the only Pixies to live this way...
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Mortem, Pixies of Death
Height Average:(Fly) 8 cm/(Ant) 10 cm
Weight Average: 80 grams
Physical Description: The smallest, and least loved of all the Pixies, Mortems have nearly no sexual dimorphism. Other than females having slightly wider hips, and Ant Mortem males having wings, it is very difficult to tell males and females apart based of physiology alone (thankfully, like most cultures, they tend to have masculine and feminine clothing). They are also one of the only Pixies that can be born naturally without wings, though only the female Ant Mortems have this, all Fly Mortems have wings.
Magical Affinity: Death: Whether on you deathbed, have an injury, or are just ill, a Mortem Pixie is not far behind. While most had assumed originally Mortem were only there to impede the healing process (and as such may Pixies were murdered in the past because of this superstition), it has been discovered that they help keep infection and death away, rather that hinder. They seem to know when a person is just ill, or when a person is on death's door. As a result, they seem to give the dying person peace in their final moments.
Nature: Despite their skittish nature in front of Humans and Fae, Mortem tend to live in settlements of thousands or even millions. They prefer the safety of underground and live in very tightknit, seemingly rigid, communities. Sadly, due to the fact that people have demonized these people for centuries, they are the Pixies we know the least about culturally.
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Solis, Pixies of Day
Height Average: (male) 12 cm/(female) 14 cm
Weight Average: (male) 120 grams/(female) 125 grams
Physical Description: Either very round, or very slim, Solis Pixies have the most attitude out of all their cousins. They are the only Pixies that always have some sort of fur on their body, mostly on their chest and legs. All of them have a stinger on the end of their abdomen, and thankfully, using it does not kill them.
Magical Affinity: Solar: they get stronger during the day, and weaker at night... we do not know why, nor do we know the purpose of such magic.
Nature: Like Mortem Pixies, Solis tend to live in large colonies, though instead of underground, they prefer the trees. It is not uncommon to see a large portion of a forest get taken over by a settlement of Solis Pixies. While they are not actively hostile to Humans or Fae... Don't walk into their territory if you are not actively friends with one of them... they may not die from stinging you, but you will.
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Lunae, Pixies of Night
Height Average: (male) 11 cm/(female) 17 cm
Weight Average: (male) 123 grams /(female)134 grams
Physical Description: The only Pixie with 8 limbs and eyes, Lunae Pixies also don't have wings or antennae. They seem to be the only pixie race that has a major size difference between the sexes. With the males being at least 6 cm shorter on average. They all naturally grown hair from their scalp, and for males, grow beards.
Magical Affinity: Lunar: they get stronger during the night and weaker during the day. Like Solis Pixies, we do not know why the Lunae are like this either.
Nature: Lunae Pixies are quite solitary, usually only having a spouse and their children living with them at the most. Lunae seem to prefer being alone outside of that. They make their homes out of the silk that comes from their bodies, and tend to be entirely carnivorous, instead of omnivorous like their cousins.
While less overtly territorial than Solis Pixies, they still do not like it when Humans, Fae, or other Pixies invade their space, and have quite the venomous bite.
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opelman · 1 year
"Supra marem et terram" by Treflyn Lloyd-Roberts Via Flickr: "Above sea and land" is my rough translation of the motto on the tail of this Spanish Navy Harrier as it taxis at Fairford after arrival. It was one of four Harriers to grace the 2023 Royal International Air Tattoo, taking part in the flying display. Aircraft: Spanish Navy/Armada McDonnell Douglas EAV-8B Harrier II+ VA.1B-24/01-914 from 9° Escuadrilla. Location: RAF Fairford, Gloucestershire.
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worstlovesong · 1 year
top five bg songs and your favourite line from each of them go
AHH THANK U this question is so hard <3
Send me Munagenius asks I’ll love you forever
1. We’re In Love
I can't imagine you without the same smile in your eyes/ There is something about you that I will always recognize
This song makes me feral Lucy Dacus the woman of my universe oh my god. There’s so much love in these lyrics she loves her boys so much and her voice is beautiful I think if I heard it live I would simply die :] Also this song makes me think of my girlfriend <3
2. Salt In The Wound
I'm gnashing my teeth / Like a child of Cain
The way julien sings this line healed my religious trauma /j but fr this song goes so hard
3. Anti-Curse
I’m swimming back
Seriously jb’s voice makes me insane she’s a madman
Writin' the words / To the worst love song you've ever heard / Soundin' out the foreign characters / An incantation like an anti-curse / Or even a blessing
Anti-curse was the first bg song I listened to and this outro was what made me want to listen to more songs I’m ngl like holy shit this is perfect
4. True Blue
But it feels good to be known so well / I can't hide from you like I hide from myself / I remember who I am when I'm with you / Your love is tough, your love is tried and true-blue
First of all this part of The Film made me a diehard Lucy Dacus fan. Second of all this song is everything to me and you can pry it from my cold sad gay hands <3 she’s in love your honour
5. Bite The Hand
Who do you think you are? / Who do you think you I am? / What do you wanna say? / What do you think will change? / Maybe I'm afraid of you
Oh no she’s traumatized <3 this one hits I love it so much I have no words
Anyway this was the hardest decision of my life
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breannacasey · 1 year
the land of nightmares and blood for the wip game?? <3
"No. I'm not dropping this until you tell me why you dumped the love of your life. I thought you and Carlos would end up getting married."
"Well, we're not." TK was practically yelling by now. His frustration had reached such a level that he couldn't contain it anymore. "I don't want to talk about it. I had my reasons and it is what it is, alright? It's what's best for Carlos and if I have to be miserable then so be it."
"What about Carlos being miserable? How can it be best for him not to be with you if it makes him unhappy."
"He'll get over me."
"You sound like you'll never get over him."
"Maybe I won't, but I wasn't meant to be happy."
TK walked away. Nancy clearly had no intention of dropping the subject and he couldn't handle more of this.
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bigteardrop · 7 months
took the day off of work to virtually sit in on the first ever conference on terramation and this panel on religious perspectives is surprisingly... hilarious? like not in a sarcastic, "I don't practice a religion so I think you all sound silly" way. but in a... a Rabbi, a Pastor, and a Buddhist Reverend walk into a bar and discuss human composting way
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ladyoriza · 8 months
druids only practice terramation send post
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alcrego · 4 months
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Watch the mini-documentary here.
For Super Terram exhibition, Paris, January 2023.
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sunshineacd · 2 years
paige!! i love you the mostest happy birthday<3
Max!! Thank you so much, I love you all the same!! I appreciate this 💛💛
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reyescarlos · 2 years
Asdfghjkl you’re much too kind, but thank you so much! I had amazing food and cake so I’m marking the day as a total success. Thank you, Max! 💕💕💕💕
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welcometololaland · 5 months
thanks @suseagull04 and @hippolotamus for the tease tuesday tag 💜 here's some first-time-sleeping-over shenanigans in a s1 canon divergence (maybe?) that owen definitely isn't going to interrupt...
One minute, he’s staring at TK’s adorable, sleeping face, stuck between wanting to kiss him silly and avoid waking him up. The next, he’s apparently fallen asleep. He only knows this because he wakes at seven a.m., completely disoriented and with a human octopus still attached to his side. 
“TK,” he whispers, kissing TK’s forehead in an attempt to wrangle his arm back. It has terrible pins and needles. “TK, baby.”
TK snuffles and turns, pulling the comforter over his head. “It’s too early,” he whines, which is when Carlos realises that his new boyfriend is definitely not a morning person. 
“I realise that,” Carlos says, trying not to panic as the red numbers on TK’s old school alarm clock flick over to 7:01. “But I accidentally fell asleep here and I have no clean clothes. Also, your dad is home now, right?”
“It’s okay,” TK slurs. “My dad loves you.”
“Your dad likes me as Officer Reyes,” Carlos points out, “the respectable, law-abiding cop who definitely isn’t having sex with his son.”
“Mm, no,” TK mumbles, shuffling again so that he’s on his stomach, his hand curling protectively over Carlos’ hip, brushing dangerously close to his c*ck. “He wouldn’t have a problem with that.”
“I’m serious,” TK insists, opening his eyes and staring blearily up at Carlos. “My dad has been trying to get me to ask you out for weeks. He’ll see this as a personal achievement.”
open tag and
@thisbuildinghasfeelings @bonheur-cafe @reyesstrand @strandnreyes @rmd-writes
@safeaswrites @sanjuwrites @kiloskywalker @alrightbuckaroo @lightningboltreader
@im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @sunshinestrand @orchidscript @three-drink-amy @fallout-mars
@carlos-in-glasses @birdclowns @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @heartstringsduet @ladytessa74
@lemonlyman-dotcom @theghostofashton @tellmegoodbye @fitzherbertssmolder @whatsintheboxmh
@carlos-tk @freneticfloetry @goodways @sugdenlovesdingle @sznofthesticks
@nancygillianmvp @terramous @thebumblecee @inkweedandlizards @never-blooms
@decafdino @chicgeekgirl89 @eclectic-sassycoweyes @vineofroses @literateowl
@kiwichaeng @celeritas2997 @basilsunrise @doublel27 @liminalmemories21
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lemonlyman-dotcom · 1 month
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Found Family Fic Recs! [You can find previous fic recs here 🍋]
Sharing some of my favorite Found Family & Marjan & Paul fics as part of this week’s @lonestar-s5countdown Found Family theme
Links in a chain by Aryn - Six times Carlos bonded with members of the 126 on his own, and one time TK saw it for himself
Ride or Die by @tailoredshirt - Post 3x10, Paul and Marjan have a heart-to-heart while they’re stuck in a vehicle after a major car accident.
they say you're holding onto heartache by sunfIowers - After the visit to the cardiologist, and after his fight with Marjan, Paul can't stop thinking about his heart.
You Have the Right to Remain Silent (But I Know You Won't) by @chicgeekgirl89 - Seven times Carlos has to deal with his friends as an officer and one time he's on the other side of things.
126 Final Girls (aka Summer Slasher Fic) by @ladytessa74 - The 126 crew (plus Carlos) take a much-needed vacation to a secluded lakeside cabin. Carlos and TK have been distant lately, Marjan's sister has been getting on her nerves, and they've had a difficult callout that left them dejected and blaming themselves, so they're looking forward to spending the last long weekend of the summer swimming, relaxing and playing Catan. But a killer lurks outside and they have to use their combined wits to survive.
Goodnight My Love by @noxsoulmate - TK would’ve never thought that a little gif could make such waves. But apparently, he was wrong – if only someone would tell him what the Chinese letters in that gif mean so he knows why his boyfriend (and everyone else) is so amused.
Ten Digits Away by Dekka - In a moment of need, TK remembers he has a team of people who love him and are willing to help him through a rough night.
Carry You by @marjansmarwani - One moment you were searching a house with your friend, looking for a missing kid, and then the next everything went wrong. Things could turn from routine to disastrous in an instant and what side of the disaster you were on simply depended on luck and the whim of the universe. Today, it was in Mateo’s favor. The same could not be said for TK.
lead me somewhere i've never been by terramous - TK didn’t realise he could miss carpet. That was until he stepped out onto the rink and his feet immediately started sliding. In a panic, he steadied himself by clinging to the wall of the rink…Marjan teaches TK how to roller skate. Or she tries to.
Lunch with Lou by @doublel27 - TK brings Lou I into the firehouse after he's been cleared and the rest of the 126 has comments.
in uncertain terms by @iinryer - after salim, marjan gets hurt on a call. when the recovery time leaves her with a little too much room to think, realizations ensue…a story about self discovery, acceptance, family in friendship, and letting yourself be uncertain. aka: the marjan manifesto
Tagging some folks in to make some recommendations of their own if they’d like: @thisbuildinghasfeelings @ladytessa74 @carlos-in-glasses @emsprovisions @eclectic-sassycoweyes @alrightbuckaroo @bonheur-cafe @chicgeekgirl89 @decafdino @certifiedflower @guardian-angle22 @goldenskykaysani @herefortarlos @just-inside-her @firstprince-history-huh @kiwichaeng @literateowl @messymindofmine @never-blooms @reeeallygood @she-walked-away @whatsintheboxmh
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WIP Wednesday
Thank you for the tag, @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut 💝
This... is not from my TK and Sophie fic, but something that was inspired by a mutual's fan art on here -
“Please be careful,” Carlos said, handing the keys over. “What is my car?” “Not half as pretty as the man who owns it,” TK said, batting his eyelashes flirtatiously.
Carlos crossed his arms. “TK…”
“Fine”. TK sighed dramatically. “Your car is an eight-year-old piece of heavy machinery in good condition with good tire pressure, two windshield wipers and you expect it to come home tonight the same way”.
“TK, have you still not replaced the wiper that flew off your car?” Carlos exclaimed. “Baby, we’re talking about your car,” TK said, taking his husband’s hands and squeezing them. “And remember, my car is being fixed right now”.
“That storm was almost a month ago!” his husband exclaimed. “You drove around with only one windshield wiper for almost a month?” “Maybe,” TK said as he looked away. “But,” he added brightly, “no storms are projected for today, so we should be good. I’ll text you when I get to her place”. He planned to peck Carlos on the cheek and dash out the door, but his husband saw this coming a mile away and wrapped his arms around TK’s waist.
“Not so fast, you,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to TK’s temple. “What is something you’re not going to do in the Camaro today?”
“Eat Cheetos,” TK answered. Carlos nodded expectantly. “Or…?” “Or nachos”. TK added. “Yes”. Carlos nodded again. “Or tacos. Or tater tots, or anything that you would eat and then wipe your hands on the seats”. “Not like it’s a super common occurrence”. TK muttered mutinously as he headed for the door. “But one snackcident, and I’m marked for life”. “Yes, I want you to text me when you get there”. Carlos said, opening and leaning on the door frame. “And no, snackcident is not a word”. TK whirled around the in the doorway. “If Jake Peralta says it, then it is”. “If Captain Holt would call him on it, then no, it isn’t”. Carlos replied.
No pressure tagging - I tag @nancys-braids @anewkindofme @carlos-in-glasses @heartstringsduet
@lemonlyman-dotcom @kiankiwi @actualalligator @thisbuildinghasfeelings
@welcometololaland @honeybee-taskforce @chicgeekgirl89 @bonheur-cafe
@liminalmemories21 @paperstorm @chaotictarlos @literateowl
@goodways @captain-gillian @carlos-tk @herefortarlos
@firstprince-history-huh @reyestrandd @terramous
@alrightbuckaroo @meditating-honey-badger @fallout-mars
@theghostofashton @snowviolettwhite @lochnesswriter
@the-flaming-nightmare @eclectic-sassycoweyes @ladytessa74
@lightningboltreader @freneticfloetry @jesuisici33 @doublel27
@mikibwrites @basilsunrise @rmd-writes @safeaswrites
@thebumblecee @celeritas2997 @sugdenlovesdingle
@birdclowns @she-walked-away @mooshkat and anyone else who wants to do it - open tag 🫶
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joviantwelve · 2 years
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The man, the myth, the legend...after making the argent their own thing and giving them three names, I knew Tecton had to have a long first name he’d consider embarrassing...
I’m not entirely sure why I decided “emo” for him, but it is.  Just imagine it in black and gray and you’ll see what I mean.  But the argent all wear bright colors, since black and gray would just blend in with their skin and hair, so...there’s some emo liberties here.
Being based on Earth itself, I also didn’t want to be too obvious, since that might look a little weird from an Earthling’s perspective.  So the pattern on his clothes are actually the oceans of Earth, and also tilted like 90 degrees, pretty sure.  His ears are ridiculous even by argent standards; they stand straight up to represent the Earth symbol’s hemisphere lines.
Here’s the part where I admit his “quirk” is actually just me feeding text into this extremely old, yet still somehow live, web toy
Despite his....uh....”unique” personality, he was also one of the more “normal” argent.  He’s just a sad kid-turning-young adult that doesn’t really know what to do with himself, so he tries to throw himself into things as a way to distract from negative feelings.  I like to think he gets more mature and leader-like as time gets on.  I guess he’s kind of like a shonen protagonist.  Somehow, he learns to be inspiring.
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